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"friendly" - 294 õppematerjali


Lõputöö - Lastetuba

oleks siledal põrandal hea mängida. Tuba valgustab 2,4 m2 aken, mis laseb tuppa paista külluslikul valgusel. Kahjuks ei õnnestunud lakke saada öösel helendama hakkavaid tähekesi, sest Eestis keelavad Euroopa Liidu normid vastavaid emulsioone/värve müüa. 28 7. SUMMARY The nursery was finished off with child friendly materials like: water based paints and wooden floor. The ceiling was caulked and later painted white in order to lighten up the room. The walls were also caulked but covered with beige color and some pictures of a widely loved character Winnie the Pooh. The floor was made out of pine that was varnished to slow down the wearing down process and to facilitate the regular care, but also for the child to play more safe on a smooth floor. The room is lightened by a 2,4 m²

Ehitus → Ehitusviimistlus
171 allalaadimist

Konspekt USA history

Signed on May 28 by Andrew Jackson "Trade" land with the tribes Resolve the Georgia crisis (dispute with Cherokee) Move of over 70,000 natives (vabatahtlik-sunniviisiline) Reservations (kaitsealad)1851- the Indian Appropriations Act About 310 reservations 55,7 million acres Unevenly distributed Tribal sovereignty (iseseisvus) Poverty and unemployment · Indian citizenship Act of 1924 Granted citizenship to 300,000 indigenous people, to friendly tribes State support was limited Absorb Indians into the mainstream Didn't have the right to vote · Trail of Broken Treaties of 1972 Took place in 1972 Cross-country protest by American Indian organizations Intended to bring attention to American Indian issues such as treaty rights, living standards, and inadequate housing. Huge media coverage "20-Point Program" · Present situation 1 Reservations situated west of the Mississippi 1% of the population

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Brändi juhtimine eksam konspekt

recycling and sustainability among consumers through lifestyle products made in part from recycled material. 2. Apple. simplicity, ease of use, userfocused, fun, memorable&different, innovative, personalisation, coherency. 3. IBM. Innovative, sustainable. 4. Google. branding is depending on emotional expences. It adds fun and humor. Google tries to humanise brand appearance and tries to create small friendly company image and trust. New products. 5. Microsoft. 43) Eesti brändi identiteedi tunnusjooned (vt EAS-i kodulehelt) Idee: Welcome to Estonia CVI: Muster on inspireeritud traditsioonilistest kudumis ja tikkimismustritest Lood: 1) värske vaatenurk x noor, värske vaatenurk ühiskonnale x võime teha asju omamoodi x võime üllatada ja ootusi ületada 2) radikaalne, uuenduslik ja muutustealdis suhtumine x ettevõtlik ja moodne elustiil

Majandus → Brändi juhtimine
138 allalaadimist

English Grammar Book 1

Some adjectives end in -ing. a cunning fox a caring nurse an interesting book loving parents matching clothes a smiling face dazzling sunshine 55 Some adjectives end in -ly. a costly diamond ring a daily newspaper an elderly woman lively kittens a lonely boy a lovely girl a weekly magazine a friendly police officer m ar H am Gr elp Many adverbs also end in -ly. Here are some adjectives with the endings -able, -al, -en, -ible, -ish and -ous. a broken chair a famous pop singer childish behavior a national costume a comfortable chair a musical instrument a dangerous place a terrible mess a foolish act a woolen sweater

Keeled → Inglise keel
188 allalaadimist

English structure revision for the exam

For example: badly, worse, worst; little, less, least  Comparison to the same degree. For example: as ... as/ not as/so ... as: She dances as well as her friend./She can’t dance as well as her. 7.5 Semantic classification of adverbs  Adverbs of place: abroad, downstairs, here, underneath  Time: now, afterwards, already, just, lately, nowadays  Manner: suddenly, dryly, backwards, in a friendly manner  Frequency: once, twice, always, sometimes  Degree: almost, altogether, barely, enough, fairly, hardly, quite, rather  Intensifiers: very, quite, pretty, indeed  Focus: even, just, merely, only, really, too, as well  Viewpoint: clearly, evidently, frankly, honestly, generally, normally, briefly 8. Types of phrases  Noun phrases

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

1-3 kodutöö kutsepedagoogika e-kursus

Esimene kodutöö . Seal on ka arutelu all päris palju juttu. Vastused küsimustele ja mõned näited: · Millised erinevad tähendused on kutsel, ametil ja professioonil olnud aegade jooksul? Lisage näiteid Kõigil kolmel nimetusel on ühisosa sotsiaalse, ajaloolise, kultuurilise, ühiskondliku, isikliku (vahel ka seletamatute mõõtmete nn brute facts) mõõtme näol. Billetti Artikkel andis mulle järgmise aluspõhja, millelt edasi minna. Kutse pärineb ladina sõna "vocare", mis viitab kõnele, kutsele, meie aines siis kutse konkreetsele eluviisile, mis on elukestev/elu läbiv (Hansen, 1994). Ja mulle väga meeldis Billeti tsiteeritud mõte 1916 aastast, esitatud Dewey poolt, et kutse on nagu üksikisiku reisiteekond läbi (töö)elu. Varem olid näiteks sotsiaalsed ja ühiskondlikud asjaolud, mis piirasid teatud rassi, klassi või soo esindajatel omandada teatud elukutset. Oma valikutes sõltuti traditsioonidest, ajaloolistest tavadest, mida jälgiti rangelt. (Om...

Pedagoogika → kutsepedagoogika
9 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

pleasantly back at me. Surely it was a good way to die, in the place of someone else, someone I loved. Noble, even. That ought to count for something. I knew that if I'd never gone to Forks, I wouldn't be facing death now. But, terrified as I was, I couldn't bring myself to regret the decision. When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end. The hunter smiled in a friendly way as he sauntered forward to kill me. 1. FIRST SIGHT My mother drove me to the airport with the windows rolled down. It was seventy-five degrees in Phoenix, the sky a perfect, cloudless blue. I was wearing my favorite shirt -- sleeveless, white eyelet lace; I was wearing it as a farewell gesture. My carry-on item was a parka. In the Olympic Peninsula of northwest Washington State, a small town named Forks exists under a near-constant cover of clouds

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist

Energeetika arengu plaanimine

In general, the temperature rises one degree Celsius for every 36 metres you go down. In volcanic areas, molten rock can be very close to the surface. Sometimes we can use that heat.Geothermal energy has been used for thousands of years in some countries for cooking and heating. The name "geothermal" comes from two Greek words: "geo" means "Earth" and "thermal" means "heat". Geothermal power is cost effective, reliable, and environmentally friendly, but has previously been geographically limited to areas near tectonic plate boundaries. Recent technological advances have dramatically expanded the range and size of viable resources, especially for direct applications such as home heating. Geothermal wells tend to release greenhouse gases trapped deep within the earth, but these emissions are much lower than those of conventional fossil fuels. As a result, this technology has the potential to help mitigate global warming if widely deployed.

Elektroonika → Energeetika arengu plaanimine
38 allalaadimist

IT Strateegia IT Ettevõttele

Table of Contents 1. Background ..............................................................................................................................2 2. Business Plan............................................................................................................................2 2.1. Mission..............................................................................................................................2 2.2. Values ...............................................................................................................................2 2.3. SWOT Analysis of the Organization ................................................................................2 2.4. Opportunities ....................................................................................................................3 2.5. Primary Processes .........................................

Informaatika → Informaatika
57 allalaadimist

Suhted laste ja vanematega

2 by 5 to 8 to 1 1 CO2 7 sea sunny in the winter! 3 in 6 to 9 with Girl I've heard that the most 2 atmosphere 8 Industrialised 3 solar 9 emissions 2 c environmentally friendly form 4 Earth 10 carbon of heating is to burn wood. 3 c Boy Really? Why? 5 warming 11 footprint 6 caps 12 energy 4 1 F 3 D 5 G Girl Because wood is a renewable

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
16 allalaadimist

What is integrated care?

An overview of integrated care in the NHS What is integrated care? Research report Sara Shaw, Rebecca Rosen and Benedict Rumbold June 2011 Nuffield Trust work on integrated care This report is part of the Nuffield Trust's extensive programme of work on integrated care, which is examining the potential of new forms of care that are intended to benefit patients and taxpayers. Other related projects include: ·Integration in action: four international case studies. A study of four international organisations that have attempted to improve integration between health and care services. Interviews, documentary analysis and literature review are used to identify the main stimuli for integration and the issues that help or hinder progress; drawing out lessons for the NHS. ·Towards integrated care in Trafford. A project that looks at the process of change and lessons learned to date in Trafford, where NHS organisations have been worki...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaaltöö korraldus
13 allalaadimist

Merepraktika aruanne: Praktikakoht Victoria I

EESTI MEREAKADEEMIA Laevandusteaduskond TÜÜRIMEES MEREPRAKTIKA ARUANNE Victoria I Praktikakoht 24.04.2007 ­ 23.04.2009 Praktika algus ja lõpp Õppegrupp: LL- 41 Juhendas: Rein Raudsalu TALLINN 2009 Retsensioonid 2 Sisukord LAEVA ANDMED, VAHITEENISTUS, LASTIKÄSITLUS, PÜSTUVUS, MEREPRAKTIKA .........................................................................................................................................................5 Üldandmed ..................................................................................................................................5 Joonised .......................................................................................................................................7 Vahitüürimehe vastutus navigatsioonivahis ....................................

Merendus → Merepraktika
295 allalaadimist

Inglise keele jaotusmaterjal

coffee watches beer pop music fashion perfume tea rice roads food shops films football players mobile phones What's it like? This question asks about the characteristics of people or things. You usually answer it with an adjective or adjective phrase. What's Madrid like? It's big and exciting. What are the people in your village like? They are very friendly. Think about the city you have visited. You are going to tell your partner about it. Think about the following: Where is the city? When did you first go there? Were you on holiday? Who did you go there with? What did you do there? How many times have you visited the city? When was the last time? What do you most like about this city? Would you like to live there? Why / Why not? Use the following expressions: It's in the south-west / south-east / north-west / north-east It's on the .....

Keeled → Inglise keel
29 allalaadimist

Solutions Advanced Workbook key

for me. It was the first thing my parents 5 Well, you would keep eating too noticed when I was born! 3 1 Laura was offered a place at much. Personality-wise, I've got a lot of my Manchester University but she dad's traits in me. We're both quite bubbly and friendly (or so people 1C The origins of English turned it down. page 5 2 Whilst some people are in favour say), and we share quite a laid-back of the monarchy, others think we approach to life

Keeled → Inglise keel
104 allalaadimist

Heaoluriigi mudelid konspekt/kokkuvõte

kui kaob. 4. Loeng PEREPOLIITIKA Peremustrid: Traditsioonilised (kristlikud- peremustri radikaalne muutumine (väiksem abielulisus, kärgpered, väiksemad leibkonnad, adult worker või dual-earner peretüüp asendab male breadwinner tüüpi naiste õiguselt soolise võrdõiguslikkuse suunas(gendering)). Need muutused mõjutavad poliitika eesmärke ja kulusid (hoolekanne olulisem (lapsed + vanudrid) Tihedam seos tööturu seisu ja -poliitikaga: emplyment friendly policies. 11 Perepoliitika eesmärgid: (sündimuste suurendamine, naiste olukorra parandamine, vaesuse vähendamine, töö ja pereelu ühildamine) = Toimetuleku parandamine! Moodne perepoliitika- Palju eesmärke: töötavad emad, hoitud ja koolitatud lapsed, ohjatud ebavõrdsus probleem. Palju dimensioone- tööjõuturg, sotspoliitika, hariduspoliitika...

Politoloogia → Heaoluriigi mudelid
108 allalaadimist


(varem ,,Loodussõbralik toode") kampaaniamärgistuse kleebised pannakse tootehinnasiltidele ja tooteid ning kleebiseid kontrollitakse kauplustes kogu aasta vältel. Kergesti valmistatavad Toodete valmistamiseks ei ole vaja kasutada erilisi tooted valmistusviise. Euroopa See märk kantakse mahladele ja nektaritele kvaliteedikontrollsüsteem Dolphin friendly products Märgistus tuunikalakonservidel, mis viitab sellele, et (delfiinisõbralikud tooted) tuunikala püügiks on kasutatud meetodeid, mis ei kahjusta delfiine. Nt: Kapten Grant Tuunikala suured tükid õlis Fish-free Omega-3 Konservides on kasutatud taimseid õlisid (linaõli, (kalarasvhappevaba) rapsiõli, sojaõli, pähkliõli), mis on tervislikumad kalast

Toit → Toidukaubaõpetus
27 allalaadimist

Inglise keele struktuur

1. Be ready to explain the terms (lecture 1): language, linguistics, synchronic approach to language, diachronic approach to language, linguistic competence, linguistic performance, what is grammar?, prescriptive grammar vs. descriptive grammar; phonology, phonetics, phone, allophone, phoneme; morphology, morphemes (types of morphemes), morphs, allomorphs, types of affixes, derivational affixes, inflectional affixes; open vs closed class words; syntax. Language: a systematic, conventional use of sounds, signs or written symbols in a human society for communication and self-expression. - human language at all levels is rule- or principle-governed. Linguistics: the scientific study of human natural language Synchronic approach to language: Diachronic approach to language: Linguistic competence: Linguistic performance: What is grammar?: "The sounds and sound patterns, the basic units of meaning, such as words, and the rules to combine them...

Keeled → Inglise keel
106 allalaadimist


learning easier than ever. Well, technology is indisputably better. We can store and retrieve data much more efficiently. We can communicate in a flash. But still, at the basic level, we must be well grounded -- we must possess common sense, civil manners, frank discussion skills, reasoning abilities, and moral fiber. It is possible to be a technological genius, say a computer nerd, without social skills or civil conscience. I'd rather have as a neighbor an illiterate janitor with an easy-going, friendly disposition. Hence, I value what we might call character more than specialist knowledge from an antisocial person. God knows we want everyone to be a well-mannered genius. But humans are not cut out to be happy like pigs in a pen. We instead have insatiable brains, with mental appetites. So our goal is to balance the brainwork with hearts and smiles. "Facts served with sauce." Where does common sense fit on? Is it teachable? To a degree, what we mean by common

Keeled → Inglise keel
125 allalaadimist

Introduction of SCM

These recommendations were analyzed from two aspects viz. 'ease of implementation' and 'delivered business value' to arrive at the priority classification for implementation. In the second phase, the Infosys team was asked to implement eight of the statistical modeling initiatives, clubbed under four Clusters with an objective to improve forecasting process, user productivity (by making the 38 system user friendly and flexible) and implementing various advanced features of DP that were not being used. The above scope was completed within a short span of four months leveraging the Infosys' Global Delivery Model with significant productivity/ process improvements. (iv.) Benefits: Enhanced version management capability, reducing hours of manual work. Increased forecast accuracy - Error reduction by 2% and bias improvement by 8mn units over the year.

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist


These are the ideas, beliefs, opinions, and conclusions you have come to as the re- sult of inputs and experiences starting in childhood.They constitute not only your self-concept, but also your philosophy of life. The more adamant and convinced you are of your basic premises, the more they predict and control everything you do, say, and feel. If you believe yourself to be an excellent person, loaded with tal- ent and ability, friendly and popular, healthy and energetic, curious and creative, and destined to have a wonderful life, these basic premises will lead you to set goals, work hard, develop yourself, treat others well, bounce back from adversity, and ultimately suc- ceed. Nothing will be able to stop you in the long run. It is not what happens to you in life that is important. It is only how you react to what happens. It doesn’t matter where

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Public International Law is a system of law

Preparing different treaties, signing them Protect sending state and its interests in the receiving state (if nationals have visa problems, then embassy can intervene, General problem of nationals) Negotiating with the government of the receiving state Collecting information and informing the sending state of the conditions and developments of receiving state Promoting friendly relations between sending and receiving states Vienna convention on consular relations of 1963 Functions: Similar to embassy ones, but more individually oriented. Protecting sending state, its interests and its nationals Furthering the development of commercial, economic, etc relations and overall friendly relations Collecting information on commercial, economic, etc developments and reporting to

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

EU Internal Market

Indeed, whereas a prohibition on using mobile phones in airplanes hardly has any such effect, a ban on using fireworks all year except on 31 December is likely to (greatly) reduce demand for, and thus sales and import of, that good. Similarly, one may imagine that a ban on the use of SUVs in congested urban zones would constitute an efficient means for diminishing sales and import of such cars to the benefit of more environmentally friendly vehicles. Importantly, the field of application of Article 34 TFEU is limited by the Keck jurisprudence, which states that certain selling arrangements fall outside the scope of that article, provided that they are non- discriminatory (i.e. they apply to all relevant traders operating within the national territory, and affect in the same manner, in law and in fact, the marketing of domestic products and products from other Member

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Koolituspõhimõtete väljatöötamine ja arendamine

70 The development interviews start in the enterprise in November of 2005 and their results can be analyzed and the conclusions can only be made in December of 2005. Therefore the research of development interviews and its results were left out of the present paper. At the same time the author wishes to actively deal with this subject after the end of the development interviews. The results of the analysis showed, that the enterprise has an overall friendly environment that is open for team-work. The problems are not so much between people but when communicating and co-operating between different departments. The results of the research give a reason to think, that improving the co-operational and people's relational problems are removable with different team-work trainings and with giving feedback in the development interviews to the managers. Recommendations are brought out, on what the enterprise could change in the training

Majandus → Personali juhtimine ja...
18 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

"How was yours?" I felt his gaze slide over my profile, but I kept my attention trained on the brushed aluminum elevator doors. My heart was racing in my chest, my stomach quivering madly. I felt jumbled and off my game. "Well, it wasn't my first," he replied with a hint of amusement. "But it was successful. And getting better as it progresses." I nodded and managed a smile, having no idea what that was supposed to mean. The car slowed on the twelfth floor and a friendly group of three got on, talking excitedly among themselves. I stepped back to make room for them, retreating into the opposite corner of the elevator from Dark and Dangerous. Except he sidestepped along with me. We were suddenly closer than we'd been before. He adjusted his perfectly knotted tie, his arm brushing against mine as he did so. I sucked in a deep breath, trying to ignore my acute awareness of him by concentrating on the conversation taking place in front of us

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajaloo eksamiküsimused

History exam *Stonehenge - is a monument located in England. It is one of the most famous prehistoric sites in the world and is composed of earthworks surrounding a circular setting of large standing stones. The surrounding circular, earth bank and ditch, have been dated to about 3100 BC. Stonehenge was produced by a culture with no written language. Many aspects of Stonehenge remain subject to debate. There is little or no direct evidence for the construction techniques used by the Stonehenge builders. *The Celts in Britain and their legacy ­ The Cets lived in Britain in The Iron Age. They were warring tribes who were battleful amongst themselves as well as inter-tribal war. They were not centrally governed. The Celts brought iron working, iron ploughs and metal swords, horses, wheels and chariots - all these things gave them an instant superiority over the native tribes. The Celts built a number ...

Ajalugu → Inglise keel kõnelevate maade...
261 allalaadimist


· Me ei tohi uuesti tagasi vaadata, kui me ei taha, et minevik meid jälle kätte saaks · Tulevik oli nagu päikeseloojang, minevik midagi, mis tuli seljataha jätta. Ja kui minevik ei taha kuidagi maha jääda, tuleb see jalge alla trampida. · minevik on mälestused & tulevik on unistused · there are so much things that i wanna say to you, but why can't you hear me? · Sa oled igavesti see, kes sa olid. · I'm not drunk! I'm just naturally a loud, friendly and clumsy person. · Me kanname oma sõpru südames ja nad ei ole kordagi öelnud, et neil on seal kitsas. · Vahel ma mõtlen, et ma armastan sind nii väga ja samas see seesmine viha on summutanud kõik minu sees, ka selle järele jäänud armastuse. · Kui unustad parima sõbraga koos oldud ajad ja mälestused, siis sa pole sõber olnudki · Aeg tekitab mälestusi, nii häid, kui ka halbu. Vahel ongi hea, et on halvad mälestused,

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
10 allalaadimist

Jane Austen

him a disgust to his business, and to his residence in a small market town; and, in quitting them both, he had removed with his family to a house about a mile from Meryton, denominated from that period Lucas Lodge, where he could think with pleasure of his own importance, and, unshackled by business, occupy himself solely in being civil to all the world. For, though elated by his rank, it did not render him supercilious; on the contrary, he was all attention to everybody. By nature inoffensive, friendly, and obliging, his presentation at St. James's had made him courteous. Lady Lucas was a very good kind of woman, not too clever to be a valuable neighbour to Mrs. Bennet. They had several children. The eldest of them, a sensible, intelligent young woman, about twenty-seven, was Elizabeth's intimate friend. That the Miss Lucases and the Miss Bennets should meet to talk over a ball was absolutely necessary; and the morning after the assembly brought the former to Longbourn

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
13 allalaadimist

A New Earth

of a relationship you want to have with the present moment. Do I want the present moment to be my friend or my enemy? The present moment is inseparable from life, so you are really deciding what kind of a relationship you want to have with life. Once you have decided you want the present moment to be your friend, it is up to you to make the first move: become friendly toward it, welcome it no matter in what disguise it comes, and soon you will see the results. Life becomes friendly toward you; people become helpful, circumstances cooperative. One decision changes your entire reality. But that one decision you have to make again and again and again – until it becomes natural to live in such a way. The decision to make the present moment into your friend is the end of the ego. The ego can never be in alignment with the present moment, which is to say, aligned with life, since its very nature compels it to ignore, resist, or devalue the Now

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist


BA thesis May 2012 Appendixes: 7 References: 68 Abstract Global environmental problems have directed the focus of international organisations towards fostering sustainability in education. Also The National Curriculum of Pre-school Education of Estonia is emphasizing the importance of environmental friendly lifestyle. Yet there were no methodical materials for teaching sustainability in kindergartens. The target of current thesis was to create such a methodical material for kindergarten teachers for teaching sustainability and the principes of community to 6-7-year old children. The thesis was based mainly on the theoretical works of: Lovelock (1979), Sahtouris (1999), Timoštšuk (2005, 2010), Cohen (1985), Delanty (2009), Bauman (2001), Brügge, Glanz & Sandell (2008).

Pedagoogika → Eelkoolipedagoogika
27 allalaadimist


and deciphered here. This accounts for their being able to decipher this telegram from the German government to their representative in Mexico, and also for the delay from January 19th until now in their receiving the information. This system has hitherto been a jealously guarded secret and is only divulged to you now by the British government in view of the extraordinary circumstances and their friendly feeling toward the United States. They earnestly request that you keep the source of your information and the British government's method of obtaining it profoundly secret, but they put no prohibition on the publication of Zimmermann's telegram itself. Page's pilot telegram rattled the Morse sounders at the State Department at 9 a.m. Saturday, February 24, but the "telegram of great importance" did not arrive until 8:30 that evening. Frank L

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

The Principle of Social Proof 99 People Power 99 After the Deluge 102 Cause of Death: Uncertain(ty) 109 A Scientific Approach 113 Devictimizing Yourself 115 Monkey Me, Monkey Do 117 Monkey Die 120 Monkey Island 128 Defense 131 Sabotage 132 Looking Up 135 Summary 138 Study Questions 139 CHAPTER 5 Liking: The Friendly Thief 141 Making Friends to Influence People 144 Why Do I Like You? Let Me List the Reasons 146 Physical Attractiveness 146 Similarity 148 Compliments 149 Contact and Cooperation 151 Off to Camp 154" Back to School 156 Conditioning and Association 159 Does the Name Pavlov Ring a Bell? 163

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Investors Handbook. A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia

Currently, licenses and permits are only used in the production of highly risky goods and services, also usage of natural resources and specific activities. The procedures of issuing licenses and permits were significantly simplified to the "one-stop shop" and "silence is consent" principles. Customs Reform - From January 1, 2011 the new Tax Code of Georgia took effect which also includes the provisions regulating customs. Tax Code established business friendly customs pro- cedures. Customs Tariffs Reform significantly eased and sharply reduced the costs connected to the foreign trade. Number of import tariffs were abolished on approximetaly 90% of products and only 3 tariff rates (0%, 5%, 12%) exist instead of previous 16. Georgia sets import taxes on only several kinds of agricultural goods and constructing materials. In addition, there are no quantita- tive restrictions (quotas) on imports and exports.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

"before" photo somewhere you will see it often: the refrigerator, bathroom mirror, dog's forehead, etc. 2. Do I really eat that? Use a digital camera or camera phone to take photographs of everything you eat for 3­5 days, preferably including at least one weekend day. For sizing, put your hand next to each item or plate in the photographs. For maximum effect, put these photos online for others to see. 3. Who can I get to do this with me? Find at least one person to engage in a friendly competition using either total inches (TI) or bodyfat percentage. Weight is a poor substitute but another option. Use competitive drive, guilt, and fear of humiliation to your advantage. Embrace the stick. The carrot is overrated. 4. How do I measure up? Get a simple tape measure and measure five locations: both upper arms (mid-bicep), waist (horizontal at navel), hips (widest point between navel and legs), and both legs (mid-thigh). Total these numbers to arrive at your total inches (TI)

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


" There is no doubt that Siamese cats came from Siam (modern day Thailand), but some disagreement in the 1940s as to their "royal" origins. France disagreed about Siamese not being Royal cats. As well as mentioning the various royal legends relating to the tail kink and squint (faults in show cats), he stated: "This does not bear out my own information on this point, because whilst living in Jersey I had the good fortune to meet and become friendly with Major Walton of Verona House, Grouville, who was until recently, in Siam in connection with the Rice purchasing Commission, when he and his wife, both cat lovers, became friendly with the Prince Regent of Siam. Major Walton told the Prince Regent that he and his wife wanted to bring back some Siamese to England, but had not been able to find any at all in the country that were for sale. Before leaving Siam, Mrs. Walton was presented with a pair, male and female by the Prince

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Masina osadest ja kontroll

17) veeldatud naftagaas ­ nafta destilleerimisel saadav, põhiliselt propaani ja butaani segust koosnev sisepõlemismootoris kasutatav kütus; 18) VINkood ehk tehasetähis ­ tähtedest ja numbritest koosnev tähistus, mille valmistaja on määranud kindla sõiduki tähistamiseks. § 3. Määruses kasutatavad lühendid Määruses kasutatakse järgmisi lühendeid järgmises tähenduses: 1) EV ­ suurendatud keskkonnasõbralikkusega mootorsõiduk ( Enhanced Environmentally Friendly Vehicle)2); 2) ELR ­ katsetsüklite programm, mis koosneb mootori järjestikkustest koormustest püsival pöörlemissagedusel (European load response test )2); 3) ESC­ katsetsüklite programm, mis koosneb kolmeteistkümnest püsivast katsereziimist (European steady state cycle test)2); 4) ETC ­ katsetsüklite programm, mis koosneb 1800st sekundsekundisse muutuvast katsereziimist (European transient cycle test)2);

Mehaanika → Masinamehaanika
33 allalaadimist

Lastekaitse seaduse hindamine

institutsioonide ning noorteorganisatsioonide esindajate tõlgendused Eesti praktikast. Bakalaureusetöö. Tartu Ülikool Sotsioloogia ja sotsiaalpoliitika instituut, 2013. 54. Rahapoliitika ja majandus. Hetkeseis ja ettevaade. Eesti Pank 2013. 55. Rahvastiku tervise arengukava 2009–2020. Sotsiaalministeerium, 2008, täiendatud 2012. 56. Recommendation CM/Rec (2011)12 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on children´s rights and social services friendly to children and families. 57. Reinomägi, A., Luik, M., Tomberg, M., Riisalo, S., Kurves, T., Sõmer, S. Lastekaitsetöö tegijad ning nende hinnangud valdkonna korralduse ja seadusandluse kohta. Küsitlus lastekaitsetöö tegijate seas. Sotsiaalministeerium, 2004. 58. Resolution adopted by the General Assembly. S-27/2. A world fot for children. United Nations, 2002. 59. Riiklikult toetatud õpilaskodu kohad. Haridus-ja teadusministeerium. Kättesaadav:

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaalse analüüsi alused
12 allalaadimist

Kultuurialaste veebisaitide kvaliteedikäsiraamat Circulaire du 7 octobre 1999 relative aux sites internet des services et des établissements publics de l'Etat. Décret n° 99-68 du 2 février 1999 relatif à la mise en ligne des formulaires administratifs. Agence pour les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication dans l'Administration (ATICA) - L'accessibilité vue par Visual Friendly. ALLIKAD · Journal officiel de la République Française. Édition des lois et décrets, 1976-... Paris: Journaux officiel, 1976-... 117 · Journal officiel de la République Française. Table alphabétique du journal officiel, Table chronologique des textes d'interêt general..., 1946-...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuurilugu
4 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

roots in mythology." — Charles Russell, Writer, Director, Producer, Dreamscape, The Mask, Eraser "The Writer's Journey should be on anyone's bookshelf who cares about the art o f storytelling at the movies. N o t just some theoretical tome filled with development clichés of the day, this book offers sound and practical advice on how to construct a story that works." — David Friendly, Producer, Little Miss Sunshine, Daylight, Courage Under Fire, Out to Sea, My Girl "A classic of its k i n d full of insight and inspiration that every writer, both amateur and professional, must read." — R i c h a r d D. Zanuck, T h e Zanuck C o m p a n y Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Big Fish, Reign of

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Upstream intermediate b2 teacher's book

What I likethe most about Marco'sis that it's alwaysherewhen I busyperiods- hire extro peopleduring rush work at 2 o'clockin the morningand I liketo go for somethingto periods go home. Everywhereelse in town is closrngat that time but nd Atmosphere and facilities: ih.r.'r a really friendly and relaxedatmospherein here as wea chattingwith my friends,for hoursand you neverfeel any pressute notbeenpointedfor sometime - Repaintand and leave.I wish they had a car park,though. lt's a little scarygoirp improvethetighting- Nocarpark- Convertthe car so late when everythingis dark and deserted'

Keeled → Inglise keel
235 allalaadimist

Inglise keele õpik

What I likethe most about Marco'sis that it's alwaysherewhen I busyperiods- hire extro peopleduring rush work at 2 o'clockin the morningand I liketo go for somethingto periods go home. Everywhereelse in town is closrngat that time but nd Atmosphere and facilities: ih.r.'r a really friendly and relaxedatmospherein here as wea chattingwith my friends,for hoursand you neverfeel any pressute notbeenpointedfor sometime - Repaintand and leave.I wish they had a car park,though. lt's a little scarygoirp improvethetighting- Nocarpark- Convertthe car so late when everythingis dark and deserted'

Keeled → Inglise keel
142 allalaadimist

Upstream Intermediate B2 - Teacher book

What I likethe most about Marco'sis that it's alwaysherewhen I busyperiods- hire extro peopleduring rush work at 2 o'clockin the morningand I liketo go for somethingto periods go home. Everywhereelse in town is closrngat that time but nd Atmosphere and facilities: ih.r.'r a really friendly and relaxedatmospherein here as wea chattingwith my friends,for hoursand you neverfeel any pressute notbeenpointedfor sometime - Repaintand and leave.I wish they had a car park,though. lt's a little scarygoirp improvethetighting- Nocarpark- Convertthe car so late when everythingis dark and deserted'

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
53 allalaadimist

Upstream B2 teacher

What I likethe most about Marco'sis that it's alwaysherewhen I busyperiods- hire extro peopleduring rush work at 2 o'clockin the morningand I liketo go for somethingto periods go home. Everywhereelse in town is closrngat that time but nd Atmosphere and facilities: ih.r.'r a really friendly and relaxedatmospherein here as wea chattingwith my friends,for hoursand you neverfeel any pressute notbeenpointedfor sometime - Repaintand and leave.I wish they had a car park,though. lt's a little scarygoirp improvethetighting- Nocarpark- Convertthe car so late when everythingis dark and deserted'

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist


THROUGH SYNTHESIS. Erkki-Sven Tüür (b. 1959) is among the last representatives of the fourth generation of Estonian composers. During his youth (1976-1982) he was actively involved in rock music, organising and leading the group In Spe. He studied at the Tallinn Music School, where he specialised in percussion and flute and later harmony and composition with Anti Marguste. In 1980 he entered the Tallinn State Conservatoire, specialising in composition with Jaan Rääts. Earlier a friendly relationship had been established with Lepo Sumera, who helped Tüür prepare his diploma work, the First Symphony (1984). Thanks to Tüür’s talent and the value of his symphony, the board of the Composers’ Union accepted him as a member the following year. In his letter of recommendation Raimo Kangro stated: The creative handwriting of Tüür has been developing very rapidly being excellently exposed in his First Symphony

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

(Salvage and Lipsky 2004). This packaging green solutions to modern living. The format uses a polystyrene or polypropylene increased costs of petroleum will continue to tray and uses a barrier film that can form drive the demands for bio-based packaging around the product to reduce any amount of materials. Consumer demand for more envi- purge coming out of the product. An addi- ronmentally friendly packaging and more tional web of film or a header can also be natural products will also create increased added for pre-pricing and pre-labeling demand for packaging from biodegradable (Belcher 2006). and renewable resources (Cutter 2006). Even As the meat industry moves toward central though food manufacturers cannot eliminate processing that employs MAP and Vacuum- packaging, they can redesign packages to

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun