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"case" - 842 õppematerjali

case – Computer-aided software engineering – Arvutigraafika tarkvara on domeen tarkvara tööriistadel, mida kasutatakse kujundamiseks ja et rakendada rakendusi.

Kasutaja: case

Faile: 3

kontseptuaalne süsteemianalüüs spikker

1. Milline alljärgnevatest väidetest on õige? mõlemad on võrdselt tähtsad + Kasutusjuhtude mudeli koostamisel on teksti kirjutamine tähtsam diagrammide joonistamisest Kasutusjuhtude mudeli koostamisel on diagrammide joonistamine tähtsam kui teksti kirjutamine 2. Kas äriprotsess on samal ajal ka tarkvara kasutusjuhtum (use case)? Joonige alla õige vastus. Võib olla küll, kuid kindlate tingimuste täidetuse korral Ei, kindlasti mitte Jah, kindlasti on 3. Millist loetletud diagrammitehnikatest ei kasutata põhimõtteliselt Eriksson-Penkeri ärimodelleerimise notatsioonis? klassidiagramm + ärikasutusjuhtude diagramm olekudiagramm tegevusdiagramm 4. Milliseid kasutusjuhtude mudelis identifitseeritud tegutsejaid (actors) ei ole vaja kasutusjuhtude diagrammis näidata? Valige pakutud vastusevariantide hulgast parim (s.t. täpne) vastus: toetavad tegutsejad vaadeldava süsteemi suhtes huvi...

Informaatika → Kontseptuaalne...
166 allalaadimist

Kino infosüsteemi strateegilise arenduse dokumentatsioon

.......................14ädevusala objektid (business klassid)................................................ 14ädevusala sündmused........................................................................14ädevusalaga seotud subjektid (business actorid)...............................15ädevusala mudelid..............................................................................15 Use Case diagrammid.................................................... 15 Use Case `ide kirjeldused .............................................. 18 klassidiagramm.....................................................20 definitsioonid ...................................................................21 püsipäringud, väljundid (nimekiri)..............................

Informaatika → Infosüsteemi projekteerimine
117 allalaadimist

prelim year 1

Customs are not made by governments and they are not written down. Sometimes we can break these rules without any penalty, but if we keep breaking the rules or break an important one, other society members may criticize us or act violently toward us. And some prescriptive laws are made by governments. When governments make laws they use a system of courts backed by the power of the police to enforce these laws. 2. Sources of law (general) Precedent – a decision about a particular legal case that makes it likely that other similar cases will be decided in the same way Solve a dispute – to find a solution to a disagreement; to adjudicate Judiciary – a country’s body of judges Government – system by which a state or community is controlled Judge – a person who is in charge of a trial in a court and makes decisions on legal matters Civil code – a collection of laws designed to deal with different areas of private law

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
21 allalaadimist

Inglise õiguskeel

power 5. legislative power – statutory power 6. legislature – parliament 7. legislation – the whole set of laws 8. legislators - lawmakers 9. judicial power – the power exercised by the court of law 10. judiciary – forensic/ all judges 11. executive power – administrative power Civil Procedure 1. tsiviil-, kriminaalmenetlus – civil procedure, criminal procedure 2. kohtuprotsess (toimingud kohtus) – trial, court proceedings, hearing a case 3. riigi nimel – in the name of the state 4. kriminaalsüüdistust algatama – to bring a criminal action 5. hagi algatama, kohtusse kaebama – to sue, to bring an action against smb 6. süüdistaja - prosecutor 7. ohver - victim 8. süüdistatav, kaitsealune (krim.) – defendant, the accused 9. väljaspool mõistlikku kahtlust – beyond reasonable doubt 10. süüd tõestama – tp prove the guilt 11. süüs kahtlema – to doubt the guilt 12

Keeled → Inglise keel
43 allalaadimist

Kodutöö 1 BST

int search( int v ) { if(value == v) { cout<<" esineb puus "< v) { if(left) { left -> search(v); } else { cout<<" ei leitud "< search(v); } else { cout<<" ei leitud "< case 0: goto PREORDER; case 1: goto INORDER; case 2: goto POSTORDER; default: {cout<<"Ei saa printida!"<print(); } if(right) { cout<<"---->"<print(); } return; INORDER: if(left)

Informaatika → Keel c ja objektorienteeritud...
28 allalaadimist

Kodutöö 1 BST

int search( int v ) { if(value == v) { cout<<" esineb puus "< v) { if(left) { left -> search(v); } else { cout<<" ei leitud "< search(v); } else { cout<<" ei leitud "< case 0: goto PREORDER; case 1: goto INORDER; case 2: goto POSTORDER; default: {cout<<"Ei saa printida!"<print(); } if(right) { cout<<"---->"<print(); } return; INORDER: if(left)

Informaatika → Programmeerimine
3 allalaadimist

Transhumant Grazing systems in Temperate Asia

• Both transhumant and agropastoral systems are common Cold semi-arid Asia • Over most of area thee is little interaction between herding and croping • A major herding skill is getting stock fat summer and autumn to survive the winter • In 20th the livestock industry was collectivized for a period • Most of the countries of th region report serious degradation of their grazing lands. By the least affected is Mongolia Mongolia Case Study • Topographic features , weather andfeed availability influence the itineraries chosen for immigration • All movements are west-east to make better use of pasture recources and climatic differences • Distance travelled annually is between 90 and 180 km • No herders stay at higher altitudes in winter • Since decollectivization puclic services, including technical support have detoriated, leading to marketing and procurement of neccesities Chinas pasture resources

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Süsteemianalüüs - Kolmanda loengutöö konspekt

1. Tarkvara Nõuete analüüs Äri(...tegelt ka või see on kuradi esimene vastus??)modelleerimise (distsiblinni) tulemused annavad konteksti ning “keele” (põhimõistestiku) tarkvara nõuete püstitamiseks. Iteratiivses arendusprotsessis UP toimub tarkvara nõuete püstitamine ja analüüs põhiliselt tarkvara kasutusjuhtude kirjutmise, modelleerimise ja analüüsimise kaudu. 2. Kasutusjuhtude mudel ehk (kui te olete inglise keeles väga sitt juhuslikult) Use Case Model UP defineerib Use Case mudeli nõuete analüüsi distsiblinni sees. Use Case mudel on kõikide kasutusjuhtude hulk: süsteemi funktsionaalsuse(kasutusjuhud) ja keskkonna(tegutsejad) mudel Eesmärgid ja kasutuslood Tellijad ja lõppkasutajad omavad eesmärke (goals, UP-s needs, sest UP on needy motherfucker) ning soovivad, et süsteem aitaks neid täita. Kasutusjuhud on jutustused süsteemi kasutamisest nende eesmärkide täitmiseks. Näide: Ülikoolis käimine:

Informaatika → Süsteemianalüüs
27 allalaadimist

Space Business

% of broadcasting time or programming budget Freedom of communication Respect of european laws Respect of human dignity Protection of minors Independent administrative authorities Guarantee national broadcasting freedom Enforce the law over services which fall under national jurisdiction Schedule programs appropriately (ie not containing violence, sex, rassisme during day) Examples: CSA (France), ITC (UK), TVWF (Luxemburg) The Medya TV Case § Med TV is an International Kurdish satellite TV which license was revoked (1999) in UK because of violent demonstration after the arrest of Ocalan (Kurdish militar leader, head of an terrorist organization PKK) § Med TV changed its name and moved to France § Medya TV introduced in 2002 a request for an agreement with CSA § The CSA did not answer. This implicit refusal was challenged by Medya TV

Õigus → Äriõigus
30 allalaadimist

Kontseptuaalne süsteemianalüüs

Kontseptuaalne süsteemianalüüs KT küsimused ja vastused 1. Milline järgnevalt nimetatud analüüsitulemustest on objektorienteeritud analüüsis kõige tähtsam? (Objektorienteeritud analüüsi all on siin mõeldud mitte kogu analüüsitegevust UP nimelises protsessis, vaid objektorienteeritud mõtteviisi selles tegevuses) kasutusjuhtude mudel protsessi mudel eesmärkmudel domeenimudel 2. Kas äriprotsess on samal ajal ka tarkvara kasutusjuhtum (use case)? Joonige alla õige vastus. Jah, kindlasti on Võib olla küll, kuid kindlate tingimuste täidetuse korral Ei, kindlasti mitte 3. Kas RUP Äri Objektmudel (Business Object Model) võib sisaldada dünaamikavaadet? Valige täpselt üks õige vastus: Ei või Jah, võib küll Oleneb asjaoludest 4. Millise allpool nimetatutest võiks olla (ainekonspekti ning C. Larmani raamatu õpetuse järgi) korrektse ning kasuliku skoobiga tarkvara kasutuslugu (use case)? Ainult üks vastusevariantidest vastab korrektse kasutuslo...

Informaatika → Kontseptuaalne...
145 allalaadimist

"Õigus" teemalised Inglise keelsed õigusterminid

non-contentious responsible for  to decide whether preferred term for a matters usually assuring the law is or not to instigate practising lawyer in concerned with followed and carried (põhjustama, certain jurisdictions estates, deeds, powers- out in every case. kaasa tooma) legal of-attorney, and Judges also read proceedings foreign and through court  to appear in court international business. documents and may A notary's main research legal issues. functions are to administer oaths and affirmations, take affidavits and statutory

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Süsteemianalüüsi 3. kontrolltöö

Õiged vastused märgitud punasega!!! 1. Milline alljärgnevatest väidetest on õige?  mõlemad on võrdselt tähtsad  Kasutusjuhtude mudeli koostamisel on teksti kirjutamine tähtsam diagrammide joonistamisest  Kasutusjuhtude mudeli koostamisel on diagrammide joonistamine tähtsam kui teksti kirjutamine 2. Milliseid kasutusjuhtude mudelis identifitseeritud tegutsejaid (actors) ei ole vaja kasutusjuhtude diagrammis näidata? Valige pakutud vastusevariantide hulgast parim (s.t. täpne) vastus: toetavad tegutsejad vaadeldava süsteemi suhtes huvisid omavad tegutsejad kõrvalseisvad (offstage) tegutsejad arvutisüsteemid inimtegutsejad primaarsed tegutsejad 3. Isikute haldamine on tavaline nn. CRUD (create, read, update, delete) tüüpi protsess , mis hõlmab ...

Informaatika → Süsteemianalüüs
53 allalaadimist

Inimõigused, kaasuste kokkuvõtted, õigus isikuvabadusele

6 Art 5(1)(f) - Bozano v France (1987) CASE OF BOZANO v. FRANCE (18 December 1986) The applicant, an Italian national, was tried in absentia by an Italian court for abduction and murder and sentenced to life imprisonment. Three years later, he was arrested in France by the police, but a formal request for extradition was refused by the Limoges Court of Appeal as the conviction in absentia was incompatible with French public policy. The applicant remained in

Õigus → Inimõigused
28 allalaadimist

Having a job while styding

Having a job while styding Many students want to work, while they are styding. In some case it is good but another side it is negathive thing. Positive is that you can earn Money and you do not have to depend on your parents. Secondly you colud meet whit new peole anf make friends. Thirdly and most important job makes a persoon to be more responseble. Also having a job when boys or girls are young. Then growing up i tiss easy for make a choice, where someone would like to work. And the last i think that when teenager have job whilw they are studying is really goodi n case it do not

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Äriuuringute kontspekt eksamiks

Kvalitatiivne uuring: – Kuidas sotsiaalset maailma tõlgendada, mõista, tajuda ja moodustada. – Baseerub paindlikele ja tundlikele meetoditele. – Baseerub analüüsimeetoditele, mis suudavad komplekssuse, detailsuse ja konteksti arvestamisega toime tulla. Kvalitatiivsed uuringustrateegiad • Juhtumiuuring (case study) - uurimisstrateegia, mis keskendub mingi nähtuse uurimisele tema loomulikus keskkonnas; võib keskenduda ühele juhtumile (single case study) või mitmele juhtumile (multiple case study) – On eesmärgiks mõista, kuidas uuritav nähtus sõltub kontekstist ja kujundab konteksti: antud strateegiaga sobivad uurimisküsimused “kuidas” ja “miks” vormis. • Etnograafiline uuring (etnography) • Tegevusuuring (action research) Mis on Case Study? • Uurimine reaalses olukorras. Ebaselged piirid fenomeni ja konteksti vahel • Ajas muutuvad/dünaamilised olukorrad. • Sügav, avastuslik, detailne

Majandus → Ärijuhtimine
22 allalaadimist

Modern Hero

Centuries ago a hero was reckoned to be someone with super human courage, abnormal powers or with abilities to use magic items. A hero used to be somebody who fought magical creatures of evil and conniving kings or lords. A past hero usually saved the world from being ruled by evil forces (Eragon) or a clan from being destroyed (Beowulf killed Grendel and his mother to help the village). A hero like that was respected by the elderly people and always glorified by his family (in case they were still alive at the end of the story). It used to take a long journey and a fascinating victory to be recognized as a hero but nowadays it has become much easier. We give the title "hero" away much faster and there is actually no surprise to that- there aren't really any monsters left to fight or people to fight them. For example we share the title every evening on TV news (TV3 Eestimaa uhkus) to people who have done a good act. It has both-cons and pluses

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
6 allalaadimist

Tarkvaratehnika ja VBA

PÄRNUMAA KUTSEHARIDUSKESKUS ARVUTITEENINDUS Kertu Sõber Tarkvaratehnika ja VBA Juhendaja: Sander Mets Sisukord Sisukord...................................................................................................................................... 2 Tarkvaratehnika.......................................................................................................................... 3 Sissejuhatus.............................................................................................................................3 Eesmärgid............................................................................................................................3 Tarkvaratehnika.................................................................................................................. 3 VBA..................................................................................

Informaatika → Arvutiteenindus
46 allalaadimist

Kissing the Blarney Stone

The Blarney Stone               Georg Kuusk & Pärtel Sarap  What is that? The Blarney Stone is a block of limestone, built into  the walls of the Blarney castle. The stone was set  into a castle tower in 1446. It is a very popular  tourist site in Ireland, tourists all over the world  come to watch the gardens around the castle and  kiss the stone.                                                                                             Origins The owners of Blarney Catle have several theories  of the origins of the stone. The stories include one  theory that the stone was presented to Cormac  McCarthy in 1314 for his support in the Battle of  Bannockburn. In this legend the stone was a piece  of the Stone of Scone, but modern analysis don´t  confirm it.                                 Legend Cormac McCarthy, the builder of Blarney Castle  who was included in a case. He asked to  Cliodhna for her h...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

VBA laused

i poole kujul või Nimi2([argumentide loetelu]) Nimi1 argumentide loetelu Set v_nimi = Valikulaused IF-lause If tingimus Then laused_1 [Else laused_2] Select Case lause (täitmisele kuuluvad laused valitakse ühe suuruse (selektori) väärtuse alusel) IF-plokk If tingimus1 Then Select Case selektor lause(d) { Case kriteerium-k

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
16 allalaadimist

Buying on credit

Such kind of activity is the most popular in the Unites States of America. Advertisers always praise how buying on credit is beneficial but people also need to get familiar with it`s disadvantages. First of the various utilities is space savings. It is very easy to carry on credit card in a purse because it takes less room than a bundle of dollar bills. Secondly, when we lose cash then it´s permanently gone but in case of missing credit card it is possible to cancel the bank account. Another important benefit is ability to handle expenses that might be out of one´s reach. In case of an emergency, such as car breakdown or illness, it is very useful. Despite of great advantages, people should keep in mind it`s downsides. A credit card leads people to unresponsible spending. Buying goods that are off someone´s limit causes problems with paying back the balance each month

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Arvutiga töötamine

How to use your iPad ergonomically - Nutitelefoniga töötamine: The ergonomically correct way to use your smartphone, and 4 more ways to stay pain-free - smartphone-and-4-more-ways-to-stay-pain-free.html Avoiding smartphone injuries - Injuries84083 A case of iPhoneitis (and 3 other Smartphone-related injuries) - injuries/ Video: Valisin selle video selle tõttu, et sain sealt hea idee, kuidas töödata arvutiga. Toolil istudes võib paratamatult kehaasend valeks minna, kuid pallil istudes pead hoidma tasakaalu ja selg on seetõttu sirge.

Majandus → Töökeskkond ja ergonoomika
9 allalaadimist


If I were you, I wouldn’t do that. unless, if … not, except if refer to things which have not happened or did not happen or probably will not happen: Come over tomorrow around five, unless my secretary contacts you. Come over tomorrow around five, except if my secretary contacts you. 4 otherwise expresses an outcome which is likely if a condition is not met: Take the umbrella, otherwise you’ll get soaked. in case refers to situations involving a risk which has to be avoided: I’ll take these shoes with me in case it rains. in case of has a negative connotation and is used for real conditions in formal contexts such as warning notices: In case of fire, do not use the lift. (= If there is fire, ...) but for followed by a noun phrase is used in more formal contexts as a fixed expression meaning ‘if it were not for’: But for Sandra, we’d all have got lost ages ago.

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

Informaatika Harjutus 2 2

[ Else _2 ] End If If- - If _1 Then _1 _1 ElseIf _2 Then _2 _2 _1 ... ElseIf _n Then _n _2 _n Else _E _n _E End If Select Case [-1] [] Select Case { Case -k [ -k ] } [-2] [-n] [ Case Else [ ] ] -1 -2 ... -n End Select If Then _1 [ Else l_2 ] ) _1 _2 _E [] -n] -n else_ Cells 1 2 3 4 1 13 92 92 55 : 2 81 89 69 20 A - C4:F9

Informaatika → Informaatika 2
32 allalaadimist

Does the Higgs Field do something?

Is studied the possibility to replace the Dark Matter and the Dark Energy with the single Higgs Field (or fields). The study in close direction was made in arXiv:1603.06242, and in “The Higgs Boson May Disintegrate into Dark Matter” (the Google News). Just because the physics is physical, then the Higgs Field do exist, do exist throughout the spacetime, and even acts on curvature of the spacetime even in the cosmic void (the places without the baryonic matter). In case of the places with the baryonic matter the Higgs Field emits the Higgs Boson to give the baryonic matter the right amount of mass: therefore the density of the Higgs Field do not alter the mass of the baryonic matter. Because we are free to move in a void, then the Higgs Field is acting exactly as the Dark Matter and the Dark Energy. Do you agree? PACS numbers: 1 I. ON THE NECESSITY OF THE DARK MATTER AND DARK ENERGY

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Autonomy Corporation

Autonomy Corporation Autonomy Corporation • 1996. a, Cambridge, UK • Mike Lynch • David Tabizel • Richard Gaunt • Arvuti tarkvara arendus • Konsentreeritud ettevõtetele • 2010. a UK turuliider • Üle 10 000 töötaja • Cambridge ja Sunnyvale, California HP Autonomy • 2011. okt ostis HP 87,3% aktsiatest • HP Autonomy • Varasem huvi (Mike Hurd) • 2012. a maiks oli lahkunud kogu Autonomy juhtkond ning 20% töötajatest • Erinevused tarkvara ja riistvara tööstuse vahel • 20. nov 2012 kanti maha 8,8 miljardi dollari väärtuses varasid Mis juhtus? • HP väidab, et Autonomy moonutas 2 aasta jooksul oma kasumeid • Tehingud oleksid justkui toimunud, kuid reaalne ostja puudus • Riistvara ei installeeritud arvutitesse • Jagati tasuta riistvara • Autonomy juhtkond eitab HP süüdistusi Võtmeisikud • Mike Lynch • Tegevdirektor Autonomys • Leo Apotheker • Tegevdirektor HPs Tagajärjed • 1 kuu peale tehingut ...

Majandus → Majandus
4 allalaadimist

Arvuti ja meedia

Multimeedia arvuti Viktoria Plotnikova CHIEFTEC BRAVO SERIES EATX CASE WITH PSU 400W ● Tootja- Chieftec ● Korpuse tüüp- eATX ● Toiteplokk- 400W ● Korpuse materjal- SECC ● Esipaneel- Audio In,Audio out,FireWire,USB 3.0 ● Summa- 135.73 euri CHIEFTEC BRAVO SERIES EATX CASE WITH PSU 400W (2) ● Erimärkused: Tolmukindel, 7x Expansion Slot, maksimum pikkus videokaardil 320mm. Maksimaalne kõrgus CPU cooler 160mm. ● Mõõtmed: 205 x 460 x 530mm ● Kaal: 12.5 kg ● Valisin selle korpuse, kuna mulle meeldis selle kurpuse ehitus ja summa. ASROCK X99 WS-E/10G ● Tootja- ASRock ● Kiibistik- Intel X99 express ● Mõõtmed(Form Factor)- E-ATX ● Pesa- LGA 2011-3 ● Mälusiin- DDR4 ● Siini kiirus- 2133 MHz

Informaatika → Arvuti
2 allalaadimist

Comparative law

1.Common law A common law legal system is a system of law characterized by case law which is law developed by judges through decisions of courts and similar tribunals a common law system is based on legal precedents. The roots of the common law legal systems can be traced back to the first common law system created in England during the Middle Ages. Today, most countries that once had ties to England, including the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and Hong Kong, to name a few, operate under common law.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Teadusfilosoofia valikut

/.../. Alternatively, one might focus on science as a set of results that are 4. Descriptive and Prescriptive. Fourth, one may think critically about science generated by human activities. Then the center stage would be occupied by questions as it is (or has been) on the one hand, or as it ought to be on the other. In the former like, According to contemporary science, what is the nature of space and time? The case, one's task is essentially that of accurately reporting the nature of the enterprise, objects of philosophers' attention in this case are not space and time themselves, while in the latter one is prescribing the nature of the enterprise as it should be in order which are the objects of scientists' attention, but scientists' views about space and to satisfy certain normative requirements. /.../ time. /..

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
27 allalaadimist

Investors Handbook. A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia

Audit and Accounting requirements As far as the auditing requirements are concerned, per Law on Entrepreneurs, the audit is incumbent for the following entities: a) accountable company (as defined by the Law on Securities Market), the securities of which are admitted at the stock exchange; b) the company which is licensed by the National Bank of Georgia (such as banks, insurance companies, brokerage companies and etc); c) the company, the number of its shareholders exceeds 100. In this case the audit shall be conducted by the auditor being legally and economically independent from the company, its directors and shareholders. Despite the legal status, the company turnover of which exceeds 100 000 GEL in any continuous period of 12 calendar months must file an application for VAT registration to the Revenue Service and process the accounting in compliance common standards. Individual entrepreneurs, small

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Marriage vs cohabiting

Marriage vs cohabiting If one day marriage was a traditional part of people’s lives than nowadays many people choose cohabitation instead. In my opinion there are upsides and downsides to both marriage and cohabiting. Firstly let’s look at the up- and downsides of marriage. Marriage is a big commitment, so many people tend to be scared of it. They are scared that their marriage will lead to divorce, in which case the parting can turn out to be much more complicated than parting in case of cohabitation. The second problem is that many people just don’t see the point in marrying. And there is also the financial loss of the celebrations and the ring and things like that. I think that one of the upsides of marriage is definitely the promise that people make to eachother when marrying. If they think about that promise while deciding if to part ways or not then it might help them

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Projekt aines “Infosüsteemide strateegiline analüüs”

Uudist korrigeeritakse Uudise muutmine Kõike uudiste nimekirja vaatamine Uudiste nimekirja vaatamine Seotud subjektid (business actorid) Pädevusala kliendid: Andmesisestaja Pädevusala teenindajad: Andmesisestaja TTÜ IS strateegiline analüüs 5 © TTÜ Informaatikainstituut Mudelid Business Use Case diagrammid a) pädevusala teenindaja rollis Vappi loomine Uudise loomine Uudise muutmine Vappi muutmine

Informaatika → Kontseptuaalne...
27 allalaadimist

Labyrinth 2. kodutöö

return north; } Room* Room::addSouth(string newRoomName) { south = new Room(newRoomName, maze); south->connectNorth(this); return south; } Room* Room::addEast(string newRoomName) { east = new Room(newRoomName, maze); east->connectWest(this); return east; } Room* Room::addWest(string newRoomName) { west = new Room(newRoomName, maze); west->connectEast(this); return west; } Room * Room::getNeighborRoom(char compass) { switch(compass) { case 'N': return north; case 'S': return south; case 'W': return west; case 'E': return east; default: return NULL; } } bool Room::validatePath(string path) { Room* current = this; for (int i=0; i < path.length(); i++) { cout << path[i]; if (path[i]=='N' || path[i]=='E' || path[i]=='S' || path[i]=='W') { Room *next = current->getNeighborRoom(path[i]); if(next != NULL)

Informaatika → Keel c ja objektorienteeritud...
26 allalaadimist


NET infrastruktuurides. Alates firma asutamisest 1993 aastal on tehtud tihedat koostööd avaliku sektori organisatsioonidega ja eelkõige euroopas. Seda eesmärgiga arendada välja dokumendihaldussüsteem mis vastab regioonis kehtivatele õigusaktidele ja oleks mugav ning ühtne programm lõppkasutajale n.ö. (info)tarbimiseks. Tarkvara on kasutusel rohkem kui kolmekümnes riigis üle maailma ja seda erinevate suuruse ning arengutasemega ettevõtetes. Üks viimasemaid versioone GOPRO Case jookseb Lotus Domino R5, R6, R7 või R8 peal. GOPRO Case Professional on ettevõttet toetav toode, mis sobib kõikidele ettevõtetele ja organisatsioonidele. See hõlmab farmaatsia-, õigus-, tervise-, transport-, haldussektoreid. GoPro annab info haldamise lahendus võimaldab kasutajale konsolideeritud vaadet dokumentidest, kirjavahetustest ning äriprotsessidest mis on seotud klientide ja töökaaslastega. Programm võimaldab dokumentide,

Informaatika → Majandusinfosüsteemid
22 allalaadimist

Law-makers breaking the law: torture as a justified interrogation technique?

(Verplaetse, 2008). Since 9/11 and the following fight against terrorism it became clear that the Bush administration thought of torture as something justifiable while it goes against all possible agreed upon treaties and conventions. One could indeed possibly think of situations that could serve as an exception to the prohibition of torture but these hypothetical situations can hardly relate to real situations. The ticking bomb argument looks at the hypothetical case where a leader of a state is asked to give their permission to torture a captured rebel leader because he (probably) knows the locations of a few explosives that are spread around the city in different apartment buildings. In case they are not found within 24 hours, they will explode and many will be left dead (Walzer, 1973). Is it justified to torture this person to find out where the bomb is? This essay will look in to how it has according to the thinkers in the strand of

Õigus → Õiguse filosoofia
6 allalaadimist

Programmeerimine PHP

kohta, siis if-elseif-else abil see on imelihtne: Näide "; if ($result == -1) { echo 'You lost'; } elseif ($result == 0) { echo 'Draw'; } elseif ($result == 1) { echo 'You win'; } else { echo 'Error'; } ?> Lisalugemist Liigaastad (www) - eesti keeles 3.2 Switch PHP-s on olemas veel üks tingimuslause mille abil võib realiseerida hargnemist. See on switch ja case käskudest moodustatud switch- tingimuslause. Selleks, et tulevikus vigu vältida on väga tähtis aru saada kuidas arvuti töödeldab switch lause. Esialgul jäetakse meelde avaldis (vajadusel arvutatakse seda ka) ja sõltuvalt sellest siirdub täitmisjärg ühte või teise harusse - neid tähistavad avaldise väärtused koos case sõnaga. Lisaks konstruktsiooni lõppu võib lisada ka sõna default - seda täidetakse siis, kui

Infoteadus → Allika?petus
53 allalaadimist

Individual Sugars, Soluble, and Insoluble Dietary FiberContents of 70 High Consumption Foods.

Report Individual Sugars, Soluble, and Insoluble Dietary Fiber Contents of 70 High Consumption Foods. Introduction Glucose is a simple sugar and an important carbohydrate in biology. Glucose is one of the main products of photosynthesis and it also starts cellular respiration. But do you know how many saccharide our food contains? Main body At the beginning different products were analyzed such as baked products, cereal grains and pasta, fruits, legumes and vegetables were purchased for analysis. This kind of method is named sampling. One of the important methods of analysis is sample preparation. Non-edible parts of fruits and vegetables, such as stem, core, seeds, and skin, were removed before further sample preparation. In this method all vegetables were cooked in the microwave. Equal weight portions of the same food were composited and blended to a homogenous mixture. Frozen samples were further dried in vacuum before analysis....

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Arthur Conan Doyle

during the First World War, and when Casement committed treason against the UK during the Easter Rising out of conviction for his Irish nationalist views. Conan Doyle tried, unsuccessfully, to save Casement from the death penalty, arguing that he had been driven mad and was not responsible for his actions. Conan Doyle was also a fervent advocate of justice, and personally investigated two closed cases, which led to two imprisoned men being released. The first case, in 1906, involved a shy half-British, half-Indian lawyer named George Edalji, who had allegedly penned threatening letters and mutilated animals. Police were set on Edalji's conviction, even though the mutilations continued after their suspect was jailed. It was partially as a result of this case that the Court of Criminal Appeal was established in 1907, so not only did Conan Doyle help George Edalji, his work helped establish a way to correct other miscarriages of justice

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Zachmani tugiraamistik

kasutusjuhud) Disain annab lahenduse (`valge kasti' mudel; KUIDAS teeb/teab) o Lahenduse koostisosad o Koostisosade toimimine/suhtlemine/koostöö Teostamine ­ seotud konkreetsete tehnoloogiatega Kas Kasutusjuhtude mudel on "musta kasti" (ehk Analüüsi) mudel või "valge kasti" (ehk Disaini) mudel? musta Kas Kasutusjuhtude mudelit tehakse Tarkvarale või Ärile või mõlemale süsteemile? Mõlemale, aga on business use case Kui mõlemale süsteemile, siis millised on vastavate mudelite sarnasused, erinevused ja kokkupuutepunktid ? Ärikasutusjuhud väljendavad ärisüsteemi "kasutajate" (äriTegutsejate) funktsionaalseid (äri)eesmärke. Ärikasutusjuhtude abil saab modelleerida Äriprotsesside struktuuri (ja käitumist). Kas ja Kuidas saame ärikasutusjuhtudest tuletada tarkvara kasutusjuhud? Mõelge Restorani versus Ainete Deklareerimise näite peale.

Majandus → Majandus
5 allalaadimist

Referaat aines Ehitusmasinad "Buldooserid"

puistematerjalide teisaldamiseks ja vallitamiseks, võsa ja metsa laastamiseks, kivide koristamiseks jne. Buldooseri tagaosas asub küünisekujuline seade (kobesti), mida kasutatakse kõva pinnase lahti ajamiseks. Buldoosereid võib leida paljudel erinevatel aladel nagu näiteks kaevandused, karjäärid, sõjaväebaasid, rasketööstus tehastes ning taludes. Joonis 1. Buldooserid Suurimad buldooserite tootjad on Shantui, Caterpillar, Case, Komatsu, Liebherr ja Euclid. 2010. a. statistika põhjal oli Shantui kõige suurem buldooserite tootja, teisel kohal oli Caterpillar. 1.1 Buldooserite liigitus 1. Baasmasina käiguosa tüübilt: roomik, ratas. 2. Tööseadme kinnituselt baasmasina külge: välimise kinnitusega, sisemise kinnitusega. 3 3. Juhtimissüsteemilt: käsitsijuhtimisega,

Põllumajandus → Põllumajandus
25 allalaadimist

Introduction and history of the European Union

(EU) and Member States. It introduces a precise classification for the first time in the founding Treaties, distinguishing between three main types of competence: exclusive competences, shared competences and supporting competences. THE THREE MAIN TYPES OF COMPETENCE The Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU) distinguishes between three types of competence and draws up a non-exhaustive list of the fields concerned in each case:  exclusive competences (Article 3 of the TFEU): the EU alone is able to legislate and adopt binding acts in these fields. The Member States’ role is therefore limited to applying these acts, unless the Union authorises them to adopt certain acts themselves;  shared competences (Article 4 of the TFEU): the EU and Member States are authorised to adopt binding acts in these fields. However, Member States may exercise their

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

History of english review questions and answers 2016

System of tenses Germanic, but with a reduction of tenses. Paradigmatic leveling; Stress shift; Word order; Loan words (Old Norse, Old French). Dual pronouns. Determiners - no separate definite article. Strong and weak verbs. Word order relatively free with tendencies towards SVO. SVO, SOV, VSO most common. Adposition and podposition were both possible (eesliide ja tagaliide). About syntax: clauses were joined much simpler than nowadays, using and, then etc. Because of case syncretion the word order in a sentence became much more important to be able to tell the difference between words. FIRST CONSONANT SHIFT (GRIMM'S LAW) Grimm's Law (also known as the First Germanic Sound Shift or Rask's rule) is a set of statements named after Jakob Grimm describing the inherited Proto-Indo-European (PIE) stop consonants as they developed in Proto-Germanic (the common ancestor of the Germanic branch of the Indo- European family) in the 1st millennium BC

Filoloogia → Inglise keele ajalugu
18 allalaadimist


käitus agressiivselt ja kes ei täitnud oma töökohustusi. Olukorda oleks saanud vältida kui töökohustused oleksid juba alguses ära jaotatud töölepingus. 7. Kui ma oleksin olnud juhatuse rollis, siis oleksin mina Inga vallandanud. Töötaja peab austama oma kaaskollege. Töötaja peab probleemi korral pöörduma juhatuse poole ning läbirääkimiste teel jõudma probleemi lahendusteni. Case 3 1. Ettevõte on halvasti organiseeritud ja töölised pole motiveeritud. 2. Tõnu selgitas õigesti probleemi, milleks on praaktoodete rohkus, tööseisakud ja pikad tähtajad. Kuid nagu selgus, oli see vaid tagajärg, mitte tegelik põhjus. Ehk siis takistuseks on ikkagi vähene suhtlus ning soovimatus ühiselt probleemid lahendada. Probleem on osaliselt ka isikute vaheline – koosolek muutus ju Mareki ja Toomase isiklikuks nägelemiseks

Majandus → Juhtimine
10 allalaadimist

Crime and punishment

armuandmine - Mercy edasikaebamine - Appeal haldusõigus - Administrative law/ public law juriidilisele kaitsele - Judicial protection kaitse - Defence kaitsja - Councel for the defence kannatav pool - Injured party karistama - Punish karistust andma/täide viima - Meting out punishment karm karistus ­ a harsh sentence kautsjon - Bail kirjalik laim - Libel kirjutatud seadus/parlamendi aktidel põhinev seadus - Statute law/statutory law kohtu asja võitma ­ win a case kohtuametnik - Court officer kohtuistung - Trila kohtulikule arutamisele minema ­ go on treial kohtunik - Judge kohtuotsus - Verdict kohtuotsust määrama - Passes sentences kohtus tunnistust andma ­appear in court as a witness kohtusse ilmuma ­ appear in court kooskõlas - In conformity with kriminaal - Criminal kriminaalhooldusametnik - probation Office kriminaaljuurdlus ­ a criminal investigation kriminaalne käitumine ­ criminal behaviour kriminaalne taust ­ a criminal record

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Hüdro- ja aeromehaanika

axisymmetric cases? 1.1 Vorticity is equal to the curl of the flow velocity. Vorticity is the tendency for elements of the fluid to "spin." Mathematically, vorticity is a vector field and is defined as the curl of the velocity field. w = curl (u ) = × u 1.2 Vorticity transport equation on the plane From the Navier-Stokes equation u 1 + u ( u ) = - p + g + v 2 u t We derive equation for two dimentional case on x-y plane (in the absence of gravity). x component: u u u 1 p +u +v =- + v 2 u t x y x (1.21) y component: v v v 1 p +u +v =- + v 2 u t x y y (1.22) Now differentiating 1.21in respect to y and 1.22 in respect to x, so we get: 2 u u u 2 u v u 2u 1 2 p u + +u + +v 2 = - + v 2

Füüsika → Füüsika
142 allalaadimist

Inglise keele struktuur

child-my child-my-PLURAL - gender or noun class: It. il libro `the book' la casa `the house' Swahili (Niger-Congo): m-tu m-zuri `a nice man' n-yumba n-zuri `a nice house' ki-tu ki-zuri `a nice thing' - definiteness: a house ­ the house Sw. ett hus huset det röda huset II. Relational categories for nouns: case English vs Estonian Grammatical categories for verbs I. Inherent categories for verbs: - tense: He walks a mile every day. He walked a mile every day Grammaticalized expression of location in time. The Wishram-Wasco dialect of Chinook: 4 inflectional past tenses ga-ciux `He did it some time ago' ni-cíux `He did it long ago.' na-ciúxw-a `He did it recently.' i-cíux `He just did it.'

Keeled → Inglise keel
106 allalaadimist

Süsteemianalüüs - Esimese loengutöö konspekt

Muudatusi On hea teha ja kohanemine on lebo, sest iteratsioonid on lühikesed, iga samm tegeleb ainult väikese hulga nõuetega, tagasiside pidev. PS. Pole kontrollimatu kus reageeritakse kõigile tellija tahtmistele. Nö kuldne kesktee, et mõistuse piirides on nõuded paindlikud. ● Agiilne - üldiste põhimõtete alusels, käigu pealt loodav 6. UP faasid/etapid ● Alustamine/Inception/Algfaas - loob esialgse visiooni, business case (kas tasub investeerida järgmisesse faasi?), skoop, hinnangud ● Täpsustamine/Elaboration/Detailimine - loob reaalse töötava arhitektuuri, realiseerib väikese hulga tähtsamaid põhifunktsionaalsus, enamike nõuete ja skoobi määramine, riskide lahendamine, realistlikumad hinnangud ● Konstrueerimine - teeb kõik muud funktsionaalsused, madalama riski ja kergemate elementide iteratiivne realiseerimine

Informaatika → Süsteemianalüüs
9 allalaadimist

Film Studies - The Black Dahlia

as Film Noir. The genre is called Film Noir due to the `serie noir` books, which were publised in France (bethween 1940s and 1950s). These books were translations of American novels by authors like Dashiel Hammet, Raimond Chandler and James M. Cain. The novels usually talked about a strong, violent hero (anti-hero?) who moves through a corrupt dangerous world. ``The Black Dahlia`` is based on a novel by James Ellroy and not on a true Black Dahlia (murder) case. The theme of murder/crime/violence is one of the most important themes in Film Noir. In Film Noir morality is less clear (than in Western, for example, where there are simply to sides: good vs evil). There exists a feeling of paranoia about society, as we can clearly see in this film. At first, there is not explanation, why the horrible murder has taken place, at the end, the reasons, why come out, but they are mad and frightening. Sex is the other big theme in Noir. As the years

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

English structure revision for the exam

But also herself, himself, hers etc.  There are morphologically unmarked nouns that have gender distinctions. For example: bachelor – spinster, mother – father, uncle – aunt etc.  There are morphologically marked nouns that have gender distinctions. For example: prince – princess, god – goddess  Case Case is a grammatical category that shows a syntactic and semantic relation between the word the case applies to and the rest of the elements of the sentence. According to traditional English grammar, there is only one case that applies to the noun. It is called the genitive (or possessive).  This case can be recognised by the ending –‘s. Some of

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Modelleerimine - 1 KT

Äri (puhas valdkond), tarkvara (rakendus) ja füüsiline süsteem (tehnoloogia). 18. Musta ja valge kasti mudel. Must ­ e mida süsteem teeb/teab, liidesed (sisendid-väljundid) välise käitumise kirjeldused (kasutusjuhud) Valge ­ pakub lahendused e kuidas teeb/teab, lahenduse koostisosad ja kuidas need omavahel suhtlevad/toimivad/koostööd 19. Tarkvara vs ärikasutusjuhud Pane igale poole äri ette. Use case on vaikimisi tarkvarajaoks. Ärikasutusjuhud, äritegutsejad, funktsionaalsed ärieesmärgid ­ tldr, mitte väga originaalne. 20.Kuidas mudelit teha? 21. Kasutusjuhu kirjeldamine Lühiformaat ­ Iseloomustab põhiolemust, jutustus sellest, kuidas tegutseja kasutab süsteemi oma eesmärgi täitmiseks. Juhuslik formaat ­ Illustreerib põhiolemust. Tavaliselt läheb detailidesse. Use case on seotud

Informaatika → Süsteemianalüüs
3 allalaadimist


EPIDEMIOLOOGIA = (epi ­ juures, seas, demos ­ rahvas, logos ­ teadus, õpetus) ehk teadus, mis käsitleb haiguste esinemist populatsioonides. Epidemioloogia on rahvatervise metodoloogiliseks aluseks. Epidemioloogia tekkis vajadusest uurida nakkushaigusi. Haiguse esinemist mõõdetakse/kirjeldatakse arvudega (statistika) ja haiguse ilmnemist seostatakse inimesi ja nende keskkonda iseloomustavate tunnustega. Seejuures pööratakse tähelepanu rahvastikurühmale, mitte üksikisikule. Uuritakse kõiki tervise ja eluviisi aspekte. Epidemioloogia ajaloolised juured peituvad haiguspuhangute uurimises ja nakkushaiguste leviku tõkestamise meetmete rakendamises ja sellega seonduvates uuringutes. Epidemioloogia kui teaduse alguspunktiks armastatakse lugeda Londoni kooleraepideemia uurimist, mille viis läbi kohalik arst, John Snow 1860-ndatel aastatel. Ta määras kindlaks iga inimese elukoha, kes suri Londonis koolerasse aastatel 1848-1849 ja 1853-1854. Sno...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
2 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun