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"bond" - 136 õppematerjali

bond – taluperemees Skandinaavias TING – bondide kohalik koosolek ALLTING – bondide maakondade ühiskoosolekud TRÄÄL – ori DANELAG – Taani õiguse ala Suurbritannias

Kasutaja: bond

Faile: 0

Ensümoloogia alused. Kordamisküsimused

Aromatic side-chains tend to pack together at 90°C , rather than side-to-side. Trp has the largest side-chain. Pro is non-polar and has a very rigid side-chain, causing a "kink" in the peptide backbone. Usually Pro breaks a helix, and many turns contain Pro. It usually is found in the more stable trans configuration, but occasionally in the cis configuration. Polar side chains (Ser, Thr, Cys, His, Asn, Gln) have the potential to form H-bonds with the solvent, each other and the peptide bond. This is important in what is called helix-capping, in which the unfulfilled H-bonds of the backbone are satisfied. When H-bonded and buried they are effectively no longer polar. The pK of the imidazole of His (6.7) means that at physiological pH it can function either as an acid or a base. Many enzymes use His as a general acid/base catalyst. Cys can make disulfide bonds, which act as covalent cross-links. Charged side chains are usually found on the surface

Bioloogia → Ensümoloogia alused
140 allalaadimist

The Medium Is the Message

staples like cotton, or grain, or lumber, or fish, or cattle is going to have some obvious social patterns of organization as a result. Stress on a few major staples creates extreme instability in the economy but great endurance in the population. The pathos and humor of the American South are embedded in such an economy of limited staples. For a society configured by reliance on a few commodities accepts them as a social bond quite as much as the metropolis does the press. Cotton and oil, like radio and TV, become "fixed charges" on the entire psychic life of the community. And this pervasive fact creates the unique cultural flavor of any society. It pays through the nose and all its other senses for each staple that shapes its life. That our human senses, of which all media are extensions, are also fixed charges on our personal energies, and that they also configure the awareness and experience of each one of

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia bioloogiline-, kognitiivne- ja sotsiaalne vaade

A second dimension is uncertainty versus avoidance, which deals with a society's tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity. It indicates on how comfortable the individuals in a society feel in unstructured situations. Uncertainty-avoiding cultures try to minimize the possibility of unknown surprising situations by strict laws and regulations, safety and security measures and on the philosophical and religious level, by a belief in absolute Truth. Bond argues that Chinese culture has replaced the uncertainty-avoidance dimension with work dynamism: instead on focusing on truth, some cultures focus on virtue. One does have to be careful, however, with applying the idea of dimensions too casually. Hofstede warns against the ecological fallacy ­ that is, when one looks at two cultures, it should not be assumed that two members from two different cultures must be different from each other, or that a single member of a culture will always

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
45 allalaadimist

Finantsjuhtimise kordamisküsimused

mõni muu summa (~5-20% lepingu väärtusest), mille garanteerimist nõuab garantii saaja. 24. Mille poolest erinevad ettemaksegarantii ning kindlustusaja garantii? Ettemaksegarantii (advance payment guarantee) - Pank garanteerib ostja poolt müüjale kauba eest tehtud ettemakse tagastamise juhul kui müüja ostjale ettenähtud summa eest kaupa ei tarni. Ettemaksegarantii väljastatakse enne ettemakse tegemist, kuid ta jõustub pärast ettemakse tegemist. Kindlustusaja garantii (warranty bond, guarantee for warranty obligations) - Sellise garantiiga garanteerib pank trahvi maksmise juhul, kui mingile seadmele või ehitisele antud garantiiaja jooksul selle seadme või ehitisega juhtub midagi sellist, mille mittejuhtumine on garanteeritud lepinguga. 25. Mis asi on akreditiiv? Kirjelda lühidalt selle protsessi nii graafiliselt kui sõnades. Akreditiiv on rahvusvahelises kaubanduses kasutatav makseviis, kus ostja pank

Majandus → Finantsjuhtimine
38 allalaadimist

Konspekt terve 10. klassi ajaloo õpiku kohta

Juba pronksiajal (1. aastatuhat eKr) elasid Skandinaavias kultuuriliselt ühtne rahvas, kes kõnelesid germaani keelt. Karmide looduslike olude tõttu pidi inimesed oma kodust välja rändama. Lõuna-Rootsist väljusid goodid Ida-Euroopa kaudu Musta mereni. Taanist liikusid anglid, saksid ja jüütid Britanniasse. Skandinaavlased olid põhiliselt põlluharijad, karjakasvatajad, küttijad ja kalapüüdjad. Skandinaavlased on isiklikult vabad, elati taluperedena, kus peremees ehk bond lahendas kohalike probleeme koosolekutel ehk tingidel ja maakonna ühiskoosolekutel ehk alltingidel, kus valiti ka pealikud ehk konungid. Aeg-ajalt kasutasid pered ka orjade tööd. Skandinaavlased hakkasid 1. aastatuhande teisel poolel järjest enam tegelema meresõiduga, st. kaubavahetusega, kalapüügiga, röövimisega. Tekkisid kindlustatud kauplemiskohad ­ linnad Birka, Sigtuna, Hedeby. Paljud pered hakkasid elatist teenima röövimisega. Viikingid, normannid, varjaagid

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
70 allalaadimist

English as a Global Language

learning: English, Estonian (for Russian native speakers) or Russian (for Estonian native speakers). 50% of respondents chose English as the easiest language to learn, while 31.4% chose Estonian. Answering the question whether English should one day become the second state language in Estonia 53% of the respondents were against it. The reason 46% said yes could be that not all people in Estonia see the bond between the language and the national identity, a lot of Russian speaking citizens consider themselves Estonians, despite the fact that their mother tongue is Russian. However, the influence of English culture is so high and the process of globalization continues, it is impossible to predict, what expects us in the future. In the 10th question, students gave their opinion about future prospects of the English Language

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Panga bilansi struktuur Bilanss- aruanne, mis Hüpoteek on oma olemuselt reaalaktivatega tagatud ja maksepikendust 15-45 päevaks. Max. limiit 2kuu näitab panga varade koosseisu ja nende moodustamise regulaarseid sissemakseid nõudev veksel. Kindustatud sissetulek. allikaid. Panga bilansis sisaldub kapitali kahekordne pantkirjad on seotud väiksema avansilise sissemaksea, Pikaajalised laenud on kinnisvara laenud, eluaseme- analüüs. Omavahendid- aktsiakapital; aazio(aktsiate madalama intressi määraga, pikema laenu per.-ga. laenud. Eluaseme laenu kasut: 1)maja korteri ostm.; müügikasum); aruandeperioodi kasum/kahjum; eelmiste väiksem tulu, väiksem risk Võlausaldaja võib hoida 2)maa ostmiseks; 3)maja, korteri kap. remondiks; peri. kasum/kahjum; üldine pangandusreserv; ümber- pantkirj...

Majandus → Raha ja pangandus
247 allalaadimist

Finantsjuhtimine ja raamatupidamisarvestus

1. Sissejuhatav loeng 1. Ettevõtte tegevuse rahanduslik eesmärk? Mis põhjustel peaks eelistama väärtuse maksimeerimist (ka aktsiahinna kasvu, omanike rikkuse suurendamist vms) kasumi või muu kasvatamisele? Ettevõtte tegevuse peamiseks eesmärgiks on ettevõtte väärtuse maksimeerimine. Raamatupidamislik käsitlus (finantsraamatupidamine) on ennekõike kasumikeskne. Ettevõtte väärtus kasvab ennekõike siis kui ta teenib või oodatakse teenivat tulevikus rohkem vaba raha (free cash flow). Paljudel juhtudel võib ettevõtte kasum olla küll positiivne, aga seejuures on omanike nõutav tulu negatiivne. Kasum ei võta arvesse paljusid asju sealhulgas ka omanike nõutavat tulu. Kasumis olev ettevõtte ei pruugi alati olla edukas, seetõttu peaks eelistama väärtuse maksimeerimist. 2. Peamised finantsjuhtimise ja raamatupidamisarvestuse erisused? Tooge vähemalt kolm erinevust. Muuhulgas,...

Majandus → Majandus
110 allalaadimist

E.M.Remarque "Läänerindel Muutuseta"

The men's thoughts are molded by "the changes of the days": when they are fighting, their thoughts go dead; when they are resting, their thoughts are good. Their prewar lives are "no longer valid" since the years before they joined the army have ceased to mean anything. Before, they were "coins of different provinces"; now, they are "melted down," and they all "bear the same stamp." They identify themselves as soldiers first, only second as individual men. They share an intimate, close bond with one another, like that of convicts sentenced to death. Survival requires their complete, unquestioning loyalty to one another. Paul reflects that, for the soldiers, life is no more than the constant avoidance of death. They have to reduce themselves to the level of unthinking animals because instinct is their best weapon against unrelenting mortal danger. It helps them survive the horrendous conditions of trench warfare without losing their minds. However, the war wears them down despite

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
194 allalaadimist

“Valgu biosüntees 2012” loengute põhipunktid

PTC ette ning sünteesitud valk ei suuda väljuda. tRNA ei suuda seonduda korralikult ribosoomile ning kukub välja. Translatsioon peatub.  Kloramfenikool ja peptidüültransferaasse reaktsiooni inhibeerimine Chloramphenicol prevents protein chain elongation by inhibiting the peptidyl transferase activity of the bacterial ribosome. It specifically binds to A2451 and A2452 residues in the 23S rRNA of the 50S ribosomal subunit, preventing peptide bond formation. While chloramphenicol and the macrolide class of antibiotics both interact with ribosomes, chloramphenicol is not a macrolide. It directly interferes with substrate binding, whereas macrolides sterically block the progression of the growing peptide.  Pruomütsiin kui A-saidi substraadi analoog Puromütsiin seondub ribosoomi aktiivsaiti (ensüümi inhibiitor). A nukleotiidi analoog, seondumine toimub suurele subühikule.

Bioloogia → Valgu biosüntees
6 allalaadimist

Rahanduse aluste kontrolltöö vastused

79. Nimetage rahanduse erikursusi. Rahandus kui õppeaine on väga mitmetahuline ja koosneb mitmest erikursusest: ettevõtte rahandus, pangandus, investeeringud, finantsturud, rahateooria, kinnisvara rahndus jms. 80. Millega tegeletakse finantsjuhtimises? Finantsjuhtimises on omavahel põimunud finantsarvestus, mikro- ja makroökonoomika, statistika ning matemaatika. Järjest rohkem on hakatud rõhutama ka õiguslikke aspekte. Seetõttu võib finantsjuhtimist nimetada ka interdisplinaarseks õppeaineks, mis eeldab häid eelteadmisi teistest majandusainetest ja loogilist mõtlemist. 81. Mis on investeerimisotsused ja mis finantseerimisotsused? Tooge ka nende seos bilansiga. Ettevõtte rahandustöö on tihedalt seotud bilansi juhtimisega. Bilansiga seotud otsused võib jagada üldjuhul kaheks: investeerimisotsused ja finantseerimisotsused. Investeerimisotsused on ressursside paigutamisega seotud otsused (ettevõtte varade portfelli koostamine ...

Majandus → Rahanduse alused
659 allalaadimist

Mageveekäsna Ephydatia fluviatilis populatsiooni geneetiline analüüs

Mol Ecol 13: 109­122. PLOS ONE | 11 June 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 6 | e66601 Intragenomic Profiling Using Multicopy Genes 17. Wo¨rheide G, Nichols SA, Goldberg J (2004) Intragenomic variation of the 29. Bond C (1992) Continuous cell movements rearrange anatomical structures in rDNA internal transcribed spacers in sponges (Phylum Porifera): implications for intact sponges. J Exp Zool 263: 284­302. phylogenetic studies. Mol Phylogenet Evol 33: 816­830. 30. Ereskovskii AV (2003) Problems of coloniality, modularity, and individuality in 18

Bioloogia → Eesti loomad
1 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

stormtroopers. Suddenly Luke is no longer reluctant and is eager to undertake the quest. T h e evil of the Empire has become personal to him. H e is motivated. 4 . M E N T O R ( T H E W I S E O L D M A N OR W O M A N ) By this time many stories will have introduced a Merlin-like character who is the hero's Mentor. T h e relationship between hero and M e n t o r is one of the most common themes in mythology, and one of the richest in its symbolic value. It stands for the bond between parent and child, teacher and student, doctor and patient, god and man. T h e M e n t o r may appear as a wise old wizard (Star Wars), a tough drill sergeant (An Officer and a Gentleman), or a grizzled old boxing coach (Rocky). In the mythology of " T h e M a r y Tyler M o o r e Show", it was Lou Grant. In Jaws it's the crusty Robert Shaw character who knows all about sharks. T h e function of Mentors is to prepare the hero to face the unknown. T h e y

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Brandi ja konjak

Meil võetaksegi viina sageli puhtalt. Niisugusel juhul serveeritakse seda madalal temperatuuril (+3...+6 °C), jahutatud ja härmakihiga kaetud klaasidesse valatult. Sügavkülmutamine pole soovitav, selle toimel võivad taanduda antud viinale iseloomulikud maitse- ja lõhnaomadused. Viin on ka paljude segujookide asendamatu baaskomponent. Maailmaklassikasse kuuluvad sellised kokteilid nagu: · Vodka Martini, mille muutis surematuks agent 007, Tema Majesteedi parim spioon James Bond, kes tellis seda raputatult, mitte segatult · Godmother, mis koosneb viinast ja Amarettost ning jääst · Bloody Mary ­ pipraga maitsestatud tomatimahla ja viina segu, mis oli Marilyn Monroe lemmikjook · Screwdriver, mis sai nime selle järgi, et lusika puudusel segati see läbi käeulatuses olnud kruvikeerajaga, on lihtne apelsinimahlaga pikendatud viin. Mis on viski? Viski on tammevaadis laagerdunud kange, 40­50% alkoholisisaldusega destilleeritud jook,

Toit → Joogiõpetus
48 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus inglise õiguskeelde

To be entitled to do sth ­ to have the right to own sth Government funded aid ­ state provided help Professional examinations ­ tests made to make sure sb is qualified for sth. Preparatory course ­ a class done in order to get ready for something To supervise sb - to watch a person or activity to make certain that everything is done correctly, safely, etc Professional incompetence - lack of ability or skill in one specific area to do something successfully or as it should be done Junk bond (lk 42) - typically a high-interest loan with relatively unfavorable terms to compensate for a high risk of default; the right to collect a debt which will if fact probably never be repaid To advertise sth - to make something known generally or in public, especially in order to sell it Legal loophole - a small mistake in the law which gives someone the chance to avoid having to do something Ambiguity - the property of being ambiguous, where a word, term, notation, sign, symbol,

Keeled → Inglise õiguskeel 1
264 allalaadimist

Maailmakirjanduse konspekt

MAAILMAKIRJANDUS 2009/2010 kevad 10. märts Põhja-Itaalias oli levinud uudne lähenemine luulele ­ dolce stil nuevo. On seostatud kahe luuletajaga ­ Guido Guinizelli ja Guido Cavalanti. See oli 13.sajandi lõpul. Uut stiili kandis uus suhtumine. Uus armastuse konseptsioon, mida luuletajad hakkavad väljendama. Alged on "prantsuse trubaduuridel" (12.sajand). Südamedaam oli enamasti kättesaamatu, rüütlid õhkasid tema poole, kuid tihtipeale oli see abielunaine, aadlidaam. Rüütlikultuuri raamides oli armastus üsnagi maine, isegi, kui see oli kättesaamatu. Kuid Itaalias oli teistmoodi. Seda mõjutab antiigist Platoni filosoofia. Platooniline armastus, selle levik kirjanduses, haarab peagi kogu renessansikirjanduse. Platoni puhul jaguneb olemine kaheks ­ maine ja vaimne (jumalik) olemine. Vaimne olemine oli väga tugev, kuni tänapäevani. Platon oli tolle aja kõige olulisem filosoof. Arvati, et seda on võimalik väljendada või...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
154 allalaadimist


Tärklise süntees vajab ATP-d ja selle ahela tähtsaim ensüüm ADP glükoosi pürofosforülaas on allosteeriliselt aktiveeritav PGA, F6P ja trioosfosfaatide poolt. Plants produce starch by first converting glucose 1-phosphate to ADP-glucose using the enzyme glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase. This step requires energy in the form of ATP. The enzyme starch synthase then adds the ADP-glucose via a 1,4-alpha glycosidic bond to a growing chain of glucose residues, liberating ADP and creating amylose. By contrast, starch synthesis occurs within chloroplasts. The first step is a condensation of glucose-1-phosphate withATP. Starch synthesis requires withdrawal of hexose-P from the mesophyll cellular pool. Using hexose-P for starch synthesis requires its a_________ by ATP. Only occurs in actively photosynthesizing cells. 87

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
8 allalaadimist

Superstar 1 tests

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 They said that they didn't want to be late. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 She said she was going into town later that morning. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 He told them he had always wanted to play James Bond. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 Pond said that he had been working at a tea company before he became a spy. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Marks: /10 Macmillan Publishers Limited 2001. This sheet may be photocopied for use in class

Keeled → Inglise keel
60 allalaadimist

"Anna Karenina" kokkuvõte

" Once the two talk about it, they reconcile their problem and move along to sleep. This does not happen with Anna and Vronsky. Anna is too insecure; she thinks Vronsky wants everyone but her. To get Vronsky's attention, she tells him she is "near disaster and afraid of myself." This indicates that Anna has spiraled entirely out of control, and that almost anything could happen to her. She keeps mentioning a certain "spirit of strife" that exists in her bond with Vronsky, both in her heart and in his. Chapters 13-17 Kitty gives birth. Levin finds the whole experience surreal, and Kitty finds it entirely peaceful, even though she is in a great deal of pain. When he first sees his newborn son, Levin is surprised by what he feels: pain. He knows his son will suffer in the world, simply because his son is human. There are five chapters dedicated to the birth process, emphasizing the intensity of childbirth. Chapters 18-22

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
333 allalaadimist

Referaat Teest

Lapsang näib paks ja rammus. 2.4 AAFRIKA MUSTAD TEED Aafrika toodab 25% maailma teest. Keenia, Malawi ja Zimbabwe on põhilised teetootmise maad. KEENIA Enamus Keenias toodetud teest on CTC järku. Musta teed kasutatakse paljudes segudes ja see on tavaliselt segatud Assami, Darjeelingi või Tseiloni teedega, populaarsemate segude loomiseks. Keenia teeistandused on jagatud kahte kategooriasse: 1. Eraomanduses olevad suured istandused nagu Brooke Bond, African Highlands (endine James Finlay) ja Eastern Produce Limited. On ka teisi isiklikke vabrikuid, mida peavad agendid nagu nt George Williamson. Need isiklikus omanduses istandused on tuntud kui Kenya Tea Growers Associatsion (KTGA). Nende baas asub Kerichos. Nad kontrollivad üle 40% Keenia teetoodangust. 2. Väikefarmerid, kes on kooperatiive moodustanud. Valitsus ehitab nende jaoks vabrikuid, ning nad kontrollivad 60% Keenia teetoodangust. Nemad toodavad kõrgeima järgu teed

Toit → Toitumisõpetus
52 allalaadimist

10. kl ajaloo üleminekueksam

Pilet 1 1.Inimese kujunemine ja esiajalooline ühiskond Homo sapiens ­ nüüdisinimene, kuulub esikloomade seltsi, inimlaste sugukonda ja inimese perekonda. Lõplik lahknemine lähimatest nüüdisliikidest toimus enam kui 5 miljonit aastat tagasi Aafrikas. Australopiteekused ­ elasid 5-2 miljonit aastat tagasi ja olid ühed varasemad teada olevad hominiidid. Alla 1,5 meetri pikad, aju rohkem arenenud kui ahvidel, liikusid ka kahel jalal, peale taimetoidu sõid ka liha ja olid tõenäoliselt raipesööjad. Kahejalgsus oli ülimalt oluline, se vabastas käed muudeks tähtsateks asjadeks. Umbes 2,5 miljonit aastat tagasi õppisid kivist tööriistu valmistama. Kiviaeg ­ ajaloo pikim periood. Arenes australopiteekuste liigist välja inimese bioloogilisse perekonda kuuluv Homo Erectus - oskas valmistada kivist tööriiste. Raipesöömise kõrval oli ta ka kütt ja korilane. Oli tänapäeva inimese pikkune, tumeda ja pigmendirikka nahaga mis kaitses päikese ultraviole...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
66 allalaadimist

Ajalugu läbi aegade

Vabariiklik kord Res bulica- ühiskondlik asi või rahva asi.roomlastel hakkas tähistama vabariiki. Võeti üle erinevatesse keeltesse Magistraat- riigi ametnik kes valiti üheks aastaks,olid kolligioaalsed 2 või mitu tükki korrga, tasu ei makstud enamasti jõukad kodanikud. Konsul-kõrgim magistraat,eelkõige sõjaväe juht sümbolik rimmaga seotud kinni vitza kimp Preetor- ül- õiguse mõistmine , sõjaväe juhtimine, ja vajadusel konsuli asendamine. tSensor-5a ameis,valiti endiste konsulite hulgast ül-kodanike loendamine, elukommete jälgimine senaatorite nimekirjade koostamine,ohukorral võis määrata diktaatori, diktaator- 6 kuuks piiramatu võimuga juht, Rahvatribuun-erandlik amet sest valiti plebeide hulgast.võisid panna veto igale lihtrahvast kahjustavale seadusele. Senat- valitseb riigi nõukogu,koosnes endistes ja tegev magistraatidest.amet oli eluaegne. Max 600 senaatorit oli olemas korraga.pidi kõik seaduse eelnõud heaks kiitma enne kui rahva...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
145 allalaadimist


1 ÕIGUS PRIVAATSUSELE JA ANDMEKAITSE 1 ÕIGUS PRIVAATSUSELE Ühiskonna ja isiku individualismi arenedes jäi tavaõigusest ja käibivatest moraalinormidest inimese privaatsuse kaitsmisel väheks. Lisaks moraalsele hukkamõistule privaatsusõiguse rikkumisel tekkis vajadus ka efektiivsete õiguskaitsevahendite järele. Üldiselt on levinud arusaam, et privaatsus on hüve, mille kaitset õigussüsteemist otsivad peamiselt nn kuulsad inimesed. Õiguslikult ei ole õigus eraelule sugugi väljavalitute hüve, vaid tegemist on nn igaühe õigusega, mis tähendab seda, et õigust privaatsusele on õigus nõuda igal inimesel sõltumata tema ühiskondlikust, majanduslikust vm kuuluvusest. Privaatsus on igaühe õigus. Igal inimesel on õigus enesemääratlusele ning õigus, et tema isiklikke valikuid austataks nii riigi kui teiste isikute poolt. Et mõista, mis kuulub privaatsusõiguse kaitsealasse, tuleb esmalt aru saada, mis on privaa...

Õigus → Andmekaitse
32 allalaadimist

Ehituse juhtimine

Avaliku ja erasektori vaheline partnerlus tähendab avaliku võimu ning mittetulundusühenduse ja/või ettevõtte koostööd. Allikas: Partnering Fisk (2003): While the contract establishes the legal relationships, the partnering process is designed to establish working relationships among the parties through a mutually- developed, formal strategy of commitment and communication. It attempts to create an environment where trust and teamwork prevent disputes, foster a cooperative bond to everyone's benefit, and facilitate the completion of a successful project. Partnering works best if all members of the project team, including owner, design professional, contractor, subcontractors and material suppliers, commit to the concept. Allikas: F.Lawrence Bennet, The Management of Construction, A Project Life Cycle Approach. 13. Aja juhtimise põhimõtted ja nende kasutamise võimalused ehituses Aja juhtimise põhimõtted:

Ehitus → Ehituse juhtimine
148 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

Parties Corporation arranges for its customers to buy from and for a friend rather than from an unknown salesperson. In this way, the attraction, the warmth, the security, and the obligation of friendship are brought to bear on the sales set- ting (Taylor, 1978). In fact, consumer researchers who have examined the social ties between the hostess and the party goers in home party sales settings have affirmed the power of the company's approach: The strength of that social bond is twice as likely to determine product purchase as is preference for the product itself (Frenzen 8{ Davis, 1990). The results have been remarkable. It was recently estimated that Tupperware sales now exceed 2.5 million dollars a day! Indeed, Tupperware's success has spread around the world to societies in Europe, Latin America, and Asia, where one's place in a network of friends and family is more

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Business peculiarities in Russia

derivative of VAT at 18% - calculated as (18 / (100 + 18)) * 100% These VAT rate effective from the 1st of January 2009. The income tax rate: Since January 1, 2009 effective basic rate of income tax - 20%. Of which 2% to the federal budget, and 18% is credited to the budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation. In addition to the basic rate of income tax set so-called special rates: income tax rates for certain types of bond: 0%, 9%, 15% The size of the tax rate of income tax on income received in the form of dividends - 0%, 9%, 15% The size of the income tax rate for foreign companies, the income is not related to the activities in the Russian Federation through permanent - 10%, 20% The income tax rate for the CBR 0% The tax rate on personal income: The basic rate of income tax in 2013 - 13%.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Lühendite seletus

A... AA Auto Answer AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting AAB All-to-All Broadcast AAC Advanced Audio Coding AACS Advanced Access Control System AAL Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaption Layer AAM Automatic Acoustic Management AAP Applications Access Point [DEC] AARP AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol AAS All-to-All Scatter AASP ASCII Asynchronous Support Package AAT Average Access Time AATP Authorized Academic Training Program [Microsoft] .ABA Address Book Archive (file name extension) [Palm] ABAP Advanced Business Application Programming [SAP] ABC * Atanasoff-Berry Computer (First digital calculating machine that used vacuum tubes) ABEND Abnormal End ABI Application Binary Interface ABIOS Advanced BIOS ABIST Automatic Built-In Self-Test [IBM] ABLE Adaptive Battery Life Extender + Agent Building and Learning Environment [IBM] ABM Asynchronous Balanc...

Informaatika → Informaatika
117 allalaadimist

Exeli õpetus

Siin pead muidugi arvestama sellega, et näiteks selle +18-ga saad edaspidi arvutusi teha. Aga teksti lisamisel +18% KM käsitleb programm muidugi tekstina ja edasised arvutused võimatud. NB! Ülakoma printides ei tule. Sellel on vaid abistav ülesanne. Nulliga algavad numbrid Enam telefoninumbrites nulli ees ei kasutata ja sellega jääb nulliga algavate numbrite hulk kindlasti palju väiksemaks. Samas James Bond jääb ikka 007-ks :) Kui üritad kirjutada lahtrisse 007, siis sisestuse kinnitamiseks Enter vajutades kustuvad need nullid seitsme eest ära. Mida teha? Antud juhul on need nullid ju väga vajalikud. Siingi pead kasutama ülakoma. See-eest komadega numbreid kirjutad nagu tavaliselt. Nullide automaatne eemaldamine toimub numbrites, kus nullid ei oma mingit tähtsust, näiteks 000,89 või 34,50000

Informaatika → Informaatika
208 allalaadimist


N. A. Vavilov ASPECTS OF BRITISH HISTORY Н. А. Вавилов КРАТКАЯ ИСТОРИЯ ВЕЛИКОБРИТАНИИ Учебное пособие на английском языке Москва Институт международного права и экономики имени А. С. Грибоедова 2008 2 УТВЕРЖДЕНО кафедрой лингвистики и переводоведения Вавилов Н.А. Краткая история Великобритании: Учебное пособие на английском языке. – 2-е изд., пересмотр. и испр. – М.: ИМПЭ им. А.С. Грибоедова, 2008. – 88 с. Пособие содержит краткий очерк важнейших событий в истории Великобритании – от первых документально засвидетельствованных вторжений на остров (кельтов, римлян и англосаксов) до создания и распада Британск...

Filoloogia → Vene filoloogia
2 allalaadimist


longer/softer black hair. In 2009 she turned 4 and developed a patch of white hair. Since then the patches of white have turned into stripes, spots, and patches. Her skin is turning pink as well due to the loss of pigmentation. In 2011, Kimberly Sexton of New York City sent these photos of her cat Frankie. Kimberly's 14 year old cat Miko (white with grey markings on his head and tail) had recently died and in his last 3 years had formed a close bond with her younger cat, Frankie, a mackerel tabby. The two cats often slept intertwined. Two years before Miko passed away, Frankie developed a white spot of fur under his neck, while his chin and nose became paler. As time passed, Frankie's white areas spread and new ones developed around his neck and behind his shoulder blades. Kimberly joked to friends that Miko's white colour was rubbing off on Frankie as they slept

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

be found invaluable for imparting a smooth newspaper for the masking operations. of plastics encountered in body component and well contoured finish to the surface of the Before commencing to spray, agitate the applications. Standard paints, generally filler. aerosol can thoroughly, then spray a test area speaking, will not bond to plastic or rubber Mix up a little filler on a clean piece of card (an old tin, or similar) until the technique is satisfactorily, but paints to match any plastic or board - measure the hardener carefully mastered. Cover the repair area with a thick or rubber finish can be obtained from dealers. (follow the maker's instructions on the pack) coat of primer; the thickness should be built However, it is now possible to obtain a plastic

Auto → Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist


244 pages). Ladislas Farago's The Broken Seal (Random House, 1967, 441 pages) tells about the development, theft, and solution of Japanese cryptosystems before Pearl Harbor. William F. and Elizebeth S. Friedman's The Shakespearean Ciphers Examined (Cambridge University Press, 1957, 303 pages) is a witty expose of the kooks who "decipher" false authorship claims of Francis Bacon from Shakespeare's plays. And Raymond T. Bond has collected sixteen of the 458 better short stories involving a cryptogram, including those by Poe, A. Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, and O. Henry, in his Famous Stories of Code and Cipher (1947, reprinted Collier Books, 1965, 383 pages). For youngsters, the following are the best of the many books in print: Sam and Beryl Epstein, The First Book of Codes and Ciphers (Franklin Watts, 1956, 62 pages), for grammar-school ages; Herbert S. Zim,

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist


You will have more energy and enthusiasm. You will feel stronger and more confident. Your whole future will open up before you, like a sum- mer sunrise. Don’t worry about what your friends think or say when you de- cide to forgive people who have hurt you. They are probably tired of hearing your complaints about the unfortunate events of your past. In fact, when you start forgiving, you will often find that the only common bond between you and certain people is your gripe ses- sions. When you decide to forgive others, you may no longer find them very interesting to talk to. ■ THE PEOPLE YOU MUST FORGIVE There are four groups people you need to forgive if you are serious about changing your thinking and changing your life. The first is your parents, living or dead.You must absolutely for- give them for every mistake they ever made in bringing you up. At

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

Fear lingered just beneath my arousal, but I was more afraid of losing him than of living with the demons inside him. He stirred, his arm tightening around my back. "Eva...?" This time I answered him the way I couldn't before. "Let's forget," I breathed into his mouth. "Make us forget." "Eva." He rolled into me, peeling my shirt off with cautious movements. I was similarly tentative in undressing him. We approached each other as if each of us was breakable. The bond between us was fragile just then, both of us apprehensive about the future and the wounds we could inflict with all of our jagged edges. His lips wrapped around my nipple, his cheeks hollowing slowly, his seduction subdued. The tender suckling felt so good I gasped and arched into his hand. He caressed my side from breast to hip and back again, over and over, gentling me as my heart raced wildly.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

"Carlisle won't like it." I could hear the tires cross the bridge, though I couldn't see the river in the dark. I knew we were getting close. I had to ask him now. "How can you kill a vampire?" He glanced at me with unreadable eyes and his voice was suddenly harsh. "The only way to be sure is to tear him to shreds, and then burn the pieces." "And the other two will fight with him?" "The woman will. I'm not sure about Laurent. They don't have a very strong bond -- he's only with them for convenience. He was embarrassed by James in the meadow..." "But James and the woman -- they'll try to kill you?" I asked, my voice raw. "Bella, don't you dare waste time worrying about me. Your only concern is keeping yourself safe and -- please, please -- trying not to be reckless." "Is he still following?" "Yes. He won't attack the house, though. Not tonight." He turned off onto the invisible drive, with Alice following behind. We drove right up to the house

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

in guanidine-hydrochloride. Biochemical and muscle troponin c as determined by nmr spectroscopy. Biophysical Research Communications 150:1155– Journal of Biological Chemistry 272:28494. 1161. Melody, J. L., S. M. Lonergan, L. J. Rowe, T. W. Huiatt, Lametsch, R., S. Lonergan, and E. Huff-Lonergan. 2008. M. S. Mayes, and E. Huff-Lonergan. 2004. Early post- Disulfide bond within μ-calpain active site inhibits mortem biochemical factors influence tenderness and activity and autolysis. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta water-holding capacity of three porcine muscles. (BBA)—Proteins & Proteomics. In press, corrected Journal of Animal Science 82:1195–1205. proof. Millman, B. M., T. J. Racey, and I. Matsubara. 1981. Lehman, W., M. Rosol, L. S. Tobacman, and R. Craig

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

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