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"canal" - 66 õppematerjali


Tartu nähtavad linnastruktuurid. Kevin Lynch`i teooria rakendus

(Est. Kesklinn), Ülejõe, Karlova and Annelinn. Districts in the area are rather well distinguishable, though the Centre of the City could be divided into two districts: old Centre of the City and new. Yet in the paper these are counted as one district. Districts are divided by edges which are the main obstacles for people on their movements around the city. Main edges in Tartu are wide streets like Riia and Turu, Vabaduse avenue and Narva causeway. Water bodies like Anne canal and the main edge in Tartu – Emajõgi - are also important. City is bound together by paths that link different districts and even landmarks. One can find the utmost density of paths in the Centre of the City. It is quite common as most of the motion takes place in the centre and also most of the landmarks are in the area, linked by paths. 36 Summarizing it can be said that all the five elements of the city are present in Tartu and these

Geograafia → Inimgeograafia
13 allalaadimist

Kunsti eksami esitlus

Fishermen at Sea c. 1796 Oil on canvas, 91 x 122 cm Tate Gallery, London William Turner Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level The Grand Canal, Venice 1835 Oil on canvas, 91 x 122 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York William Turner Click to edit Master text styles Caspar Second level Third level Fourth level David Fifth level Friedrich Cross in the Mountains (Tetschen Altar) detail 1808 Oil on canvas, 115 x 110 cm

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
11 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajalugu lühikonspekt

In 19 C London Missionary Society sent missionaries to Tahiti and Tonga Undertook the conversion of Melanesia, Bishop Patterson was killed in one of these islands High Commission authority extended to several areas like Tonga, Phoenix, Gilbert Islands, the Carolines, The Salomons, Santa Cruz, New Guinea, New Britain, New Ireland and others- new colony of Southern Oceania The british presence in Egypt and Sudan Britain and France controlled the Suez canal and Egypt Britain became the sole occupier Sudan was controlled for 13 years by mahdi followers but was reconquered and jointly governed by Egypt and Britain until 1956 General Gordon and Khartoum 1885 British general, the hero of Crimean and Chiense wars In 1881 Muhammad Ahmad, Mahdi, a Muslim leader and founder of the Mahdiya brotherhood in Islam, proclaimed holy war to purify Islam and overran Sudan General Gordon went to Sudan to ecacute

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Student World Atlas (Maailma atlas)

103 8'00 '5178' 00'[ Volga Delta, delta 85 '6'OO'N '8'00'[ Cored'JvOlrc , 90 6" S'N 5'1: Snake River Plain, plain 54 '3' OO 'N II S'OOW Tanja. BoliVia 78 21'33'5 64°43'W Tcxpan. MexICO 76 20' S7'N97'26W Volga-Don Canal, canal 85 ' 8' OO'N '5'00 '[ Yangon (Rangoon), Society ls., Islands 103 18'00'5 IS2'OOW Tenm Basm, baSin 97 'O 'OO'N 83'00 '[ Tcxtepec. MexICO 76 18' 06'N96' 07W Volga Upland, highlands 85 S2' OO'N '5'00'[ Myanmar 96 16"49'N 96'(1' Socotra. Island , 97 12' 30'N 54' 00' [ Iartu

Geograafia → Geograafia
97 allalaadimist


regardless of how and with what effect it will be used. The Greeks knew better. Third, I would like to propose that knowledge carries with it the responsibility to see that it is well used in the world. The results of a great deal of contemporary research bear resemblance to those foreshadowed by Mary Shelley: monsters of technology and its byproducts for which no one takes responsibility or is even expected to take responsibility. Whose responsibility is Love Canal? Chernobyl? Ozone depletion? The Valdez oil spill? Each of these tragedies were possible because of knowledge created for which no one was ultimately responsible. This may finally come to be seen for what I think it is: a problem of scale. Knowledge of how to do vast and risky things has far outrun our ability to use it responsibly. Some of it cannot be used responsibly, which is to say safely and to consistently good purposes.

Keeled → Inglise keel
125 allalaadimist

Peruu uudised

16.08.2007 03:02 Täna öösel Peruu ranniku lähedal toimunud 8-magnituudise maavärina tagajärjel hukkus vähemalt 500 ja sai vigastada enam kui 1600 inimest, teatas kohaliku päästeameti juht Roberto Ocno. Maavärina epitsenter asus USA Geoloogiakeskuse andmetel 45 kilomeetri kaugusel Chincha Alta linnast, vahendas CNN. USA Geoloogiakeskus on mitu korda selle maavärina tugevust täpsustanud. Viimastel andmetel mõõdeti maavärina tugevuseks 8 magnituudi. Kohaliku telejaama Canal N andmetel varises Peruu pealinnast Limast lõunas asuvas Ica linnas kokku kirik, tappes vähemalt 17 ja vigastades 70 inimest. Pealtnägijate sõnul varisesid ka Limas kokku mõned hooned, Peruu lõunarannikul paiknevad Pisco ja Chinch Alta linnad on varemetes. Tõukeid oli tunda ka naaberriigis Ecuadoris. Kohaliku aja järgi eile õhtul kell 18.41 (Eesti aja järgi täna öösel kell 02.41) toimunud maavärina peatõukele järgnes veel mitu järeltõuget, neist kahe

Geograafia → Geograafia
33 allalaadimist


tarbekaupade sissevedu. Merkantilistlik majanduspoliitika eeldas keerulise monopolide ja privileegide, krediitide ja maksuvabastuste, tollide ning sisse- ja väljaveokeeldude süsteemi loomist. Siseriiklikult püüti luua ühtset majandusruumi, kaotades sisetollid, tee- ja sillamaksud ning rajades liiklusolude hõlbustamiseks maanteid ja kanaleid. Kuningas Louis XIV rahandusjuhi Jean-Baptiste Colbert’i ajal ehitatud kahesaja neljakümne kilomeetri pikkune Canal du midi, mis läbi Edela- Prantsusmaa kulgedes ühendas Vahemerd Atlandi ookeaniga, kujunes suurimaks tsiviilrajatiseks varauusaja Euroopas. Merkantilism soosis aktiivset rahvastuspoliitikat ning koloniaalvalduste laiendamist tooraine hankimiskoha ja emamaal toodetud kaupade turuna. Füsiokraatide majandusõpetus. tagada üksikisikute vabadus majanduses, omandikindlus ja -puutumatud. Mis tahes riiklik sekkumine majandusellu oli füsiokraatide meelest lubamatu,

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
55 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajaloo eksamiküsimused

Society undertook the conversion of Melanesia. In the late 19th century High Commissioner for the Western Pasific claimed jurisdiction over all the islands of Polynesia and Melanesia, which were not yet annexed by other powers and took up residence in Fiji. Years later the High Commission authority extended to many other islands in the Pasific area and organized a new colony of Southern Oceania. *The British presence in Egypt and Sudan ­ Ismail of Egypt was forced to sell Egypt's share in the canal to the British government. This led to the establishments of British and French controllers who were the real power in the government. Fearing a diminishment of their control, they bombarded Alexandria and crushed the Egyptian army at the battle of Tel el-Kebir. Constant revolting by the Egyptian people led Great Britain to sign a declaration of Egypt's independence. Tewfik of Sudan and his mismanagement resulted in revolt, which threatened his survival. He appealed for help to the British

Ajalugu → Inglise keel kõnelevate maade...
261 allalaadimist

Inglise keel unit 5 answers

1. (a) (i) gene length of DNA; codes for a (specific), polypeptide / protein / RNA; max 1 allele alternative form of a gene; found at a, locus / particular position on, a chromosome; max 1 (ii) assume allele refers to coat colour allele (coat colour) gene / alleles, only on X chromosome; A no (coat colour), gene / allele, on Y chromosome male cats, XY / only have one X chromosome; males have only one (coat colour) allele / cannot have two (coat colour) alleles; need black and orange alleles for tortoiseshell colour; 2 r r w w (b) parental genotypes C C × C C ; r w ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Brian Weiss - Muchas Vidas Muchos Maestros

.. para demostrar que existen. Si Catherine estaba escuchando sus voces, visualizando imágenes y escenas del pasado, experimentando fenómenos físicos o recibiendo en la mente ideas y pensamientos, la finalidad era la misma: demostrarnos que ellos existen y, todavía más allá, ayudarnos, apoyarnos en nuestro sendero al proporcionar esclarecimiento y sabiduría, ayudarnos a ser como dioses. --¿Sabes porqué te han elegido? --No. --¿Para que actúes como canal? 91 La pregunta era delicada, puesto que Catherine, despierta, no podía siquiera escuchar las grabaciones. --No --susurró, suave. --¿Te asusta eso? --A veces. --¿Y otras veces no? --Así es. --Esto puede ser reconfortante --agregué --. Ahora sabemos que somos eternos; por lo tanto, perdemos el miedo a la muerte. --Sí --reconoció ella. Hizo una pausa--. Debo aprender a confiar. --Había vuelto a la gran lección de su vida --

Psühholoogia → Ajakasutuse juhtimine
1 allalaadimist


But in 1833, a British fleet captured the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) and expelled the Argentines who had settled there. During the nineteenth century Britain also occupied numerous islands and island groups in all the oceans and several more territories in Asia (Nepal, Burma, Hong Kong). In the late nineteenth century the British captured vast areas on the east coast of Africa (Egypt, Sudan) and on the west coast (Gold Coast [Ghana] and Nigeria), and took control of the Suez Canal (1875) and Cyprus (1878) in the Eastern Mediterranean, and so on. The Greatest Empire By 1900, the British had an empire that covered more than a fifth of the world’s land (about 32 million sq. km.) and included about a fourth of its population (about 427,5 million). ‘The sun never sets in the British Empire’, they said proudly. Why were the British so interested in putting up their flag all over the world?

Filoloogia → Vene filoloogia
2 allalaadimist


ferrocyanide, or Prussian blue, a particularly lovely hue. The colorless writing of lead sub-acetate will turn into a visible brown compound when moistened with sodium sulfhydrate. Copper sulfate can be developed with ammonia fumes, and it may have been this chemical that was used for the secret writing on the handkerchief of George Dasch, leader of the eight Nazi spies who landed by submarine on Long Island in 1942 to blow up American defense plants, railroad bridges, and canal locks. The red letters that appeared as if by magic when the pungent ammonia reached it spelled out the names and addresses of a mail drop in Lisbon and of two reliable sources for help in the United States. Each of the eight saboteurs had also been given a watertight tube containing four or five matchsticks tipped with a grayish substance that served as a ready- made pen-and-secret-ink. The trick in concocting a good secret ink is to

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist


flexible The dancer has a limber body. She was able to make the limber movements that are required of gymnasts. means n. ways Syn. methods He was told to finish the joy by any means available to him. The most convenient means of communicating with someone is by phone. narrow adj. small from one side to the other; limited adv. narrowly Syn. thin n. narrowness The canal was extremely narrow. The driver narrowly escaped injury when his car went off the road. preconception n. an opinion formed in advance without adj. preconceived experience or knowledge of something v. preconceive Syn. bias It is difficult to overcome preconceptions if we are not open to new ideas. His preconceived notions about Los Angeles disappeared after he visited the city. robust adj

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


tooraine kui ka seda töötlevate masinate väljavedu ning tarbekaupade sissevedu. Merkantilistlik majanduspoliitika eeldas keerulise monopolide ja privileegide, krediitide ja maksuvabastuste, tollide ja sisse- ning väljaveokeeldude süsteemi loomist. Siseriiklikult püüti luua ühtset majandusruumi, kaotades sisetollid, tee- ja sillamaksud ning rajades liiklusolude hõlbustamiseks maanteid ja kanaleid. Colbert'i ajal ( Prantsusmaa) ehitatud 240 km pikkune Canal du midi, mis läbi Edela-Prantsusmaa kulgedes ühendas Vahemerd Atlandi ookeaniga, kujunes suurimaks tsiviilrajatiseks varauusaja Euroopas. Merkantilism soosis aktiivset rahvastuspoliitikat ning koloniaalvalduste laiendamist tooraine hankimiskoha ja emamaal toodetud kaupade turuna. Kommunikatsioon Varauusaeg tõi kaasa maailma senisest märgatavama avanemise: maadeavastused muutsid oluliselt maailmapilti; liiklemisolude paranemine, postiteenistuse rajamine ning meedia teke suurendas

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
147 allalaadimist

Maastikuarhitektuuri ajalugu 2010

LOENGUD MAASTIKUARHITEKTUURI AJALOOST 2010 Õppematerjal maastikuarhitektuuri ning maastikukaitse ja ­hoolduse üliõpilastele Koostanud Kadi Karro AEGADE ALGUS NING VARAJANE MAASTIKUKUJUNDUS. Esimesed maastikud, nende areng. Varajased tsivilisatsioonid: Egiptuse ning Mesopotaamia (Babüloonia, Assüüria ja Pärsia) kultuurid ja maastikukujundus. VANA-KREEKAST KESKAJANI: Antiik-Kreeka linnaplaneerimine ja aiad. Antiik-Rooma linnaplaneerimine ja aiad. Vitruvius "De Architectura". Islami aiad. Euroopa läbi keskaja: kloostriaiad, religioosne sümboolika; botaanikaaiad, linnakodanike aiad. RENESSANSS: Vararenessanss Itaalias 14. saj. Renessanss Itaalias 15.- 16. saj. Manerism ja barokk Itaalias 16.-18. saj. Linnaruum Itaalias: piazzad keskajast barokini. BAROKK: Barokk Prantsusmaal 17. saj. Prantsusmaa naabermaad 16.-18. saj: regulaarstiil Inglismaal, Hispaanias, Austrias, Saksamaal, Madalmaades, Venemaal, Rootsis, Taanis. EESTI VANEMAD MÕIS...

Arhitektuur → Maastikuarhitektuuri ajalugu
45 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

mimic the effects of death or even take the participants to death's door. T h e hunters or warriors m a y be buried alive for a period of time or confined in a cave or sweat lodge, symbolically growing in the womb o f the earth. T h e n they are raised up ( R e s u r r e c t e d ) and welcomed as newborn members of the tribe. Sacred architecture aims to create this feeling of Resurrection, by confining worshippers in a narrow dark hall or tunnel, like a birth canal, before bringing them out into an open well-lit area, with a corresponding lift of relief. Baptism by immersion in a stream is a ritual designed to give the Resurrection feeling, both cleansing the sinner and reviving h i m from symbolic death by drowning. 198 THE RESURRECTION T W O GREAT ORDEALS W h y do so many stories seem to have two climaxes or death-and-rebirth ordeals, one

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun