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"case" - 842 õppematerjali

case – Computer-aided software engineering – Arvutigraafika tarkvara on domeen tarkvara tööriistadel, mida kasutatakse kujundamiseks ja et rakendada rakendusi.

Kasutaja: case

Faile: 3

RAS operatsioonisüsteemid - reaalajalised tuumad

RAS operatsioonisüsteemid - reaalajalised tuumad 1.Millised reaalajalised nõuded määravad RAS tarkvara koostamise eripära? RAS nõuded määravad tarkvara valmistamise eripärad (enamasti tekib sundparalleelsus): · Jõudlus tippkoormusel peab olema ennustatav · Töökiiruse juhtimine toimub ümbritsevast keskkonnast · Ohutus on sageli kriitilise tähtsusega · Andmemahud on väikesed või keskmised · Aktiivne liiasus (dubleerimine, jne) · Andmete terviklikkus nõutav lühiajaliselt · Autonoomne vigade avastamine 2.Selgitada sundparalleelsuse ja traditsioonilise paralleeltöötluse erinevusi. Sundparalleelsus on mitme samaaegse andmevoo töötlus ja interaktsioon, kus esinevad vahele segamised. Ühe töö katkestamine ja hiljem lõpetamine (Andmevood tükeldatakse kiiremaks töötluseks). See on paralleelsus, mis on peale sunnitud ümbritseva keskkonna poolt. Traditsiooniline paralleeltöötluses ei esine vahelesegamist ühe või mitme and...

Tehnoloogia → Reaalajasüsteemid
19 allalaadimist

Blandings Castle

the love of someone dear to him. Thus, he works extremely hard for Aggie and follows her to London, despite Lord Emsworth's forbiddance. He is not afraid to use any means to save her marriage. Freddie is a caring husband and he loves her wife very much (Quotes 1,2). Freddie has a deep, personal connection with his cousin Gertrude. They grew up together and because of that they have a trust between them. They keep each other's secrets and help each other out in case of trouble. Also, if something seems to be wrong then they are not afraid to speak is clear with each other. They are almost like a brother and a sister. That is probably because they grew up together like brothers and sisters do (Quotes 6,9). Freddie's relationship with his father, Lord Emsworth, is more than extraordinary. They are not like fathers and sons usually are. Instead, they have a sort of a love-hate relationship without the love and hate parts

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
34 allalaadimist


Kasutatud kirjandus 1. O'Connor J & Bensky D (trans. & eds.) (1981). Acupuncture: A Comprehensive Text. Seattle, Washington: Eastland Press. 2. Ernst E, Pittler MH, Wider B, Boddy K. (2007). "Acupuncture: its evidence-base is changing". 3. Ernst, Edzard (2006-02). "Acupuncture - a critical analysis". Journal of Internal Medicine 4. Lao L, Hamilton GR, Fu J, Berman BM (2003). "Is acupuncture safe? A systematic review of case reports". Altern Ther Health Med 5. Chiu, M (1993). Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 6. Ma, K (1992). "The roots and development of Chinese acupuncture: from prehistory to early 20th century" 7. Melzack R. (1976) Acupuncture and pain mechanisms Anaesthesist. 8. Johnson MI (2006). "The clinical effectiveness of acupuncture for pain relief--you can be certain of uncertainty". Acupunct Med. 24 9. Li K, Shan B, Xu J, et al. (2006). "Changes in FMRI in the human brain related to

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
26 allalaadimist

Protsessijuhtimise KT

Business Process Management: The Third Wave BPM Software Tools Business Process Change and BPTrends (website) Business Rules (ehk ärireeglid) Business Process Frameworks (from IT to business ­ ITIL) Business Process Architecture (... enterprise architecture) Customer Processes (... very important in service) Academic BPM Programs and the International BPM Conference Analytics, Big Data and Process Mining Case Management (ehk juhtumikorraldus, mis pärineb sotsiaaltöö valdkonnast) Protsessijuhtimise peamised koolkonnad ja kriitilised toimenäitajad. Toimenäitajad Kriitilisel toimenäitajal põhinevad konseptsioonid Aeg - ajapõhine juhtimine (TBM - time- based management) - tarneahelate juhtimine (SCM -

Muu → Kvaliteedi ja...
87 allalaadimist


VIIDATUD ALLIKAD  Bizjak, B., Knežević, M., Cvetrežnik, S. Show more Attitude change towards guests with disabilities: Reflections From Tourism Students 2011 [ 001593] 17.12.2015  Loo, S. Ecolines ratastoolibuss. Postimees 2015 [ id=2147186&lang=est] 16.12.2015  Pagán, R. The contribution of holiday trips to life satisfaction: the case of people with disabilities 2012 [ 60086] 17.12.2015  Erivajadustega reisijate õigused. Tarbijakaitseamet 2015 [ q=alex+d+linz&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwils92ExuPJAh UjjXIKHYPEA_8Q_AUIBygB&biw=1366&bih=667#imgrc=m3STFjsAFRMn cM%3A] 17.12.2015  Ligipääsetav turism ehk turism kõigile, Accessible Baltics 2015

Turism → Turism
12 allalaadimist

Tarkvaratehnika konspekt ja kordamisküsumused 2016-2017

käigus hoida) Nõude kolm põhiomadust: (eksamiküs)  ühene kontrollitavus – kui küsida, kas nõue on täidetud, peab saama üheselt vastata (jah/ei)  kerge kontrollitavus – ei tohi võtta liiga kaua aega  sõnastuse lihtsus – ei tohiks olla pikem kui 30 sõna SCRUM Sprint, sprindid jagunevad taskideks User stories – üldkuju: as a user I must be able to do something Use case (kasutusjuht):  on olemas graafiline (UML) ja tabelikujuline formaat  kriipsujukud (actorid), teevad mingeid tegevusi Kasutusjuht erineb kasutusloo poolest selle poolest, et kasutjusjuht on laiahaardelisem, näitab kasutaja tegevust üle süsteemi rajapinna, näitab seoseid erinevate kasutajate/süsteemide. Kasutuslugu piirdub pigem ühe kasutaja ja funktsiooniga. Nõuete spetsifikatsiooni dokument – dokument, kust saab järele vaadata, mida

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
45 allalaadimist

Rational Use of Diagnostic Tests

the test is, in fact, precise. For instance, if a white blood cell count from an individual patient is run 2 to 3 times on a particular hematology analyzer, the results would be considered precise if the results from each testing were in concordance with each other. Results from a hematology analyzer would be expected to be more precise than results from manual differentials.[7] However, it must be confirmed that this is the case, particularly when results from a particular test do not accord with expectations or with a patient's clinical presentation. Put a different way, precision can be thought of as the standard deviation, or how tightly data points cluster around a mean. To achieve valid results, tests must be both accurate and precise. Positive and Negative Predictive Values Predictive values differ from sensitivity and specificity in that they take into account the prevalence of disease in the test population

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

” Õpetaja Marju Lauristin“

Marju Lauristin. Valimisreklaami muutumine televisioonis 1992-2002. Tartu Ülikool Veronika Kalmus, PhD, 2003, juh. Marju Lauristin. School Textbooks in the Field of Socialisation. Tartu Ülikool Maarja Lõhmus, PhD, 2002, juh. Marju Lauristin. Role of the Estonian Russian-language Media in the Integration of the Russian-speaking Minority into Estonian Society. Turu Ülikool Pille Vengerfeldt, MA, 2002, juh. Marju Lauristin. Information Flows in the New Media Environment: a Case Study of Crisis News Reception. Tartu Ülikool Valeria Jakobson, PhD, 2002, juh. Marju Lauristin. Role of the Estonian Russian-language Media in the Integration of the Russian-speaking Minority into Estonian Society. Tampere Ülikool Inga Jagomäe, MA, 2001, juh. Marju Lauristin. Teadmusjuhtimise rakendamise võimalustest EV Majandusministeeriumi näitel. Tartu Ülikool Kaja Tampere, MA, 1999, juh. Marju Lauristin. Organisatsiooni kommunikatsioon muutuvas

Pedagoogika → Kasvatusteadus
9 allalaadimist

Geograafia KT-8.klass

Taiga: The low temperatures inhibit bacterial and fungal action, so the decomposition rate is low and the leaf litter relatively deep.The soil in the taiga is thin, acidic and not very nutrient rich. It also is rocky. 6. What is permafrost? In geology, permafrost, cryotic soil or permafrost soil is soil at or below the freezing point of water (0 °C or 32 °F) for two or more years. Ice is not always present, as may be in the case of nonporous bedrock, but it frequently occurs and it may be in amounts exceeding the potential hydraulic saturation of the ground material. 7. What is gully? A gully is a landform created by running water, eroding sharply into soil, typically on a hillside. Gullies resemble large ditches or small valleys, but are metres to tens of metres in depth and width. When the gully formation is in process, the water flow ratecan be substantial, which causes the significant deep cutting action into soil.

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
4 allalaadimist

Rolliteooria, portfoolio

Tallinna Ülikool Sotsiaaltöö Instituut Rolliteooria Portfoolio Tallinn 2016 Sisukord Ülevaade................................................................................................................ 4 Kahe teadusartikli ülevaade................................................................................... 8 Mõistekaart............................................................................................................. 9 Kirjandusallikate loetelu....................................................................................... 10 Eneserefleksioon.................................................................................................. 11 2 Sissejuhatus Antud töö koosneb viiest osast: 1. Kirjalik ülevaade 2. Kaks teadusartikli ülevaadet ...

Varia → Sotsiaaltöö eakatega
51 allalaadimist

Psühhofarmakoloogia eksam

Asendihüpotensioon Kehakaalu suurenemine Unehäired Raviminteraktsioonid: kaudse toimega sümpatomimeetikumide (köha- ja hingamisraskuste ravimid), teiste antidepressantide, petidiini ja morfiini toime tugevdamine Hüpertensiivne kriis interaktsioonist türamiinisisaldavate toideainetega ­ nn juustuefekt Ohtlikud üleannustamisel The Story of Cheese Effect · MAO inhibitorid põhjustavad mõnedel inimestel peavalu kontrollimatust vererõhu tõusust, mis võib lõppeda surmaga · Ühe case report'i avaldas1963 Lancet'is Barry Blackwell, kes juhtus lõunasöögi ajal kolleegidelt äsjasest juhtumist kuulma · Selle peale kirjutas haiglaproviisor Rowe talle: see juhtus ka minu naisega kaks korda, ikka pärast seda, kui ta juustu sõi · Blackwell rääkis sellest kui heast naljast - kuid samalaadsed lood kogunesid; juustuefekti peeti tõestatuks 1967. aastast · Juba Hippokrates kirjutas, et liigne juustusöömine tekitab valusid

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
83 allalaadimist

Discuss the representation of the generation of fathers in Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”

Discuss the representation of the generation of fathers in Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" Turgenev always had two tasks before him ­ to depict the body and pressure of time, and to depict the rapidly changing face of cultured Russian society (Freeborn 1960:48). Kluchevsky (1993:40) defined one case of the generation gap in the beginning of the XIX century as "merry cosmopolitan sentimentality of the fathers now transformed in a patriotic grief of their children. The Fathers were Russians, who passionately wanted to become French; the sons were raised as French and passionately wanted to become Russians. Fathers and Sons situates this generational conflict within family relations. In this essay, the ways how Turgenev represents the generation of Fathers in Fathers and Sons is discussed.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


tõuseb buldooseri tootlikkus võrreldes horisontaalselt töötamisega 1,3-1,4 korda (Borštšov, 1969). Buldooseri tootlikust saab arvutada valemiga: 3 T= 3600 V ∗k m t∗k k t ( ) V-hõlma teisaldatava pinnase maht k-kaldetegur (10% langu suunas k=1,8 ; 10% tõusu suunas k=0,5, rõhtpinnal k=1) t-ühe tsükli kestus 4 TOOTJAD Buldoosereid tootvad suurettevõtted:  Komatsu (Jaapan)  Caterbillar (Ameerika)  Case (Ameerika)  Liebherr (Saksamaa)  New Holland (Ameerika)  John Deer (Ameerika) Eestis buldooserite rendi ja müügiga tegelevtest firmadest on välja toodud 3. Pärnumaal asuv OÜ Ekto Pärnu rendib ainult ühte buldooserit - D65EX-15 , mille täismass on 21,0 tonni ning väljalaske aasta 2008 (Mullatöömasinad). AS Baltem, mis asub Harjumaal, tegeleb Komatsu buldooserite müügi ja rentimisega (Baltem buldooserid)

Ehitus → Ehitusmasinad
35 allalaadimist

Teadusartikli kirjutamine

Uurimistulemuste vormistamine ehk teadusartikli (või seminaritöö) kirjutamine 09.10.2012 Mis teeb tekstist teadusteksti On midagi öelda Väide on kontrollitav Rajaneb allikatel või eksperimentidel Teie teksti järgi peaks olema põhimõtteliselt võimalik eksperimenti korrata või väiteid allikate põhjal kontrollida Viidetega Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Teaduslik meetod 1. 1. Probleem 2. 2. formuleeri hüpotees (uurimisküsimus) 3. 3. tee vaatlused (arhiivitöö, küsitlus vm) või eksperimendid 4. 4. organiseeri ja analüüsi tulemused 5. 5. kas tulemus ...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
22 allalaadimist


mental health of infants. Archives of Hellenic Medicine, 32(2):245­249. Imiku toit ja toitumine.(2012).Eesti Lastearstide Selts. (08.05.2018). Imikute täielik rinnapiimaga toitmine kestuse ja maakonna järgi. (2016). Tervise Arengu Instituut. (08.05.2018). Jackson Allen., P. (2014). Promoting Breastfeeding in Infants with Cow's Milk Protein Allergy: A Case Study. PEDIATRIC NURSING, 40: 5. Osborn, K., Lyons., M. (2010). Is bottled water really unsafe for making up infant formula. Community Practitioner, 83(3): 31--4. Raukas, R., Uibo, O., Raal, A. (2006). Tervislik toit lapseootel naisele imikule väikelapsele. Tallinn: Kirjastus Valgus OÜ. Roper, N., Logan, W.L., Tierney, A.J. (1996). Õenduse alused. Tallinn: AS Kirjastus Elmatar. Torigoe, C., Asakura, L., Sachs, A., Demézio da Silva, C., Freitas de Vilhena Abrão, C., Silva dos Santos, G

Meditsiin → Õenduse alused
78 allalaadimist

Coca-Cola roll rahvusvahelises majanduspoliitikas

Tallinn University School of Governance, Law and Society Coca-Cola Company's role in IPE Final paper Tallinn 2018 Brief overview The Coca-Cola Company is an American corporation founded in 1892 and today engaged primarily in the manufacture and sale of syrup and concentrate for Coca-Cola, a sweetened carbonated beverage that is a cultural institution in the United States and a global symbol of American tastes, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia (Encyclopædia Britannica). Coca-Cola is the world's largest beverage company, refreshing consumers with more than 500 sparkling and still brands and nearly 3,900 beverage choices. Led by Coca-Cola, one of the world's most valuable and recognizable brands, their company's portfolio features 21 billion- dollar brands, 19 of which are available in reduced-,...

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised...
1 allalaadimist


Having footnotes: we do not have them ­ we have parenthesis (references in brackets) ­ parenthetical references (mentioning the author in brackets). Order of Entries Order your MLA reference list alphabetically by authors` last names or, when no author appears, by the 1st significant word of the title (omitting A, And, and The). If the author is an institution ­ for example, SRI International ­ list it by the 1st letter in the corporate name's 1st significant word (in this case S). If you are citing more than one work by a given author, observe the following MLA rules: 1. follow the alphabetical order of that author's titles. 2. if a cited author is also the coauthor of another cited work, put the single-author work 1st. 3. if a cited author has different coauthors for 2 cited works, place the works according to the alphabetical order of the coauthor's last names. Order within Entries

Õigus → Proseminar
36 allalaadimist


Formaldehyde Formaldehyde is a colorless, flammable gas at room temperature. It has a pungent, distinct odor and may cause a burning sensation to the eyes, nose, and lungs at high concentrations. Formaldehyde is also known as methanal, methylene oxide, oxymethylene, methylaldehyde, and oxomethane. Formaldehyde can react with many other chemicals, and it will break down into methanol (wood alcohol) and carbon monoxide at very high temperatures. Formaldehyde is naturally produced in very small amounts in our bodies as a part of our normal, everyday metabolism and causes us no harm. It can also be found in the air that we breathe at home and at work, in the food we eat, and in some products that we put on our skin. A major source of formaldehyde that we breathe every day is found in smog in the lower atmosphere. Automobile exhaust from cars without catalytic converters or those using oxygenated ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Uurmismeetodid psühholoogias

algolukorda, nii nagu see oli (teatud piirini) võimalik) small-N -eksperimendis, kus oli B-lt üleminek A-le tagasi mõjustuse äravõtmisega. Põhjused: a) KVE-s puudub EX poolne kontroll; b) KVE puhul esinevad sageli väga pikaajalised ülekandeefektid. Lisaks mõjutavad tulemuste interpreteerimist KVE-s mitmed tegurid, mis on kokku võetud tabelis 6.2. Kaks enam kasutatavat uuringuplaani on üksikjuhtumi üksikmõõtmine (one-shot case study) ja kindlatel aegadel korduvmõõtmine (interrupted-time-series design). KVE eriliigiks on E-d, mille oluliseks osaks on erinevused subjektipoolsetes muutujates (subject variables). Subjektipoolne muutuja võib olla suvaline inimese juures mõõdetav suurus (kasv, kaal, vanus, usutunnistus, ajukahjustuse tüüp, väärtushinnangud jne.jne.). Kuna enamus KVE-sid on ex post facto gruppidega, siis osutub nende subjektipoolsete muutujate analüüs eriti tähtsaks. TABEL 6.2

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
344 allalaadimist


5. First aid Most accidents happen at home. Many people die because their family doesn't know how to help them. So everyone should learn the basic things about first aid. Many poisonous things can be found in our bathrooms and under the kitchen sinks. If we have children at home it would be better to put dangerous things out of their reach. If still and accident has happened we must call for an ambulance. We must tell what has happened to the person, tell the person's age, home address. In case of poisoning we must save the bottle, tell the person's age and weight. 6. Medicine and elements of medical care Medicine is the science and art of healing. It is a since because it's based on knowledge gained through careful study and experimentation. It is an art because it depends on how skilfully doctors and other medical workers apply this knowledge when dealing with patients. The goals of medicine are to save lives and relieve suffering

Keeled → Inglise keel
42 allalaadimist

The mysterious affair at styles

now a refugee from the war and a resident at the neighboring village of Styles St. Mary. Though Poirot has retired, he quickly agrees to investigate the murder of Mrs. Inglethorp. After all, Emily had been instrumental in settling Poirot and some other Belgians in the village. The clues are plentiful. There is the crushed coffee cup in Mrs. Inglethorp's room, the remains of the cocoa in another cup, the stain on the carpet, the locked despatch case, the thread on the door bolt, the candle grease on the floor, the burned fragments of paper in the fireplace. The police are kept busy with suspects. First, there is Alfred Inglethorp. But his alibi is convincing. Then there is John Cavendish, but the evidence also points to his brother Lawrence. Even Dr. Bauerstein is taken into custody. In the end, of course, it is up to Poirot to use his "little gray cells" to discover the murderer. CHARACTERS

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
10 allalaadimist

Klassifitseeriv paradigma

Klassifitseeriv paradigma Gordon W. Allport (1897-1967) Personality: A psychological interpretation. 1937, NY: Henry Holt Pattern and growth of personality. 1961, NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. I. Isiksuse olemus. · dünaamiline organisatsiooon · psühhofüüsikaline süsteem · individuaalsus · temperament, intelligentsus ja füüsiline seisund · tüüp - teiste iseloomujoonte kategoriseerimine vs. isiksus - seesmine determinatsioon · miski, mis determineerib käitumist II. Kriteeriumid isiksuse teooriale · internaalsus, mitte situatsioon · seesmiste muutujate kirjeldus, mis determineerib käitumist · käitumismotiive tuleb ostida olevikus · isiksus on tervik, mitte elementide kogum · eneseteadvuse osa isiksuses III. Iseloomujooned iseloomujoon (trait) - ühik, biofüüsiline struktuur tagab erinevate stiimulite tõlgendamise funktsionaalselt ekvivalentsetena · käitumise konsistentsus...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
9 allalaadimist

Referaat Bullwhip Effect

, that determine the demand which needs to be analyzed in order to prevent bullwhip effect. Reduce Variability in the Supply Chain The reducing variability concept is simple and it will be clear from the following example. Suppose, there is a bike manufacturing company X which manufactures three different types of bikes, but produces same type of tires for their bikes. X supplies the bikes to a retailer company Y, which expects the bikes with different tire sizes. In this case, variability problem comes into existence. To avoid bullwhip effect, reducing the variability 8 is advisable. Implement Vendor Managed Inventory Strategy Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) is a strategy used in production sector, where the manufacture manages the quantity of the goods produced by his industry and the manufacturer will decide how much inventory he should ship to the retailer and how much inventory he should reserve in his stock.

Majandus → Makroökonoomika
32 allalaadimist

The City on London

Climb up 259 steps into the lower part of the dome and if you whisper on one side of the gallery, someone can hear it on the other side. Go even higher to the Golden Gallery, also on the exterior of the dome. You will have to climb 530 steps to see panoramic views across London from this, the smallest of the Cathedral's galleries. The Great Organ is the third largest in the UK and was installed in the Cathedral in 1695. The outer case is by Grinling Gibbons. In the North Quire Aisle you can see a sculpture of Mother and Child by Henry Moore. In the South Transept you can see memorials to, amongst others, Nelson and Scott of the Antartic. The Crypt is the largest in Europe and contains memorials to some of the country's greatest men including the tombs of the Duke of Wellington, Admiral Nelson and Sir Christopher Wren whose epitaph says "If you seek his monument look around you". London Bridge

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Psühhopaatia ja psühhopaadid

Külastatud 23. jaanuaril 2012.a. aadressil 3.Hare, R. (1996). Psychopathy: A clinical construct whose time has come.Criminal Justice and Behavior March. 4. Hare, R. (2005). What is a Psychopath? Küastatud 24. jaanuaril 2012.a. aadressil 5. Hare, R. (1996). Psychopathy and Antisocial Personality Disorder: A Case of Diagnostic Confusion. Külastatud 26. jaanuaril 2012.a. aadressil 6. Jüriloo, A. Vägivaldse riski hindamine. Külastatud 26. jaanuaril, 2012.a. aadressil 7. Kanger, L. (2011). Psühhopaadi reedavad alateadlikud kõnemustrid. Külastatud 22. jaanuaril 2012.a. adressil 8

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
53 allalaadimist

Laensõnade ja tsitaatsõnade päritolu ja kasutamine

'vastuvõtulaud', episood 'telesarja jagu', pasta 'makaronid', kaukaaslane 'europiid, valge inimene'. Ilmneb ka tendents kastada võõrsõna asemel uut, inglispärast sõna. Need võivad olla nii puht inglise laenud (aerosooli asemel sprei, plakati asemel poster) kui ka rahvusvahelised sõnad, mida inglise keeles vastavas tähenduses kasutatakse (mannekeeni asemel modell, makaronide asemel pasta). Samuti võidakse kasutada endist tüve inglispärasel kujul (kaasuse asemel case, tätoveeringu asemel tattoo). (Leemets 2002:46) Oleme juba kümmekond aastat inglise keele mõjusfääris olnud ja laenude hulk kasvab iga aastaga. On inimesi, kes peavad igat laenu halvaks, kuid teised jälle kasutavad igal võimalusel võõrsõna. KOKKUVÕTE Suurem osa laen- ja tsitaatsõnu, mis tänapäeval kasutusel on, on eesti keelde tulnud inglise keelest. Kokandus on üks valdkond, kus domineerivad ka paljudest teistest keeltest pärit sõnad.

Eesti keel → Akadeemilise kirjutamise...
58 allalaadimist


Ka meie väiksesse Eestisse jõudis Montessori pedagoogika jube esimese vabariigi ajal. Näiteks on teada, et 1927. aastal ostis Tallinna linnavalitsus kõikidele oma lasteaedadele (nii palju või vähe, kui neid oli) Montessori õppevahendid. Foto 1. Montessori kool 20.sajandi alguses 5 1907. aastal avas Maria Montessori esimese agulist pärit laste kooli ­ Case dei Bambibi. Seal töötades arendas ta välja praegu kuulsaks saanud õpetamismeetodi. Sõnum tema revolutsioonilisest õpetamismeetodist, mida ta koolis rakendas, levis kiiresti ja peagi hakkasid saabuma külastajatehulgad sellega tutvuma. Kõige revolutsioonilisemaks Montessori väiteks oli ehk see, et õppides on oluline osa lapse ümbrusel. Selleks, et laste enesehinnang kasvaks ja tugevneks, on vaja töötada lapsekeskses ümbruses. Montessori rääkis alati, et ta pole

Pedagoogika → Pedagoogika alused
70 allalaadimist

The article

Another general rule about the use of the Indefinite and Definite Article is that the Indefinite Article is used when mentioning someone or something for the first time and the Definite Article is used when referring to someone/something that has been mentioned before. We passed a beautiful house on our way to Birmingham. – Was the house for sale? I saw a man standing near the house. The man was well-dressed and looked like a businessman. In case of plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns, in ordinary situations, when something is mentioned for the first time, some is used. We passed some beautiful houses on our way to the beach. There were some people at the station. There was some sand on the building site. In extraordinary situations or when we want to emphasize something no article is used. Poor people cannot afford to live in beautiful houses.

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
16 allalaadimist


each event, with gold for first place, silver for second and bronze for third, a tradition which started in 1904. Competitors are entered by a National Olympic Committee (NOC) to represent their country of citizenship. National anthems and flags accompany the medal ceremonies, and tables showing the number of medals won by each country are widely used. In general only recognised nations are represented, but a few non- sovereign countries are allowed to take part. The special case of Taiwan was handled by having it compete as Chinese Taipei, to avoid the issue of Taiwanese independence. Though the most diverse sporting event in the world, the Olympics are perhaps not the most popular. The football World Cup attracts more global interest, as measured by the larger television audience. In ancient Olympic Games the Olympic flame was ignited and it burnt until the end of the games. In modern Olympics the flame appeared in 1928. The flame

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Rooli masin

Q = 103/0,97*28/60 = 49,5 l/min 2.4 Kruvipumba ja elektrimootori valik Tabel 3. Laevamehaanika kateeder EESTI MEREAKADEEMIA Kursusetöö: Laeva abimehhanismid 13 Sergei Dombrovski MM42 Valin IMO pumba: 6D-137 [Tabel 3. ] Q=83 l/min n= 299 p/min p= 100 bar Specifications- Series 6D Casing- High shock capacity ductile (nodular) iron. Consult Imo for steel case availability. Rotor Housing- Pearlitic gray iron for rotor sizes 106 through 187; bronze sizes 218 and larger. Power Rotor- Alloy steel, nitride hardened and thread ground Idler Rotors- Pearlitic gray iron, induction hardened and thread ground for sizes 106 through 187; alloy steel, nitride hardened and thread ground Gaskets- Cellulose and non-asbestos fiber Seal & Bearing- Type B: Buna N bellows mechanical seal, Buna N o-rings and

Masinaehitus → Masinaelemendid
13 allalaadimist

Klassifitseeriv paradigma

Klassifitseeriv paradigma Gordon W. Allport (1897-1967) Personality: A psychological interpretation. 1937, NY: Henry Holt Pattern and growth of personality. 1961, NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. I. Isiksuse olemus. · dünaamiline organisatsiooon · psühhofüüsikaline süsteem · individuaalsus · temperament, intelligentsus ja füüsiline seisund · tüüp - teiste iseloomujoonte kategoriseerimine vs. isiksus - seesmine determinatsioon · miski, mis determineerib käitumist II. Kriteeriumid isiksuse teooriale · internaalsus, mitte situatsioon · seesmiste muutujate kirjeldus, mis determineerib käitumist · käitumismotiive tuleb ostida olevikus · isiksus on tervik, mitte elementide kogum · eneseteadvuse osa isiksuses III. Iseloomujooned iseloomujoon (trait) - ühik, biofüüsiline struktuur tagab erinevate stiimulite tõlgendamise funktsionaalselt ekvivalentsetena · käitumise konsistentsus...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
8 allalaadimist

Foursyte Saga - The Man of Property

stage to mouth its claim to a perfect novelty. But no Age is so new as that! Human Nature, under its changing pretensions and clothes, is and ever will be very much of a Forsyte, and might, after all, be a much worse animal. Looking back on the Victorian era, whose ripeness, decline, and `fall-of' is in some sort pictured in "The Forsyte Saga," we see now that we have but jumped out of a frying-pan into a fire. It would be difficult to substantiate a claim that the case of England was better in 1913 than it was in 1886, when the Forsytes assembled at Old Jolyon's to celebrate the engagement of June to Philip Bosinney. And in 1920, when again the clan gathered to bless the marriage of Fleur with Michael Mont, the state of England is as surely too molten and bankrupt as in the eighties it was too congealed and low-percented. If these chronicles had been a really scientific study of transition one

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
14 allalaadimist

Body and exterior vocabulary autotehnik

In British English, the fender is called the wing (this usually only refers to the panels over the front wheel arches, in modern cars, since the rear 'fenders' are more an integral part of the car's body shape). The equivalent component of a bicycle or motorcycle, or the "cycle wing" style of wing fitted to vintage cars which is not integral with the bodywork, is called a mudguard in Britain, as it guards other road users - and in the case of a bicycle or motorcycle, the rider as well - from mud, and spray, thrown up by the wheels. In modern Indian and Sri Lankan English usage, the wing is called a mudguard. In the United States, a minor car accident is often called a "fender bender".- (plekimõlkimine) · Front clip: a front clip consists of, left and right fenders, bumper, bumper support, core supprt (this part IS welded), and sometimes hood. · Front fascia and header panel:

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


2. Internetis olevad elektroonilised allikad Higguchi, A.; Bowman E. jt, 1984. DNA sequences from the quagga, an extinct member of the horse family. Ruus, A. 2006. Eesti hobuse kaitse ühing. Siil, S. 2008. Aretustöö põhimõtted. Vollmer, M, Sepp, H. ja Noormets, A. Maintaining landscape diversity. Case study of Setomaa.$075143$fil$Zdlecn8YlLOCGx625JFX.pdf#page= 60 12 8. Lisad Foto 1. Hiirjas hobune Toonik (autor: Kalju Metsküla). 13

Loodus → Loodus
12 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

Pete Egoscue Phil Libin Ramit Sethi Ray Cronise Scott Jurek Sean Bonner Tallulah Sulis Terry Laughlin The Dexcom Team (especially Keri Weindel) The OneTaste Team The Kiwi The Kiwi Thomas Billings Tracy Reifkind Trevor Claiborne Violet Blue William Llewellyn Yuri V. Griko PhD Zack Even-Esh START HERE THINNER, BIGGER, FASTER, STRONGER? How to Use This Book How to Use This Book Does history record any case in which the majority was right? --Robert Heinlein I love fools' experiments. I'm always making them. --Charles Darwin MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA, 10 P.M., FRIDAY horeline Amphitheater was rocking.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Programmeerimise mõisted

PROGRAMMEERIMISE MÕISTED ALGORITM on täpne ja üheseltmõistetav eeskiri mingi ülesande lahendamiseks. Algoritmi esitusviisid: Pseudokoodis, kus kasutatakse programmeerimiskeele võtmesõnu, lauseid. Graafiliselt - blokk-skeemid. PROGRAMMEERIMISKEEL on tehiskeel algoritmide kirjapanekuks arvutitele "arusaadaval" kujul. Programmeerimiskeeles kirja pandud algoritmi nimetatakse PROGRAMMIKS või, kui veelgi täpsem olla, PROGRAMMI TEKSTIKS. Programmeerimiskeele süntaks on range eeskiri, mis sätestab väga üksikasjalikult, kuidas tohib programmi kirja panna nii, et see oleks arvuti poolt vastuvõetav. Vastasel juhul on tekstis süntaksivead. Programmi süntaks võib olla õige, kuid sellegipoolest see programm ei tööta arvutis nii, nagu soovisime. Siis on programmis on semantilised vead ehk sisulised vead. Kui süntaks määratleb ära sõnade ja sümbolite järjekorra lauses, siis lause semantika on lause mõte, tema tähendus. Vigade otsimine programmist ehk...

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
105 allalaadimist


I 1. Mis ja kui suur on kuuldelävi? Minimaalse intensiivsusega heli Imin, mis tekitab kuulmisaistingu kannab nime kuuldelävi. Viimase suurus on individuaalne ning sõltub väga tugevasti heli sagedusest. 2. Mis ja kui suur on vaevuslävi? Tekib kõrvus puutumis-, surve-, rõhumis-, vaevus-jne tunne, heli on otsekui muutunud liiga raskeks. See tähendab et heli intensiivsus on jõudnud normaalse kuulmise piirini, mina nim vaevusläveks. 3. Milline sagedusvahemik on parima kuulmise piirkond? Enam vähem 1-5 kHz. Sellest suurematel ja väiksematel sagedustel on kõrva tundlikkus väiksem ja kahaneb nii vanusega kui väga valjusid helisid kuulates. 4. Kuidas arvutatakse heli valjust? Leiame nii kuuldeläve kui valuläve logaritmilises skaalas, bellides ja detsibellides: kuuldelävi tavalises, lineaarses skaalas, kuuldelävi logaritmilises skaalas, Valulävi ...

Ehitus → Ehitusfüüsika
182 allalaadimist

Munchaussen syndrome by proxy

However, there is a long list of disorders now confirmed in children whose parents had been falsely accused of Munchausen syndrome by proxy. <- arstid arvavad, et kuna nad ei leia midagi ,mis lapsel viga peaks olema, siis on vanemas see sündroom. And some criminal courts have concluded that its introduction can divert the jury from deciding whether the mother had intended to harm her child through unnecessary medical procedures. In this case the child abuse can be seen as (1) factitious disorder by proxy or Munchhausen Syndrome by proxy (MSBP); or (2) malingering by proxy. An individual who intentionally produces or feigns injury of illness may either be malingering or have a factitious disorder, in which the distinction is made on motivation behind the behavior. A malingering person has external motives (avoiding work or military service, obtaining money or drugs). A patient with a factitious disorder seeks secondary gain in

Õigus → Õigusteaduskond
8 allalaadimist

Referaat - Jackass

It was said that Knoxville went so far out during the filming of the show that Tremaine pulled him aside and said "If you're willing to go this all out, why not get all the guys together and shoot another movie?" Knoxville agreed, and with both Viva La Bam and Wildboyz finishing their runs, the entire cast was available to reunite and film the sequel. Jackass Number Two was released on September 22, 2006, produced by MTV Films and distributed by Paramount Pictures. As was the case with its predecessor, Jackass Number Two topped the box office in its debut weekend, earning $29.01 million. Footage for several stunts featured Bam Margera's uncle Vincent "Don Vito" Margera, but the footage was removed from the theatrical and DVD release due to his arrest in August 2006 and the nature of the charges. On September 7, 2006, MTV featured a half-hour documentary of Jackass: Number Two. When asked if the film meant the end of Jackass, cast member

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Soolised erinevused karistamise, selle raskusastme määramisel

Jyväskylän yliopiston perhetutkimusyksikön julkaisuja 1995, 5. Leinsalu, M., Denny Vågerö, D. and Kunst, A. E. (2004). Increasing ethnic differences in mortality in Estonia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2004;58, 583589. Lorber, J. (1994). Paradoxes of Gender. Yale University Press. Orazem, P. F., M. Vodopivec (2000). MaleFemale Differences in Labor Market Outcomes during the Early Transition to Market: The Case of Estonia and Slovenia. The World Bank Working Paper Vöörmann (2000). Sooline segregatsioon. Helemäe J, Saar, Vöörmann. Kas haridusse tasus investeerida. Tallinn: Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Kirjastus Heikki Sariola.Älkäämme lyökö lapsia ­ historiallinen asennemuutos etenee Haaste (2006) nr. 3, lk. 911. Kristi Maanas. Eesti elanike suhtumine karistustesse rahvusvahelise kuriteoohvrite uuringu Eestis 2004 põhjal

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
1 allalaadimist

Edulugude võistlus

We have to work harder to find the right ways to pursue our dreams and nothing comes easy to our hands. I really like this situation, because then we are going to enjoy our achievements more in the future and besides, small town habitants are more able to compete, because we have had to create our chances for success ourselves. Thus this stereotype is giving false ideas about the real situation. Occasionally somebody has asked my advice how to succeed in doing something. In this case I have answered that they should do the things, which they really like, because in my opinion it is useless to strain every nerve and waste energy doing something that you really dislike. It also has become clear to me that one of the most important things is not to get upset about trivial things. Often people say to each-other very thoughtless things and with that a lot of relationships are ruined. It is obvious that a person can not be loved by everybody

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Keskkonnaeetika kordamisküsimused vastatud

Loomaõiguslust esindav autor? Singer - loomaeetika; Norton – loomaõiglus. 22. Millised on Peter Singeri põhiideed loomade kohtlemisel? Aluseks utilitarism, kitsamalt eelistusutilitarism. Kõigi tundlike organismide huve tuleb võrdselt arvesse võtta. Valu vältimisest on kõik tundlikud olendid ühtviisi huvitatud. Moraalse staatuse piir oli Singeri arvates seetõttu kusagil austri ja kreveti vahel. 23. Millised on Tom Regani põhiideed loomade kohtlemisel? A Case for Animal Rights“ (1983) Deontoloogiline traditsioon. Utilitarismi järgi: kui loomi õnnestuks kasvatada ja tappa kannatusi mittevalmistaval viisil ja soov liha järele oleks väga tungiv, siis võiks neid tappa. Regan: loomi ei tohi ka tappa, sest neil on seesmine (inherent) väärtus ja sellest tulenevalt ületamatuid õigusi. 24. Kas võrdse arvessevõtu põhimõte Singeril tähendab, et loomi tuleb kohelda täpselt samamoodi nagu inimesi? Selgita.

Filosoofia → Keskkonnaeetika
6 allalaadimist

Rootsi ja Taani välispoliitika võrdlus

(2008). Handbook of Defence Policy: International and comparative prespectives. London ja New York: Routledge Manners,I. & Withman,G.R. (2000). The Foreign Policies of European Union Member States. Manchester ja New York: Manchester University Press. Lindblad, G.(2012 juuni). Üldsegi mitte nii neutraalne. Diplomaatia. Võrgulehel (07.04.2016) Rolenc, J. M. (2013). Means, Goals, and Sources of Foreign Policy: The Case of Sweden. ISA 2013 convention, 3-6 April 2013, San Francisco, USA Rootsi valitsuse koduleht. Foreign and security policy. Võrgulehel (07.04.2016) Taani valitsuse koduleht. Foreign Policy. Võrgulehel (07.04.2016)

Politoloogia → Politoloogia
3 allalaadimist

Misusing and Abusing the IoT ( Ingliskeelne referaat andmeturve ITX0040 jaoks)

Misusing and Abusing the IoT - Now and in the Future The Internet of Things is the network of physical objects—devices, vehicles, buildings and other items which are embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, which enables these objects to collect and exchange data [1]. As the amount of devices connected to the internet of things is constantly on the rise, making it innately more secure and protecting those devices from abuse, in a sense of unwanted access , manipulation by third parties and other scenarios, is rapidly turning into a pressing issue. According to some sources there were about 13.4 billion connected devices back in 2015 and the projections show there might be up to 38.5 billion such devices in 2020 [2]. As the number of devices increases, the necessity for a proper security mechanism concerning those devices becomes a priority in order to safely adopt the evergrowing internet of things into e...

Informaatika → Andmeturbe alused
6 allalaadimist

Feminism and youth cultures in England

1. Feminism­ movement, ideology to defend women’s rights  Suffrage – right to vote  2.  Feminism  isn’t a unitary movement  because  it  represents  different  women and  different experiences for  them in different parts of the world. Different  ideologies  3. Three waves of feminism  • 1st wave – early 19th century – early 20th century (Political rights, suffrage­right to vote)  • 2nd wave – 1960s­1980s (Social inequalities, gender norms, Women's Liberation Movement)  • 3rd wave – 1990s­2000s (ideas are the same, but they wanted to get rid of things the second  wave had failed to do); feminisms, expansion, multiplicity, postcolonialism.    4.  Anne  Bradstreet­  the  first  feminist  17th  century;  the  most  prominent of early English poets  of North America and first female writer in the British North American colonies to be published  Mary  Wollstonecraft­  education;  an  eighteenth­century  English   wr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


walkable neighborhoods. nightlife and pretty much Those on a budget whatever else you can think of. will especially enjoy themselves here since the noteworthy Smithsonian muse ums are free. Prague and Crete Why go: Over the past decade Why go: If you have to choose or two, Prague has one island to visit in Greece, transitioned from a backpacker it's easy to make a case for secret to the unquestioned Crete. Its diverse landscape tourist capital of features everything from Central/Eastern Europe. With anicent ruins to gorgeous beac well-preserved sites, such as hes, and you can spend a day the Charles Bridge and St. doing anything from shopping Vitus Cathedral, Prague in Agios Nikolaos to hiking the retains its gothic mystique. Samaria Gorge. You can spend the days taking

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

South Parki lühitutvustus

the show), Mr. Hankey, Towelie, Jesus, and Satan. Episodes have parodied Michael Jackson ("The Jeffersons"), Paris Hilton ("Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset"), and The Passion of the Christ ("The Passion of the Jew"). The show has also addressed serious political issues such as terrorism ("Cartoon Wars"), American immigration policy ("Goobacks"), gay marriage ("Follow That Egg!"), racism ("With Apologies to Jesse Jackson"), and the Terri Schiavo case ("Best Friends Forever"). The show depicts what many people find to be taboo subject matter, from its use of vulgarity ("It Hits the Fan") to its satire of subjects such as religion and cults (such as "All About the Mormons?", "Bloody Mary", "Red Hot Catholic Love", "Fantastic Easter Special", and "Trapped in the Closet"), sexuality ("The Death Camp of Tolerance"), drugs ("My Future Self n' Me", "Up the Down Steroid"), and global warming ("Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow"). Beginning

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
3 allalaadimist

Majandussotsioloogia tekstid 1-5

sellest, et eestlased ei salli eriti inimesi, kes ei oska eesti keelt kuigi elavad Eestis. Kas nad mõistavad seda või see on täiest arusaamatu nende jaoks. Mida peaks tegema paremaks, et sellised probleemid kõrvaldada. Lisaks sooviks kuulda arvamusi ugrainlaste teemal, kuna suvel seoses maasikatega oli see väga aktuaalne. See on ehe näide kuidas palgatase mingil teatud alal langeb. Exploring Cultural Identity in a Multicultural Context—the Special Case of Luxembourg.Human Arenas. Artiklis on kirjeldatud kultuurilist identiteeti, kui kollektiivsete omadustega rühma/rühmade isikusamasust, kiindumust ja geograafilist päritolu, kes jagavad samu sümbolisüsteeme, väärtusi, tõekspidamisi ja käitumisnorme. Oluline on see, et need edastatakse ühelt põlvkonnalt teisele, kuid mitte ilma muutusteta. Kultuurilise identiteedi loomine tähendab nende kultuurirühmade uskumuste ja tavade vastuvõtmist

Majandus → Majandussotsioloogia
7 allalaadimist

Inglise keele riigieksami kirjutamise spikker / suur kokkuvõte

whole To make partly correct statements ­ up to a point, to a certain extent, to some extent, in a way, in a sense To express limit of knowledge ­ to the best of my knowledge, for all I know, as far as I know To rephrase ­ that is to say, in other words To bring up other points or aspects ­ as far as ... is concerned, regarding, with regard to, as for To imply that nothing else needs to be said ­ anyway, at any rate, in any case Accepting the situation ­ as it is, under the circumstances, things being as they are · Giving advantages and disadvantages Introduction State the topic Main body Para.2. Advantages and statements to support your point of view Para. 3. Disadvantages and statements to support your point of view Conclusion Give a balanced summary of the topic Useful language To list points ­ firstly, in the first place, first of all, to start with, secondly, thirdly, finally, last

Keeled → Inglise keel
148 allalaadimist

Social media information and data collection and security

friends. They track web pages you visit, add-ons, analytical information. Using cookies they provide ads and services for devices. Log files, when accessing their services, IP, browser type, viewed pages, device identifiers. It may be that Instagram have less choices what to do with the data.The third platform i would like to mention is Snapchat. At a glance snapchat seems most secure platform. You send an image, vide or text and later it disappears. That might not be the case. According to their policy, snapchat collects information about users contact list, who are you friends with, and to whom you talk to. Your name – this one is a bit weird, but apparently it is important to them. Using your name they can look you up on other people’s address book. Since snapchat needs access to you mobile photo album, they collect these photos aswell on the go. Of course, location, for using some geo filters but also for tracking

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun