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"control" - 986 õppematerjali

control - freedom • Antud artikli põhjal tuleb välja, et tõeliselt vaba on lihtne olla vaid alternatiivsetes ruumides, näiteks nagu kodutud.


Controlling -

Kasutaja: Control

Faile: 1

The art of dance

women, because they use their bodies to make a living instead of hiding them as much as possible. While some cultures regard any dancing by women as the most shameful form of entertainment, other cultures have established venues such as strip clubs where deliberately erotic or sexually provocative dances are performed in public by professional women dancers for mostly male audiences. In history, various political regimes have sought to control or ban dancing or specific types of dancing. For example, during the Nazi regime, American dances such as swing, regarded as completely un-German, had become a public offense and needed to be banned. But banning had the effect of making the dance craze even greater. Dances can be performed in any possible ways. Some of them, such as traditional dance and ballet, need a very high level of skill and training; others require a very high level of energy and physical fitness

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

URO Security Council kriis, United nations Legitimacy crisis

"there is an international society" - Informal collective or cooperative set of social relationships among sovereign states - Liberal assumption: people are basically good; if organisations facilitate cooperation, people will cooperate. Examples of Cooperation Liberalism · Strengthening of international law · International trade regimes · March of democracy throughout the world · UN as a collective security instrument · Arms control agreements · Response to humanitarian crises · Domestic analogy: that what works within states can be made to work between states · Assumption that democracy is what enables progress in domestic sphere · How is this transferred to the international level? · Spread democracy, to bring about international society of `good citizens' · Increase the opportunities for cross border communication ­ lessening divisiveness and

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Programmeerimine [Referaat]

ainult kaks viitmuutuja omistamist. Page 6 Prgogrameerimiskeelte tuubid 3.1 PROGRAMMEERIMISE AJALUGU 1945 avaldas John von Neumann kaks olulist ideed, mis aitasid kaasa programmeerimiskeelte tekkele: arvuti riistvara peab olema lihtne; tarkvara peab juhtima riistvara tööd, võimaldades arvutit kiiremini programmeerida conditional control transfer pani aluse alamprogrammidele ­ koodilõikudele, millele programm saab mistahes sammul juhtimise üle anda, ning programmiteekidele; programmi hargnemise võimaldamiseks peab programmitekst sisaldama tingimuslauseid (näiteks tingimussiirdelauseid või korduslauseid). 1949 loodi programmeerimiskeel Short Code, mille kasutamiseks tuli programmeerijal endal esitada programmitekst nullide ja ühtede jadana. Seda

Informaatika → Informaatika
17 allalaadimist

Palm oil

depend on, communities are continuously finding themselves with no choice but to become plantation workers. Faced with poor and degrading working conditions, they often earn barely enough income to survive and support their families. Instead of being able to sustain themselves, indigenous communities become reliant on the success of the palm oil industry for their income and survival, leaving these villagers incredibly vulnerable to the world market price of palm oil which they have no control over. You may not realize it, but palm oil is everywhere. Demand for this inexpensive, versatile vegetable oil has skyrocketed in recent years, and it can be found in thousands of common consumer products, from cookies to toothpaste.While it may be cheap in economic terms, however, palm oil carries a high environmental price tag. The good news is that palm oil doesn't have to come with these unacceptable impacts. New industry standards show that

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Kodutöö taimer. Sissejuhatus digitaaltehnikasse

12 13 int main(void) { 14 int number=0; 15 INTCON &= ~Q_taimer; // Nullitakse ületäitumise tunnus 16 TMR0 = 0; 17 int n=126, m=30; 18 // Seadistatakse taimer: PS2=1, PS1=1, PS0=1, see on sagedusjagur 1:256 19 OPTION_REG = 0b00000111; 20 21 TRISD=0; // PORTD Data Direction Register 22 TRISC &= 0b11011111; // RC5 (kollane diood) väljundiks 23 24 // AN0 analoogisisend, ülejäänud digitaalsisendid 25 ADCON1 = 0b00001110; // A/D Control Register 1 26 27 while(1){ 28 if (m==0){ 29 if (RC5) RC5=0; else RC5=1; // Vigutab plaadil kollast valgusdioodi 30 m=30; 31 } 32 if (RA3) 33 PORTD=0b01011110; //0b10101010; 34 else{ 35 if (n==0){ 36 PORTD=tabel[number]; 37 number++; 38 if (number>9) number=0; 39 n=126; 40 } 41 }

Energeetika → Elektrijaotustehnika
4 allalaadimist

IP law homework 1

Michael Buffer has presumably profited than any other person on Earth by venturing inside a boxing ring -- and never throwing a left hook. Cradle is no weakling. Be that as it may, his manicured hands, splendidly coiffed hair, and glimmering white teeth authenticate a real existence dependent on an option that is other than his clench hands. He goes to each battle wearing a tuxedo. What's more, when he's inside the ring, he does what radical guardians tell their youngsters when confronting a battle. He utilizes his mouth. So before the clench hands begin flying, he lets out the one cry that procures him his living. It's a cry that he can do like nobody else -- by not just by goodness of his brilliant lungs and throat, however by law. What's more, it goes: "We should Get Ready to Ruuummmmmmbbbbllllle!" With those five words, Buffer and his sibling have built up a domain that is made millions. Discount permitting incomes...

Õigus → Intellektuaalse omandi...
2 allalaadimist

Business peculiarities in Russia

12 the object and purpose of its activities; the founders; name and location; size of the authorized capital; economic activities; procedures for calling and conducting meetings; rights and duties of the director; change the order of the director and his term of office; rights and obligations of the company; describes how the financial control and the dividend is declared, the procedure for their payment; description of liquidation and reorganization; order of the creditors and the liquidation of the budget, etc. Now is the time to say a few words about a third of the form of incorporation of the company: 2.3. Closed Joint-Stock Company This form of incorporation of the enterprise as a whole is similar to the Limited Liability Company. However, there are some differences

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


The Iberians were skilled in the use of copper and gold; they made copper daggers and axes, traded in gold and copper ornaments. In the second millennium they started using bronze. The Iberians were farmers who bred cattle and probably tamed horses. The Celtic Settlement Towards the Christian era, there was an Iron Age Celtic culture throughout the British Isles. The Celts1 had been arriving from Europe from the eighth century BC onwards. The Celts began to control all the lowland areas of Britain and, with new waves of settlers coming one after another, gradually spread all over Britain and the other islands. It seems that the Celts mixed with the Iberian peoples who were already there. It is also possible that they drove many of the older inhabitants westwards into Wales, Ireland and Scotland where they were eventually assimilated2. Celtic Culture

Filoloogia → Vene filoloogia
2 allalaadimist

WiFi turvalisus referaat

seadistustesse. Mestiident lisatakse kõigile antud võrgus liikuvatele andmepakettidele. jadasiffer - krüptograafiline süsteem, kus märgijadana esitatud andmeid krüpteeritakse märgikaupa, kasutades krüptovõtmetena pseudojuhuarve räsikood - andmetest räsifunktsiooni abil sooritatud ühesuunalise krüpteerimisega (st erilise pakkimisega) saadud püsipikkusega väärtus MAC - võrguseadme lokaalaadress, MAC-aadress (MAC = medium access control, "meediumipöörduse juhtimine") võrguseadet identifitseeriv füüsiline aadress Kasutatud allikad ,,Intercepting Mobile Communications:The Insecurity of 802.11" ,,Wired Equivalent Privacy ,, %f6%f6%20Maiko%20Meister%20IFK05(2).pdf /terms/ ,,Wifi kaardistamine" http://en.wikipedia

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
34 allalaadimist

C# Progammeerimise keel

NumberLock Tagastab väärtus, mis näitab, sisse või välja NUM LOCK. Out Annab standardväljundisse oja. OutputEncoding Annab või määrab kodeeringu konsool kasutab kirjutada toodangut. Title Annab või määrab pealkirja kuvada konsooli tiitli. Console.Title = "Ha-ha!"; TreatControlCAsInput Annab või määrab väärtusega, mis näitab, kas klahvikombinatsiooni Control ja C konsooli klahvi (CTRL + C): nagu tavalise sisendkäibemaksu või katkestamise signaali, mis on töödeldud operatsioonisüsteemi. WindowHeight Annab või määrab kõrgus konsooli aknast. Console.WindowHight = 50; WindowLeft Annab või määrab positsiooni vasaku serva konsooliaknasse võrreldes ekraani puhver.

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
56 allalaadimist

Liikurmasinate erialane inglise keel

Betoonilaotur 65. Conditions of contract 22. Lepingutingimused 66. Connecting road 23. Ühendustee 67. Constraint 24. Piirang 68. Consumer 25. Tarbija 69. Contaminate 26. Reostama, saastama 70. Contra-flow lane 27. Vastassuuna sõidurada 71. Contract agreement 28. Töövõtuleping 72. Control measurement 29. Kontrollmõõtmine 73. Conventional signs 30. Tingmärgid 74. Cover aggregate 31. Kivipuistematerjal 75. Covering, revetment 32. Pindamine, katmine 76. Cracking 33. Pragunemine 77. Crane truck 34. Autokraana 78. Crash barrier 35. Kaitsepiire, põrkepiire 79. Crash helmet 36

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Side, spikker eksamiks

­ 1500B=12 kb. t=12kb/10Mbit/s=1,2ms IEEE 802.3 võrgu kanalikihis kanti üle pakette pikkusega 128 baiti. Milline on sõnumi osatähtsus ülekandes? - P2is 18B=>86% Infotranspordi tagamisel pakettvõrgus on transpordiprotokollidel oluline tähtsus.Millised on transpordiprotokolli olulisemad parameetrid ja enamlevinud transpordiprotokollid Internetis. - TCP,UDP-kontrolli pole...?? TCP - Transmission Control Protocol ­ transpordiprotokoll, mis tegeleb rakenduse tasemel andmete vahetusega (Application layer). Sellise protokolli ülesandeks on korrastada IP kihi poolt vastu võetud paketid õigesse järjekorda (loe: IP protokoll) ja edastada need rakendusele, millele need mõeldud olid. Kui esineb mingeid vigu, siis TCP ülesandeks on ka nende lahendamine ja korrigeerimine (kui mitte muud, siis rakendusele veast teatamine)

Elektroonika → Elektriskeemid
6 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalse probleemi defineerimine

rented dwelling limited) regulated (taxed), (weak rent regulation), factually grey sector economically "grey" sector Public rented Marginal Prevailing Marginal dwelling Housing regime Corporatist/liberal- Socialist with pure Liberal (laissez faire) interventionist state control 1990.a. muutused eluasemepoliitikas Lääne-Euroopa Avaliku sektori elamuehituse vähenemine Pakkumise toetamise asemel nõudluse toetamine Üürisektori stagnatsioon Üürisektori marginaliseerumine Eluasemekulude kasv Sotsiaalse tõrjutuse kasv Ida-Euroopa Avalike eluruumide erastamine (Osaliselt) denatsionaliseerimine Riigi eemaldumine elusasemesektorist Ruumiline segregatsioon Elamuehituse hindade ja eluasemekulude hüppeline kasv

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
46 allalaadimist

Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis 2019

Disease servity Number of animals <1 1-2 2-3 >3 Mild 39 21 8 5 5 Moderate 43 18 12 9 4 Severe 28 12 10 4 2 Total 110 51 30 18 11 To control bacteria spreading, there are some resort such as mowing high pasture grass, a durable and clean shelter, fly control programs, controlling dust and sources of other mechanical trauma, healthy and infected animals must be separately (Peek and Divers, 2018). There is opportunity to decrease severity, incidence and increase host immunity via the use of vaccination against the disease. It is known that only pilated strains of Moraxella bovis can cause IBK in cattle

Inimeseõpetus → Inimese anatoomia
1 allalaadimist

Investors Handbook. A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia

The Importer/Exporter Golden List (authorized economic operator) is another innovation of the Customs system of Georgia. Persons included in this list have the right to enjoy even more sim- plified customs procedures and pay import duties under preferential timeframes. Finally, due to the reforms, the duration of customs procedures takes only 2 hours (versus the three days previously required). Registration of Goods and the State Control The most common customs activities include import, export, temporary import of goods, transit and re-export. During the registration of goods the owner of the goods fills in a customs (commodity) declara- tion and pays customs taxes and fees. The rate of taxes and duties depends on the customs regime (commodity operation) and the type of commodity, as well as the quantity of the goods. In the case of an import, the owner of the goods submits a certificate of origin of the goods as well.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The 4 oldest Churches in Tallinn

Report Supervisor: Ingrid Teigar Tallinn 2009 The Dome Church The Danes began fortification of Toompea after the conquest of Tallinn in 1219 and probably also built the first church there. It was presumably a wooden building located at the site of the present cathedral. However, a serious conflict with the Order of the Brothers of the Sword broke out soon as the latter wanted to gain control of the entire Estonia. The order succeeded in subordinating Tallinn and the whole of North Estonia to its rule in 1227. The monks of the Dominican Order began the construction of a stone church in Toompea in 1229. The first written data on the cathedral date back to 1233, the date of a battle between the order and the pro-papal vassals, who attempted for the last time to turn Tallinn into the centre of the ecclesiastical state, and were defeated. According to the

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
22 allalaadimist

Arvutivõrkude alused

Füüsiline kiht Füüsiline kiht OSI mudeli esimene ehk kõige alumine kiht. Siia kuuluvad riistvara ja selle juhtimise protseduurid ning see defineerib võrgu füüsikalised ja elektrilised karakteristikud ja tagab andmete edastamise võrgus elektriliste impulsside, valgus- või raadiosignaalidena ning tagab arvutite füüsilise ühenduse võrguga. Siia kuuluvad Fast Ethernet, RS-232 ja ATM protokollid koos vastavate riistvarakomponentidega TCP/IP mudel TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) on kirjelduslik raamistik arvutivõrgu protokolli jaoks, mis valmistati 1970ndatel DARPA e. Ameerika Ühendriikide Kaitseministeeriumi poolt. See arenes ARPANETist (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), mis oli maailma esimene laiaulatuslik võrk ja Interneti eelkäija. TCP/IP mudeli kihid : Lüli kiht (Link Layer) Lüli kiht on kohaliku võrguühenduse võrgustike ulatus, mille külge varustaja on kinnitatud.

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
80 allalaadimist

Arvutivõrkude Referaat

PPP Kakspunktprotokoll, punkt-punkt protokoll. PPP kasutamine on populaarseim meetod IP andmepakettide edastamiseks üle kasutaja ja ISP vahelise kakspunktkanali . Näitekssissehelistamisliini või püsiühenduse kaudu saate PPP abil ühenduse oma ISP'ga ja võite kasutada TCP/IP protokolle Kakspunktprotokolli töötas 1994.a. Välja IETF js see asendas varasema SLIP-protokolli. PPP kasutab kasutaja arvuti ja ISP vahelise sideseansi alustamiseks omaenda lingijuhtimisprotokolli (LCP - Link Control Protocol). PPP toetab mitmesuguseid autentimisprotokolle (näit. PAP, CHAP jt), samuti andmetihendust ja krüpteerimist. PPP on kasutatav igasuguse täisdupleksühenduse juures (POTS, ISDN, T1, E1 jne). Sissehelistamisühenduse puhul võib PPP ühenduse halva kvaliteedi korral selle katkestada ja uuesti helistada. Multilink PPP (lühendatult MLPPP, MPPP või MP) kasutamine võimaldab andmekiiruse suurendamiseks sillata (kokku ühendada) kaks modemit ja telefoniliini

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
89 allalaadimist

Word formation for advanced level

dissolution in AD 476.(GRADE) 8. Jamie's ....................of the night's events is hazy but the tabloids will refresh his memory. (RECOLLECT) 9. We are great ........................ in fate and we believe we're meant to be together.(BELIEVE) 10. I think your stylist has taken her ............................... from the rubbish dump.(INSPIRE) 11. The statesmen and scholars have made important ................................ on ways Washington could help Russia control parts of the arsenal. (SUGGEST) 12. After denying the ........................... of any recordings of the UFO abductions, Mr President went on to talk about the newest tax policy.(EXIST) 13. Your .......................... to me really bothers me. I told you a hundred times that I'm not the guy you need.(ATTACH) 14. It is an ............................. fact that the search will go on for another couple of months.(DENY) 15

Keeled → Inglise keel
53 allalaadimist

Klaviatuur ja hiir

KLAVIATUUR Klaviatuur on arvuti sisendseade tähe-, numbri- ja teiste märkide sisestamiseks ning korralduste andmiseks. Arvutit on võimalik ka ainult klaviatuuri abil juhtida. Klaviatuuril on tavaliselt 101-102 klahvi (laptop'i klaviatuuril on 85-86 klahvi). Klaviatuurid on mugavdatud erinevate riikide jaoks. Nt Eesti klaviatuuril on ,,õ" tähe saamise võimalus. Klahvide paigutus vastab tavaliselt nn. QWERTY- süsteemile. See süsteem võeti kasutusele üle 100 aasta tagasi kirjutusmasinates. Kuigi tegelikult on olemas palju erinevaid klahvide paigutus süsteeme on QWERTY kõige populaarsem sellel põhjusel, et temaga on lihtsalt harjunud nii palju inimesi ja ümberõppimine oleks raske. QWERTY nimi moodustub klaviatuuri esimestest tähtedest. Klaviatuuri puhver Määrab ära, mitut klahvi võib korraga vajutada. Odavamad klaviatuurid lubavad üheaegselt vajutada ainult 2-3 klahvi. Enamik headest klaviatuuridest lubavad 4-6 klahvivajutust ning m...

Informaatika → Informaatika
25 allalaadimist

Cashflow Quadrant

financial security. It is not an easy life's path but the prize at the end of the journey is worth the journey. It is the journey to financial freedom. WHICH QUADRANT ARE YOU IN? IS IT THE RIGHT ONE FOR YOU? Are you financially free? The CASHFLOW Quadrant was written for you if your life has come to a financial fork in the road. If you want to take control of what you do today in order to change your financial destiny it will help you chart your course. This is the CASHFLOW Quadrant: The letters in each quadrant represent: E- for employee S- for self-employed

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse1
15 allalaadimist

"The case for socialism"

in our social emancipation. The main evil from which we suffer and the main barrier to social progress is the disgraceful inequality in the distribution of income and property that we still tolerate. We can only remove this evil by abolishing property as a main source of income for anyone. To do this, it will be necessary to modify the right of inheritance so that it is only possible to pass comparatively small sums of money or nothing at all from generation to generation. Private monopolistic control will bring into existence a better balanced and a more securely progressive economy. A socialised industry should be owned by the State and its technical management remain responsible to the nation. But it should retain all the advantages of small enterprise: plants that are small enough to be managed efficiently. With knowledge would come power. Better educated men and women, freed from the bonds of social subservience, would see more clearly the society in which they wished to live and

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

"The whole manager" referaat

Introduction This inspirational and easy-to-read guide will make every manager stop and think again about how they approach their jobs. It provides practical advice on how to be prioritized and focused on the key tasks, how to manage in the organization; how to delegate effectively, and how to manage the balance between your work, family and personal needs. Managing yourself Book begins with a basic question: How can you possibly hope to manage your unit, team, organisation or company if you can not manage yourself? Six P-s are poor preparation produces piddling poor performance. Most managers appreciate a certain need for preparation but do not give it nearly as much attention as it deserves. Preparation is vital because it will give you considerable selfconfidence right from the start. To get the best out of yourself you need to feel accountable for your actions and for those of your team. Basically, that means not leaning on others f...

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

The Republic of Cameroon

Roads are poorly maintained and subject to inclement weather, since only 10% of the roadways are tarred. · Rail service runs from Kumba in the west to Bélabo in the east and north to Ngaoundéré. International airports are located in Douala and Garoua with a smaller facility at Y aoundé. · The major radio and television stations are state-run, and other communications, such as land-based telephones and telegraphs, are largely under government control Religion · The Christian community, makes up 40 percent of the population. There is also 40 percent of the population who maintain Indigenous beliefs, and Islam is practiced by 20 percent of the country's population. · Christians are concentrated chiefly in the southern and western provinces and Muslims reside in large numbers in every province. There is significant internal migration. Large cities have significant populations of both groups,

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Maailma organisatsioonid

member states, located primarily in Europe. It was established in 1993 by the Treaty of Maastricht, adding new areas of policy to the existing European Community. Fifteen member states have adopted a common currency, the euro. It has developed a role in foreign policy, representing its members in the World Trade Organization. Twenty-one EU countries are members of NATO. It has developed a role in justice and home affairs, including the abolition of passport control between many member states under the Schengen Agreement. Important institutions and bodies of the EU include the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, the European Council, the European Court of Justice and the European Central Bank. EU citizens elect the Parliament every five years. In 1973 the European Communities enlarged to include Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom. Norway had negotiated to join at the same time but a referendum

Ajalugu → Maiskonnalugu
5 allalaadimist


function. The initial (algne) autonomic nervous system symptoms may reappear (sweating, raised heart rate etc.). If stage three is extended (pikendatud), long term damage may result as the body, and the immune system is exhausted and function is impaired (kahjustatud) resulting in decompensation (tasakaalust väljas). There are several ways of coping (toimetulemine) with stress. Some techniques of time management (aja mahavõtmine?) may help a person to control stress. In the face of high demands, effective stress management (ohjeldamine) involves learning to set limits and to refuse some demands that others make. A destressitizer is any process by which an individual can relieve stress. Include some of the following: · Autogenic training (kehaline) · Cognitive therapy (tunnetuslik) · Conflict resolution (konflikti lahendus) · Exercise (harjutused) · Getting a hobby · Meditation · Deep breathing · Yoga

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Glossary - sõnavara

Discounted cash flow ­ allahinnatud Cost center ­ kulukoht kassakäive Cost convention ­ hinnaleping Dividend ­ dividend, boonus Costvolumeprofit (CVP) analysis ­ hinna Dividend cover ­ dividendi, boonuse kate mahu kasumi analüüs Dividend yield ­ dividendi tootlikkus Credit ­ krediit Drawings ­ joonestused Credit control ­ krediidi jälgimine Creditors ­ laenuandjad E Creditors payment or settlement period ­ laenuandjate makseperiood Earnings ­ intressikasum Cumulative preference shares ­ Earnings per share ­ intressikasum aktsia kogunenud aktsiaeelistus kohta Current assets ­ finantseerimisomand Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) ­

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
38 allalaadimist


These obstacles have disrupted some animal's movements to traditional feeding and denning grounds. When they try to pass through a town they are often scared away or shot. With their feeding patterns disrupted, many polar bears have starved. The Alaskan oil pipeline was built across a caribou migration route. In some places the pipeline has been raised above the ground so the caribou can pass under it. Pesticides have been used to control the hordes of insects. Thousands of migrating birds come to the tundra because of the abundant insects. Through the food chain the pesticides reach many of the animals that live on the tundra. Pollution from mining and drilling for oil has polluted the air, lakes and rivers. The land around some nickel mines in Russia has become so polluted that the plants in the surrounding area have died. Footprints and tire tracks can be visible for many years after they were made

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
5 allalaadimist

Referaat "Toksiliste ainete kuhjumine toiduahelas"

Lisaks pesitsuste nurjumisele võib organismi kuhjunud toksiliste ainete suure kontsentratsiooni tõttu esineda veel immuunsüsteemi nõrgenemist või kahjustumist, vähki, enneaegset surma või maksahaiguseid. Just seetõttu on väga oluline piirata või lausa keelata pestitsiidide kasutamist. 4 Kasutatud materjalid o Benton, A. H. 1951. Effects on wildlife of DDT used for control of Dutch elm disease. The Journal of Wildlife Management. 15/1. lk 20-27. o Introduction to ecological pyramids: biomagnification. Accumulation of harmful chemicals in food chains. Kättesaadav: ecological-pyramids/15183 (viimati külastatud: 16.10.2010) o Jüriado, T. 2007. DDT ­ kas ainult vaenlane? Loodusesõber nr 2. Kättesaadav:

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia
16 allalaadimist

Praktikum 3 otsisüsteem

Praktiline töö nr 3 Infootsing otsisüsteemides Leidke vastused järgmistele küsimustele. Kirjutage vastused töölehele. Kirjeldage otsingu läbiviimise käiku (otsingukategooriad, otsisõna, piirangud). Viige infootsingud läbi otsisüsteemis Google ( ja , kasutades erinevaid otsinguvõimalusi ja teenuseid. Võrdluseks kasuta (vähemalt pooltes küsimustes) ka teisi otsimootoreid (nt Bing ) ja teemakatalooge (Yahoo: ), metaotsisüsteeme nt Dogpile ), analüüsige tulemusi – leitud veebilehti ja vastuseid, tulemuste relevantsust. Oluline on otsingu läbiviimise kirjeldus! 1. Leidke üliõpilastööde vormistamise .pdf formaadis juhend, mida on uuendatud viimase aasta jooksul. Esitage kirje. Kuidas otsingu lä...

Infoteadus → Infoallikad ja infootsing
6 allalaadimist

Case Google

searches by blocking certain sites and highlighting others and by creating their own home pages. eBay- feels threatened by Google's AdWords Microsoft- introduced MSN search beta which proved less accurate than Google in a test by the Washington Post. 5. Is Google's unique organization strength or a liability? Google's unique organization strength comes from the fact that the Google's top management trio would own roughly one-third of the shares but control over 80% of the votes. This immunized Brin, Page and Schmidt from replacement by investors second- guessing the company's strategy. The engineers were encouraged to spend 20% of their time working projects of their own choosing. This flexibility had spawned many initiatives, including Google News and Orkut. The way of thinking is that they can do better that it had been done already before. When it comes to trustworthy Google for sure has proved themselves by their policy: "Don't be evil

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


operatsioon. Kui meil on olemas lisamispositsioonile eelneva elemendi aadress, kulub lisamiseks ainult kaks viitmuutuja omistamist. Page 7 Programmeerimiskeelte tüübid 3.1 PROGRAMMEERIMISE AJALUGU 1945 avaldas John von Neumann kaks olulist ideed, mis aitasid kaasa programmeerimiskeelte tekkele:  arvuti riistvara peab olema lihtne; tarkvara peab juhtima riistvara tööd, võimaldades arvutit kiiremini programmeerida  conditional control transfer pani aluse alamprogrammidele – koodilõikudele, millele programm saab mistahes sammul juhtimise üle anda, ning programmiteekidele; programmi hargnemise võimaldamiseks peab programmitekst sisaldama tingimuslauseid (näiteks tingimussiirdelauseid või korduslauseid). 1949 loodi programmeerimiskeel Short Code, mille kasutamiseks tuli programmeerijal endal esitada programmitekst nullide ja ühtede jadana. Seda nimetatakse masinakoodiks ehk masinakeeleks. 1957 kirjutati esimene

Informaatika → Programmeerimine
36 allalaadimist


struktuuri ja funktsiooni. Eukaryotes have several types of RNAP, characterized by the type of RNA they synthesize: · RNA polymerase I synthesizes a pre-rRNA 45S, which matures into 28S, 18S and 5.8S rRNAs which will form the major RNA sections of the ribosome. · RNA polymerase II synthesizes precursors of mRNAs and most snRNA and microRNAs. This is the most studied type, and due to the high level of control required over transcription a range of transcription factors are required for its binding to promoters. · RNA polymerase III synthesizes tRNAs, rRNA 5S and other small RNAs found in the nucleus and cytosol. There are other RNA polymerase types in mitochondria and chloroplasts. In bacteria, the same enzyme catalyzes the synthesis of mRNA and ncRNA. RNAP is a relatively large molecule. The core enzyme has 5 subunits (~400 kDa):

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
29 allalaadimist

Inimgeograafia eksamiks

PARADIGMA VEAD/PUUDUSED (5) MAADEAVASTUSTE PARADIGMA · Liiga palju kirjeldusi · Kirjeldusi ei osatud enam kaardile kanda · Kaardid muutusid ebaülevaatlikuks · Suurem osa kohtadest sai kiiresti avastatud ning hakati uurima ebavajalikke asju REGIONAALPARADIGMA · geograafia rakenduste vähesus ja autoriteedi langus avalikkuse silmis · regionaal-ja süstemaatiliste ...

Geograafia → Inimgeograafia
40 allalaadimist

Superarvutid REFERAAT

Esimest korda aastal 1929 kasutati terminit ,,Super Computing" ajalehes ,,New York World", et viidata suurtele tabulaatoritele, mida IBM eritellimusel ehitas ülikoolile Columbia University. 2011. aasta keskpaigast on maailma kiireim superarvuti K Computer, mis asub Jaapanis ja ületab eelmist rekordiomanikku (Tianhe-I) kolmekordselt. 3 2. Ajalugu Superarvuteid hakati looma 1960. aastatel, Seymore Cray oli üks peamine superarvutite kavandaja Control Data Corporationis (CDC). 1972. aastal lahkus Cray CDC-st, et luua oma firma, Cray Research, mis võttis üle superarvutite turu, hoides superarvutamise esikohta 5 aastat (1985­1990). 1980. aastatel sisenes turule hulk väiksemaid konkurente, kuid paljud neist kadusid 1990. aastate keskel toimunud "superarvutituru krahhi" käigus. Tänapäeva superarvutid on tavaliselt ainulaadsed lahendused, mis on loodud "traditsiooniliste" firmade poolt nagu Cray, IBM ja Hewlett-Packard, kes ostsid paljud

Informaatika → Informaatika
14 allalaadimist


1970 – ALOHAnet satellite network in Hawaii 1973 – Metcalfe’s PhD thesis proposes Ethernet 1974 – Cerf and Kahn – architecture for interconnecting networks * 1980 – 1990 – new protocols, a poliferation of networks 5 1982 – SMTP e-mail protocol 1983 – deployment of TCP/IP, DNS defined for name-to-IP-address translation 1985 – FTP protocol defined 1988 – TCP congestion control * 1990’s – commercialization, the WWW Early 1990’s – ARPAnet decommissioned 1991 – NSF lifts restrictions on commercial use of NSFnet Early 1990’s – WWW (hypertext, HTML, HTTP, 1994 – Mosaic, later Netscape, late 1990’s – commercialization of the WWW). 15. Mida erinevad rakendused nõuavad võrkudelt * Andmekadu – mõned rakendused võivad kaotada natuke andmeid (audio, video, interactive

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoloogia
16 allalaadimist

Operatsioonisüsteemi alused

Operatsioonisüsteem, OS ­ arvutiprogrammide kompleks kindlustamiseks · Kasutaja liidest, · Arvuti aparatuursete ressursside juhtimist · Tööd failidega · Andmete sisestamist ja väljastamist · Rakendusprogrammide täitmist · Utiliite (Utilities) Mis asi on arvuti? Input Processing Output Applications Utilities Operating System Services Hardware Command/Interpreter Address Bus Data Bus Control Bus CPU ROM RAM I/O Arvuti tasemed · Kasutaja rakendusprogrammid · Kõrgtaseme programmeeriskeeled · Assembleri keel, masinkood · Mikroprogrammid. Riistvaraline juhtimine · Funktsionaalsed seadmed · Lihtloogika elemendid · Transistorid ja juhtmed Neumanni mudel Mäluseade Sisendseade Aritmeetikaloogika seadeVäljundseade

Informaatika → Operatsioonisüsteemide alused
37 allalaadimist

Awesome ManOS

ManOS Overview Everything below is rooted in my core value of creating self­esteem. My actions  today focus on work, girls, travel & having fun. My career is the ultimate leverage  point as this creates the money, self­esteem and confidence. The money allows  me to travel and the self­esteem & confidence allow me to live the lifestyle that is  congruent with drawing in girls. Long term (5+ years), I want my life to offer value to the world by having a  beneficial impact on those around me. I am obviously not clear how I will do this,  so for now, I am focused on taking the greatest strides possible over the next few years, to better put me in a position to achieve my long term goal. 1. Career  Vision I want to earn the rank of manager in my firm within the next 3 years. I want to  earn the respect and trust of fellow employees. I want to become an integral  member of my team by providing distinct and high quality service to my clie...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Klaasimaailm ehituses

Lamineeritud klaasi kasutatakse klaasliftides, balustraadi, trepi või rõdurinnatise puhul, et vältida kõrgelt kukkumist või siis tööstusettevõtete ja kontorite vaheseinteks, klaaskatusteks või katuseakendeks. Võimalik valida nii kirka kui ka opaalkile vahel. Lamineeritud klaasi millel on spetsiaalne mürasummutav kile kasutatakse tihtipeale ka vaheseintes ja avatäidetes millel peavad olema paremad mürasummutusnäitajad (Sound Control laminaadid). [9] Omadused [9]:  puruneb ohtult, katkised klaasitükid jäävad kokku tänu vahekihile;  kui korralikult paigaldatud, jääb lamineeritud klaas raami sisse ka peale purunemist ja alles jäävad ka akna omadused mis sellel enne olid;  saab pakkuda kaitset vandalismi, tahtliku purustamise ja isegi tulirelvade vastu;  täiustatud helikaitse tasand (Sound Control laminaadid);

Ehitus → Hoone osad
37 allalaadimist


· -sobivus tihendusmaterjalidega, · -stabiilsus suures temperatuurivahemikus (-40...175°C) · -söövitamisvastased omadused · -vahutamisvastased omadused. 8 9 4. Elektrisüsteem. Seadised Automaatkäigukasti tööd juhib elektrooniline juhtplokk - TCM (Transmission Control Module). TCM saab tööks vajalikud andmed käigukasti anduritelt ja teistelt juhtplokkidelt. Neid andmeid, mis siseneved juhtplokki, nimetatakse sisendsignaalideks. Sisendsignaalide põhjal arvutab TCM matemaatiliselt antud hetkele sobivad tingimused ja juhib elektriliste signaalidega mitmete täiturseadiste (näiteks elektromagnetklappide) tööd. TCM võib saata infot ka teistele juhplokkidele. TCM-ist väljuvaid elektrisignaale nimetatakse väljundsignaalideks. 22

Auto → Aktiivsed ja passiivsed...
115 allalaadimist

Big data in cloud

needs read-only privileges, but is granted full administrative powers, can edit the data he initially was not supposed to. [22] - Abusing existing privileges. Same goes for workers, who do have the rights to do so. An example can be made when the mentioned decides to leak some data to the publicity or sell it for personal gain. [22] An attack can also happen externally: - Stealing the disk image, injecting SQL, bypassing access control, taking memory & disk snapshot to later analyze and extract the data or staying in the system long enough to corrupt all defenses and seize the data. [23] - Hackers can launch DDoS attacks by infiltrating and leveraging thousands or millions of unsecured devices. They can cripple infrastructure, down networks, and as IoT advances into our everyday lives, those attacks may very well put real human lives in jeopardy

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
2 allalaadimist

TPT automaatika eriala kursuse töö

Reliable and cost effective frequency inverters appeared as a result of advances in power electronics and microelectronics. Modern frequency inverters can be used to supply power to standard asynchronous motors with performance levels similiar to those of the bes DC variable speed drives. Some manufacturers even offer asynchronous motors with electronic variable speed drives housed in a custom-made terminal box. This solution is designed for reduced power assemblies ( few kW). The speed control cannot be a regulator at the same time. This is an aged system where control principle is developed on the basis of the electrical characteristics of motor, using power amplification but without a feedback loop and is described as ,,open loop". The speed of the motor is defined by an input value, it may vary depending on disturbances (load, temperature, supply voltage). The speed range is defined in relation to nominal speed. A Speed regulator is a controlled drive

Masinaehitus → Automaatika alused
57 allalaadimist


tee seda üks inimene lihtsalt hobi korras muude toimetuste kõrvalt, pigem jääb mulje mingil moel organiseeritud tegevusest. Jewwatch´i wwwlehelt leiab juudiküsimuse vastu huvi tundev inimene rohkesti teavet juutide seast pärit kommunistlike diktaatorite, ameerikavastaste spioonide ning terroristide, juutide korraldatud genotsiidide, juudi kapitali kontrolli all oleva meedia, juutide maailmavallutusplaanide, juudi meelsusekontrolli (!!!) tehnikate (Jewish Mind Control Mechanisms ) jne jne kohta. Hoolimata lehekülje päises asuvast selgitusest, et alljärgnev on kasutatav raamatukoguna materjali leidmiseks teaduslikuks uurimistööks, jätab lehekülje sisu väga kallutatud üldmulje, mis omakorda lubab väita, et on inimesi, kes juute tõsimeeli eriti erilisteks peavad. Selles valguses väärib tähelepanu veel üks lugu, mis räägib meile tuntud juudi päritolu teadlase enese oletusest eri rahvuste erinevate loomuomaduste kohta 4

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
40 allalaadimist

Inglise keele kordamine

were still wet) TIME EXPRESSIONS USED WITH PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS: for, since, before, until etc Future Simple · Decisions made at the moment of speaking (It's hot, I'll open the window) · Predictions, based on what we think, believe, or imagine (He will probably call you) · Promises, threats, warnings, requests, hopes, offers (Will you help me?) · Actions, events, situations, which will definately happen in future and we can't control (Sue will be 3 years in June) Future Continuous · Actions which will be in pogress at a started time in future (This time text bank I'll be working..) · Actions which will definately happen as a result of routine or arrangement (I will be visiting my parents this weekend) · Asking politely or someone's plans for near future (Will you be finishing this book soon?) Future Perfect · Actions that will have finished before started time

Keeled → Inglise keel
204 allalaadimist

Edward the Confessor & Westminster Abbey

Edward spent the first part of his life in Normandy. He grew up in deep religious views and gained the nickname ''Confessor''. As Edward was seperated from his family and grew up in a strange land, it is said that his childhood wasn't a happy one. After Ethelred's death in 1016 the Danes again took control of England. The throne of England passed to Canute the Great. The new king married Emma of Normandy and the couple had a son, Hardicanute. Edward lived in exile until 1041. At the death of Canute in 1035, Edward led an abortive attempt to capture the crown for himself. He was recalled, for some reason, to the court of Hardicanute.

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
10 allalaadimist

Piduri, veojõu ja stabiilsuse kontrollsüsteemid

autojuht", kes ei viitsi rataste plokeerimise ohu pärast rooli taga rabelema hakata ja kaks viimast isiklikku autot on spetsiaalselt valitud ka ABSi olemasolu järgi. Juhtudes uuemate autode rooli talvel olen ikka püüdnud ka ESPd tööle rakendada, sest see on minujaoks väga huvitav protseduur, kuidas auto end teepeal ,,sirgeks õgvendab". Kaapeväldik ­ ASR ASR (Anti-Slip Regulation), tuntud ka kui TCS (Traction Control System), on tüüpiliselt elektri ja hüdraulika kombineeritud süsteem, mis on mõeldud juhitavuse säilitamiseks, kui autojuht lisab agresiivselt gaasi või ei suju rehvide ja teepinna vaheline koostöö ja vedav ratas tahab kaapima hakata. Kuigi ASR on oma komponentidelt põhimõttelt sarnane ESP süsteemile, pole tegu siiski sama asjaga. ASR süsteem võib kasutada väga erinevaid võimalusi, et vältida ratta kaapimist: · Jätta süütamata töösegu ühes või mitmes silindris

Auto → Auto õpetus
227 allalaadimist

All Marketers are liars

In his book, All Marketers are Liars, Seth Godin contends that consumers prefer fantasy to the truth, and that consequently marketers should "live the lie, fully and completely." Stopping short of endorsing marketing methods which might kill people, Godin says that marketers should "give people what they want." The book is telling a story about why marketers must forsake any attempt to communicate nothing but the facts, and must focus on what people believe and then work to tell them stories that add their worldview. HIGHLIGHTS Before marketing, before shopping carts and long before informercials, people started telling themselves stories. Stories make it easier to understand the world. Stories are the only way to spread an idea. Marketers didn´t invent storytelling. They just perfected it. We tell ourselves stories, because we´re superstitious. Stories are shortcuts we use because we ´re too overwhelmed by data to discover ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
43 allalaadimist

Inglise keele eksamiks

+ There's a piano + there are some glasses in the cupboard - There isn't a fridge - there aren't any pictures ? Is there a TV? ?are there any glasses? Yes, there is yes, there are. No, there isn't no, there aren't There was/there were + there was an old TV + there were only three guests - there wasn't a remote control -there weren't any more people ? was there a ghost? ?were there any lights? Yes, there was yes, there were No, there wasn't no, there weren't a/an, some/any + countable uncountable we need an apple some butter

Majandus → Ärijuhtimine
131 allalaadimist

Report: Canada

Meanwhile, the English Hudson's Bay Company had been established in 1670. Because of the valuable fisheries and fur trade, a conflict developed between the French and English; in 1713, Newfoundland, Hudson Bay, and Nova Scotia (Acadia) were lost to England. During the Seven Years' War (1756­1763), England extended its conquest, and the British general James Wolfe won his famous victory over Gen. Louis Montcalm outside Quebec on Sept. 13, 1759. The Treaty of Paris in 1763 gave England control. Nature: Canada is also geologically active, having many earthquakes and potentially active volcanoes. The volcanic eruption of Tseax Cone in 1775 caused a catastrophic disaster, killing 2,000 Nisga'a people and the destruction of their village in the Nass River valley of northern British Columbia; the eruption produced a 22.5-kilometre (14.0 mi) lava flow, and according to legend of the Nisga'a people, it blocked the flow of the Nass River

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
7 allalaadimist

Miks tajuvad inimesed kehaväliseid kogemusi?

Madli Uutma Psühholoogia 19.12.2011 Miks meie taju meid petab? Miks tajuvad inimesed kehaväliseid kogemusi? Raamatus ,,Rehepapp" on Andrus Kivirähk kirjeldanud, kuidas muistsed eestlased pöörasid naljaviluks magaja kõhuli, et hing, mis une ajal rändama oli läinud, hiljem enam suu kaudu kehasse sisse ei saaks minna. Selline uskumus on lisaks Eestile omane veel mitmetele kultuuridele ning teadlased on kulutanud dekaade pildistades äsjasurnuid, et leida, kas hingede rändamine on päriselt olemas. On mitmeid, kes väidavad, et nad saavad kehaväliseid kogemusi ise esile kutsuda. Parapsühholoog Karlis Osis on korraldanud katseid, mille tulemusena on leitud, et nende inimeste väited ümbritseva k...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
12 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun