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"exit" - 129 õppematerjali

exit – LINUX’i tööseansi lõpetamine

Kasutaja: EXIT

Faile: 0

Backpaking lifestyle

his own un-tethering from the UK: I’ve opted out of the society I grew up in. I’ve got nothing to go back to anywhere in the world. I’ve got one bag of stuff in my friend’s house in Melbourne and my rucksack in my hut. The purpose of this trip is to find somewhere to live like this permanently. Thomas’s mooring was an exception amongst the participants and begs the question of how long his exit from lifestyle travel will last. Indeed, the hypermobility of lifestyle travel became so internally entrenched in this study’s participants that staying in a fixed and singly bounded notion of home was a rarely attained ideal. Germann Molz (2008) explores the idea of ‘home-on-the-move’, in which the closest travellers come to finding a sense of home is through dwelling in movement, by being at home on the road. Despite the tensions of longing

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Rakubioloogia II

34 valku 30S väike subühik: 16S rRNA (1540 nukleotiidi), 21valku Eukarüootidel: 80S: 60S suur subühik: 5S rRNA(120 nukleotiidi), 28S rRNA (4700 nukelotiidi),5,85S rRNA (160 nukleotiidi)- 49 valku 40S väike subühik: 18S rRNA (1900 nukleotiidi)- 33 valku mRNA ja tRNA seostumiskohad ribosoomis. mRNA molekuli transleerimise etapid. mRNA seostub ribosoomi väikese subühiku peale. tRNA on kolm seostumiskohta suure ja väikese ribosoomi subühiku vahel. Translerimise etapid: E- exit site, P- peptidüül tRNA site, A- aminotsüül- tRNA site) Ribosomaalsete RNA-de funktsioonid. Ribosüümi mõiste. Ribosoom koosneb 2/3 RNA-st ja 1/3 valkudest. rRNA-d (kuid mitte valgud) annavad ribosoomile struktuuri, aitavad siduda tRNA mRNA-le ja katalüüsivad peptiidsidemete teket, seega käituvad kui ensüümid (ribosüümid). Valgusünteesi algatamiseks ja lõppfaasiks vajalikud komponendid ja struktuurid eukarüootides.

Bioloogia → Rakubioloogia
34 allalaadimist

Geneetika I vastused

GENEETIKA I KORDAMISKÜSIMUSED EKSAMIKS 1. Kaasaegse geneetika rakendusalad meditsiinis ja kohtumeditsiinis. MEDITSIIN Geneetilised uuringud on alati olnud suures ulatuses seotud meditsiiniga ja nende eesmärgiks on olnud meditsiiniprobleemide lahendamine. Need uuringud on võimaldanud leida viise võitluses nakkushaigustega ning kindlaks teha geene, mis on otsustavad pärilike haiguste tekkel. Geneetikute töö tulemuseks on ka efektiivselt töötavad vaktsiinid. 1. Molekulaarne diagnostika ehk teha kindlaks geenid, mis on otsustavad pärilike haiguste tekkel. Molekulaarsete diagnostikameetoditega on võimalik tuvastada haigusi põhjustavaid mutantseid geene. See aitab leida optimaalseid ravivõimalusi. Nt alpaktonuuria on perekonniti päranduv, lisaks huntingtoni tõbi, tsüstiline fibroos. 2. Geeniteraapia rakendamine. Geeni defekt kompenseeritakse uue, funktsionaalse geeni rakku viimisega. Nt immuunpuudulikkuse ja tsüstilise fibroosi korral. Terve...

Bioloogia → Geneetika
33 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liidu aine eksamimaterjal

Euroopa Liit KORDAMISKÜSIMUSED EKSAMIKS 2014 Arutlusküsimused: Kas föderatsioon USA moodi on võimalik? Mis on selle eeldused? Kas EL saab olla vaid majandusekeskne? Kas Eesti kodanikul on Euroopa kodaniku identiteet? Kas viimane suudab asendada esimest? Kas föderatsioon on realistlik perspektiiv? Kas klassik föderatsioonile on alternatiive? Kas igasugune lõimumine tähendab suveräänsuse kadu? Kuidas komisjon ametisse saab? Kas alati olnud igal riigil 1 volinikukoht? Mis saab siis kui liikmesriikide arv suureneb? Komisjoni miinused/plussid? Kui suur aga üldse on EL'i roll globaalselt? kas Euroopa Liidu näol on tegemist rahvusvahelise organisatsiooniga või on siin hoopis tegemist föderatsiooniga, millegi riigilaadsega? kas EL on midagi täiesti unikaalset? kas EL tähi...

Politoloogia → Euroopa liit
103 allalaadimist

Bioloogia Eksam TÜ arstiteaduskond, I kursus 2017/2018

Bioloogia SKT kordamisküsimused 1. Rakubioloogia ajalugu: nimeta 3 olulisemat isikut ajaloos ja kirjelda lühidalt nende panust Robert Hooke ​aastal 1665 (ajakirjas ​Micrographia​) alustas sõna cella ('kambrike') kasutamist, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek ​Alates 1674 esimesed mikroskoobid, avastas suu- ja soolebakterid, ainurakseid ja spermatosoidid. Matthias Schleiden ​väitis 1838, et kõik taimed koosnevad rakkudest. Theodor Schwann v​ äitis 1838-39, et kõik loomad koosnevad rakkudest. Avastas rakumembraani ja Schwanni rakud Louis Pasteur 19. sai töötas välja pastöriseerimise, vaktsiini ​marutõve, Siberi katku vastu Karl Ernst von Baer ​kirjeldas 1827 esmakordselt imetaja munarakku 2. Molekulaarbioloogia ajalugu: nimeta 3 olulisemat isikut ajaloos ja kirjelda lühidalt Gregor Mendel - 1865​ - Mendeli geneetilise pärilikkuse seadused - Esimene Mendeli seadus ehk ühetaolisusseadus - Kahe homosügootse isendi ri...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
36 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

So I requested that I be assigned kitchen detail for the duration of my stay. He was willing enough to hand over the keys to the banquet hall. I also found out that he had no food in the house. So I had my shopping list and the cash from the jar in the cupboard labeled FOOD MONEY, and I was on my way to the Thriftway. I gunned my deafening engine to life, ignoring the heads that turned in my direction, and backed carefully into a place in the line of cars that were waiting to exit the parking lot. As I waited, trying to pretend that the earsplitting rumble was coming from someone else's car, I saw the two Cullens and the Hale twins getting into their car. It was the shiny new Volvo. Of course. I hadn't noticed their clothes before -- I'd been too mesmerized by their faces. Now that I looked, it was obvious that they were all dressed exceptionally well; simply, but in clothes that subtly hinted at designer origins. With their remarkable good

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist

Loogika ja programmeerimine

Programmeerimise algkursus 1 - 89 Mida selle kursusel õpetatakse?...................................................................................................3 SISSEJUHATAV SÕNAVÕTT EHK 'MILLEKS ON VAJA PROGRAMMEERIMIST?'......3 PROGRAMMEERIMISE KOHT MUUDE MAAILMA ASJADE SEAS.............................3 PROGRAMMEERIMISKEELTE ÜLDINE JAOTUS ..........................................................7 ESIMESE TEEMA KOKKUVÕTE........................................................................................8 ÜLESANDED......................................................................................................................... 8 PÕHIMÕISTED. OMISTAMISLAUSE. ...................................................................................9 ..................................................................................................................................

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
210 allalaadimist

Programeerimise algkursus 2005-2006

TARTU ÜLIKOOLI TEADUSKOOL PROGRAMMEERIMISE ALGKURSUS 2005-2006 Sisukord KURSUSE TUTVUSTUS: Programmeerimise algkursus.........................................6 Kellele see algkursus on mõeldud?..................................................................6 Mida sellel kursusel ei õpetata?.......................................................................6 Mida selle kursusel õpetatakse?......................................................................6 Kuidas õppida?.................................................................................................7 Mis on kompilaator?.............................................................................................8 Milliseid kompilaatoreid kasutada ja kust neid saab?......................................8 Millist keelt valida?...........................................................................................8 ESIMENE TEE...

Informaatika → Programmeerimine
31 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

These industries have typically failed to become more competitive in more than a decade. Major needs for infrastructure investment have accumulated. In contrast to traditional industries, foreign entry into financial services was encouraged. Up to 40 percent of bank assets have been controlled by foreign entities, but the share is now declining with only Russian banks penetrating the market. Some Western banks are downsizing their activities, and a few at least wish to exit, if they only could without losing their past investments. In spite of inevitably worsening demographics, a huge pension burden was created. In a nation of 46 million inhabitants, the pensions of 14 million pensioners grew from 9.2 percent of GDP in 2003 to almost 18 percent in 2009. This is one of the heaviest pension burdens 9 globally, and negative demographics will continue to worsen the situation if needed

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

CPM1A Programmable Controllers Operation Manual 1784470

interface computer. (C-series PCs only) Printer model Specifies the printer model. Data disk drive Specifies the data disk drive. OutBit Specifies whether I/O comments or instruction comments are displayed at the Comment Type TIM/CNT, DIFU/DIFD, KEEP, and STEP/SNXT comment display positions. (C-series PCs only) Exit to DOS Terminates SSS operation and returns to DOS. Note When the SSS is operating in online mode, the only functions available on the System Setup Menu are “I/O table – UM transfer,” “Data disk drive,” and “Exit to DOS.” 83

Tehnika → Automatiseerimistehnika
9 allalaadimist

Windows vene keeles

ориентирована на использование в сценариях. Сценарии — это текстовые файлы с инструкциями, которые должна выполнить diskpart. Вызвать diskpart можно так: diskpart /s <имя_сценария> пример сценария diskpart: select disk 0 clean create partition primary select partition 1 assign letter=c: active format exit Обрати внимание, как здесь осуществляется работа с объектами. Сначала с помощью команды select мы выбираем диск (select disk). Затем мы производим две операции (clean и create partition). Далее выбираем другой объект — раздел (select partition) и производим

Keeled → Vene keel
3 allalaadimist

Klassikaline ja molekulaargeneetika, geneetika rakendus kaasajal

1. Sissejuhatus: klassikaline ja molekulaargeneetika, geneetika rakendus kaasajal Klassikalise ja molekulaargeneetika kujunemine Geneetika on suhteliselt noor teadus. Kuigi pärilikkuse põhilised seaduspärasused esitas Gregor Mendel aastal 1865, tuleb geneetika sünniks lugeda siiski 20-nda sajandi algust. Alles siis taasavastati Mendeli ideed, mis said aluseks klassikalisele geneetikale. Tõendid selle kohta, et DNA kannab geneetilist informatsiooni, saadi 20-nda sajandi keskel. 1944. aastal kirjeldasid Avery ja ta kolleegid katseid, kus nad uurisid bakterite (Streptococcus pneumoniae) transformatsiooni rakkudest isoleeritud DNA-ga. Hersey ja Chase poolt aastal 1952 avaldatud tulemused kinnitasid seda, et DNA on pärilikkuse kandja. Nad näitasid, et bakteriviiruse T2 geneetiline informatsioon säilib DNA-s. 1953-ndal aastal avaldasid James Watson ja Francis Crick DNA kaksikhelikaalse struktuur...

Bioloogia → Geneetika
32 allalaadimist


Molekulaarbioloogia Molekulaarbioloogia – tegeleb päriliku info kodeerimise, säilitamise ja ülekande mehhanismi uurimisega, samuti päriliku info realiseerumise molekulaarsete mehhanismidega (kuidas info geenides määrab elusorganismi ehituse ja tema funktsioneerimise. Uurib füüsikalis-keemiliste struktuuride ja biokeemilis-füsioloogiliste funktsioonide vastavust. Teadussuund hakkas arenema pärast makromolekulide ruumilise struktuuri kindlakstegemist (DNA 3-ruumiline struktuur). Molekulaarbioloogia dimensioon – 1 A – 300 A (üle 500 – rakubioloogia, alla 1 - biofüüsika) 1 A (ongström) = 10 -10 m 1nm = 10 A 2-ahelalise DNA läbimõõt – 20 A kovalentne side – 1,5 A globulaarse valgu d – 50 A dsDNA (double stranded) d – 50 A ribosoomide, valgumolekulide d – 200-300 A DNA aluspaaride vahe – 3,4 A vesiniksideme pikkus – 3 A nukleosoom – 60x110x110 A bakteri ribosoom – 200x200x230 A tuumapoorid – 120x120x75 A bakteriaalne RNA polümeraas – 90x90x...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
82 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus geneetikasse Õppetöö Geneetika 1 1. Sissejuhatus geneetikasse. Klassikalise ja molekulaargeneetika kujunemine. Geneetika tänapäeval: rekombinantse DNA tehnoloogia; genoomide sekveneerimine; globaalne geeniekspressiooni uurimine, geenikiibid. Kaasaegse geneetika rakendusalad; geneetika ja meditsiin (haigust põhjustavad mutatsioonid geenides, geeniteraapia, molekulaarne diagnostika); geneetika kaasaegses põllumajanduses; organismide kloonimine. Geneetika väärkasutused: eugeenika; lõssenkism. 2. Reproduktsioon kui pärilikkuse alus. Rakk kui elusorganismi ehituskivi. Eukarüootne ja prokarüootne rakk Kromosoomid. Rakutsükkel, selle toimumist mõjutavad kontrollpunktid. Raku jagunemine mitoosi teel. Raku jagunemine meioosi teel. Meioosi häired. Meioosi evolutsiooniline tähtsus. Gameetide moodustumine erinevatel organismidel: oogenees; spermatogenees; sugurakkude moodustumine taimede...

Bioloogia → Geneetika
74 allalaadimist


E%(,$ #,/)-,#$ /%!%,G*$ $CP?@A9?$ $J)%$ %(,$ "!)&$ 5)%($!$(!22,-*$$9?K9$$K%)&&$ ".%$ !1/(*$ $CP?@A9?$ $J)%$ )%$ !4!)"*$ $9,/%$ !"#$ .7,-!%,$ -,7,!%,#$ 1"%)&$ %(,$ (,!#$.;$%(,$"!)&$)/$!1/($5)%($%(,$/1-;!0,$.;$%(,$5..#3$ %(,"$?Q89*$9(!%$7&!"$ )/$0.27&,%,#*$$9()/$/)27&,$7&!"$)/$!$/16F7&!"$.;$61)&#)"4$!$#..-3$5()0($)/$!$ /16F7&!"$.;$61)&#)"4$!$-..23$5()0($)/$!$/16F7&!"$.;$61)&#)"4$!$(.1/,* !""#$%&'()%#*$#+,"($-"%'($+()%#*$"%.&*'/""0!" ' test exit IMAGE F test operate O PLAN ! RO !"#$%&'()*''+,&'+-+&'$."+ !"##$%&' ()#)*+$%&' )*,'-%".%)/'0%12$$,$,'+1'$30#)"*'/1%$' 21/0#$3' P .$4)5"1%' 67"*8' +4"7'/1,$#' 9' :1%'$3)/0#$&' .$4)5"1%'6*,$%' 4;0*17"7<' '-7;9 241#18"7+7'+$*,$,'+1'#17$'"*+$%$7+' "*'4;0*17"7'=4$*'>"8/6*,' ?%$6,' ).)*9

Psühholoogia → Psüholoogia
14 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

"Hello." My voice didn't sound like mine, clogged as it was with tears and emotion. "Eva! Thank God." Gideon sounded so anxious. "Where are you?" Looking around, I didn't see anything that would tell me the name of the restaurant. "I don't know. I...I'm sorry, Gideon." "No, Eva. Don't. It's my fault. I need to find you. Can you describe where you're at? Did you walk?" "Yes. I walked." "I know which exit you took. Which way did you head?" He was breathing quickly and I could hear the sounds of traffic and car horns in the background. "To the left." "Did you turn any corners after that?" "I don't think so. I don't know." I looked around for a server I could ask. "I'm in a restaurant. Italian. There's seating on the sidewalk...and a wrought iron fence. French doors...Jesus, Gideon, I-" He appeared, silhouetted in the entrance with the phone held to his ear. I knew him

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

Investors Handbook. A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia

the declared goods or if the commodity does not match with the declared items: · A commodity inspection is undertaken by the experts; · Only undeclared goods (the goods of different brand name) are inspected for the purpose of identification of the customs value and the code; · A case of infringement of customs legislation is filed. 8. Departure of a truck from the CCZ l At the exit of the CCZ, an administrative officer takes the seal off of the truck and then verifies the release of the registration certificate (TIR Carnet) off the control with the stamp: "Release Permitted" and the declaration is registered in the internal database; l After completion or verification of the aforementioned procedures the truck is allowed to leave the territory of the CCZ. These procedures and services are carried out in one place so that the owner of the goods does not

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

He asked why I wasn't pumping any gas. I told him I didn't like the price discrepancy and he said with a snarl, "Listen, nobody's gonna tell me how to run my business. If you think I'm cheating you, just put that hose down right now and get off my property as fast as you can do it, bud." Already certain he was a cheat, I was happy to act consistently with my belief and his wishes. I dropped the hose on the spot ... and drove over it on my way to the closest exit. Sometimes consistency can be a marvelously rewarding thing. Special Vulnerabilities Are there particular kinds of people whose need to be consistent with what they've previously said and done makes them especially susceptible to the commitment tactics covered in this chapter? There are. To learn about the traits that character- ize such individuals, it would be useful to examine a painful incident in the life of one of the most famous sports stars of our time.

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Book Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors

Using a logic analyzer with an integrated DSO simplifies the data correlation process. Whether you output monitoring data using software or use external equip- ment such as a logic analyzer, it is a good idea to provide the necessary com- ponents for monitoring early in the design. This may mean adding a header to the board for connection of a logic analyzer, or leaving one port bit on a microcontroller available to indicate interrupt entry and exit. Measuring Motor Parameters Measuring the effects of PID loop changes in a heater is fairly easy—you just monitor the thermistor and display the results on a DSO, or use an ADC to convert the results to digital values and capture them with a computer. A motor is more difficult to tune. There is no direct indication of speed: you have to measure the time between encoder pulses to determine how fast the motor is turning. Figure 5

Mehhatroonika → Mehhatroonika
10 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

Philosophy of Language Philosophy of Language: a Contemporary Introduction introduces the student to the main issues and theories in twentieth and twenty-first-century phi- losophy of language, focusing specifically on linguistic phenomena. Topics are structured in four parts in the book. Part I, Reference and Referring, includes topics such as Russell's Theory of Descriptions, Donnellan's distinction, problems of anaphora, the description theory of proper names, Searle's cluster theory, and the causal­historical theory. Part II, Theories of Meaning, surveys the competing theories of linguistic mean- ing and compares their various advantages and liabilities. Part III, Pragmatics and Speech Acts, introduces the basic concepts of linguistic pragmatics, includes a detailed discussion of the problem of indirect force and surveys approaches to metaphor. Part IV, new to this edition, examines the four theories of metaphor. Features...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

populations during storage (4°C) of ground cm2. Likewise, Stopforth et al. (2005) found meat prepared from treated samples (Castillo that post-chilling application of 5% LA et al. 2001b). Beef processors in the United (55°C, 30 s) on beef carcass samples con- States apply decontamination interventions ferred additional reductions to those achieved of lactic acid and Inspexx 200™ or Sanova® by pre-chilling sequential treatments with on carcass sides as they exit the cooler and warm (55°C), hot (82°C) water, and 1% SM enter into fabrication. (82°C), simulating pre- and post-evisceration Multiple sequential treatments, including of beef carcasses and pre-chilling decontami- hot water and air, as well as chemical solu- nation interventions, respectively. 70 Chapter 3 In general, lower water and acid spray al. 2001b; Kang et al. 2001b). However,

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

6 Refitting is a reversal of removal. Refill the economy. It does so by utilising the heat cooling system as described in Chapter 1. energy present in the exhaust gases as they exit the engine. 19 Idle speed compensator - Basically the turbocharger consists of two removal and refitting fans mounted on a common shaft. One fan is driven by the hot exhaust gases as they rush

Auto → Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

as they get close to the Inmost Cave of the opponent. BREAKTHROUGH T h e three heroes now discard their disguises and make their way to the chamber of the castle where Dorothy is imprisoned. T h e T i n Woodsman uses his axe to chop through the door. Message: At some point it may be necessary to use force to break through the final veil to the Inmost Cave. T h e hero's own resistance and fear may have to be overcome by a violent act of will. NO EXIT W i t h Dorothy rescued, and the foursome united again, they now turn their attention to escape. But they are blocked in all directions by the witch's guards. Message: N o matter how heroes try to escape their fate, sooner or later the exits are closed off and the life-and-death issue must be faced. W i t h Dorothy and companions "trapped like rats," the Approach to the Inmost Cave is complete. ^

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist


treason. Mary received the announcement that Elizabeth had signed her death warrant with majestic tranquillity, and at eight on the morning of February 8, 1587, after eloquently reiterating her innocence and praying aloud for her church, for Elizabeth, for her son, and for all her enemies, mounted the platform with solemn dignity, knelt, and received the axeman's three strokes with the courage that had marked every other action of her life. Thus did Mary, Queen of Scots, exit this transient life and enter the more enduring one of legend, as her motto had prophesied: "In my end is my beginning." There seems little doubt that she would have died before her time, the politics of the day being what they were. But there seems equally little doubt that cryptology hastened her unnatural end. 5. On The Origin of a Species "DATO and I were strolling in the Supreme Pontiff's gardens at the Vatican and we went from topic to topic marveling at the ingenuity that men

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

provides 544 micrograms, so 400 micrograms is approximately eight nuts per day (49 micrograms each). I am consuming six to play well within nontoxic ranges. I experimented twice with higher ranges of 8­10 nuts per day; in both cases, I immediately broke out in the worst acne of my life. Though selenium de ciencies can cause skin problems, it appears that excessive selenium, or at least Brazil nuts, can do the same. Corrective action #2: Second, I am ensuring that I exit ketosis at least once per week by consuming carbohydrates à la the Saturday cheat day on the Slow-Carb Diet. Since I have tested de cient, I am also consuming one cheat meal every other week for Wednesday lunch, which generally includes a single bowl of brown rice with a Thai meal. Corrective action #3: I began to attempt to remove mercury from my body without killing myself. Despite multiple DMPS IV chelation sessions, urine tests showed almost no noticeable changes in mercury levels

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Upstream intermediate b2 teacher's book

nuggings, shoplifting,and carjackings.They alsowatch that we haveto carry around with us. :oads for people speeding, and more. In some 5 C *ings there are even cameras in smoke detectors. The benefits of all these new ID systemsare obvious. -,.Sofld exit signs.They keep track of where you are ,,hat you are doing all day, everyday. Imagine walking into yclur office at work. The flclor will know you have arrived and your computer will recognise your voice and automatically log you on. you will be able

Keeled → Inglise keel
237 allalaadimist

Inglise keele õpik

nuggings, shoplifting,and carjackings.They alsowatch that we haveto carry around with us. :oads for people speeding, and more. In some 5 C *ings there are even cameras in smoke detectors. The benefits of all these new ID systemsare obvious. -,.Sofld exit signs.They keep track of where you are ,,hat you are doing all day, everyday. Imagine walking into yclur office at work. The flclor will know you have arrived and your computer will recognise your voice and automatically log you on. you will be able

Keeled → Inglise keel
145 allalaadimist

Upstream Intermediate B2 - Teacher book

nuggings, shoplifting,and carjackings.They alsowatch that we haveto carry around with us. :oads for people speeding, and more. In some 5 C *ings there are even cameras in smoke detectors. The benefits of all these new ID systemsare obvious. -,.Sofld exit signs.They keep track of where you are ,,hat you are doing all day, everyday. Imagine walking into yclur office at work. The flclor will know you have arrived and your computer will recognise your voice and automatically log you on. you will be able

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
53 allalaadimist

Upstream B2 teacher

nuggings, shoplifting,and carjackings.They alsowatch that we haveto carry around with us. :oads for people speeding, and more. In some 5 C *ings there are even cameras in smoke detectors. The benefits of all these new ID systemsare obvious. -,.Sofld exit signs.They keep track of where you are ,,hat you are doing all day, everyday. Imagine walking into yclur office at work. The flclor will know you have arrived and your computer will recognise your voice and automatically log you on. you will be able

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun