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Venemaa riigitöö

teemandid, kuld jne) tootmise, suure hulga turistide teenindamise või suuremate kuludega (nt kütmiseks, kuritegevuse vastu võitlemiseks jne). Sisemajanduse kogutoodang (SKT) ehk sisemajanduse koguprodukt on mingil kindlal territooriumil aasta jooksul toodetud lõpphüviste koguväärtus. Riikide võrdlemiseks on viimastel aastatel üha rohkem kasutatud inimarenguindeksit, mille kokkuvõte raportitena on jälgitavad kodulehel Human Development Reports Inimarengu indeks on riikide võrdlemisel kasutatav statistiline näitaja, mis võtab arvesse kolme tegurit: oodatav eluiga, haridus ja elatustase. Indeks võimaldab võrrelda inimeste elukvaliteeti erinevates riikides.Indeksi väärtus asub skaalal 0­1. 0 tähendab madalaimat ja 1 tähendab kõrgeimat võimalikku inimarengu taset.Inimarengu indeksi järgi jaotatati riigid kuni 2010. aastani kvartiilide kaupa: väga kõrge inimarengu indeks ( > 0,79)

Geograafia → Geograafia
6 allalaadimist

Riigitöö Ungari Vabariik

Globaalse meedia levik Massikultuuri levik Inglise keele domineerimine Osalemine virtuaalsetes kogukondades Haridus- ja teadusalane koostöö Keskkonnaalane globaliseerumine Kliimamuutus ja selle tagajärjed Loodusressursside ammendumine Bioloogilise mitmekesisuse vähenemine Maailmamere reostumine 1.2 RIIGI ARENGUTASEME ISELOOMUSTUS Tabel 2. Regioonide inimarenguindeksi muutused 1990-2017. Allikas:Human Development Report (20.11.2018) Regioon IAI muutus Väga kõrge arengutasemega riigid 0,787-0,894 muutus on 0,48% (OECD) Kõrge arengutasemega riigid 0.571-0.757 muutus on 1.05% Keskmise arengutasemega riigid 0.462-0.645 muutus on 1.24% Madala arengutasemega riigid 0.351-0,504 muutus on 1.35% Sellest järeldub, et kõige suurem arengumuutus toimub madala arengutasemega riikides.

Geograafia → Riigi tutvustus
3 allalaadimist

Formal expressions

Is being fixed is under repair Because of that... consequently, ... So,... therefore,... The machine is off the road/does not work the machine is under repair It is back on road it is roadworthy again Finish complete I have noticed the following the following has been observed Helps to develop economy promotes economic development They can do it they are able to cope with it The situation has become worse the situation has deteriorated The situation has become better the situation has improved We have still to study the results the consequences are further to be investigated about our telephone conversation on With reference to our telephone conversation of 5 April about how to look after field 5 April concerning the maintenance of field

Keeled → Inglise keel
55 allalaadimist


until 1035, when his death resulted in a reversion to Saxon control under his pious stepson Edward the Confessor, who refounded Westminster Abbey and the adjacent Palace of Westminster. By this time, London had become the largest and most prosperous city in England, although the official seat of government was still at Winchester. In the 16th century William Shakespeare and his contemporaries lived in London at a time of hostility to the development of the theatre. London was plagued by disease in the early 17th century, culminating in the Great Plague of 1665­1666, which killed up to 100,000 people or a fifth of the population. The Great Fire of London broke out in City and quickly swept through the wooden buildings. London was the world's largest city from about 1831 to 1925. Immediately after the World War II , the 1948 Summer Olympics were held at the

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Infootsing raamatukogu andmebaasidest

Ülesanne 2 Infootsing raamatukogu andmebaasidest 2.1. Otsing andmebaasist Compendex Engineering Village platvormil 2.1.1.Leia kompleksotsinguga Quick Search artikleid teemal Thermal treatment of physical properties of polyethylene a) otsivälju "All Fields" - leidsin 176 kirjet b) otsivälju "Ei controlled terms"- leidsin 4 kirjet 2.1.2. Leia Tehnikaülikooli teaduri Malle Krunksi artiklid andmebaasis Compendex a) mitu artiklit leidsid? Leidsin 59 artiklit 2.2. Otsing andmebaasist ProQuest Science Journals 2.2.1.Leia Jim Browni artikkel Tools for all jobs. a) Ava artikli täistekst ja leia, millist firmat Jim Brown juhatab - Tech-Clarity Inc b) Kirjelda otsistrateegiat: otsiprofiil: au(Jim Browni) AND (Tools for all jobs) 2.2.2. Ava andmebaasi ProQuest tesaurus: Advanced Search/Thesaurus a) esita kitsamad ja laiemad märksõnad, mida võib kasutada ökosüsteemide (ecosystems) kohta kirjanduse leidmisel. - laiemad (broader) märksõnad: env...

Keemia → rekursiooni- ja...
16 allalaadimist


Salutogenees e tervise areng (salutogenesis, health development) Üksikisikute ja elanikkonna gruppide terviseseisundi jätkuva paranemise protsess. Sotsiaalne kapital (social capital) Indiviididevahelised sidemed, sotsiaalsed võrgustikud, normid, vastastikune usaldus ja toetus. Sotsiaalne kapital väljendab ühiskonnas eksisteeriva sotsiaalse kokkukuuluvuse astet, ei ole vaid institutsioonide summa, millest ühiskond koosneb, vaid pigem liim, mis hoiab ühiskonda koos. Tervis (health) 1948. a defineeris WHO: tervis on täieliku füüsilise, sotsiaalse ja vaimse heaolu seisund, mitte ainult haiguste ja puuete puudumist. Tervis on multidimensionaalne, sotsiaalse, füüsilise ja psühholoogilise heaolu muutuv seisund, mis põhineb tegutsemisvõimel, eneseteostusvõimel ja elu mõtte tunnetusel. Terviseedendus (health promotion) WHO defineerib: tervisedendus kui protsess, mis võimaldab inimestel suurendada kontrolli oma tervise üle ja sellega parandad...

Meditsiin → Tervise edendus
31 allalaadimist

Inglise keele report: Animals in danger of extinction

Subject: Animals in danger of extinction Date: 20.04.11 The aim of this report is to make an overview of the status of wild animals in the world. The report is based on up-to-date statistics related to the topic. There are several disappointing facts and figures. a) Over the last couple of years the list of animals in danger of extinction has grown rapidly. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has calculated the percentage of endangered animals as 40 percent of all organisms. Recent research indicates that 70% of the world's most threatened mammal species are currently receiving little or no conservation attention.On 29 January 2010, the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species identified 842 extinct species and subspecies. b) The rarest animal on Earth today is the Pinta Island Tortoise (originating from the Galapagos Islands) , which is critically endangered, since t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

Description of the working place

Prisma is one of the fastest growing retail chains by market share in Estonia. The Company expands year on year, and today Prisma Peremarket has 8 hypermarkets, one small store Prisma Express in Tallinna reisisadam and Restaurant World in Sikupilli Shopping Centre. Prisma Peremarket provides work for more than 1,100 people. Prisma Family Market in Estonia is the only major retail chain who has not paid dividends on its activities outside Estonia, the previous years' profits invested in the development of their activities. Nordic SOK-owned retail chains still operate in Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Russia. Prisma is one of the most stable hypermarkets in Estonia, as it was established in 2000. The SOK subsidiary companies operating in Estonia are AS Prisma Family Market and Sokotel AS, which operates under the brand name Sokos Hotel Viru. I work full-time so my work schedule is rather busy. In a typical month I work around 160 to 170 hours. Usually I work four days in a row

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Before I fall

4) Sam boyfriend Rob  really handsome  all the girls like him  though he loves Samantha, he can easly let her down Characters 5) Juliet Sykes  outsider  called by many names, including "Psycho"  quiet and shy  isn't associated with people in the story (doesn't really have friends) Characters 6) Kent McFuller  He and Sam were best friends as children, but now she believes that she is too good for him. Topics  conflict of the story is the development of Samantha  reliving her last day  stages of Sam´s grief  denial  anger  bargaining  depression  acceptance Main ideas of the book  appreciate what you have  live every day as if it is your last one  to be attentive to your parents, friends Strengths and weaknesses  interesting book  instructive and filosofical  the plot is moving and though- provoking  well beautifully written

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


province from the Burmese in 1785 AD. Attractions Hat Patong is Phuket's most developed beach and is 3 kilometres long. Daytime activities are primarily centered around the beach with many watersport activities. Patong is equally well known for its nightlife. Patong is also a shopping option in Phuket. The northern end of Patong Bay is called Kalim and is a popular place for viewing the sunset and between April and September each year for surfing. Khao Phra Thaeo Wildlife Conservation Development and Extension Centre- It's duty is to promote, distribute and wildlife within Khao Phra Thaeo wildlife park. The park is full of virgin forest and also actively conserves a number of wild animals;they would otherwise be extinct in Phuket. It is a center for study of the environment and the forest vegetation is spectacular. Giant trees supported by huge buttresses are thick with creepers and climbers of every description. Local culture

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Flowers, flower trees and flower shrubs

­ blooms all season long ­ A resting place along with shelter Pilt 13 Butterfly Milkweed · Attract colour · Provide food for butterfly caterpillars · There you can watch Monarch butterfy life cycle Pilt 14 Fertilizing · Nitrogen produces vegetative or topp growth. · Phosphorous produces flower buds, fruit and root development. · Potassium builds strong healty plants. · The summer most plants need very little nitrogen, because they grow slowly · Liquid fertilizers work quickly, because they absorbed through the roots and foliage. Summary · Caring about the plants depends on plants type and size or age. · Habitation should be chosen according to what plant needs. · Flowers show always better breathtaking effect if you plant them in groupings. References ·

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


9. Geneetika ja kloonimine (Genetics and cloning) 10. Globaalne side (Global communication) 11. Liiklus ja rahvastiku logistika (Traffic and population logistics) 12. Teadmiste jagamine (Knowledge sharing) 13. Integreeritud elektrooniline keskkond (Integrated electronic environment ) 14. Globaliseerumine (Globalization ) 15. Interfeis ning robootika (Interfaces and robotics ) 16. Ilma prognoosimine ning kontroll (Weather prediction and control ) 17. Jätkusuutlik tootmine (Sustainable development ) 18. Meelelahutus (Entertainment ) 19. Kosmoseuurimine (Space exploration ) 20. "Virtualiseerimine" ("Virtualization" ) 21. Ajaloo säilitamine (Preservation of history ) 22. Liikide säilitamine (Preservation of species ) Tehnoloogia areng Interneti kasutus maailmas Infoühiskond Eestis 1990. aastad 2005. a ­ poliitilised e-valimised Eestis(kohaliku omavalitsuse

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
17 allalaadimist

Resume (conception of studying and teaching in university)

between perceptions of the teaching context and their approaches to teach. Moreover , there is a close relationship between student approach to learn and teacher approach to teach. Thete is some conceptions of teaching in higher education ·Teaching as providing information ·Teaching as transmitting structured knowledge ·Teaching as teamwork of student and teacher ·Teaching as the support the procces of studying for students ·Teaching as bringing change and intellectual development Conclusion:In a few words, successful adoptation of educational information by the student and successful teachers approach to increase students knowledge and give them inspiration to learn is the temwork that requires desire and patience.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Technology in our daily lives

The everincreasing use of technology in our daily lives is not always a good thing Technology plays an increasingly important part in our daily lives. While many technological developments may be beneficial in the field of medicine, for instance there are many others whose effects are less positive. We may find examples of these in the world of work, in the area of information technology and in the home. In the world of work, technological advances have had various negative effects. The development of robotics has meant that in industries such as carmanufacturing robots are replacing people. They work faster and more accurately and they do not need breaks. As a result, industrial workers see job opportunities dwindling further and unemployment levels rising. Furthermore, rapid advances in information technology mean that fewer people are needed in fulltime employment....

Keeled → Inglise keel
57 allalaadimist

Pros and Cons of Homeschooling

very different speeds. This helps slower learners stay on track with the class, but often leaves bright children bored and distracted. With homeschooling, children can learn at their own speed. Assured safety Perhaps one of the best arguments in favor of homeschooling is the guarantee of your child's safety. Bullying, fights and other school violence become a non-issue when your child is educated from home. The Cons: Lack of social development Of the many pros and cons of homeschooling, this is among the most commonly listed cons. Keeping your child out of a traditional school environment greatly inhibits their access to other children. Even if your child gets plenty of playtime and other opportunities to meet and interact with people his own age, this is bound to add up to far less contact than the 30+ hours in a normal school week and can lead to home school socialization issues. Missed experiences

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Kolmas tase Neljas tase Neljas tase Viies tase Viies tase The Tower Bridge The · Tower Bridge In the second half of the 19th century, increased commercial development in the East End of London led to a requirement for a new river crossing downstream of London Bridge. · The bridge is 244 m in length with two towers each 65 m high, built on piers. The central span of 61 m between the towers Muutke teksti laade Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase More pictures Muutke teksti laade

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Riigi kuulumine rahvusvahelistesse majandusorganisatsioonidesse MRECOSOUR- vabakaubandusliit, BIS(Bank for International Settlements) ECLAC(Economic Commission for Latin America and the Carribbean) FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) IADB (Inter-American Developtment Bank) IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) ICRM ( Institute of Certified Records Managers) ICAO ( International Civil Aviation Organization) IDA ( International Development Association ) IFC ( International Finance Corporation) ­ maailma panga liige IFRCS (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies) - on rahvusvaheline IHO (International Hydrographic Organization) ­ Rahvusvaheline ILO ( International Labour Organizaiton) IMF ( International Monetary Fund) IMO(International Maritime Organization) Interpol ­ Maailma suurim rahvusvaheline politsei organisatsioon IOM(vaatleja)

Geograafia → Geograafia
52 allalaadimist

Jätkusuutlik areng

see näitaja oli kõrgem ka Euroopa Liidu keskmisest. Jätkusuutlik areng on pidev protsess, mis hõlmab endas pea kõiki elu valdkondi. Selle poole püüdlevad riigid nii üksi, luues riiklikke arengukavasid nagu „Säästev Eesti 21“, kui ka rahvusvahelisel tasemel koos teiste riikidega, näiteks järgides ÜRO arengukava „Agenda 21“. 13 VIIDATUD ALLIKAD Agenda 21. United Nations Sustainable Development. (06.12.2014) About the CSD. (08.12.2014) Bulkeley, H., Jordan, A., Perkins, R., Selin, H. (2013). Governing sustainability: Rio+20 and the road beyond. - Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, vol. 31, pp. 958 – 970 Byrch, C., Kearins, K., Milne, M.J., Morgan, R.K. (2009). Sustainable Development: What does it really mean

Majandus → Majanduspoliitika
34 allalaadimist

IT süsteemide tugi ja korraldus ettevõttes

Management Brand Enterprise Disaster Strategic & Stakeholders Research & Financial & Management, Human Quality Recovery, Enterprise External Development Asset Market Resources Management, Security & Planning Relations Technology Management Research & Management Process & IT Fraud Management Acquisitions

Informaatika → Informaatika
79 allalaadimist

Report Of Canada

On the Pacific coast, the combination of heavy rainfall and mild temperatures year round supports Canada, Kärt Kalvet 8a temperate rain forests. On the Prairies, the large number of days of sunshine affects the development of the agricultural landscape. In the Maritimes, the Atlantic Ocean moderates the climate such that winters are generally long and mild, and summers are short and cool. These conditions help in the development of forests. Finally, around the Great Lakes and alongside the St. Lawrence River as far downstream as the city of Québec, the climate is characterized by relatively warm summers and cool winters, moderated by surrounding water bodies. These conditions are suitable to the development of mixed wood and broadleaf forests. Mineral Resources Mining and fuel extraction and production accounted for 4.5 percent of Canada's GDP or some US$36.1 billion

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
15 allalaadimist

Automaatika referaat (eng)

The grammar composite that evaluates things like subject-verb agreement, and text complexity is similar in nature to ascertaining the reading level of the text. The information gleaned is then used by a series of independent mathematical judges, or mathematical models, to "predict" the expert human scores and then optimized to produce a final predicted score. Typically, the judge that explains the largest proportion of rater variance will be employed in model development. The technical details of the Intelligent Essay Assessor are highlighted in Landauer, Laham, & Foltz (2003). IEA is modeled using a two-pronged approach. The content of the essay is assessed by using a combination of external databases and LSA. For example, if the writing prompt had to do with the differentiation among Freud's concepts of superego, ego, and id, the reference database might include the electronic version of an introductory text in psychology

Masinaehitus → Automaatika
19 allalaadimist

Global warming

Global warming The problem of desertification increases every year. More and more fertile areas become useless. Seas, lakes and other bodies of water dry out. Desertification does not only have an effect on the dry areas but also influences the areas that aren't haunted by the lack of water and land. Desertification has an effect on all of us. It slows down the development of agriculture or puts a total stop to it. The poor living conditions of developing countries drive people to search food somewhere else. In addition to natural ways, humankind helps along to the process of desertification that eventually leads to global warming. The main reasons are the fast growth of the population and it's consequences ­ too intensive animal raising and the arable lands that are made too fast for the nature to adjust.

Keeled → Inglise keel
60 allalaadimist


(energy drink) Arctic (sport drinks) and Limonaad (softdrink). Who are main competitors? A Le Coq main competitors Saku Brewery, Ösel Foods, Liviko, Saaremaa Brewery, Viru Beer. Something interesting! Its motto is "Asi on maitses", meaning it's about the taste. A song with this name by rock band Smilers was also specifically written and is used in commercials. ( ) A Le Coq in Estonia considers it important to stand for excellence and the development of amateur sport and to support the football stadium A. Le Coq Arenat and the gold sponsor of the Estonian Football Union. Tartu city supports A. Le Coq Aura Water Center and Sports A. Le Coq SPORT. Images Example Thank you for attention!

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist

Men and women in politics

The United States, as well as many other countries, has various beliefs regarding the role of women in the political arena. The United States has shown how the political role of a woman has evolved, over time, into a more powerful one. On the other hand, a woman seeking a powerful position, such as a political platform, is looked down upon in most countries. Some political systems are regimes marked by one- party rule and are incomplete in their political development. The place of women in society is still secondary and it will take time before the U.S. and other countries alike achieve complete equality. On the other hand everybody believes more men in politics. Because women do not trust another women and choose men as strong person. Women in politics are very emotional. I think that men are better liers and they can face problems better that women. Nowdays we can see more men in politics but also we can find a lot of

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Diferentseeritud lähenemine töötajaskonna planeerimisele kui võimalus tasakaalustada tööjõu nõudlust ja pakkumist

Diferentseeritud lähenemine töötajaskonna planeerimisele kui võimalus tasakaalustada tööjõu nõudlust ja pakkumist 1. seminar Seminaride eesmärgid · Arutleda süvendatult teemadel, mis on antud kursuse sisu mõistmisel olulised · Tekitada diskussiooni, anda võimalus avaldada oma arvamusi ja esitada küsimusi · Õpetada töötama (teadus)artiklitega · Aidata seostada kursusel käsitletavaid teemasid igapäevase personalijuhtimise praktikaga Lühikokkuvõte loengutest · Personali planeerimise keskne eesmärk: tasakaalustada organisatsiooni tööjõu nõudlust ja pakkumist ­ Arvuline aspekt ­ Kompetentside aspekt · Tulenevalt keskkonna keerukusest ja määramatusest on nõudlus ja pakkumine pidevas muutuses ning tasakaalu hoidmine keeruline · Planeerimise sisu ja rõhuasetused tulenevad organisatsiooni eripärast · Vajaliku inimressursi väärtus on organisatsiooni jaoks siseselt erinev ...

Majandus → Töö- ja palgakorraldus
14 allalaadimist

Invention of the Airplane

Invention of Airplanes Mailis Zirk 2012 The discovery of the airplane brought along development in the transport system. The speed of an airplane is so high that it does not take long to reach any place throughout the Click world. to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Slowly and gradually, emergencies are becoming easier to handle after the invention of airplane. Click to edit Master text styles The involvement of Second level airplanes in the defense Third level Fourth level area has now become ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist


10.b What is addiction? The term "addiction" is used in many contexts to describe an obsession, compulsion, or excessive physical depence or psychological dependence, such as: drug addiction, video games, crime, alcoholism, compulsive overeating, problem gambling, computer addiction, pornography, etc. Drug addiction Drug addiction is widely considered a pathological state. The disorder of addiction involves the progression of acute drug use to the development of drug-seeking behavior, the vulnerability to relapse, and the decreased, slowed ability to respond to naturally rewarding stimuli. Video game addiction Video game addiction, or more broadly video game overuse, is excessive or compulsive use of computer and video games that interferes with daily life. Instances have been reported in which users play compulsively, isolating themselves from, or from other forms of, social contact

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

ESSEE Getting the most out of myself

Getting the most out of myself Our world today is a hard place to succeed, but in order to break through, one must work hard on personal development, devote in education and strive towards progress. Thankfully there are a handful of techniques and strategies that will help a person achieve better results in acquiring knowledge. Firstly, it is important to make perfectly clear what is one´s motivation to learn ­ is it a strive for a well-paid job, a place in a university or simply acknowledgement? Motivation is the key tool towards progress, it keeps you going when you experience failure or breakdown. Therefore it is like fuel to a

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

How does the United States influence Estonia?

our political decisions might be affected by the United States, however, it will stay out of the public view. Although Estonia is not directly dependant on America economically but as the United States’ economy has an effect on the global economy, we are bound to be influenced indirectly. In the cultural aspect, Americanisation is taking spreading all over the world. In our everyday life, we are exposed to American culture because it is everywhere: music, films, food. With the development of Internet and technology, the access to different cultures has become easier and the impact to our culture more noticeable. Also in today’s society we are not limited by the state borders, therefore we can consume goods and media without any resistance. Nowadays we have become so accustomed to it that we do not notice how much American culture there is around us every day: the junk food we eat has become a quick and cheap

Ühiskond → Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade...
4 allalaadimist

Are student organizations beneficial for students?

One the other hand it might be said that students who have been in many student organizations have got jobs or scholarships more easily than those who have not. Firstly taking part actively in student organizations have given them many useful contacts and they have had mentors. Also secondly joining student organizations might provide help with students future careers and most of all it improves their social skills which causes personal and personality development. For example students on one student organization share similar interest, hobby or religion and it helps to network being in one group and supplementing each other. Briefly, it can be said that students who belong to some student organization get more benefits than those who does not, because being on one or many student organiztions it improves and teaches how to work as a team, how finances work or how to market for event.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Carbonated beverages presentation

Carbonated beverages: healthy or harmful? Anna Beda KATB11 Food Engineering and Product Development Tallinn University of Technology December 6, 2012 Following topics 1. What is carbonated beverage? 2. Main components 3. Influence on our organism 4. Conclusion 5. Interesting facts 6. Sources What is carbonated beverages? Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

The Importance of English History

power and finally, settle down. Since they were not the first ones to live in England, it was a little bit easier for them to adopt the new land, yet none of their rule lasted long enough to defeat British nature from toe to top. Even now some parts of England have inhabitants whose distant relatives and great-great-great...parents origin from the first ones to ever settle down on the island. To conclude, it could be said that the most interesting part of the history is watching the development of a nation and its life with the native nature. Both change through time, yet neither disappear nor surrender completely to another. The importance of English History lies in everything and everyone connected with it. England really is an island to learn something interesting about.

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
6 allalaadimist

Smart devices

chains. SMARTPHONES • The first smartphone was invented 2007 • In early 2007, Apple Inc. introduced the iPhone, one of the first smartphones to use a multi-touch interface.  • The iPhone was notable for its use of a large touchscreen for direct finger input as its main means of interaction, instead of a stylus, keyboard, or keypad typical for smartphones at the time. POSITIVE SIDES • Wifi and internet • Front camera • Communication • Business development SMARTWATCH • A smartwatch is a computerized wristwatch with functionality that goes beyond timekeeping • Many run mobile apps, using a mobile operating system • Many run mobile apps, using a mobile operating system. Some smartwatches function as portable media players, with FM radio and playback of digital audio and video files via a Bluetooth or USB headset. Some models, also called 'watch phones', feature full mobile phone capability, and can make or answer phone calls

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoseadmed
2 allalaadimist

Geograafia kodune kontrolltöö

· Loodus ressursside sh maavarade regionaalne ammendamine . Puhta vee varu ja põllumaa vähenemine. · Bioloogilise mitmekesisuse vähenemine. Elupaikade hävimine, võõrliikide sissetung. · Maailmamere reostumine, jäätmed, prügisaared. 7. Selgita lühendeid. NAFTA ­ North American Free Trade Agreement on Ameerika, Kanda ja Mehhiko vaheline kaubanduslik kokkulepe, mille eesmärk oli kaotada liikmesriikide vahelised tollimaksud. OECD ­ Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development on arenenud tööstusriike koondav majandusorganisatsioon, mis tegeleb üldise teabevahetuse, andmete kogumise, statistika avaldamise ja majanduse analüüsiga. Kaur Korjus G3R

Geograafia → Eesti loodus ja geograafia
20 allalaadimist

The Lively Side of Death

And he liked it. It was described in the book that he felt warm and content, .apparently he was experiencing happiness Later on in the book it was revealed that since Mort was slowly taking over Death's duties, Death started becoming more human. They finally reverted to their normal selves, but at the end of the .book, there was given a hint that Death still had retained some human feelings In conclusion, Death's development in "Mort" was wonderful to read, especially due to its somewhat random and heartwarming nature. Even though it was not a change by heart, it was .good to see that a bit of humanity had rubbed off on Death

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


process by heating and refininf the metal in a varietu of chemical processes, most of which were kept secret. 9)where was alchemy practiced? Alchemy was practiced from China and India to Greece, it migrated to egypt during hellenistic period and was later revived in the 12th-century Europe 10)which discoveries did they make? Alchemists made some useful discoveries- mineral acids, alcohol, their experimentations led to the development of pharamacology and the rise of modern chemistry.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

OP kunst

seotud mustvalged fotod. Nnede peaale paigutatakse akrüül-klaaspaneelid ning tänu sellele muutub pilt sõltuvalt vaataja vaatenurgast. · Tegeles kintteilisuse ja vibratsiooni põhitõdedega "Vega" (1957) · Kunstnik ise ­ "painting and sculpture become anachronistic terms: it's more exact to speak of bi-, tri- and multidimensional plastic art. We no longer have distinct manifestations of a creative sensibility, but the development of a single plastic sensibility in different spaces." · "Movement does not rely on composition nor a specific subject, but on the apprehension of the act of looking, which by itself is considered as the only creator." Veel optilise kunsti näiteid · Tänan kuulamast!

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
3 allalaadimist

Charles Darwin

As the lower branches of the ancient African trees were plucked bare, the longer-necked ancestral giraffes were more likely to survive than their shorter-necked cousins, and they handed down the tendency toward long necks to their descendants. The modern, long-necked giraffe thus evolved through countless generations of natural selection. A few people may have stumbled upon this idea before Darwin did, but Darwin was the first to develop it. The development was indeed more crucial to the ultimate acceptance than was the insight alone. By itself, evolution by natural selection is an amazing theory, and although this might explain a great deal, it does not prove that it is true. Lamarckianism was amazing in its time but it did not stand up close to scrutiny. Before offering his insight to the world, Charles Darwin determined that he would subject it to close scrutiny. He spent the next two decades of his life collecting masses of evidence,

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Newfoundland & Labrador and Alberta

range of other water sports. There are three large lakes and a multitude of smaller lakes less than 260 square kilometres each. Lesser Slave Lake (1,168 square kilometres) is northwest of Edmonton. The longest river in Alberta is the Athabasca River which travels 1,538 kilometres from the Columbia Icefield in the Rocky Mountains to Lake Athabasca. Edmonton is the most northerly major city in Canada, and serves as a gateway and hub for resource development in northern Canada. Alberta's other major city, Calgary is surrounded by extensive ranching country. Almost 75% of the province's population lives in the Calgary- Edmonton Corridor, in and between the two major cities. The Rocky Mountains along the southwestern boundary are largely forested. The southern quarter of the province is prairie, ranging from shortgrass prairie in the southeastern corner to mixed grass prairie in an arc to the west and north of it. The central aspen parkland region

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


ARENGULE................................................................................................................................4 3. KOKKUVÕTE.........................................................................................................................9 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS.....................................................................................................11 LISAD: Lisa 1. The impact of maternal depression in pregnancy on early child development 2 1. SISSEJUHATUS Valisin analüüsimiseks artikli rasedusaegse depressiooni mõjust lapse varajasele arengule (The impact of maternal depression in pregnancy on early child development). Artikli koostasid T. Deave (Centre for Child and Adolescent Health, University of West England), J. Heron (Department of Social Medicine, ALSPAC, University of Bristol), J. Evans (Academic Unit of Psychiatry,) ja A. Emond (Centre for Child and Adolescent Health, University of Bristol).

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
2 allalaadimist


Karjääriplaneerimine: 1.Karjäär (career) – inimese elukestev haridus- ja töötee areng kõigi elurollide omavahelises kooskõlas. Karjääri planeerimine (career development) – elukestev õppimine ja valikute tegemine oma karjääri kujundamisel. Karjääritunnused (career services) – nii riikliku süsteemi kui erasektori poolt pakutavad teenused (karjäärinõustamine, koolitusprogrammid, karjääriinfo vahendamine, tööturuteenused jne.). Karjääriõpetus – õppeaine, mis kujundab õpilase teadlike karjääriotsuste tegemiseks vajalikud teadmised, oskused ja hoiakud. Karjääri juhtimine (career management) – erinevad tegevused organisatsioonis, mis on seotud töötajate hindamise, arendamise, edutamise ja organisatsioonist väljajuhtimisega. Karjäärinõustaja (career counsellor) – toetab inimest karjääri planeerimisel, aidates tal suurendada teadlikkust iseendast, hariduse ja tööturu võimalustest, püstitada eesmärke ja kavandada tegevusi nende eesmärkide s...

Psühholoogia → Karjääripsühholoogia
88 allalaadimist

"Jõutõstmine" ettekanne

That spurred the establishment of the European Powerlifting Federation in 1974. Currently, the IFP has more than 70 member countries, while something over 20 countries belong to the WPC. Bench press The bench press is a exercise in which, while lying on his back, the person performing the bench press lowers a weight to the level of the chest, then pushes it back up until the arm is straight and the elbows are locked. The exercise focuses on the development of the upper body muscles. Form There is a specific form to the bench press which reduces the chance of injury and maximally challenges the muscles of the chest. A barbell bench press starting position is to be lying on a bench, with the shoulder blades pinched together to avoid recruiting the anterior deltoid during the lift. Feet are kept flat on the ground or end of the bench, with the buttocks always in contact with the bench

Keeled → Inglise keel
33 allalaadimist

Tai Kuningriigi põllumajanduse iseloomustus

2015. Thailand, (10.03.2015) FAOSTAT = Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Statistic Division. 2015. Productions, Crops, Live Animals, Trade in Thailand.*/E, (10.03.2015) Irrigation. 2015., (10.03.2015) List of Countries by Human Development Index. 2015., (10.03.2015) NSTDA = National Science and Technology Capability. 2015., (10.03.2015) OEC = The Observatory of Economic Complexity. 2015. Export and import in Thailand, (10.03.2015) Raudsepp, T.; Vessin, U

Geograafia → Geograafia
9 allalaadimist

Los Angeles

Theatre, Griffith Observatory, Getty Center, Getty Villa, Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Grauman's Chinese Theatre, Hollywood Sign, Hollywood Boulevard, Capitol Records Tower, Los Angeles City Hall, Hollywood Bowl, Theme Building, Watts Towers, Randy's Donuts, Staples Center, Dodger Stadium, and La Placita Olvera/Olvera Street. Downtown Los Angeles is quickly becoming a landmark of itself, with development of billion dollar projects such as Wilshire Grand Tower I, rivaling the prominence of places such as Times Square. Los Angeles was founded on September 4, 1781, by Spanish governor Felipe de Neve. Los Angeles is a world center of business, international trade, entertainment, culture, media, fashion, science, technology, and education. Los Angeles is also home to renowned universities such as the University of Southern California and the University of California, Los Angeles.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Riigi arengu iseloomustus

590 0.602 0.595 0.584 0.575 0.566 0.527 0.384 0.459 Europe 0.808 0.811 0.808 0.804 0.799 0.794 0.758 0.715 0.734 Oceania 0.813 0.816 0.814 0.812 0.809 0.808 0.889 0.710 0.735 Austraalia on teistest religioonidest kõvasti üle ning Oceania on Euroopaga suhteliselt võrdne kuid Asia on ültse kõige väiksema HDI-ga Allikas: Human Development Reports Ülle Liiber, Vaike Rootsmaa ARVUTITUND 4. IAI Adult literacy GDP per HDI value Life HDI rank rate capita expect (both (2008 ancy

Geograafia → Geograafia
5 allalaadimist

Nokia - powerpoint

200 · 7) · Nokia Siemens Networks ­ Telekommunikatsioon, Click to edit Master text styles Internet Second level · Vertu ­ luksus telefonid Third level Fourth level Navteq Elektroonilised · Fifth level kaardid, GIS(global information system) ·Qt Development Frameworks ­ Tarkvarad ·Symbian Ltd. Nutitelefonide Tüt operatsiooni süsteemid aret tevõ tted Ai tä h ku u lam as t

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
10 allalaadimist

Nälg ja ületootmine

Aastas sureb nälga 40 miljonit inimest, sh 6 miljonit last. Peamiseks probleemiks on toidu kättesaadavus Aafrikas, peamiselt Sahara kõrbest lõunasse jäävatel aladel. Kesk- ja Ida- Aafrikas on alatoitunud keskmiselt kolmandik riikide elanikkonnast. Arvuliselt on kõige enam alatoitunud inimesi kahes kõige rahvarohkemas riigis: Hiinas ja Indias. Septembris 2000 võttis ÜRO Peaassamblee vastu aastatuhande deklaratsiooni, mille alusel koostati hiljem 8 arengueesmärki (ingl. Millennium Development Goals). Arengueesmärkide saavutamiseks seati kindel tähtaeg (2015); üheks eesmärgiks lepiti kokku ülima vaesuse ja nälja vähendamine maailmas (sh vähendada poole võrra inimeste arvu, kes kannatavad nälga). Kahjuks on ette näha, et võetud eesmärki ei suudeta täita. Probleemi lahendus on mitte raha, vaid poliitiliste prioriteetide taga ­ maailmas kulutati sõjalistel eesmärkidel 2005. aastal kokku 1,1 triljonit USD

Geograafia → Demograafia
53 allalaadimist


Keerdvedruga lahendus talub suuri koormusi ja on vähem kriitiline ülekuumenemise suhtes. Tõmbelahutatav sidurikorv Survelahutatav sidurikorv Mitmekettaline sidur Sellise lahenduse kindlad eelised on: temperatuur on rohkem ühtlustatud ja madalam, väiksem ülekuumenemise oht, täpsem sidurilülitus, suurem vastupidavus kõrgetele pöördemomentidele, väga mugav kasutada, kergem hooratas, pikaealine. Toyota Racing Development Twin Disk (Twin Plate) clutch Lahutusmuhvi koost Rolls-Royce Phantom III - clutch bearing Maailmas on väga palju erinevaid lahutusmuhve Siduri rikked · Hõõrdpinnad kulunud · Suure libistamisega on vedrud ülekuumenenud · Hüdraulikasüsteemis on õhk sees · Lamellvedru otsad kulunud (>0,5mm) · Käigukasti veovõlli sooned ,,kruvistunud" Kui sidur ei lahuta: ajamiprobleemid, hammasliite probleemid

Auto → Auto õpetus
121 allalaadimist

The aim of this report is to compare hobbies of Estonian and Russian young people in Tallinn.

The aim of this report is to compare hobbies of Estonian and Russian young people in Tallinn. The aim of this report is to give an overview of the current situation involving the Russian and Estonian youth attending hobbies. The report is based on the Estonian Human Development Report. This report describes the ratios regarding to the Estonian and Russian youth living in Tallinn doing sports, learning languages, dancing and singing folk music. The first hobby I am going to compare is sport. 21.0% of Estonian youngsters said that their favorite hobby is sport and 31.5% of Russian young people said that it is their favorite hobby too. So we can say that Russians are more active than Estonians. We can also say that

Keeled → Inglise keel
97 allalaadimist

Estonian Business Incubators

Euroacademy Faculty of the international relations Darja Antipina Estonian Business Incubators Essay Tallinn 2012 We can define business incubators as a specially designed programs to maintain successful development of entrepreneurial companies. There are more than 800 business Incubators in Europe and they devise into 2 main groups : 1) Incubators that focused on general business support 2) focused on technological areas. In Estonia exist Incubators in operation and new initiatives are underway. In my essay I allocate those Incubators, which are located in Tallinn. There are: Kopli Business Incubator, Ülemiste Business Incubator, Tallinn Creative Incubator. I focus on two of them : the Ülemiste

Majandus → Majapidamise alused
10 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun