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"column" - 277 õppematerjali


Sagedustabelite ja maatriksite

Worksheet võiExisting Worksheet-Location (klõpsa töölehel suvalisel tühjal lahtril, mille ümber on vaba ruumi). Seejärel vea parempaani ülaosast Choose fields to add to report loetelust vajalikud väljad parempaani alaosas olevatele väljadele ning vajadusel tee vajalikud valikud. (muuda funktsiooni, filtreeri vmt). Väljade otstarve: Report Filter - filtreerimiseks, Column Labels ja Row Labels - veeru- ja reasiltide kuvamiseks, Values - arvutustulemuste kuvamiseks. NB! Kontrolli alati, et eelnev filtreering järgmise liigendtabeli tegemisel oleks tühistatud. Selleks vali parempaanilt Choose fields to add to report loetelus vastava väljanime järel olevast filtrimärgist valik All. eerimiseks klõpsa risttabeli kohale 1) Grand Total 397

Muu → Andme- ja tekstitöötlus
5 allalaadimist

Sagedustabelid ja maatriksid

paremat hiireklahvi, vali kiirmenüüst Group ja sisesta By lahtrisse vahemik); 5) eri maakondades registreeritud eri tüüpi sõidukite protsentuaalne jaotus maakondade lõikes (osa hiire paremat klahvi, vali kiirmenüüst käsud Field Settings-Show Values As-% of Row). Koosta neljanda risttabeli põhjal diagramm, kus muuda lineaarne skaala logaritmskaalaks (logaritmi käsku PivotChart. Vali diagrammi liigiks Stacked Column. Klõpsa skaalal paremat hiire klahvi ja vali F 1) Risttabeli loomiseks märgista andmetabelis suvaline lahter, klõpsa Insert menüü käskudel PivotTable-PivotTable, vali risttabeli loomise koht (New Worksheet võiExisting Worksheet-Location (klõpsa töölehel suvalisel tühjal 3) lahtril, mille ümber on vaba ruumi). Seejärel vea parempaani ülaosast Choose fields to add

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
16 allalaadimist

Leksikoloogia konspekt (uus)

o glogg, ombudsman, smorgasbord, tungsten. 8. French borrowings  Administration, law, culture, fashion, religion o crown, court, power, authority, parliament, government, peace, battle, arms, siege, enemy, armour, service, saint, miracle, clergy, sacrifice, chase, scent, falcon, quarry, forest, retrieve, colour, image, design, beauty, music, romance, costume, garment, apparel, dress, train, petticoat, arch, tower, vault, column, transept, cloister,  Grades of Hierarchy o baron, count, countess, duke, duchess, page, marquise, prince  Leisure and pastimes o cards, chess, the chase, conversation, dice, dance, leisure, recreation, tournament, sport  Culinary o veal, beef, mutton, venison, brawn, pork, ham, gammon, roast, boil, broil, fry  From modern French: o aperitif/apéritif, apresski/après-ski, avant-garde, bidet, bourgeois(ie), brasserie,

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist


keynumbers, skipping over the blanks: BJMV EHKT NW CGORX AFILQU DPSY. This would be sent in the usual five-letter groups. The first step in solving a columnar transposition like this, but without blanks, is to cut the cryptogram into the approximately equal segments that the cryptanalyst believes represent the columns of the original block. The blanks vastly increase the difficulty of this essential first step because they vary the length of the column segments. The second step is to reconstruct the block by trying one segment next to the other until a codeword-like pattern appears. Here again the blanks, by introducing gaps in unknown places between the letters of the segments, greatly hinder the cryptanalyst. The problems of solving such a system are illustrated by the fact that J18-K8 was not broken until more than a month after its introduction. The cryptanalysts had to make a fresh analysis for each pattern of

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Veebistuudium arendus ASP.NET

Andmebaasipõhiste veebirakenduste arendamine Microsoft Visual Studio ja SQL Server'i baasil ASP.NET Tallinn 2011 ASP.NET ASP.NET on .NET raamistiku moodul, mis võimaldab sul luua veebirakendusi, kasutades sealjuures minimaalselt koodi. ASP.NET ei ole mitte ASP (Active Server Pages) uus versioon, vaid täiesti uus lähenemine veebirakenduste loomisele. Erinevalt ASPist ja ka PHPst, mis on peamiselt skriptimise keeled, on ASP.NET lehtede taga olev kood täielikult objektorienteeritud. Seega tuleks ASP.NETi võrrelda mitte PHP vaid JAVA rakendustega. Kasutaja saab, kuid ei pruugi täpselt mõelda HTMLi eripärade peale. Pigem määrab ta, milliseid komponente ta soovib veebilehel näha ning need näidatakse, arvestades vajadusel kasutaja veebilehitseja eripäradega ­ eriti kehtib see mobiilseadmete kohta. Koodi ASP.NET lehtede tarbeks võib kirjutada ükskõik millises .NET keeles. Lisaks ...

Informaatika → Veebiprogrammeerimine
26 allalaadimist

Biomeetria praktikumid

kuu jooksul 0 ei viimase aasta viimase jooksul aasta jooksul PivotTable Count of Hommik2 % Row Label, sööte? Hommik Values, Count of Hommik2, PivotTable Tools-Options-Show Values As- % of Column Total 4,0% 8,8% 3508772 0,1403508772 RIIK SUGU PIKKUS MASS PEA_P JALANR Eesti M 186 95 59 44 Eesti N 170 85 57 42 Eesti N 169 50 54 38 Eesti M 180 70 56 43 Eesti 179 72 55 40 Eesti N 170 55 55 37

Põllumajandus → Biomeetria
31 allalaadimist


INSERT INTO lemmikloomad (loomanimi, peremehe_id) VALUES ('Pauka', 7); Madis ehk tegelane number kuus sai aga eespool tabelist kustutatud. Kui nüüd püütakse Muri kirja panna Madise koerana, siis annab arvuti vastu veateate. INSERT INTO lemmikloomad (loomanimi, peremehe_id) VALUES ('Muri', 6); Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 1 The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK__lemmikloo__perem__117F9D94". The conflict occurred in database "baas1", table "dbo.lapsed", column 'id'. The statement has been terminated. Öeldakse, et sisestatud võõrvõti ei sobi tabeli lapsed veeru id väärtusega. Ning Muri jääb sisestamata. Selle üle võib veenduda ka lemmikloomade tabelist andmeid küsides: SELECT * FROM lemmikloomad id loomanimi peremehe_id 1 Miisu 5 2 Pauka 7 Ehk siis said kirja Miisu ja Pauka, aga mitte Muri. Sest Muri puhul polnud võimalik üles märkida tabelis kirjas olevat peremeest.

Informaatika → Informaatika
32 allalaadimist

Inglise keel unit 5 answers

AVP ; R glucose as carbon source 2 max [4] 100. (i) type of starch ; concentration of, starch / suspension ; volume of, starch / suspension ; R amount ref to flow rate ; size of beads ; A number / mass / volume, of beads in column R amount temperature ; length / diameter, of column ; yeast concentration ; pH ; AVP ; e.g. age of culture 3 max (ii) add Benedict’s (reagent) and, boil / heat ; A CuSO4 in alkaline solution different, densities / colours (of precipitates) formed ; A turbidities use of a colorimeter in correct context ;

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


functions are needed to approximate a typical signal, whereas for differential equations the cosines express a particular choice ofboundary conditions. The DCT is used in JPEG image compression, MJPEG, MPEG, DV, Daala, and Theora video compression. There, the two-dimensional DCT-II of blocks are computed and the results are quantized and entropy coded. In this case, is typically 8 and the DCT-II formula is applied to each row and column of the block. The result is an 8 × 8 transform coefficient array in which the element (top- left) is the DC (zero-frequency) component and entries with increasing vertical and horizontal index values represent higher vertical and horizontal spatial frequencies. An inter frame is a frame in a video compression stream which is expressed in terms of one or more neighboring frames. The "inter" part of the term refers to the use of Inter frame prediction.

Informaatika → Side
74 allalaadimist

Microsoft access

LISA 1. Näidis andmebaas SUGUPUU.mdb CD'l........................................................1 SISSEJUHATUS............................................................................................................2 1.ANDMEBAASI MÕISTE TUTVUSTUS..................................................................4 2.ANDMEBAASISÜSTEEMI ACCESS KÄIVITAMINE JA ANDMEBAASI LOOMINE..................................................................................................................... 6 3.ANDMEBAASI TABELID........................................................................................8 4.EBASOBIVATE ANDMETE BLOKEERIMINE....................................................13 4.1.Vormingud......................................................................................................... 13 4.2.Sisestuseeskiri.................................................................................................... 14 4...

Informaatika → Andmebaasid
137 allalaadimist


Full name II. PARAGRAPH PLAN ­ GIVING ADVICE · Introduction Paragraph 1 ­ reasons for writing, thanks for the letter/ express understanding of the problem · Main body Paragraph 2-3 ­ suggestion(s) and reason(s) · Conclusion Final Paragraph ­ closing remarks Full name Letters asking for or giving advice can be formal, informal or semi-formal depending on the situation. A letter asking for advice can be sent to a friend, a consultant or an advice column in a magazine. Details of the problem should be mentioned. A letter giving advice should contain suggestions introduced with appropriate language. Useful Language for Letters Asking for Advice Opening Remarks: {Formal) I am writing to ask if you could help me with / I would appreciate it if you could give me some advice about l I am writing to ask for your advice / I would be grateful if you could offer your advice / Could you possibly

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Lühendite seletus

CAB Compressed Application Binary [Microsoft] .CAB Cabinet (file name extension) [Microsoft] CACLS Command-Line Access Control Lists [Microsoft] CAD Computer Aided Design CADD Computer Aided Design and Drafting CADE Client/server Application Development Environment CAE Client Application Enabler + Common Applications Environment + Computer Aided Engineering CAEN Chemically Assembled Electronic Nanocomputer CAEX Computer Aided Exploration CAG Column Address Generator CAI Computer Aided Instruction CAIRN Collaborative Advanced Interagency Research Network CAL Calendar + Client Access License + Computer Aided Learning CALS Computer-Aided Acquisition in Logistic Support CAM Common Access Method + Computer Aided Manufacturing + Contents Addressable Memory CAN Cancel + Controller Area Network CANBUS Conroller Area Network Bus CAP Carrierless Amplitude and Phase-Modulation + Central Arbitration Point +

Informaatika → Informaatika
117 allalaadimist

Arvutite eksam

 Kui te leiate vea siis osutage sellele kommentaariga (“Insert” ->”Comment” või märgi osa sellel parem klõps ning “Comment”).  Küsimuste järel on vastamise koht. Vastamisel lisage kindlasti küsimus ja järjekorra number! TUBLID OLETE! :) Kes ütles? Palume autorit! :-) Kuidas kasutada Google Doc-si, õppevideo: Rene 1-6 1. Käsu täitmine protsessoris (käsuloendur, käsuregister, käsu dekooder, operatsioon automaat ja juhtautomaat). 2. Arvuti mälu hierarhia. 3. Analoog info, ADC, DAC ja helikaart. 4. Pooljuhtmälud. 5. Konveier protsessoris ja mälus. 6. Virtuaal mälu. TAUSTAVÄRVIGA KÜSIMUSED ON VASTAMATA!!! PIIA 7-12 8. Andmevahetus mikroarvutis (erinevad siinid ja nende osa andmevahetuses, AB, DB, CB). 7. Erinevad siinid ja nende osa andmevahetuses (AB, DB,...

Informaatika → Arvutid
45 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

emptied and the first chance I got, I took a step forward. His hand settled firmly at the small of my back and he walked out beside me, steering me. The sensation of his touch on such a vulnerable place rippled through me. We reached the turnstiles and his hand fell away, leaving me feeling oddly bereft. I glanced at him, trying to read him, but although he was looking at me, his face gave nothing away. "Eva!" The sight of Cary lounging casually against a marble column in the lobby shifted everything. He was wearing jeans that showcased his mile-long legs and an oversized sweater in soft green that emphasized his eyes. He easily drew the attention of everyone in the lobby. I slowed as I approached him and the sex god passed us, moving through the revolving door and sliding fluidly into the back of the chauffeured black Bentley SUV I'd seen at the curb the evening before. Cary whistled as the car pulled away. "Well, well

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

Suhted laste ja vanematega

to take early retirement. resign after a corruption scandal. 6 plea ­ Police are appealing for/ 5C Newspapers page 41 2 1 I warned you not to sit near the requesting witnesses to come 1 1 circulation edge. (b) forward. 2 gossip column 2 I insisted that she should tell me 7 clash ­ A heroic policeman has 3 dailies another joke. died in a fight with terrorists. 4 tabloid 3 Now I understand why you 8 sparks ­ A sudden rise in fuel 5 quality newspapers advised me against wearing this prices has caused riots

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
16 allalaadimist

Exami materajal

that consists of AND and OR planes. Additional features such as programmable I/O blocks, storage registers, etc., may be included in these devices. Commercial, military, and space devices use a variety of programmable elements. A complete list is beyond the scope of this tutorial. Some aerospace examples are given below. arhitektuur The architecture consists of an array of logic blocks and routing channels. Two I/O pads fit into the height of one row or the width of one column. All the routing channels have the same width (number of wires). Each circuit must be mapped into the smallest square FPGA that can accommodate it. For example, a circuit containing 14 logic blocks and 10 I/O pads would be mapped into an FPGA consisting of a 4x4 array of logic blocks. The FPGA logic block consists of a 4-input lookup table (LUT), and a flip-flop, as shown at below. There is only one output, which can be either the registered or the unregistered LUT output

Informaatika → Arvutid
220 allalaadimist

Arvutigraafika Adobe Photoshop CS6 baasil

Selekteerimise tööriistad Tööriistaribal olevad selekteerimise tööriistad saab jagada kolme gruppi:  geomeetriline selekteerimine  vabakäe selekteerimine  värvipõhine selekteerimine Geomeetriline selekteerimine Tegemist on kõige lihtsama selekteerimise tööriistadega ja teevad seda nagu nimigi ja ikoon näitavad:  rectangular marquee tool  elliptical marquee tool  single row marquee tool  single column marquee tool Kahe esimese tööriista abil saame teha ristküliku või ovaali kujulise selektsiooni. Lihtsalt kliki ja lohista. Kasutan järgmistes näidetes seda pilti: file4151279501989.jpg Kui soovid uuesti teha, siis lihtsalt teegi uus selektsioon (arvuti peidab eelmise ära). Kui hoida lohistamise ajal all Shift klahvi, siis saad luua vastavalt ruudu või ringi. 97

Informaatika → Arvutigraafika
15 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

92 93 94 Source: Doing Business database. 95 Appendix 4. Ukraine. Chart of withholding tax rates. The following chart present a list of withholding tax rates which may be applicable to certain types of income derived from Ukraine by non-residents of Ukraine. 96 97 Source: KPMG. Your Business in Ukraine 2012 Notes: (1) Figures in the brackets in column "Dividends" indicate the minimum share of a foreign shareholder in a Ukrainian company in order for the reduced WHT rate to apply (provided such shareholder is the beneficial owner of such dividends). (2) Figures indicated in the table above separated by a back-slash (/) suggest that different WHT rates may apply to a particular type of income under the relevant double taxation treaty. 98 Appendix 5. Belarus. Summary of Doing Business indicators

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


value 1 (one) and OFF as representing the value 0 (zero). The "4-Bit Adder" can add two 4-bit binary numbers to give a five digit result. Here are some examples of adding 4-bit binary numbers: 1011 1111 1111 1010 0111 0001 0110 0001 1111 0101 1010 0011 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 10001 10000 11110 01111 10001 00100 The answer has 5 bits because there can be a carry from the left-most column. Each of the four "Adder" circuits in the "4-Bit Adder" handles one of the columns in the sum. You should test the "4-Bit Adder" to see that it gets the right answers for the above sums. The two four-bit numbers that are to be added are put on the eight Inputs at the top of "4-Bit Adder". The sum appears on the outputs at the bottom, with the fifth bit -- the final carry -- appearing on the output on the right

Informaatika → Infotehnoloogia
148 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus 1. kodutöö (diagrammid)

Iceberg OfficeWorks 42" Round Tables Pressboard Data Binder, Crimson, 12" X 8 1/2" Office Star - Mid Back Dual function Ergonomic High Back Chair with 2-Way Adj 2190 T39m GBC DocuBind P100 Manual Binding Machine Executive Impressions 13" Chairman Wall Clock Boston 1730 StandUp Electric Pencil Sharpener Boston 1730 StandUp Electric Pencil Sharpener Avery 497 Master Giant Foot® Doorstop, Safety Yellow Wilson Jones® Four-Pocket Poly Binders Bevis Round Conference Table Top & Single Column Base StarTAC 3000 Canon BP1200DH 12-Digit Bubble Jet Printing Calculator HP Office Paper (20Lb. and 87 Bright) EcoTones® Memo Sheets Xerox 1984 Epson C62 Color Inkjet Printer Xerox 215 Holmes Replacement Filter for HEPA Air Cleaner, Large Room DAX Contemporary Wood Frame with Silver Metal Mat, Desktop, 11 x 14 Size Satellite Sectional Post Binders Global Adaptabilities™ Conference Tables Tyvek® Side-Opening Peel & Seel® Expanding Envelopes Novimex Turbo Task Chair

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
0 allalaadimist


Estonian music was influenced by new trends from the West like Impressionism and new systems of tonality like atonality. Scores became more refined, displaying effects and contrasts in colour, the leading melody line was split into motifs, it even disappeared. Such features can be found in the works of Heino Eller (1887-1970), in the Twenties he was considered a Modernist. Alongside the music of Kapp, the symphonism of Eller, his creative creed constitutes the second basic column of Estonian national symphonic music. In the Twenties and for the first half of the Thirties he was quite productive. Being a graduate from the St. Petersburg Conservatoire (1920) he was especially impressed by the music of Alexander Scriabin: later when visiting Paris, he took a serious interest in the modern currents of European music. The tone poem Viirastused (Ghosts) was an artistic reflection of his visit to the famous Paris underground cemetery. His period of renewal

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

CPM1A Programmable Controllers Operation Manual 1784470

to an OMRON product, regardless of whether or not it appears in the proper name of the product. The abbreviation “Ch,” which appears in some displays and on some OMRON products, often means “word” and is abbreviated “Wd” in documentation in this sense. The abbreviation “PC” means Programmable Controller and is not used as an abbreviation for any- thing else. Visual Aids The following headings appear in the left column of the manual to help you locate different types of information. Note Indicates information of particular interest for efficient and convenient operation of the product. 1, 2, 3... 1. Indicates lists of one sort or another, such as procedures, checklists, etc.  OMRON, 1997 All rights reserved

Tehnika → Automatiseerimistehnika
9 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

And in the larger sense, in the big picture of my life, over a period of years, I had also lost sight of the true way. "Trust the path," said the voice again, patient and true. In that voice was a certainty that there must be a path, and that it could be relied upon to do its job. I looked down and saw a little groove in the weeds — an ant trail. There, ob­ livious to my panic, ants were going about their tiny business in an endless column. W i t h my eyes I followed the ant trail, the only path I could see. It led me to a slighdy deeper groove in the underbrush, a little trail used by field mice and other small creatures, almost a tunnel through the brambles. And soon that guided me to a broader path, a zigzagging deer trail that climbed the mountain­ side in easy stages. I started putting one foot in front of the other, following that trail

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

and Steiner decided to take the then-18-year-old David to Saint-Tropez to impress house guests. In short order, David was performing for Jack Nicholson, and the streets of Brooklyn had been replaced by playgrounds for the rich and famous. It was just the beginning. By 2002 he was on top of the world. Literally. Looking for challenges beyond illusion, David stood unharnessed at the top of an 83-foot-tall, 22-inch-wide column in New York's Bryant Park until he hallucinated. It took 35 hours for the buildings behind him to become animal heads. He then jumped off into nothing but cardboard boxes. David's new label: endurance artist. He had been buried alive in April 1999, spending a week underground in a plastic co n. He ate and drank nothing but a few tablespoons of water each day. He had been frozen alive in November 2000, encasing himself in a block of ice for nearly 64 hours

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

the most debate in journalistic, political, and scientific circles began as an ordinary homicide case in New York City's borough of Queens. A woman in her late twen- ties, Catherine Genovese, was killed in a late-night attack on her street as she re- turned from work. Murder is never an act to be passed off lightly, but in a city the size and tenor of New York, the Genovese incident warranted no more space than a fraction of a column in the New York Times. Catherine Genovese's story would have died with her on that day in March 1964 if it hadn't been for a mistake. The metropolitan editor of the Times, A. M. Rosenthal, happened to be having lunch with the city police commissioner a week later. Rosenthal asked the commis- sioner about a different Queens-based homicide, and the commissioner, thinking he was being questioned about the Genovese case, revealed something staggering

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

Handbook of Meat Processing Handbook of Meat Processing Fidel Toldrá EDITOR A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication Edition first published 2010 © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Blackwell Publishing was acquired by John Wiley & Sons in February 2007. Blackwell’s publishing program has been merged with Wiley’s global Scientific, Technical, and Medical business to form Wiley-Blackwell. Editorial Office 2121 State Avenue, Ames, Iowa 50014-8300, USA For details of our global editorial offices, for customer services, and for information about how to apply for permission to reuse the copyright material in this book, please see our website at wiley-blackwell. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by Blackwell Publishing, provided that the base fee is paid directly to the Copyright Clearance Cent...

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Informaatika 1

TABELID - TEIE LEMMIKMUUSIKA MP3 FAILID Tabeli esimene veerg sisaldab teie lemmiklaule, teine veerg nende pikkusi se 147) ja kolmas veerg laulu "bitrate". Bitrate tähendab helilindistuse ühe sekun Windows 7 masinates vaadata kui valite laulule vajutades paremaga "propertie seda kvaliteetsemana laul reeglina kõlab. Tabeli neljas veerg on laulu andmemaht, mis saadakse pikkuse ja bitrate korr korrektselt kilo/megabaitides, peate korrutise jagama 8-ga. Bitrate on bittides, Tabeli viiendasse veergu sisestage valem, mis paneb ühe, kui vastava laulu madalam bitrate (tavaliselt on 320 kõige kõrgem bitrate, seega märgivad ühed Tabeli alla tehke kokkuvõttev rida, kuhu liitke kokku: teise veeru pikkused; nelj "ühed" - mis seega näitab kõige kõrgema kvaliteediga laulude arvu. Esimese j Kujundage tabel endale meeldivaid värve kasutades (äärejooned, taustavä Tehke tabeli põhjal tulpdiagramm (column chart), mis näitab laulude pikkusi EXTRA: Kasutage l...

Informaatika → Informaatika
23 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun