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"current" - 608 õppematerjali

current – tähistab mingit senikasutatavat arvulist väärtust, omadust, nime jne.


Commonwealth Realm that formally recognizes Elizabeth II as Queen of Canada. Though the United Kingdom and Canada share the same Monarch, the Queen of the United Kingdom is a legally separate role from the Queen of Canada. While Queen Elizabeth II is currently Canada's sovereign, the Queen's representative in Canada and de facto head of state is the Governor General. The Governor General is generally a retired politician, military leader, or other notable Canadian. Current Governor General is Michaelle Jean. The Prime Minister is really the head of government in Canada. Stephen Harper is currently the PM. National symbols. The use of the maple leaf as a Canadian symbol dates back to the early 18th century, and is on its current and previous flags, the penny, and on the coat of arms. The national colours are red and white which also appear on the flag. The national animal is the beaver and it is because the fur trade. Maple syrup is very

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Immunoloogia seminaritööd

klassikalise histamiini hüpoteesiga, sest uuemad uuringud on näidanud vastakaid tulemusi. Berger, A. Th1 and Th2 responses: what are they? BMJ 2000; 321: 424. Izuhara K., Shiraishi, H., Ohta, S., Arima, K., Suzuki, S. The Roles of Th2-Type Cytokines in the Pathogenesis of Atopic Dermatitis. In: Editors: Esparza Gordillo, J., Dekio, I. Atopic Dermatitis - Disease Etiology and Clinical Management. InTech 2012. Marsella, R., Sousa, C.A., Gonzales, A. J., Fadok, V.A. Current understanding of the pathyphysiologic mechanisms of canine atopic dermatitis. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2012; 241(2): 194-207. Nuttall, T., Uri, M., Halliwell, R. Canine atopic dermatitis – what have we learned. Veterinary Record 2013; 172: 201-207 8. seminar – autoimmuunsuse diagnoosimine Autoimmuunsus on immuunsüsteemi reaktsioon organismi enda kudede vastu. Inimeste autoimmuunse hepatiidi korral saavad kahjustada eelkõige maksarakud

Bioloogia → immunoloogia
15 allalaadimist


days to walk around: Tallinn's Old Town is beautiful and enchanting during all seasons. Be sure to enjoy the outdoor cafés during summer and cosy fire and luxurious gourmet experiences in winter, indulge in local chocolateries and don't forget to take your camera! Tallinn Town Hall Tallinn Town Hall is one of the most important symbols of the city and a unique architectural monument in Europe. The Town Hall, established in the heart of the city in the 13th century, was completed in its current shape in 1404 and it is the only preserved Gothic style town hall in Northern Europe. The rarest objects of art in the Town Hall include the carved bench backs from the 14th and 15th centuries and 16th century wall paintings in the city government hall. The Town Hall is still an important building for the city government and is used for official receptions and concerts for up to 120 people. It is a vanue for festivals or concerts like Tallinn Old Town Days. Tallinn Town Hall Coordinates

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Kordamine Infotöötlus eksamiks

Tähe vahe hõrendada font ­ character Spacing ­ Spacing - Expanded Rea ja lõigu vahe saab muuta paragraph ­ spacing (rea) ja indentation (lõigu). Et mitu tööd korraga ette võtta tuleb nad mõlemad avada Ja seejärel võtta View ­ View Side by Side. Või Arrange ALL Lehte pikali panna saab Page Layout ­ Orientation - Landscape. Köitmisriba saab ette panna Page Layout ­ Page Setup - Gutter Kui tahan välja printida kindla lehekülje pean Print ­ linnuke Current page (kui oled sellel lehel) või linnuke Pages (valid lehe mida soovid printida). Automaatsisukorda teha References ­ Table of Contents Teksti stiile saab ise teha Home ­ Styles ­ New Stiles Ümbrikupealseid saab teha Mailings - envelopes Lühendeid saab teha Word Options ja Proofing ja Auto Coorect Options Viiteid saab lisada References ­ Footnotes ­Insert -. Kui tahan automaatkuupäeva siis pean Insert ­ Text - Date&Time ­ Update automatically (linnuke)

Informaatika → Infotöötlus
31 allalaadimist

Mikrokontrollerid ja praktiline robootika

01 µF. a) For Vin = 0.0836 V, fOUT= 100 Hz b) For Vin = 0.418 V, fOUT= 500 Hz c) For Vin = 0.836 V, fOUT= 1kHz Question 6 (10 marks) One of the reasons for using time/frequency based measurements in microcontroller systems is to be able eliminate ground loops. Explain the unwanted ground loop that may occur in an electrical scheme with the help of a figure. Solution: In an electrical system, a ground loop usually refers to a current, almost always unwanted, in a conductor connecting two points that are supposed to be at the same potential, often ground, but are actually at different potentials. Ground loops created by improperly designed or improperly installed equipment are a major cause of noise and interference in audio and video systems. They can also create an electric shock hazard, since ostensibly "grounded" parts of the equipment, which are often accessible to users, are not at ground potential.

Informaatika → Informaatika
15 allalaadimist

Mikrokontrollerid ja robootika homework 2

for the following input combinations. (Assume VR=5V). a)S2S1S0=0102 Output voltage = 1.25 V b)S2S1S0=1012 Output voltage = 3,125 V c)S2S1S0=0112 Output voltage = 1.875 V Question 16 Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) is a commonly used technique for controlling power to inertial electrical devices and DC motors. The PWM switching frequency has to be much faster than what would affect the load on DC motors. 1. Draw the motor current and the motor voltage characteristic during the operation with a constant PWM signal of 50% duty cycle. 2. Recommend the suitable range of frequency for this PWM applied in microcontrollers. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of PWM systems. The frequency should be about 30kHz, voltage 5V. The advantages of PWM systems: Very high efficiency (not much heat produced) Relatively cheap Makes the motor run smoother The disadvantages of PWM systems:

Mehhatroonika → Mikrokontrollerid ja robootika
10 allalaadimist

Teemakaardi koostamine

maakondade piirid ja tekitaks uued piirid, kirjutasin veergu „Regioonid” regioonide nimed, mille sain grupitöö andmete lehelt. Seejärel kasutasin töövahendit Spatial/ Combine/Combine Objects using Column, mis liitis objektid (polügonid)atribuutide alusel. Valisin Group Objects By Column ning valisin „Regioon” ja lõin uue kihi. Selleks et uus kiht lisataks samasse kaardi aknasse, mitte ei avata uut kaardiakent toimisin järgmiselt: Store Results in Table: New. New Table: Add to current mapper, Table Structure: Using Table: Maakonnas. Create: salvestasin uue kihi oma kausta ning panin uue kihi nimeks Regioonid. Regioonide kihi atribuutide tabelisse lõin uue veeru ning nimetasin selle ümber „Põllumaa”. Veeru tüübiks valisin Float, äsja loodud veeruge kirjutasin andmed mille leidsin grupitöö andmete lehelt. Järgmiseks viisin maakondade kiht regioonide kihist kõrgemale ning kujundasin maakonnad ilma täitevärvita

Geograafia → Geoinformaatika
35 allalaadimist

Brexit (inglise keelne)

other EU countries. As the numbers show, about €7.5 billion is being sent home from Britain. In the case of no-deal Brexit, new laws and requirements could be triggered that would have a negative side effect on those who are already working there or were planning on starting. Brexit is considered somewhat of a wake-up call for everybody. It is not a time to lose hope and declare the end of the union. On the contrary, it is time to regroup and rethink the current situation. It has also started some new political movements. For example, Italy’s population was one of the least supportive of the European Union before the 2016 British referendum. Since then the percentage of non-supportive citizens has dropped about 22%. It is now a home for a new pan-European (involves most of the nations of Europe) political party called Volt Europa. It has parties all across Europe and is gaining more support each day. It was founded by Andre

Politoloogia → Euroopa liit
5 allalaadimist


About fourfifths of Canada's population lives within 150 kilometres (93 mi) of the United States border The majority of Canadians (approximately 80%) live in urban areas concentrated in the Quebec City ­ Windsor Corridor Canada's national symbols are influenced by natural, historical, and Aboriginal sources. The use of the maple leaf as a Canadian symbol dates to the early 18th century The maple leaf is depicted on Canada's current and previous flags, on the penny, and on the Arms of Canada Other symbols: beaver, Canada Goose, Common Loon, the Crown, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and more recently, the totem pole and Inuksuk THANK YOU FOR WATHING LET'S ALL VISIT CANADA!!! J

Keeled → British culture (briti...
13 allalaadimist

Ülevaade kasvatusteadusse

saan aru,kui igav ja mittehuvitav oli koolis käiaja õppida.Nagu vanem,ma ei taha sama määlestuseid oma lastel.Kooli õppesüsteem nõuab muudatust.Õppimine pidi olema mitmekülgne,koolikeskkonnas rohkem vabadusi.On vaja arvestada iga lapse vajadusi ja erinevusi,et kooli lõpetamist ühiskonnasse tuli vaba ja kasulik kodanik. Kasutatud kirjandus. Sarv, E-S. (2008). Õpetaja ja kool õpilase arengu toetajana. Tallinn: Tallinna Ülikooli Kirjastus Ram, S. (2006). Current Issues in Teacher Education. New Delhi: Sarup & Sons. Lister, T. (2012). Lihtne ja praktiline koolipsühholoogia. Tartu: Atlex. Ruus, V.-R., Veisson, M., Leino, M., Ots, L., Pallas, L., Sarv, E.-S., Veisson, A. (2007). Õpilaste edukus, toimetulek ja heaolu koolis. Eesti kool 21. sajandi algul: kool kui arengukeskkond ja õpilaste toimetulek. TLÜ Kirjastus, lk 17­58 Roots, E-M. Miks poisid koolist kaovad?

Pedagoogika → Alusharidus
15 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

.........................................99 Appendix 6. Belarus. Chart of withholding tax rates. ...........................................................103 References .........................................................................................................................104 ABOUT TRADERUN PROGRAMME ..................................................................................106 3 INTRODUCTION The current reading material focuses on business peculiarities in Ukraine and Belarus. *** The aim of the Traderun programme course "FUNDING PROJECTS IN RUSSIA AND EASTERN PARTNERSHIP COUNTRIES" is to provide the students with comprehensive and practical overview of the fundraising possibilities in EU and Estonia. The course gives an overview of EU structural support and regional implementing agencies, that are available for a businessman to apply for a fund.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


1.1.1) C ↵ Specify center point of arc: {punkt} ↵ Specify endpoint of arc or [ Angle / CEnter / CLose / Direction / Halfwidth / Line / Radius / Secont pt. / Undo / Width ]: 1.1.2) R ↵ Specify radius of arc: {raadius} ↵ (sisestada arvuna või lõigu pikkusena) Specify direction of chord for arc < current >: Töö 3 Klamber 45 (kõõlu suund (nurgaühikutes) või kursoriga) {arv} ↵ (kaar joonestatakse teisest punktist) Specify endpoint of arc or [ Angle / CEnter / CLose / Direction / Halfwidth / Line / Radius / Secont pt. / Undo / Width ]: 1.2) CE ↵ Specify center point of arc:

Insenerigraafika → Autocad
18 allalaadimist


Lisalugemist Klein, S. B., Babey, S.H. & Sherman, J.W. (1997). The functional independence of trait and behavioral self-knowledge: Methodological considerations and new empirical findings. Social Cognition, 15, 183- 203. 6. ISIKSUSEOMADUSTE TAKSONOOMIAD. ISIKSUS, SITUATSIOONID JA KÄITUMINE. Kirjandus K: Isiksuseomaduste taksonoomia (loengumaterjal) K: Fleeson, W. (2004). Moving personality beyond the person-situation debate. Current Directions in the Psychological Science, 13, 83-87. K: Mischel, W., Shoda, Y., & Mendoza-Denton, R. (2002). Situation-behavior profiles as a locus of consistency in personality. Current Directions in the Psychological Science,11, 50-54. S: Asendorpf, J. B. (2004). Personality: traits and situations. In P. J. Corr & G. Matthews (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Personality Psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. S: Cervone, D. & Shoda, Y. (1999)

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
158 allalaadimist


TALLINNA MAJANDUSKOOL Ärijuhtimine xxxxxx ETTEVÕTE KREDIITIMAKSMISE VÕIMALUS SUNMAX OÜ NÄITEL Lõputöö Juhendaja: xxxxx Tallinn 2008 .....................................................................................................................................3 1 ........................... 5 2 ............................................................................ 9 2.1 ..................................................................9 2.2 , ............................................................................................................................. 10 2.3 ...........................................................................................12 2.4 , ....................................16 2.5 ,...

Majandus → Ärijuhtimine
131 allalaadimist

R. Kipling & M. Faraday

Joseph Rudyard Kipling was a British author and poet. He was born on 30 December 1865 in Bombay, in India which was part of the British Empire then. he is best known for his works of fiction The Jungle Book (1894) (a collection of stories which includes Rikki-Tikki-Tavi), Kim (1901) (a tale of adventure), many short stories, including The Man Who Would Be King (1888); and his poems, including Mandalay (1890), Gunga Din (1890), and If-- (1910).He is regarded as a major "innovator in the art of the short story"; his children's books are enduring classics of children's literature; and his best works speak to a versatile and luminous narrative gift. Kipling was one of the most popular writers in English, in both prose and verse, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In 1907, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, making him the first English language writer to receive the prize. Among other honours, he was sounded out for the Br...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
4 allalaadimist

Interneti teenuste kasutamisvõimalused

Hinnake seda (kasutamismugavus, otsinguvõimalused jne). Ei ole sellesse keskkonda varem sattunud. Rohke reklaami vahelt on suhteliselt ebamugav leida kasulikku infot . Information Research ajaveeb - 10) Millega on tegemist ja kes on ajaveebi looja? Kust ja kuidas leiate? Tegemist on ajaveebiga - Information Research - ideas and debate (a spin-off from the e- journal dedicated to informal publication of ideas and comment on current affairs in the information world — and occasional personal posts) ; looja – Tom Wilson è about me è Tom Wilson 11) Millal on tehtud esimene postitus? Millest see on? Kust ja kuidas leiate? Esimene postitus 18.09.2007. PRISM - a language change - The publishers' lobby organization has changed the language of its top page - no doubt the result of the wave of opposition it aroused by attempting to mislead researchers, funders and, most importantly,

Infoteadus → arvutiõpe
3 allalaadimist

How well do you know London part 2 - student

Only UK residents Destination 3: London Eye What is the name of the bridge that you have to cross to reach London Eye from Westminster Palace? Westministers bridge When was London Eye opened? March 2000 What was London Eye called in 2000? Millennium wheel How much does renting a private capsule cost? 550£ Destination 4: 10 Downing Street Since when have Prime Ministers lived at 10 Downing Street? 1735 What is the name of the current Prime Minister, which political party does he represent and how old is he? David Cameron, 50 years old, representing conservative You pass Cleopatra's Needle on your way to your next destination. What is it and why was it erected? Ancient Egyptian obelisks, Destination 5: St Paul's Cathedral Take a virtual tour and "climb" the top to enjoy a view of London: Look inside the cathedral as well

Keeled → British culture (briti...
2 allalaadimist

Assignment4 Risk assessment

He has a woman in the workplace that can be of a distraction to him and a knife without a knife guard. He is also only wearing 1, by the looks of it very thin, glove and has no mask or any other kind of protection. TMT0050 Working Environment and Ergonomics: November 2016 ASSIGNMENT 2 ii. Description of hazards and their risks as a following table: Hazard (name + Current preventive/safety Risk ranking Safety measures (should be more type) cautions (value + name) than just 1) to reduce risk! 1. Minimal 1 glove Intolerable risk 1. Give him leather gloves protection ­ 2. Give him a knife guard can cut off 3. Give him a machine with

Ergonoomika → Töökeskkond ja ergonoomika
4 allalaadimist

Thoughts on Air Pollution Essay

Air pollution Every day, the average person inhales about 20,000 liters of air. Every time we breathe, we risk inhaling dangerous chemicals that have found their way into the air. Air pollution includes all contaminants found in the atmosphere. These dangerous substances can be either in the form of gases or particles. Air pollution can be found both outdoors and indoors. Pollutants can be trapped inside buildings, causing indoor pollution that lasts for a long time. The sources of air pollution are both natural and human-based. As one might expect, humans have been producing increasing amounts of pollution as time has progressed, and they now account for the majority of pollutants released into the air. Air pollution has been a problem throughout history. Even in Ancient Romepeople complained about smoke put into the atmosphere. The effects of air pollution are diverse and numerous. Air...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


- President Toomas Hendrik Ilvesc - Prime Minister Andrus Ansip (RE) - Parliament Ene Ergma (IRL) speaker - Current coalition RE / IRL Legislature Riigikogu Kalevipoeg (Kalev's Son) is an epic poem by Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald held to be the Estonian national epic. Estonian holidays are mostly based on the Western Christian calendar and Protestant traditions. Notable among these is Jaanipäev, the Estonian Midsummer, which involves seeking one's

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Võtmeküsimused ettevõtte ärist arusaamisel

Võtmeküsimused ettevõtte ärist arusaamisel: Kellele ja kuidas ettevõte oma tooteid/teenuseid müüb? Milliseid jooksvaid kulusid ettevõte selleks peab tegema? Milliseid varasid peab ettevõte oma äritegevuseks omama (kasutama)? Milline on inimkapitali roll selle ettevõtte äritegevuses? Kes ja kuidas veel üritavad samu tooteid/teenuseid samadele klientidele müüa? •Ehk kokkuvõttes: milles peitub konkreetse ettevõtte väärtus, äriloogika ning konkurentsieelis? Finantsanalüüsi eesmärgiks on eelkõige hinnata ettevõtte võimet tekitada oma tegevusega rahavoogu, et täita oma kohustusi ja genereerida omanikele tulu. Rahavoogu põhitegevusest defineerime reeglina EBITDA (kasum enne põhivara kulumit, intresse, muid finantstulusid ja -kulusid ning makse) baasil. See on ligilähedaselt parim näitaja ettevõte tegevusrahavoo kohta, ehkki tegelik rahavoog o...

Majandus → Majandus
4 allalaadimist


avanevad märksõnastikud (Thesaurus). Seejärel piira tulemusi vabalt valitud parameetrite alusel (vähemalt 2 parameetrit). Vali tulemuslehelt artikkel, mis sind kõige rohkem huvitab ning lisa see kausta „Infootsingud“. a) Kirjelda otsingu sooritamise protsessi, selgitava materjalina lisa ekraanipilt sisestatud otsingutingimustega. b) Ühtlasi lisa töölehele ekraanipilt tulemuslehest peale seda, kui oled tulemusi piiranud – pildil peab olema näha ka kast Current Search, mis võimaldab kindlaks teha, milliste parameetrite alusel tulemusi 4 piirati. c) Vali tulemuslehelt artikkel, mis sind kõige rohkem huvitab ning lisa see kausta „Infootsingud“. d) Ava kaust „Infootsingud“ ja esita selle sisust ekraanipilt. 5 6 ANDMEBAAS SCIENCEDIRECT Sisene andmebaasi ScienceDirect. NB

Infoteadus → Andmebaasid ja infootsingud
6 allalaadimist

Õendustealuste eksamitöö

Selle asemel tuleb olla eeskujuks ja suunata inimesi hoolitsedes ise enda ja lähedaste eest. 4 4. KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS CITATION 1906 l 1033: , (Perry, 2019), CITATION Ang19 l 1033: , (Gonzalo, 2019), CITATION a19 l 1033: , (models, 2019), CITATION Aco19 l 1033: , (models A. c., 2019), CITATION Aco191 l 1033: , (models A. c., 2019), CITATION a19 l 1033: , (models A. c., 2019), CITATION Aco192 l 1033: , (models A. c., Current nursing, 2019), CITATION Aco193 l 1033: , (models A. c., 2019), CITATION Aco191 l 1033: , (models A. c., Henderson, 2019), 5

Meditsiin → Õenduse alused
73 allalaadimist

Integration of Lean Con. and Building Information Modelling

Engineering, Technion ­ Israel Institute of Technology Consultant: Roode Liias- Professor and Dean, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Tallinn University of Technology Title: Integration of Lean Construction and Building Information Modelling Archived: University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Construction ABSTRACT This research can be divided into two. The first part investigates the current state of the construction industry, while the second part looks at new emerging business models ­ in particular, Lean Construction (LC) and Building Information Modelling (BIM), as well as an integration of these two. Given that the construction industry does not have a particularly good reputation among the public, the first part of this thesis focuses mainly on this problem and its sources. It is the reason why we need

Ehitus → Ehitusjuhtimine
70 allalaadimist

The mysterious affair at styles

involved(haaratud) in bazaars and other functions. Emily hasn't changed since Hastings last saw her, and there is no question of who is running the show at Styles. Emily Inglethorp's presence and conversation dominate everyone's life at Styles. This domination must upset someone very deeply because soon Emily is found dead from strychnine poisoning. Emily was a forceful person but even so, who would want to kill her? One obvious answer is Emily's current husband, Alfred Inglethorp. He started out being the old lady's secretary and got promoted to husband. "Rotten little bounder" is how John Cavendish describes him. Inglethorp is years younger than his wife and gushes attention on her in a very obsequious manner. The second suspect to consider is John Cavendish himself. John, the older of two Cavendish sons, was a lawyer who has settled down to the life of a country squire. John's dislike for life at Styles is obvious from the first

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
12 allalaadimist

Rare animals

Scientists count rare river dolphins The completion last month of the first-ever survey assessing pink and grey river dolphins in South America's Orinoco and Amazon Basins has been described as a triumph for fresh-water dolphin conservation. The study ­ which lasted 14 months and covered 3,145km of river spanning 7 countries ­ provides an estimate of the abundance of the two species, and essential information on the most serious threats they face, the current state of their habitats and potential conservation strategies. Communications director for WWF Colombia Julio Mario Fernández said one early conclusion scientists could draw was that river dolphins in the Amazon were doing better than those in the Orinoco. "This is the first phase of a wider programme to preserve freshwater cetaceans in these areas," he added. Fresh water dolphins are among the most threatened aquatic mammals in the world. The

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Teksti vormindamine ja printimine

kõrval, seevastu teine asub hoopis kooli kantseleis minust ligi 50 meetri kaugusel. Lihtsa hiireklõpsuga saab nende vahel valiku teha. · Page Range - printimise järjekord. All prindib kõik dokumendi lehed järjest, Pages võimaldab mitmelehelisest dokumendist ainult vajalikud lehed välja trükkida, lahtrisse tuleb kirjutada vajaliku lehe number või siis lehtede vahemik. Paljudes programmides on selle alajaotuse all veel käsk Current Page - selle valimisel prinditakse käesolev leht - see, millel hiirekursor parasjagu asub. · Number of copies võimaldab määrata dokumendi koopiate arvu. 4 KOKKUVÕTE Selle referaadi läbi töötamisel peaks algaja arvuti kasutaja õppima kasutama lihtsamaid võtteid teksti vormindamisest ning kuidas dokumente printida. Kogu tekst on väga lihtsalt "inimeste keeles" kirjas ja ka piltidest peaks olema palju abi. 8

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
36 allalaadimist


Ireland has virtually no coal deposits, even though it's just 60 miles from Wales, one of the world's richest coal fields. On the left picture you can see a limestone pavement situated in the west coast of Ireland. and on the right picture you can see a gypsum mine. Presidents There have been 8 presidents in Ireland. Mary Therese Winifred Robinson was the first female president of Ireland and she passed the position to Mary Patricia McAleese who is the current president of Ireland. So she is Ireland's second female president and the world's first woman to succeed another woman as an elected head of state. food and drinks The most famous Irish drink is Guinness beer which i already mentioned before. Less known is that Irish also make very good coffee. Coffee is not served in a small cup as in England but in a normal cup , Black coffee is poured into the mug; Whiskey and at least one teaspoon of sugar is stirred in until fully dissolved.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Key words for fluency D-E

Element 4. Face 5. Ex4. 1. Between 2. In 3. To 4. With Aware 6. Possibility DIFFICULTY Ex5. 1. The world's rainforests are in danger of Ex1. 1. Get into 2. Overcome 3. Isin/has got into being cut down 2. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is in 4. Caused 5. Present 6. Foresee danger of falling down 3. The Polar Ice Cap is in Ex2. 1. Technical 2. Marital 3. Main 4. Financial danger of melting 4. Venice is in danger of 5. Learning 6. Current 7. Unforeseen 8. B 9. A 10. flooding/being flooded C DATE DIRECTION Ex1. 1. Fix 2. Confirm 3. Brought forward 4. Ex1. 1. Looking in 2. Ask for 3. Take 4. Gave 5. Delayed 5. Change 6. Make Changed 6. Heading in Ex2. 1. Earilest possible 2. Expiry 3. Later 4. Ex2. 1. Right 2. Clear 3. Opposite 4. Clockwise 5. Completion 5. Closing 6. Sell- by date 7. Firm 8

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist


day Europe. A living example of this could be found in Italy, where the former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi maintained a tight grip on the public press. Being a prime minister in 2010, he together with his family practically controlled the national television and radio, having roughly a 90 percent of the audience share. The media publications, that he controlled, were used to make sure he stays in the government and wins the elections. Any press publications that would criticize the current leader were sued. Having also control in the government, Berlusconi managed to propose and even push through some laws that would prevent free journalism, for example criminalize publishing transcripts of wiretapped conversations. Berlusconi`s control over the media was criticized all over the world, but even the European Court of Justice could not manage to pass any measures against it. (Pavli, 2010). It can`t be overlooked that there have been many developments in media economy and

Meedia → Meediateooriad
3 allalaadimist

Introduction and history of the European Union

The European Council has no formal legislative power. It is charged under the Treaty of Lisbon with defining "the general political directions and priorities" of the Union. It is thus the Union's strategic body, acting as the collective presidency of the EU. The meetings of the European Council, commonly referred to as EU summits, are chaired by its president and take place at least twice every six months. The headquarters of the Council of the European Union is in Brussels. The current president of the European Council is Herman Van Rompuy. Council of the European Union It is part of the essentially bicameral EU legislature, representing the executives of EU member states, the other legislative body being the European Parliament. The Council is composed of several configurations of twenty-eight (28) ministers. The exact membership of the configuration depends upon the topic; for example, when discussing agricultural policy

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Estonia topic

to raise inflation just above the 10% mark in the first months of 2009. In the first quarter 2008 GDP grew only 0,1%. The government made a supplementary negative budget, which was passed by Riigikogu. The revenue of the budget was decreased for 2008 by EEK 6.1 billion and the expenditure by EEK 3.2 billion. 1 Estonia joined the World Trade Organization in 1999. A sizable current account deficits remains, but started to shrink in the last months of 2008 and is expected to do so in the near future. In the fourth quarter of 2008, the average monthly gross wage in Estonia was 13,117 kroons (838, US$1,066.5). Estonia is nearly energy independent supplying over 90% of its electricity needs with locally mined oil shale. Alternative energy sources such as wood, peat, and biomass make up approximately 9% of primary energy production. Estonia imports

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist


Tartu Ülikool Riigiteaduste instituut Reet Pärgma KREEKA JA ISLANDI MAJANDUSKRIISIDE VÕRDLUS Uurimistöö Juhendaja: Andro Kitus Tartu 2014 Sissejuhatus Ameerika Ühendriikidest 2007 aastal alguse saanud ülemaailmne majanduskriis mõjutas tugevalt kõiki arenenud majandussüsteeme. Krediithoiuste kasv ja kinnisvara turu tohutu edu kombineeritud riskantsete laenudega aastatel 2002- 2007 panid alguse majanduse järsu ning järjepidevale langusele. Kuigi kriisis said kannatada kõikide riikide majandused, tõusevad tugevalt esile kaks riiki keda kriis mõjutas tugevamalt ning kelle probleeme kajastati meedias kõige enam. Islandi majanduskriis algas juba 2008 aasta sügisel kui riigi kolm suurimat panka kukkusid kolme päevaga kokku. Kreeka majanduskriis sai kuulutati välja 2010 aastal võlakr...

Majandus → Majandus
17 allalaadimist

Carolina Kluft Biography

Weight : 65 kg Height : 1m78 cm Nationality : Sweden Sport : Track & Field Event : Heptathlon Carolina Evelyn Klüft born on February 2, 1983 in Borås, is a Swedish athlete competing in heptathlon. Kluft's mother was a long jumper and her dad a footballer so it's no wonder their daughter headed for sporting greatness. Full Carolina Kluft Biography Carolina Evelyn Klüft is a Swedish athlete competing in heptathlon, long jump and pentathlon. She is the current Olympic, World (three-time) and European (twice) heptathlon champion and is regarded as one of the best female athletes in the world. She is also the European record holder for heptathlon with a personal best of 7,032 points. This score ranks her second on the all-time heptathlon points score list, only behind Jackie Joyner-Kersee who set the world record of 7,291 points. Since 2002-09-16, Klüft has been continuously ranked as the world's leading heptathlete, by the IAAF

Keeled → Inglise keel
68 allalaadimist

Social network

different algorythms that have been generated by the most popular facebook and any other social network passwords. For example the most popular passwords are ,,password", ,,123456", ,,12345678" and ,,abc123". So if you don't know your victim so well to know his or her dogs name or his/hers birthday then I suggest you to start from that list. There are thousands and thousands of different lists that you can find easily from Google. I think that there's hardly anything more to say about our current subject. All the things that were mentioned up there were only a very small part of all the things that you should know about Facebook and how to gain the access to your girlfriends or your victims social network account.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Essee kirjutamine inglise keeles

Essay 200 (+/- 10%) words The text consists of 4-5 paragraphs discussing a specified topic. Usually the task contains points you have to discuss. Make sure they are all covered! Keep in mind! Formal language – no slang, so contracted forms, colloquialisms, try to avoid repetition of words. Indented lines! Clear paragraphs with one central idea. Avoid strong feelings 8everybody hates... it is absurd to believe...) and strong personal expressions Use generalization (children assume…), but do not use overgeneralizations (all children assume…) At least 2 linking words per paragraph (separate them from the rest of the sentence by commas!) that show the connection between paragraphs. Make references to other sources (Police officials believe that…) Give examples, not personal thoughts (expressive intake of alcohol can damage liver) if you use statistics, be sure of the source! Avoid clichéd introductions, make it more original (hook) Consiste...

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Esitlus Iron Maiden'ist

§ Their music has influenced dozens of famous bands, most notably Metallica and the Red Hot Chili Peppers § Most famous lead vocals: Paul Di'anno , Bruce Dickinson; Blaze Bayley. § They have been active since 1975 ­ present . Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Current Members Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level

Biograafia → Kuulsused
2 allalaadimist


VARIOKIT, the engineering construction kit with rentable, standardized components, is the solution for numerous requirements in civil engineering: - fast - safe - cost-effective In the process, PERI provides technical information for each project e.g. operating instructions and assembly drawings. Static calculations and assembly support are also integral elements such as the constant support given to contractors and help provided with new tasks for current projects. For all construction projects, PERI can provide everything from one source. Eelised • Maximum reduction in the number of special parts Only a few different components are used for the whole system: - 3 core components (Climbing Rail RCS, Steel Waler Universal SRU, Heavy-Duty Spindle SLS) - accessories such as scaffold tubes and couplings For the complete construction kit, there are only a few type connections with particular advantages:

Ehitus → Ehitus
25 allalaadimist

The bodyshop

by 1982 new shops open at a rate of two per month. In 1985, in its first year as a public company, The Body Shop sponsored posters for Greenpeace. A year later, it created an Environmental Projects Department of its own, while the first major campaign for The Body Shop is "Save the Whales" with Greenpeace, in 1986. The first Community Trade product for The Body Shop was a footsie roller, produced in 1986 by a supplier in southern India. This trade in footsie rollers has evolved into the current trade with Teddy Exports in India, one of our key Community Trade suppliers. By 1990, just one year after launching in the USA, there were 2,500 applications for a franchise, with demand for The Body Shop® products ever-growing, driven by expansion which saw the company trading in 39 countries within just fourteen years after the opening of the very first shop! In 1990 The Body Shop Foundation was established, a charity which funds human rights and environmental protection groups.

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

ICC müügileping

Convention of 1980, hereafter referred to as CISG), and B. to the extent that such questions are not covered by CISG, by reference to the law of the country where the Seller has his place of business. 1.3 Any reference made to trade terms (such as EXW, FCA, etc.) is deemed to be made to the relevant term of Incoterms published by the International Chamber of Commerce 1.4 Any reference made to a publication of the International Chamber of Commerce is deemed to be made to the version current at the date of conclusion of the Contract. 1.5 No modification of the Contract is valid unless agreed or evidenced in writing. However, a party may be precluded by his conduct from asserting this provision to the extent that the other party has relied on that conduct. 8 Art. 2 Characteristics of the goods 2

Majandus → Majandus
116 allalaadimist

Estate Planning Basics Referaat

Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Economics and Social Sciences Economic Accounting and Financial Management Report Estate Planning Basics By Attorney Denis Clifford Complied by: Tartu 2010 This book explains, what most people need to know about estate planning. It will give the legal knowledge, what you need to know preparing your estate plan. ,,Estate Planning" essentially means two things. First, it means deciding who gets your property after you die and choosing the wisest legal transfer methods for leaving your property to those you want to receive it. Second, it means makeing some important personal decisions, such as who will provide care for your young children, if you have any, if anything happens to you and the children´s other parent, and who should make medical and financial decisions f...

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Old Tallinn

Kunda Gymnasium Rait Türkel Old Tallinn Report Instructor:Teacher Kristi Aron Kunda 2012 Introduction Like most cities with an eight-hundred-year-old past, Tallinn is a patchwork of historic areas. The city's pride and joy is without a doubt its Medieval Old Town, but equally enchanting is the Kadriorg district, a throwback to the time when Estonia was ruled by the Russian Tsars. Tallinn is the capital and largest city of Estonia. It occupies an area of 159.2 km2 with a population of 416,470. It is situated on the northern coast of the country, on the shore of the Gulf of Finland, 80 km south of Helsinki, east of Stockholm and west of Saint Petersburg. Tallinn's Old Town is in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It is ranked as a global city and has been listed among the top 10 digital cities in the world.The city was a European Capital of Culture for 2011, along with urku, Finland.T...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Humanistlik paradigma

· vabadus kõrge privaatsusvajadus sõltumatus loovus spontaansus · eneseusaldus (trust) missiooni tunnetus mittekonformsus probleemide lahendamise suunatus enesekindlus, eneseusaldus transpersonaalne psühholoogia (transpersonal psychology) Humanistlik paradigma Kliendikeskne lähenemine Carl Ranson Rogers (1902 - 1987) Counseling and psychotherapy: newer concepts on practice. (1942) Client-centered therapy: its current practice, implications, and theory. (1951) On becoming a person. (1961). Center for Studies of the Person (1968) La Jolla, CA. I. Põhipüüdlus aktualiseerida (actualizing tendency) kaasasündinud · funktsioonide ja organite differentseerumine · areng ja kasvamine · efektiivsuse suurendamine · reproduktsioon Tulemus: suureneb sõltumatus suureneb sotsiaalsus suureneb keerukus (diferentseeritus) II. Kogemus (experience)

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
15 allalaadimist


week ago. Definition of "Ancient Journalism" is any historian who wrote about events in his own lifetime, IF he recorded those events within a year or less after they happened, or finished happening. Here are some examples of ancient journalism: Nicolas of Damascus - chief advisor to King Herod the Great, Nicolas also wrote the history of those days during Herod's life. (The work is mostly lost, but Josephus relied on it as a source.) Nicolas wrote from 14 to 4 BC, relying on his own current, ongoing experience and Herod's memoirs. Julius Caesar - not a king (yet) and he wrote it himself, but he chronicled his Gallic Wars and Civil Wars in true journalistic fashion. Also, Caesar did it deliberately to provide source material for future historians. About "nowadays" journalism: Johann Carolus's "Relation aller Fürnemmen und gedenckwürdigen Historien", published in 1605 in Strassburg, is often recognized as the first newspaper. The first successful English daily,

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4 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia energiamajandus

in-britain-says-new-study 7. Kasutatud materjalid 1) The Business at a Glance ­ UK Coal Annual Report and Accounts 2008. Loetud: id=178, 21.11.2011 2) CIA ­ The World Factbook. Loetud: factbook/geos/uk.html, 24.11.2011 3) Country Rankings 2011 ­ Country comparisons, Economy, Geography, Climate, Natural Resources, Current Issues, International Agreements, Population, Social Statistics, Flags, Maps, Political System. Loetud:, 21.11.2011 4) Islanders' carbon footprint among the biggest in Britain, says new study/Shetland Loetud: biggest-in-britain-says-new-study, 21.11.2011 5) Liiber, Ü., Rootsmaa, V., Saar, E., Uibo, M. (2007) Maailma ühiskonnageograafia

Geograafia → Geograafia
46 allalaadimist

Tulemustasud ja nende mõju töötaja töösooritusele

Samuti tuleb mõista, et kõiki töid ei ole võimalik täiesti objektiivselt mõõta. Kui organisatsioon on otsustanud tulemustasusüsteemi kasuks, tuleb luua konkreetsed töösoorituse hindamise mõõdikud, mis arvestavad ka ettevõtte pikemaajalisi eesmärke ja nende täitmist ning võimalike eelmainitud plusside ja miinustega. KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Bevilacqua, C.M, Singh, P. (2009) Pay for Performance - Panacea or Pandora's Box? Revisiting an Old Debate in the Current Economic Environment - Compensation & Benefits Review, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 20-26 Advantages & Disadvantages of Pay-for-Performance Policies (2015) 44264.html (27.04.2017) What Are the Advantages & Disadvantages of a Pay-for-Performance Policy? (2011) (27.04.2017)

Haldus → Arhiivihaldus
5 allalaadimist

Quiz3 vastatud

19. Write the major motor torque equation. 20. The inductor supplies the motor with what? 21. The armature supplies the motor with what? 22. In what part of the electrical drive is the electromagnetic torque born? 23. What variables interaction results in the torque production? 24. Compare the values of the mechanical and electromagnetic torques. 25. What is the source of the magnetic flux in the motor? 26. In what kind of motors the torque is proportional to the current? 27. What kind of motors is the cheapest and the most reliable? 28. What kind of motors is the most suitable for the speed adjustment? 29. What power ratio describes efficiency of the electrical drive? 30. What is the efficiency value of the best electrical drives?

Elektroonika → Elektriajamite üldkursus
56 allalaadimist

Tuumaenergia tulevik

TALLINNA INGLISE KOLLEDŽ Füüsika Tuumaenergia tulevik referaat Autor: Heti-Maria Vilu Klass: 9. A Õpetaja: Elli Valla Tallinn 2015 Sisukord Tuumaenergia ajalugu ja 3 Tuumaenergia tänapäeval: head ja halvad kü 4 Tuumaenergia 5, 6 Kasutatud 7 2 Tuumaenergia ajalugu Et tuumaenergia tulevikku arutada, peab enne aru saama, mis see täpsemalt endast kujutab ja kuidas see tekkis. Tuumafüüsika kui tea...

Füüsika → Elektroenergeetika
5 allalaadimist

Correlation between brand longevity and the diffusion of innovations theory

innovation, it must be perceived as culturally relevant and appealing to the norms of the system one wishes to diffuse it into. This aspect applies to almost every area where the fields of communication, politics, marketing and public affairs are concerned.’ (Tina Gouws and George Peter van Rheede van Oudtshoorn p. 239) Thus, a lot of already well-known brands must change their message or visual in order to fit to the current time. What every company is looking for is repeat-buy or longevity of business. This also can be paralleled with brand loyalty, which is nurtured through three constituents of the brands: insiders, followers and feeders. Those stakeholders are part of creating the myth of the brand, following it and serving it up (to others). Followers are the base – they find the creates value in the myth and identify themselves with it (and with whatever the brand sells).

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

United Kingdom

Goverment • The UK has a parliamentary government based on the Westminster system that has been emulated around the world: a legacy of the British Empire • The parliament meets in the Palace of Westminster and has two houses: an elected House of Commons and an appointed House of Lords • All bills passed are given Royal Assent before becoming law • Uk`s head of government is the Prime Minsiter • The current Prime Minister is David Cameron, who has been in office since 11 May 2010 Military • The armed forces of the United Kingdom/Her Majesty's Armed Forces— consist of three professional service branches: the Royal Navy and Royal Marinesthe British Army and the Royal Air Force • The Commander-in-Chief is the British monarch, Elizabeth II, to whom members of the forces swear an oath of allegiance

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun