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"analysis" - 585 õppematerjali

analysis – liigendamine, osadeks lahutamine) Loodusteaduslik käsitlus (ka: loodusteaduslik mõtlemisviis, LTMV) on indiviidi selline maailmapildi kujundamise viis, mille korral eelistatult kasutatakse kvalitatiivseid (nt. suurem-väiksem, kõrgem-madalam) kirjeldusi, seletusi ja ennustusi.

Normaaljaotuse kontrollimine. Erindite leidmine. Süstemaatiliste vigade leidmine ja eemaldamine.

8 6 4 2 0 Sagedus Joonepikkus Joonis 3. Arvutatud intervallidega sagedustabel. Esmalt tuleb erindite leidmiseks leida mõõtmisseeria keskmine väärtus y , standardhälve S ja tõenäolise vea piirid valitud usaldusnivool (95%). Nende suuruste leidmiseks on otstarbekas kasutada Excel'is DataData Analysis Descriptive Statistics. Tulemused, mis langevad seatud piiridest välja on tõenäoliselt erindid või jämedad vead ning tuleks mõõtmistulemuste seast eemaldada. Seatud piirideks on: y ± E , kus E =1,96S. 95 95 Vastavalt seatud tingimustele saame alumiseks piiri väärtuseks 152,088 m ja ülemiseks piiriks 152,143 m. Võreldes saadud arve, näeme, et meie joonemõõtmise seerias on ainult üks tulemus, mis ületab etteantud piiri (ülemise)- selleks on 152,147 m.

Geograafia → Geodeesia
10 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

Milagro Reig and Fidel Toldrá 28. Microbial Hazards in Foods: Food-Borne Infections and Intoxications 481 Daniel Y. C. Fung Contents vii 29. Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) in Meat Products by PCR 501 Marta Hernández, Alejandro Ferrando, and David Rodríguez-Lázaro 30. HACCP: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point 519 Maria João Fraqueza and António Salvador Barreto 31. Quality Assurance 547 Friedrich-Karl Lücke Index 561 Preface For centuries, meat and its derived products worldwide meat products such as cooked

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

How to write a Design Report

more figures where key parts are annotated with numbers. Evaluation In this part you describe how you have verified that your solution works. You do this by evaluating your design against the requirements you outlined in the problem definition section. It is not enough to provide a solution to a problem; you must also demonstrate that it works. Evaluation could be through experimental testing of a physical prototype, through testing of a virtual prototype (computer model and simulation) or by analysis and hand calculations. For example, you might confirm that your design weight meets the requirement by using the mass analysis in Creo or SolidWorks to calculate the weight of the CAD model. Or, you could put your physical prototype on a scale. To confirm the required natural frequency of a cantilever beam you could calculate it by hand using the formula from a textbook. The evaluation section is also where you describe any physical prototypes that you constructed. It may

Varia → Tootedisain
6 allalaadimist

Nägemis taju, Gibson VS Gregory

05144023 Compare and contrast the `direct` perception theory of Gibson with the `constructivist` perception theory of Gregory. Which provides a better account of human perception? Sensation involves physical stimulation of the sense organs, while perception is the organisation and interpretation of incoming sensory information. The Gestalt theorists first identified many of the principles that dominate in human visual perception. As Dowell (1995) has observed: "To perceive seems effortless. To understand perception is nevertheless a great challenge" (cited in Gross, 2005, pp 244). This essay will look at Gregory's theory and Gibson's theory of visual perception whether one or the other offers a better explanation of human visual perception. According to top-down perceptual processing theorists, perception is the end result of an indirect process that involves making inferences about the ...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
14 allalaadimist

Avalik ruum

other `spaces'. They choose the places because these places offer some key environmental attributes--spatial, physical, and social--that support behaviors that children want to engage in. · Due to these attributes, behaviors in places are different from behaviors in other spaces, with the former being more purposive, social, creative, and dependent on particular affordances of the setting. · This observational analysis showed that settings children mention to be important to them are utilized more often (about twice as much) than their counterparts, showing a variety of behaviors, incorporating more intentional activities (as opposed to transient, short-lived ones), encouraging group behaviors (as opposed to single-person activities), and providing children with a sense of their own territorial play area. · The study demonstrates that in children's neighborhood environment, emergence

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
2 allalaadimist

Ebaseaduslik sisseränne Euroopa Liitu

refugees-and-migrants/ (08.04.2015) Euroopa Liidu ametlik veebileht 2014 eu/agencies/regulatory_agencies_bodies/policy_agencies/frontex/index_et.htm (04.04.2015) Euroopa Parlamendi ametlik veebileht 2014 ja 0448+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN (01.04.2015) Frontex 2014. Annual risk analysis.

Politoloogia → Euroopa liidu põhikursus
11 allalaadimist


Lear is used to enjoying absolute power and to being flattered, and he does not respond well to being contradicted or challenged. At the beginning of the play, his values are notably hollow—he prioritizes the appearance of love over actual devotion and wishes to maintain the power of a king while unburdening himself of the responsibility. Nevertheless, he inspires loyalty in subjects such as Gloucester, Kent, Cordelia, and Edgar, all of whom risk their lives for him. Read an in-depth analysis of King Lear. Cordelia - Lear’s youngest daughter, disowned by her father for refusing to flatter him. Cordelia is held in extremely high regard by all of the good characters in the play—the king of France marries her for her virtue alone, overlooking her lack of dowry. She remains loyal to Lear despite his cruelty toward her, forgives him, and displays a mild and forbearing temperament even toward her evil sisters, Goneril and Regan

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Correlation between brand longevity and the diffusion of innovations theory

Tallinn University Alina Leopard Correlation between brand longevity and the diffusion of innovations theory An analysis Lecturer : Karin Luiga Tallinn 2017 Introduction In developing environments (i.e. countries) the diffusion – aka adoption – of innovations takes always longer. This is for the reason that ’ignorance is the worst judge’ – as my partner loves to say. When people are not that highly educated or developed in critical and objective thinking, they find hard to take in new information.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


30% lahusega. Peale keerukat kemikaalide töötlemist, keetmist ja proovi puhastamist sisaldavat protsessi valmistatakse proov. Heas proovis on ühes alas näha kaheksa diatomeed. Pealisklaas kinnitatakse alusklaasile ja proov on valmis analüüsimiseks (Martin, 2012). 3 Kasutatud allikad Martín, G., Fernández, M. de los R. 2012. Diatoms as Indicators of Water Quality and Ecological Status: Sampling, Analysis and Some Ecological Remarks. In Ecological Water Quality – Water Treatment and Reuse (Voudouris, D. ed) pp. 183-204. InTech. Olli, K. 2014. Protistid. [WWW] (02.11.2014) Olli, K. 2010. Algoloogia. [WWW] (02.11.2014) EE. 2006. Ränivetikate analüüs [WWW]

Geograafia → Paleogeograafia
5 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus sotsioloogiasse, vaheeksami konspekt

mida tegelikkuse kohta VÄIDETAKSE, aga ei ole mingit alust hinnata, kas need väited ka paika peavad võ mitte Seletage lahti kolm sotsiaaluuringute uurimistasandit. . Mesosociology deals with analyses of concepts like stratification by income, age, gender, race, ethnicity; organizations (functionally circumscribed social structures) and communities (geographically circumscribed social structures). As such, mesosociology lies between analysis of large-scale macro forces such as the economy or human societies (which is a domain of macrosociology), and everyday human social interactions on a small scale (a domain of microsociology). Mida tähendab metasotsioloogia? Millest kolmest etappist koosneb sotsioloogia areng? Klassitsism, postklassitsism, postmodernism Millises seisnevad sotsioloogia funktsioonid? kirjeldab,seletab,kasutab,ennustab,kritiseerib ehk teadvustab

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
79 allalaadimist

Lühendite seletus

ACD Automatic Call Distribution ACDI Asynchronous Communications Device Interface ACE Access Control Encryption/Entry + Adobe Certified Expert + Advanced Composition Explorer [JHUAPL] + Advanced Computing Environment [SCO] + Adverse Channel Enhancements [Microcom] + * Automatic Computing Engine ACF Access Control Field + Advanced Communications Function ACH Automated Clearing House ACIAS Automated Calibration Interval Analysis System ACIS American Committee for Interoperable Systems ACK Acknowledgment ACL Access Control List + Asynchronous Connection-Less (link) ACM Association for Computing Machinery Audio Compression Manager [Microsoft] ACMS Application Control Management System ACP Ancillary Control Program + Auxiliary Control Process ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface ACR Allowed Cell Rate ACROSS Automated Cargo Release and Operations Service System

Informaatika → Informaatika
117 allalaadimist

Pleuravedeliku ja astsiidivedeliku analüüs

stom.pdf 4. PubMed Health. 2010. Thoracentesis. Kättesaadav: 5. Regionaalhaigla üldkliinilised ja hematoloogilised uuringud Kättesaadav: 6. PubMed Health. 2010. Ascites Kättesaadav: 7. PubMed Health. 2010. Abdominal tap Kättesaadav: 8.Lab Tests Online. 2011. Pleural fluid analysis Kättesaadav: 9.MedicineNet. 2009. Ascites Kättesaadav: 10. Medford AR, Maskell N.2005. Pleural effusion. Postgraduate medical journal 81, 702- 710. 11. Meisel S, Shamiss A, Thaler M, Nussinovitch N, Rosenthal T.1990. Pleural fluid to serum bilirubin concentration ratio for the separation of transudates from exudates. Chest 98, 141- 144 12. Roth BJ, O'Meara TF, Cragun WH. 1990

Meditsiin → Arstiteadus
22 allalaadimist

Harilik lineaarne regressioonmudel

Ühe tunnuse x korral, kui lineaarne mudel y = b + ax + u R2 = r2 Ruutude summasid näeb ANOVA tabelis, peale mudeli hindamist Analysis -> ANOVA Determinatsioonikordaja sisu on paremini mõistetav. Korrelatsioonikordaja näitab ka seose suunda, mida determinatsioonikordaja ei näita. ESS RSS TSS

Majandus → Ökonomeetria
13 allalaadimist

Automaatika referaat (eng)

g., 200 cases) is used to evaluate the results from the first set of estimates. Most AES developers use multiple regression to create their models, but one developer uses multiple statistical techniques, and then selects the one that explains the most variance. In the second approach, the evaluation of content may be accomplished through the specification of vocabulary (i.e., the evaluation of the other aspects of writing is performed as described above). Latent Semantic Analysis and its variants are employed by some developers to provide estimates as to how close the vocabulary in the candidate answer is to a targeted vocabularly set. The third approach is to develop models that are based on a "gold standard" formulated by experts. To date this mechanism for developing models is more theoretical than applied. If normative models can be created for the relevant dimensions of writing (i.e

Masinaehitus → Automaatika
18 allalaadimist


DNA järjestuse abil saab vaadata, millist haigust antud mutatsioon geenis põhjustab, või vaadata ekspressioonikiibi tulemusi, kuidas haigetel ja kontrollidel geeni ekspressiooni tase erineb. Linkage analüüs on hea meetod Mendeli tüüpi haiguste kindlaksmääramisel perekonnas. Vaadatakse rekombinatsiooni esinemist ning alleelide jagunemist. Linkage analüüsi eesmärgiks on uurida, kas geneetiline marker on seotud meid huvitava tunnusega. Parametric linkage analysis – vaja tunnuse kohta midagi teada, kas X-liiteline, retsessiivne, ka geenisagedust ning geeni penetrantsust. Non-parametric – pärilikkuse mustrit ei tea. 55. Genoomi varieerumine, SNP markerid, haplotüübid ja haploblokid. Komplekshaiguste eelsoodumusgeenide kaardistamine ja identifitseerimine, kaksikute ja adoptsiooniuuringud, aheldusanalüüs (linkage analysis), assotsiatsioonianalüüs ja aheldumise mittetasakaalulisus LD (linkage disequilibrium). Kogugenoomi

Bioloogia → Geneetika
9 allalaadimist

Vormistamine ülesanne 3

taken from a population. Most books stress that survey methodology is a science and that there are scientific criteria for survey quality. As a result, criteria for survey quality have been widely discussed. One very general 4 definition of quality is fitness for use. This definition was coined by Juran and Gryna in their 1980s book on quality planning and analysis, and has been widely quoted since. How this general definition is further specified depends on the product that is being evaluated and the user. For example, quality can be focusing on construction, on making sturdy and safe furniture, and on testing it. Like Ikea, the Swedish furniture chain, that advertised in its catalogs with production quality and gave examples on how a couch was tested on sturdiness. In survey statistics

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
2 allalaadimist

Bridges presentation

truss (in wood), the all-metal truss (in cast brass), a portable, metal chain-link suspension bridge, the use of metal in reinforcing wooden bridges, and the eye-bar tension member (again in brass). In 1716, Henri Gautier published Traité des Ponts, the first treatise devoted entirely to bridge building, during the Age of Reason when empirical bridge design gave way to rationalism and scientific analysis. The book became a standard work of reference throughout the 18th century. It covered both timber and masonry bridges, their foundations, piers, and centring. A far-sighted policy that led to the first national department of transportation in France was started by Henri IV and Sully at the end of the 16th century. During the second half of the 17th century, it was reorganized by Colbert as the Corps des Ingénieurs des Ponts et Chaussées, a group of state

Keeled → Inglise keel
93 allalaadimist

Questions for the First Philosophy Test

Questions for the First Philosophy Test a. Introduction 1. How would you characterize Modern philosophy? Commanding outlook, power, will, Man is God. 2. How would you characterize Classical philosophy? Contemplative outlook, truth, intelligence, God is truth. b. Descartes 3. What is the main question that Descartes is trying to answer? How can I be certain [sure] that I am in the truth? 4. Which are precepts of Descartes' method? Only accept what is self-evident. Analysis. Synthesis. Enumeration. 5. Descartes will only accept one specific kind of ideas: which and why? He will only accept clear and distinct ideas that are indubitable. Because the complex ideas could then be constructed using the simple ideas. 6. How does Descartes call his method and why is it not skeptical? Methodic doubt. Because the goal of this doubt is not to be skeptical but to prove that some things can not be doubted. 7. “...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sydney Opera House (Sydney Ooperimaja)

The revolutionary concept demanded equally revolutionary engineering and building techniques. From 1957 to 1963, the design team went through at least twelve iterations of the form of the shells trying to find an economically acceptable form (including schemes with parabolas, circular ribs and ellipsoids) before a workable solution was completed. The design work on the shells involved one of the earliest uses of computers in structural analysis, in order to understand the complex forces to which the shells would be subjected. In mid-1961, the design team found a solution to the problem: the shells all being created as sections from a sphere. This solution allows arches of varying length to be cast in a common mould, and a number of arch segments of common length to be placed adjacent to one another, to form a spherical section. Apart from the tile of the shells and the glass curtain walls of the foyer spaces, the building's

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Inglise keele KT 2 semester

5. cost-effectively- tulutoovalt 6. interdependent- vastastikku (üksteisest, teineteisest) sõltuv 7. product management- tootehaldus 8. knowing how=know-how- oskusteave, oskus, vilumus, tegelik teadmine 9. product range- tootevalik, tootestik 10. objective- siht, eesmärk 11. to meet- nõudeid rahuldama 12. to conduct- läbi viima, korraldama 13. segment- turusegment, allüksus 14. benefit- kasu, tulu 15. a detailed benefit analysis segmentation- detailne allüksuse tuluanalüüs 16. to meet a changing market- rahuldama muutuva turu nõudeid 17. competitive- konkurentsil põhinev 18. threat- (häda)oht, ähvardus 19. marketing strategy- turundusstrateegia 20. to imply- vihjama, mõista andma, tähendama 21. defined- määratletud 22. a goal- siht, eesmärk, ülesanne 23. a defined goal- määratletud eesmärk 24. in a cost-effective manner- tulutooval viisil 25

Keeled → Inglise keel
40 allalaadimist

Kokkuvõte Inglismaa ajaloost

HISTORY TEST 5 invasions to Britain until 1066 1) The Celts o Gaels in 600BC; Cymry(Britons) in 300BC o From present-day Austria, Switzerland o The Celtic language survives in the names of many places in England- Dover, Kent, Thames o The Celts are best known for their art- many bronze objects with elaborate designs; brooches; pins; mirrors; Celtic stone crosses o The Celts had 3 social orders: warriors, druids(priests) ordinary people 2) The Romans o (55 BC-Caesar) 43 AD- 410 AD- Claudius o From present-day Italy o Southern Britain became Britannia and was ruled by a roman governor o The Romans built over 20 towns: Colchester, Londinium, Winchester etc. They were good engineers and built roads and villas that had central heating, glass windows and mosaic floors ...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
12 allalaadimist

Priorities of Estonian History

pluralism in politics and historical interpretation. She wrote that mankind must recognize, tolerate, and even respect different understandings of history. We must find points of common interest, yet respect cultural differences. She suggested that it is possible for two or more right versions of history, multiple truths, to exist side by side, at least to the point that we can recognize them as valid viewpoints.3 In my opinion, attaining this evenhanded analysis of the past is one of the main priorities of Estonian historical research. Historians must take a balanced look at all the sources, considering others' points of view. Indeed, this is essential to historiography in general, that historians remove themselves from their own passions and narrow outlooks to see things the way his or her subjects saw them, consider what biases he or she was subject to, what his or her motivations and aims were.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Phonetics Glossary Homework

Latin, Ancient Greek, and Modern Greek (which has no infinitive), however, the first person singular present tense is normally used, though occasionally the infinitive may also be seen. The pronunciation form in a dictionary will usually relate to the citation form of the word in question. This may differ in various respects from the forms to be expected in connected speech, sometimes referred to as phonotypical forms. Wells, J.C. 1999. Phonetic transcription and analysis. Available at, accessed January 19, 2016. Lyons, John. 1981. Language and Linguistics. Available at, accessed January 19, 2016 World Heritage Encyclopedia & Project Gutenberg. 2016. Lemma (Morphology). Available at, accessed January 19, 2016. DIPHTHONGS

Keeled → Inglise keele foneetika ja...
5 allalaadimist

Linnastumine ja selle mõju riigi arengule Hiina näitel

rahva toitmiseks. Kasutatud kirjandus: 1. [WWW] 2. [WWW] 3. [WWW] Library/Publications/Detail/?id=116218&lng=en 4. OECD.2010. Trends in Urbanisation and Urban Policies in OECD Countries: What Lessons for China? 5. Liu, Y.S; Wang, J.Y; Long, H.L 2009. Analysis of arable land loss and its impact on rural sustainability in Southern Jiangsu Province of China.- Journal of Environmental Management 91, 646-653. 6. Shangguang, Yang; Wang, Mark; Wang, Chunlan 2012. Revisiting and Rethinking Regional Urbanization in Changjiang River Delta, China.- Journal of Applied Sciences 22, 5, 617-625.

Geograafia → Geograafia
12 allalaadimist

Финансовый учёт II

. - ( ). 1. () . , , , . () ­ , . : - ; - (), ; - , (- ). . , . . 177. 178. . 179. (- ) -- - , (, ) . . . . -- . . . , . , «» . 70 %. . - -- Value Engineering, Value Management, Value Analysis. , , ABC (Activity Based Costing). - , 9000. 180. -. , . «- » . . - ­ , , , . ­ , , , , , . 181. 182. - , . 183. - , , . 184. - - . . , . 185. · , . ( ), ; · -, , , ; · , , ,

Majandus → Finantsjuhtimine
13 allalaadimist

Praktikaaruanne - Interconnect Product Assembly AS.

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Mehhatroonikainstituut Praktikaaruanne Koostaja: Marek Lend MAHB61 030885 Tallinn 2006 Sisukord 1 Sissejuhatus ................................................................................................................... 3 2 Firmast ........................................................................................................................... 4 3 Täitmisele kuuluvad ülesanded ..................................................................................... 5 4 Tootmisliini asendiplaani väljatöötamine...................................................................... 6 5 Protsessi flow-chart ....................................................................................................... 8 6 Kvaliteedidokumentatsiooni ettevalmistamine ........................................................... 10 7 Operatsioonikaart .......

Mehhatroonika → Mehhatroonika
43 allalaadimist

Mis on mõtlemine?

Mis on mõtlemine?· Oden (1987): "Laialt määratletuna on mõtlemine peaaegu kogu psühholoogia, kitsalt defineerituna peaaegu mitte midagi sellest". · Tavatähendus: uskumine, meenutamine, arutlemine· Teaduslikus psühholoogias:­ teatud vaimsete elementidega ümberkäimine ehk manipuleerimine­ vaimne tegevus, mis korrastab ja organiseerib psüühikas kajastatud teadmisi ümbritseva maailma kohta. Mõtlemisest räägitakse sümboliliste protsesside kirjeldamisel, mitte nähtava käitumise kirjeldamisel · Mõtlemine on varjatud protsess, mida ei saa otselt vaadelda · Mõtlemises manipuleeritakse teatud elementidega (kujundid, mõisted, skeemid, stsenaariumid) · Mõtlemise liigid: mõistete moodustamine,teadmiste organiseerimine, probleemide lahendamine, järeldamine, arutlemine Mõtlemist iseloomustavad dimensioonid: 1. Teadlikkus. Inimesed on enamasti teadlikud mõtlemise tulemusest, samas võib protsess olla alateadlik 2. Suunatus. Enamasti on mõtlemine...

Psühholoogia → Tunnetuspsühholoogia ja...
103 allalaadimist

Infosüsteemide ülalhoid - konspekt

ITIL - IT infrastructure library - infotehnoloogia haldamise tavade ja protsesside standardite kogu, mis annab üksikasjalikke kirjeldusi mitmetele olulistele IT-tavadele, põhjalikke kontrollnimekirju, ülesandeid ja menetlusi, mida on võimalik kohandada mis tahes IT-organisatsioonis. PIR - Post-implementation review - Läbivaatus, mis koostatakse muudatuse või projekti juurutamise järel RFC – Request for Change Ametliku muudatuse ettepanek CFIA – Component Failure Impact Analysis - Aitab määrata CI tõrke puhul mõju IT teenustele. Mõjude maatriksi koostamine – ühel teljel teenused, teisel CI-d) MTBSI – Mean Time Between System Incidents - Kahe intsidendi vahele jääv aeg ehk eelmise intsidendi lõppemisest uue alguseni 5) Seleta infosüsteemi ja rakenduse mõiste erinevust Infosüsteem – Informatsiooni, selle töötlemist käsitlevate reeglite ja vajalike vahendite kompleks. Koosneb

Informaatika → Infosüsteemide ülalhoid
80 allalaadimist


RAKENDUSSTATISTIKA KONSPEKT 1 SISUKORD 1 Kvantitatiivsed meetodid majanduses.........................................................................2 1.1 Põhimõisted .........................................................................................................3 1.2 Mõõtmisskaalad...................................................................................................5 2 Andmekogumit kirjeldavad parameetrid.....................................................................7 2.1 Statistilised keskmised......................................................................................... 7 2.2 Variatsiooninäitarvud...........................................................................................8 3 Valikuuringud............................................................................................................10 3.1...

Astronoomia → Planeetide geoloogia
107 allalaadimist

Teiste inimeste vaim

Vana ­ Kreeka filosoofias. Relativimi all käsitlen 10 Functionalism (philosophy of mind), URL = kahe subjekti omavahelist suhtelisust. Lowe, J. E (2008): Sissejuhatus vaimufilosoofiasse, Tartu: ophy_of_mind) Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus. Analysis, URL = 11 Damasio, R. Antonio (1998): Investigation the 6 Lowe, J. E (2008): Sissejuhatus vaimufilosoofiasse, biology of consciousness; The Royal Society; Varela Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus. J., Francisco ;Thompson, Evan; Rosch, Eleanor 2

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
28 allalaadimist


Ahvena liha sisaldab väga vähe rasvu. Ahvena üldkaalust on võimalik toiduks tarvitada 49% ja liha omastatavus inimorganismis on 68%. /29/ Tulemused näitasid, et raskemetallide sisalduse poolest on ahvena liha söögiks täiesti ohutu. Võib järeldada et raskemetalli sisaldused ei ole vastuolus EL ette nähtud normidega. 44 Summary In current research "Determination of Heavy Metals in Perch" samples of 80 perch were analysed. This analysis showed that on every metal the concentrations in fishes are lower for females than males, and for liver always higher than muscles. For organism liver is so-called chemical laboratory, which main task is to neutralize toxic compounds ingested with food (product is bile). When organism can't manage the reprocessing of those compounds, then toxic chemicals are left into liver tissue and accumulate. /36/ Female/male relations have been studied slightly. Repudedly females have stronger immune system

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
4 allalaadimist

Ssubtiitrite lugemiskiirus

three software tools "WinCaps" and "Swift" are included, the ones which provide figures for both reading speed parameters. Values for CPS generated by "Spot" are also shown. The table additionally includes the subtitle text and the in and out times for each of the studied subtitles. This means the readers have all the in- formation which is needed available, in case they wish to make the calculations themselves. A simple and quick analysis of the data allows us to check that the exceptions are the very few instances where the values proposed by the three programs co- incide. It seems as though the simple process of counting characters and dividing the resulting number by the subtitle duration must be somehow implemented in a different way in these programs, given the results shown. As far as word counting, it is more than likely that "WinCaps" and "Swift" are programmed to make some

Varia → Sissejuhatus erialaõppesse
1 allalaadimist

Füüsikaline ja kolloidkeemia

Sissejuhatus 1. Mis elemendi saab toota uriinist? Kirjeldage eksperimendi. Fosforit. Henning Brand lasi uriinil seista mõned päevad, kuni see hakkas halvasti lõhnama. Edasi keetis ta uriini pastaks, kuumutas selle kõrgel temperatuuril ja juhtis auru läbi vee. Tekkis valge vahaline aine, mis heledas pimedas- fosfor. 2. Kes ja kuidas avastas vesiniku. Kirjutage reaktsiooni võrrandit. Henry Cavendish, kes isoleeris metallidest ja hapetest saadud "põleva õhu" (divesiniku) ning kirjeldas ja uuris seda põhjalikult. Zn + 2HCl → ZnCl2 + H2 ↑ 3. Keda peetakse kaasaegse keemia isaks ja miks? Joseph Black, ta taasavastas süsihappegaasi ning võttis kasutusele erisoojuse ja latentse soojuse (sulamissoojus, aurustumissoojus) mõiste. 4. Millega tegeleb keemia ja mis on keemia harud (iseloomustage neid)? Keemia tegeleb ainete ja nende muutuste, mis nendega toimuvad, uurimisega. Keemia harud: or...

Keemia → Füüsikaline ja kolloidkeemia
58 allalaadimist

Turundusplaani koostamine

3 Financial: 1. Double the growth for next year (at least 80, 000 per month next year). 2. Continue to decrease the variable costs associated with food production. Our objectives are rather specific, achievable, realistic and timed. We should work towards making our objectives more measurable (complete the SMART). Break-even Analysis Calculating all our cost, sales and marketing expenses, our costs will not trump our sales. We have a strong financial plan, which has been put together by many advisors and it considers all threats and possible set-backs. We have planned the first two months to be used to get the restaurant up and running. By month three things will get busier. Sales will gradually increase and profitability will be reached by by the beginning of year two.

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

Stonehenge - lühikokkuvõte inglise keeles

OBE, FSA, president of the Society of Antiquaries of London, and Professor Timothy Darvill, OBE of Bournemouth University have suggested that Stonehenge was a place of healing ­ the primeval equivalent of Lourdes. They argue that this accounts for the high number of burials in the area and for the evidence of trauma deformity in some of the graves. However they do concede that the site was probably multifunctional and used for ancestor worship as well. Isotope analysis indicates that some of the buried individuals were from other regions. A teenage boy buried approximately 1550 BC was raised near the Mediterranean Sea; a metal worker from 2300 BC dubbed the "Amesbury Archer" grew up near the alpine foothills of Germany; and the "Boscombe Bowmen" probably arrived from Wales or Brittany, France. On the other hand, Professor Mike Parker Pearson of Sheffield University has suggested that

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
22 allalaadimist

Kuuldeaparaadi ja sisekõrva implantaadi mõju kõne arengule

Sellisel juhul saavad lapsed õppida näteks endale raskeks jäänud häälikute korrektset välja ütlemist. Üldiselt on mõlema kuulmisabivahendi kasutamisel nii head kui vead. Kui kuuldeaparaat võimendab ka taustamüra, siis sisekõrva implantaadiga lastel on raske püsida teemal. Samas mõlemad parandavad tunduvalt laste kõnetaset. 7 Kasutatud kirjandus Crosson, J. & Geers, A. (2001). Analysis of Narrative Ability in Children with Cochlear Implants. Ear & Hearing, 22(5), 381–394 Ertmer, D. J., Kloiber, D. T., Jung, J., Kirleis, K. C. & Bradford, D. (2012). Consonant Production Accuracy in Young Cochlear Implant Recipients: Developmental Sound Classes and Word Position Effects. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 21(4), 342-353 Kuuldeaparaadid (s.a.). Külastatud aadressil: http://www.vaegkuuljad

Meditsiin → Hoolduseabivahendid
8 allalaadimist

Pagulaskriisi mõju Euroopa majandusele

Estonian Business School Majandusteooria ja rahanduse õppetool Pagulaskriisi mõju Euroopa majandusele Essee Indro Madison BEB-1 Õppejõud: Meelis Kitsing Tallinn 2015 2015. aastal kõige rohkem tähelepanu saanud teema on pagulaste sisseränne Euroopasse. Euroopa Komisjon ennustab 2015. aasta sügise majandusprognoosis, et 2017 aasta lõpuks on jõudnud Euroopasse ligi kolm miljonit pagulast. Kui Euroopasse tuleb mitu miljonit inimest juurde, siis kindlasti mõjutab see ka majandust. Kui miski mõjutab majandust, siis see miski mõjutab ka meid kõiki. Järelikult on tegemist küsimusega, millele ei saa tähelepanu pööramata jätta, kas pagulaskriisil on Euroopale positiivne või negatiivne mõju? Saksamaa on nõustunud võtma ligi pool miljonit pagulast sisse iga aasta, mis on rohkem kui ükski teine riik, seega...

Majandus → Majandusõpe
4 allalaadimist

Assignment Module 3 - BEPS project Action 4

Furthermore, countries can not be forced to aim for lower fixed ratios if their economic policy is geared towards attracting international investments, and in reverse case, if not following all of the proposed options, some new forms of double taxation may arise. As indicated in the 2015 Final Report, two additional papers have been prepared since then: Discussion Drafts on Group Ratio Rule and on Banking and Insurance Sectors. These two lines of work had been identified for a separate analysis. For group ratio rule, the definition of a group needs to be followed consistently across tax administrations of different jurisdictions. Also, as it is needed to determine the group’s net third party interest/EBITDA ratio and thereafter apply the group’s ratio to an entity’s EBITDA, these may not be so straightforward to calculate. Therefore, applying the group ratio rule effectively raises a number of issues regarding the accounting rules followed, treatment of loss-making entities in

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Personalijuhtimise küsimuste vastused

TEEMA: Inimressursi juhtimine 1. Kas asutuse omanikud kuuluvad personali hulka? Põhjenda. Personali all mõistetakse organisatsiooni kõiki töötajaid, kusjuures personali hulka võivad kuuluda ka omanikud, kui nad töötavad organisatsioonis palgalisel kohal. 2. Mis on personal? Personali all mõistetakse organisatsiooni kõiki töötajaid, kusjuures personali hulka võivad kuuluda ka omanikud, kui nad töötavad organisatsioonis palgalisel kohal. 3. Mitu töötajat töötab mikroettevõttes? Mikroettevõtted (kuni 10 töötajat) 4. Mitu töötajat töötab keskmise suurusega ettevõttes (Eesti liigituse põhjal)? Eestis peetakse 50-99 töötajaga ettevõtteid keskmise suurusega ettevõteteks 5. Nimeta 5 personalitöötaja ülesannet. Personalitöötaja tööülesanded võivad olla järgmised (Beardwell et al 2004: 23-26):  personaliarvestuse ja dokumentatsiooni korraldamine  suhtlemine ametiühingute, kutseorganisatsioonide, tööturuameti ja ...

Haldus → Personalijuhtimine
32 allalaadimist

Strateegiline analüüs, referaat

Strateegia ja strateegiline analüüs Strateegia on tulevikus saavutada soovitavate üldiste eesmärkide saavutamise viis või taktika. Strateegia koostatakse reeglina visiooni elluviimiseks. Strateegia elluviimine käib tegevuskava alusel. Sõja kontekstis on strateegia sõja pidamise üldine kavandamine, mis hõlmab relvajõudude ettevalmistamist, operatsiooni juhtimist ja elluviimist. ( Strateegia mõte on saavutada otsustaval hetkel otsustavas lõigus otsustav ülekaal. Nagu näeme, on selles määratluses ühendatud 3 komponenti: eesmärk + ressurss + aeg. Kui neid kõiki arvestada, õnnestub seada oma tugevus vastase nõrkuse vastu. Loomulikult eeldab see analüüsi, nii enda kui vastase tugevate ja nõrkade külgede tundmaõppimist. Ärijuhtimises juurduski strateegiline lähenemine pärast II maailmasõda, kui USA kõrgemad ohvitserid, eriti need, kes olid teeninud lennuväes, asusid suurte kontsernide ja pankade juhatus...

Majandus → Majandusanalüüs
263 allalaadimist

Demand and Supply

quantity they want. · The quantity demanded will fallwhile the quantity supplied rises in response to the higher price. An economic system has many agents who interact in many markets. General equilibrium is a condition where all agents acting in all markets are in equilibrium at the same time. Since the markets are all interconnected a change or disequilibrium in one market would cause changes in all markets. Supply and demand analysis · Supply and demand is a simplistic model that provides insights into the effects of events that are related to a specific market. · Whether an event will tend to cause the price of a good to increase or decrease is of importance to decision makers. · To estimate the magnitude of price and quantity changes more sophisticated models are needed

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
12 allalaadimist


ole aga võimalik täita kahte olulist ülesannet: kõrvaldada nälg ja rahuldada aina rikastuva ühiskonna toidu nõudlust. KASUTATUD KIRJANUDS 1. Ash, Robert 2012. Feeding Billions: Food Security in China. [WWW] Insights/Detail? lng=en&id=128073&contextid734=128073&contextid735=127105&tabid=1450 691584 2. Liu, Y.S; Wang, J.Y; Long, H.L 2009. Analysis of arable land loss and its impact on rural sustainability in Southern Jiangsu Province of China.- Journal of Environmental Management 91, 646-653. 3. OECD.2010. Trends in Urbanisation and Urban Policies in OECD Countries: What Lessons forChina? 4. Shangguang, Yang; Wang, Mark; Wang , Chunlan 2012. Revisiting and Rethinking Regional Urbanization in Changjiang River Delta, China.- Journal of Applied Sciences 22, 5, 617- 625. 5

Geograafia → Geograafia
10 allalaadimist

MAKSUD alkoholiaktsiis 3. 4. Rahandusministeerium 5. Alkoholi-, tubaka-, kütuse- ja elektriaktsiisi seaduse muutmise seadus 268 SE 15e938c8f480& 6. Peters,B.Guy.2000. American Public Policy: promise and Performance. 5th ed. Viidatud läbi Kraft, M, Furlong, S. 2007. Public policy: Politics, Analysis and Alternatives. 2nd ed. CQ press. 7

Majandus → Arenguökonoomika
26 allalaadimist

Personalistrateegia ja töö analüüs

Personalistrateegia Veel paar aastakümmet tagasi domineeris juhtimises arusaam, et inimesed on eelkõige kuluallikad ning personalijuhtimine saab anda lisaväärtust vaid sel määral, kuivõrd ta suudab kulusid kokku hoida. Tulenevalt inimressursi rolli tähtsustumisest tänapäeva keskkonnas on seisukohad muutunud. Ühe tähtsa tegurina edu tagamisel nähakse üha enam arukat ja läbimõeldud inimressursi juhtimist. Seejuures ei ole olemas mingit üldist "tarka" ja kõigile organisatsioonidele parimal moel sobivat inimressursi juhtimise strateegiat. Joonisel 1 on toodud võimalikud tegurid, mida peab arvestama personalistrateegia väljatöötamisel. Ettevõtte konkurentsistrateegia Domineeriv tehnoloogia Tööjõuturg Inimressursi juhtimise Seadusandlus ja kultuurilised eripärad strateegilised valikud Töötajate eripärad Juhtkonna isiklikud väärtused ja põhim...

Majandus → Juhtimise alused
169 allalaadimist

Interaktiivne Turundus - Rene Arvola - mõisted ja mudelid - kordamisküsimused

INTERAKTIIVNE TURUNDUS    Põhimõisted:   ● Vahetus, tehing (exchange, transaction)  Turundustegevusi ühendab vahetuskonseptsioon. Vahetuse tulemusel saadakse soovitud  toode teiselt subjektilt hüvituse vastu.  Sellist ostja ja müüja vahelist kokkulepet nimetatakse tehinguks.    Eristatakse nelja vahetuse vormi:  ­ Turu vahetus  ­ Suhte vahetus  ­ Ümber jagav vahetus  ­ Vastastikune vahetus    ● Turu vahetus (market exchange)  Lühiajalise orientatsiooniga ja omakasust motiveeritud.   Turu vahetus toimub sellele eelnenud ja sellele järgnevast vahetusest sõltumata.    ● Suhte vahetus (relationship exchange)  Pikaajaline orienteeritus.   Areneb poolte vahel, kes on huvitatud pikaajalise, toetava suhte loomisest.    ● Ümber jagav vahetus (redistribution)  Eksisteerib poolte vahel, kes töötavad kollektiivse üksusena.   Üksuse liikmed astuvad vahetusse, sest soovivad omavahel ressursse jagada.   Maks...

Majandus → Turundus
39 allalaadimist

Rahanduse alused - eksamiküsimused vastustega 2011

Kordamisküsimused õppeaines "Rahanduse alused" (2011) 1. Peamised finantsjuhtimise ja raamatupidamisarvestuse erisused? Tooge vähemalt kolm erinevust. Muuhulgas, mida tähendab väide ,,omakapitalil puudub kulu" Raamatupidamisarvestus Finantsjuhtimine · Minevik · Suunatud tulevikku · Ei arvesta riske · Riskianalüüs · Kasum on primaarne · Rahavoog on tähtis · Bilansiline väärtus · Turuväärtus · Kindlad reeglid ja seadused · Väärtuse loomine ,,Omakapitalil ei ole kulu" ­ Raamatupidamisarvestus Kasumiaruanne ei kajasta alternatiivkulusid. Isegi küllalt suur positiivne kasum võib olla omanike perspektiivist ebapiisav. 2. Selgitage, mis teguritest tulevana on rahaühiku tänane väärtus suurem kui tulevikus. · In...

Majandus → Rahanduse alused
647 allalaadimist

Molekulaardiagnostika kordamisküsimused

specificity test. Sensitivity is not the same as the positive predictive value (ratio of true positives to combined true and false positives), which is as much a statement about the proportion of actual positives in the population being tested as it is about the test. The calculation of sensitivity does not take into account indeterminate test results. If a test cannot be repeated, the options are to exclude indeterminate samples from analysis (but the number of exclusions should be stated when quoting sensitivity), or, alternatively, indeterminate samples can be treated as false negatives (which gives the worst-case value for sensitivity and may therefore underestimate it). A test with a high sensitivity has a low type II error rate. 7.Mis on meetodi spetsiifilisus? A specificity of 100% means that the test recognizes all actual negatives - for example, all healthy people will be recognized as healthy

Meditsiin → Molekulaardiagnostika
96 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

that definite descriptions, at least, do not mean what they mean in virtue of denoting what they denote. Rather, he contended, a sentence containing a definite description, such as "The woman who lives there is a biochemist," has subject­predicate form only superficially, and is really--logically--a trio of generalizations: it is equivalent to "At least one woman lives there, and at most one woman lives there, and whoever lives there is a biochemist." Russell argues for this analysis both directly and by showing that it affords solutions to each of four vexing logical puzzles: the Problem of Apparent Reference to Nonexistents, the Problem of Negative Existentials, Frege's Puzzle about Identity, and the Problem of Substitutivity. A variety of objections have been raised against Russell's Theory of Descriptions. P. F. Strawson pointed out that it is at odds with our usual linguistic habits: though a sentence having "the present King of France" as

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist


reality. They thereby determine the agenda for co-operation between the EU and Russia for the medium-term. The London Summit in October 2005 focused on the practical implementation of the Road Maps for the four Common Spaces. EU COOPERATION WITH RUSSIA AND EASTERN PARTNERSHIP COUNTRIES The course "EU Cooperation with Russia and Eastern Partnership Countries" is a part of TRADERUN programme and will proovide an overview and analysis of the challenges, activities, tools, experience and visions of European Union's eastward initiatives. Content will cover EU enlargement, EU Neighborhood Policy and EU Eastern Dimension activities and initiatives. Course codes TÜ P2EC.00.172 (UT code); RIE7014 (TLU code), HHL0013 (TTU code) Coordinating lecturer Viljar Veebel, [email protected] FINAL EXAM PART 1/ GROUP WORK 1/ MATERIAL 1 General instruction: There should be maximum 4 people in the group and in total you have 45 minutes to

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised suhted
7 allalaadimist

Kombineeritud meetodid: kromatograafia ja massispektromeetria

Kombineeritud meetodid: kromatograafia ja massispektromeetria see võiks olla vedelikkromatograafia + massispektromeetria. Kõigepealt peaks tutvustama mõlemat meetodit 1-2 kausega, Siis mainima ära, et kuna töö teema on 2 meetodi ühendusest, siis on valitud kummastki meetodiklassist üks esindaja pidades silmas, et need omavahel sobiksid. Siis võib rääkida vedelikkromatograafiast - mis head seal on, kuidas seda keeruliste segude lahutamisel toimib ja ka mis seal puudu jääb (vahel ei lahutu piigid hästi, ainete identifitseerimiseks on vaja standardeid). Massispektromeetria lisamine toob sisse lisavõimalusi nende puuduste ületamiseks. Edasi peaks pisut lähemalt rääkima massist. Valida võiks näiteks ESI ioonallikaga massi, selgitades, et see on tavaliselt esimene ioonallika valik koos vedelikkromatograafiga kasutatvatel süsteemidel. Rääkida natuke ESI massist (1 slaid). Ja siis tuua välja, mis toredaid tulemusi on saadud LC-ESI...

Keemia → Kromatograafia
21 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun