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Karl pPopper

· 1972 "Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach" (Objektiivne teadmine: evolutsiooniline lähenemine) · 1976 "Unended Quest; An Intellectual Autobiography" (Lõppematu otsing: intellektuaalne autobiograafia) · 1977 "The Self and Its Brain: An Argument for Interactionism" · 1982 "The Open Universe: An Argument for Indeterminism" (Avatud universum: argument indeterminismi kasuks) · 1982 "Realism and the Aim of Science" (Realism ja teaduse eesmärk) · 1994 "The Myth of the Framework: In Defence of Science and Rationality" · 1994 "Knowledge and the Mind-Body Problem:In Defence of Interactionism" 11 Kokkuvõte Sir Karl Raimund Popper (28. juuli 1902 Viin ­ 17. september 1994 London, East Croydon) oli Austria juudi päritolu Briti filosoof. Ta oli üks mõjukamaid 20. sajandi teadusfilosoofe, kes kirjutas palju ka sotsiaal- ja

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
12 allalaadimist

Inseneriinformaatika ül. 3

Üliõpilane: ,,....." ............... 2013. a ............................... Üliõpilane Juhendaja ,,....." ............... 2013. a ............................... dots. ******* Tartu 2013 ABSTRACT Õpilane, Ü. WiFi signal strength of router Thomson TG784 and its impact on connetion. Course work ­ Tartu: EMÜ, 2012. 17 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, format A4. In Estonian language. The aim of this research is to find out the general factors, which determine the strength of WiFi connection, using a rather common router Thomson TG784. Connection is measured throughout a house and results are analysed. Although the research was carried out in certain conditions, the conclusions are universal. Furthermore, the relation of signal strength and download speed was studied. As a result of analysis, the author gives some practical advice to improve WiFi signal strength.

Informaatika → Inseneriinformaatika
12 allalaadimist

Inseneriinformaatika C-Töö

.............................................................................................16 KIRJANDUS.......................................................................................................................17 2 ABSTRACT Õpilane, Ü. WiFi signal strength of router Thomson TG784 and its impact on connetion. Course work ­ Tartu: EMÜ, 2012. 17 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, format A4. In Estonian language. The aim of this research is to find out the general factors, which determine the strength of WiFi connection, using a rather common router Thomson TG784. Connection is measured throughout a house and results are analysed. Although the research was carried out in certain conditions, the conclusions are universal. Furthermore, the relation of signal strength and download speed was studied. As a result of analysis, the author gives some practical advice to improve WiFi signal strength.

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
13 allalaadimist

Ettevõtte rahandus - Arhipov 2013

ETTEVÕTTE RAHANDUS 21.01.2013 Ettvõtte vahendite ringkäik AS näitel Ettevõtte tegevus on seotud teatud tootmiseks vajalike teguritega. Need tegurid on ettevõtte majandustegevuseks vajalikud vahendid. Skeem nr 1 C + V + m T C ­ konstant ­ konstantsed tootmistegurid (materjal, masinad, seadmed) Konstantsed on tootmistegurid, mille väärtus kandub tootele muutumatul ehk konstantsel kujul ühe või mitme tootmistsükli vältel. V ­ varieeruv komponent on tööjõud ­ tootmiskomponent, mis ei ole konstantse iseloomuga. m ­ lisandunud väärtus. Tööjõud, muutuva tegurina kandub väärtuseliselt toote väärtusesse ning muutuva osa kompenseerib lisandunud väärtus (m ­ võib olla positiivne kui ka negatiivne). Tööjõud on ainus tootmiskomponent, mis on võimeline tootma lisaväärtust. Ettevõte peab tegutsema kasumlikult ning olema jätkusuutlik. T ­ tootmisetap Skeem nr 2 Vastavalt äriseadustikule on ev nõutav minimaalne aktsiakapital. Ev peab olema jätk...

Majandus → Rahanduse alused
143 allalaadimist

Ettevõtte rahandus - konspekt

ETTEVÕTTE RAHANDUS Rahandus on teadus rahaliste ressursside ehk kapitali juhtimisest, kusjuures ettevõtte tegevuses ilmnevate rahandusküsimuste lahendamisel võetakse aluseks mitmed eriained ehk eridistsipliinid näiteks nagu mikro- ja makroökonoomika, raamatupidamine, finantsanalüüs. Ettevõtte tegevus on seotud teatud tootmiseks vajalike teguritega. Need tegurid on ettevõtte majandustegevuseks vajalikud vahendid. Skeem nr 1 C+V+m=T C ­ konstant ­ konstantsed tootmistegurid (materjal, masinad, seadmed) Konstantsed on tootmistegurid, mille väärtus kandub tootele muutumatul ehk konstantsel kujul ühe või mitme tootmistsükli vältel. V ­ tööjõud ­ tootmiskomponent, mis ei ole konstantse iseloomuga. m ­ lisandunud väärtus. Tööjõud, muutuva tegurina kandub väärtuseliselt toote väärtusesse ning muutuva osa kompenseerib lisandunud väärtus (m ­ võib olla positiivne kui ka negatiivne). Tööjõud on ainus toomiskomponent, mis on võimeline tootma l...

Majandus → Ettevõtte rahandus
293 allalaadimist

USA presidendid

KONSPEKT. 1945-1960. 1945-.ndast USA globaalsetes küsimustes juhtpositsioonil (IIms üks võitjatest, ise sõjast purustamata, rahvas kindel oma missioonis nii kodu-(valitsuse volituste laiendamine, uue kursiga välja kuulutatud heaoluriigi ehitamine, sõjajärgne jõukus) kui välismaal 1950-60-ndatel afro-ameeriklastene aktiivne tegutsemine, millega ühinesid vähemusgrupid ja naised, et nn Ameerika unelmast võrdselt osa saada. HARRY TRUMAN (DP)(1945-1953) ,,The Buck Stops Here" valmisolek võtta vastu otsuseid ja vastutada. ,,Õiglane kurss" või õiglane plaan: Riik peab tagama rahvale majanduslikud võimalused ja sotsiaalse stabiilsuse. SISEPOLIITIKA: *Kommunistliku ideoloogia takistamine USAs-: endise aseriigisekretärim Hissi alusetu süüdistamine kommunismi spiooniks olemises, kohtuprotsess E ja J Rosenbergi üle aatomisaladuste reetmise pärast, 1946 Föderaalse Töövõtjate Lojaalsuse Programmi as...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
67 allalaadimist

Uurimistöö - Toitumishäired

Samuti oskan nüüd ise sellistest asjadest hoiduda ja tervislikumalt toituda. Võtmesõnad: Anoreksia, buliimia, pika, ortoreksia, psühhoteraapiaa, Töö autor: Liisa Sildmaa allkiri: Kaitsmisele lubatud: allkiri: Juhendaja: ANNOTATION Tallinn Nõmme Secondary School Title Eating disorders Date The number of pages May 2012 17 Report The aim of the research is to find out more about eating disorders like what are they, what they may cause, how to cure and so on. For the research I used different articles on the internet and a book. My research is descriptive and it's built on four bigger subjects which are divided into different parts. In the first subject I described generally what are eating disorders, how people fall ill and for what reasons. In second and third subject I

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
74 allalaadimist

Public Administration and Innovation

government research institutes. For policy makers, an understanding of the national innovation system can help identify leverage points for enhancing innovative performance and overall competitiveness. It can assist in pinpointing mismatches within the system, both among institutions and in relation to government policies, which can thwart technology development and innovation. Policies which seek to improve networking among the actors and institutions in the system and which aim at enhancing the innovative capacity of firms, particularly their ability to identify and absorb technologies, are most valuable in this context. The measurement and assessment of national innovation systems has centred on four types of knowledge or information flows: 1) interactions among enterprises, primarily joint research activities and other technical collaborations; 2) interactions among enterprises,

Varia → Public Administration
4 allalaadimist

Pay-for performance: necessary or unsuitable way to increase efficiency in the public sector

attention on its negative effects. To tell weather pay-for performance is good or a bad “thing” we need to discuss positive influence and negative impact of it and weight the results. Next discussion based on different scholars articles (Mogultay 2006, Hays 2010, Weibel et al. 2009) helps us to to that. What pay-for performance aims to do, is that it should boost public sector performance, as it does in private sector. The aim is to affect and motivate civil servants in a way, that they make “better” decisions. Pay-for performance supporters believe that this kind of motivation makes civil servants to make more quality work. This kind of external motivation produces competition and this puts servants in a position- when they want this extra income they need to work harder, better and be the best. Driven from this, the main argument that pay-for performance supporters brings out is

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

II KT kordamisküsimused vastustega

o Shared values ­ originally called superordinate goals; the guiding concepts and principles of the organization ­ values and aspirations, often unwritten ­ that go beyond the conventional statements of corporate objectives; the fundamental ideas around which a business is built; the things that influence a group to work together for a common aim. 13.Millised on eduka liidri peamised isiksuseomadused? K. Davis toob esile isiksuse omadused, millel on tugev mõju liidritele võrreldes järgijatega: o Intelligentsus o Sotsiaalne küpsus o Sisemine motivatsioon o Hoiak inimsuhetele Eestvedamisteooriate analüüsija Gary Yukl on välja toonud edukate liidrite omadused ja oskused: o Osavõtlikkus, inimlikkus, usaldusväärsus;

Majandus → Organisatsiooni juhtimine
2 allalaadimist

Uurimustöö: Gümnaasiumi noorte suhe narkootikumidega

suurele hulgale alaealistele kes tarvitavad legaalseid uimasteid. Töös kerkis ka küsimus edasiseks uurimustööks, milline on nende õpilaste elu, kes tarvitavad narkootilisi aineid pidevalt, 10 aasta pärast. Võõrkeelne resümee Jõhvi Gymnasium's ratio of youth drug usage We chose this topic because drug abuse among teenagers has been growing on a daily basis, and we want to bring out the possible risks, for teenagers considering to try drugs. Our aim was to find out how many students use drugs in Jõhvi Gymnasium, investigate what kind of drugs students consume and to find out how often they are being used by teenagers, and whether it has changed their way of life in any way. The work was carried out by an online survey questionnaire and the compilation of students' answers to analyse the students' opinions and habits of drug use. Only the students of Jõhvi Gymnasium were within the scope of the survey, we got a total of 58 respondents.

Muu → Uurimustöö
12 allalaadimist


league. Of its thirty teams, six are Canadian: the Montreal Canadiens, Ottawa Senators, Toronto Maple Leafs, Calgary Flames, Edmonton Oilers, and Vancouver Canucks. Ice hockey is popular in Canada because its area is sufficiently cold for natural, reliable seasonal ice cover. Lacrosse is a team sport that is played by ten players (men) or twelve players (women), each of whom uses a netted stick (the crosse) in order to pass and catch a very hard rubber ball with the aim of scoring goals (each worth one point traditionally, but also two in Major League Lacrosse) by propelling the ball into the opponent's goal. The team scoring the most points after two halves, of varying length from competition to competition, and overtime if necessary, wins. Most popular in North America, lacrosse is Canada's official national summer sport and the fastest growing sport in the United States 11. Culture

Keeled → Inglise keel
92 allalaadimist

Kitarrikursus algajatele 1osa-Ben Edwards

Time to take a break. Well done, you've just completed the first part of this newsletter. Next you are about to learn about chords and by the end of this lesson you'll have learnt the A Major chord. Don't forget, for the ultimate guitar learning kit which includes step-by-step written lessons, video lessons, audio lessons and sophisticated software games, visit Now you are ready to start your first lesson. Your aim in this lesson is to learn the A and D major chords and to introduce yourself to reading guitar tablature. This lesson is very important, so I want you to really focus. Remember! It is more beneficial for you to practice several times during a week than to practice for one long session. This is because your brain processes information in chunks at a time and it can only hold a certain amount in short term storage. For example, with phone numbers, it is very difficult to remember any more

Muusika → Muusika
34 allalaadimist


• MMPI • Suur viisik: tänane teadmiste tase • Viis dimensiooni, mis eristavad inimesi: avatus, vastutustundlikkus, ekstravertsus, kooskõlalisus, neurootilisus Lavater: flegmaatik, koleerik, sangviinik, melanhoolik SUUR VIISIK • Avatus/Openness to Experience - appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas, imagination, and curiosity. • Vastutustundlikkus/Conscientiousness - a tendency to show self-discipline, act dutifully, and aim for achievement; planned rather than spontaneous behaviour. • Ekstravertsus/Extraversion - energy, positive emotions, surgency, and the tendency to seek stimulation and the company of others. • Kooskõlalisus/Agreeableness - a tendency to be compassionate and cooperative rather than suspicious and antagonistic towards others. • Neurootilisus/Neuroticism - a tendency to experience unpleasant emotions easily,

Muu → Uurimistöö alused
69 allalaadimist

Biogas – The source of future energy

most notable strategic partnerships that has taken place last year. The $12bn joint venture will see the pair produce and sell sugar, energy and ethanol from sugarcane, and distribute fuels for transportation and industry from the companies' integrated distribution and retail networks in Brazil. Through the deal, Shell strengthened its whole business in biofuel and bioethanol. Sterecycle was debating whether to list in Canada or in its domestic market on the AIM exchange in London. French chemical company Rhodia's subsidiary Rhodia Energy Services has launched two biogas projects in China and Vietnam, it said on Thursday. Rhodia Energy Services will manage the design and construction of the two facilities, as well as the operations and sales of the biogas produced, it said in a statement. Rhodia has partnered with the Siyuan ethanol factory in southern China to treat waste water

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


nägemusi. Varasemad eksperimendid on andnud põhjust uskuda, et telepaatia eksisteerib ning seda kinnitasid ka meie tulemused. Meie katsete tulemused ületasid juhusliku tulemuse positiivsete katsete protsendi (25%) 20,5 protsendipunkti võrra, seega saime tulemuseks 45,5% õnnestunud katseid kogu katsete arvust. Uurimistöö saavutas oma eesmärgi, leides kinnitust, et telepaatia, kui mõtete edastamine ilma igasuguse kommunikatsioonita, on võimalik. ABSTRACT The aim of the current research is to find additional proof of the existence of telepathy. In order to do that, repetitive Ganzfeld experiment was performed. This is an experiment that is conducted between two people, in course of which one of the participants tries to mentally send a picture to the other person, who is in ganzfeld state. Ganzfeld state is a state of mild sensory deprivation, which makes the brain try to compensate the lack of normal audiovisual input by producing visions

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
5 allalaadimist

Connecting Ideas Logically and Effectively

UNIT 6 Connecting Ideas Logically and Effectively The aim of the section is to assist you to produce an effective topic outline: a skeleton of your document. If this stage of the production process is done properly all you really need are the language control techniques to connect your ideas logically and effectively. If you have a well documented list of techniques to connect your ideas effectively the writing process is less formidable. You will want to know how to join similarities, compare and contrast

Keeled → Inglise keel
52 allalaadimist

Filmikunsti ajalugu

Filmikunsti ajalugu 31.01.12 The age of pioneers: the early history of film How the horses helped to ivent the cinema. Cinema was invented by accident. 1872, west coast: leland standford, party, rich people, end of the 19 century, bored. Stanfrod talks friends about horses: problem: question is, what happens with the hooves while its moving, running. Bet, with eyes, can't settle this. Cannot ever see if the hooves touch the ground. Stanford has enough money, hires most famous photographer. Eadwerd muybridge, comes to usa. Tells him to settle this with photography. That time with photography you cannot get any informatio either. Started to install boxes, in each box, there was a camera. Does the hooves touch the ground or not? Fast shutter, can freeze the moment. Makes fast shutters, to record this. Finds solution, hooves are touching. The prerequisites for cinema: camera(edison and dickson), film stock that is flexible and stable to ru...

Ajalugu → Filmiajalugu
15 allalaadimist

There is no such thing as a totally sustainable tourism

(AITO, 2013; Bramwell and Lane, 1993). According to Belize High Commission (2004) Belize's vision is to develop the tourism sector as a natural priority, also to preserve and protect local 6 Adventure Tourism Project Management Madli Tuvike habitants, also focus on responsible tourism and aim its tourism at marine activities, adventure markets and country's history. Unfortunately, Belize has only three positive qualities out of five. To agree with Swarbrooke (1999) and Sustaining Tourism (2013) that there is no such thing as totally sustainable tourism. Belize has some negative examples at sustainable tourism to offer. Bramwell and Lane (1993) are suggesting that development must be under control, productivity can be sustained

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

EU internal Market law. Mid term evaluation assignment

EU Internal Market Law Mid-term online evaluation assignment for Distance Learning Students The Assignment: Hypothetical Case In the Member State A several NGOs, uniting parents concerned with safety of children and young adults, ordered a study of dog attacks on people (and especially children) resulting in deaths or maiming. The aim of the study was to identify, if possible, the dog breeds of potentially enhanced danger for people. The study’s results showed that pit bulls and their close mixes as well as Rottweilers and their close mixes were jointly responsible for over 70% of attacks. The authors of the study explained the statistics by popularity, big size and powerfulness of the named breeds and their ability to do a lot of damage. Besides, about the pit bull attacks the absence of warning from a dog played a

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Ostujuhtimise põhikursus

involved through upstream and downstream linkages in the different processes and activities that produce value in the form of products and services in the hands of the ultimate customer. SCM is the task of integrating organizational units along a supply chain and coordinating materials, information, and financial flows in order to fulfill the demands of the ultimate customer with the aim of improving competitiveness of a supply chain as a whole. SCE creates network structures, processes and establishments along the supply chain in a certain way. 2. Ostutsükkel Nõudluse prognoosimine - ühekordne sündmus, kusjuures prognoos võib osutuda rohkem või vähem valeks, harva õigeks i. Nõudluse definitsioon mikroökonoomikas ii. Nõudluse liigid (4)- pidev, sesoonne, ebaregulaarselt muutuv, tuletatud iii

Majandus → Otsustusprotsessi alused
51 allalaadimist

Võrkpallitreeningu harjutusvara

Tallinna Ülikool                                Võrkpallitreeningu harjutusvara               Koostaja: Erik Allas  Juhendaja: Raini Stamm            Make the play first, then decide if it was impossible.                  ...

Sport → Sportmängud (pallimängud)
113 allalaadimist

Spordi- ja korvpallipsühholoogia

Tallinna Nõmme Gümnaasium Randel Kool Spordi- ja korvpallipsühholoogia Uurimustöö Juhendaja: õpetaja Evelin Vanaselja Tallinn 2012 ANNOTATSIOON Tallinna Nõmme Gümnaasium Töö pealkiri: Spordi- ja korvpallipsühholoogia Kuu ja aasta: Mai 2012 Lehekülgede arv: 20 Referaat Uurimustöö eesmärgiks oli teada saada, kuidas ja miks mõjutab vaimne valmisolek sportlaste saavutusi. Kuidas saab oma vaimset tugevust treenida ja kes aitab sind sellega. Tahtsin teada saada, miks atleetidel on üks päev väga tugev, samas teisel päeval nad kukuvad läbi. Vastuste teada saamiseks kasutasin erinevaid inglisekeelseid interneti lehekülgi ja ka raamatut. Kõik andmed on võetud usaldusväärsetest ja teada tuntud allikatest, mille autorid on kas ise psühholoogid või selle valdkonna teadlased. Sain kinnituse oma väitele, et igaüks mõjutab ...

Kategooriata → Uurimustöö alused
16 allalaadimist

Uurimustöö Mikrolaineahjud

veebruar 2008) 24 MICROWAVE OVENS. SUMMARY. I have chosen this topic for my work because it has found a lot of reverberation in media lately. Although media is more concerned about the health aspects, I have chosen to examine the construction and the work principle of the microwave ovens. I was interested in myths telling stories about the behavior of metals and eggs in the microwaves. The aim of my work is to give an overview about history of microwaves and explain the principles of its work and explain some reactions with different materials by carrying out some experiments. The most important component parts are magnetron, transformer, cooking chamber and the rotating plate, which assures the even cooking of the food. Cooking procedure can only be taken place when food contains dipoles, which rotate themselves under the influence of microwaves.

Füüsika → Füüsika
30 allalaadimist

USA peale teist maailmasõda - 1974

AMEERIKA ÜHENDRIIGID PEALE TEIST MAAILMASÕDA KUNI 1974 Tartu 2009 Sisukord Teise maailmasõja lõpp................................................................................................................. Harry S. Truman............................................................................................................................ Trumani doktriin....................................................................................................................... Marshali Plaan.......................................................................................................................... Sisepoliitika............................................................................................................................... Dwight Eisenhower...................................................................................................................

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
137 allalaadimist

Briti kirjanduse portfoolio

Charles Dickens Charles John Huffam Dickens was the foremost English novelist of the Victorian era, as well as a vigorous social campaigner. Considered one of the English language's greatest writers, he was acclaimed for his rich storytelling and memorable characters, and achieved massive worldwide popularity in his lifetime. Charles Dickens was born in Landport, Portsmouth in Hampshire, the second of eight children to John Dickens n 7 February 1812. The 12-year-old Dickens began working ten hour days in a Warren's boot-blacking factory. In May 1827, Dickens began work in the office of Ellis and Blackmore as a law clerk. At the age of seventeen, he became a court stenographer and, in 1830, met his first love, Maria Beadnell. Maria's parents disapproved of the courtship and effectively ended the relationship when they sent her to school in Paris. In 1834, Dickens became a political journalist, reporting on pa...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
60 allalaadimist

Inglise keele kodulugemine teemal: Mass Media

knowledge over time helps to change people's attitudes. NGOs often use the media without precise goals or targets. Often people send press releases or hold press conferences without having sufficiently `newsy' information to give the press, and this results in poor coverage, or even in situations where some journalists do not respond the next time they are approached by the same NGO. It is important to have a clear, realistic aim when you use the mass media, such as: specific facts to be disseminated, a project announced, an appeal for money or support, introducing a new person or activity, etc. If you do not have newsworthy information, you should not try to use the media to spread your message via free news coverage, but instead use paid advertising or other channels of communication. Finally, the impact of the mass media should be monitored, so that you can determine

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

Interneti Areng Eestis ja mujal maailmas

E-maili konto saavad teha endale absoluutselt kõik inimesed, kellel on vähegi arvutikasutamise kogemust. Teenusepakkujaid on palju ja teenuse kvaliteet, mida nad pakuvad on tihtilugu erinev. Paljud neist on tasuta. uuringus tuleb välja, et kõige parem emailiteenusepakkuja on Google loodud Gmail. Teisele kohale jääb ZOHO korporatsiooni välja töötatud Zoho Mail. Pronksmedali võtab selles tabeliarvestuses Heinz Tschabitscher-i välja töötatud AIM mail. Imestuseks jäävad muidu palju teatud Windows Live Hotmail ja Yahoo Mail tabelis vastavalt üheksandale ja viiendale kohale. Internet Eestis Milleks meile internet Nii, nagu muu maailm, ei ole ka väikene Eesti jäänud interneti massilisest vallutusest või võiks öelda, üliheast turundustööst, puutumata. Kes meist oskaks enam ilma interneti ühenduseta elada. Võib-olla tõesti vanem generatsioon Eestimaa põlismetsades, kuid

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
51 allalaadimist

Summary of philosophy of right (õiguse filosoofia kokkuvõte)

· Hobbes ­ leviathan · Locke ­ second treatise of government · Rousseau - social contract · Montesquieu - The Spirit of the Laws · Kant ­ idea for a universal history from a cosmopolitan point of view · Hegel - philosophy of right Key dates 1603 Shakespear's King Lear , Death of the Queen Elizabeth 1. 1618-48 The Thirty Year's War 1649 Execution of Charels 1 of England, Establishment of Oliver Cromwell's Prodecorate 1651 Hobbes' Leviathan(1588-1679) 1660 The Restoration of Charels 2. as king of England 1688 The Glorious Revolution of Willim and Mary in England 1689 John Locke publishes Two Treatises of Goverment 1707 formation of the British Parliament Social Contract philosophy: The reasons for entering a social contract and the responsibilities of the goverment *Hobbes: To preserve one's safety *Locke: To preserve one's safety and property *Rosseau: To preserve one's safety, property and freedom, but to...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
48 allalaadimist

ODT vorming ja tarkvara

" [4] Lisaks sellele, etan OASIS standardi versioon 1.1 on avaldatudan ISO / IEC rahvusvaheline standard ISO / IEC 26300: 2006 / Amd 1: 2012 - Open Document Format Office Applications (OpenDocument) v1.1. (OpenDocument 2014) The Open Document Format for Office Applications (ODF), also known as OpenDocument, is an XML-based file format forspreadsheets, charts, presentations and word processing documents. It was developed with the aim of providing an open, XML-based file format specification for office applications.[2] The standard was developed by a technical committee in the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards(OASIS) consortium.[3] It was based on the Sun Microsystems specification for XML, the default format for, which had been specifically intended "to provide an open standard for office documents."[4] In addition to being an OASIS standard, version 1

Informaatika → Informaatika
3 allalaadimist

Eesti loomamuinasjuttude kogumiku “Loomad, linnud, putukad” (Kippar 1997) tegelaste omadused ja nende seos loomade ökoloogiaga  

Summary Tartu Tamme Gümnaasium Triinu Kangur Supervisior: Merle Ööpik Estonia animals fairy tale (Kippar 1997) characters characteristics and their connection to animals ecology. Pille Kippari koostatud Eesti loomamuinasjuttude kogumiku “Loomad, linnud, putukad” tegelastele omistatud omaduste seosed loomade ökoloogiaga Research Paper 2017 Number of Pages 20 The paper falls into 3 chapters. The current research paper focuses on Estonian animal fairy tale characters. The aim of the paper is to identify Estonian fairy tale animal characters and their relation with the animal ecology. Chapter 1 provides information about the genres of the folklore, but also the nature of conservational and behavioral ecology described on animals. Chapter 2 provides the reader with the methodic of the paper. It describes the creation of the database regarding Estonian animal species, who were the characters in fairy tales. Chapter 3 provides the results.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalsete oskuste areng

tulemuseks võib olla meeleolu langus, kuna laps ei saa keskkonnast piisavalt positiivset tagasisidet ( Merrell, 1998). Puudulikud sotsiaalsed oskused ja probleemsed sotsiaalsed suhted kaaslastega lapsepõlves ja noorukieas võivad täiskasvanueas kaasa tuua mitmesuguseid kohanemisraskusi ning psühhiaatrilisi probleeme. Kasutatud materjali nimekiri: Aini Aim (2011). KIUSAMISE TÄHENDUS JA KIUSAMISE ÄRAHOIDMISE VÕIMALUSED 5 - 6, 7 - 8 JA 10 - 11 AASTASTE LASTE HINNANGUL: magistritöö. Tartu Ülikool. Tallinn.;jsessionid=34677D0C00DAC84A 9C9BB71700D6BBEE?sequence=1 3f3e485d647ce8da3845a4062416e657bb7fbdae&attachmentId=3751

Pedagoogika → Sotsiaalpedagoogika
52 allalaadimist


RÉSUMÉ The role of price in consumer purchasing behavior on the Tallinn food market Nika Vinnikova The effectiveness of marketing and as a result the success of the whole company depends on how well are known the consumers, their needs and purchasing behavior. Consumer behavior is influenced by many factors, but marketing can affect it only via the elements of the marketing mix, which are product, price, promotion and place. The aim of this work is ... 4.6. Lisa Lisadena tuuakse kirjaliku töö materjalid, mida ei sobi esitada tekstis nende sisu või mahu tõttu (näiteks töötlemata andmed, suuremahulised tabelid, küsimustikud). Kõikidele lisa- dele tuleb tekstis viidata (vt 4.4). Lisad paigutatakse kirjaliku töö lõppu. Lisad algavad esimese tasandi pealkirjaga (vt 4.1) LISAD, mis võib olla paigutatud esimese lisaga samale leheküljele (sel juhul ei jäeta lehekülje algusesse 72 pt tühimikku)

Majandus → Majandus
11 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur quiz 2 mõisted

work which will ultimately count towards their final examination grade in the specified subject. The Controlled Assessment component of the qualification is usually done under exam-style conditions. After major GCSE reforms, coursework/controlled assessment generally have little to no influence on the final grade as opposed to the past. The Sixth form Curriculum 2000 = new post-16 (Sixth Form) curriculum in England, Wales and Northern Ireland introduced in September 2000 – Aim: to make all A-level programmes broader, offering greater flexibility whilst maintaining depth – Includes A levels, vocational A levels and a key skills qualification – A Level = AS (Advanced Subsidiary) level + A2 – AS level can be either a free-standing qualification, or the first half of the full A level, taken in the first year. – A2 not a separate qualification, but the second half of the A level, designed to deepen the knowledge gained in the first year

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Hasartmängude Levik Noorte Seas

SUMMARY Jüri Gümnaasium Erik Vane Supervisor: Nele Pilman Gambling prevalence among young people Hasartmängude levik noorte seas Student Research Paper 2014 Nowadays gambling addiction has become a more and more serious problem among young people. Young people often think that it is an easy way to earn money and often they even do not know when it is the right time to stop gambling. Frequently young people are not even fully aware of their addiction or do not realize it. The aim of this paper was to examine the gambling problems. For the first purpose i gathered material from the internet and books and learned gambling topics. The reasearch part was conducted via the internet by sending questionnaires to the 10-12th class students in Jüri Gümnaasium. On my research , I learned that the majority of young people have played a gambling games and played mostly for fun. Young people had heard about addicted, but few of them had been exposed to it themselves

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
11 allalaadimist

Lapse väärkohtlemise roll lapse arengus

Lapse- ja noorukiea arenguhäired. Arengu hindamise meetodid, Mairi Männamaa, 28.11.2010; 8. Loengumaterjalid aine ,,Sotsiaalsed probleemid Eestis" raames. Laste väärkohtlemine, Kadri Soo, 31.03.2011; 9. Loengumaterjal aine ,,Sotsiaalsed probleemid Eestis" raames. Sotsiaalsete probleemide sotsioloogia, A. Trumm, 05.05.2011; 10. Loengumaterjalid aine ,,Sotsiaaltöö laste ja noortega" raames. Sotsiaaltöö puudega lapse ja tema perega, Lagle Aim, 30.03.2011; 11. Pärna, H., Lai, K., Tulva, T. (2008). Vanemate töötamine välismaal ­ kuidas see mõjutab lapse elu? Sotsiaaltöö 6, 2008. Tervise Arengu Instituudi ja sotsiaalministeeriumi väljaanne; 12. Selg, M.; Linno, M. (toim) (2004). Sotsiaaltöö-teemaliste üliõpilasuurimuste kogumik I, Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus. Reilson, M. (2002). Puudega laste perede vajadustest ja võimalustest Tartu linna näitel. (lk. 137-146); 13. Soo, K., Soo, I

Pedagoogika → Pedagoogika
29 allalaadimist

Challenges of childrens participation A Case Study of active citizenship in Cadle Primary School

has encouraged the policy makers and the media to some extent to take more effective measures in providing the voices and representation of the most marginalized minority in society. For example, the children`s television news bulletin and website of BBC Newsround which is the only news programme for children in the UK, recognises children as active and valuable citizens. Its reporters are producing news stories that aim to `equip children to handle their lives better by giving them the information they need about the world around them.`56 With citizenship education in mind, the Newsround actively encourages children to critically engage with a wide array of issues of public interest. Cynthia Carter and Stuart Allan in their research of Public Service and the Market: A Case Study of the BBC Newsround Website recognised that children have a strong interest in events taking place around them

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


17 4 1. INTRODUCTION The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a long-term, multi-stakeholder, international process whose mission is to develop and disseminate globally applicable Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. These Guidelines are for voluntary use by organisations for reporting on the economic, environmental, and social dimensions of their activities, products, and services. The aim of the Guidelines is to assist reporting organisations and their stakeholders in articulating and understanding contributions of the reporting organisations to sustainable development. Trends The key trends during the last two years are: Expanding globalization – Expansion of global capital markets and information technology continue to bring unprecedented opportunities for the creation of new wealth.

Majandus → Majandus
4 allalaadimist


3. To investigate, what is the situation with using GMO in Estonia and how does it comply with the law. 4. To investigate, what knowledge do students have about GMO, and what are their fears regarding it, if any. At the beginning of the reseach, the author read different articles published in Estonia about GMOs. Then she narrowed down the most interesting topics and changed the initial plan a little bit. Another aim of the project was to elaborate, analyse and write a summary for each and every question raised in the reasearch project. That end up being the most time consuming part of the project. Further investigation could be done in this area. The author could look into the laws about GMO in European Union and in the rest of the world. Also, investigation could be done for each plant 19

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
8 allalaadimist


On September 15, 2018, World Cleanup Day, people in 150 countries will stand up against the global trash problem and clean up waste, making it the biggest positive civic action the world has seen. Imagine a powerful “green wave” starting in Japan and ending in Hawaii with hundreds of millions of people taking positive action together on the very same day. Let’s Do It! has never been only about cleaning up waste. We also aim to unite the global community, raise awareness and implement true change to achieve our final goal – a clean and healthy planet. 5. Translate the italicized prepositional expressions and bold words in the text. Make sure that your translation is appropriate! 6. Write a Letter of Enquiry. You read the above article about the Estonia’s campaign Let’s do it!. You became very much

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Lõputööde vormistamine

research papers and bachelor papers. Separate chapters are about the presentation of tables and drawings, general structure and ordering of the report and contents. There are also some guidelines concerning equations and bibliographic references. Some examples are included. The Guide is topical as all the students of the establishments for higher education are expected to write various student research papers. The aim of the present work was to put up writing regulations/directions for the students to correctly execute their written works, attempting to avoid negligence, oversights, misprints, spelling, grammatical and stylistic errors and mistakes in drawing- ups. By compiling the present Guide the relevant regulations of Tallinn University of Technology, University of Tartu, Tallinn University, Public Service Academy of Estonia

Majandus → Riskianalüüs
275 allalaadimist

Teaduslik revolutsioon

information and ideas. What was most important was the organization itself, not its results: the group only included one scientist, Robert Boyle (16271691). In 1660, twelve members, including Boyle and Sir Christopher Wren (16321723), formed an official organization, the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge. In 1662, the Society was granted its charter [ õigus ] by Charles II. The purpose of the Royal Society was Baconian to the core. Its aim was to gather all knowledge about nature, particularly that knowledge which might be useful for the public good. Soon it became clear, however, that the Society's principal function was to serve as a clearing center for research. The Society maintained correspondence and encouraged foreign scholars [ õpetlane ] to submit their discoveries to the Society. In

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
13 allalaadimist

Kaasaegne teaduslik mõtlemine ja filosoofilised meetodid

What is the real meaning of life? Why prefer one thing to another? Can we trust observation? It’s raining outside - how do you know it is? I can see it’s raining. How to convince yourself its raining? A good reason to doubt - 49 other peaople have the same opinion. Falsifia​ble​ ​→ possible​; ​not falsifi​ed World disappeared in 2012 and got recreated 3 secs later → ​unfalsifiable​ - cannot prove it’s true/wrong, cannot provide any tests to prove it. Or​ - one or another but not both → ​exclusive - one or another (both) → ​inclusive​ (Invited those who are managers or specialists - both) Arguments valid or not - logic is a science where to decide it Different arguments lead to different methods. 1 - Recognizing arguments What is an argument? An ​argument​ is a group of statements, so that one or more of them (called the ​premises​) is said to provide support for one of the others (called the ​conclusion​). When the course sta...

Filosoofia → Kaasaegne teaduslik mõtlemine...
4 allalaadimist

K24 mootor

saavutamata, kuid jõuti ligilähedaste tulemusteni (195 kW). Samuti tänu reeglite muutusele ringraja sarjas ,,Baltic Touring Car Championship" on võimalik antud jõuallikat kasutusele võtta kõikidel Honda marki võistlusautodel. 42 SUMMARY The topic of the present graduation thesis is "Reconstruction of Honda K24A3 Engine to Achieve 200kW of Engine Power". The aim was to increase the power of a specific engine up to 200 kW, and thereafter install the engine on Civic Type-R, thereby improving the dynamics of the vehicle. In the first part of the thesis, technological features of the original engine were dealt with and its particular condition was described concerning its measurements and observations. This was necessary to identify further decisions and opportunities. In the next part, the task was to find out

Tehnika → Tehnikalugu
20 allalaadimist

Integration of Lean Con. and Building Information Modelling

9 CHAPTER 2- PROBLEMS IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY In the second chapter of this thesis, the main problems and their causes are discussed. It is done by analysing the literature, previous research in this field, and the results of empirical research conducted among the main contracting companies in Estonia. Basically, the aim is to understand the reasons for the failures at the root level. 2.1 Problems Many studies of the problems and causes for the problems mostly point out the same issues associated with construction industry. The nature of the construction industry is very often characterized as the following (Koskela2 1992): Low productivity Poor safety Inferior working conditions Insufficient quality

Ehitus → Ehitusjuhtimine
70 allalaadimist

Art Museum of Estonia

environment. In addition to other departments, also the finance-, development-, publishing- and communication departments of the Art Museum of Estonia are situated here. Auditorium The Kumu auditorium ­ a unique exhibition hall The Kumu auditorium is a notional, as well as practical, extension of the art museum and the foundations of its activity are interconnected with the exhibitions organised in the building. The aim of the auditorium is to have a slightly differently oriented program, but still be one of many exhibition halls in the Kumu Art Museum. In terms of the organisation of its content, Kumu has two purposes: it is at the same time a national gallery and a museum of modern art. But the program of the auditorium is much more comprehensive. The multifunctional hall, with its advanced sound, video, cinema and lighting systems and its parquet floored stage,

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Uurimistöö tenniselöökidest

Jakob Westholmi Gümnaasium Õppevideo tenniselöökidest Praktiline töö Autor: Gendra Raag 11.a klass Juhendaja: Marek Koitla Tallinn 2019 Summary The main objective of the practical work was to create a video for educational purposes. The target audience were people, who want to start playing tennis or are on a beginner level. Another aim was to find out about the history of Estonian tennis and the technical side of the strokes. The research is divided to four chapters. The first chapter contains the historical information about tennis in Estonia, tournaments and an overview of tennis clothes. Chapter two presents basic tennis rules that are necessary for playing tennis on a lower level. Chapter three concentrates on main strokes and their technique and also on foot work. The photos of tennis grips and film-making

Sport → Sport
19 allalaadimist

Kirjalike Tööde Vormistamise Juhend

RÉSUMÉ The role of price in consumer purchasing behavior on the Tallinn food market Nika Vinnikova The effectiveness of marketing and as a result the success of the whole company depends on how well are known the consumers, their needs and purchasing behavior. Consumer behavior is influenced by many factors, but marketing can affect it only via the elements of the marketing mix, which are product, price, promotion and place. The aim of this work is ... 18 4.6. Lisa Lisadena tuuakse kirjaliku töö materjalid, mida ei sobi esitada tekstis nende sisu või mahu tõttu (näiteks töötlemata andmed, suuremahulised tabelid, küsimustikud). Kõikidele lisa- dele tuleb tekstis viidata (vt 4.4). Lisad paigutatakse kirjaliku töö lõppu. Lisad algavad esimese tasandi pealkirjaga (vt 4

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
14 allalaadimist

Organisatsiooni juhtimine KT2

trained, socialized, integrated, motivated, and how their carriers are managed. • ​Shared values ​– originally called superordinate goals; the guiding concepts and principles of the organization – values and aspirations, often unwritten – that go beyond the conventional statements of corporate objectives; the fundamental ideas around which a business is built; the things that influence a group to work together for a common aim. 13. Millised on eduka liidri peamised isiksuseomadused? Intelligentsus, sotsiaalne küpsus, sisemine motivatsioon ja hoiak inimsuhetele, osavõtlikkus, inimlikkus, usaldusväärsus, oskus kaastöötajaid hinnata ja motiveerida, meeskonna- ja koostöö oskused, suhtmise ja sh kuulamisoskused, oma mõtete ja ideede edasiandmise veenvus, otsustus- ja vastutusvõime, tasakaalukus kriitilises olukorras. 14. Millised on karismaatilise liidri isiksuseomadused?

Majandus → Organisatsiooni juhtimine
14 allalaadimist

Organisatsiooni juhtimine I Kontrolltöö

how people are developed, trained, socialized, integrated, motivated, and how their carriers are managed. • Shared values – originally called superordinate goals; the guiding concepts and principles of the organization – values and aspirations, often unwritten – that go beyond the conventional statements of corporate objectives; the fundamental ideas around which a business is built; the things that influence a group to work together for a common aim. 59. Liidri isiksuse omaduste teooriate selgitus  ehk „suurmehe“ teooria“  Liidriks sünnitakse, mitte saadakse.  Omaduste komplekse on koostatud palju ja nad erinevad üksteisest peamiselt omaduste järjestuse või mõistete üldistusmahu poolest.  Ülesandele orienteeritud grupis aitavad liidriks kujunemisele järgmised omadused: grupis toimuvate protsesside tundmine, võime kiiresti mõelda, kõne- ja keeleoskus jne. 60

Majandus → Organisatsiooni juhtimine
39 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun