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"development" - 937 õppematerjali


Unit 1 -15

workforce ­ tööjõud organisation chart ­ organisatsiooniskeem Board of Directors ­ juhatus/nõukogu Chairperson or President ­ esimees Managing Director ­ majandusjuhataja Chief Executive Officer ­ tegevdirektor Senior managers ­ tippjuht Company officers ­ aktsiaseltsi personal Marketing ­ turundus Public relations ­ avalikud suhted Information technology IT ­ infotehnoloogia Personnel or Human Resources ­ inimressursid Finance ­ rahandus Production ­ tootmine Research and Development ­ uuringu- ja arendustegevus recruit ­ värbama tööjõudud position ­ ametikoht apply for ­ kandideerima letter of application ­ avaldus covering letter ­ avaldus curriculum vitae ­ elulookirjeldus application form ­ avalduse blanket short list/candidates/applicants ­ taotlejad interview ­ intervjuu hire ­ palkama recruitment agency/search firm ­ värbamisfirma retailing ­ jaemüük retailers ­ jaemüüjad shops/stores/outlets ­ poed chains ­ müügiketid

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Arvutiprogramm juhtimisseadmed

DFSS – Design for Six Sigma – Disain Six Sigma on äri-protsessihaldus "metoodika" seotud traditsioonilise Six Sigmaga. Seda kasutatakse paljudes tööstusharudes, nagu rahandus-, turustus-, põhi-, protsessi-, jäätmekäitlus ja elektroonika. ETO – NPDI – Concurrent – Tehnoloogia MPM – Manufacturing process management – Tootmisprotsessi juhtimine on kogum tehnoloogiate ja meetodite määratlemiseks, kuidas tooteid toota. CPD – Collaborative product development – Koostöökatsete tootearendus on äristrateegia, tööprotsessi ja kogumine tarkvararakendusi mis lihtsustab erinevate organisatsioonide koos töötamist, et luua toodet. PdM – Predictive maintenance – Ennustatav hooldus meetodid on loodud selleks, et aidata kindlaks teha tingimusi kasutuselolevatel seadmetel selleks, et prognoosida kuna hooldust tuleb teha. Cax – Computer-aided technologies – Arvutipõhine tehnoloogia, mis tähendab, et kasutatakse

Masinaehitus → Masinaelemendid
16 allalaadimist

Jäätmekäitlus probleemid maailmas

Jäätmekäitlus probleemid maailmas Greetel Kala / Liispet Jalandi 2013 Mis on jäätmekäitlus? Jäätmekäitlus on jäätmete kogumine, sorteerimine, vedu, töötlemine, ladusamine ja matmine. Ebaõige jäätmekäitlus võib kaasa tuua rahalise trahvi. Hetke jäätmekäitlus süsteem Jäätmekäitlus probleemid meditsiinis: Meditsiiniliste jäätmete põletamine, mille tagajärjel satuvad õhku mürgised kõrvalsaadused, sealhulgas dioksiidid, kantserogeenid, elavhõbe ja tugevad neurotoksiinid, mis võivad kahjustada aju, neere ja kopse. Jäätmekäitlus probleemid meditsiinis: Meditsiiniliste jäätmete (süstlad, ravimid ja verised lapid) ära viskamine tavalise prügi hulgas. See võib kaasa tuua haiguste epideemilise leviku. Nii aidatakse enda teadmata kaasa HIV ja AIDSi levikule. Ülemaailmene probleem: Hetke üheks suurimaks jäätmekäitlus probleemiks peavad teadlased jäätmekäitluse tulevikku, kuna jäätmete tootmine suureneb ning progn...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
19 allalaadimist

Riigid globaliseeruvas maailmas

Iguazu Falls. b. Kui suure osa moodustab turism riigi SKT-s 9,5% c. Nimeta enamkülastatavaid kohti selles riigis Santiago, Montevideo, Buenos Aires, Porto Alegre. d. Kanna tuntumad turismimagnetid ka riigi kaardile ja lisa siia ka pilt ja selgitus Võimalikud andmebaasid: - Human Development Index (HDI) – 2011 Rankings Saad leida riigi kohta andmeid (klõpsa riigi nimel): 􀂃 Life expectancy at birth – oodatav eluiga 􀂃 Adult literacy rate (% ages 15 and older) – täiskasvanute kirjaoskuse protsent 􀂃 GDP per capita (PPP US$)– SKT/in

Geograafia → Geograafia
3 allalaadimist

Challenges of childrens participation A Case Study of active citizenship in Cadle Primary School

confusion as it challenges the image of the incompetent child which is overwhelmingly prevalent in the Western society. The purpose of this dissertation is to critically explore this hotly debated tension between these two conflicting salient features that have often prevented the recognition of children as active citizens, entitled to respect and participation. With a particular interest in Wales, the following research project analyses the development of children`s active participation both in the Welsh Government and the County and Council of Swansea as they both have regarded the UNCRC on the basis of all its activity. Finally, the Cadle Primary School in Swansea has been used as a case study to investigate the potential change in attitudes in children after the school placed the UNCRC at the heart of its ethos and curriculum across all areas of the school. The primary goal is to critically analyse the

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Progressiivne rockmuusika välismaal ja eestis

1. Progressiivse rockmuusika ajalugu välismaal 1.1 Sissejuhatus Esiteks, enne kui minna edasi, tuleb eelkõige mõista, mis on progressiivne rockmuusika. Progressiivne rock (ka progerock) on rockmuusika alamsuund, mis arenes välja 1960. aastate lõpus ja 1970. aastate algul. Sõna progressiivne otsene tähendus on edasiareng. Sõna progressiivne viitab rocki- maailmas aga sellele, kuidas muusikasuuna esindajad laiendasid rockmuusika piire, muutes seni valitsenud salmi ja refrääni vaheldumisel põhinenud lauluvorme. Tähelepanu pöörati lugude instrumentaalsetele osadele.1 1960. aastate lõpul hakkasid rockmuusika esindajad otsima uusi ideid rocki põhisuunast üha kaugemal olevatest muusikalistest allikatest. Neid inspireerisid nii blues, jazz kui ka klassikaline muusika. Peale oli kasvanud uus muusikute põlvkond. Veidi rohkem kui kümne aasta jooksul oli rockist saanud üldiselt omaks võetud nähtus, mis tõmbas ...

Muusika → Rock
7 allalaadimist

Inglise keele riigieksami kirjutamise spikker / suur kokkuvõte

To make recommendations: I would recommend/suggest ..., one solution/recommendation would be to..., it would be a good idea to... To express cause and result: by doing this, we could..., doing this would solve the problem, in order to, so that, this would mean that, as a result, this way General outline for letters: Salutation - Paragraph 1 - Paragraphs 2, 3 - Final paragraph - Name Dear... Reason for writing development closing remarksYours... Ametlik kiri, kui saaja nimi on teada 2nd August, 2011 Dear Mr Smith, ------------------------------------------------ Yours sincerely, Mary Stevens Ametlik kiri, kui saaja nimi ei ole teada 5th September, 2011 Dear Sir/Madam, ----------------------------------------------- Yours faithfully, James Robbins Linking words to list points: also, furthermore, in addition, moreover

Keeled → Inglise keel
148 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liit

- Doing much more together Grand theories of European Integrations - Federalism - Functionalism - Neo-functionalism - Intergovernmentaism - Liberal intergovermentalism Theory – group of ideas meant to explain a certain issue EU integration theories are meant to address: - The speed and direction f EU integration - The speed and direction of individual policies - The failure to establish certain policies - The institutional development - Why progress takes place in certain times Federalism Ventotene manifesto - The autonomous nature of the pan European movement for the European federation - The European Constituent Assembly to command necessary democrativ legitimacy - Exploitation of the contradictions of the functional approach to European integration 1. The independent movement for the European federation - Should unite all supporters, should not be a political party

Politoloogia → Euroopa liit
19 allalaadimist


Canada Mary-Liis Kull KiNG 10.klass Basic information Area is about 10 million sq km Popluation is estimately 35 million people The country is bilingual (English and French) The National Holiday is Independence Day on July 1'st The capital is Ottawa and the largest city is Toronto Basic information Consists of 10 provinces and 3 territories Extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean Shares land borders with the U.S Is a federal state, governed as a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy Canada comes from the word kanata, meaning village or settlement History The first inhabitants were the Inuits (Eskimo) First white man in the country John Cabot The French and British colonies settled the Atlantic coast in the late 15th century Later on, thousands of British colonists emigrated to Canada from the American colonies and the...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Patricia Benner (1942...) Annika Paavel Martina Vool Aljona Komissarova Patricia Benner "Knowledge development in a practice discipline consists of extending practical knowledge (know- · California ülikool- how) through theory based scientific investigations and through the clinical experience in the practice of psühholoogilise that discipline" (Benner, 1984) õenduse osakonna professor · bakalaurus õenduses · Magister kirurgiaõena · erialased õpped filosoofiadoktorina ·

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
32 allalaadimist

TEST - the history of London

during the war. The leader of the Puritan Republic was Oliver Cromwell. 16) London’s greatest disaster is considered the Great Fire, which happened in 1666 and destroyed some 13 000 houses over an area of almost 400 acres. 17) The positive effect of the Great Fire was to rid the city of its accumulated filth. 18) London became the premier city of the Western world during the Georgian era. 19) The Victorian era is marked with development of industry and public transport. 20) Yes, it did. The Second World War had a devastating effect, destroying large areas of the city.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Summary of three scientific articles

transformed our lives. But they may now be endangering lives, too. I chose three articles on the issue that dissert the topic of antibiotics in wastewater. To begin with, for years scientists have been aware of the potential problems of antibiotics being present in wastewater. For now, the research of engineering professor Olya Keen is showing that treatments to clean wastewater may actually be creating new antibiotics and further contributing to the development of antibiotic resistance in the environment. Keen is studying doxycycline, one of the widely used class of antibiotics. Their research to date is showing that chlorine used to treat wastewater is actually changing the makeup of the doxycycline and forming new antibiotics. Subsequently, the question arises: how do all the antibiotics find their way into wastewater? Olya Keen answers: ”Those that are not broken down by the organisms are passed to

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Cars enslave us rather than liberate us

Secondly, driving a car can be compared to addiction ­ as Matthew Perry once said:" I think we need to educate doctors about our addiction." Initially, people may not notice it, but over time it becomes clear that people cannot pass even the smaller distances without car. For instance, there are people who drive to the gym to do a workout there even if the distance is small. Nonetheless, it is good to have a car if it is necessary to save time. Thirdly, due to technical development, people always have a need to follow latest trends. There is always a demand for something new and better. New solutions involve situations, where the drivers first car purchase is also not the last. In turn, there will come new spendings on new cars and car services, so the transport would be more powerful and comfortable. Of course, not all people can afford it to themselves, however, the prices of such services are always rising.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

USA school system

It also factors in tertiary factors, including internet penetration and blogger arrests. Estonia got high marks in almost every category. Estonia According to Freedom House, it "ranks among the most wired and technologically advanced countries in the world. With a high internet penetration rate and widespread e-commerce and e-government services embedded into the daily lives of individuals and organizations, Estonia has become a model for free internet access as a development engine for society. As a Mashable reader pointed out, NATO's Cooperative Cyber Defense Centre of Excellence was built in Estonia in 2008, resulting in the funneling of funds to improve the country's IT infrastructure. USA The United States got nearly as excellent marks, with 78% internet penetration and no notable arrests of bloggers. However, the debate over the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA), two bills considered a threat by many Internet free speech advocates.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

The Haapsalu Bishop's Castle

The Haapsalu Bishop's Castle and Cathedral, which was established in the 13th century as the centre of the SaareLääne Diocese, is one of the best preserved castles in Estonia. It is located on the western coast of Estonia in Haapsalu. The Haapsalu Castle is one of the most remarkable examples of Estonian MiddleAge fortress architecture. The stronghold construction, widening and reconstruction went on throughout several centuries, with architecture changing according to the development of weapons. The fortress achieved its final dimensions ­ area of more than 3 hectares, thickness of the wall between 1.2 and 1.8 meters, and maximum height over 10 metres­ under the reign of Bishop Johannes IV(fourth). In the 17th century, the castle was no longer used as a defensive building by the Swedes who now ruled the Swedish Estonian Province. In the course of the Great Northern War in 1710 (seventeen ten), Estonia fell under

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Might the Welsh language face a bright future?

Might the Welsh language face a bright future? Welsh belongs to a branch of Celtic, an Indo-European language. The language is being used about half a million people in Wales and possibly another few hundred thousand people within England and even Australia and United States of America. The normal language of every day life is still English but in some regions such as Gwynedd and Dyfed, the use of Welsh is very wide and well spread. The tendency nowadays is towards the development and introduction of Welsh. This could not have been said at the first part of the 20th century. Welsh have been under the reign or a part of Great Britain for a long time. During the 16 th century, particularly at the time of Henry the VIII, they tried to force the Welsh language out by an Act which declared that the language to be used in courts and administrative offices would have to be English. And of course the most natural process started as

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


CANADA Melita Skljar & Katerina Leppik CANADA is a country, consisting of ten provinces CAPITAL CITY - O T T A W A Population is 883 391 FLAG- Maple Leaf Largest city: Toronto Athem: "O Canada" Official languges: English and French Area: 9,984,670 km2 (2nd after Russia) Population: 34,319,000 SPORTS Canada's official national sports are hockey in the winter Hockey is the sport most played by Canadians, with 1.65 million participants Lacrosse Best summer game Other popular spectator sports include curling and football, that is played professionally in the Canadian Football League (CFL) CANADA's HOLIDAYS The most important holiday is Canada Day It is Canada's national birthday The first Canada Day was on July 1st, 1867 It is celebrating with Fireworks, parades, barbecues, concerts, carnivals, fairs and picnics HOLIDAYS Ch...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Derivation Omadussõna Nimisõna Tegusõna Määrsõna Adjective Noun Verb Adverb Angry- vihane Anger- viha Anger- vihastama Angrily Embarassed- Embarrassment- piinlikus Embarrass- piinlikust Embarrassingly piinlik tundma Amazed- Amazement- hämmastus Amaze- hämmastama üllatunud Disappointed- Disappointment- pettumus Disappoint- pettuma pettunud Sad- kurb sadness- kurbus Sadden- kurvastama Terrified- Terror- hirm Terrify- hirmutama hirmunud Shocked Shock Shock Anxious- Anxiety-ärevus närviline Beautiful- ilus Beauty- iludus Beautifully- ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Rahvusvahelised organisatsioonid

Rahvusvahelised organisatsioonid Tähtsamad rahvusvahelised- ja julgeolekuorganisatsioonid kaasaegses maailmas, nendega on seotud ka Eesti. 1) ÜRO – Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsioon Inglise keeles United Nations (UN). Asutati 1945. Praegu (2015) liikmesriike 194. Peasekretär alates 2017 António Guterres (Portugal). Eesmärk: ühendada rahvaid, vältida sõdu, kaitsta demokraatiat, soodustada koostööd. ÜRO Julgeolekunõukogu – väga oluline organ, otseselt tegeleb riikidevaheliste konfliktide lahendamisega. Selles on 15 riigi esindajad, kellest 5 on alalised liikmed (Hiina, Prantsusmaa, Venemaa, Suurbritannia, USA). Alalistel liikmetel on veto-õigus, st kui üks riik on vastu, otsust vastu ei võeta. Julgeolekunõukogu otsused on ÜRO liikmesriikidele kohustuslikud. Peaassamblee koguneb kord aastas ÜRO peakorteris New Yorgis. Seal on esindajad igast liikmesriigist. Peaassamblee resolutsioonid on liikmeile soovituslikud...

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
1 allalaadimist

Nikola Tesla - lugemistest koos videoga

descended from strong flashes of light. He was unable to distinguish whether what he saw was tangible or not. He pictured the Niagara in his imagination as a big wheel run by the Nature. In his room he could hear the ticking of a watch with 3 rooms between him and the timepiece. A carriage passed in a distance of a few miles fairly shacked his whole body The whistle of a distant locomotive vibrates so strongly in his ears that the pain was unbearable “The progressive development of man is vitally dependent on invention. It is the most important product of his creative brain. Its ultimate purpose is the complete mastery of mind over the material world, the harnessing of the forces of nature to human needs. We have to evolve means for obtaining energy from stores which are forever inexhaustible.” Watch the video and write down 5 more facts that are not mentioned in the article. 1

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
2 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

1.2. Overview of Belarusian economy ....................................................................... 52 2.2. Customs Union of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan.................................................. 55 2.3. The Business Environment ........................................................................................ 58 2.4. Banking system.......................................................................................................... 59 2.5. Development of Private Sector .................................................................................. 61 2.5.1. Starting a business in Belarus ............................................................................ 63 2.6. Foreign Investment treatment .................................................................................... 66 2.7. Corporate forms ......................................................................................................... 71

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Old English Literature

Revision questions for the test on Old English and Medieval Literature. 1.) How is literature analysed and studied? What is the difference between the diachronic and synchronic view? Literature is studied and analysed by reading the piece of work profoundly and work on all the aspects of the piece. Diachronic is development in history Synchronic is particular state at any given moment 2.) Give a general overview of Celtic Britain, Roman invasion in 55-54 BC, Anglo-Saxon invasion and the second Roman "invasion" of Great Britain, who were the leaders, what influence did they leave on the culture of Great Britain? Celtic Britain was during the Bronze Age, there were many small tribal kingdoms fighting one another. Many megalithic monuments were built around that time, e.g. Stonehenge, the Avebury ring.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
30 allalaadimist

WTO World Trade Organisation

ajal rohkem kui nelja algatatud teema üle, mis viisid selleni, et neid kutsuti "Singapuri teemadeks". Teine ministrite konverents See toimus 1998 Genevas, Sveitsis. Kolmas ministrite konverents Kolmas ministrite konverents Seattle'is, Washingtonis 1999 lõppes läbikukkumisega: massirahutuste ning politsei ja Rahvuskaardi üritustega rahvast kontrolli all hoida, tõmmates ülemaailmset tähelepanu. Neljas ministrite konverents Peeti Dohas Pärsia lahe riigis Kataris 2001. aastal. Doha Development Round väljastati konverentsi ajal. Konverents kiitis heaks ka Hiina ühinemise WTO-ga, saades 143. liikmeks. Viies ministrite konverents Ministrite koosolek peeti 2003 Cancunis, Mehhikos. 22 Lõunariigi liit, G20 (juhitud India, Hiina ja Brasiilia poolt), tõrkus vastu Põhja nõudmistele "Singapuri teemade" kohapealt ja nõudsid põllumajanduslikku abiraha Euroopa Liidult ja USA-lt. Läbirääkimised lõppesid edutult. 5

Geograafia → Geograafia
65 allalaadimist

Turundusplaani koostamine

restaurant, place the take out order and wait for it to be completed, or come in and dine at the restaurant. · Advertising and Promotion. The most successful advertising will be banner ads and inserts in magazines ,,Mood", ,,Naisteleht", ,,Kultuur ja elu" and in different web- based magazines, such as: Buduaar, Toidutare and Perenaine. We'll also use Direct mail campaign and pay a lot of attention on our total web development (homepage, facebook). · Customer Service. Obsessive customer attention is the mantra. Toscana's philosophy is that whatever needs to be done to make the customer happy must occur, even at the expense of short-term profits. The reason for this is that in the long term, this 4 investment will pay off with a loyal customer base that is extremely vocal to their

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

Saudi-arabia deserts

Agriculture It has long been recognized that the importance of agriculture to the Kingdom extends beyond that of its contribution to national output alone. At the end of the Third Plan period almost half of the Kingdom's population was living in rural areas and a significant proportion of total Saudi employment was in agriculture. Apart from the strategic significance of increasing domestic food production for a growing population, the planned development of agriculture fulfills other important roles. It generates employment both within the sector and in closely related agro-industries. It contributes to the diversification of the economic base and to import substitution, while raising income levels and improving rural living standards for both settled and nomadic communities alike. This has a positive influence on the population balance and helps to prevent population drift to urban centers.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The bodyshop

The Body Shop branches into South Africa in June 2001, via New Clicks Holdings as The Body Shop direct franchisee in South Africa. New Clicks has a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility through its New Clicks Foundation. During 2002, The Body Shop ran a global campaign with Greenpeace International on promoting renewable energy, which culminated in the presentation of over six million customer signatures at the World Summit for Sustainable Development in Johannesburg. We further our commitment to environmental sustainability through investment in renewable energy, funding of energy efficiency projects in the developing world, and incorporating post-consumer recyclate into our packaging. During 2003 The Body Shop launched a global campaign to help Stop Violence In The Home. This builds on almost a decade of campaigning on the issue in a number of our markets, including Canada, the USA, and West Malaysia. The campaign aims

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Lühendite seletus

] ADL Address Data Latch ADLAT Adaptive Lattice Filter ADLC Adaptive Lossless Data Compression [IBM] + Asynchronous Data Link Control ADMACS Apple Document Management And Conrol System ADMD Administrative Management Domain [X.400] .ADN Add In Utility (file name extension) [Lotus 1-2-3] [LDC] ADO ActiveX Data Objects ADP AOLserver Dynamic Pages + Automatic Data Processing ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation ADR Address ADS Application Development Solutions [AT&T] + Application Development System + Automatic Distribution System ADSC Address Status Changed + Adobe Document Structuring Conventions ADSI Active Directory Service Interface [Microsoft] + Analog Display Services Interface ADSL (See DSL) ADSP AppleTalk Datastream Protocol ADSR Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release ADT Abstract Data Type + Application Data Types ADU Automatic Dialing Unit AE Above or Equal AEB Analog Expansion Bus [Dialogic]

Informaatika → Informaatika
117 allalaadimist


SÕNARAAMAT A accomodate kohandama adapt kohandama affordable detached house taskukohane eramaja affordable low rise apartments (no lift) ilma liftita taskukohased madalal asuvad korterid amenity standards hüve standardid amount of sunlight päikesevalguse kogus ancillary abistav appraisal hinnangu andmine approaches to residential elamurajooni paigutusele lähenemise moodused B balcony veranda basement parking under buildings keldris asuv parkimiskoht biodiversity bioloogiline mitmekesisus bland housing ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
116 allalaadimist

Mediterranean Basin

Europe; the hotspot also supports many endemic reptile species. As Europe's vacation destination, populations of threatened species are increasingly fragmented and isolated to make way for resort development and infrastructure. The Mediterranean monk-seal, the barbary macaque and the Iberian lynx, which is Critically Endangered, are among the region's imperiled species. Hotspot Original Extent (km 2) 2,085,292

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
5 allalaadimist

Harjutusülesanne “Autori otsing”

Harjutusülesanne 3 3.1. Harjutusülesanne "Autori otsing" Nobeli preemia keemia alal anti 2001. aastal uurimistööle "Discovery and development of conductive polymers". Üks auhinna saajatest oli Alan G. MacDiarmid. Leia: a) mitu artiklit avaldas ta aastatel 1975 - 1985? 204 b) kuidas leidsid vajalikud andmed? Sisestasin autoriotsingusse autori nime, seejärel valisin sealt mitmeid variante sellest nimest ja sain tulemuse. Siis võtsin paremalt REFINE, Publication Year ja panin sinna antud aastad, vastuseks tuli 204 vastet c) mitu tööd sisaldasid kontseptsiooni "conducting polymers" või "plastics" 183 d) kuidas leidsid need tööd? Valisin REFINE, Research Topic ning lisasin märksünad concluding polymers or plastic. Eelnevalt kontrollisin ka seda, et otsing toimuks kõikide artiklite seast, mitte ainult nende, mis avaldati 1975-1985 aastatel e) mitu patenti on Alan G. MacDiarmid nimel? 29 f) kuidas leidsid vaj...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
4 allalaadimist

European Union economic

European Union is functioning like an independent country. It collects taxes to reach its objectives. Taxes are collected mainly from member countries GDP (1,1% of countries budget) but as well the import duties on good bought into EU. Also, every member country is paying 0,1%-0,33% of their VAT (value added tax). It is the way how EU gets its budget which is about 120 billion per year. This money is spent mainly to improve agriculture (direct aid, export refunds, storage, rural development and other) but also to improve less prosperous regions by building up infrastructure and supporting companies with different kinds of grants. EU is also the largest aid donor in the world. For example EU has supported Georgia's ambitions to get closer to the EU between 1992-2009 with 865 million. Unfortunately, everything is not so black and white and there are also negative aspects. Biggest problem at the moment in the EU is countries dept - Greece in the first place. They took

Majandus → Majandus
9 allalaadimist

EL ja Venemaa

liidu-strateegia-venemaa-suunal-parlamendi-seisukohad/ • Venemaa. (2017). Kasutamise kuupäev: 28.02.2017. Allikas Wikimedia: • Euroopa Liit. (2017). Kasutamisekuupäev: 28.02.2017. Allikas Wikimedia: • World Trade Organization. (2017). Kasutamise kuupäev: 28.02.2017. Allikas Wikimedia: • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2017). Kasutamise kuupäev: 28.02.2017. Allikas Wikimedia: _Co-operation_and_Development • Illustratiivne materjal. (2017). Kasutamise kuupäev: 28.02.2017. Allikas Google Ltd: • Euroopa liit ja venemaa: mida toob tulevik? (2008). Kasutamise kuupäev: 28.02.2017. Allikas Avatud Eesti fond: Tänan tähelepanu eest!

Ühiskond → Poliitika
2 allalaadimist

Tööalane inglise keel

koos lisatasudega 13. Problem handling in complex and distributed application environment – probleemide lahendamise oskus keerulistes ja raskendatud olukordades 14. Establish and maintain successful cooperation – luua ja hoida head koostööd 15. Competitive salary according to the results achieved – konkurentsivõimeline tulemuspalk/ vastavalt töötulemustele 16. foundation for sustainable business – alus jätkusuutlikule ettevõttele 17. broad development and learning possibilities under professional leaders – laialdased arengu- ja õppevõimalused asjatundjate juhendamisel 18. long-term income opportunities – stabiilne sissetulek 19. operating high volume transactional systems – toimetulek mitmekülgsete ülekandesüsteemidega 20. Experience working in a global setting and with a broad international user community – töökogemused rahvusvahelise klientuuriga ülemaailmses keskkonnas 21

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Ameerika kirjanduse, Realism ja naturalism

• The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885) – begins as a sequel to 'Tom Sawyer' - Huck vernacular hero - there doesn't seem to much plot or structure, open story, open spirit - tension between laws of society and insticts - contrast between riverbank and river. Riverbank = fixed, social roles and concealed meanings, River = place of harmony, no clock time, wonder - possibility of human development - not a perfect book, but raises many significant questions about American life at a time etc. • Twain was becoming pessimistic, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1889) • The Mysterious Stranger (1916) WILLIAM DEAN HOWELLS (1837-1920) • Commonplace • Problems of the machine age and city • One of the authors who gravitates towards socialism • The Rise of Silas Lapham (1885) – relativity of rise and fall Naturalism • Dark

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

TV violence, Essee

TV violence Nowadays, television is the mainstream medium, which influences significantly the public opinion and, furthermore, it has the power to influence the formation of an individual’s identity. In such a situation, television violence has a particularly significant and dangerous impact on the viewers, especially youth, whose identity, moral values and beliefs are in the process of formation. Young people often perceive celebrities they see on TV and imaginary characters they see in movies as models for their own behavior. Children usually want to be soldiers or gangsters. As a result, they attempt to follow their lead, which often leads to the development of negative models of behavior. Also, some people think that fighting scenes, explosions, shooting scenes and other violent elements of movies are so awesome and they also want to spice up their lives and do something “cool”...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Introduction of Estonia

Introduction of Estonia The Republic of Estonia is beautiful country which is located in northeastern Europe, bordering the Baltic Sea on the west, the Gulf of Finland on the north, Latvia on the south, and Russia on the east. Estonia is the smallest of the Baltic countries. Administrative division: Estonia has an area of 45,226 square kilometers and Estonia is administratively divided into counties. There are 15 counties in Estonia. The capital is Tallinn which is located in Harjumaa. Counties are divided into 194 rural municipalities. Population: The population of Estonia was estimated at 1.34 million in January 2011, with a density of 30 persons per square kilometer. According to the last census the number of inhabitants has decreased. In 2010 the birth rate was 11,82 per 1,000 population, while the death rate was exactly the same, so population growth rate is 0%. The proportion of urban p...

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Tulujaotus ja majandusareng

­ NBER, Cambridge, 1993. 2. Barro, R. Inequality, Growth and Investment. ­ NBER Working Paper 7038, 1999. 3. Barro, R. Sala-I-Martin, X. Economic Growth.- McGraw Hill: 1995 4. Classification of economies. ­ World Bank: 1998 ­ [ databytopic/class.htm] 5. CC. Country at a glance.­ World Bank: 1998, 1999 ­ [ countrydata/ countrydata.html] 6. Eesti Pank. Aruanne 1998.­ [ 01.html] 7. GDNGD. Global Development Network Growth Database. World Bank 1999 ­ [] 140 8. Kaldaru, H. Varanduslik kihistumine siirdemajanduses. ­ Eesti Vabariigi majanduspoliitika ja Euroopa Liit. VII teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded-artiklid. Mattimar: 1999 9. WDI. World Development Indicators. ­ World Bank: 1998 ­ [http://www.worldbank. org/data.html] 10. WIID. World Income Inequality Database

Majandus → Arenguökonoomika
37 allalaadimist


POPULATION Influences: demographic transition ­ birth, death economy education urbanization employment migration ethnic-cultural background Demographic transition is a theory according to which all societies start with traditional alternation of generations and they finish with modern alternation of generations (demographic explosion, ageing) TRADITIONAL ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS -agrarian society -BR is high (10-12 children/3-4 survive) traditions, moral parents hope that their children will suport them in the future no healthcare -DR is high no healthcare epidemics -average age 35-40 THE BEGINNING OF INDUSTRIALIZATION -healthcare -development of economy -education Increase in the living standards. BR remained the same (still high) DR decreased Big amount of children in the society. 18th c. demographic explosion in Europe Factors that lead to the end of dem. explosion: -prohibitions of children's work -women were offered work (wa...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
4 allalaadimist

Arvutimaailma tegija Tim Berners-Lee

oma uue projekti Semantic Web kallal. Tunnustus Tim Berners Lee on saanud üle 40 erineva auhinna ning tunnustuse üle maailma. 2004. aastal löödi ta rüütliks globaalse interneti arendamise eest. Time Magazine on teda nimetanud "One of the 100 greatest minds of the century", Daily Telegraph nimetas ta suurimaks elavaks geeniuseks. Kirjandus Tim Berners-Lee and the Development of the World Wide Web (Unlocking the Secrets of Science) Ann Gaines (Mitchell Lane Publishers, 2001) Tim Berners-Lee: Inventor of the World Wide Web (Ferguson's Career Biographies) Melissa Stewart (Ferguson Publishing Company, 2001) Weaving the Web Berners-Lee, Tim with Fischetti, Mark (Harper Collins Publishers,1999) How the Web was Born: The Story of the World Wide Web Robert Cailliau, James Gillies, R. Cailliau (Oxford University Press, 2000) Kasutatud materjalid 1

Informaatika → Informaatika
7 allalaadimist

All forms of media

Following are the advantages and disadvantages of mass media to the society: Advantages: - Information - News - Entertainment - Communication ( specifically for internet) - Product reviews Disadvantages - Can lead to wrong perceptions - unrest - Panic Examples: Radio Television Newspapers Booklets Posters Flyers/leaflets Loud speakerannouncements Miking Videos/Films Press kits Media guides Town criers Gong gong beater Typical Materials Typical Formats Development and use of logos, leaders' statements National addresses by presidents and other high-level officials Publicity for NIDs by celebrities, including goodwill ambassadors Press conferences Newspaper editorials Public advertising: calendars; banners; billboards Promotional materials: t-shirts, hats, banners, bags, and pens Announcements via megaphones, microphones, loud speakers Different radio/TV formats

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Hotel Sophia

There are two conference halls in the hotel ­ the North Hall and South Hall. The rooms are excellent for organising top-priority meetings or heated debates, exciting discussions or educational training courses. Restaurant Fii offers all its visitors delicious dishes, combining visual attractiveness and exciting flavours. The hotel is called Sophia [] which is a Greek word for wisdom. The name is inspired by the rapidly developing surroundings of the hotel, where research and development are everyday keywords. Tartu University Hospital along with its prominent study buildings are only a short walking distance away. The design of hotel logo combines the Greek transcription of SOPHIA and the roundabout marking the hotel's location, which is the main hub for closest major cities. When designing and decorating rooms, their main focus has been customer comfort. The spacious (with an average size of 24 m2) and modern rooms with

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Kõrbestumine Sahelis

Pilt [1] Kõrbestumine Sahelis Hugo Treffneri Gümnaasium Julia Shashkina Tartu 2013 Kõrbestumine · kõrbete pealetung ehk aridifikatsioon · viljaka maapinna hävimise protsess · langeb mulla toitainesisaldus · suureneb erosioonitundlikkus · aladel, kus on vähe sademeid ja/või hõre taimkate · Pilt [2] Põhjused Inimtegurid: Looduslikud tegurid: 1.Metsaraie 1.Põuad 2.Liigkarjatamine 2.Globaalne soojenemine 3.Liigne 3.Paduvihmad, põlluharimine üleujutused - 4.Ehitustegevus erosioon 5.Suurenev Pilt[3] Kõrbestumise oht Pilt[4] KõrbestumineAafrikas - Sahelis · Savannide ja Sahara kõrbe piiriala · 5,400 km Atlandi ookeanist kuni Punase mereni · Pindala: 3,053,...

Geograafia → Geograafia
7 allalaadimist

150 inglise-eesti sõna

30. Continent ­ maailmajagu 31. Contribute- kaasa aitama, soodustama 32. Conversely - ümberpööratult 33. Conveying - Edasitoimetamine 34. Couraging ­ julgustama 35. Credibility- tõsiseltvõetavus, usutavus 36. Criticism - kriitika 37. Data ­ andmed 38. Debt ­ võlg 39. Declare - deklareerima 40. Decrease - vähendama 41. Define- määratlema 42. Degree ­ kraad 43. Delicate ­ delikaatne 44. Demonstrate ­ demostreerima, näitama 45. Development - areng 46. Differentiate- eristuma 47. Discretion ­ Valikuvabadus 48. Dissatisfaction - rahulolematus 49. Divide - jagama 50. Doubt ­ kahtlema 51. Downplay - vähendama 52. Eco-friendly ­ loodussõbralik 53. Effort ­ pingutama, panustama 54. Emphasis ­rõhk 55. Enlarge- suurendama, laiendama 56. equipment ­ varustus 57. Equipment ­ varustus 58. Examine ­ uurimine, eksamineerimine 59. Executives - Juhid 60. Expansion ­ laiendus 61

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsioon (ÜRO)

Nii aitab ÜRO kindlustada kõikide oma liikmesriikide julgeolekut, mis kuulub otseselt ÜRO Julgeolekunõukogu pädevusse. ÜRO raames toimub pidevalt mitmete erinevate rahvusvaheliste konventsioonide ning lepete koostamine, milles osalemine on vajalik nii Eesti seisukohtade esiletoomiseks kui ka Eesti huvide kaitsmiseks nende rakendamisel. Eelmainituga on seotud ka ÜRO rahvusvaheliste erialaste abiprogrammide võimaluste täielikum ärakasutamine. Nii ÜRO Arenguprogramm (United Nations Development Programme - UNDP), ÜRO Lastefond (UNICEF) kui ka mitmed teised ÜROga seotud organisatsioonid on olnud kaastegevad taasiseseisvumisjärgses arengus. Üheks oluliseks Eesti ÜRO esinduse funktsiooniks on ka diplomaatiliste sidemete hoidmine mitmete Eestile vähemtuntud ja eksootiliste riikidega. Nii peaks 1999. aastal New Yorgis teoks saama diplomaatiliste suhete sõlmimine Monaco Vürstiriigi ning Belizega.

Ühiskond → Avalik haldus
8 allalaadimist

Ettekanne-business in estonia

wood and paper, machinery and equipment and furniture. Estonian Entrepreneurs, About 88 percent of the companies operating in Estonia, are tiny, and proovide bread for less than 10 people. SECOND: The economy and the job market (tööturg) is constantly changing. Therefore, people need to continually improve themselves in order to be ready, if necessary, to change the work or the field. Broader (laiem) economic and social life is worth keeping track of. In the economic development perspective, it is important that people improve their knowledge and skills and meet the expectations of society and the market. You have to learn pasicly throughout the life. We have to study to get knowleges and skills. In Estonia you can study business in Estonian Business School and in Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied scienses. Both school focus mainly in business area. In Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Millised on Eesti eeldused olla jätkusuutlik väikeriik?

, Costanza, R., Dasgupta, P., Folke, C., Holling, C.S., Jansson, B.-O., Levin, S., Mäler, K.-G., Perrings, C., Pimentel, D. (1995). Economic Growth, Carrying Capacity, and the Environment. Science vol 268. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Baltic Environmental Forum (2000). 2nd Baltic State of the Environment Report based on environmental indicators. Riga. BEF. Bossel, H. (1999). Indicators for Sustainable Development: Theory, Method, Applications. A Report to the Balaton Group. Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada. International Institute for Sustainable Development. Eesti inimarengu aruanne (2000). Tallinn. Elanike usaldus valitsuse vastu on järsult langenud (2000). Eesti elanike usaldus poliitiliste institutsioonide vastu on langenud viimase viie aasta kõige madalamale tasemele. - Postimees, 7. dets. Hamilton, K. (2000). Genuine Saving as a Sustainability Indicator

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia
3 allalaadimist


Norra 0.968 2. 79.8 99.0% 41,420 USA 0.951 12. 77.9 98.4% 41,890 Eesti 0.860 44. 71.2 99.8% 15,478 Brasiilia 0.800 70. 71.7 88.6% 8,402 Mosambiik 0.384 172. 42.8 38.7% 1,242 Allikas. The 2006 Human Development Report. IAI indeksis väljenduvad kõik inimarengut iseloomustavad tegurid, sealhulgas keskmine eluiga, kirjaoskus ning SKT inimese kohta. Mida kõrgemad on vastavad tegurid, seda kõrgem on inimarengu indeks. RAHVASTIK Rahvaarv ja selle muutused USA on rahvaarvu poolest kolmas riik maailmas. 17. oktoobril 2006 ületas rahvaarv 300 miljoni piiri. Tänu sisserändele on elanikkond alati kiiresti kasvanud, kiire kasv jätkub ka praegu ning

Geograafia → Geograafia
11 allalaadimist


People of Kalamaja wish that Kalarand would stay as a public space, at least 50meters from the coastline, where everyone has access to any time convenient, and that current swimming and picnic opportunities would stay the same. People believe that Kalarand should not belong to any residential plot composition, and demand that Kalarand would be accessible even during the developing period. The developer of Kalasadam, Pro Kapital, is a leading Estonian real estate development company who operates in the capitals of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Since its establishment in 1994, it has completed 20 development projects and focuses mainly on the development of large-scale residential and commercial real estate projects in prime locations of the capitals of the Baltic States. In the second half of the 1990s, Pro Kapital aquired several unique properties in its portfolio, including two attractive coastal sites in Tallinn and Riga.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Industry of television and video technics

· Customers are not an interruption of work; they're the purpose for it. · Customers favor the company with their patronage. Company is not doing them a favor by serving them. · Customers are deserving of the most courteous and attentive treatment the company can give them. To achieve their commitment to both prospective and current customers, Video Technics is dedicated to maintaining a strong financial foundation, the ongoing personnel development of their highly talented staff, and creative strategic planning that enables them to serve their customers now and guide them forward into the future. 4 2. Panasonic 2.1 Introduction Panasonic Corporation is one of the largest electronic product manufacturers in the world, comprised of over 556 companies. It manufactures and markets a wide range of products under the Panasonic brand to enhance and enrich lifestyles all around the globe. 2

Geograafia → Geograafia
9 allalaadimist

Technology Home reading

technology to allow people to read, write and recognize faces. Advances in technology, genetics, brain science and biology are making a goal that long seemed out of reach -- restoring sight -- more feasible. "For a long time, scientists and clinicians were very conservative, but you have to at some point get out of the laboratory and focus on getting clinical trials in actual humans," said Timothy J. Schoen, director of science and preclinical development for the Foundation Fighting Blindness. Now "there's a real push," he said, because "we've got a lot of blind people walking around, and we've got to try to help them." More than 3.3 million Americans 40 and over, or about one in 28, are blind or have vision so poor that even with glasses, medicine or surgery, everyday tasks are difficult, according to the National Eye Institute, a federal agency. That number is expected to double in the next 30 years.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun