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"aim" - 339 õppematerjali

aim - 27.11.2013 27.11.2013 28.11.2013 29.11.2013 29.11.2013

Kasutaja: AIM

Faile: 0

Topic - Libraries

During the Soviet occupation the library became a regular public library. The work of the library changed radically: all links with foreign libraries were called off and Russian publications dominated. In the '50s the library was renamed after Kreutzwald and its collection had reached a million items. The restoration of the Republic of Estonia changed the role of the library, for it was renamed the National Library of Estonia. Today its aim is to collect and permanently preserve documents published in Estonia. 6. Children and books One key to children's reading success is making their reading experience entertaining, relaxing and enjoyable. Allowing them to choose their own reading materials give awareness of what their reading interests are. Some bookworms are even members of bookclubs. They get together monthly and talk through the most recent book they have read

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

All Marketers are liars

In his book, All Marketers are Liars, Seth Godin contends that consumers prefer fantasy to the truth, and that consequently marketers should "live the lie, fully and completely." Stopping short of endorsing marketing methods which might kill people, Godin says that marketers should "give people what they want." The book is telling a story about why marketers must forsake any attempt to communicate nothing but the facts, and must focus on what people believe and then work to tell them stories that add their worldview. HIGHLIGHTS Before marketing, before shopping carts and long before informercials, people started telling themselves stories. Stories make it easier to understand the world. Stories are the only way to spread an idea. Marketers didn´t invent storytelling. They just perfected it. We tell ourselves stories, because we´re superstitious. Stories are shortcuts we use because we ´re too overwhelmed by data to discover ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
43 allalaadimist

Liivi Keel

Salatsi- ja kuraliivis on olnud hulganisti ühist sõnavara ja grammatikajooni, samas küll ka märkimisväärseid erinevusi. Üldiselt on salatsiliivi keel lähem eesti keelele. Selles puuduvad näiteks kuraliivi n-tunnusega daativ, nii minnõn 'minule' asemel on salatsiliivis minnel, ja (kõ)ks-tunnusega instrumentaalkomitatiiv: kuraliivi minkõks 'minuga' asemel oli salatsiliivis minnek. Mõlemat liivi keele põhikuju ühendab ikkagi rohke ehtliivilik sõnavara, nagu aim 'pere', ama 'kõik, kogu', kõsa 'viha', ok 'karu', umar 'õun' jms. Nii salatsi- kui ka kuraliivis esineb palju häälikukadusid ja seeläbi tekkinud vormide sarnastumisi. Esimene suurem ülevaade salatsiliivi allikatest ja keelest on Eberhard Winkleri 1994. aastal Münchenis ilmunud raamat ,,Salatsiliivi keelematerjalid" (,,Salis-livische Sprachmaterialien"). Eelmisel aastal trükivalgust näinud ,,Salatsiliivi sõnaraamat" (,,Salis-livisches Wörterbuch", koostanud E. Winkler ja K

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

Assignment Module 3 - BEPS project Action 4

expenses excluded, this will create confusion among corporates and tax administers alike. It is important to ensure that no new ways to avoid the rules are created. In the long term that process would take us to the world of less base erosion and profit shifting but still with different fixed ratios, different group ratios (if any), targeted rules on top of these ratios to address earnings volatility or loss-making years of corporates. Furthermore, countries can not be forced to aim for lower fixed ratios if their economic policy is geared towards attracting international investments, and in reverse case, if not following all of the proposed options, some new forms of double taxation may arise. As indicated in the 2015 Final Report, two additional papers have been prepared since then: Discussion Drafts on Group Ratio Rule and on Banking and Insurance Sectors. These two lines of work had been identified for a separate analysis.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Sünnieelne areng ja seda mõjutavad tegurid. Kõne areng. Kolmanda eluaasta kriis.

situatsiooni , omadused , omadused , omadused, juhtides nende alusel teatud viisil ; seos kujutise andmete standardite objektide maailmas. Nii laps õpib jagada teemadel klassidesse : nukud , autod, pallid , lusikad jne. Aastast hakkab aktiivselt arendada õppimise protsessis maailma kohta. Laps vanuses 1-2 aastat, et sama toimingu sooritamist, kasutades erinevaid võimalusi, ja poolteist kuni kaks aastat, ta on võimeline probleemi lahendada aim (ülevaade), st laps äkki leiab lahenduse sellele probleemile, vältides katse-eksituse meetodil. Varase lapsepõlve mõtlemine areng jätgub, mis visuaalse-mootor on järk-järgult kujundada visuaalse-kujuline, st tegevusi käegakatsutavaid objekte asendatakse piltidega. Sisemine areng mõtlemine käib nii: arukate operatsioon ja vormi mõisted. Visuaalne mõtlemine väljub lõpuks esimesel eluaastal ja viib 3,5-4 aastat. Esiteks, laps ei saa

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
6 allalaadimist

Koolikiusamine Tartu Tamme Gümnaasiumi 9. ja 10. klassides

Gymnasium. There were 187 students in a contingent: 81 boys and 106 girls. The research was carried out using the questionnaire. Three hypothese were put up: there is more bulling among the 9th grade students of Tartu Tamme Gymnasium than among the 10th grade students, there is more bulling among 9th and 10th grades girls than boys, there is more emotional bulling in Tartu Tamme Gymnasium 9th and 10th grades than physical. The aim of this research was to find out which kind of bulling types students use, what is the reason of bulling and who are bullies and who victims of bulling. I wanted to know if the bulling in Tartu Tamme Gymnasium 9th and 10th grades is physical, verbal, social, virtual or blackmailing. The current research paper focuses on bulling in Tartu Tamme Gymnasium and why students are bulling each others. Schoolbulling has always been really big problem in school

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
40 allalaadimist

Mootorite võrdlustöö

Teguri g andmeteks võib täpsemate andmete puudumiselt võtta . Tn- nimimoment, Tv- vääratusmoment, s-libistus Joonis 1. Asünkroonmootori loomulikud karakteristikud 1.4 Lühisrootoriga asünkroonmootori põhivõrrandid ja loomulikud karakteristikud I km I Ik   2 kl kt aIm kt Käivitusvool toitevõrgus - Un Zk  3I k Mootori näivtakistus käivitusel (lühitakistus) - 1.5 Mootoritüüpide tingmärgid Mootoritüüpide tingmärgid vastavalt standardile IEC60617

Mehaanika → Mehhatroonikasüsteemid
13 allalaadimist

Comparative law

Maine taking up the position of professor Comparative law in the US was brought by a legal scholar fleeing persecution in Germany, Rudolf Schlesinger. Schlesinger eventually became professor of comparative law at Cornell Law School helping to spread the discipline throughout the US. 4.International Courts European and international courts There are many courts that operate at international level, and it is not always easy to distinguish their jurisdiction. The aim of this summary is to present the European courts and to distinguish between those which are part of the European Union and those which belong to other international organisations. COURTS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION The Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) refers to the whole judicial system of the EU. It is composed of three courts: the Court of Justice; the General Court; the Specialised Courts. Court of Justice

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Puritanism in John Winthrop "A model of Christian Charity"

created. The world needed a revolutionary system and people needed a new meaning for life, accompanied with new values and views for life. All this was for the intent of creating a new revolutionary community, a community, where success is achieved by loving and caring for each other and the word of God. Winthrop used his simple but deep writing style wisely in order to input hope in other people for them to rise and aim higher in their daily life. Reflecting the true spirit of a human kind through religious values and underlying idea is what makes puritanism in this sermon worth the reading. References Winthrop,John. 1996. The Journal of John Winthrop, 1630-1649. id=6gD6e7OkDcsC&pg=PA1&lpg=PA1&dq=john+winthrop+a+model+of+christian+charity &source=bl&ots=rb7SomgEi1&sig=H8buStYb- aE2gIcVmYWUt7WNhnI&hl=et&sa=X&ei=TN-

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
2 allalaadimist

The Most Important Buildings in Lai Street in Tallinn

.......................................................... 12 50 Lai Street............................................................................ 13 Summary................................................................................. 15 References.............................................................................. 16 2 Introduction Pikk Street as the longest and also the main street from medieval times is well-known, but Lai Street that runs parallel to it is not. The aim of the report is to be helpful for the students of Tallinna Mustamäe College who study the history of Tallinn and would like to get additional information about Lai Street, as they need to pass the guide practice exam in form eleven. The report is divided into chapters so that each chapter deals with one of the important houses in Lai Street. In the beginning there are also two introductory chapters about Lai Street in general and the origin of the name "Lai". 3 Lai Street in general

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

"Õigus" teemalised Inglise keelsed õigusterminid

o Only single judge NO JURY o Possibility to appeal o Both parties have to prepare for the case o Penalty – usually the wronged party needs to pay damages o Liable or not liable – we won’t talk about guilt o Structure – 5 parts (law of property, family property etc)  The courts of criminal jurisdiction o Criminal actions take place between the state and a individual, it is the aim of a criminal court to determine whether the accused person has committed a crime and punish the wrongdoer o It is important to ensure the safety of the society and that only the guilty are punished o Guilty or not guilty Terms 33-3 1. Remedy (korvamine) - a legal reparation a. Legal remedy - a way of using the legal system to make sure that someone's rights are not taken away from them; courts are asked to provide it 2

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Topic - Health

Some diseases are contagious or infectious. Infectious diseases can be transmitted by any of a variety of mechanisms, including aerosols produced by coughs and sneezes, bybites of insects or other carriers of the disease, and from contaminated water or food. 5. First aid There are three main aims of first aid and they are: · preserve life · prevent further injury · promote recovery In addition, some may add a 4 th 'P' ­ protect yourself, although this is not an aim of providing first aid and some would consider that it is covered by 'Prevent further injury'. Much of first aid is common sense and people are almost certain to learn some elements as they go through their life. Such as knowing to put on a plaster to a cut on a finger). However, effective life saving first aid needs training by experts, especially where it relates to possibly fatal illnesses and injuries. To be adequately trained, a person must pass a

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist


Absent from-puuduma Abstain from-halvast harj hoiduma According to-vastavalt Account for-põhjendama Accuse sb of-süüdistama Accustomed to-harjunud Acquainted with-tuttav millegi/kellegagi Advantage of-eelis Advice on-nõu andma Afraid of-kedagi kartma Afraid for-kellegi pärast kartma Agree with sb on sth-nõustuma Aim at-sihtima Allergic to-allergiline Amazed at/by-imestunud Amount to-ulatuma sinnani Amused at/with/by-lõbustatud Angry at what sb does-vihane Angry with sb about sth-vihane Angry with sb for doing sth-vihane Annoyed with sb about sth-häiritud (in)answer to-vastus Anxious about sth-murelik Apologise to sb for sth-vabandama Appeal to/against-meeldima Apply(to sb)for sth-kandideerima Approve of-heaks kiitma Argue with sb about sth-vaidlema Arrest sb for sth-arreteerima Arrive at(a small place)-saabuma Arrive in(a town)-saabuma Ashamed of-häbenema Ask for-küsima midagi Ask sb a question-küsimust kelleltki küsima Astonished at/by...

Keeled → Inglise keel
43 allalaadimist

Keskkonnaseisundi analüüs

loodusressursside kasutusvõimalusi, tehakse ülevaade kaitstavatest maastikest ja loodusobjektidest, kuidas on lahendatud jäätmekäitlus ja reovee probleemid, kitsaskohad mida võiks paremaks muuta. ABSTRACT Environment analysis of Pihtla parish and Salavere village. This work has been created as a help for getting information and learning about Estonian small village environment. This work aim is to determine critical nature capacity, collect information from various sources to specific region and characterize from that information a environment analysis and present possible solutions to problems. In this work you will find present time analysis of selected region, functional structure, infrastructure, communication and consumption habit, nature resources, Uses of land, environmental protection, industry, agriculture, forestry, transportation and many sub-and sub subjects.

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse
16 allalaadimist

My Town

Sweden finally managed to take control of the whole of Estonia in 1629. Though hard times continued, the period that followed is known as the good old Swedish era': foundations were laid for the Estonian school system, the privileges of the nobility were curtailed, local peasants were granted the right to own property, and so on. Meanwhile, different countries fought for domination in the Baltic region. Russia started the Northern War in 1700. Peter the Great had made it his aim to conquer Estonia and `open a window onto Europe' Together with the Russian troops, the plague came again and thousands of people died. A Russian general described the time after the war as follows: "Between Narva and Riga one can hear neither a dog barking nor a rooster crowing" Estonia remained under Russian rule and the Baltic- German nobility vowed allegiance to the Tsar., the barons were restored their former privileges.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Introduction and history of the European Union

Introduction and history of the European Union History The European Union is set up with the aim of ending the frequent and bloody wars between neighbours, which culminated in the Second World War. The idea is that countries who trade with one another become economically interdependent and so more likely avoid conflict.The ancestor of the European Union is the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) which was created with the Treaty of Paris (1951) and was signed by France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg and West Germany (total of 6 countries). European Economic

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Harjutus 2

be exposed; (b) design of work processes and engineering control measures so as to avoid or minimise the release of biological agents into the place of work; (c) collective protection measures and/or, where exposure cannot be avoided by other means, individual protection measures; (d) hygiene measures compatible with the aim of the prevention or reduction of the accidental transfer or release of a biological agent from the workplace; (e) use of the biohazard sign depicted in Annex II and other relevant warning signs; (f) drawing up plans to deal with accidents involving biological agents; (g) testing, where it is necessary and technically possible, for the presence,

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
170 allalaadimist

Nokia Report

ANALYSIS Nokia is a world leader in mobile communications, driving the growth and sustainability of the broader mobility industry. Nokia connects people to each other and the information that matters to them with easy-to-use and innovative products like mobile phones, devices and solutions for imaging, games, media and businesses. Nokia provides equipment, solutions and services for network operators and corporations. I aim to find what gives Nokia an advantage to other businesses and how is it that a small firm which started out as a pulp mill became the world leader in mobile communications. I believe that Nokia shows a lot of self-confidence and persistency in its development in the years. Therefore Nokia has a lot to teach other businesses. I would like to draw attention to Nokia's vision and strategy. Nokia has an interesting idea of competition with other telecommunication firms

Keeled → Inglise keel
100 allalaadimist

Tartu ajalugu

He was a student of Tartu University, practiced in the sciences in Königsberg and St. Petersburg, and was an academician at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.Seven geographical objects worldwide have been named in his honour. A ritual for university students is washing the hair of the Baer statue head on the eve of St. Philip's Day. Kristjan Jaak Peterson monument Kristjan Jaak Peterson was an Estonian poet, author of odes and pastorales, who was born in Riga and studied in Tartu. The aim of his work became the creation of literature in the original Estonian language. The Kissing Students The sculpture and fountain "The Kissing Students" located at the Tartu Town Hall Square, has become a symbol of Tartu. Erected in 1998, it was conceived by Mati Karmin. Legend kõneleb suudlevate tudengite kohta järgmist:Ühel hämaral sügisõhtul jalutas armunud tudengipaar mööda Tartu südalinna. Suudeldes ja naerdes jõudsid nad Raekoja platsile. Äkki

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist


üks kahest enimlevinud kooditüübist, mida kasutatakse sageli ettevõttesiseste markeeringute puhul kui kodeeritav infomaht ei ole eriti suur. Code 128 Code 128 tabel koosneb 106 sümbolist, mis võimaldavad reeglite abil esitada kogu ASCII märgistiku. Iga märk koosneb kolmest valgest ja kolmest mustast triibust. Lisaks andmemärkidele on koodis 4 funktsioonimärki, 3 lähte- ja üks lõpumärk, 4 koodivaliku märki ja kontrollmärk. Rahvusvaheliste organisatsioonide AIM ja EAN vahelise lepingu alusel funktsioonimärki FNC1, tohib kasutada vaid toodete ja pakendite markeerimiseks. Vastav rakendus kannab nimetust GS1-128 (varasem nimetus EAN- 128). GS1-128 võimaldab tootjal pakendile kanda andmeid toote omaduste kohta. Kooditüübi põhilised omadused: pikkus vaba, piirid koodi pikkusele seavad lugemisseadmed; kood on isekontrolliv, koodis on sisemised kontrollmärgid, koodile on võimalik

Logistika → Logistika
40 allalaadimist

Lõputöö. ratsaklubi avamine

For writing this task were used following materials: Popov V.M., Saharov A.A. ,,Business-plan step by step. Practical possibilities", Persi Rossiter ,,Advertising and Promotion of the Product ", John Winterson Richards ,,Small Business", Vihalem A. ,,The Basics of Marketing", Lukjanov ,,Opening a Business"; ,,Businessmans guidebook"; publishing company Äripäev materials; Tallinns Business Office ,,The Procedure of Applying for Financial Support When Opening a Business" . The aim of this task is writing a viable business plan and in that process were done following assignments: Studying theoretical materials for composing a business plan Studying the market Passing through an analysis according to the matrix of McKincey Passing through a research among marketing target clients Passing through a SWOT-analysis, analyzing the competitors Composing a plan calendar for the enterprise

Majandus → Ettevõtlus alused
69 allalaadimist

Ettevõtte rahandus

Ettevõtte rahandus · Raamatupidamine · Finantsanalüüs · Mikro- ja makroökonoomika Rahanduse olemus Rahandus on teadus, mis hõlmab rahaliste vahendite liikumist ehk teisiti nende moodustamise allikaid ning kasutamise suundasid. Uurib rahaliste vahendite ringlust. Rahanduse võib jaotada erinevatesse tasaditesse: · Riigirahandus- kogu riigi rahalised resursid · Ettevõtete rahandus · Majanduseobjektide rahandus (pered, FIEd ja osaliselt väike ettevõtted) · Ettevõtlusega mitte tegelevad üksused (MTÜd ja sihtasutused) Ettevõtte rahandus käsitab ettevõtte rahalisete resursside tekkeallikaid ja nende suunamist. Vastavalt äriseadustikule peab iga ettevõte tegutsema kasumlikult ehk tootma kasumit. Annab iga tootmistsükkli järel kasumi üldreeglina, sest teatud juhtudel ettevõte ei pruugi olla kasumlik, aga see ei tohi olla pikaajaline. Ettevõtte majandustegevus C+V+m=T C- konstant. Tootmiskulud (ku...

Majandus → Rahandus ja pangandus
117 allalaadimist

English as a Global Language

The current work examines the history of the English language, tracing the origins of English as a global language, as well as the role of English in the modern world. The subject of the research is the study of the English language as itself, its history and possible future perspectives within the context of increasingly globalized world. The object is to investigate the premises of English being a single language in the world as well as to consider potential consequences. the aim of this paper is to explore Estonian students’ attitude to English being the world language. The purpose is to increase the authors’ and fellow students’ awareness of the latest linguistinc tendences in order to develop their understanding of the importance of learning languages, English in particular. 3 The theoretical part of the study relies upon the works of such scholars as David

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

A Modern Answer to the Commune

to outside interests like fixing bikes or, here in New York City, membership in the Park Slope food co-op. And like communes, many collectives give themselves names: The House of Tiny Egos (a name that's decidedly more evocative than, say, Findhorn, that of the hoary Scottish commune) is a five-person collective in a century-old brick bungalow 1 in Bed-Stuy. Not only do they aim to remain of the world, they hope for a convenient location, one that's near all the major subway stops. Are their numbers surging? Hard to tell, though people who study more traditional "intentional communities" -- that is, any group of individuals living together with shared values, as in a commune or collective -- say that they are demonstrably on the rise. Laird Schaub, executive secretary of the Fellowship for Intentional Community, said his

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Võrdlev tööõigus - inglisekeelne

and long-term unemployment. The contribution of the Amsterdam Treaty: coordinating Member States’ employment policies at Community level. The European Employment Strategy 1997-2004: employment guidelines; national action plans; Joint Employment Report; recommendations. The re-launch of the European Employment Strategy in 2005: focus on growth and jobs, and with the aim to simplify and streamline the Lisbon Strategy. The Employment Guidelines 2005-2008 and 2008-2010: devoted specifically to employment to boost the Lisbon Strategy. They aimed to contribute to fostering full employment, to improve quality and productivity at work and to strengthen social and territorial cohesion. Employees’ participation: Objectives: - The EU supports and complements Member States’ activities relating to employee involvement with a view

Õigus → Tööõigus
24 allalaadimist

Luulekogu analüüs - Sinuga ja sinuta

4. ,, õitsvad palged ...kuldsed lokid ...väikesed õrnad käed ...roosihuuled ...sinisilmad ...kerge aste ...vaikne ilus käik ...iluduse ilmad ...puhas lapsemeel ...vaga vaade ...süütu hing ...süütu vaatega." Ei sinu iludus. 5. ,,...vaikne valu ...kurblik hääl..." Sa oled kui lillekene. 6. ,,...ärahelisenud hääl ...muretsev ilu..." Mures. · Võrdlused: 1. ,,Kui lille unenägu ...kui vaikne armas aim ...kui lillekene ...kui uinuja lille vaim ...kui vari ...kui lille kaitseingel..." Sa oled kui ­. 2. ,,...kui Iisrael vanast' ...kui Iisrael prohveti päevil ...just nagu Iisrael ka..." Sa oled kui Iisrael vanast'. 3. ,,...kui lillekene ...kui vaikne valu ...kui kauge, kurblik hääl..." Sa oled kui lillekene. 4. ,,...kui salanaine..." Sa oled kui salanaine. 5. ,,...kui õhkuv lilleke..." Luulele. 6. ,,...nagu päikene

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
107 allalaadimist

” Õpetaja Marju Lauristin“

TALLINNA PEDAGOOGILINE SEMINAR Kaugõppe Noorsootöö osakond KNT 1 Veroonika Mätlik " Õpetaja Marju Lauristin" Referaat Juhendaja: Maire Grass Tallinn 2010 Sisukord 2 Sissejuhatus Valisin Marju Lauristini sest ta jäi mulle silma hariduse endendamisega ja inimarenguga seotud konverentsidel oma tabavate tähelepanekkutega. Mulle tundus et me saame asjadest ühete moodi aru, mõtleme ühte oodi ja tahame, et Eestis liiguksid asjad samas suunas. Marju Lauristini tutvustamiseks ei pea kasutama palju sõnu. Ta on sotsiaalteadlane, intellektuaal, Tartu Ülikooli sotsiaalse kommunikatsiooni professor. Tema hoogne kõneviis, paeluvad mõttekonstruktsioonid ning põnevad järeldused panevad ennekõike mõtlema. Marju Lauristin on sündinud 7. aprillil 1940 Eesti sotsiaalteadlane, intellektuaal ja poliitik. Ta on Tartu Ülikooli sotsiaalse kommunikats...

Pedagoogika → Kasvatusteadus
9 allalaadimist

Analysis of literature: prose (2 assignment)

Motif: religion, devil, sadism Symbols: stove, stigma 11. Offer an interpretation of the ending of the chapter. What light does such a finale cast on the story title? The young girl also feels a deep pity and knows that she must leave the convent. Marie became a saint? `Wild Geese' 12. How are Eli and Nector contrasted at the beginning of `Wild Geese'? Eli has a second sense and an aim Nector can't match, he is shy and doesn't like to talk. Nector is the one who always walks into town and sells what they shoot. He is good-looking boy, tall and slim, without a belly hanging in the way. 13. Try to explain the encounter between Marie and Nector from the point of view of the former. Characterise the girl's behaviour in this situation. Comment on her wish: `I hope they saw it' (66). Marie is just passing by when Nector caught her, it's funny for her that

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Elektriajamite üldkursus materjal eksamiks

Pn n0 n n Tn 9,55 ; sn ; Teguri g andmeteks võib täpsemate andmete puudumiselt nn n0 võtta g 5s n Tn- nimimoment, Tv- vääratusmoment, s-libistus, 14. Lühisrootoriga asünkroonmootori põhivõrrandid ja loomulikud karakteristikud I km I Käivitusvool toitevõrgus - I k 2 kl Mootori näivtakistus käivitusel (lühitakistus) - kt aIm kt Un Zk 3I k 15. Asünkroonmootori sagedusreguleerimine 16. Elektrimootorite töötamine ühisel võllil 1 = 2 = . . . = i T = T1 + T2 + ... + Ti Kui on teada üksiku mootori karakteristikud siis saame resultantkarakteristiku jäikuse: =T/=(T1+T2)/=T1/ + T2/ = 1+2 Lugeda iseseisvalt juurde. 17. Elektromagnetiline siirdeprotsess Elektromagnetilises siirdeprotsess on seotud induktiivsusega.

Füüsika → Elektriõpetus
12 allalaadimist

Valik maakeelseid nimesid

Valik maakeelseid nimesid Kalle Eller T�nn Sarv Eesti traditsioonis saab nimevalikul l�htuda mitmest allikast. K�igepealt �ldtuntud, kristlikust p�rimusest tulenevast nimestikust, nagu Peeter, Margus, Juhan, Andres, Anne, Kadri, Tiina, Maret jne. Teiseks � peamiselt 20. sajandil tuletatud ja kasutusele tulnud valikust, nagu Urmas, Sirje, Ulvi, Terje jne. Lisaks veel aeg-ajalt mingil p�hjusel moodi l�inud nimedest m�ne populaarse filmi, raamatu vms. j�rgi. K�igis neis valikuis pole midagi erilist. Nii on ikka tehtud ja k�llap tehakse edaspidigi. V�iks vaid teada, mida inimesele antud nimi �ldse t�hendab, mida ta selle kandjale annab ja millest r��gib. �helgi neist nimedest ei ole mingit t�hendust selles keeles, milles selle nime kandja ise r��kima ja m�tlema hakkab. Taoline on lugu k�igi nende rahvaste puhul, kes kunagi ristiusku p��rati. Hoopis teine lugu on nendes kultuurides, kes alati on elanud vabalt ja iseseisvalt. Ameerika ind...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
2 allalaadimist

Uurimistöö - Foobia tänapäeva ühiskonnas

17 PHOBIA IN TODAY'S SOCIETY Summary Phobias make a big problem in today's society. People's awareness of different phobias, their genesis and treatment options is quite small. It is important for people to know more about phobias and to understand that it should be taken as a serious disease. A person is not able to prevent the genesis of a phobia, but is able to treat and control different phobias. The aim of the study is to explore the essential nature of a phobia and its treatment options. As a research part, there is a short movie, which consists of three interviews, two of them with persons who are suffering from a phobia, and one with a psychologist, and there is also one miniclip in a movie. The aim of the interviews is to introduce the topic to viewers through the eyes of a person who suffers from a phobia and by the solutions and explanations given by a psychologist.

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
102 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur quiz 1 mõisted

(the Internet, World Wide Web, video games, interactive media, CD-ROM and other forms of multimedia). New media is a generic term for the many different forms of electronic communication that are made possible through the use of computer technology: Web sites, virtual worlds, virtual reality, multimedia, computer games, computer animation, among others. 33. Consumer magazines- (2,800 titles) – general consumer magazines that aim to entertain and inform (Marie Claire, Radio Times) – consumer specialist titles aimed at a specific interest or hobby (Car, Gardeners' World) 34. Business magazines- specialised and aimed at people in work (sometimes called 'trade' or 'B2B' magazines, Doctor, Press Gazette ) – free to specified readers (known as controlled circulation) and so rely on advertising 35. Customer magazines- produced as part of a marketing strategy to reach the customers of

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kvalitatiivne uurimustöö Emotsioonide regulatsioon ja stress

physiological stress response. University Name Research Project Module Code: xx 2007-2008 Supervised by xxx Word count: 7261 Emotion regulation in relation.. 2 Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the association between psychological and the biological stress response. It is known that humans, interacting with each other or their environment, have emotional reactions that are individually regulated. These emotional responses are linked to changes in autonomic and neuroendocrine systems, which are essential for metabolic support when preparing the body for action. Since emotion can influence such important processes like learning, decision-making,

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
103 allalaadimist


Taste new foods and old ones you haven't tried for a while. Some foods, such as green veggies, are more pleasing the older you get. Shoot for at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day -- two fruits and three vegetables. Drink water and milk most often. When you're really thirsty, cold water is the No. 1 thirst-quencher. And there's a reason your school cafeteria offers free milk. You need calcium to grow strong bones, and milk is a great source of this mineral. How much do you need? Aim for 3 cups of milk per day, or its equivalent. You can mix it up by having milk and some other calcium-rich dairy foods. You probably will want something other than milk or water once in a while, so it's OK to have 100% juice, too. But try to limit sugary drinks, like sodas, juice cocktails, and fruit punches. They contain a lot of added sugar. Sugar just adds calories, not important nutrients. Listen to your body. What does it feel like to be full? When you're eating, notice

Keeled → Inglise keel
42 allalaadimist

Uurimistöö "Kohustusliku kirjanduse populaarsus 11.klassides"

aktuaalsete probleemidega. See tähendab, et loetakse raamatuid, mis pakuvad palju mõtteainet. Hea on tõdeda, et ainult 24% küsitletutest kirjutas, et ei loeks raamatuid üldse, kui poleks kohustuslikku kirjandust. Arvame, et Valga Gümnaasiumi 11. klasside lugemus on stabiilne. Samuti loodame, et ka pärast kooli lõpetamist, kui kohustuslikku kirjandust nende jaoks enam ei ole, tunnevad nad jätkuvalt huvi raamatute vastu. RESUME The aim of the research was to find out, what is the attitude of 11 graders from Valga Gymnasium, towards reading material. The questionnaire was answered by 25 students, 17 of them were female and 8 male. Student's age was 17-18 years old. The questionnaire was answered anonymously, in the Internet. From the student answers, we found out that in the 11. grade there is a small amount of people, who never read the summaries of the books. Most of the students fairly read them, but there is still a lot

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
22 allalaadimist

Stilistika loeng

begin with "For"). This approach is best illustrated in the well-known dictum of the French poet and stylist Georges Louis de Buffon: "Style is the man himself". The late 19th century and early 20th century saw the appearance of the utilitarian (pragmatic) approach to stylistics: the tendency to regard stylistics as an applied science ­ it has been particularly strong in the English speaking countries. It was believed that the chief aim of the stylistics is to improve the style of the reader, to teach him to express his thoughts better (e.g. FGI 1081 Stylistics (I. Ladusseva) 4 G. H. Vallins ­ books: "Good English", "Better English", "Best English"). The other prominent trend was to regard style as pure form divorced from thought (ideas, message). Speaking of foreign linguists it is the French ­ Ch. Bally and J

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
37 allalaadimist

All Marketers are liars- töölehed

Lk 1 1. Intention- kavatsus, tahtmine, tahe, eesmärk 2. Instead- selle asemel, see- eest 3. Forsake- loobuma, hülgama, maha jätma 4. Spin- heietama, keerlema, tiirlema, ketrama 5. Shift- muutma, nihutama, vahetama, ümberlülitus 6. Paradigm- musternäidids, aluspõhimõte, raamistik 7. Spread- levitama, laotama, laiali asetama 8. Irrelevant- ebaoluline, tähtsusetu, mitteasjakohane 9. Infomercial- reklaamuudis Lk 2 1. Chariot- sõjavanker, võidusõidukaarik 2. Superstitious- ebausklik 3. Overwhelm- üle kuhjama, üle koormama 4. Function- toimima, tegutsema, tegevus, ülesanne 5. Embrace- omama, embama, hõlmama Lk 3 1. Significant- oluline, tähtis, märkimisväärne 2. Glassblower- klaasipuhuja 3. Artisan- käsitööline 4. Pursue- järgima, jälitama, püüdlema, otsima 5. Fervently- innukalt, kirglikult 6. Beverage- jook 7. Convey- edasi andma, vedama, üle kandma 8. Venture- riskantne ettevõtmine, spekulatsioon, riskima 9. Profound- sügav, põhjalik 1...

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

Edulugude võistlus

would like to be in the future. To my mind, it is always hard to talk about future because it is a path of coincidences. Future events tends to appear unexpectedly- it is impossible to say which factors are going to determine my life in the end. My greatest goal in life is to be happy but the moment it is pretty difficult to say something certain about my future. Everyone has to hash out exactly what makes them happy and after that pursue their dream. This is my aim for the future and I’m surely going to move towards it Albert Schweitzer has said that success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. This is the key principle in my life, which I try to follow.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Valgud 99.18 g 61-91 g Rasvad 141.96 g 68-81 g Süsivesikud 352.94 g 335-366 g Toiduenergia jaotumine toitainete vahel Sinu oma: Soovitatav: ANNOTATION The topic of the survey was the eating habits of Saue Gymnasium students and how it affects their body. The aim was to investigate the daily menus of 13-14 year old students and to find out how much, in average, they consume carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The research included the investigation of nutrition principles. I have outlined why diverse, well-balanced and moderate diet is so important. The main nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins and fats, were closely observed. A couple of questions were raised in the survey. Whether the seven-formers of Saue Gymnasium have diverse diet or not

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
47 allalaadimist

Teadusfilosoof - Karl Popper

· 1972 "Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach" (Objektiivne teadmine: evolutsiooniline lähenemine) · 1976 "Unended Quest; An Intellectual Autobiography" (Lõppematu otsing: intellektuaalne autobiograafia) · 1977 "The Self and Its Brain: An Argument for Interactionism" · 1982 "The Open Universe: An Argument for Indeterminism" (Avatud universum: argument indeterminismi kasuks) · 1982 "Realism and the Aim of Science" (Realism ja teaduse eesmärk) · 1994 "The Myth of the Framework: In Defence of Science and Rationality" · 1994 "Knowledge and the Mind-Body Problem: In Defence of Interactionism" 8 Tunnustused ·1965 ­ kuninganna Elizabeth II lõi ta rüütliks. · 1976 ­ valiti Kuningliku Seltsi liikmeks. · 1982 ­ Order of the Companions of Honour · Briti Akadeemia liige · Lippincotti auhind

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
29 allalaadimist

US History: Native Americans and the first settlements

Notions for The New World Native Americans Origin of Native Americans Nearly one-third of Native American genes come from west Eurasian people linked to the Middle East and Europe, rather than entirely from East Asians as previously thought, according to a newly sequenced genome. Native peoples of North and South America descended from ancestors who arrived via land bridges from East Asia, possibly in a single migration. Different tribes and their way of life The men were hunters, warriors, and protectors, while the women tended to the children, their homes, and farmed. It depended on the tribe when it came to artwork. In some tribes, the men would actually weave baskets and blankets. Natural foods were consumed and hunted. Deer, buffalo, fish, and various birds were the game of choice. Corn, beans, squash, berries, nuts, and melons were the fruits and vege...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Maailmarahvastik ja rahvastikuprotsessid

te rvis ho iu ja ars tite adus e are ng rahvas tiku kas vug a kaas ne b ka linnae lanikko nna o s atähts us e s uure ne mine : 1900. aas tal e las linnade s 14% rahvas tikus t, 1991. aas tal juba 45% aas taks 2020 e nnus tataks e are ng umaade linnarahvas tiku kas vu ko lme ko rdis tumis t 10 Rahvastiku paiknemine Rahvas tik paikne b väg a e baühtlas e lt Tähts aim rahvas tiku paikne mis e te g ur o n s o o ds ad kliimating imus e d S uurim rahvas tiku tihe dus o n tas as te l ranniku- ja jõ e äärs e te l alade l Kui 1950.a mo o dus tas are ne nud riikide rahvas tik 1/3 ko g u maailma rahvas tikus t, s iis prae g us e ks o n s e e lang e nud ¼-le ja lang e b ve e lg i. 11 RAHVASTIKU PAIKNEMINE 12 Rahvastiku tihedus riigiti seisuga2006.a

Geograafia → Geograafia
24 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liit

- Regulatory policies – governs the conduct of markets to protect public welfare and interest - Redistributive policies – transfer financial resources from groups of individuals, regions or countries to others - Distributive policies – allocate financial resources and benefits to selected beneficiaries - Constituent policies – rules of the gamses,benefits related to balance of power EUs re-distributive tool – a policy with the stated aim of improving the economic well-being of reigons in the EU and also to avoid regional disparities. Restructures declining industrial areas and diversify rural areas which hace declining agriculture EU cohesion policy at a glance 36% of EU budget: Financial instruments - European Regional Development Fund - European Social Fund - Cohesion Fund Three objectives - Convergence objective – for regions w/ a GDP below 7% of community average

Politoloogia → Euroopa liit
19 allalaadimist

Õigusalane inglise keel

silmis 499. impose ­ määrama 500. deprivation of liberty ­ vabaduse kaotus 501. conditional discharge ­ tingimisi vabastatud 502. an enforcement official ­ kohtutäitur 503. a probation officer ­ kriminaalhooldusametnik 504. impartial ­ erapooletu 505. commence ­ alustama 506. bring up on behalf ­ kellegi/millegi nimel 507. penal law ­ karistusseadus 508. regarding ­ mis puutub... 509. of sui generis ­ ainus omalaadne (lad k) 510. the aim ­ eesmärk 511. unity ­ ühtsus 512. indivisibility ­ jagamatus 513. a statement ­ avaldus/seisukoht 514. binding ­ siduv 515. outwith ­ ületab 516. validity ­ kehtivus 517. contradictory ­ vastuoluline 518. former orders ­ endised korraldused 519. the immediate supervisor ­ otsene järelvalve teostaja 520. the Public Prosecutor's office ­ riigiprokuratuur 521. county and city prosecutor's offices ­ maakonna ja linna prokuratuurid 522

Õigus → Õigus
249 allalaadimist

What is integrated care? Acknowledgements Our thanks go to Richard Gleave, Diane Gray, George Kissen, Dennis Kodner, Judith Smith and Sarah Smyth for their comments, all of which have helped to shape both the structure and content of this report. 3 What is integrated care? `Integrated care' is a term that reflects a concern to improve patient experience and achieve greater efficiency and value from health delivery systems. The aim is to address fragmentation in patient services, and enable better coordinated and more continuous care, frequently for an ageing population which has increasing incidence of chronic disease. The search for ways to integrate care more effectively is a pressing policy concern. But what do we actually mean by `integrated care'? This research report examines what is meant by `integrated care'. It explores integrated care from an NHS perspective, identifies the

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaaltöö korraldus
13 allalaadimist

Public International Law is a system of law

Members can also decide some additional questions should be treated this way. Meet on annual regular sessions, can be extraordinary sessions at the request of the Security Council or the majority of the member states of the UN. UN resolutions are not always legally binding. Sometimes they're considered as soft law. Can tackle any questions that may appear. Security Council ­ has the strongest powers, because it can authorize the use of force Main aim is to protect int peace and security. It has failed due to the structure of the Council. Composition ­ consists of 15 members, only 5 are permanent members of the Council (UK, France, Russian Federation, China ­ originally Taiwan, now republic of the peoples of China, USA). Non-permanent members elected for 2 years by the General Assembly Voting procedure ­ to vote to take a decision it's not enough to have the majority of votes

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

English literature

The Earl of Southampton was his friend. Comedies ­ The Taming of the Shrew, A Mid-Summer Night's Dream, The Twelth Night, Much Ado About Nothing, The Merchant of Venice, The Merry Wives of Windsor, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, As You Like It. Although the comedies take place in Italy, they reflect Renaissance England and the characters are men and women whose raison d'etre is enjoying life. There is sorrow and heartbreak in the comedies, but the ending is always relatively happy. The aim of the autho is to take the reader away from everyday troubles. The comic effect comes through comic characters and situations. Shakespeare believed in man's virtues. He hoped that man would achieve his happiness. Love of life. The problems ae serious. Comedies often contain deep philosophical thoughts and problems. Light and playful manner, smooth language. Tragedies ­ Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Othello, the Moor of Venice,

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


ROHUSÖÖDA KVALITEEDILE Uno Tamm, Paul Lättemäe, Silvi Tamm Eesti Maaviljeluse Instituut Abstract. Tamm, U., Lättemäe, P., Tamm, S. The effect of botanical composition of lucerne- grass mixture on nutritive value of forage. ­ Agronomy 2010/2011, 133­138. Complementary species are used in legume-grass mixtures in order to use environmental resources efficiently and reduce N emission. The aim of this investigation was to study the common lucerne (Medicago sativa, L) ´FSG 408 DP´ and hybrid lucerne (Medicago varia, HL) ´Karlu´-grass mixtures during the years 2007-09. The grasses used in the mixture were hybrid- ryegrass ´Molisto´, tall fescue ´Seine´, meadow fescue ´Darimo´, reed canarygrass ´Palaton´ and smooth bromegrass ´Lincoln´. Maturity stages were accompanied by significant changes in nutritive value: increased NDF, decreased CP, DDM, ME

Põllumajandus → Agronoomia
12 allalaadimist

Fašistlike ideoloogiate üldpõhimõtted

British Union of Fascists seisukohtade iseloomustus Tsitaadid Oswald Mosley raamatust The Greater England (London, 1932): "Fasism on ülim edasiviiv jõud ja revolutsiooniline dogma maailmas. See püüab oma eesmärke saavutada lähtudes tavadest ning jälgides korda ja seadusi, kuid objektiivselt võttes on see kas pöörettekitav või eimiski." ("Fascism is the greatest constructive and revolutionary creed in the world. It seeks to achieve its aim legally and constitutionally, by methods of law and order; but in objective it is revolutionary or it is nothing.") "Viimase neljateistkümne aasta jooksul pole vanad parteid toonud Suurbritanniale väljapääsu, nad ei too seda kunagi. Nad pole kriisist teadlikud, nad pole valmis sellele reageerima, isegi nende psüühika pole selliste asjade esilekerkimiseks valmis. Me ei saa nendega teha kompromissi, sest "nende tee pole meie tee ja nende jumalad pole meie jumalad.""

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
3 allalaadimist


Sissejuhatus Siinkohal keskendume uue meedia ühele osale, täpsemalt suhtlusportaalidele ja sotsiaalvõrgustikele ning sellele, milliseid võimalusi need inimestele pakuvad, miks on nad olnud juba algusaegadest võrdlemisi populaarsed ning millised positiivsed küljed ning probleemid nendega paratamatult kaasnevad. Keskendume just neile, kuna need on üldotstarbelised ning pakuvad vägagi erinevaid meelelahutus- ja sotsialiseerumisvõimalusi väga laial vanuseskaalal inimestele Euroopa noortest kasutab internetti kolm neljandikku. Enamkasutatavad online-võimalused mida noored kasutavad, saab jagada neljaks: haridus (õppimine ja digitaliseeritud kirjandus), osalus (kodanlik seotus), loovus (sealhulgas enesepresentatsioon) ning identiteet ja sotsiaalsed sidemed [1]. Tulenevalt uute võimaluste mitmekesisusest, veedavad noored internetikeskkonnas aega rohkem kui kunagi varem [2]. Ajalugu Esimene äratuntav sotsiaalvõrgustik seati üles 1997. aastal....

Informaatika → Informaatika
32 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun