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Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajaloo eksamiküsimused

when Kenneth MacAlpin became king of the Picts and the Scots. Prior to this unification, Scotland had been a country divided between the Scots and the Picts. Kenneth MacAlpin, defeated the Picts. MacAlpin was not immediately recogninzed as the King of Scots and Picts for some years. Before defeating the Picts, he defeated the Vikings, driving them from the land. Once the warfare had ended between Scot and Pict, MacAlpin turned his attention to reforming laws, repressing and punishing crime, as well as improvements in the administration of justice. MacAlpin is credited with a code of laws known as "Code MacAlpin". *Malcolm III Canmore and Queen Margaret ­ Malcolm married Margaret, who was his second wife, the great-niece of Edward the Confessor. Margaret's impact was dramatic. She favoured the Roman Catholic church to the Celtic Church. To allow her to feel more at home, Malcolm ordered that the language used at court should be Anglo-Saxon rather than Gaelic.

Ajalugu → Inglise keel kõnelevate maade...
261 allalaadimist

Sotsaalpsühholoogia konspektid kokku

Philip Zimbardo Samast koolist (Monroe H.S. in NYC) kui Stanley Milgram, mõlemad sündisid 1933. PhD Yale Ülikoolist. Eksperiment Stanfordi Ülikoolis, 1971 suvel Kuulutus: “Male college students needed for psychological study of prison life. $15 per day for 1-2 weeks beginning Aug. 14. For further information & applications, come to Room 243, Jordan Hall, Stanford U.” More than 70 people answered, they were tested and interviewed for psychological problems, mental disabilities, history of crime, drug abuse, etc. Ended up w/ a sample of 24 college students from U.S. and Canada. Sample group randomly divided by a coin toss into a “prisoner” group and “guard” group Rahaliselt toetas US merevägi! Philip Zimbardo (1933) Vangla Consulted former prisoner who was imprisoned for 17 years; he in turn introduced the researches to other ex-convicts and correctional personnel Corridor boarded up to represent “the yard” (the only place the

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
149 allalaadimist

Keskkonnakaitse üldkursus konspekt

KESKKONNAKAITSE ÜLDKURSUS Umbes 5000 aastat tagasi Eesti alale rännanud hõimud suhtusid loodusesse austusega. Neil olid pühad paigad, mida hoolega hoiti: hiied, allikad, kivid, puud, jõed ja järved. Eestis on tänini teada ligikaudu 550 hiit ja enam kui 2000 muud pühapaika. 1297 Metsaraiekeeld 4 saarel Tallinna lähistel, Eric VI Menved. Keelu mõte oli küll hoida saarte metsi kui meremärke, kuid kaudselt aitas see kaasa ka loodushoiule. 1642 Sõmerpalu talupoegade rahutused Võhandu jõel (Pühajõgi) lõhuti pais ja veski. Protestiti Pühajõe (Võhandu) voolu tõkestamise vastu veskipaisudega. Arvati, et voolu tõkestades vihastati jões elavat Pikset, mistõttu kahel eelnenud aastal oli maad tabanud ikaldus.
 1644 Johann Gutslaff "Lühike teade ja seletus vääralt pühaks nimetatud jõest Liivimaal Võhandus” 1664 Rootsi metsaseadus laienes Eesti alale (säästev metsaraie, mets-õunapuude, pihlakate, tammede, toomingate säi...

Loodus → Keskkonna kaitse
105 allalaadimist

Business peculiarities in Russia

fine of up to 200,000 rubles or the salary or other income for a period of 18 months, compulsory work for a period up to 180 hours correctional work for up to one year, imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, with the restriction of liberty for up to one year, or without it. Under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for the same acts committed by an organized group, and (or) the purpose of committing a crime on the territory of the Russian Federation, provides for liability: imprisonment for up to five years with a fine of up to 500,000 rubles or the salary or other income for a period of up to three years or without it, and with the restriction of freedom for up to two years, or without it. 38 5. BANKRUPTCY/ CLOSING DOWN THE COMPANY

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Euroopa ideede ajalugu

Euroopa ideede ajalugu I loeng 07.09.2012 Inimene kui ühiskondlik olend. Moraalsed ja poliitilised ideed ­ kuidas on seotud? Kes on inimene ja mis on tema eesmärgid, ihad? Üksikisiku tegutsemise sfäär ehk moraalsed ideed ­ õnn, au etc Poliitilised ideed ­ riik, demokraatia etc Moraalifilosoofia Varauusajal räägiti praktilisest filosoofiast, mis jagunes kolmeks ­ eetikaks (üksikisiku elu), ökonoomikaks (perekonnaelu) ja poliitikaks (ühiskondlik elu). Eetika ­ inimestevahelised suhted (õnn, au...), teaduslik lähenemine sõprusele (mis hoiab sõprussidemeid koos, sõprus erinevate klasside vahel jne). Kuidas see mõjutas poliitilist filosoofiat? Kas inimestevahelised sõprussidemed tulevad poliitikale kasuks või vastupidi - kas poliitiline süsteem peaks olema üles ehitatud nii, et sõprus ei mõjuta poliitikat, nii et poleks korruptsiooni? Poliitiline filosoofia Riik ­ kuidas on tekkinud, kes peaks valitsema,...

Ajalugu → Euroopa ideede ajalugu
53 allalaadimist


2318. Tunded on need, mida sa peita ei saa, kuid kõik näevad neid 2319. You want my heart ? then take it . it may not be perfect , but it did me 2320. Oled ainukene inimene minu tutvusringkonnas, kellel on eluaegne garantii 2321. Uue päeva alguses tekib meil VÕIMALUS oma eelmise päeva vigu parandada... 2322. My teddybear is just like you, but the only diffrent is .. that he always miss me 2323. It Would Be a Perfect Crime , If I Stole Your Heart , And You Stole Mine ! 2324. And when you begin to miss me, just remember that it was you, who let me go. 2325. Armastus on ainsaks vikerkaareks tumedal elupilvel. Ta on ühtlasi nii hommiku kui õhtutäheks. Ta on õhuks ning valguseks 2326. igale südamele, ehitajaks igale kodusle, tulesüütajaks igale koldele. 2327. I can´t touch you! I can´t kiss you! I can´t say I love you! But still I do..LOVE YOU 2328

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
115 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

sentences containing that title are about music, not about water fowl. But Donnellan shows that there are less formal cases in which we use descriptions solely to focus on a particular individual regardless of that person or thing's attributes. 24 Reference and referring For contrast, here is a standard Russellian example. We come across the hideously murdered body of Smith, and I assert (12) Smith's murderer is insane meaning that whoever committed this terrible crime is insane. Donnellan has no quarrel with Russell here; this is what he calls the attributive use of the description. But suppose instead that we have not seen the body and have no other direct knowledge of the matter; Jones has been arrested and charged with the crime and we are attending his trial. The prosecution's case is excellent, and we are privately presuming that Jones is guilty; also, he is rolling his eyes and drooling in a homicidal manner. Here too I say to you (12), "Smith's

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

A New Earth

yourself. Unconsciousness, dysfunctional egoic behavior, can never be defeated by attacking it. Even if you defeat your opponent, the unconsciousness will simply have moved into you, or the opponent reappears in a new disguise. Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and what you resist, persists. These days you frequently hear the expression “the war against” this or that, and whenever I hear it, I know that it is condemned to failure. There is the war against drugs, the war against crime, the war against terrorism, the war against cancer, the war against poverty, and so on. For example, despite the war against crime and drugs, there has been a dramatic increase in crime and drug-related offenses in the past twenty-five years. The prison population of the United States has gone up from just under 300,000 in 1980 to a staggering 2.1 million in 2004.4 The war against disease has given us, amongst other things, antibiotics. At first, they were spectacularly successful,

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist

Lühendite seletus

NBE Not Below or Equal NBI Nothing But Initials NBMA Non-Broadcast Multi Access NBS Narrowband Socket + National Bureau of Standards + Numeric Backspace NC Network Computer + No Carry + Numerical Control NCA Network Communications Adapter + Network Computing Architecture [Oracle] NCC Network Control Center NCD Network Computing Device .NCF Netware Command File [Novell] NCGA National Computer Graphics Association NCIC National Crime Information Center NCMT * Numerical Control for Machine Tools NCOS Network Computer Operating System NCP NetWare Core Protocol + Not Copy Protected + Network Control Panel/Processor/Program/Protocol NCR National Cash Register (Company) NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Applications NCSC National Computer Security Center NCSI Network Communications Services Interface [Network Products Corp.] NDB Non-Directional Beacon

Informaatika → Informaatika
117 allalaadimist

Upstream intermediate b2 teacher's book

Rotorua - Ainsworth HotSprings rn (u = at home;el ectrrcal technol ogy No MoreSecrets (matching E UNIT5 I technology; o Better Safethan I crime typesof offence; appliances; headrngs to paragra phs) Sorry(pp.8a-97) of objects descriptions Extractfrom TheTime

Keeled → Inglise keel
235 allalaadimist

Inglise keele õpik

Rotorua - Ainsworth HotSprings rn (u = at home;el ectrrcal technol ogy No MoreSecrets (matching E UNIT5 I technology; o Better Safethan I crime typesof offence; appliances; headrngs to paragra phs) Sorry(pp.8a-97) of objects descriptions Extractfrom TheTime

Keeled → Inglise keel
142 allalaadimist

Upstream Intermediate B2 - Teacher book

Rotorua - Ainsworth HotSprings rn (u = at home;el ectrrcal technol ogy No MoreSecrets (matching E UNIT5 I technology; o Better Safethan I crime typesof offence; appliances; headrngs to paragra phs) Sorry(pp.8a-97) of objects descriptions Extractfrom TheTime

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
53 allalaadimist

Upstream B2 teacher

Rotorua - Ainsworth HotSprings rn (u = at home;el ectrrcal technol ogy No MoreSecrets (matching E UNIT5 I technology; o Better Safethan I crime typesof offence; appliances; headrngs to paragra phs) Sorry(pp.8a-97) of objects descriptions Extractfrom TheTime

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Kirjanduse eksam 10 klass

KIRJANDUSE LÕPUEKSAM 2006 Pilet nr 1 1.1 Antiikkirjanduse mõiste, Homerose eeposed Antiikkirjanduseks nimetatakse VanaKreeka ja Rooma kirjandust. On pärit sõnast ,,antiquus" ­ vana, iidne. Nimetus on õigustatud ainult Euroopa seisukohalt. VK kirjandus on ajalooliselt vanem, ta on Euroopat kõige rohkem mõjutanud, perioodid: I arhailine periood (86 saj e Kr), II klassikaline (54saj e Kr, keskuseks Ateena), III Hellenismi ajajärk (31 saj eKr), IV Rooma periood 16 saj p Kr). 129 saj on tume periood. Vana Rooma kirjandus tekkis 3. saj. eKr. Koinee kreeka keel, mille aluseks atika murre, kujunes välja 4 saj e Kr. Selle ajajärgu varaseimat sõnaloominugt pole sälinud, seega peetakse alguseks Homerose eeposeid. Palju kahtlusi H. olemasolus ja tema autorluses: 18 saj väit...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
541 allalaadimist


*Everyone's going to hurt you sooner or later ,you just have to decide who's worth going through the pain. *A woman's heart is a ocean of secrets. *I don't have butterflies in my stomach ,I have dragons there. *My head is saying:"Fool forget him!" My heart is saying:"Don't forget him!" *Trust me when I say I love you ,because i always mean it. *Taeva pärast ,pea suu ja lase mul armastada. *It would be a Perfect Crime ,if I stole your heart and you stole mine! *Smiling is the second best thing you can do with your lips...What's the first?Once you figure it out tell me! *Love is like a heaven ,but it can hurt like hell. *Smile and everybody is smileing with you ,cry and nobody is crying with you. *Friends are like flowers in the garden of life. *When somebody hurts you ,cry a river ,build a bridge and GET OVER IT! *Don't hate me cause I'm pretty.Hate me cause I've got attitude.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
135 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

.. find someone else at exactly the right time? How would he know she was in trouble?" I wondered if my convoluted questions even made sense. "Hypothetically?" he asked. "Sure." "Well, if... that someone..." "Let's call him 'Joe,'" I suggested. He smiled wryly. "Joe, then. If Joe had been paying attention, the timing wouldn't have needed to be quite so exact." He shook his head, rolling his eyes. "Only you could get into trouble in a town this small. You would have devastated their crime rate statistics for a decade, you know." "We were speaking of a hypothetical case," I reminded him frostily. He laughed at me, his eyes warm. "Yes, we were," he agreed. "Shall we call you 'Jane'?" "How did you know?" I asked, unable to curb my intensity. I realized I was leaning toward him again. He seemed to be wavering, torn by some internal dilemma. His eyes locked with mine, and I guessed he was making the decision right then whether or not to simply tell me the truth.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist


PS KIRJANDUSE LÕPUEKSAM kevad 2017 Pilet 1 1. KIRJANDUSE PÕHILIIGID- EEPIKA, LÜÜRIKA, DRAMAATIKA LÜÜRIKA: (kreeka lyra- keelpill, mille saatel kanti ette laule-luuletusi) peegeldab elu inimese elamuste, mõtete, tunnete kaudu, tema sisemaailma kaudu. Lüürika iseloomulikuks jooneks on värsivorm. Värss=luulerida, stroof=salm. Lüürika liigid: ood - pidulik luuletus mingi sündmuse või ajaloolise isiku auks eleegia - nukrasisuline luuletus; pastoraal ehk karjaselaul epigramm - satiiriline luuletus sonett - Lüroeepiliste teoste puhul on lüüriline ja eepiline (ehk jutustav element) läbi põimunud, need teosed on ka pikemad, kui tavalised luuletused. Siia kuuluvad poeemid ja valmid EEPIKA: (kreeka sõnast epos - sõna, jutustus, laul) on jutustav kirjanduse põhiliik. Zanrid on järgmised: antiikeeposed, kangelaslaulud romaan - eepilise kirjanduse suurvorm , palju tegelasi, laiaulituslik sündmustik. Romaanil on erinevaid alaliik...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
103 allalaadimist


and everyone else. This is the true test of whether your decision is a good one. It is the true test of a value or behavior. What kind of so- ciety would we have if everyone lived and behaved exactly the way you do? Many of the problems in our society would not exist if this test were applied regularly in debates over public and social policy. Gov- ernments would be slower to approve certain actions in the areas of crime, education, welfare, and business if there was a likelihood that everyone would engage in those actions. ■ SET HIGH STANDARDS FOR YOURSELF Here are some questions that you can ask yourself on a regular basis: First, ask yourself, “What kind of a world would my world be if everyone in it were just like me?” Just imagine! If everyone in the world were just like you, would this be a better world in which to live? If every-

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Kriminaalmenetluse loengud ja seminarid

Kriminaalmenetlus Sotsioloogilises plaanis võib kriminaalmenetluse põhiolemuseks lugeda teatud napi sotsiaalse ressursi jagamist sel viisil, et jagamise tulem oleks legitiimne, st ühiskonnas siduvana aktsepteeritav. Kriminaalmenetluses jagatavaks ressursiks on: 1) riigipoolne karistusõiguslik reageering toimepandud kuriteole e nn kuriteo järelmid; Riigipoolsed võimalikud karistusõiguslikud reageeringud toimepandud kuriteole järgmised: 1. Kriminaalkaristuse kohaldamine (KarS § 44-46 ja 49-54) 2. Kriminaalkaristuse asendamine üldkasuliku tööga (KarS § 69-70) 3. Kriminaalkaristusest tingimuslik vabastamine (KarS V ptk.) 4. KarS-i VII ptk-s sätestatud nn muude mõjutusvahendite kohaldamine 5. Iseseisvaks riigipoolseks reageeringuks toimepandud kuriteole tuleb lugeda KarS-i §-s 80 sätestatud ja humanismist kantud kohtu võimalu...

Õigus → Kriminaalmenetlus
145 allalaadimist


Some of the things you will learn in THE CODEBREAKERS • How secret Japanese messages were decoded in Washington hours before Pearl Harbor. • How German codebreakers helped usher in the Russian Revolution. • How John F. Kennedy escaped capture in the Pacific because the Japanese failed to solve a simple cipher. • How codebreaking determined a presidential election, convicted an underworld syndicate head, won the battle of Midway, led to cruel Allied defeats in North Africa, and broke up a vast Nazi spy ring. • How one American became the world's most famous codebreaker, and another became the world's greatest. • How codes and codebreakers operate today within the secret agencies of the U.S. and Russia. • And incredibly much more. "For many evenings of gripping reading, no better choice can be made than this book." —Christian Science Monitor THE ...

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun