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Kasutaja: europe

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However, the leaves typically exhibit some heliotropism. Cultivation and uses A sunflower farm near Mysore, India. Sunflower heads solds as snacks in China. Sunflowers are native(pärit) to the Americas. The earliest known examples of a fully domesticated sunflower were found at the Olmec site of San Andrés dating some time before 2500 B.C.[1] The Incas used the sunflower as an image of their sun god. Gold images of the flower, as well as seeds, were taken back to Europe early in the 16th century. The Giant sunflower (Hlianthus giganteus) is native to Connecticut. They can grow to be between 3 and 12 feet tall. Their flower heads can be between 2 to 3 inches wide. They are most commonly found in valleys with wet meadows or swamps. The Giant sunflower grows between July and October. To grow well, sunflowers need full sun. They grow best in fertile, moist, well-drained soil with a lot of mulch. In commercial planting, seeds are planted 45 cm (1.5') apart and 2

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse1
16 allalaadimist

Vana-Kreeka - 10. klassi arvutitund

Ei ole Apollon · · c) Uuri Kreekas vermitud Euro münte. Missugustel müntidel kujutatud sümbolid on seotud kreeka mütoloogiaga? Miks Sinu arvates just need sümbolid on valitud? 2 eurot - kujutatakse stseeni Sparta mosaiigilt, kus sõnni kuju võtnud Zeus röövib Europe. Europe on tegelane Kreeka mütoloogiast, kelle järgi Euroopa oma nime sai. 1 euro - mündil kujutatud öökulli motiiv on pärit Antiik-Ateena 4-drahmiselt mündilt (5. sajand eKr) 4. Vana-Kreeka ajalooga seotud olulised isikud. Otsi Internetist, millega on ajalukku läinud alljärgnevad isikud. Märgi kindlasti üles ka sajand, mil see isik elas ning võimalusel lisa selle isiku pilt.

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
77 allalaadimist

Ühiskonnaõpetuse kontrolltööks

Nimetage vabaturumajanduse eelised ja puudused. Eeliseks on see, et süsteem on väga paindlik, kiire tehniline progress, majanduselus osalejad on motiveeritud tootma kvaliteetset kaupa ja valmisolek muutustele. Puuduseks on see, et ei ole stabiilsust. Mis institutsioon on Eesti Pank? Nimetage Eesti Panga olulisemad ülesanded. Täiendavat infot võite leida Eesti Panga kodulehelt Eesti Pank on Eesti Vabariigi keskpank, kes hoiab käigus Eesti rahasüsteemi ehk teostab riigi rahapoliitikat. Eesti Panga missioon on tagada hinnastabiilsus Eestis. Stabiilne hinnatase annab nii ettevõtetele kui tavakodanikele kindlustunde - nad võivad oma säästmis-, tarbimis- ja investeerimiskäitumise pikaks ajaks ette plaanida. Raha stabiilsus on ühiskonna pikaajalise eduka majandusarengu alus. Eesti Pank rahvusliku keskpanga funktsioonide täitmist. See tähendab, et lisaks Euroopa Keskpanga rahapoliitiliste otsuste elluviimisele, majandus...

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
36 allalaadimist

History of Football

has also been given to the Greek and Roman games of episkyros and Harpastum respectively. The latter is particularly interesting as a game played on a rectangular grass surface with a ball roughly equivalent to a softball today. Medieval football Despite some signs of the game we love today in the Ancient World, the true development of football came in Medieval Britain by and large, although there are signs of equivalents across Europe (the majority of which were exported). Known as Shrovetide football or Medieval football, the inception point has been claimed as the 3rd century after the defeat of the Romans, but the practice itself was first recorded in the 9th century as part of the Historia Britonum (you can see one or two of the surviving engravings of medieval football at the British Museum). Typically played during the annual Carnival, the other tag of `mob football' gives you

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Eesti referaat

FACTFILE Area: 45 228 sq km Poplulation: under 1.4 million Capital: Tallinn Language: Estonian Currency: Eesti kroon (EEK) Main religion: Lutheran National holiday: 24 February (anniversary of the republic) National flower: Cornflower National bird: Barn Swallow National stone: Limestone LOCATION The Republic of Estonia is the northernmost and smallest of the three Baltic States. It is located on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea in the north east of Europe. To the east the country borders Russia. Latvia is the countries neighbour to the south. From the west the coast of Estonia is washed by the Baltic Sea and from the north by the Gulf of Finland. The length of the coastline is approximately 3 800 km. The longest distance from east to west is 350 km, while north to south Estonia stretches 240 km. THE NAME The name EESTI was apparently derived from the word AISTI, the

Keeled → Inglise keel
174 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalse probleemi defineerimine

eluasemelaenu intresside tagastamine (kasusaajateks on väga hästi või hästi toime tulevad leibkonnad), eluasemelaenu võtmisel laenugarantiide andmine noortele peredele ja spetsialistidele (kasusaajateks on hästi või rahuldavalt toime tulevad isikud) ja toimetulekutoetuse maksmine majanduslikult halvasti toime tulevatele isikutele) Kirjandus: Elamistingimused. 2000. Toimetaja Purju, A. Statistikaamet , Tallinn Housing Change in East and Central Europe: Integration or Fragmentation? Edited by: Lowe, S., .Tsenkova, S. (2003) Ashgate Publishing Ltd Housing Europe 2007. 2007 Review of Social, Co-operative and Public Housing in the 27 EU member States. CECODHAS. Kõre,J., R. Murakas 2006. Tallinna ja naaberomavalitsuste elamualade analüüs. Tallinna Linnavalitsuse tellimus Kõre, J., Purga, H. 2006. Tagastatud majade üürnikud - toetust vajav sotsiaalne grupp. Sotsiaaltöö, nr.1 Kõre, J., Kiik, R

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
46 allalaadimist

Pearl Harbor

S. Pacific Fleet. · Both the US and Japan had longstanding contingency plans for war in the Pacific · In 1940, the US halted further shipments of airplanes, parts, machine tools and aviation gas to Japan, which they interpreted as an unfriendly act. · In the summer of 1941, the US ceased the export of oil to Japan due to Japan's continued aggressive expansionist policy and because an anticipated eventual American entrance to the war in Europe prompted increased stockpiling and less commercial use of gasoline · President Roosevelt had moved the fleet to Hawaii, and ordered a buildup in the Philippines, to reduce Japanese aggression in China and deter operations against others, including European colonies in Asia. · The Japanese high command was certain any attack on the United Kingdom's colonies would inevitably bring the U.S. into the war · A preemptive strike appeared the only

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Egeuse kunst

kätetööks. Nii nimetataksegi neid kükloopilisteks müürideks. · Mükeene ja Tirynsi ahhailaste kunst oli karmim ja mehisem, ülistas sõda ja jahipidamist. · Sissepääsu Mükeene kunagisse linnusesse valvavad praegugi kaks reljeefset lõvi kuulsa Lõvivärava kohal. · Läheduses paiknevad ülikute kuppelhauakambrid, millest tuntuim on nõndanimetatud Atreuse varakamber. Kreetaga seonduvad legendid · Zeus ilmus foiniikia printsessi Europe juurde härjana ja viis ta endaga kaasa Kreetale. Zeusil ja Europel sündis poeg, kelle nimeks sai Minos. Minos oli isale ustav poeg, kuid kord ei olnud ta kuulekas. Karistuseks sünnitas tema naine talle inimese keha ja härja peaga koletise ­ Minotauruse. · Labürindis elanud Minotaurus, sõnni pea ja inimese kehaga olend oli Minose kuninga naise, Pasiphae ja sõnni ühendusest sündinud järglane. Sõnni saatis teda võrgutama Poseidon.

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
34 allalaadimist

Mother Theresa

and in 1984 the Priest branch was established. The Society of Missionaries has spread all over the world, including the former Soviet Union and Eastern European countries. They provide effective help to the poorest of the poor in a number of countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and they undertake relief work in the wake of natural catastrophes such as floods, epidemics, and famine, and for refugees. The order also has houses in North America, Europe and Australia, where they take care of the shut-ins, alcoholics, homeless, and AIDS sufferers. The Missionaries of Charity throughout the world are aided and assisted by Co-Workers who became an official International Association on March 29, 1969. By the 1990s there were over one million Co-Workers in more than 40 countries. Along with the Co-Workers, the lay Missionaries of Charity try to follow Mother Teresa's spirit and charism in their families.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Agreeing & disagreeing

(Because traditions are now under attack from mass production and mass marketing.) Well, I'm not sure whether you can really separate language from culture 6.5 Disagreeing in part ( appeal to logic ) But surely, the canal system is much too slow for industry today. Not necessarily By the time you've loaded the goods onto a truck, you might as well do the whole journey by road. That doesn't necessarily follow. A lot of trade is with Europe and before the Channel Tunnel there was a good container industry. ... the advertiser may pay, but the costs are passed onto the consumer. That isn't strictly true. If a company can sell in bulk, prices can be brought down.

Keeled → Inglise keel
78 allalaadimist

Extreme Sports.

been held each winter since 1970. There were three disciplines: difficulty, speed and speed climbing of a longer route (100+m) by roped groups where the lead climber changed every 40m. The competitions at Courchevel in France were also famous. The main rule was to climb as high as possible using as few hits as possible, with the time limited between 8 and 14 minutes.The magnificent 40m high tower in Courchevel was synonymous for difficulty ice climbing events in Europe from 1995 until 2000 when a huge piece of ice fell down just a few hours before the event started. Nowadays International Commission for Ice Climbing Competitions is responsible for the administration and development aspects of ice climbing sport. It has been organising the Ice Climbing World Cup competitions since 2004. Hang Gliding It's an air sport in which a pilot flies a light and un-motorized aircraft called a hang glider.

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist


Itaalia Koostaja: Sissejuhatus · Itaalia Vabariik on üks riik Euroopas, Appenniini poolsaarel. · Itaalia pealinna on Room ·Itaalia on tuntud kui üks väga külalislahke ja sõbralike inimestega riik. Riigi üldandmed Keel itaalia Pealinn Rooma President Giorgio Napolitano Peaminister Silvio Berlusconi Pindala 301 230 km² Rahvaarv (2008) 59 829 700 Rahvastiku tihedus198,5 in/km² Itaalia lipp Iseseisvus 17. märts 1861 Rahaühik euro (EUR) Ajavöönd Kesk-Euroopa aeg Riigihümn Fratelli d'Italia Usund Katoliiklus Üladomeen .it Maakood 39 Itaalia vapp Geograafiline asend Itaalia on riik Lõuna-Euroopas Vahemere ääres. Itaalial on ühine riigipiir Prantsusmaa , Sveitsi , Austria ja Sloveeniaga . Tema territoorium jaotub kolmeks suureks piir...

Geograafia → Geograafia
26 allalaadimist

Article THE, Active Passive TENSES

PANEME EI PANE Kui räägime spetsiifilisest Loendamatute ja mitmuses asjast,mida on enne mainitud-the loendatavate nimis kui räägime house, üldiselt- koalas,monkeys Unikaalsete nimis-the sun,the moonNimede ette-Anna KÕIK MÄRJAD KOHAD v.a järved Riikide nimed-Brazil aga The Netherlands Mäestikud-the Andes Kõrbed-the Linnad-Glasgow Sahara Grupp saari-the Virgin islands Tiitlitega kui inimese nime pole Tänavad-Oxford Street aga The mainitud ­the Prince,aga Prince High Street Charles Kui last,first,only on kasut Pargid-Hyde Park omadussõnana Riigid,kui sisaldavad sõnu: Mandrid-Europe, saared-Rhodes, state,kingdom,republic...-The United järved- Lake Geneva, Lake Peipsi, Kingdom jaamad- Charing Cross Station Muusikariistad-the guitar Kahesõnalised nimed,kui I ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
62 allalaadimist

Briti muusika

the form of such groups as Run DMC and Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five. It also saw the rise and fall of the 'New Romantics', typified by groups like Adam and the Ants, who dressed as pirates and highway men and wore huge amounts of makeup. 1990s - Britpop This was the general name given in the 1990s to a new wave of successful British bands who made a big impact in the United States and Europe, as well as in England. The most successful have been Radiohead, Oasis, Blur, Pulp, Massive Attack and The Spice Girls. A few of our Composers John Dunstable (1390 - 1453) Henry Vlll Henry Purcell (1659 - 1695) Handel (1685 -1759) Elgar (1857 - 1934) Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958) Gustav Holst (1874 - 1934) Benjamin Britten (1913 - 1976) Musical Song Writers Noel Coward (1899 - 1973) Lionel Bart (1930 - 1999)

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

The city and the tower of london

The City and The Tower of London Styv Solovjov G1a The City Founded by Romas 43-50 AD, set up trading post It has seen at least 15 major fires 1666 burnt down 4/5 of its houses Then The City was rebuilt Tower Bridge (Tower Hill tube), built in 1894 during the Second World War, its was heavily bombed Now there is one of the biggest financil centres in Europe Banks, stock exchange Many banking and insurance institutions have their headquarters there Stock Exchange, Lloyd's of London,the Bank of England are all based in the City Over 500 banks have offices in the City City is an established leader in trading in Eurobonds, foreign exchange, energy futures and global insurance Of the $3.98 trillion daily global turnover, trading in London accounted for around $1.36 trillion,or 34.1% of the total Canary wharf

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Turismi piirkonna iseloomustus

Kreeta on Kreeka suurim saar ja levinud turismi piirkond. Kreeta pakub igaühele midagi: päikseline kliima, liivarannad, põnevad antiikmälestised, vaheldusrikas loodus ja turismist puutumatute mägiküladeni, kus on säilinud kohalikud traditsioonid. Pindala: 8 336km 2 Rahvaarv: 600 000 inimest Pealinn: Iraklion, Keel: Riigikeel on Kreeka keel, turismipiirkondades saab hakkama ka Saksa ja Inglise keelega Kliima: Saare vahemereliselt pehmet kliimat iseloomustavad kuivad kuumad suved ja niisked talved. Südasuvel võib õhutemperatuur saarel tõusta isegi üle 40 °C ning merevesi ulatub suvel 26- 27 kraadini. Suvist kuumust leevendavad värskendavad meretuuled. Lääne-Kreetat ja Hania piirkonda loetakse sealse püsiva ilma tõttu Kreeta parimate suvituspiirkondadeks. Keskmised temperatuurid: Ilm April Mai Juuni Juuli August September ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
15 allalaadimist

About Tallinn

festivals, and criminals were executed. In summer on Raekoja Square many open air conserts and fairs of handicraftsmen were arranged, at the same time old traditions are remembered, took place many different party parades, knight tournaments and shooting competitions. In winter Christmas tree is placed and christmas fair is spent -Defensive Towers Tallinns Town Wall, reinforced with defensive towers, is one of the strongest defensive structures in Northern Europe by the XVI sentury. It is 3m wide, 16m high and its lenght is about 4km -Modern Tallinn Tallinns business center, with the hotel skyscrapers, banks and business centers, is already a habitual part of the harisont,which people see when the come from over the sea to Tallinn -Old Town Harbour & The Old Town Old City Harbour is one of the biggest and busiest passenger harbour in the Baltic region -The Russalka Monument

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Euroopas ilma ennustamiseks kasutatavad piiratud ala mudelid

several European and North African countries under the leadership of Météo-France. Arabic, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Du tch, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian. ALADIN/AROME  By running the ALADIN model, the prediction of large-scale (100 – 1000 km) weather processes (e.g. fronts) is targeted, thus applying a relatively coarse, 8 km horizontal resolution over a domain covering the continental part of Europe.  By running the AROME model the main goal is the prediction of small-, or meso-scale (10 – 100 km) weather phenomenon (e.g. thunder-storms, squall-lines, meso-scale convective systems) with high reliability, thus this model is run on a 2.5 km horizontal resolution over the Carpathian-basin.  The ALADIN and AROME models provide the expected values of meteorological parameters (pressure, wind, temperature, humidity and precipitation) in the future on a three dimensional grid

Geograafia → Maateadused
1 allalaadimist

Vana-Kreeka - selle kultuur ja mõju tänapäeva maailmale

Ajaloolasena veelgi silmapaistvam oli Thukydides, kelle peateoseks on „Peloponnesose sõja ajalugu“. Hilisemad hellenismiajastu ajaloolased püüdsid eeskätt pakkuda lugejale meelelahutust. Arhailine aeg oli ka Kreeka müütide sünniaeg. Neid on loomulikult igasuguseid alustades vägitegudest lõpetades „kükloobidega“. Mõningaid lugusid räägitakse praegugi. Euroopa nimi tuleb samuti Kreeka müüdist, kus ennast sõnniks moondanud Zeus röövis Foiniikia kuninga tütre Europe ja viis ta mere taha Kreetale. Mütoloogias mängivad suurt rolli ka Olümpose jumalad, kellest on samuti liikvel palju müüte. Vanas-Kreekas olid kõik tegevused tihedalt läbi põimunud religiooniga. Tegeleti kombetalitusega ja ohverdustega, et jumalatele meelejärele olla. Usupidustuste ajal sõõdi- joodi rikkalikult. Isegi teater sai alguse veinijumala Dionysose auks peetud pidustustest, mille käigus kanti ette komöödiaid ja niinimetatud satüüridraamasid. Juba 6. sajandil

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
18 allalaadimist

New energy sources

Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Prediction Cost Sceptics: 2535c Optimists: 612c Role in global power supply 400 power plants would make up 1% Tidal power How it works? Underwater rotors, water is denser ­ doesn't need as large rotors, 710 km/h current speeds would be sufficient Where could it be applied? In Europe more than 100 suitable places Where could be seen? In France, St. Malo (leeve) First tidal turbines, North Ireland France, St. Malo Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Tidal turbine Click to edit Master text styles

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Sightseeing in Estonia

Sightseeing in Estonia Tallinn TV Tower The Tallinn TV Tower (Tallinna teletorn) is a free-standing structure with an observation deck, built to provide better telecommunication services for the 1980 Moscow Summer Olympics regatta event (see Sailing at the 1980 Summer Olympics). It is located near Pirita, six km north-east of the Tallinn city center. The tower has a specified height of 314 m (1030.2 ft), though some sources put it at 312.6 m (1026.6 ft). The building is administered by the public company Levira (formerly Estonian Broadcasting Transmission Center Ltd) and is a member of the World Federation of Great Towers. The tower was designed by architects David Baziladze and Juri Sinis. The cornerstone was laid on September 30, 1975, and the building was inaugurated July 11, 1980 (although the first transmission took place in 1979). The tower body was constructed of reinforced concrete rings 50 c...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Kreeka jumal - Zeus

Kõige levinuma müüdi kohaselt olid nende nimed Aglaia, Euphrosyne ja Thaleia. Helena oli Zeusi ja Leda tütar. Zeus moondas end luigeks ning magas Ledaga, kes oli Sparta kuninga Tyndareose naine. Hephaistos (sepakunsti jumal) oli Zeusi ja jumalanna Hera poeg. Herakles (kreeka kangelane) oli Zeusi ja Teeba kuninganna Alkmene poeg. Hermes (kreeka jumalate käskjalg) oli Zeusi ja Maia poeg. Minos (Kreeta kuningas) oli Zeusi ja Tüürose kuninga Agenori tütre Europe poeg. Europel ja Zeusil oli veel kaks poega ­ Rhadamanthys ja Sarpedon. Muusad olid Zeusi ja titaan Mnemosyne lapsed. Muusasid oli kokku üheksa ­ Kleio, Euterpe, Thaleia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Erato, Polyhy mnia, Urania ja Kalliope. Persephone oli Zeusi ja maajumalanna Demeteri tütar, kelle Hades röövis ning allmaailma kuningannaks tegi. Perseus oli Zeusi ja Argose kuninga Akrisiose tütre Danae poeg. Zeus Võõravõitu sõnad :

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
13 allalaadimist


Russo-European Slaid- origin Ise räägid: Russo-European Laika is the name of a breed of hunting dog that originated in the forested region of northern Europe and Russia Slaid- Attitude Ise räägid: The Russo-European Laika is a very affectionate and strongly attached to the master and his family.It is a territorial dog and displays aggressiveness towards unfamiliar dogs intruding their place. All Russo-European Laikas are aggressive to predators and are enthusiastic hunters for many kinds of small and big game. However, their hunting attitude is very discriminating. Slaid-Utilization (kasutamine)

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Milan Kundera

* The Blunder, 1969 * Jaques and His Master, 1971 (Hommage to Diderot in 3 acts) Fiction: * The Joke, 1965 * Laughable Loves, 3 parts: 1963-1965- 1968, complete 1969 * Life is Elsewhere, 1969/70 * The Farewell Waltz (earlier translation: Party), 1970/71 * The Book of Laughter and * Forgetting, 1978 Essays:  * About the Disputes of Inheritance, 1955 * Art of the Novel, 1960 * The Czech Deal, 1968 * Radicalism and Exhibitionism, 1969 * The Stolen West or the Tragedy of Central Europe, 1983 * The Art of the Novel, 1985 * Testaments Betrayed, 1992 “Teadmatus” “Art of Fugue” “Elu on mujal”  Romaanis «Elu on mujal» pilab Milan Kundera romantilist luuletajanatuuri, kirjeldades poeedihingega noormehe Jaromili lapsepõlve ja noorust, tema püüdlusi vabaneda ema mõjuvõimu alt, leida kohta täiskasvanute maailmas ja pälvida luuletajana üldsuse tunnustust. Ent kommunistliku revolutsiooni

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
10 allalaadimist

Harilik Elupuu

Räpina aianduskool AE14-42-M1 Talis Talv HARILIK ELUPUU Kirjalik töö Juhendaja: Urmas Roht Tallinn 2015 Sisukord Tunnused 3 Kasvutingimused 4 Kahjurid 4 Kasutus 4 Paljundamine 5 Sordid 5 Kasutatud kirjandus 7 Harilik elupuu Thuja occidentalis Harilik elupuu pärineb igihaljaste okaspuude ja -põõsaste perekond küpressiliste sugukonnast. Pärineb Ameerikast ja levikuala ulatub USA ja Kanada idaosa rannikualadest läände, kuni Minnesotani välja. Esineb peamiselt soostunud aladel, olles mullastiku suhtes üsna leplik. Harilik elupuu oli esimeseks võõrpuuliigiks, mis toodi 1530. aastate lõpul Ameerikast Euroopasse. Tunnused: Kõrgus 15 kuni 20 meetrit. Perek...

Metsandus → Dendroloogia
12 allalaadimist

Cernobyl Disaster

• What happened? • Elimination of the consequences • The Exclusion Zone • Conclusion • Quiz • Reference list What happened? • The Chernobyl disaster was a catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine (then officially the Ukrainian SSR). An explosion and fire released large quantities of radioactive particles into the atmosphere, which spread over much of the western USSR and Europe. • The Chernobyl disaster was the worst nuclear power plant accident in history in terms of cost and casualties, and is one of only two classified as a level 7 event (the maximum classification) on the International Nuclear Event Scale (the other being the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011). • The battle to contain the contamination and avert a greater catastrophe ultimately involved over 500,000 workers and cost an estimated 18 billion rubles (18 billion

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Klassitsismiajastu muusikažanrid

aeglaseks. Esile kerkis kulminatsioon. Teine sonaat, Klaverisonaat nr 8 c-moll (''Pateetiline''), I osa, oli kirjutatud Ludwig van Beethoven. Sonaat toob esile palju dramaatilisust ning on väga raskete ja aeglaste akortidega. Teiseks kuulasime nelja sümfooniat: 1. F. J. Haydn Sümfoonia nr 94 g-duur (''Üllatussümfoonia''), II osa, esitaja tundmatu. 2. W. A. Mozart Sümfoonia nr 40 g-moll, I osa, esitaja The Chamber Orchestra of Europe, dirigent Nicolaus Harnoncourt. 3. L. Van Beethoven Sümfoonia nr 9, IV osa ­ Finaal , esitaja 10 000 jaapani muusikut, dirigent Yutaka Sado. 4. L. Van Beethoven Sümfoonia nr 5, c-moll, I osa, esitaja Viini Filharmoonikud, dirigent Christian Thielemann. Sümfoonia on 4-osaline muusikateos sümfooniaorkestrile. Esimene sümfoonia, Sümfoonia nr 94 g-duur (''Üllatussümfoonia''), II osa, on Joseph Haydni üks populaarsemaid teoseid

Muusika → Muusikaõpetus
20 allalaadimist

The Middle Ages

the same kind of justice to be used everywhere. He appointed his own judges to travel around the country. They dealt with crimes & disagreements over poverty. Serious offences were tried in the king's court. At first they had no special knowledge or training. They were trusted to use common sense. By the end of the 12th cent. They had real knowledge & experience of the law which became known as ,,common law", based on custom, comparison, previous cases & decisions. It was unlike in the rest of Europe. In England trial by ,,ordeal" was replaced with trial by jury. The work of juries gradually changed from giving evidence to judging evidence of others. Now the king's laws were in force everywhere. In 1157 he forced Malcolm IV of Scotland to give up border regions to England. In 1171 he went to Ireland, took it under his rule & made his son John, Lord of Ireland. When he got the throne there had been a civil war between his mother Matilda & uncle Stephen. There was

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
20 allalaadimist


What kind of climate do you think Britain has? What is its surface like? What countries are situated on the islands? Which country are we going to study? Why? Location Land and climate affect life in every country. Britain is no exception. Britain is the largest island of the British Isles 1. It is just under 1,000 km long and just under 500 km across in its widest part. Britain is separated from the mainland of Europe by the North Sea on the east and the English Channel on the south – by only about 35 km of water at its closest point (the Strait of Dover 2). Most of the coastline is so broken by bays and inlets that no point on the island is more than 120 km from the sea. Climate and Surface Britain has a mild climate which is influenced by the Gulf Stream, an ocean current which flows past the British Isles and brings warm water from the Gulf of Mexico

Filoloogia → Vene filoloogia
2 allalaadimist

Nali: The World According to Student Bloopers

Gettysburg on the back of an envelope. He also signed the Emasculation Proclamation, and the Fourteenth Amendment gave the ex-Negroes citizenship. But the Clue Clux Clan would torcher and lynch the ex-Negroes and other innocent victims. On the night of April 14, 1865, Lincoln went to the theater and got shot in his seat by one of the actors in a moving picture show. The believed assinator was John Wilkes Booth, a supposedl insane actor. This ruined Booth's career. Meanwhile in Europe, the enlightenment was a reasonable time. Voltare invented electricity and also wrote a book called "Candy". Gravity was invented by Issac Walton. It is chiefly noticeable in the Autumn, when the apples are flaling off the trees. Bach was the most famous composer in the world, and so was Handel. Handel was half German, half Italian and half English. He was very large. Bach died from 1750 to the present. Beethoven wrote music even though he was deaf. He was so deaf he wrote loud music

Informaatika → Informaatika
5 allalaadimist

Eesti kohtumenetluses vajalike menetlusdokumentide kättetoimetamine

Kokkuvõte Käesoleva referaadi eesmärgiks oli tutvustada menetlusdokumentide kättetoimetamise viise Eesti kohtupraktikas. Autor püüdis anda ülevaate milliseid menetlusdokumentide kättetoimetamise võimalusi kehtivas TsMS-s leida võib. Antud teema läbiv küsimus võiks olla, kas kostjale on tagatud põhiõigus olla oma kohtuasja arutamise juures ja kohtuprotsessi kulgemine mõistliku aja jooksul. 12 European Convention on Human Rights European Court of Human Rights Council of Europe F-67075 Strasbourg cedex 13 Astrid Stadler, Practical Obstacles in Cross-Border Litigation and Communication between (EU) Courts, 5 Erasmus L. Rev. 151 (2012) 14 sama 15 sama 7 Üldiselt leiab autor, et kohtud püüavad rakendada maksimaalseid meetmeid , et menetlusosalistele oleks tagatud põhiõigused dokumentide kättetoimetamise osas. Kuid paljudel

Õigus → Õigusteadusliku uurimistöö...
16 allalaadimist


The first newspapers were probably handwritten newssheets that government posted in public places. The earliest known newssheet was probably the Acta Diurna (Daily Events). Which began in Rome in 59 B.C. It reported the proceedings of the Roman Senate and such news as births and deaths.The first printed newspaper was a Chinese circular called Dibao. It was printed from carved wooden blocks during the A.D. 700's. The first regular published printed newspaper in Europe was Avisa Relation oder Zeitung of Strasbourg, Germany (now France). It started in 1609. A weekly newssheet established in 1622 was the first printed newspaper in England. The ground work for mass communications in the 20th century was laid in the 19th century by two inventions, which allowed people to communicate by wire: the electric telegraph and the telephone. As the telegraph came into widespread use, inventors searched for a way to transmit sound without wires

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist


MAINORI KÕRGKOOL Juhtimise Instituut Personalijuhtimise eriala LÄTI Kodutöö Õppejõud: Karin Kuimet Läti Tartu 2009 Läti on riik Euroopas, üks kolmest Balti riigist. Läti asub Põhja-Euroopas Läänemere rannikul. Läti asetseb Eestist lõunas, Leedust põhjas, idas on maapiir Venemaaga ja kagus Valgevenega. Läänes piirab riiki läänemeri ja loodes Riia laht. Huvitav on see, et olenemata pikast ja laugest merepiirist ei ole Läti territooriumil mitte ühtegi saart. (1920. aastal taotlesid lätlased Eesti territooriumile kuuluvat Ruhnu saart Läti omandiks). Merepiiri äärsetel aladel on tugev Rootsi kultuuri mõjutus. Läti pindala on 64 589 km. Rahvaarv 2 267 886 (2009 seisuga), millega on Euroopas 36. kohal. Umbes 1 150 000 inimest elab Riia linnas või selle ümbr...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuurikeskkond ja selle mõju...
22 allalaadimist

Tallinn town hall

TALLINN TOWN HALL Tallinn Town Hall is the only surviving Gothic town hall in Northern Europe. Built in the heart of Tallinn, next to a marketplace, the Town Hall has witnessed trade and social activities for over 700 years. It has still remained the most important representational building in town. The building history of the Town Hall goes back to the 13th century, but it acquired its medieval appearance in 1402­04. It was as early as 1248 when King Eric IV Ploughpenny of Denmark granted the Lübeck Charter to Tallinn

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Toe Tag

Salme Põhikool Toe Tag Karl Juhandi Tehumardi 2009 Ansambel Toe Tag alustas oma tegevust 17. oktoobril 1996 aastal. Esialgu oli tegemist grupi liidri G-Enka sooloprojektiga, mille taustad olid pärit DJ Paul Ojalt. Üsna pea liitus Revo Jõgisalu, kes aitas praeguseks kadunud Top Raadio stuudios sisse räppida sellised lood nagu "Depend Upon" ja "O.D. Of Sobriety". Esimene kontsert anti 1996. aasta oktoobris klubis Bel Air. Edasi soojendati juba No Big Silence'it ja esineti kõikvõimalikel Hip-Hop üritustel. 1997. aasta detsembris anti välja kauaoodatud kassett "The Real Kuhnja Homophobes". Kassett sisaldas lisaks oma lugudele ka kahte Dj Critikali remixi. 1998. aastal liitusid G-Enka ja Revo teise Eesti hip-hop bändiga A-Rühm ning Toe Tag läks mõneks ajaks puhkusele. Kuid sama aasta sügisel loodi sootuks uus projekt KNOP, ehk siis ansamblite Me, Myself & I ja Toe Tagi koostöö. Esitati töötlusi Toe Tagi vanades...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
8 allalaadimist

The Romantic Age

literary critic and philosopher . Some of his poems are : "Frost at midnight" and "The Nightingale" Robert Southey (1774 ­1843): was an poet of the Romantic school and Poet Laureate for 30 years from 1813 to his death in 1843. Some of his major works are : "The fall of Robespierre" , "Thalaba the destroyer" and " The Cid" Sir Walter Scott, 1st Baronet (1771 ­1832): was a prolific Scottish historical novelist and poet, popular throughout Europe during his time. Some of his novels : " Rob Roy" , "Ivanhoe" and "The Pirate" George Gordon Byron (1788 ­1824) a leading figure in Romanticism. Major works: " Don Juan" and "Manfred" Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792 ­1822) : is critically regarded among the finest lyric poets in the English language. Major works: "Frankenstein" and " Mont Blanc" John Keats (1795 ­1821): was an English poet who became one of the key figures of the Romantic movement.

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
8 allalaadimist

International Economic organisations, leader firms

Its aim is to regulare the price of crude oil for the world market.There are 12 member countries including Iran,Iraq and Kuwait. USA and Russia are not members of OPEC. EU-European Union. It was firstly founded on the 9th of May , 1950 as a European Coal and Steel Community and in 1951 the real organisation was established.The six founders were Belgium,Netherlands,Luxembourg,France,West-Germany and Italy. Its main aims were: 1. To avoid military conflicts 2. To strenghten Europe 3. To trade coal and steel Its main aims are now: 1. To assure peace,wealth and freedom in an safer world 2. To cooperate between the membership countries In 1957 was established the European Economic Union.The present name was taken in use in 1992. In 1999 euro was take in use only by business.In 2002 Euro became a reality.Estonia- in 1995 Estonia decided that they want to become a member.In 1998 there were negotiations between EU and Estonia

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
7 allalaadimist

Farm land rationalisation and land management

senini on mu teadmised selles vallas võrdlemisi kesised. Julgen väita, et käsitletud artikkel on hästi ja põhjalikult koostatud ning selles käsitletud teemad on mõneti üleval ka tänapäevases Eestis vaatamata sellele, et meie maareform on praktiliselt lõppenud. Viidatud kirjanduse loetelu J. Ridell, F. Rembold. 2002. Farm Land Rationalisation and Land Consolidation: Strategies for Improved Land Management In Eastern and Central Europe. Munich. February 25-28. [http://www.landentwicklung-] (18.11.2012)

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Anglo-Saksi Inglismaa

The debates are necessarily charged, highlighting the contrasting values and personalities of the participants, and exposing their essentially opposite natures. On the surface, debate poems typically appear didactic, but under often lies a genuine dialogue between 2 equally paired opponents. For an example The Thrush and the Nightingale. · Feudalism- Was a set of legal and military customs in medieval Europe that fluorished between 9th and 15th centuries, which, broadly defined was a system for structuring society around relationships derived from the holding of a land in exchange for service or labor. · Thomas Becket-Archbishop of Canterbury from 1162-1170. He is venerated as a saint and martyr by both the Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion. He engaged in conflict with Henry II of England over the rights and privileeges of the Church and was murdered by

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
5 allalaadimist

Euroopa riigid

Lisateavet Euroopa Liidu kohta saab Euroopa veebilehelt: ,,EUROPE DIRECT" vastab teie küsimustele Euroopa Liidu kohta telefonil 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 või e-postiga veebilehe kaudu Euroopa riigid Belgia (Belgique/België) Pealinn: Brüssel (Bruxelles/Brussel) Rahvaarv: 10,4 miljonit Pindala: 30 518 km² SKT: 27 600 OJS elaniku kohta Tsehhi Vabariik (Ceská republika) Pealinn: Praha (Praha) Rahvaarv: 10,2 miljonit Pindala: 78 859 km² SKT: 17 000 OJS elaniku kohta Taani (Danmark) Pealinn: Kopenhaagen (København) Rahvaarv: 5,4 miljonit Pindala: 43 094 km² SKT: 28 600 OJS elaniku kohta Saksamaa (Deutschland) Pealinn: Berliin (Berlin) Rahvaarv: 82,5 miljonit Pindala: 357 020 km² SKT: 25 300 OJS elaniku kohta Eesti (Eesti) Pealinn: Tallinn Rahvaarv: 1,4 miljonit Pindala: 43 211 km² SKT: 12 800 OJS elaniku ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
12 allalaadimist

Ants Laikmaa

exhibition in Tartu. 1903, he founded a studio in Tallinn. 1907 he founded the Estonian Art Association (Eesti Kunstiselts). In 1904 the 38-year-old Laikmaa met the great love of his life, the 21-year-old Marie Hacker, who later changed her name to Marie Under, one of the best-known poets of the time. In the same year he painted two portraits of her, counted as the most famous of Laikmaa paintings. From 1907 to 1909 he was mainly in Finland. 1909 to 1913 he traveled to the major art cities in Europe. He lived from 1910 to 1912 in Capri and Tunisia. From 1913 to 1931 Laikmaa worked as a freelance artist and art teacher in Tallinn. 1927 his only daughter Aino Marie (later Anu Kilpiö, died 1969) was born, a child of his model "Miku". 1932 Laikmaa settled in the vicinity of Taebla in Lääne County, on his farm in Kadarpiku village designed with a 7-hectare park, where he remained and worked until the end of his life. Ants Laikmaa died in November 1942 in Kadarpiku, where he is also buried

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Inglismaa essee

Essee Great Britain or Britain (Welsh: Prydain Fawr, Scottish Gaelic: Breatainn Mhòr, Cornish: Breten Veur) is an island situated to the northwest of Continental Europe. It is the ninth largest island in the world, and the largest European island, as well as the largest of the British Isles. With a population of about 60.0 million people in mid-2009, it is the third most populous island in the world, after Java and Honsh. Great Britain is surrounded by over 1,000 smaller islands and islets. The island of Ireland lies to its west. Politically, Great Britain may also refer to the island itself together with a

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Estonian National Cuisine

Estonian National Cuisine re a d a c k B Bl The word ,,bread" came to Estonian from Germanic languages. Traditional black bread spread in Estonia in the second century. In a household people usually baked bread on Saturdays. Depending on the size of the family, they usually made 6-10 loaves of bread. One loaf of bread usually weighed about 2-5 kg. Beliefs and habits If a piece of bread was dropped, it had to be picked up and given a kiss so that hunger would not come to the house. A loaf of bread was never put on a table upside crust down. That would predict a family member's death. It was not allowed to lay a loaf of bread with its cut side to the door, because then the house would run out of bread. Eating the crusty end of bread would give a girl nice breasts. Warm bread was supposed to be broken not cut. Christmas bread Christmas bread had t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

What Is Marriage

WHAT IS MARRIAGE ??? ( Thoughts pouring down in ones mind ) 1. Marriage is not a word. It's a sentence (a life sentence). 2. Marriage is love. Love is blind. Therefore marriage is an institution for the blinds. 3. Marriage is an institution in which a man loses his Bachelor's Degree and the woman gets her masters. 4. Marriage is a three ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring and suffering. 5. Married life is full of excitement and frustration: In the first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens. In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens. In the third year, they both speak and the NEIGHBOR listens. 6. Getting married is very much like going to a restaurant with friends. You order what you want, and when you see what the other person has, you wish you had ordered that instead. 7. There was this man who muttered a few words in the church and found himself married. A year later he muttered something in his...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liidu õigussüsteem

liigitatud ELi tegevusvaldkondadele vastavate teemade kaupa. Teemad ulatuvad põllumajandusest transpordini ja hõlmavad laiaulatuslikku ja ajakohastatud ülevaadet ELi õigusaktidest. Kajastamata on jäetud siiski vaid ajutist huvi pakkuvad juriidilised otsused, nagu toetuse andmise otsused. Praegu on see sait kättesaadav 11 keeles. PreLex veebisaidil jälgitakse õigusloome ettepanekuid ELi institutsioonide otsuste tegemise protsessi käigus ning Europe Direct täiendab muid andmebaase, pakkudes hõlpsasti loetavaid kokkuvõtteid ELi kohati pikkadest ja tehnilistest õigusaktidest (selle kaudu vastatakse ka kodanike küsimustele ELi kohta). Ülaltoodud materjal on avaldatud Euroopa Komisjoni poolt hallataval veebilehel. Sellel veebisaidil avaldatud teave ei kajasta tingimata Euroopa Komisjoni ametlikku seisukohta. Komisjon ei

Õigus → Ühinguõigus
20 allalaadimist

Jennifer Lopez

Lopez has sold over 11.8 million albums in the United States and over 70 million records worldwide.[1][2] She became interested in pursuing a career in the entertainment industry following her small role in the 1986 film My Little Girl, to the dismay of her Puerto Rican parents, who believed that it was an unrealistic career route for a Latino. Following her move from The Bronx to Manhattan, Lopez performed in regional stage productions, before touring with musicals in Europe and Japan. She gained her first regular high-profile job as a Fly Girl dancer on the television comedy program In Living Color in 1991, where she remained a regular cast member until 1993 when she decided to pursue a full-time acting career. Lopez received her first leading role in the Selena biopic of the same name in 1997, which earned her widespread acclaim and a Golden Globe nomination. Following subsequent roles in the films Anaconda (1997) and Out of Sight

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

England Sightseeing

and baths, which blend seamlessly with elegant 18th-century architecture. Bath is built on the site of England's only natural hot springs. It was the Romans who first tapped into this unique source and constructed a network of luxurious baths. But it's not only the hot baths that make Bath such an incredible place. It's the whole city that's a designated World Heritage Site, not just its Roman antiquities. Bath has some of the finest architectural and historic treasures in Europe. Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape Designated a World Heritage Site in 2006. The Cornwall and West Devon World Heritage Site areas are spread across 12 districts of Cornwall and West Devon, and there are many walks and visitor attractions to experience in each of them. By example Gwennap Pit, an open-air amphitheatre which may have originated from a hollow created by sunken mine workings; and King Edward Mine, the oldest complete mine site in Cornwall.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

London - sillad, tornid, ajalugu

The Tudors had changed all that. St. Paul's Cathedral St. Paul's Cathedral has had an eventful history. The first records date from 604 AD, when Mellitus, Bishop of the East Saxons built the first wooden church on the summit of one of London's hills. At the end of the 7th century, it was built in stone by Erkenwald, Bishop of London. In 962 and 1087, the Cathedral was destroyed by fires, but each time it was rebuilt. By that time, it was one of the largest cathedrals in Europe. Rebuilding and extensions in the 13th and 14th century enlarged the cathedral even more. But disaster struck again on the night of the 2nd of September 1666, when the great fire of London destroyed 4/5th of all of London, wiping 13,200 houses and 89 churches, including the St. Paul's Cathedral off the map. In 1669, Christopher Wren designed the so-called 'Great Model' for the new St. Paul's Cathedral. In this

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Topic - London

After the defeat of the Spanish Armada, stability in politics allowed the city to grow even more. In 1603, James VI of Scotland came to the throne of England, essentially uniting the two countries. An assassination attempt was made on him on the 5th of November in 1605, now known as the famous Gunpowder Plot. Plague caused more problems for London later in that century, culminating in the Great Plague. That was the last major outbreak in Europe, possibly thanks to the Great Fire of London in 1666. The fire broke out in the original City and quickly swept through London's wooden buildings, destroying large amounts of the city. Rebuilding took over ten years. Following London's growth in the 18th century, it became the worlds largest city from about 1831 to 1925. This growth was aided from 1836 by London's first railways, which put countryside towns within easy reach of the city. Rising traffic problems on roads led to the

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Tööpoliitika Eestis ja Euroopa Liidus

loodeti ning otsustati Lissaboni protsessi värskendada. (Mis on...) Liikmesriikide jõupingutused otsustati suunata kahe peamise ülesande lahendamisele - tugevama, kestva majanduskasvu saavutamisele ning arvukamate ja paremate töökohtade loomisele. 2010. aastal nentisid paljud valitsusjuhid taaskord, et Lissaboni strateegia ei saavutanud oma eesmärke. Lissaboni strateegia vigadest üritatakse õppida uue majandusstrateegia Europe 2020 puhul, mis peaks vastama uue majandussituatsiooni väljakutsetele. Strateegia peamine prioriteet on väljuda kiiremini majanduskriisist, samas jälgib see ka pikaajalist säästvat arengut. Kolm põhilist valdkonda, millele strateegia fokusseerub, on teadmistepõhine areng, paljusid inimesi kaasava paindliku tööturu loomine ja rahvusvaheliselt konkurentsivõimelise rohelise majanduse arendamine. Üheks konkreetseks eesmärgiks on tõsta 20­64 aastaste inimeste tööhõivemäär 75 %-ni

Majandus → Majanduspoliitika
94 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun