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"class" - 870 õppematerjali

class - Aadressiklass, näiteks IP-aadressil IN või Hesiodi objektidel HS. TCP/IP-võrgu jaoks peab olema IN. Kui jätta väli class tühjaks, siis kasutatakse eelmise ressursikirje vastavat väärtust.

Säästva arengu printsiipide kajastumine arengukavas

Kristiina Vahi 105493HAJB Säästva arengu printsiipide kajastumine Eesti arengutöö ja humanitaarabi arengukavas Arengukoostöö kui välispoliitika ühe valdkonnaga on Eesti tegelenud alates 1998. aastast. Eesti on kujunenud doonorriigiks, kes teiste demokraatlike riikide kõrval aitab rahvusvahelisel tasandil kaasa maailma üldise stabiilsuse ning heaolu kasvule. Eesti arengukoostöö ja humanitaarabi arengukava 2006-2010 on valdkondlik strateegia. Arengukava elluviimise tulemusena peaks Eestist saama üldtunnustatud arengutöö põhimõtteid järgiv riik, kelle abi on partnerriikides oodatud ja nende arengule kasulik. Arengukava määrab kindlaks 2010. aastani Eesti arengukoostöö peamised tegevusvaldkonnad. Arengukavas kindlaks määratud tegevuse kaudu soovib Eesti anda oma panuse ...

Loodus → Keskkonnapoliitika
60 allalaadimist

School Bullying worksheet

18. Smith and Sharp propose 6 measures to control bullying: develop school- bullying policies, implement curricular measures, improve the school ground environment, empower students through conflict resolution, peer counselling, assertiveness training. 19. The Olweus approach comprises 4 components: initial questionnaire to students and adults, a parental awareness campaign, teachers working with students at the class level to develop class rules against bullying, other components of anti-bullying programs.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Movie review

Bad Teacher Elizabeth Halsey (Cameron Diaz) is a Chicago middle school teacher at the fictional John Adams Middle School who curses at her students, consumes lots of alcohol, smokes marijuana, and only shows movies while she sleeps through class. She plans to quit teaching and marry her wealthy fiancé, but when he dumps her, she must resume her job as a teacher. She tries to win over substitute teacher Scott Delacorte (Justin Timberlake), who is also wealthy. Amy Squirrel (Lucy Punch), a dedicated teacher and colleague of Elizabeth, also pursues Scott while the school's gym teacher, Russell Gettis (Jason Segel), makes advances on Elizabeth which she rejects.[3]

Keeled → Inglise keel
41 allalaadimist


MEXICO NAME/CLASS INTRODUCTION ● South America ● Official name - United Mexican States ● Federal state ● 11th most populous country ● Most populous Spanish-speaking country ● Capital - Mexico City ● President - Enrique Peña Nieto LOCATION ● Neighbours - USA, Guatemala, Belize ● Pacific ocean, Caribbean sea, Gulf of Mexico ● 6th largest country in the Americas A video LANGUAGE ● Spanish ● 3rd of all Spanish speakers ● 5.4% still speaks an indigenous language (Mayan, Nahuatl etc) ● Arabic is the most commonly spoken foreign language PHOTOS THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
1 allalaadimist


rich became richer poor people became poorer working class began to fight for rights towns began to grow families were separated work was hard working hours-> 12 hours in 19th century many new newspapers started to appear. magazines books house of commons-> rich bankers and rich people

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


3 Teine arv: 5 Arvude 3 ja 5 korrutis on 15 Ülesandeid * Küsi kahe inimese nimed ning teata, et täna on nad pinginaabrid * Küsi ristkülikukujulise toa seinte pikkused ning arvuta põranda pindala * Leia 30% hinnasoodustusega hinna põhjal alghind Valikud Ehk võimalus otsustamiseks, kui on vaja, et programm käituks kord üht-, kord teistmoodi. Allpoololev näide koos väljundiga võiks näidata, kuidas tingimuslause abil tehtud valik toimib. using System; public class Valik1{ public static void Main(string[] arg){ Console.WriteLine("Palun nimi:"); string eesnimi=Console.ReadLine(); if(eesnimi=="Mari"){ Console.WriteLine("Tule homme minu juurde!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Mind pole homme kodus."); } } } Väljund: D:kodu606opikc#>Valik1 Palun nimi: Juku Mind pole homme kodus. Nagu näha - Jukut külla ei kutsutud

Informaatika → Informaatika
32 allalaadimist

Inglismaa ajalugu 16-20. sajand

Queen Anne 1702-1714 , when she died , the Hannovelians took over George I from Gremany- unpopular because people didnt know or trust him Geroge II stayed in England and participated in everyday lide George III was born in England. The american colonies were lost 1789 The French Revolution. The end of monarchy in France. In endland they were very cautious and no reforms followed. New middle class appeared with banks and merchants 1775 James Watt reinvented the steam engine The 19th Century Most important american colonies were lost in war of independence In the beginning of the century at war with France By the end of the century Britain controlled the biggest empire in the world The british culture and way of life and language came to predominate in Ireland

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
2 allalaadimist

Anglo-Norman period

Trilingual culture · For roughly 300 years after the conquest, three languages were used in Britain. · Anglo-Norman (Norman French) · The Norman nobility · The language of the state, the court and law · Middle English · 90% of the population · Latin · The language of the Church · Trilingual culture: folklore in Anglo-Saxon, romances in French, religious writings in Latin. Language and social class · French-speaking Normans · The lords and the barons · English-speaking Saxons · The peasants · Cow, pig, sheep ­ the living animals · Anglo-Saxon origin · Beef, pork, mutton ­ the animal you eat · French origin · Implication: only the Normans ate meat Feudalism · William's power consolidated by a combination of feudal practices from the continent and old Saxon customs

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
6 allalaadimist

IP law homework 1

nobody can ever utilize it. A trademark's fundamental object is to connect an expression or administration with a specific source. The principle issue is the probability of disarray. Keeping that in mind, trademarks must be connected independently for any of 42 classes -- so an allow for "Brand X" melodic instruments would not keep another person from enrolling "Brand X" pharmaceuticals. Michael Buffer initially trademarked his "How about we Get Ready to Rumble" under a class that applies to declaring sports and stimulation occasions. He has since spread out to get trademarks for different things, as videogames and dress. At the point when "How about we Get Ready to Rumble" has been utilized without permit, Buffer's lawyers have contended that their utilization made a wrong impression that he was related with the clients. In their claim against Oliver North, they asserted North's utilization of a chronicle of his declaration unjustifiably

Õigus → Intellektuaalse omandi...
2 allalaadimist

Maastiku meetrikud (ettekanne)

Maastiku meetrikud Patch richness e. eraldiste mitmekesisus PR iseloomustab maastikku Oleneb mõõtkavast Suure praktilise väärtusega Näitab erinevate maakattetüüpide arvu Mida rohkem erinevaid maakattetüüpe, seda mitmekesisem maastik Piirangud On tundlik maakatteklassifikatsioonisüsteemi suhtes Annab infot maakattetüüpide arvukuse kohta Ei ütle kui suurt maa-ala maakattetüüp hõlmab Class Area Proportion (CAP) Väljendab maakattetüüpide osakaalu Harvaesinevate maakattetüüpide avastamine Väljendatakse suhtarvu või protsendina Kasulik loodusvarade majandamisel, maakasutuse muutmisel, maastiku planeerimisel jne. Piirangud Ei näita, kuidas maakattetüübid jagunevad Jääb selgusetuks, milline on maakattetüüpide liigendatus ja kuju Usaldusväärsus sõltub sellest, kui täpselt maakattekaart koostatud on

Põllumajandus → Ruumianalüüs
5 allalaadimist

Inglise keele C1 tase essee - holiday time

Holiday time My holiday began from a class trip to Tartu. There we visited the Estonian National Defence College. Afterwards, I took a bus ride to Tallinn, where I spent the rest of my holiday. Due to my brother moving house, I had to help him out with that. The majority of the work involved stacking firewood from one shed to another, whilst sorting it out to dried and raw. During free time, we went shopping into different shopping centres. I left Tallinn on Saturday, so I would have a day to prepare for school.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Word processing versus handwriring hinne 5

To be honest, I hate writing; essays, and assignments, even long e-mails sometimes bother me. When I sit down with my laptop to write an essay I look at the word processing screen and all I see is how much I haven't written and how much I have left to write. The task in front of me becomes more daunting and frustrating. I feel like when I write on the computer my words are chosen to simply fill a page. Handwriting provides an escape from the looming word counts and page numbers. We discussed in class how writing by hand forces you to think out your sentences and chose your words more carefully. I agree that while typing we simply type whatever comes to mind and completely. This creates less don't think through our ideas effective points and poorer results. A main problem I notice when I write essays on my laptop, is all of the distractions that come along with using the computer. I have music and internet at my fingertips and this can dramatically change the quality of writing

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Article THE, Active Passive TENSES

develop the film by noon developed by noon. 1.All-loendamatute nimisõnadega. Somebody has drunk all the coffee. He spends all his free time in the library. 2.All kasutatkase ka tähenduse ,ainult see,mitte midagi muud' .All i know,is that he's not coming. All we need is some paper and scissors. 3.Loendavate nimisõnadega ainsuses kasutatakse every,mitmuses all. Every person has the right to freedom. All people have the right to freedom. Every student in our class studies hard. All the students in our class study hard. 4.Eestikeelset sõna ,kõik'(tähenduses ,igaüks' või ,iga asi') tuleb tõlkida kasutades everyone,everything või all+loendatav nimisõna mitmuses. Kõik olid kohal. Everyone was present. All the students were present. Kõik oli määrdunud. Everything was dirty. All the things were dirty.

Keeled → Inglise keel
62 allalaadimist


· Succinct and flexible syntax that minimizes syntactic noise and serves as a foundation for domain-specific languages · Dynamic reflection and alteration of objects to facilitate metaprogramming · Lexical closures, iterators and generators, with a unique block syntax · Literal notation for arrays, hashes, regular expressions and symbols · Embedding code in strings (interpolation) · Default arguments · Four levels of variable scope (global, class, instance, and local) denoted by sigils or the lack thereof · Garbage collection · First-class continuations · Strict boolean coercion rules (everything is true except false and nil) · Exception handling · Operator overloading · Built-in support for rational numbers, complex numbers and arbitrary-precision arithmetic · Custom dispatch behavior (through method_missing and const_missing) · Native threads and cooperative fibers

Informaatika → Informaatika
7 allalaadimist

Arhusi konventsioon

Aastal 1998 loodi Taani väikelinnas Århusis rahvusvaheline kokkulepe ÜRO Euroopa Majanduskomisjoni liikmesriikide vahel - Århusi konventsioon, selle eesmärk on kaitsta kodanike õigust elada keskkonnas, mis vastab tervise ja heaolu nõuetele. Konventsioon sätestab kolm põhiõigust, mida sellega ühinenud riik peab tagama: keskkonnainfo kättesaadavus, üldsuse osalemine keskkonnaasjade otsustamises ning juurdepääs õigusemõistmisele. [1] ,,Konventsiooni põhinõue on, et riigid rakendaksid meetmeid, mis tagavad võimude tegevuse avalikustamise ja aruandekohustuse. Århusi konventsiooniga algatati uus etapp keskkonnapoliitika ja -õiguse arengus, mis ei piirdu üksnes keskkonnakaitse eesmärkidega, vaid aitab kaasa avatud ühiskonna põhimõtete elluviimisele." [1] 1.ÅRHUSI KONVENTSIOONI KOLME SAMBA SÜSTEEM Konventsiooni eesmärkide saavutamiseks on sätestatud kolm menetluslikku põhiõigust- Konventsiooni kolm s...

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
36 allalaadimist

To Be Human Is To Discuss

To Be Human Is To Discuss Why My Speech Is So Short Most of the students complain about their timetable. Usually they are just fine, but the grass is always greener somewhere else, am I right? But for me and my class, it's a different story. The grass really is greener anywhere else, actually. Why do we go to school? Do we actually want to learn? I think not. Maybe on some level, until fourth grade or something like that, but most of us are in high school to get good grades, so that parents don't kick us out and still give us food and shelter. How to motivate ourselves to come here every single morning and really study, not just sit with your phone out

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

„The Chocolate War“

Obie work after school is grocery stock clerk. Archie makes assignments that other students have to complete. These assignments vary, depending on the person, and intend to inflict as much psychological injury as possible. Jerry's friend known as The Goober gets an assignment from The Vigils. He sneaks into one of the classrooms at night and unscrews desks, chairs and hinges, leaving the screws in by just a thread. The next day when students come to class, everything collapses and falls apart. The Vigils is the secret organization at Trinity high school. Everybody actually knows about it, but they pretend not to. Obie is secretary of The Vigils. Obie is perhaps the only one who understands that Archie is horribly cruel. Jerry protests against The vigils and refuses to sell the chocolates. Carter - President of The Vigils. Archie is attempting to think of the next ten kids he wants to use for assignments. he chooses Jerry

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Ruutvõrrand keeles C#

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace Ruutv6rrand { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { int a, b, c, D; double X1, X2; Console.WriteLine("Palun sisesta a vrtus:"); a = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); if (a == 0) Console.Beep(); Console.WriteLine("Antud tehe ei ole ruutvrrand, kuna a vrdub nulliga."); if (a != 0) Console.WriteLine("Palun sisesta b vrtus:"); b = Convert

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
43 allalaadimist

Mercedese, saabi, subaru hindade võrdlus

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Saab 9-3 (YS3D) Subaru FORESTER (SF) (W203) Iluvõre 45.50 (garantii 6 Kapott 326.02 (garantii 6 Kapott 181.34 (garantii 6 kuud) kuud) kuud) Tagastange 200.17 (garantii Esituli 86.46 (garantii 6 Iluvõre 121.48 (garantii 6 6 kuud) kuud) kuud) Esistange 82.27 (garantii 6 Tagatuli universaalne 3.04 Esitiib 120.26 (garantii 6 kuud) (garantii 6 kuud) kuud) Kapott 151.13 (garantii 6 Suunatuled külgmised 7.49 Esistange 236.99 (garantii 6 kuud) (garantii 6 kuud) kuud) Stange tala 51.84 (garantii 6 Suunatuli eesmine 27.01 Numbrialus 2.10 (garantii 6 kuud) (garantii 6 kuud) kuud) Esitiib 47.70 (garantii 6 Stop-tuli Esipaneel 46.78 (garant...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
10 allalaadimist

Places to visit in Estonia

Places to visit in Estonia Sten Maileht Otepää Adventure Park · Established in 2005 · 8 tracks 58 obstacles · Night adventure head torches Tallinn's Medieval Old Town · 1997 Unesco · Authentic hanseatic architecture · Town Hall Square · Outdoor cafes Piusa sand caves · 1922-1970 Cause of manual mining of class-sand · 1999 3000 · 1922-1970 under protection · potential falls Kaali field of meteorite craters · In Saaremaa · 7500-7600 years ago atomic bomm · Big crater diameter of 110 m and depth of 22 m and 8 smaller craters · World's giant craters Kaali crater is on 8th place Lahemaa National Park · oldest and largest national park · established in 1971 · covers 72,500 ha Thank you for listening !

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Sissejuhatus infosüsteemidesse IDU3530 © Karin Rava 1. Erialagrupid infojuht (Chief Information Officer) infotehnoloogia juht (Chief Technology Officer) infosüsteemi projektijuht infosüsteemi rühmajuht süsteemianalüütik süsteemiarhitekt ja -disainer süsteemi administraator andmebaaside spetsialist / administraator programmeerija 2. Süsteem on omavahel seotud osade (komponentide) organiseeritud kogum mis töötab ühise eesmärgi nimel teisendades süsteemi sisendeid väljunditeks millega toimub süsteemi soovitud eesmärgi saavutamine tervik, mis on midagi enamat kui selle elemendid eraldi võetuna Ntx: bioloogilised süsteemid: taim, loom, inimene, vereringe mehhaanilised süsteemid: auto, mootor ökoloogilised süsteemid: loodus sotsiaalsed süsteemid: organisatsioon, grupp, sõprus, pakkumine-nõudlus 3. Süsteemi üldine mudel organiseeritud ja koordineeritud inimeste grupp koos vastavate tööviiside, rutiinide j...

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
184 allalaadimist

The Middle Ages

The poorer skilled workers tried to join together, these were the first efforts to form a trade union. ,,Factories" in different places in Europe. Wages rose faster than the prices, but signs of future social & econimic crisis (more sheep, less foof crops, fences). In the 15th cent. A new middle class in towns was developing. Most merchants were well educated, considered themselves equals of the esquires & gentlemen of the countryside. The lawyers were another class of city people. In London they were considered equal in importance to the big merchants & clots manufacturers. By the end of the Middle Ages the more successful of these lawyers, merchants, clots manufacturers, exporters, esquires, gentlemen and yeomen farmers were forming a class of people with interests in both ton & country. This was also true in Wales & Scotland. This class was literate. Created a new atmosphere. Questioned the way in which the

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
20 allalaadimist

Youtube esitlus

Youtube Iti-Kärt Nursi 6.class Väätsa Basic School Who invented Youtube? YouTube was founded by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim. They all worked for PayPal. YouTube's initial headquarters was situated in San Mateo, California. When was the first video in Youtube? The name "" was activated on February 14, 2005. Video upload options were integrated on April 23, 2005. The first YouTube video, titled "Me at the Zoo" was uploaded on April 23, 2005, and shows founder Jawed Karim at the San Diego Zoo. Where use Youtube now? When you want to listen to the music you can go and listen it. Youtube logo Steve Chen Chad Hurley Jawed Karim Sources 1) Thanks for listening! :)

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Eda-Ines Etti

Eda-Ines Etti Ksenia Heinsoo 12. klass Eda-Ines Etti on Eesti laulja ja näitleja. Elulugu  Sündinud  1981. aastal Haapsalus.  Paar aastat hiljem kolis pere elama Väike-Maarjasse.  Eda-Ines on lõpetanud Väike-Maarja gümnaasiumi ja lisaks Rakvere muusikakooli klaveri erialal. Aastal 2000 esindas ta Eestit Eurovisiooni lauluvõistlusel, saavutades neljanda koha. Muusikaline karjäär  "Kaks takti ette"  Soolokarjäär  Märkimisväärne edu  Ines sai esineda mitmel pool Euroopas  "Kolme lillekese juubel" Televisioon ja raadio  "Eurolaul", "Laulud tähtedega", "Usu või ära usu!" ja "Eesti talent".  Ta on osalenud teleseriaalis "Õpetajate tuba" ja olnud Raadio 2 hommikusaate juht. Kasutatud allikad   i/   E  https://www.youtu...

Muusika → Muusikaõpetus
3 allalaadimist

Inglise keele ajalugu, essee "My languages"

) Chronologically the second language I started to learn was French. That was because of the Descartes Lyceum. Don't remember much of that, except for half a dozen badly spelt childrens' songs. Alouette is a really cruel song about tearing different body parts off a lark just to teach kids the names of those parts (and they are not even lark but human parts). I remember one of our young teachers used to play guitar in class and sing for us. That was really cool. Unfortunately we moved and my French studies took a long break, until my one but final school, but there I met a teacher who was anything but good at French, and not only because she was actually a German philologist. She was just plain stupid and envious of my pronounciation. She said so herself. So how much do I know French? Just enough to sing a few songs, understand some simple written text and say a few sentences

Filoloogia → Inglise keele ajalugu
4 allalaadimist

Marko Pomerants

Marko Pomerants Marko Pomerants was born in 24.09.1964,in Tamsalu,in West-Virumaa. Personal status: Married,two sons Estonian Military monumental- medal "10 years of recovered military " 2001 Border Guard badge "Sword and Lynx" 2002 Lifesaving service goldencros s 2002 Border Guard favourcros s II class 2000 Tamsalu Secondary School 1982 Tartu University, Geology 1989; open management degree 2002 Party:Isamaa and Res Publica Union 2002­ Room L 149 Jobs: Parliament 2007­ Parliament 2005­2007; Minister of Social Affairs of Estonia 2003-2005 West-Viru county governor 1995­2003 West-Viru county goverment elementchapter's leader Funniest speaking. Estonian Parliament's member Marko Pomerants (IRl) performs preposal that in case of republic's jubileeyear should

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
5 allalaadimist


Meriroosid Teele Buschman, Annette Kirotar GAG 2009/2010 Sisukord Üldiseloomustus Elupaik Toitumine Suurus Ehitus Üldiseloomustus Hõimkond: ainuõõssed Klass: õisloomad Selts: meriroosilised Üle 1000 liigi Elupaigad Troopilised mered Sümbioosis erakvähkide või kaladega Merepõhjas üksikult kivide ja kaljude külge kinnitunult Piisavalt soolane vesi Toitumine Kombitsatega Seedimine kehaõõnes Jäänused suuava kaudu välja Kiskjad Kalad ja väikesed selgrootud Suurus Läbimõõt erinev Väiksemad 46 mm Suuremad kuni 1,5m Kehaõõnde vett tõmmates ja väljasurudes mõõtmed muutuvad märkimisväärselt. Ehitus Silindriline Kinnitustald Tugielundiks lubiskelett Kombitsad kõrverakud Suust, pooridest mürgised niidid 2 rakukihti Kasutatud materjal Pildid: http://www.wallaw...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
11 allalaadimist

"Creative Writing Summer Workshop" Inglise keelne kiri

Dear Sir or Madam, I am interested about your Creative Writing Summer Workshop and I am writing to you in order to ask some additional information about advertisement which I found on the Internet. I am going to spend a mont in Englad and would like to take part in summer course there. I would like to know which days of July your workshop takes and how many hours in one day? If I am beginner is it for me? What is the class size? Do you have some cafe there for lunch break? What that price contains? Do I have to do some homework? I can be contacted by telephone on +3725694265 or by email at [email protected]. I am looking forward to you answer. Yours Faithfully, Mari Mets

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Looking for Alaska

Looking for Alaska Book presentation Maarja Pehk Tartu Kesklinna School 8.A class 2016 Main information:  John Green  2005 by Dutton Books  272  Novel About the author  John Green  August 24, 1977  American  “The Fault in Our Stars”, “Paper Towns” Main characters :  Miles – friendly, nice, regardful  Alaska – communicative, complicated, introvert, spirited, observant  Chip aka Colonel – courageos, unconcerned (sometimes) What did I think about the book  It was hard to read

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

"The case for socialism"

The distribution of property is even more uniequal. 1 per cent of the population own 60 per cent of the saleable assets of the nations. Individual incomes range from £1 000 000 a year to £50 per year. This extreme degree of inequality is due to the right of inheritance at present vested in the legal institution of property. Large individual fortunes are, for the most part, made up of inherited property. The rich, as a class, are born with silver spoon in their mouths and the economic privileges that they enjoy were not acquired by the possession or exercise of great talents, but by the accident of birth. Social inequality. The apparatus of social hierarchy is amazingly complete. It is manifest in the Court with its great expense and elaborate display; the country house with its ancient associations and dependent village; the segregation of a group of schools (ironically called

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Kokkuvõte Inglismaa ajaloost

Three facts about the history of parliament It was in the medieval period that Parliament began its gradual evolution into the democratic body which it is today. The word 'parliament', which comes from the French word parler (to speak), was first used in England in the thirteenth century to describe an assembly of nobles called together by the king. It was divided into two houses during the reign of Henry VII: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The class system o After the norman invasion, a strict feudal system was imposed: norman soliders who had inavaded were given the ownership of land and of the people living on it o Nobles, or barons, were responsible directly to the king, lesser lords, were directly responsible to a abaron. Under them were the peasants who had strict duties and obligations and were forbidden to travel without permission.(anglo-saxons)

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
12 allalaadimist

People and Behaviour

People and Behaviour 1. Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) Please don't push. It's very bad-tempered/rude/unsympathetic. b) Jack hates spending money. He's rather frank/greedy/mean. c) Our teacher is very proud/strict/tolerant and won't let us talk in class. d) Helen never does her homework. She is rather gentle/lazy'/reliable. e) I didn't talk to anyone at the party because I felt ambitious/lonely/shy. f) When Harry saw his girlfriend dancing with Paul he felt jealous/selfish/sentimental. g) I don't like people who are noisy and aggressive/courageous/sociable. h) Thanks for bringing us a present. It was very adorable/grateful/thoughtful of you. i) Teresa never gets angry with the children. She is very brave/patient/pleasant.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

HELCOM-i Läänemere tegevuskava– bioloogiline mitmekesisus

HELCOM-i Läänemere tegevuskava­ bioloogiline mitmekesisus Probleemi lühiülevaade Läänemerd peetakse üheks kõige reostatumaks ja ökoloogiliselt ohustatumaks mereks maailmas ­ ulatuslikud toitainete ja mürgiste kemikaalide heitmed, intensiivne merekasutus, nagu laevaliiklus ja naftaveod ning nendega kaasnevad reostusohud, võõrliikide arvu kasv, suuremahuline töönduslik kalapüük jms on avaldanud Läänemere õrnale ökosüsteemile väga ebasoodsat mõju. Läänemere ainulaadsed tingimused piiravad mereelustiku mitmekesisust ja teevad ökosüsteemid eriti tundlikuks. Muude veeökosüsteemidega võrreldes elab Läänemere riimvee ökosüsteemides suhteliselt vähe looma- ja taimeliike. Selline piiratud bioloogiline mitmekesisus koosneb riimvee tingimustega kohanenud mere- ja mageveeliikide ainulaadsest segust ning vähestest tõelistest riimveeliikidest. Läänemere põhja- ja idaosas, kus soolsus on madal, saab vähem mereliike vohada ning mereelupaikades, erit...

Loodus → Keskkonnapoliitika
34 allalaadimist

Girl, 15 Charming but Insane review

beautiful boy of the school named Ben Jones. She was also dissatsisfied with her appearance. She had a best friend named Flora, who unfortunately had all of that. She was one of the most beautiful girls in the school, she got every boy she wanted and she had a real home-loving family. Flora was also very popular caused by her richness and beautiful home. One weekend there was a party at her classmate's place. The whole class came together and there were also lots og boys so Jess wanted to look amazing. Jess thougth she had a too flat chest so she decided to fill her bras with bags of minestrone soup. But then one accident happened. Suddenly one boy, that she even didn't like, came to her and hugged her and and the soup quickly exploded into his face. Jess thought that she was going to die but everyone only thought that she was sick and she had thrown up on the boy. Then some days later the really bad news came out

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Past Tenses

PAST TENSES Ats A.Tamm Tsirguliina Secondary School 10.Class Past Simple - Lihtminevik Did + II pv ­ed We liked went to shop I didn't like to go shop Did we like to go shop? Kasutamine: yesterday, then, when, in 1999 etc, last night, last week, last year Past Continuous ­ Kestev minevik Was/were (=olema minevikus + põhitegusõna + ing I was reading a book I wasn't reading a book Was I reading a book? Kasutamine: While, when, as, all morning, all day, all week Past Perfect - Enneminevik Had+ tegusõna III põhivorm (lõpuga ­ed või ebareeglipäraste sõnade puhul muu) I had asked I had not asked Had I asked? Kasutamine: before, after, already, just, for, since, when Past Perfect Continuous ­ Kestev e...

Keeled → Inglise keel
40 allalaadimist

How To Get Better Grades

HOW TO GET BETTER GRADES To get better grades you have to learn everything and to be careful not to miss anything. In school you have to listen to everything your teacher says and you have to do your homework. Homework has to be done everyday and it has to be checked, because in your home your parents can check your homework for mistakes. When you are at school you have to be prepared and be ready to answer any questions that teachers could ask you. If you have something not done or forgot to do something, then you have to apologise to the teacher and it has to be done for the next day. The main key to success is paying attention in class, listening to every word your teacher says and to do your homework very good.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Love and Marriage

LOVE AND MARRIAGE According to the Bible, you have to love your mate. Why there are so many couples, who have married without love? In history there are a few exaples about marriages which based on the wealth and a glory For example Mary, the Queen of Scots married without love with Lord Darnley. Centuries later Charles, Prince of Wales married with Diana, barely knowing her. In this time, the upper class had to marry with their kind of people. In India, women have to marry with the men, who their parents have chosen for them. In my opinion people shouldn't marry, when they don't have feelings for each other or when they barely know each other.The religion shouldn't be also a reason for marriage. There's no point of it, when after the month or two they will divorce.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Eddie Murphy

Eddie Murphy Rapla RVG 10.Class Simo Lillestik Life Birth name:Edward Regan Murphy Born: April 3, 1961 (age 52)Brooklyn, lives: New York City, U.S. • He has received Golden Globe Award  nominations for his performances in 48 Hrs. , Beverly Hills Cop series , Trading Places , and The Nutty Professor . In 2007, he won the Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor and received a nomination for the Academy Philanthropy • Murphy has donated money to the AIDS Foundation, and cancer, education, creative arts, family/parent support, health and homeless charities. He has donated to the Martin Luther King Jr. Center, various cancer charities and $100,000 to the Screen Actors' Guild's strike relief fund. Used sites • rphy • q=eddie+murphy&source=lnms&tbm =isch&sa=X&ei=xSVSUvfALc67hAfk 0oDADg&sqi=2&v...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Jüri Arrak

 Metal design artist  Makes films Facts about his life   Half-brother Henno Arrak (graphic designer)  Had been married with Urve Arrak  Sons- Arno Arrak and Jaan Arrak  The Estonian Academy of Arts (1966 Metal design)  Member of Estonian Artists’ Union, 1969  Taxi driver in Leningrad, 1960 Acknowledgements   Kristjan Raud’s art prize, 1990  Konrad Mäe’s medal, 1997  Second Class Order of the White Star, 2000 Work   Doorknob  Jewelry  Metal graphics  Films  Paintings  Rugs Paintings   Theme- The Bible’s plots, religion  “Last dinner“ („Viimane õhtusöök“) Paintings   Recurring character- maskcharacter  1.“Sculpture with sculpture“ („Kuju kujuga“)  2

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Home Assignments

Families put high expectations on academic achievements and they always compare their kids with other's kids. A minority in each community will be really dedicated to help their kids explore their horizons. It is true that we should re-think the fundamental principles in which we educate our children. Our task is to educate the children so that they can face this future. II 10 effective classroom management techniques. 1. Set and agree the house rules and class regulations with the class. 2. Choose class activities that encourage any good relationships. 3. Be dedicated and care for your students. 4. Accept and even celebrate individual differences. 5. Realise that people learn in different ways 6. Create more student-centred activities. 7. Provide a diverse lesson with a variety of activities 8. Be always prepared for the lesson. 9. Let learners know about your teaching style, the course content and your

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

English speaking countries

English speaking countries Ingrid Kaups X class Ireland The "Titanic'' made in Belfast Ireland Flag Orange- Irish Protestants Green- Irish Catholics White- peace Ireland No snakes in Ireland Wales Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

Marika Almar LochNess

Loch Ness Monster Nyo Science School Class 10B Supervisor: Meeli Lepisk Author: Marika Almar Loch Ness Status of a classic phenomenon Popularity endures Best known cryptozoological creature Most-sighted monsters 1000 feet deep 24 miles long 6th century The Picts - the main inhabitants Strange beast in the Scottish highlands The first references 1930-1933 1930s ­ new road 1933 - a couple reported an enormous animal Observations Footprints 1934

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
8 allalaadimist

New Zealand Ohakune

the source of a high proportion of New Zealand's carrots. · Ohakune is a small ski town and gateway to the Tongariro National Park. Ohakune activities include skiing, snowboarding, fishing and bushwalking. Taihape · Taihape is known as the Gumboot Capital of the World. Every March is hold a famous Gumboot Day for locals and visitors with Gumboot throwing competitions, good music and great stalls. · Mokai Gravity Canyon boasts three world- class adventure activities. Visitors can ride extreme flying fox, experience 80m bungy or feel the thrill of a 50m freefall on our bridge swing. Thank you for your attention! Karin Märjamaa

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
4 allalaadimist


CREATE TABLE mina ( eesnimi varchar(30) not null, perenimi varchar(100) not null, sugu varchar(5) not null, synnipaev date not null, algus datetime not null default current timestamp, viimati datetime default timestamp, CONSTRAINT pk_mina PRIMARY KEY (eesnimi) ); INSERT INTO mina (eesnimi, perenimi, sugu, synnipaev) VALUES ('Juku', 'Mets', 'Mees', '1980-02-04'); grant connect to Sandra identified by 'tere'; grant group to dba; grant membership in group dba to Sandra; grant all on mina to Sandra; SELECT * FROM mina; UPDATE mina SET eesnimi = 'Jri' WHERE eesnimi = 'Juku'; CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE paha (nimi VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT pk_paha PRIMARY KEY (nimi)) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS; INSERT INTO paha (nimi) VALUES ('Mari'); SELECT * FROM paha; create table isik( Id integer not null default autoincrement primary key, Eesnimi varchar (50) not null, Perenimi varchar(50) not null, Isikukood varchar(11), Klubi integer, U...

Informaatika → Informaatika
232 allalaadimist

Java algtõed

töötab veebilehitseja juhtimisel veebidokumendi aknas. · Midlet (Midlet) -- piiratud võiimalustega spetsialiseeritud programm, mis töötab mobiilseadmel. · Servlet (Servlet) ­ piiratud võiimalustega spetsialiseeritud programm, mis töötab veebirakenduse serveri poolel. · Serveripoolne rakendus (Enterprise Application) ­ on määratud mitmekordsele kasuamisele serveri poolel. · Java klasside teek (Java Class Library) ­ on ettenähtud mitmekordseks kasutamiseks Java keeles kirjutatud programmides. C++ vs Java · Süntaks. Kuivõrd see võimalik on, C++s püütakse hoida järjepidevust ja ühilduvust C keelega. Java on pealtvaadates sarnane C ja C++ keeltega, sest võttis nendelt üle suure osa põhikonstruktsioone, jättes samas kasutamata vahendid, milleta läbi saab ja mis kirjutamise keerulisemaks või veaohtlikumaks teevad

Informaatika → Programmeerimine
91 allalaadimist


Ireland Jaan Paljak Class 9 21.11.2011 Geography • The island of Ireland is located in the north-west of Europe, between latitudes 51° and 56° N, and longitudes 11° and 5° W. It is separated from the neighbouring island of Great Britain by the Irish Sea and the North Channel. • A ring of coastal mountains surround low plains at the centre of the island. climate  The climate of Ireland can be summed up as being mild, moist and changeable with abundant rainfall and a lack of temperature extremes.  The country receives generally warm summers and mild winters, and is considerably warmer than other areas on its latitude. This is due to the fact it lies in the Atlantic Ocean, and as a result is warmed by the Gulf Stream all year. tourist attractions  Smarmore Castle  Benburb Castle  The National Galle ry of Ireland World Heritage Sites in Ireland ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Kiirgusseadus .. ... Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse Kiirgusseaduse olemus · Sätestab põhilised ohutusnõuded inimese ja keskkonna kaitsmiseks ioniseeriva kiirguse kahjustava mõju eest. · Asutuste ja isikute õigused ja kohustused ioniseeriva kiirguse kasutamisel Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse Prooton rikub · § 30. Kiirgustegevusloa omaja põhikohustused · § 35. Radioaktiivse aine ja radioaktiivset ainet sisaldava seadme vedu · § 41. Vanusepiirang kiirgustööle lubamisel · § 48. Kiirgustöötaja kiirgusohutusalane koolitamine · § 58. Radioaktiivsete jäätmete ja heitmete käitlemise põhinõuded Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse Karistus · Kiirgustegevusloa tingimuste rikkumise eest ­ karistatakse rahatrahviga kuni 300 trahviühikut. Juriidilise isiku puhul 50000 EEKi. · Kiiritusaine andmine isiku...

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia
28 allalaadimist

Gerd Kanter

Gerd Kanter Eli Paul 8c Supervisor: Marje Maasen 2015 Personal information ● Height- 1. 96 m ● Weight- 127 kg ● Own record- 73. 38 ● He got married with Liina Pärtel on 7th of October in New Zealand ● He have a son Kristjan. He born on 20th of March in 2014 Early life ● Born in Tallinn, Estonia on 6th of May in 1979. ● After the first class he went to Vigala. ● Studied in Vana-Vigala School . ● He attented high school at Pärnu-Jaagupi. ● He studied business in Tallinn University of Technology. Career ● His first coach was Ando Palginõmm ● He made his first Olympic appearance in 2004. ● First gold medal in 2005 in Universiade in Turkey ● “15 sammu võiduni” , “Everything is possible!” ● Estonian best sportsman in 2007, 2008, 2011 ● His coach is Vesteinn Hafsteinsson from Island

Sport → Sport
3 allalaadimist

Letter of complaint

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you to express my annoyance at the supreme quality of service that was promised but never delivered. I am talking about the intensive 4-wekk language course provided by you, International Language Centre. First things first ­ the "highly qualified staff" had a terrible sense of time and always arrived late. Not to mention their insufficient language level, which I found quite displeasing. In addition to that, the provided free course materials were in reality just old and used textbooks and the desks were just way too small to work on, and the classes had no heating, which were quite cold in the mornings. Also you advertised small study groups, but the fact that there were over a dozen people in class determined that it was a lie. Now, according to these points that I brought out, I believe I am entitled to a full refund and I expect your full cooperation. Yours faithfully, Mart Mets

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Veebistuudium arendus ASP.NET

i Ning tervitaja.aspx.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; public partial class tervitaja : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { } protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label1.Text = "Tere, " + TextBox1.Text; } } Ülesandeid · Pane eraldi kujundus- ja koodilehe abil tööle kahe arvu korrutamine. · Koosta valuutakalkulaator ­ Määra algsumma ja sihtvaluuta ning arvuta nende põhjal lõppsumma.

Informaatika → Veebiprogrammeerimine
26 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun