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"application" - 382 õppematerjali

application – taotlus to submit / hand in an application – avaldust sisse andma 2 Citizenship Act – kodakondsusseadus Law on citizenship – kodakondsusseadus Alien (foreigner) – võõra-, välismaalane Alien’s office – välisministeerium Non-citizen – mittekodanik Penalty; punishment - karistus

Tao Te Ching (Tim Chiu)

y So whatever name we choose for the source is not is everlasting name 1.2) Tao and Its Name y The nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth y The nameless is this invisible force that existed before Heaven and Earth, or the universe, began y The source, or origin, or Tao y True Nature y The named is the mother of myriad things y The named is the visible form gave rise to the infinite manifestations of the physical world y The function, the movement, or the application of Tao y Virtues y Constantly with desire, one observes its manifestations y When our heart is filled with desires, then we will only observe the external appearances of things y When we desire for someone or something, we are often only focused on its external appearance y Constantly without desire, one observes its essence y When our mind is at peace without any desires, we are able to observe clearly the essence of Tao

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Artikli kokkuvõte akadeemilises inglise keeles „Understanding the Internet of Things (IoT)“

information and geo-fencing critically important, meaning the network has to identify the device to know whether it might be a car involved in an accident or a device that is moving but should not be. It is probably important for the IoT services to be able to withstand an enormous amount of identical devices and applications sending information through the network. Diverse methods should be supplied by the mobile network, lowering the possibility for network application misbehavior. Another essential aspect of the IoT market are devices that use very limited power and have a significantly longer lifetime. To sum up, the mobile networks need a whole set of new qualities to keep up with the evolution of services regarding it. An effort is made to meet the needs and have the ability to sustain the wide assortment of IoT applications by the mobile operators. 1. ACTUATOR - a mechanical device for moving or controlling something - ajam,

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
16 allalaadimist


The method Islamic jurists use to derive rulings is known as usul alfiqh ("legal theory", or "principles of jurisprudence"). According to Islamic legal theory, law has four fundamental roots, which are given precedence in this order: the Qur'an, the Sunnah (actions and sayings of Muhammad), the consensus of the Muslim jurists (ijma), and analogical reasoning (qiyas). For early Islamic jurists, theory was less important than pragmatic application of the law. In the 9th century, the jurist ashShafi'i provided a theoretical basis for Islamic law by codifying the principles of jurisprudence (including the four fundamental roots) in his book arRislah. Religion and state Islamic law does not distinguish between "matters of church" and "matters of state"; the ulema function as both jurists and theologians. In practice, Islamic rulers frequently bypassed

Teoloogia → Religioon
50 allalaadimist

Introduction of SCM

With this kind of minute-to-minute information, P&G knows when to make ship and display more products at the Wal-Mart stores. No need to keep products piled up in warehouses awaiting Wal-Mart's call. Invoicing and payments happen automatically too. The system saves P&G so much in time, reduced inventory and lower order-processing costs that it can afford to give Wal-Mart "low, everyday prices" without putting itself out of business. ROLE AND APPLICATION OF SOFTWARE'S IN SCM Supply chain management software is possibly the most fractured group of software applications on the planet. Each of the five major supply chain steps previously outlined composes dozens of specific tasks, many of which have their own specific software. Some vendors have assembled many of these different chunks of software together under a single roof, but no one has a complete package that is right for every company. For example:

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Praktikaaruanne juhtimine ja töökorraldus

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Juhtimise ja töökorralduse peaeriala PRAKTIKAARUANNE Anna Bugajova Tallinn 2015 Sisukord 1. Sissejuhatus....................................................................................................... 2 1.1 Isiklike eesmärkide ja ülesannete püstitus....................................................2 1.2. Valitud praktikaettevõtted ­ valikukriteeriumid............................................3 2. Organisatsiooni tegevuse ülevaade....................................................................3 2.1. Organisatsiooni tegevuse eesmärk. Organisatsiooni koht avalikus või erasektoris...............................................................................

Majandus → Juhtimine
106 allalaadimist

ODT vorming ja tarkvara

5 litsentsiga. (OpenDocument 2014) The original OpenDocument format consists of an XML document that has as its root element. OpenDocument files can also take the format of a ZIP compressed archive containing a number of files and directories; these can contain binary content and benefit from ZIP's lossless compression to reduce file size. OpenDocument benefits from separation of concerns by separating the content, styles, metadata, and application settings into four separate XML files. There is a comprehensive set of example documents in OpenDocument format available. [9] The whole test suite is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license. (OpenDocument 2014) - rakendustarkvara valik, millega antud faili tüüpi või mudelit on võimalik luua- töödelda OpenDocumenti kasutavad vaikevorminguna mh kontoritarkvarapaketid, LibreOffice, Sun StarOffice, Oracle Open

Informaatika → Informaatika
3 allalaadimist

Meretranspordi infotehnoloogia

1. El.andmete positiivsed ja negatiivsed küljed. Head:  Vähenevad kulud dokumenditöötlusele.  Inventari efektiivsem kasutamine.  Personalikulude vähenemine.  Paraneb infovahetuse kiirus.  Parem klienditeenindamine.  Konkurentsieelise saamine/tugevdab võistluspositsiooni.  Sisemiste protsesside paranemine.  Parem varustusketi juhtimine.  Parem arveldamine. Vead:  Üldise arusaamise puudus, ebapiisav haridus.  Keerukas kasutamine.  EDI investeeringute otsese tulukuse keerukas kokkuarvutamine. (Sisaldab palju mõõdetamatut.)  Pole kehtestatud ühtset standardit.  Esialgsed kapitalimahutused on suured.  Edukaks EDI rakendamiseks nõuab kõige kõrgema juhtkonna seotust projektiga.  Nõuab suuri mahtusid enne, kui kasu süsteem kasu toob. Kahtlemata avaldab EDI rakendamine firma töös ka olulist mõju organisatsiooni kultuurile ja struktuurile. See on aga põhjus mis võib mõjuda nii positiivselt, kui ka negatiivselt, olenevalt selle...

Merendus → Merendus
11 allalaadimist

Arvuti ja selle põhikomponendid, töö Windows’i keskkonnas

Arvuti ja selle põhikomponendid, töö Windows'i keskkonnas Esmatutvus arvutiga Arvuti (personaalarvuti, raal, computer) on kahest komponendist koosnev süsteem, mis on määratud info töötlemiseks. Arvuti komponendid on tarkvara (software) ja riistvara (hardware). Riistvara on arvuti nn. "käegakatsutav" osa ­ monitor, hiir, korpus jms. Tarkvara mõiste alla mahuvad eelkõige kõik arvutis infot töötlevad programmid, aga ka igasugune muu elektroonsel kujul info, mis selgitab arvutikasutajale nende programmide tarvitamist (spikrifailid, juhendid, õpikud, teatmikud). Teiselt poolt liigitatatkse arvuti komponendid nende otstarbe põhjal sisend-, väljund ja töötlusseadmeteks. Sisendseadmete abil sisestatakse info (andmed) arvutisse, töötlusseadmed töötlevad seda ja väljundandmed väljastatakse väljundseadmete kaudu. Töötlusseadmed paiknevad tavaliselt arvuti korpuses ja tegelevad info töötlemisega. Töötlemine tähendab sisuliselt mingi programmi (...

Informaatika → Arvuti
3 allalaadimist

Operatsioonisüsteemi alused

· Tuum. Kernel · Plaanur. Scheduler · Protsessihaldur. process manager · Failihaldur. Filemanager · Mäluhaldur. Memory manager · Välisseadmete haldur. I/O manager o Draiverid. Drivers OPS osad · Sekundaarse salvestusruumi haldus. Secondary memory management · Võrgu tugi. Network support · Kaitsesüsteem. Security system · Käsuinterpretaator. Shell · Kasutajaliides. User interface · Rakendus programmeerimise liides. Application programming interface · Administreerimine. Administration Operatsioonisüsteemi tuum · Tuum ­ on operatsioonisüsteemi keskne osa, mis pakub rakendustele kooskõlastatud juurdepääsu arvuti ressurssidele, nendeks on: o Protsessori aeg o Mälu o Välisseadmed o Välisseadmetel andmete sisestamist/välistamist o Rakenduste käskude tõlkimist kahendkoodi, et arvuti neist arus saaks

Informaatika → Operatsioonisüsteemide alused
37 allalaadimist

Funktsionaalsed signaaliprotsessorid

Toomas Ruuben. TTÜ Raadio ja sidetehnika 11 instituut. SISSEJUHATUS FPGA-sse PLA Toomas Ruuben. TTÜ Raadio ja sidetehnika 12 instituut. 6 SISSEJUHATUS FPGA-sse Kõrge integreerituse aste (VLSI-Very Large Scale Integration) võimaldab luua väikese maksumusega digitaalseid skeeme. ASIC ­ Application Specific Integrated Circuits FPGA ­ Field-Programmable Gate Arrays ­ Võimaldavad tuua turule uusi tooteid võimalikult lühikese ajaga seejuures maandades majanduslikke riske. FPGA korral kujundab süsteemi (tema sisemise loogilise struktuuri) lõppkasutaja. Laialdaselt kasutuses (signaalitöötlussüsteemid, SDR- software defined radio) Toomas Ruuben. TTÜ Raadio ja sidetehnika 13 instituut. SISSEJUHATUS FPGA-sse

Informaatika → Funktsionaalsed...
47 allalaadimist

Arvutivõrkude eksam

TCAP - tehingute TCAP juhtimisprotokoll Krgema (Transaction kihi Capabilities protokollid Application Part) SCCP - signaal- henduste MTP3 ja SCCP juhtimisprotokoll MTP2 (Signaling Connection MTP1 Control Part)

Informaatika → Informaatika
46 allalaadimist

Arvutivõrkude eksam

TCAP - tehingute TCAP juhtimisprotokoll Krgema (Transaction kihi Capabilities protokollid Application Part) SCCP - signaal- henduste MTP3 ja SCCP juhtimisprotokoll MTP2 (Signaling Connection MTP1 Control Part)

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
17 allalaadimist

Rahvusvaheline äritegevus Eksam

• Companies who have done this very well include Coca-Cola, who discovered that the word ‘Diet’ carries a negative connotation in Latin America and changed the name of their zero-calorie product to ‘Coke Lite’ for those countries. UPS, known in America for their brown trucks, issued a fleet of a different color after learning that their flagship brown trucks resembled Spanish hearses. WHAT IS INTERNATIONAL MARKETING? International marketing is the application of marketing principles in more than one country, by companies overseas or across national borders. International marketing is based on an extension of a company’s local marketing strategy, with special attention paid to marketing identification, targeting, and decisions internationally. • According to the American Marketing Association (там дальше хз что написано)AMA) "international marketing is

Majandus → Rahvusvahelise majanduse...
45 allalaadimist


“; iduühingu ehk start up’i definitsiooni kohta vt ka nt eestikeelsest Vikipeediast ja ingliskeelsest Wikipedia’st. 87 Vt nt Feasibility study on an alternative to the capital maintenance regime established by the Second Company Law Directive, jaanuar 2008 (leitav Euroopa Komisjoni kodulehelt); Report of the Reflection Group on the Future of European Company Law, 5.4.2011 (leitav Euroopa Komisjoni kodulehelt); Study on the Application of the Cross-Border Mergers Directive, september 2013 (leitav Euroopa Komisjoni kodulehelt). 88 Vt lähemalt Maailmapanga kodulehelt. 89 Vt nt Gesetz zur Unternehmensintegrität und Modernisierung des Anfechtungsrechts (UMAG), 22.9.2005; Gesetz zur Modernisierung des GmbH-Rechts und zur Bekämpfung von Missbräuchen (MoMiG), 23.10.2008; Gesetz zur Umsetzung der Aktionärsrechterichtlinie (ARUG), 30.7.2009. 90 Vt 2010. aastal jõustunud seadust Danish Act on Public and Private Limited Companies

Õigus → Ühinguõigus
26 allalaadimist

Law-makers breaking the law: torture as a justified interrogation technique?

These 7 are evils because each strays from national and International law and because they kill people or deprive them of freedom without due process. They can be justified only because they prevent greater evil.” (Ignatieff, 2004) Terrorism pressures a democratic system greatly indeed. As under international law, torture is in any case prohibited though, there is no grounds for the application of this method whatsoever. As per the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”. This does not leave any room for interpretation. Governments however face the issue that the normal way of doing things in law and order is a very long process, but terrorist threat asks for a quick decision. It should be possible to speed up

Õigus → Õiguse filosoofia
6 allalaadimist

Horisontaalsest geeniülekandest seeneriigis

S. & Kang, K.Y. 2000. Isolation of TC/AG repeat microsatellite sequences for fingerprinting rice blast fungus and their possible horizontal transfer to plant species. Molecules and Cells 10: 127-134. Kivisild, T. & Villems, R. 2000. Questioning evidence for recombination in human mitochondrial DNA. Science 288:1931. Kohli, Y. & Kohn, L.M. 1998. Detection of random association among loci in clonal populations of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Fungal Genetics and Biology 23: 139-149. Kullman, B. 2000. Application of flow cytometry for measurement of nuclear DNA content in fungi. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 36: 31- 46. Kullman, B. 2002. Nuclear DNA content, life cycle and ploidy in two Neottiella species (Pezizales, Ascomycetes). Persoonia 18: 000-000. Larraya, L.M., Pérez, G., Peòas, M.M., Baars, J.J.P., Mikosch, T.S.P., Pisabarro, A.G. & Ramírez, L. 1999. Molecular karyotype of white rot fungus Pleurotus ostreatus. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 65: 3413-3417. Mikelsaar, R.H. 2000

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
3 allalaadimist

Optional use of ECDIS

12 Facts about chart carriage reguirements How do I check that all updates have been applied to the official ENC? Updates to official ENCs are sequential, and the sequence is unique to each ENC. A standard ECDIS functionality is the verification that all updates in the sequence have been applied. Thus an indication will be given if an update to a specific ENC has been missed and updating is no longer possible until this missed update is added to the sequence. Verification of the application of updates can be found in the list of updates already applied, which the ECDIS is required to keep. Should all available ENCs show the same date for the latest update, it is likely that they have not been updated regularly, and the distributor should be contacted for verification. Furthermore it is possible to use traditional sources of information, such as Notices to Mariners, to verify updates. What is ECDIS? ECDIS equipment is specified in the IMO ECDIS Performance Standards (IMO

Merendus → Merendus
7 allalaadimist

Tarkvaraprojekti esijalgne kavandamine

tarkvara eri aspektide üle. Nende hulgas peaks lisaks oma ala tunnustatud tegijatele ka keskpäraseid kasutajaid olema. 2. Kasutajate intervjueerimine esialgsete nõuete määratlemiseks. Kogemused on näidanud, et professionaalsete tarkvaraarendajate ja tavakasutajate arusaamad heast tarkvarast reeglina mõnevõrra erinevad. Sageli ­ eriti infosüsteemide arendamisel ­ on vaja korraldada kõiki osapooli kaasates seminare ja õpitube (JAD, Joint Application Design). 3. Kasutuslugude modelleerimine, määratledes ja modelleerides kasutaja vajadustest lähtuvaid tegevusi tarkvara rakendamisel. 4. Lihtsa kasutajaliidese prototüübi loomine, pakkudes ka mitmeid alternatiive. Prototüüp peab olema võimalikult lihtne, kuid siiski andma tarbijale võimalikult adekvaatse ettekujutuse (ka visuaalse) tööst loodava tarkvaraga. Üheks võimaluseks on näiteks

Haldus → Projektijuhtimine
111 allalaadimist


Villepinte he painted The Card Players (1917), a canvas whose robot-like, monstrous figures reflect the ambivalence of his experience of war. As he explained: ...I was stunned by the sight of the breech of a 75 millimeter in the sunlight. It was the magic of light on the white metal. That's all it took for me to forget the abstract art of 1912-1913. The crudeness, variety, humor, and downright perfection of certain men around me, their precise sense of utilitarian reality and its application in the midst of the life-and-death drama we were in...made me want to paint in slang with all its color and mobility.[4] This painting marked the beginning of his "mechanical period", during which the figures and objects he created were characterized by sleekly rendered tubular and machine-like forms. Starting in 1918, he also produced the first paintings in the Disk series, in which disks suggestive of traffic lights figure prominently.[5] In December 1919 he married Jeanne-

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
40 allalaadimist


Ratios also can be particularly useful for comparing two organisations of different scales. Organisations should form ratios with their performance data that make sense for their business and support their decision-making. They should select 15 ratios for external reporting that allow better communication of their performance to their stakeholders, and will help inform stakeholders’ decisions. Types of Ratio Indicators and Their Application Productivity/efficiency - ratios relate value to impacts. Increasing ratios reflect improvements in the amount of value received per unit of impact. Examples of productivity/efficiency ratios include:  labour productivity;  resource productivity;  process eco-efficiency;  functional eco-efficiency of products or services; and  financial efficiency ratios. Intensity Ratios - Intensity ratios express an impact per unit of activity or unit of value. A

Majandus → Majandus
4 allalaadimist

Stilistika materjalid

· Interjections (Gosh! Gee! By golly!) · Figuratively used neutral words (half-baked--silly; juicy-good; a wind bag-a talkative person · Diminutive form (sweetie, fatty, piggy) · Special forms of address (dear heart, honey; precious · Abbreviations (Mo--moment; posish) · Compounds based on repetition (hoity-toity; chit-chat) · Intensifiers (horribly smart) the result is often an oxymoron. · Words with a wide range of application (thing, stuff.) · Phrasal verbs--nouns converted from phrasal verbs (a show-off, a break-through) · Proverbs, sayings, idioms · Time fillers (you see; I mean 12. Special literary vocabulary Terms--belong to scientific discourse (spinal chord; syntax, Semantic) Outside their direct application the function of terms changes. In fiction terms are used in order to: · Reflect a true-to-life atmosphere of some profession

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
27 allalaadimist


(integrated circuit) on a single piece of silicon.Later (in 2000) Kilby receives Nobel price in physics. Jack Kilby completes building the first integrated circuit, containing five components on a piece of germanium half an inch long and thinner than a toothpick. SAGE -- Semi-Automatic Ground Environment -- linked hundreds of radar stations in the United States and Canada in the first large-scale computer communications network. 1959 Fairchild Semiconductor files a patent application for the planar process for manufacturing transistors. The process makes commercial production of transistors possible and leads to Fairchild's introduction, in two years, of the first integrated circuit. Texas Instruments announces the discovery of the integrated circuit. At Fairchild Semiconductor, Robert Noyce constructs an integrated circuit with components connected by aluminum lines on a silicon-oxide surface layer on a plane of silicon.

Informaatika → Infotehnoloogia
148 allalaadimist

Küsimused ja vastused Arvutid I eksamiks

Arvutid I eksamiküsimuste vastused Eero Ringmäe mai 2002 õj = Teet Evartson I Digitaalloogika 1._Mikroskeemide valmistamise tehnoloogiad: Bipolaarsed tehnoloogiad: dioodloogika: kokku ühendatud n-p pooljuhid lüliti avatud, kui vool kulgeb noole suunas. Väljundvoolu hergnevustegur ­ dioodide arv loogikaskeemis piiratud, kuna vastasel juhul võib ühte dioodi hakata läbima liiga suur vool ... summa eelnenud dioodidest * I ... vana, ei kasutata TTL ­ Transistor-Transistor Loogika: bipolaarne transistor ... npn = emitter-base- collector ja pnp = emitter-base-collector ... viimane on negatiivse loogika näide (invertor) kolme olekuga väljund: Enabled+x1+x2. Kui E=0, f=? väiksema energitarbega & kiirem kui eelmine STTL ­ Shotky TTL ... ...

Informaatika → Arvutid i
704 allalaadimist

Kohtupsühholoogia konspekt

13 Issue 5, p373-382 kirjandus_2_1 2.Psychology and Law: Bridging the Gap. Edited by D.Canter and R.Zukauskiene 2008, Ashgate: Ptk.7: Implications of Heterogeneity among Individuals with Antissocial Behaviour. kirjandus_2_2 3. Cultural Norms for Adult Corporal Punishment of Children and Societal Rates of Endorsement and Use of Violence. Lansford, Jennifer E.; Dodge, Kenneth A.. Parenting: Science & Practice, Jul-Sep2008, Vol. 8 Issue 3, p257-270 kirjandus_2_3 4.Empirical basis and forensic application of affective and predatory violence J. Reid Meloy, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry Volume 40 Issue 6-7 (June/July 2006), p539- 547 kirjandus_2_4 5. Why Some Generations Are More Violent than Others: Assessment of Age, Period, and Cohort Effects Anthony Fabio, Rolf Loeber, G. K. Balasubramani, Jeffrey Roth, Wenjiang Fu, and David P. Farrington, American Journal of Epidemiology 2006, vol 64, No2. p 151-160; kirjandus_2_5

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
140 allalaadimist

Rehv ja velg

Veljed ja rehvid Auto on liiklusvahend, paljudele tööriist, mõnele hobi või lõbusõiduk. Meie ühiskonnas ka tihti imago tõstmise vahend. Ilmselt seetõttu on ta muutunud tihti ka omaniku mänguasjaks, mida ehitatakse, nühitakse ja ümber ehitatakse - tuunitakse. Auto välimust mõjutavad märkimisväärselt tema rattad. Auto ratas ei ole nii lihtne ja iseenesest mõistetav, nagu ta pealtnäha võib paista. Kui me tahame teada, kas velg sobib teatud autole, peame teadma velje läbimõõtu, laiust, nihutust (offset), poldiringi läbimõõtu, tsentriava läbimõõtu ja kinnituspoltide arvu. Poldiringi läbimõõdu mõõtmine. Vasakul nelja, kuue ja kaheksa poldiga, paremal viie poldiga velje puhul. Nihutus (offset) on velje keskjoone ja kinnitustasandi vaheline kaugus. Tavaliselt on kinnitustasand velje välisservale lähemal - sel juhul on tegu sissenihutusega (inset); kui aga kinnitustasand on velje välisservast kaugemal...

Auto → Auto õpetus
84 allalaadimist

Arvutid I avalikele eksamipiletitele antud vastused.

Trigerid Triger on mäluelement mis säilitab 1bit informatsiooni. Qt = S + -R * Qt-1Trigeril on 2 stabiilset olekut 1 ja 0. Olekuks nimetatakse trigeri väljundi väärtust antud ajakhetkel. Sõltuvalt sisendsignaalist muudab triger oleku vastupidiseks või säilitab endise oleku. Sünkroniseerimine ­ kui trigeriga on ühendatud lubav sisend, mille kõrgel väärtusel loetakse sisse uued sisendid, toimuvad üleminekud, madalal olekul aga on triger passiivne, säilitades oma endise oleku. Vastasel juhul võiksid erinevate elementide ja kombinatsioonide erinevad viited väjundit mõjutada. Esifront vs tagafront. Ühe- vs kahetaktiline triger (MS-triger) ­ master ja slave pool ... kahetaktilisse on kokku ühendatud 2 trigerit, et sünkroniseerimisel nulli haaramist elimineerida... slave lülitub esimesel taktil, master järgneval SR ­ Set-Reset Triger ... seadesisendiga triger T-triger ­ Toggle triger .. sisendisse impulsi andmisel muudab oleku vastupidise...

Informaatika → Arvutid i
64 allalaadimist

Arvutid I eksamiküsimuste vastused

Arvutid I eksamiküsimuste vastused Eero Ringmäe mai 2002 õj = Teet Evartson I Digitaalloogika 1._Mikroskeemide valmistamise tehnoloogiad: Bipolaarsed tehnoloogiad: dioodloogika: kokku ühendatud n-p pooljuhid lüliti avatud, kui vool kulgeb noole suunas. Väljundvoolu hergnevustegur ­ dioodide arv loogikaskeemis piiratud, kuna vastasel juhul võib ühte dioodi hakata läbima liiga suur vool ... summa eelnenud dioodidest * I ... vana, ei kasutata TTL ­ Transistor-Transistor Loogika: bipolaarne transistor ... npn = emitter-base- collector ja pnp = emitter-base-collector ... viimane on negatiivse loogika näide (invertor) kolme olekuga väljund: Enabled+x1+x2. Kui E=0, f=? väiksema energitarbega & kiirem kui eelmine STTL ­ Shotky TTL ... ...

Informaatika → Informaatika
32 allalaadimist

Sustainability aspects of biofuels

evaluating different biofuels. 4.2. Water Any biomass cultivation requires water consumption, and for biofuels' feedstock production, it can become a constraint. Water shortage is predicted to become particularly acute for sugarcane in India, and wheat or maize in Northern China. In Sub-Saharan Africa, biofuels feedstock production at a larger scale would also require irrigation investment and large-scale soil fertility improvement, i.e. higher levels of fertilizer application (Msangi et al.,2007). Increasing biofuels production will also impact water quality due to the use of agrochemicals and harmful substances produced in feedstock processing and conversion. To increase biofuels' water consumption sustainability, its feedstock cultivation under irrigated conditions should be discouraged (Ajanovic, 2010). 5. Conclusion The global food production is affected by a number of factors: diets, population, energy

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Inglise keele struktuur

Distinctions of case mark the structural and semantic functions of noun phrases within sentences. Common Case and Genitive Case Plain and Genitive case Forms: boy boys boy's boys' child child's children children's Semantic functions of 's: We can use sentential or phrasal analogues to present the different meanings. 1) possessive genitive: the boy's car 2) partitive genitive: the man's head, the baby's eyes 3) subjective genitive: the boy's application 4) objective genitive: the thief's arrest 5) genitive of origin: the student's letter 6) local or locative genitive: the butcher's (shop) 7) genitive of measure: an hour's walk, ten days' absence 8) descriptive or classifying genitive: a man's voice 4. Pronouns: pronoun subclasses!; categories of case, number, person, gender (be ready to discuss these grammatical categories). A varied class of closed-class words with nominal function. Semantically, a pronoun may be a `pro-form'

Keeled → Inglise keel
106 allalaadimist

Challenges of childrens participation A Case Study of active citizenship in Cadle Primary School

1. States Parties recognize that a mentally or physically disabled child should enjoy a full and decent life, in conditions which ensure dignity, promote self-reliance and facilitate the child’s active participation in the community. 2. States Parties recognize the right of the disabled child to special care and shall encourage and ensure the extension, subject to available resources, to the eligible child and those responsible for his or her care, of assistance for which application is made and which is appropriate to the child’s condition and to the circumstances of the parents or others caring for the child. 3. Recognizing the special needs of a disabled child, assistance extended in accordance with paragraph 2 of the present article shall be provided free of charge, whenever possible, taking into account the financial resources of the parents or others caring for the child, and shall be

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Inimõigused, kaasuste kokkuvõtted, õigus isikuvabadusele

time it no longer suffices. The Court must then establish whether the other grounds given by the judicial authorities continued to justify the deprivation of liberty. Where such grounds were "relevant" and "sufficient", the Court must also be satisfied that the national authorities displayed "special diligence" in the conduct of the proceedings. The complexity and special characteristics of the investigation are factors to be considered in this respect. (ii) Application of the above principles to the present case () Grounds for detention 115. During the period covered by the Court's jurisdiction ratione temporis the Magadan City Court, in refusing to release the applicant, relied on the gravity of the charges against him and the danger of his obstructing the establishment of the truth while at. The Court observes that similar grounds had been cited by the City Court earlier - on 27 December 1996 and 8 August

Õigus → Inimõigused
28 allalaadimist


Majandusinfosüsteemid 1. Selgita süsteemse käsitluse põhimõtteid. · Süsteemne käsitlus põhineb arvamusel, et süsteemi elemendid toimivad erinevalt, kui need on keskkonnast või tervikust eraldatud. · Mõtlemisviis, mis käsitleb meid ümbritsevas maailmas ja meis endis toimuvat/leiduvat süsteemidena ja süsteemidesse kuuluvana. · Näiteks: majandussüsteemid (kapitalism, turumajandus), õigussüsteem jne. 2. Süsteemi definitsioon, selgita (kasuta joonist). · Süsteem ­ omavahel seotud objektide terviklik kogum, mis on mitteamorfne ja terviklik. Süsteemi iseloomustavad elemendid ehk objektid, sidemed, hierarhia ja käitumine. Sageli on süsteemi piiritlemine keeruline. · Süsteemi struktuur ja omadused peavad garanteerima süsteemi eesmärkide täitmise. · Joonised: Sisendiks on mingi re...

Majandus → Majandus
39 allalaadimist


a second home for humanity. The first men and women to go to Mars are going there to stay. Answer the following questions: 1 What kind of rockets did the Chinese make in the 13th century and what were they used for? 2 How were these rockets used in the 15th and 16th century in North America and Europe? 3 What did the British learn from their defeat in Seringapatam, India? 4 What other fields of application the rockets had by the 1880s? 5 Which invention made the rockets even more powerful and where did it lead to? 6 How did the Germans use rockets in the World War II? 7 Speak about the first steps in conquering the space. 8 How long have people explored the Mars and which invention enhanced the exploration? 9 Find the main points about the Mars One mission. 10 What is the difference between a cosmonaut, astronaut and taikonaut?

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Exami kysimused-vastused

g. "Hello, old thing!", "sweet heart", "honey"). 6. Abbreviations (e.g. "op." ­ operation, "sis" ­ sister, "mo" ­ moment). 7. Compound w-s, ablaut combinations, rhyming w-s, and w-s based on reduplication are colloquial (e.g. "hoity-toity", "helter-skelter", "riff-raff", "chit-chat"). 8. Intensifying adverbs (intensifiers) (e.g. "terribly healthy", "perfectly terrible", "foolishly smart" ­ cases of trite oxymoron). 9. There are words with a wide range of application (e.g. thing, stuff, job ­ these words may stand for nearly everything and when they are used a text has a colloquial touch). 10. Phrasal verbs are more colloquial than their one-word counterparts (e.g. "to make up" ­ comprise, "to take up" ­ occupy). 11. Nouns converted from these phrasal verbs are strikingly colloquial (e.g. "a getaway", "a breakoff") 12. Idioms + proverbs + sayings ­ they normally sound quite colloquial. 13

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
44 allalaadimist

Side- spikker eksamiks

ATM võrgus kantakse üle sõnumit pikkusega 9600 baiti, leida minimaalne bitikiirus sidekanalis, kui sõnumi ülekandeks on aega 10 ms. ­ 53B on pakett, milles 5B on p2is. 9600/48=200 200*53/0,01 V:8,48Mbit/s ATM võrgus kantakse üle sõnumit pikkusega 9600 baiti, leida minimaalne bitikiirus sidekanalis, kui sõnumi ülekandeks on aega 100 ms. ­ 9600/48*53/0,1 V:0,848Mbit/s etherneti pakett;8 bait - preambul - ülesannetes ei arvestata;6 bait - saaja aadress;6 bait - saatja aadress; 2 bait ­ pikkus;46-1500 - andmed (data);CRC - 4 bait. ATM võrgutehnooloogia kohaselt on paketi pikkus 53 baiti. Kuidas tuleks valida ülekantava infofaili pikkus, et saavutada maksimaalne ülekande efektiivsus. - ATM v6rgus on p2is 5 baiti, seega kasulik info 48 baiti. Infofaili pikkus peab olema 48 baiti, et tekiks t2isarv pakette. Ethernet võrgu (10 Mb/s) kanalikihis kanti üle pakette pikkusega 64 baiti. Leida 512-baidise infosõnumi ülekandeaeg. ­P2is 48+48+16+32=144...

Informaatika → Side
415 allalaadimist

American Literature Portfolio

rationally about alternate possibilities in settings that are contrary to known reality. These may include: · A setting in the future, in alternative time lines, or in a historical past that contradicts known facts of history or the archeological record · A setting in outer space, on other worlds, or involving aliens · Stories that involve technology or scientific principles that contradict known laws of nature · Stories that involve discovery or application of new scientific principles, such as time travel or psionics, or new technology, such as nanotechnology, faster-than-light travel or robots, or of new and different political or social systems (e.g. a dystopia) True Love by Isaac Asimov "True Love" is a science fiction short story by Isaac Asimov. It was first published in the February 1977 issue of American Way magazine and reprinted in the collections The Complete Robot (1982) and Robot Dreams (1986).

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
36 allalaadimist

Piletid vastustega

This corner can be used for analyzing the circuit topology, but should not be used for actual circuit design. At turn on, the diode can be considered as an ideal switchbecause it turns on rapidly as compared to transients in the circuit. 6) One of its main applications is in rectifiers, circuits that convert the Alternating voltage or alternating current into direct voltage or direct current. It is also applied in detectors, which find the signals in the noisy operation conditions. The third application is in switching circuits because an ideal rectifier acts like a perfect conductor when forward biased and lik a perfect insulator when reverse biased. 7) A power diode is more complicated in structure and operational characteristics than the small signal diode. The forward bias characteristic of the power diode is approximately linear, which means that the voltage drop is proportional to the omic resistance and to the current.

Tehnika → Elektroonika jõupooljuht...
159 allalaadimist

Konspekt USA history

Civil War 1865 slavery was abolished everywhere but Missisippi · The role of Abraham Lincoln Uneducated, but still considered the best President Nominated for precidency in 1860 Renomination during the Civil War Emancipation Proclamation (slaves free) Wrote Habreas Corpus (court decides if government can detain smt) 6 The Homestead Act (Anyone who had never taken up arms against the U.S. Government, including freed slaves, could file an application and get land) · The role of Andrew Johnson Vice president of the Unites States Became the 17th President after Lincoln's assassination Wasn't liked No support from southern states The Tenure of Office Act (banned president from his powers) Impeached in 1868 (umbusaldust avaldama) Bought Alaska in 1867 for $7 million The rejection of the 14th Amendment The 14th amendment · Black Codes no rights for black people at all even worse than slavery itself

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Arvutid II teooria eksam

ja ülesande · ja operatsioonide latentsuse piiramist. Arvuti lubab piloodil lennata mingite ettenähtud ASIC - Application Specific Circuits täitmine katkestatakse Lõimede prioriteete ei ole vaja jälgida, kui lõimed parameetrite neid saab müüa miljoneid

Informaatika → Arvutid ii
86 allalaadimist


The gear tension was 8.3% less The door spread, wingspread, and headline height were increased by 5.4%, 0.8% and 2.7% respectively. The swept area increased by 13.3%. The average hake catch per hour, and the catch per liter of fuel used, increased by 42.9% 110 111 MARTRAWL Self-Spreading Trawl Technology Martrawl, a subdivision of MARCO Seattle, Inc., has exclusively acquired revolutionary new technology for application to trawl and other nets in which the material of the nets takes on hydrodynamic properties, generating self-spreading nets. In 1999, MARCO granted a licensing agreement to Hampidjan in Reykjavik, Iceland to produce midwater trawls using this self-spreading technology (SST). Self-Spreading Technology Self-Spreading Technology involves using a special technique to produce the ropes and twine which are then arranged in the trawl in a specific pattern

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
35 allalaadimist

Tarkvara kvaliteet ja standardid

XP (Extreme Programming) üheks eesmärgiks on suurem paindlikkus muutuvate nõuete tingimustes. Testipõhisel arendusel (test driven development) luuakse testid enne realiseerimist kliendi kasutuslugude põhjal. Testide hulka kuuluvad ühiktestid (programmeerijalt, kohe enne realiseerimist) ja vastuvõtmise testid (Tellijalt, funktsionaalsed). Scrum is an iterative and incremental agile software development framework for managing software projects and product or application development. Scrum focuses on project management institutions where it is difficult to plan ahead. RUP 6. Tarkvara kvaliteet Töökindluse tõstmise üks võimalusi on kvaliteedihaldus. Väga lühidalt on kvaliteet toote vastavus nõuetele. Keerukate toodete puhul tuleb vastavuse hindamisel arvesse võtta ka toote loomise protsessi. Seega seob kvaliteet toote, nõuded tootele ja tootmise protsessi. Standard võtab arvesse kasutus-, välis-, sise- ja protsessi kvaliteeti. Elutsükli protsesside

Informaatika → Tarkvara kvaliteet ja...
233 allalaadimist


Nimekiri ei ole ammendav ja kajastab autori subjektiivset hinnangut [5]: 1940 – Toyota oli üks esimesi autotootjaid, kes rajas enda oma Füüsika ja Keemia instituuti – enne seda kõik autotootjad kasutasid olemasolevate ülikoolide uuringuid või tegid uuringutele tellimusi. Toyota aga nägi, et majasisene teaduslik kompetents võib tuua suurt eelist. 1951 – Toyota käivitas „Kreatiivse idee pakkumise süsteemi“, mis hilisematel aastatel võitis hulganisti auhindu (Deming Application Prize 1965, Japan Quality Control Award 1970). Süsteem oli tugevas seoses nii firma kui ka Jaapani kultuuri põhiväärtustega. Mõned olulised printsiibid selles süsteemis on kaizen (pidev paranemine) ja läbiv osalemine. Üks nendest loob töötajatele võimaluse pidevalt eksperimenteerida ja motiveerib parenduste ettepanekuid teha, teine aga teatud määral võrdsustab erinevate töötajate tasemete sõnaõigust (alluv ei pea

Majandus → Majandus
35 allalaadimist

Differential Psychology

Individual Differences (Differential Psychology) Psychology 1 It is generally assumed that: Differential Psychology · People vary on a range of psychological attributes Ian Deary · It is possible to measure and study these individual differences · Individual differences are useful for explaining and predicting behaviour and performance Differential psychology reading Human...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


ASJAAJAMINE Avaldus, CV, personaalkirjad Tööle kandideerija tüüpvead intervjuul 1. Kandidaadid loetlevad paljulubavaid omadussõnu, mida tööandja nende arvates kuulda tahab. Näiteks: "Olen lojaalne, hea suhtleja, pühendunud, intelligentne ja väga töökas." Need väited ei sisalda informatsiooni. 2. Intervjueeritav ei vasta seda, mida tunneb, vaid seda, mida tööandja kuulda tahab, näiteks müüjaks kandideerija ütleb, et on eluaeg unistanud saada kassapidajaks. See on võlts ja paistab läbi. 3. Kohe küsitakse palka, enne kui on saadud ülevaade täpsetest tööülesannetest. 4. Kandidaat on hästi kahtlev ja pole endas kindel, kas ikka tahab tööd. 5. Kandidaat püüab tööandjale selgeks teha, et kõik ülejäänud töökohad olid nõmedad. 6. Kandidaat püüab väita, et kõik eelnevad ülemused on olnud halvad ja teda taga kiusanud. 7. K...

Infoteadus → Asjaajamise alused
140 allalaadimist


Shockley Semiconductor (Shockley was one of the inventors of transistor Fairchild Semiconductors (group of 8 Shockley engineers) 8 AMD (Sanders + 7 others) Intel(Noyce (integr. circuit constructor) Moore) 1970 Xerox opens the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). Intel creates the 1103 chip, the first generally available DRAM memory chip. Gilbert Hyatt files a patent application entitled "Single Chip Integrated Circuit Computer Architecture", the first basic patent on the microprocessor. Intel creates the first 4004 microprocessor. 1969 The first microprocessor ­ CPU 1971 The first commercial 4-bit microprocessor 4004: 2,300 transistors 10 µm features 10 mm2 die 108 kHz kHz 4. First commercial SQL database created by Honeywell Information Systems Inc., which released a commercial product in June of 1976.

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
113 allalaadimist

Tööstuslik andmeside kontrolltöö 2 abimaterjal - vastused

`+V' signal · `0' encoded by `-V` signal · return to 0 after each bit Unnumbered There are three control field formats and hence three principle request has been successfully received Bit centre vs bit edge transition frame types: 1. Information format - I frame "I" frames are used for the data oPPP> Importance, Application areas, Protocol stacks Manchester encoding or phase encoding: transfer between stations. The send sequence, or next send N(S), and the receive One sender, one receiver, one link - easier than broadcast link: uses NRZ (Non Return to Zero) signal · always sequence, or next receive N(R), hold the frame sequence numbers

Informaatika → Tööstuslik andmeside
29 allalaadimist


SISUKORD C.2 OPERATSIOONISÜSTEEMID .........................................................................................2 C.2.1 PÕHIMÕTTED .........................................................................................................................2 C2.1.1 Protsessihaldus ..............................................................................................................3 C2.1.2 Mäluhaldus ................................................................................................................... 4 C2.1.3 Failihaldus.......................................................................................................................5 C2.1.4 Sisend- ja väljundseadmete haldus .................................................................................5 C2.1.5 Arvutivõrgu tugi.......................................................................................................

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
167 allalaadimist


­ loengumaterjal / 2003. aineinfo (int) sorteerimata / Avaliku sektori ökonoomika ja juhtimine. Soovituslikud Stiglitz,J.E.­ Ühiskondliku sektori ökonoomika. Tallinn: EHI, 1995. loengumater- Marlow.M.L. ­ Public Finance. Theory and Practice // The Dryden jalid Press, Harcourt Brace College Publishers © 1995. Hyman, D.N. ­ Public Finance. A Contemporary application of theory to polisy. Sixth edition // The Dryden Press, Harcourt Brace College Publishers © 1999. Plott, C.R. ­ Public Economics, Political Processes and Policy Applications. Edward Elger Publishing Limited, UK. 2001, 566 p. Buchanan, J.M. ­ Public Finance in Democratic Process. Fiscal Institutions and Individual Choice. Vol. 4. The University of Nortth

Majandus → Juhtimise alused
176 allalaadimist

Taimekahjustajad ja nende tõrje

see minimaalselt segab kaupade ja inimeste rahvusvahelist liikumist. ­ rahvusvaheliste fütosanitaarmeetmete standardite (ISPM ­ International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures) väljatöötamine, parandamine ja vastuvõtmine; ­ tehniline abi arengumaade riiklike taimekaitseorganisatsioonide suutlikkuse ja varustuse parandamiseks; ­ kaubanduspartnerite vaheliste konfliktide lahendamine jm. · WTO SPS(1994) (Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures under the World Trade Organization General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade - sanitaar- ja fütosanitaarmeetmete rakendamise leping). imporditavad põllumajandustooted vastaksid riikides kehtivatele sanitaar- ja fütosanitaareeskirjadele. Nende eeskirjade peaeesmärk on kaitsta inimeste, loomade ja taimede elu ja tervist kahjurite ja haiguste eest, mida võidakse riiki tuua imporditavate põllumajandustoodetega.

Botaanika → Taimekahjustajad ja nende...
57 allalaadimist

English structure revision for the exam

 Postmodifying adverbs – Adverbs that follow the word it modifies. For example: The day before, the way ahead  Modifier of pronouns, predeterminers, and numerals- Nearly everybody came to our party. They recovered roughly half their equipment. Virtually all the students participated in the discussion.  Modifier of particles, prepositional adverbs, and prepositions- The nail went right through the wall. He made his application well within the time. He knocked the man right out. Her parents are dead against the trip.  Adverbs as complements of preposition over here, near here, from abroad, till then  Adverbs as an adverbial  Adjuncts – When an adverb is nicely integrated into a sentence. For example: Slowly they walked back home. He spoke to me about it briefly.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun