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"communication" - 435 õppematerjali

communication - Power-2009.pdf 2. John Fiske „Intoduction to Communication Studies“ Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2002 id=J3XzYCuDLNYC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onep age&q&f=falsei 3. Denis McQuail “McQuaili massikommunikatsiooni teooria” Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus,


Men were born because of women. Women.. We're special · It doesn't matter where, when, or how did we met. What matters is the fact that we did. · Loving someone so much doesn't always mean they're right one for us. · Wishes are for lazy people who can't get up and make their dreams come true on their own. Make it happen! · It's easy to say something, but it's harder to mean it. · Distance isn't a big factor in a relationship. Communication is. But most of all, commitment is the biggest. · A broken heart can hurt but it's the memories that kill you. · Every girl deserves to be treated with respect and not to be lied to or cheated on. · Remember, you need to open your eyes before opening your mouth! · When people start telling you you've changed, it's actually because you've just stopped living life THEIR way. · In life, shit happens, so forget about the past, and make the best of the future!

Keeled → Inglise keel
72 allalaadimist

Reklaam kui kommunikatsioon

Reklaam kui kommunikatsioon Mõiste "kommunikatsioon" tekkis 19 sajandil ning silmas peeti sõnumite või signaalide transporti mingite vahemaade taha. Keskne idee: sõnumite transport vahemaa taha eesmärgiga kontrollida. See eeldab, et sõnumeid luuakse tsentraalselt, kõige olulisem osapool on saatja: raadiouudised, töömäärused, ajalehereklaam, ilmateated televisioonis, valgusfoori värvi muutumine... Olulisemad kommunikatsiooni määratlused: 1 sõnumite siirdamine a-lt b-le 2 tähenduste loomine ja vahetus 3 sümboliline protsess, mis loob, peab üleval ja muudab ühist sotsiaalset tegelikkust ja ühtsust 4 kommunikatsioon on sotsiaalne protsess, milles osalejad konstrueerivad üheskoos tegelikkust. See protsess on sotsiaalse süsteemi ehituskivi. Kommunikatsioon on operatsioon, mille abil sotsiaalsed süsteemid end loovad ja taasloovad. Realism (Rene Descartes) on seisukoht,et inimtunnetus annab võimalikult täpselt edasi temast (ini...

Meedia → Reklaam
53 allalaadimist

Täiskasvanuhariduse alane tegevuskava

EUROOPA ÜHENDUSTE KOMISJON Brüssel 27.9.2007 KOM(2007) 558 lõplik KOMISJONI TEATIS NÕUKOGULE, EUROOPA PARLAMENDILE, EUROOPA MAJANDUS- JA SOTSIAALKOMITEELE NING REGIOONIDE KOMITEELE Täiskasvanuhariduse alane tegevuskava Õppida võib alati 1. SISSEJUHATUS Riikide ja valitsuste juhid kinnitasid 1997. aastal Amsterdami lepingu preambulis oma otsust ,,hariduse laia kättesaadavuse ja pideva kaasajastamise abil edendada oma rahvaste teadmiste arendamist võimalikult kõrgele tasemele."1 2000. aastal Lissabonis toimunud Euroopa Ülemkogul seati Euroopa Liidu strateegiliseks eesmärgiks saada aastaks 2010 maailma kõige konkurentsivõimelisemaks ja dünaamilisemaks teadmistepõhiseks ühiskonnaks. Lissaboni tegevusk...

Pedagoogika → Andragoogika
35 allalaadimist

Referaat Islami usust

that Muhammad is the Messenger of God." This testament is a foundation for all other beliefs and practices in Islam. Muslims must repeat the shahadah in prayer, and non- Muslims wishing to convert to Islam are required to recite the creed. 2) Prayer Ritual prayers, called alh or alt, must be performed five times a day. Salah is intended to focus the mind on God, and is seen as a personal communication with him that expresses gratitude and worship. Salah is compulsory but flexibility in the specifics is allowed depending on circumstances. The prayers are recited in the Arabic language, and consist of verses from the Qur'an. A mosque is a place of worship for Muslims, who often refer to it by its Arabic name, masjid. The word mosque in English refers to all types of buildings dedicated to Islamic

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse spikker

paratamatult us vaide 1970 - lntel creates the fitst 4004 hicroprocessor. schickard 1625: vaitis ehilanud olema liitva, lahulava, korrutava, iagava masina 1971 - ComFutd-to-cmpuler Communication expanded when the Oepartment Kristiik filosoof Blaise Pascal '1640r aritmeetiline masin: ainult liitis ia lahutas of Defense established four nodes on the ARPANET Sak6a filosoof 154&1716, Leibnizi arvuti (1671) liitis, lahuta6, korrutas, jagas As Nolan felt he didn't aeceive enough pay, he created hii own compahyi

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
198 allalaadimist

IT süsteemide tugi ja korraldus ettevõttes

DS11 ­ andmete juhtimine DS12 ­ hoonete ja rajatiste juhtimine DS13 ­ halduse juhtimine Monitooring M1 ­ protsesside monitooring M2 ­ sisemise kontrolli adekvaatsuse hindamine M3 ­ sõltumatu kindlustuse saavutamine M4 ­ sõltumatule auditile pakkumine 36 Guido Leibur e-TOM Business Process Framework For The Information and Communication Services Industry (e- Telecommunication Operation Map) TeleManagement Forum üks töörühm, mis tegeleb äriprotsesside kirjeldamisega peamiselt telekommunikatsiooni firmadele. e-TOM on 1998 a TOM mudeli järeltulija. 2001 a-st e-TOM. Praegu olemas versioon 6.0 · kirjeldab mitmetasemelisena ettevõtte äriprotsesside mudelit · kirjeldab e-TOM ja ITIL vahelisisi seoseid

Informaatika → Informaatika
79 allalaadimist

Muudatuste juhtimine

Knowledge Process Management, 4,143–152. Bringselius, L. (2014). Employee Objections to Organizational Change: A Framework for Addressing Management Responses. Organization Development Journal, 32, 41-54. Eby, L. T., Adams, D. M., Russell, J. E. A., & Gaby, S. H. (2000). Perceptions of organizational readiness for change: factors related to employees’ reactions to the implementation of team-based selling. Human Relations, 53, 419 -442. Goris, J. R. (2007). Effects of satisfaction with communication on the relationship between individual-job congruence and job performance/satisfaction. The Journal of Management Development, 26, 737 -752. Griffin, M. A., Rafferty, A. E., & Mason, C. M. (2004). Who started this? Investigating different sources of organizational change. Journal of Business and Psychology, 18, 555 -570. Grissom, J. A. (2012). Revisiting the impact of participative decision making on public employee retention: The moderating influence of effective managers

Majandus → Juhtimine
19 allalaadimist

Pooljuhtmäluseadmed ja emaplaat

Pooljuhtmäluseadmed ja emaplaat IT alused Referaat Juhendaja/õppejõud: Mati Kirikal Üliõpilane Denis Jakobson 183441 VDLR Üliõpilase meiliaadress Jakobson.denis@gmail. com Õppekava nimetus VAY0800-IT alused Tallinn 2018 Sisukord Jooniste loetelu..................................................................................................................3 Sissejuhatus.......................................................................................................................5 1Pooljuhtmäluseadmed......................................................................................................6 1.1Mäluseadmete jaotus................................................................................................6 1.2Põhimälu RAM..........

Informaatika → Informaatika
2 allalaadimist

Avalikud suhted (spikker) suhtekorraldus , avalikud suhted , public relations , avalikkus , PR , meediamonitooring ,

märkimisväärselt o-i mainet või huve ühe või mitme sihtgrupi silmis, finantsseisu või; •kahjustab märkimisväärselt o poolt pakutavate teenuste mainet ühe või mitme sihtgrupi silmis, või; •ohustab o või tervist, või ;•ähvardab ümbruskonda või laia avalikkust. Kriis uurimisainena- Crisis situations from - a management perspective (Pijnenburg & vanDuin); an information systems perspective (Pelletier &Msukwa); a risk communication perspective (MacLehose et al); from a specific information behaviour perspective ( Duggan & Banwell). Kriisikommu Komponendid- Komponentide järgnevus,- omavahelised seosed, - kaasnevad tegevused. Kriisikommu- Kinnitatud, ammendatud faktide vahendamine, Endaasetamine avalikkuse olukorda,Soov tagasi pöörduda normaalse/endise juurde, mida selleks tehakse? Olukorrakontrollimine, selle selgitamine, mis võib juhtuda

Sotsioloogia → Avalikud suhted
18 allalaadimist

Backpaking lifestyle

in Ibiza and Goa. London: Routledge. Dann, G. (1977). Anomie, ego-enhancement and tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 4(4), 184-194. Dann, G. (1999). Writing out the tourist in space and time. Annals of Tourism Research, 26(1), 159-187. 16 Davidson, K. (2005). Alternative India: Transgressive spaces. In A. Jaworski & A. Pritchard (Eds.), Discourse, communication and tourism (pp. 28-52). Clevedon: Channel View. Desforges, L. (2000). Traveling the world: Identity and travel biography. Annals of Tourism Research, 27(4), 926-945. Elsrud, T. (2001). Risk creation in traveling: Backpacker adventure narration. Annals of Tourism Research, 28(3), 597-617. Enoch, Y., & Grossman, R. (2010). Blogs of Israeli and Danish backpackers to India. Annals of Tourism Research, 37(2), 520-536. Featherstone, M. (1987). Lifestyle and consumer culture

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Neurobioloogias sönade seletus, ingl keelne

NEUROBIOLOGY AUXILLARY GLOSSARY ACETYLCHOLINE – A neurotransmitter in both the brain and peripheral nervous system* (PNS). In the brain it helps regulate memory, whilst it controls the actions of skeletal and smooth muscle within the PNS. ACTION POTENTIAL – An electrical phenomenon which occurs when a neurone is activated and temporarily reverses the electrical state of its interior membrane from negative to positive. An electrical charge travels along the axon to the neurone’s ending (terminal) where it triggers the release of a neurotransmitter* and then disappears. ADRENALINE (U.S. - Epinephrine) – A hormone released by the adrenal medulla* and a neurotransmitter acting at the level of the autonomic nervous system and the brain. ADRENAL CORTEX – The outer layer of the adrenal, a small endocrine gland located near the kidney. It produces and secretes several horm...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
31 allalaadimist

Anthropology and Tourism

Anthropology of Tourism Madli Tuvike shock might occur (Reisinger and Turner, 2003). In order to prevent these problems, it is necessary to raise traveller’s awareness. For instance, through travel magazines and travelling TV. These media canals would educate female travellers (tourists) more about different destinations and their customs and uncomfortable barriers between tourists and the host culture would disappear or communication would get easier. Jameson (1994) names key factor for effective cultural interaction: better planning and management. The tourism strategies should be linked with community or economic development plans. This means that one should complete another, unlikely so many destinations, where tourism and community live their own separate lives. Like in Bali, where the island is struggling to cope with tourist numbers, and due to that, the paradise island is drowning in rubbish (Surfer, 2014)

Keeled → Ingliskeelsete maade ühiskond...
1 allalaadimist

Kordamisküsimused õppeaines EL õiguse alused

Kordamisküsimused õppeaines EL õiguse alused Sisukord Kordamisküsimused õppeaines EL õiguse alused..........................................................1 1.Nimeta EL asutajariigid...............................................................................................2 2.Mis on EL integratsiooni põhjused? Kirjelda EL kujunemise lugu............................2 3.Millised lepingud on hetkel kehtivad EL aluslepingud?.............................................3 4.Euroopa Parlamendi, Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu, Euroopa Komisjoni, Euroopa Ülemkogu pädevus, ülesanded ja koosseis.....................................................................3 Esitab uusi seadusandlikke ettepanekuid...............................................................4 Haldab ELi poliitikat ja eraldab ELi rahalisi vahendeid........................................4 Tagab ELi õigusnormide täitmise........................................

Õigus → Euroopa liidu õigus
11 allalaadimist


● Kaugsuhe – kui interaktsioonid on püsivad siis on see siiski suhe, mis sest kui igapäevaselt kokkupuudet pole. Paarisuhe/sõprussuhe – omavaheliselt paika pandud normid (mis on ok, mis mitte; millist käitumist oodatakse). Kui töökaaslasega, kellega jagatakse tööruumi siis võib tekkida ka sõprussuhte-laadi asi, kuid see võib viia rollide konfliktini. Suhtlemisel kannab vahepeal hääletoon suuremat osa kui sõnum ise. Paralingvist communication – the tone of voice, the awakening of the word. Interaktsiooni mõjutavad tegurid: ● Isikuga seotud tegurid (nt hoiakud, teadmised, suhtlemisoskus jne) ● Suhtlemispartner ● Situatsioonilised tegurid (nt roll, ruum) ● Suhtlemine kui sotsio-kultuuriliselt reguleeritud interaktsioonid inviidide vahel (nt normid, reeglid, tähendused); ükski suhe pole ’’kultuurivaba’’.

Psühholoogia → Suhtlemispsühholoogia
9 allalaadimist


Toila Gümnaasium Keiu Simm ja Kristjan Vene 12. Klass GANZFELDI EKSPERIMENT TELEPAATIA VÕIMALIKKUSE UURIMISEKS Uurimistöö lõpueksamina Juhendaja: õp. Avar Pentel Toila 2013 Sisukord RESÜMEE Käesoleva uurimistöö eesmärk oli leida täiendavaid tõendeid telepaatia olemasolu kohta. Selleks viidi läbi Ganzfeldi korduseksperiment, mis näeb ette kahe katsealuse vahel tehtavat eksperimenti, mille käigus üks katsealune üritab teisele katsealusele, kes viibib ganzfeldi seisundis, mõtete kaudu mingit pilti saata. Ganzfeldi seisundiks nimetatakse sellist seisundit, mil katsealuse tavalised sensoorsed sisendid (nägemine ja kuulmine) on kunstlikult piiratud ning aju püüab sensoorsete sisendite puudumist muul moel kompenseerida, kutsudes esile nägemusi. Varasemad eksperimendid on andnud ...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
5 allalaadimist

Eetika konspekt

Mis on eetika? Kr. ethos ­ komme, tava, harjumus Lad. moralis ­ komme, tava Laiemas tähenduses kasutatakse mõisteid eetika, moraal, kõlblus sünonüümidena. Näit. kutse­eetika = teatud elukutsega (arst, advokaat jm.) seotud moraalipõhimõtted = kõlbelised omadused, mis on seotud kindla kutsega. Moraalivaldkonnas inimene käsitleb ja hindab maailma oma vajaduste ja püüdluste kaudu, väärtustab seda. Moraaal on normide kogum, mis reguleerib inimeste käitumist kõigis eluvaldkondades. Moraal väljendab isiksuse suhet teise inimesse, ühiskonda, loodusesse. Lad. Norma ­ reegel, ettekirjutus Kitsamas tähenduses eetika (ka moraalifilosoofia, normatiivne filosoofia) on valdkond, mis mõtestab konkreetsete moraalinähtuste esinemist, käsitleb valikutegemist hea ja halva vahel üldteoreetiline tasand, praktiline filosoofia. Moraalifilosoofia vastab küsimusele ,,Mis peaks olemas olema?" Inimeseprobleemi ja moraaliprobleemid iseseisvate küsimus...

Filosoofia → Eetika
12 allalaadimist

Getting physical

Andra Pant NT-32 GETTING PHYSICAL Tallinn 2012 "Delivery is more important than content." ­Arch Lustberg, speech trainer According to wellknown social anthropologist Edward T. Hall, 60% of our communication is nonverbal. That means whenever we stand before an audience, our stance, our posture, our facial expressions, our hand gestures, our whole body dynamic communicate more than our actual spoken words. A stiff, immobile speaker is often a boring and usually ineffective speaker as. It is therefore essential to know how to be physically relaxed, which will allow your actions to complement your words.

Pedagoogika → Intercultural communication
5 allalaadimist

Teema 4, Optoelektroonika elemendid ja infoesitusseadmed

Teema 4. Optoelektroonika elemendid ja infoesitusseadmed Käesolev tekst on osa abistavast j a täiendavast loengumaterj alist dots. Mihhail Pikkovi loengukonspekti j uurde õppeaines "Elektroonika alused". M.Pikkovi ainekava ja konspekti järgsed allteemad (; lk. 8...10 ja 42...51): - Valgusdiood - Fotodiood - Fototakisti - Fototransistor - Fototüristor - Optronid - Infoesitusseadmed: elektronkiiretoru, vedelkristallpaneel, plasmapaneel, elektroluminestsentspaneel Käesoleva teksti sisujaotus: 4.1 Optoelektroonika mõiste ja sinna kuuluvate seadiste liigitus 4.2 Valgustundlikud seadised 4.2.1 Fotoefekti liigid 4.2.2 Sisefotoefektil põhinevad seadised Fototakisti Fotodiood Fototransistor Fototüristor 4.2.3 Välisfotoefektil põhinevad seadised Vaakuumfotoelement e. fotorakk Fotokordisti 4...

Elektroonika → Elektroonika alused
54 allalaadimist

English structure revision for the exam

English structure revision for the exam 1. Terms Language → A systematic, conventional (tavakohane) use of sounds, signs or written symbols in a human society for communication and self-expression. Human language at all levels is rule- or principle- governed (valitsema) meaning that language corresponds to the grammar. Natural language is usually spoken, while language can also be encoded into symbols (such as letters, morse etc) For example: Estonian, English. Linguistics → The scientific study of human natural language. Broadly, there are three aspects to the study which are  Pragmatics (studies the use of language → interested in the gap between the

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Stilistika loeng

Linguistic Stylistics studies linguistic facts from the point of view of their ability to convey extra shades of meaning (connotations ­ we call them). Any speech act (oral or written) is meant to pass an information. There are 2 types of information: 1. the content proper 2. additional information, which is connected with the conditions and participants of the act of the communication. This additional information finds expression in emotional overtones that are attached to the main content of the utterance. Every speaker has experienced that the form of speech may vary depending on a speaker, a listener, and the circumstances in which they communicate: Neutral Literary Colloquial To eat to partake to gobble

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
37 allalaadimist

Writing in the Business World

UNIT 1 Writing in the Business World Writing gives structure and form to our ideas. In the business world this is done for a purpose: to persuade, recommend, offer advice, give an order, etc. The business text must therefore be easily and quickly read and its message must be understood exactly as intended. If you learn to recognize and avoid the more common errors of information control, grammar and style, you will achieve this aim. You will write more confidently and more correctly if you check everything you write. Pay particular attention to the following: · Appropriate Subject Heading Take care to prepare your reader by introducing the subject appropriately in your subject heading. · Carefully Organized Information If a reader needs to be persuaded or convinced, your information will need careful planning and organizing. · Correct Grammar and Sp...

Keeled → Inglise keel
108 allalaadimist

American English Take-Home Exam

American English Take-home exam 1) Discuss the significance of American English in the English-speaking world. English is one the most widely used languages in the world and globally acknowledged as the lingua franca. It is also the dominant business language. For these facts already, English has a great importance in the today’s world. As the United States of America is one of the leading countries of the world, American English has a certain authority as well. It is now an inescapable fact that America, through its worldwide influence and massive entertainment industry is the mighty power-house that drives the English language. Although British English is considered to be more sophisticated and prestigious than American English, the latter is clearly more featured in television, music, video games and internet, naturally appealing more to English learners than Brit...

Keeled → English in South-East Asia and...
6 allalaadimist

Kommunikatsiooni barjäärid

Kui kirjutas Janek Tuttar: „Hea esineja on see, kes on paindlik ja oskab oma esinemist alati vastavalt olukorrale ümber mängida. Kui ikka näed, et kuulajate tähelepanu hakkab hajuma, siis tee midagi, et neid äratada. Tee midagi, mis tekkivaid suhtlustõkkeid murraks – nt. too planeeritud paus või harjutus ettepoole, kaasa publikut küsimustega jne.“ (Janek Tuttar 2011). KASUTATUD ALLIKAD: 1. Steinberg, S. (2007). An Introduction to Communication Studies. Cape Town: Juta & Co Ltd. 13 2. Talve, Terje. Info- ja kommunikatsiooniauditi võrdlemine ja rakendamine TÜ Pärnu kolledži näitel. Tartu 2013 - (viimati vaadatud 27.11.2013) 3. Tuttar, Janek. Mürad kommunikatsioonis. – Avalik esinemine - http://avalikesinemine

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
5 allalaadimist

There is no such thing as a totally sustainable tourism

Crouch, 2003). AITO (2013) and Bramwell and Lane (1993) are suggesting that local culture must 4 Adventure Tourism Project Management Madli Tuvike treat with respect, tourists as well as tourism companies must respect their traditions, religion and built heritage. For example, building museums and new infrastructure in host country, will help to promote communication in between tourists and local people; museums also will generate money back to society and will give jobs to local people. AITO (2013) and Bramwell and Lane (1993) are adding that minimizing pollution, such as noise, waste, disposal and congestion, is one important goal of ST. Therefore, the purpose of this literature review, new definition of sustainable tourism is: a small- scale type of tourism, that will consider and preserve host country, as well as its people, culture; flora

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

EU internal Market law. Mid term evaluation assignment

is declared invalid all of the instruments adopted based on it are also invalid. It then falls to the competent European institutions to adopt a new instrument to rectify the situation 2.2. In case of claim for contestation unjustified Law Act company, considering that a measure attributable to a Member State is contrary to Articles 34–36 TFEU, may file a complaint with the European Commission. According to the Commission Communication to the European Parliament and the European Ombudsman on relations with the complainant in respect of infringements of community law, the complaint must be submitted in writing, by letter, fax or e-mail in any of the official languages of the EU. It is recommended to use of the ‘standard complaint form’ as it ensures that all the necessary information is forwarded to the Commission, and therefore speeds up processing of the complaint. An initial

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

A letter and an essay

After catering to his fundamental needs of food and shelter, man felt the need for acquiring goods which he could not produce himself. This led to the idea of the barter system under which goods were exchanged without the use of money, but a constraint to this mechanism was his limited movement. How far could a man travel, loaded with tons of wheat just for the sake of some kilos of meat? Then, man came up with the idea of the wheel. Furthermore, as communication was channelized, rising horizons of the world led to the imperative need to express oneself. As the need arose, man seized the use of pictures and paintings for self-expression, which later developed the concept of writing. With the need for writing evolved the need for a substance to write on. Rocks, parchments, and leaves were initially used, but they were not satisfactory. With the passage of time, paper was first invented in China and later mushroomed in the rest of the world.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Meeskonnatöö sünergeetilise efekti maksimeerimine

between competency modeling and traditional job analysis?" Human Resource Management Review, Vol. 19, Jun, Issue 2, 53-63. Somech, Anit, Desivilya, Helena Syna and Lidogoster, Helena (2009) ,,Team conflict management and team effectiveness: the effects of task interdependence and team identification." Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 30, Apr, Issue 3, 359-378. Sproull, Lee, Kiesler, Sara (1986) ,,Reducing social context cues: electronic mail in organizational communication." Management Science, Vol. 32, Nov, Issue 11, 1492-1512. Thau, Stefan, Bennett, Rebecca J., Mitchell, Marie S., Marrs, Mary Beth (2009) ,,How management style moderates the relationship between abusive supervision and workplace deviance: An uncertainty management theory perspective." Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes, Vol. 108, Jan, Issue 1, 79-92. Wienclaw, Ruth A. (2008) ,,Research Starters Business." Organizational Behavior." 1-10.

Psühholoogia → Organisatsiooni psühholoogia
110 allalaadimist

Probleemi (juhtumi) analüüs

hooldajaga ligi ning saan telekaekraani jätkata oma suhelda. vahendusel tööd sealt, kus eelmise Lisaks NFC (Nearseadme Fieldpeal pooleli jäi. ) ehk lähiväljaside tehnoloogia Communication telefonidele, mida igaüks vastavalt oma soovidele mingit konkreetset käsku täitma saab MILLISEID MOBIILSEID programmeerida. Vastava LAHENDUSI NFC märgise JA saad TÖÖKESKKONDI KASUTAVAD EESTI osta EMT e-poest. ETTEVÕTTED? Neljandaks: 4G võrk, mis tähendab kasutajale seda, et esmakordselt on võimalik mobiilselt Kohati

Infoteadus → Infosüsteemid ja nende...
28 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

uttering sentences that are in fact false. Let us define speaker-reference a little more formally, to contrast with semantic reference. The speaker- or utterer's referent of a description on an occasion of its use is the object, if any, to which the speaker who used the description intended to call to the attention of her/his audience. (The speaker-referent is the object that the utterer means to be talking about.) Fortunately, communication goes by speaker-meaning and speaker-refer- ence: if I (speaker-)mean Jones when I say "Smith's murderer" and you take me to mean Jones and understand me to have said that Jones is insane, then you have understood me correctly and communication has succeeded; it does not matter that the sentence I uttered was according to its literal meaning untrue, any more than it matters that "Albert's an elegant fellow" is literally false. 26 Reference and referring

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

Sidusa kõne arendamine SKAP lapsel

Töö on koostatud lähtudes Tartu Ülikooli haridusteaduste instituudi lõputöö nõuetest ning on kooskõlas heade akadeemiliste tavadega. Tekstiloomeoskuse õpetamine 47 Kasutatud kirjandus Adams C, Bishop D. (1989). Conversational characteristics of children with semantic- pragmatic disorder. I: Exchange structure, turntaking, repairs and cohesion. British Journal of Disorders of Communication 24, 211-239. Botting, N (2002) Narrative as a tool for the assesment of linguistic and pragmatic impairments. Child Language Teaching & Therapy, 1-22. Cohen, D. J., & Volkmar, F. R. (1997). Handbook of autism and pervasive developmental disorders (2nd ed). New York: Wiley. Davies, P.; Shanks, B., Davies, K. (2004). Improving Narrative Skills in Young Children with Delayed Language Development. Educational Review, 56, 271-285 Fay, M., E., Cleave, P., L, Long, S., H. (1997)

Pedagoogika → Erivajadustega laste...
71 allalaadimist

Ettevõtluse konspekt

1. "Ettevõtlus" ja "ettevõtja" ­ põhimõisted ja nende areng. (Orienteeruvalt tunda vähemalt Schumpeteri, Stevensoni ja Jarillo ning Burnsi määratlusi.) ``Enterpreneur'' PRS päritolu (15. Saj), tähistati isikut kes on aktiivne ja saavutab midagi. Kasutati ka vahendaja tähenduses kelleks olid maadeuurijad, kes sõlmisid kaupmeestega lepinguid nende kaupade müümiseks. Keskajal nimetati ettevõtjateks ürituste organisaatoreid ja aga ka suurte ehitusprojektide juhte. Eesti keeles ``antreprenöör''17.saj oli ettevõtja see, kes sõlmis riigiga igasuguseid lepinguid Läbivad jooned erinevates definitsioonides: firmaheaolu, isiklik huvi, kasumi motiiv, organiseerimine, planeerimine, initsiatiivi ülesnäitamine, riski ja vastutuse võtmine. Schumpeter ettevõtja on novaator, kes töötab välja ja rakendab uusi äriideid Stevenson ja Jarillo ettevõtlus on protsess, mille abil indiviidid, kes omal käel või organisatsioonide sees, püüdlevad v...

Majandus → Ettevõtlus
141 allalaadimist

Starteegiline juhtimine

Starteegiline juhtimine, eksamiks valmistumine Strateegilise üldjuhtimise tsükkel: kavandamine, korraldamine, kontroll Strateegiline plaanimine - on organisatsiooni sise- ja väliskeskkonna analüüsiprotsess, määramaks põhilised eesmärgid, mis aitavad äriühingul täita oma missiooni ja liikuda oma visiooni suunas. Starteegilise juhtimise tsükkel: visioon/mission, väärtused; teadmised, oskused; tegevused, tulemused-tagasiside. Strateegia on eesmärgistatud kavand, mis sobitab omavahel organisatsiooni ressursid, struktuuri ja kultuuri (tugevused, nõrkused) väliskeskkonna muutustega (võimalused, ohud). Strateegiline juhtimine on otsuste ja tegevuste kogum, mis kindlustab pikas perspektiivis äriühingu jätkusuutliku tulemuslikkuse. • Organisatsiooni seire, formuleerimise, elluviimise, hindamise ja kontrolli protsess. Strateegilist juhtimist iseloomustab: • Interdistsiplinaarsus  Organisatsioon kui tervik • Fookus väliskeskkonnale  Majan...

Majandus → Juhtimine
21 allalaadimist

Meretranspordi infotehnoloogia

1. El.andmete positiivsed ja negatiivsed küljed. Head:  Vähenevad kulud dokumenditöötlusele.  Inventari efektiivsem kasutamine.  Personalikulude vähenemine.  Paraneb infovahetuse kiirus.  Parem klienditeenindamine.  Konkurentsieelise saamine/tugevdab võistluspositsiooni.  Sisemiste protsesside paranemine.  Parem varustusketi juhtimine.  Parem arveldamine. Vead:  Üldise arusaamise puudus, ebapiisav haridus.  Keerukas kasutamine.  EDI investeeringute otsese tulukuse keerukas kokkuarvutamine. (Sisaldab palju mõõdetamatut.)  Pole kehtestatud ühtset standardit.  Esialgsed kapitalimahutused on suured.  Edukaks EDI rakendamiseks nõuab kõige kõrgema juhtkonna seotust projektiga.  Nõuab suuri mahtusid enne, kui kasu süsteem kasu toob. Kahtlemata avaldab EDI rakendamine firma töös ka olulist mõju organisatsiooni kultuurile ja struktuurile. See on aga põhjus mis võib mõjuda nii positiivselt, kui ka negatiivselt, olenevalt selle...

Merendus → Merendus
11 allalaadimist

Photographic camera

at the other)  Photography is The art or practice of taking and processing photographs. 3 Context of the creation of the camera (CARLA)  The camera has been used since before Christ. The impact in society the emergence of the camera was important and shocking because it helped us capture important moments in time that can no longer be repeated and helped a lot in the field of communication. The first models of cameras were used in the years before Christ where they were used to see closely objects. After its emergence was marked a before and after in history because thanks to this artefact can capture exact moments in which a event happened. Advancing in history have improved the types of cameras, passing cameras that took several minutes to take a photograph so far in which the process of taking a photograph or several is instantaneous. In addition, the cameras allow us to keep

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Reklaaamipsühholoogia konspekt

inimeste/sihtrühmade puhul ja suunata turundustegevusi juba oluliselt täpsemalt. 4 P MUDEL SOTSIAALTURUNDUSES (T. Hiob) Sotsiaalturunduses rakendub kommertsturundusele sarnaselt 4P printsiip ehk turunduskontseptsioon kasvab välja nelja aspekti arvestamisest: toode (Product), hind (Price), koht (Place) ja promotsioon (Promotion). Erinevad autorid on tavapärasele 4P mudelile teinud ka lisandusi: Alcalay ja Bell (University of California, dep. Of Communication ; 2000) on lisanud mudelisse viienda P-na positsioneerimise (Positioning). Seymoure H. Fine (The State University of New Jersey) toob sisse veel kolm P-d: Producer (turundaja või promotsiooni tellija), Purchaser (sihtrühm oma ootuste ja vajadustega) ja Probing (uuringud) (Fine, Seymour H. 1990). P. Kotleri ja N. Roberto (Northwestern University) poolt on rõhutatud Personnel (toote

Psühholoogia → Reklaamipsühholoogia
31 allalaadimist

Kvalitatiivne uurimustöö Emotsioonide regulatsioon ja stress

1993) then dysfunctional regulation of emotions can lead to psychopathology (Segerstrom et al., 2000; Nolen-Hoeksema, 2000). There are many different strategies employed to regulate emotions. Gross (2007) has described ER strategies as social- cognitive traditions that are dynamic and ubiquitous in trait. ER can be viewed as trait-like, that is individual tendencies and differences towards certain ER strategies. Individuals are regulating their emotions in communication in order to socially benefit and achieve the ambitions, as well as maintaining a balanced mental state. Also emotions are regulated in order to deal with extraordinary, special or unexpected situations. Although, the regulation of emotions has always been a crucial part of human existence, however, research into emotion regulation (ER) is relatively recent. Emotion regulation in relation.. 7

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
103 allalaadimist

Avalike suhete põhjalik konspekt

Avalikud suhted Suhtekorralduse kujunemislugu Mis on suhtekorraldus? · Suhtekorraldus on kogu organisatsiooni suhtlemisprotsessi organiseerimine ja juhtimine eesmärgiga saavutada hea arusaamine ning side organisatsiooni ja kindlate sihtgruppide vahel; see on kindel planeeritud ja pidev jõupingutus rajada ning säilitada head tahet ja vastastikust mõistmist organisatsiooni ning tema sihtgruppide vahel (F. Seitel, 1996) · 1923.a. oli suhtekorralduse isa E.Bernays (1891-1995) defineeritud suhtekorraldust kui avalikkusele antavat veenmiseks suunatud informatsiooni, et korrigeerida suhtumist ja tegusid ning jõupingutusi, et vastastikku integreerida organisatsiooni suhtumisi ja tegevusi organisatsiooni avalikkuse omadega. E. Bernay hakkas terminit kõige aktiivsemalt kasutama ja nimetas end esimesena suhtekorraldusnõu...

Sotsioloogia → Avalikud suhted
137 allalaadimist

Keeleteaduse ajaloo eksami konspekt

Keeleteaduse alused: kordamisküsimused. 1. Keele käsitlemine antiikmaailmas a) India: Panini grammatika Avastati 18 saj koloniseerijate poolt, pärineb 5 või 4 sajandist eKr. Kirjeldab sanskriti keele ehitust. Kirjutatud eesmärgil, et sanskritikeelseid veedasid lauldaks õigesti ka tulevikus (Seetõttu keskendub põhiliselt foneetikale ­ hääldus!). Koosneb 8 raamatust. Pnini keeledefinitsioonid on peaaegu valemid, lühidad ja lihtsad. Kõik see viitab faktide äärmiselt täpsele uurimisele. Pnin on kirjeldanud klassikalist sanskriti keelt 4000 definitsiooniga. Pani aluse võrdlev-ajaloolise keeleteaduse tekkele (sanskritoloogia 19. sajandil) ­ avastati, et sanskriti keel on sugulaskeel ladina ja kreeka keelele. b) Kreeka Kreeka tõi keeleteadusesse küsimuse keele olemasolust (kuivõrd on ta bioloogiline) ning grammatilise süsteemi (sõnaliigid ja käänded). 1) filosoofide periood (Aristoteles, Platon jt): Alates...

Keeled → Keeleteadus
240 allalaadimist


very high efficiency. District heating enables profitable heat supply with outstanding environmental performance but there are in many places various barriers to a prosperous DH development. Barriers to district heating in the United Kingdom (UK), Ireland, France, Romania and the Czech Republic, as well as barriers to export of Swedish district heating knowledge and products to these countries have been compiled from publications and through personal communication with people in public and private energy bodies and companies in Sweden and abroad . In the studied countries, there are large potentials for district-heating development and for Swedish sales of DH related goods and services. But for district heating and export to succeed, there are several barriers to overcome in Sweden as well as in the other countries. It should be emphasised that this paper focuses barriers and does not give the full picture of the conditions

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inglise keele variandid (Varieties of English)

Like: /d/ instead of /dj/ /t/ instead of /tj/ ­ [tu:zdeI] · Prolongs diphtongs · H-dropping (Tell him= [tellim]) 5) Cockney, Cockney Rhyming Slang Cockney English has a very distinctive accent, intentionally made and cryptical. It is used in a sense of community and also by traders or criminals to confuse the police. Cockney English is a "working class English" with approx. 7 million speakers. Cocnkey Rhyming Slang is a secret language used for communication in a group (traders speaking to eachother; criminals confusing the police; amusement) in the English language and is prevalent in the East End London dialect. It create a binary expression that rhymes with a single everyday word. Eric Partridge wrote the dictionary of slang in 1840. Some expressions: · Apples and pears - stairs · Bowl of water - daughter · Rabbit and pork - to talk · Trouble and strife - wife · You and me- tea · Butcher's hook - to look · Scooby doo - clue

Keeled → Inglise keel
49 allalaadimist

Society and culture of english-speaking countries

Society and culture of english-sspeaking countries Introduction 1. The countries of the world where the English language is spoken. 2. Approximate number of mother tongue speakers of English approximately 350-400 million native speakers. Which place does English occupy in the world by its number of speakers?After which language? English occupies second place by its number of speakers after Mandarin Chinese. 3. What is the difference between English as a Second Language, English as a Foreign Language and English for Specific Purposes? Give examples of situations where they are used. English as a Second Language (ESL or TESL) is a traditional term for the use or study of the English language by non-native speakers in an English-speaking environment. That environment may be a country in which English is the mother tongue (e.g., Australia, the U.S.) or one in which English has an established role (e.g., India, Nigeria) English as a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Lapse objektiivne läbivaatus. Üldseisund, kehatemperatuuri mõõtmine.

Fundamental Aspects of Nursing Assessment and Monitoring. Raamatus: Glasper, A., Aylott, M., Prudhoe, G. (Ed.) Fundamental Aspects of Childrens and Young Peoples Nursing Procedures. London: Quay Books. Storvik-Sydänmaa, S., Talvensaari, H., Kaisvuo, T., Uotila, N. (2012). Lapse ja nuoren hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro Oy. Hillbom, M. (2005). Närvisüsteem. Raamatus: Mustajoki, P., Saha, H., Sane, T. (toim.) Haige uurimine. Tallinn: AS Medicina. Hockenberry, M. J. ja Barrera, P. (2007). Communication and Physical and Developmental Assesment of the Child. Raamatus: Hockenberry, M. J. ja Wilson, D. (Ed.) Wong´s Nursing Care of Infants and Children. 8th Edition. St.Louis: Mosby Elsevier. Iivanainen, A., Jauhiainen, M., Korkiakoski, L. (koostaja) (1997). Õenduse käsiraamat. Tallinn: Medicina. Kallas, E., Uibo, O., Talvik, T. (1999). Lapse uurimise põhitõed. I. Tartu Ülikooli Lastekliinik. Tartu: AS Atlex. Kantero, L. R., Levo, H., Österlund, K. (2005). Lasten sairaanhoito

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
44 allalaadimist

How to Start a Business in Georgia

Georgia is a member of The Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents (October 5, 1961). Therefore, legalization can be substituted by the Apostille in countries that are members of the Hague Convention (please see Appendix #9). What activities require obtaining licenses and permits? Certain types of activities in Georgia can be carried out only after obtaining the respective license or permit (e.g. Construction Permit, Communication License etc.). Such activities are exhaustively listed in the Georgian Law on Licenses and Permits. How long does it take to register an enterprise in Georgia? The registration procedure takes only 1 day in Georgia. The state and tax registration of a business entity is carried out by the Tax Inspection and performed immediately after submission of all the necessary documentation. HOW TO START BUSINESS IN GEORGIA - 5 What are the preconditions of legal stay in

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Ratios help illuminate linkages across the economic, environmental, and social dimensions of sustainable development. Ratios also can be particularly useful for comparing two organisations of different scales. Organisations should form ratios with their performance data that make sense for their business and support their decision-making. They should select 15 ratios for external reporting that allow better communication of their performance to their stakeholders, and will help inform stakeholders’ decisions. Types of Ratio Indicators and Their Application Productivity/efficiency - ratios relate value to impacts. Increasing ratios reflect improvements in the amount of value received per unit of impact. Examples of productivity/efficiency ratios include:  labour productivity;  resource productivity;  process eco-efficiency;

Majandus → Majandus
4 allalaadimist

Inglise keele stilistika II

1 SYNTACTIC STYLISTIC DEVICES SYNTACTIC STYLISTIC DEVICES are based on a peculiar place of the word or phrase in the utterance (text, sentence, etc).This special place creates emphasis irrespective of the lexical meaning of the words used. Categories: syntactic stylistic devises based on: SDD: based on ABSENCE OF LOGICALLY REQUIRED ELEMENTS OF SPEECH ELLIPSIS ELLIPSIS or ELLIPTICAL SENTENCES means leaving out one or both principle members of the sentence that is the subject or predicate. NT: Where is the man I'm going to marry? - Out in the garden. (no subject) What is he doing out there? - Annoying father. Here, in the dialogue, ellipsis creates the colloquial tone of the utterance. It also renders realistically the way the characters speak. The elliptical sentences convoy/render carelessness, familiarity, harshness. It...

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
21 allalaadimist


kes oskavad seda teha. Ja loomulikult praktilised oskused seoses AIDSi jms ennetamisega. Seda suunda nimetatakse life-skills based education ­ elus toimetuleku oskuste arendamisele põhinev haridus. Kirjandus Hiiemäe, R. (2012). Katk ja AIDS ­ sarnaste fenomenide käsitlemine rahvapärimuses. Churchwell, E. et al. (2001). HIV/AIDS: a challenge in the classroom. Public Health Nursing, 15, pp 257-262. Pick, S. et al. (2007). Communication as a protective factor: Evaluation of a life skills HIV/AIDS prevention program for Mexican elementary-school students. AIDS Education and Prevention, 19 (5), pp 418-421. Cuijpers, P. et al. (2002). The effects of drug abuse prevention at school: the healthy school and drugs project. A

Muu → Riskianalüüs ja...
3 allalaadimist


) Mountjoy, Paul T., and Alan G. Lewandowski. "The Dancing Horse. A Learned Pig, and Muscle Twitches." Psychological Record 34 (1984): 25-38. Sebeok, Thomas A. "Clever Hans and Smart Simians." Anthropos 76 (1981): 89-165. _ _ _. "Semiotics and Ethology." In Sebeok and Ramsay 200-31 (we do not repeat the same author ­ use 3 dashes, and because there is only one author we put a full stop after those 3 dashes.) _ _ _, and Alexandra Ramsay, eds. Approaches to Communication. The Hague: Mouton, 1969. (eds. is shortened from "editors") etc. (see Copy 1 (p. 228-229) When a book does not indicate the publisher, the place or date of publication, or has no pagination ­ we use following abbreviations for information we cannot supply: n.p. ­ no place of publication is given n.p. ­ no publisher given (e.g. New York: n.p.) n.d. ­ no date of publication given (e.g

Õigus → Proseminar
36 allalaadimist

Art Museum of Estonia

Museum and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Kiasma, in Helsinki has been used during the planning stages of the department. Work spaces and workshops This category covers the loading- and delivery facilities, special storage facilities, workshops, photography laboratories and other work spaces. Offices Offices provide the employees of the museum with a contemporary work- and leisure environment. In addition to other departments, also the finance-, development-, publishing- and communication departments of the Art Museum of Estonia are situated here. Auditorium The Kumu auditorium ­ a unique exhibition hall The Kumu auditorium is a notional, as well as practical, extension of the art museum and the foundations of its activity are interconnected with the exhibitions organised in the building. The aim of the auditorium is to have a slightly differently oriented program, but still be one of many exhibition halls in the Kumu Art Museum

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Aborigeenid (Inglise keeles)

Miina Härma Gümnaasium “The aborigines of Australia Student:Kärt Erikson Teacher:Tiia Timma Tartu 2010 contents  Introduction – page 3  History – page 3-4  Religion – page 4-7  Society - page 7-9  The British – page 9-10  Conclusion – page 10-11  Resources – page 11  Appendix – page 11-14 2 Introduction I selected this theme because it was the most interesting one for me. Aborigines have interested me for a long time now so doing this essay is really fun for me. Australian Aboriginal culture is one of the world's longest surviving cultures. Australian Aborigines, also known as Indigenous Australians , are the native people of Australia . Many of them suffered when white people from Britain arrived in Austra...

Keeled → Geograafia inglise keeles
5 allalaadimist

Inglise keele struktuur

language, diachronic approach to language, linguistic competence, linguistic performance, what is grammar?, prescriptive grammar vs. descriptive grammar; phonology, phonetics, phone, allophone, phoneme; morphology, morphemes (types of morphemes), morphs, allomorphs, types of affixes, derivational affixes, inflectional affixes; open vs closed class words; syntax. Language: a systematic, conventional use of sounds, signs or written symbols in a human society for communication and self-expression. - human language at all levels is rule- or principle-governed. Linguistics: the scientific study of human natural language Synchronic approach to language: Diachronic approach to language: Linguistic competence: Linguistic performance: What is grammar?: "The sounds and sound patterns, the basic units of meaning, such as words, and the rules to combine them to form new sentences constitute the grammar of a language" Prescriptive grammar vs

Keeled → Inglise keel
106 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun