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"function" - 421 õppematerjali

function – – to make - “silence” – break in the narrative, the end of a clause, sent-e & (complete – strengthen controversial nature of things.

Informaatika, VBA harjutused

mitmes (tekst, sümbol) 3) funktsioon, mis väljastab etteantud teksti sümbolid vastupidises järjestuses tagurpidi (tekst) 4) Suurim ühistegur (SÜT) Koostada töölehe funktsioon kahe arvu suurima ühistegugi leidmiseks. Vt. skeemi. Antud arvude suurimaks ühisteguriks nimetatakse suurimat arvu, millega kõik antud arvud jaguvad. Function SÜT (arv1 As Long, arv2 As Long) As Long a = arv1 b = arv2 Do c = a Mod b If c = 0 Then SÜT = b Exit Do End If a = b b = c Loop End Function 5) Kuudi seinte värvimine Koostada töölehefunktsioon kuutide seinte pindala arvutamiseks. Kuudi kuju on näidatud joonisel. Sisestada tabelisse valem, mis arvutab värvikulu, kasutades loodud funktsiooni. Tähised S1 -katuse kolmnurk

Informaatika → Informaatika keemia erialadele
99 allalaadimist

Javascript objektid,näited

Steve Mägi A-08 13.03.2014 For:.............................................................................................................................37 While:.........................................................................................................................38 Function:.................................................................................................................... 39 ...........................................................................................................................................39 Kasutatud kirjandus: ............................................................................................................................................40

Informaatika → Informaatika
55 allalaadimist

Boolean Functions and their Cryptographic Criteria

2. Boolean functions and their representations In the following chapters the vector space of all binary vectors of length n will be denoted as 𝔽𝑛2 . For two vectors 𝑎 = (𝑎1 , … , 𝑎 𝑛 ) and 𝑏 = (𝑏1 , … , 𝑏𝑛 ) in 𝔽𝑛2 we define the scalar product < 𝑎, 𝑏 > = 𝑎 1 𝑏1 ⊕ …⊕ 𝑎 𝑛 𝑏𝑛 , where all the operations are over a finite field with two elements 𝔽2 . The logical negation (or complement) of a Boolean function 𝑓 is 𝑓 = 𝑓 ⊕ 1 . Definition 2.1. A Boolean function 𝑓 of 𝑛 variables is a map from 𝔽𝑛2 to 𝔽2 . 𝐹𝑛 will be used to mark the set of all Boolean functions of 𝑛 variables. The value vector of a Boolean function is very important term when describing the function. The weight and the support of a Boolean function refer to the weight and support of its value vector. Definition 2.2

Informaatika → krüptograafia
1 allalaadimist

Lexical and syntactic stylistic devices

1. EPITHET 1. METAPHOR ­ indicates individual 1. ZEUGMA 1. PERIPHRASIS 1. BATHOS ­ based on similarity of 2 evaluation of sth. Logical ­ "to join" ­ w-d is ­ use of longer ­ spoiling the lofty effect. Function notions, hidden comparison attribute is non-evaluative ­ in the same description instead of ­ irony, humour. (dead (faded due to long use "green grass"; grammatical relation plain & short (Author mentions: elevated +down-

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
31 allalaadimist

Informaatika Harjutus 2 2

3. , . 4. , , , . 5. Sugu(kood) Kuupaev(kood) Personal . : SAAKKPPXXXX, S - , S - , = "naine", S - , = "mees"; 3<=S<=6 AA - , S=3 4, 19, S=5 6, 20. KK - ; PP - : MOD, LEN, LEFT, MID, DATESERIAL, VAL VBA, "Vale pikkus")) VBA, Vale pikkus" "Vale esimene sümbol" ) . , mees"; 3<=S<=6 Function sugu(kood) pikkus = Len(kood) esimene = Left(kood, 1) teade = test(pikkus, esimene) [teade<>"korras"] sugu = teade [jah] [ei] [esimene Mod 2 = 0] sugu ="Naine" sugu = "Mees" Function test(p, e)

Informaatika → Informaatika 2
32 allalaadimist

Demand and Supply

model) ­ behavior of sellers is represented by "supply" (cost side of model) Definition: "A schedule of the quantities of a good that buyers are willing and able to purchase at each possible price during a period of time, other things held constant" · Demand can also be perceived as a schedule of the maximum prices buyers are willing and able to pay for each unit of a good. Market demand The market demand function is the horizontal summation of the individuals' demand functions. In models of firm behavior, the demand for a firm's product can be constructed DEMAND DETERMINANTS · Price is the major determinant of the quantity demanded. · The nonprice determinants of demand are: - number of buyers, - tastes, - income, - price of other goods (either complementary or substitute),and - expectations about future prices Demand function

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
12 allalaadimist

Translation studies questions

Literal translation is translating directly from source language into target language b. Which types of words are more/less literal? More literal: objects and movements Less literal: qualities and ways of moving c. What are the two views of translation that the author brings out? Explain. 1) A process of explanation, interpretation, reformulating ideas and words. 2) Impossible due to other definitions 2. Expressive function a. Name the three expressive text types. - Serious imaginative literature; Authoritative statements; Autobiographies, essays, personal correspondence. b. Why is it difficult to translate an expressive text? - Because of the used dialect may get lost in the translation. c. What constitutes the personal component in an expressive text? - original metaphors, unusual collocations d. What is at the heart of the expressive (‘väljenduslik’) function of language?

Keeled → Tõlketeooria
4 allalaadimist

Andmekaevandamine Amazoni Raamatud SQL-iga

The following command works when database actually runs on the machine the data file is located on (or something like this... Sure as hell the processing engine couldn't get to the file when database with the table was located on a ttu server and the data.txt file on my PC). COPY person_book(person_id, book_id) FROM 'C:data.txt' DELIMITERS ',' CSV HEADER; Task 1: In order to determine the number of people who have purchased both book X and book Y a function has been written in PLPGSQL. The SELECT sentence in the given function operates the following way 1) it selects all IDs of people who have purchased book Y 2) it performs inner join of IDs selected in the first step with selection of IDs of people who have purchased book X 3) it counts the number of distinct IDs in the resulting set, thusly solving the problem CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION joint_buyers_text(integer, integer) RETURNS text AS $BODY$ DECLARE

Informaatika → Informaatika
20 allalaadimist

Visual Basicu keelereeglid

And Or Not Kontrollifunktsioonid IsNumeric, IsDate Teisendusfunktsioonid CInt, CDbl, CStr, CDate Ajafunktsioonid Now, Date, Time, Day, Year, Month, Hour, Minute, Second, Weekday, DateSerial, TimeSerial Tekstifunktsioonid Len, Mid, InStr, Replace Värvifunktsioonid RGB, QBColor. Vormingufunktsioon Format Alamprogrammid Private/Public Sub nimi(argumendid) programmi algoritm End Sub Väljakutsumine ­ nimi argumendid Funktsioonid Function nimi(parameetrid) [As andmetüüp] funktsiooni algoritm nimi=avaldis End Function Keelestruktuurid Valikud 1. If tingimus Then tegevus 2. If tingimus Then tegevus(ed) End If 3. If tingimus1 Then tegevus(ed)1 ElseIf tingimus2 Then ... Else ... End If Kordused 1. Do While tingimus korduv tegevus Loop 2

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
7 allalaadimist


Later on in 1948 cable became available to people that owned televisions. This provided them with more channels to view. By Tony Sorrentino and Claire Brady. By Holly Swaldi. © 2002 What was this media´s function? While the function of television is frequently debated among cultural and media critics, some of the most commonly recognized functions of television are to educate, inform and entertain. These three functions are hardly separate from one another, and many television programs perform some combination of the three. A commonly held but more pessimistic view is that television's primary function is to make money.Educational

Keeled → Eesti keele sõnamoodustus
2 allalaadimist

The Great Guild/Suurgild

The Great Guild Liisbeth Kallakmaa The Great Guild Medieval Tallinn's social institutions were guilds and brotherhoods, whose main function was to provide members with social interactions and ensure their rights, but also played an important political and economic role. Tallinn had three important guilds - The Great Guild, St. Canute's Guild and St. Olaf's guild. The Great Guild was the youngest among them, founded in the 14th century, but soon became the biggest and most important. It was founded as an organization of the wealthiest merchants and shipowners. The name

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
2 allalaadimist

Programmeerimine PHP

väärtustega. Muutujaid ja meetodeid käsitletakse ühe tervikuna. Analoogias reaalse eluga võib muutujaid mõista näiteks kui mingi eseme kirjeldust ja meetodeid kui tegevusi, mida selle esemega on võimalik teha. Objekte vaatleme lähemalt peatükis 5. Näide sum(); class Test { public $a; public $b; function __construct ($x, $y) { $this->a = $x; $this->b = $y; } function sum() { return $this->a + $this->b; } } ?> Spetsiaalsed tüübid Ressurss - resource See on mingi ressurss, mida PHP töötleb eri viisil. Näiteks muutuja, mis hoiab avatud faili või andmebaasiga ühenduse deskriptorit. Selle andmetüübiga tutvume peatükis 7. Näide

Infoteadus → Allika?petus
53 allalaadimist

What is a plant

1. What is a plant? Plant is a living organism. It is made up of different parts, each of whitch has specialized function. 2. Name the parts of a shoot system. The shoot system above the ground consists of the stem, the leaves, flowers and fruit. 3. What are the main functions of a shoot system? Main functions of a shoot system are: * Stem- to support the plant, to transport water, minerals and sugar * Leaves- to make food by photosynthesis, to absorb water from air * Flower- to contain reproductive organs, the reproductive function *Fruit- to enclode the seeds, to protect seeds 4

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Turvaauk CVE-2014-1705

CVE-2014-1705 CVE-2014-1705 kirjeldab turvaauku, mis leiti Google JavaScript mootoris V8, mida kasutati Google Chrome enne versiooni 33.0.1750.152 OS X-il ja Linuxil ning enne versiooni 33.0.1750.154 Windowsil. V8 on avatud allikaga JavaScript mootor, mis on kirjutatud keeles C++ ja kasutatakse Google Chrome-is. See kasutab ECMAScripti ja töötab Windows XP-l ja Vistal, Mac OS X 10.5+-il ja Linux süsteemidel, mis kasutavad IA-32, ARM või MIPS protsessoreid. V8 võib töötada iseseisvalt või panna sisse ükskõik millisele C++ rakendusele. Turvaauk CVE-2014-1705 lubab välistel ründajatel lubamatult teavet avaldada, viia sisse modifikatsioone ja põhjustada memory corruption-it, ehk rakenduse jooksutamisel tekib probleem mäluga ja kui rakendus kasutab seda rikutud mälu hiljem võib programm kokku joosta või tekitada muid probleeme. Seda võib ründaja teha, et jooksutada kokku süsteemi, et kasutaja ei saaks midag...

Informaatika → Andmeturbe alused
4 allalaadimist

Report on Exercises 2 - Diodes

f = 9 kHz R = 96 k US = 10 V - UDC = 6 V Figure 8. Replacement circuit UL Figure 9. Voltage traces Conclusion The diode conducts while the current in the circuit is bigger than zero, in other words when the function generator voltage is bigger than the one apllied to the DC source. For the diode to conduct the current must be above zero. Therefore . If the dunction generator voltage drops below assigned reference voltage the diode stops conducting and the output remains 6 volts. In reverse biased, , where is the reference voltage and UVD is the voltage drop on diode.

Tehnika → Elektroonika jõupooljuht...
103 allalaadimist

Graafika lahendatud lõpp

For i = 1 To n kuju.IncrementLeft hx kuju.IncrementLeft hx kuju.IncrementTop hy kuju.IncrementTop hy paus pp paus pp Next i Next i kuju.Left = x: kuju.Top = y kuju.Left = siht.Left: kuju.Top = siht.Top End Sub End Sub Function P_Nrk(x1, y1, x2, y2) Dim dx, dy, pi, nurk pi = 4 * Atn(1) dx = x2 - x1: dy = y2 - y1 If dx = 0 Then If dy < 0 Then P_Nrk = 270 Else P_Nrk = 90 Else nurk = 180 * Atn(dy / dx) / pi If dx > 0 Then If dy > 0 Then P_Nrk = nurk Else P_Nrk = 360 + nurk Else P_Nrk = 180 + nurk End If End If If dx = 0 Then If dy < 0 Then P_Nrk = 270 Else P_Nrk = 90 Else nurk = 180 * Atn(dy / dx) / pi If dx > 0 Then

Informaatika → Informaatika
55 allalaadimist

PHP ja MySql algajatele

$sum = $number1 + $number2 ?>

//kast jääb täis

Summa on

Summa on

Summa on

math_stuff.php function korruta($arv1, $arv2) { return $arv1 * $arv2; } ?> Mõnda teise faili saab nüüd üles panna... ...mis impordib kõik funktsioonid sellest failist ja neid saab nüüd kasutada seal. salvesta.php
Informaatika → Informaatika
12 allalaadimist

English Phonetics and Phonology. Mid-term2

NB. i: or ý, as in ,,easy, busy", is transcribed as i Close back vowels ­ occur in unstressed syllables, when not preceding a consonant (you, to, into, do) and in unstressed syllables in all positions (through, who). NB. u: or , as in ,,food to eat", is transcibed as u ,,schwa" - is a reduced vowel that is in weak syllables only, and it's sound quality is mid and central. E.g. carrot, perhaps, attend. Syllabic consonants - l, n, m, , r can function as a syllable ( as in button [bt-n]); placing a "schwa" before a syllabic liquid or nasal also shows that these are separate syllables. Stress in simple words ­ stressed first syllable indicates a noun, stressed second syllable indicates a verb (as in pérvert (N) `My neighbour is a pervert'; pervért (V) `Don't pervert the idea'). Factors that contribute to prominence of stress in syllables are ­ loudness, length, pitch, quality.

Keeled → Inglise keele foneetika ja...
39 allalaadimist

It is only knowledge produced with difficulty that we truly value. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

to human sciences. Easily produced scientific knowledge tends to have little value and it’s because scientific knowledge is mainly discovered and not everything will be discovered at once. First theories are formed based off of existing facts and information and then scientists look for evidence to support their theories. Sometimes they succeed and sometimes they don’t. In the case of the discovery of DNA structure and function it took countless trials and errors before Watson and Crick were able to propose the double helix. To accomplish that they relied heavily on the discoveries that other scientists had made 1 before them. Mainly on Rosalind Franklin’s X-ray diffraction images of DNA.1 The knowledge obtained took a lot of effort from many different scientists along with a lot of time to produce

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Graafika VBAs

O1 O2 sees Kujund piirkonna sees If On_Puude (hiir, Kraps) Then O1 käes = käes + 1 O2 O1 End If O2 sees Lahter kujundi sees (all) Function On_Sees(O1, O2) ' Tõene, kui väike objekt (O1) ' on suure (O2) sees O1 Dim v1, p1, y1, a1, v2, p2, y2, a2 O1 v1 = O1.Left: p1 = v1 + O1.Width y1 = O1.Top: a1 = y1 + O1.Height O2 v2 = O2.Left: p2 = v2 + O2.Width

Informaatika → Informaatika ll
17 allalaadimist

ZigBee ning topoloogia

ZigBee Kelly Olvi AA-15 Mis on ZigBee? × See on traadita ühendus, mida igapäevaseadmed kasutavad üksteisega suhtlemiseks. × ZigBee eesmärk on luua odavam ja lihtsam tehnoloogia, kui seda on teised traadita personaalsed kohtvõrgud, näiteks Bluetooth ja Wi- Fi. Seadmed × ZigBee seadmeid saab jagada talitluse järgi kaheks: × Piiratud funktsionaalsusega seadmed (Reduced Function Device), mis on üldjuhul patareitoitel ja suurema osa ajast puhkereziimil; × Täisfunktsionaalsed seadmed (Full Function Device), mis saavad toite elektrivõrgust. Topoloogia × ZigBee võrgukiht toetab nii radiaalset kui ka puukujulist võrgutopoloogiat ja üldisi silmusvõrgutopoloogiaid × Radiaalvõrkudes peab koordinaator olema keskne sõlm. Nii puuvõrgud kui ka silmusvõrgud lubavad ZigBee ruuterite kasutamist, laiendamaks suhtlust võrgukihis.

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoloogia
6 allalaadimist

Elektriajamite 4. labor

in both cases ~10% [%] 0.55 0.5 0.27 0.2 No 76% 5 8 noticable change in efficency in both cases. 5. Experimental traces Graph 1 Mechanical power and Torque as a function of speed Graph 2 Armature current power and armature voltage as a function of speed Graph 3 Armature current and efficency as a function of Torque 6. U/f characteristic With boosting Without boosting 7. Solutions of the problems 4.1 How much are the nominal and maximal currents of the drive? Explain the difference of nominal and experimental current data. From nameplate, we get that the nominal currents are 1,7 / Y 1,0A. From the

Elektroonika → Elektriajamid
60 allalaadimist


0 FROM Partii UNION SELECT, Partii.Turniir, Partii.Must, 'M', Partii.Musta_tulemus/2.0 FROM Partii ORDER BY 1 ASC ; CREATE VIEW v_edetabel(mangija, turniir, punkte) AS SELECT v_mangija.isik_nimi, v_punkt.turniir, sum(v_punkt.punkt) FROM v_mangija, v_punkt WHERE v_mangija.isik_id=v_punkt.mangija GROUP BY v_punkt.turniir, v_mangija.isik_nimi ORDER BY 1 ASC ; SELECT v_edetabel.mangija, v_edetabel.punkte FROM v_edetabel WHERE v_edetabel.turniir=41 ORDER BY 2 DESC ; CREATE FUNCTION f_liida ( a_arv1 integer, a_arv2 integer) RETURNS INTEGER DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE summa INTEGER; SET summa = a_arv1 + a_arv2; RETURN summa; END; CREATE FUNCTION f_eesnimi( a_id integer) RETURNS varchar(50) NOT DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE d_enimi varchar(50); SELECT eesnimi INTO d_enimi FROM isik WHERE id = a_id; RETURN d_enimi; END; CREATE PROCEDURE sp_uus_klubi(IN a_nimi VARCHAR(100), IN a_aadress VARCHAR(100), OUT a_id INTEGER) BEGIN DECLARE i_id INTEGER;

Informaatika → Informaatika
232 allalaadimist

ITK sissejuhatus infotöötlusesse KT3 VBA variant 19

ITK sissejuhatus infotöötlusesse KT3 VBA variant 19 1.Kirjuta VBA-funktsioon, mis määrab isikukoodi järgi inimeste sugu: Function Sugu(ikood As String) As String Funktsioon saab väärtuseks "mees", kui koodi esimeseks sümboliks on 1,3,4; "naine" - kui esimeseks sümboliks on 2,5,6. Kui isikukoodi pikkus ei ole 11, kõik sümbolid ei ole numbrid või esimene sümbol ei ole ükski eelpool loetletuist, saab funktsioon väärtuseks "viga!". Lahendus: Function Sugu(ikood As String) As String If IsNumeric(ikood) And (Len(ikood) = 11) And (Mid(ikood, 1, 1) = "1") Or (Mid(ikood, 1, 1) = "3") Or (Mid(ikood, 1, 1) = "4") Then

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus informaatikasse
62 allalaadimist

Värvitud Petri võrgud CPN eksami konspekt

place B b−, represents an unsuccessful transmission. When this binding occurs the data packet (1,"COL") is removed from the input place A. No token is added to the output place B If the binding element b++ occurs, arc expression on the arc from TransmitPacket to B evaluates to 2‘Data({seq=1,data="COL"}) 9.Net structure and inscriptions 10.Occurrence of steps 11.Model parameterization  RECV.all is a predefined color set function (– takes a unit () as an argument– returns the list representation of a multiset– containing one appearance of each of the colors in RECV)  is also a predefined function (– takes a function and a list as arguments – applies the function to each list element)  Fusion sets to glue places from different modules (– compound places across hierarchical structure) 12.Unfolding hierarchical CPN

Informaatika → Värvitud Petri võrgud
2 allalaadimist

Comp architecture tasks

Windows XP professional 7 What multimedia features does the computer have? 1 What is the memory size of this PC? - 8GB Memory 2 What storage devices are supplied? 3 What size is the display screen? 1650x1050 4 How fast is the processor? Up to 3.0 Ghz 5 What is the capacity of the hard drive? 200GB 6 Which OS does it use? Windows 8.1 7 What multimedia features does the computer have? BEGIN YOUR SENTENCES LIKE THIS: 1 RAM holds data read or written to it by the processor 2 The function of RAM is to hold data read or written to it by the processor 3 The processor is used to control all the operations in the computer. 4 The processor is used for controlling all the operations in the computer 5 The mouse controls the cursor. 6 the mouse is used to control the cursor. 7 The clock is used for controlling the timing signals. 8 The function of the clock is to control the timing signals. 9 The flash memory key is used for reading and writing electronic chips.

Informaatika → Informaatika
2 allalaadimist

VBA - Graafika

*Viitamiseks erinevatele alguses, enne kui animatsioon peale h objektidele kasutasin Lisaks on võimalus valida mitu korda jä märksõnu akenp, akenv, tahab isik animatsiooni vaadata(1-10). Juku, auto1, auto2 jne. Loomulikult on võimalik ka suvalisel aj *Viidates otse kasutasin animatsioon peatada. Shapes(nimi) ja Range(nimi). Neid kasutasin nähtavuse ja lahtrite jaoks. uurid Function keerle() Dim i, paike As Shape uurid olid jaotatud üheks suurejs ja Set paike = Shapes("paike") - päike vastab kujundile ateks. Väiksemad olid põhiliselt For i = 1 To Range("kord").Value - korratakse tegevust nii kaua rotseduurid nt. erinevad seda ütleb lahter kord ikkused. paike

Informaatika → Informaatika 2
79 allalaadimist

Exercise Physiology - lecture 4 Blood, gas exchange, transport

Exercise Physiology Blood Gas Exchange and Transport Today's lesson Cardiovascular responses & adaptations to exercise ­ a review Transporting O2 and CO2 in the blood Gaseous exchange at the muscle Types of muscle tissue Properties and function of muscle tissue Microscopic anatomy of muscle tissue Sliding filament theory Components of Respiration Pulmonary ventilation External respiration Pulmonary diffusion Internal CO2 and O2 transport respiration via blood Tissue gaseous exchange Transport of O2 in Blood Blood carried in 2 ways: 1. Dissolved in the blood plasma (less than 2%)

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
2 allalaadimist

Mikrokontrollerid ja praktiline robootika

I for integral, eliminate the offset error. Offset error great -> I great, offset error small -> I small, offset erro = 0, I = 0. Question 2 (30 marks) A PID controller is implemented using the below equation:  1 t de(t )  u (t )  K P e(t )   e(t )dt  TD   TI 0 dt  This is a third-order plant model given by a transfer function of 1 G( s)  , u (t ) is input signal, e(t )  r (t )  y(t ) is the error between the ( s  1)3 output y (t ) and the desired output setpoint r (t ) . Use logical reasoning to determine whether K P , TI , TD must be increased or decreased in each of the following examples: a. Run in MATLAB the below program to see the output development if Proportional gain K P increases from 0.1 to 1. (10 marks) Example 1: Proportional gain K P increases from 0

Informaatika → Informaatika
11 allalaadimist

VBA Juhtimine

.. If D < 0 Then ... x1 = "" : x2 = "" If arv > 0 Then Else sumpos = sumpos + arv x1 = (-b - Sqr(D)) / (2 * a) npos = npos + 1 x2 = (-b + Sqr(D)) / (2 * a) End If End If ... ... või False >a-3 lus ] ... r b >= a + c Or c >= a + b Function Hind(L, m) Dim ind ind = Kind(L, m) If ind < 18 Then Hind = "kõhn" ElseIf ind <= 25 Then Hind = "normaal" ElseIf ind <= 30 Then Hind = "ülekaal" Else Hind = "paks" If a > b Then max = a Else

Informaatika → Informaatika
37 allalaadimist

VBA juhtimine

.. x1 = "" : x2 = "" If arv > 0 Then Else sumpos = sumpos + x1 = (-b - Sqr(D)) / (2 * arv a) npos = npos + 1 x2 = (-b + Sqr(D)) / (2 * End If a) ... End If e või False ... >a-3 dlus ] ... r b >= a + c Or c >= a + b Function Hind(L, m) Dim ind ind = Kind(L, m) If ind < 18 Then Hind = "kõhn" ElseIf ind <= 25 Then Hind = "normaal" ElseIf ind <= 30 Then Hind = "ülekaal" Else Hind = "paks" End If

Informaatika → Informaatika ll
21 allalaadimist

Sõnade derivatsioon e. tuletamine - Words derivation

sanety - sane (in)sanely ridicule ridicule ridiculous ridiculously sale sell sold - recommendation recommend Recommended Recommendedly recommendable remains remain remained remainedly (un)easiness ease Easy easily eased function function functional functionally Rule rule ruling - ruler creation create Created creatively creative economy economise economical economically imagination imagine Imaginable Imaginably imaginatively courage encourage courageous courageously shape shape Shapeless shapelessly

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Leveling the Print Tips for CubePro

Leveling the Print Tips for CubePro After leveling the Print Pad, the print tips must be set to the same level to ensure that the tips not is use do not interfere with the print and to provide a consistent z- gap across all the print tips. 1. To clean the nozzles for leveling, simply use a pair of pliers or a scraping tool to ensure there is no material hanging under the print tip. There should be a clear path between the tip of the nozzle and the print pad. 2. Use the Move Jets function to raise the Print Pad most of the way up to the print tips. 3. Power down the CubePro and unplug the power cord. NOTE: The CubePro must be disconnected from power before proceeding 4. Loosen the Torx screw that holds the #1 print tip so that the print tip is loose. 5. Turn the Z-axis coupler by hand clockwise to raise the Print Pad up until the print tips all touch the Print Pad and are aligned with each other. 6. Tighten the print tip screw to lock the print tip in place. 7

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The British Parliament

It is formed partly by statue law, partly by common law and partly by conventions. Fundamental law doesn´t exist in the United Kingdom. There can be distinguish three separate organs: the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. Parliament, the law-making body, consists of three elements: the Monarchy, the House of Commons and the House of Lords. They meet together only on occasions of ceremonial significance, such as the state opening of Parliament. The Monarch's principle function is to carry out certain ceremonial duties. The Queen is regarded as national symbol and also as a symbol of the unity of the Commonwealth. The British monarch must be Protestant. The House of Commons consists of 650 elected members, called Members of Parliament. Its main purpose is to make laws by passing Acts of Parliament, as well as to discuss current political issues. The House of Lords consists of around 740 non-elected members. Its main legislative function is to examine

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

1 kontrolltöö- graafikud

a b n n1 Variant 8, Function 3 -3 3 20 10000 x F1 F2 F2 kesk -0,002598039 -3 3,758668 -0,3200515 F1 absmax 3,91338406 -2,7 -2,185505 0,39306453 x 0,8058 -2,4 -2,101955 1,21555309 -2,1 -1,85222 1,5877051 -1,8 -1,431276 1,08540302 F1 F2

Informaatika → Informaatika 2
161 allalaadimist

Programmeerimine 1 kodutöö 1 aruanne

..........................5 2 Algoritm.............................................................................................................................7 Ekraanitõmmised...............................................................................................................9 Ülesande püstitus 1.User inputs a starting value A, stopping value B and step H. The conditions B > A and H, C > 0 have to be true. The function value y will be calculated in the following points while x B : A A+H A + 2H A + 3H ... 3 Function Funktsiooni graafik 4 Joonis 1. Funktsiooni graafik punkti (0;17) ümber Joonis 2. Funktsiooni graafiku üldkuju Programmi selgitus Antud programm leiab iseseisvalt ühe ette antud funktsiooni reaalarvulisi lahendeid 5

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
59 allalaadimist

VBA juhtimine informaatika 2

... If D < 0 Then ... x1 = "" : x2 = "" If arv > 0 Then Else sumpos = sumpos + x1 = (-b - Sqr(D)) / (2 * arv a) npos = npos + 1 x2 = (-b + Sqr(D)) / (2 * End If a) ... End If või False ... >a-3 lus ] ... r b >= a + c Or c >= a + b Function Hind(L, m) Dim ind ind = Kind(L, m) If ind < 18 Then Hind = "kõhn" ElseIf ind <= 25 Then Hind = "normaal" ElseIf ind <= 30 Then Hind = "ülekaal" Else Hind = "paks" End If

Informaatika → Informaatika
2 allalaadimist

Inglise keele praktilise grammatika mõisted

exists between grammatical units, e.g. a pronoun 'refers' to a noun or noun phrase. When the reference is to an earlier part of the discourse, it may be called a 'back-reference' (or anaphora); collective noun Collective noun is the name we give to a group of nouns to refer to them as one entity. A crew of sailors. A flock of birds. A range of mountains. conjunction any member of a small class of words distinguished in manylanguages by their function as connecto rs between words, phrases,clauses, or sentences, as and, because, but, however. content words Content words are words that have meaning. They can be compared to grammatical words, which are structural. Nouns, main verbs, adjectives and adverbs are usually content words. Auxiliary verbs, pronouns, articles, and prepositions are usually grammatical words. Example ‘We flew over the mountains at dawn'. countable nouns Countable nouns are easy to recognize

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

How much do you know about biology?

How much do you know about biology? What is biology? Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy.[1] Biology is a vast subject containing many subdivisions, topics, and disciplines. Although biology in its modern form is a relatively recent development, sciences related to and included within it have been studied since ancient times. Natural philosophy was studied as early as the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indian subcontinent, and China.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Does the Higgs Field do something?

Do you agree? PACS numbers: 1 I. ON THE NECESSITY OF THE DARK MATTER AND DARK ENERGY There are Einstein Equations for the perfect fluid together with equation of state p = p(ρ, T ) with temperature T . Latter can not vary from place and time, because the “strong equivalence principle” holds. In case of Friedmann Universe the metric contains only one unknown function (the scale factor a(t)). Therefore the number of unknowns are less, than the number of equations (because the conservation of number of particles requires the density of the perfect fluid ρ = ρ0 (a0 /a(t))3 , see also [1] or you can ask for unpublished Gauss’s theorem in the curved spacetime). Therefore, an unknown X(t, x, y, z) from Dark Matter is needed. This unknown can be the purely the Higgs Field itself [1].

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Microcontroller homework 2

(RSS) ENOB - The effective number-of-bits and relates to SINAD THD - Ratio of the rms value of the fundamental signal to the mean value of the RSS of its harmonics. SFDR - Ratio of the RMS value of the signal to the RMS value of the worst spurious signal. Channels related to the inputs of the ADC can either be multiplexed or individually selected. Linearity relates to how a ADC follows a linear function. All ADCs are to a certain extend non-linearity. Temperature is measurement, which in optimal state for ADC-s, lets them function correctly. Power dissipation refers to the amount power dissipated when the ADC is operating. 2. The output code is 001111012 and the voltage of the LSB is 0,0195V 3. The output code is 101011101101100 4. The value of the quantization error between an input voltage of 2.3V and quantized

Masinaehitus → Mikrokontrollerid ja...
46 allalaadimist

Loogika ja programmeerimine

[ '(' ')' ] ['AS' ] [',' ] . Näide: SUB Vaheta ( a AS INTEGER, b AS INTEGER ) c = a a = b b = c END SUB FUNKTSIOONI DEKLAREERIMISE SÜNTAKS: 'FUNCTION' [ '(' ')' ] [ ] = [ ] 'END' 'FUNCTION' . Näide: FUNCTION Max ( a AS INTEGER, b AS INTEGER ) IF a > b THEN Max = a ELSE Max = b ENDIF END FUNCTION PARAMEETER Enne, kui hakkan selgitama mõningaid mõisteid, esitan ma ühe keeles Pascal kirjutatud näiteprogrammi, kus on kasutatud nii protseduure kui ka funktsioone koos parameetritega ja ilma. Ü l e s a n n e: On antud N (<= 20) rea ja M (<= 20) veeruga arvumaatriks. Järjestada maatriksi read ja veerud nii, et suurima summaga rida ja veerg oleksid vastavalt esimesel real ja veerul. Lubatud operatsioonid on ridade vahetamine ja veergude vahetamine. Program N9_1; const MaxN = 20;

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
210 allalaadimist

Tao Te Ching (Tim Chiu)

other scriptures, books, and in the world we live in y Book that teaches you how to fish instead of giving you a fish y Sharing of my personal and distilled interpretation of the many translations and explanations of the book y Doesn't mean one interpretation is better than yours or any others Tao Te Ching ­ The Name y Tao =Way, Path, Truth; Te = Virtue; Ching = Scripture y In Math, Y = F(X), or equal to the function as applied to X y X = Tao = source, Y = Virtue = result of the function applied to Tao y True Nature is our source, Virtue is the function, or manifestation and action y Helping others or saving a drowning kid, is an action y By acting according to our True Nature, our virtue of benevolence and kindness is revealed, or manifested y Prajna is the innate wisdom that we possess, Paramita is the action of reaching the opposite shore by applying our wisdom

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

W11 Homework Solutions

Read Chapter_6_Analog_Outputs.pdf and Chapter_8_EMI_ElectroMagnetic_Interference.pdf Question 1 Given the below open sensor detection: a. Derive equations for both outputs VO and Vsense as a function of VR, R1, Rth, RH, RL and RF. b. What value will appear on each output if the thermistor fails (becomes an open circuit)? c. How can the above schem be modified to implement temperature reading with open sensor detection using only one ADC and one digital input pin of the microcontroller? Solution: a. Derive equations for both outputs as a function of VR, R1, Rth, RH, RL and RF.  Rth 

Masinaehitus → Mikrokontrollerid ja...
9 allalaadimist


Mask h????-m???? Kirjutada VBA-funktsioon, mis leiab, kas tekst vastab ettea Maskis on küsimärk (?) sümboliks, mis asendab ühte suva Vastused Näiteks: Kärla ja Käina vastavad maskile Kä??a, aga Kärd Tekstid Vastused oma funktsioonigaTekstide pikkus peab olema ühesugune. hanna-liis VÄÄR #NAME?ABI: VBA-lause Exit Function lõpetab funktsiooni töö. hanna-liisa VÄÄR #NAME? hanna-maria TÕENE #NAME?Funktsiooni päis võiks olla selline: hanna-stina VÄÄR #NAME?Function võrdlus(sõna, mask) As Boolean hannaliisa VÄÄR #NAME? helga-marie TÕENE #NAME?Sisestage valem töölehele, kopeerige ja vaadake, kas sait vastused.

Informaatika → Informaatika
37 allalaadimist


The economic theory of · monopolistic competitive markets, · oligopoly and · monopoly is used to suggest the nature of problems that may exist when firms or agents have market power and are able to distort prices away from the purely competitive optimum. The existence of market power is tied to the demand conditions the firm faces. If their product is (or can be differentiated), consumers may have a preference for one firm's output relative to others. A negatively sloped demand function (less than perfectly elastic) allows the firm to raise its price and not have its sales fall to zero. In pure competition, the firms may all try to influence market demand but individual producers do not advertise their own product. · Many agricultural markets are close to pure competition. · In many cases some producers try to differentiate their products. In pure competition, the firms' outputs are homogeneous.

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
8 allalaadimist

Programeerimise algkursus 2005-2006

Näide: SUB Vaheta ( a AS INTEGER, b AS INTEGER ) c = a a = b b = c END SUB FUNKTSIOONI DEKLAREERIMISE SÜNTAKS: 'FUNCTION' [ '(' ')' ] [ ] = [ ] 'END' 'FUNCTION' . Näide: FUNCTION Max ( a AS INTEGER, b AS INTEGER ) 89 / 115 IF a > b THEN Max = a ELSE Max = b ENDIF END FUNCTION Parameeter Enne, kui hakkan selgitama mõningaid mõisteid, esitan ma ühe keeles Pascal kirjutatud näiteprogrammi, kus on kasutatud nii protseduure kui ka funktsioone koos parameetritega ja ilma. Ü l e s a n n e: On antud N (<= 20) rea ja M (<= 20) veeruga arvumaatriks. Järjestada maatriksi read ja veerud nii, et suurima summaga rida ja veerg oleksid vastavalt esimesel real ja veerul. Lubatud operatsioonid on ridade vahetamine ja veergude vahetamine. Program N9_1; const MaxN = 20;

Informaatika → Programmeerimine
31 allalaadimist

Inglise keele stilistika II

The main effect is to suggest the careless or uneducated nature of somebody's speech. NT: It was I was a father to you. NT: It is your unfairness disgusts me. NT: There is no one enjoys good food than he does. THE GAP-SENTENCE LINK THE GAP-SENTENCE LINK is seemingly illogical construction of a sentence that connects its parts in such a way that the reader himself must reconstruct the gap between them. The device is usually introduced by dots and followed by the conjunction "and" or "but". The function is to give subjective evaluation of facts to introduce an effect or some cause. NT: It was not Cape town, where people only frowned when they saw a black boy and a white girl... but. (here he loved her) SSD-s that are based on REDUNDANCY OF ELEMENTS OF SPEECH are: (Here belong devices based on repetition) FRAMING FRAMING means repeating the same word, phrase or sentence at the beginning and at the end of a sentence or passage.In this way the repeated unit is emphasised.

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
21 allalaadimist

Exceli kasutusjuhend

13.01.2016 MS Excel · Tabelarvutusprogramm Excel on mõeldud kõikvõimalike tabelite tegemiseks ja neid tabeleid illustreerivate diagrammide koostamiseks. Samuti on Excelis võimalik andmeid töödelda. Exceli ekraanpilt · Menüüriba: File Edit View Insert Format Tools Data Window Help · Nupurida: nupud mõnede menüükäskude kiiremaks valimiseks · Sisestusriba: aktiivse lahtri tähis, kolm käsunuppu (Cancel, Enter ja Function, vastavalt rist, linnuke ja Fx), aknake aktiivse lahtri sisuga · Tööleht: joonitud ekraaniosa, ülal veeru tunnus tähed, vasakul reanumbrid · Töölehtede riba (siin on kirjas dokumendis olevate töölehtede nimed) · Olekuriba ekraanipildi alaosas. Sinna ilmub selgitav tekst, mida Põhilised mõisted · Tööleht (spreadsheet) - joonitud ekraaniosa, mis on jagatud veergudeks ja ridadeks ning kuhu kasutaja koostab oma tabeli. Tabel salvestatakse faili, mille nime laiend on .xls

Informaatika → Tekstitöötlus
11 allalaadimist

Microcontroller homework 6

Microcontroller homework for week 11 1. 2. I would choose schematic C because the Fly-Back on C is with zener-diode and on the output ­ two diodes are used, witch are placed correctly as are the resistors, so the schematic would function as required.

Masinaehitus → Mikrokontrollerid ja...
56 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun