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Retsensioon "Noor muusik" laureaatide kontserdist

-1- 21.septembril kell 19.00 esines Estonia kontserdisaalis Eesti Riiklik Sümfooniaorkester Toomas Vavilovi dirigeerimisel ja rahvusvahelise konkursi " Noor Muusik" laureaadid Mihkel Poll (klaver), Gina Maria McQuinness (viiul, Iirimaa), Heini Laankoski (tsello, Soome). Rahvusvahelisel konkursil "Noor Muusik" täitub käesoleval hooajal 10. tegevusaasta. 1996/97 aastal ellu kutsutud 7-13 aastaste viiuli-, tsello-, ja klaveriõpilaste võistumängimise eesmärkideks on klassikalise muusika

Muusika → Muusika
5 allalaadimist

Life in Estonia through the eyes of an economics student

Life in Estonia through the eyes of an economics student I have been studying economics for a few months now and I would not say that my point of view on life in Estonia has changed. There are some things I recently started to look on differently but I am not sure is it because of TUT or not. Through my entire life I have seen Estonia as a strong and fast growing country which is also a fact because Estonian economy was one of the fastest growing in the world until 2006 with growth rates even exceeding 10% annually. I find it being quite impressive. There are some fields which Estonia can fill with supplies by itself. We are nearly energy independent country, supplying over 90% of our electricity need with locally mined oil shale. Estonia has also an alternative energy sources such as wood and peat. I could call myself

Majandus → Akadeemiline kirjutamine
6 allalaadimist


Nikolai Aleksejev, Peterburi uue dirigeerimiskoolkonna üks silmapaistvam esindaja ja ERSO peadirigent aastail 2001­2010, pühendas kontserdi kahele 2010. aastal meie hulgast lahkunud heliloojale ­ Eino Tambergile ja Boriss Tistsenkole. Mõlemal suurmehel on olnud Aleksejevi elus tähtis roll, ta on korduvalt juhatanud nende teoseid. Nikolai Aleksejev on juhatanud kõiki Moskva ja Peterburi tähtsamaid sümfooniaorkestreid ning andnud kontserte Euroopas, USAs ja Jaapanis. Laval oli, nagu Estonia Kontserdisaalis sümfooniaorkestrite puhul ikka, orkestrit täis. Kontsert algas Eino Tambergi teosega ,,Festivo" ,mille ta ongi pühendanud samale dirigendile - Nikolai Aleksejevile. Selle teosega avati näiteks pidulikult Tallinnas 2008/2009 hooaeg ning hiljem järele uurides avastasin, et tegemist ongi piduliku teosega, kuid Tambergi mälestuseks mängiti seda tollel kontserdil veidi nukramas ja tumedamas võtmes. Hoolimata sellest kõlas teos võimsana.

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
5 allalaadimist

Muusikali "Minu Veetlev Leedi" kirjeldus.

Kontserdi kirjeldus . ,,Minu Veetlev Leedi" Selle aasta üks parim ja huvitavaim muusikaline elamus minu jaoks oli F. Loewe' muusikal ,,Minu veetlev leedi". Etendus toimus 20. jaanuaril Tallinnas, Estonia kontserdimajas. Peaosatäitjateks muusikalis olid Hele Kõre (Eliza Doolittle), Rene Soom (professor Henry Higgins), Madis Milling (Alfred P. Doolittle, Eliza Doolittle isa) ja Priit Volmer (kolonel Pickering, Higginsi sõber). Etenduses tegid kaasa ka rahvusooper ,,Estonia" koor ja orkester ning dirigendiks oli Jüri Alperten. Lavastaja: Ago-Endrik Kerge Lavakujundus: Liina Keevallik Kostüümid: Liina Pihlak Tantsuseaded: Eduard Korotin

Muusika → Muusika
109 allalaadimist

Lennart Meri esitlus

Lennart Meri Lennart Meri was a writer, a film director and a statesman who served as the second President of Estonia. Meri was a leader of the Estonian independence movement. His lifestory: Lennart Georg Meri was born in Tallinn, 29 March 1929, a son of the Estonian diplomat and later translator Georg Meri, and Estonian Swedish Alice-Brigitta Engmann. Because his father was a diplomat, Lennart left Estonia at an early age and studied abroad, in nine different schools and in four different languages. In addition to his native Estonian, Lennart Meri fluently spoke five other languages: Finnish, French, German, English and Russian. The family was in Tallinn when Estonia was occupied by the armed forces of the Soviet Union in June 1940 and in 1941, the Meri family was deported to Siberia. They came back to Estonia 1945. In 1953, Lennart Meri graduated cum laude from the Faculty of History

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Why was life better-worse in Estonia 50 years ago?

Why was life better /worse in Estonia 50 years ago? If we go back in time 50 years, then we will find ourselves in the year 1958. Certainly it was not one the brightest periods in our lives, because all the Estonians were occupied by Russians and the governing power was also held by them. It was a time where we never even dreamed about life we are having nowadays. The way of life was very complicated, people had limited rights and all the things we nowadays have done by machines were all handmade. These are the major reasons, which made me think that life was worse 50 years ago than now. Why was it so? Firstly, nowadays we can speak about many comforts, which 50 years ago was not so. In 1950s' there were any conveniences at all ­ everything had to be made by yourself and people were living a poor life. People did not have the chance to own expensive technics(as a matter of fact some of them were not invented yet or it jus...

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Are young people living in Estonia patriots of their homeland?

makes you feel more Estonian and what an overpowering feeling of unity it gives. It has been always said that Estonians are singing natoin and young people carry this tradition on and all over the world, advertising and introducing it proudly. Furthermore, there are many young men and nowadays also women, who want to take part in time service, which is indispensable when crisis situation should brake forth, because those people are trained and prepared to fight for Estonia whenever it is necessary. They are ready to give their life for the freedom of their homeland. One the other hand, there are many young Estonians who want to go to study abroad and sometimes they stay there for the rest of their lives. They think that life is better compared to the contitions Estonia has to offer. Also, many young women are convinced that Estonian men are dolts and wusses and think that foreigners make much better husbands for them and better fathers of their children

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

One reason why it's nice to live in Estonia

One reason why it's nice to live in Estonia Estonia is the place where i live and i like to live in here. There are many reasons why i like to live in Estonia, but the main reason is that the Estonia is naturally great place where to live. Estonia has got very beatiful nature where we can go hiking or fishing. There are many great places wich you can visit in nature. In nature you can do a lot of things. It also attrackts many tourists. Estonia is also naturally quiet place, in here we don´t have volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes or other dangerous natural phenomenas. So we don´t have to worry about that in one beautiful day our house fly away by tornado or volcano burns it down. People

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Life in Estonia through the eyes of an economics student

Life in Estonia through the eyes of an economics student With a population of 1 313 271 people, Estonia is one of the least populous member states of the European Union. However, according to the IMF, it is a developed country with an advanced and high-income economy. Estonia follows market economy system which ensures the little government intervention and the determination of prices of goods and services in a free price system. Therefore, economic decisions are guided solely by the aggregate interactions of a country's citizens and businesses. In addition to mentioned afore, Estonia tends to perform favourably in measurements of civil liberties, education, and press freedom.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

1973-1974 aasta sündmused Eestis

teravamalt kannatasid need eestlased, nii lapsed kui täiskasvanud, kes sattusid vahemusrahvuse seisundisse, näiteks Kohtla-Järvel. Venestamine ja selle ettekääne ­ tööstuse forsseeritud arendamine ­ käisid täie hooga. 18.jaanuar 1973 avatakse Kohtla-Järvel Eesti suurim ja moodsaim põlevkivikaevandus ,,Estonia". ,,Estonia" kaevandus oli maailma põlevkivi kaevandustest suurim. Oma 65­70 meetri sügavusel kaevandamisega on Estonia kaevandus põlevkivikaevanduste seas maailmas ainulaadne. Ülistatud tööstuse kasu jäi aga käsitamatuks, sest igapäevaste tarbekaupade, sealhulgas toiduainete puudus aina süvenes. Kaup oli madala kvaliteediga, kuid sedagi polnud saada, sest määratud hinnad jäid üldjuhul kauba väärtusest alla ja rohkem kui rahast tunti puudust ostuvõimalusest. Hindu küll aeg-ajalt tõesteti, ent nad jäid ikkagi suvalisteks, mitte turu poolt dikteerituiks

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
10 allalaadimist

Heategevuskontsert Uus algus

Heategevuskontsert ,,Uus algus" Külastasin, esimesel detsembril, Tallinna Kaarli kirikus heategevuskontserti ,,Uus algus". Esimene detsember on ühtlasi ka ülemaailme AIDS-i vastu võitlemise päev, millele ka kontsert oli pühendatud. Kontserdi eesmärgiks oli inimeste tähelepanu juhtimine HIV levikule ja samuti ka sellest hoidumisele. Kontserdil esinesid Mikk Saar, Aile Asszonyi, Lenna Kuurmaa, Heldur-Harry Põlda, Siiri Sisask, Dwight West, Estonia Seltsi segakoor ja XXI Sajandi Orkester mida dirigeeris Erki Pehk. Kontserdi algul kõlas ,,Näkineiu laul kuule" ooperist Rusalka, mida esitas Aile Asszonyi. Eriti jäi kõrva aga tromboon ning solisti hääleulatus. Aile Asszonyi on õppinud kuulsa itaalia tenori Carlo Bergonzi käe all. Järgnes laul ,,Teel koju" mida esitas Siiri Sisask, kes oli nii pianisti kui ka solisti rollis. See lugu läks mulle väga hinge ja pani mind mõtlema. Sellele loole järgnes kohe teine väga hea

Muusika → Muusika
11 allalaadimist

Estonian political parties

Estonian Political parties The Estonian Reform party is a liberal party that was founded in 2004. It represents liberal ideas such as free market, equality and international relationships.The Reform party is the most economically liberal party in Estonia and it is led by Andrus Ansip. The Union of Pro patria and Res Publica was founded in 2006, when two conservative parties merged. The party's political ideology is conservatism and Christian Democrasy. It has about 8000 members. This Party won 19 seats in the Parliament in previous elections. The Social Democratic Party was founded in 1990. It represents ideas such as social democracy and economic liberalism. It was the most successful party in the 2004 European Parliamentary elections

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Kontserdiretsensioon „Savoy ball“

Kontserdiretsensioon ,,Savoy ball" 15.jaanuaril esietendus Rahvusooperis Estonia Pàl Àbrahami libreto Alfred Grünwald ja Fritz Löhner-Beda suurejoonelise opereti ,,Savoy ball"/ ,,Ball im Savoy" uusversioon Mart Sanderi redaktsioonis. Opereti ,,Savoy ball" lavastajaks ja ühtlasi ka kunstnikuks on multitalent Mart Sander, kes lisaks suurepärasele laulja-, näitleja-ja saatejuhitööle on võitnud paljude eestlaste südamed oma Bel-Etagè Svingorkestriga. Teatris on Mart Sander esinenud peamiselt operettides ja muusikalides, kuid ka sõnalavastustes. Teiste seas on

Muusika → Muusika
19 allalaadimist

Pirita convent / Pirita klooster

Pirita Convent Anete Samelselg 10th grade About the convent It was founded by St. Birgitta in 1412 and consercrated in 1436. The area is 1360 square meters. It was the biggest church building in the Middle aged Estonia. Name Pirita is orginated from St. Birgitta. The idea and construction The history of the the Pirita Convent dates back to the 15 century. The idea to found a convent in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, was initiated by some Tallinn merchants already in 1400. Building plot was donated from Livonian Order. The building were built in two different parts. One for nuns and one for monks. Church in the middle and it was used by both. St. Birgitta rules In the convent have to live both - nuns and also monks. Nuns and monks were seperated and did not see each other at all. The Convent could not have more than 85 members ­ 60 sisters and 25 brothers.

Ajalugu → Inglise ajalugu
2 allalaadimist

What are the most needed professions in Estonia in the 21st Century

Most needed professions in Estonia in the 21st Century All people in our society have a role. All adults should have jobs. That means they need to choose a professions. In my opinion one the most needed professions is a doctor. When people get sick, they need doctors to check them, put diagnose and treat them. In my opinion there are few specialists in Estonia because lot of them go to foreign country, mostly because of the low salary in Estonia. Another job needed is teachers. If you want to study a specialty or aquire a high school you need teachers who will guide and teach. The third most needed profession is builders. The cities grow and new building`s are being razed and in turn, the economy is growing. Some old houses are being restored like they used to be in the past. I think that all three professions are needed in Estonia and that employees in this field do not leave Estonia when raise salary and they are recognized.

Keeled → Ingliskeel
1 allalaadimist

Jüri muusikaselts

Jüri muusikaselts ­ üks esimestest XIX sajandi keskpaik oli murranguliseks ajaks eestlaste iseteadvuse kujunemisel, millest kasvas hiljem välja oma riik. Saabus vaimustuslik rahva ärkamisaeg. Liberaalsem tsaar Aleksander II lubas moodustada valdasid, minna üle raharendile ja sellega seoses osta päriseks talusid. Eesti maale kujunes peremees ja peremees pidi talu majandamise kõrval olema ka haritud ja kultuurne. Raske on ülehinnata ajalehtede ,,Perno Postimees'' või hiljem ,,Eesti Postimees'' ning ,,Sakala'' tegevust rahva koondamisel ning meelsuse kujundamisel. Ärkamisaja märgina on põhjapaneva tähendusega laulu- ja mängusetside teke. Neist esimese, ''Revalia'' sünniaastaks on 1863, Tartu ,,Vanemuine'' ja Tallinna ,,Estonia'' asutati 1865. aastal. Kui 1863. a. asutatud eesti seltsi ,,Revalia" laulukoor hakkas kontserte andma Tallinna Lähedastes kirikutes, tekkis ...

Muusika → Muusikaõpetus
3 allalaadimist

Muusika retsensioon 2015: Beethoweni viies sümfoonia

Beethoveni viies sümfoonia Käisin Estonia kontserdisaalis, 9. veebruaril kell 19 kuulamas „Beethoveni viiendat sümfooniat”. Kontserdil oli kavas: Sergei Prokofjevi klaverikontsert nr 3, C-duur ning Ludvig von Beethoveni sümfoonia nr 5 C-moll. Kontserdil esinesid Vladimir Mištšuk klaveril (Venemaa), Eesti Riiklik Sümfooniaorkester ning dirigendiks oli Nikolai Aleksejev. Valisin kontserdiks, mille põhjal kirjutada retsensiooni just seetõttu, et lähemalt tutvuda Sergei

Muusika → Muusikaõpetus
20 allalaadimist

English portfolio

Uusikaupunki, was a relatively static period in Estonian history with few momentous events. This was the time of the crystallization and the culmination of serfdom, when various socio- political and cultural undercurrents were also active, preparing the ground for the industrial society and the national-democratic movement in the second half of the 19th century. The 1710 of the corporations of knights and towns, until Alexander II (1855­1881), established the relationships between Estonia, Livonia and the Russian Empire. The Baltic Landesstaat reached its full development. The freedom of action in the new provinces was naturally granted to one of the most firm ideological pillars of the tsarist empire -- the Russian orthodox church; though as the Landeskirche in the Estonian and Livonian territories, the Lutheran church long maintained a de facto predominance. The most important organ of Baltic German local government was the Diet, consisting of all

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Eesti Teatri ja Muusika muuseum

talupoja tahe et minna Peterburgi õppima ­ ainukesse kooli mille eest talupoeg maksta jaksas. Saali ühes nurgas oli Heino Elleri kirjutaslaud mille ta oli andnud testamendiga muuseumile.Tema kirjutatd on ,,Kodumaine viis", sellest laulust on praeguseks tehtud ka instrumentaal teos. Selles saalis oli veel Pianino, millel on väga pikk ajalugu, tzumpe klaver ehk tahvelklaver aastast 1771, kaelkirjak klaver (Viinist aastast 1810) millel on kuus pedaali, kapp klaver, ka kuue pedaaliga, Estonia kontserdisaali klaver, mis on valmistatud kõrgtehnoloogiaga ja klavesiin tõmmitsatega millel olid põhiklahvid mustad, et mängides tuleksid rohkem esile mängija käed. Selles saalis asus ka pillide kuningas orel, mille viledesse puhutakse õhk sisse pedaalidega. Orel maksis vanasti palju vähem kui klaver, orelit sai talupoeg ka kodus ise teha. Mida paksem vile seda madalam heli ja mida peenikesem vile seda kõrgem heli. Saalis oli nt Kriisa orel aastast 1910.

Muusika → Muusika
15 allalaadimist

Noorkuu ja Birgit Õigemeel

NOORKUU JA BIRGIT ÕIGEMEEL retsensioon 06.11.toimus Estonia Kontserdisaalis kontsert Noorkuu ja Birgit Õigemeel. Vokaalansambel Noorkuu andis taas soolokontserte Eesti erinevates kontserdipaikades. Tegemist on ansambli esimese suurema kontserttuuriga peale 2006. aasta oktoobris korraldatud 10. juubeli kontserte. Esitati palju uut ja senikuulmata loomingut, ikka humoorikas ja Noorkuule omases stiilis. Nagu tavaliselt, ei puudunud ka seekord Noorkuu kontserdilt nauditav lavashow, mitmed üllatused ning vahetu kontakt publikuga

Muusika → Popkultuur ja popmuusika
3 allalaadimist

Draakoni galerii

Balti-saksa arhitektide provintslik mentaliteet pidurdas uute ideede levikut. Märgatav mõju Eesti arhitektuurile oli Riia kui arhitektuurilise keskuse lähedus. Eestis jääb juugendornament sageli seotuks neostiilidega. Oluline mõju Eesti arhitektuurile on Soome arhitektuuri arengul. Pidevalt jälgiti seal toimuvat. Vastukaja leidis Soome arhitektide püüe siduda juugendstiili rahvusliku traditsiooniga. Juugendarhitektuuri paremad näited Eestis : Estonia teater, Vanemuine, Taagepera mõis, Neeruti mõis, Ammende villa Pärnus, Tartu Pauluse kirik jne. Jacques Rosenbaum Jacques Rosenbaum sündis 2. juunil 1878 Haapsalus ja ta suri 6. jaanuaril 1943 Berliinis. Ta oli Eesti arhitekt baltisaksa päritoluga. Õppis 1896- 1898 Riia Polütehnilises Instituudis keemiat ja 1898- 1904 arhitektuuri. 1904-1907 oli Rosenbaum Tartu linnaarhitekt. Pärast seda töötas ta arhitektina Tallinnas. Esimese maailmasõja ajal viibis Tuulas

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
15 allalaadimist

Haldusõiguse seminar nr 2

II teema. Haldustegevuse õiguspärasus KOHTUPRAKTIKA (kohustuslik õppematerjal): Maa-amet, RKHKo 3-3-1-72-06; Neckman Invest, 3-3-1-44-10; Nordecon, 3-3-1-13-12, p-d 18–24; Katšan, 3-3-1-18-12, p-d 1–20; Rätsep, 3-3- 1-76-12, p-d 10–14; V. L., 3-3-1-14-13; Lilitškin, 3-3-1-34-13 3-3-1-72-06 Halduse kandja ehk avaliku-võimu kandja ehk avalik-õiguslik juriidiline isik =riik, kov, kõik kes on loodud seadusega nt rahvusooper estonia, töötukassa, advokatuur, notarite koda, kaitseliit Haldusorgan HMS § 8 on seadusega selle alusel avalikku haldust täitma volitatud isik või kogu asutus. Tegutseb tavaliselt halduse kandja avaliku-õigusliku juriidilise isiku nimel. Kui nt tegevusloa annab rahandusminister siis ta on haldusorganiks, ta on riigi nimel tegutsev isik. Kas õigusvastane haldusakt saab kehtida? –kehtida saab ka õigusvastane õigusakt. õiguspärasus ja kehtivus on kaks erinevat asja

Õigus → Haldusõigus
158 allalaadimist

My favourite outfit

My favourite outfit My name is Kerli. I am a 16-year-old schoolgirl. I am from Estonia. I would say I am usually helpful and kind. If anyone needs my help in anything, then I will always lend a hand. I like doing sports and I like to wear sporty clothes, because they are very comfortable. Also, like to wear feminine clothes. My favourite outfit is a leather jacket with blue jeans, a white blouse and black platforms. The leather jacket has white stripes down the sleeves. It is also quite worn-out by now because I have had it for some time now and I tend to wear it throughout the

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Savoy Ball retsensioon

Savoy Ball 13.novembril toimus Rahvusooperis Estonia operett/muusikal „Savoy ball“, mis on kirjutatud aastal 1932. Alfred Grünwaldi ja Fritz Löhner-Beda libreto, Mart Sanderi redaktsioonis. „Savoy ball“-i maailmaesietendus toimus 23.detsembril 1932a. Berliinis, Metropoli teatris. Eestis esietendus „Savoy ball“ 15.jaanuaril 2014a. Rahvusooperis Estonia. „Savoy ball“ opereti lavastaja ja ka kunstnik oli Mart Sander. Näitlejad, keda ma varem ka näitlemas olen näinud, olid Hanna-Liina Võsa ja Märt Avandi.Teised näitlejad, keda ma varem pole teatris kohanud olid Jana Volk, Andres Kask, Valentina Taluma, Martin Urve, Jaak Jõekallas, Mati Vaikmaa, Seili Loorits-Kämbre, Janne Ševšenko, Mart Laur, Maria Kais, Väino Puurat, Hedi Pundonen, Rene Alas, Airike Kolk, Maigret Peetson, Juuli Lill, Ksenia Bespalova

Muusika → Muusika
5 allalaadimist

Inglise keelne esitlus Eestist

ESTONIA AUTHORS: MARKUS KUUSE, CHRISTOFHER ARKO KÖST FACTS ABOUT ESTONIA • Estonia is about 50% forest • Estonia has over 2000 islands • Estonia was the first country in the world to use online political voting. HISTORY • Humans settled in the region of Estonia near the end of the last glacial era • In the Middle Ages, Estonia became a battleground for centuries where Denmark, Germany, Russia, Sweden and Poland fought their many wars • Estonians declared their independence in February 1918 RECENT HISTORY • In 1940, the Soviet Union occupied Estonia • Nazi Germany occupied Estonia in 1941; later in World War II the Soviet Union reoccupied it (1944). GEOGRAPHY • The two largest islands are Saaremaa and Hiiumaa • The highest point in Estonia is Suur Munamägi ESTONIA CITIES • Capital: Tallinn

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Estonian Geography

Estonian geography The territory of Estonia covers 45,227 km2. Estonia is situated in the Baltic Region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea. Its neighbor countries are to the south Latvia, to the east Russia, to the north and over the Gulf of Finland, Finland and to the west and over the Baltic Sea, Sweden. Most of the lowland areas are in the middle of Estonia. Average elevation reaches only 50 meters and the country's highest point is the Suur Munamägi in the southeast at 318 meters. There is 3,794 kilometers of coastline marked by numerous bays, straits, and inlets. The number of islands and islets is estimated at some 1,500. Two of them are large enough to constitute separate counties: Saaremaa and Hiiumaa. A small, recent cluster of meteorite craters, the largest of which is called Kaali is found on Saaremaa, Estonia. Estonia has over 1,400 lakes

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Inglise keelne Eesti kirjeldus

Estonia is located in the Northern Europe and is a state in the Baltic region It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia, and to the east by Lake Peipus(Peipsi) and the Russian Federation.Estonia also has a number of islands: Saaremaa and Hiiumaa, which are the most known are also the two biggest ones.The territory of Estonia covers 45,227 km2. There is 3,794 kilometers of coastline marked by numerous bays, straits, and inlets. The Republic of Estonia is divided into fifteen counties: Hiiumaa, Saaremaa, Läänemaa, Harjumaa, Lääne-Virumaa, Ida-Virumaa, Tartumaa, Jõgevamaa, Järvamaa, Raplamaa, Viljandimaa, Pärnumaa, Valgamaa, Põlvamaa and Võrumaa. The capital city of estonia is Tallinn. Estonia is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate. Estonia has four seasons of near-equal length

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Report: estonian ecnomy

TAAB11 Report Purpose The purpose of this report is to give an overview of Estonian population, political factors, technological factors, economic factors and the trends in Estonian economy compared to Germany and to briefly discuss Estonian business environment. Estonian population The total population of Estonia is 1 313 271 according to Statistics Estonia, of which 69.1% are Estonians, 25.1% Russians, 4.9% of which are of different nationalities for example Ukrainians, Belarusians and Finns. Rest are of unknown nationality. 68.5% of population speaks Estonian as a mother language, 29.6% speaks Russian as a mother language and 0.6% Ukrainian. Estonia has only one official language which is Estonian. According to information by the Institute of the Estonian Language there are about 75% of Estonian people who speak Estonian

Majandus → Rahanduse alused
6 allalaadimist

The most important key dates in Estonian history

The most important key dates in Estonian history Every country has its history and some moments are more important than the others. Here are some of the most notable dates from Estonian history. 3rd millennium BC ­ the Finno-Ugric tribes arrive in Estonia 1154 ­ First written mention of Tallinn (by al-Idrisi) 13th century ­ German and Danish invade Estonia. Estonians' numerous attempts to restore independence fail 1343 ­ St. George's Night uprising 1558-1583 ­ the Livonian War after which Northern Estonia is occupied by Sweden and Southern Estonia occupied by Poland 1632 ­ Tartu University was founded 1860-1885 ­ the era of national awakening, the foundation for Estonian journalism was laid, collection of folklore 1869 ­ First all-Estonian Song Festival in Tartu

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Andmetöötluse 1. kordamisülesanne

1 26.02 79 165 0 PTB Tallinn 25.4 24.38 117 221 0 OTM ääruse (EÜ) kohaselt Püügi- Püügi- Toetus- Seg- vahend 2 vahend 3 skeem1 ment2 Viimane sündmus Ehituskoht PTM AC 4S1 Lammutamine RUSSIAN FEDERATION PA 4S1 Tegevusala vahetamine RUSSIAN FEDERATION OFG DRB 4S4 Loendus ESTONIA DRB PS 4S4 Loendus ESTONIA FPO DRB 4S4 Loendus ESTONIA OTB PA 4S1 Muutmine RUSSIAN FEDERATION OTM PA 4S1 Tegevusala vahetamine RUSSIAN FEDERATION PA 4S4 Uus laev ESTONIA PA 4S1 Lammutamine RUSSIAN FEDERATION

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
3 allalaadimist


MUSIC 1. What is the role of music in your life? Music has a very important role in my life. I like to sing. I listen to music every day. Music helps me get rid of the tensions. If I have a bad mood, I listen to music louder, than usual. I love music. 2. Speak about some Estonian musicians (5-6 sentences) Liis Lemsalu is an Estonian singer. She was born on 20 October 1992 in Tallinn, Estonia. She rose to fame as the winner of the fourth season of Eesti otsib superstaari , the Estonian version of Idol series. She was then signed to Universal Music Group. After winning the show, Liis went on tour with other participants of Eesti otsib superstaari and released a single "Kõnnime seda teed" together with the runner-up of the show, Artjom Savitski. 3. Do you think that performing in a band or group has become more popular among people in Estonia? Explain.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Tehnikaülikooli Akadeemilise Meeskoori 70. Juubeligala „Ballaadid“

Tehnikaülikooli Akadeemilise Meeskoori 70. Juubeligala „Ballaadid“ 28.märtsil toimus Estonia kontserdisaalis Tehnikaülikooli Akadeemilise Meeskoori 70. Juubeligala „Ballaadid“. Tehnikaülikooli Akadeemilise Meeskoori jaoks on tegemist erilise hooajaga, kuna tegu on koori 70. juubeliaastaga, mis toob kaasa endaga pingelist kontserttegevust. Tallinna kontserdiks saabus kodumaale bass Ain Anger, kes esitas koos kooriga juubelikava. Juubelikava on juba kõlanud ka St James Piccadilly kirikus, Londonis. Ain Anger on maailmanimega Eesti bass. Ta on hinnatud Wagneri-esitaja

Muusika → Muusika
1 allalaadimist


ESTONIAN BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Estonia is a country with the population of just a little over 1.3 million people. It has been estimated though, that by the year of 2040 the number will have decreased by 125,000 people. It means that the population of Estonia is decreasing. As young Estonians often like to go study or live abroad, the population is aging as well – young people move away, while older stay there. Many different nationalities live there: besides Estonians there are Russians, Ukrainians, Belarussians, Finnish, Tatars, Latvians, Poles, Lithuanians, Jews, Germans and others. Due to this fact, the most popular languages spoken as a mother language are Estonian, Russian and Ukrainian

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Maailma organisatsioonid

The Membership of World Organisations Merilin Tamme Xa Tallinna Järveotsa Gymnasium 2008 The schedule · 04.04.1949 ­ establishment of NATO. · 1951 ­ Supreme Headquarters Allied Power Europe (SHAPE) was created near Paris in France. Later, SHAPE was relocated to Mons in Belgium. · 1952 ­ Greece and Turkey join NATO. · 1955 ­ Western Germany joins NATO. · 1982 ­ Spain joins NATO. · 1991 ­ Rome summit. Estonia is one of the founding members of the NACC. · January 1994 ­ Brussels summit. Estonia joins PFP on 3 February. · March 1995 ­ Estonia submits the first Individual Partnership for Peace (IPP) to NATO. It contains priority areas of cooperation with NATO and future cooperation events, altogether in 23 subject fields. · March 1997 ­ beginning of involvement of Estonia in peacekeeping mission in SFOR (Stabilisation Force) in Bosnia Herzegovina (ESTPLA).

Ajalugu → Maiskonnalugu
5 allalaadimist

Eesti tutvustamine

Arti Hunt IT-14E  The Republic of Estonia is a country in Northern Europe.  Estonia is located on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea.  The capital of Estonia is Tallinn  Estonia has an area of 45 227 km2  In Estonia, there are about 1 340 021 people  The colours of Estonian flag are blue, black and white  National flower is cornflower  National bird is swallow  National stone is limestone  National anthem is ,,Mu isamaa , mu õnn ja rõõm’’  National Coat of Arms is a golden shield which includes three lions in the middle, with oak branches along the side of the shield. Estonia has 1521 islands and the biggest of them are Saaremaa and Hiiumaa.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Eesti ajalugu

HISTORY OF ESTONIA Estonians are one of the longest-settled European peoples, whose forebears, known as the "comb pottery" people, lived on the southeastern shores of the Baltic Sea over 5,000 years ago. Like other early agricultural societies, Estonians were organized into economically self-sufficient, male-dominated clans with few differences in wealth or social power. By the early Middle Ages most Estonians were small landholders, with farmsteads primarily organized by village.

Ajalugu → Maiskonnalugu
10 allalaadimist

European Environmental Databases 2018

European Environmental Databases 2018 Homework deadline: Friday, Nov 30th 13:00pm Send to: [email protected] NB! Homework delivered after the deadline will NOT be considered for evaluation and will be marked as ,,not passed". 1. According to the Land Accounts data viewer (Corine Land Cover), has the total area of non-irrigated arable land (code 211) increased or decreased in Estonia between 1990 and 2006? By how many hectares? Non-irrigated arable land (code 211) was in Estonia between 1990-2006 638 979 he Non-irrigated arable land (code 211) was in Estonia between 1990-2000 639 341 he It means that code 211 decreased by the 362 he 2. And in Europe? Non-irrigated arable land (code 211) in Europe between 1990-2006 was 113 653 392 he Non-irrigated arable land (code 211) in Europe between 1990-2000 115 822 405 he It means that code 211 decreased by the 2 169 013 he 3. What about Peat bogs (code 412) in Estonia? Increased or decreased? By how many hectares?

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Estonian state system

Estonian state system The Resolution of the National Independence of Estonia was adopted on August 20, 1991. The Constitution of Estonia is the fundamental law of the Republic of Estonia and it was adopted in June 1992. Estonia is a Democratic Parliamentary Republic where the supreme power is vested in the people. The head of State of Estonia is the President of the Republic who can be elected for two five-year terms. The Legislature. The Parliament of Estonia is called Riigikogu and it is elected by people for a four year term. The election is universal, uniform and direct. Voting is secret. The Riigikogu is comprised of one hundred and one members. The Riigikogu has three main functions: legislation, reviewing the activities of the executive power, representation. The members of the Riigikogu have the rights to form factions. The Executive. The Executive of Estonia consists of the body of the Prime Minister and cabinet of ministers.

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

PPT - Estonian History

A single nation. A million voices. The fall of and empire. Main events in Estonian history NIMI Ancient Estonia · Begins from around 8500 BC. · Worshipped the spirits of nature. · Own gods. · 5 periods: mesolithic, neolithic, bronze age, iron age, early middle ages. Click icon to add picture Click icon to add picture Estonian crusade · One of the last corners of

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Rights and liberties

Kertu Mölder AÜSR1 We all have rights and liberties. In Estonia they are written in the Consitution of Estonia, the fundamental law of the Republic of Estonia. In Estonia laws are declared by the President of Estonia in Riigi Teataja. When we speak about rights then for exapmle in Estonia we all have rights to love, nobody can take it from us. We all have rights to free self-realisation and self-expression. We can choose our area of activity, profession and position of employment. When we talk about education then I can say, we all have right to learn in school and to become smart and educated people. When we speak about liberties then example civil liberties are voted in European Parliament

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Eesti teatri ajalugu 1 osa (kuni 1940)

lavastused viisid 1884. a. mängusaali ümberehitusele (istekohti oli 340 ringis). 1887 ehitati suvisteks vabaõhuetendusteks uus aialava (istekohti oli 1100 ringis). Regulaarsemad etendused nõudsid ka regulaarsemat näiteseltskonda, tippajal umbes 100- liikmeline trupp (näitlejad + orkester, koor). Etendusi antakse kord nädalas. Repertuaar järgis suures osas Saksa Käsitööliste Seltsi suveteatrit (Molière, Shakespeare + eesti algupärandid). 9. Kutselise teatri loomine. Vanemuine ja Estonia ­ kaks professionaliseerumise mudelit. Vanemuise side Wiera teatriga katkestati. Uueks teatrijuhiks valiti Karl Menning, kes saadeti Saksamaale õppereisile. Ta õppis Max Reinhardti reziiklassis. Sellega pandi süstemaatilisele näitlejakoolitusele, ansamblimängule ja realistlikule esituslaadile tõhusad alused. Kutselise Vanemuise tekkis 1906. aastal koos uue maja avamisega, avalavastuseks August Kitzbergi "Tuulte pöörises". Näitlejatetruppi tuumiku

Teatrikunst → Eesti teatri ajalugu
135 allalaadimist

The perfect place to live

The Perfect Place to Live For me, I think I am already living in a perfect place, Estonia. I would not want to live somewhere else because I think Estonia has everything what a perfect place should have. Many people who live in Estonia are dreaming of a home in a warmer place. There are many reasons why I would not want to live there. One reason is that the weather stays excactly the same every day but in Estonia we have different seasons. Furthermore why I like living in Estonia is that the nature is amazing and if I am very tired I could just go 10 kilometers out of the city and I would be in pure nature, but in China it would be impossible. I am happy about my life in Estonia. I cannot imagine a better place to live. I am never going to move a different country to live because I love Estonia and this is the perfect place I would want to live.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Economic Country Review

Girli Vasiljev Report Business Economics, RB1X 06.05.2012 Abstract 06.05.2012 Experience and Wellness management Author Group Girli Vasiljev RB1X Title of report Number of pages Economic Country Review: Finland, Estonia 20 and Hungary Teacher Kalevi Torunen The goal of this paper is to compare the economic performance of Finland, Estonia and Hungary. First, a general overview on the countries will be given. After, economic indicators (real GDP growth rate, inflation, unemployment, household consumption, investment, current account, government budget and deficit) of the three countries will be compared to draw a conclusion. Keywords

Majandus → Majandusanalüüs
9 allalaadimist


Estonia Estonia klaveritele on iseloomulik romantiline, rikas ja laulev helidemeri. Iga klaver on käsitsivalmistatud meistriteos, mille tegemisel on kasutatud Euroopa parimaid materjale ning traditsioone. Nad valmistavad vähemalt kolme erinevat klaverit nt: ESTONIA 168 Minjoonklaver Suurepärane klaver elutuppa, salongi, korterisse ja stuudiosse. Selle klaveri ehitamisel on nõudmised sama suured kui suurematel mudelitel. ESTONIA 168 on paljude arust parim saada olev minjoonklaver. See on 168cm pikk, 152cm lai, 101,5cm kõrge ja 350kg raske. Korpuse paksus

Muusika → Instrumendid
4 allalaadimist

Mälestusmärgid Estonial hukkunute mälestuseks

Mälestusmärgid Estonial hukkunute mälestuseks Gregor Kutateladze 6. c kl Estonia parvlaeva hukk Estonia uppus 28. septembri öösel 1994 a. Hukkus 852 inimest, kellest leiti vaid 95 surnukeha. Põhjuseks oli visiir ja torm Estonia katastroof on suurima ohvrite arvuga rahuaegne laevahukk Läänemerel. Mälestusmärgid Estonial hukkunute mälestuseks Hiiumaal Tahkuna poolsaarel Tahkuna neemel. Tallinnas Paksu Margareeta juures. Pärnu rannas muuli juures. Saaremaal Mustjala vallas Ninase poolsaarel. Võru Estonia mälestusmärk Katariina kiriku juures Estonia sein Stockholmis Djurgårdenis. Hiiumaa Tahkuna poolsaare Tahkuna neeme mälestusmärk

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
4 allalaadimist

Why Estonians work abroad?

Why Estonians work abroad? Many Estonians work abroad because there are more higher remuneration. Peoples go to country , where they want to live , most peoples go to other country because in Estonia are not good wage. Peoples want to get payd good for their job , in Estonia is minimum wage like 350 , but in Finland thats like 1000 or something. Of course Estonians go work to Finland , because they want to get better life. Peoples , who work abroad will get better job and get higher price for it. But it means that , when most peoples go out of Estonia , in 10 years maybe Estonian companies will broke up. Many peoples go work abroad , because in Estonia they dont get not enough wage.Estonians can cause

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


Finland history biggest narco gang direction Estonia. Monday began Finland Espo court of justice north neighbours history biggest narco process, where other amidst is guiltcouch also Estona electorate. Estonia When recently second progresive in court conculusion Finland hockey star Jere Karalaht and connate 2006.year act narco gang above in that case they couple hundred kg amfetamiini record is already over beaten. Accusal according to cart 25-member gang, where noted also eight Estonia electorate. In the court fore accompanied gang belongs too two Spaniard rest are Finn. Finn over in spite of were also Estonian. Explorotory group assay gang set to pull Estonia. Estonia move also assemblage gang money by Estonia.

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Eesti kultuuriõhtu ingliskeelne esitlus

Estonia and what you know about it By Anšiel and Liza National symbols • The flag is blue, black and white horisontal lines, It represents the blue sky, the dirt, purity or snow. • The national bird is a swallow. • The national flower is a cornflower. History • The first settelments in Estonia came by supposedly about 11 000 years ago. • In the past most Estonians worshipped spirits of nature and their beliefs were seen as unholy by christian crusaders. Taara is believed to have been the name of the old Estonian god. • Starting with the Northern Crusades in the Middle Ages, Estonia became a battleground for centuries where many countries fought their wars over controlling the important geographical position of the country as a

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Teater ja näidendid ( 1900-1920 )

09.1906) Estonia Mait Metsanurk ( alusteose autor) Paul Pinna ( lavastaja) 4 vaatust Näidend 2 Hamlet ( 24.08.1913 ) Estonia William Shakespeare ( alusteose autor ) Karl Jungholz ( lavastaja ) Zanr-kurbmäng Näidend 3 Pisuhänd ( 25.02.1914 ) Estonia Eduard Vilde ( alusteose autor ) Theodor Altermann ( lavastaja ) Näidend 4 Libahunt ( 29.12.1915 ) Eesti teater ESTONIA August Kitzberg ( alusteose autor ) Jungholz Karl ( lavastaja ) Näidend 5 Sügise viiulid (05.11.1920) Draamateater 5 vaatust Ilja Surgutschev ( alusteose autor) Paul Sepp ( lavastaja ) Kasutatud materjal

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
9 allalaadimist

Konstantin Päts

Born: February 23rd, 1874 (Tahkuranna Parish) Died: January 18th, 1956 (Kalninin, Russia) Lawyer (University of Tartu) First president of Republic of Estonia Päts was born in Tahkuranna Parish to a family of Jakob Päts and Olga Tumanova. He started learning in local school. Continued in Riga's seminar and then went to Pärnu's Gymnasium. He graduated in Tartu University In 1898, Päts graduated from the faculty of Law of Tartu University. From 1901 to 1905 he worked as an editor in newspaper "Teataja". Päts had to escape from Estonia, because he was found guilty for rebellious activity.

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun