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"goals" - 225 õppematerjali


Positive sides of outdoor learning

enjoy outdoors in their future life too. Outdoor education includes lots of teamwork and interaction between students, therefore it is an excellent way to get students socializing. All students need friends in school. Sometimes it is hard for some pupils to make friends and they need help. Doing teamwork in lessons are always a good way to get children communicating and making platforms for further friendships. In outdoor education students have the same goals they are reaching for and by respecting each other and working together, they can achieve them. Successfully accomplished common tasks will give students the feeling of team spirit and understanding that everybody is important. Outdoor education is a beneficial tool to create a sensible and aware society. Todays increasing environmental problems obligates everyone to take responsibility. Students often come across the phrases "recycle" or "reduction of pollution", but not always is the

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


still part of the Ireland. So the worlds most famous ship was built in Ireland. Also Guinness beer originated in Arthur Guinness' brewery at St. James's Gate in Dublin. Nowadays it is one of the most successful beer brands in the world, being exported worldwide. sports : First I'm going to talk about Gaelic football so , teams of 15 players, kick or hand pass a ball around a grass pitch towards each others goals to either score a point over the bar or goal. The ball used in Gaelic football is round, slightly smaller than a soccer ball. The action is fast and furious, and play is rough. another famous field sport is hurling - It's played on a large field with a curved wooden stick (or "Hurley"), and with a leather ball, so its pretty much like a hockey on a field , mission is to score the ball between the opponents goalposts

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Home Assignment/Empirical Social Research

" Outcome of the observation: Child is saying some, two-three word short sentences. He plays alone, but sometimes when he doesn´t find the solution he needs/wants others help. He doesn´t like to be alone in the room, he needs to be close to somebody. He tries to dress himself. He is drinking without any help from the glass. He doesn´t ask to go to the toilet and he is wearing diapers. He is physically active and eager to achieve the goals. Liisa Karu

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Laiendatud kava näidis

­ Respirology. Nr 14, pp 783. 14. Suddick, K. M., De Souza, L. H. 2007. Therapists' experiences and perceptions of teamwork in neurological rehabilitation: Critical happenings in effective and ineffective teamwork. ­ Journal of Interprofessional Care, nr 21, lk 669-686. 15. Swildens, W., Van Busschbach, J. T., Michon, H., Kroon, H., Koeter, M. W. J., Wiersma, D., Van Os, J. 2011. Effectively Working on Rehabilitation Goals: 24- Month Outcome of a Randomized Controlled Trial of the Boston Psychiatric Rehabilitation Approach. ­ Canadian Jounal of Psychiatry, nr 56, lk 751- 760. 16. Trojetto, T., Elliott, R. J., Rashid, S., Wong, S., Dlugosz, K., Helm, D., Wickerson, L., Brooks, D. 2011. Availability, characteristics, and barriers of rehabilitation programs in organ transplant populations across Canada. ­ Clinical Transplantation. Nr 25. 17

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
232 allalaadimist


TMO0010 JUHTIMINE KORDAMISEKS ­ KONTROLLTÖÖ nr 1 1. Mida nimetatakse organisatsiooniks, millised on organisatsiooni tunnused? Organisatsioon-inimrühm, kes töötab ühiste eesmärkide saavutamise nimel. (Alas,2008) Tunnused: Organisatsioon on sotsiaalset identiteeti omav grupp, mis tähendab , et org-l on psühholoogiline tähendus igale tema liikmele. Org-i iseloomustab koordineeritus, inimeste tegevus on organiseeritud ja struktureeritud. Org-i tegevus on eesmärgistatud, on suunatud teatud tulemuse saavutamiseks. 2. Mis on organisatsiooni edukuse eelduseks? Organisatsiooni tähtsaim ülesanne on tulemuste andmine. Igal organisatsioonil on vähemalt neli põhilist koostisosa: inimesed, tegevused, siseehitus ning ainelised ja rahalised varad. Organisatsioon peab olema suunatud pidevale arengule, märksõnadeks loovus, uuendused, muudatused. Organisatsioon peab jälgima ja arvestama väl...

Majandus → Juhtimine
23 allalaadimist

Toiduprobleemid maailmas

Koostaja:Marii-Eliis Peets Õpperühm:EV09 Nälg on üks suuremaid globaal probleeme. Kuigi maailmas on piisavalt põllumajandusmaad ning toitu toodetakse piisavalt,et inimkond ära toita,pole suudetud viimase aastasajaga näljahäda kaotada.Toidu kättesaadavusega on arengumaades olukord viimastel aastakümnetel üldiselt paranenud(eriti Aasias),kuid siiski mitte kõikjal. Üle 800 miljoni inimese elab vajalike kalorite puuduses, sealhulgas on 192 miljonit ast pidevalt alatoitunud. Aastas sureb nälga 40 miljonit inimest, sh 6 miljonit last. Peamiseks probleemiks on toidu kättesaadavus Aafrikas, peamiselt Jahara kõrbest õunasse jäävatel aladel. Kesk- ja Ida-Aafrikas on alatoitunud keskmiselt kolmandik riikide elanikkonnast. Arvuliselt on kõige enam alatoitunud inimesi kahes kõige rahvarohkemas riigis: Hiinas ja Indias. Septembris 2000 võttis ÜRO Peaassamblee vastu aastatuhande deklaratsiooni, mille alusel koostati hiljem 8 arengueesmärki (ingl....

Geograafia → Geograafia
103 allalaadimist

Animal rights movements and their views on hunting

delving deeper into this there are many problems that animal rights organizations/ movements are addressing. There are also those organizations that have not made any statements about hunting, some of those concentrate only on pets (mostly cats and dogs) but some just don’t mention hunting in any way. These types of organizations have been left out from this report. Below are listed some organizations, their goals and views on hunting. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is largest and most known animal rights organization in the world. They mostly concentrate their attention on factory farms, clothing trade, animal testing and entertainment industry. When going to PETA webpage first thing to see was pop up window about stopping seal hunt in Canada. They are especially concerned about killing animals because they are considered pests. Such animals

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Tsehhov daam koeraga Chekov Lady and the Lapdog

I thought write about its emphasis on the past, the story of the countess' card secret determines the whole plot. Focuses mainly on the aristocratic and gambling, maybe reflecting the nature of life in st. petersburgm lizaveta is mistreated by the countess and Herman (two people who are only out for money), but she has the happiest ending out of them all. I think the questions its less about the place and more about the people and their goals. But maybe the people's goals, reflects Russia's position in the world at the time, I think it was at the peak of its empire? The book could be saying something about the management of wealth? Those who relentlessly pursued wealth were in the most precarious position without considering peoples feelings (Hermann toward Lizaveta). Nicholas was ruling when it was written, he was oppressive and dictorial- could definitely be reflected in the countess- she's the centre of wealth in the book.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
4 allalaadimist

Syria (Helimun)

They are both authoritarian and defiantly independent, even at a political or economic cost. Iran is predominantly Shiite. Although Syria is predominantly Sunni Muslim, its ruling family is Alawite, a Shiite sect. -At the same time, they are odd political bedfellows. Syria’s Baa’thist ideology is strictly secular and socialist. Iran’s ideology is rigidly religious and, in principle, opposed to atheist communism and its offshoots. Yet their common strategic goals have held the alliance together for three decades, despite repeated attempts to rend them apart. Syrian American Alliance (SAA) aims to help people of Syria to live in dignity through programs of engagement, education, humanitarian and developmental projects. SAA main mission is to support and help the Syrians inside the country as well as the displaced, throughout sustaining their survival throughout the humanitarian aid program that the organization is conducting.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Art Museum of Estonia

The main altar of the St. Nicholas' Church was assessed at 50 million US dollars and Danse Macabre at the same price. It is clear that the medieval works of art and other objects exhibited in the St Nicholas' Church require a stabile and controlled microclimate and that they must constantly be looked after by specialists, including art historians, restorers and climatologists. At the same time, the museum functions as a research centre for church art and architecture. Thus far, the main goals of the St. Nicholas' Church as a museum have been the exhibition and conservation of these works of art. In the course of the 20th century, a lot of mental energy, skills, and finance has been spent on restoration and conservation of the works of art exhibited there. These goals and the research must remain the priorities of the museum also in the future. The commission agreed that the art museum is the only competent institution to guarantee the fulfilment of these priorities

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Cashflow Quadrant

Katre Semjonov Cashflow Quadrant I chose a book named "Cashflow Quadrant" written by Robert T. Kiyosaki. This book is written for people who are ready to change quadrants. This book is especially for individuals who are employees or self-employed and are contemplating becoming business owners or investors. It is for people who are ready to move beyond job security and begin to achieve financial security. It is not an easy life's path but the prize at the end of the journey is worth the journey. It is the journey to financial freedom. WHICH QUADRANT ARE YOU IN? IS IT THE RIGHT ONE FOR YOU? Are you financially free? The CASHFLOW Quadrant was written for you if your life has come to a financial fork in the road. If you want to take control of what yo...

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse1
15 allalaadimist

Juhtimisalused - Juhtimisteooria

Arvestus: 26. oktoober Kell 11-12 M-218 Arutlus: kolm lahtist küsimust. Juhtimisalused 1. tund- Juhtimisteoorias 4 võtmesõna organisatsioonide juhtimise mudelist: planeerimine, organiseerimine, eestvedamine, kontrollimine. See võimaldab saavutada eesmärgid kiiresti ja võimalikult väheste resurssidega. Keskkonnast tulenevad sisendid: inimresurssid, finantsresusrssid, füüsilised vahendid, info. Juhtimise mõiste Juhtimine- eesmärkide saavutamise protsess, tasakaalu säilitamine, (teiste inimeste) tegevuse ja käitumise sihipärane suunamine. Juhtide põhiline kohustus: strateegia loomine ja organisatsiooni kujundamine selle rakendamiseks Komponendid: Keskkond, koostöö, ressursid, eesmärgid, tasakaal (optimaalsus: ressurss vs eesmärk) OLUKORRAST lähtuv Võtmesõna: paindlikus Esmane on ühendada olemasolev (mitte luua uut) Tööd hästi teha on palju viise Iga olukord on unikaalne Üks õige suund + keskkond Kindlate reeglite asemel välis- ja sis...

Majandus → Juhtimise alused
126 allalaadimist


3M: AN AMERICAN STAR IN EUROPE 3M: Ameerika täht Euroopas TIM HINDLE To stay on top the company must export its virtues to Europe. TIM HINDLE 3M on parim kehastus ettevõtlikus Ameerikas. Et jääda tippu peab ettevõte eksportima oma tugevusi Euroopasse. Whenever lists of America's brightest and best are compiled 3M is guaranteed to feature. Millal iganes luuakse nimekirju Ameerika säravamatest ja parimatest siis 3M-i esinemine on seal garanteeritud. 3M was born early this century as Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing. The mining soon ceased when the company's founders failed to dig up the corundum they had hoped to discover. So they turned to trading in sandpaper, a product that uses the abrasive corundum. From the beginning the company...

Keeled → Inglise ärikeel
19 allalaadimist

Eesti teadus ja ühiskond vajavad kooskõla

contribute to the structural kommertsteaduse osa ei suuda rahastada reforms of economy. The innovatsiooni ilma tugeva second major problem is that rakendusteaduseta, mis praeguses RDI is treated as an objective olukorras jääb kahe rahastamisvoo vahele. in itself and, therefore, Et efektiivsust tõsta, peab teadus- ja remains only vaguely linked arendus-töö rahastamise süsteem to the country’s economic hakkama toimima kui üks tervik, teiste and social goals.” sõnadega, süsteemi kaks osapoolt vajavad ümberorienteerimist.” Eks ole ju üks ja seesama sisu viisakalt välja öelduna, aga ajaline vahe on 11 aastat. Vahepeal on minu mälu järgi vähemalt kolm kaunisõnalist “teadmistepõhise Eesti” arengukava kokku pandud, palju sõnu ja ajalehepaberit selle teema peale kulutatud, “Teaduskompetentsi Nõukogu” on ümber nimetatud “Eesti

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
2 allalaadimist

Praktiline töö: Riiul

13 Summary Thanks to this project we got a chance to refresh our craft class skills and we even learned some new skills turning this Project and also we got a chance to work in new crafts class what was just remodeled two years ago. It was just so interesting to us. We missed working on crafts class and doing things with our own hands. We think that we achieved our goals that we set for ourselves. Those goals were: 1. To give a view of making it; 2. Used materials; 3. Different making stages of the shelf; 4. To give a view of its components; 5. To make something unique Making a shelf took a massive amount of our time making it, but it was totally worth it. Just to make one teacher happy and give her joy with something this simple. But not all the aspects of the job went so smoothly, there were some mistakes that were our

Muu → Tööõpetus
188 allalaadimist

Cost Accounting notes

Cost Accounting. Chapter 1 Management accounting measures, analyzes, and reports financial and no financial information that helps managers make decisions to fulfill the goals of an organization. Financial accounting focuses on reporting to external parties such as investors, government agencies, banks and suppliers. It measures and records business transactions and provides financial statements that are based on GAAP. Cost accounting measures, analyzes, and reports financial and no financial information relating to cost of acquiring or using resources in an organization.

Majandus → Majandus
9 allalaadimist

The Commonwealth of nations and the Brittish Empire

Country study test # 3 1. Why was it often said that ,,the sun never sets on the British Empire"? ... is used to describe an empire of such a large extent that, at any one time, at least part of its territory is in daylight. This was a saying refering to the fact that Britian had colonies all around the world. 2. What is the Commonwealth? The Commonwealth is an association of sovereign nations that support each other and work together towards international goals. 3. When was it founded? 1931 4. Who were the founder members? Great Britain, the Irish Free State (now the Republic of Ireland), Canada, Newfoundland (since 1949 part of Canada), Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. 5. Are they still members? Why? Irish Free State left in 1949 with the republic of ireland acts, Newfoundland (since 1949 part of Canada), 6. What was the difference between the British Empire and the British Commonwealth of Nations

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
10 allalaadimist

Personali juhtimine ja organisatsiooni käitumine inglise keeles

Organisational commitment predicts work variables such as turnover, organisational citizenship behavior, and job performance. In Business Dictionary is written that organisational commitment is a strength of the feeling of responsibility that an employee has towards the mission of the organisation. Porter et al further describes organisational commitment as an attachment to the organisation, characterised by an intention to remain in it; an identification with the values and goals of the organisation; and a willingness to exert extra effort on its behalf. Another perspective on organisational commitment is the "exchanged-based definition" or "side- bet" theory. This theory holds that individuals are committed to the organisation as far as they hold their positions, irrespective of the stressful conditions they experience. However, should they be given alternative benefits, they will be willing to leave the organisation.

Majandus → Personali juhtimine ja...
9 allalaadimist

Kanada ajalugu, regioonid ja kliima

· Canadians wanted to build a railway line · The British didn't have enough money to support Canadian colonies In July 1, 1867 the Dominiom of Canada was created. The Dominiom of Canada consisted of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick provinces. Yukon was the last province to join the Dominiom. John Macdonald was the first prime minister of Canada. Another important feature about Canada is its railway. The railway was completed in 1885. All the goals were achieved when Canada was united into the Dominiom of Canada.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Soome ja Rootsi välispoliitika

Danish relations with Russia in the context of the European Union. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 19(2), 249-260. Frisell, H. E. & Oldberg, I. (2009) `Cool Neighbors': Sweden's EU Presidency and Russia ,Russie.Nei.Visions n42, Kivinen, O. (2011). Soome ja NATO. Diplomaatia, 2, 12 Ojanen, H. (2000). Participation and Influence: Finland, Sweden and the post-Amsterdam development of the CFSP. Institute for Security Studies. Western European Union. Rolenc, J. M. (2013). Means, Goals, and Sources of Foreign Policy: The Case of Sweden. ISA 2013 convention, 3-6 April 2013, San Francisco, USA

Muu → Ainetöö
36 allalaadimist

Comparative law

In the last chapters, the code regulates a number of nominate contracts, legal and conventional mortgages, limitations of actions, and prescriptions of rights. 6.Comparative criminal law Comparative criminal law is a subfield of the study of Criminal Justice that compares justice systems worldwide. Such study can take a descriptive, historical, or political approach. It studies the similarities and differences in structure, goals, punishment and emphasis on rights as well as the history and political stature of different systems.It is common to broadly categorize the functions of a criminal justice system into policing, adjudication (i.e.: courts), and corrections, although other categorization schemes exist. Comparativists study the four different types of societies, their methods of enforcement and their different types of punishment such as capital punishment, and imprisonment

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Sotsioloogia essee: Hechter ja Horne

principles or the group individual associates him/herself with. Nevertheless, norms and values prove to be, too, imperfect when explaining social order. Despite the general positive norms, antisocial behaviour persists. Deviant groups, such as gangs and mafia, develop their own norms, which serve well only for the members of the gang or even only for the leaders. Secondly, norms are often subject to interpretation and can thus be "bended" in situations by individuals to achieve their goals. For example, even though honesty is a strong norm and lying is seen as discrediting someone's general trustworthiness, individuals still tell white lies, and may often try to get away with minor thefts or bearings of false witness. And there is no punishment if they get away with it. Thirdly, as norms and values may bring out the best in people at times of crisis, they can also disappear, leading to quicker destruction of social order. An example of this would be

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
8 allalaadimist

History of Football

History of Football Forerunners of football The creation of football as we understand it today is geographically confined to British shores, but there is extensive evidence of ancient games with the same basic principles as the modern day incarnation. The first of these was identified as part of Shang Dynasty China in the 5th century BC, the game's objective being to kick a leather ball through a hole in a piece of cloth which between two 30 foot poles. The Tsu'Chu military exercise in 3rd century China was also an interesting elaboration on this theme; the premise once again being to kick a leather ball through a 30-40 centimetre opening. As the Tsu'Chu exercise lacked the central team element of today's football, attention has also been given to the Greek and Roman games of episkyros and Harpastum respectively. The latter is particularly interesting as a game played on a rectangular grass surface wi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

The euro in Estonia

As mentioned before, Estonia joined the European Union in 2004. When "we" signed the contract, we also accepted the simple main terms: stable institutions, that can guarantee the democracy and the protection and respect of human rights and minorities; a functioning market economy and the ability to cope with the pressure of competition and market forces within the EU; ability to meet the obligations of membership, including the support for the goals. Country's administrative system must be capable of applying EU laws and put them to use. According to Vahur Kraft, the leader of Estonian Nordea Bank, the euro creates many new opportunities for the country's economy and the society as a whole. Bo Kragh, the vice president of the Bank of Estonia, has a bit different point of view. He has said in his article that the euro takes away our financial independence.

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Keskkonnapoliitika eksami konspekt

EKSAMIKS KORDAMINE:.................................................................................................................... 3 ........................................................................................................................................................... 8 KESKKONNAMÕJUDE HINDAMISE PRAKTIKA EESTI VABARIIGIS 2001-2005:............................................. 11 NORD-STREAM:.................................................................................................................................. 11 SÄÄSTEV ARENG: KONSEPTSIOONI ARENG:........................................................................................... 11 SÄÄSTVAARENGU MÄÄRATLUSED:........................................................................................................ 11 SÄÄSTVAARENGU PÕHIMÕTTED:.............................................................................................

Loodus → Keskkonnapoliitika
139 allalaadimist

Nokia Report

important things. I also think that Nokia wouldn't have gotten where it is today if its products were not of quality. This shows that tomorrow Nokia will not be just another company but it is The Company everyone should look up to. A conclusion to my analysis can be drawn by the way that Nokia thinks about itself. Nokia believes in its customers, its products and its vision and strategy. I can assure you that no company will get very far without any goals or the respect to its customers and the best example is Nokia. CONCLUSION Before this report I already knew some things about Nokia. For example I know some about the so called "Nokia tune". It is actually based on a guitar work by a Spanish musician and was used on Nokia's first telephones a long time ago. However the tune became so well known that it was changed to "Nokia tune". I'm not sure about the time

Keeled → Inglise keel
100 allalaadimist

Baaslogistika Module 1-5 Konspekt

Multimodal transport is very common in the container liner shipping: port to port or door-to-door. Carriers use ports that have good hinterland connections to the big industrial areas. The 3 marketing segments in shipping are general cargo and bulk cargo, liner and tramp shipping, deep sea and short sea. Module 5. The port Commercial port is an area where sea and land meet with means and facilities to achieve the following goals:  Loading and discharging of ships;  Storage of cargo;  Acceptance/delivery of cargo;  Sea related activities.  Port and its river A mainport’s infrastructure consists of:  Quay(Причальные) walls with sufficient depth;  Modern terminal facilities;  Good hinterland connections. Statements that make a port modern and desirable for ship owners to call and make part of their liner scheduls:

Logistika → Baaslogistika
4 allalaadimist

Topics, step 8, kokkuvõtted mõnedest peatükkidest

in teams competing in football ,,leagues". Professional football is as much a business as a sport. Rugby football was first played in 1823. In rugby every player is allowed to carry the ball. The ball is oval, not round. Each team contains 15 players. The oldest game of football in England is probably the football match which takes place at Ashburn on Shrove Tuesday every year. The game starts in the centre of the town, and the distance between two goals is two miles. The only rule is not to use motorcycles, cars and lorries in the game. In 1958 one team buried the ball. The other team didn't know and ran after them. Later first team took the ball and won. 3) JAMES WATT He was born in the small port of Greenock on the river Clyde in Scotland in 1736. His father was a mathematical-instrument maker and also kept a shop to supply ships with goods for their voyages. James was a delicate boy and often suffered from headaches

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist


However, limiting performance indicators to these three categories may not fully capture the performance of an organisation for a number of reasons. For example:  changes in one aspect of economic, environmental, or social performance often result in changes to other aspects of sustainability;  sustainability strategies often use one area of sustainability as a reference point when defining goals for another area; and  advancing sustainable development requires coordinated movement across a set of performance measurements, rather than random improvement within the full range of measurements. 1) Economic Performance Indicators The economic dimension of sustainability concerns an organisation’s impacts on the economic circumstances of its stakeholders and on economic systems at the local, national and global levels. Economic impacts can be divided into:

Majandus → Majandus
4 allalaadimist

Introduction of SCM

An integrated supply chain can reduce the overproduction of drug products by efficient demand management, planning, and inventory management. Traditionally, marketing, distribution, planning, manufacturing, and the purchasing organizations along the supply chain operated independently. These organizations have their own objectives and these are often conflicting. Marketing's objective of high customer service and maximum sales dollars conflict with manufacturing and distribution goals. Many manufacturing operations are designed to maximize throughput and lower costs with little consideration for the impact on inventory levels and distribution capabilities. Purchasing contracts are often negotiated with very little information beyond historical buying patterns. The result of these factors is that there is not a single, integrated plan for the organization---there were as many plans as businesses. Clearly, there is a need for a mechanism through which these

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Teadusfilosoofia valikut

assuming that it is science as a human activity or set of activities that should be the to work for a wide variety of interests of human beings. In a sense, then, the synthesists focus of one's attention. The philosopher should be interested in discovering the have been more pragmatic in their aims than the analysts. Although, because their sorts of things that scientists typically do. So one would raise questions like, How immediate goals have been so different, the two schools have found little to talk about, are scientific discoveries made? and, How are theories established or discredited? / recent efforts by Anglo-Americans to investigate the evaluative and ethical implications .../ of science suggest that there may be more opportunities for dialogue in the future. /.../.

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
27 allalaadimist

Monopoly paper / DeBeers monopol

They found out that only mining diamonds don't keep their position, they expanded them business. Nowadays, they control every process step by step from mining to production sale and also they selling to individual consumers, like example once they are extracted from the mines, they also polishing, cutting, marketing and branding. Also, De Beers shifted its strategy from managing supply to driving demand. Under its "Supplier of Choice" program, De Beers had the goals of stimulating diamond demand by 5% per year; improving the efficiency and margins of all De Beers operations, from mining to sales; and leveraging the De Beers brand by offering De Beers-branded jewelry directly to consumers (O'Connell 2009) Also DeBeers entered joint ventures with famous luxury brands like Louis Vuitton. They also opened retail shops in the big cities like: Paris New York, London, Hong Kong, and

Majandus → Mikromajandus
3 allalaadimist

Võrdlev tööõigus - inglisekeelne

- Youth on the move, which will contribute to better education and training help/encourage young people to study abroad and make it easier to find a job (access to other countries to improve their linguistic skills etc) - European platform against poverty and social exclusion, which helps disseminate best practices and makes funding available to support social inclusion and combat discrimination. Creating more and better jobs is one of the main goals of the EU 2020 Strategy. The integrated guidelines contain 3 EU headline targets on employment: - Labour market: increase the labour market participation of people aged 20-64 to 75% by 2020; through, inter alia, greater participation of young people, older workers and low-skilled workers and better integration of legal migrants. - Social inclusion and combating poverty: lift at least million people out of the risk of poverty and exclusion.

Õigus → Tööõigus
24 allalaadimist


We must tell what has happened to the person, tell the person's age, home address. In case of poisoning we must save the bottle, tell the person's age and weight. 6. Medicine and elements of medical care Medicine is the science and art of healing. It is a since because it's based on knowledge gained through careful study and experimentation. It is an art because it depends on how skilfully doctors and other medical workers apply this knowledge when dealing with patients. The goals of medicine are to save lives and relieve suffering. Many thousands of men and women, who work in the medical profession, spend their lives taking care of the sick. When disaster strikes, hospital workers give emergency aid to the injured. Medical care consists of three main elements: the diagnosis of disease, the treatment of disease; and the promotion of health and prevention of disease. 7. Doctors Doctors have detailed knowledge of the human body and are specially trained in the

Keeled → Inglise keel
42 allalaadimist

Kognitiiv-käitumuslik paradigma Fenomenoloogiline lähenemine

Kognitiiv-käitumuslik paradigma Fenomenoloogiline lähenemine George Alexander Kelly (1905-1967) The Psychology of Personal Constructs: Vol. 1-2. New York: Norton (1955) A Theory of Personality: The Psychology of Personal Constructs. New York: Norton (1963) · teadlase metafoor - määramatuse vähendamine teooria kui tulevase sündmuse ennustamise vahend · kontroll sündmuste üle · skeemid, kategooriad konstrueerimise paljususe printsiip (constructive alternativism) personaalsete konstruktide või isiksuse kontruktide teooria · konstruktid (constructs) sündmuste representatsioonid või interpretatsioonid konstrukt - idee, mille abil kontrueeritakse sündmus (tähendus) ehk interpreteeritakse, omistatakse tähendus toimunule. tähendus ja ennustused näit. õiglane- ebaõiglane, terve - haige, ilus-inetu unikaalsus, verbaalsete markerite erinev t...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
26 allalaadimist

Kognitiiv-käitumuslik paradigma, Fenomenoloogiline lähenemine

Kognitiiv-käitumuslik paradigma Fenomenoloogiline lähenemine George Alexander Kelly (1905-1967) The Psychology of Personal Constructs: Vol. 1-2. New York: Norton (1955) A Theory of Personality: The Psychology of Personal Constructs. New York: Norton (1963) · teadlase metafoor - määramatuse vähendamine teooria kui tulevase sündmuse ennustamise vahend · kontroll sündmuste üle · skeemid, kategooriad konstrueerimise paljususe printsiip (constructive alternativism) personaalsete konstruktide või isiksuse kontruktide teooria · konstruktid (constructs) sündmuste representatsioonid või interpretatsioonid konstrukt - idee, mille abil kontrueeritakse sündmus (tähendus) ehk interpreteeritakse, omistatakse tähendus toimunule. tähendus ja ennustused näit. õiglane- ebaõiglane, terve - haige, ilus-inetu unikaalsus, verbaalsete markerite erinev t...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
18 allalaadimist

3M - Inglise keel

Teksti lõik lehelt tava kirjas ja ilma boldita. Teksti lõik koos sünonüümidega on BOLDIS. TÕLGE- märgitud lilla värviga. Company profile- company description- ettevõtte kirjeldus. 3M: AN AMERICAN STAR IN EUROPE- 3M Ameerika täht Euroopas 3M is the epitome of all that is best in corporate America. To stay on top the company must export its virtues to Europe.- 3M is the quintessence of all that is best in America enterprise. To stay on top the company must export its advantage to Europe- 3M on tuum kõigest mis on parim Ameerika ettevõttes. Et püsida tipus peab firma eksportima oma väärtusi Euroopasse. Whenever lists of America's brightest and best are compiled 3M is guaranteed to feature. ­ Whenever lists of America's brightest and best are drawn u...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


JUHTIMINE KORDAMISEKS ­ KONTROLLTÖÖ nr 1 1. Mida nimetatakse organisatsiooniks, millised on organisatsiooni tunnused? Inimeste kogum, is toimib ühise eesmärgi nimel. Tunnused: kordineeritus, tegevus eon eesmärgistatud. 2. Mis on organisatsiooni edukude eelduseks? Selged eesmärgid, haritud töölised, teadlik ohtudest. 3. Mida nimetatakse juhtimiseks? Juht mõjutab juhitavaid, et saavutada organisatsiooni eesmärgid läbi ressursside effektiivse kasutuse. 4. Defineerige põhilised juhtimistegevused ja kuidas need on omavahel seotud? Tegevuste planeerimine, jooksvate tegevuste organiseerimine, inimtöötajate rakendamine, liikmete motiveerimine, tegevuste kordineerimine ja kontrollimine. 5. Mille poolest erinevad juhtimistasandid juhtimisvaldkondadest? Juhtimistasandid: moodustuvad samal tasemel olevatest ametikohtadest, nt tippjuhid, keskastmejuhid jne. (INIMESED) - juhivad mingit kindlat t...

Majandus → Juhtimine
6 allalaadimist

Rahvusvahelise poliitika loengud

- Palju allasutusi -> N-ö postijaam, kõik UNICEFid jne on nende all. - Laiem koostöö ● Hääletamine - Kõik lihtenamusega, poolthääli rohkem kui vastuhääli. Vetot ei ole. Inimõigused on läinud rohkem PA alla, aga samas on mingil määral ikka majandus- ja sotsiaalnõukogu all ka. Peamised dokumendid ● ÜRO Harta (1945) - PA deklaratsioonid -> üritatakse nendega Hartat täiendada. ● Agend for Peace (1992) ● Millennium Development Goals (2000) ● High-level Panel Report (2004) ● Responsibility to Protect (2005) ÜRO eesmärgid ● Säilitada rahvusvahelist rahu ja julgeolekut ● Arendada rahvusvahelisi sõbralikke suhteid ● Arendada rahvusvahelist koostööd ● Olla rahvaste tegevust kooskõlastavaks keskuseks ÜRO ametlikud keeled on inglise, prantsuse, hispaania, araabia, mingi hiina, vene. Eesti tõlge ÜRO põhikirjast ei ole ametlik, seega ei saa sellele viidata. ÜRO põhimõtted

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised suhted
13 allalaadimist

Addiction and drugs

Marijuana is a mild hallucinogen that can also act as a depressant or a stimulant. Many people think that it's a plant, so it's natural, and natural is always good-right? Think again, because both natural and synthetic versions of marijuana can cause a long-lasting, negative impact on your developing brain. Some movies and music make "stoner" culture seem cool, natural and like it's not a big deal. But if being fit and getting good grades are some of your goals, using marijuana can become a big deal, fast. Marijuana limits your brain's effectiveness, slows your thinking and impairs your coordination. A number of studies have also shown an association between chronic marijuana use and increased rates of anxiety, depression and schizophrenia. You may hear people ask, "If it's dangerous, why do so many people have medical marijuana cards?" It's true that scientists have determined that the cannabis plant has the potential for

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Feminism and youth cultures in England

1. Feminism­ movement, ideology to defend women’s rights  Suffrage – right to vote  2.  Feminism  isn’t a unitary movement  because  it  represents  different  women and  different experiences for  them in different parts of the world. Different  ideologies  3. Three waves of feminism  • 1st wave – early 19th century – early 20th century (Political rights, suffrage­right to vote)  • 2nd wave – 1960s­1980s (Social inequalities, gender norms, Women's Liberation Movement)  • 3rd wave – 1990s­2000s (ideas are the same, but they wanted to get rid of things the second  wave had failed to do); feminisms, expansion, multiplicity, postcolonialism.    4.  Anne  Bradstreet­  the  first  feminist  17th  century;  the  most  prominent of early English poets  of North America and first female writer in the British North American colonies to be published  Mary  Wollstonecraft­  education;  an  eighteenth­century  English   wr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

US History: Native Americans and the first settlements

United States. Trail of Broken Treaties of 1972 The Trail of Broken Treaties Caravan is primarily known as an American Indian Movement (AIM) protest that occurred in 1972. Events such as this were designed to bring attention to the mistreatment and bleak future the First Nations found themselves facing as a result of the colonization process and its after effects. The Trail of Broken Treaties was designed to generate media coverage, providing a useful medium to articulate the goals and changes they wanted to see occur in federal Indian policy. The activists, and in particular the American Indian Movement, used the mass media in an attempt to sway depictions of themselves, which allowed them to generate stronger political support by having sympathetic news reports. Present situation Today there are more than half a million Indians in the United States. Economically they range from pauperism to affluence

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Rootsi ja Taani välispoliitika võrdlus

(08.04.2016) Forest, F.J.J. & III Wilson, I. (2008). Handbook of Defence Policy: International and comparative prespectives. London ja New York: Routledge Manners,I. & Withman,G.R. (2000). The Foreign Policies of European Union Member States. Manchester ja New York: Manchester University Press. Lindblad, G.(2012 juuni). Üldsegi mitte nii neutraalne. Diplomaatia. Võrgulehel (07.04.2016) Rolenc, J. M. (2013). Means, Goals, and Sources of Foreign Policy: The Case of Sweden. ISA 2013 convention, 3-6 April 2013, San Francisco, USA Rootsi valitsuse koduleht. Foreign and security policy. Võrgulehel (07.04.2016) Taani valitsuse koduleht. Foreign Policy. Võrgulehel (07.04.2016)

Politoloogia → Politoloogia
3 allalaadimist

Edulugude võistlus

experience and courage for sure and this is the most important thing. Stereotypes and their place in the society has interested me through out the years. I have even been an organizer for two Estonian-Finnish camps, the goal of which was to break the typical stereotypes between those two nationalities. For me, one of the most annoying stereotype is that being a small town inhabitant limits your opportunities of achieving your goals and fulfilling dreams. This isn’t true! In my opinion, being a small town inhabitant is a great advantage! We have to work harder to find the right ways to pursue our dreams and nothing comes easy to our hands. I really like this situation, because then we are going to enjoy our achievements more in the future and besides, small town habitants are more able to compete, because we have had to create our chances for success ourselves

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


1.Mida nimetatakse eestvedamiseks? Eestvedamine on protsess, milles mõjutatakse ja toetatakse inimest eesmärkide saavutamise nimel töötama. Kolm olulist elementi eestvedamises on mõjutus/toetus, vabatahtlik pingutus ja eesmärgi saavutamine. Eestvedamine on tähtis osa juhtimisest, kuid see ei ole kogu juhtimine. 2.Millised on juhi ja liidri erinevused? Juht on tihtipeale inimene, kes omab teistest kõrgemat positsiooni ning kes on ametisse võetud selleks, et teised teda järgiksid. Tal on kindel nägemus eesmärkidest ja nõuab ka meeskonna liikmetelt nende saavutamist. Ometi jääb paljudel juhtidel puudu liidri omadustest ning oskusest hoida oma meeskond motiveeritud ja pühendunud. Liider on seevastu meeskonnamängija. Teda järgitakse vabatahtlikult, hoolimata tema positsioonist. Ta on inimene, kellel on visioon ja nägemus paremast tulevikust, võimalustest ning mis peamine – ta ise usub nende saavutamisesse. Liider teab ka seda, et suuri eesm...

Majandus → Juhtimine
19 allalaadimist

Reasons why human beings are unique

understand when a competitor is ignorant of the location of food, but not when they have been misinformed. Tomasello puts it like this: chimpanzees know what others know and what others can see, but not what others believe. We are unique in the level of abstractness with which we can reason about others' mental states This tells us something profound about ourselves. While we are not the only creatures who understand that others have intentions and goals, "we are certainly unique in the level of abstractness with which we can reason about others' mental states", says Katja Karg, also of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. Language gave us the skill to exchange complex thoughts and ideas (Credit: iStock) Language gave us the skill to exchange complex thoughts and ideas (Credit: iStock) When you pull together our unparalleled language skills, our ability to infer

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liit

- ECSC 1951 The founding fathers - Christian democrats – universalism - Peripheral regions, borders - Victims of nationalism - Federalists Towards the European Economic Community - Election of Spaak – relaunching integration at the Messina Conference 1955 - Integration in all aspects of economy - Creation of a single market - Marginalization of federal idea The creation of EEC - Spaak report - Treaties of Rome (1958) 4 goals: - Single market within 12 years - Elimination of custom duties and tariffs - Extablisment of common agriculture, trade, transpoer, competition policy - Creation of European Social Fund and European Investment Bank Single market - Free trade area for goods - Common policies on product regulation and freedom of movement of the factors of production - A Common Market is a first stage towards a signle market Merger of Institutions - 1965

Politoloogia → Euroopa liit
19 allalaadimist

Business Plan

“Your Fitness” Business Plan Prepared May 2012 Contact Information name email phone Your Fitness Business Plan Executive Summary “Your Fitness” it is envisaged, will be the third extension of “The Muscle Shop” company’s development strategy.  Extensive research over the last two years has gleaned information to suggest this project would be successful project. The new gym will create a personalized environment for both females and males, for all fitness levels, to pursue  their   sporting, competition and personal fitness goals. A special focus will be paid by creating heavy weight lifting capabilities  and equipment for professional body builders. This new gym facility will serve people in Dublin ……. area which include …………., …………… and …………...  The area has a some sports and fitness clubs, however ,”Your Fitness” has the unique ability to cater to all the fitness level form, amateur to professional body bu...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist


" When one gives serious consideration to the process for restructuring education on the basis of the new paradigm of inclusiveness, the question that arises is, how? It is important in answering this question that the process used be consistent with the ends of inclusion and compassion one is seeking to achieve. We are all acquainted by experience with processes that are dehumanizing in an endeavor to accomplish goals of humanization. In order to effect change, the focus must not be just on individual change, but also on institutional change. Change will never come about if the unit of change on which one focuses is the individual rather than on the institution as an organization. What is being sought is not a mere cosmetic change but a change of basic orientation. Stephen Covey brings this out in a clear manner in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, when he states:

Keeled → Inglise keel
125 allalaadimist


eristamiseks. Seda nimetatakse seitsme S-i teooriaks, kuna seal jagatakse seitse juhtimisega seotud ,,S" tähega algavat sõna juhi ja liidri vahel. Juhi tegevuse valdkondadeks on jäetud vähem inimestega seonduv: strategy (strateegia) structure (struktuur) systems (süsteemid) Liidri tegevusvaldkonnad on rohkem inimestega seotud: staff (isikkoosseis) style (stiil) skills (oskused) shared goals (eesmärkide teadvustamine) Nagu näha, peab juht keskenduma rohkem firma ressurssidele ja liider sellele, kuidas teiste inimeste töö kaudu eesmärke saavutada. Juht on laiem mõiste kui liider. Juht peab määratlema eesmärgid ja välja arendama sellise strateegia, mis võimaldaks olemasolevaid ressursse arvestades eesmärke saavutada. Inimesed on ainult üks osa neist eesmärkidest. Liider tegeleb ainult inimestega.

Majandus → Juhtimise alused
257 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun