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"development" - 937 õppematerjali


Arengumaade toiduprobleemid, nende võimalused ja lahendused.

toidutootmise võimalusi, kuna tekib kõrbe pealetung karjatatatele maadele ja/või põldudele, mis omakorda tekitab haritava maa puudust. Samuti takitstab toidutoomise võimalusi ka see, et kalaressursid vähenevad ülepüügi tõttu. Ka põhjavee pidev langus, halvad loodusolud ja looduskatastroofid ei aita kaasa toiduprobleemide lahendamisele. Septembris 2000 võttis ÜRO Peaassamblee vastu aastatuhande deklaratsiooni, mille alusel koostati hiljem 8 arengueesmärki (ingl. Millennium Development Goals). Arengu eesmärkide saavutamiseks seati kindel tähtaeg (2015). Üheks eesmärgiks lepiti kokku ülima vaesuse ja näljahäda vähendamine maailmas, mis tähendas siis vähendada poole võrra inimeste arvu, kes kannatavad nälga. Kahjuks on aga ette näha, et võetud eesmärki ei suudeta täita. Probleemi lahendus on mitte raha, vaid poliitiliste prioriteetide taga ­ näiteks kulutati sõjalistel eesmärkidel 2005. aastal kokku 1,1 triljonit USD, mis on umbes 173 USD ehk ligikaudu 153

Geograafia → Geograafia
22 allalaadimist

The Polar Boy

The Polar Boy A year ago, I decided to go to the cinema and watch something extraordinary. The choice fell on an Estonian film “The Polar Boy”. It is a touching romantic drama film produced in Estonia that premiered on May 13. 2016. The film was directed by Anu Aun and the film stars are Roland Laos and Jaanika Arum. This film focuses on the development of the relationship between two young people - Mattias and Hannah. "The Polar Boy" has been supported by Estonian Film Foundation. Mattias is a young talented photographer living in Tallinn, who has a dream to become a student of the Berlin Arts Academy. He is in his final year of school and has to concetrate on studying before exams, but suddendly he fells in love with a girl. Hannah suffers from a mental disorder called bipolarity

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Nokia Report

computer has. Nokia doesn't only sell telephones however. It also focuses on wireless systems, wireless data and voice devices, multimedia computers and mobile gaming devices. "The devices are based on GSM/EDGE, 3G/WCDMA and CDMA cellular technologies. Nokia's product portfolio includes camera phones with features such as mega pixel cameras and MP3 players which appeal to the mass market." (Quote from Nokia's homepage) The development of GSM phones since the 1980s has made the company very successful. Today Nokia's purpose is to design devices and applications that bring multimedia experiences to their customers. These devices allow people to create access and consume multimedia, as well as share their experiences with others. The 5 devices are included with a wide range of connectivity such as GSM, 3G/WCDMA, WLAN and Bluetooth.

Keeled → Inglise keel
100 allalaadimist

Linux ja Unix sõnaraamat

supply chain management (SCM), tax accounting, and general accounting for the small and medium-size enterprise. - Kõigile kättesaadav populaarne tarkvara, mis võimaldab luua ettevõtte ressurssi plaane, klientide suhete haldamist, varustuse haldamist, maksude üleskirjutamist ja muid võimalusi keskmisele ettevõttele. Concurrent Versions System (CVS) – Concurrent Versions System (CVS) is a program that lets a code developer save and retrieve different development versions of source code . - Programm, mis võimaldab koodikirjutajal salvestada ja saada erinevaid arendus versioone põhikoodist. CoreOS Linux – CoreOS Linux is an open source operating system (OS) that provides the functionality required to deploy and manage applications within software containers. Based on the Linux kernel. - Kõigile kättesaadav operatsioonisüsteem, mis võimaldab hallata tarkvararakendusi. Põhineb Linux tuumal.

Infoteadus → Linux OS
3 allalaadimist

"The Taming of the Shrew" Shakespeare

The action in the play takes place in various locations in Padua, Italy, and at a house in the nearby countryside. The overall tone of the play is light and comic, though the exploration of larger social questions gives much of the comedy a more serious tone. The motifs of this play are disguise, domestication, fathers and their children. Climax There is no single moment of intense action in the play, but rather a long process of development culminating in Katherine's fully changed behaviour. The climax could be seen in the wedding scene in Act III or in Katherine's decision in Act III to agree with Petruchio whatever he says. Conclusion I was a pleasantly surprised after reading this book. At first I was afraid there would be complicated use of words and heavy use of complex rhyme schemes. It was relieving to find out that the book was very easy to read.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
29 allalaadimist

Powerpoint Republic of Irelandi kohta

country with one parliament in London By 1900 Catholics could vote and speak in Parliament and there were Catholic schools and churches In 1916 Ireland was declared a free country In 1921 the northern and southern parts separated, the latter became the Irish Free State. Northern Ireland remained part of the UK In 1949 the southern part declared itself the Republic of Ireland Today Ireland has many political conflicts; many people have been killed in outbursts of violence Economic development Transport costs are high due to its location Low inflation and tax breaks attract foreign investors to the Republic The economy is heavily dependent on agriculture Tourism is a flourishing branch of the economy All the major cities lie on the coast or near the sea. They are Dublin, Galway, Limerick, Cork and Waterford Where to go? Ireland features wild coastlines, sandy beaches, lush valleys, dark peat lands and unruffled lakes.

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
21 allalaadimist

Space Business

Notification/recording in a Master International Frequency Register (MIFR) Broadcasting regulation EU EFCA EU Regulation ü Supports european cinema industrie (copyright protection) ü Sets up the legal framework in relation to e-commerce ü Enforces antitrust rules for protection of consumer choice and diversity. EFCA (European Film Companies Alliance) aims ü Development of the European audiovisual market ü Promotion of independent productions ü Cultural diversity Television Without Frontiers Directives Fostering European film/audio production to ensure a minimum market access of 51 % of diffusion time Quota requirement in terms of independent production: 10 % of broadcasting time or programming budget Freedom of communication Respect of european laws Respect of human dignity Protection of minors

Õigus → Äriõigus
30 allalaadimist

Tallinn town hall

seven windows representing Tallinn's oldest secular architecture have come down to our days from that building. In the first quarter of the 14th century the existing building was extended and the basement enlarged. The so-called diele-dornse (front-back room) system was established. In 1346 the King of Denmark handed over his supremacy over Estonia to the Teutonic Order. As a member of the Hanseatic League, Tallinn gained control of trade with the East by the so-called goods yard right. Fast development of trade and economic prosperity led to the need for new utility rooms in the Town Hall and its more dignified appearance. In 1371­74 the Town Hall acquired its full present-day length and ground floor volume. From that time the Town Hall has its oldest and rarest pieces of medieval woodcarving: benches in the Gothic style. The carved side posts of the bigger bench, featuring the story of Tristan and Isolde and

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Aju närvissteem

Närvisüsteem Aju Psühholoogia gümnaasiumile Eva Palk Käitumismehhanismid · Käitumise korraldamiseks olemasolevad keha regulatsioonisüsteemid: 1. närvisüsteem 2. hormonaalne süsteem- sisenõrenäärmed 3. bioloogilised rütmid 4. kasvamine ja areng, 5. õppimine 6. suhtlemine teiste organismidega, teiste inimestega Loomade närvisüsteemi areng Närvivõrgud kiiretaoliselt sümmeetriline kahekülgselt e bilateraalselt Närvisüsteem Autonoomne NS Somaatiline NS Siseelundite töö Piirde NS Kesknärvisüsteem Peaaju ja seljaaju Sümpaatiline Parasümpaatiline närvid Rahuolek, ...

Meditsiin → Anatoomia
53 allalaadimist

Jätkusuutlik areng

eesmärgid on jätkuvalt riikide poliitikakujundamise aluseks. Johannesburgi tippkohtumine seostati nii Maailma Kaubandusorganisatsiooni Doha protsessi kui Monterrey arengu rahastamise konverentsi tulemustega. Johannesburgi maailmakonverentsilt oodati konkreetseid juhiseid, kuidas saavutada Dohas ja Monterreys tehtud otsuste ning ÜRO Peaassamblee 2000 aasta istungil kokku lepitud ÜRO Millenniumi deklaratsioonis seatud eesmärkide (Millennium Development Goals) täitmine keskkonda säästval viisil. Peatähelepanu nende eesmärkide saavutamisel suunati globaalsele partnerlusele ja 1992. aastal Rio de Janeiros heakskiidetud Agenda 21 efektiivsemale rakendamisele. Eesti jätkusuutlik areng Säästva arengu aluse loob 1995. aastast kehtima hakanud säästva arengu seadus.1996. aastal loodi valdkonnaüleste teemade käsitlemiseks pikaajalise säästva arengu üksikküsimuste

Ühiskond → Kodanikuõpetus
106 allalaadimist

Introduction to macroeconomics

· can also help governments avoid the worst economic crises Economic growth is one of the most exciting issues in macroeconomics. The list of reasons why economies grow: · population increase, since more people can produce more output. · accumulation of means of production: plant and equipment, roads, communication networks, and other forms of infrastructure make workers more productive. Most important is the development and harnessing of knowledge to economic ends. The most frequently used measure of a nation's economic well-being is its output and income, the gross domestic product (GDP). The monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period, · GDP is usually calculated on an annual basis. It includes all of private and public consumption, government outlays, investments and exports less imports that occur within a defined territory.

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
8 allalaadimist

[PPT] Ettekanne Luksemburgist

) · Riigikeeled: Luksemburgi, prantsuse ja saksa Rahvastikupüramiid · Keskmine eluiga :78 a. (mehed), 83 a. (naised) Üldandmed II · Peaminister: Jean-Claude Juncker · Suurhertsog: Henri (troonipärija on kroonprints Guillaume) · SKT elaniku kohta: 122,272 USA dollarit (2011) - Suurim maailmas!!!! (Eesti SKT elaniku kohta on 16,880 USD, 2011 a. oli 15,300 USD) · Usund: katoliiklus (87% elanikkonnast 2000a. seisuga) · HDI (Human Development Indexi): 25. koht, Eesti on 34. Üldandmed III · Põhiline suhtluskeel on prantsuse keel. Riigi idaosas, Saksamaa piiriääres aga saksa keel. · Inglise keelt mõistetakse pea igal pool. Väike küla mägedes Asukoht · Luksemburgi Suurhertsogiriik on väike riik, mis külgneb Belgia, Prantsusmaa ja Saksamaaga. · Luksemburg on peamiselt mägine metsaga kaetud maa. · Luksemburgis on ookeaniline kliima, mida iseloomustab suur

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
24 allalaadimist

How to survive in Estonia. Guide for foreigner

To give an answer by topic I decided to hear the views of other people. I was published a topic in Facebook. The theme was "How to survive in Estonia. Guide for foreigner". Analyzing the answers I see the stratification of society, where one side is set extremely negative, but I am glad that there are positive opinions about living in Estonia. But everything in order: The first group of people are inclined to say that in Estonia is difficult even for local people and what to say about those who come from abroad. The problem is particularly acute elderly (old people). Their pensions are small, wherefore they are often forced to work. When people say about government, they responds terms like "corruption" and "incompetence". It is sad to state the fact that the percentage of dissatisfied respondents is higher than the percentage of people who satisfied of their life. The second group of people are more positive. They like to live in Eston...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Teaviku leidmine e-kataloogi ESTER vahendusel Missugused märksõnad valisid? Kirjuta (kopeeri) siia päringu tulemus - kirjed ja kirjelda otsingu tehnikat. Analüüsi lühidalt leitud allikaid – keel, sisu jm parameetrid – mida neist essees kasutada saad? Meie teemaks on veebiraamistikud (web frameworks). Parema tulemuse saan kui otsida inglise keeles ja täpsustades kataloogi E-RESSURSID. Parim tulemus, millel on mingi väärtus „Aranea-A Web Development and Integration Framework Kabanov, Jevgeni„ Kuvatakse ka eraamatuid, mis päris valitud teemal ei räägi. Endal on ostetud vastavad raamatud, mis on tunduvalt paremad. Ja Google otsingumootor annab paremaid tulemusi.

Infoteadus → Infoallikad ja infootsing
1 allalaadimist

Estonian National Cuisine

with. In Estonian sült. Jellied meat A traditional Estonian dish - boiled pork with vegetables in jelly. The jelly is made by boiling the pig bones, sometimes trotters and heads. Estonians eat jellied meat at Christmas time, on Shrove Tuesday, New Year's Eve and at Easter. Dairy products or milk products Milk is called "piim" in Estonian Mostly use cow milk but also horse and goat milk as everyday food. The development of Estonian milk industry began in the 19th century. Nowadays it is one of the most important lines of production in Estonian farming. Interesting facts about dairy products The 2.5% milk can only be marketed in Estonia. (in Europe) Estonians eat 1.10 kg cheese 2.2 kg butter 3.74 kg milk .....per year

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


Muusika aitab äratada huvi ning armastust looduse vastu. Koos lauldes, tantsides ja mängides areneb kollektiivsustunne, hakatakse teisi arvestama ning oma tegevust kaaslastega kooskõlastama (Turnau, 1998). Kasutatus kirjandus Hytönen, Krokfors. 2002. Esi- ja algõpetuse didaktika. 7 Koolieelse lasteasutuse riiklik õppekava, 2008 Kiilu, K. 2010. The development of theconcept of music education in Estonian kindergartensm. Kumpas, A. 2000. Varajane muusikakasvatus laulu- ja mängukoolis väikelapse arendajana. Muldma, M. 2007. Muusikaõpetus esimeses ja teises kooliastmes. Rmt E. Kikas. Õppimine ja õpetamine esimeses ja teises kooliastmes. Muldma, M. 2008. Muusikaline kasvatus. Rmt E. Kikas. Õppimine ja õpetamine koolieelses eas Päts, R. 1975. Mudilaste musikaalsuse arendamise põhialused. Päts, R. 2010. Muusikaline kasvatus üldhariduskoolis

Pedagoogika → Pedagoogika
27 allalaadimist

Tõlkimine müügitöö

Tere Mina olen Margit ja helistan Teile infoteenus 16366. 16366 on ainus infotelefon Eestis, mille kasutamine on kõikidele klientidele tasuta. Mul on Teile ettepanek, kuidas oleksite internetis kergesti leitav ja nähtav nii meie portaali kui Google otsingu kaudu. Siiani ei ole me saanud Teile päringuid suunata, kuna meil piidib koostöö. Teie andmed on meil olemas, kas võime need 16366 portaali üles panna. Kui Teile sobib saadan e-mailile pakkumise Meil on pakkuda 3 paketti: 1) Miinimumpakett ­ 16 eur kuu, 96 eur 6 kuud, 192 eur aasta 2) Tavapakett ­ 20 eur kuu, 120 eur 6 kuud, 240 eur aasta 3) Positsioonipakett ­ 25 eur kuu 150 eur 6 kuud, 300 eur aasta Vaata positsiooni Google näitab 16366 lehekülge meelsasti, kui seal andmeid ei ole on ei saaTeile päringuid suunata. Kust Te ise infot otsite? Küsime raha, et andmebaasi üleval hoida Saadan pakkumise ja helistan paari päeva pärast uuesti. Hundik...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Ameerika Ühendriigid

Symbols : The Lincoln Memorial, The White House, the Statue of Liberty (a gift from France 1886), Uncle Sam, the Jefferson Memorial, the Washington Monument. 4. America was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492. Christopher Columbus arrived in the „New World“ in 1492 and thought it was India and called the people Indians. 5. Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence and the third U.S. president, was a leading figure in America’s early development. During the American Revolutionary War (1775-83), Jefferson served in the Virginia legislature and the Continental Congress and was governor of Virginia. 6. The current constitution was adopted in 1788. The Constitution has been changed 26 times since 1789. 7. The main natrural resources in the United States of America are: oil shale, gold, coal, copper, iron, silver. 8. The agricultural products are: wheat, corn, soybeans, milk. The main industries in USA are textile,

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Vanemliku kasvatusstiili ja perekonna sotsiaalse staatuse mõjud laste akadeemilistele saavutustele

 Longituuduuringust mis hõlmab tööga hõivatust, sissetulekuid, vara, kulutusi, tervist, abieluseisu, laste arvu, laste arengut, heategevust, haridust jne. Vanemate sotsiaalse klassi defineerimisel arvestati nende sotsiaalset päritolu ning hetkelist majanduslikku stataatust ning liigitati pered nelja klastrisse: stabiilne kesk-, uus kesk-, uus töölis- ning stabiilne töölisklass.  Laste arengu uuringust CDS (Child Development Study)  Woodcock-Johnson Test of Achievement mis mõõdab õpilase akadeemilist võimekust matemaatilise ning lugemisoskuse baasil. Saadud tulemused normaliseeriti ning võrreldi PSID programmi abil. Arvestati järgmisi demograafilisi näitajaid: sugu; rass ja rahvus; lapse vanus; immigratsiooniline staatus; ema vanus lapse sünni ajal. Valimiks oli 2543 õpilast vanuses 6-14 aastat. Tulemused ja autori järeldused

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
9 allalaadimist

Eclipse chapter10(Scent)-kokkuvõte

Bella mentions to Edward about the missing clothes and pillows from her room and asks him to ask Alice where she put them, but he is completely confused. He says that Alice hadn't taken her things. That's when the pieces click into place and he realizes that the same intruder that was in her room had taken things that contained her scent to bring back as proof that she had been found. When Edward's phone rings, it is Carlisle and before Edward can tell him about the new development, Carlisle informs him that the situation in Seattle is getting worse ­ truthfully it is way out of control. Something needs to be done. Edward brings up the bonfire party, and Bella says that she wasn't going to go because of everything that was happening. Edward suggests that she go anyway because he knows she wants to. Before heading up to the rendezvous point in-between territories to meet up with Jacob, Edward and Bella go back to the Cullen's garage to pick up her motorcycle so she can

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Egiptuse arengutaseme iseloomustus, 10. klass

on 23 imikut 1000 imiku kohta ja Eestil on see ainult 6 imikut 1000 imiku kohta. (3) Nii suured erinevused võivad tuleneda sellest, et Egiptuses on arstiabi raskemini kättesaadav ning elutingimused võivad olla samuti osadel kehvad. Asi võib olla veel selles, et Egiptuses on inimestel väike sissetulek ja ei ole võimalusi. Graafik 1. Inimarengu indeksi arengu diagramm erinevate riikidega (1980-2010): Allikas: International Human Development Indicators Kõikides riikides on näha IAI kasvu, Egiptusel on see üsna stabiilne, kuid siiski on kasvanud. Aastal 1980 oli Egiptusel IAI 0,566 ja aastaks 2010 oli see juba tõusnud 0,62 piirini, mis on võrreldes Aasiaga üsna väike kasv. Aasial oli aastal 2000 IAI 0,527 ning aastaks 2010 oli see juba tõsunud 0,9-ni. Vt. graafik 1. Tabel 2. Riik IAI indeks Koht Keskmine Täiskasvanute SKT inimese

Geograafia → Geograafia
10 allalaadimist


companies, Kuressaare Reginal Traingin Centre is the only vocational school in Estonia training boat builders. Other specialties are car repairing, business management, social work, information technology, handicraft and artistic design. My speciality is artistic design, which is 120 weeks of study, which makes the course 3 years long. Kuressaare Reginal Training Centre is one of only two schools in Estonia, where elementary school graduates can come to acquire the artistic development of the specialty. Through the course and students spare time, many cultural events, narrow circle of performances and exhibitions are done in the area by the students. All subjects are very important starting with math and going up to advertising psychology. As any other high school, we also have the basic subjects as Estonian, Literature, Physics, Chemistry, Biology etc. Although we have them in a lesser extent, which makes us more space to have other subjects such as

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Inglise keele Eksam

10.kõrgkvaliteetsed seadmed- high quality equipment 11.tasakaaluhind- clearing price 12.töötlev tööstus- manufacturing industry, primary industry, secondary industry 13.pikaajalised majapidamiskaubad- household durables 14.sisemajanduse kogutoodand- gross domestic product 15.tulu välisturismist- overseas tourism revenue 16.vähenevate tulude seadus- the law of diminishing return 17.ehitustööstus- construction industry 18.säästva arengu strateegia- strategy on sustainable development 19.karmid saastenormid- stringent emission standards 20.ebavõrdsuse vähendamine ühiskonnas- reduce inequality in society 21.väljapaistva üleilmse väärtusega- outstanding value over the world 22.kultuuri- ja looduslik pärand- estate of culture and crude 23.tegevusprioriteete seadma- to set primary occupations 24.alternatiivkulu, loobumiskulu- opportunity cost 25.kuluefektiivsed energiasäästu meetmed- 26.taastuvenergia allikad- renewable energy sources 27

Keeled → Inglise keel
168 allalaadimist

Introduction of SCM

reducing internal and external failure costs and working with suppliers to produce the most cost efficient means of manufacturing a product. 8 6. Mutual Success: Among supply chain partners ensures mutual success. Collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment (CPFR) is a longer-term commitment, joint work on quality, and support by the buyer of the supplier's managerial, technological, and capacity development. This relationship allows a company to have access to current, reliable information, obtain lower inventory levels, cut lead times, enhance product quality, improve forecasting accuracy and ultimately improve customer service and overall profits. The suppliers also benefit from the cooperative relationship through increased buyer input from suggestions on improving the quality and costs and though shared savings. Consumers can benefit as well through higher quality goods provided at a lower cost

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Dominikaani Vabariik

Domingo which is situated on the southern part of the country. The climate is tropical and there are also drought periods. There are generally more dry periods than rainy periods. The landscape is mountainous, 80% of area is under mountain range. 15 Kasutatud allikad 1. The World Factbook- 2. AXIS Geograafia Entsüklopeedia Loodus- ja inimgeograafia Ameerika lk 106- 107. 3. Human Development Reports- 4. IDB Population Pyramids- 5. Dominican Republic City population- 6. Population Reference Bureau- Section=PRB_Country_Profiles&template=/customsource/countryprofile/countryprofiledis play.cfm&Country=359 7. World Urbanization Prospects-

Geograafia → Geograafia
29 allalaadimist


intrusions created during the Caledonian mountain building period (the Caledonian orogeny), commercially important coal, oil and iron bearing carboniferous deposits and the remains of substantial tertiary volcanoes. During their formation, tectonic movements created climatic conditions ranging from polar to desert to tropical and a resultant diversity of fossil remains. Scotland has also had a role to play in many significant discoveries such as plate tectonics and the development of theories about the formation of rocks and was the home of important figures in the development of the science including James Hutton, (the "father of modern geology") Hugh Miller and Archibald Geikie. Various locations such as 'Hutton's Unconformity' at Siccar Point in Berwickshire and the Moine Thrust in the north west were also important in the development of geological science. Climate of Scotland !

Keeled → Inglise keel
41 allalaadimist

Using Blogs as a Platform in the TEFL

Many computer applications, especially asynchronous computer-mediated communication such as email and electronic bulletin boards, promote interactive learning. With the booming growth of technology, blogs have become another learning platform for language teaching. Accordingly, these in turn have provided both teachers and learners with an alternative avenue, unlike the traditional face-to-face meetings or discussions, to foster their personal knowledge development through meaningful negotiation and communication. The web-based technology supports collaborative learning that enriches learning performance, both for individual knowledge construction and group knowledge sharing. I became interested in the field since I realised that nowadays in order to be an effective teacher one must know the `key' to the new generation of learners falling, to a category of `digital natives'

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Links between Estonia and English speaking countries

speaking countries were among the first to recognise Estonia as an independent country. For instance the United States reopened its Embassy in Tallinn on 4 September 1991. Estonia joined the United Nations and started the preparation to join other international organisations as the European Union and NATO. For this purpose much technical assistance from the US has arrived. For instance in recent years, the United States has supported the development of Estonia's Defense Forces with approximately 8 million dollars annually. This assistance led to the joining of Estonia with NATO on 29 March 2004. The English speaking countries are the leading force in the war against international terrorism. This is probably due to the fact that most terrorist attacks have targeted them. The most memorable are the attacks on World Trade Center in New York and the bomb attacks in the London subway.

Keeled → Inglise keel
47 allalaadimist

The Seaplane Harbour of Tallinn

The work has been budgeted at 130 million kroons and represents the second stage of the plans for the reconstruction of the port. The ideas of young architects are flying high: near the hangars there is going to be stop for the sea taxi. The sea unites most of the districts of Tallinn from Rocca al Mare to Merivälja: Stroomi, Pelgurand, Kopli, Kalamaja, city centre, Kadriorg, Pirita. Alternative public transport over the sea would help to speed up development near the coast. Interesting facts The rate of development in the airplane industry during the building of the hangars was more than rapid. Since the air force industry was developing so quickly, new room for it to system had to be made. Let it be noted that during World War I the Russian air force had more plains than any other country. (let us remember the famous flight instructor Igor Sikorski (1889-1972) who after the revolution founded a sea plane factory in America)

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Rolliteooria, portfoolio

(Yau & Jen, 2010) Mitmed teadlased eri vadlondadest on jõudnud järeldusele, et rollidel on tähtis osa sotsiaalses struktuuris (Mead, 1934; Turner, 1978; Welbourne, Johnson & Erez, 1998). Rolliteooriat on esitatud ka selgitamaks meeskonnatööd. Chen et al. (2002) katsetulemused näitavad, et rolliteooria on efektiivne ennustamaks grupi tulemuslikkust. Kooskõlas rolliteooriaga, töötaja tulemuslikkus on roll nii üksikisikul, kui ka organisatsioonil. (Yau & Jen, 2010) Artiklis ,,Recent Development in Role Theory" kirjeldatakse rolliteooriat nii: Rolliteooria käsitleb kõige olulisemaid tunnuseid ühiskonnaelus, iseloomulikke käitumismustreid või rolle. See selgitab rolle eeldusel, et inimestel on kindel sotsiaalne positsioon ja nad käituvad vastavalt ootustele, arvestades teiste isikutega. (Biddle, 1986) 8 Mõistekaart

Varia → Sotsiaaltöö eakatega
51 allalaadimist

Objektorienteeritud JAVA konspekt esimeseks kontrolltööks

programmi töö ajal. Dynamic – Muutuja tüüp selgub programmi töö ajal. 2. Milliseid piiranguid seavad nähtavusele proteced ja package-private (default) nähtavused? Public – nähtav kõigile Package private- nähtav paketi sees Private – nähtav klassi sees Protected – nähtav paketi sees ja alamklassidele 3. Mis on Oracle Java virtuaalmasina (JVM) nimi? Kes ei tea, kukub ainest läbi :) JRE Java Runtime Environment – java programmi käivitamiseks JDK – Java Development Kit - arendusvahend java programmi arendamiseks 4. Tüübiteisendus - milleks vajalik, kuidas kasutatakse? Fruit a = new Apple(); Alamtüüp. Deklareeritud tüüp -- Loodud tüüp.Millist tüüpi deklareerida? - Eelistada alati üldisemat tüüpi Alamtüüpi objekti same alati kasutada ülemtüübina(implicit casting). Apple b = new Apple(); Fruit c =b; Vastupidine tegevus nõuab selget teisendust(explicit casting)

Informaatika → Objektorienteeritud...
86 allalaadimist


2. Kas võib väita, et enamus laste halvad õppetulemused on põhjustatud just madalamast töömälust mitte hooletusest ja laiskusest? 3. Millised on efektiivsed viisid, kuidas töömälu matemaatikaülesannete lahendamisel suurem oleks? 10 Kasutatud materjalid Alloway, T., Elliott, J. (2009). The cognitive and behavioral characteristics of children with low working memory. Child Development. Vol. 80, No. 2: 606-621. Empson, J., McHale, S., Scope, A. (2010). Executive function in children with high and low attentional skills: Correspondences between behavioural and cognitive profiles. British Journal of Developmental Psychology. Vol. 28: 293- 305. Woolley, G. (2010). Developing reading comprehension: combining visual and verbal cognitive processes. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy. Vol. 33, No. 2: 108-125.

Meditsiin → Õenduse alused
40 allalaadimist

Riikide arengutase

arengutase on neis siiski madal. Näiteks: Jordaanias (82%), Araabia ÜE (78%), Peruus (73%), Uruguays (70%) teeninduses, kuid teised arengunäitajad madalamad. ÜHISKONNAGEOGRAAFIA E-KURSUS GÜMNAASIUM Eri majandussektorite osakaal SKP- s ja hõives põllumajandus tööstus teenindus ÜHISKONNAGEOGRAAFIA E-KURSUS GÜMNAASIUM Inimarengu indeks IAI (Human Development Indeks HDI) on riikide arengutaset iseloomustav näitaja, mis koosneb SKT, haridustaseme ja keskmise eluea osaindeksitest. pikk ja tervislik elu, mida mõõdetakse oodatava eluea järgi; haridustase, mida mõõdetakse täiskasvanute kirjaoskuse järgi; elustandard, mida mõõdetakse sisemajanduse kogutoodangu (SKT) suurusega isiku kohta (USD). IAI skaala on 0-st üheni. ÜHISKONNAGEOGRAAFIA E-KURSUS GÜMNAASIUM IAI arvutamine

Geograafia → Geograafia
86 allalaadimist

Pride and Prejudice Book report

Bennet. When Darcy first proposes to Elizabeth, than she refuses. He is stunned and mortified to be rejected. I think Elizabeth believed more the prejudice she had about Darcy and she did not believe at first that Darcy could be generous and even friendly and kind. The ending is really beautiful and I like it. Darcy proposes Elizabeth again and this time she accepts. They have a double wedding with joy and love. A major theme is the importance of environment and upbringing on the development of young people's character and morality. Social standing and wealth are not necessarily advantages. Pride and Prejudice, employs the narrative technique of free indirect speech. Austen invites the reader to follow events from Elizabeth's viewpoint, sharing her prejudices and misapprehensions and being surprised along with her when events prove these to be mistaken. In my oppinion, the book was really good and I liked it a lot. Though the language

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
53 allalaadimist

Object-oriented programming.

Object-oriented programming. Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that uses "objects" and their interactions to design applications and computer programs. Programming techniques may include features such as information hiding, data abstraction, encapsulation, modularity, polymorphism, and inheritance. It was not commonly used in mainstream software application development until the early 1990s. Many modern programming languages now support OOP. Class Defines the abstract characteristics of a thing (object), including the thing's characteristics (its attributes, fields or properties) and the thing's behaviors (the things it can do, or methods, operations or features). One might say that a class is a blueprint or factory that describes the nature of something. For example, the class Dog would

Informaatika → Informaatika
19 allalaadimist

Praktikum 3

economy, economics, political science, business, law. 4. Leidke artikleid, mis käsitlevad projektijuhtimise tõhusust, kusjuures otsisõna peab esinema artikli pealkirjas. Esitage ühe artikli kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Valin Advance search'ist journals, otsingusse effective project management ja tingimuseks, et otsitakse article title'ist. Kilkelly, E. (2009). Blended learning: pathways to effective project management. Development and Learning in Organizations, 23 (1), 1921. 5. Leidke kirjandusülevaade (literature review), mille sisukokkuvõttes (abstract) on sõnad juhtimise eetika (ethics of management) ning mis on ilmunud vahemikus 19952005. Esitage pealkiri. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Advance search'ist valin journals, sealt kirjutan ethics of management, valin et ta on sisukokkuvõttes ning lisan ajavahemikuks 19952005 ja tüübiksliterature review.

Informaatika → Infootsing: allikad ja...
84 allalaadimist

Estonia Topic

Tallinn is a very old town, and numerous of legends were connected with it. They spoke about Old Toomas keeping watch on the top of the tower of town hall. Toompea is the oldest part of the city. The toompea Palace was built as the seat of the local government. Today there is the residence of the Parliamnet of Estonia. The main tower is tall Herman with our national flag flying at the top . Toompea is especially rich in historical monuments. The oldest street is Pikk Jalg. Modern industrial development which began in the second half of the 19th century was oriented toward the Russian market. Large textile mills were set up in Narva and electric motor productions, plants and shipyards in Tallinn. Today Narva provides the most Estonian's electricity. Estonian porst, ice-free most of the winter, have always handled much of Russia's trade with western Europe. Deep sea fihing fleets operate from Tallinn and Pärnu. Estonian agriculture mus also find its place in the European aconomy

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Topic "Estonia"

The blue stripe at the top of the flag represents the sky. The middle stripe of black stands for the land. The white stripe at the bottom symbolizes hope in the future. The president is the most powerful official in Estonia's government. The country's parliament elects the president to a five-year term. The parliament has 101 members, who are elected by the people. The prime minister is recommended by the president and he heads the operations of the government. Modern industrial development, which began in the second half of the 19 th century was oriented toward the Russian market. Large textile mills were set up in Narva and electric motor production plants and shipyard in Tallinn. Today Narva provides most of Estonian's electricity. Developments in the Estonian agriculture have been influenced by the changes in the economical environment. Estonian agriculture must also find place in the European economy. The national conditions are best suited breeding daily cattle

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
41 allalaadimist

ÜRO, WTO, IMF, NATO - Rahvusvahelised organisatsioonid

ÜRO ­ Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsioon ÜRO on globaalne organisatsioon, mis asutati 1945.a ja sinna kuulub 200 maailma riigist 191. ÜRO tegevuse eesmärgid on väga laialdased, selle tegevusvaldkonda kuuluvad nii rahu- ja julgeoleku-, arengu- kui ka inimõigusküsimused. * Peaassamblee (General Assembly) koosneb liikmesriikide delegatsioonidest. Korralised istungjärgud toimuvad igal aastal septembrist detsembrini. Suure töömahu tõttu suunab Peaassamblee enamiku arutusele tulevatest küsimustest oma kuuele peakomiteele. * Julgeolekunõukogu (Security Council) on tähtsaim püsivalt tegutsev organ. Koosneb 15 liikmest, kellest viis ­ Ameerika Ühendriigid, Suurbritannia, Prantsusmaa, Venemaa ja Hiina RV ­ on alalised ja omavad vetoõigust. Ülejäänud Julgeolekunõukogu liikmed valib Peaassamblee neljaks aastaks, valides iga kahe aasta järel 5 uut Julgeolekunõukogu liiget. Julgeolekunõukogu vastutab rahvusvahelise rahu ja julgeoleku eest. * ÜRO a...

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
56 allalaadimist

Dictionary all marketers are liars

Dictionar y (,,All Marketers Are Liars") A Abandon hülgama, loobuma Accidental juhuslik Adequate adekvaatne, piisav Advertisement reklaam, kuulutus Affect mõju Airwaves õhuvoolud Alas paraku All stripes vöödilised Antibiotic antibiootiline, antibiootikum Apparently ilmselt Appeal palve Artisan kunstkäsitööline Asset vara, väärtus Assumption eeldus Auction oksjon Audacious hulljulge, ebatavaline Authentic ehtne Authenticity ehtsus Average keskmine B Barber juuksur Bearing kurss Bending nõtk, painutamine Benefit kasu, tulu Benevolent lahke Beverage jook Blacksmiths sepad Bloodletting...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Lake Võrtsjärv

Lake Võrtsjärv Scientific editors Juta Haberman Ervin Pihu Anto Raukas Liis Sommer The outline Rural municipalities River geology Shores Flows Temperature Planktonic algae Fishes Animals Lake Võrtsjärv is a lake in southern Estonia with an area of 270 km² . It is the second largest lake of Estonia. The shallow lake is 33.7 m above sea level. The river Emajõgi flows from Lake Võrtsjärv to Lake Peipsi. Lake Võrtsjärv area comprises seven rural municipalities bordering the water, connected with each other by traditions of joint activities, set throughout history. The development of Lake Võrtsjärv and its vicinity, and planned utilisation of Lake Võrtsjärv as a resource, is the common interest of all rural municipalities. The mentioned rural municipalities are located on the territories of three different counties: R...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Jätkusuutlik areng – mis see on?

eesmärgid on jätkuvalt riikide poliitikakujundamise aluseks. Johannesburgi tippkohtumine seostati nii Maailma Kaubandusorganisatsiooni Doha protsessi kui Monterrey arengu rahastamise konverentsi tulemustega. Johannesburgi maailmakonverentsilt oodati konkreetseid juhiseid, kuidas saavutada Dohas ja Monterreys tehtud otsuste ning ÜRO Peaassamblee 2000 aasta istungil kokku lepitud ÜRO Millenniumi deklaratsioonis seatud eesmärkide (Millennium Development Goals) täitmine keskkonda säästval viisil. Peatähelepanu nende eesmärkide saavutamisel suunati globaalsele partnerlusele ja 1992. aastal Rio de Janeiros heakskiidetud Agenda 21 efektiivsemale rakendamisele. (Säästev areng ­ Maailm. Keskkonnaministeerium) Tähtsamad rahvusvahelised kokkulepped Tähtsamad rahvusvahelised kokkulepped: Helsingi 1992. a. Läänemere piirkonna merekeskkonna kaitse konventsioon Londoni 1973/1978. a

Ühiskond → Avalik haldus
24 allalaadimist

Internetiturunduse referaat

6 KOKKUVÕTE Viimastel aastatel on internet hämmastavalt palju arenenud. Internet on muutunud inimeste peamiseks teabeallikaks ja internetti kasutatakse ka toodete ja teenuste ostmiseks. Kuna inimene on muutunud väga internetikeskseks, siis on ka arusaadav miks paljud ettevõtted on hakanud kasutama internetiturundust. 7 Viidatud allikad 1. Tavor, T. 2011. Online advertising development and their economic effectiveness. Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, Vol. 1, No. 6, pp. 121-133. [] 28.10.2014 8

Majandus → Turundus
28 allalaadimist

Linna kompaktsus ja laialivalgumine

TallinnCity. (kasutatud 24.10.2013). 2. Ahas, R. (21. aprill 2007). Uusasumite valud. (kasutatud 24.10.2013). 3. , E. (2012) , . Urals Academy of Architecture. 4. Burton, E. The Compact City: Just or Just Compact? A Preliminary Analysis. Urban Studies, Vol. 37, No. 11, 1969­ 2001, 2000. 5. Dieleman, F.M. (1996) Compact urban development: experiences in Randstad Holland, in J . Kjellberg Bell and S. Webber (Eds) Urban Regions in a Global Context, Directions for the Greater Toronto Area, pp. 118--123. Toronto: University of Toronto, Center for Urban and Community Studies. 6. Dieleman, F.M., Dijst, M. J., Spit, T. (1999) Planning the compact city: The randstad Holland experience. European Planning Studies, 7:5, 605-621. 7. Elkin, T., McLaren, D. and Hillmann, M

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
3 allalaadimist

Sustainability aspects of biofuels

Meat production requires times more biomass in the form of animal feed and that puts further pressures on natural resources. As food production is very energy intensive, it is closely linked to global energy consumption. Global fuel consumption has grown 50-fold since the end of the 20th century and it is projected to increase by another 55% by 2030 (Umbach, 2010). That is the reason why new resources for fuel are being sought and biofuels receive subsidies, and investment in development. In addition, transport sector is one of the largest primary energy consumers, and as the travel and car ownership is predicted to increase, more fuel needs to be dedicated to transport (Karp, 2011. There are many reasons why biofuels are necessary, but at the same time, they are controversial for a number of reasons. 2.2. Biofuels' feedstock and future projections There are mainly two types of liquid biofuels, which have significantly grown in the last

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Investors Handbook. A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia

mentioned topics. Companies and individuals operating in Georgia or planning to operate, are strongly advised to obtain current and detailed information from experienced professionals. None of the organizations mentioned above, nor their members, employees or agents accept liability for the consequences of you and anyone else acting or refraining to act on the information contained in this brochure or for any decision based on it. The brochure is published with support of the German Development Cooperation Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ). Findings, conclusions and comments made in the publication do not necessarily reflect the opinion of GIZ. This publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the copyright holder. © Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusmmenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), 2011. 2 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK 2 Introduction

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


that in the 1960s and 1970s the Americans fought in the Korean and in the Vietnam War, and in the1990s in the Gulf War and now they are fighting in Iraq. Industry The US is extremely rich in natural resources. The western mountains are especially rich in them. The US is among the leading countries in the value of its mineral production. The US is third, after Russia and Saudi Arabia, in the production of petroleum. Mining has been the key of development of the USA. The US has large deposits of coal, iron ore, natural gas, and petroleum, which are vital to the country's industrial strength. Its many other important minerals include copper, gold, lead, silver and zinc. To meet its needs the US must import additional amounts of iron ore, petroleum, and other minerals.Most American industry is located in the eastern and mid- western parts, around the Great Lakes and also on the Pacific coast.The US engineering products are known all over the world

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liidu institutsioonid ja poliitika kujundamine

Konservatiivid, Konservatiivid-reformistid- euroskeptikud. Vaba Euroopa (euroskeptikud)) MEP töö- mittepoliitiline: Kuulumine komiteesse. Igaüks valib endale peamise ja teisese komitee. Käiakse koos ja arutatakse-otsustatakse. Kuulumine delegatsioonidesse. Välisasjad, teiste riikidega seotud. Taas, kõik peavad valima. Osalemine istungitel Kommiteed: AFET - Foreign Affairs (Kelam) DROI Human Rights SEDE Security and Defence (Kelam) DEVE Development INTA International Trade BUDG Budgets (Paet, Tarand) CONT Budgetary Control ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs EMPL Employment and Social Affairs (Toom: Sub: ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Lauristin) Safety ITRE Industry, Research and Energy (Kallas: Sub: IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection Tarand) (Sub: Kallas)

Politoloogia → Rahvusvaheline julgeolek...
4 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia

the sake of humour or irony. Historisms are words that stand for objects that have dissapeared(nt, 3 names of wapons: sword-mõõk, coat of mail-soomusrüü; names of musical instruments: loot-lauto, lyra-lüüra). New words include neologisms and nonce words: neologisms are words that appear to satisfy the needs of society. They stand for new things and concepts that appear due to the development of science and thought. (nt, lasor, computer, nuclear physics, high-fi). *affixation-jawnee, deadee(surnu portree), to criminalise *composition- vanity-surgery, idiot box *conversion-to time-table, to beaver *back formation- to sight see, to play act *abbreviation- marvy-marvellous *blending-botel(boat plus hotel), candygram(candy plus telegram) Abstract neologisms are words in which no word building type is present. Random letters are put together

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjanduse ajalugu
43 allalaadimist

Inuit Culture

Despite adjustments made by the Inuit over the past 3 centuries and the loss of some traditional features, Inuit culture persists - often with a greater reflective awareness. Inuit maintain a cultural identity through language, family and cultural laws, attitudes and behaviour, and through their acclaimed INUIT ART. 1. Inuk Hunter Some Inuit still follow a nomadic way of life, while others are involved in the administration and development of northern Canada (Corel Professional Photos). 2. Inuit Man Photograph by Robert Flaherty, 1911, who found in him "a humanity so golden that he carried it with him ever afterward as a touchstone of judgement" (courtesy British Library). 3. Inuit Whale Hunt Group preparing for the hunt (courtesy Lewis Parker). 4. Inuk and Pack Dog The First Nations brought dogs with them to the Americas (courtesy Library and Archives Canada).

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun