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"control" - 986 õppematerjali

control - freedom • Antud artikli põhjal tuleb välja, et tõeliselt vaba on lihtne olla vaid alternatiivsetes ruumides, näiteks nagu kodutud.


Controlling -

Kasutaja: Control

Faile: 1

CNC-pingid referaat

CNC-pink on hea masin selle saavutamiseks. CNC-pink on tööpink, mida juhitakse arvutiprogrammi abil. CNC- pinki kasutatakse erinevates valdkondades ning see võimaldab valmistada detaili/toodet väga täpselt. CNC seadmed on kõrgtehnoloogilised masinad. Töötlemine nendel masinatel toimub spetsiaalselt valmistatud programmi kontrolli all. ÜLDISELT CNC-PINGIST CNC ­ tehnikat rakendatakse mitmesuguste pinkide juhtimisel. Nimetus CNC tuleneb ingliskeelsetest sõnadest computer numerical control, eesti keeles oleks see siis vastavalt arvutijuhtimisega robot-tööpink. Tööpinki juhitakse arvutiprogrammi abil, mis annab tööpingile vajaliku info töö teostamiseks. NC-pink on arvutijuhtimisega tööpink. Lühendit kasutatakse vanemate tööpinkide puhul, kus programm tehti käsitsi. Nimetus NC tuleneb ingliskeelsetest sõnadest numerical control. CNC-pingi võimaluste alla kuulub, freesimine, puurimine, augustamine, erikujuliste detailide lõikus ja ka graveerimine

Merendus → Merendus
34 allalaadimist

Arvutivõrgud ja andmeside

 Protokoll - hulk kokkuleppeid, mille põhjal toimub suhtlus ja üksteisest arusaamine osapoolte vahel. Erinevate süsteemide samade kihtide suhtlusviis omavahel.  Protokollistik - hulk protokolle, mis moodustab ühtse terviku. nt TCP/IP.  Liides - Sama süsteemi erinevate kihtide suhtlusviis omavahel Lühendid  ISO - International Organisation for Standardisation.  OSI - Open System Interconnect.  TCP - Transmission Control Protocol.  IP - Internet Protocol. TCP/IP mudel - Lihtsam, kui OSI mudel, sest sisaldab vähem kihte: Rakenduskiht, Transpordikiht, Internet, Võrgu ligipääsukiht. Ethernet Tööprintsiip CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection). Liini kuulamine, mitmene pöördumine, kokkupõrgete äratundmine. Etherneti meediumi standardid - Lisanimed, mis koosnevad kolmast osast: xxxBASE-ZZ (10BASE-2, 100BASE-TX), kus xxx-edastuse ribalaius megabitti/sekundis

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
44 allalaadimist

Baaslogistika Module 1-5 Konspekt

 Deep port approach;  Politically stable country;  Safe and secure handling;  Fast and relieble service;  Good hinterland connections. Terminal a part of a port:  Consisting of one or more quays;  Specially designed for certain cargo. Can be owned by/operated by:  Port authorities;  Private capital;  Ship owners. Tasks of HCC, Harbour coordination centre:  Safety in the port;  Control on incoming and outcoming vessels;  Information centre. Consists of:  Planning en coordination;  Central traffic management;  Dangerous goods.  Service providers in the port:  Government: Customs; Port police.  Inderpendent companies: Pilotage; Communication company; Tugboats; Mooring; Port community system.  The main tasks of the port police are:  Maintaining law and order;  Boarder control;

Logistika → Baaslogistika
4 allalaadimist

Motivatsioon- lisamaterjal

Motivatsioon lisa Arengumotivatsiooni näiteid. Kontrollkese (ingl locus of control). Inimese kontrollitunne (maailma adekvaatne tunnetus veendumus enda asjatundlikkuses) sõltub olukorrast. On asju, millega toimetulek on inimese võimuses, kuid talle endale tundub, et ta ei saa hakkama. Kui kontrollimatusetunne laieneb paljudele asjadele ja olukordadele, siis võib kõneleda juba püsivast isiksuseomadusest. Inimesele hakkab tunduma, et tal on üldse vähe kontrolli asjade üle, milles ta asub. Sellisel juhul öeldaksegi, et kontrollkese asub inimesest väljaspool. Üldiselt kalduvad inimesed olema kas seesmise või välise kontrollkeskmega. Seesmise kontrollkeskmega inimene usub, et ta on ise oma tegude peremees, välise kontrollkeskmega inimesed on pigem fatalistid- neile tundub, et ükskõik, kuidas nad ka ei pingutaks, miski sellest eriti ei sõltu ega muutu. Tunnetuslik ebakõla ehk kognitiivne dissonants. Leon Festinger (1919-1990) taipas esimes...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
291 allalaadimist

Eating out

Eating out More and more of us are eating out on a regular basis, whether its for a business lunch, a girls get together or for a family meal. Eating out usually means that we have little control over how the food is prepared or how large the portion is. Foods eaten out tend to be higher in fat and research has shown that those who eat out regularly generally have higher intakes of fat, salt and calories. Studis have also shown that eating with friends can tempt us to overeat. Unlike packaged food, doods bought from cafes, restaurants dont have to carry nutritional information and so opting for the healthiest option might not always be abvious or easy. However, with some

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Break; bring, väljendid, kõnekäänud

BREAK DOWN- 1) (int)(of machinery) stop working 2) (int) (of a person) lose control of feelins; 3) (int) (of talks/negotiations etc) fail 4) (tr) seperate under headings BREAK IN 1) (int) enter by force or illegally BREAK INTO 1) (tr) enter by force 2) (tr) inerrput BREAK OFF 1) (tr) end a relationship/agreement BREAK OUT 1) (int) (of war, etc) begin suddenly BREAK THROUGH 1) (int) advance (in spite of opposition) BREAK TO 1) (tr) tell (usu bad news) to sb in a kind way

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Vario Cooking Center - slideshow

piimatooteid ja kõrvalroogasid. · Multifunktsionaalne küpsetusseade kahe panniga, mida saab kasutada teineteisest eraldi, peaaegu kõikide toitude valmistamise meetoditega · Kasutatakse restorani köökides VarioCooking Center 112+ · Sobib keetmiseks, röstimiseks (VarioPan) ja friteerimiseks · Rõhkküpsetus (kontrollides rõhku ja kuumust optimaalseks vee ja energia säästmiseks) · Temperatuuri skaala: 30-250°C VarioCooking Control reziim · 9 erinevat küpsetusreziimi(kondid, grilli/praetoidud, kala ja mereannid, köögiviljad/kartulid, pasta/riis, muna-/jahutooted, piimatooted/magustoidud, supid/kastmed, garneeringud). · Võimalik küpsetada 2 erineva osaga üheaegselt · 350 individuaalset küpsetusprogrammi, igal ühel kuni 12 etappi · Õli ei ole võimalik ära kõrvetada · Info edastamine USB kaudu · Märkab automaatselt toote spetsiifilisi vajadusi, küpsetatava toidu suurust ja portsjoni suurust

Masinaehitus → Seadmete õpetus
9 allalaadimist

Air pollution in Japan

Air pollution in Japan Birgit Tohter Air pollution The presence of toxic chemicals or compounds (including those of biological origin) in the air, at levels that pose a health risk. The effects of air pollution is global warming, heart problems, acid rains etc. There are solutions like public transport, cleaning smokestacks, laws, renewable sources, The history Industrial activity in Japan devoloped rapidly after the World War II. People became really sick and described it as more horrible suffering than death. In the 1970s Japan managed to clean up without sacrificing growth by investing in pollution-control technologies. They made new laws. It was the start of "Japan's Pollution Diet". Today, Japanese cities are among the world's least polluted, according to the World Health Organization. Air pollution in Japan The air pollution is different in different seasons. During the winter air pollution in Japan is ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Relvakonfliktidega kaasnevad sotsiaalsed ja keskkonnaprobleemid.

Relvakonfliktidega kaasnevad sotsiaalsed ja keskkonnaprobleemid. Kriisid tekivad riikide või riikide gruppide, sageli ka riigisiseste jõudude, erinevate huvide vastandumisel. Põhjused võivad olla: majanduslikud, välispoliitilised, rahvuslikud, religioossed ja sisepoliitilised. Relvakonflikte saab liigitada erinevatesse gruppidesse ning neid on kokku neli: 1.ulatus ­ eristatakse ühe riigi või selle piirialade lähistele jäävat, mitut lähialade naaberiiki haaravat ja globaalset leviala 2.kasutatav relvastus ­ tavarelvastus, keemia-, tuuma- või bioloogiline relvastus 3.taktika ­ konventsionaalne (õhu-, mere või maaoperatsioonid, väeliikide kombineeritud lahingutegevus) ja mittekonventsionaalne (sisetegevus, terroism) sõjategevus 4.kestus ­ lühiajaline relvakonflikt (mõni päev kuni 1 kuu kestev sõjategevus) ja pikaajaline relvakonflikt (mitu kuud või aasta kestev sõjategevus) Inimesed üle kogu maailma on pidevalt arutanud selle ...

Geograafia → Maailma majandus- ja...
16 allalaadimist


Estonia and the Baltic States In addition to the beautiful domed hills, deep valleys and picturesque small lakes old villages, customs and cultural traditions have been preserved * Timmas Nature Reserve Timmas Nature Reserve(the Reserve) is taken under the protection of natural forest and meadow colonies of protected species Reserve land and water protection regime is divided into the character and the degree of economic control of two special management zones and limited. *Suur Munamägi The highest point of the Baltic States Suur Munamägi (318 m, from foot to summit 62m) is situated in the Southern part of the Village of Haanja, 18km South from Võru There is a permanent exhibition in the 29-meter observation tower which is situated on the top of the hill and was built in 1939 and renovated in 1969. Jägala Waterfall

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

J.S.Bachi elulugu inglise keeles

Johann Sebastian Bach was born on 31 March and died on 28 July 1750. was a German composer, organist, harpsichordist, violist, and violinist whose ecclesiastical and secular works for choir, orchestra, and solo instruments drew together the strands of the baroque period and brought it to its ultimate maturity. Although he did not introduce new forms, he enriched the prevailing German style with a robust contrapuntal technique, an unrivalled control of harmonic and motivic organisation, and the adaptation of rhythms, forms and textures from abroad, particularly from Italy and France. Bach's abilities as an organist were highly respected throughout Europe during his lifetime, although he was not widely recognised as a great composer until a revival of interest and performances of his music in the first half of the 19th century. He is now regarded as the supreme composer of the Baroque, and as one of the greatest of all time.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Future Forms ( slaidid )

Future Simple "Will you help me if I forget my moves?" "Don't worry! I will take care of everything." · requests, promises (palved, lubadused) Future Simple "Don't move yourself! I will hurt you if you do." · threats, warnings (ähvardused, hoiatused) Future Simple "Somebody will win Eurovision next year as well." · future facts - actions, situations, events which will definitely happen and which we cannot control (tulevikus toimuv, mille üle kõnelejal puudub kontroll) Be going to · "We are going to buy a lot of food." · plans, intentions (isiklikud plaanid, kavatsused) Be going to · "I am going to become a professional basketball player." · Ambitions (ambitsioonid) Be going to "Look! The cat is going to yawn!" · prediction based on evidence (ennustused tõendite põhjal) Present Continuous I am flying to London

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Arvuti riistvara

on 15'', 17'', 19'', 21''. Mida suurem on monitor, seda suuremat ala me tööpinnast näha võime värskendussagedus (refresh rate) - kui mitu korda sekundis jõuab elektronkiir ekraani täielikult üle joonistada. Mõõdetakse seda hertsides (Hz). Mida väiksem on värskendussagedus seda värelevam, vilkuvam pilt meile tundub. Mida suurem on värskendussagedus, seda värelusevabam on pilt on. Värelusevaba pildi alampiir on 75 Hz. Värskendussagedust saab seadistada: Start > Settings > Control Panel > Display > Settings > Advanced > Adapter. Seal tuleb klõpsata lahti valikukast ja valida võimalikult suurem väärtus. lahutusvõime (screen resolution) - väljendatakse ekraanile mahtuvate pikslite (pildipunktide) arvuna, kuid seda ekraani lühema külje ja pikema külje pikslite korrutisena: näiteks 800x600, 1024x768, 1152x864 jne. Mida suurem on lahutusvõime, seda pisematena paistavad asjad ekraanil, kuid seda avaramat tööpinda me näeme.

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
31 allalaadimist

Anglo-Norman period

· Built around 500 castles · Against local uprisings and foreign invasions · Used Saxon institutions to great advantage · Demanded from each freeman a personal oath of loyalty · Took precedence over feudal oaths vassals paid their lords · Result: strengthening ties of loyalty to the king · Continued to collect the only non-feudal tax in Western Europe · Based on the Danegeld · Allowed the Church to set up its own independent court system · Kept tight control of the elections bishops, archbishops and abbots · Saw them as his ministers · Entrusted them with much local power and responsibility · Used the Anglo-Saxon officials, earls and sheriffs to look after the king's interests The angevin empire · Henry II came to throne in 1155 (up to 1189) · One of England's greatest monarchs · Before him: feudal anarchy, civil wars

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
6 allalaadimist

Failioperatsioonid & Windows Explorer

· Märgistatakse nimekirjas esimene fail; · Hoitakse klaviatuuril all tõsteklahvi Shift; · Tehakse hiireklõps nimekirjas viimase faili nimel; · Vabastatakse tõsteklahv. Kui aga failid ei ole nimekirjas üksteise järel, vaid nende vahel on faile, mida ei soovita märgistada, siis järgmiselt: · Märgistatakse esimene fail; · Hoitakse all klahvi Control; · Tehakse hiireklõpsud ülejäänud failide nimedel; · Vabastatakse Control klahv. Uue kausta, faili, kiirikooni loomine Alamkausta loomiseks tuleb: · Aktiviseerida kaust, millesse soovitakse alamkausta luua. · Valida menüüst File alammenüüst New käsk Folder. · Tippida klaviatuurilt sisse kausta nimi. · Vajutada sisestusklahvi ENTER. Faili loomiseks tuleb: · Aktiviseerida kaust, millesse soovitakse faili luua. · Avada menüüst File alammenüü New. · Valida sealt soovitud faili tüüp. Näiteks Text Document.

Informaatika → Informaatika
3 allalaadimist

Kasutusjuhend tehnilises dokumentatsioonis

Kui te ei näe ikooni, siis avage Windows Explorer, leidke kaust asukohast Program FilesHPButton Manager ja käivitage fail BM.EXE rakenduse taaskäivitamiseks. Ma kuulen kaja/vastukaja oma kõlaritest Windows XP korral(Klassikaline vaade): 1. Klikkige Start > Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices. 2. Klikkige kirjale Audio13. 3. Sound playback14 vahelehel, vajutage Volume15, ning vedage Master Volume16 liugurit helitugevuse muutmiseks.

Tehnoloogia → Tehnilise dokumentatsiooni...
8 allalaadimist

Internet ( slaidid )

from UCLA to SRI. # 1971: more nodes join the network, bringing the total to 15. These new nodes include Harvard and NASA. # 1973: ARPAnet goes global when the the University College of London and Norway's Royal Radar Establishment join up. 1974: Network intercommunication is becoming more sophisticated; data is now transmitted more quickly and efficiently with the design of TCP (Transmission Control Program). 1976: Unix is developed at AT and T; Queen Elizabeth sends out her first email message. 1979: USENET, the mother of all networked discussion groups, is developed. 1982: Internet technology protocols are developed, commonly known as TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol). 1984: Number of hosts is now up to 1000, with more being added every day. 1985: The first registered domain is

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

CPM1A Programmable Controllers Operation Manual 1784470

. . . . . . . . 159 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 viii About this Manual: The CPM1A is a compact, high-speed Programmable Controller (PC) designed for control operations in systems requiring from 10 to 100 I/O points per PC. There are two manuals describing the setup and operation of the CPM1A: the CPM1A Operation Manual (this manual) and the CPM1/CPM1A/CPM2A/ CPM2C/SRM1(-V2) Programming Manual (W353). This manual describes the system configuration and installation of the CPM1A and provides a basic explanation of operating procedures for the Programming Consoles. It also introduces the capabilities of

Tehnika → Automatiseerimistehnika
9 allalaadimist

Monopoly paper / DeBeers monopol

local governments. They had diamonds mines in Australia, India, Russia and some of the African countries. In 1927 the chairmanship of the company was taken over by the Jewish businessman Ernest Oppenheimer, whose successors have been operating as chairmen of the group till 2011, when they sold their 40% stake to Anglo America. De Beers view during the Oppenheimer times was all or nothing like example: The discovery of diamonds in Siberia in the 1950s was a threat to the control De Beers kept over the diamond supply. Rather than compete with Russian diamonds, De Beers offered to buy almost everything that came out of Siberia -- funneling all the worlds' diamonds through a "single channel." (Goldschein 2011) Until middle of the 21st century De Beers was one of the best known and strongest monopolies in the world. De Beers, who is and was diamonds main supplier in the world, is the reason why diamonds are so rare and valued

Majandus → Mikromajandus
3 allalaadimist

Mikroribaliinidel ribafiltri 2.5D mudel - kolmas labor

Raadioseadmete disain Mikroribaliinidel ribafiltri 2.5D mudel Aruanne Täitjad: Ronald Linna 061951 IATB61 Rain Ungert 062227 IATB61 Töö tehtud: 27.03.09 Töö eesmärk Simuleerida praktilises töös nr. 2 koostatud ribafilter 2.5D simulaatoriga. Töövahendid Programm Ansoft EnsembleSV. Töö käik Käivitasime Maxwell Control Paneli ja alustasime uut projekti. ,,Setup Model" alt valisime ,,2.5D Edge Modeli". "Define Modeli" all tegime kolmekihilise struktuuri: Infinite Ground (maa) ­ Dielectric (dielektrik) ­ Trace (juhtiv kiht). Iga kihi parameetreid saime muuta "Edit Stack Up" valikuga. Juhtivate kihtide materialiks valisime vase, dielektriku materjali moodustasime ise, kasutades töös nr. 1 kasutatud dielektriku parameetreid: paksus (Thickness) 0.5mm, suhteline dielektriline läbitavus (Relative Permittivity) 3

Informaatika → Raadioseadmete disain
37 allalaadimist


She's grateful and touched that Charlie thought to plan ahead. He put chains on her tires so she could drive to school safely. She muses that she's not used to people taking care of her like that. No sooner than Bella parks her truck next to a tan car in the school parking lot she notices two things: 1) the all the Cullen and Hale students are standing across the parking lot, in particular Edward is staring at her in dismay, 2) Tyler Crowley has lost control of his van and it is careening toward her faster than she can get away. The next thing Bella knows, Edward knocks her to the ground, out of the way of the Tyler's van. She is under the impression that he physically pushed the van off her not once, but twice. At the hospital Tyler can't stop apologizing to both Bella and Edward. He seems more beat up than Bella, who only has a bump on her head, and Edward, who doesn't have a scratch on him. Dr

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Dorian Gray

remain young and the portrait would become old. The first sign that his wish had become true is seen when Dorian is very heartless and rude to Sibyl Vane, an actress to whom he wanted to marry. When young Dorian discovers that his painting has changed and that his wish had come true, he hides the painting to a room where no one but him has access to. As time goes by, he becomes more infected by the ideas of Henry, but he loses control over his behaviour and his reputation in public decreases. This grows concern in Basil, who has deep feelings for Dorian and Basil tries to put some sense into the boy's mind. After Dorian had killed Basil, the same coldness and indifference, which had been there after Sibyl's suicide, appear again. All the sins that Dorian makes reveal themselves on the portrait. He keeps the door locked, but sometimes goes to see what he really has become. The picture that he sees is so

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
31 allalaadimist

Kodutöö: Research (Internet addiction)

Research INTERNET ADDICTION This study set out with the aim of assessing the negative effects of computer addiction in life. The results of this study show that the Internet may become a problem when it absorbs too much of your time, causing you to neglect your relations, your work, school, or other important things in your life. Surprisingly, computer addiction covers a variety of impulse-control problems including cybersex addiction, cyber-relationship addiction, net compulsions, information overload and Internet addiction. These findings supports the importance of the Internet addiction. Many people turn to the Internet in order to manage unpleasant feelings such as stress, loneliness, depression, and anxiety. This suggests that it's important to remember that there are healthier (and more effective) ways to keep difficult feelings in check. These may include exercising, meditating, using sensory relaxation strategies, and practi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Stress in the life of young people

Then I remember that times like this will not last and after a hurricane comes a rainbow. Even though being stressed out is not anything uncommon in teenager's life nowadays, I believe that it is all in our own hands and a little bit of stress does not harm us. We just need to learn how to cope with stress and how to avoid getting depressed. It is really easy to affect young people because the younger one is. the harder it is for him to control his emotions. The important thing is to remember that life is a gift and not only do we have to treat others nice, but we also have to care about ourselves.

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Water creates energy

It is a renewable source of energy. Coal, Oil and Gas would be depleted sooner or later, but water shall remain ever to serve our and natures need. Water is an inexhaustible source of power. Thus, it is a reliable source of power. Hydro-electric stations have a long life. Most of the hydro-electric projects are constructed as multi-purpose projects. The other uses of hydro-electric projects, besides providing power and irrigation, are flood control, navigation, water supply for industrial and domestic uses, promotion of tourism, fishing etc. The generation of hydro-electricity does not create problems of pollution. Although dam construction involves huge capital investment, yet later on its maintenance cost is very less. Even in our country we have 1 hydro-electric station ­ Narva hüdroelektrijaam. In conclusion we clearly see, that creating energy from water is a very productive, self- restoring and cheap energy creator

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


A human is curious, asks questions and finds answers. Unlike animals, we are conscious of our inner thoughts, desires and sensations and have the ability not to follow our instincts. The knowledge we have is used to make our world more controllable. The structure of our society is difficult and widely controlled by economy, politics, science and technology. Our lives do not depend on nature, we have created our own artificial world and we are proud to be able to control it. In my opinion, developed countries have separated themselves from nature and by our actions we tend to harm it as well. Our thoughts should not be focusing on what is beneficial to us, but also to what is beneficial to the environment we live in. There is no other creature on planet Earth more developed than human. We are not wild anymore, we are the controllers of this planet. We have more opportunities, but we have to be responsible as well as there are no excuses to our behaviour

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Prehistoric Britain

between 2100-1650 BC. · The basic unit of Celtic family life · European Celts invaded Britain in 2 was the clan-was bound together very waves: Gales around 600 BC and then loosely with other clan into tribe. Cymri or Britons around 300 BC. · Celts were great warriors. · The Iberians were unable to fight · Unfortunately each tribe was out back the attackts of the Celts who were for itself-this cost them control of armed with metal spears, swords, Britain. daggers and axes. · Celts were a group of peoples loosely tied by similar language, religion · The Celts lived in villages. and cultural expressions.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Atlantise allkaik

where it originates... this is the time of lower conciousness... Perseus using the beheaded head of Medusa to freeze and turn the living ones to stones once they look to it. The Mythology of Perseus and Medusa is connected to the descent of the Divine Female into Lower Conciousness. In the psysical part of the Great Year the Divine Female falls into Lower Consciousness and her shadow side emerges reflected in the unconcious Mortal Females who take control. This is also what the whore of Babylon is symbolizing. Perseus is symbolic for the returning Aether and Christ Consciousness that removes the influence and power of the lower conscious Mortal Females. The water that Perseus rides in on is also symbolic for the Aether as is the long hair of the Divine Female. The Living Ones refers to Mortal Man that has looked upon the corrupted Mortal Female as their Truth. If they have followed her corrupted path

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
6 allalaadimist


8. Uus tehnoloogia (New technology) 9. Geneetika ja kloonimine (Genetics and cloning) 10. Globaalne side (Global communication) 11. Liiklus ja rahvastiku logistika (Traffic and population logistics) 12. Teadmiste jagamine (Knowledge sharing) 13. Integreeritud elektrooniline keskkond (Integrated electronic environment ) 14. Globaliseerumine (Globalization ) 15. Interfeis ning robootika (Interfaces and robotics ) 16. Ilma prognoosimine ning kontroll (Weather prediction and control ) 17. Jätkusuutlik tootmine (Sustainable development ) 18. Meelelahutus (Entertainment ) 19. Kosmoseuurimine (Space exploration ) 20. "Virtualiseerimine" ("Virtualization" ) 21. Ajaloo säilitamine (Preservation of history ) 22. Liikide säilitamine (Preservation of species ) Tehnoloogia areng Interneti kasutus maailmas Infoühiskond Eestis 1990. aastad 2005

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
17 allalaadimist

Canada's brands

and other wireless information services as well as a multi-touch interface. It is an example of a future device. Developed by the Canadian company, it delivers information over the wireless data networks of mobile phone service companies. BlackBerry first made headway in the marketplace by concentrating on e-mail. Chrysler Canada Chrysler Canada Inc. is Chrysler's Canadian division. Incorporated in 1925, the Chrysler Corporation of Canada gained complete control of a Maxwell-Chalmers plant that had been used to manufacture some Chrysler models in the previous year. Initially called Chrysler Canada, Ltd, the name of the company changed to DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc following the merger of the two parent companies. In August 2007, the company was renamed Chrysler Canada Incorporated when Cerberus Capital Management purchased 80.1% of its parent company Chrysler LLC. They produce certain models of Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

Kálmán Incze 22. Semidry and Dry Fermented Sausages 379 Graciela Vignolo, Cecilia Fontana, and Silvina Fadda 23. Restructured Whole-Tissue Meats 399 Mustafa M. Farouk 24. Functional Meat Products 423 Keizo Arihara and Motoko Ohata PART III. Controls 441 25. Physical Sensors for Quality Control during Processing 443 Marta Castro-Giráldez, Pedro José Fito, Fidel Toldrá, and Pedro Fito 26. Sensory Evaluation of Meat Products 457 Geoffrey R. Nute 27. Detection of Chemical Hazards 469 Milagro Reig and Fidel Toldrá 28. Microbial Hazards in Foods: Food-Borne Infections and Intoxications 481 Daniel Y. C. Fung

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist


“killer-instincts” and “devil-may-care” convictions. I see myself as an Economic Warrior for my people and not a victim. As a predator and not a victim, I have decided to confront the truth of my misfortune and when I look in the mirror I see the culprit standing right in front of me – it is me. As the saying goes, truth shall set you free. Truth has set me free. The truth in being a Capitalist Nigger is that it sets you free. Being a Capitalist Nigger puts you in control of every aspect of your life – you are in charge and nobody else. You want your children to have good grades in school? Then practice Capitalist Niggerism because then you will not blame the teachers for failing your children or blame the nationwide testing services for using non-black questions in their testing. You will be in control because you will totally understand that everything that happens to your child at school is a result of the learning environment you have

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


magazine is actually a mock-up, as an actual computer was not available.  Paul Allen sees the Popular Electronics issue with the Altair, and tells Bill Gates that the microcomputer revolution is just beginning.  Gary Kildall, of Microcomputer Applications Associates, develops the CP/M operating system for Intel 8080-based systems.  Motorola introduces its 6800 chip, an early 8-bit microprocessor used in microcomputers and industrial and automotive control devices. The 6800 was designed by Chuck Peddle and Charlie Melear.  Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie develop the C programming language.  RCA releases the 1802 processor, running at a blazing 6.4 Mhz. It is considered one of the first RISC chips. It is used on a variety of devices, from video games to NASA space probes.  Engineer David Ahl suggests Digital Equipment produce an inexpensive version of its PDP-8 minicomputer, for US$5000. Top management call the idea foolish.

Informaatika → Infotehnoloogia
148 allalaadimist

The Medieval period

The Medieval period The Middle Ages began in 1066, when the Normans defeated Anglo-saxons at the Battle of Hastings. Now England had a Norman king William the Conquer. Norman kings ruled in England less than 100 years, during that time Normans brought England closer to the mainstream of European society. William introduced the feudalism. Under it, land was divided among noble overlords, or barons. Knights pledged their wealth and services to the overlords. In return overlords let them use their land. At the lowest end of the social scale were the serfs, peasants bound to the land. In 1154 the Norman time was at the end. In 1154 Henry II started to reign. Henry II was the king who increased royal power at the expense of nobles. His desire to control the Roman Catholic Church in England led to the murder of T. Becket. Richard I has become a model of a true knight. John(Richards brother) gained a weak, even villainous ruler. 1215 he signe...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Rein Rannap

Lemmikheliloojad Bach, Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin ja Liszt. On olnud ka paljude eesti heliloojate teoste esmaettekandjaks. Esinenud soolokontsertidega endises NSVLiidus, paljudes Euroopa linnades, samuti enamuses suurimatest linnadest USA-s, Kanadas ja Austraalias. Klassikalise heliloojana kirjutab ta heakõlalises post-modernistlikus stiilis. On kirjutanud palju klaverile ja neid ise ette kandnud - näiteks tsüklid Naiivsed ja Süütud palad (1980- 82), Klaverikontsert (1984), Cruise Control (1991), Six-pack piano (1997). Orkestriteostest võiks nimetada Concerto Grosso in una movimento (1981/1988, CD - Eesti Raadio Kammerorkester) Sümfoonia (1986) Umbrellas (1991) Eleegia (1995) Papagoid (1998) TimeSculpture klaverile ja suurele orkestrile (2000) Lähedus. Kergus kammerorkestrile (2001) Puhang sümfoonilisele puhkpilliorkestrile (2001) Rannapala (jagatud Valgrega) flöödile ja kammerorkestrile (2001) Kirjutanud samuti hulgaliselt kammermuusikat jm (Darkness, 2001).

Muusika → Muusika
47 allalaadimist

William the Conqueror

William the Conqueror, was Duke of Normandy from 1035 and King of England from 1066 to his death. William is also referred to as "William II" in relation to his position as Duke of Normandy. In particular, before his conquest of England, he was known as "William the Bastard because of the illegitimacy of his birth. On his father's death in 1035, William was recognised as heir, with his great uncle serving as regent. In 1042 he began to take more personal control. From 1046 until 1055 he dealt with a series of baronial rebellions. William's political and military successes helped him in negotiations to marry Matilda, daughter of Count Baldwin of Flanders in 1053. When William was 24 years old, he visited England for the first time. When he saw what a pleasant country it was, he thought he would like to be its king. So he persuaded Edward to promise him the crown. This was something which Edward

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


TALLINNA POLÜTEHNIKUM IT ja telekommunikatsiooni erialaosakond Elsa Senina IT-16E WINDOWS OS HALDUS Juhendaja: Mart Marandi Tallinn 2017 20.10.17 Töö VirtualBoxis Teen Windows 10 masina ja sellest clone’i Mõlemas masinas: Devices – Insert Guest Additions CD image Mõlemas masinas: Devices – Shared Folders alt jagan folderit ning panen linnukese Auto- mount ja Make Permanent koha peale. Mõlemas masinas: Devices – Shared Clipboard – Bidirectional Mõlemas masinas: Devices – Drag and drop – Bidirectional Teen mõlemale masinale restardi Kontrollin File Managerist, kas folderite jagamine toimis Avan Computer Management’i – Local Users and Groups – Users, loon sinna kasutaja nimega "opilane" Opilane Properties – Member of – Add – Guests Teine variant: Local Users and Groups – Groups – Guests – Add - opilane Control Panel – System S...

Informaatika → Informaatika
4 allalaadimist

Arctic Ground Squirrel

The babies are born blind and hairless in late June. The babies begin to grow hair after about eight days, and their eyes open after about twenty days. The babies will begin to leave the burrow after their eyes open. The babies are fully weaned by September and leave their mother to find or make a burrow of their own. Behaviour Live in colonies of hundreds of squirrels. The colony has couple of dominant males that control the territory. Arctic ground squirrels are usually active between four in the afternoon and nine or ten at night. On rainy and cloudy days, they will stay in their burrows. Colony is made up of burrows that are dug about three feet under the ground. The burrows are connected with a series of tunnels. Arctic ground squirrels are very vocal. They are called "sik-sik" by the Inupiat Eskimos in Alaska because of the sounds they make. Threats

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Invention of the Airplane

Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Why did they invent airplane? The actual inspiration came from Otto Lilienthal who was a German aeronautical engineer. The most evident defect in these hang gliders was that the hand glider could veer out of control at any time, as it had no proper mechanism to support it ­ causing a safety concern. The Wright Brothers tried to invent such a machine that could fully mask all the defects of hang gliders. The first successful flying experience of the airplane lasted a mere 59 seconds. It reached a maximum height of 120 feet whilst covering a distance of 852 feet. Some facts about airplanes: Engine model: Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-67D Click to edit Master text styles

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist


negative consequences. Compulsive overeating Compulsive overeating, also sometimes called food addiction is characterized by an obsessive/compulsive relationship to food. Professionals address this with either a behaviour-modification model or a food-addiction model. An individual suffering from compulsive overeating disorder engages in frequent episodes of uncontrolled eating, or bingeing, during which they may feel frenzied or out of control, often consuming food past the point of being comfortably full. Problem gambling Problem gambling (ludomania) is an urge to gamble despite harmful negative consequences or a desire to stop. The term is preferred to compulsive gambling among many professionals, as few people described by the term experience true compulsions in the clinical sense of the word. Problem gambling often is defined by whether harm is experienced by the gambler or

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Crazy Lady

Vernon understands that Maxine's "craziness" is in reality alcoholism. Maxine's outrageous behavior is accurately depicted through clothes and language. Vernon changes from the role of teaser to the protector during the progress of the story. The author tries to show the life of 1980 in Tenley Heights. It feels like the story is based on real-life. The story addresses peer pressure, alcoholism, and people perceptions of other people with disabilities. Vernon finds out that you cannot control anyone's actions but your own. He finds out that his father has been there for him all the time and Vernon discovers that triumph and tragedy often go hand in hand. I didn't have a certain plan to read this book. I found it accidentally. In my opinion, it was easy to follow, but it was written in American English. It was hard to translate into Estonian.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
7 allalaadimist


Puhtuse ja karkuse kehastaja Valge loom kehastab püha andumuse väge Jaht Ükssarvikule Väärtuslik kaup see kuld, mida kannad, Ent väärtusi rohkem on Ükssarve peas; Vaid ühest ta luupäisest sarvekest piisab, Et sööduks ja joobunuks õukond su jääks. L. Ehin Iha, kuulsuse ja au küüsis Leonardo da Vinci kirjutas, kuidas püüda imelooma: the unicorn, through its intemperance and not knowing how to control itself, for the love it bears to fair maidens forgets its ferocity and wildness; and laying aside all fear it will go up to a seated damsel and go to sleep in her lap, and thus the hunters take it Gootika vaibamotiiv ­ eeskuju Aadelkonna kapriis Shakespeare kiitus neile, kes püüavad Ükssarve kinni: wert thou the unicorn, pride and wrath would confound thee and make thine own self the conquest of thy fury Ükssarve skelett loomaaia pargis Ükssarved tänapäeval

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
4 allalaadimist

3D modelleerimine

Tallinna Reaalkool 3D Modelleerimine Ahti Pent ja Jürgo Nooni Tallinna Reaalkool Eesmärk ·Ergutada õpilaste loovust ja insenertehnilist mõtlemist ·Selgitada tänapäevast eseme loomise protsessi ·Suurendada koostööd tööõpetuse, kunsti- ja arvutiõpetuse ja muude ainete (matemaatika, füüsika, keemia vahel · Erivajaduste õpilane saab osaleda esemete loomise protsessis Õpilane saab osaleda eseme loomisel kui: Disainer Insener Tööpingi operaator Tallinna Reaalkool Joonestamis ja modelleerimisvõimalused - võimalused CAD ­ CAM programmid, ·BlockCAD ·QCad ·AutoCad ·Solid Edge ·NCCad jne CAD (Computer Aided Design) arvuti toel toote kujundamine (joonestamine, konstrueerimine); vastav tarkvarapakett CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) arvuti toel valmistamine; arvjuhtimisseadmete juhtprogrammide ettevalmistamisele orien...

Kategooriata → Tööõpetus
23 allalaadimist

Vtec Honda

XXX Õppeaines: Õpperühm: Juhendaja: Tallinn 2014 Sissejuhtus: Valisin oma referaati teemaks VTEC tehnoloogia. Kuna endal oli Honda auto ja nüüd tahaks sellest palju targemaks saada. Referaatis loodan teada saada mis see VTEC tegelikult ikka on? 2 VTEC VTEC on nii elektrooniline ja mehhaaniline süsteem honda mootoritel, mis lubab mootoritele tõhusalt omada mitud nukkvõlli. VTEC tehnoloogia on välja arendatud Honda poolt ning lõpuks paistab olevat leitud asendus mootori töömahu suurendamisele. Honda esimeseks VTEC-iga (Variable Valve Timing and Lift Electronic Control) varustatud autoks oli 1988 aastal 1,6-liitrine 4-silindriline Civic CRX. VTEC-i tööpõhimõte on lihtne - selle asemel, et valida madalapöördelise ja ökonoomse mootori (mis kõrgetel pööretel ei suuda midagi) või kõrgetel pööretel võimsa rallimoo...

Auto → Sisepõlemismootorid
9 allalaadimist

For and Against Advanced Technology

For and Against Advanced Technology Today, the Internet captures in its strong network billions of people around the world and if before the Internet was in every tenth family. Now, nine out of ten families have access to the World Wide Web. As unseemly as it is filled society World Wide Web, the Internet has both supporters and opponents. Opponents of the Internet are mostly parents of children, who believe that their children are spending a large amount of their time at the computer. Virtual reality, leads to a strong computer addiction and a loss of reality, principles, purposes and moral values. It can become a complete substitute for Real life. Computer games promote children's thinking and their creative component. But, in practice Firstly today' s youth prefers arcade and sports games that do not contribute to their creative development, and o...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Culture of New Zealand

NZD LANGUAGES New Zealand English Te Reo Maori New Zealand Sign HISTORY Ancestors of Mori, arrived from Polynesia between 1200 and 1300 AD In 1642, a Dutch Explorer Abel Tasman, was the first European to discover New Zealand In 1769, Captain James Cook reached the islands. The first European to land on them 18th and 19th centuries Europeans began to officially settle on New Zealand The Treaty of Waitangi - protection Maori lands if the tribes recognize British control MAORI PAKEHA 20TH CENTURY MILITARY New Zealand Thousands of New After World War I troops fought Zealanders died was established overseas again in overseas in the the tradition of the Second World First World War ANZAC (Australian and War in support of New Zealand Army Corps) the UK The United States New Zealand

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


open-pollinated varieties and are higher in percent oil. Performance of varieties tested over several environments is the best basis for selecting sunflower hybrids. The choice should consider yield, oil percentage, maturity, seed size (for non-oilseed markets), and lodging and disease resistance. Performance results from the Upper Midwest are usually available annually from North Dakota State University, University of Minnesota, and South Dakota State University. F. Weed Control: As a crop, sunflower yields are reduced, but rarely eliminated by weeds which compete with sunflower for moisture and nutrients and occasionally for light. Sunflower is a strong competitor with weeds, especially for light, but does not cover the ground early enough to prevent weed establishment. Therefore, early season weed control is essential for good yields. Annual weeds have been the primary focus of weed control research.

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse1
16 allalaadimist


0.07-0.09 BAC: Slight impairment of balance, speech, vision, reaction time, and hearing. Judgement and self-control are reduced, and caution, reason and memory are impaired. 0.10-1.125 BAC: Signficant impairment of moter coordination and loss of good judgement. Speech may be slurred; balance, vision,reaction time and hearing will be impaired. (It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle at this level of intoxication.) 0.13-0.15 BAC: Gross motor impairment and lack of physical control. BLurred vision and major loss of balance. Euphoria is reduced and dysphoria beginning to appear. 0.16-0.20 BAC: Dysphoria (anxiety,restlessness) predominates, nausea may appear. The drinker has the appearance of a "sloppy drunk." 0.25 BAC: Needs assistance in walking; total mental confusion. Dysphoia with nausea and some vomiting. 0.30 BAC: Loss of consciousness. 0.40 BAC and up: Onset of coma,possible death due to respiratory arrest. WHAT IS CONSIDERED A DRINK:

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist


– Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. Vol. 74, No. 1–3, pp. 19–31. 2. Benton, T.G., Vickery, J.A., Wilson, J.D. 2003. Farmland biodiversity: is habitat heterogeneity the key? Trends in Ecology & Evolution 18:182-188 3. Brussaard, L., de Ruiter, P. C., Brown, G. G. (2007). Soil biodiversity for agricultural sustainability. – Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. Vol 121, No. 3, pp. 233–244. 4. David W. Crowder Randa Jabbour. Biological Control. Relationships between biodiversity and biological control in agroecosystems: Current status and future challenges 75 köide, august 2014, lk 8-17. 5. Geiger, F. Bengtsson, J. Berendse, F., Weisser, W.W., Emmerson, M., Morales, M.B., jt. 2010. Persistent negative effects of pesticides on biodiversity and biological control potential on European farmland. Basic and Applied Ecology 11: 97-105. 6. Gurr, G. M., Wratten, S. D., Luna, J. M. (2003). Multi-function agricultural

Põllumajandus → Maakasutuse ja...
14 allalaadimist

Total station problems

Alidade includes the telescope, the graduated vertical and horizontal scales for measuring angles and the other components that are involved in measuring angles and distances. The short telescopes that can be inverted end for end or transited, contain reticles or cross hair rings with the cross hairs etched in glass. Most of the telescopes have two focusing devices – the objective lens for sighting to the point observed and the eyepiece control for focusing the crosshairs. 4. List the types pf surveying work that can be done with a total station. - Total stations automatically determine the horizontal and vertical components of slope distances and compute elevations and coordinates of sighted points. Total stations can also be used in a tracking mode. They provide slope, horizontal and vertical distances; measure horizontal and vertical (zenith) angles and determine coordinates

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
2 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun