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) · Üldised asutused (school, hospidal jne.) · For example, in fact · Kui asjad kuuluvad samasse katekooriasse, ei pea artiklit panema, et end mitte korrata (I bought a sweater and blouse.) · Ajalehtede pealkirjades ning juhtendites · Kui nimisõna on nime osa (The quilty men were sent to Tartu prison.) · Ajaga seotud väljendid (in June, next month, jne.) · Söögikordade ees (breakfast, lunch) · Riikide ees (German is important economic power.) · Keelte ees (French is spoken in Tahiti.) · Tiitlite ega nimede ees (Prince Charles is Queen Elisapeth's son.) · 's-ga lausetes (Peter's car) · elukutsete ees (She'll problably go into medicine.) · poodide ees · linnad, tänavad, lennujaamad, rongijaamad · mäetipud, järved, saared · maailmajaod · riigid, osariigid, linnad, külad · teatud töökoht/amet (Jim is the chairman of the company.) · üldine transport · omadussõna + nimisõna

Keeled → Inglise keel
143 allalaadimist

Partners schools in Comenius project

project Targo Timak Form 7a Tartu Veeriku School Sehit Millis Nuri Ilkogretim Okulu l There are 1300 students and 43 staffs. l Students are aged 6-14. l Even though their school takes place in the urban part of the city, most of the families still have their old traditional ways of life which belong to rural areas. l Their school needs this kind of projects because pupils around the school have really low economic standards and they may not be able to find another chance to attend a high standard intercultural activity in the rest of their lives. Fichtenberg Oberschule l Fichtenberg-Oberschule is a general secondary school (grades 7-12) in Berlin-Steglitz. l Fichtenberg-Oberschule looks back at a long tradition of secondary education in Berlin-Steglitz and has been known under its present name and administrational structure since 1969.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Should smoking be banned?

Thus, if smoking is banned, spread of these diseases can be checked. Secondly, it will put pressure on the smoker to quit. Since, he will be unable to smoke in public places, he will learn how to live without smoking a cigarette for long hours. Moreover, when a smoker does not see anybody around him smoking or smelling of cigarette, it might reduce his urge to smoke too. Accordingly, one of its major advantages is that it forces people to quit smoking. Looking from the economic point of view, since smoking is a major contributing factor to many diseases, it leads to absenteeism from work. Moreover, employees smoke tend to take breaks now and then to smoke, as a result lowering the number of hours they put in their work. Consequently, if employers want to increase work productivity and want to make sure that their employees remain healthy, they should ban and stop smoking in and around office premises. All things considered, I am there somewhere in between

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

EL ja Venemaa liidu-strateegia-venemaa-suunal-parlamendi-seisukohad/ • Venemaa. (2017). Kasutamise kuupäev: 28.02.2017. Allikas Wikimedia: • Euroopa Liit. (2017). Kasutamisekuupäev: 28.02.2017. Allikas Wikimedia: • World Trade Organization. (2017). Kasutamise kuupäev: 28.02.2017. Allikas Wikimedia: • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2017). Kasutamise kuupäev: 28.02.2017. Allikas Wikimedia: _Co-operation_and_Development • Illustratiivne materjal. (2017). Kasutamise kuupäev: 28.02.2017. Allikas Google Ltd: • Euroopa liit ja venemaa: mida toob tulevik? (2008). Kasutamise kuupäev: 28.02.2017. Allikas Avatud Eesti fond: Tänan tähelepanu eest!

Ühiskond → Poliitika
2 allalaadimist

Vastused küsimustele e-kataloogi ESTER kasutades.

Teaviku leidmine ekataloogi ESTER vahendusel 5) Milline eestikeelne väljaanne leidub TLÜ Akadeemilise Raamatukogu teadusraamatukogus, mille pealkirjas on sõna arheoloogia ja mis on ilmunud aastal 2001? Esitage kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Liitotsing, märksõna ,,arheoloogia", aasta ,,2001", kataloog ,,TLÜ Akadeemiline Raamatukogu", keel ,,eesti". Kriiska, A. (2001). Stone Age settlement and economic processes in the Estonian coastal area and islands. Helsinki : Helsingin yliopisto, kulttuurien tutkimuksen laitos. 6) Leidke, millistes rollides on Andrus Kivirähk autorina ESTERis. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Lihtotsing, autor ,,Kivirähk, Andrus". Sõnade autor, tekstiautor, stsenarist, lavastaja, eessõna autor, koostaja ja järelsõna autor. 7) Leidke helisalvestis Ants Eskolast. Esitage kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite?

Informaatika → Infootsing: allikad ja...
11 allalaadimist

Academic writing vocabulary 1

the Roman Empire and the eruption of a far distant volcano .... · In an attempt to account for the lack of interest, political analysts have looked at past voting patterns. On the basis of .... Categorising, including Japanese visitors comprised/made up 70% of the hotel's guests last year. The course is comprised of two elements: speaking and listening. These two approaches can be subsumed under one heading. The book embraces a numer of issues, from economic to religious ones. Her philosophy is difficult to categorise. Structuring the text Focus in the Example text beginning I should like to preface my argument with a true story. mapping out the I shall return to this point later in my essay. text connecting points This brings me/us to my next area of discussion, which is finance. focusing I should now like to address the question of the arms race.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

EU internal Market law. Mid term evaluation assignment

leading to change of its specialization. 1 Questions: 1. Can the PB&R Company successfully claim any violation of the EU law related rights? 1.1. Goods? Yes, Articles 34 and 35 TFEU cover all types of imports and exports of goods and products. The range of goods covered is as wide as the range of goods in existence, so long as they have economic value: ‘by goods, within the meaning of the … Treaty, there must be understood products which can be valued in money and which are capable, as such, of forming the subject of commercial transactions’1 In this case, dogs are classed as goods, because they have economic value and are subject of sale and import. Short overview: The German government banned the breeding of fighting dogs after the June 6th, 2001, when the pit bull tore up to a pieces a six-year-old boy in Hamburg

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


POPULATION Influences: demographic transition ­ birth, death economy education urbanization employment migration ethnic-cultural background Demographic transition is a theory according to which all societies start with traditional alternation of generations and they finish with modern alternation of generations (demographic explosion, ageing) TRADITIONAL ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS -agrarian society -BR is high (10-12 children/3-4 survive) traditions, moral parents hope that their children will suport them in the future no healthcare -DR is high no healthcare epidemics -average age 35-40 THE BEGINNING OF INDUSTRIALIZATION -healthcare -development of economy -education Increase in the living standards. BR remained the same (still high) DR decreased Big amount of children in the society. 18th c. demographic explosion in Europe Factors that lead to the end of dem. explosion: -prohibitions of children's work -women were offered work (wa...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
4 allalaadimist

Islandi ja Norra kalanduse ülevaade

Kalapüük, -töötlemine ja -kasvatus annavad tööd rohkem kui 30 000 inimesele. Aastane kala ja kalatoodete ekspordimaht on umbes 30 miljardit Norra krooni. See on Norra üks suuremad ekspordisektoreid. Niisiis on Norra jaoks ülioluline mereliste elusvarude õige haldamine. Järgmises slaidis saate teada, kuidas nad seda siis haldavad. · Norra on kalanduse osas väga arenenud. Väga kõrge kvaliteet. · Enamik Norra kalapüügist toimub Norra majandustsoonis (Exclusive Economic Zone), mis on neil väga suur - 819 620 km2 ümber ranniku. · Kogu kalapüügitsoon on neil 1,878,953 km2. · Põhiliselt püütakse järgmisi kalaliike: Hiidhuulkala, tursk, soomuslest, euroopa süsikas ehk pollak, heeringas, kilttursk, makrell, krevett jne. · Tänapäeval moodustab lõhe 85% kogu Norra kalakasvatuse müügimahust. Sest Viimase 20 aasta jooksul on arenenud kalade, eelkõige lõhe ja forelli, kasvatus akvakultuuris (kalade ja teiste mereandide

Geograafia → Geograafia
26 allalaadimist

Food economics

Uniqueness of food markets Natural conditions. Food sector's special conditions (distinctive conditions). Several special conditons are becoming less distinctive. One special condition can affect the other. Supply and demand. E. Roosaar 4/10/19 5 Special conditions Can be divided into three categories: 1) biological and physical 2) structural conditions 3) market and economic conditions E. Roosaar 4/10/19 6 Food is a basic necessity good At the bottom of hierarchy of needs. Demand is income inelastic. Consumption does not increase when population's income increases. E. Roosaar 4/10/19 7 Instability Agriculture. Weather, pests, diseases. Fluctuations in production (crop).

Majandus → Inglise keel I
2 allalaadimist

English Literature: 14th to 18th Century

Forms: classical & history plays, comedies+tragedies, poetry Style: metaphors, rhetorical phrases, free flow of words, unrhymed iambic pentameter; deviations Renaissance (end of 14th century) ­ Italy, reaches rest of Europe Elizabethan era (16th II h - 17th I h) Theatre: combined medieval theatre, morality plays & Roman drama to create Elizabethan tragedy Poetry: Italian influences, sonnet (English: cddc ee) Rulers of England: Henry VII (brings prosperity, repairs economic situation; made alliances); Henry VIII (beginning of English reformation; killed "traitors"; 6 marriages); Mary I (Catholic); Elizabeth I (The Virgin Queen restores order; Religious Settlement; cautious measures in foreign affairs) Authors: Thomas Kyd's "The Spanish Tradegy" (revenge); Christopher Marlowe (moral dramas; blank verse); Ben Jonson (comedies; theory of humors, caricature and satire); Edmund Spenser's "Faerie Queen" (longest, most famous poem; Spenserian stanza)

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
3 allalaadimist

Mis on majandusteadus

Turumanduse põhilised majandusotsused 16.Turumajanduss ­ kasutab tootmise organiseerimiseks ja 16. ­ koordineerimiseks vabatahtlikku vahetust 17. Majanduse põhivalikud., economic choice 17. - Mida, what ­ mida toota.Ressurside paigutus - . , . - Kuidas, whay ­ millist tehnoloogiat kasutada - .

Keeled → Vene keel
3 allalaadimist


laenuhulka ning ei suutnud enam täita oma hoiuste kohustusi. 2006 aastaks oli Islandi majapidamised võlgades, mis moodustasid 213% puhtast sissetulekust ning vähem kui 30 sendised laenud olid tagatud hoiustega. Kõigega kaasnes ka inflatsioonimäära tohutu tõus. Graafikult on näha, et 2009 aastaks oli inflatsioonimäär peaaegu neljakordistunud võrreldes 2005 aastaga. 10 9 Spruk Rok (2010) Iceland's Economic and Financial Crisis: Causes, Consequences and Implications, European Enterprise Institute, URL (kasutatud jaanuar 2014), lk 17 10 Spruk Rok (2010) Iceland's Economic and Financial Crisis: Causes, Consequences and Implications, European Enterprise Institute, URL (kasutatud jaanuar 2014), lk 17-18 15. Oktoobril, 2008 aastal otsustas Islandi keskpank seda üles ajutise valuutaoksjoni, et

Majandus → Majandus
17 allalaadimist

The Norman Conquest

The barons also had military obligations to serve as knights (army commanders) for William. William organised his English kingdom according to the feudal system which had already begun to develop in England before his arrival, but under the Normans, it became more organised. The word feudalism comes from the French word feu, which the Normans used to refer to land held in return for duty or service to a lord. The basis of feudal society was the holding of land, and its main purpose was economic. All land was divided into manors. Most manors contained a village. A baron was tenant-in-chief and had several manors. He passed on part of his military obligations to his tenants, who held manors from him. The tenants of each manor performed specific regular services for their lord. Under them were the peasants, tied by a strict system of mutual duties and obligations to the local lord, and forbidden to travel without his permission. The peasants were English speaking Saxons

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
11 allalaadimist

The United States of America

Agriculture is very wide-spread, above all in the prairie regions, where wheat and other grain crops are grown. Cotton is grown in the Mississippi valley, tobacco in Maryland and Virginia. California is famous for its fruit, and the west for its cattle-farming. Poultry-farming is highly developed in the countryside near all big cities. The United States economy is largely based on a free enterprise system. In this system individuals and companies are free to make their own economic decisions. They have their own raw materials, equipment and other items necessary for production and they decide how to use them in order to earn a profit. Even though U.S. economy is based on free enterprise, the government has placed regulations on economic practices through the years. In spite of the involvement by the government the U.S. still has one of the least regulated economies in the world. The U.S

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Swifts A Modest Proposal

commit a terrible kind of actions, just to get a profit. A considerate and thoughtful reader, who has begun to read the work, could pay his attention to the other sarcastic moment, which appears in the discrepancy of the title with its actual content. Few people dare to call a proposal "modest", when it means that helpless and innocent children will "contribute to the feeding, and partly to the clothing of many thousands" in order to improve the economic situation of Ireland as well as the standards of living (Swift, 53). These words "can take the reader's breath away, both by the calmness with which it is offered and by the devastatingly quiet logic with which its implications are explained" (Cunningham, Reich, 240-241). However, the fact that author speaks about infanticide and cannibalism with such ease, and without any sense of guilt tempts us to believe, that his offer is untrustworthy and insincere

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


wide variety of crops, fruits, and vegetables 49% of the country's territory is farming land A well-established infrastructure available Highly qualified and affordable human resources Strategically located to provide routes to Europe, Russia, CIS, the Middle East, and North Africa Successful examples: CRITERIA FOR CERTIFICATION THE CRITERIA DEPENDS ON: Economic activity of the Location of the Employment project project establishment (manufacturing, services, high- (underdeveloped regions) tech) CLASS A CLASS B PRIORITY Minimal Investment Minimal Investment Minimal Investment 1.00 M ­ 5.00 M 500 K ­ 2.50 M 10

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


(Working Paper, 2011) Available at [SSRN:] (01.04.2014) 7. Borio, C., McGuire, P. Twin peaks in equity and housing prices? – BIS Quarterly Review, 2004, pp. 79-93. 8. Bracke, P. How long do housing cycles last? A duration analysis for 19 OECD countries. – Journal of Housing Economics, 2013, Vol. 22, pp.213–230. 9. Brunnermeier, M.K., Oehmke, M. Bubbles, financial crises, and systemic risk. – Nber working paper series. National bureau of economic research. Cambridge, 2012. pp 61 10. Brunnermeier, M. K., Pedersen, L. H. Market liquidity and funding liquidity. – Review of Financial studies, 2009, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 2201-2238. 11. Case, K. E., Glaeser, E. L., Parker, J. A. Real Estate and the Macroeconomy – Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Vol. 2000, No. 2, pp. 119-162. 12. Cho, Y., Hwang, S., Satchell, S. The Optimal Mortgage Loan Portfolio in UK

Majandus → Maailma majandus
4 allalaadimist

European Union

....................3 The main aurthorities....................................................................4 Information...............................................................................5 What does European Union? European integratsion process began in 1951, when concluded European Coal and Steel Community founding agreement between Belgium, Netherland, Luxenbourg, Italy, France and West Germany. It was to prevent armed conflicts between the Member States. EU is economic and political partnership between 27 democratic European countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom) . Its aims are peace, prosperity and freedom for its 498 million citizens -- in a fairer, safer world

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Test Population

Esimene rühm 1. Name the processes of population that have an economic importance. 2. What is demographic transition and what influences it? 3. Speak about demographic explosion. 4. What is demographic crisis? 5. Speak about the course of demographic transition up to 1950s. 6. Speak about full employment in the NORTH. 7. What is natural increase? 8. Why is the rapid increase of population so acute problem? 9. Name the factors that influence death rate. 10. What are the main reasons for death in the developing world? 11

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
13 allalaadimist

Canada, Topic

of Parliament are elected every four years. General elections are called by the Governor General when the Prime Minister so advises or when the government loses the confidence of the House. The House of Commons consists of 308 members. Members of the Senate are elected by the Prime Minister. The Senate has 105 members and they serve until the age of 75. Canada is one of the wealthiest nations in the world. International trade makes up a large part of the Canadian economy. Canada's main economic resources are minerals, timber, petroleum and natural gas. Ice hockey is the most popular sport in Canada. Hockey is a national pastime and the most popular spectator sport in the country.

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
12 allalaadimist


1952.aastal Luxembourgis riiklik-monopolistliku organisatsioonina, seda 1950.aasta Pariisi kokkulepete alusel. Järgmiseks sammuks oli harukondliku majandusliku koostöö laiendamine väljaspoole üksikuid tööstusharusid ja koostöö universaalse mehhanismi loomine. Seda teostati Euroopa Majandusühenduse moodustamisega 1957.aastal Roomas sõlmitud lepinguga. Kuuest liikmesriigist koosnevana alustas Euroopa Majandusühendus (European Economic Community) (eesti keeles lühidalt EMÜ) tegevust 1958 aastal. Pärast seda hakati vaikselt kaotama liikmesriikide vahelisi tollimakse ja kaubavahetuse kvoodikitsendusi. Kehtestati ka EMÜ-riikide väliste maadega kauplemiseks ühtsed tollitariifid ja ühtne kaubanduspoliitika. Eesmärgiks oli EMÜ maade vahelise inimeste, teenuste ja kapitali vaba liikumine. Aastakümnete pikkuse arengu tulemusel kujunes EMÜ maailma üheks mõjukaimaks majanduspiirkonnaks ja ka rahvusvaheliskse

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
26 allalaadimist

Brussels entertainment

more small `museums' to visit such as the Museum of Cocoa and Chocolate. Museum of Brussels City Browse this museum for a quick history of the city that you are about to visit. There are three floors, each dedicated to several aspects of the city from economic development, social development, and city development to the history of Brussels' favourite mascot the Peeing Boy. Museum of Musical instruments This is a museum that is filled with over 7000 pieces of musical history and instruments from around the world.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The Most Influential Figures in British History

for schooling, giving the lower-class the opportunity to get basic education. Queen Victoria symbolises a period of innovation and revolution while the British Empire expanded to it’s greatest. Thirdly, Winston Churchill played an important role in shaping not only Britain but the whole world during one of the worst conflicts in history. Churchill became Prime Minister when Britain had already entered war and he lead the country during a period of insecurity, social and economic instability. He won over the crowds with his famous motivational speeches and managed to guide Britain to victory. He is one of the „Big Three“, the leaders of the Allies who worked together in order to defeat the Axis powers. He played a key role in organising D-Day, one of the turning points in the war. Furthermore, at the conference of Yalta, he and the other leaders of the Allies decided what would happen after the end of the war and how Europe would be divided

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Palm oil

Malaysia. Children are made to carry large loads of heavy fruit, weed fields and spend hours every day bent over collecting fruit from the plantation floor Sustainable palm oil • Certified sustainable palm oil has been grown on a plantation that has been managed and certified according to the principles and criteria of the Roundtable of Sustainable Palm Oil • With better management practices, the palm oil industry could still provide economic and social benefits without threatening some of our most breathtaking natural treasures • World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is the main promoter Vocabulary • Vast monocultures - suured monokultuurid • Conservation values – kaitseväärtused • Critical habitat – olulised elupaigad • Greenhouse gas emmission – kasvuhoonegaaside levimine • Intensive cultivation – intensiivviljelus • Livelihood – elatis • Indigenous people – põlisrahvad

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
2 allalaadimist

John Maynard Keynes

Samal ajal kirjutas ta ka esseesid Inda rahasüsteemi kohta, millest 1913.aastal ka raamatu välja anti „Indian currency and finance”. Tänu oma esseedele tekkis Keynesil võimalus minna ülikooli tööle ning 1908. aastal ütles ta kontori tööst lahti, et minna Cambridge majandusteaduskonda õppejõuks. 1911.aastal võttis John Maynard üle Majandus Ajakirja, mis oli tollal Inglismaa üks kõige preštiisem ajakiri üldse. Kaks aastat hiljem sai temast Royal Economic Society sekretär. Esimese maailma sõja ajal töötas John Maynard Keynes Suurbritannia riigikassas ning 1919.aastal oli ta Inglismaa delegatsiooni liige rahukonverentsil Versailles, kus teda aga otseste kõneluste juurde ei lastud, kuna teadlane kritiseeris rahalist koormat, mis Saksamaale määratud oli. Keynesi sooviks oli sakslasi aidata ning harida, et leida stabiilsus. Rahulepingu punktid häirisid teda niivõrd, et ta otsustas riigikassast lahkuda suundudes tagasi Cambridge,

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
12 allalaadimist


UURING SOTSIAALMAJANDUSLIKE TEGURITE MÕJU KOHTA HISPAANIA FRANTSIISIANDJATE RAHVUSVAHELISEL LAIENEMISEL LADINA-AMEERIKA RIIKIDESSE KOKKUVÕTE ARTIKLIST Antud kokkuvõte põhineb artiklil “Study of the influence of socio-economic factors in the international expansion of Spanish franchisors to Latin American countries”. Artikli autoriteks on Jose´ M. Ramı´rez-Hurtado, Juan M. Berbel-Pineda ja Beatriz Palacios- Florencio. Artikkel avaldati 2018 aastal veebileheküljel PlosOne. Globaliseerumine ja arenevad turud loovad kodumaistele frantsiisiandjatele tohutuid rahvusvahelistumise võimalusi. Frantsiisimine on rahvusvaheliste frantsiisiandjate välismaale laienemise kasvumudel, mis hõlmab minimaalset finantsriski ja kiiret turule mineku strateegiat. Hispaania konkreetsel juhul on Euroopa Liidu kogukonnaprojektiga liitumine avaldanud mõju kasvavale Hispaania välisele äritegevusele. Hispaani...

Majandus → Rahvusvaheline äri ja eetika
0 allalaadimist


From a base of territory in eastern Scotland north of the River Forth and south of the River Oykel, the kingdom acquired control of the lands lying to the north and south. By the 12th century, the kings of Alba had added to their territories the Anglic-speaking land in the south-east and attained overlordship of Gaelic-speaking Galloway and Norse-speaking Caithness; by the end of the 13th century, the kingdom had assumed approximately its modern borders. However, processes of cultural and economic change beginning in the 12th century ensured Scotland looked very different in the later Middle Ages. The stimulus for this was the reign of King David I and the Davidian Revolution. Feudalism, government reorganisation and the first legally defined towns (called burghs) began in this period. These institutions and the immigration of French and Anglo-French knights and churchmen facilitated a process of cultural osmosis, whereby

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
17 allalaadimist


Nagu on meile juba teada, on raviturismil väga palju erinevaid põhjuseid, sellest lähtuvalt on ka palju ning erinevaid sihtkohti. 3.1 India Viimaste aastate jooksul on India tuntuks saanud kui meditsiiniturismi üks peamiseid sihtriike. 2015. aastal oodatakse Indiasse üle kolme miljoni eelkõige lääne, aga ka muudest piirkondadest pärit turisti just meditsiini eesmärgil. Nende näitajatega on India tõusmas populaarsuselt esimeseks meditsiiniturismi sihtkoht Tai järel. (The Economic Times, 2014) Ligi poole India meditsiiniturismist võtab enda peale Chennai linn Lõuna-Indias, mis on tuntuks saanud oma heade haiglate tõttu nii kohalike kui ka turistide seas. India kui meditsiiniturismi sihtkohariigi populaarsuse taga on odavamad hinnad kui lääneriikides, kuid üsna arvestatav kvaliteet, seda eelkõige tehnika ja arstide väljaõppe osas. Intervjuu Suurbritannias õppinud India arstiga tõi välja, et mõned protseduurid Indias võivad

Geograafia → Inimgeograafia
14 allalaadimist

Outstanding figures in British literature

Is rebellious, exiled. Charles Dickens 18121970 Works are very much influenced by his life Dickens worked in a factory as a young child, using this experience in many of his child characters ( Oliver Twist, Tiny Tim, David Copperfield) His father was imprisoned because of debt and his family became very poor. Later on Dickens became rich ­ He wrote about greed and debt and about rags to riches (to rags) He brings to light the political and economic oppression suffered by the poor, greatly critisizes the society and politics with the use of sarcasm Dickens symphatizes with the poor and implies that their woes result from society's unfairness not their own failings Wealthy people are mostly pictured harsh, selfish, cruel and heartless ,,Subdue your appetites, my dears, and you've

Keeled → British literature
2 allalaadimist

The Renaissance

A new middle class had more and more money to spend. Great artists, writers and thinkers lived during this time. During the Middle Ages many people who lived in the countryside worked on the land that they got from the noblemen. In return, they were protected by them Between the middle and the end of the 14th century, the plague, also called "Black Death" killed almost half of Europe's population. It spread most rapidly in the larger cities where many people lived. This led to economic depression. When the plague slowly decreased in the 15th century, the population in Europe began to grow. A new middle class emerged --bankers, merchants and trades people had a new market for their services. People became wealthier and had more than enough money to spend. They began to build larger houses, buy more expensive clothes and get interested in art and literature. The middle class population also had more free time, which they spent

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


shelter ( ) , temporarily housed in hostels, night shelters , institutions such as psychiatric hospitals, and those temporarily () accommodated () by relatives or friends. Persons living in poverty are most at risk of becoming homeless , and demographic groups who are more likely to experience poverty are also more likely to experience homelessness . Homelessness usually increases during periods of economic recession () and rising unemployment, when people can no longer afford ( ) housing, and governments cut down public housing expenses. Inadequate shelter or housing creates conditions that promote disease. Without decent ( ) protection, many of the poor are exposed ( ) to severe ( ) and dangerous weather as well as to bacteria and viruses carried by other people and animals. They also are more likely to become infected with diseases carried by insects or rodents ()

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Global Warming

Many different things cause the greenhouse effect. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing because of the massive consumption of fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas. Another contributing factor is the the amount of forest logged. Every second of the day the area of a football field in trees is cleared by either being logged or burnt. The potential costs of cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions might sacrifice economic growth and our standard of living. By doing this we might need to change our habits and behavior. Furthermore we need to make investments in technology ­ we need to adopt green building practices and buy clean cars. We all can do our part to help the planet by making small changing in our lifestyle. Simply turning off the lights every time you leave the room will dramatically decrease the amount of carbon dioxide produced. Using fluorescent light bulbs

Keeled → Inglise keel
78 allalaadimist

Report for Pride and Prejudice

Humour can be found everywhere in the book, in it's character descriptions, imagery, but mostly in it's conversations between characters. The strengths of the book are the descriptions of the personalities, dialogues and nature, which give a really good overview. The book also shows that while men and women often think too highly of themselves, deceive or flatter others, and act stupidly, they are also capable of love, kindness, and moral growth. It criticizes the way that economic and class stations restricted women. One of the biggest weaknesses of the book is, that it is a bit slow-moving and tends to be a bit boring at times but the romantic nature of the story holds an everlasting appeal, making it a classic read. Conclusion In conclusion, I would like to say that the book was better than I had expected. I found it really interesting and gripping, on the other hand it was really moving. I also think that people can experience real fun while reading it

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
22 allalaadimist


British colony known as British Guiana. Escaped slaves formed their own settlements known as Maroon communities, but with the abolition of slavery in 1834 many of the former slaves began to settle in urban areas. During the Second World War, the United States arranged for its airforce to use British airports in South America, including those in British Guiana. Guyana achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1966 and became a republic on 23 February 1970. The main economic activities in Guyana are agriculture, bauxite mining, gold mining, timber, shrimp fishing and minerals. The sugar industry, which accounts for 28% of all export earnings, is largely run by Guysuco, which employs more people than any other industry. The production of balatá (natural latex) was once big business in Guyana, but most of the trees in the area were destroyed by illicit bleeding methods that involved cutting down the trees rather than making incisions in them

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Sõda ja rahu tänapäeva ühiskonnas

Sõda ja rahu tänapäeva maailmas Nüüdisaja ühiskonnas on enamusele jäänud mulje, et elatakse rahuajastul ning sõda on minevikuteema. Tegelikkus on see ,et sõjapidamine pole kuhugi kadunud,lihtsalt muutunud mitmekülgesemaks ja vähemkajastatuks. Konfliktide põhjuseks on enamasti raha. Vahenditena kasutatakse massimeediat, luureinfot ja lepinguid,mis on kasulikud ühele osapoolele ning millest mitte kinni pidamisele järgnevad suured rahatrahvid ja isegi ähvardused. Millises maailmas me tegelikult elame? Millised ohud meid ähvardavad? Raha on üheks suurimaks motivaatoriks ning ühe väga ilmeka näite saab tuua lähiajaloost. Iraagi sõja ettekäändeks oli, et minnakse hävitama massihävitusrelvi, kuigi esitati raporte relvade leidmiste kohta, on selgunud, et tegemist oli valeraportitega. Praeguseks on selge, et Iraagist pole leitud ühtegi keemiarelva ega selleks vajalikke tooraineid. Leitud on vaid kloori...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
69 allalaadimist

Põllumajandusökonoomika 197 konsp

Sõltuvalt lähtesituatsioonist, eesmärkidest ja valitud meetoditest saab majandusprotsesside seaduspärasuste kohta püstitada mitmesuguseid teooriaid. Võib öelda, et majandusteooria on ühiskonna kirjeldamise ja mõistmise üks võimalus. Enamikes majandusteaduse definitsioonides kohtame tavaliselt kaks juhtmõtet - vajak ja valik. Ühe enimkasutatava majandusõpetuse definitsiooni on andnud Lord Robbins (An Essay on the Nature and Significance of Economic Science, 1935). Tema määratluse kohaselt tegeleb majandusõpetus nappivate ressursside jaotamisega omavahel konkureerivate eesmärkide vahel. Mis tahes ühiskonna majanduslikud institutsioonid peavad võimaldama lahendada kolm majanduse põhiküsimust: 1) millised eesmärgid tuleb ellu viia, tuginedes ühiskonna nappidele vahenditele (ressurssidele) ehk missuguseid kaupu ja teenuseid ( mida?) toota ja kui palju;

Põllumajandus → Põllumajandusökonoomika
228 allalaadimist

Human overpopulation

increase will be in the less developed regions, with nearly half (49%) in Africa." Already strained with relentless population explosion, many developing countries, such as in Sub Saharan Africa and Southern Asia, will experience a degradation of their quality and length of life as they face increasing difficulties to supply water, food, energy and housing to their growing populations, which will have major repercussions for public health, security measures and economic growth. Increased Global Warming and Climate Change • According to the Center for Biological Diversity, "The largest single threat to the ecology and biodiversity of the planet in the decades to come will be global climate disruption due to the buildup of human-generated greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. • People around the world are beginning to address the problem by reducing their carbon footprint through less consumption and better technology.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Writting a summary

The Council of the European Union is the body representing the goverments of the EU countries. The funfamental decisions on European policy are taken by the European Council. This is made up of the Heads of State or Goverment of the EU, who meet regulary at least every 3 months. Another important institutions in the EU are European Commission, Court of Justice of the European Union, European Central Bank (ECB) and European Court on Auditors. The EU is active in many ares of policy: in economic policy, consumer protection, foreign policy, environmental protection, internal policy and justice. The final sections EUROpean money gives a brief when and why the Euro was introdused. Since 1999 there has been a common European curency - the euro. More than 333 million EU citizens, or two thirds of the total population, have the euro as their common currency. Without any currency barriers, they can take greater advantage of the benefits of the internal market for companies and

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Margaret Thatcher

at once. Due to the Falklands War with Argentina in 1982, she received popularity and when the General Elections came in June 1983, the government was re-elected with its Parliamentary majority more than trebled (144 seats). With the wave of patriotism she stayed in power up to 1983 and a short upturn in the economy returned her to third term in office in 1987. Throughout all three terms she pursued economic policies that reduced the power of the unions, decreased public spending, increased personal tax cuts, increased privatization of public utilities and industry. Thatcher is recognized for reducing runaway inflation, public spending and the power of the British unions. However, her programmes, known as "Thatcherism," produced high unemployment (which nearly tripled in her first two terms), high interest rates and increased class differentiation, as well as growth of the underclass. Resignation

Keeled → Inglise keel
36 allalaadimist

Old Mr. Dashwood

case, the money that Mr. Henry Dashwood's late first wife brought to the marriage was settled on their son John, and therefore could not be used to help his second wife or his daughters by that second wife. Since Henry's second wife and their three daughters could not inherit any of the money from that first marriage, they are in much greater need of the money from Old Mr. Dashwood's estate. The opening discussion of money and marriage immediately establishes the important role that ordinary economic concerns will play in Austen's novel. Unlike the authors of Gothic and sentimental novels fashionable in her day, Austen refuses to romanticize; she recognizes that material realities constrain love and marriage. Nonetheless, she allows some of this sentimentality to seep into the novel, and the tension between reasonable economic concerns and overly romantic dreaming will constitute an important theme in the novel.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liit

esitatud kandidaatide sobivuse kohta. Nende ametiaeg on kuus aastat, võimalusega seda pikendada. Nad valitakse isikute hulgast, kelle sõltumatus on väljaspool kahtlust ning kellel on oma riigi kõrgeimatesse kohtunikuametitesse nimetamiseks nõutav kvalifikatsioon või kes on tunnustatud ja pädevad juristid. Euroopa Kohus asub Luksemburgis. Majandus- ja rahaliit Euroopa majandus- ja rahaliit (European Economic and Monetary Union, EMU) on kokkulepe Euroopa riikide vahel, et omada ühist raha ­ eurot ning ühist majanduspoliitikat koos fiskaalse vastutuse põhitingimustega. 27 praegust liikmesriiki on EMUga ühinemisel eri etappidel. 13 liikmesriiki on euro kasutusele võtnud: Austria, Belgia, Soome, Prantsusmaa, Saksamaa, Kreeka, Iirimaa, Itaalia, Luksemburg, Holland, Portugal, Sloveenia ja Hispaania. Kolm liikmesriiki ­ Suurbritannia, Taani ja Rootsi ­ ei ole eurot kasutusele võtnud. 11

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
4 allalaadimist

Business peculiarities in Russia

there is the concept of "core business". The main purpose - to determine the amount of the premium social security of workers. 7 In the future, you can change as many times as the main activity. The procedure for changing it takes a period of 7 days and require the payment of the state fee of 800 rubles ( EUR 80). Each activity is indicated by the statistical software. Full list of states in the classifier NACE (National Classification of Economic Activities) (in Russian transcription is "OKVED"). It is always desirable to specify the exact name of the activity in accordance with the qualifier that there was no refusal to register the company on formal grounds. 1.7. Seal Every commercial organization in Russia is bound to have a round seal. Seal is not registered anywhere, manufacture seals deal with a lot of companies - enough to express your wishes, and you manufacture any seals

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Investors Handbook. A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia

comments made in the publication do not necessarily reflect the opinion of GIZ. This publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the copyright holder. © Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusmmenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), 2011. 2 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK 2 Introduction For the past few years, Georgian government has carried out a number of significant economic reforms in various fields in order to create attractive business environment and to breathe a new life into Georgian economy. The main aim of the reforms was to boost foreign investments, cre- ate new jobs, stimulate entrepreneurial activities in a variety of fields and increase the welfare of citizens. As a result of economic deregulation policy which was focused on liberalization of the Economy, a number of state regulated spheres were sharply decreased and regulation procedures were sim-

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Powerpoint Republic of Irelandi kohta

country with one parliament in London By 1900 Catholics could vote and speak in Parliament and there were Catholic schools and churches In 1916 Ireland was declared a free country In 1921 the northern and southern parts separated, the latter became the Irish Free State. Northern Ireland remained part of the UK In 1949 the southern part declared itself the Republic of Ireland Today Ireland has many political conflicts; many people have been killed in outbursts of violence Economic development Transport costs are high due to its location Low inflation and tax breaks attract foreign investors to the Republic The economy is heavily dependent on agriculture Tourism is a flourishing branch of the economy All the major cities lie on the coast or near the sea. They are Dublin, Galway, Limerick, Cork and Waterford Where to go? Ireland features wild coastlines, sandy beaches, lush valleys, dark peat lands and unruffled lakes.

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
21 allalaadimist

Internet piracy

In the United States, the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material is illegal. Thus, is the sharing of copyrighted files also illegal or should it be considered theft? Does the digital format in which the files are transferred protect the 2 distributors from the law? These questions are just a couple of the many that arise and are argued by advocates and opponents alike. Advocates of file sharing also support the notion that internet piracy has no economic impact and if it does, the impact is insignificant and can be easily defended. File sharers rationalize their actions based on the argument that they "would not have purchased the content anyway." In addition, it is argued that freely obtaining a digital copy of something does not have any impact because a tangible, physical item is not being stolen. Thus, it is a seemingly victimless crime.

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Tallinn town hall

that building. In the first quarter of the 14th century the existing building was extended and the basement enlarged. The so-called diele-dornse (front-back room) system was established. In 1346 the King of Denmark handed over his supremacy over Estonia to the Teutonic Order. As a member of the Hanseatic League, Tallinn gained control of trade with the East by the so-called goods yard right. Fast development of trade and economic prosperity led to the need for new utility rooms in the Town Hall and its more dignified appearance. In 1371­74 the Town Hall acquired its full present-day length and ground floor volume. From that time the Town Hall has its oldest and rarest pieces of medieval woodcarving: benches in the Gothic style. The carved side posts of the bigger bench, featuring the story of Tristan and Isolde and Samson's fight with the lion, are some of the most beautiful examples of medieval art in Estonia.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


Lisaks on võitlema hakatud ka teiste samalaadsete tarbimiskettidega: mitmes California linnas on soovimatuteks külalisteks McDonald'sid ja teised samalaadsed (kiir)söögiketid. Kätt on püütud megamarketitele ette panna ka näiteks Malaisias ja Poolas. Kahe nädala eest Sotimaal ringi sõites jälgisin sealses ajakirjanduses toimunud debatti sarnaste piirangute vajalikkuse üle Suurbritannias. Jutuotsa tegi lahti New Economic Foundationi avaldatud uurimus «Clone Town Britain» (Briti kloonlinnad), mis ei hoiatanud mitte üksnes suurte hüpermarketite laastava mõju eest kohalikule kaubandusele, vaid kritiseeris ka väiksemate kauplusekettide võimutsemist riigi linnade peatänavatel. Osa sarmikate Briti väikelinnade südametes on uurijate hinnangul juba 60 protsendi ulatuses ühed ja samad poed. Kui

Geograafia → Geograafia
11 allalaadimist

Majandusõpiku 1.peatüki kokkuvõte

1.PEATÜKK Mis on majandusteadus? Majandusteadus on õpetus piiratud ressursside võimalikult efektiivsest kasutamisest inimeste kasvavate vajaduste rahuldamiseks. Majandusteaduse saab uurimisobjektide alusel jagada laias laastus kaheks: majandusteooriaks (economics) ärijuhtimiseks (business administration) Majandusteooria (ka rahvamajandus) tegeleb majandusprotsesside ja neid protsesse mõjutavate seaduspärasuste tundmaõppimisega. Majandusteooria jaguneb omakorda kaheks: Mikroökonoomika uurib majapidamiste ja ettevõtete valikuid oma heaolu maksimeerimisel. Makroökonoomika tegeleb majanduse kui terviku probleemidega ja koondnäitajate analüüsiga, luues ühtlasi aluse majanduspoliitiliste otsuste tegemiseks. Ärijuhtimine ehk rakenduslik majandusteadus (ka ettevõttemajandus) kasutab majandusteooria poolt välja selgitatud seaduspärasid ük...

Majandus → Majandus
9 allalaadimist


Soviet Union (USSR) in 1940, and later occupied by Nazi Germany from 1941-44. After Nazi retreat in 1944, it was occupied by the USSR again. After that Tallinn became the capital of the Estonian SSR. Tallinn's population is registered 400,200 (as of May 2007). Since independence, improving air and sea transport links with Western Europe and Estonia's accession to the European Union have made Tallinn easily accessible to tourists. Estonia has made rapid economic progress since independence and this is reflected in local prices. Although not extortionate, neither are prices as cheap as in other former Eastern Bloc countries. The main attractions are in the two old towns (Lower Town and Toompea) which are both easily explored on foot. Eastern districts around Pirita and Kadriorg are also worth visiting and the Estonian Open Air Museum near Rocca al Mare, west of the city, showes aspects of Estonian culture and architecture Toompea.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun