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"board" - 346 õppematerjali

board – IASB: Töötab välja rahvusvahelisi finantsaruandluse standardeid (International Financial Reporting Standards – IFRS), avalikustab ja levitab neid.

Kasutaja: board

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Hankelogistika - Algmaterjali tootmine ehitusele ja mööblitööstusele

Hankelogistika Algmaterjali tootmine ehitusele ja mööblitööstusele Minu hankelogistika töö on ehitusmaterjalide ja mööblitootmise algmaterjali tootmisest. Vaatlen MDF-i ja PLP-i tootmist. Mis on MDF (medium density fibreboard) ja PLP (particle board)? Lihtsalt öeldes, tegemist on puitlaastplaadiga/puitkiudplaadiga, mis on tuntud ka kui "Püssi plaat", vanemad inimesed tunnevad seda ka saepuruplaadina. Tegemist on äärmiselt keskkonnasõbarliku tootega (eriti enne lisaväärtuse andmist). Puidutööstuses hästi orienteeruvad inimesed ei paneks nende kolme artikli vahele võrdusmärki, kuid tavainimene võiks seda väga vabalt endale lubada. Nimelt on tehnoloogiliselt nende erinevus väga väike.) Kuigi Eestis on saetööstus väga hästi arenenud ja see suudab töödeleda kogu kohaliku saepalgi, siis edasine tegevus läheb kahjuks juba riigist välja. Paberipuu läheb 95% ulatuses ekspordiks. (

Logistika → Laomajandus
61 allalaadimist

Chinatown review

Best Picture and Best Sound. An Oscar went to Robert Towne for Best Writing-Original Screenplay. It also has won three BAFTA Film Awards for Best Actor, Best Director and Best Screenplay, Edgar Allan Poe Award for Best Motion Picture, four Golden Globes and many more.2 Chinatown is a layered film, which takes place in Los Angeles in the 1930s. It narrates a story of a private detective J.J.Gittes, who investigates the murder of head of the city's water and power board Mulwray with help from his wife Evelyn Mulwray. From the beggining, the movie develops an interesting and enthralling plot, which is enriched with sarcastic humour and complex human relations. The plot is very unpredictable so when the final result appears, it is very unexpected and well-hidden.3 Each incident pulls the audience deeper into the story and makes them to think and wonder but when the conclusion reveals, everything is logical and simple. This shows the wonderful work of the director

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Linux operatsioonisüsteemid

Linux operatsioonisüsteemid 1.Mis on Linux? Linux on vabavaraline ja reeglina ka tasuta operatsioonisüsteem, mis võimaldab teha samu asju kui Windows. Linux on võimeline töötama pea igas arvutis, kus on võimeline töötama Windows. LinusTorvalds avaldas esimese Linuxi tuuma 1991. a. (tuum on Linux operatsioonisüsteemi tuumik). Ta avaldas Linuxi lähtekoodi ja tegi selle avalikult alla laaditavaks. Seetõttu võib igaüks tasuta endale laadida Linuxi tuuma ja teha sellest oma Linuxi versiooni (või distributsiooni nagu neid on hakatud kutsuma). Seetõttu ongi praegu saadaval sadu erinevaid distributsioone (versioone, edaspidi distrosid). Kõigil distrodel on sarnasusi, kuid igaüks neist on siiski veidi erinev. 2.Kuidas toimub Linux´i arendamine? Kogutakse uusi ideid ja kui leiutatakse mõni parema programmi ...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
25 allalaadimist

Weather forecast

Weather forecast. Millions of people tune into the weather forecast each evening on television. Most of them imagine that the presenter does little more than arrive at the studio a few minutes before the broadcast, read the weather, and then go home. In fact, this image is far from the truth. The two-minute bulletin which we all rely on when we need to know tomorrow's weather is the result of a hard day's work by the presenter, who is actually a highly-qualified meteorologist. Every morning after arriving at the TV studios, the first task of the day is to collect the latest data from the National Meteorological Office. This office provides up-to-the-minute information about weather conditions throughout the day, both in Britain and around the world. The information is very detailed and includes predictions, satellite and radar pictures, as well as more technical data. After gathering all the ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


TARNEKLAUSLID (Incoterms) Incoterms reglementeerib suure osa rahvusvahelise müügilepingu (kontrahi) tingimustest ja poolte (kontrahentide) kohustustest. Iga tarneklausel fikseerib müüja kohustused ehk teiste sõnadega: millised müüja kulutused sisalduvad müügilepingu hinnas. Ühe ja sama kauba hind võib sõltuvalt kasutatud tarneklauslist olla väga erinev. Järelikult ei ole korrektne võrrelda erinevate kaupade hindasid, teadmata, millised on olnud antud kauba tarnetingimused. Tarneklauslite puuduliku tundmise tõttu on nii mõnigi ettevõtja pidanud kandma asjatuid kulusid vajalikest suuremate tollimaksete või -maksude tasumisel. Tarneklauslid: EXW (Ex Works) Laadimiskoht määratud, kasutatakse kõikide transpordiliikide puhul, müüja teeb kaubad kättesaadavaks ostjale enda või muus asukohas, müüja kohustuste hulka ei kuulu kauba ekspordi tollivormistus ja veokile laadimine. Ostja kannab kõik riskid ja kulud, mis on seotud ja järgnevad kaub...

Logistika → Logistika
26 allalaadimist


Competitive costcost of of doing doing . .EU, EU, NATO NATO & & WTO WTO member member business business . .Currency Currency board board 10% 10% Corporate Corporate andand Personal Personal tax tax . .Low Low budget budget deficit deficit and

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Which is more important-sport or science?

undervalued. Over the years I have gradually begun to view sport in a way that is slightly off kilter to the way I had viewed it as a youth. The arrogance of former sporting superstars is one thing and the godlike status they attain in the eyes of the populace is another. Where will these sports stars be in the event that we have to leave this planet because of the downward spiral of pollution? I will tell you where, in the most expensive and comfortable accommodation available on board the vessels that will disembark our planet. Just then to the reader this article may have taken a turn toward some sort of science fiction that they may think is far beyond anything they will ever have to care about. But the truth is we are almost at the point of no return. It seems in this we are distracting ourselves from the seeming inevitability of our fate by becoming so engrossed in the pursuit of sporting "glory" so as to forget the importance of the

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

RMS Titanic

RMS Titanic Kaspar Kitsnik VLE-11 Why was Titanic built? Although Titanic is best known for carrying the rich and famous between Europe and the United States, the Ship actually had several purposes: 1. To carry British and US mail--hence the full name of the ship is Royal Mail Ship (RMS) Titanic. 2. To carry general cargo and frozen meat since at that time Europe could not produce enough livestock to meet its own needs. 3. To carry first-class passengers in great luxury, second-class passengers in great comfort and third-class passengers with great economy. 4. To fly the flag of Great Britain and uphold national honor. Even though Titanic was ultimately owned by American business interests, the Ship was built in a British yard, operated by British subjects, manned by British crews and perceived by the pu...

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


Snowboarding Kati Rannamees RK09 SNOWBOARDING Snowboarding is a sport that involves descending a slope that is covered with snow on a snowboard attached to a rider's feet using a special boot set on to mounted binding. The development of snowboarding was inspired by skateboarding, surfing and skiing. It was developed in the U.S.A Winter Olympic Sport in 1998. HISTORY Modern snowboarding began in 1965 when Sherman Poppen, an engineer in Muskegon, Michigan, invented a toy for his daughter by fastening two skis together and attaching a rope to one end so she would have some control as she stood on the board and glided downhill. GEAR Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigeerimiseks Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase ...

Turism → Turism
14 allalaadimist

Inglise keele aruanne Lahemaa majutuskohtadest

between accommodation types in Estonia and Great Britain. Comparison of the accommodation ways in Lahemaa and Great Britain The types of accommodation in Lahemaa are: villa, guesthouse, hotel, tourist farm, bed and breakfast, manor hotel, hostel, motel, cottage, campsite, caravan and lodge. Officially in Estonia there are no accommodation types like lodges and caravans, caravans belong under the accommodation type campsite. Lodges in Estonia, also in Lahemaa are managed by State Forest Board (RMK) and are meant to be independently used free of charge by any tourists. If there is a lodge in a tourism farm, it is considered to be an alternative accommodation type. Several Lahemaa accommodation enterprises have stars (hotels) and other rural tourism enterprises have quality grades, which mean better conditions than the standard level. They are marked two cornflowers or tree cornflowers. For example - Toomarahva

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist


ei j see ngemata tulevikuski. Eelmistest erineb kttemaksu kontsept. Selle peamine sisu on mitte kuritegu vltida, vaid tasuda ktte vritikitumise eest, s.o kurjategijale ktte maksta. Videtakse, et iglus nuab kttemaksu ja hiskond nitab selle lbi oma hukkamistu. Nii oleks surmanuhtlus hiskondlike normide peegeldus. I've paid close attention to this issue. Unfortunately, not yet rahuaegset the death penalty in all countries in the Baltic countries belonging to the Board have been abolished. I've often been faced with the argument that public opinion is against the death penalty and the time is not yet ripe for this purpose. For and against The most common pooltvide the death penalty is the need for society. Indeed, the deterrent is the law and order. According scarytheory is necessary for the welfare of society to kill rioter, crowd of other people, a similar time to send something back to the idea.

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist


Järva-Jaani Gümnaasium 2013 Karl Madis Maris Susi 8.klass Järva-Jaani Gümnaasium 2013 Sisukord Muusikaline haridus ja karjääri algus. Esinemised nii Eestis kui ka mujal maailmas. Kellega on koostööd teinud. Loomingust. Albumid. Perekond. Info. Muusikaline haridus ja karjääri algus Karl Madis on sündinud 1959.aastal Tallinnas. Lapsepõlves õppis 5 aastat viiulit ja laulis lastekooris ,,Ellerhein" Heino Kaljuste ja Tiia Ester Loitme käe all. 1984.aastal lõpetas Karl Georg Otsa nimelise muusikakooli saksofoni klassi Aleksander Rjabovi juhendamisel. Tähelepanuväärne muusikukarjäär sai alguse es...

Muu → Muusika õpetus
14 allalaadimist

Strateegiline juhtimine eksam Wahl

Funktsionaalne struktuur ja kultuur toodavad funktsionaalset võimekust, mis suudab toetada funktsionaalsete ressursside arendamise. 7. Mida tähendab KISS? Hilb classifies corporate governance aspects, according to his ,,reverse KISS" principle into: y Situational implementation of a governance system adapted to a specific company's characteristics needs and requirements y Strategic direction meaning that a supervisory board should be closely involved in steering a business strategically y Integrated board management asking for a combined approach for the nomination, assessment, remuneration and promotion of executive as well as supervisory board members y Keeping control of a company in the sense of holistic monitoring going beyond pure financial monitoring and controlling, implementing a broad performance evaluation approach from the

Haldus → Strateegiline juhtimine
280 allalaadimist


narkoosiaine, mida meditsiinis veel praegugi kasutatakse. Süstimislahuseid valmistatakse apteegis ja hoitakse klaaspurkides. Ketamiin tekitab joovet, kuid ta toime ei ole nii tugev kui PCP1. Ketamiini hakati kontrollima pärast seda, kui ELis tekkis 2000. a mure nende uimastite kuritarvitamise tõttu meelelahutuslikel eesmärkidel.(130) ÜRO rahvusvaheline uimastite kontrolli büroo (International Narcotics Control Board, INCB) lisas 2001. a märtsis GHB rahvusvaheliselt reguleeritavate uimastite nimekirja ning seejärel on kõik ELi liikmesriigid ajakohastanud oma vastavaid õigusakte. Hiljuti, 2006. a märtsis, soovitas ÜRO rahvusvaheline uimastite kontrolli büroo Maailma Terviseorganisatsioonil kiirendada oma revisjoni selles kohta, kas ketamiin peaks olema rahvusvahelise kontrolli all ($fn,$fn). Siseriiklikul tasandil on ketamiin kontrollitav uimasteid käsitlevate

Keemia → Keemia
17 allalaadimist

Canada's three cities

government's interests in the NCR.As with other national capitals. Ottawa The City of Halifax (est. 1841) was the capital of the province of Nova Scotia and shire town of Halifax County, and was the largest city in Atlantic Canada until it was amalgamated into Halifax Regional Municipality in 1996. It is no longer an incorporated city and is a community of HRM.The Town of Halifax was founded by British government under the direction of the Board of Trade and Plantations under the command of Governor Edward Cornwallis in 1749.[2] After a protracted struggle between residents and the Governor, the City of Halifax was incorporated in 1841.On April 1, 1996, the government of Nova Scotia dissolved the City of Halifax, and amalgamated the four municipalities within Halifax County and formed Halifax Regional Municipality, a single-tier regional government covering that whole area.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Women's Learning Partnership

available to partner organizations, maximum use of shared learning across regions, and increased impact of collective networking and solidarity capabilities. The Partnership is based on a relationship of intense and continuous communication and ongoing cooperation in the conception, development, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of joint programs. The organization's president is Mahnaz Afkhami. Management and administration WLP's Board of Directors is made up of a diverse group of leading academics and NGO directors. WLP has an International Advisory Council that includes heads of United Nations agencies, leaders of international organizations, and scholars and activists representing diverse professional, cultural, and religious perspectives. The international experts help WLP analyze the social, cultural, political, and gender implications of its programs and fine-tune them accordingly.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Unit 2 vocabulary cope with ­ toime tulema, hakkama saama abruptly ­ järsult, äkiliselt crash (into) ­ kokku põrkama, vastu absorbed in ­ hõivatud, süvenenud sõitma (avariis) achieve ­ saavutama, läbi raskuste criticise ­ kritiseerima teostama crooked (teeth) ­ puseriti hambad allow ­ lubama, võimaldama crowd ­ rahvamass, summ anatomy ­ anatoomia, kehaehitus curl ­ lokk, kihar announce ­ teadustama, kuulutama, damsel ­ preili välja kuulutama deaf ­ kurt announcement ­ teadaanne, kuulutus deafening ­ kõrvulukustav arched ­ kaarjas (... eyebrows ­ declare ­ kuulutama, deklareerima kaarjad kulmud) dedicate to ­ pühenduma avid ­ innukas, himuline depend on ­ sõltuma balance ­ tasakaalustama determin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Austraalia ajalugu

Captain cook arrived in Botany Bay and claimed Australia for Britain. The 18th century life was hard and even small crimes were severe in Britain. Sometimes prisoners would be sentenced to transportation. After the American War of Independence (17751783) transportation wasn't possible anymore and the government began looking for another place for the transportees which was selected to be Botany Bay. On 13.05.1787 11 ships set sail from Portsmouth. 759 convicts were on board, most of them guarded with Captain Arthur Philip in command.The reason for founding a colony in Australia wasn't the riddance of unwanted people. The British may have hoped to found a naval base in the Pacific, sources of timer and flax. They arrived on 26.01.1788. Things were hard for them and food was short. Things gradually improved and a second and third fleet arrived in years 1790 and 1791. Convicts

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Kokkuvõte Oscar Wilde

The Selfish Giant Oscar Wilde The children used to play in the Giant's garden every day.When Giant came back home after seven years he was very sad and cried in a very grunft voice. He will not allow nobody to play in it but hisself and h built a high wall all round it and put up notice-board. The poor had now nowhere to play. The spring came and all over the country there were little blossoms and little birds. Only in the garden of the selfish Giant it was still winter . One morning he heard solme lovely music the King's musicians were passing by. It was a sight for him that spring came at last. Through a little hole in the wall the chldren had crept in and they were sitting in the brances of the trees. The birds were flying about and twittering with delight and the flowers were looking up through the grass and laughting. Only in one corner it was still winter . In it was standing a little boy. He was so small that he could not reach ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Massive Ponzi skeem

BERNARD L. MADOFF INVESTMENT SECURITIES LLC GREETE HIIEMÄE 154679BDMR SISUKORD  Ettevõtte lühikirjeldus  Võtmeisikud  Pettuse olemuse kirjeldus  Juhtumi tulemus  Lühiülevaade audiitorfirmast  Kasutatud allikad ETTEVÕTTE LÜHIKIRJELDUS  1960. aastal Ameerika Ühendriikides asutatud investeerimisettevõte (peakontor New Yorgis, ametlikult registreeritud kui konsultatsioonifirma)  Põhitegevuseks oli investeeringute juhtimine (aktsionärid, pangad, finantsasutused)  Valitses ‘fondide fondi’  Enne pettust peeti üheks turvalisemaks finantsinstitutsiooniks ning kuulus Wall Streeti turutegijate tippu  Ettevõtte ei tegutse enam VÕTMEISIKUD  Peamine pettuse läbiviija oli ettevõtte looja ja esimees Bernard Lawrence Madoff  Kaasa aitasid ka audiitor David Friehling (Friehling & Horowitz) ja firma kontohaldur Frank DiPascali, samuti Madoffi ven...

Majandus → Majandus
5 allalaadimist

Baaslogistika Module 1-5 Konspekt

If cargo moves EXW (Ex works; This rule places minimum responsibility on the seller, who merely has to make the goods available, suitably packaged, at the specified place, usually the seller’s factory or depot), the loading of the container at sellers warehouse an obligation for the buyer. If cargo moves CIF (Cost, insurance and freight; The CIF term requires the seller to clear the goods for export) , the sea transport pays seller. If cargo moves FOB and goes over board during a storm, the risk bears buyer. The bill of lading (B/L) works as a receipt of freight services, a contract between a freight carrier and shipper and a document of title. The bill of lading is a legally binding document providing the driver and the carrier all the details needed to process the freight shipment and invoice it correctly. The shipper stands for:  Exporter;  Trader;  Wholesaler;  Producer. The carrier stands for:

Logistika → Baaslogistika
4 allalaadimist


more for their wonderful technology - steel knives and swords, fire-belching arquebus and cannon, mirrors, hawkbells and earrings, copper and brass kettles, and so on. However, conflicts eventually arose. As a starter, the arriving Europeans seemed attuned to another world, they appeared to be oblivious to the rhythms and spirit of nature. Nature to the Europeans - and the Indians detected this - was something of an obstacle, even an enemy. It was also a commodity: A forest was so many board feet of timber, a beaver colony so many pelts, a herd of buffalo so many robes and tongues. Even the Indians themselves were a resource - souls ripe for the Jesuit, Dominican, or Puritan plucking. It was the Europeans' cultural arrogance, coupled with their materialistic view of the land and its animal and plant beings, that the Indians found repellent. Europeans, in sum, were regarded as something mechanical - soulless creatures who wielded diabolically

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


Regular radio bradcasting had first started in the United States in 1921. It was immediately popular. New radio stations mushroomed. Journalism is one of the most importnant professions. It informs citizens about events is the community, the nation, and the world. The reports of journalists also help people form opinions about current affairs. Every day, journalists throughout the world gather, write and edit material for thousands of news stories. Local reporters, for example, cover school board meetings, fires, sports events and other local stories. Other journalists, including foreign correspondents cover national and international news. In democratic countries, people depend on the news media for the fair and truthful reporting of current events. These nations grant the press freedom to report news and opinions without government interference. There are five chief fields of journalism: newspapers, news services, magazines, radio and television

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Ful Steam Ahead for the Trip of a Lifetime

Have you ever wanted to stay in a luxurious hotel, travel on a beautiful steam train, visit one of the natural wonders of the world or go on an African safari? Well, now you can do all this and more on board the Pride of Africa.. The Pride of Africa is one of the world's most luxurious hotel trains. It takes you on a wonderful twelve-day journey across Africa, following in the footsteps of such great explorers as Livingstone and Stanley. This unforgettable trip from Cape Town to Dar es Salaam is one of many on offer and includes a five-day safari in Kruger Park Game Reserve. It stops at beautiful sites along the way, including the diamond town of Kimberley, the capital city of Pretoria and the spectacular Victoria Falls. The train itself offers elegant accommodation that has been perfectly restored to its 1930's splendour. There are four Royal Suites and thirty-two Deluxe Suites to accommodate up to 72 passengers. The Royal Suites are...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Surfing (esitluse tekst)

the year, based on points earned for placings at events on the Association of Surfing Professionals ASP World Tour. *The history of surfing is shrouded in the mists of time, as the origins of surfing are unknown. *Surfing is one of the oldest practiced sports on the planet. *Early historical records of surfing appear in the late 1700s, when Europeans and Polynesians made first contact in Tahiti *The act of riding waves with a wooden board originated in Western Polynesia over three thousand years ago. *The first surfers were fishermen who discovered riding waves as an efficient method of getting to shore with their catch *The first Polynesian settlers to land in Hawaii were most likely skilled in simple surfing, and after a few hundred years of riding the waves of Hawaii, the well-known Hawaiian form of the sport emerged. *The culture began early in the 20th century, spread quickly during the 1950s and 1960s, and

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 9

The woman who opened the door was very young. 8 everything he said that true was Everything he said was true. 4 Read the brochure about the tour of England and put the pictures in the order of the tour. Write the number of the day under the picture. Day 1 Halfway between Bodmin and Launcheston look out for the signs to Jamaica Inn and museum, made famous by Daphne du Maurier´s novel. Visit the shoop to buy souvenirs or books. Children can climb on board a wooden pirate ship. Then the coach continues toward Bodmin. Day 2 Travelling along the Cornish coast we reach one of the most spectacular and romantic places of the British Isles - the legendary birhplace of King Arthur. There´s a guided tour in the remains of Tintagel Castle. The visitor centre has information about the legend and the history of Tintagel. Day 3 Travelling northwards we´ll pay a visit to famous Kenilworth Castle in the heart of Warwickshire

Keeled → Inglise keel
64 allalaadimist

Suur põgenemine Eestist 1949

nõukogude võimude eest põgeneda. Ulatuslikum põgenemine Soome ja Rootsi oli alanud 1943.aastal , hoogustudes eriti 1944.aastal. Rootsi ja Saksa koostöös toodi esiteks Eestist ära siinsed eestirootslased , kellega koos said lahkumisvõimaluse ka paljud eestlased. Seda tegevust võis nimetada sakslastega kooskõlastatud evakueerimiseks , ent üldjuhul põgeneti Rootsi Saksa okupatsioonivõimude teadmata. Põgenemise korraldamisel osales Franklin Delon Roosverti asutatud War Refugee Board , mille esindajaks Stocholmis oli Ivar Olsen. Ta organiseeris Stocholmis evakueerimiskommiteed eestlaste , lätlaste ja leedulaste minematoimetamiseks. Eesti taasvallutamisele vene võimude poolt kaasus kümnete tuhandete pagemine välismaale - ükskõik mis hinna eest ja peaaegu võiks ütelda ükskõik kuhu. Põhjus selliseks masspõgenemiseks oli väga lihtne. Vene võimu esimesel aastal Eestis, 1940-1941, oli inimesi tuhandete viisi arretee ritud ja

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
8 allalaadimist

Nicolas Cage

MTV Movie Award Best Onscreen Duo "Face/Off" 1998 MTV Movie Award Best Onscreen Duo "The Rock" 1997 Toronto Film Critics Lifetime Achievement Award 1996 Boston Society of Film Critics Award Best Actor "Leaving Las Vegas" 1995 Chicago Film Critics Award Best Actor "Leaving Las Vegas" 1995 Golden Globe Award Best Actor in a Motion Picture (Drama) "Leaving Las Vegas" 1995 Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award Best Actor "Leaving Las Vegas" 1995 National Board of Review Award Best Actor "Leaving Las Vegas" 1995 National Society of Film Critics Award Best Actor "Leaving Las Vegas" 1995 New York Film Critics Circle Award Best Actor "Leaving Las Vegas" 1995 Oscar Best Actor "Leaving Las Vegas" 1995 San Sebastian Film Festival Best Actor Award "Leaving Las Vegas" 1995 Sundance Film Festival Piper-Heidsieck Tribute to Independent Vision 1995 The Actor Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in Leading Role "Leaving Las Vegas" 1995

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Otto August Strandman

In 1938 Otto became a judge at the Permanent Court of International Justice in the Hague. In 1939, Strandman went back to Estonia and returned to his home in Kadrina. He wasn’t active in politics anymore. Strandman achieved a formal notice to arrive in NKVD, but he knew his fate and decided to shoot himself. He shooted himself in his home in Kadrina on 5 February 1941 and he was buried to Tallinn Sisekalmistu cemetery. He was also active in cultural activities. Otto was in the board of “Estonia” society, Tallinn Savings and Loans Society. He received honorary decorates from the University of Tartu in 1928 and Warsaw University in 1930. All honours and awards, that had been given to him, he did not accept. He got five awards: Cross of Liberty III/I, Order of the Estonian Red Cross III, Order of the Estonian Red Cross II/II, Order of the Estonian Red Cross I/II and Order of the Cross of the Eagle I. New words: Therefore elected- seetõttu valiti Judge- kohtunik

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


the customer when released as an independent entity Think of it this way: Gather up all the stories that share the same SO THAT clause representing the GOAL -- That is your MMF! Kanbani võimalikud eelised Scrumi ees Lihtsus! Puudub suurte backlogide haldamine Puudub "time boxing" Sprint Backlogide jaoks Puuudub Arendamise edukuse hindamine ja mõõtmine Scrum vs. Kanban Kanban limits WIP per workflow state, while Scrum limits WIP per iteration Scrum Board is reset between each iteration Scrum prescribes Crossfunctional teams, while Kanban could have specialised teams Scrum backlog items must fit in a Sprint, while Kanban can have long running items Kanban daily meetings(optional) focuses on changes on the board, while Scrum focuses on assignments of each person (yesterday, today, problems) Scrum estimates and measures progress, while this is optional in Kanban Kanban prescribes only 2 things: WIP limit, Kanban board

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
33 allalaadimist

Inglisekeelne majandusalane sõnastik

67. Burst- lõhkemine C 68. Campaign ­ kampaania 69. Capacity- pädevus, suutlikkus 70. Category- kategooria, sort 71. Cautious- ettevaatlik 72. Censured- kritiseeriti 73. Certain- teatavad 74. Certainly ­ kindlasti 75. Chain- ahel 76. Chapter- peatükk 77. Chief executive- tegevdirektor 78. Child ­ laps 79. Chip- kiip 80. Circumstance- asjaolu, seik 81. Civil liberties ­ Kodaniku õigused 82. Clerk- sekretär, müüja 83. Clever- intelligentne 84. Close board timber fencing ­ üksteise kõrval 85. Coercion - sundimine 86. Cohort- salk 87. Coincide- kokku langema, kattuma 88. Commerce-kaubandus 89. Common ­ ühine 90. Community- kogukond 91. Compadibility- ühilduvus, kokkusobivus 92. Comparison- võrdlus 93. Compatible- kokkusobiv 94. Compelling ­ mõjuvaid 95. Competitor- konkurent 96. Complacent- enesega rahulolev Intact- puutumata, vigastamata, terviklik 97. Complicated- keeruline 98. Comprise- sisaldama, koosnema, kuuluma 99. Concept- idee

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist


Prepositions Table of Contents Prepositions of Time – in, on & at ....................................................................... 2 Prepositions of Time – for & since ....................................................................... 3 Prepositions of Time – for & during ..................................................................... 3 Prepositions of Time – during & while ................................................................. 4 Prepositions of Time – by & by the time .............................................................. 4 Prepositions of Time – until & from ... till / to ... ................................................. 4 Prepositions of Time - ago................................................................................... 5 Prepositions of Place – in ..........................................

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Veebidisaini firmad

Sisukord Sissejuhatus Minu teemaks on veebidisaini firmad. Sellega seoses tekib tavaliselt küsimus: ,,Mis üldse on veebidisain?" ja ,,Mis on veebidisaini eesmärk?" ning ,,Milleks on vaja veebidisaini?" Veebidisain on veebisaidi(veebilehekülje) kavandamise ning vormistamise protsess. Veebidisaini eesmärk on luua veebisait, mis asub veebiserveris ja millele on kasutajatel ligipääs veebi kaudu. Veebidisaini käigus paigutatakse veebisaidile teksti ja erinevaid GIF-e, JPEG jne faile HTML vm keele läbi. Keerukamate meediafailide esitamiseks on vajalikud pistikprogrammid nagu näiteks Adobe Flash, java jne. Veebidisain on inimestele väga oluline. Veebidisaini abil saame muuta veebilehekülje inimesele meeldivaks ja käepäraseks. Samuti teeb veebidisain inimesele elu kergemaks. Ei pea alati ,,ronima" kuhugi esindusse. Avad interneti, otsid omale vajaliku info. Selleks, et oleks üldse võimalik midagi otsida o...

Tehnoloogia → Arvutitund
7 allalaadimist

The United States economy

The United States and its economy are known to be one of the thriving and strongest in the  world. It represents 16.6% of the world’s total GDP. The estimated worth of USA's GDP is  estimated to be around 17.5 trillion dollars and dollar being the third currency in the world  and the official currency of the US. They also manage a 5% growth every quarter. So how do they manage it? There are three main sectors that contribute to the USA's GDP.  First is services that is 80% of the total GDP. The output of services in 2014 was 13,8 billion  dollars witch was the nr.1 in front of European Union’s output witch was 13,4. The second  contributing sector is the industry sector which provides 19% of the country’s GDP. In this  area USA has fallen behind and has to accept the third position in the world’s total industry's  output. First in industry’s output last year was European Union who had 4,6 billion dollar  output, not far was China who ha...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Põltsamaa Ametikool Omadiagnoosisüsteem A3 Alvar Müür Kaarlimõisa 2010 1. OBD Diagnoosisüsteem mis on valmistatud heitgaaside mürgisust suurendavate rikete avastamiseks. Auto valvab ise sõidu ajal saasteainete kogust mõjutavate süsteemide tööd ja rikke avastamisel hoiatab autojuhti. Standard mille järgi peavad olema kõikide autode rikkekoodid, nende lugemine, signaallambi MIL töötamine ja süsteemi diagnoosimine ühesugune. EOBD (European On Board Diagnostics) on OBD-2 Euroopa analoog. EÜ direktiivi 1999/102/EÜ kohaselt peab alates 1. jaanuarist 2001 Euroopas müüdavatel uutel, täismassiga kuni 2500 kg, bensiinimootoriga sõidukitel olema EOBD-süsteem; alates 1. jaanuarist 2002 ka kuni 3500 kg täismassiga sõidukitel. Diiselmootoriga sõiduautodel on EOBD kohustuslik 2003. aastast. Erinevalt esimese põlvkonna pardadiagnostikaseadmest on OBD-2/EOBD

Auto → Auto õpetus
117 allalaadimist

Usa majandus

Euronext/Paris:NYX), mis moodustati New Yorgi aktsiabörsi ja Pariisi Euronext N.V. liitmisega. Väärtpaberibörsil on kokku noteeritud üle 8500 väärtpaberi, mis teeb kokku tuurkapitalisatsiooniks $16,7 triljonit. Teiseks oluliseks väärtpaberibörsiks on USA suurim elektroonilise kauplemisega börs NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System). Maailma suurim tooraine ja futuuride börs asub Chicagos (Chicago Board of Trade), kuid lisaks paikneb üle maa veel mitmeid nissitoodetele ja -turgudele keskendunud börse. Peale börsimulli lõhkemist 2000. aastal ja laiemast ebakindlusest tingitud turgude langust 2002. aastal on börsiindeksid liikunud ülespoole. Maailma tuntuim aktsiaindeks Dow Jones Industrial Average (DOW) ületas 2006. aasta jaanuaris 11 000 punkti piiri, kuid 2006 aasta suvest on DOW liikunud allapoole ning praegune

Majandus → Majandus
27 allalaadimist

Kuidas esseed kirjutada?

I am currently enrolled in 16 credit hours and I work two parttime jobs. (This is an accomplishment!!) 4. Need a. Why do you need a scholarship? b. How will it make a difference to you? Examples: Although I work two parttime jobs, I find it difficult to meet the financial demands of supporting myself and paying for an education. A scholarship will allow me to continue with school in the fall. My parents provide me with room and board, but because I have younger brothers and sisters, they cannot help me with my educational expenses. The money I earn at the car wash parttime is barely enough to cover my books and supplies. A scholarship would help a great deal. Receiving a scholarship would allow me to reduce the number of hours that I work at the daycare, which would then allow me more time to concentrate on my studies. 5. Conclusion · Wrap it up with a simple sentence or two

Keeled → Inglise keel
282 allalaadimist

Inglise keel sõnad

Inglise keel Holidays package holiday-puhkusepakket trip-reis tour-ringreis resort-kuurort to go on holiday/take a vacation-puhkusele minema to go sightseeing-vaatamisväärsusi vaatama minema to stay in a guesthouse-peatuma külalistemajas coach-reisibuss to hire a car-autot rentima cruise-kruiis beach-rand scenery-maastikupilt wildlife-loodus tent-telk mobile home-haagissuvila pool-bassein equipment-varustus remote places-kõrvalised kohad ancient cities-iidsed linnad white water rafting-kärestiku parvetamine adventure-seiklus cable car-tõstuk backpacking-seljakotiga reisimine to be fed up-kõrini olema abroad/aboard-välismaal/kaldal high season-kõrghooaeg travel agent's-reisibüroo to cash travellers'cheques-tsekke sularahaks tegema jab-süst to book a ticket in advance-proneerima piletit ette regional cuisine-kohalik köök handicrafts-käsitöö accommodation-majutus well-equipped-hästi varustatud Travelling Chec...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Fay Weldon, Powerpoint

" § During her marriage to Ron Weldon, the couple visited therapists regularly. They divorced in 1994, after he left her for his astrological therapist who had told him that the couple's astrological signs were incompatible. § She subsequently married Nick Fox, a poet who is also her manager, with whom she currently lives in Dorset. She has four sons, three stepsons and six grandchildren. § Weldon serves together with Daniel Pipes as the most notable foreign members of the board of the Danish Press Freedom Society. § Her most recent novels are "Chalcot Crescent "(2010) and "Kehua" (2011). Prizez and awards 1979 Booker Prize for Fiction (shortlist) "Praxis" 1996 PEN/Macmillan Silver Pen Award "Wicked Women" 2001 CBE

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

Investment Plan For Valentino Chocolates Marketing

Besides that , we hope that our company can produce more creative , delicious and healthy chocolate in the future in order to let our customer enjoy our chocolate . In the future , our company are going to have a new way of promotion .We are going to let the consumers to test the chocolate sample to get feedback before these chocalate enters the market . In addition , our biggest aim is to become the most well known chocolate industry around the world . Options and benefits The Board of Directors has agreed the following investment plan. Firstly, we need to buy new machinery as new machinery can end the delay caused by the old machines that are breaking down. As the machinery breaks down, it will stop the production of the chocolate and the company will suffer losses every day which can lead the company to close down. Other than that, new machinery can help the company to produce more chocolate which the old machinery cannot produce the amount that are wanted. For

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Backyard Pond

The outside wall of the pond will have a step in it to hold potted plants just under the water. Figure 2 below shows a profile view of the step in the side wall. You create this step by leaving the original dirt in place as you dig. This will make the step as solid as possible. The depth of this step is approximately half of the depth of your pond. This depth is also determined by the potted plants you plan on placing in the pond. Figure 1 represents digging out the pond using a 2x4 board with level on top to make sure the outside edge is level all around the perimeter. You need to raise low areas so the entire perimeter is the same height. Check the depth as you dig to make sure the bottom is level as well. Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Step 3. Figure 3 shows how to measure your pond to get the right sized liner. The big

Infoteadus → Asjaajamine
3 allalaadimist

Sõnad inglise ja eesti keeles

Inglise keel Holidays package holiday-puhkusepakket trip-reis tour-ringreis resort-kuurort to go on holiday/take a vacation-puhkusele minema to go sightseeing-vaatamisväärsusi vaatama minema to stay in a guesthouse-peatuma külalistemajas coach-reisibuss to hire a car-autot rentima cruise-kruiis beach-rand scenery-maastikupilt wildlife-loodus tent-telk mobile home-haagissuvila pool-bassein equipment-varustus remote places-kõrvalised kohad ancient cities-iidsed linnad white water rafting-kärestiku parvetamine adventure-seiklus cable car-tõstuk backpacking-seljakotiga reisimine to be fed up-kõrini olema abroad/aboard-välismaal/kaldal high season-kõrghooaeg travel agent's-reisibüroo to cash travellers'cheques-tsekke sularahaks tegema jab-süst to book a ticket in advance-proneerima piletit ette regional cuisine-kohalik köök handicrafts-käsitöö accommodation-majutus well-equipped-hästi varustatud Travelling Chec...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

New Zealand beaches

long surf rides and is a part of surfings world circuit. 1. Hot Water Beach, Coromandel Peninsula-This gorgeous beach has hidden depths. In-the-know visitors to this best New Zealand beach candidate pack shovels and arrive around two hours before or after low tide. That's so they can dig a hole at the tide line and relax in a personal, natural hot springs spa -- at least until the tide comes up and the waves end the fun. 2. Piha Beach, West Auckland-The birthplace of Malibu board riding in New Zealand, Piha is the country's most famous surfing beach as well as one of best New Zealand beaches. 3. Karekare, West Auckland-Karekare tends to be less inundated with tourists than nearby Piha. If you prefer a quieter beach, this is the one for you. The water can be extremely rough and swimming only "between the flags" is advised. Karekare is popular for its annual beach race day, in which local ponies and horses race to raise money for local causes

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
1 allalaadimist


Aren't they more often women? The elderly are often confused by modern telephones and automatic switchboards. I wonder whether that's the case. Isn't it rather that they enjoy getting out and about instead of sitting next to a telephone? Don't you think they're right to be suspicious of technology which is turning us all into screen-gazers and zombies? Well, it may not be owned, but it is controlled by a Board of Governors appointed by the Prime Minister. Don't you think there's a danger of self-censorship? Drivers who want more than their rations would have to pay a much higher rate for the extra. The profit could be used to develop environmentally clean vehicles and fast efficient railway networks. Don't you think you're being unfair to the private motorist and what about the car industry?

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

UNESCO ehk ühinenud rahvaste hariduse, teaduse ja kultuuri organisatsioon

UNESCO UNESCO ehk Ühinenud Rahvaste Hariduse, Teaduse ja Kultuuri Organisatsioon on üks ÜRO 16. eriorganisatsioonist. UNESCO on ÜRO süsteemis ainulaadne oma rahvuslike komisjonide võrgustiku poolest. UNESCO panustab rahu tagamisse ja inimarengusse globaliseeruvas maailmas hariduse, teaduse, kultuuri ja kommunikatsiooni vahendite abil. UNESCO põhikiri kirjutati 37 riigi poolt alla Londonis 16. novembril 1945 ning jõustus pärast selle ratifitseerimist 20 riigis 4. novembril 1946. Esimeseks peadirektoriks sai Julian Huxley (Inglismaa), praegu on selleks Irina Bokova (Bulgaaria). 1 Praeguseks koosneb UNESCO 195 liikmesriigist ja 8 assotsieerunud liikmest. UNESCO peakorter asub Pariisis. Organisatsioon keskendub eelkõige kahele globaalsele prioriteedile, milleks on Aafrika ja sooline võrdõiguslikkus. Veel on põhieesmärkideks anda kõigile võimalus kvaliteets...

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
15 allalaadimist

Burj al Arab

avoid the restaurant. The only thing is to make sure you don't give your real phone number to them. Few places in the world compare with Dubai. For people who have been in Dubai before, it is a treasure trove. For first time visitors, it is an endless surprise. The Sinbad's Kid's Club is located on the 18the floor of Burj Al Arab and is staffed at all times by professional carers. It offers activities for children aged between 1-12 years old. There is a spacious playroom, soft toys, board games, computer games, books and a large plasma screen featuring the Disney Channel. There is also a cozy quiet bedroom with a soft bed and a baby cot, in case one of the younger quests should feel tired. In addition, the club offers a wide choice of outdoor activities While visiting Burj Al Arab, people often go sightseeing. A really popular place to visit is one of the world's most impressive water parks Wild Wadi. This is the perfect location

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist


Most bullying takes place in and around school and is often reinforced by an audience. In one study, 120 hours of video surveillance in Toronto schools showed that in over 20 percent of bullying, peers actively reinforced bullying by physically or verbally joining in the aggression. In 54 percent of cases, they reinforced the bully by watching but not joining in. In only 25 percent of cases did peers support the victim. How common is bullying? Toronto's Board of Education has documented that in grades 4 to 8, one child in five was victimized periodically, while one in 12 was bullied weekly or daily. How can you tell if your child is being bullied? Most schoolchildren won't tell you, often because they are afraid of reprisals. But certain symptoms should make you suspicious. These include unexplained reluctance to go to school; fearfulness or unusual anxiety; sleep disturbances and nightmares; vague physical complaints (headaches, stomachaches),

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Erinevad lisa kaardid arvutile

Pärnumaa Kutsehairduskeskus Arvutid ja arvutivõrgud Kristjan Krimm ERINEVAD LISA KAARDID referaat Juhendaja: Silver Silluta Pärnu 2009 Sisukord. 1) Kuvaadapter 2) Helikaart 3) Võrgukaardid 4) Tv ja raadikaardid 5) Kontrollerkaardid Kuvaadapter(Video Adapter, Display Adapter, Videocard) Graafika - ehk videokaart Graafikakaart on arvutit ja monitori ühendav lüli. Monitor ise ei oska määrata, millise kvaliteediga pilti ta peab näitama, selle otsustab video- ehk graafikakaart. Graafikaadaptereid esineb kas emaplaadile integreeritult (on board) või kaartidena, mis pistetakse vastavatesse pesadesse. Nõuded graafikaadapterile on viimaste aastate jooksul tohutult tõusnud ning selle osa ei tohiks alahinnata. Uuemad graafikaadapterid täidavad tarkvara abil ka videokiirendi funktsioone (töötavad rahuldavalt Pentium 100 MHz või kiirema p...

Informaatika → Arvutite lisaseadmed
43 allalaadimist

Pokkeri reeglid

Kõrge kaart Üks paar Kaks paari Kolmik Rida Mast Maja Nelik Mastirida Kuninglik mastirida Texas Holdem Poker reeglid Holdemit mängitakse standardse 52-kaardise pakiga. Mäng toimub teiste inimeste vastu, diileri ülesanne on kaartide jagamine, panga kontrollimine ja ebaselgete olukordade lahendamine. Kodustes mängudes, kus professionaalne diiler puudub, jagavad mängijad kaarte järjekorras. Kasiinodes kasutatakse diileri tähistamiseks plastikketast (button) , mis liigub kellaosuti suunas mängijalt-mängijale ja näitab ära, millise mängija eest diiler parasjagu kaarte teeb. Blindid (pimedad panused) Mängu alguses asetavad 2 diileri vasakul käel (kasiinos buttonist vasakul) istuvat mängijat panka pimepanused (blindid). Sellega kindlustatakse, et pank ei ole tühi ja on, mille nimel mängida. Nagu öeldakse - iga pokkerikäsi algab võitlusest blindide pärast. Kui blindid puuduksid, oleks teoreetiliselt ainuõige strateegia istuda ja oodata parimat ...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
8 allalaadimist

Anda tarbijatele mida nad soovivad

vastavalt Nielsen Company andmetele, ei ole üllatav, et mahepõllumajanduslikke koostisosi sisaldavaid tooteid ostekakse üsa rohkem. 4. Loomulikult funktsionaalsed. Alates karotenoidide allikatest jälgitakse uut trendi,milleks on loomulikult funktsionaalsed toidud. Innonova Market Insights teatas, et "loomulikult rikas" ja "looduslikult hea" toorainete järele nõudlus on järsult suurenenud. Eelkõige on eesmärgiks Almond Board of California ja Muna juhatuse tooted muuta oma "looduslikult kõrge" loosungi järgi vastavateks. Ideaalne oleks luua loomulikult täisväärtuslik toit,milles valitud koostisained on loomulikult tervenisti tervisele kasulikud. Näiteks pähklid on kõrge polüfenoolide / flavonoolid ja eksponeeritud prebiootiliste ja kolesterooli alandava ja madala glükeemilise mõjuga. Kaunviljad on reliikvia samuti puu-ja köögiviljad. Vana tera-põhise koostisosade ja vürtside tootete

Toit → Toitumisõpetus
10 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun