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"front" - 687 õppematerjali

front – office töö on klinetidega suhtlemine ja reisidokumentide vormistamine. Back­ office   töö   on   andmete   kajastamine   raamatupidamises,   aruanded   ja   suhtlus  partneritega, aruanded juhtkonnale, turundus ja tooteosakonnale.

Kasutaja: front

Faile: 0


teiseks) ja joonspektrid (kitsad värvilised jooned). c) Kiirgusspektrid lainefront: pind, mis eraldab ruumi osa, kus laine levib, (tekib kiirgunud valgusstm helendavad jooned ja ribad) ja sellest ruumist, kuhu laine pole jõudnud. Ristlaine: neeldumisspektrid (tekib neeldunud valgusest. Tumedad jooned, ribad. levimissuunaga risti. Keralaine: lainefront on kerakujuline, Kasutat (spektrit). Aine koostise määramine, astron., keemia, mis paisub. Tasalaine: front on tasandikujuline. metallurgia, kriminalistika. Lainepikkus: kahe samas faasis võnkuva naaberpunkti Polarisatsioon. Polaroid ­ kristallne aine, mida valgus ei läbi, kui vaheline kaugus. Periood(T): aeg mis kulub valguslainel pilud on risti. Polariseerimata valgus ­ valguslained on kõikvõimalikel ühe lainepikkuse võrra edasi liikumiseks. Sagedus(f): näitab

Füüsika → Füüsika
136 allalaadimist

Muhu ja Vormsi

EESTI TURISMIGEOGRAAFIA Muhu ja Vormsi saar Pärnu 2009 Koostas: TÜ Pärnu kolledzi I kursuse üliõpilane Agni Liiva, [email protected] Muhu saar Muhu on Eesti saartest suuruselt kolmas saar, esimesed inimesed asustasid saare ligikaudu 2500 a. eKr. mille tunnistuseks on teise aastatuhande algusest säilinud kivikalmed ning Päelda ja Linnuse maalinnad, mille varemeid võib praegugi näha Linnuse külast mööduvalt Kuressaare-Kuivastu maanteelt1. Muhus olid tuntud lisaks meresõitjatele ka oma rändavate käsitööliste ja ehitajate poolest. Just nende inimeste oskused on spetsiifilise Muhu arhitektuuristiili tekke taga. Tänapäeval on selle stiili ilmekaks näiteks Pädaste mõisa välisehitised. Pädaste mõis on saartel säilinud mõisaansamblitest noorim ja ainus säilinud Muhus. Ansambel on eklektilises laadis2. Mõisa võlu peitub rohkem imposantsetes maakivist kõrvalhoonetes, mis piiravad peahoone esist väljakut. Tall-tõllakuur, juustukoda ja sepikoja o...

Turism → Turismi -ja hotelli...
29 allalaadimist


1.Iseloomusta atmosfääri koostist ja ehitust Õhk on gaaside segu, mis koosneb lämmastikust, hapnikust, argoonist, süsihappegaasist ja mitmesugustest teistest gaasidest. Ehitus: Troposfäär-kõige alumine atmosfääri kiht, kus paikneb valdav osa õhkkonna massist.Selle kohal on tropopaus-õhkkiht, millest kõrgemal temperatuur enam ei lange.Polaaraladel 8-9 km. Eestis kõrgusel.Troposfääris tekivad pilved ja sademed, õhk liigub ja seguneb pidevalt, kujuneb ilm ja kliima.Stratosfäär ulatub ligi 50 km kõrguseni ja moodustab u. 20% atmosfääri massist.Temperatuur hakkab kasvama kõrguse kasvades.Selle põhjustajaks on osoonikiht. Mesosfäär ( 50-85 km) enam osooni pole ja temperatuur langeb kõrguse kasvades kiiresti.Õhk on juba üsna hõre.Termosfääris on õhumolekule jäänud juba nii vähe, et nende suure kineetilise energia tõttu temperatuur tõuseb. 2.Selgita ilmaelementide( õhutemperatuuri, õhurõhu, õhu tiheduse ja niiskusesisalduse) vahelisi seos...

Geograafia → Geograafia
39 allalaadimist

Geograafia - atmosfäär, hüdrosfäär

1.Iseloomusta atmosfääri koostist ja ehitust Õhk on gaaside segu, mis koosneb lämmastikust, hapnikust, argoonist, süsihappegaasist ja mitmesugustest teistest gaasidest. Ehitus: Troposfäär-kõige alumine atmosfääri kiht, kus paikneb valdav osa õhkkonna massist.Selle kohal on tropopaus-õhkkiht, millest kõrgemal temperatuur enam ei lange.Polaaraladel 8-9 km. Eestis kõrgusel.Troposfääris tekivad pilved ja sademed, õhk liigub ja seguneb pidevalt, kujuneb ilm ja kliima.Stratosfäär ulatub ligi 50 km kõrguseni ja moodustab u. 20% atmosfääri massist.Temperatuur hakkab kasvama kõrguse kasvades.Selle põhjustajaks on osoonikiht. Mesosfäär ( 50-85 km) enam osooni pole ja temperatuur langeb kõrguse kasvades kiiresti.Õhk on juba üsna hõre.Termosfääris on õhumolekule jäänud juba nii vähe, et nende suure kineetilise energia tõttu temperatuur tõuseb. 2.Selgita ilmaelementide( õhutemperatuuri, õhurõhu, õhu tiheduse ja niiskusesisalduse) vahelisi seos...

Geograafia → Geograafia
44 allalaadimist

5 tärni hotellide võrdlus

com/Singapore-Promotions/October-Web-Special-2013/? gclid=CNa_7t7WoroCFXF8cAodBlEATw Berlin ­ Hotel Adlon · Standard Double: US$299 · Royal Suite: US$14,662 The Hotel Adlon, which overlooks the Brandenburg Gate from the eastern side, was already Berlin's most famous hotel way back before World War II. It was naerly bomb-proof, and known as the place where foreign dignitaries and celebrities would stay whenever they visited town. In fact, I happened to be walking by its front entrance in 1999 when I saw a commotion that included Mikhail Gorbachev, George HW Bush and Helmut Kohl emerge from cars for a celebration there commemorating the 10-year anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Then in 2002 Michael Jackson bizarrely dangled his son out one of the windows, and that has been its calling card ever since. Massage and Body Treatments Beauty Treatments Yoga and Relaxation Training Spa Suites Gym Pool Personal training Beauty Salon Hair salon http://www

Turism → Hotellimajandus
11 allalaadimist


.................................................................................4 1.2 B2C ehk business to consumer.........................................................................................4 2. Kliendihaldussüsteemid..........................................................................................................5 2.2 Micros-Fidelio...................................................................................................................7 2.2.1 Fidelio Front Office....................................................................................................7 2.2.3 Trako..........................................................................................................................8 2.3 Opera.................................................................................................................................9 2.4 Pacta Kliendihaldus..................................................................................

Turism → Turismimajandus
15 allalaadimist

My ideal house

a perfect location for the house. In Stockholm I can enjoy the seaview. On the second floor there is a bathroom which is fully equipped. Small jacuzzy is just a perfect place where to relax from my exhausting day. Watching the eventide makes you forget all your problems. On the second floor there is also a bedroom. It is very simple but cozy. In front of the white bed there is a brown carpet. It is very soft and ment for my dog who wants to sleep in the same room with me. I only need to add one white nightstand where I can put the candles on and

Keeled → Inglise keel
88 allalaadimist

If you aren`t on Facebook, then you don`t exist

If you aren't on facebook, you don't exist. What is it the main reason why the human race waste so much of their time just passing on Facebook? And why We spend even more time sitting in front of of screen, chatting with friends, checking email, surfing the web, or worse, playing , pointless and stupid games on Facebook? That is the question which I have asked myself many times. In my opinion the main reason is that facebook has become an important communication site , beacuse it is available for everyone who has Internet connection. Firstly, In fact More than 845 million people have Facebook account, about 483 million

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


*in the garden (aias) *above the table (laua kohal) (raamatukogust) *in the picture (pildil) *behind the house (maja taga) off the ladder (redelilt maha) *in a car (autos) *between the houses (majade off the horse (hobuse seljast *in the sky (taevas) vahel) maha) *in the corner (nurgas) *in front of the house (maja 4. Grupid, organisatsioonid ees) VIISIMÄÄRUSES ESINEVAD *in the army (sõjaväes) EESSÕNAD *in a sportsclub (spordiklubis) KUHU? AT KUIDAS? 1. Kindlad asukohad (aadressid to France (Prantsusmaale) jne.) to the country (maale) by bus (bussiga)

Keeled → Inglise keel
59 allalaadimist

The influence of television

TV has a big influence amongst younger people, because sometimes they intend to listen more to strangers than their parents, siblings or teachers. Television shows very big variety of different newscasts, reality shows and documentaries, which all can be a big impact of their lives. Children who consistently spend more than 4 hours per day watching TV are more likely to be overweight. They usually tend to grab a snack while watching TV or even eat their supper or afternoon snack in front of a TV. Of course, television can be educational and teach children something, such as self- defense whilst also teaching them fighting. Nevertheless, kids who view violent acts are more likely to show aggressive behavior but also fear that the world is scary and that something bad will happen to them. TV characters often depict risky behaviors, such as smoking and drinking, and also reinforce gender-role and racial stereotypes.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


Elukindlustus Tallinna Majanduskool Heleen Välba Veebruar 2011 Asutamise aeg ja ajalooline areng • Piiblis oli mainitud, et vaeslapsi ja lesknaisi tuleb aidata • Esimesed elukindlustuse pakkujad hakkasid Eesti Vabariigis oma teenust pakkuma 90`ndate alguses. • Elukindlustusseltside turuosad ja areng on endiselt kujunemisjärgus. Elukindlustuse põhiväärtused • Inimesed, kes kindlustavad enda elu, saavad aru selle kasulikkusest mõeldes tulevikule. • Elukindlustus on investeering enda ja oma lähedaste heaolu nimel. • Tagab kindlustatu või temast majanduslikult sõltuvate isikute tavapärase elustandardi peale õnnetusjuhtumit tervisega. Elukindlustusseltside põhiteenused • Kindlustustegevus on kindlustuslepingu alusel kindlustusvõtja või kindlustatu riskide ülevõtmine kindlustusandja poolt. • Kindlustusjuhtumi korral maksab kindlustusselts välja hüvitise. • Kahju- ja e...

Muu → Kindlustus
2 allalaadimist

Harmful effects on the eye caused by smart devices English presentation

OP-1 Tallinn Healthcare College HARMFUL EFFECTS ON THE EYE CAUSED BY SMART DEVICES 2016 Eye  Eye is an organ in both humans and other animals which allows to see. Blue light causes damage  Smart devices radiate blue light  Blue light has damaging effect on the eye because it refracts in front of the retina  This forces the eye to focus constantly so the eye gets tired quickly. „Dry eye syndrome“  Dry eye syndrome is a collection of symptoms which are caused by a lack of or low quality of the tear fluid  Lack of eye blinking Macular Degeneration Disease  Macula can not be damaged at all to have a correct visual acuity  Blue light damages the light-sensitive cells in retina  Macular degeneration disease can lead to permanent loss of eyesight.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Geograafia: Atmosfäär

Atmosfäär 1. Defineeri mõisted:  Õhuringlus- püsiv suuremõõtmeliste õhuvoolude süsteem, mis kujundab õhumasside ümberpaiknemise maakeral  Õhumass- õhumassiks nimetatakse tohutu suurt õhu hulka, mis on kujunenud ühesuguse aluspinna kohal ja millel on sarnased omadused  Passaadid- püsiv tuultesüsteem 30nendatelt laiuskraadidelt ekvaatori suunas  Mussoonid- püsiv tuultesüsteem, kus pool aastat puhub tuul mandrilt mere suunas ja pool aastat merelt mandri suunas  Front- kitsas eraldusvöönd kahe erineva omadusega õhumassi vahel  Tsüklon- ulatuslik madalrõhuala  Antitsüklon- ulatuslik kõrgrõhuala  Tuul- õhumasside liikumine 2. Kuidas tekivad õhumassid ja kirjelda nende liikumist. Iseloomusta. 3. Nimeta kõik 4 õhumassi ja iseloomusta neid.  Ekvatoriaalne o päike on peaaegu kogu aeg seniidis o ma...

Geograafia → atmosfäär
116 allalaadimist


8) Mia getting lost in the middle of the night made her parents feel at a complete loss. Mia kadumine keset ööd pani ta vanemad peata olekusse. 9) A serious heart attack brought about Karl's death. Karli surma põhjustas tõsine südameatakk. 10) Krista's parents were looking forward to their finally recovered daughter returning home. Krista vanemad ootasid nende viimaks taastunud tütre naasmist koju. 11) Having only eaten a few light snacks Mia fainted in front of the whole class but the teacher managed to bring her around. Olles söönud vaid paar kerget suupistet minestas Mia terve klassi ees, kuid õpetaja suutis ta teadvusele tuua. 12) Charles' mother realised that if she wants her son to overcome his anxiety she has to try other tactics. Charles'i ema mõistis, et kui ta tahab, et ta poeg oma ängistusest jagu saaks, peab ta proovima muid viise.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Rules are to be followed-disagree or agree?

money.Also bragging isn`t polite.Safe topics are for example asking about pets or about the life of some celebrates.For British,this kind of small talks are very important.One wrong word can ruine the whole impression of you. Bad manners are the biggest problems facing Britain.Spitting and swearing are the most popular ones, along with not saying please or thank you .In britain it is absolutely unacceptable to visit someone unannounced or to blow your nose in front of the other people.But in Estonia these things aren`t really big deal.But i understand that,if there are kind of rules,for example not to visit someone unannounced, then people should agree with it,and should announce peole before visiting them.Because rules ARE to be followed. Now,to talk more about rules,then in my opinion, there have to be some limits and everything can`t be allowable.Most people think that they follow the rules perfectly,but even crossing the

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

An example letter

National Museum of Physic Art. There were several aspects that I was sincerely dissatisfied with, and I hope that in the nearest future you will take steps to eliminate these faults. To begin with, I arrived at your museum at exactly 11.12, yet the ticket office was still closed even though according to the advertisement every door should have been opened by 11 o'clock. However, when I started to look for another gate or entrance, there were none at all. It seems that the front door of your museum is very difficult to find without a map. As for more, the staff working was extremely rude! I was trying to ask for my location and how to enter the museum but all I ever heard as a reply was insulting mumble and no clear sentences. Of course, that might have been rather understandable if we were talking about a fast food place, yet in such an official place as it is the National Museum of Physic Art, it is a shame to see employees who cannot use English. It

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Iseloomusta atmosfääri tähtsust, koostist ja ehitust.

kaasnevaid ilmastikunähtusi. 6. Selgita joonise abil sooja ja külma frondi teket ning ilma muutumist sooja ja külma frondi üleminekul. MÕISTED: atmosfäär, ilm, ilmastik, kliima, meteoroloogia, otsekiirgus, hajuskiirgus, kogukiirgus, lühilaineline kiirgus, pikalaineline kiirgus, albeedo, Coriolisi jõud, hoovus, seniit, polaaröö, polaarpäev, ekvaator, polaar- ja pöörijooned, üldine õhuringlus, õhumass, õhurõhk, tsüklon, antitsüklon, soe ja külm front, mussoon, passaat, kasvuhoonegaas, kasvuhooneefekt, osoonikiht, happesademed, sudu

Geograafia → Geograafia
14 allalaadimist

Lumivalgekese sisukokkuvõte inglise keeles

them. Soon the Queen found out that huntsman didn't kill the Snow White. She decided to kill Snow White by herself. She pretended to be an old lady and went to the house where the 7 dwarfs lived. The wicked witch offered her the poisoned apple and when she took a bite, poor Snow White fell into a deep sleep. When the seven dwarfs came home to find Snow White lying on the floor, they were very upset. They cried all night and then built a glass coffin for Snow White. They kept the coffin in front of the cottage. One day, Prince Charming was going past the cottage and he saw Snow White lying in the coffin. He said to the dwarfs, "My! My! She is so beautiful! I would like to kiss her!" And he did. Immediately, Snow White opened her eyes. She was alive again! The Prince and the seven dwarfs were very happy. Prince Charming married Snow White and took her to his palace and lived happily ever after.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


preschoolers. Childhood mobility has an impact on physical development, the development of risk factors for several chronic diseases and the future quality of life. Based on today's knowledge, physical activity is essential for young people to achieve optimal growth and physical development, to prevent some health problems, as well as to social and mental development. Children who are inactive and who spend too much time in front of a screen watching television, playing computer video games or talking or typing on their phones have an increased risk of heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes. Inactivity may also adversely affect your child's muscle and bone development. However physical activity helps reduce the health risk of obesity in children and the associated chronic diseases. Active lifestyle also reduces stress and calms kids, making them happier and more

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Geograafia mõisted 1. periood

Selles piirkonnas tekivad jälle tõusvad õhuvoolud. 6. Polaaraladel on domineerivaks õhuvooluks idavool, mis maapinna lähedal Arktikas on enam kirdest, Antarktikas aga kagust, eemale pooluse kohal olevast tugevast kõrgrõhkkonnast. Õhumass ­ ulatuslik ning horisontaalselt suhteliselt homogeensete omadustega osa atmosfäärist. Õhurõhk ­ õhu rõhk mingis kindlas kohas Maa atmosfääris. Tsüklon ­ madalrõhkkond Antitsüklon ­ kõrgrõhkkond Soe ja külm front - Soe=kitsas üleminekupiirkond atomsfääris, kui pealetungil on soojem ja enamasti niiskem õhk kui frondi ees. Peamine pilvemass liigub sooja frondi ees ning pilved on tavaliselt kihilised ja toovad kaasa laussademeid. Mõnikord tekib soojal frondil äike, kuid see on kas nõrk või tugev. Külm= Eraldab suhteliselt jahedamat õhku soojemast. Tavaliselt liigub külm front kõikidest teistest frontidest suurima kiirusega ja ilmastikunähtused on frondi üleminekul enamasti teravamad.

Geograafia → Geograafia
20 allalaadimist

History of english review questions and answers 2016

theNeogrammarian dogma that the sound laws were without exceptions ("die Ausnahmslosigkeit der Lautgesetze"). BREAKING IN OLD ENGLISH Vowel breaking is a sound change whereby a single vowel changes to become a diphthong in specific environments. The resulting sound preserves the original vowel, which is either preceded or followed by a glide. This process is manifested in a variety of Germanic languages and is characteristic of Old English. Certain front vowels, /æ/ /e/ and /i/, in their short and long variants, were diphthongized when immediately followed by a velar /x/ or a cluster containing a velarized consonant and /l/ or /r/, as its first element. I-UMLAUT In linguistics, umlaut (from German "sound alteration") is a sound change in which a vowel is pronounced more like a following vowel or semivowel. (ö ü). Umlaut is a form of assimilation, the process by which one speech sound is altered to make it more like another adjacent sound

Filoloogia → Inglise keele ajalugu
18 allalaadimist

Inglise keele lühendid

LÜHENDID LÜHEND LADINAKEELES INGLISE KEELES EESTI KEELES CV Curriculum vitae A prief account of life elulookirjeldus A.M. Ante meridiem Before noon Enne lõunat P.M. Post meridiem After noon Peale lõunat etc. Et cetera And so on Ja nii edasi (jne.) e.g. Exampli gratia For instance näiteks GB Great Britain Suurbritannia UK United Kingdom Ühendatud kuningriik VIP A very important person Väga tähtis isik MP A Member of Parliament Parlamendi liige SOS An international signal calling for Rahvusvaheline hädakutsung. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
108 allalaadimist

My ideal home

In the garden there should be natural junipers. The house should have very big windows which make the house bigger and brighter. This house has a design concept to provide the one continuous wall folded in different directions setting up the various views. The house has two floors. On the first floor there are living room, kitchen, dining room, wardrobe, bathroom ( with stew ) and toilet. In my living room there is circular glass table which is situated in front of sofa ( dark brown and soft ). Walls are all white because then i can greate the look that i want with the furniture - spacious, modern and simple. Furniture is almost all dark brown ­ tabels and different shelves has been made dark Walnut. Lamps, decorations, vases and ohter items are yellow, orange or green to bring color into the room. When you move to the second floor, then there are three bedrooms, bathroom, toilet and wardrobe

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Idiomatic Language

In front of smth so they can't avoid it ­ before to be new or different that encourages u ­ be a breath of their very eyes fresh air to accept smth ­ face it to make someone leave a job cuz they are too old ­ put so to have a lot of things to do ­ be knee deep in out to grass smth to be in a situation when u may make so angry ­ be to not understand smth ­ not make a head or tail walking/skating on thin ice out of smth smth that happens that added to other problems , makes a to be angry or bored ­ fed up to the (back) teeth situastion impssible - the last straw to admit that u were wrong ­ eat humble pie a bad situation that affects other things ­ a vicious circle a place with an exiting mixture of cultures ­ a all over the world ­ to the 4 corners of the globe melti...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Computer games

disadvantages. On the one hand, you can have a good time alone. Besides, there are many logical games where it is possible to learn. Apart from being entertaining, they test your logic and skills. Video games can also improve your reflex actions and develop your imagination. On the other hand, video games can cause addiction and make you lose communication with your family and friends. People sometimes spend too much time in front of the screen, so they are not in the street with their friends. Furthermore, some video games are very aggressive and can influence our behaviour negatively. I believe that if video games are used properly and in the correct measure, they can be fun, but, in my opinion, it is much more interesting to be out with friends and enjoy the fresh air. HAVING A PET Many people today buy or adopt pets because they are very friendly. However, they are

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist


A celebrity is a person who works hard all his life to become well known, and then wears darkglasses to avoid being recognized. A celebrity is a person who works hard all his life to become well known, and then wears darkglasses to avoid being recognized. Who wouldn't want to be in the spotlight? Being a celebrity means having nice cars, gigantic villas, clothes from famous fashions designers and a shot on the front cover of a magazine each week. The first answer among children to the question `Who would you like to be in the future?' most likely tends to be a singer, a model, a dancer, or simply: a superstar. Some parents wish to realise their dreams on their children. For example, in their youth they aspired to become famous, but failed and now force their children to work hard to realise their dreams for them. A perfect example for such faith is Michael Jackson. His father started to

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Technology and choice

change some kind of disease that has been in the family for decades. On the other hand, if you can choose, you can make and somebody might make something grazy out of it, legally. They might make another frankenstein for all we know. In my option I think we should leave it be as it is. We'ev changed evolution so many times that the world might not survive this one. As you can see, technology is developing in front of our own eyes, there isn't much we can do. But You could start thinking like einstein, who said: "I never think of the future - it comes soon enough.".

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Tallinn Tallinn is a beautiful city in NorthEstonia. It is washed and influenced by the Gulf of Finland in the north. Tallinn has a lot on sights and I'm going to introduce some of them. Town Hall Square the square in front of Tallinn's Town Hall functioned as a marketplace for centuries, dating back to times even before the Town Hall itself was built. Through the years this served as a place of celebrations as well as executions. St. Olav's Church was the tallest church in Medieval Europe. The earliest data on St. Olav's Church come from 1267. Little is known about the building of this Gothic style church and its early years.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

The Internet is making literature irrelevant

books were our best friends, and one of the most important ways on entertainment. Nowadays, if you ask a person, when he or she has read last a book and what the book's title was, the person will not know what to answer. Nobody reads any more, or if they do it is on the internet and only a summary so as not to get tired too much. The Internet entertains superficially, as people do not gain too much by ''surfing'' it. Yes, maybe a new pair of glasses for spending so much time in front of a computer. I do not say there are no educating websites that are worth visiting, that really help, but their number is quite small. As not to get fat, while sitting on an arm-chair, people could instead go to a library, borrow a book and go to a park and start reading. Everybody will notice the difference. They will think so well of themselves while doing more things at once: reading and enjoying themselves in the middle of nature.

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Speech: TV is Little More Than a Waste of Time

Talk: TV is Little More Than a Waste of Time 4 min Television has become increasingly more popular through the years. Most Estonians have a TV or even several TV's at home. On one side, there are many people who think that television is just a waste of time and money. Some people spend hours in front of TV and it can be bad for your health. On the other side, It is thought that watching TV is a good way to relax. They like to be entertained after a long day and they believe that television can make you happier. I have to say that I understand both sides. I believe that television can have a negative effect on children because there is so much violence in movies and TV shows. Also watching TV can make you lazy. It's physically, mentally, and emotionally lazy

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Holokausti ellujääjad

was just 10-years old. That day on the selection platform was the last time she would ever see her mother again. Eva’s mother was sent directly to the gas chamber. For the next nine months, Eva and her sister Miriam were housed in a rat-infested bunk with 300 other children and subjected to medical experiments daily. Despite the daily torture, Eva was determined to survive. When liberation finally came on January 27, 1945, Eva and Miriam were at the front of the line as the children were led out of Auschwitz. Renee Firestone survived by using her skills as an aspiring designer to throw off the Nazis. After Auschwitz she met her brother and moved to Prague. She was a famous fashion designer and later on she and her brother moved to U.S. Martin Greenfield survived the bitter cold of the death march by wearing layers of discarded Gestapo uniform shirts he obtained while working as a tailor in Auschwitz

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Digital Nation

We can’t imagine that we haven’t our smartphone with us. We are always connected. Every day we sit on computers, we are chatting on facebook or whatsapp, we are posting pictures on facebook, twitter and instagram. We have always connection with the digital world. In this movie is clearly set out that children in schools want to deal with different things. They want to be connected with their friend, but at the same time they have to listen what teacher is telling in front of the class. The results in education has fallen and that’s because students aren’t well prepared. Technology is updating very quickly and all we can do is learn how to use it. I think that if it came in our lives, then it’s important too. We can argue about different things that it has taken from us, for example we aren’t sending letters anymore, maybe we don’t show up our feelings as they are, we don’t meet people in real life, we are just texting to them. But

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Keila Joa ajalugu

Keila-Joa castle was built in 19th century by count Alexander von Benckendorff, who was the chief of Russian Secret Police. In 19th century this part of Estonia was under Russian authority. And count Benckendorff was very close to Russian Royal family, because he saved life of Tsar Nikolai 1 in the fire. Count tried to built a castle like himself, rich and majestic. Above the door of castle hung a flag of Benckendorffs. 3 Red roses on blue and gold background with word ,,Persevirance", what means persistance. The castle has its own interesting things inside. For example, there is a vase room for only one vase, which is 2 metres high and weights 42 kilo. It was gifted to count by Nikolai 1. Mrs Benckendorff had her lovely gift from another royal family. When she was a little girl her family stayed at Versailles Palace in France and French Queen Marie Antoinette treated guests with hot chocolate, little future Mrs Benckemdorff seemed very...

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Technology in our daily lives

levels rising. Furthermore, rapid advances in information technology mean that fewer people are needed in fulltime employment. More and more people are working from home using personal computers, which can result in a sense of isolation. Home workers also lose the stimulus that comes from working in direct contact with other people. Another example of the negative effect of technological change can be found on the domestic front, in the home. In my view, technological developments such as the microwave are devalueing traditional homemaking skills like cooking. A final example comes from the area of information technology. More facts about individuals are being stored in data banks, which may be accessed through networks of computers. This creates an everincreasing risk of accidental or deliberate leaking of private details

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The Internet - a blessing or a curse?

flood in Bangladesh within minutes of it happening. The purpose of the Internet has drastically changed over the years. Originally, just a massive global encyclopaedia, the possibilities of the Internet now have become endless. It has also become a social network, connecting you to people from every corner of the world, instantly. It has replaced live, face-to-face communication with other people. Instead of going out and meeting a friend for coffee, people prefer to sit In front of a computer screen, typing. The internet has another very bad characteristic feature: it is highly addictive. It takes valuable hours from your working day without you even noticing. Because the Internet is limitless, it has no boundaries, much like the universe, people always discover new things, new websites, new information and that curiosity is what keeps them constantly online. Not only does the Internet reduce our face to face communication, it also has a dramatic effect

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Coriolisi jõud ­ tekkinud Maa pöörlemisest ümber kujuteldava telje Aluspinna hõõrdejõud ­ tekkinud aluspinna lähedases õhukihis ~1km kõrgusel Passaadid ­ püsivad tuuled, mis puhuvad 30 laiuskraatidelt ekvaatori suunas Mussoonid ­ püsiv tuulte süsteem, kus tuul puhub pool aastat merelt maismaa suunas ja pool aastat maismaalt mere suunas. (mandrite idarannikud) VT joonist vihikus Front ­ kitsas eraldusvöönd kahe erineva omadusega õhumassi vahel. Soe front ­ piirkond, kus soojem õhk liigub külmemale peale. Külm front ­ piirkond, kus külmem õhk liigub soojemale alla. Külm front tekib siis, kui külmem õhumass liigub soojale alla. Soojal ajal tekivad külma frondi korral võimsad rünksajupilved, sajab paduvihma ja esineb äikest, õhutemperatuur langeb järsult. Sooja frondi lähenedes tõmbub taevas pilve, kuna soe õhk tungib külmale peale. Tsüklon ­ulatuslik madalrõhuala Antitsüklon ­ ulatuslik kõrgrõhuala

Geograafia → Geograafia
18 allalaadimist

The Most Important Buildings in Lai Street in Tallinn

a square space that would define the outlines of the small kitchen beneath it. The house also had one heated living room and several unheated rooms, basement rooms, and rooms upstairs for the storage of goods. The entrance hall typically had a higher ceiling than the adjacent rooms, as well as a staircase leading to the upstairs rooms. Goods were usually hoisted to the upper floors directly from the street with the help of winches that would raise them to hatches visible on the front of the house. The entrance hallway served as the merchant's workroom and front office, which he would decorate with ashlars' stones as fine as his wealth would allow. The doors leading to the interior rooms were also decorated as grandly as possible. Heat rose into the living room from a stove in the basement. Making a fire in the stove would cause the stones that covered it to become hot; the smoke was vented out through the chimney

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Üldine meteoroloogia ja klimatoloogia

10%, mets: 3-10% toimumise koht, temp kahaneb tõustes (-6 klaasprisma, taevad õrnad ja kõrged ´C/km) 4. Optika pilved, lähenemas soe front, tulemas soe Millest sõltub UV-kiirgus tropopaus – troopikas temo -80´C, mujal õhumass, Päikese kõrguse horisondist, stratosfääri Silm ja nägemine.

Geograafia → Geoloogia
15 allalaadimist

About England

England The United Kingdom is very small compared with many other countries in the world. However there are only nine other countries with more people, and London is the world's seventh biggest city. When you travel about the country you can see how the scenery changes right in front of your eyes. Highlands turn into lowlands; forests and hills turn into meadows and plains very quickly. It's hard to believe, but in Great Britain one you can find practically any type of scenery. Britain is unusually beautiful country! England can be divided for four parts: the Southeast, the Southwest, East Anglia, the Midlands and the North of England. The Southeast is a highly populated region of England. London, the

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104 allalaadimist

The Most Exciting Holiday of My Life

sat down to wait for them. A salesman came up to me and asked me to come and watch what was he selling. I was tired from shopping but finally I agreed and I am lucky I did. When I stepped in the shop I saw my parents. They had looked me everywhere. We went to the beach. This beach was really pretty. There was a path to walk on small cliffs. We looked the pretty sea and enjoyed walking. There was a place where our foot were in a low water. There were many rocks and I didn't see in front of me because of the things I had to carry. Suddenly my leg got stuck and I fell completely in the water. I was soaking wet but my aunt couldn't stop laughing. I was sad and offended but I thought how funny it must have been. Luckily the weather was warm and I didn't feel cold. By this time we had had enough and went into our small car. It was the best holiday I've ever had !

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26 allalaadimist

A letter to a friend describing a house for rent

not to have it, here, in Estonia? I've found a lovely summerhouse for you! I also remember how much you adored these cute little hills we have in Estonia, so this lovely cottage is also on the foot of one and it's surrounded by a beautiful nature, you like to take photos of, too. It's located in the South-Estonia, near the Võru. This house has a view on a lake, where you can ride a boat and fish. It's surrounded by a little garden, in front of the house there are some beautiful roses growing. There is also a back yard suitable for barbecue partyes ­ I know how much you like to cook with Markus, so it's a big pro. From the outside the cottage looks very pretty. It's finished with blue pine and is painted to light-green. It has also a marvelous thatched roof and it really reminds me one of these little elf houses from fairytales. Interior of the house is fully-furnished, it's is very spacious, but still comfortable and cozy

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48 allalaadimist

Jutustus " My dream house"

near the endless river or bottomless lake. I dream about place like this as I prefer clean fresh air and unpolluted water. I don't find myself very happy in little and uncomfortable house, so my dream house is very cozy, comfortable, well planned, with lost of gigantic windows. If you asked about rooms, I must say that I don't need many of them, but it is very important that all these rooms were as large as it is possible. The modern front door opens into a spacious hall, where are many portraits of family members, exotic flowers. As far as bedrooms they are very large, comfortable and elegant as well. There are soft, huge beds and many antique things. It makes me to feel comfortable. By the way, every bedroom has bathroom and toilet, which are spacious and modern. There are a majority of mirrors and wardrobes. There is no question that the accent of the house is living room, as it is the place

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38 allalaadimist

Workday needs fairy tales

mortals. But their played characters live on even after them. There is many inspiring movies and even more played characters that have given bravery when it has been fading away. The one that goes running would surely agree that there is no better feeling than running. Whichever worries have been collected during the day, are becoming forgotten. There, the person is together with the running lane, feet gently touching the ground and the target even more clean in front of their eyes. The body is heating up and the clothes are sticking to the sweaty body, the wind blowing through the hair and the sporting goods company Adidas banner: Impossible is nothing, really seems possible. It is the work, that you can see and feel the outcome right away and that's why it feels so inspiring and wonderful. Comes a feeling that ugly duckling can actually become beautiful swan if you work hard and give enough effort.

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Arctic Ground Squirrel

Arctic Ground Squirrel Geographic range The Arctic Ground Squirrel can be found in regions of Northern Canada ranging from the Arctic Circle to northern British Columbia, and down to the southern border of the Northwest Territories, as well as Alaska and Siberia. Physical description A beige and tan coat with a white-spotted back. A short face, small ears, a dark tail and white markings around its eyes. Strong front paws that are well adapted for digging and burrowing. Average length of an Arctic Ground Squirrel is approximately 39 cm. The average mass 750 g. However, males generally are around 100 g heavier than females. Diet Herbivore. Eats a wide variety of plants including seeds, berries, willow leaves, mushrooms, grasses and flowers. In the summer, it begins to store willow leaves, seeds and grasses in its burrow.

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Ämblikud ja maod

Click Click icon to icon addtopicture add picture THE BODY OF A SPIDER Spiders are air- breathing arthroponds that have eight legs. Spiders have two body segments. The front segment is called the Cephalothorax. The second part of the body is called the Abdomen. SpidersGettingBigger-GlobaW l armingtoBlame? A group of Danish scientists wondered whether global warming would make the hairy,

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
8 allalaadimist

Smart devices

chains. SMARTPHONES • The first smartphone was invented 2007 • In early 2007, Apple Inc. introduced the iPhone, one of the first smartphones to use a multi-touch interface.  • The iPhone was notable for its use of a large touchscreen for direct finger input as its main means of interaction, instead of a stylus, keyboard, or keypad typical for smartphones at the time. POSITIVE SIDES • Wifi and internet • Front camera • Communication • Business development SMARTWATCH • A smartwatch is a computerized wristwatch with functionality that goes beyond timekeeping • Many run mobile apps, using a mobile operating system • Many run mobile apps, using a mobile operating system. Some smartwatches function as portable media players, with FM radio and playback of digital audio and video files via a Bluetooth or USB headset. Some models, also called 'watch

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoseadmed
2 allalaadimist

Agrometeoroloogia arvestus

paksus. Frontaalpinna lõikejoont mingi pinna, tavaliselt maapinnaga, nimetatakse frontaaljooneks ehk lihtsalt frondiks. Seega on terminil ,,front" kahesugune tähendus: esiteks on see lahutuspind kahe õhumassi vahel ja teiseks ­ selle lahutuspinna lõikejoon maapinna või mõne muu pinnaga. Üleminekul ühest õhumassist teise toimub frontaalpinnal järsk muutus. Kuna külm õhk on soojast tihedam, siis muutub frontaalpinnal ka õhu tihedus järsult. Front, kui kitsas üleminekutsoon õhumasside vahel ei püsi kaua, vaid tekib ja kaob kiiresti. Protsesse, mis viivad frondi tekkimisele, nimetatakse frontogeneesiks ja protsessse, mille tagajärjel front hävib, nimetatakse frontolüüsiks. KLASSIFIKATSIOON: SÕLTUVALT PIKKUSEST JA OSATÄHTSUSEST TSIRKULATSIOONIPROTSESSIS: *Peafrontide pikkuseks võib olla mõnisada kuni mõni tuhat kilomeetrit ja nendel arenevad tsüklonid või tsüklonite seeriad

Füüsika → Füüsika
101 allalaadimist

"Jõutõstmine" ettekanne

The squat has a number of variants: · Back squat - the bar is held on the back of the body at the base of the neck or lower across the upper back. In powerlifting, the barbell is often held in a lower position in order to create a lever advantage, while, in weightlifting, the barbell is often held in a higher position in order to keep the torso more upright in a deep squat. These variations are called low bar and high bar, respectively. · Front squat - the weight (usually a barbell) is held in front of the body across the clavicles and deltoids in either a clean grip, as is used in weightlifting, or with the arms crossed and hands placed on top of the barbell. · Overhead squat - a barbell is held overhead in a wide-arm snatch grip; however, it is also possible to use a closer grip if flexibility allows. · Box squat - lifter sits back onto a short box, momentarily relaxing the hip flexors,

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Inglise keele põhikooli eksam 2010 lugemise osa.

Põhikooli inglise keele eksam 2010 LUGEMINE Task 1 (5 points) Read the notices below and tick ( )the correct answer A, B , C , or D. An example (0) has been done for you. 0. Hotel. Free parking at rear. A You can park next to the hotel. B You can park in front of the hotel. C You can park under the hotel. D Y ou can park behind the hotel. 1. A You can buy a Niagara Falls Coffee mug if you have this voucher. B Many souvenirs are 20% cheaper with this voucher. C All souvenirs are 20% cheaper with this voucher. D You will get a coffee mug 20% cheaper with this voucher. 2. Summer Clearance today! Up to 30 % off many items. A After the sale many items will cost 30% less. B All items are 30% cheaper today. C All items will be 30% cheaper this summer.

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66 allalaadimist

Trafalgar Square

At the corners of the square are four plinths; the two northern ones were intended for equestrian statues, and thus are wider than the two southern. Three of them hold statues: George IV (northeast, 1840s), Henry Havelock (southeast, 1861, by William Behnes), and Sir Charles James Napier (southwest, 1855). Former Mayor of London Ken Livingstone controversially expressed a desire to see the two generals replaced with statues "ordinary Londoners would know".[3] On the lawn in front of the National Gallery are two statues, James II to the west of the entrance portico and George Washington to the east. The latter statue, a gift from the state of Virginia, stands on soil imported from the United States. This was done in order to honour Washington's declaration he would never again set foot on British soil.[4] In 1888 the statue of General Charles George Gordon was erected. In 1943 the statue was removed and, in 1953, re-sited on the Victoria Embankment

Keeled → British culture (briti...
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Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun