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"creative" - 243 õppematerjali

creative – loov, loominguline rename – ümber nimetama

Kasutaja: creative

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Äriplaan “OÜ Creative Ruks firma avamine”

TEENINDUSOSAKOND Juhtimine ja haldus Väikeettevõtlus KURSUSETÖÖ Äriplaani "OÜ Creative Ruks firma avamine" Aine: Äriplaan Grupp: 1KVE Koostas: Valeriya Mikhaylova Kontrollis: Jelena Zabegajeva Narva, 2013 ÄRIPLAAN "OÜ Creative Ruks firma avamine" Valeriya Mikhaylova ......................................................................................................................... 4 I. ............................................................................ 5 I.1. .........................................................................5 I.2. -...............................................................

Majandus → Ettevõtluse alused
35 allalaadimist

"Creative Writing Summer Workshop" Inglise keelne kiri

Dear Sir or Madam, I am interested about your Creative Writing Summer Workshop and I am writing to you in order to ask some additional information about advertisement which I found on the Internet. I am going to spend a mont in Englad and would like to take part in summer course there. I would like to know which days of July your workshop takes and how many hours in one day? If I am beginner is it for me? What is the class size? Do you have some cafe there for lunch break? What that price contains? Do I have to do some homework?

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Estonian Business Incubators

maintain successful development of entrepreneurial companies. There are more than 800 business Incubators in Europe and they devise into 2 main groups : 1) Incubators that focused on general business support 2) focused on technological areas. In Estonia exist Incubators in operation and new initiatives are underway. In my essay I allocate those Incubators, which are located in Tallinn. There are: Kopli Business Incubator, Ülemiste Business Incubator, Tallinn Creative Incubator. I focus on two of them : the Ülemiste Business Incubator which is created for technology-based service providers and innovative start- ups. This Incubator can offer modern office facilities in a location with a good success. The place is suitable for meetings with a perspective clients. The location of some start-ups from different fields allows to share problems with knowledge. Learning and practicing helps to avoid some typical business mistakes and difficult situations

Majandus → Majapidamise alused
10 allalaadimist

SO2 ja Al2O3

SO2 ja Al2O3 Vääveldioksiidi füüsikalised omadused Värvusetu gaas Terava lõhnaga Mürgine gaas Sissehingamisel võib tekitada allergiat Vääveldioksiidi keemilised omadused Reageerib veega Reageerib aluselise oksiidiga Vääveldioksiidi kasutusalad Keldrite, ladude desinfitseerimine Väävelhappe tootmine Tekstiili-ja paberitööstus Vääveldioksiidi allikad Vulkaanid Metsatulekahjud Tööstus ja transport Alumiiniumoksiidi füüsikalised omadused Normaaltingimuselt sulab temp. 2054°C Keeb temp. 2980°C Valge värvusega Tahke aine Alumiiniumoksiidi keemilised omadused Veega ei reageeri Vastupidav hapete ja leeliste suhtes Amfoteerne oksiid Reageerib hapetega Reageerib leelistega Alumiiniumoksiidi levik Esineb looduses kristallvormis korundina Al2O3 Infoallikad Merit Sarandi ,,Tähtsamad g...

Keemia → rekursiooni- ja...
13 allalaadimist


Dear Sir/ Madam, 9th February, 2015 I am writing to enquire about Edgewater College Creative Writing Summer Workshop as I am planning to spend a month in England and I wish to attend a summer course there. I found your advertisement in the Internet which seemed suitable to me, but I need more details. The first thing I would like to know is when Edgewater College Creative Writing Summer Workshop will take place and how many hours it will take. I hope you can also let me know how many people will take part in these classes. As I am a beginner will it be possible for me to attend the Writing Summer Workshop? Could you also inform me if we are going to have lunch break? In the advertisement I could read only about other meals provided. Furthermore, I would like to know what the Workshop fee includes. Finally, I am interested whether you

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist


rikkumise pärast. Seda protsessi saab algatada ainult siis, kui üleslaaditud töö eemaldati või keelati vea tõttu või eemaldatava või keelatava materjali väära tuvastamise tõttu, nt õiglane kasutamine. Muudel tingimustel ei tohi protsessi algatada. Creative Commons litsents Creative Commonsi litsentsid on standardvõimalus sisuloojatele anda luba teistele oma töö kasutamiseks. YouTube lubab kasutajatel oma videoid märkida Creative Commonsi CC BY litsentsiga. Need videod on seejärel saadaval YouTube'i kasutajatele, kes võivad neid kasutada (sh ärilistel eesmärkidel) oma videotes YouTube'i videoredigeerija kaudu. Creative Commonsi (CC) näol on tegemist autoriõigusega kaitstavate teoste, v.a tarkvara, litsentseerimiseks mõeldud litsentsidega. CC litsentsi alusel oma teost litsentseerides on litsentsiandjaks autor või autoriõiguste vastav omaja, litsentsisaajaks aga üldsus11.

Õigus → Intellektuaalne omand ja...
70 allalaadimist

Alalis- ja vahelduvvool iseseisevül elektrotehnika

TALLINNA POLÜTEHNIKUM Alalis- ja vahelduvvool aruanne nimi klass TALLINN 2013 Alalisvool Alalisvool on elektrivool, mille suund ajas ei muutu. Alalisvool võib olla püsiva suurusega, näiteks keemilise vooluallika korral, või teataval määral pulseeriv, kui seda saadakse vahelduvvoolu alaldamisel. Pulseervool on küll ühesuunaline, kuid tema tugevus muutub perioodiliselt. Alalisvoolu rahvusvaheliselt kasutatav tähis on DC (inglise k sõnadest direct current). Alalisvoolu tingmärgis väljendab pidev kriips muutumatut ja katkendkriips pulseerivat voolu. Alalisvooluga töötab praegu veel enamus transpordivahendeid ­ elektrirong, tramm, trollibuss. Elektrienergia saadakse nende jaoks aga vahelduvvooluvõrgust alaldusalajaamade kaudu. Alalisvooluga töötavad ka elektrokeemilised ja galvaanikaseadmed. Vahelduvvool Vahelduvvool on elektrivool, mille suund perioodili...

Elektroonika → Elektriahelad ja elektroonika...
45 allalaadimist

Aatomi ehitus

Aatomi ehitus Koostaja: Helen Kaljurand Tallinna Kristiine Gümnaasium Avaldatud Creative Commonsi litsentsi ,,Autorile viitamine + jagamine samadel tingimustel 3.0 Eesti (CC BY-SA 3.0)" alusel, vt Sisukord Planetaarne aatomimudel Aatomi ehitus (Tabel) Aatomi ehitus (Video) Aatomi tuum Massiarvu leidmise valem Tuumalaengu leidmine perioodilisustabalist Isotoobid ­ animatsiooni vaatamiseks on vajalik internetiühendus! Vesiniku isotoobid Sisukord 2 Elektronkate

Loodus → Loodusõpetus
11 allalaadimist

For and Against Advanced Technology

Web. As unseemly as it is filled society World Wide Web, the Internet has both supporters and opponents. Opponents of the Internet are mostly parents of children, who believe that their children are spending a large amount of their time at the computer. Virtual reality, leads to a strong computer addiction and a loss of reality, principles, purposes and moral values. It can become a complete substitute for Real life. Computer games promote children's thinking and their creative component. But, in practice Firstly today' s youth prefers arcade and sports games that do not contribute to their creative development, and only chase the adrenaline in the body, bringing a sense of joy to children. Secondly, computer games cause children to develop an addictive desire to play them again and again, which adversely affects the child's development. Impact on a person' s vision. This has a negative impact not only the Internet, but also directly on the computer.

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Loomemajandus ja valdkonnad

väärtusest. Siia alla kuuluvad mh (arhitektuur, disain, moekunst, näitekunst, kujutav kunst, kultuuripärand, reklaam). Eestis kasutatakse terminit kino, DVD ja video, televisioon ja raadio, ,,loomemajandus" Euroopa Liidus videomängud, uus meedia, muusika, kasutusel oleva termini ,,kultuuri- ja raamatud ja trükiväljaanded. loomemajandus" tähenduses. LOOMEMAJANDUSE KIHID Loomemajanduse südames asuvad klassikalised kunstialad ehk core creative fields (kunst, kirjandus, muusika jt). Sellest kasvab välja nn kultuuritööstus (nt muusikatööstus, filmitööstus, kirjastamine jt), kus väljundi (nii toode kui teenus) näol on tegemist kultuuritootega. Eelmisest veelgi laiem on loovtööstus (nt disain, arhitektuur, reklaamindus), mis seob ühelt poolt kultuurilise sisendi ja teisalt muude ettevõtlusharude vajadused. Kõik see aga seostub ülejäänud majandusega ja ettevõtlusega. Mida rohkem

Majandus → Majandus
4 allalaadimist

Arvuti komponendid

VÕRUMAA KUTSEHARIDUSKESKUS Infotehnoloogia õppetool Margus Henning Aap-11 Arvuti komponendid Juhendaja õpetaja Indrek-Marek Loos Väimela 2012 Sisukord Millised lisaseadmed paneks ma oma arvutile ? Lisaseadmeteks: · HP DeskJet 1050 · Speedlink veebikaamera Reflect LED SL-6815-SBK-01 · Creative Inspire A200 · HP 22" LCD LE2002X · Lindy kõvaketta dokk NAS server (mini). 3.5" SATA/IDE HDD. USB 2.0

Informaatika → Informaatika
5 allalaadimist

Eddie Murphy

Birth name:Edward Regan Murphy Born: April 3, 1961 (age 52)Brooklyn, lives: New York City, U.S. • He has received Golden Globe Award  nominations for his performances in 48 Hrs. , Beverly Hills Cop series , Trading Places , and The Nutty Professor . In 2007, he won the Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor and received a nomination for the Academy Philanthropy • Murphy has donated money to the AIDS Foundation, and cancer, education, creative arts, family/parent support, health and homeless charities. He has donated to the Martin Luther King Jr. Center, various cancer charities and $100,000 to the Screen Actors' Guild's strike relief fund. Used sites • rphy • q=eddie+murphy&source=lnms&tbm =isch&sa=X&ei=xSVSUvfALc67hAfk 0oDADg&sqi=2&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&b iw=1280&bih=668&dpr=1

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Positive adjectives

POSITIVE generous - suuremeelne, helde creative - loov, loominguline faithful - ustav, truu Jovial - lustlik Dynamic - dünaamiline, jõuline, liikuv Compassionate - kaastundlik sociable- seltskondlik, seltsiv, sõbralik charming- võluv urbane- suurlinlik, lihvitud kommetega pleasant- meeldiv artistic- kunstipärane Genial- südamlik, lahke, leebe Humanitarian-Abivalmis, Hooldav. Ethereal-Rahuline, Õnnelik. Dry humor-Teeb hääli ja nägusi et nalja paremini väljendada. Humorous- humoorikas, naljakas Careful- hoolas, tähelepanelik Practical- praktiline Prudent- mõistlik Magnanimous- suuremeelne Exuberant- ülevoolav Warmhearted- südamlik Broad-minded- avatud mõtlemisega, uuenduslik Caring- hooliv affectionate- hell intuitive-terviklikult nägev, intuitiivne unworldly- ebamaine receptive- vastuvõtlik selfless- isetu, omakasupüüdmatu Straight- forward- otsekohene Ethical- eetiline, moraalne Intellectual- mõistuslik challenging- väljakutusv pr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Loov Linn

Loova linna olulised tunnused on ka traditsioonid, eesmärgid ja visioon tuleviku suhtes. Kõige selle juures olekul tuleb meeles pidada linna populatsiooni, kui palju elab rahvas linnas. Mõjutades sellega loomemajanduse rahalisi ressursse. Loovaid linnu on vaja selleks, et tagada inimeste rahulolu. Kasutatud allikad: Tartu Linnavalitsuse Kultuuriosakond. 2008. Tartu Kultuurivaldkondade kaardistamine ja loomemajanduse strateegia. Geenhuizen van M, Nijkamp P, 2012. Can Creative Knowledge Cities be created? Gertler S. Meric. 2004. Creative cities: What are they for, how do they work and how do we build them? Lorenzen M, Andersen V, Kristina. 2009. Centrality and Creativity: Does Richard Florida's Cretive Class Offer New Insighsts into Urban Hierarchy? f?

Majandus → Loovus ja innovatsioon
14 allalaadimist

Emirates Stadium

Stadium project Highbury Stadium reconstruction New location Redevelopment of Dayton Park New waste station in Lough Road Creating 1 800 new jobs 2 300 new homes Improvements on the railway stations Measurements North- South 245,6m East- West 199,6 Height 41,466m 17 acres Facts Over 2 000 doors 100 flights of stairs 13 elevators 5 escalators 900 toilets 41 TV camera positions 16 trees 1 dog toilet Arsenalisation "visible stronghold of all things Arsenal through a variety of artistic and creative means" 32 legends on the walls 12 greateast Arsenal moments The Arsenal Museum and Tours Northern Triangle building Self- guide audio tour Legends tour Sources Thank you for listening!

Keeled → British culture (briti...
2 allalaadimist

Horten Headquarter, presentation for English

formed using molding processes. springs. Lightweight and extremely strong. Interior Optimum daylight conditions The spine of the building Matches with exterior Insulating foam core Two layers on fiberglass Layer of travertine "The building is a good example of how environmentally friendly objectives can be combined with beautiful architecture" - Kim Herforth Nielsen, creative director and founder of 3XN. Worth reading it? YES self shielding design ­ isekaitsev disain? travertineclad ­ traventiiniga kaetud intricate geometrical pattern keeruline geomeetriline muster spatial experience ruumiline kogemus? discrepancies amongst erimeelsused millegi hulgas Thank you for your attention!

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

FILM REVIEW: Stuck in Love

Stuck in Love is a 2012 American independent romantic-drama film written and directed by Josh Boone. The film stars Jennifer Connelly, Greg Kinnear, Lily Collins, Nat Wolff and Logan Lerman. It focuses on the complicated relationships between a successful novelist, ex-wife and their collegiate daughter and teenage son. Stuck in Love is an endearing drama about the different shades of love as experienced by the members of a family used to expressing their feelings through their creative writing. Lily Collins steals the movie with her nuanced depiction of Samantha's transformation once she surrenders to a person who really loves her and wants all the best for her. Greg Kinnear and Jennifer Connelly both enable us to feel for them and to understand the leap of faith it will take for them to start afresh. And Nat Wolff is appealing as the teenager whose life is rocked by his relationship with Kate.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

What would i change if i were minister of education.

Many people think that our school system is out of date and we should make it more modern. Even teachers and students say that some changes need to be made. Maybe our government should consultate more with poeple who know the real situtation, when they create new laws. If I were minister of education I would deffenetly prefere American educational system to Russian. Our children should do more practical exercises in school and develop creative thinking. In addition to that I would give more money to our schools and raise also teatchers salary. This would boost up their motivation to give quality education to our children. Also i would invite more exchange students into our schools and send our children more often to learn in foreign countrys. The last thing I would change is the amount of the final exams. I would change all school exams into national exams.

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

Elu 2050 aastal

How will a child feel when he opens his eyes in the year 2050? I think life will be very diffrent then. By the year 2050 pollution levels in cities will have decreased because scientists will have invented environmentally-friendly cars. By the year 2050 people will be living longer because scientists will have found cures for many diseases. By the year 2050 we will be going to other planets because space travel will have improved. By the year 2050 we will be doing more creative jobs because computers will be doing the most boring jobs. By the year 2050 there will be no more rainforests as we will have cutted them all down. By the year 2050 people will be living in cities under the sea because normal cities become too crowded. By the year 2050 there will be more poor people as there will be fewer jobs. By the year 2050 crime will have increased as there will be more people whitout job.

Keeled → Inglise keel
60 allalaadimist

Working at home or in an office

possibility to work at home instead of going to office every day. This option has many positive sides but also some negative. Firstly working at home is more comfortable for workers. Their working schedule is more flexible because work has to be done for certain date and if they do their work faster then there is more free time to be with a family, play sports etc. In many cases workers who work at home are more creative and their working results are better. Sometimes lack of inspiration or poor working results may be caused by the small office. Working at home has also some negative sides. When working at home workers can not communicate with each others from face to face. In my opinion teamwork is very important in most of the companies. When all the workers work at home then it is hard to make important decisions. All in all people need variety in their lives then it is good when they can work at office and

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

Silicon Valley

Las Vegas. There has been a lot written lately about the "creative class." The thesis seems to be that as wealth derives increasingly from ideas, cities will prosper only if they attract those who have them. That is certainly true; in fact it was the basis of Amsterdam's prosperity 400 years ago. A lot of nerd tastes they share with the creative class in general. For example, they like well-preserved old neighborhoods instead of cookie-cutter suburbs, and locally-owned shops and restaurants instead of national chains. Like the rest of the creative class, they want to live somewhere with personality. What exactly is personality? I think it's the feeling that each building is the work of a distinct group of people. A town with personality is one that doesn't feel mass-produced.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Natuke informaatikat viiendatele klassidele

Iseloomulikuks kiiruseks on tal Ghz, tuumade arv. Tootjad: AMD, Motorola, Intel. Operatiivmälu RAM (random access memory) Toimub programmi info hoidmine niikaua kuni arvuti töötab. Tootjad: Corsair, OCZ, PQI, Kingston, Apacer. Videokaart ehk graafikakaart VGA (video, graphics accelerator) Seade, mis muudab arvuti mälus oleva kujutise kuvarile arusaadavaks signaaliks. Tootjad: Nvidia, ATI (AMD). Helikaart (soundcard) Seade, mille abil arvuti võtab vastu helisignaal. Tootjad: ASUS, CREATIVE, LABS jne. Võrgukaart NIC (network interface card) Seade, millega saab arvuti ühendada arvutivõrku. Tootja: CHRONOS, Novell jne. Kõvaketas HDD (hard disk drive) Andmete, programmide säilitamiseks (andmesäilitusseade) Tootjad: Seagate, Western, Digital, IBM. Toiteplokk PSU (power surga unit) Seade, mis puundab tavaliselt seinakontaktist tuleva pingega elektrivoolu pingega vooluks, Tootjad: Corsair, Chieftec, Ocz, Antec, Fortron ja Codegen.

Informaatika → Informaatika
3 allalaadimist

Natuke informaatikat viiendatele klassidele

Iseloomulikuks kiiruseks on tal Ghz, tuumade arv. Tootjad: AMD, Motorola, Intel. Operatiivmälu RAM (random access memory) Toimub programmi info hoidmine niikaua kuni arvuti töötab. Tootjad: Corsair, OCZ, PQI, Kingston, Apacer. Videokaart ehk graafikakaart VGA (video, graphics accelerator) Seade, mis muudab arvuti mälus oleva kujutise kuvarile arusaadavaks signaaliks. Tootjad: Nvidia, ATI (AMD). Helikaart (soundcard) Seade, mille abil arvuti võtab vastu helisignaal. Tootjad: ASUS, CREATIVE, LABS jne. Võrgukaart NIC (network interface card) Seade, millega saab arvuti ühendada arvutivõrku. Tootja: CHRONOS, Novell jne. Kõvaketas HDD (hard disk drive) Andmete, programmide säilitamiseks (andmesäilitusseade) Tootjad: Seagate, Western, Digital, IBM. Toiteplokk PSU (power surga unit) Seade, mis puundab tavaliselt seinakontaktist tuleva pingega elektrivoolu pingega vooluks, Tootjad: Corsair, Chieftec, Ocz, Antec, Fortron ja Codegen.

Informaatika → Informaatika
3 allalaadimist

Letter of recommendation

She knows what she wants and what she is capable of and works for her goals until she has accomplished them. The amount of her friends clearly shows that she is a person you can trust and always count on. During these years that I have known her she has shown that completing assignments on her own or in team is not a problem. Her ability to communicate with different people and self-discipline help her through any situation she may face. She is a very creative person and talented in arts. She has finnished (kool) of fine arts and her talent is incredible. I highly recommend (nimi kelle kohta) for whatever position she may decide to take up next. She is the type of employee that anyone would be happy to work with. Sincerely, Allkiri Nimi Telefon Mail

Keeled → Inglise keel
37 allalaadimist

Living in the countryside is boring

Living in the countryside is boring A lot of people say that living in the countryside is boring, I think it depends on how creative people can be. In addition there are many young people, who live in the countryside and they are really pleased with their lives, because they know how to make living there interesting, in spite of the difficulties they are creating a children centre, where all the young people can come together. Nevertheless there are a lot of children who won't even bother to do something to change their lives, although they will probably just be whining to their parents how boring it is in the countryside.

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Loov organisatsioon

teadlikkus................................................................................................................................ 7 Mäng. Selleks, et toota uusi teadmisi ja tegevusi, tuleb lasta uutel ideedel moodustuda ja ühineda. See on kui mäng, kus ainsateks reegliteks on see, et mõelda tuleb nii, et kõik on võimalik. Läbi mängu õpime me kõige loomulikumal viisil end ümbritsevat maailma tundma. (Heap, The creative organisations)......................................................................................... 7 Eesmärk. Inimesed seovad ennast ühe projektiga kõige lihtsamini siis, kui sellel on mingi nendest väljapoole jääv ülim eesmärk. Mõnede ettevõtete jaoks on inimestest nende parimate omaduste ja oskuste väljatoomiseks vaja teenida rohkem kasumit, kui eelmisel aastal. Tegelikult on töötajate kannatuste leevendamine, rahuldust pakkuva töö loomine ja

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
12 allalaadimist

Kirjand " Eksamid on kohustuslikud " (" Exams are a must ")

Because the majority of students are very nervous during exams and they can't focus and making mistakes. There also will not be enough time. Does anyone in real life situation prohibit you to check your spelling grammar from dictionary or look online help for the problems. Some people are smarter, while others do not. Also I hate thinking like all people need to be good at any skill. It's impossible, there are smart people and creative people, never both, who have both skills have poor skills. And we are not able to change this. As one wise man said: ,,Nobody really learns anything by force". Of course the important thing is being able to use those facts well, quickly and under pressure. But there are people who don't manage anything and they will not survive in our modern society. Finally, I would say that exams are pointless . A good degree is absolutely no guarantee of a good job

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


Soolad Koostaja: Sirle Oja Gustav Adolfi Gümnaasium Avaldatud Creative Commonsi litsentsi ,,Autorile viitamine + jagamine samadel tingimustel 3.0 Eesti (CC BY-SA 3.0)" alusel, vt Sisukord 1) Soolade koostis 2) Valemite koostamine 3) Nimetuste andmine 4) Ülesanne 5) Videod Soolade koostis Soolad on kristalsed ained, mis koosnevad metallioonist ja happejääkioonist. Nt. NaCl Soolad Pildi lisamiseks klõpsakePildi

Keemia → Keemia
5 allalaadimist

Arvo Pärt looming

Arvo Pärt Author: Heli Kopter Life Pärt grew up in Rakvere. He went to study music at the the Tallinn Conservatory (now The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre), graduating in 1963. He was influenced by medieval and Renaissance music. He became a popular composer during the 1960's. In 1976 Pärt created his signature tintinnabuli style. His best known works are Für Alina and Spiegel im Spiegel. In 1980, Pärt left Soviet Estonia in search of creative freedom in Vienna, and later Berlin. Some Facts He was known for his self-invented compositional technique tintinnabuli. His tintinnabuli technique resembled the ringing of bells and was best displayed in his composition "Spiegel im Spiegel" from 1978. He translated the style of minimalism into sacred music, composing well-known instrumental works that became a part of the New Simplicity movement.

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
2 allalaadimist

Infot kasutamine

Tuleb jälgida, et "illust reerimine" ei muutuks autori teose reprodutseerimiseks kui selliseks. Illustreerimine tähendab siiski vaid konkreetse näitena väljatoomist õpetaja, õppejõu, teadlase vms enda käsitluse kontekstis. · selline kasutamine ei taotle ärilisi eesmärke; · tuleb ära märkida järgmised rekvisiidid: a) autori nimi (kui see on teosel näidatud); b) teose pealkiri (nimetus); c) teose avaldamise allikas. Creative Commons (CC)- lubab jagada oma loomingut teistega. Samuti markeerida võrgusolevaid teoseid - mis tingimustel on nad kasutatavad. Creative Commons´i litsentsid on kasutatavad nii heli, filmi, pildi, tekstide kui õppematerjalide puhul. (C) - all right reserved Public Domain (pd) - autor loobub kõigist oma õigustest

Informaatika → It
19 allalaadimist

Teose vaba kasutamise võimalused teadus- ja õppetöös

eesmärkidel. Kooli õppetöö jaoks ei tohi ka ilma loata edastada näiteks muusikat, filme või TV-sarju internetis. Video- või DVD-filmi esitamine õppetegevuses eeldab eraldi luba. Ostetud, laenatud või renditud salvestisi, nagu helisalvestisi, audiokassette või video- ja DVD filme ei tohi kopeerida õppekasutuseks. Kopeerimise ja muutmise lubamine kuulub autori varaliste õiguste hulka ning lihtsaim viis seda teha on avaldada oma materjal koos sobiva avatud sisulitsentsiga. Näiteks Creative Commons litsentsiga kaasneb Share (jagamise) õigus, mis lubab teose kasutajal seda kopeerida, levitada ja edasi anda. Lisaks kaasneb teose muutmist lubavate CC litsentsidega õigus Remix, mis lubab kasutajal teost tõlkida, kohandada, panna kokku teiste sobiva litsentsiga teostega jne. Creative Commons on USAs asuv mittetulundusühing, mille eesmärk on suurendada ühiskonnas loovust ning lihtsustada teoste levitamist ja kasutamist. MTÜ pakub tasuta

Õigus → Intellektuaalne omand ja...
84 allalaadimist

Learning confidence and skill

In physical education (PE), pupils develop confidence and skills in a range of activities, such as dance, games, gymnastics, swimming, athletics, outdoor and adventurous activities. They work as individuals, in groups and in teams. Discovering what they like to do, Physical education (PE) is much more than success on the sports field. It develops competent, confident young people who understand the importance of a healthy, active lifestyle. It also calls for teamwork, leadership and creative thinking. These skills enrich learning and life. bring people together through physical activity; break down barriers between groups; PE class is a place to learn that their bodies are inadequate; bodies that are already subject to bullying and merciless ridicule in and out of school. But this is more than about simply anecdotes and haunting childhood memories. There is evidence deserving of attention of why PE class is a miserable experience for many children.

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist


self-paced computer based training. 5. Multimedia presentations may be viewed by person on stage, projected, transmitted, played locally with a media player, streamed or broadcasted 6. Multimedia games and simulations may be used in a physical environment with special effects, with multiple users in an online network, or locally with an offline computer, game system, or simulator. Creative industries, Commercial uses, Entertainment and fine arts, Education, Journalism, Engineering, Industry, Mathematical and scientific research, Medicine, Document Imaging, Disabilities, Miscellaneous 2-dimensional, 3-dimensional, 4-dimensional images. 2D computer graphics is the computer-based generation of digital images— mostly from two-dimensional models (such as 2D geometric models, text, and digital images) and by techniques specific to them. The word may stand for the

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sõnade derivatsioon e. tuletamine - Words derivation

recommendation recommend Recommended Recommendedly recommendable remains remain remained remainedly (un)easiness ease Easy easily eased function function functional functionally Rule rule ruling - ruler creation create Created creatively creative economy economise economical economically imagination imagine Imaginable Imaginably imaginatively courage encourage courageous courageously shape shape Shapeless shapelessly shaped expactation expect (un)expected (un)expectedly harm harm harmful harmfully

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

It is said that advertising is legalized lying

It is said that advertising is legalized lying. Are the advertised products as useful and needed as they are presented to be? Ads want to make us believe that we need the things or services they are advertising. Advertisements are often placed anywhere people can easily see or hear the information such as TV- or radio commercials. Most of the potential consumers look at the products offered by the media and assume that these items would be effective and useful to them in everyday use. Therefore people who create advertisements have realized that consumers want to buy items that famous people have advertised. The stars prmoting the product most of the time dont even use it. They are just hired to make people believe that the products promoted are the best on the market. Companies need ads to make their product stand out of the large competition in the market. But are they lying? I don't think so. There are exa...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Amy Lee

Amy Lynn Hartzler Amy Lynn Hartzler (known to the public by her maiden name Amy Lee), singer, pianist, designer and co-founder of the world-famous gothic rock band Evanescence, has had a big influence on the rock music scene of today. Although her family moved to many places, including Florida and Illinois, they eventually settled in Little Rock, Arkansas. It's also the place where Evanscence was founded. It was Pulaski Academy that she graduated from in 2000. "Eternity of the Remorse" and "A Single Tear" were the first songs she remembers writing. The man she founded Evanescence with was Ben Moody, whom she met at a youth camp. Within a month, the pair was playing acoustic sets at Arkansas book stores and coffee houses. After recording several EPs, it was October 22nd 2003, when Ben Moody Left the band citing "creative differences." After that incident, "Anywhere but Home" and "The Open Door" were...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

If I were the Minister of Education in Estonia

Estonian educational system. Some of them are useful, some are not. Yet I think there are still many things that could use a change. I think, that one good change has been made related to the national exams, they have been improved a lot. This has assured an ongoing high level of education in Estonia. Our colleges' curriculums have also certified our college students' competitivity worldwide. I would like to bring out the education getting more and more creative as a positive change. I have noticed the use of active teaching methods and personal approach to the students. If I would be the Minister of Education, I would make the first change in turning the educational system to be more student-centered. I find, that not only those students need personal approach, that are going to study in a college but also those, who are going to continue their studies in a vocational school or are heading to work.

Keeled → Inglise keel
52 allalaadimist

Electrical engineering

the cost of electronics to the point they can be used in almost any household object. Famous people with big impact are Nikola Tesla, Alexander Graham Bell, john Logie Baird and many more How to become an electrical engineer Electrical engineers typically hold a degree in electrical engineering or electronic engineering. Getting into engineering school takes good grades in math and science. Students also need courses in English, social studies, and computers. Engineers should be creative, curious, logical, and detail-oriented. They should also be able to work as part of a team. What do electrical engineers do? Electrical engineers work in a very wide range of industries and the skills required are likewise variable. These range from basic circuit theory to the management skills required of a project manager. The tools and equipment that an individual engineer may need are similarly variable, ranging from a simple voltmeter to a top end analyzer to sophisticated design and

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Motivation essay

I think that giving a secutity at work is the main aspect that will motivate workforce. Saying job security I mean healthy environment, good labuor relations and confidence which means that worker do not have to worry about losing the job. A good healthy environment is the main motivator, because when you work somewhere you do not feel yourself comfortable, you aint do work with maximum input. Good labour relations at work create a challenging and creative job, because if you do not communicate others with respect and friendliness, it is hard to make progression. And this is also a initiative to create oppurtunities for self development. Seemingly the main external motivation to attemt in some kind of work is salary. If the salary is competitive, the next aspet is good fringe benefits. For example, when I work at some production company, doing my work five days a week, eight hours a day, I must be exhausted

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Music can be a hobby.

It's a good idea to try more than one type of instrument in order to know what you really prefer and what feels the most natural to you.It's best not to make up your decision on something like how cool a certain guitar looks on your favourite rock star.Everyone needs to develope their own musical styling with the instrument that is best for them. Writing music is one of the most profound ways to dig deep into yourself and see what you have to offer in a musically creative format.Don't expect the first thing you write to be an amazing piece of work.It takes time to build up to it.Don't feel as if what you write isn't worth sharing with other either.It's common to feel in secure when you develope your own original music but if your passion is in it, let it speak for itself. When you discover an artist or musician that you just can't get enough of, it's understandable that you want to collect all of their works.A music collection is a great hobby to have

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Positive and negative traits of character

Positive traits of character 1.lighthearted- muretu, kergelt võttes. 2.carefree, careful- muretu, hoolikas 3.honest, sincere, frank- aus, siiras, siiras, communicative- avatud, suhtlemis aldis 5.easy-going- hea suhtleja 6.strong-willed- tahtejõuline 7.determined- otsustuskindel 8.self-assured, self-confident- enesekindel, enesekindel 9.dominant, energetic- domineeriv, energiline 10.demanding, well-balanced- nõudlik, tasakaalukas 11.modest, reserved- tagasihoidlik, reserveetitud =kinnine 12.sensible, practical- mõistlik, praktiline 13.calm, realistic- rahulik, realistlik 14.rational, brave- ratsionaalne, julge=vapper 15.generous, lively- heldekäeline, elav 16.dedicated, considerate- pühendunud, tähelepanelik 17.tender, loving, gentle- õrn, armastav, õrnatundeline 18.tolerant, understanding- tolerantne=salliv, arusaav 19.thoughtful, creative- hooliv, loov 20.sympathetic, capable- kaasatudlik, või...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Humanistlik paradigma

Humanistlik paradigma Eksistentsiaalne lähenemine I Viktor E. Frankl (1905 -1997 ) · The Doctor and the Soul: From psychotherapy to logotherapy (1955) · Man's search for meaning: an introduction to logotherapy (1962) · The will to meaning (1969) Inimese kontseptsiooni kolm printsiipi: tahtevabadus (freedom of will) tähenduslikkus (will to meaning) elu mõte (meaning of life) II Rollo Reese May (1909 - 1994) · The springs of creative living: a study of human nature and god. (1940) · The meaning of anxiety. 1950/1977. · Man's search for himself. 1953. · Love and will. 1969. I. Eksistentsiaalsed terminid: · Dasein - isiksus ja tema maailm, siin ja praegu fenomenoloogia: tähendus, väärtused. Eksisteerimise kolm osist: umwelt - keskkond, suhe füüsilise, maailmaga mitwelt - interpersonaalsus, suhe teistega eigenwelt - teadvus, suhe endaga · Vabadus (potentsiaal) - valikuvabadus,

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
15 allalaadimist

Organismiline lähenemine, Abraham Harold Maslow

Humanistlik paradigma Eksistentsiaalne lähenemine I Viktor E. Frankl (1905 -1997 ) · The Doctor and the Soul: From psychotherapy to logotherapy (1955) · Man's search for meaning: an introduction to logotherapy (1962) · The will to meaning (1969) Inimese kontseptsiooni kolm printsiipi: tahtevabadus (freedom of will) tähenduslikkus (will to meaning) elu mõte (meaning of life) II Rollo Reese May (1909 - 1994) · The springs of creative living: a study of human nature and god. (1940) · The meaning of anxiety. 1950/1977. · Man's search for himself. 1953. · Love and will. 1969. I. Eksistentsiaalsed terminid: · Dasein - isiksus ja tema maailm, siin ja praegu fenomenoloogia: tähendus, väärtused. Eksisteerimise kolm osist: umwelt - keskkond, suhe füüsilise, maailmaga mitwelt - interpersonaalsus, suhe teistega eigenwelt - teadvus, suhe endaga · Vabadus (potentsiaal) - valikuvabadus,

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
22 allalaadimist

Los Angeles - L.A.

Fernando Valley. Culture The greater Los Angeles area is the most important site in the United States for movie and Click to edit Master text stylestelevision production. Second level This has drawn not only actors, Third level but also writers, composers, Fourth level artists, and other creative Fifth level individuals to the area. The people of Los Angeles are known as Angelenos.

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
7 allalaadimist

Elu tunnused

BIOLOOGIA UURIB ELU Biokeemia- Molekuloogia- 1.Taimed Tsütoloogia- 2.Loomad Histoloogia- 3.Seened Anatoomia- 4.Bakterid Füsioloogia- 5.Viirused Hügieen- Ökoloogia- Etoloogia- ELU TUNNUSED This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share A Elu määratlemine toimub mitme tunnuse kaudu: Vaieldakse, kas viirused on elus või eluta objektid. Miks? omadus elus eluta 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Kõikidele elusorganismidele on omased teatud tunnused: Rakuline ehitus Rakk on kõige lihtsam ehituslik ja talituslik üksus, millel on kõik elu tunnused. Rakkude hulga alusel jagatakse organismid Ainuraksed Hulkraksed

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
9 allalaadimist

Teamwork: the pros and cons

Teamwork:the pros and cons In modern world there are two types of people.Those who like to work in teams and those who like to work alone.I'm more likely to work in a team than alone. There are many good sides in teamwork,like people can pool their skills together and than it's generally more productive but when work individually person has he is own ideas.No idea is a bad idea when person is working alone. It's an amazing feeling when person can create his owns ideas or do whatever his heart desires.There is only one, with own ideas and trust in his own decision making. Of course, person will be fully responsible for the outcome. The common goal in teamwork is good for morale and fosters team spirit but in individual work person can't get help from others or be appreciated by others for ideas. Also collaboration and mutual feedback are fulfilling and make people feel more valued however individ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Aatomi ehitus

Aatomi ehitus Koostaja: Helen Kaljurand Tallinna Kristiine Gümnaasium Avaldatud Creative Commonsi litsentsi ,,Autorile viitamine + jagamine samadel tingimustel 3.0 Eesti (CC BY-SA 3.0)" alusel, vt Sisukord · Planetaarne aatomimudel · Aatomi ehitus (Tabel) · Aatomi ehitus (Video) · Aatomi tuum · Massiarvu leidmise valem · Tuumalaengu leidmine perioodilisustabalist · Isotoobid ­ animatsiooni vaatamiseks on vajalik internetiühendus! · Vesiniku isotoobid Sisukord 2 · Elektronkate · Elektronide arv elektronkihtidel

Keemia → Keemia
7 allalaadimist

Waldspirale in German

Today, I want to pay your attention to a house called Forest Spiral (or Waldspirale in German), which is situated in Darmstadt, Germany, Frankfurterstrasse street. This city with a population of 141 thousand citizens is known to be a «city of science», so there is no surprise that such an eccentric and creative house was built there in 2000. Many of us reading fairytales have dreamt about living in magic houses and this twelve-storey building twisted in a shell is a dream come true. This eye-catching house, built without any rectangular forms, has a green roof with a garden, for what it was actually called a Forest spiral. There are 105 apartments, garage (), grocery store and a café inside the house as well as the patio () with an artificial pond and playground for kids. But why this

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Struktuurikujunduse õpimapp

Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus Juuksuri eriala ILU11/1 Egert Eessaar Struktuurikujunduse Õpimapp Tartu2011 Schwarzkopf 1. Schwarzkopf Natural Styling EELHOOLDUSTOOTED Eelhooldusaine Pre- treatment Balance 200ml Eelhooldusaine Pre- treatment + Repair & Protect 200ml Rikutud, värvitud ja triibutatud juustele. KEEMILISE LOKI VEDELIKUD Hydrowave-tehnoloogia sisaldab Aloe Verat Classic 0,1,2 1000ml Glamour Wave 0,1,2,3 80ml Creative Gel 1,2 50ml Creative Fluid 1,2 500ml KINNITI Neutralizer 1000ml Neutralizer + 1000ml Hooldavam, rikutud ja töödeldud juustele. Kinnitite mõjuaeg on 5+5 minutit. Natural Styling Classic 0,1,2 Hydrowave - tehnoloogia ja hüdrolüüsitud keratiin. Keratiini osakesed, mis on sarnased juukse keratiiniga on väikesed ja tungivad sügavale juuksestruktuuri ja tugevdavad juuksekarva. Klassikaline leeliseline lokivedelik Lokivedelik 0 ja 1 : eelhoolduseks kasutame Pre- trea...

Ametid → Kutse
28 allalaadimist

10B – Unit 1 vocabulary

10B ­ Unit 1 vocabulary fence ­ tara, piirdeaed fibreglass ­ klaaskiud abandon ­ hülgama, maha jätma fitted ­ kohaldatud, sisseehitatud absent from ­ puuduv, äraolev fortress ­ kindlus accuse of ­ süüdistama from scratch ­ nullist alates accustomed to ­ harjumuspärane fuel bill ­ kütte arve active ­ toimekas, aktiivne fully furnished ­ täielikult möbleeritud adventurous ­ seiklushimuline guard rail ­ käsipuu airy ­ õhurikas harsh ­ karm apologise ­ vabandama, vabandust paluma hay fever ­ heinapalavik appeal to ­ meeldima humidifier ­ õhuniisuti, niisuti appliance ­ seade, tööriist hut...

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun