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"dominant" - 271 õppematerjali

dominant on värv ise. Kuigi puhast lillat nimetatakse ilusaks värviks, on see suurel pinnal siiski sageli pealetükkiv, seda enam, et muutuv valgus paneb seina eri toonides värelema.

Kasutaja: DOMINANT

Faile: 0

URO Security Council kriis, United nations Legitimacy crisis

Social constructivists want to reclaim a place for `practice' or `process' · Key point: states are the authors, not the system · The world is a `world of our making' (Nicholas Onuf 1989) All committed to taking seriously the understanding that the social world is not an objective reality `out there' which we can observe and explain; it is socially constructed and does not exist outside of our understandings of it. For social constructivists, states remain dominant actors in world politics; for many other theories, state-centricism is key part of the problem / Identities, interests, norms and beliefs all matter in in global politics ­ they are all intersubjectively constituted and can and do change

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Klassitsismi mõisted

Mõisted Classicus ­ ladina keeles ,,esmaklassiline", ,,parim", millest sai nime kunstivool 18.-19. sajandil Eelklassitsism ­ nö üleminekuaeg barokilt klassitsismile ajavahemikul 1720-1760 Varaklassitsism ­ (klassikalise) muusika preiood, mille jooksul vormid ja zanrid jõudsid oma kunstilise küpsuseni, ajavahemikul 1760-1780 klassitsismi kõrgaeg ­ (klassikalise) stiili kõrgaeg, aastatel 1780-1810, millal kolm Viini klassikut lõid oma suurimad teoseid valgustusajastu ­ mõttevool, mis mõjutas suurelt ka klassitsismi Rousseau ­ üks suurimaid prantsuse valgustusajastu filosoofe, kelle õpetuse järgi on tähtsaim loomulikus ja looduslikkus Voltaire ­ üks valgustusjastu suurimaid prantsuse filosoofe, mässumeelne kirjanik ja ajaloolane, kes elas lõpuaastatel Sveitsis paguluses. Suur Prantsuse revolutsioon ­ 18. sajandi lõpus tervet Euroopat raputanud sündmus, mis mõjutas suuresti tollast mõtlemisviisi. Ühes riigis asendus monarhia demokraatiaga V...

Muusika → Muusika
19 allalaadimist


· Ökoloogia uurib oranismide omavahelisi suhteid ja nende suhteid ümbritseva keskkonnaga. · Organismide elutegevust mõjutavaid keskkonnnategureid nimetatakse ökoloogilisteks teguriteks. · Ökoloogilised tegurid jagunevad: o Abiootilised ökoloogilised tegurid- tulenevad eluta loodusest, nt valgus, õhk, temp o Biootilised ökoloogilised tegurid- pärit elusloodusest, nt liigikaaslased · Abiootilised ja biootilised tegurid ka soodustavad või pidurdavad organismide elutegevust. · Nad mõjutavad ka organismide arengut, pärilikkust, tunnuste väljakujunemist ja evolutsiooni. Valguse mõju organismidele · Nähtav valgus jääb vahemikku 380nm-760nm ning on vajalik roheliste taimede fotosünteesiks. · Fotoperiodism- organismide reageerimine ööpäevasele valgus-ja pimedusperioodi muutustele. Jagab taimed kolme rühma (pikapäevataimed, lühipäevataimed, päevaneutraalsed taimed) o Pikapäevataimed vaja...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
2 allalaadimist

Queen Victoria and her time

reign) and England grew both socially and economically. [5] Marriage The Queen married Prince Albert on 10 February 1840 at the Chapel Royal in St. James's Palace; four days before, Victoria granted her husband the style His Royal Highness. Prince Albert was commonly known as the "Prince Consort", though he did not formally obtain the title until 1857. Prince Albert was never granted a peerage dignity. [4] Prince Albert replaced Melbourne as the dominant male influence in Victoria's life. She was thoroughly devoted to him, and completely submitted to his will. [5] Victoria did nothing without her husband's approval. His interests in art, science and industry spurred him to organize the Crystal Palace Exhibition in 1851, a highly profitable industrial convention. [6] Her marriage to Prince Albert brought nine children between 1840 and 1857. Most of her children married into other Royal families of Europe. [7]

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
5 allalaadimist

Ökoloogia eksami küsimused ja vastused

Liigirikkus on taime-, looma-, või seenekooslusse kuuluvate liikide arv. Üheks liigirikkamaks ökosüsteemiks on salu – segamets. Selles ökosüsteemis on liigirikkad nii taime, looma- kui seenekooslused. Liigivaeseks koosluseks on näiteks raba. Väga rikkad taimekooslused on näiteks troopikametsades võrreldes meie erinevate metsatüüpidega. Ökosüsteemi iseloomustatakse ka dominantidega. Dominandiks nimetatakse liiki, mille populatsioon on ökosüsteemis kõige arvukam. Enamasti on dominant üks olulisemaid liike ökosüsteemi toitumissuhetes. Selle kõrval võib eristada ka kaasdominante. Tihti on dominandi nimetus antud ka ökosüsteemile=> näiteks on mänd männiku dominant. Dominant leitakse seega siis katvuse või biomassi järgi. Ökosüsteemi saab kirjeldada ka selle produktiivsuse järgi. Et kirjeldada kuusikus kasvavate kuuskede produktsiooni, peame esmalt teadma kuuskede biomassi. 14. Iga järgnev toiduahela lüli ehk troofiline tase reguleerib eelneva lüli arvukust.

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia
26 allalaadimist

The Republic of Cameroon

· The HIV/AIDS seroprevalencerate is estimated at 5.4% for those aged 15­49, although a strong stigma against the illness keeps the number of reported cases artificially low Geography and climate · At 475,442 square kilometers, Cameroon is the world's 53rd-largest country.It is comparable in size to Papua New Guinea and somewhat larger than the U.S. state of California · Cameroon is divided into five major geographic zones distinguished by dominant physical, climatic, and vegetative features. The coastal plain extends 15 to 150 kilometerrs inland from the Gulf of Guinea and has an average elevation of 90 meters · An irregular chain of mountains, hills, and plateaus known as the Cameroon range extends from Mount Cameroon on the coast-- Cameroon's highest point at 4,095 meters · Cameroon has four patterns of drainage. In the south, the principal rivers are the Ntem, Nyong, Sanaga, and Wouri.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Kokkuvõte Inglismaa ajaloost

4) The Normans/ the final conquest o 1066-1154 o From present-day France o In the battle of Hastings on 14.10.1066 the normans defeated the English and their leader, Duke William of Normandy, was crowned the king onf England(william the conqueror) o In 1086 the domesday book was completed- a complete catalogue of who owned what in the country o The french language became dominant o The normans imposed a strict feudal system (anglo-saxons were the peasants who were under the norman nobles and barons) o Built castles, cathedrals Three facts about the history of parliament It was in the medieval period that Parliament began its gradual evolution into the democratic body which it is today. The word 'parliament', which comes from the French word parler (to speak), was first used in England in

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
12 allalaadimist

Project Plan

and successful indoor environment. This could be accomplished through the use of sunken gardens which would adjoin below grade working areas to provide light as well as important visual orientation and variety. It can be recognized that sunken gardens or other light-searching architectural elements will require substantial space to be fully effective. A recent study of such underground architectural spaces notes that many of the kinds of space with which we are dealing, would, “because of the dominant modes of activity within them, require relief by physical or visual connection to adjacent high activity areas or the external environment, or both. Characteristic occupancy of such spaces would by relatively secondary and routinized. Characteristic examples of such spaces would be conference centers, classrooms, and offices” (superscript 1 here). It is our judgment that the quantity and quality of natural light and external views deemed adequate

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Hard rock

Kolmas tase Heavy Metal movement Neljas tase This is the band's longest- Viies tase standing line-up Def Leppard ­ Photograph http :// Grunge and Britpop (1990s) Hard rock entered the 1990s as one of the dominant forms of commercial music Alternative forms of hard rock achieved mainstream success in the form of grunge in the US and Britpop in the UK; this was particularly evident after the success of Nirvana's Nevermind (1991), which combined elements of hardcore punk and heavy metal into a "dirty" sound that made use of heavy guitar distortion, fuzz and feedback, along with darker lyrical themes than their "hair band" predecessors In Britain, Oasis were unusual among the Britpop bands of the

Muusika → Muusika
4 allalaadimist

Klassitsism kui kunstisuund

KLASSITSISM Sissejuhatus Klassitsism (ld. k. classicus- esmaklassiline) oli kunstisuund, mis võttis eeskuju antiikkultuurist, otsides väljenduses ja vormis lihtsust, tasakaalukust ja harmoonilisust. Oma taotlustes sarnanes mõneti renessansiajastuga. Vaimselt seostus klassitsistlik kunst eelkõige valgustusfilosoofiaga, mille kõrgaeg oli 18. sajandil. 18. saj. lõpul toimusid Euroopas tohutud muutused, mida tähistavad eelkõige Suur Prantsuse revolutsioon (1789- 1794) ja Napoleoni sõjad (1799- 1814). 18. saj. prantsuse valgustusfilosoofid (Voltaire, Rousseau jt) pöördusid ühiskonna seisusliku korralduse vastu, seisid hariduse ja loodusteaduste arengu eest ja rääkisid inimese loomupärastest õigustest. Ka religioossus polnud enam tingimata seotud kirikuga, vaid pigem inimese isiklike usuliste veendumustega. Õukond ja kirik ei olnud valgustusajastu Euroopa vaimukultuuris enam määraval kohal. Haritud kõrgkodanlus rajas sa...

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
9 allalaadimist

Klassitsimi ajajärku hõlmav kontspekt.

KLASSITSISM Sissejuhatus Klassitsism (ld. k. classicus- esmaklassiline) oli kunstisuund, mis võttis eeskuju antiikkultuurist, otsides väljenduses ja vormis lihtsust, tasakaalukust ja harmoonilisust. Oma taotlustes sarnanes mõneti renessansiajastuga. Vaimselt seostus klassitsistlik kunst eelkõige valgustusfilosoofiaga, mille kõrgaeg oli 18. sajandil. 18. saj. lõpul toimusid Euroopas tohutud muutused, mida tähistavad eelkõige Suur Prantsuse revolutsioon (1789- 1794) ja Napoleoni sõjad (1799- 1814). 18. saj. prantsuse valgustusfilosoofid (Voltaire, Rousseau jt) pöördusid ühiskonna seisusliku korralduse vastu, seisid hariduse ja loodusteaduste arengu eest ja rääkisid inimese loomupärastest õigustest. Ka religioossus polnud enam tingimata seotud kirikuga, vaid pigem inimese isiklike usuliste veendumustega. Õukond ja kirik ei olnud valgustusajastu Euroopa vaimukultuuris enam määraval kohal. Haritud kõrgkodanlus rajas sajandi keskel kõigis ...

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
15 allalaadimist

The Great Wave off Kanagawa

There are eight rowers per boat, clinging to their oars. There are two more passengers in the front of each boat, bringing the total number of human figures in the image to thirty. Using the boats as reference, one can approximate the size of the wave: theoshiokuri-bune were generally between 12 to 15 meters long, and noting that Hokusai reduced the vertical scale by 30%, the wave must be between 10 to 12 meters tall.[21] The sea and the waves The sea is the dominant element of the composition, that is taken up by an extending wave about to break, which dominates the entire scene. In the moment captured in this image the wave forms a circle whose center is in the center of the design, allowing the viewer to see Mt Fuji in the background. Edmond de Goncourt described the wave in this way: The drawing of the wave is a deification of the sea made by a painter who lived with the religious terror of the

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Ökoloogia lühikonspekt

Keemilised mõjutused, mis ühele liigile on kasulikud ja teisele kahjulikud, taimedel Kommensalism + 0 Üks saab kasu, teisel on kasutu ja kahjutu, bakterid seedekulglas Protokooperatsioon + + mõlemale kasulik, aga mitte vajalik Mutualism + + mõlemale kasulik ja vajalik, mükoriisa, tolmeldamine, seedeelundite mikroobid · Dominant on mingis koosluse organismirühmas ülekaalus olev ja selle aineringes tähtsaim liik. ­ taimekoosluse dominandid leitakse katvuse või biomassi järgi, harilikult iga rinde jaoks eraldi ­ loomakoosluses leitakse dominandid enamasti loomarühmade (suuruse, süstemaatika või funktsionaalse) jaoks eraldi Ökoton ­ kahe järsult erineva maastikuosa või koosluse siirdevöönd, mis sisaldab mõlema

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia
326 allalaadimist


The productivity is low, the quality classes are IV to V. Tootlikkus on madal, boniteediklass on IV...Va. The undergrowth is either absent or consists ob sparse junipers. Alusmets kas puudub või koosneb hõredalt paiknevatest kadakatest. The ground vegetation includes heather, coeberry, bilberry, crowberry, common cow-wheat, Lerchenfeldia flexuosa. Alustaimestik sisaldab kanarbikku, pohla, mustikat, kukemarja, palu-härgheina, võnkvart. In the moss layer the dominant species are Pleurozium schreberi and Dicranum. Samblarindes on domineerivaks liigid palusammal ja kaksikhambad. MESOTROPHIC (PINE) FORESTS - PALUMETSAD The mesotrophic (pine) forests grow on soils of average to high fertility which have been formed on thick layers of sand or on double- layer parent material (sands on moraine). Palumetsad kasvavad keskmise kuni keskmisest kõrgema viljakusega muldadel, mis on moodustunud tüsedatel liivakihtidel või kahekihilisel lähtekivimil

Keeled → Inglise keel
92 allalaadimist

American Art Revision Materials

Artists: John Trumbull, John Vanderlyn, Washington Allston. Landscape, Genre and Still Life. In late-C18, these were almost entirely neglected. Guy painted city life, Birch painted the seascape. The "Peale formula" was adhered to: objects along tableware against a dark background. Also, trompe-l'oeil persisted via Charles Willson's Peale's sons. Artists: Ralph Earl, Francis Guy, Thomas Birch, James Peale, Raphaelle Peale. Mid-C19 Landscape. In C19, landscape painting became dominant and provided many unexplored subjects. The tradition of landscape art emerged in the 1820s through the work of the so-called Hudson River School. The school of "luminism" is also distinguished, it is interested in the phenomenon of light. Exemplary artists. Thomas Cole (early-C19). He painted more in the Romantic mold than his contemporaries. He was inspired by the valleys of Catskill Mountains. He depicted lonely wilderness and apocalyptic visions.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

US-ART - American Art Revision Materials, I

Artists: John Trumbull, John Vanderlyn, Washington Allston. Landscape, Genre and Still Life. In late-C18, these were almost entirely neglected. Guy painted city life, Birch painted the seascape. The "Peale formula" was adhered to: objects along tableware against a dark background. Also, trompe-l'oeil persisted via Charles Willson's Peale's sons. Artists: Ralph Earl, Francis Guy, Thomas Birch, James Peale, Raphaelle Peale. Mid-C19 Landscape. In C19, landscape painting became dominant and provided many unexplored subjects. The tradition of landscape art emerged in the 1820s through the work of the so-called Hudson River School. The school of "luminism" is also distinguished, it is interested in the phenomenon of light. Exemplary artists. Thomas Cole (early-C19). He painted more in the Romantic mold than his contemporaries. He was inspired by the valleys of Catskill Mountains. He depicted lonely wilderness and apocalyptic visions.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Eesti taimkate Toomas Kukk, EMÜ põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut & ajakiri Eesti Loodus, [email protected], tel. 5189420 Õpikud Masing, Viktor. (toim.) 1979. Botaanika. Õpik kõrgkoolidele. 3. osa: Taimeökoloogia, taimegeograafia, geobotaanika. Valgus, Tallinn. Masing, Viktor. 1992. Ökoloogialeksikon. Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus, Tallinn. Ülevaateid Eesti taimekooslustest ja taimkattest Laasimer, Liivia. 1965. Eesti NSV taimkate. Valgus, Tallinn. Paal, Jaanus. 1997. Eesti taimkatte kasvukohatüüpide klassifikatsioon. KM info- ja tehnokeskus, Tallinn. Raukas, Anto. (Toim.) 1995. Eesti. Loodus. Valgus, Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus, Tallinn. Kasulikke linke Internetis taimkatte ja taimestiku õppimiseks Eesti taimed, sh. taimekooslused Eesti taimkatte loengud Eesti Natura 2000 /dokumendid/muud dokumendid/...käsiraamat

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
33 allalaadimist

Cold war

worked on every aspect of farming, fishing and forestry although it's basic idea was only to help the poorer countries to increase their food production. The final one is the United Nations Educational , Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO. Its help is more known more in the poorer parts of the world rather than the industrialized nations. 3. After the World War Two the United States and the USSR were the dominant military powers in the world, but they had very different forms of government and economy, the USA a capitalist democracy, USSR a communist dictatorship. The two nations were rivals who feared each other, each ideologically opposed. The war also left Russia in control of large areas of Eastern Europe, and the US led Allies in control of the West (each had atomic weapons) . Arguments also rose about Poland. The USSR wanted Poland to have a communist government while the others wanted a democratic

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
6 allalaadimist


Lilla-violett Uurimustöö kodunduses Tallinn 2009 Sisukord Sissejuhatus............................................................................................................................................lk3 Värvi ajalugu.........................................................................................................................................lk4 Värvist üldiselt......................................................................................................................................lk5 Mõju inimesele......................................................................................................................................lk6 Värv ruumis...........................................................................................................................................lk7 Värvi kasutamine..............................................................................................

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
22 allalaadimist

Saudi-arabia deserts

The spiny nature of many plants in semiarid deserts provides protection in a hazardous environment. Many plants have silvery or glossy leaves, allowing them to reflect more radiant energy. These plants often have an unfavourable odor or taste. Semiarid plants include: Creosote bush, bur sage, white thorn, cat claw, mesquite, brittle bushes, lyciums, and jujube. Animals In hot and dry deserts the animals include small nocturnal (active at night) carnivores. The dominant animals are burrowers and kangaroo rats. There are also insects, arachnids, reptiles and birds. The animals stay inactive in protected hideaways during the hot day and come out to forage at dusk, dawn or at night, when the desert is cooler. In semiarid deserts many animals find protection in underground burrows where they are insulated from both heat and aridity. These animals include mammals such as the kangaroo rats, rabbits, and skunks; insects like grasshoppers and ants; reptiles are

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inglise keel unit 5 answers

(c) labour intensive ; sterile conditions ; special equipment ; trained staff ; electricity / power, costs ; quality control of process ; AVP ; e.g. set up costs 3 max (d) grafting / budding / described ; layering / described ; 1 max [17] 93. (a) (i) epistasis ; dominant ; correct ref to epistatic and hypostatic gene ; ref to protein / enzyme / inhibitor, product of allele A ; prevents, transcription / translation ; inhibits, expression / gene action ; blocks enzyme activity ; 3 max (ii) small number of phenotypes ; distinct (phenotypic) classes ;

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

The Queens of England

the local communities, and there was intense commercial rivalry and expansion abroad. The Religious Settlement of 1559 was the defining moment of the English Reformation, while the late 1580s and the 1590s were dominated by war with Spain and the French Catholic League, and by rebellion in Ireland. The iconography associated with the Queen herself, however, as Gloriana and the Virgin Queen, together with the length of her reign, has made her one of the most dominant characters of British history, a source of fascination to historians and the general public alike. Victoria Victoria (queen) (1819-1901), Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (1837-1901) and Empress of India (1876-1901). Born Alexandrina Victoria

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist


ecosystem appears to be the result of human use of fire. For example Native Americans created subtropical savannas by periodic burning in some areas of the US southeastern coast where fire-resistant Longleaf Pine was the dominant species. Aboriginal burning appears to have been responsible for the widespread occurrence of savanna in tropical Australia and New Guinea and savannas in India are a creation of human fire use. The maquis shrub savannas of the

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


vegetatiivsed ganglionid ­ asuvad siseelundite talitlust reguleerivate eferentsete närvide teedel. Neis toimub ümberlülitus (sünaps) KNS-ist tulevatelt närvikiududelt elundisse kulgevale närvikiule. 16. Vegetatiivne närvisüsteem, jaotus - e. autonoomne e. siseelundite närvisüsteem, mis innerveerib põhiliselt siseelundeid. Jaotus: sümpaatiline; parasümpaatiline. 17. Mis on refleks? Vastusreaktsioon välis- ja sisekeskkonna ärritajatele. Dominant - ajutiselt valitsev tegevuskolle, mis määrab ära vastusreaktstiooni iseloomu. Dominantseid koldeid iseloomustab närvikeskuste süsteemi erutus, mis painevad eri korrustel ja töötavd kooskõlastatult, olles omandanud ühise rütmi. 18. Kuidas jagunevad kõik refleksid? Tingimatud e. kaasasündinud refleksid (seotud vereringe, hingamise, seedimise, ainevahetuse, erituse, termoregulatsiooni ja teiste vegetatiivsete funktsioonidega). Tingitud e

Bioloogia → Füsioloogia
2 allalaadimist

Washington and Texas

higher education have contributed to a large and diverse economy. Since oil was discovered, the state's economy has reflected the state of the petroleum industry. In recent times urban centers of the state have increased in size containing two-thirds of the population in 2005. The state's economic growth has led to urban sprawl and its associated symptoms. Energy Ever since the discovery of oil at Spindletop, energy has been a dominant force politically and economically within the state. If Texas were its own country it would be the sixth largest oil producer in the world. Texas has known petroleum deposits of about 5 billion barrels, which makes up about one-fourth of the known U.S. reserves. The state's refineries can process 4.6 million barrels of oil a day. According to the Energy Information Administration, Texans consume on average the fifth most

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Film Studies - The Black Dahlia

There are certain behaviour rules, formality. In the closing scene the audience sees much restriction of the rules. Codes and conventions connected to this genre are easily distinguisable. Still, ``The Black Dahlia`` is playing, developing the noir style. Two of the most important conventions in Film Noir are anti-hero and femme fatale. Anti-hero, detective Bucky Bleichert, in this particular case is played by Josh Hartnett. In older Noir movies, anti-hero is usually a detective, dominant, commited, confident and he has a personal motivator why he needs to sort out the mystery within the story. (Mystery is one of the conventions, though.) Especially in this sequence we see that Bucky is really confident, he has the power over Madeline and her father (they tell half of the truth), his personal motivator is the murder of his own partner. He is able to shoot a woman (Madeline) In well-known Noir films like ``The Big Sleep`` and ``Chinatown`` anti-hero

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


selline ..." 1600-sünnib ka ooper. 1750-sureb J.S.Bach Portugali keelest sõna Barocco-tähendab lopergust pärli. 17.saj- vastandite, kontrastide ajastu. 1618-1640 -30 aastane sõda Põhja protestantliku ja Lõuna katoliku vahel. Tänapäeval jagatakse barkokki: Toretsev -Itaalias, paljude kaunistustega. Realistlik Intellektuaalne Iseloomulikud jooned: Ebakorrapärasus Kontrastid (subito-äkki, forte- ,piano- ) ülepaisutatud stiil Väline ilu ei ole dominant vaid isiksus on Afektiteooria (afekt-ülipiiripealne seisund. Muusikas palju erinevaid stiile.) Pillamine, meelelahutus (Rokokoo stiil-baroki haru) Pessimism, meeleheide Virtuoosne tehnika Müstika Liikuvus Kirjandus Erinevad suunad: Itaalia 1) Marinism ( G.Marino. Tumedad jõud, värvid, deemonlikkus) 2)Lamburiluule Hispaania Domineeriv. Renessanslik stiil ei kao ära.

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
78 allalaadimist

Filosoofid, kes räägivad teadusest

Philosophy Aristotle - four causes or better "becauses" because they are the 4 ways in which we use the word "because" or answer the question "why?" 1. Material cause: - what it is made of - why is the bridge strong? because made of steel 2. Formal cause: - what form, definition or property it has - why is this salt? because made of sodium and chloride 3. Efficient cause: - what initiated the change or movement - why did the baseball move? because someone hit it 4. Final cause: - what end or goal does it have? - why does he walk? because he wants to be healthy - also nature operates in terms of final causes - things don't happen spontaneously, every action that nature takes is for the sake of something, everything has a p...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
10 allalaadimist


leiduvad selgrootud, heterotroofne ainev. Tüüp, toiduobjektiks surnud orgaanika 2. Liigiline koostis ­ ökosüsteemis saab eristada: a. Püsiliike b. Ajutisi liike, nt. Juhuslikud tulnukliigid(teatud tingimustes võivad paika jääda), ajutiselt peatuvad liigid(linnud rändel) c. Dominant liigid ­ esinajate arvukus on väga suur, nt. Männikus männid, pohlad d. Vähearvukad liigid ­ sageli esinevad ökosüsteemi piirialadel või mosaiikstruktuuris ÖKOLOOGILISED PROBLEEMID · Lokaalsed probleemid 1. Linna(Tartu)tasandil Probleem Negatiivne mõju(d) Lahendus

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
21 allalaadimist

Outstanding figures in British literature

8th century Middle English Geoffrey Chaucer 13431400 Known as the ,,Father of English literature", the greatest English poet of the Middle Ages An author, philosopher, alchemist and astronomer, diplomat Wrote The Book of the Duchess, the House of Fame, the Legend of Good Women and Troilus and Criseyde Best known today for "The Canterbury Tales" Crucial figure in developing the legitimacy of the vernacular, Middle English, at a time when the dominant literary languages in England were French Modern English William Shakespeare 26 April 1564­ 23 April 1616 The Elizabethan Era English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's most important dramatist ,,England's national poet" Early plays in 1590's were mostly comedies (The Taming of the Shrew, The Merchant of Venice..) Began to focus on tragedy/drama in early 1600's (Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello..)

Keeled → British literature
2 allalaadimist

The Renaissance

of the English Renaissance. If you're looking for what is sometimes referred to as the English Renaissance then it would cover the reigns of both Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, with Edward VI and Mary I coming in between; although the more famous elements came during the Elizabethan period (1558 - 1603). Arguably, however, there was no Renaissance in England as it differed considerably to everywhere else. The dominant art forms of the English Renaissance were literature and music. Visual arts in the English Renaissance were much less significant than in the Italian version and had no real tie with the artistic achievements and aims of the northern Italian artists (Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello) who are closely identified with the Renaissance; and these art forms never went away during the medieval period and needed to be "reborn",

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

"Kaugekõne" K. A. Hindrey

saarel elanud valmikirjanikult. Eks Hindreygi püüdis pidevalt oma teostes inimesi õpetada, kasvatada neis väärikust ja eneseuhkust. Üks Hindrey viimaseid novelle ilmus 1940. aasta märtsikuu ,,Loomingus" ja kannab pealkirja ,,Sünnipäev". Ka selles palas juhtub ühte-teist ­ pummeldatakse, peetakse maha tähendusrikas jõukatsumine, ollakse mainitud sünnipäevalgi. Ometi on sünnipäev, mis pealkirja järgi peaks olema novelli kulminatsioon või dominant, tegelikult tähtsusetu. Klassikalise novelliteooria vaatepunktist võinuks sünnipäevastseeni üldse välja jätta. Kõige olulisem sündmus aga ­ Pariisist saabuv kiri, mis rikkale Taaniel Tormile teatab, et armuke on ta maha jätnud ja abiellunud argentiinlasega ­ serveeritakse täiesti möödaminnes ja võib pealiskaudsel lugemisel isegi märkamata jääda. N-ö suures plaanis ja üksikasjalikult (pikad

Filoloogia → Eesti kirjandus
84 allalaadimist

Poiste ja tüdrukute erinevused

However, estrogen tends to enhance oxytocin resulting in calming and nurturing feelings whereas testosterone, which men produce in high levels during stress, reduces the effects of oxytocin. 3. Language. Two sections of the brain responsible for language were found to be larger in women than in men, indicating one reason that women typically excel in language-based subjects and in language- associated thinking. Additionally, men typically only process language in their dominant hemisphere, whereas women process language in both hemispheres. This difference offers a bit of protection in case of a stroke. Women may be able to recover more fully from a stroke affecting the language areas in the brain while men may not have this same advantage. 4. Emotions. Women typically have a larger deep limbic system than men, which allows them to be more in touch with their feelings and better able to express them, which promotes bonding with others. Because of

Pedagoogika → Alusharidus
30 allalaadimist

Aniliini riskianalüüs (eng)

EPA calculated an oral cancer slope factor of 5.7 x 10-3 (mg/kg/d) -1 and an oral unit risk estimate of 1.6 × 10- 7 (µg/L)-1. d) Genotoxicity and mutagenicity Aniline did not induce unscheduled DNA repair in primary human or rat hepatocytes. In mice, aniline induced micronuclei in several studies, but only at very high dose levels in the toxic range. Negative results have been found in the analysis of sperm head anomalies and equivocal results in the dominant lethal test. e) Other toxic effects, e.g. immunotoxicity and local toxicity - No information available. f) Ecotoxicity Toxic to aquatic organisms. Accumulates in their bodies. 6. Contact The primary method of obtaining aniline - restoration of nitrobenzene. Not found in nature. To my regret there is no information about aniline contact with humans on the internet, so I will just make a guess and inference from all I have raed on this theme.

Meditsiin → Riski- ja ohuõpetus
38 allalaadimist

Visuaalkunstiteraapia erinevad meetodid

Sobiv tehnika neile, kellel motoorikaga probleeme, teostamine pingevaba ja mänguline. Seevastu ,,raamatu" joonistamine on pingelisem. Vajalik jälgida (või lihtsalt näed) oma partneri poolt eelnevalt tehtud joonistust. Ja pead valima kas oma tee või täiendad oma partnerit, otsid tema töös kohti, mida täiendada, tugevamaks joonistada. Läbi selle tehnika on hästi loetav erinevate osalejate koostöövalmidus, soov toetada oma kaaslast..kas olen dominant kõi koostegutseja, täiendaja. Kohati võivad tekkida vastuseisud, soovimatus jätkata, kui tagastatud joonis ei meenuta eelnevalt sinu laualt lahkunud loomingut. Töö lõppedes kindlasti anda võimalus paarilistel hinnata kogetut. Paarilise valik peaks olema vastastikuse kokkuleppe alusel. Vähemalt nii sai korraldatud antud sihtgrupiga vältimaks tõsisemaid konflikte. Rühma ühtsuse kinnitamiseks on ühise ,,seinamaalingu" joonistamine üks parimaid võimalusi.

Meditsiin → Tervis ja heaolu
35 allalaadimist


drive them out of the industry. Further the size of the industry relative to the minimum efficient scale may limit the number of firms that can effectively compete within the industry. · If for example the industry is large enough to support one firm of minimum efficient scale then other firms entering the industry will operate at a size that is less than MES meaning that these firms cannot produce at an average cost that is competitive with the dominant industry Capital requirements: Production processes require ­ large investments of capital, or ­ large research and development costs or ­ substantial sunk costs limit the number of firms in an industry. Large fixed costs also make it difficult for a small firm to enter an industry and expand. Technological Superiority: A monopoly may be better able to ­ acquire, ­ integrate

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
8 allalaadimist

Geoffrey chaucer

the first novel in history, and it was read by millions of people throughout all ages; what he wrote back then is still applicable today (in terms of human nature at least). He was one of the first to attempt what he did, and one of the first to put a name to his work. It must not be forgotten also that his location aided him a great deal he lived in London, an area which dominated the economy and therefore his dialect became dominant in following centuries. Describe the setting of the prologue. (When and where does the action take place?) The late fourteenth century, after 1381, in the T abard Inn and on the road to Canterbury. Why do the pilgrims go on the pilgrimage? Whose grave do they visit? People see a pilgrimage as a cure for sick relatives or friends and you of all your sins. People go on pilgrimages to seek inspiration and to show that they are willing to devote themselves to god and to prove

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
7 allalaadimist

Links between Estonia and English speaking countries

According to research by the British Council, around 375 million people in the world speak English as their native language and English has official or special status in at least seventy-five countries. The British Council has also noted that English is the main language of newspapers, airports and air-traffic control, international business and academic conferences, science, technology, diplomacy and sport. Perhaps even more important contributor to the dominant role of the English language in the world is that over two-thirds of the world's scientists are able to read in English. Three quarters of the world's mail is written in English and eighty per cent of the world's electronic information is stored in English. The biggest countries where English is spoken as the first language are: Great Britain, Canada, United States of America and Australia. Estonian on in comparison to English is a language that is spoken only by approximately 1 million people

Keeled → Inglise keel
47 allalaadimist

Social Problems

In addition are remedies and sanctions, and collectively these constitute a criminal justice system. Not all breaches of the law, however, are considered crimes, for example, breaches of contract and other civil law offences. The label of "crime" and the accompanying social stigma are normally reserved for those activities that are injurious to the general population or the State, including some that cause serious loss or damage to individuals. The label is intended to assert an hegemony of a dominant population, or to reflect a consensus of condemnation for the identified behavior and to justify a punishment imposed by the State, in the event that an accused person is tried and convicted of a crime. Usually, the perpetrator of the crime is a natural person, but in some jurisdictions and in some moral environments, legal persons are also considered to have the capability of committing crimes. Definition A normative definition views crime as deviant behavior that violates

Keeled → Inglise keel
70 allalaadimist

John Kennedy

nursing an injured leg and sporting "five o'clock shadow", looked tense and uncomfortable, while Kennedy appeared relaxed, leading the huge television audience to deem Kennedy the winner. Radio listeners, however, either thought Nixon had won or that the debates were a draw. Nixon did not wear make-up during the initial debate, unlike Kennedy. The debates are now considered a milestone in American political history--the point at which the medium of television began to play a dominant role in national politics. After the first debate Kennedy's campaign gained momentum and he pulled slightly ahead of Nixon in most polls. On Tuesday, November 8, Kennedy defeated Nixon in one of the closest presidential elections of the twentieth century. In the national popular vote Kennedy led Nixon by just two-tenths of one percent (49.7% to 49.5%), while in the Electoral College he won 303 votes to Nixon's 219 (269 were needed to win).

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Looduskaitse eksamiks kordamine

in situ kaitse- liigi kaitse looduslikus elupaigas ex situ kaitse- liigi kaitse kunstlikes tingimustes nt loomaaias, botaanikaaeg, geenipank. Materjal kogutakse, säilitatakse, paljundadatakse ja viiakse loodusesse tagasi metapopulatsioon- väikese populatsioonid, mis rände kaudu moodustavad populatsiooni. Nt nõmme-võrkliblikas ja lumalammas dominantliik- kõige arvukam ja kõige enam ainevoogusid mõjutav liik, nt metsas puurinde dominant indikaatorliik- karakterliik, iseloomustab kooslust ja selle seisundit katusliik- üks rohkearvuline liik alal, mille kaitsmine tagab ka teiste liikide kaitse tugiliik- mõjutab ökosüsteemi oma hulga kohta üllatavalt palju ja hoiab koosluse struktuuri üleval looduslik kooslus- inimõjust puutumata, metsad-sood tehiskooslus- puhtalt inimese loodud nt õppeeesmärgil pool-looduslik kooslus- inimese kaasabil, niitmine-karjatamine, ei lase taimede

Loodus → Looduskaitse
17 allalaadimist

Eduard Oja - Kägu kukub (Kooriteose analüüs)

Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia Eduard Oja ,,KÄGU KUKUB" Kooriteose analüüs Tallinn SISUKORD I ÜLDISI ANDMEID KOORITEOSE KOHTA ...................................................................... 3 Helilooja Eduard Oja .................................................................................................... 3 Tekst .............................................................................................................................. 5 II KOORITEOSE MUUSIKALINE VORM, MUUSIKA VÄLJENDUSVAHENDID .......... 6 Vormistruktuur .............................................................................................................. 6 Taktimõõt ...................................................................................................................... 6 Harmoonia ......

Muusika → Muusika
12 allalaadimist

Ökoloogia mõisted seletusega

Abiootiline ­ elutu, eluta keskkonnaga seotud. Aerotank ­ aeratsioonikamber, kus reovesi kontakteerub aktiivmudaga või täpsemalt mikroorganismide biomassiga. Mikroorganismid kasutavad reovee orgaanilist ainet oma elutegevuses ja uue rakumassi sünteesiks. Aineringe ­ ainete pidevalt korduv ringlemine Maa pinnal või ühest Maa sfäärist teise. A. maht ­ iseloomustab aineringes osalevat ainehulka, a. kiirus ­ näitab, missugune osa aineringest uueneb meid huvitavas perioodis, a. aeg ­ aineringe toimumise (uuenemise) aeg. Albeedo ­ maapinna või vee võime päikesekiirgust tagasi peegeldada. Allelopaatia ­ eri liikide taimede vastastikune mõjutamine keemiliste ühenditega. Allelopaatia võib mõjutada taimekoosluste liigilist koosseisu ning suktsessiooni kulgu. On oluline segakultuuride puhul taimekasvatuses. Allogeenne suktsessioon ­ koosluste vahetus, mille korral põhjustavad muutusi välistegurid ­ nii looduslikud kui inimtekkelised. A...

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse
156 allalaadimist

Isiksusepsühholoogia 1. loeng

Isiksusepsühholoogia I Teooria · teooria komponendid: ühik, postulaadid, ennustused, hüpoteesid · teooria headus: koherentsus, relevantsus, piisavus, ökonoomsus, lihtsus · metateooria 2. Isiksuse teooriad filosoofilised eeldused: · determinism · pärilikkus · unikaalsus · proaktiivsus · teaduslikkuse printsiip 3. Isiksuse kirjeldamine Nomoteetiline lähenemine - samad isiksuse jooned, erinevus vaid joonte väljenduses. Idiograafiline lähenemine - igal inimesel on erinev komplekt isiksuse jooni. Tüübid (types) - kvalitatiivne erinevus, kuuluvus kategooriasse Isiksuse dimensioonid (traits) - kvantitatiivne erinevus, omaduste intensiivsus 4. Isiksuse mõiste · organisatsioon( struktuur) · protsess · psühhofüüsika · kausaalsus · stabiilsus · manifestatsioonide paljusus Isiksus on dünaamiline struktuur, psü...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
69 allalaadimist

Assignment Analysis of literature: prose

begged him for forgiveness. 2. Explain the following literary terms. Learn and use them in your discussion of the book: Protagonist - the leading character or one of the major characters in a play, film, novel, etc. Theme - an idea that recurs in or pervades a work of art or literature. 2 Motif - a dominant or recurring idea in an artistic work. Symbol - a thing that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract. Allusion - an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference. Simile - a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid (e.g. as brave as a lion ).

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Isiksusepsühholoogia teooriad

Isiksusepsühholoogia I Teooria · teooria komponendid: ühik, postulaadid, ennustused, hüpoteesid · teooria headus: koherentsus, relevantsus, piisavus, ökonoomsus, lihtsus · metateooria 2. Isiksuse teooriad filosoofilised eeldused: · determinism · pärilikkus · unikaalsus · proaktiivsus · teaduslikkuse printsiip 3. Isiksuse kirjeldamine Nomoteetiline lähenemine - samad isiksuse jooned, erinevus vaid joonte väljenduses. Idiograafiline lähenemine - igal inimesel on erinev komplekt isiksuse jooni. Tüübid (types) - kvalitatiivne erinevus, kuuluvus kategooriasse Isiksuse dimensioonid (traits) - kvantitatiivne erinevus, omaduste intensiivsus 4. Isiksuse mõiste · organisatsioon( struktuur) · protsess · psühhofüüsika · kausaalsus · stabiilsus · manifestatsioonide paljusus Isiksus on dünaamiline struktuur, psü...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
111 allalaadimist

Mis on innovatsioon?

Kordamisküsimused 1. Mis on innovatsioon? Mille poolest erinevad innovatsioon (innovation) ja leiutis (invention) Innovatsiooni võib defineerida mitmeti. Innovatsiooni võib pidada protsessiks, mille kaudu ettevõte/organisatsioon loob ja defineerib selle ees seisva probleemi ja loob uue teadmise probleemi lahendamiseks. Eesti ettevõtete innovatsiooniuuringus defineeritakse innovatsiooni aga kui ettevõtte poolt turuletoodud uut või oluliselt täiustatud toodet (kaup/teenus). Samuti on innovatsioon uue või oluliselt täiustatud tootmisprotsessi (sh ka turustus-, tarnimismeetodi vms) kasutusele võtmine ettevõttes. Innovatsioon baseerub uute tehnoloogiliste lahenduste rakendamisel, eksisteerivate tehnoloogiate uuel kombinatsioonil või muude ettevõtte hangitud teadmiste ärakasutamisel. Üldiselt võiks aga innovatsiooni defineerimisel arvestada nelja dimensiooni ­ sisu (mis on uus?), subjektiivsust (kelle ja...

Majandus → Majandusteadus
11 allalaadimist

Bioloogiline mitmekesisus. Mõisted.

Suurem ruumiline heterogeensus-Lokaalses skaalas,Maastiku skaalas.Suktsessioonirea alguses ja lõpus olevate liikide samaaegne kooseksisteerimine.Hoiab ära konkurentsist tuleneva väljalangemise.Produktiivse-stabiilsuse hüpotees-Eeldatakse, et mitmekesisus on suurim stabiilses ja produktiivses keskkonnas, kuna saadaval on rohkesti energeetilisi ressursse.Konkurentsi-röövluse hüpotees-Röövlus suurendab liigirikkust juhul kui saakloom on konkurentsis dominant. Miks on troopikas kõrgeim mitmekesisus?1)Troopikas on liikide väljasuremiskiirus madalam2) Troopiline keskkond on stabiilsem Konkurentide kooselu homogeenses stabiilses keskkonnas on võimalik kui : Tugevamate konkurentide pop. vähendatakse perioodiliselt,Konkurentide väljatõrjumise protsessi aeglustatakse niivõrd, et tasakaal ei teki,Muudetakse keskkonda sedavõrd, et jõu tasakaal konkurentsivõitluses pidevalt muutub

Geograafia → Eesti loodusgeograafia
49 allalaadimist

Munchaussen syndrome by proxy

Herbert Schreier MD, who is Director of Psychiatry at a California children's hospital and author of a book on MSBP, observes that MSBP presents ,,a haunting paradox" ... (combining) two of society's most intensely emotional yet diametrically opposed states, ,,good mothering" and ,,callous child endangerment", practised simultaneosly by the same peson. In part because of the difficulties associated with providing a contested psychiatric syndrome in the criminal law contect, ,,the dominant framework for (legal) action (has been) child protection, not the mental healt of the mother", althought expert evidence of MSBP is introduced to support legal responsibility. Finding of ,,neglect" or child endagerment, for example, fit more neatly into existing legal frameworks and overcome the need to prove the diagnosis of a parent who is hostile. MSBP mothers: · Remaining uncharacteristically calm in view of the victim's perpexing medical sympoms;

Õigus → Õigusteaduskond
8 allalaadimist

Roman Britain

Anglo-Saxons and Normans The history of Anglo-Saxon England broadly covers early medieval England from the end of Roman rule and the establishment of Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in the 5th century until the Conquest by the Normans in 1066. Christianisation of the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms began around 600 and was essentially complete by the mid 8th century. Throughout the 7th and 8th centuries, power fluctuated between the larger kingdoms. Bede records Aethelbert of Kent as being dominant at the close of the 6th century, but power seems to have shifted northwards to the kingdoms of Mercia and Northumbria. Aethelbert and some of the later kings of the other kingdoms were recognised by their fellow kings as Bretwalda. The so-called 'Mercian Supremacy' dominated the 8th century, though again it was not constant. Aethelbald and Offa, the two most powerful kings, achieved high status. This period has been described as the Heptarchy, though this term has now fallen out of academic use

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun