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"choice" - 388 õppematerjali

choice – the choice of saying yes to the Now, of making it into your friend.

Operatsioonisüsteemid läbi aja

com/yhn6n5g, 24.03.2010. Bellis, Mary. The Unusual History of Microsoft Windows. Kättesaadav:, 24.03.2010. Dvorak, John S. (1988) Sorting out fact from fiction in the Apple-Microsoft lawsuit. ­ PC Magazine, May 31, pp. 36. Horn, B. (1996) On Xerox, Apple and Progress. Kättesaadav:, 24.03.2010. Kikkas, K. (2004) Pingviiniaabits. Tallinn: Vali Press. Lemmons, P. (1983) Microsoft Windows. ­ Byte, No 12, pp. 48-54. Linksvayer, M. (1993) The Choice of a GNU Generation. An Interview With Linus Torvalds. Kättesaadav:, 24.03.2010. McKusick, Marshall K. (1999) Twenty Years of Berkeley Unix: From AT&T-Owned to Freely Redistributable. Kättesaadav:, 24.03.2010. Poole, L. (1984) A tour of the Mac desktop. ­ Macworld, No 1, pp. 16-27. Ritchie, Dennis M. (1979) The Evolution of the Unix Time-sharing System. Kättesaadav:, 24.03.2010. Stallmann, R

Informaatika → Informaatika
41 allalaadimist


National Geographic: Rising Seas. September 2013. 2. Beach Bumming 2013. ­ National Geographic: The Moster Storm. November 2013. 3. Erlich, G., Griest, S. E., Hessler, P., Krich, J., Salzman, M., Ward, T., Xianliang, Z. 2004. Travelers´ Tales China: True Stories. Travelers´ Tales Inc. 4. Fujiwara, A., Wu, Lingling., Zhang, J. 2013. Tourism Participation and Expenditure Behaviour: Analysis Using a Scobit Based Discrete- Contionous Choice Model. - Annals of Tourism Research. A Social Scienses Journal. Volume 41, 2013. 5. Himma, M. 2013. Turism vormub teaduseks. ­ Tartu Postimees. [] 08.11.2013 6. Holloway, J. C. 1998. The Business of Tourism. UK, 1998. 7. IAATO Tourism Statistics. 2012-2013. [ 0f09-4ad2-8146-ccbbb79d918f] 8. Jakobson, J. 2003. Turismi alused

Turism → Turism
53 allalaadimist

Abordi probleemid referaat

SISUKORD 1 ABORDISEADUSE ARENG...........................................................................3 1.11976. aasta abordiseadus............................................................................. 3 1.2Loote õigused.............................................................................................. 5 2 ABORDI FÜSIOLOOGILISED JA PSÜHHOLOOGILISED MÕJUD..........7 2.1 Abort ja selle füsioloogiline mõju..............................................................7 2.2 Abordi psühholoogilised tagajärjed............................................................8 3 Abordi tegemine Eestis................................................................................... 11 KOKKUVÕTE...................................................................................................12 SISSEJUHATUS Teema valikul lähtusin sellest, et see oleks mulle sobiv ja mul oleks mugav seda refereerida. Eelkõige ...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
7 allalaadimist


on it and made the song his own in his album - "American IV: The Man Comes Around." The accompanying music video, directed by Mark Romanek is nominated for seven MTV Vido Awards and wins for Best Cinematography. Cash claimed, "It is the best anti-drug song I had ever heard." The song touched Cash as he could relate H to each individual word sang. The song talks about hurting yourself, and that each person has the choice to make the pain stop, it's whether or not you make the right decision. U R T April 2, 1956 Cash recorded his single "I Walk the Line" . May 1, 1956 the song was released by Sun Records and produced by Sam Phillips. "I Walk the Line" got its number one Billboard hit for the

Muusika → Jazzmuusika
2 allalaadimist

Lugemis-ja kirjutamisraskused

2.3. Logopeedilise abi võimalused Põlva Ühisgümnaasiumis .......................................................... 12 KOKKUVÕTE ...................................................................................................................................... 14 KASUTATUD ALLIKMATERJALID .................................................................................................. 15 2 SUMMARY The choice of subject came out of interest to find out the number of students with reading and writing disorders in Põlva Co-Educational Gymnasium primary school. In todays society it is impossible to overestimate the importance of the ability to read. Children who do not fully learn how to read in school will never do it properly. Estonian teachers estimate that 15-25% of the students in primary school suffer from reading and writing disorders. Põlva Co-

Pedagoogika → Pedagoogika
26 allalaadimist

Majandussotsoloogia põhjalik eksami materjal

• Infoühiskonna areng; • Suurendab nii avatust kui ebakindlust; • „everyone is guessing the guesses of others, who are also guessing their guesses“ (Giddens, 1998: 104) Individualiseerumine • Individualiseeritud elutingimused ja eluviisid • Ühiskondlike kriiside tajumine individuaalsetena • Individuaalne vastutus oma valikute ees: „we have no choice but to choose“ (Giddens, 19 Aja ja ruumi lahutatus: • Sotsiaalne suhtlus järjest vähem vahetu; • Suurenev distantseerumine sotsiaalsetes suhetes: usaldus abstraktsete süsteemide vastu (nt finantssüsteem, tehnoloogilised jms) Riskiühiskond: • Eelindustriaalne (traditsiooniline) ühiskond: - looduslikud ohud • Industriaalne ühiskond („esimene modernsus“): - Looduslikud ohud

Majandus → Majandussotsioloogia
23 allalaadimist


Misso Keskkool New Zealand Precis Compiler: Maiki Joakit Instructor: Mailis Teppo Misso 2011 New Zealand is an island country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising two main landmasses (the North Island and the South Island), and numerous smaller islands, most notably Stewart Island/Rakiura and the Chatham Islands. The indigenous Mori language name for New Zealand is Aotearoa, commonly translated as land of the long white cloud. Population (1998): 3,801,000.New Zealand is notable for its geographic isolation; it is situated about 2,000 kilometres (1,200 mi) southeast of Australia across the Tasman Sea, and its closest neighbours to th...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
5 allalaadimist

Majanduspoliitika vastused

struktuur mõjutatud vastastikusest sõltuvusest poliitilise süsteemi, näiteks demokraatiaga. Sellist lähenemist nimetatakse “kordadevaheliseks sõltuvuseks” (Interdependenz der Ordnungen”) ja see on kasutusele võetud Freiburgi majandusteadlaste koolkonna juhi Walter Euckeni poolt. Sama 1 lähenemist on viimastel kümnenditel kasutanud ka avaliku valiku teooria 1 (public choice theory) ja poliitikateooria majandust uurivad harud. Eelnevast lähtudes tuleb väita, et majanduspoliitika elluviijad ei ole oma otsustustes piiramatult vabad. Nende võimalusi piiravad nende endi pädevus, kehtiv poliitiline kord ja huvigrupid. Lühidalt, ühiskondlike normide süsteemid ei võimalda majanduspoliitilisi otsuseid sõltumatult vastu võtta. Lühiajaliselt tuleb neid institutsioone ja ühiskondliku otsustusprotsessi reegleid tõlgendada kui muutumatuid konstante

Majandus → Majandus
45 allalaadimist

Majanduspoliitika eksam kordamisküsimused eksamiks

võrreldes Euroopa Liidu keskmisega tulenevalt erinevate majandusarengu projektide süsteemsest kavandamisest; Täiendav majanduskasv. 51. Poliitika majanduslik teooria (public choice) ja majanduspoliitika teooria etapid. Majanduspoliitika teooria tunnistab, et majanduspoliitilisi otsuseid saab seletada ainult siis, kui lisaks majanduslikele protsessidele püütakse analüüsida ka poliitilisi. Viimastel kümnenditel kasutanud ka avaliku valiku teooria (public choice theory) ja poliitikateooria majandust uurivad harud.Eelnevast lähtudes tuleb väita, et majanduspoliitika elluviijad ei ole oma otsustustes piiramatult vabad. Nende võimalusi piiravad nende endi pädevus, kehtiv poliitiline kord ja huvigrupid. Lühidalt, ühiskondlike normide süsteemid ei võimalda majanduspoliitilisi otsuseid sõltumatult vastu võtta. Lühiajaliselt tuleb institutsioone ja ühiskondliku otsustusprotsessi reegleid tõlgendada kui muutumatuid konstante

Majandus → Majanduspoliitika
211 allalaadimist

Differential Psychology

Humanistic Approach Humanistic Approach: Basic assumptions (existential/phenomenological) · Three closely-related approaches · Emphasis on the individual's self concept · Phenomenology · Human choice, creativity and self actualisation are important · the study of conscious experience · Meaning precedes objectivity in research · Existentialism · Value is placed on the dignity of the person · philosophy emphasising personal choice and the importance of existence `now' rather than what was past or what might be in

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Inglise keele stilistika

inversion: In came he, in he came Lexicology Many pairs of synonyms, the borrowed word (french, latin, etc) is bookish, literary and native one is neutral. e.g finish (B) ­ terminate (N), understand ­comprehend, heavenly-selestial, think-cogitate. e.g He came home drunk. He returned to his residence in a state of intoxication (number of bookish words) Irony! My parent has passed away (literary) My old man has kicked the bucket (disrespect) In written or oral speech, the choice of words may be peculiar, individual, so unexpected word-combinations may appear and these are of interest in stylistics! e.g word combinations 3 usual unusual A week ago A grief ago, a smile ago, a cigarette ago A delicious meal A delicious murder

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
22 allalaadimist

Stilistika loeng

g. begin - commence, understand ­ comprehend, think ­ cogitate, etc.). "He came home drunk" ­ no extra shades of meaning. "He returned to his residence in a state of intoxication" ­ has extra shade of meaning (irony). "He died poor" ­ no extra shades of meaning. "He expired in indigent circumstances" ­ has extra shade of meaning. "My parent has passed away" ­ bookish. "My old man has kicked a basket" ­ colloquial. The choice of words may be peculiar and so unexpected word combinations may arise. Any such phrase is of an interest in stylistics: USUAL UNUSUAL a week / month ago a grief ago / a smile ago / a cigarette ago delicious meal delicious murder ungrammatical sentence ungrammatical house a crooked street a crooked hook

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
37 allalaadimist

Sotsaalpsühholoogia konspektid kokku

secular community. This polarity is about ideals of the COMMUNITY. (2) Weak vs. strong SELF-EXPRESSION Values: with self-expression values getting weaker one approaches the conformist ideal of a restrained individual, with these values getting stronger one approaches the ideal of an expressive individual. This polarity is about ideals of the INDIVIDUAL. Weak vs. Strong Secular-Rational Values Weak vs. Strong Self-Expression Values An Underlying Constraint vs. Choice Polarity The two value dimensions are partially distinct as they have different reference points, the community and the individual. Yet, the two dimensions also partially overlap: The weak poles of the two dimensions overlap on a common emphasis on human CONSTRAINT, the two strong poles overlap on a common emphasis on human CHOICE. In combination, weak secular-rational values and weak self- expression values pursue an ideal in which individuals are restrained

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
149 allalaadimist

Heaoluriigi mudelid konspekt/kokkuvõte

Võrdsus Klassiühiskond Ebavõrdsus motiveeriv. Ebavõrd kontraprodukt. loomulik, vastab igaühe Igaühest miljonär riik peab liiga suurte panusele erisustega tegelema Uusparempoolsus: Ideoloogiana: Friedman, Hayek, Niskanen. Praktikutena: Reagan, Thatcher. Riik kui osa probleemist, mitte lahendusest. Ratsionaalse valiku teooria ja nn public choice koolkond. Reaganoomika: Majandusedereg.: Tulumaksude alandamine, et elavdada majan., inflatsiooni ohjamine. Avaliku sektori kulude kärpimine, New Public Management: Erasektori põhimõtete rakendamine avalikussektoris. Rahvusvaheliste organisatsioonide toetus - World Bank, IMF. Thatcherism: Erastamine- recommofication. Välja kontraktimine- restrechment. Tõhusus ja konkurents (riigihanked). HR kulude kärped, sh. kvalif. kriteeriumide karmistamine (retrenchment). Suurimad kärped

Politoloogia → Heaoluriigi mudelid
108 allalaadimist

Suhted laste ja vanematega

I love most. I have written stories into a profession. And that's good, the Solutions Multi-ROM. for as long as I can remember. My because the world of music is very Reading first creation, when I was four, was a competitive. But I, in a way, had no · Elicit or remind students of book which was a mother's day gift. choice. I was born to be a composer. strategies for dealing with the true/ Yet, it wasn't until I was working on All I want to do is make music. And it false task type. Encourage students The Knight's Horses that I realised I comes so naturally that I don't even to read the text through once to get wanted to pursue writing as a career. see it as work. Everything inspires me

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
16 allalaadimist

Pitbike mootori joonised ja kokkupanemine

PREFACE Combined with all the specialty and advantages of the same models from both domestic and abroad, 1P52FMI is one of the newly engines developed by our Co. It is characterized by strong power, low fuel-consumption and low noise as well as popular and fashionable shape. An engine of 1P52FMI will be your best choice. To benefit customers, we carefully compile the PARTS CATALOGUE FOR 1P52FMI ENGINE. Users can easily grasp characteristics of 1P52FMI engine through the illustrations, names, quantities, etc. in the catalogue. Please refer to this book when you order the parts. If any difference in the book from actual engine status, please do as per the real. The copyright of this catalogue belongs to Lifan Industry Group Co., Ltd., any group or individual is forbidden to

Mehhatroonika → Konstruktsiooni elemendid
14 allalaadimist

125cc mootori (atm) tööpõhimõte

PREFACE Combined with all the specialty and advantages of the same models from both domestic and abroad, 1P52FMI is one of the newly engines developed by our Co. It is characterized by strong power, low fuel-consumption and low noise as well as popular and fashionable shape. An engine of 1P52FMI will be your best choice. To benefit customers, we carefully compile the PARTS CATALOGUE FOR 1P52FMI ENGINE. Users can easily grasp characteristics of 1P52FMI engine through the illustrations, names, quantities, etc. in the catalogue. Please refer to this book when you order the parts. If any difference in the book from actual engine status, please do as per the real. The copyright of this catalogue belongs to Lifan Industry Group Co., Ltd., any group or individual is forbidden to

Masinaehitus → Masinaelemendid
44 allalaadimist


Deutsches Gymnasium Kadriorg WIRTSCHAFTPLAN DES PRODUKTS "3S" Praktische Arbeit Autoren: Rainer Paisujõe 12SM Johannes Nermann 12SM Lehrer: Michael Kirschinger Tallinn 2018 INHALTSÜBERSICHT EINLEITUNG........................................................................................................... 2 1. PRODUKTVORSTELLUNG..................................................................................... 4 1.3. Break Even Point.......................................................................................... 9 2.1. Werbebudget / Zeitplan..............................................................................11 2.2. Werbemittel...

Keeled → Saksa keel
3 allalaadimist


Viroloogia Viiruse definitsioon Viirused on rakulist ehitust mitteomavad obligatoorsed endoparasiidid. Erinevad rakulise ehitusega parasiitidest selle poolest, et :  Viirus ei ole iseseisvalt aktiivse eluga väljaspool rakku. Viiruse bioloogiline aktiivsus avaldub ainult nakatunud rakus.  Viiruse geneetiline materjal asub vahetult rakus, ei ole ümbritsetud mingi membraaniga.  Viirus ei paljune pooldumisega vaid sünteesitakse ta struktuurseid osasid ja pakitakse jälle kokku.  Ükski teadaolev viirus ei kodeeri tervikliku translatsioonisüsteemi.  Viirus on võimeline peremeesrakust lahkuma ja nakatama teisi rakke. Virion- viiruse osake  Virion- viirus-spetsiifiline struktuur , mis on ette nähtud viiruse genoomi toimetamiseks ühest rakust teise. Erinevused virioni struktuuris kajastavad enamasti erinevusi viiruste elutsüklites. Olulisemaks sellistest omadustest on lipiidse m...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
22 allalaadimist

EXAM - English literature 2

Winchilsea: A Nocturnal Reverie James Thomson: The Seasons – appreciate colour in the universe, it is scientific and descriptive. To The Memory of Sir Isaac Newton John Denham: Cooper’s Hill – established the exact standard of good writing, obedience to decorum and correctness of form, imagery and vocabulary, pattern for English poetry of place (celebration of place etc... ) John Dyer: Grongar Hill, from the Fleece, Book III Akenside: Pomfret: The Choice Alexander Pope: aim – to introduce new correctness to English poetry. Windsor Forest, Ode to Solitude 24. Augustan literary criticism (Dennis, Swift, Pope, Johnson) Vituperative (sõimav) critical arguments (väitlemine). Dennis was modestly influential. John Dennis: best remembered as a critic, one of prime irritants to Pope’s spleen. Critical and Satirical Reflections upon a late rhapsody call’d, An Essay Upon Criticism – in reply to Pope. Wrote with

Keeled → British literature
23 allalaadimist


to figure out how often is theatre being visited and what does it depend on. Both, quantitative and qualitative methods were used in the research. The survey was conducted among the Rakvere Teater's public in the quantitative part. In the qualitative method, three directors, who were the most popular in the result of the survey, were interviewed. The results of the study showed that people are waiting primarly good entertainment from the theatre. The public of the theatre justified their choice on the show being fun and laughable. Show has to be meaningful and accost public at the same time. Actor's professionality on the credibility of the show is being evaluated. In the survey it was found out the, who's acting in the show, is becoming decisive in the choice of the show. The reputation of the performance is important. On the important place on the position of the public are the theme of the staging, play's author and director.

Teatrikunst → Eesti teatri ajalugu
1 allalaadimist


Global population growth has global impacts that are felt in Canada, including pressures on the environment and demand for products that we export. The Aboriginal population of Canada is a diverse population with distinct cultures, languages, religious beliefs and political systems. There are many ways of defining the Aboriginal population, which can result in different estimates of its size. There is no single or "correct" definition and the choice of a definition depends on the purpose for which it is to be used. The First nations are Indians, Metis and Inuits, but the term Indian is called inappropriate, so now they are called the Native peoples. There are also legal terms for them and it applies to a native person who is registered under the Indian Act and it means that they are entitled to free medical care, education and training. Some of them, whose ancestors signed treaties also receive a small amount of money.

Keeled → Inglise keel
92 allalaadimist

DIALOGUES inglisekeelsed dialoogid erinevatel teemadel

J: - Oh...Miss Britsyna? Number 223? H: - Yes! And, besides, there are cockroaches in my room!!! J: - We are very, very sorry! Probably you will be pleased if we suggest you double room with bathroom? H: - Well, I'll think...Ok. I agree. J: - You won't be displeased! Our hotel has a star rating of 4 stars! And don't forget that breakfast is served from 7 till 10. Good night! You want to book a room in the hotel by phone. H: - Hello! I'd like to book a room in your hotel. J: - Hello! Good choice! We have a star rating of 4 stars! Would you like to be accommodated in a single or a double room? H: - What's the rate for a double room per day? J: - 1000 rubles. H: - Oh! That's good. I agree. And I want a double room with bathroom and balcony. J: - Sure! H: - And at what time I must leave your hotel? J: - You are expected to sign out at noon. H: - Good! And does your hotel runs laundry and a pressing ironing service? J: - Of course

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Jacques Louis David ja Prantsuse Revolutsioon

limited to only mimicking the external form of the Antique, but also the plot was often borrowed from the Antique literature or mythology. Best suited were the subjects that glorified bravery, loyalty, love for the fatherland and other virtues. Paintings were supposed to be instructive and fight against vices. (Leesi, 2003, p.115) As a matter of fact, the whole life of Jacques-Louis David was somehow connected to political change and therefore David was left with no other choice than to be a part of the French Revolution. In 1780 David returned to Paris and a few years later he exhibited his masterpiece Oath of the Horatii in the Salon. The Salon was a place where all the great men in Paris, who later on were participants of the Revolution, would gather, discuss relevant topics and enjoy culture. The message behind the Horatii impressed many important figures of that time, including Thomas Jefferson, who appreciated the message of patriotism and

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunsti ajalugu
1 allalaadimist


emission for the cars. Mini is doing really big innovative steps towards environment welfare and for example Mini diesel is even more economic than some of the hybrid cars. Also there are more households with 2 cars now than before. When first bigger families are in need for a MPV or other bigger car than Mini, then now the second car can be Mini. Because if there is a need to go somewhere with family then they can use the other car, but when going to work, Mini would be better choice because of car's driving qualities especially inside the city. Threats One of the biggest threats that Mini might face in the future will be consumers going over to hybrid cars. Because hybrid cars are more economical than Minis and also hybrids have lower taxes. Also hybrids are much quieter compared with the petrol or diesel cars. Another threat would be that volume brand cars are getting closer to premium car brands' technological systems

Keeled → Business english
39 allalaadimist

Hommikusöögi tähtsuse tervisliku toitumise teadlikus G1A õpilaste seas

Toiduaine ja toitaine. Loetud:, 28.02.2015 15. Toiduvaliku põhimõtted. Loetud:, 01.03.2015 16. Õhtusöök. Loetud:, 07.03.2015 17 Lisa 1 Küsimustik 18 Summary The choice of the subject was influenced by the authors´ personal interests. The hypothesis was that Pärnu Koidula Gymnasium's G1A students were aware of healthy eating habits but were unaware of the importance of breakfast and that most of the students didn't eat breakfast and girls were more aware of healthy eating habits and the importance of breakfast than boys. The first hypothesis was false because most of the students were aware of healthy eating habits and the importance of breakfast

Muu → Uurimistöö alused
7 allalaadimist

Big data in cloud

cookies. In a game, it involves setting up viable moves, making the data easily accessible for future use. In voice recognition applications it is required to make separate databases for different languages. - A set of instructions is set, on what to do with the data by selecting algorithms and setting the goal in mind. In a game, it can be achieved by granting the learner points for every right choice he does and penalizing for bad ones according to the algorithm used. - It is necessary to evaluate the models in hand by comparing the success of the algorithms and then cherry-picking the best ones from them. A good example is a demonstration of DeepMind playing a game of StarCraft II, where AI, named AlphaStar had plenty of different winning team configurations [13][14]. This whole

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
2 allalaadimist

TARTUFFE (inglise keelne)

MARIANE To do so is the height of my ambition. ORGON Excellent well. What say you of--Tartuffe? MARIANE Who? I? ORGON Yes, you. Look to it how you answer. MARIANE Why! I'll say of him--anything you please. SCENE II ORGON, MARIANE, DORINE (coming in quietly and standing behind Orgon, so that he does not see her) ORGON Well spoken. A good girl. Say then, my daughter, That all his person shines with noble merit, That he has won your heart, and you would like To have him, by my choice, become your husband. Eh? MARIANE Eh? ORGON What say you? MARIANE Please, what did you say? ORGON What? MARIANE Surely I mistook you, sir? ORGON How now? MARIANE Who is it, father, you would have me say Has won my heart, and I would like to have Become my husband, by your choice? ORGON Tartuffe. MARIANE But, father, I protest it isn't true! Why should you make me tell this dreadful lie? ORGON Because I mean to have it be the truth. Let this suffice for you: I've settled it. MARIANE

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Huvitavaks nõudeks Eko Mark märgi taotlejatele on see, et märki kandev toode peab oma hinna poolest suutma "tavalistega" võistelda (sageli kipuvad ökoloogiliselt puhtad tooted teistega võrreldes kallimad olema). Kanada "Keskkonnasõbralik valik" (Canadian label) See on Kanada ökomärk, mida majandab TerraChoice Environmental Services Inc. Kanada Ökomärgistuse programm Environmental Choice Program (ECP) algatati valitsuse poolt 1988. aastal eesmärgiga abistada tarbijaid keskkonnasõbralike kaupade leidmisel. Märki taotlevad ettevõtted peavad tõestama kogu oma tootmistsükli ohutust keskkonnale. Märgi saavad need tooted, mille tootmine ega hilisem ladustamine ei ohusta keskkonda. See oli märgi esmane eesmärk, kuid nüüd on lisandunud ka teine - mõjutada tootjaid töötama

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
59 allalaadimist

Connecting Ideas Logically and Effectively

# After the participants had discussed the final point on the agenda, the meeting was closed. 4 The complainant seemed to be an honest man. However, his grievance did not appear justified. # Although the complainant seemed to be an honest man, his grievance did not appear justified. 5 James has accepted the position. He works as assistant to the Public Relations Manager. #James has accepted the position, working as assistant to the Public Relations Manager. Notice how the choice of linking word enables you to control the length of the sentence(s). TASK 2 1 By changing the linking words, divide the following long sentences into two shorter ones. a) Although in general safety regulations are being followed, our inspection revealed that a small number of employees fail to wear protective clothing when taking part in hazardous operations. b) By the time this department was informed of the accident it was impossible to prevent

Keeled → Inglise keel
52 allalaadimist

Russia Throughout the History

Russia in the winter, because the army was not used to the merciless climate. Napoleon's army had to retreat and go back to France. The whole world understood now how powerful and strong the Russian empire was ( " I n v a s i o n o f r u s s i a , " ) . Russian empire became more industrialized and the political system stronger and stronger. The country increased its areas. The government was extremely conservative. By the 20th century people noticed that a czar is not the best choice any more. The next ruler Nicholas started to make some changes in the country ( " H i s t o r y a n d c u l t u r e , " ) . These changes brought together the working class which gave a start to the Social Democratic party. In 1905 Nicholas was forces to accept with the new reforms. Later the Social Democratic party split into two groups- the radical Bolsheviks and the comparatively moderate Menshiviks ( " R u s s i a n s o c i a l d e m o c r a t s , " ) .

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

American English Take-Home Exam

influence and massive entertainment industry is the mighty power-house that drives the English language. Although British English is considered to be more sophisticated and prestigious than American English, the latter is clearly more featured in television, music, video games and internet, naturally appealing more to English learners than British English. Also, in international communication American English is usually the preferred choice as it is acceptable and easily understandable in any context from Japan to Peru. While British English, especially the Received Pronunciation, is generally viewed as some kind of a “gold standard” in education and is usually focused on in textbooks and dictionaries, it should be remembered that American English has about 10 times more speakers than the RP and thus the significance of it in the today’s world should not be underestimated.

Keeled → English in South-East Asia and...
6 allalaadimist

A letter and an essay

other keeps trying to overcome them. What an illusion! Another `bitter' illusion. Some people believe that they are in control of their lives. They like the idea that they are the masters of their destiny and take personal responsibility for what happens in their lives. However, considering that everything in the universe is interconnected and in the process of constant change, how can one believe in freedom of choice? Indeed, people are presented with some choices; but for different reasons, these choices are limited by somebody or something. One can choose one's profession, one's friends, one's interests, one's city of residence; however, having chosen to be an engineer, for example, one cannot refuse to learn calculus. In conclusion, ours is not a world where nobody dominates another or is influenced by anything, by violence, by monetary

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Introduction of SCM

However, most researchers have approached the management of inventory from short term perspective. These include deployment strategies (push versus pull), control policies --- the determination of the optimal levels of order quantities and reorder points, and setting safety stock levels, at each stocking location. These levels are critical, since they are primary determinants of customer service levels. 4). Transportation Decisions: The mode choice aspect of these decisions is the more long term ones. These are closely linked to the inventory decisions, since the best choice of mode is often found by trading-off the cost of using the particular mode of transport with the indirect cost of inventory associated with that mode. While air shipments may be fast, reliable, and warrant lesser safety stocks, they are expensive. Meanwhile shipping by sea or rail may be much cheaper, but they

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

surpassed consumer price inflation, until 2008 quite frequently by more than 20 percentage points and never much below that. Such income growth was supported by the country's high export, especially steel, prices. Boosted by rapidly improving terms of trade, import volumes grew much faster than export volumes and the net growth impact of foreign trade was negative by some 5 percent annually. As imports were liberalized in the 1990s, consumers and investors alike preferred the superior quality, choice, and brands available from world markets. By the 2000s an increasing share of them could afford foreign goods. Cheap imports from Asian and other countries also became available. The trade balance has been consistently negative since 2005, and the current account has followed since 2006. Imports contribute to welfare, but for that to be sustainable, any country also has to be able to cover the import bill with exports, running down reserves, inward investment (direct or

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Report Of Canada

producer of lead. Among the provinces, Ontario is the top producer of non-fuel mineral resources, followed by Quebec, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, and Newfoundland. Each year Canadian companies spend over US$600 million to find or develop new mines and fuel supplies. However, environmental concerns and increased regulation have led many Canadian mining companies to shift exploration elsewhere. Latin America is becoming a favorite choice for Canadian mining companies. While overall mineral production is dispersed throughout Canada, fuel production is concentrated in the west, with a few major exceptions. Canada is a major exporter of energy and fuels. In 1998, natural gas was the main export with 34.2 percent of total, petroleum was next at 28.6 percent, hydroelectricity at 20.7 percent, coal at 11.4 percent, and atomic energy at 5.1 percent. The United States has traditionally been Canada's largest market for energy exports,

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
15 allalaadimist

Photographic camera

2 Photographic camera & photography (SEBA)  Photographic camera is an equipment used for taking photographs (usually consisting of a lightproof box with a lens at one end and light-sensitive film at the other)  Photography is The art or practice of taking and processing photographs. 3 Context of the creation of the camera (CARLA)  The camera has been used since before Christ. The impact in society the emergence of the camera was important and shocking because it helped us capture important moments in time that can no longer be repeated and helped a lot in the field of communication. The first models of cameras were used in the years before Christ where they were used to see closely objects. After its emergence was marked a before and after in history because thanks to this artefact can capture exact moments in which a event happened. Advancing in history have improved the types of ca...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inglise keel unit 5 answers

g. ref. to : start / stop, codons polysomes large and small subunit in ribosome 2+ Mg [10] 10. (a) from below / ventral / AW; A idea of brain being seen from below R upside down, looking upwards 1 (b) (i) reject choice of answers, accept any reasonable spelling A cerebrum / cerebral hemisphere / cerebral cortex / frontal lobe; ignore refs to right or left R incorrect lobe B pituitary (gland); R hypothalamus C cerebellum; D medulla (oblongata) 4 (ii) control of breathing; control of heart rate;

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


- Iga inimene muutub ajapikku selliseks, millised on inimesed, kellega Ta läbi käib. - kõik inimesed on erilised, kuid mitte täiuslikud, aga kõik otsivad taga täiuslikust ja nad peavad hiljem pettuma, kuid kellegile ei tule pähe just selle inimese erilisus. - Never leave the one you love for the person you like, because the one you like will leave you for the person they love. - The second I met you I realized that I truly have no regrets. Every single choice I have made, every single step I have taken, and every single word i have spoken, good or bad has brought me to you and in the end thats all I ever wanted. - Go on. Reach your dreams. - Elu pole kurb, vaid elus on kurbi hetki. - Kas tahad teada kuidas sinust mõtlevad su sõbrad? Siis vaata, kuidas sinusse suhtuvad nende tuttavad. - Minu mõte on sinu juures, ent kas minule mõtled sa? - Mida ilusam poiss, seda mürgisem süda. - Tütarlaps piinab seda poissi, keda armastab!

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
36 allalaadimist


INTRODUCTION Language is an important and prominent part of culture, so to learn the language well, it is necessary to understand cultural backgrounds of the language. The level of our learning cannot be judged just from the mastery of the vocabulary and grammar, it should also be judged from the point of view of country studies knowledge. This paper will try to explore the British National Symbols which is one of the themes in the school curriculum. The importance and choice of my research paper is explained by the following reasons:  Firstly, there are a lot of different kinds of symbols in our everyday life;  however, the area of my special interest is British National Symbols, to be more exact British national flags; The aim of this research paper is to:  to study literature dealing with history of national symbols;  explore the British National Symbols;

Keeled → British culture (briti...
8 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur quiz 2 mõisted

Act (1988). Notwithstanding its name, it does not apply to independent schools.Academies and free schools may also set their own curricula, though many choose to follow the National Curriculum. The purpose of the National Curriculum was to standardise the content taught across schools to enable assessment, which in turn enabled the compilation of league tables detailing the assessment statistics for each school. These league tables, together with the provision to parents of some degree of choice in assignment of the school for their child (also legislated in the same act) were intended to encourage a 'free market' by allowing parents to choose schools based on their measured ability to teach the National Curriculum. Whilst only certain subjects were included at first, in subsequent years the curriculum grew to fill the entire teaching time of most state schools. The requirement for state schools to teach Religious Education predates the National Curriculum

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


kernel is a powerhouse compared to no other! And one need look no further than NuSun oil for a healthy, trans-free alternative to hydrogenated oils and shortenings. While the vibrant, strong sunflower is a recognized worldwide for its beauty, it is also an important source of food. Sunflower oil is a valued and healthy vegetable oil and sunflower seeds are enjoyed as a healthy, tasty snack and nutritious ingredient to many foods. Sunflower is an important agricultural crop choice for US producers in the northern plains of the Dakotas to the panhandle of Texas. Browse this complete site on US sunflower production to learn about the sturdy sunflower and the healthy products it provides. Introduction Sunflower seeds are an American original. Called either confection or non-oil, seeds are a delicious and nutritious snack or addition to your favorite food. It is a native species to North America and was used by American Indians for an important, high-energy food source

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse1
16 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

Journey — the suspicion of artists and critics that it is formulaic, leading to stale XVI PREFACE repetition. W e come to a great divide in theory and practice about these principles. S o m e professional writers don't like the idea o f a n a l y z i n g the creative process at all, and urge students to ignore all b o o k s a n d teachers a n d "Just do it." S o m e artists make the choice to avoid systematic thinking, rejecting all principles, ideals, schools of thought, theories, patterns, and designs. For them, art is an entirely intuitive process that can never be mastered by rules of t h u m b and should not be reduced to formula. A n d they aren't wrong. At the core o f every artist is a sacred place where all the rules are set aside or deliberately forgotten, and nothing matters but the instinctive choices of the heart and soul of the artist.

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist


ilma seejuures kommenteerimata. 161. Journeys end. Friends depart. Every phase of life comes to an end. But every end is also a new beginning. 162. Some people come into our lives and quietly stay. Others stay for a while, leaving footprints in out hearts and we are never the same. 163. Make me belive that what we had wasn't all a lie.. even though I'll probably never belive anyway. 164. The second I met you I realized that I truly have no regrets. Every single choice I have made, every single step I have taken, and every single word I have spoken, good or bad has brought me to you and in the end thats all I ever wanted. 165. Never leave the one youlove for the person you like, because the one you like will leave you for the person they love. 166. Always say what you need to say, because one day you might not have a chance to. 167. Elu esimene pool möödub teise poole järele igatsedes, teine aga esimest kahetsedes. 168

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
39 allalaadimist

Molekulaarbioloogia praksi kontrolltöö vastused

limited to the number of cells actually injected. Biolistics, involves accelerating very small particles of tungsten or gold coated with DNA into cells using an electrostatic pulse, air pressure, or gunpowder percussion. As the particles pass through the cell, the DNA dissolves and becomes free to integrate into the plant-cell genome. This improbable technique actually works quite well and has become, along with electroporation, one of the methodologies of choice. Biolistics has the advantage of being applicable to whole cells in suspension or to intact or sliced plant tissues. For example, plant meristems or tissues capable of regeneration can be targeted directly. Unlike transformation or electroporation, the technique does not require protoplasts or even single-cell isolations. Using biolistics, transgenic corn and soybean plants have been produced that contain heritable copies of the inserted gene. 2

Bioloogia → Molekulaar - ja rakubioloogia...
78 allalaadimist

Karjäärinõustamine (spikker) Karjääriplatoo , Karjäärimudelid , karjäär , karjäärinõustamine , karjäär , karjäärisüsteem , matching , humanistlik paradigma , nõustaja , elukutse ,

K-platooks nim. olukorda, kus in edasine tööalane oluline on in kohandumine töökeskkonnaga ja areng on väga aeglane või olematu. pidev enesearendamine. K-mudelid (Driver)- Hajali- in motiveerib K (career) – elukestev haridus- ja tööalane areng vaheldusrikkus ja soov säilitada sõltumatust. kõigi elurollide omavahelises kooskõlas. elukestev Lineaarne- mõõdetakse edukust, selle järgi, kui areng, mis koosneb töö kaudu saadus teadmistest, kiirelt toimub liikumine „kõrgemale“Spiraalne- oskustest, kogemustest ja rollidest, mis arendavad toimub perioodiline enese in antud valdkonnas. „taasavastamine“Eksperdi- edu saavutamine Tööalane k (professional c) – ametite või toimub läbi pikaajalise kogemuse, teadmiste töökohtade järgnevus, nii horisontaalne kui omandamise ja pühendumise. ...

Psühholoogia → Karjääripsühholoogia
55 allalaadimist

Referaat Taylor Swiftist

Ta oli ka "Hannah Montana: The Movie" fillmis kui naine, kes laulis küünis. Film ilmus 10. aprillil 2009. aastal Põhja- Ameerikas. Televisioonishow Dateline NBC tegi Taylorist tunniajase filmi, mille nimi oli Dateline NBC: On Tour With Taylor Swift, kus näidati tseene tuuribussist, kontserdi lindist ja proovidest., see ilmus 31. mail 2009. aastal. 2010. aastal tegi ta oma esimese suurema rolli filmitööstuses, Felicia´na filmis "Valentine's Day". Selle rolli eest võitis ta Teen Choice Award for Movie Female Breakout auhinna. Ta on andnud hääle ka Audrey´le animeeritud filmis "The Lorax", mis ilmub 2012. aastal. Albumikaasi 1. album: Taylor Swift 2. album: Fearless 3. album: Speak Now Kokkuvõte Otsustasin teha referaadi just Taylor Swiftist, kuna ta on artist, kellest teadsin väga vähe, kuid tema muusikat meeldib ikka kuulata

Muu → Referaadid
9 allalaadimist

How to Start a Business in Georgia

HOW TO START A BUSINESS IN GEORGIA Table of Contents · INTRODUCTION · TYPES OF BUSINESS ENTITIES · Joint Stock Company · Limited Liability Company · General Partnership · Limited Partnership · Cooperative · Branch Office · Business Partnership · Individual Entrepreneur · REGISTRATION REQUIREMNETS · Registration requirements for JSC/LLC/GP/LP/CO · Registration requirements for a Branch Office · Registration requirements for a BP · Registration requirements for an IE · FAQ · Content of the Application Form for Registration · Required Documents for Registration of an Enterprise · Sample of the Minutes of Partners/Shareholders Meeting for Establishment of an Enterprise · Required Documents for Registration of a Branch Office · Sample of the Board of Directors Resolution for Establishment of a Branch Office · Required Documents for Registration of a Business Partnership · Required Documents for Registration of an Individual Enterprise · Sam...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Art and Aesthetics in Early Childhood Education

Similarly, understanding that telling of a dynamic story may require a child to use different pictorial devices than in the case of descriptive effort, a greater range of imagery can become socially encouraged and validated (Kindler, 1999). Activities that combine musical , dramatic, and visual art dimensions can further help children grow in pictorial repertoires that rely on multiple modalities of expression and that are often a natural choice of young children who spontaneously combine the gestural, the vocal, and the visual in their everyday play. The importance of teacher's assistance in a child's growing understanding of the technical possibilities and imitations of specific artistic media can perhaps be best demonstrated by looking at young children's clay productions. Children as young as 3 years of age who perform in nonintrusive self- exploration environments tend

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Topics, step 8, kokkuvõtted mõnedest peatükkidest

Valentine's Day. It is customary on the day to send a valentine, a card to someone you admire. In England there used to be a custom that on St. Valentine's Day the names of young, unmarried men and girls were mixed up and drawn out by chance. The person of the opposite sex whose name came out after yours was chosen valentine for the year. In the modern times St. Valentine's Day is big business. Shortly before February 14th card shops, bookshops and department stores display a wide choice of valentine cards. Men often give flowers or sweets for a valentine gift. Although St. Valentine's Day is celebrated widely in Great Britain today, it seems to be still more popular in America. April's fool day is the first day of April. The sport of the holidays is to play silly but harmless jokes on family members, co-workers, and friends. The victim of these pranks is called an April fool. This holiday originated in France. An April fool's joke

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun