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"branch" - 175 õppematerjali

branch – hargnema, harunema – разветвляться turning wheel – veetav ratas – ведомое колесо thrust collar – tugikrae – упорный гребень chain wheel – ketiratas – цепное колесо, звездочка camshaft drive – nukkvõlliajam – привод распредвала thrust bearing – tugilaager – упорный подшипник axial thrust – tõuge; aksiaalkormus – упор, осевая нагрузка

Eesti referaat

COAT OF ARMS Lions were first used as Estonia's heraldic emblem in the 13 th century when they appeared on the large coat of arms of Tallinn. The originated from Denmark, which was ruling Northern Estonia at that time. A similar motif was later used on the coat if arms of the Province of Estonia under Swedish rule. Estonia changed hands but the three lions remained. In 1925 they were adobted officially. The present large coat of arms is a golden shield charged with a golden oak branch on each side. The small coat of arms is identical but without oak branches. CLIMATE AND WEATHER Estonia lies in a transitional zone, varying from maritime to continental climate. Though Estonia is a small country, the climate on the coast differs noticeably from that in the southeastern part. The average in July, which is the warmest month, is about +17 degrees and the coldest month is usually February with ­5 degrees as the average. The lowest temperature ever

Keeled → Inglise keel
174 allalaadimist

Eesti Raha ja pangandus

eeskirjadele ja konservatiivsele rahapoliitikale. Eesti kommertspankade paremik kuulub tipptegijate hulka IdaEuroopas. Rahvusvahelise Valuutafondiga (International Monetary Fund IMF) liitus Eesti 26. mai 1992. 5. detsembri seisuga 2001 aastal oli Eestis 6 panka ­ tuntuimad Hansapank, Ühispank ja Krediidipank. Lisaks veel Sampo Pank, Preatoni Pank, Tallinn Business Bank Ltd lisaks veel suurte rahvusvaheliste pankade harud, nagu näiteks Merita Bank Plc Estonian Branch, Landesbank SchleswigHolstein Girozentrale, Vereins Und Westbank AG jne. Üle 40 panga on omal ajal kas jõudnud tööga pankrotti või siis liitunud mõne suurema korporatsiooniga. Tuletades kasvõi meelde mõne aasta taguseid nimesid nagu Foreks Pank, Maapank, Optiva Pank, EVEA Pank jne, ei märka neid enam kuskil esinemas tänavapildis. Pankrott ehk maksejõuetus on olukord, kus ettevõte ei suuda täita endale võetud maksekohustusi.

Majandus → Majandus
98 allalaadimist

Molekulaarne evolutsioon

Kordamisküsimused 2015 Sissejuhatus 1. Molekulaarse evolutsiooni olemus ja seos teiste teadusharudega. Põhiprobleemid, millega molekulaarne evolutsioon tegeleb. Molekulaarsete ja morfoloogiliste tunnuste erinevus evolutsiooni uurimisel. Molekulaarne evolutsioon kirjeldab molekulaarsel tasemel toimuvaid evolutsioonilisi muutusi, uurib evolutsiooniprotsessi käimalükkavaid molekulaarseid mehhanisme ja geenide, genoomide ja nende produktide (sh valkude) muutusi evolutsiooniprotsessis. Peamisteks aladeks on makromolekulide evolutsiooni uurimine, geenide ja organismide evolutsioonilise ajaloo uurimine ehk molekulaarne fülogeneetika, elu tekke ja päritolu uurimine. Molekulaarne evolutsiooniga seotud teadusharudeks on molekulaarbioloogia (andmed) ja populatsioonigeneetika (teooria). Molekulaarset evolutsiooni uuritakse liikidevaheliste erinevuste ja liigi...

Bioloogia → Geneetika
23 allalaadimist

Austraalia referaat inglise keeles

Australia produces foods itself. Australia is a major exporter of wheat, meats, dairy products and ofcourse wool. The country produces more than 25 per cent of the world's yearly output of wool. The Merino wool is also famous all over the world. Australia is also very rich in minerals. Coal, bauxite, old, iron ore, diamonds, natural gas and nickel can be found in Australia. Western Australia has become the most important region of mineral production. Mining is an important branch of Australia's industry too. The famous mining are is broken Hill in New South Wales. It's one of the largest productions of lead, zinc, copper and uranium. Australia is also rich in precious and semi precious stoned. Black opals and pink diamonds are thought to be very valuable. Most of Australia's oil and natural gas comes from fields found in the Bass Strait. Oil has been found in South Australia and Western Australia. Agriculture of Australia depends totally on climate

Keeled → Inglise keel
94 allalaadimist


ning kuus telefoniaparaati. Kui meile helistatakse numbrile 1111, siis hakkavad teatud telefoniaparaadid teatud järjekorras helisema. Kuidas täpselt, on jaama programmeerimise küsimus. Kui me kuskilt toru tõstame, siis praktiliselt ühendatakse omavahel välisliin 1111 ja see telefoniaparaat. Rääkimise ajal on liin 1111 kinni ja sinna helistada ei saa. Kui teiselt telefonilt tahab keegi välja helistada, ühendatakse ta otse liiniga 2222. Kõik keskjaama (private branch exchange ­ PBX) külge ühendatud telefoniaparaadid peavad vennalikult jagama neid kaht liini ja numbrit. Digitaalkeskjaam Mille poolest siis erineb digitaalne telefonijaam analoogsest? Digitaalses telefonijaamas muundatakse kõne digitaalsele ehk numbrilisele kujule. Nagu arvutis. Õigupoolest mitmed digitaaltelefonijaamad sisaldavadki personaalarvutite maailmast tuntud protsessoreid, RAM-i, EPROM-i, kõvakettaid jne. Digitaaljaama mõte avaldub siis, kui ta on

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
24 allalaadimist

"Career and Employment" Homereading

And that's the time to quit your current job. Russell Smith is speaking at the One Life Live event (see page 6). His column appears in The Independent's 'Business Monthly' supplement, published on the first Tuesday of the month. Business Boffins delivers support programmes to small businesses nationwide. Independent readers can enrol on the Oxford Brookes University-accredited programme at a discounted rate. See Buy into an idea Want to branch out? Purchase a franchise You don't have to come up with a new business idea to run your own business. Franchise businesses offer access to a proven business model and the purchased package usually includes training and ongoing support; an ideal compromise between the uncertainty of a new business venture and the dead end of employment. The British Franchise Association website ( is a good place to start. You can

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist

Leksikoloogia konspekt (uus)

 The same word can be a hyponym for different hypernyms o Axe – tools, weapons 43. Hypernyms (hyperonyms)  A word with a broad meaning constituting a category/superordinate into which which more specific meanings fall. o Colour is a hypernym for red, blue, black etc o Furniture is a hypernym for chair, desk, cupboard etc 44. Meronyms  A term which denotes a part of something o Branch, trunk, leaves are meronyms for tree o Eyes, lips, nose are meronyms for face 16  Meronyms have subtypes o Member – collection  Tree/forest, flower/bouquet o Portion – mass  Slice/pie, grain/salt o Stuff – object  Steel/bicycle o Feature – activity

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Strategies of creating a dominant party – the case of UR

Instead, the media serves the existing elites in power. For this reason, the media uses every opportunity to demonstrate current leaders in their best light, while marginalizing those trying to challenge that power. State control over the media has increased rapidly after Putin took office. The most significant changes concern the television. Two of the three major federal television channels - Channel One and Russia TV- are state owned and in 2001, Gazprom-Media, a media branch of the giant state-owned gas company, Gazprom, took over NTV and most of the other assets of Gusinsky's Media-Most company (Bessudnov 2008: 183). The Russian print media has largely followed the same path as television: although many of the newspapers are in the hands of private owners and are officially autonomous, free from the Kremlin's control, they have repeatedly been accused of serving the interests of the ruling elite. Conclusion

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaalteadused
6 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia

*abbreviation- marvy-marvellous *blending-botel(boat plus hotel), candygram(candy plus telegram) Abstract neologisms are words in which no word building type is present. Random letters are put together. Nonce words are made up by the writer to sound original, expressive or humerous. (nt, togetherness, withness, to hamletize) Such words are not used by other people as a rule, but some words found their way to engl. (nt, snob-Thackery). Etymology has 2 meanings: the origin of words and it's a branch of lexicology that studies the origin of words. Voc is divided into 2 cathegories:native and borrowings. A native w belongs to the original english stock. A borrowing is a word taken from another language. Modern Engl is the result of development of Germanic trikes(inimhulk) that settled on Br isles on 5-6 century, they wre Angles, Saxons, Jutes. In Middle Engl periods (11-15 cent)there were 5 mail dialects: Northen, East-central, west-central, south-western, kentish

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjanduse ajalugu
43 allalaadimist

Artikli kokkuvõte akadeemilises inglise keeles „Understanding the Internet of Things (IoT)“

75. IMPROVE - to (cause something to) get better - parandama, paremaks muutma, täiustama (Cambridge Dictionary) 76. INDICATE - to show, point, or make clear in another way - osutama, näitama, viitama (Cambridge Dictionary) 77. INDISTINGUISHABLE - not able to be identified as different or distinct - eristamatu, eraldamatu (Oxford Dictionary) 78. INDIVIDUALS' - of or for a particular person - indiviidi, üksikisiku (Oxford Dictionary) 79. INDUSTRY - a particular form or branch of economic or commercial activity - tegevusharu, majandusharu, tootmisharu (Oxford Dictionary) 80. INITIATIVE - a new plan or process to achieve something or solve a probleem - algatus, algatusvõime, ettevõtlikkus, initsiatiiv, algatuslik, ettevõtlik, isetegevus (Oxford Dictionary) 81. INNOVATIVE - using new methods or ideas - uuenduslik, edumeelne, progressiivne (Cambridge Dictionary) 82. INTEGRATION - the process of combining two or more things into one -

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
16 allalaadimist


others and a Muslim might choose any one that he or she finds agreeable, but other Islamic sects are believed to have departed from the majority by introducing innovations (bidah). There are also several orthodox theological or philosophical traditions within Sunnism. For example, the recent Salafi movement sees itself as restorationist and claims to derive its teachings from the original sources of Islam. Shi'a The Shi'a, who constitute the secondlargest branch of Islam, believe in the political and religious leadership of infallible Imams from the progeny of Ali ibn Abi Talib. They believe that he, as the cousin and soninlaw of Muhammad, was his rightful successor, and they call him the first Imam (leader), rejecting the legitimacy of the previous Muslim caliphs. To them, an Imam rules by right of divine appointment and holds "absolute spiritual authority" among Muslims, having final say in matters of doctrine and revelation

Teoloogia → Religioon
50 allalaadimist

Eksami konspekt

SIIRETE (HARGNEMISTE) ENNUSTAMINE (BRANCH PREDICTION) Protsessorites on tihti eraldi loogikaskeem mis tegeleb hargnemiste ennustamisega, et muuta konveier efektiivsemaks. Hargnemise ennustamine toimub teatud statistiliste kriteeriumite järgi ja ei saa anda alati õiget tulemust, kuid siiski suudab vähendada konveieri uuesti käivitamise vajaduse tõenäosust. Näiteks: siiret eeldati ja tuli (Predict taken, branch taken)=ÕIGE, siiret ei eeldatud, siire tuli (Predict not take, branch taken)=VALE. PILET 15 MULTIPLEKSOR, DEMULTIPLEKSOR Multipleksor kujutab endast andmeselektorit. Multipleksoril on mitu sisendit ja üks väljund. Sisendid jagunevad infosisenditeks ja juhtsisenditeks, kusjuures infosisendite arv määrab ära juhtsisendite arvu ning vastupidi. Vastavalt juhtsignaalile kommuteeritakse multipleksori väljundisse signaal ühest infosisendist

Informaatika → Arvutid i
139 allalaadimist


than 25. The decline of the cloister began during the Livonian War (1558-1583). The fire of 1564 caused considerable damage to the buildings. The convent suffered its final destruction in 1577 at the hands of Ivan the Terrible. 5. Museums Kiek in de Kök is a tower in the Town Wall that stands on Harjumägi (Harju Hill), a former bastion on the slope of Toompea, and was built in the late 15th century. Today, it houses a branch of the Tallinn City Museum. It is an excellent example of medieval fortification techniques. It tells visitors the story of the settlement and development of Tallinn, including the most important military events between the 13th and 18th centuries. The Tallinn City Museum in Vene Street surveys the history of the town from the 13th century to 1940. The interior of a typical medieval merchant's house adds a special charm to the display.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
51 allalaadimist


Outback refers to remote arid areas of Australia. There are not very many people living there, and those who do, are Aborigines. Industry, minerals and power: Agriculture is the major industry in Australia. People grow grain and bred sheep. The Australian wool industry is widely recognised as producing the finest quality Merino wool. Eastern Australia is the biggest farming region. Australia is rich in many minerals; mining has been an important branch of Australia's industry. Minerals are found and mined in most states, but Western Australia has become the most important region of mineral production. Gold, manganese ore, uranium and nickel ore are mined there. Australia is also rich in precious and semiprecious stones. Black opals and pink diamonds are though to be especially valuable. Australia is a very rich country because of its mineral sources. People:

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Objektorienteeritud programmeerimise loengutekst

1 Loeng. Sissejuhatus Võtmesõnad: abstract assert boolean break byte case catch char class const* continue default double do else enum extends final finally float for goto* if implements import instanceof int interface long native new package private protected public return short static strictfp super switch synchronized this throw throws transient try void volatile while NB! Tunduvad võtmesõnadena, aga on literaalid: false null true Algtüübid: Täisarvud · byte(8-bitiline), short(16-bitiline ), int(32-bitiline), long(64-bitiline) Ujukomaarvud · float(32-bitiline), double(64-bitiline) Tõeväärtused · boolean(true, false) Sümbolid · char(16-bitiline Unicode-sümbol, 'u0000'(0) kuni 'uffff'(65535)) Nimi: · on tõstutundlik · võib sisaldada tähti, numbreid, _ , $ · ei tohi alata numbriga · ei tohi olla Java võtmesõna, · ei tohi olla true, false, null Ühiksuurendamine, ühikvähendamine ++muutuja : M...

Informaatika → Programmeerimine
79 allalaadimist

Austraalia kohta inglise keelne referaat

primary products. The country doesn’t import almost any foods. Australia produces food itself. Australia is a major exporter of wheat, meat, dairy products and of course wool. The country produces more than 25 percent of the world’s yearly output of wool. Australia is also very rich in minerals. Coal, bauxite, gold, iron ore, diamonds, natural gas, nickel can be found in Australia. Western Australia has become the most important region of mineral production Mining is an important branch of Australia’s industry too. The famous mining area is Broken Hill in New South Wales. It‘s one of the largest producers of lead, zinc copper and uranium. Australia is also rich in precious and semi precious stones. Black opals, pink diamonds are thought to be very valuable. Tourism is also very important to Australia’s economy. It gives work to half a million people. Most of Australia’s oil and natural gas comes from fields found in the Bass Strait. Oil has

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Inglise keele variandid (Varieties of English)

rather than s . in very, many, etc. · rather than /I/ in unstressed · Similarly, presume can have syllables. rather than /z/ or /zj/ · /a:/ in laugh, path, grass, etc. · In some areas may be heard in off, often, etc. more than in RP. · in dance, sample, plant, branch · Australia, auction, salt have only · RP smoothing of in AusEng does not · Days of the week tend to be occur. pronounced with finaly · Front vowels tend to be more close · Initial /tj/, /dj/ may be pronounced as than in RP · Some diphthongs are wider than in

Keeled → Inglise keel
49 allalaadimist

Japanese festivals

baton and Empress holding a fan. The words dairi means "imperial palace", and hina means "girl" or "princess". The dolls are usually placed in front of a gold folding screen bybu. Optional are the two lampstands, called bonbori, and the paper or silk lanterns that are known as hibukuro, which are usually decorated with cherry or ume blossom patterns. Complete sets would include accessories placed between the two figures, known as sanb kazari, composing of two vases of artificial peach branch kuchibana. The traditional arrangement had the male on the right, while modern arrangements had him on the left (from the viewer's perspective). Second platform The second tier holds three court ladies san-nin kanjo. Each holds sake equipment. From the viewer's perspective, the standing lady on the right is the long-handled sake-bearer Nagae no chshi, the standing lady on the left is the backup sake-bearer Kuwae no chshi, and the only lady in the middle is the seated sake bearer Sanp.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Law-makers breaking the law: torture as a justified interrogation technique?

A utilitarian intention is morally just. Negative utilitarians would state that by disobeying law when combating terrorism, the purpose was to minimize suffering for the greatest number. Undermining of state credibility One of the most important characteristics of a democracy however is the separation of powers. If the executive power takes matters into their own hands, this notion is cast aside. It exempts the legislative and judicial branch of power. It seems that the believers of utilitarianism do not consider the long term consequences of such utilitarian handling. It can undermine the legitimacy of the state if a democratic government doesn't abide by its own laws. Illegal actions can also damage the credibility and reputation of a government. No solid ground for accusations Ignatieff (2004) claims that a state sometimes has to resort to force, secrecy, and violation of laws, if this can avoid or counter terrorism

Õigus → Õiguse filosoofia
6 allalaadimist

Toiduainetes spoore moodustavad mikroobid

Eesti Maaülikool Veterinaarmeditsiini ja loomakasvatuse instituut Maari Aru TOIDUAINETES SPOORE MOODUSTAVAD MIKROOBID Referaat õppeaines Toiduainete mikrobioloogia Tartu 2014 SISUKORD Sissejuhatus ..................................................................................................................................... 2 1 Spoori moodustumine ............................................................................................................. 3 1.1 Endospoorid ...................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Struktuur ........................................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Asukoht ......................................................

Bioloogia → Mikrobioloogia ja...
15 allalaadimist

Arvutid I eksamipiletid ja vastused

Arvutid I eksamipiletid ja vastused 1. PILET.............................................................................................................................................4 1. Trigerid.......................................................................................................................................4 2. Konveier protsessoris ja mälus...................................................................................................5 3. Suvapöördusmälud.....................................................................................................................5 2. PILET.............................................................................................................................................6 1. Loendurid....................................................................................................................................

Informaatika → Arvutid i
938 allalaadimist

Arvutid I eksamipiletid 2013

Pilet 1 1. Trigerid. 2. Konveier protsessoris ja mälus. 3. Suvapöördusmälud. Trigerid (Flip-Flops)kuuluvad järjestiskeemide hulka sest neil on olemas mälu omadus, see tähendab väljundi väärtus sõltub peale sisendite väärtuse antud ajahetkel ka eelnevast väljundiväärtusest. Triger on elementaarne mäluelement, mis võimaldab säilitada infot üks bit. + 1) asünkroonsed - salvestatakse infi vahetult sisenditesse antud signaalidega. 2) sünkroonsed - see on võimalik ainult sünkroimpulsi olemasolul. RS (reset-set) , ühe ja kahetaktiline, antud on asünkroonne, R=S=1 on keelatud. Töötab: RS; Q(t), 00­>Q(t-1) , 01= 1, 10= 0, 11=-- . t R S Q t-1 0 0 Q ei muutu 0 1 1 Set 1 0 0 reset 1 1 - keelatud *a-sünkroonne ...

Informaatika → Arvutid i
377 allalaadimist

Stilistika materjalid

· the selective use of lg that depends on spheres of human activity. These are called functional styles or registers (fiction, newspaper) Stylistics is the study of style. However, for some reason, English stylistics is less developed than French, German or Russian. The term ,,stylistics"came into more common use in English only some 35 years ago. It was recorded much earlier; in 1882 as "the study of literary style, the study of stylistic features" Stylistics is a branch of linguistics that studies principles of selecting different linguistic means for passing on thoughts and emotions. It studies: · Different functional styles, styles of genres, individual styles · Expressive, emotional features of different language units Stylist--a writer or a speaker skilled in a literary style Stylistition--a scholar who studies stylistics The word "style" is applied to many things. A linguistic style is a variety of subsystem of

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
27 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur quiz 1 mõisted

Whereas print media are self regulatory and free from government control, telecommunications and broadcasting are regulated by law, the main piece of legislation being the Communications Act 2003. This act established Ofcom, the regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries. It regulates the TV and radio sectors, fixed line telecoms, mobiles, postal services, as well as the airwaves over which wireless devices operate. 43. Cross-media ownership- one media branch holds stake in other media, thus being in a position to control the opinions of larger sections of people. News Corporation accounts for over one-third of the circulation of the UK's national press and also owns a 39% controlling stake in BSkyB. • Trinity Mirror has a 20% share of UK newspaper circulation, is also the largest UK regional newspaper publisher with its 23% share. • Daily Mail and General Trust has a 19.3%

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Yoshikawa. He had it encoded (in PA-K2) and sent to Tokyo in two long parts on December 3. It was now the third day of the month in which the Japanese consulate gave its cable business to R.C.A. Following Sarnoff's instructions, George Street, district manager of the firm, had had the Japanese consulate messages copied on a blank sheet of paper with no identification of the sender or addressee. About 10 or 11 a.m., December 3, Mayfield called at the branch office and Street slipped him a blank envelope containing the messages. As soon as Mayfield returned to the District Intelligence Office, he had a messenger bring them down to Rochefort. In Washington that Wednesday, the Signal Intelligence Service solved a PURPLE message from Tokyo—and the readers of MAGIC, who only two days earlier had been lulled by the supposition that Japan might temporarily spare the United States, were stunned by the realization that

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist


the east, such as Bremen and Hamburg, but the major cultural influence came from France. (3) 2.4 The Renaissance Through marriage, war and political manoeuvring, most of the region comprising the present- day Netherlands, Utrecht, Noord-Brabant, and Gelderland -- came into the hands of the dukes of Bourgogne during the 15th and early 16th centuries. By 1519 this area was under the benevolent control of Holy Roman emperor Charles V, of the Spanish branch of the house of Habsburg, who was also king of Spain. In 1555, however, Charles resigned both Spain and the Netherlands to his son, Philip II, who was Spanish by birth and education and had little liking for his northern European territories. His oppressive rule led to the epochal war of independence waged from 1568 to 1648 by the Dutch against Spain, then the most powerful nation in Europe. (3) 2.5 The Struggle for Independence

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
7 allalaadimist

Õigusalane inglise keel

520. the Public Prosecutor's office ­ riigiprokuratuur 521. county and city prosecutor's offices ­ maakonna ja linna prokuratuurid 522. The Chief Public Prosecutor ­ riigipeaprokurör 523. management ­ juhtimine 524. in accordance ­ vastavuses 525. restrict ­ piiratud 526. substitution ­ asendamine 527. adhere ­ järgima/kinni pidama 528. extend ­ pikendama/ulatuma 529. felony ­ roim/kuritegu *U12 530. administrative law ­ haldusõigus 531. branch ­ haru 532. public law ­ avalik õigus 533. to regulate relations ­ reguleerima suhteid 534. arise from exercising administration ­ tulenevad halduse teostamisest 535. according to ­ nagu väidab... 536. involves ­ haarab enda alla 537. aim ­ eesmärk 538. purposeful activity ­ sihipärane tegevus 539. private and public administration ­ era ja avalik haldus 540. differentiate ­ eristada 541. characteristics ­ omadused 542. consideration ­ kaalumine 543

Õigus → Õigus
249 allalaadimist

Exami kysimused-vastused

Literary Stylistics concentrates on artistic expressiveness that characterizes a literary work, a writer, or a whole time period. Linguistic Stylistics studies linguistic facts from the point of view of their ability to convey extra shades of meaning (connotations ­ we call them). Stylistics has no fixed single unit of study. Stylistics studies everything that makes the utterance of the text expressive. STYLISTIC STUDIES Stylistics is regarded as a relatively new branch of philology, yet its roots go back as far as ancient Greece and Rome. In the 18th century there emerged an individualistic psychological view of style and stylistics. According to this view style bears the stamp of individual usage. The late 19th century and early 20th century saw the appearance of the pragmatic approach to stylistics: the tendency to regard stylistics as an applied science

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
44 allalaadimist

Arvutid 2017 Kospekt

1. Trigerid. Trigerid kuuluvad järestikskeemide hulka, sest neil on mälu omadus. Väljundi väärtus sõltub peale sisendite väärtuste ka väljundi väärtusest eelnevatel hetkedel. Triger on mäluelement, mis säilitab ühe bitist informatsiooni. Trigeril on kaks stabiilset olekut. Olekuks nimetatakse trigeri väljundi väärtust antud ajahetkel. Tavaliselt on trigeril kaks väljundit: otseväljund ja tema eitus. Trigeri tüübid: 1) SR-triger (Set Reset) ­ Asünkroonse trigeri puhul pole sünkrosisendit millega ümberlülitumise aega juhtida, seega väljundi väärtus muutub sisendi väärtuste muutuste järgi. S R Qt 0 0 Qt-1 01 0 10 1 11 - Kui S = R = 1, siis on otseväljud ja inversioonväljund ühesuguse väärtusega Q = ^Q, kuna kahendväärtuse otseväärtuse ja eitus ei saa olla võrdsed, siis loetakse seda keelatud väärtuseks. Loogikafunktsioon Qt = S + ^R Qt-1 SR trigerit saab ka li...

Informaatika → Arvutid
26 allalaadimist

Russian philology

features (such as fricative [] in Southern Russian dialects) are still observed in colloquial speech. History The history of Russian language may be divided into the following periods. Kievan period and feudal breakup The Moscow period (15th­17th centuries) Empire (18th­19th centuries) Soviet period and beyond (20th century) Judging by the historical records, by approximately 1000 AD the predominant ethnic group over much of modern European Russia, Ukraine and Belarus was the Eastern branch of the Slavs, speaking a closely related group of dialects. The political unification of this region into Kievan Rus' in about 880, from which modern Russia, Ukraine and Belarus trace their origins, established Old East Slavic as a literary and commercial language. It was soon followed by the adoption of Christianity in 988 and the introduction of the South Slavic Old Church Slavonic as the liturgical and official language. Borrowings and calques from Byzantine

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

American Literature Portfolio

P ­ is for Pamela who likes camera. Puritans The Puritans were a group of people who grew discontent in the Church of England and worked towards religious, moral and societal reforms. The writings and ideas of John Calvin, a leader in the Reformation, gave rise to Protestantism and were pivotal to the Christian revolt. They contended that The Church of England had become a product of political struggles and man-made doctrines. The Puritans were one branch of dissenters who decided that the Church of England was beyond reform. Escaping persecution from church leadership and the King, they came to America. Of Plymouth Plantation Of Plymouth Plantation is the single most complete authority for the story of the Pilgrims and the early years of the Colony they founded. Written between 1620 and 1647, the journal describes the story of the Pilgrims from 1608, when they settled in the Netherlands, through

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
36 allalaadimist

Arvutid I eksami materjal

EKSAMIKÜSIMUSED 2005 Sisukord Sisukord............................................................................................................................................1 Arvuti riistvara matemaatilised alused ............................................................................................ 4 Kahendsüsteem............................................................................................................................4 Boole funktsioonid ja nende esitus..............................................................................................4 Diskreetne aeg............................................................................................................................. 4 Lihtsamaid Boole` funktsioone realiseerivad loogikaelemendid.................................................... 5 AND...........................................................

Informaatika → Arvutid i
476 allalaadimist

Arvutid 1 eksam

EKSAMIKÜSIMUSED 2005 Sisukord Sisukord ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 Arvuti riistvara matemaatilised alused ...................................................................................................... 4 Kahendsüsteem .............................................................................................................................. 4 Boole funktsioonid ja nende esitus................................................................................................ 4 Diskreetne aeg ............................................................................................................................... 4 Lihtsamaid Boole` funktsioone realiseerivad loogikaelemendid ............................................................. 5 AN...

Informaatika → Arvutid i
587 allalaadimist

Üldine usundilugu

osadus sõltub uskumustele ja tavadele pühendumisest; elukorralduse alus on usk · Mis on ühist uutel usunditel ­ INNOVATSIOON, MARGINAALSUS, VÕÕRANDUMINE, VASTANDUMINE · Vana vs uus; meie vs nemad ( jonestown ­ the life and deatd of peoles temple) · Peoples Temple Ühiskondlik ­ poliitiline aktivism 1973 Guajaana põllumajanduslik koloonia Jonestown 1978 918 hukkunut · David Koresh juhtis usurühma Branch Davidians , texases, lahku löönud Adventismist · 28.02 ­ 19.04.1993 ­ piiirasid seda ranzot ­ tankid, helikopterid, rahvuskaart, - sõda pisike ­ lõppes sellega ,et sinna lasti närvigaasi ­ mis plahvatas ja puhkes tulekahju hukkus 76 hukkunut ­ sealhulgas 28 last . jüngrid püüti kinni pandi vangi Jehoova Tunnistajad · Charlez Taze Russell · Siioni Vahitorni piibli ja Traktaatide selts · Piibliuurijad ­ Jeesus tuleb uuesti 1914 · 1931 ­ Jehoova Tunnistajad

Teoloogia → Usundiõpetus
31 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia kordamisküsimuste vastused

• rose and flower ‘rose is a flower’ • rose – hyponym • flower – hyperonym The same word (i.e. its different senses) may be a hyponym of several superodinates: axe (kindof tool but also kind of weapon) Co-hyponyms – a group of hyponyms of a hyperonym • chair, desk, table, stool – co-hyponyms • furniture – hyperonym Meronymy (partonymy) and holonymy • Part-whole relation • meronym – ‘part of’ • trunk, branch – meronyms • tree – holonym Subtypes of meronymy central type (component of integral object) 1) member – collection tree / forest; card / deck 2) portion – mass slice / pie; grain / salt 3) stuff – objekt gin / martini; steel / bicycle 4) feature – activity paying / shopping; dating / adolescence 5) place – area oasis / desert; Everglades / Florida 44. Collocations

Filoloogia → Leksikoloogia ja...
37 allalaadimist


1 Arvutite komponendid ja arhitektuur Selle teema materjale läbi töötades saad teadmised arvuti riistvarakomponentidest, arvutite arhitektuurist ja protsessori tööpõhimõtetest. 1.1 Arvuti riistvarakomponendid Õpieesmärgid Selle alateema materjale läbi töötades õpid:  Määratlema arvutisüsteemi põhilised komponendid ja kirjeldada nende koostööd  Tooma välja lihtsa arvutisüsteemi peamised perifeeriaseadmed ja nende parameetrid  Eristama põhilisi mälutehnoloogiaid. 1.1.1 Arvutisüsteemi põhikomponendid Personaalarvuti (PC - Personal Computer edaspidi arvuti) on arvutusseade, mis koosneb erinevaid funktsioone täitvatest elektroonikaplokkidest, mis koos funktsioneerides teostavad mingit kasutaja poolt määratud ülesannet. Arvuti on ehituselt modulaarne ja see tähendab, et arvuti erinevaid funktsionaalseid plokke või mooduleid saab vastavalt soovitud kasutusotstarbele erinevalt kombineerida ning nii muuta arvuti funktsion...

Informaatika → Arvutite riistvara alused
35 allalaadimist

Antropoloogia põhivoolud

mis tugunesid ratsionaalsele mõtlemisele Teooria maagia tähendusest ­ tugevalt seotud Frazeriga ­ leidis, et on olemas 3 peamist mõtteviisi: maagiline, religioosne, teaduslik James George Frazer (1854-1941): Sotlane, kuid veetis enamus elust Cambridge ülikoolis, erudiit Maagiat ja religiooni käsitlevad teosed, entsüklopeediate sissekanded Folklore in the Old Testament (1918), Toteism and Exogamy (1910), The Golden Branch Mõjutatud Tylorist 19. saj peamine evolutsiooniteoreetik ­ huvitusid religiooni päritolust ning uskusid, et see tukeneb ratsionaalsetest järeldustest ümbritseva maailma kohta ,,Kuldne oks" ­ kogumik maagia- ja religiooni-alastest teadmistest, vaatleb müüdi, religiooni jms ajalugu üle kogu maailma; eesmãrgiks mustrite, universaalsete joonte leidmine 3-astmeline kultuurievolutsiooniline mudel: 1

Antropoloogia → Antropoloogia
5 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus erialasesse õiguskeelde (inglise keel)

injury (vigastus) - an act or event that causes someone/something no longer to be fully healthy claim (nõudeõigus) - to apply for compensation or to inherit something prison (vangla) - residence for incaretaking criminals majority (enamus) - greater amount of the group public opinion (avalik arvamus) - collective opinion of many people on same issue, problem etc. Seperation of Power (võimude lahusus) - division of responsibilites into distinct branches to limit any branch from excersising the core functions of another (legislative, executive, judicial) pressure group (surve gurpp) - an interest group that attempts to influence legislation, for example through propaganda dangerous driving (ohtlik sõitmine) - a way of driving that threats other's safety or life international law (rahvusvaheline õigus) - body of rules that nations recognize as binding in their coundct towards one another

Õigus → Erialane õiguskeel
51 allalaadimist

Arvutid I Eksami pletid

1)Loendurid Loenduriteks - Impulsside loendamiseks ette nähtud loogikalülitus. Loendur on register, millesse salvestatud arv sisenditele antud signaali mõjul muutub ühe võrra. Loendureid kasutatakse nii automaatikaseadmetes, kui ka arvutustehnikas. Loenduril on sünkroonsisend ja m väljundit. Iga impulsi saabumisel sünkrosisendisse muudab üks või mitu väljundit oma väärtust. Teadtud arvu väljundkombinatsioonide järel kogu väljundkombinatsioonide jada kordub. Loenduri sisse tulevad impulsid ning väljundiks on 0,1 kombinatsioonid. Erinevate väljundkombinatsioonide arvu nimetatakse mooduliks. Loendurit kasutatakse automaatikaseadmetes ja arvutitehnikas. E- sisend, mis lubab loendamise Kaks diagrammi- üks sünkroonse, teine asünkroonse jaoks. Sünkroonne loendur - ümberlülitumine toimub samaaegselt v. paralleelselt. Ümberlülitumisaeg on kogu aeg samasugune. Kasut. arvutites andmetöötluses. Asü...

Informaatika → Arvutid
129 allalaadimist

Eesti noorte suhtumine satanismi

TALLINNA ÜHISGÜMNAASIUM EESTI NOORTE SUHTUMINE SATANISMI Uurimistöö Koostaja Laura-Liis Sisask 11. B klass Juhendaja Liivi Reinert Tallinn 2012 SISUKORD 2 SISSEJUHATUS Satanismi levik Eestis algas möödunud sajandi kaheksakümnendate lõpus, üheksakümnendate alguses. Laiemalt hakkas satanism tuntuks saama kalmisturüüstamistega, mis said alguse üheksakümnendatel. Sellest ajast saati tuntakse ja teatakse sataniste kui kindla välimuse ja iseloomuga inimesi. Nende riietuses on peamised rõhutatud värvid punane ning must. Neid seostatakse salaalkoholi ja narkootikumide müümise ja tarvitamisega. Satanismi ja satanistide vastu on võideldud ajast, mil nad hakkasid levima. Kasutan oma uurimistöö informatsiooni allikaks internetiavarusi, ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
12 allalaadimist

BAKALAUREUSETÖÖ Merekaitseala võrgustikud Läänemeres

Quantitative methods for conservation biology. S. Ferson and M. Burgman (eds). Springer-Verlag, New York, lk 291-305. (Autor ei ole allikaga lähemalt tutvunud. Ülevaade antud Berglund et al. 2012) Sobel & Dahlgren, 2004 ­ J. Sobel & G. Dahlgren, 2004. Marine reserves: A guide to science, design, and use, lk 3-361 Roberts, 1997 ­ C. M. Roberts, 1997. Connectivity and Management of Caribbean Coral Reefs, Science vol. 278, lk 1454-1456 Roberts et al., 2003 ­ C. M. Roberts, S.Andelman, G. Branch, R. H. Bustamante, J. C. Castilla, J. Dugan, B. S. Halpern, K. D. Lafferty, H. Leslie, J. Lubchenco, D. Mcardle, H. P. Possingham, M. Ruckelhaus & R. R. Warner 2003. Ecological criteria for evaluating candidate sites for marine reserves; Ecological Applications 13: S199­S214. 29 Toropova et al, 2010 ­ C.Toropova, I. Meliane, D. Laffoley, E. Matthews & M. Spalding, 2010. Global Ocean Protection, Present Status and Future Possibilities.

Ökoloogia → Rannikumere keskonnakaitse
14 allalaadimist

Arvutiarhitektuuri eksami teooriaküsimused vastustega

29. Keskmine pöördusaeg vahemälusid (1- ja 2-tasemeline) sisaldavas hierarhilises mälusüsteemis. Lk 90 valmeid, 91 näide 30. RISC-arhitektuuriga protsessori üldistatud mudel. Programmide töötluse kiirendamiseks võeti RISC protsessoreis aluseks registerorienteeritud arhitektuur. Selleks lülitati protsessorite struktuuri suuremahulised registrikogumid. Tähistused IFU - käsuvõtuüksus //Instruction Fetch Unit//, IBU - hargnemisüksus //Instruction Branch Unit//, MMorL2CM - põhimälu või teise taseme (L2-taseme) vahemälu //Main Memory ; L2 level Cache Memory//, ICM - käsuvahemälu //Instruction Cache Memory//, MMU - mäluohjur e mäluhaldur //Memory Management Unit//, DCM - andmevahemälu //Data Cache Memory//, ICU – käskude juhtimisüksus //Instruction Control Unit//, IBR – käskude puhver //Instruction Buffer//, 31. RISC-arhitektuuriga mikroprotsessorite tüüpilisi omadusi. 1

Informaatika → Süsteemiteooria
36 allalaadimist


green, but our swords are red with the blood of the enemy ". A banner refers to a cloth stretched between two anchor points bearing a slogan or a flag with heraldic arms, or a flag carried by a military unit. (Brown, 1994) It is thus evident from the first cloth flags in the Arab, Asian and Christian worlds that the practise of flagging one's community, beliefs and purposes has been in use for a very long time, regardless of material substance. Vexillology has also been looked upon as a branch of heraldry and many national flags, their colours and designs, have been influenced by preceding coats of arms which were originally used to identify soldiers on the battlefield. 7 The first badge used during the Crusades was the Cross, which could be worn as a garment on the chest or back of the warrior. The imperial war flag of the Holy Roman Empire (from 800

Keeled → British culture (briti...
8 allalaadimist


Tarkvaratehnika 1. Loeng Kvaliteetse tarkvara atribuudid: 1. Teostab ettenähtud funktsionaalsust 2. Hooldatav ­ Tarkvara peab arenema, et vastata muutuvatele vajadustele. 3. Usaldusväärne ­ Töökindlus ja turvalisus. 4. Vastuvõetav ­ Kasutajad on aktsepteerinud selle. Tarkvara on neile arusaadav, kasutatav ja ühilduv teiste süsteemidega. Mis on tarkvaratehnika? Tarkvaratehnika on tiimide poolt rakendatav distsipliin tootmaks kõrgekvaliteedilist, suuremastaabilist ja hinnaefektiivset tarkvara, mis rahuldab kasutajate nõudmisi ja mida saab hooldada teatud ajaperioodi vältel. Tarkvaratehnika on süstemaatilise, distsiplineeritud ja mõõdetava lähenemisviisi rakendamine tarkvara arendamisele, käitamisele ja hooldamisele, see tähendab, inseneriteaduste rakendamine tarkvarale. Tarkvaraarendus on nõrgem termin, kus tingimata ei kasutata protsesse, tööriistu, standardeid jne Mis o...

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
33 allalaadimist

Omakultuur konspekt eksamiteemad

Igal inimeel peab olema oma laul Inimene peab ise leidma oma laulu. 31.03.11 Mõttelugu regilauludes Martti Kuusi on soome ja karjala Kalevala.meetrilisi laule stiiliajaloolisest lähtekohast liigitanud:  müüdiliseks  maagilisteks ja šamaanilisteks  seikluslauludeks  fantastilisteks lauludeks  kiristlikeke legendideks  ballaadideks  narra-tiivseteks ja lüroeepilisteks  ajaloolisteks süjalauludeks (Kuusi.Bosley- Branch 1977) Omakultuuri konspekt 3. Folklooriprotsess. Iseloomulik folkloori “esimesele” ja “teisele elule”. (L.Honko) Folklooriprotsess: folkloori tähendus on muutumas/muutub pidevalt. Seda põhjustavad muutused ühiskonnas, sotsiaalsetes struktuurides jm. (nt rahva asemel nüüd sotsiaalne rühm) Folklooriprotsess on folkloori skemaatiline elulugu mistahes kultuuris. See algab ajast, mil pärimuse mõiste pole

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
28 allalaadimist

Omakultuur-konspekt, eksamiteemad

Igal inimeel peab olema oma laul Inimene peab ise leidma oma laulu. 31.03.11 Mõttelugu regilauludes Martti Kuusi on soome ja karjala Kalevala.meetrilisi laule stiiliajaloolisest lähtekohast liigitanud: · müüdiliseks · maagilisteks ja samaanilisteks · seikluslauludeks · fantastilisteks lauludeks · kiristlikeke legendideks · ballaadideks · narra-tiivseteks ja lüroeepilisteks · ajaloolisteks süjalauludeks (Kuusi.Bosley- Branch 1977) Omakultuuri konspekt 3. Folklooriprotsess. Iseloomulik folkloori "esimesele" ja "teisele elule". (L.Honko) Folklooriprotsess: folkloori tähendus on muutumas/muutub pidevalt. Seda põhjustavad muutused ühiskonnas, sotsiaalsetes struktuurides jm. (nt rahva asemel nüüd sotsiaalne rühm) Folklooriprotsess on folkloori skemaatiline elulugu mistahes kultuuris. See algab ajast, mil pärimuse mõiste pole veel sündinud, ja lõpeb tänapäevase arvamusega pärimuse

Majandus → Raamatukogundus ja...
98 allalaadimist

Arvutid eksamipiletid joonistega

Pilet 1 1. Trigerid. 2. Konveier protsessoris ja mälus. 3. Suvapöördusmälud. Trigerid (Flip-Flops) kuuluvad järjestiskeemide hulka sest neil on olemas mälu omadus, see tähendab väljundi väärtus sõltub peale sisendite väärtuse antud ajahetkel ka eelnevast väljundiväärtus-test. Triger on elementaarne mäluelement, mis võimaldab säilitada infot üks bit. Esitades trigerit tõeväärtustabeli või funktsiooni kaudu, tuleb sisse tuua aja parameeter. Triger on kahe stabiilse olekuga element. Tavaliselt trigeril on kaks väljunidit: Joonis: SR-TRIGER (set-resest) ühe ja kahetaktiline, antud on asünkroonne, R=S=1 on keelatud. Töötab: RS; Q(t), 00–>Q(t-1) , 01= 1, 10= 0, 11=-- Asünkroonse trigeri puhul muutub väljundi väärtus sisendite väärtuste muutuste järgi. Potentsiaaliga sünkroniseeritav SR : Sünkrosisendiga C määratakse, millal lülitub triger uude olekusse. NB! Keelatud on anda mõlemasse sisendisse signaal 1, sest otseväljund ja inversiooni...

Informaatika → Arvutid
31 allalaadimist

E.M.Remarque "Läänerindel Muutuseta"

another. Paul reflects that, for the soldiers, life is no more than the constant avoidance of death. They have to reduce themselves to the level of unthinking animals because instinct is their best weapon against unrelenting mortal danger. It helps them survive the horrendous conditions of trench warfare without losing their minds. However, the war wears them down despite themselves. Eventually, they begin to crack. Detering sees a cherry tree blossoming one day. He takes a branch from the tree with him, reminding himself of his orchard at home, which is full of cherry trees. He deserts the army a few days later. Foolishly, he tries to go back home instead of fleeing to Holland, and he is captured and tried as a deserter. The Second Company never hears from him again. An enemy shoots Müller point-blank in the abdomen. His agonizingly painful death lasts half an hour. Paul receives Müller's boots, which once belonged to Kemmerich.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
194 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur konspekt

house of Welsh origin that ruled the Kingdom of England and its realms, including the Lordship and Kingdom of Ireland, from 1485 until 1603. Its first monarch was Henry Tudor, a 4 descendant through his father, although ultimately not male line, of the rulers of the Welsh Kingdom of Deheubarth. Through his mother he descended from a legitimised branch of the English royal House of Lancaster. The Tudor family rose to power in the wake of the Wars of the Roses, which left the House of Lancaster, to which the Tudors were aligned, extirpated. 18. Henry VII - was King of England and Lord of Ireland from his seizing the crown on 22 August 1485 until his death on 21 April 1509, as the first monarch of the House of Tudor. Henry won the throne when he defeated Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field. He was the last

Kultuur-Kunst → Suurbritannia ühiskond ja...
71 allalaadimist

Arengu uuringud, käsitlused, mõõdikud

Evolutsionism vs kreatsionism. Evolutsionism valdav akadeemilises maailmas, kreatsionism tavaelus. Miks? Inimese algkodu: Aafrika algkodu vs multiregionaalne mudel. -Aafrika algkodu hüpotees: (Recent single-origin hypothesis (RSOH), Replacement Hypothesis or Recent African Origin (RAO) model) According to the theory, anatomically modern humans evolved solely in Africa, between 200,000 and 100,000 years ago, with members of one branch leaving Africa by 60,000 years ago and replacing all earlier human populations such as Neanderthals and Homo erectus. The hypothesis originated in the 1980s based on a study of present day mitochondrial DNA, and its proponents have since presented evidence based on physical anthropologyof archaic specimens. The recent single origin of modern humans in East Africa is currently the near mainstream position held within the scientific community.

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
9 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun