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"draw" - 256 õppematerjali

draw – drew – drawn - joonistama


B. The car pulled out into the fast lane and nearly got hit. C. The contestant pulled out of the competition due to injury. PULL OVER = stop a vehicle by the side of the road We pulled over to check our tires as something was making a funny sound on the car. PULL THROUGH = recover from and illness We didn't know if he was going to pull through but in the end he did. PULL TOGETHER = work or compete as a team Let's pull together and get this job done. PULL UP = draw up and stop a car The car pulled up to the curb and stopped in front of the door. PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER = gain control of your emotions Sometimes circumstances make it hard to pull yourself together but you must.

Keeled → Inglise keel - 9.klass
5 allalaadimist

Mikrokontrollerid ja praktiline robootika

Homework-04 Solution (100 marks) Read Chapter_4_Time_Based_Measurements.pdf Question 1 (10 marks) When converting an analogue value to a frequency, consider the following diagram describing the system. The frequency changes from 20 MHz to 18 MHz and the system samples at an interval of 2ms. How many counts does the microprocessor detect at, a) 20 MHz? b) 18 MHz? What is the difference in terms of number of counts detected by the microprocessor? Solution: 1 1 a) Converse 20 MHz to time length: T    0.00005ms f 20,000,000 2ms Number of counts in 2ms: N   40,000 0.00005ms 1 1 b) Converse 18 MHz to time length: T    0.000055556ms ...

Informaatika → Informaatika
15 allalaadimist

Teemakaardi koostamine

Files/Mapinfo/Professional/Tools ScaleBar.MBX. Title: ScaleBar. Töövahendi aktiveerimiseks valisin Home / Tools / Tools / Registered ja tegin ScaleBari juures linnukese kasti Autoload ja vajutasin kasti AutoLoad järel olevale nupule Load Tool (Run). Nüüd sain töövahendit ScaleBar kasutada Home / Tools / Tools / Running paneelist. Joonmõõtkava loomiseks vajutasin kolmnurgal ScaleBari krval ning valisin ScaleBar / Draw ScaleBar. Joonmõõtkava pikkuseks valisin 30 km. Joonmõõtkava laiuseks valisin ka 30:1. Valisin joonmõõtkava välja Marquee Select ning viisin sovivasse kohta. Muutsin joonmõõtkava kirjad sobivaks, kustutasin sõna „kilometers” ning lisasin viimase numbri lõppu tähise „km”, selleks klõpsasin kaks korda numbril 100 ja kirjutasin 100 taga pärast tühikut „km”. Avasin kaardi kujundusaknast Home / Layout. Kõigepealt panin paika kujundusaknas paberilehe seaded

Geograafia → Geoinformaatika
35 allalaadimist

Tabel (1. osa) - MS Word 2003

Kui tabelis on palju veerge, on parem ta leheküljele paigutada rõhtsalt (tavapärase püstise asemel; seda saab teha menüükäsuga Fail > Lehekülje häälestus… (ingl. File > Page Setup…) ava- nevas dialoogiaknas). Tabeli loomiseks kas  klõpsata standardriba tabelinupul ,  valida menüükäsk Tabel > Lisa > Tabel… (ingl. Table > Insert > Table…),  valida menüükäsk Tabel > Joonista tabel (ingl. Table > Draw Table) või  valida menüükäsk Tabel > Teisenda > Tekst tabeliks (ingl. Table > Convert > Text To Table…). 1. Tabelinupul klõpsamisel tuleb ilmunud ruudustikus lohistada üle vajaliku arvu ridade ja veergude. Hiireklahvi vabastamisel kuvatakse ühesuguse laiuse ja kõrgusega tühjade lahtritega tabel. 2. Menüükäsuga Tabel > Lisa > Tabel… avaneb paremal nähtav dialoogiaken. Veergude arv (ingl. Number of columns) – määrab veergude arvu; Ridade arv (ingl

Informaatika → Tekstitöötlus
3 allalaadimist

Tugevusõpetus I kodutöö 1 / Stength of materials I HW 1

Calculate the minimum allowed diameter d of the aluminum bar and the maximum allowed value of the load F, assuming the relative position and mechanical properties of components (manufacturing tolerances, components' mass, possible stress concentration and buckling should be neglected). Wire rope nominal diameter is 10 mm and the strength is FLim = 58,3 kN. Yield strength of Aluminum alloy is 0,2 = 110 MPa. The value of design factor is [S] = 6. Required milestones: 1. Draw the sketch of the structure according to the values of A and B; 2. Derive the functions of both components internal forces as function of load F; 3. Compose the strength conditions for both components and calculate the diameter of aluminum bar (assuming that the safety factors of both components are approximately equal); 4. Calculate the maximum allowed value of the load F; 5

Mehaanika → Tugevusõpetus i
123 allalaadimist

Health, Healthy habits and sports

which was cut with a gold-handled knife from a wild olive tree. At the modern Games, Olympic medals are presented to the winning athletes. The Olympic motto is Citius, Altius, Fortius, which means Faster, Higher, Braver. Summer Games are held in a major city, and the Winter Games in a winter resort. The Summer Games and the Winter Games are scheduled to occur on four-year cycles, two years apart. The Summer Games are held in various months and draw as many as million spectators during the 16 days of competition. A sport must be popular in at least 75 countries on four continents before it can be considered for the Summer Games in men's sports and in 10 countries on three continents in women's sports. The Winter Games are held in January or February. A sport must be widely practiced in at least 25 countries on three continents to be considered for the Winter Games. For many years Finland, Norway

Keeled → Inglise keel
77 allalaadimist


encourage action and quicker decisions. - Friendly letters - with a considerate, cooperative and complimentary tone - are prioritised because the reader responds positively to the writer and wants to help. SAMPLE LETTER Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to make a complaint/ to complain about the clothes I bought from your online shop a few days ago. There are several aspects of my purchase that I am not satisfied with. The first thing I would like to draw your attention to is the shipping cost, which appears to be much higher than given on your webpage. My second concern has to do with the quality of the clothes as one of the items has obvious defects on it. To make things worse, you seem to have jumbled up the sizes I ordered because none of the clothing items really fits me. I therefore suggest that you either replace the items or give me a full refund. I greatly appreciate your help and I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully,

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Rare animals

Basins has been described as a triumph for fresh-water dolphin conservation. The study ­ which lasted 14 months and covered 3,145km of river spanning 7 countries ­ provides an estimate of the abundance of the two species, and essential information on the most serious threats they face, the current state of their habitats and potential conservation strategies. Communications director for WWF Colombia Julio Mario Fernández said one early conclusion scientists could draw was that river dolphins in the Amazon were doing better than those in the Orinoco. "This is the first phase of a wider programme to preserve freshwater cetaceans in these areas," he added. Fresh water dolphins are among the most threatened aquatic mammals in the world. The situation is most dire in Asia, where the Yangtze river dolphin is probably extinct and the Indus river dolphin faces a high risk of becoming extinct. Fernández said it was essential to act now

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


org on tasuta kontoritarkvarapakett. See võimaldab luua esitlusi, joonistada pilte ja võimaldab ka teksti-ja tabelitöötlust. saab avada ka Microsoft Wordi ja Exceli faile ja vastupidi. Sellega saab muuta failid PDF-iks, mida saab teha ka Microsoft Wordiga. Võrreldes Microsoft Office-ga on OpenOffice tasuta ja ka uuendused on tasuta, aga MS Office-ga peab nii paketi kui ka uuenduste eest maksma. on OpenOffice Writer, Calc, Base, Impress, Draw ja Math. Microsoft Office-il on olemas Outlook, aga OpenOffice-il selline programm puudub, ülejäänud on olemas mõlemal. On isegi öeldud, et inimestel, kes on harjunud kasutama MS Word 2003, on lihtsam harjuda OOo Writeri kui MS Word 2007. MS Word = OOo Writer Excel = Calc Access = Base PowerPoint = Impress Visio = Draw Publisher = Math 7 3. Google Veebipõhised rakendused

Informaatika → Kontoritöö tarkvara
64 allalaadimist

The United Kingdom and London

The United Kingdom and London United Kingdom is a political name of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. These political names include the countries of England, Scotland and Wales. Every country has its own capital and language. The capital of England is London, the people there are english and the language spoken is English. In scotland live the scots, capital is Edingburg and the languages spoken are English and Scottish. The capital of Wales is Cardiff, the people tehre are welsh and the languages spoken are welsh and English. N. Ireland is the home for the Irish, the capital is Belfast and the language is Irish. The first inhabitants were Iberians and Celts who settled on the land and were often at war with each other. In AD 43 Britain was made a Roman province. The romans stayed there for three hundred years. After the romans left came the Angles, Saxons and Jutes...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Kirjamalli koostamine Open Office ja MS Word 2007

laiuseks pool tekstiala laiusest. 12. Lisa jalusesse (Insert Footer Edit Footer) kontaktandmed, kasutades kirja Times New Roman suurusega 8. Keskmise ja parempoolse tulpade jaoks lisa klõpsuga rõhtjoonlaual sobivad vasakud (~ 6 ja 13 cm) tabelduskohad! Liigsed tabelduskohad tuleb eemalda. Lõpuks lisa esimese rea kohale ülajoon. 13. Kontrolli, et välja "Adressaat või lisaadressaat" järel ei oleks tühje ridu ja lisa koostaja andmete jaoks tekstikast (Insert Text Box Draw Text Box), mis vorminda järgnevalt: Tee paremklõps ja vali Format Text Box. Sealt vali kast ilma joonteta. Joonel puudub värv (Line ­ No colour). Seejärel ankurda tekstikast välja ,,Adressaat või lisaadressaat" külje ja säti asend lehe suhtes. Selleks võta kaartilt Layout, ava Advanced ja märgista Lock anchor ja Vertical, sealt vali Absolute position ja vali Page. Seejärel salvesta mall. Kirjamalli koostamine programmiga Open Office 1. Käivita OpenOffice

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
36 allalaadimist

Piletid vastustega

1 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 Mark the inputs and outputs, each element, and all signals of the circuits. 1. Fill in the truth table. 2. Draw the circuit diagrams of the devices that implement the columns of the table. 3. What each device is called? 4. Draw the schematic symbol of each device. 5. Draw the input and output signals of these five devices. 6. Are there analog, switching, or digital devices? They are build on the digital gates- dig. Devices. You can make switching devices of them 7. Inscribe the logical equation that each circuit solves. OR+,AND*,NOT-, 8

Tehnika → Elektroonika jõupooljuht...
159 allalaadimist

Süsteemitarkvara aruanne

Selle moodusega ei pea root kasutaja teadma vahetatava kasutaja parooli ning saab selle takistusteta ära muuta. Selline variant on ideaalne näiteks lapse kasutaja parooli muutmiseks või ununenud paroolide taastamiseks. 16 PAKUTAVATA TEENUSTE JA PROGRAMMIDE LOETELU Programmid  LibreOffice pakett, mis kaasab endaga järgmisi osasi: LibreOffice Calc, LibreOffice Writer, LibreOffice Impress, LibreOffice Math, LibreOffice Draw.  Thunderbird Mail, milles on võimalik ühendada oma olemasolevad e-maili kasutajad.  VLC, mida kasutatakse videode, filmide vaatamiseks ning muusika kuulamiseks.  Rhytmbox muusikamängija, mis on Linuxi vabavaraline muusikamängija  GIMP  Firefox, veebibrauser, mis on igas Linuxi distributsioonis olemas.  Inkscape, vaba tarkvara vektorgraafika töötlemiseks Teenused Linuxi töötavad teenused paiknevad /etc/init.d kaustas

Informaatika → Infoteadus
17 allalaadimist

UK Test

2. Which is the largest spectator sport in Britain? 3. In which sport did Britain win an Olympic gold medal in 1996? 4. Where is the main tennis tournament in Britain held? 5. What is the Grand National? 1. Walking 2. Football 3. Rowing 4. Wimbledon 5. A world ­ famous horserace over fences Entertainment & Leisure 1. What is the most popular leisure pastime in Britain? 2. When did the first draw of Britain's National Lottery take place? 3. Name the two most popular destinations in Europe or British tourists? 4. How many overseas visits did British residents make in 1997? 5. How many people make use of public libraries in Britain? 1. Watching television 2. November 1994 3. France and Spain 4. 46 million 5. 6 out of every 10 people Health & Welfare 1. How long, on average, do men and women live in Britain today? 2

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Manners in Estonia

their first name. Cultural Traditions Estonian culture as an identity is very strong. Oral traditions especially have played a key role in preserving traditions, stories and customs during Soviet administration. Singing is a very Estonian activity and the Estonians are known to have sung their way to freedom during the "Singing Revolution" of 1989-91. Manners Estonians on the whole are quiet and reserved. They tend to speak softly and do not like to draw attention to themselves. Being rational, calm and not going to emotional extremes are all qualities that respected. At first Estonians can come across as aloof. Once a relationship warms up this becomes less so. Meeting and Greeting Greetings can come across as rather formal and rather reserved. Men should initiate greetings with women and the younger person always greets the older person. When meeting someone make sure you are stood up, offer direct eye contact and give a nice firm handshake.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Sexualisation of women in advertising

through this add. The logo in the upper right hand corner is much smaller than the hamburger, the product being sold and the woman’s lips, which further emphasizes that sex is being used to sell as a woman’s bright red lips are associated with sex. Notice that the woman is not in the middle, which is due to the reason that she is portrayed not as important as the sandwich. Underneath the sandwich and the woman are large capitalized, white letters that immediately draw the readers’ attention- “It’ll blow your mind away,” reads the text. The first words “It’ll blow” are in a very large font as the “It” refers to the hamburger. This diction “blow” obviously references explicit sexual act. Furthermore, the fact that the hamburger is shown in front of a woman’s open mouth, further emphasizes the sexual message portrayed in the written text. The shape of the hamburger also reinforces the sexual context of the commercial.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

English literatutre - Authors, history

JOHN MILTON (1608-1674) ­ born in London, wealthy family, smart. Political views : supporter of Cromwell and Parliament. He eventually went totally blind. Phase I: Early poems and a masque. Phase II: Prose writings. Phase III: Poetic masterpieces. Metaphysical poetry Donne was a great literary innovator and is widely considered to be the founder of the metaphysical school of poetry. The features of Metaphysical poetry are: · The use of conceits (Figures of speech which draw a comparison between two strikingly different things. Metaphysical poets made wide use of conceits in which the comparison was drawn with subjects from fields such as astronomy, mathematics and geography.): comparison between the objects which at first glance seem to have nothing in common; · The argumentative quality of the love poems, in which the poet tries to persuade his lover to share his point of view;

Keeled → British literature
12 allalaadimist

Inglise keele ebareeglipäraseid sõnu ja nende tähendusi

Roomama Creep Crept Crept Kirema, koogama Crow crowed/crew Crowed Lõikama Cut Cut Cut Välja jagama, käsitlema, kauplema Deal Dealt Dealt Kaevama Dig Dug Dug Tegema, tegelema Do Did Done Tõmbama, joonistama Draw Drew Drawn Und nägema, unistama Dream Dreamed/dreamt Dreamed/dream Jooma Drink Drank Drunk Ajama, sõitma Drive Drove Driven Elama Dwell Dwelt Dwelt Sööma Eat Ate Eaten Kukkuma, langema Fall Fell Fallen Toitma, toituma Feed Fed Fed

Keeled → Inglise keel
44 allalaadimist

The list of irregular verbs

44. creep crept crept roomama; hiilima, vargsi edasi liikuma, pugema 45. cut cut cut lõikama, vähendama 46. deal dealt dealt tegelema; jagama; kauplema 47. dig dug dug kaevama 48. dive dove (dived) dived sukelduma 49. do did done tegema 50. draw drew drawn joonistama, tõmbama, vedama 51. dream dreamt (dreamed) dreamt (dreamed) unistama, und nägema 52. drink drank drunk jooma 53. drive drove driven sõitma, ajama 54. dwell dwelt (dwelled) dwelt (dwelled) püsima, viibima, peatuma (millelgi on, upon); elama, elunema, asuma 55

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Vormistamine ülesanne 3

10 or as Lyberg and Biemer put it in Chapter 22: “the challenge in survey design is to achieve an optimal balance between survey errors and costs.” In the remainder we discuss the four cornerstones in more detail and relate these to specific chapters in this book. 1.4.1 Coverage and Coverage Error When doing a survey one has an intended population in mind: the tärget population. To draw a sample from the target population, a sample frame is needed. This can be a list of target population members, for instance, a list of all members of a certain organization, or the register of all inhabitants of a certain city. But it may also be a virtual list, or an algorithm, such as in area probability sampling or in Random Digit Dialing (RDD) sampling (cf. Lohr, Chapter 6 on coverage and sampling, and Steeh, Chapter 12 on RDD). In area probability sampling, the population is

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
2 allalaadimist

The English Patient

down, because otherwise it would blow up everything. Hana walked towards him and asked maybe he needs help. Hana stood motionless, hands holding the wires. Kip wanted her to leave, but Hana refused and hold. Bomb was neutralised. Hana fell asleep, holding her head on his breast. Their romance started. A while Kip was dealing with the bombs David helped Almasy to recall his past. He used morphine. Almasy started talking. His job was to make observations, draw maps, and search for ancient oases in the sands. In 1936 Geoffrey Clifton and his new wife Katharine, joined their party. Geoffrey owned a plane, which the party found especially useful in helping to map the desert. In one night Katharine read one passage form Herodotus. Almasy realised that he loves her and her voice. They became lovers. He was crazy about her. He wanted to claim her right shoulder he's, but he reconsidered, because he loved hallow under the neck. In 1938,

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
10 allalaadimist

Mikrokontrollerid ja robootika homework 1

60 - 80 -20 0 1 0 0 Result is negative (N) Z remains 0, because result isn’t zero. Input and output 10. You have four PROM modules like the below figure and a sufficient collection of logic gates. Draw a circuit diagram showing how you can implement 4 kB of MP addressable memory to your Microprocessor with12 address bits. PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory) scheme has 10 address pins The input consists of 12 address bits. Use the most significant 2 bits to select a memory chip and the least significant 10 bits to select an address within the chip. The least

Mehhatroonika → Mikrokontrollerid ja robootika
6 allalaadimist

Media and Advertising

. of a substance and puts it in his mouth. Instantly he is transported to another world, a place of surreal visions and swirling colours. He rushes (2 HEAD) into this parallel universe. What is this (3 TERRIFY) compound with the power to induce such a mind-blowing trip? Is it some kind of drug that makes the user hallucinate? No, it's just a humble cereal ad on TV. The Fruity Wheat ad is the latest in a long line of (4 CONTROVERSY) ads whose imagery appears to draw on the effects of mind-altering substances. Colin Rees of the 'Stop TV Advertising' group, said: 'I find this and other such ads totally (5 ACCEPT) Take this stuff and you will experience something out of this world – the (6 IMPLY) of the ad seems clear to me. The companies who make them will say that any relation to drugs is just one (7 INTERPRET) of the advert, and not one that they (8 INTENTION) When

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Koolipsühholoogi töö Mardiga eri perioodidel

Koolipsühholoogi töö Mardiga eri perioodidel ÜLDOSA 1. Taustinfo Mart on 10 – aastane poiss, kes elab koos ema, isa ja kolme noorema õe – vennaga. Mart elab koos oma perega Kumma külas, mis asub Rapla maakonnas Kehtna vallas. Mart õpib Kehtna põhikoolis, mis on suhteliselt väike maapiirkonna kool ning see asub tema kodust 15 km kaugusel. Sel sügisel astus Mart 4. klassi ning tal on 13 klassikaaslast. Mardi ema on lastega kodune ning isa käib tööl – ta teeb kohalikus vallas ja mõnikord ka naabrusvallas juhuslikke lihtöid. Seetõttu ei ole ka pere sissetulek eriti suur ning nad on vähekindlustatud, kuid maja on siiski puhas ja korras ning ühelgi pereliikmel ei ole diagnoositud olulisi terviseprobleeme. Mart on pere vanim laps, seega abistab ta tihti vanemaid kodustes töödes ning valvab nooremate õdede ja vendade järgi. Pere ei ela jõukuses, kuid on üksteist aidates ning kõvasti tööd tehes saadakse hakkama. Kehtna põh...

Psühholoogia → Koolipsühholoogia
26 allalaadimist

KÜ: Etteantud teksti vormistamine

 Microsoft InfoPath  Microsoft Lync  Microsoft SharePoint Designer  Microsoft Project  Microsoft Visio 3.2 MS Office konkurendid MS Office konkurendid Kontoritarkvarapaketi nimetus Mõningad vahendid OpenOffice Calc - tabelarvutusprogramm Writer - tekstitöötlusprogramm Draw - joonistusprogramm LibreOffice Writer - tekstitöötlusprogramm Calc - tabelarvutusprogramm Impress - esitlusprogramm WPS Office Writer - tekstitöötlusprogramm Presentation - esitlusprogramm Spreadsheets - tabelarvutusprogramm 8

Informaatika → Arvutikäsitusõpetus
3 allalaadimist

Mictrocontroller Week 03

1. N = 0; Z = 0; C = 0; V = 0 2. N = 0; Z = 1; C = 0; V = 0 3. N = 0; Z = 1; C = 1; V = 0 4. N = 1; Z = 0; C = 0; V = 0 5. N = 0; Z = 0; C = 1; V = 0 6. N = 1; Z = 0; C = 1; V = 0 7. N = 1; Z = 0; C = 0; V = 1 8. N = 0; Z = 0; C = 1; V = 1 9. N = 0; Z = 1; C = 1; V = 1 9. a) V and C b) N == Input and output 10. You have four PROM modules like the below figure and a sufficient collection of logic gates. Draw a circuit diagram showing how you can implement 4 kB of MP addressable memory to your Microprocessor with12 address bits. PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory) scheme has 10 address pins == 10. There was an error in the question. Assume the PROM module to be used has only 10 address pins. The input consists of 12 address bits. Use the most significant 2 bits to select a memory chip and the least significant 10 bits to select an address within the chip. The least

Mehhatroonika → Mehhatroonika
5 allalaadimist

Experimenting with predicate provers.

Home assignment 3 : Margus Martsepp 121843IAPM Experimenting with predicate provers. Advanced Course of Applied Logics ( ITV0081 ) Part A : Warmers Task 1 What is the most general unifier of the following atoms: p(X,f(Y),Z) p(T,T,g(cat)) p(f(dog),S,g(W)) solution: = { X/T, S/T, T/f[Y], Z/g(cat), W/cat, dog/Y } Task 2 List all the binary resolvants of the following two clauses: p(X,f(Y),Z) | p(T,T,g(cat)) | r(X,T) | ~s(Z,T) ~p(f(dog),S,g(W)) | s(big,rat) | ~s(small,hamster) solution sourse: 1st option (1.4-2.2) = { Z/big, T/rat } p(X,f(Y),big) | p(rat,rat,g(cat)) | r(X,rat) ~p(f(dog),S,g(W)) | ~s(small,hamster) 2nd option (1.1-2.1) = { X/f(dog), S/f(Y), Z/g(W) } p(T,T,g(cat)) | r(f(dog),T) | ~s(g(W),T) s(big,rat) | ~s(small,hamster) 3rd option (1.2-2.1) = { T/f(dog), S/f(dog), W/cat } p(X,f(Y),Z) | r(X,f(dog)) | ~s(Z,f(dog)) s(big,rat) | ~s(small,hamster) Task 3 List all the resolvants of the following two clauses: p...

Informaatika → Informaatika
5 allalaadimist

Fridrick douglass

produced so eloquent a piece of literature. The book was an immediate bestseller and received overwhelmingly positive critical reviews. Within three years of its publication, it had been reprinted nine times with 11,000 copies circulating in the United States; it was also translated into the French and Dutch languages. The book's success had an unfortunate side effect: his friends and mentors feared that the publicity would draw the attention of his ex-owner, Hugh Auld, who could try to get his "property" back. They encouraged him to go on a tour in Ireland, as many other ex-slaves had done in the past. He set sail on the Cambria for Liverpool on August 16, 1845, and arrived in Ireland when the Irish famine was just beginning. Douglass actually published three versions of his autobiography during his lifetime (and revised the third of these), each time expanding on the previous one. The 1845 Narrative,

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
13 allalaadimist

Guidelines for writing tasks

I am writing in reply to your letter asking advice about.... Ettepanekuid tehke nii ---- I would suggest that, I would advise you to... If I were you, I would do ( teine tingimuslause. Ja saate plussid veel keerulise konstruktsiooni eest) Ja lõpetage I would very much like to know if this was helpful..; I hope this will be of help... 3) Kui tuleb kirjutada kaebekirja Alustage nii: I am writing to complain about...; Iam writing to draw your attention; I am writing to you in connection with (seoses millegiga) Appalling treatment/ service ­ vilets teenindus I enclose a copy of... Replace the item ( ja ärge kasutage thing) feel disappointed with the way I have been treated ( plusspunktid passiivi eest) I demand a full refund Lõpetage nii: I hope the matter will be resolved. I look forward to your... 4) Kui peate kirjutama kirja , kus tuleb vabandada siis alustage: I am writing to apologise for.. Ja vabandage lõpus veel

Keeled → Inglise keel
231 allalaadimist

Exeli kodutöö nr. 1

Tabeltöötlus. Ülesanne 1 Andmed ja valemid Kujundage sellele lehele "kirjanurk" kõrvaloleva näite järgi (tekstid, raamjooned, vajadusel ühendage lahtrid), sisestage nõutud andmed Tallinna Teh Informaatik Töö Üliõpilane Õppejõud Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Informaatikainstituut Andmed ja valemid Ardi Lepp Õppemärkmik 82176 Jelena Vendelin Õpperühm KAKB-11 Koostada kaks 10x10 korratabelit, ühes valemites lahtriaadressid, teises tegurite piirkondadele (tabeli esimene rida ja esimene veerg) määratud nimed. Kummaski tabelis peab arvutusvalem olema muutusteta kopeeritav kogu tabeli jaoks. 1 2 3 ...

Informaatika → Informaatika
139 allalaadimist

"The Catcher in the Rye" ("Kuristik rukkis") Salinger - Book report/review

and tries to avoid them when in trouble, which is pretty typical for a teenager. He lies a lot even though he tries not to. Once he starts, he can't stop. Holden also likes to drink and smoke. Compare yourself to this character (bring out similarities and differences): I think everyone has felt depressed or had a very sad period at some point of their teenage years and this is why I think it is very easy to draw parallels with myself and Holden. Another similarity is that I don't do as well in other classes as I do in English, although the differences aren't that drastic. One of the differences is that I usually tell my parents about my problems because I know they can help me with everything. Did you like this character? Why/why not? I definitely like the character because he seems to be different than others, like

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Education and learning

Education and learning Task 1. Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) Jack decided to take a course/lesson in hotel management. b) Sheila always got good marks/points in algebra. c) After leaving school, Ann studied/trained as a teacher. d) Peter decided not to go in/enter for the examination. e) My sister learned/taught me how to draw. f) I can't come to the cinema. I have to read/study for a test. g) In history we had to learn a lot of dates by hand/heart. h) I hope your work will improve by the end of course/term. i) Martin failed/missed his maths exam and had to sit it again. j) If you have any questions, raise/rise your hand. Task 2. Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Use each word once only.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Means of communication

think that it is good because you can choose which product is the best for you. but it's true that they sometimes lie and many of them are absolutely stupid. Kinds of programs: children's, current affairs, discussion, pop music, gardening, arts, natural, history, film review, customer affairs, language-learning, human interest, fashion, light entertainment, variety; documentaries, the news (is), soap operas, quiz shows, game shows, breakfast TV, costume dramas, the National Lottery draw, film, action series, weather forecast, sci-fi series... Broadcasting in BG and CZ GB ­ 5 channels: BBC 1, BBC 2 (these two don't have adverts), ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, + satellite programs CZ ­ CT 1, CT 2, Nova, Prima, + satellite programs The Internet Very huge, world-wide, very fast, lots of information ­ more than in TV, it costs a lot of money to have Internet today because you have to pay the provider (he has the

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Homereading - body language

angry but there will be a small muscle by the mouth that is quivering or a vein that's pulsating and turning red. Cheeks turn red in women who are angry or embarrassed while men's ears often turn red under similar circumstances. Misunderstanding body language When you try to interpret body language, you must interpret in relation to what is being said with words; otherwise misunderstandings can easily arise. It must be judged as a whole. Several elements must be in accordance if you are to draw any firm conclusions about a person. He or she being insecure for example. In order to reach your conclusion you must also pay attention to facial expression, the mouth's position, eye movements and pupil dilation and retraction. Research has shown that the speaker's face is the most reliable source of information about the mood of a person. It is through visual experiences that happiness, surprise, anger or contempt is communicated while auditory experiences communicate fear

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Film Studies - The Black Dahlia

Stanwyck), finding solution to the crime and anti-hero (in ``Double indemnity`` Walter Neff, played by Fred MacMurray) shooting the femme fatale are all in both of the films. Narrative is as important part of macro features as genre. The film, as a whole, has a linear structure, the events happen one after another as they occur. In the closing scene, as I mentioned before, is used a lot of flash-backs, which change the scene non-linear. The flash-backs help the audience to draw connections bethween previous sequences, also to find the conclusion to the story. As a narrative device, there is used dramatic tension as the plot progresses. It is really clear in the last scene, when Madeline's strange mother is telling the whole story, which the audience never would be thought about. The tension rises, when Bucky threathens to kill Madeline. There is a question, will he shoot the woman? Can Madeline manipulate Bucky?

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Swifts A Modest Proposal

logic with which its implications are explained" (Cunningham, Reich, 240-241). However, the fact that author speaks about infanticide and cannibalism with such ease, and without any sense of guilt tempts us to believe, that his offer is untrustworthy and insincere. Actually, an attempt to apply such an absurd proposal in practice was not originally considered by the author; it is more likely a hidden satire, which is intended to draw the attention of the authorities to what is happening in the country. Alongside with the exquisite use of satire and cynicism the reader can also trace the paradoxical nature of the Swift's work. The fact that an Englishman proposes barbarous prescriptions for the Irish ridicules the highly civilized society of England. By calculating the number of children, who can become a "delicacy" for the nobility and talking that child's skin would make "admirable gloves for ladies" and "summer

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Eesti mehe tantsulisus

tõsta. Küsimustik tõestab ka kuidas suhtuvad Eesti mehed ise tantsu, tantsulisusse ja selle tähtsusesse iga mehe elus. Kõigil on eri arvamus tantsust, kuid paljud suurkujud usuvad samuti, et tants on väga oluline aspekt igapäeva elus. Kuulsad ütlused näiteks: „Do it big, do it right, and do it with style.“- Fried Astaire; „Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world.“- Voltaire; Every day brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your shoes, and dance.“- Oprah Winfrey; „We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.“- Friedrich Nietzsche. 5 1. Kirjandus ülevaade 1.1 Tantsu mõiste Tants on kunstiliik, milles tundeid, elamusi ja suhtumist väljendatakse liigutuste ja poosidega. Tantsu saatmiseks mõeldud muusika on tantsumuusika

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
12 allalaadimist


kasutada jooestamisel ühe korraga mitmesuguseid seadistusi, kuna tavalisel viisil – AutoCAD Classic – on enamus käskudest ja seadistustest „isikukesksed”. Puudusena võiks mainida, et on olemas nii mitmeidki suhteliselt keerulisi käske, mida Ülariba abil pole võimalik välja kutsuda ja neid pole ka seal mainitud. Ning sageli on Ülariba kasutamisel vaja teha mitu klõpsu, näiteks joone pikendamise ikooni (käskule EXTEND) pole tööriistakastis Draw, seal on vaid ikoon Trim ▼ (kärpida) ja alles klõps kolmnurgal avab ikooni Extend. Teiseks puuduseks on see, et Autodesk on püüdnud Ülaribasse palju paigutada ja seetõttu haarab Ülariba enda alla sageli ¼ kuni ½ töövälja pinnast. ÜLESANNE I Pinnatükk 107 Järgmistel joonistel tuuakse Ülariba kujud kahemõõtmelisele tasandil joonestamisele

Insenerigraafika → Autocad
17 allalaadimist

Economic Country Review

Economic Country Review: Finland, Estonia 20 and Hungary Teacher Kalevi Torunen The goal of this paper is to compare the economic performance of Finland, Estonia and Hungary. First, a general overview on the countries will be given. After, economic indicators (real GDP growth rate, inflation, unemployment, household consumption, investment, current account, government budget and deficit) of the three countries will be compared to draw a conclusion. Keywords GDP, inflation, unemployment, household consumption, investment, current account, government budget, deficit, surplus Table of contents 1 Introduction .......................................................................................1 2 Country Specs ....................................................................................1 2.1 Finland ...............................................................................

Majandus → Majandusanalüüs
9 allalaadimist

Tallinn Old Town

Cappuccino and Wi-Fi. This is the city's famous Old Town. If you're looking for that mix of historic ambience and cutting-edge culture that defines Tallinn, you'll find it here. Built up from the 13th to 16th centuries, when Tallinn ­ or Reval as it was known then ­ was a thriving member of the Hanseatic trade league, this enclosed neighbourhood of colourful, gabled houses, half-hidden courtyards and grandiose churches is, quite rightly, the city's biggest tourist draw. And the fact that it's all neatly packaged within a mostly-intact city wall and dotted with guard towers gives it an extra dose of fairytale charm. Kiek in de Kök Those interested in walls, towers, cannons and the like should drop into this museum of the town's defences. Visitors of this museum will see examples of Medieval fire power, displays

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Nokia Report

Nokia provides equipment, solutions and services for network operators and corporations. I aim to find what gives Nokia an advantage to other businesses and how is it that a small firm which started out as a pulp mill became the world leader in mobile communications. I believe that Nokia shows a lot of self-confidence and persistency in its development in the years. Therefore Nokia has a lot to teach other businesses. I would like to draw attention to Nokia's vision and strategy. Nokia has an interesting idea of competition with other telecommunication firms. Nokia's main focus is on its own products and its own strategy and vision. This kind of strategy has worked because Nokia is the number one manufacturer of telephones. On the other hand Nokia has won the heart of many phone users by staying to its brand and always making products that are customer-friendly. I have also used Nokia's phones and its other products such as

Keeled → Inglise keel
100 allalaadimist

Wordi kasutusjuhend

On olemas näiteks makro, mis käivitatakse Wordiga töö alustamisel. Selles makros on tavaliselt kirjas käsk New - avada uus dokument, .... Templates and Add-Ins ­ dokumendi stiili valimine Customize - saab ise teha nupuridasid, uusi menüüsid, saab olemasolevatesse menüüdesse uusi käske lisada ning teha uusi kiirväljakutseid (klaviatuurilt) Options - saab muuta Wordi sätinguid (konfiguratsiooni) TABLE - tabelite koostamine ja kujundamine Draw Table ­ tabeli joonistamine käsitsi Insert Table - tabeli lisamine teksti Insert Rows ­ ridade lisamine Delete Rows - ridade kustutamine Merge Cells - märgistatud lahtrite ühendamine Split Cells - aktiivse lahtri jaotamine mitmeks väiksemaks lahtriks Select Row - tabeli rea märgistamine Select Column - tabeli veeru märgistamine Select Table - terve tabeli märgistamine Table AutoFormat - saab valida erinevaid tabeli kujundamise võimalusi

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
232 allalaadimist

Carl Lewis

However Johnson won again with 9"79 and Carl finished really far with 9"92. Then, while attaining his first gold in the long jump, Johnson was disqualified for drug abuse and so Carl became automatically Olympic champion and owner of the world record (9"92). When Olympic games finished Carl came back home with two golds and one silver. A fact that makes notice for anyone else, but not for Carl Lewis. So, since the following year, Carl tried again to sing and continued to draw suits for his club. Meanwhile a sprinter of his clan, Leroy Burrell, brushed against his world record: 9"94 and beats him at Goodwill games. In the long jump Mike Powell becomes dangerous, and Carl won long jump just for 4 centimeters in the same games. In 1991 he faced these ones at the world championships of Tokyo. He arrived in Japan as the number two of the sprint and the best of the long jump for 1 centimeters. Well, he came out

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

John Kennedy

because they were Roman Catholic.In September and October, Kennedy debated Republican candidate and Vice President Richard Nixon in the first televised U.S. presidential debates in U.S. history. During these programs, Nixon, nursing an injured leg and sporting "five o'clock shadow", looked tense and uncomfortable, while Kennedy appeared relaxed, leading the huge television audience to deem Kennedy the winner. Radio listeners, however, either thought Nixon had won or that the debates were a draw. Nixon did not wear make-up during the initial debate, unlike Kennedy. The debates are now considered a milestone in American political history--the point at which the medium of television began to play a dominant role in national politics. After the first debate Kennedy's campaign gained momentum and he pulled slightly ahead of Nixon in most polls. On Tuesday, November 8, Kennedy defeated Nixon in one of the closest presidential elections of the twentieth century

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Teadusfilosoofia valikut

historicize various semantic explications. It is unfortunate that the term "pragmatic" common to several disciplines will necessarily omit any discussion of interesting but has been used in this context, because it carries some unfortunate historical idiosyncratic topics. Since we have an enormous variety of more or less common ideas connotations. In the present context the term is used to designate the view that words to draw upon (e.g., discovery, theory, model, measurement, etc.), there are actually do not have meanings in the abstract. Words are used by people in particular fewer significant unique topics than one might imagine. For example, the concept of sociohistorical situations, and they mean whatever those people take them to mean. unconscious mental acts may be treated as a unique problem of psychology or

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
27 allalaadimist


Background studies ­ who else has written about this topic (what has been already done and what else I can do here). Papers of this kind test logical thinking. What is assessed: - the ability to collect material (both theoretical (who has written about it) and practical; - the ability to classify it (grouping ability); - the ability to describe the material ("some say this ..., they are not wrong, but other say that ...." Etc.); - the ability to draw conclusions (on theoretical and practical materials); - your personal contribution (do something that no one has done before); - talking about the material (as if you are speaking to the first year student ­ avoid sophistication in language, that may sound unnatural). Comment on examples (from where the example is taken ­ how it is used ­ explain all). NB! Comments everywhere. You have right to: · Supervisor discusses and specifies the topic with you;

Õigus → Proseminar
36 allalaadimist

Eelsoojendisüsteem - Referaat

Eberspäche The comprehensive Eberspächer product line. AIRTRONIC and HYDRONIC air heaters and water heaters: These are the two heater technologies that Eberspächer offers and which cover a wide range of different areas of application. The controls make it child's play to enjoy optimum cosy warmth right from the start. Air Heating Eberspächer air heaters are independent both of the engine and of the vehicle's own heat balance.They draw in cool room or outside air, heat this up and then deliver it to the interior of the vehicle.Air heaters are an excellent solution for commercial vehicles of every type. They can be installed just as well in the cab as in the luggage compartment or under the floor. Eberspächer Hydronic Water Heaters Eberspächer water heaters work independently of the engine and thus offer a double plus: pre-heating the vehicle's passenger compartment and engine.

Auto → Auto õpetus
114 allalaadimist

Bioinformaatika arvestus ül

neighbor -Neighbor-Joining and UPGMA tree drawing method Character based methods These programs read in the sequence alignment, and produce either one or multiple trees in the output files "outfile" and "outtree". dnapars -DNA parsimony dnapenny -DNA parsimony using branch-and-bound dnaml -DNA maximum likelihood without molecular clock dnamlk -DNA maximum likelihood with molecular clock protpars -Protein parsimony proml -Protein maximum likelihood Tree drawing These programs draw a tree from the specifications ("outtree") in the Newick-format. For example, the specification can be a file produced by the program dnaml. Drawgram and drawtree produce plotfile, whereas retree saves the result in a file "outtree" (so "outtree" can not be used as an input to this program). drawgram -Draws a rooted tree drawtree -Draws an unrooted tree retree -Interactive tree-rearrangement Consensus trees This program constructs a consensus tree from multiple trees. For example, dnapars can

Informaatika → Bioinformaatika
38 allalaadimist

Inglise õiguskeel

in favour of - kasuks 23. at the discretion of - äranägemisel Explain in English: 1. injured person – a person who has been caused damage 2. legal remedy – legal instrument to compensate the damage caused to smb 3. summary judgement – settling civil litigation promptly without trial 4. judgement in default – a judgement made without the defendant being present 5. settlement of the parties – reaching agreement and avoiding the trial 6. disclosure – draw up a list of documents going to be used in trial and serve it on the other party 7. summons – to require smb to appear in court in person 8. affidavit – written, sworn evidence from statements 9. real evidence – material objects as evidence 10. circumstantial evidence - evidence inferred from the facts 11. litigation – a dispute in the court 12. legal aid – payment from the public funds to help smb to pay for the services of the lawyer III 1

Keeled → Inglise keel
43 allalaadimist

Chpt 12 Verb Tenses

Verbs! Verb forms Review of tenses Chapter 12, Pg 215 1 Timeline Draw a timeline of your life. List 810 events on the time line. Make sure you list your future graduation date! Moved to Cali 2005 Was Born Traveled to Europe Husband 1978 School graduates @ Oxford 1999

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun