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"anonymous" - 62 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: Anonymous

Faile: 0

Esitlus - "Küberkaitse ja kübersõda"

Krüpteerimine Kõiki paroole hoitakse arvutites andmebaasis Paroolide kättesaadavuse raskendamiseks krüptitakse neid Krüptitakse sifri järgi, mis muudab teksti tähtede, numbrite ja märkide jadaks (hash) § Nt: sõna ,,parool" hash MD5 algoritmi järgi on ,,69fb46f4c18463dd25002aeffc0257d1" Turvalisuse lisamiseks võib juba krüptitud paroolide hash'e uuesti krüptida sama või erineva sifri/algoritmiga Anonymous Moto: ,,We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us." Hacktivist'ide grupp, alustas 2003. aastal Juhita organisatsioon, mille liikmed paiknevad üle terve maailma Vastu interneti tsensuurile ja järelvalvele, saientoloogiale, valitsuse korruptsioonile ja homofoobiale Rünnakud: Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, FBI, jpt. LulzSec Hacks (Lulz Security) Hacktivist'ide grupp, kelle rünnakud algasid 2011. aasta mais Enim kuulsust kogunud rünnakud:

Sõjandus → Riigikaitse
27 allalaadimist


100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Eesti 100 Kes lubas teha küberrünnaku Eesti vastu 10. oktoobril 2012? 10 9 8 7 5 4 6 3 0 1 2 Anonymous Eesti 200 Palju maksis Vabadussammas (€ -des)? 3 390 000 € Majandus 100 Palju maksis Vabadussammas (€ -des)? 3 390 000 € Varia 100 Varia 200 1 A Eesti 300 Kes on pildil ? Pilt Edgar Savisaar 6 3 0 2 1 10 7 8 9 5 4 Pilt

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
1 allalaadimist

Arvutivõrgud infokorralduses FTP

Näiteks Windows keskkonnale mõeldud FTP programm, kus vasakul pool on lokaalse arvuti, paremal kusagil mujal asuva arvuti ketaste sisu ja keskel nooltega nupud mär-gitud failide nihutamiseks ühest arvutist teise. Sellised programmid küsivad käivitumisel kohe, millise serveriga ühendus luua. Ühenduse katkestamiseks on close nupp. Uue ühenduse loomiseks connect nupp. FTP UNIX keskkonnas FTP seansi käivitab korraldus: ftp arvuti_aadress, login: anonymous ja password: teie_oma_ aadress. Edasi saab kasutada järgmisi käske: • ls - kataloogi sisu näitamiseks (võib kasutada ka käsku dir); • status - näitab, milline ülekande viis on parajasti sisse lülitatud; • ascii - lülitab sisse ascii ülekandeviisi; • binary - lülitab sisse binaarse ülekandeviisi; • cd kataloogi_nimi - nimetatud kataloogi liikumiseks;

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
22 allalaadimist

C# Progammeerimise keel

Primary x.m Member access x(...) Method and delegate invocation x[...] Array and indexer access x++ Post-increment x Post-decrement new T(...) Object and delegate creation new T(...){...} Object creation with initializer new {...} Anonymous object initializer new T[...] Array creation typeof(T) Obtain System.Type object for T checked(x) Evaluate expression in checked context unchecked(x) Evaluate expression in unchecked context default(T) Obtain default value of type T delegate {...} Anonymous function (anonymous method) Unary +x Identity

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
56 allalaadimist

Julian Assange - elulugu

Julian Assange Quick overview Born: 3 July 1971 (age 39) Nationality: Australian, Occupation: Editor-in-chief and spokesperson for WikiLeaks. (WikiLeaks is an international non-profit organisation that publishes submissions of private, secret, and classified media from anonymous news sources and news leaks. It expects to be of assistance to people of all regions who wish to reveal unethical behaviour in their governments and corporations.) Journey to this stage of life · Parents ran a touring theatre company - His biological father was John Shipton. Mother Christine married theatre director Brett Assange. They ran a touring theatre company. His stepfather, Julian's first "real dad", described Julian as "a very sharp kid" with "a keen sense of right and wrong"

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Mina ja klassika

Mina ja klassika Minu suhtumine klassikalisse muusikasse on suhteliselt ükskõikne. Ei ole seda kunagi kuulalnud nii nagu kuulan teisi muusikastiile. Kui tunnis või kusagil peab kuulama klassikat ei teki mul sellist tunnet, et tahaks kõrvad kinni katta vaid olen nõus seda isegi kuulama. Keskaja muusika on keskajal loodud muusika, mis hõlmab 4.-16. sajandit. Keskaja muusikakultuuris on kolm erinevat lõiku: kirikumuusika, rahvamuusika ja kultuur ja rüütlite muusika. Keskajamuusika on tugevalt seotud kristliku kirikuga. Muusika on rütmikas nagu näiteks "Anonymous Saltarello" puuduvad küll sõnad, aga meloodia on meeldejääv ja see jääb mõtetesse. Renessanssmuusika on renessansiajastul 14.-17. sajand loodud muusika. Muusikas suurim muutus oli mitmehäälse ilmaliku seltskonnalaulu tõusmine kirikutseremoniaalmuusika kõrvale. Näiteks Arcadelt II bianco e dolce cigno on hormooniline aga sellest puudub emots...

Muusika → Muusika
5 allalaadimist

The Internet and Social Order

when you're away from home. Do I think the government has any right or reason to monitor people's online activity? The government should find out about potential threats online but should still let people keep their privacy (e.g they shouldn't check people's emails who aren't suspected of anything) e.g People writing to each other about criminal activities People posting videos of shoplifting and not get caught etc Do I suport the idea that anonymous comments under online articles should be done away with? It depends where these comments are posted. For example I think that when it is posted to an online newspaper webpage it is not as bad as when people write to web pages like Then it can really psychologically damage a person and even lead to a suicide. Do I think the latter would change the society for the better or the worse? I think it would make things better because most of the people don't have

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Chivalric Romance

It was written in Latin. His first book was "The Prophecies of Merlin"(around 1135), this book is remarkable, because before it Merlin was known as "Myrddin". Next book was "Histpry of the Kings of Britain". The book was written about Roman Invasion and Julius Caesar and the rise of King Arthur and his father. His last book was "The life of Merlin" between 1149-1151. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Written by anonymous Pearl Poet, who was a monk. He is the author of Pearl, Patience, Cleanness also. Written in late 14th century. Totally unreligious text admits religious text. There are 3 stories: 1. Agricultural cycles ­ gives the background 2. The exchange of winnings 3. Hero's temptation Makes a distinction between the grail knights and the others in Arthur's court.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

Muusika kordamislehed 10. klassile

Dünaamika- helitugevus ja selle muutumine. Tämber- kõla värv. Harmoonia- moodustavad saatehääled. Tempo- esituskiirus. Keskaja periodiseering 4.-10. sajand- eelromaaniline aeg - toimus kristlike ideede levik(rooma impeeriumis kuulutati ristiusk lubatuks). 10.-12. sajand- romaani aeg - (küpsus). 13.-14. sajand- gooti aeg ­ (üleminekuperiood). Keskaja vaimulik muusika Aluseks on kristlus, millest sai aastal 313 rooma impeeriumis ametlik lubatud usund. Kohe alguses puudus kirikus poliitiline ühtsus, tekkisid 2 suunda: ida- ja läänekirik, mis kasutavad erinevaid liturgia- ja laulutüüpe. Kogu edasine jutt puudutab läänekirikut, mis oli levinud endise rooma impeeriumi aladel. Kus sai kristlus alguse? Juutidelt. Mille poolest sarnanevad judaism ja kristlus? 1 jumal. Millistele pühadele raamatutele need usundid toetuvad? Piibel. Keskaja inimese maailmapilt -ruum on mütologiseeeritud ­ igapäevaelus arvestatakse üleloomulike jõududega. -ig...

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
35 allalaadimist


Questionnaire Dear respondent, thank you for answering this questionnaire. It will take 5-10 minutes to answer the questions. The respondents will remain anonymous. The aim of this questionnaire is to improve our service. Your answers are highly appreciated and it is really important for our company. 1. Are you interested in searching for a job/ employee in the web? pick one. Yes, No, Maybe, I don’t know 2. Have you used this kind of service before? (pick one) yes, no 3. If yes then where did you find about this type of service? (pick one) from web, friends, family, posters(ads etc), I don’t now, somewhere else(write) 4

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn  Pilt 1 (1792) Franz Joseph Haydn Sündis: 31. märts 1732 Rohrau Suri:  31. mai 1809 Viin Tuntakse rohkem  Joseph Haydn’ina Austria helilooja Stiil: Klassikaline muusika Ametid: helilooja, kapellmeister Pilt 2 Perekond Isa: Mathias Haydn- tõllassepp ja külavanem Ema: Maria oli töötanud Harrachi krahvi kokana Vend: Michael Viisi ei osatud. Isa oli innukas rahvamuusik, kes mängis iseõppijana harfi ja laulis. Pilt 3: Michael Haydn Pilt 4: Maria Keller Muusikamaailma 1738: Saadeti 6-aastaselt Johann Matthias Frankh-i juurde. 1739: Viini Püha Stephani katedraali muusikajuhi Georg von Reutteri tähelepanu 1740-1749: Püha Stephani katedraali poistekooris Töö-ja loominguaastad 1750- 1752: vabakutseline muusik 1752: Itaalia helilooja Nicola Porpora teenrina 1754–1756: lisamuusik Viini õukonnas 1756: parun Fürnbergi alluvuses Weinzierlis 1759-1761: krahv Morzini väikese kapelli juht 1...

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
8 allalaadimist

Keskaeg kokkuvõte

1. KESKAJA periodiseering 1) 4. ­ 10. sajand - eelromaaniline aeg - toimus kristlike ideede levik(rooma impeeriumis kuulutati ristiusk lubatuks). 2) 10. ­ 12. sajand -romaani aeg - (küpsus). 3) 13. ­ 14. sajand ­ gooti aeg ­ (üleminekuperiood). 2. KESKAJA VAIMULIK MUUSIKA 1) Aluseks on kristlus, millest sai aastal 313 rooma impeeriumis ametlik lubatud usund. Kohe alguses puudus kirikus poliitiline ühtsus, tekkisid 2 suunda: ida- ja läänekirik, mis kasutavad erinevaid liturgia- ja laulutüüpe. Kogu edasine jutt puudutab läänekirikut, mis oli levinud endise rooma impeeriumi aladel. Kus sai kristlus alguse? Juutidelt. Mille poolest sarnanevad judaism ja kristlus? 1 jumal. Milles seisneb põhiline erinevus judaismi ja kristluse vahel?Kristlastel piibel, moslemitel koraan. Millistele pühadele raamatutele need usundid toetuvad? Piibel. 2) Keskaja inimese maailmapilt - ruum on mütologiseeritud - igapäe...

Muusika → Keskaja muusika
13 allalaadimist

The birds flew out of the nest

They has wonderful teacher Tatjana, who is so helpful, kind and friendly. The fifty-two flight is unanimous and sociable form, who always took part at the school's parties. This tutipäev was a little bit different, because our school-leavers wore military uniforms. They said that our country based on the students and so everyone must to respect them. They were right, because the young people is the future of our land. We made the anonymous poll to explained out, who the abitur actually was. We wanted to know, who were the most beautiful girl, who were the most humorous boy, who were the most smartest young lady and who were the most sexiest guy. We fixed out their positive and negative properties. Schoolmates described their abitur and gave them some future jobs. Their schoolmates said, that the most beautiful girl in the class was Sandra and the most beautiful boy was Mikk. The most friendliest were Rauno and Helena

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Joomla juhend ajutine

Insert MySQL root password: Naidis0Parool #Antud punkt on soovituslik. Programm ,,mysql_secure_installation" on ettenähtud MySQL'li installatsiooni #turvatase tõstmiseks. Program tuleb käivitada (küsitake parooli Naidis0Parool) ja vastata küsimustele. sudo mysql_secure_installation Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No: N Change the password for root ? ((Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No) : N Remove anonymous users? (Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No) : Y Disallow root login remotely? (Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No) : Y Remove test database and access to it? (Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No) : Y Reload privilege tables now? (Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No) : Y --- #Sisene MySQL-andmebaasi ja sisesta parool Naidis0Parool sudo mysql -u root -p #Loo andmebaas nimega nt.: baas2db #Loo andmebaasi kasutaja nt.: user2 ja parool nt.: Kevade.2

Informaatika → Informaatika
5 allalaadimist

Trojan horse

malicious programs, install Trojans or advertising systems. Trojan-Dropper - installers other malware As a result of using this class of software hackers reach two goals: a secretive installation of Trojans and / or viruses, protection from anti-virus programs, because not all of them are able to test all the components within this type of file. Trojan-Proxy - Trojan proxy server This family of Trojans, secretly engaged in anonymous access to various Internet resources.Commonly used for sending spam. Trojan-Spy - Spyware These Trojans carry out electronic spying on the user of the infected computer: input from the keyboard information, screen shots, list of active applications and user interaction with them are stored in a file on disk and periodically sent to the attacker Trojan-Notifier - notification of a successful attack Trojans are designed for this type of message master "on the infected computer.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
2 allalaadimist

Fight Club

Author American novelist and freelance journalist 51 year old Pasco, Washington When he was 14, his parents separated University of Oregan ­ School of Journalism Volunteering Cacophony Society "I'm not straight, and I'm not gay. I'm not bisexual. I want out of the labels. I don't want my whole life crammed into a single word. A story. I want to find something else, unknowable, some place to be that's not on the map. A real adventure." Characters THE NARRATOR anonymous works for an unnamed car company Perhaps ,,Joe" - I am Joe's Broken Heart. Tired of life and trapped in his own world Extremely stressed Suffers from insomnia Starts visiting cancer support groups Tyler Durden Not a real person A representation of everything the main character wants to be Works at night Steals left-over drained human fat from clinics for soap

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Keskaeg Ilmalik Muusika

Andres Mustoneni poolt), Rondellus (põhiliikmed Robert ja Maria Staak), Vox Clamantis (gregooriuse laul, juht Jaan-Eik Tulve) Keskaja muusika esitajaid mujal maailmas: Unicorn (Michael Posch), Ensemble Oni Wytars (Marco Ambrosini), Eduardo Paniagua Group, Shirley Rumsey, the Broadside Band (Jeremy Barlow), Mediaeval Babes, Sinfonye (Stevie Wishart), Ensemble Villanella, Studio der Frühen Musik (Thomas Binkley), Ensemble Accentus (Thomas Wimmer), Anonymous 4, La Reverdie, Camerata Mediterranea, Wisby Vaganter, Poeta Magica

Muusika → Muusika
25 allalaadimist

Püssirohu vandenõu

Tallinna 32. Keskkool Püssirohu vandenõu Uurimistöö Tallinn 2011 1 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS.................................................................................................................................... 3 KOKKUVÕTE......................................................................................................................................... 4 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS................................................................................................................... 6 2 SISSEJUHATUS Püssirohu vandenõud võib pidada üheks tähtsaks ajaloosündmuseks religiooni mõistes ­ see sündmustik ei keerle pelgalt Parlamendihoone õhkamises, vaid katoliiklaste võitluses tolerantsuse eest, küll ehk äärmus...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
7 allalaadimist


Mustoneni poolt), Rondellus (põhiliikmed Robert ja Maria Staak), Vox Clamantis (gregooriuse laul, juht Jaan-Eik Tulve) Keskaja muusika esitajaid mujal maailmas: Unicorn (Michael Posch), Ensemble Oni Wytars (Marco Ambrosini), Eduardo Paniagua Group, Shirley Rumsey, the Broadside Band (Jeremy Barlow), Mediaeval Babes, Sinfonye (Stevie Wishart), Ensemble Villanella, Studio der Frühen Musik (Thomas Binkley), Ensemble Accentus (Thomas Wimmer), Anonymous 4, La Reverdie, Camerata Mediterranea, Wisby Vaganter, Poeta Magica

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
7 allalaadimist

Agatha Christie - The Moving Finger

Shockingly, the body was found by Megan, Mr Symmington's 20 year old step-daughter. Scotland Yard sent someone to investigate, and came to the conclusion that the letter- writer/murderer was a middle-aged woman who must be one of the citizens of Lymstock. The village was plunged into suspicion and terror. Once a village of trust, now all inhabitants were on the verge of accusations. There was a break in the case when the Symmington's beautiful young governess, Elsie Holland, received an anonymous letter typed with the same typewriter that had been used to create previous letters. The doctor's sister, Aimee Griffith, was arrested, since she had been seen both typing the letter and delivering it. Everything fell back into place for a moment, which lasted a bit longer than usual. Jerry and Megan went to London to run some errands, visit his doctor and buy new clothes for Megan. He also began to realise that he had fallen in love with her and as they returned, Jerry asked Megan

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist


(6; 7) Suurim skandaal seoses SOPA-ga toimus 19. jaanuaril 2012. aastal, kui USA võimud sulgesid failivahetussaidi Megaupload. See oli üks enimkasutatavaid omataolisi lehekülgi internetis, kus kasutajad jagasid nii piraat- kui ka legaalset materjali. Kuna arvatakse, et sellel saidil oli rohkem legaalset materjali kui illegaalset ning tema kasutajate hulk oli väga suur, siis tekitas see rahvas väga suure pahameeletormi. Avalikkuse ette jõudis häkkerite rühmitus Anonymous, mille liikmed organiseerisid mitmete USA võrguserverite mahavõtmise, rünnati väga mitmeid valitsuse internetiportaale. Selle rühmituse jõust annab aimu see, et suudeti halvata USA ühe tugevaima organisatsiooni, FBI, töö. Samuti rünnati mitmete plaadifirmade ja autoriõiguste kaitsmisele pühendunud lehekülgi.(8) Olen ise samuti internetis surfates faile edastand ning alla laadinud, peamiselt vabavara. Olen tegelikult internetipiraatluse vastu

Informaatika → It eetilised, sotsiaalsed ja...
14 allalaadimist

How does virtual communication influence our behaviour and relationships

Why leave the safety of your home, when everything is online? My second argument will be the psyche of the people overusing virtual communication. It is no secret that people spending too much time online start to change. This often occurs with children. Their grades and social life deteriorates, because of forums and such take up extended amounts of their time. Also they can get themselves into trouble, because they think they are anonymous and because of that, they are doing things they should not do, for example being racist in the wrong place. Actually, there is no anonymity on the internet. Certain authorities can always find you. But the poor children don't know that and they can ruin their lives just by writing some wrong words in wrong order. We have many examples of this occurring in real life, for example the recent bomb threats in some schools of Tartu

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

„The Chocolate War“

Archie thinks of the perfect assignment for Jerry, and tells Obie to assign Jerry to the chocolates. Jerry thumbs through a Playboy magazine at a store, wondering why he feels so guilty doing it when most of the boys he knows buy and stash the same kinds of magazines. Once Jerry bought one. The magazine had made Jerry wonder if a girl would ever love him. Jerry makes his way to the bus stop, and from across the street a man calls out to him, accusing him of staring. Jerry and the anonymous man have a brief back and forth, ending with the man calling Jerry a "square boy." This resonates with Jerry, as he thinks of the people who do not do much with their lives. The school must sell 20,000 boxes this year, each boy must sell fifty boxes. twice that were for sale last year. Leon knows that Archie has influence in the secret group that rules the school. Archie pushes back, but Leon levels his gaze at him and Archie remembers that Leon could ruin his grade in algebra

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Internet piracy

Erkko Liiv 11.a Internet piracy In recent years, internet piracy or "file sharing" of copyrighted material has gained much popularity. It is a topic that has incessantly sparked debate and has even received global attention. Although on the surface the act of file sharing may seem harmless, it is far from it. Each year, film and record production companies as well as software and video game companies suffer from billions of dollars in lost profits. This loss comes as a direct result of internet piracy. Many agree that file sharing is unethical and consider it to be no different than downright theft. On the other hand, there are those that support file sharing and claim that their actions are easily justified and ethical. File sharing simply is the process of making available and distrib...

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Tom Sawyer raamatu kokkuvõte Mark Twain lühikirjeldus

reburying it. Huck begins to shadow Injun Joe every night, watching for an opportunity to nab the gold. Meanwhile, Tom goes on a picnic to McDougal’s Cave with Becky and their classmates. That same night, Huck sees Injun Joe and his partner making off with a box. He follows and overhears their plans to attack the Widow Douglas, a kind resident of St. Petersburg. By running to fetch help, Huck forestalls the violence and becomes an anonymous hero. Tom and Becky get lost in the cave, and their absence is not discovered until the following morning. The men of the town begin to search for them, but to no avail. Tom and Becky run out of food and candles and begin to weaken. The horror of the situation increases when Tom, looking for a way out of the cave, happens upon Injun Joe, who is using the cave as a hideout. Eventually, just as the searchers are giving up, Tom finds a way out

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist


1. alternative medicine ['meds()n] n - medical 18.cough v - [kf] to suddenly push air out of your throat treatment that is not based on the usual western with a short sound, often repeatedly: Matthew methods: Acupuncture is widely used by practitioners coughed and cleared his throat. köhima of alternative medicine. 19.discharge v - to officially allow someone to leave 2. anonymous ['nnims] adj - unknown by name: Our somewhere, especially the hospital or the army, navy client prefers to remain anonymous. etc, or to tell them that they must leave: Hospitals now 3. antagonise v - to annoy someone very much by doing tend to discharge patients earlier than in the past. something that they do not like: Matt wasn't the sort of välja laskma man to antagonize people. vastuollu sattuma, vastu 20

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Taken at the Flood

a bomb planted by David Hunter. · Rosaleen was made into a morphine addict. · Kathy becomes Adela's sister, whereas in the novel, it is Lionel who is a Cloade. The credits mistakenly refer to Lionel as a Cloade ­ however, his surname is 'Woodward' (as revealed by Kathy when she visits Poirot at the beginning of the adaptation). · Kathy also repeatedly harasses the false Rosaleen by calling her "whore", "slut", "bitch" and "bigamist" through anonymous phone calls, an event not found in the novel. · In the film, the false Rosaleen, Eileen Corrigan, is saved in time (thanks to Dr. Woodward's morphine addiction and his theft of some of her morphine), and Poirot proves that David, knowing that she would attempt suicide out of feelings of guilt for her actions, has set it up so that she would use the morphine as a means to try to kill herself. · In the novel, David had no motive for killing his sister,

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inglise Keelsed Aforismid / mõtteterad

your teacher, your priest, or some gut on television telling you how to do your shit, then you DESERVE it. - Frank Zappa *It's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. - Marilyn Monroe *I love the feeling when you smile at me, or even just look at me, because I know that I've crossed your mind. Even just for a second - Anonymous You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than you did the night before. Like a switch has been flicked somewhere. And the person who was just a friend is suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with. Me? I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of what I feel, of what I've said, of who I am, but most of all I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my life the way I feel when I'm with you.

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Romantic poetry and prose

4) Women writers and feminist ides: the rise of literacy amongst women, equality ideas ­ Jane Austen, Mary Hays. Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)­ Scottish historical novelist and poet; wrote: ballads, narrative poetry, and verse tales, novels. He wrote Waverley, a novel, which did not name its author (got success). Over the next years, he wrote a number of novels, each with a historical setting. He maintained the anonymous habit he had begun with Waverley. He became unfamos, when Austen's star rose. Jane Austen ­ is considered merely an entertaining "woman's novelist" in the 19th century. She was seen as the major English novelist of the first decades of the 19th c. Austen wrote about upper-middle class society and women's role in it. The society is secure in its values, privileges and snobbery. Her created society defines itself in terms of land, money and class: Praises good conduct, manners, sound reason,

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
14 allalaadimist

Sotsioloogia essee: Hechter ja Horne

Q: Social order requires social behaviour to be predictable and individuals to cooperate. Amongst the explanations of social order are five outlined by Hechter and Horne: `meaning', `values and norms', `power and authority', `spontaneous interaction' and `networks and groups'. Describe how at least three of these (or other) factors might explain social order, and discuss the extent to which you find the explanations convincing. Introduction For societies to cohere and cooperate, it is necessary for individuals within them to have a predictable and collaborative behaviour. The presence of social order enables individuals to feel more secure publicly, as it enables them to somewhat predict their lives. Social order is also necessary for stability and serves as the basis for collective advancements. There are several theories and explanations for why social order persists and emerges. Hechter and Horne in the reader Theories of Social Ord...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
8 allalaadimist

Kurt Kobain

Kurt Donald Cobain referaat Elulugu Kurt Donald Cobain sündis 20.veebruaril Aberdeeni linnakeses, mis asub umbes 120 kilomeetrit Seattle'st edelas, Washingtoni osariigis. Kuna Kurti ema töötas sekretärina ja isa oli mehhaanik, siis raha probleeme tal ei olnud. Kurt oli hüperaktiivne laps ja sellepärast anti talle tihti rahusteid. Ilmselt sai sealt ka alguse tema narkomaania. Ta elu oli õnnelik kuni ta sai 10-aastaseks ­ siis lahutasid ta vanemad. See lahutus mõjus Kurtile väga halvasti. Ta muutus kinniseks ja temaga oli raske suhelda. Peale lahutust elas ta kordamööda ema ja isa juures, kuid kuna kumbki teda ei soovinud, läks ta elama oma sugulaste juurde. 8-aastaselt tekkis Kurtil kujuteldav sõber, kelle nimeks sai Boddah. Kurtile ei meeldinud koolis. Talle meeldis maalida ja laulda. Koolis sai ta tihti teiste poiste käest peksa, sest teda peeti homoks, kuna ta parim sõber se...

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
8 allalaadimist

Social media information and data collection and security

Since snapchat needs access to you mobile photo album, they collect these photos aswell on the go. Of course, location, for using some geo filters but also for tracking. Using beacons they can for example track people in stores. Snapchat also have access to cookies, which is weird because cookies are related to browser. They also know you email, credit card number, if snapcash is used, everything about the snaps that are send and what kind of phone is used. While all the data is anonymous, snapchat only info that may be useful to advertisers. What they do with this information When thinking about how much data they are collecting, it seems unreasonable at first. How can you possibly work through that and what are the benefits of this. Since social media is all about that engagement and keeping users as long as possible on their websites, they use this information to provide as much as interesting content as possible of reach user

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Sidevõrk (Communication network) on elektrivõrkude eriliik, mis tegeleb analoog- või digitaalinfo ülekandmisega. Andmesidevõrk (andmevõrk) on sidevõrgu eriliik, mis on ette nähtud ainult digitaalinfo edastamiseks kõne, video või muude analoogsignaalide asemel. Ta koosneb hulgast sõlmedest (jaamadest), mis on omavahel ühendatud sideahelate abil. Arvutivõrk (network) - spetsiaalne riist- ja tarkvarakompleks, mis võimaldab arvutitel vahetada infot kas läbi selleks otstarbeks loodud kanalite (kaabelliinid, satelliitkanalid) või tavalise telefonivõrgu kaudu. Arvutivõrk (computer network) ­ koosneb kolmest osast: kaabeldus, võrguseadmed ja võrgukaardid. Kaabeldus rajatakse reeglina ehituse või remondi käigus koos muude kaablitega. Arvutivõrke liigitakse 1. kohalikeks võrkudeks LAN (Local Area Network) ja 2) laivõrkudeks WAN (Wide Area Network) Kohalik füüsiline võrk on ta...

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
50 allalaadimist

Interneti positiivsed ja negatiivsed mõjud ühiskonnale

Sissejuhatus Tänu internetile on igasugune informatsioon kõigile väga lihtsasti kättesaadavaks tehtud. Iga päevaga suureneb interneti kasutajate hulk ning sellega ka internetis olev info. Selleks infoks võib lugeda kõike, mis netis leidub, nii suhtlusvõrgustikkudesse sisestatud andmeid kui ka näiteks spordi otseülekandeid interneti vahendusel. Kogu vajaminev informatsioon on vaid mõne kliki kaugusel ja saadaval 24 tundi ööpäevas ja 7 päeva nädalas. Tänu infotehnoloogia arenemisele muutuvad kiiremaks nii arvutid kui ka internet, samas langevad IT-kaupade hinnad ja nii on ka vaesematel inimestel endale võimalus soetada ,,pääse" virtuaalmaailma. Kasvava kasutajaskond ning suurenev infotulv ei ole muidugi ainult positiivne. Muidugi on häid asju mitmeid, näiteks inimestevahelise suhtluse ja andmevahetuse lihtsustamine, samas leidub ka palju negatiivset, näiteks internetipiraatlus, pahavara levitamine või viimastel aastatel pa...

Informaatika → It eetilised, sotsiaalsed ja...
81 allalaadimist

Estuary English - A Controversial Issue?

Estuary English 1. The geographical dimension: Is `Estuary' English estuary? Estuary English is a dialect of English widely spoken in South East England, especially along the River Thames and its estuary. Phonetician John C. Wells defines Estuary English as "Standard English spoken with the accent of the southeast of England".[1] The name comes from the area around the Thames, particularly London, Kent, north Surrey and south Essex. The variety first came to public prominence in an article by DavidRosewarne in the Times Educational Supplement in October 1984. [2] Rosewarne argued that it may eventually replace RP (Received Pronunciation) in the south-east. Studies have indicated that Estuary English is not a single coherent form of English; rather, the reality behind the construct consists of some (but not a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Network üldiselt

Selle aja pikkust, mida nimetetakse taimaudiks, saab muuta serveri poolt aktsepteeritavates piirides: ftp> idle 600 Viisakad on väärtused kuni 7200 sekundit (so kaks tundi). Sisselogimise automatiseerimine UNIXi programmil ftp on olemas algsättimiste fail nimega .netrc, mille sisu loetakse läbi iga kord peale programmi ftp käivitamist. Teie kodukataloogis oleva ~/.netrc faili sisu võib olla näiteks selline: machine login anonymous password [email protected] Näide automatiseerib nimelise masinaga ühendumisel anonüümse FTP-ga sisselogimise. Sellesse faili võite kirjutada kõiki programmi ftp seest antavaid käske, võite omada sissekandeid mitme erineva masina kohta. Oma kasutajanime ja parooli sinna faili panna on ebasoovitav, sest keegi võib faili sisuga lubamatult tutvuda. Makrod ftp programm võimaldab seostada käskude järgnevusi mingi unikaalse sõnaga, mille sisestamine järgnevuse täidab

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
86 allalaadimist

The Origins of American Literature

South and Midwest and was deeply impressed by the vastness of the Am landscape and the variety of its people. He was also influenced by the work of the poet Ralph Waldo Emerson and the revolutionary ideas of the American Transcendentalist movement. Writing poetry Not much is known of what he did in the early 1850s apart from the fact that he returned to New York and started writing poetry. In 1855 Leaves of Grass, a collection of 12 poems, was published with a portrait of an anonymous poet in working man's clothes on the title page. Whitman's mentor, the influential poet Ralph Waldo Emerson hailed his work as `the most extraordinary piece of wit and wisdom that an American has yet contributed'. However, other literary critics and the reading public were unimpressed. The Civil War years During the Civil War, Whitman served as a volunteer nurse in military hospitals and as a correspondent for The New York Times. His experience among

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
17 allalaadimist


FGI 1811 Proseminar (Irina Ladusseva) 2.0 AP Kab. 420 03.09.2002. Writing a term paper (this spring) and graduation paper. To get a pass: one written task (part of introduction, thesis statement) Term paper should be printed (20-25 pages long). Graduation paper should be printed (50-60 pages long). First write term paper, and choose a topic right now (theme of term paper later will be developed into graduation paper). Rights: we have a right to have a supervisor. Supervisor writes on the front page "Lubatud kaitsmisele". You need time to: 1. read the theory 2. collect material 3. regularity (1-2 hours a day deal with your paper) The first draft of term paper should be ready by March. Supervisors are: 1. Suliko Liiv (country study, grammar, contrastive studies, methodology) 2. Liliana Skopinskaja (methodology) 3. Jaanika Marley (foneetika, methods) 4. Ene Alas (translation, meth...

Õigus → Proseminar
36 allalaadimist

American Art Revision Materials

Use of repetition and the elimination of dramatic climax were favored by the composer John Cage. Rauschenberg and Johns introduced "popular" materials into their art by depicting them or actually incorporating real objects. Pop Art debuted in 1962. The works spanned painting, sculpture and objects of daily use. "Happenings" (improvised semi-dramatic visual spectacles with audience participation) contributed to the Pop culture of the 1960s. The art form is based on the anonymous, mechanized and mass-produced images of advertisements, billboards, comic books and TV. Mass culture is the source of inspiration but it is neither critical nor sympathetic. Similarly to Regionalism, it stressed that which was generically American but concentrated on urban culture. By the late-1960s, Pop had lost its novelty but had turned artists from abstraction back towards recognizable imagery. Exemplary artists. Robert Rauschenberg (late-C20)

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

US-ART - American Art Revision Materials, I

Use of repetition and the elimination of dramatic climax were favored by the composer John Cage. Rauschenberg and Johns introduced "popular" materials into their art by depicting them or actually incorporating real objects. Pop Art debuted in 1962. The works spanned painting, sculpture and objects of daily use. "Happenings" (improvised semi-dramatic visual spectacles with audience participation) contributed to the Pop culture of the 1960s. The art form is based on the anonymous, mechanized and mass-produced images of advertisements, billboards, comic books and TV. Mass culture is the source of inspiration but it is neither critical nor sympathetic. Similarly to Regionalism, it stressed that which was generically American but concentrated on urban culture. By the late-1960s, Pop had lost its novelty but had turned artists from abstraction back towards recognizable imagery. Exemplary artists. Robert Rauschenberg (late-C20)

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Russian philology

As of 2011, Russia was the fourth largest book producer in the world in terms of published titles. A popular folk saying claims Russians are "the world's most reading nation". Old Russian literature Old Russian literature consists of several masterpieces written in the Old Russian language (i.e. the language of Rus', not to be confused with the contemporaneous Church Slavonic nor with modern Russian). The main type of Old Russian historical literature were chronicles, most of them anonymous. Anonymous works also include The Tale of Igor's Campaign and Praying of Daniel the Immured. Hagiographies (Russian: , zhitiya svyatykh, "lives of the saints") formed a popular genre of the Old Russian literature. Life of Alexander Nevsky offers a well-known example. Other Russian literary monuments include Zadonschina, Physiologist, Synopsis and A Journey Beyond the Three Seas. Bylinas ­ oral folk epics ­ fused Christian and pagan traditions. Medieval Russian literature had an

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The Medium Is the Message

political navigation depend upon anticipating the consequences of innovation: The providence that's in a watchful state Knows almost every grain of Plutus' gold, Finds bottom in the uncomprehensive deeps, Keeps place with thought, and almost like the gods Does thoughts unveil in their dumb cradles. The increasing awareness of the action of media, quite independently of their "content" or programming, was indicated in the annoyed and anonymous stanza: In modern thought, (if not in fact) Nothing is that doesn't act, So that is reckoned wisdom which Describes the scratch but not the itch. The same kind of total, configurational awareness that reveals why the medium is socially the message has occurred in the most recent and radical medical theories. In his Stress o f Life, Hans Selye tells of the dismay of a research colleague on hearing of Selye's theory:

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

IT Strateegia IT Ettevõttele

accessories Equip every programmer with two monitors Upgrade every programmer's laptop to business-workstation standard one Move to a more spacious office Hold personal interviews with employees and anonymous internet polls so as to establish points of dissatisfaction and probable areas of improvement Introduce a motivational Have a meeting of board of directors Employees are motivated 9 x Head of the company

Informaatika → Informaatika
57 allalaadimist

English literature summary

English   literature   is   one   of   the  oldest   literatures   in   Europe;   dates   back   to   the   6th   century   AD.   Oral   literature,   i.e.   not   written   down,   spread   from   person   to   person.   In   449   AD   Anglo-­‐Saxon   tribes   invaded   England   –   beginning   of   the   Anglo-­‐Saxon   period   in   English   literature.  The  first  form  of  literature  was  folklore,  carried  by  scops  and  gleemen,  who   sang  in  alliterative  verse  (a  kind  of  simple  poetry).  Prose  developed  much  later.     The  first  form  of  recorded  English  literature  was  the  epic  Beowulf,  which  was  produced   sometime  near  the  end  of  the  7th  and  beginning  of  the  8th  century.  It  has  no  ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Levinumad arusaamad hüpnoosist

Inglise keelne ankeetküsitlus Hello! I am an 18-year-old high school student Tatjana. I am doing a research about common perceptions of hypnosis. The questionnaire is made to help me find some answers for my research. The questionnaire aims to find answers to the questions of how many people are familiar with hypnosis term, how wide is people’s knowledge in this area, what are people’s opinions and experiences. Please answer as thoroughly as you can. Responses are anonymous. All the responses are used only to make generalisations and summaries. I am very grateful for finding time to help me with my research. Questionnary 1. Sex _________. 2. Age _________. 3. What have you heard of such term as „hypnosis“? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

Psühholoogia → Mõjustamisepsühholoogia
18 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur konspekt

At midnight on 31st December, people join hands and sing Auld Lang Syne. BURNS' NIGHT ­ is normally held on or near the 25th of January to celebrate poet's Robert Burns's birthday with a supper. Burns suppers are most common in Scotland and Northern Ireland. VALENTINE'S DAY ­ This is the day, when you can send a Valentine card to tell people you love them. Boyfriends and girlfriends, husbands and wives send each other cards, too, or give each other presents. Usually, the card is anonymous, and it's fun trying to guess who sent it. PANCAKE DAY - Traditionally, pancakes are eaten on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Lent. People made pancakes to use up their flour, eggs and milk. On Ash Wednesday, they started fasting for the 40 days up to Easter. The British eat pancakes with fresh lemon juice and sugar. EASTER ­ Schools are closed for two weeks. On Good Friday, many people eat hot cross buns, toasted with butter. Children are given chocolate Easter eggs on Easter Sunday

Kultuur-Kunst → Suurbritannia ühiskond ja...
71 allalaadimist

IKT põhimõisted

panna selles arvutis oma kataloogidesse faile ja neid sealt mujale kopeerida ("tõmmata"). Lisaks sellele on üle kogu maailma loodud elektroonseid arhiive, kuhu kõigil on vaba ligipääs ja kust igaüks võib endale tarkvara, infot, mänge jne hankida. Neid arhiive nimetatakse FTP­arhiivideks ja info "tõmbamine" nendest on tasuta. Avaliku ftp-serveri teenuse saamiseks kasutatakse kokkuleppeliselt kasutajatunnust anonymous ja parooliks soovitakse teie e-posti aadressi. · Postiloend (list) on mugav võimalus suhelda sarnaste huvidega inimestega. Postiloendil on terve hulk tellijaid. Kui üks postiloendi liikmetest saadab postiloendisse kirja, siis saadetakse see kiri automaatselt edasi kõigile postiloendi tellijatele. Kui keegi postiloendi tellijatest soovib postiloendisse saadetud kirja kohta midagi öelda, saadab ta vastuse kirjale

Informaatika → Infotehnoloogia
49 allalaadimist

Lühendite seletus

NUI Network User Identification + Network User Interface + Notebook User Interface [Go Corporation] NUL Null + (dummy device) + (no device) NUMA Non-Uniform Memory Access NV No Overflow NVM Non-Volatile Memory NVOD Near-Video On Demand NVP Nominal Velocity of Propagation NVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory NVT Network Virtual Terminal + Novell Virtual Terminal [Novell] NWS NetWare Web Server [Netware] NYM Anonymous O... | TOP | UP to N | DN to P | BOTTOM | OAB One-to-All Broadcast OAD Open Architecture Driver [Bernoulli] OAG Official Airline Guide + Online Air Guide OAI Open Applications Interface OAS One-to-All Scatter OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards OBD On Board Diagnostics OBEX Object Exchange [Borland] OBJ Object OC Optical Carrier OCE Open Collaborative Environment [Apple]

Informaatika → Informaatika
117 allalaadimist

American Literature

slavery in the New World, targeting especially the United States. Writers such as Frances Trollope, Walter Savage Landor, and Charles Dickens expressed scorn that the new nation could so passionately point to their revolutionary heritage of liberty and equality while allowing the enslavement of more than half a million black slaves in the South. Others, such as the author of the anonymous 1852 novel Uncle Tom in England, which was published months after Harriet Beecher Stowe's classic Uncle Tom's Cabin, sought to shame the United States by unfavorably comparing the social hierarchy in America to that in Britain. After slavery in North America was made illegal in 1863, English abolitionist literature all but came to an end. Although this genre of writing has sometimes been criticized today for its own brand of racism and imperialism, it certainly had great influence in

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Sotsaalpsühholoogia konspektid kokku

SISUKORD 1. Sotsaalpsühholoogia......................................................2 2. Inimsuhete ajalooline areng...........................................7 3. Eneseteadvus..............................................................17 4. Sotsiaalne taju............................................................23 5. Hoiakud......................................................................30 6. Sotsiaalne mõju...........................................................35 7. Inimestevahelised suhted.............................................45 8. Inimsuhete ruumiline mõõde........................................49 9. Grupid ja gruppidevahelised suhted..............................54 9a Zimbardo vanglaeksperiment......................................62 10. Liider grupis..............................................................66 11. Agressiivsus ja prosotsiaalne käitumine......................77 12. Suhtlemine I..............

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
149 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun