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"france" - 666 õppematerjali

france - state who is launching the satellite - state whose territory is used to launch (French Guiana) - state whose facilities are used to launch (Ariane V) Who should be liable for damages caused by the outer space objects? France and Luxembourg are both responsible for any damages caused by their space objects Exemple : Accident involving 3 states Case 1 : Luxtra collides with a German

Kasutaja: france

Faile: 0

William Hazlitt

 Hazlitt described his suffering in the strange Liber Amoris; or, The New Pygmalion (1823).  Many of his best essays were written during this difficult period  They were collected in his two most famous books: Table Talk (1821) and The Plain Speaker (1826) Second marriage  In April 1824 Hazlitt married Bridgwater.  The couple separated after three years  Part of this second marriage was spent abroad, an experience recorded in Notes of a Journey in France and Italy (1826)  In 1825 some of his most effective writing The Spirit of the Age was published  Conversations of James Northcote (1830) recorded his long friendship with that eccentric painter  Hazlitt’s Complete Works, in 13 volumes, appeared in 1902–06, to be reissued, edited by P.P. Howe, in 21 volumes in 1930–34  Toward the end of his life Hazlitt was severely ill  By September 1830, Hazlitt was confined to his bed  He died on 18 September

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Prantsuse renessanss kokkuvõte

USUSÕJAD 1562-1598, koku 8 sõda, peeti Lõuna-Prantsusmaa aadlikest kalvinistide(hugenottide) ja kodanlaste ning absolutistliku kuningavõimu toetavate katoliiklaste vahel. Kat. leidsid toetust Hispaanialt, hugenotid Inglismaalt ja Saksamaalt; kat. juhtisid hertsogid Guise`id ,kalviniste Navarra kun. Antoine de Bourbon,tema poeg Henri,prints Louis de Condé ja admiral Coligny.U-d algasid Guise`ide korraldatud Vassy veresaunaga (1.03.1562). Hugenotid said 1570 (Saint - Germaini lepitusediktiga) usuvabaduse ning neli kindlust ( La Rochelle jt. );neis tekkis pärast Pärtliöö veresauna arvat. 1574 hugenottide riigitaoline moodustis.Vastukaaluks 1576 loodud Katoliiklik Liiga ja 1584 loodud Pariisi Liiga tungisid peale nii hugenottidele kui ka kuningavõimule (1585-89).Kun. Henri III, kes oli 1585 tühistanud kõik hugenottide õigused, mõrvati 1589. Navarra kun. Henri, saanud 1589 Pr.kun-ks (Henri IV), kindlustas trooni, siirdudes 1593 ka...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
7 allalaadimist

Süda ja veresoondkond

Pärnu Täiskasvanute Gümnaasium SILVER MINAJEV IX klass SÜDA JA VERESOONKOND Referaat Juhendaja: Urmas Lekk Koostaja: Silver Minajev Pärnu 2 SISUKORD 1. SÜDA 3 Süda on pump, mis täidab elulise tähtsusega ülesannet, pannes vere organismis ringlema. Inimese süda on umbes rusikasuurune elund. Südame moodustab võimas südamelihas, mis rütmiliselt kokku tõmbub ja ja lõtvub - ,,lööb", nagu öeldakse. Südame löökide sagedus võib ollla küllaltki erinev. Täiskasvanud inimesel lööb süda umbes 70 korda minutis, imikutel aga peaaegu kaks korda sagedamini. Südamelöökide sagedus sõltub treenitusest, east, organismi hetkeseisundist jms. Näide: Lance Armstrongi, kes on üks maailma parimai...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
38 allalaadimist

New York

in New York City. It is host to approximately twenty-five million visitors each year. Central Park was opened in 1859, completed in 1873 and designated a National Historic Landmark in 1963. 3. The statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty officially titled Liberty Enlightening the World, dedicated on October 28, 1886, is a monument commemorating the centennial of the signing of the United States Declaration of Independence, given to the United States by the people of France to represent the friendship between the two countries established during the American Revolution. 4. Skyscrapers and the Stars and Stripes. 40 Wall Street: Built in 1929 as the headquarters of the Bank of Manhattan, this was intended to be the world's tallest building. The building became known for its 70th floor observatory and its 43 high-speed elevators. Stars and Stripes: The flag of the United States of America is a national flag. The colors in the flag are red,

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

The beginning of Aghata

But Reggie had to travel to Hong Kong for two years because of his work.They agreed,that if Aghata is still a free woman,they will marry when he will be back. On 12-th October 1912 Aghata was 22 years old.She visited many parties and got to know one nice young man Archibald Christie.They fell in love and wanted to marry.Aghata wrote to Reggie and he understood and let her free.Aghata,s mother sugested to wait with marriage . 1914 suddenly war started.Archie had to go to France and Aghata went to be volunteer nurse.In December Archie came to England for 5 days and they wanted to marry.This time mother of Aghata agreed.Finaaly they married on 24.-th of December 1914.After few days Aghata didn,t see her husband for 6 months.She went to work to a hospital pharmacy.There she studied something new,that would be a great help to her detective stories-about poisons! She always thought about her detective stories and one day she had a great idea for a character in her stories

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Hamelti tegelased (Ingilse keeles)

Ophelia is a sweet and innocent young girl, who obeys her father and her brother, Laertes. Dependent on men to tell her how to behave, she gives in to Polonius's schemes to spy on Hamlet. Even in her lapse into madness and death, she remains maidenly, singing songs about flowers and finally drowning in the river amid the flower garlands she had gathered. Laertes - Polonius's son and Ophelia's brother, a young man who spends much of the play in France. Passionate and quick to action, Laertes is clearly a foil for the reflective Hamlet. Fortinbras - The young Prince of Norway, whose father the king (also named Fortinbras) was killed by Hamlet's father (also named Hamlet). Now Fortinbras wishes to attack Denmark to avenge his father's honor, making him another foil for Prince Hamlet. The Ghost - The specter of Hamlet's recently deceased father. The ghost, who claims to have been murdered by Claudius, calls upon Hamlet to avenge him

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
13 allalaadimist


ruling more democratical. Thomas Hobbes said that we all are equal and we all have equal rights to live,to develop,to make living and live valuable life.Enlightenment changed the way of thinking,it opened eyes and that is were all started.Beliving in religious belives and principles decreased and rational thinking increased.Democracy,humanrights and sience were more valuable now. The main result beside tolerance were also enlightened absolutism,the independencewar of America and Great France Revolution.Enlightenment also gave great bush to industrial revolution.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Takashi Murakami

Iseseisvad Gruppis 2009-"Sold Out: The Artist in the Age of Pop," Tate Modern, London, England "Mapping the Studio," Palazzo Grassi, Venice, 2009-Gagosian Gallery, London, Inglismaa Italy 2008-Paigaldus Disain Miami, Miami, FL "VRAOUM!," La Maison Rouge, Paris, France Takashi Murakami: Prints "Minu esimene artikkel" "Louis Vuitton and the Passion for Creation," seeria, Kaikai Kiki Galerii Tokyo Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong "Davy Jone's Tear" Blum & Poe, Los Angeles, CA "Hong Kong Art Fair," Hong Kong "Oval Buddha IBM-Ehitus," IBM Building, New "Un Certain État du Monde? A Selection of York, NY Works From Francois Pinault Foundation

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
7 allalaadimist

Extreme Sports.

new Competition Sport. The first known ice climbing competition was organized in Courmayeur on the Brenva glacier in 1912. Ice climbing competitions started in Russia (at that time the Soviet Union) and have been held each winter since 1970. There were three disciplines: difficulty, speed and speed climbing of a longer route (100+m) by roped groups where the lead climber changed every 40m. The competitions at Courchevel in France were also famous. The main rule was to climb as high as possible using as few hits as possible, with the time limited between 8 and 14 minutes.The magnificent 40m high tower in Courchevel was synonymous for difficulty ice climbing events in Europe from 1995 until 2000 when a huge piece of ice fell down just a few hours before the event started. Nowadays International Commission for Ice Climbing Competitions is

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Austraalia ajalugu

The British may have hoped to found a naval base in the Pacific, sources of timer and flax. They arrived on 26.01.1788. Things were hard for them and food was short. Things gradually improved and a second and third fleet arrived in years 1790 and 1791. Convicts worked on government land but since 1973 those who behaved well were freed and given land. The first free settlers arrived also that year. Relatively few new people were sent to Australia during the long wars with France from 1793 to 1815. The second governor was John Hunter in 17951800 and he was followed by Philip King. Under King the first colonists settled in Tasmania in 1803, Tasmania was then called Van Diemens Land. In 1813 a path was discovered through the Blue Mountains, that enabled them to spread inland. By 1825 the White population of Australia was about 25,000 with Tasmania having 4,500. The transportation location was again changed to Western Australia and it continued till 1868

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Euroopas ilma ennustamiseks kasutatavad piiratud ala mudelid

Maria-Julia Järv Euroopas ilma ennustamiseks kasutatavad piiratud ala mudelid HIRLAM (High Resolution Limited Area Model)  HIRLAM on paljude Euroopa riikide ühine teadus-arendusprojekt, mille eesmärgiks on kõrglahutusliku ja -kvaliteetse ilmaennustustarkvara loomine, arendamine ja kasutamine osavõtjamaade ilmateenistuste kaudu nende riikide ja rahvaste hüvanguks.  Eesti on HIRLAM Konsortsiumi täisliige aastast 2007. Eestis toimub HIRLAM arendustegevus Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituudi atmosfäärilabori ja Keskkonnaagentuuri Prognoosmudelite osakonna koostöös. HIRLAM (High Resolution Limited Area Model)  HIRLAM (High Resolution Limited Area Model) on rahvusvaheline konsortsium, mille eesmärgiks on arendada ilmaennustusmudelit liikmesmaade operatiivse ilmaprognoosimise tarbeks.  Huvi liitumise vastu on üles näidanud ka Läti ja Leedu ilmateenistuse...

Geograafia → Maateadused
1 allalaadimist

Summary Britta Kase

This is the only way to make countries comparable. The graphic shows that the GDP per head is the highest in Luxembourg and the lowest in Bulgaria. The GDP per head in Estonia is quite low, lower than th EU average. The EU aims to reduce the disparaties and that is why poorer regions of the EU receive money to impove their infrastructure and so enhance their economic opportunities. The idea of united Europe was born in the former enemies France and Germany that they should join together. The first body from which today’s EU emerged was the European Coal and Steel Community. The aim was to manage the coal reserves collectively, coal was the most important energy source then. Each country had a say in the affairs of every other country, none of them could then work or secretly arm against another, but they could rebuild Europe together and peace could be assured in Europe. Mutual emnity thus turned

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Gootika e. Gooti stiil

11.klass 1. tund Gootika e. Gooti stiil Kodus: lugeda Lauri Leesi ,,Kunstilugu koolidele" lk 57 ­ 63 Kodus: lugeda Jaak Kangilaski ,,Üldine kunstiajalugu" lk 113 ­ 127 arhitektuur Prantsusmaal, Saksamaal, Inglismaal, Itaalias (kirikud, linnused). Pisa. Skulptuur. Maalikunst. Tarbekunst. Raamatukujundus. Kunst Eestis ja põhjamaades keskajal: kindlused, kirikud, skulptuur, maalikunst. Notke. Rode. Sittow. Gootika stiil järgnes romaanile ja eelnes renessansile. Gootika kujunes välja 12.saj. keskel Prantsusmaal Ile-de-France [ill dö fra(n)ss]. Levis üle Euroopa ja hääbus 16.saj. Gooti ajastu jagatakse tavaliselt kolme perioodi 1. varagootika - 12. sajandi II pool 2. kõrggootika - 13. ja 14. sajand 3. hilisgootika - 15. sajand ja 16. sajand Kõige varem- juba 15. sajandil ­ loobuti gootikast Itaalias. Esimese suure kunstistiilina jõudis gootika ka Eesti aladele ning on pärandanud meile hulgaliselt kirikuid, kindlusi ja muid mälestisi. ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
8 allalaadimist

Mardi Gras esitlus

Mardi Gras History Mardi Gras came to America in 1699 with the French explorer Iberville. Mardi Gras had been celebrated in Paris since the Middle Ages, where it was a major holiday. Iberville sailed into the Gulf of Mexico, from where he launched an expedition up the Mississippi River. On March 3 of 1699, Iberville had set up a camp on the west bank of the river about 60 miles south of where New Orleans is today. This was the day Mardi Gras was being celebrated in France. In honor of this important day, Iberville named the site Point du Mardi Gras. On Mardi Gras of 1857, the Mystick Krewe of Comus held its first parade. Comus is the oldest continuously active Mardi Gras organization and is considered the first Carnival krewe in the modern sense. Masks & Music There are French royals, feather-covered showgirls, Energizer bunnies, painted clowns, masked lions and countless others in the streets of New Orleans at Mardi Gras

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Referaat Prantsusmaast!

Tallinna Tööstushariduskeskus Prantsusmaa Referaat Autor: Marilin Maarjakõiv 101 RS Tallinn 2009 Sisukord Sissejuhatus ...................................................................................3 Üldandmed ...................................................................................4 Geograafiline asend .........................................................................4 Riigi arengutase..............................................................................5 Rahvastik......................................................................................5 Soolis-vanuseline koosseis..................................................................6 Linnastumine..................................................................................6 Turism..................................................

Geograafia → Geograafia
23 allalaadimist

Mille poolest on Prantsusmaal oluline Louis XIII valitsemisaeg

Mille poolest on Prantsusmaal oluline Louis XIII valitsemisaeg? Louis XIII asemel valitses Richelieu. Prantsusmaast tehti euroopa võimsaim riik. Taheti luua tsentraliseeritud riik. 1629. a. Armuediktiga hugenottide poliitilised ja sotsiaalsed eesõigused tühistati. Valitsemine maal läks riigiametnikest intendantide kätte, alamaadel seoti riigiteenistusega, keelati duellid. Ametlik kultuuriideoloogia klassitsism. ajaleht Gazette de France. Iseloomusta Louis XIV valitsusaega?Valitses 1643-1715. Jules Mazarin. Absolutism elas üle kriisi, aegajalt aadelkond mässas, Pariisis üritas parlament läbi viia reforme, 1648 rahvaülestõus, Mazarin surus maha. 1661 M suri, L14 sai võimule. Pidas end jumala poolt troonile panduks ja seetõttu arvas, et võib teha, mida tahab. Ihkas kuulsust, selle nimel pidas mitmeid laastavaid, aga tulutuid sõdu. Provintsides seati sisse intendandi ametikoht ­ pol. politsei, kes ei vajanud karistamiseks kohut....

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
7 allalaadimist

Hotellimajanduse erialased inglise keelsed sõnad

Dennis R. Lillicrap & John A. Cousins Foof and Beverage, 1994 WORDS (pp. 140-148, 246-247, 287-289) 1. a constant standard- pidev standard 2. a cruet- maitseainetops 3. a disposable filter- ühekordne filter 4. a fine powder- (peen) pulber 5. a glass container with a lip- tilaga klaasanum 6. a goblet- pokaal 7. a heaped teaspoonful- kuhjaga teelusikatäis 8. a jug of cream- koorekann 9. a level dessertspoonful- triiki magustoidulusikatäis 10. a napkin- riidest salvrätik 11. a new brew of coffee- uus kohvilaar 12. a party of six guests- 6 külaliseline seltskond 13. a sugar basin- suhkrutoos 14. a thin layer- õhuke kiht 15. added to taste- maitse järgi lisatud 16. an ashtray- tuhatoos 17. approximately- ligikaudu 18. at right angles- täisnurga all 19. at the correct serving temper...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

The renaissance period in England. Art and literature, development of drama. Dynasties, kings and queens.

It was a civil war between two dynasties, families. They had different emblems on one side the Yorks (white rose) other Lancasters (red). They couldn't decide who gets the throne. War ended 1485. A new dynasty came to throne, Tudor, the first king in this dynasty was Henry Vll. When he came to throne a period of stability followed because he built a nation based state. He was good at diplomacy.He could avoid quarrels and wars with neigbouring countries. France, Spain - greatest enemies.So he could save much money and thus laid a good economic basis for his state. Besides that he built a merchant fleet (kaubalaevastik) England begun to dominate in international trade. Unfortunately the king got old and died. Next king was Henry Vlll, second son of the family, wasn't prepared to become a king. Had to take the role as his elder brother died. Was prepared to come a clergyman ­ got good education: languages, music, literature

Keeled → British culture (briti...
3 allalaadimist

Syria (Helimun)

local private banks to finance capital investment. The government passed a law in 2006 which permits the operation of private money exchange companies, which have been subject to an unpredictable regulatory context. A small black market for foreign currency is active but practitioners have been subject to arrest. Syria made progress in easing its foreign debt burden through bilateral rescheduling deals with its key creditors in Europe, most importantly Russia, Germany, and France. Syria also settled its debt with Iran and the World Bank. 6. Foreign trade According to International Monetary Fund sources, because of the discovery of large oil fields, Syria's foreign trade volume has immensely increased over the last 3 decades. During this period, exports have grown from US$203 million in 1970 to US$4.8 billion in 2000, while imports have risen from US$360 million in 1970 to US$3.5 billion in 2000. Syria's foreign trade is highly dependent on its oil

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Nali: The World According to Student Bloopers

Read carefully, and you will learn a lot. The inhabitants of Egypt were called mummies. They lived in the Sarah Dessert and traveled by Camelot. The climate of the Sarah is such that the inhabitants have to live elsewhere, so certain areas of the dessert are cul- tivated by irritation. The Egyptians built the Pyramids in the shape of a huge triangular cube. The Pramids are a range of mountains between France and Spain. The Bible is full of interesting caricatures. In the first book of the Bible, Guinesses, Adam and Eve were created from an apple tree. One of their children, Cain, asked "Am I my brother's son?" God asked Abraham to sacrifice Issac on Mount Montezuma. Jacob, son of Issac, stole his brother's birthmark. Jacob was a partiarch who brought up his twelve sons to be partiarchs, but they did not take to it. One of Jacob's sons, Joseph, gave refuse to the Israelites.

Informaatika → Informaatika
5 allalaadimist

Tolerance and Diversity essay

First and foremost, both coexistence and integration require a high level of tolerance from all those involved. Here, the major obstacle is often xenophobia which may be caused by a wide range of factors. As a rule, xenophobia occurs in big, mostly mono-cultural societies, where strangers are kept at a distance just because they have not been seen around before. On the other hand, xenophobia can result from the hyper-liberal immigration policy in some modern countries. For example France and Sweden which have warmly welcomed a huge amount of immigrants form Asia and Africa during the recent decades. However, instead of striving to integrate with the local population by learning their language and getting to know their culture, they form their own closed community which do not communicate with the indigenous population. What is more, they keep on following the laws of their native land, often ignoring the legislation of their new homeland.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Carmen Kassist

tööpakkumise, kuid tütarlapse ema ei olnud sellega nõus. Kohaliku modelliagentuuri Baltic Modelsi kaudu kirjutas ta ise endale loa ning lahkus kolmeks kuuks Milanosse, kus tegi algust oma modellikarjääriga. 18aastaselt kolis Carmen Pariisi ­ siin saavutas ta kiiresti edu, olles mitmete ajakirjade esikaantel:Prantsusmaa ajakirjadeL'Officiel ja Vogue , Austraalia ajakirja Elle , Inglismaa ajakirja Image , Prantsusmaa ajakirjade Madame Figaro, Numero France, Vogue ja Ameerika Vogue. Aastal 2000 valis ajakiri Vogue ta aasta modelliks. Ta on teinud koostööd mitmete tuntud disaineritega, nagu Alberta Ferretti, Anna Sui, BCBG, Bill Blass, Calvin Klein, Coco Chanel, Christian Dior, DKNY, Dolce & Gabbana, Gianfranco Ferré, Gianni Versace, Gucci, Jill Stuart, MaxMara, Michael Kors, Moschino, Nicole Miller, Prada, Oscar de la Renta, Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger ja Valentino.

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
10 allalaadimist

Ameerika (USA) asutamine - 40 mõistet

oktoobriga 1517. Katoliiklus - (kreeka sõnast (katholikós) 'üleüldine', 'universaalne') ehk katolitsism on kristluse levinuim usutunnistus, mis tunnustab paavsti oma vaimuliku peana; õigeusu ja protestantismi kõrval üks kolmest kristluse põhiharust. Katoliikluseks nimetatakse ka Rooma Katoliku Kiriku õpetust. Hugenotid - From the 16th to the 18th century the name Huguenot was applied to a member of the Protestant reformed church in France. historically known as the French Calvinists. Metodism - Metodism või metodistlik liikumine on rühm ajalooliselt seotud kristlikke protestantlikke usulahke. Mormoonid - Mormoonid (tuntud ka nimede all viimsepäevapühakud, viimse aja pühad, viimse aja pühade liikumine ja mormoonlus) on 1830. aastal Joseph Smithi poolt Ameerika Ühendriikides rajatud kristlik usulahk, mis ei tunnista traditsioonilist kristlikku arusaama Jumala kolmainsusest.

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
22 allalaadimist

Escoffier Auguste

· Le Carnet d'Epicure (1911) · Le Livre des Menus (1912) · L'Aide-memoire Culinaire (1919) · Le Riz (1927) · La Morue (1929) · Ma Cuisine (1934) · Prantsuse Retseptid (1965) 4 · Minu elu mälestused (1996, tema enda elu meened, avaldanud tema lapselaps aastal 1985. · Les Tresors Culinaires de la France (kogunud L. Escoffier) Kasutatud allikad: Jussi Talvi ,,Gastronoomia ajalugu" 5

Toit → Kokandus
32 allalaadimist

International Economic organisations, leader firms

International Economic organisations were established to increase globalisation and international co-operation. 1. Economic unions- organisations dealing with international trade and also finance. For example European Union,World Trade Organisation. 2. Cartels-a formal agreement of some kind of raw materials. ASEAN-Association of Southeast-Asia Nations. It was established in 1967-Its aim is to make favorable conditions for membership countries. The members are Brunei,Philippines,Indonesia,Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaisia and Singapore. NAFTA-North American Free Trade Agreement.It was established in 1989 by Canada, USA, and Mexico. They have remained totally independent.All countries may join with this organisation.It is one of the world's biggest economic organisations. MERCOSUR-The South common market.Regional Trade Agreement among Uruguay,Paraguay,Brazil and Argentina.It was founded in 1991. Boliv...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
7 allalaadimist

Euroopa riigid

Lisateavet Euroopa Liidu kohta saab Euroopa veebilehelt: ,,EUROPE DIRECT" vastab teie küsimustele Euroopa Liidu kohta telefonil 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 või e-postiga veebilehe kaudu Euroopa riigid Belgia (Belgique/België) Pealinn: Brüssel (Bruxelles/Brussel) Rahvaarv: 10,4 miljonit Pindala: 30 518 km² SKT: 27 600 OJS elaniku kohta Tsehhi Vabariik (Ceská republika) Pealinn: Praha (Praha) Rahvaarv: 10,2 miljonit Pindala: 78 859 km² SKT: 17 000 OJS elaniku kohta Taani (Danmark) Pealinn: Kopenhaagen (København) Rahvaarv: 5,4 miljonit Pindala: 43 094 km² SKT: 28 600 OJS elaniku kohta Saksamaa (Deutschland) Pealinn: Berliin (Berlin) Rahvaarv: 82,5 miljonit Pindala: 357 020 km² SKT: 25 300 OJS elaniku kohta Eesti (Eesti) Pealinn: Tallinn Rahvaarv: 1,4 miljonit Pindala: 43 211 km² SKT: 12 800 OJS elaniku ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
12 allalaadimist

Ants Laikmaa

Ants Laikmaa (until 1935 Hans Laipman) was as the 13th child of a poor Estonian family. He attended schools in Vigala, Haapsalu and Lihula. His mother died when he was a child. Laikmaa discovered early his interest in painting. He studied from 1891 to 1893 and 1896/97 at the Düsseldorf Art Academy. From 1897 to 1899 he was working in Düsseldorf. In autumn of 1899 he returned back to Tallinn. From 1900 to 1907 Laikmaa worked as an artist in Tallinn and Haapsalu. Study led him to Belgium, France, Austria, Finland and the Netherlands. 1901 he organized the first ever Estonian art exhibition in Tallinn, 1906 followed by the first art exhibition in Tartu. 1903, he founded a studio in Tallinn. 1907 he founded the Estonian Art Association (Eesti Kunstiselts). In 1904 the 38-year-old Laikmaa met the great love of his life, the 21-year-old Marie Hacker, who later changed her name to Marie Under, one of the best-known poets of the time. In the same

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Les Miserables. Fantine

Les Miserables Victor Hugo Les Miserables est un roman de Victor Hugo. Il décrit la vie de misérables dans Paris et la France provinciale du 19e siècle. J'ai lu le tome I, Fantine. Il y a deux personnages principaux ­ Fantine et Jean Valjean. L'histoire commence avec la descripton d'eveque de Digne. Ensuite, nous apprenons à connaître Jean Valjean, un prisonnier précédente. Il a l'air de misérables. Il a été condamné à cinq ans pour avoir volé du pain, , puis quatorze autres pour de nombreuses tentatives d'évasion. Il est en colère et amère à cause de

Keeled → Prantsuse keel
3 allalaadimist

Table of tenses

trip. lady before that? She won't have How long will To express what will have We'll have lived Future Perfect finished her you have lived in happened or how long some-thing here for twenty homework by the France by the end will have happened up to a certain years by 2005. time we arrive. of next year? point in the future. To express the duration of a Present Perfect She's been waiting How long have

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist

Roman invasion

The Romans came to Britain nearly 2000 years ago and changed our country. The Romans lived in Rome, a city in the centre of the country of Italy .One day, some years before Jesus Christ was born, the Romans came to Britain. First invasion - Caesar's first raid In August 55 B.C. (55 years before Jesus was born) the Roman general, emperor Julius Caesar invaded Britain. He took with him two Roman legions. After winning several battles against the Britons in South-East England he returned to France. Second invasion - Caesar's second raid In 54 B.C. Julius Caesar came to Britain again landing at Walmer near Deal in Kent. This time he brought with him five legions (30,000 foot soldiers) and 2,000 cavalrymen (horse riders). This time the Romans crossed the River Thames. After more fighting, the British tribes promised to pay tribute to Rome and were then left in peace for nearly a century. Third and final invasion In 43 A.D

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Michael Morpurgo

He hates rewriting stories and he hates making corrections. Favorites among his own books. Favorites among his own books are The Butterfly Lion, Kensuke´s Kingdom, War Horse and Private Peaceful. War horse War Horse is a children's novel by Michael Morpurgo. It was first published in Great Britain by Kaye & Ward in 1982. The story recounts the experiences of Joey, a horse purchased by the Army for service in World War I France and the attempts of young Albert, his previous owner, to bring him safely home. It formed the basis of both an award winning play (2007) and an acclaimed film (2011). The book talks about a horse who lives on a farm and moves into the battles of World War I. It is a story of friendship lasting through the toughest tests. Michael Morpurgo tells the story trough the eyes of a horse. It is a moving and a powerful story of survival. His present life He is 71 years old

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Marie Antoinette

monarchy, and Marie Antoinette herself became the target of a great deal of vicious gossip. 3. She was hated for many things like: beauty, spending money, The Diamond Necklace incident People called her "L'Autrichienne" She was hated for her beauty and because of her eccentric personality, also because she was born in Austria. French people started to call her "L'Autrichienne" (which literally means the Austrian (woman), but also suggests the French word "chienne", meaning bitch) Also France financial crisis was blamed on her lavish spending. It is known that she lived golden life: she bought tons of clothes, diamonds and of course she gambled. The Diamond Necklace incident damaged her reputation further, although she was completely innocent in this affair.- The Diamon Necklace incident was that her husband asked jewelers to make a necklace out of diamonds to give it to woman as a thank you and respect sign, but both the woman and the husband died before the necklace was

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Ameerika Ãœhendriigid

1. USA’s type of the country is constitutinal republic. Their type of government is parliamentary democracy 2. The flag has 13 red and white stipes which stand for the first states. The flag also has 50 stars on it which represent the states now and the last star is for Hawaii. 3. Their motto is In God We Trust. The national bird is the bald eagle. Symbols : The Lincoln Memorial, The White House, the Statue of Liberty (a gift from France 1886), Uncle Sam, the Jefferson Memorial, the Washington Monument. 4. America was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492. Christopher Columbus arrived in the „New World“ in 1492 and thought it was India and called the people Indians. 5. Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence and the third U.S. president, was a leading figure in America’s early development. During the American Revolutionary War (1775-83), Jefferson

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

TV ja videostandardid

aasta 1. jaanuaril. 4 Pildi allikas: Wikipedia SECAM ehk Séquentiel couleur à mémoire on analoogtelevisiooni süsteem kasutu- ses Prantsusmaal. Seda nimetatakse ajalooliselt esimeseks värvitelevisiooni stan- dardiks Euroopas. See leiutati tiimi poolt, mille juhiks oli Henri de France. SECAM-ga alustati tööd 1956. aastal. Enne avalikustamist oli SECAM-st tehtud 3 erinevat ver- siooni, milles iga uuem on parem kui eelmine. Kasutusele tuli see alles 1967. aasta 1. oktoobril Prantsusmaal. Videostandardid ning kasutatavad kaablid VHS: Tuli välja 1970-ndatel. Loodi Jaapani päritolu firma JVC poolt ning on litsentsivaba standard. Algversioonid lubasid salvestada 2 tundi materjali, nüüd kõige uuemad lu- bavad salvestada kuni 8 tundi. (Pilt 1)

Informaatika → Multimeedia
4 allalaadimist

Jacques Louis David ja Prantsuse Revolutsioon

revived the historical dispute about David's intentions with his Horatii. Crow claimed that Horatii was definitely a prerevolutionary painting and that Ettlinger's idea of Horatii being republican is false. (Roberts, 1989, p.19) In 1781 David exhibited his painting Belisarius, which was based on a legend of Belisarius, who was a victorious and noble military general falsely accused of betrayal. (Rosenblum, Woldemar, 1984, p.25) Same misfortune happened to one general in France: "The legend was especially popular in the late eighteenth century, not only because of its dramatic ingredient of grim misfortune, but because it offered a historical counterpart to the contemporary scandal of a French general, the Count de Lally, who, after mismanaging a French expedition to India, was wrongly convicted of treason and executed in 1766, but then officially exonerated in 1781, the year of David's painting. It was the kind of parallel between

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunsti ajalugu
1 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus TTÜ 1 kodutöö

3 6 2006-2012 2006 2012 0 0 2 8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1. Kodutöö Exceli valemeid kasutades lahendage järgmised ülesanded. Vormindage tulemused otst Lahendustega fail laadige üles Moodle kursusel. Töö esitamise tähtaeg on 7. oktoober kell 23:55 NB! Kõik tulemused tuleb leida valemite abil! Valemid tabelites peavad olema kopeerita Vajadusel kasutage abilahtreid/abiveerge. Ülesande variantide saamiseks sisestage oma õpingukoodi number lahtrisse, mille nimi Lahendada tuleb ainult enda variandi ülesanded, teiste variantide lahendusi ei tohi esitatavas failis Ülesanne 1 Töölehel Ainekava on TABB ainekava. Leidke, kui suur osakaal (protsentides) on majandusteaduskonna ainetel (ainekood algab T-tähega) 1. ainete koguarvus 2. ainepunktide koguarvus. Ülesanne 2 Töölehel Eurostat on andmed Euroopa riikide rahva...

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
123 allalaadimist

Prantsusmaa pärast Teist maailmasõda

Pärast Prantsusmaa okupeerimist põgenes Londonisse, kus ta pidas 1940. aasta juunis ajaloolise raadiokõne, kutsudes prantsuse patrioote kodu- ja välismaal astuma vastu igasugusele relvarahule Saksamaaga. Kuulutas, et "Prantsusmaa on kaotanud lahingu, kuid pole kaotanud sõda". Tema kompromissitu meelekindlus Teise maailmasõja aastatel päästis Prantsusmaa kaotusest ja sakslastega tehtud koostöö häbist. Organiseeris 1942. aastal patriootliku liikumise ,,Vaba Prantsusmaa" (La France libre), mille kõrgi juhina valmistas palju peavalu Winston Churchillile. De Gaulle'i juhitud väeüksused maabusid Normandias nädal pärast lääneliitlaste Normandia dessantoperatsiooni (D-päeva) ja marssisid triumfaalselt Pariisi 25. augustil 1944, kui saksa snaiperid olid veel positsioonidel majade katustel. Liitlastel ei jäänud muud üle, kui tunnustada de Gaulle'i administratsiooni Prantsusmaa ajutise valitsusena, kuid talle ei antud

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
24 allalaadimist

Gröönimaast - kokkuvõte

sledge tour you will have the chance to dress in clothes made from reindeer hide. Polar bears live predominantly in north and east Greenland but also come to south Greenland, drifting on the field ice. Encounters with polar bears are extremely rare except in north and east Greenland and no precautions are necessary outside these regions. The northeastern part of Greenland is a protected national park. With a size larger than England and France put together, it's the largest national park in the world. Polar bears, walruses, reindeer, musk oxen and a growing stock of wolves live here along with smaller animals and many bird species. Taimestik Nii nagu loomi, leidub ka taimi kõikjail jäävabadel aladel. Taimestik on kidur ja kasvab aeglaselt. Vaatamata tehtud pingutustele leidub puid vaid mõnes üksikus soojemas kohas Lõuna-Gröönimaal. Ka vili ei jõua neis arktilistes tingimustes valmida

Geograafia → Geograafia
23 allalaadimist

Christopher Columbus

Columbus decided to ask the joint rulers of Spain, King Ferdinand of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castille, if they would pay for the journey. They met Columbus and said that they would look at his plans with their own navigators. In 1490 the Spanish navigators told the King and Queen that they thought Columbus had made some mistakes with his plans and they should not agree to the journey. During this time Columbus tried to interest the kings of France and England in his plans. They were not interested either. Then, in the summer of 1492, Queen Isabella suddenly agreed to finance the plan. If Columbus succeeded in reaching the East, he was to receive the Spanish noble title of don. He would also become admiral and ruler of all the lands discovered, and he would be entitled to one tenth of gold, silver, gems and spices found there. The tiny fleet consisted of three ships. Columbus himself commanded the flagship, the Santa Maria

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


1. The National Mall is a large, open park area in the center of the city. Located in the center of the Mall is the Washington Monument. Also located on the mall are the Lincoln Memorial, the National World War II Memorial at the east end of the reflecting pool, the Korean War Veterans Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, and the Albert Einstein Memorial. The National Archives houses thousands of documents important to American history including the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Located directly south of the mall, the Tidal Basin features rows of Japanese cherry blossom trees that were presented as gifts from the nation of Japan. The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, and the District of Columbia War Memorial are located around the Tidal Basin. 2. The Smithsonian Institution is an educational foundation chartered by Congress in 1846 that maintains most of th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

"USA" Topic

important than in Europe. They are created to serve limited political functions, not to be the center of social life. New York is the biggest city in America, with seven million people . About 40% of the population is foreign-born. Although it's not the capital it has always been the cultural centre of the whole country. New York is also famous for its skyscrapers. The heart of New York is Manhattan Island. The Statue of Liberty stands in the harbor of New York. A gift from France, she is a strong woman and holds up the torch of freedom. Washington, DC is the capital of the USA. It's designed by a French architect. DC, by the way, stands for "District of Columbia", in honor of Christopher Columbus. Washington is a beautiful city with many famous monuments and without much industry. The president of the United States lives and works in the White House. Los Angeles, California, on the west coast, is the second largest city in America, with 3 500 000 people

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
9 allalaadimist

Topic: Canada

Topic Canada History The first people to live in what is now Canada arrive from Asia at least 20 000 years ago. They arrived by a way of a land bridge that once connected Asia and North America at what is now Alaska. In 1497, John Capot, an Italian navigator in the service of England found rich fishing grounds off Canada's southeast coast. France took the lead in exploring the country and set up a colony in eastern Canada in the early 1600's. Great Britain gained control of the country in 1763 and thousands of British immigrants began to join the French who remained in Canada. Canada gained its independence from Britain in 1931. Position/area Canada is the second largest country in the world. Canada extends across the continent of North America, from Newfoundland to British Columbia. Over 5000 km of border separate

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


isiksuse vastu. Seega on rüütlikirjandus pigem ilmalik. Rüütliromaan kujutab seiklusi ja kangelastegusid, mida sooritavad vaprad rüütlid, põneva sisuga lood esitavad fantaasiapärase ainestiku kõrval ka ajaloolisi ja legendilaadseid pärimusi. Kadus ka senise kirjanduse anonüümsus, sest autorid on nimeliselt teada. Nende seas küündisid esile esimesed silmapaistvad kirjanikud ­ Chretien de Troyes, Bernanrt de Ventadorn, Marie de France. Ka luuletajate-laulike ühiskondlik seisund paranes: nad polnud enam rändavad zonglöörid, vaid ülikute kodudes kutseliste laulikutena ametis olevad sõnakunstnikud. _____________________________________________________________________________ _ EEPOS ­ lugulaul, eepika suurvorm, enamasti värsivormiline teos maailma loomisest, jumalate ja kangelaste tegudest, müütilistest ja tegelikest sündmustest. Varasemad nn rahvaeeposed on

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
15 allalaadimist


, Müürsep, T. (2006). Õpi ja Harjuta. Tallinn. Sax, H., Allegranzi, B., Larson, E., Boyce, J., Pittet, D. (2007). My five moments for hand hygienea user-centred design approach to understand, train, monitor and report hand hygiene. Journal of Hospital Infectio, 67, 9. 2007.pdf . (25.10.14). Guidelines On Hand Hygiene In Health Care (2009). World Health Organisation. France . (29.10.14). 8

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
21 allalaadimist

Prantsuse kuningriik kõrg- ja hiliskeskajal ning varauusajal

Prantsuse kuningriik kõrg- ja hiliskeskajal ning varauusajal. Selgita mõistet kuninglik domeen. Kus asus algselt Kapetingide dünastia kuningate kuninglik domeen? Kuninglik domeen on kuninga maavaldus, kõige tugevam kuningavõim Kapetingide dünastia kuningate kuninglik domeen(Ile de France) asus Pariisis ja Orleansis. Milliselt saarelt sai alguse Pariis? Millised olid selle saare 2 tähtsaimat ehitist? Pariis sai alguse Cite saarelt. Selle saare 2 tähtsaimat ehitist olid kuningaloss ja Notre Dame. Millisest 11. s sündmusest said alguse Prantsuse ja Inglise kuningate territoriaalsed vaidlused? 11. sajandil (1066.a.) vallutas Normandia hertsog Inglismaa, sellega sai ta kuningaks ning hakkas laiendama Normandia alasid. Seda sama süsteemi järgisid ka järgmised kuningad. Millise Inglise kuninga ajal laienesid Inglise valdused Prantsusmaal oluliselt? Inglise valdused Prantsusmaal laienesid oluliselt Henri II ajal....

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
4 allalaadimist

Andmetöötluse 2. kodutöö

Exceli valemeid ja töövahendeid kasutades leidke vastused järgmistele küsimustele. Lahendus laadige üles keskkonda Töö esitamise tähtaeg on 30. oktoober kell 8:00. 0 Töölehel ELriigid on Euroopa Liidu (EL) riikide loetelu eesti ja inglise keeles. Töölehel on andmed Eesti 2017. aasta väliskaubanduse kohta. Töölehel Eurostat on andmed Euroopa riikide rahvaarvu kohta. 1. Arvutage kaubavahetuse kogumaht iga riigi kohta (eksport + import) ning kuvage see summa miljo 2. Tehke eraldi andmetabel (list) nendest riikidest, mille kaubavahetuse kogumaht moodustab vähema 3. Leidke, kui palju nendest riikidest (vähemalt 2% väliskaubanduse üldmahust) ei kuulu ELi. 4. Leidke EL riikide osatähtsus Eesti väliskaubanduse üldmahus. 5. Leidke Suurbritannia koht Eesti kaubavahetuses EL riikidega. 6. Leike, mitme euro eest kaupu eksportis Eesti EL r...

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
89 allalaadimist

Arhitektuuriline park Versailles’ ja inglise pargi tekkimine

maastikuarhitektuuri, sest aiakujunduses olevat itaallased kogenematud.8 Hoolimata sellest omastas arhitekt teiste maade seas ka Itaalia pargikujunduses esinevaid elemente.9 5 Ibid. lk 146 6 Marroni, Ira Diana. 50 klassikut: Aiad ja pargid. Aiakunst antiigist tänapäevani. Tallinn, TEA, 2006 lk 106-207 7 Toman, lk 153. 8 Kluckert, Ehrenfried. Eurepean Garden Design from Classical Antiquity to the Present Day. France, Könemann, 2005, lk 186 5 Tänu André le Nôtre’ile tõusis Prantsuse aiakujundus Euroopas esikohale ning sellest võeti eeskuju. Le Nôtre’i jaoks on maastikudisain kui hiiglaslik, monumentaalne mõningate reljeefidega maal.10 Tema kompositsioon ei seisne üksnes ainult sümmeetrias – see oleks baroki pulbitsevale ja lõbujanulisele ajastule olnud liialt igav – vaid ka tasakaalus.11

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
6 allalaadimist

Rootsi majandus

0 2 3 3 United Kingdom 76 458 70 494 7.7 8 4 4 USA 64 247 64 635 6.5 1 5 6 Finland 62 740 61 021 6.3 3 6 5 Denmark 61 801 61 483 6.2 1 7 7 Netherlands 51 289 49 147 5.2 4 8 9 Belgium 46 764 45 208 4.7 3 9 8 France 45 824 46 247 4.6 1 10 10 China 31 453 32 991 3.2 5 11 11 Poland 25 708 26 680 2.6 4 12 12 Italy 22 264 25 629 2.2 13 13 13 Russia 19 849 23 695 2.0 16 14 14 Spain 15 692 18 590 1.6 16

Majandus → Majandus
14 allalaadimist

USA topic

The Southwest has the worst droughts. One drought is thought to have lasted over 500 years and to have decimated the Anasazi people. Bald Eagle (National Bird ) History At first there was Pre-Columbian period. It was before Columbus (re)discovered America. So there lived only natives in peace and quiet. Then began Colonial period and countries like Spain, Netherlands, Great Britain, France, Sweden and Portugal started establishing their colonies in America. Pilgrim Fathers (the British) established a colony called Jamestown in Virginia. They had to fight for their lives over there because America was still unknown for them, but they survived and started establishing even more colonies. The Thirteen British colonies started a rebellion against their motherland in 1775 and proclaimed their independence in 1776 and formed a nation in

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Prantsusmaa Referaat

Prantsusmaa Prantsuse Vabariik prantsuse République Française Prantsusmaa lipp Prantsusmaa vapp Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité Juhtlause (Vabadus, võrdsus, vendlus) Riigihümn Marseljees Pealinn Pariis 547 030 km2[1], Pindala meretaguste piirkondadega 674 843[2] km2 Riigikeel(ed) prantsuse 64 768 389[2] (koos meretaguste piirkondadega; Rahvaarv 2010), ilma nendeta 62 814 233[2] (juuli 2010) Rahvastiku 97 in/km2 tihedus Riigikord semipresidentaalne vabariik President Nicolas Sarkozy Peaminister François Fillon Iseseisvus 6. juuni 1523 SKT 2,108 triljonit USD (2009) SKT elaniku 33 678 USD kohta euro (enne 1999. aast...

Geograafia → Geograafia
12 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun