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"agriculture" - 267 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: agriculture

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Leian, et maastik meie elus on tähtis olnud läbi aegade, see on meie koduks, töökeskkonnaks ja paljudeks teisteks keskkondadeks. KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS • Bergerona, J., Paquetteb, S., Poullaouec-Gonidecb, P. (2014). Uncovering landscape values and micro-geographies of meanings with the go-along method.- Landscape and Urban Planning. Väljaanne nr. 122. lk 108-121 • Bruni, D. (2016). Landscape Quality and Sustainability Indicators.- Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia. Väljaanne nr. 8. lk 698-705 • Cormont, A. (2016). Landscape complexity and farmland biodiversity: Evaluating the CAP target on natural elements.- Journal for Nature Conservation. Väljaanne nr. 30. lk 19-26 • Kokovkin, T. (2001). Viis mõtet maastikust. – Maastik: loodus ja kultuur. Maastiku käsitlusi Eestis. /Toim. H. Palang, H. Sooväli. Tartu Ülikooli geograafia instituut väljaanne nr 91

Maateadus → Maastikuökoloogia
33 allalaadimist

Põllumajandusmaa kasutamise muutused ja seda mõjutanud tegurid

EESTI MAAÜLIKOOL Põllumajandus ja keskkonnainstituut Maastikukaitse ja- hooldus Kati Zoobel Põllumajandusmaa kasutamise muutused ja seda mõjutavad tegurid Referaat aines Loodusvarade majandamise ökonoomika Juhendajad: Risto Sirgmets, Paavo Kaimre Tartu 2014 Sisukord Sissejuhatus........................................................................................................... 3 Põllumajanduse areng............................................................................................ 4 Tegurid ja arutelu.................................................................................................... 5 Kokkuvõte..........................................

Põllumajandus → Põllumajandus
19 allalaadimist

Luksemburgi Suurhertsogiriik

8 Kasutatud kirjandus Luxembourg Vaadatud 02.01.2012 Luxembourg (city) Vaadatud 03.01.2012 Luksemburgi Suurhertsogiriik Vaadatud 03.01.2012 Luksemburgi Suurhertsogiriik Vaadatud 02.01.2012 List of towns in Luxembourg by population Vaadatud 03.01.2012 Luxembourg ­ Agriculture Vaadatud 04.01.2012 Luxembourg in a nutshell Vaadatud 02.01.2012 Joonis 1. q=luksemburg+map&um=1&hl=et&sa=N&rlz=1C1ASUT_enEE460EE460&biw=1366&bih =643&tbm=isch&tbnid=zogex75Oa5oEmM:&imgrefurl= tml&docid=A02OxLk_1STgkM&imgurl= _europe

Geograafia → Geograafia
8 allalaadimist

Austraalia referaat inglise keeles

can be found in the north. The dingo or the native dog is not really an Australian native. It has brought from Asia around 3500 years ago. The dingo is an efficient sheep hunter. To protect sheep the dog fence was built in 1964. Climate Australia is the driest continent in the world except Antarctica. It has very low average rainfalls. About 70 per cent of the country is arid or semiarid and cannot support agriculture. The north part of the countrygets about 300 mm rain a year. Much of the rain soakes into the ground and does not form any rivers or lakes. Monsoon winds bring most air during summer. This is the time of high rainfall. It's known as the wet season. High temperature also means that a lot of moisture evaporates or is used by plants. In the southern two thirds of the country the climate is temperate to cool. Winter temperatures can be lower but not freezing. There are four seasons

Keeled → Inglise keel
94 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia üldkokkuvõte

The Conservative Party was formed by Robert Peel from what was left of the old Tory party in the 1930s. The Labour Party was formed by James Keir Hardie in 1892 to represent the workers. The recently-formed Green Party has begun to threaten the left-of-centre Liberal Democratic Party as the nation's "third" party. There is a large body of laws that have never been codified known as common law. 5) Economy, industry, agriculture, tourism The UK economy has performed remarkably well for the past 15 years, especially in the service sector. The value of all goods and services produced within the UK economy for final consumption is measured by GDP. The biggest companies are BP energy, Vodafone, GlaxoSmithKlein, HSBC Holdings, Royal Bank of Scotland, etc. The main revenue sources were taxes on income, taxes on expenditure, National Insurance Contributions, taxes on capital.

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist


of Man and France. Economy The economy of Ireland has transformed in recent years from an agricultural focus to a modern knowledge economy, focusing on services and high-tech industries and dependent on trade, industry and investment. Economic growth in Ireland averaged a (relatively high) 10% from 1995­2000, and 7% from 2001­2004. Industry, which accounts for 46% of GDP, about 80% of exports, and 29% of the labour force, now takes the place of agriculture as the country's leading sector. Exports play a fundamental role in Ireland's growth, but the economy also benefits from the accompanying rise in consumer spending, construction, and business investment. On paper, the country is the largest exporter of software-related goods and services in the world. In fact, a lot of foreign software, and sometimes music, is filtered through the country to avail of Ireland's non-taxing of royalties from copyrighted goods.

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Australia Topic

AUSTRALIA Tallinn 2008 Only one country in the world fills a whole continent. That country is Australia. The continent it fills is Australia, too. Australia, then, is both a country and a continent. Australia is one only continent except Antartctica that is all south of the equator. Since it is south of the equator, its seasons are just the opposite of ours. It has summer while we have winter, and the other way round. Sometimes Australia is called the island continent. There is a good reason why. It is an island. It is 1800 miles from the mainland of Asia and almost half way round the world from Europe. More than 6000 miles of ocean separate it from the America. Australia is the world's smallest, flattest and driest continent. It is also the oldest ­ some of the rocks are more than 3,000 million years old. It is the 6th largest country. Its territory is 7 700 000 km2. Australia is...

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist


Jaapan Erasektori ja valitsuse koostöö, tugev tööeetika, tööjõu kõrge kvalifikatsioon ja suhteliselt väikesed kaitsekulutused (1% SKT-st) on aidanud Jaapanil pärast II Maailmasõda erakordse kiirusega tõusta teisele kohale maailma juhtivate tööstusriikide hulgas. Jaapani majanduse üheks silmatorkavamaks iseärasuseks on tootjate, tarnijate ja jaotusvõrgu tihe koostöö.Teiseks iseärasuseks on kuni viimase ajani olnud linnaelanikkonna eluaegne tööhõive. Samas ettevõttes, kuhu noor inimene pärast hariduse omandamist tööle asus, oli talle tagatud töökoht kuni pensionile minekuni. Jaapan on ka üks suuremaid põllumajandussaaduste importijaid maailmas, sest ainult 13,3% kogu maismaast sobib põllumajanduslikuks tootmiseks. Talu keskmine suurus on 1,47 ha ehk 14700 ruutmeetrit. Talud on küll väikesed, kuid jaapani talumehed teevad kõvasti tööd ja maakasutus on väga efektiivne. Põllumajandus on doteeritud läbi riikliku agentuuri JA (Japan Agric...

Politoloogia → Sotsiaalpoliitika
29 allalaadimist


Põllumajandus Avaldatud Creative Commonsi litsentsi ,,Autorile viitamine + jagamine samadel tingimustel 3.0 Koostaja: Ülle Liiber Eesti (CC BY-SA 3.0)" alusel, vt Avaldatud Creative Commons litsensi ,,Autorile viitamine+ jagamine samadel tingimustel 3.0 Eesti (CC BY-SA 3.0) alusel vt Põllud Hispaanias Ü. Liiberi Kas teate, et ... · põllumajanduses on hõivatud ligi 42% maailma tööealisest elanikkonnast, kuid põllumajandus annab vähem kui 5% maailma SKP-st; · 31% maakera maismaast on kasutatav põllumajanduses, põllumaad on siiski vaid 10%; · Põhja riikides elab veerand maailma rahvastikust, kuid nad tarbivad poole maailmas toodetud toidust; · Maailmas on ligi miljonit nälgivat või alatoidetud inimest, ületoitunud ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
12 allalaadimist

Põllumajanduse esitlus

Põllumajandus Avaldatud Creative Commonsi litsentsi „Autorile viitamine + jagamine samadel tingimustel 3.0 Koostaja: Ülle Liiber Eesti (CC BY-SA 3.0)“ alusel, vt Avaldatud Creative Commons litsensi „Autorile viitamine+ jagamine samadel tingimustel 3.0 Eesti (CC BY-SA 3.0) alusel vt Põllud Hispaanias Ü. Liiberi Kas teate, et ... • põllumajanduses on hõivatud ligi 42% maailma tööealisest elanikkonnast, kuid põllumajandus annab vähem kui 5% maailma SKP-st; • 31% maakera maismaast on kasutatav põllumajanduses, põllumaad on siiski vaid 10%; • Põhja riikides elab veerand maailma rahvastikust, kuid nad tarbivad poole maailmas toodetud toidust; • Maailmas on ligi miljonit nälgivat või alatoidetud inimest, ületoitunud in...

Geograafia → Geograafia
28 allalaadimist

Essay about NewZealand and Australia

Zealand about 1000 years ago, when navigator Kupe discovered the land in 950 AD. He named it Aotearoa ­ The Land of the Long White Cloud. Although these facts can be debatable, I will focus my attention on this interpretation of Maori history. After the Maori arrived to New Zealand, they started to develop into tribes and sub tribes, this tribal system is still in use. Their culture had almost no influence from the rest of the world. They evolved a culture endorsed by agriculture and hunting. Of course the Maori were warriors as well. They had inter-tribal battles, mostly over territory and the losers became slaves or food. Regardless of that they are historically not to be considered as cannibals. There was only one tribe that were, other tribes just kept the heads of their defeated to secure their mana or enemy's power. The Maori had a complex social structure of tribes, sub-tribes and clans and a concrete society made up of nobility, priestly and slave classes

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Ameerika ühendriigid

The value of American manufactured goods is greater than that of any other country. Factories in the US turn out a tremendous amount of producer goods, such as sheet metal and printing presses; and consumer goods, such as cars, clothing, and TV sets. The leading categories of US products are chemicals, transportation equipment, food products, electrical machinery, scientific and medical instruments and primary metals. Agriculture Agriculture accounts for 2% of the U.S. gross domestic product and employs 3% of the nation's workers. Yet, the US is a world leader in agricultural production. The country's farms turn out as much food as the nation needs, with enough left over to export food to other countries. About a third of the world's food exports come from US farms. Beef cattle is the most valuable product of American farms. Millions of beef cattle are reared on huge ranches in Western US, also the South and Midwest.

Keeled → Inglise keel
68 allalaadimist

Andide rahvad

Juba kunagistes Andide tsivilisatsioonides oli ühine see, et eksisteeris hästi organiseeritud põllumajandus, mis põhines mõistlikul keskkonnakasutusel ja pideval toidutaimede ja koduloomade arendamisel. Andides aretatigi välja mitmed tänapäeval laialt levinud põllukultuurid ja koduloomad. Need tsivilisatsioonid said aru, et põllumajandus on toidu allikaks ja et see garanteerib ühiskonna stabiilsuse. (Andean agriculture, 2016) Üldiselt on Andides vilja saagikus väike, veevaru on vähe ja suur osa piirkonnast on kuiv või ebaühtlase aastase sademete hulgaga. Kõrgetel tasandikel on külm ja viljad võivad külmuda. Maastik on ebatasane ja mullad ei ole hästi arenenud ja seal kus on viljakas maa, on see väike ja kitsas. (Andes Mountains, 2016) 10 4.2.1. Kliima

Geograafia → Maailma regioonid
3 allalaadimist

Kanada referaat

as coniferous forests is located south of the Tundra region. They are major source of oxygen. The climate is cold and harsh. The soil is acidic so only deciduous trees can grow there: like hemlocks, pines, larches, spruces and firs. Typical animals are brown bears, foxes, geese, lynxes and moose. Prairies are temperate grasslands. The consist of plains of grass that are hot in summer and cold in the winter. They are made by fires. The soil is rich so prairies are used for agriculture. Some animals that live there are: bobcats, antelopes, snakes, rodents, rabbits, badgers and bisons. Deciduous forests are cool, rainy areas. There are four distinct seasons. Well before coming of the first European settlers, Canada's aboriginal peoples had discovered the food properties of maple sap, which they gathered every spring. According to many historians, the maple leaf began to serve as a canadian symbol as early as 1700. The maple leaf today appears

Keeled → Inglise keel
41 allalaadimist

Mullateaduse III kontrolltöö spikker

Mulla profiilid jaotatakse 2-st aspektis:**mulla mineraalse osa paigutusest lähtudes.Akumulatiivne profiil-võrreldes lähtekivimiga on toimunud ülemise osa rikastumine Eluvioakumulatiivne porfiil.min ainete sisaldus Eluviaalne profiil-tugev väljauhe. Diferentseerumata profiil. Kahekihilisel lähtekivimil e näivleetunud profiil. **org ane akumulatsioonihorisontide järgi. Mull e.pehmehuumuslik-iseloom on õhuke metsakõduhorisont ja tüse huumushorisont. Moder e. keskmine huumuslikkus-iseloom.on tüse metsakõdu ja tunduvalt õhem huumushorisont. Moor e.toorhuumuslik-kogu orgaaniline aine on koondunud mulla pinnale (mustika kasvukoht). Turvas (eutrofoorne, mesotroofne v. oligotroofne). Proto- e algstaadiumis olev (näit protomull). Düs- e rikutud (näit raietööga) Kõik erinevad mulla mineraalprof. Ja huumusprof tüübid on kujunenud erinevate mullatekkeprotsesside käigus. Eesti mullatekke ökol.tingimused-reljeef- :keksm kõrgus u.50 m, 2/5-50...100m,1...

Maateadus → Mullateadus
222 allalaadimist

Kanada ajalugu, regioonid ja kliima

The Prairie Provinces The Prairie Provinces consists of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba provinces. Population in that region is about 5.7 million people. The precipitation in The Prairie Provinces is very low ­ only 400 mm per year. The biggest cities are Calgary, Winnipeg and Saskatoon. The Prairie Provinces focus on farming. 95% of the land in that region has been converted into farmland. Mostly wheat and other grains are produced. Cattle and sheep ranching is also part of the agriculture. The Prairie Provinces are known for their rolling plains and extreme climate with long, cold winters and hot, dry summers.The region is also rich in oil and natural gas. Central Canada This region consists of Quebec and Ontario. Central Canada is the centre of political and economic power in the country. It is the most heavily populated and industrialized area in Canada and because of that it is also the wealthiest region.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Jamaika referaat

inland regions are more temperate. Some regions on the south coast, such as the Liguanea Plain, are relatively dry rain-shadow areas. Jamaica lies in the hurricane belt of the Atlantic Ocean, as a result, the island sometimes experiences significant storm damage. Economy Jamaica is a mixed economy with both state enterprises and private sector businesses. Major sectors of the Jamaican economy include agriculture, mining, manufacturing, tourism, and financial and insurance services. Tourism and mining are the leading earners of foreign exchange. An estimated 1.3 million foreign toruists visit Jamaica every year. Jamaica's the number two exporter of Bauxite in the world, falling short only to the much larger Australia. The Jamaican economy is heavily dependent on services. The country continues to derive most of its foreign exchange from tourism, remittances, and bauxite/alumina.

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Washington and Texas

Washington is the 18th largest with an area of 184,827 sq/km and the 13th most populous state with over 7 million people. Approximately 60 percent of Washington's residents live in the Seattle metropolitan area, the center of transportation and business. The remainder of the state consists of deep temperate rainforests in the west, mountain ranges in the west, central, northeast and far southeast, and a semi-arid basin region in the east, central, and south, given over to intensive agriculture. Washington is the second most populous state on the West Coast and in the Western United States after California. Economy The 2014 total gross state product for Washington was $425.017 billion, placing it 14th in the nation. The per capita GDP in 2009 was $52,403, 10th in the nation. Significant business within the state include the design and manufacture of aircraft (Boeing), automotive (Paccar), computer software development (Microsoft, Bungie, Amazon

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


The leader of the political party with a majority in the House of Representatives becomes Prime Minister. Australia is rich in natural resources. It is a major exporter of agricultural products, such as wheat, wool sugar cane, and minerals, including various metals (copper, lead, gold, silver, tin and zinc), coal and natural gas. Nearly all the world's high-quality opals are mined in Australia. The service sector of the economy makes up 69% of the gross domestic product. Although both agriculture and natural resources give up only 5%, they make up most of Australia's exports. The best-known national symbols of Australia are the national flag, the coat of arms of Australia, the golden wattle, the opal, the colours green and gold and the National Anthem. The national flag of Australia has the union Jack in the top left corner, which represents the history of Australia as a former British colony. The stars on the flag represent each of the

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The United States of America

down to 40 degrees below zero. The south has a subtropical climate, with temperatures as high as 49 degrees in summer. Economy The United States is rich in various metals and minerals. It holds first place in the capitalist world for production of coal, iron and oil and it also produces silver and gold. It has a greatly developed car, machine, and ship-building industries, textile and food industries. Agriculture is very wide-spread, above all in the prairie regions, where wheat and other grain crops are grown. Cotton is grown in the Mississippi valley, tobacco in Maryland and Virginia. California is famous for its fruit, and the west for its cattle-farming. Poultry-farming is highly developed in the countryside near all big cities. The United States economy is largely based on a free enterprise system. In this system individuals and companies are free to make their own economic decisions

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist


Miina Härma Gümnaasium TANSAANIA ÜHENDVABARIIK Piia Maria Tomberg Juhendaja: Maiu Kaljuorg Referaat Tartu 2013 1. Geograafiline asend Tansaania on riik, mis asub Aafrika mandri idarannikul. Tansaania pindala on 945 203 ruutkilomeetrit. Tansaania pealinn on Dodoma. Tansaanial on maismaapiir 7 riigiga: põhjas Uganda ja Kenyaga, lõunas Mosambiigiga, edelas Malawi ja Sambiaga ning loodes Burundi ja Rwandaga. Lisaks on tal veepiir Kongo Demokraatliku Vabariigiga Tanganjika järvel. Ida poolt külgneb ta India ookeaniga. Tansaania on üks maailma vaesemaid riike, kuid on saavutanud üldiselt kõrge majanduskasvu. Suures jaos on saavutatud vabaturumajandus. Tansaania majandus kasvab pidevalt tänu kulla tootmisele ja turismile. Suure osa Tansaania majandusest moodustab ka põllumajandus, mis moodustab neljandiku riigi sisemajanduse kogutoodangust (SKT). 2. Kuulumine suurregiooni Tansaania kuulu...

Geograafia → Geograafia
20 allalaadimist

Topic - Estonia

industries give work to many people. The most important branches also include machinery and equipment. Paper and timber industries also employ many workers. Paper was first produced in Estonia in 1677 and it has retained its important role. Estonian furniture industry also has a long tradition. The electronics industry is one of the most promising branches in Estonia and the service sector has rapidly expanded . One tenth of the population receives income from agriculture, fishery and forestry. Food industry is largely based on local agriculture, although there has been a decrease in the importance of it lately. The reason is that farmers lack finances to modernize machinery and the increase in labour productivity has been limited. The production of milk and meat products is the main branch. In the countryside people breed dairy cattle, raise pigs and grow grain, potatoes and vegetables. The main crops are rye, oats, barley, wheat, potatoes and fodder crops

Keeled → Inglise keel
68 allalaadimist


The biggest towns are all in the eastern part of Australia. Sydney, with the population of 4,3 million people and Melbourne, with 3,9 million people. The capital of Australia is Canberra, although it's not as populated, but only about 340 000 people living there. Outback refers to remote arid areas of Australia. There are not very many people living there, and those who do, are Aborigines. Industry, minerals and power: Agriculture is the major industry in Australia. People grow grain and bred sheep. The Australian wool industry is widely recognised as producing the finest quality Merino wool. Eastern Australia is the biggest farming region. Australia is rich in many minerals; mining has been an important branch of Australia's industry. Minerals are found and mined in most states, but Western Australia has become the most important region of mineral production. Gold, manganese ore, uranium and nickel ore

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist


Pärnumaa Kutsehariduskeskus Jaapan Koostaja: Marko Tõnisson Rühm: E-08B Pärnu 2009 Üldandmed Riik: Jaapan Pindala: 377 835 km² Rahvaarv: 127 600 000 inimest Rahvastiku tihedus: 337 inimest/km² Riigikeel: jaapani keel Riigikord: konstitutsiooniline monarhia Pealinn: Tôkyô Rahaühik: Jaapani jeen Geograafiline asend Jaapan koosneb saarteketist, millest nelja suuremat tuntakse ka Jaapani kodusaartena. Jaapan hõlmab ka rühma väiksemaid saari nelja suurima saare ümber ning eemalejäävat Nansei saarterühma, millesse kuulub Okinawa. Jaapan koosneb umbes 3900 saarest, enamus neist on pisikesed. Suuri saari on 4: Honsh (231000 km2), Hokkaido (83500 km²), Kysh (42000 km²) ja Shikoku (19000 km²). Kõigi saarte maismaapindala koos Venemaa poolt okupeeritud Põhjaterritooriumiga (Lõuna-Kuriili saared) on kokku 377829 km², mis on s...

Geograafia → Geograafia
29 allalaadimist

Keskkonnaseisundi analüüs

This work aim is to determine critical nature capacity, collect information from various sources to specific region and characterize from that information a environment analysis and present possible solutions to problems. In this work you will find present time analysis of selected region, functional structure, infrastructure, communication and consumption habit, nature resources, Uses of land, environmental protection, industry, agriculture, forestry, transportation and many sub-and sub subjects. 3 1. PIIRKONNA HETKESEISUND 1.1. Funktsionaalne struktuur Vallas on 41 küla mille pindalaks on kokku 228,1 km² ja kus elab 2014. aasta seisuga 1349 inimest. Valla suuremateks keskusteks on jäänud majandite aegadest Sandla, Pihtla, Kõljala, Haeska ja Püha, millele mõeldes on ka välja arendatud valla taristu. Vallavalitsus asub Pihtla

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse
16 allalaadimist

Austraalia kohta inglise keelne referaat

In the northeast of the country a few km off the coast there is the Great Barrier Reef. It extends about 2000 km along the coast of Queensland. Made of coral, it is the world’s largest structure created by living organism. . 4 Climate & Time Zones Australia is the driest continent in the world except Antarctica. It has low average rainfalls. About 70 per cent of the country is arid or semi arid and cannot support agriculture. The north part of the country gets about 300 mm of rain a year. Much of the rain soaks into the ground and does not form any rivers or lakes. Monsoon winds bring moist air during summer. This is the time of high rainfall. It’s known as “the wet “season. High temperature also means hat a lot of moisture evaporates or is used by plants. In the southern two thirds of the country the climate is temperate to cool. Winter temperatures can be low but not freezing. There are four seasons

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Baaslogistika Module 1-5 Konspekt

;Middle East: oil, gas, chemicals.;Africa: fruits, cacao, coffee.; North America: peanuts, grain, coal.;South America: meat, poultry(linnuliha), iron ore. WTO- the World Trade Organisation is the driver to ensure trade between countries has no barriers world wide. 340 mln container are circling the globe! 500.000 ships ensure that cargo is shipped around the world. Import duties have dropped to less than 5%. 4)Which industry is still heavily subsidized and needs further liberalization? Agriculture Since 1950 World Trade has grown 20 fold. The North American Free Trade agreement (NAFTA) belongs to Canada, Mexico and the Unites States. Liner trade means liner shipping is the service of transporting goods by means of high-capacity, ocean-going ships that transit regular routes on fixed schedules. A boat or ship engaged in the tramp trade is one which does not have a fixed schedule or published ports of call. Ship agent’s responsibilities:  Representing the shipowner;

Logistika → Baaslogistika
4 allalaadimist

Brasiilia majandus

9. Brazil population structure (, 20.03.08) 10. Brazil population structure ( , 20.03.08) 11. Kindersley, D. 2000. Maailma teatmeteos. Tallinn: Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus, 717lk. 12. Brazil Energy Data, Statistics and Analysis ­ Oil, Gas, Electricity, Coal ( , 20.03.08) 13. Agriculture in Brazil ­ Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( , 09.04.08) 14. Brazil ­ Agriculture ( AGRICULTURE.html , 09.04) 15. Brazil Fishing ­ Flags, Maps, Economy, History, Climate, Natural Resources, Cur ( , 10.04.08) 16. Brazil ­ Fishing ( FISHING.html , 10.04

Geograafia → Geograafia
96 allalaadimist


Adelaide is the city of flowers, gardens and parklands. Its population is about 900000. The Torrens River flows through the city. The state is rich in iron-ore, lead and silver. In wetter areas sheep-breeding is developed. Victoria. The capital is Melbourne. Most of the Australians live on the eastern and southern coasts of the continent where the major port cities are located. Manufacturing is highly developed in Victoria. The climate is suitable for developing agriculture. Cattle, sheep and wheat are grown. The farms are profitable business. Melbourne is the second largest city in Australia. It is considered to be the financial capital of the country. In 1901 Melbourne was the capital city and was made the capital of the country's federal government. In 1927 the capital was transferred to Canberra. The history of Melbourne began in 1835 when a fellow called John Batman bought about 600000 acres of land from a band of Aborigines

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Põllumajandus (referaat)

Põllumajandus Referaat Siskukord Siskukord............................................................................................................................. 2 Sissejuhatus..........................................................................................................................4 Põllumajandus üldiselt.........................................................................................................5 Põllumajanduse jaotus..................................................................................................... 5 Põllumajandusmaa jaguneb:........................................................................................ 5 Agrokliimavöötmed......................................................................................................... 5 Põllumajandust mõjutavad tegurid.................................................................................. 6 Toiduprobl...

Geograafia → Geograafia
58 allalaadimist


Kool Nimi Klass UUS-MEREMAA Referaat Juhendaja: Tartu 2014 Sisukord Sissejuhatus Valisin referaadi teemaks Uus-Meremaa uurimise, sest mulle väga meeldib see riik, ja ma tahaks sinna kunagi reisida. Ja just sellepärast tahangi rohkem teada selle riigi kohta. Referaadis on juttu Uus-Meremaa majandusest, arengust, tööstusest ja veel paljust huvitavast. Minu eesmärgiks on uurida Uus-Meremaa arengut, ning riigi sise- ja välisoludest. Teema valdkond on seotud geograafiaga. Uus-Meremaa Riigi geograafiline asend Uus-Meremaa asub Okeaania edelaosas ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
21 allalaadimist

Topic - Canada 2

The soil is acidic and only deciduous trees can grow there like hemlocks, pines, larches, spruces and firs. Some typical animals are brown bears, foxes, geese, lynxes and moose. Prairies are temperate grasslands which consist of grass plains that are hot in summer and cold in winter. Prairies are made by fires. The soil is rich and precipitation is medium and because of that prairies are used for agriculture. Common agriculture plants are oats, rye, barley and wheat. The area has very few trees or shrubs so it's very windy. Some typical animals that live there are: bobcats, antelopes, snakes, rodents, rabbits, badgers and bison. Prairies are also called the "Breadbasket of Canada". The Deciduous Forests are cool and rainy areas. There are four distinct seasons. Annual precipitation is 0.51.5 meters. The summer average is 2430'C.

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Brasiilia üldiseloomustus, riigi arengutase

kuid odav töötajaskonna olemasolu, kuid seal napib ka siiski kapitali. Uustööstusmaad on keskmisest rikkamad riigid. 5 3. Riigi kuulumine majandusorganisatsioonidesse Rahvusvahelised organisatsioonid MRECOSOUR- vabakaubandusliit, AfDB (African Development Bank Group) BIS ( Bank for International Settlements) CCC ECLAC ( Economic Commission for Latin America and the Carribbean) FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) G15 G19 G77 IADB ( Inter- American Developtment Bank) IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) IBRD ( International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) ICRM ( Institute of Certified Records Managers) ICAO ( International Civil Aviation Organization) IDA ( International Development Association ) IFC ( International Finance Corporation) ­ maailma panga liige IFRCS (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies) - on rahvusvaheline

Geograafia → Geograafia
71 allalaadimist

Kas toiduainete defitsiit on reaalne?

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL MAJANDUSTEADUSKOND MAJANDUSPOLIITIKA ÕPPETOOL REFERAAT ÕPPEAINES "MAJANDUSPOLIITIKA" KAS TOIDUAINETE DEFITSIIT ON REAALNE? Koostaja: Juhendaja: Anneli Kommer TALLINN 2010 Sisu Sisu......................................................................................................................................... 2 Sissejuhatus:................................................................................................... 3 Toiduainete defitsiit: minevik ja olevik........................................................ 4 Mõningaid olulisemaid fakte maailmas valitsevast olukorrast................................................ 5 Reaalsust kinnitavad....................................................................................... 7 ...

Majandus → Majanduspoliitika
53 allalaadimist

inglise keeles Eesti tutvustus: Project: Estonia

The masters working in the villages played an important role in the development. The local foods such as sauerkraut stew, curd cake and ,,kama" (a meal made with sour milk and a mixture of ground grains) are popular even nowadays. There is even a song that says: "It is good to live in Mulgimaa / The nature is beautiful and the land is fructuous/ There are glorious groves and large wealthy Estonian farms". As for now, the large-scale industry has become more and more dominating in agriculture. After thorough reforms in Estonian economy the people living in villages and small towns are searching for new possibilities for self-realisation and one of the outputs is tourism. This can also be seen in Southern Viljandimaa as there are continuously more establishments providing accommodation, caterers and organisers of active holidays. Many tourism maps have been put beside the road as well as many hiking trails have been built and marked.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
20 allalaadimist

Roman Britain

British history Roman Britain Roman Britain was those parts of the island of Great Britain controlled by the Roman Empire between 43 and about 410. The Romans referred to their province as Britannia. Prior to the Roman invasion, Iron Age Britain already had cultural and economic links with Continental Europe, but the invaders introduced new developments in agriculture, urbanization, industry and architecture, leaving a legacy that is still apparent today. Historical records beyond the initial invasion are sparse, although many Roman historians mention the province in passing. Most of the knowledge of the period stems from archaeological investigations and especially epigraphic evidence. The invasion force in AD 43 was led by Aulus Plautius.It is not known how many Roman legions were sent; only one legion, the II Augusta, commanded by the future emperor

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Konpekt geograafia eksamiks

1 MAAILMA ÜHISKONNAGEOGRAAFIA PÕLLUMAJANDUS, KALANDUS JA TOIDUAINETETÖÖSTUS Kaardid EL andmed Esmasesse sektorisse (primaar- e. hankiv majandussektor) kuulub: Põllumajandus, metsandus, kalandus, jahindus Esmasektor rahuldab inimeste esmaseid vajadusi. Primary või providing sector Sisemajanduslikust kogutoodangust (SKT-st) annab: põllumajandus 4 % Eestis 3.2 % tööstus 32 % 29,1 % teenindus 64 % 67,8% Maailmas jaotub tööjõud: põllumajanduses on hõivatud 40,9 % ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
41 allalaadimist

US History: Native Americans and the first settlements

Beginning in the first half of the 19th century, federal policy dictated that certain tribes be confined to fixed land plots to continue their traditional ways of life. Besides the moral issue of depriving a people of life on their historic land, many economic issues plagued the reservation. Nomadic tribes lost their entire means of subsistence by being constricted to a defined area. Farmers found themselves with land unsuitable for agriculture. Many lacked the know-how to implement complex irrigation systems. Hostile tribes were often forced into the same proximity. The results were disastrous. Indian citizenship Act of 1924 Until the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924, Indians occupied an unusual status under federal law. Some had acquired citizenship by marrying white men. Others received citizenship through military service, by receipt of allotments, or through special treaties or special statutes

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kultuuri mõistest ja määratlusest

1. loeng Sissejuhatus: kultuuri mõistest ja määratlustest Sissejuhatus kultuuriteooriatesse Sügissemester 2009/ 2010 Mis on ,,kultuur"? Mida mõeldakse, kui öeldakse ,,kultuur"? Kui me räägime kultuuri igapäevasest mõistest e sellest milline on laiemalt (mitte ainult teaduse vaatepunktist), siis võib siin eristada 2 üldlevinud arusaama. Esiteks, enamasti inimesed ei mõtle sellele, mis see kultuur on, milles nad elavad, või õigemini, mida nad igapäevaselt elavad. Kultuur on igapäevaselt justkui nähtamatu v vaikiv dimensioon meie elus. Teiseks, paljude inimeste ettekujus kultuurist, kipub küllalt sageli olema staatiline. S.t arvatakse, et kultuur (olgu selleks siis nt mõni rahvuskultuur -itaalia, saksa, vene, hiina vm) on teatud n-ö olem, mida mingi inimrühm omab ja mis säilib muutumatuna kui selle rühma mõni liige mööda maailma ringi liigub. Kindlasti olete kuulnud sellist mõistet nagu ,,...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuurilood
102 allalaadimist

Victorian age

· What were the most important changes in politics, religion and social life that occurred during the Victorian age? Politics: 1848 Chartist movement (voting right for the working class); women's suffrage movements; feminist outburst (wanted to have business ­openly; own property, voting etc.); world dominion (British empire); Economy: Industrialization; urbanization (people moved to towns ­ no agriculture & food); laissez- faire economy ­ new type, where government has no control over economy; booming economy- needed new markets and endless supply of raw materials; 1845- potato famine in Ireland, 1846- Corn Laws (import of cheap corn to feed hungry people); Social life: religious doubts (Darwin's The Origin of Species 1859)- question raised: is there a God at all?; sexual liberation- changed people thoughts about sex (before men &

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
14 allalaadimist

Estonia topic

in July, Estonia was incorporated into the USSR as a constituent republic. Over 60,000 persons were killed or deported during the occupation's first year. Estonian irregulars fought Soviet troops in June 1941 as part of the German invasion, and their support of the Nazis continued through 1944. Occupied by German troops during much of World War II, Estonia was retaken by Soviet forces in 1944, who killed or deported thousands of Estonians. Collectivization of agriculture and nationalization of industry began in the late 1940s. In 1991, during the attempted hard-line coup against Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, Estonia declared its independence from the USSR. In June 1992, Estonia replaced the ruble with its own freely convertible currency, the kroon (EEK). Constitutional law of Estonian Government was admitted on 28th of June by national referendum and it came into force on 3rd of July. Lennart Meri was elected president

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist


positive protein balance values (PBV) in the rumen. The PBV was decreased close to zero in the `Karlu`/`Molisto`, `Karlu´/`Darimo` and `Karlu`/`Lincoln` mixtures of the first cut. Hybrid lu- cerne ´Karlu´ was more persistent in the mixtures compared to common lucerne ´FSG 408 DP´. Keywords: crude protein (CP), dry matter digestibility (DDM), metabolizable energy (ME), neutral-detergent fiber (NDF) Uno Tamm, Paul Lättemäe, Silvi Tamm, Estonian Research Institute of Agriculture, 13 Teaduse St., 75501 Saku, Estonia Sissejuhatus Lutserni-kõrrelise segukülvi kasvatamisel on võrreldes lutserni puhaskülviga väiksem keskkonna lämmastikuga saastatus, teiselt poolt on võrreldes kõrreliste puhaskülviga võimalik pikendada rohusööda optimaalset koristusaega. Segukülvi rohusööt on väiksema proteiinisisaldusega, sest kõrreliste bioloogiline areng on lutsernist kiirem. Lutserni-kõrreliste omavahelise suhte muutmisega saame reguleerida

Põllumajandus → Agronoomia
12 allalaadimist

Lõuna Aafrika rahvusköök

In the precolonial period, indigenous cuisine was characterized by the use of a very wide range of fruits, nuts, bulbs, leaves and other products gathered from wild plants and by the hunting of wild game. The domestication of cattle in the region about two thousand years ago by Khoisan groups enabled the use of milk products and the availability of fresh meat. However, during the colonial period the seizure of communal land in South Africa restricted and discouraged traditional agriculture and wild harvesting, and reduced the extent of land available to black people. Decline of indigenous cookery Urbanization from the nineteenth century, coupled with close control over agricultural production, led black South Africans to rely more and more on comparatively expensive, industrially-processed foodstuffs like wheat flour, white rice, mealie (maize) meal and sugar. Often these foods were imported or processed by white wholesalers, mills and factories

Toit → Kokandus
49 allalaadimist


UURIMISTÖÖ Venezuela Tähti Kull Kose Gümnaasium 10a klass Juhendas Epp Tähe 07.01.2009 Sisukord Riigi põllumajanduse iseloomustus 2 Metsamajandus ja metsatööstus 6 Tööstuse areng 8 Transpordi iseloomustus 9 Turismi iseloomustus 11 Kontuurkaart 12 Kasutatud kirjandus 13 2 Riigi põllumajanduse iseloomustus 1. Millised on looduslikud eeldused põllumajanduse arendamiseks selles riigis? a) Kui suur osa territooriumist on põllumajanduslikult kasutatav (Andmed tabelist. Joonista sektorgiagramm maakasutamise kohta, milline osa territooriumist on põllumaade, milline osa rohumaade all, lisada võiks ka metsade osatähtsus). a) Pinnamood põllumajanduse arendamise seisukohast. Venezuela asub Lõuna-Ameerika põhjaosas, mida ümbritseb põhjast Kariibi meri ja Vaikne ookean. Lõunas on Brasiilia, lää...

Geograafia → Geograafia
78 allalaadimist

The Saxons & Vikings

Beautiful buildings, roads were neglected or broken up. The first settlements were groups of 3 or 4 family farms. Houses were all made of wood & had sloping thatched roofs. Around the settlement was a fence. In time the settlements became villages. Villages were self-sufficient. In the village there was also a forge where a blacksmith mended tools & weapons. There was also a wheelwright's workshop & mill. There was very little trading at that time. Roads were bad. Agriculture changed. The Celts kept small square fields, they used a light plough drawn by an animal or 2 people. Anglo-Saxons introduced a heavier plough, it required 6-8 oxen to pull it. That's why the arable land was divided into 2 or sometimed 3 fields. The fields into long thin strips. The strips were scattered over the field, so everybody had strips on both good & bad land. In the field all strip-owners had to grow the same crop. The common crops were wheat, rye, oats & barley

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
16 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia (majandus)

· · · · · script/csNews/image_upload/ map.gif · · AGRICULTURE.html · · http://www.parliament.the-stationery- · hunting.2C_forestry.2C_and_fishing · · %20Phantom%201%20Jonckheere%20Coupe%201.jpg

Geograafia → Geograafia
116 allalaadimist


Brasiilias 88%, linnas elab 81% rahvastikust. SKT on 8800. Brasiilia kuulub uustööstusmaade hulka. Uustööstumaid iseloomustab ennekõike usin, kuid odav töötajaskonna olemasolu, kuid seal napib ka siiski kapitali. Uustööstusmaad on keskmisest rikkamad riigid. Riigi kuulumine rahvusvahelistesse majandusorganisatsioonidesse MRECOSOUR- vabakaubandusliit, BIS(Bank for International Settlements) ECLAC(Economic Commission for Latin America and the Carribbean) FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) IADB (Inter-American Developtment Bank) IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) ICRM ( Institute of Certified Records Managers) ICAO ( International Civil Aviation Organization) IDA ( International Development Association ) IFC ( International Finance Corporation) ­ maailma panga liige IFRCS (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies) - on rahvusvaheline

Geograafia → Geograafia
52 allalaadimist


JAAPAN Referaat Klass: 11B 2011 Üldandmed Jaapan on 377 944 km2 suurune Aasia mandrist itta jääv riik Kaug-Idas. Tema lähimad naabrid on Lõuna-Korea, Hiina ja Venemaa. Seal elab 127 960 000 inimest, kellest umbes 8 803 200 elab Jaapani pealinnas Tokyos. Jaapani riigikeeleks on jaapani keel. Rahaühikuks jeen. Geograafiline asend Joonis 1. Jaapani kaart Jaapan on Aasia mandrist itta jääv maa ja riik Kaug-Idas Vaikse ookeani läänekaldal Jaapani saarestikul. Tema lähimad naabrid on Lõuna-Korea, Hiina ja Venemaa. Jaapan on pikliku kujuga ning koosneb saarteketist, millest nelja suuremat tuntakse ka Jaapani kodusaartena. Jaapan koosneb umbes 3900 saarest, enamus neist on pisikesed. Jaapani saarestiku kogupikkus on ligi 4000 kilomeetrit. Looduslikud tingimused Pinnamood Jaapan on väga mägine maa, mägedega on kaetud 7...

Geograafia → Geograafia
12 allalaadimist

Jaapani ühiskonnageograafia

............................. Jaapan Uurimustöö ................... ................... Jõhvi 2009 Sisukord: 3................................................................................................Riigi üldiseloomustus 4.........................................................................................................Riigi arengutase 4....................................................... Riigi kuulumine majandusorganisatsioonidesse 5...................................................................................................................Rahvastik 6..................................................................... Rahvastiku soolis-vanuseline koosseis 7.............................................................................................................Linnastumine 8................................................

Geograafia → Geograafia
22 allalaadimist

European Union Exam

European Defence Community (EDC) – A plan to create a common European military as a means of binding Germany to European integration after WWII. The creation of the EEC • Treaties of Rome (EEC / EURATOM) – Signed in March 1957; Ratified in January 1958. Four goals: - Single market within 12 years (with 3½ freedoms goods, capitals, services, people) - Elimination of custom duties & common external tarifs - Extablishment of common agriculture, trade, transport, competition policy - Creation of European Social Fund and European Investment Bank Merging of Institutions (1965) Elimination of Commission and Council of Euratom and the High Authority and Council of the ECSC (already sharing Assembly and Court) – creation of European Communities II loeng Britain’s approach to European Integration • European Free Trade Association Established in 1960 as a trade bloc-alternative for European states who

Politoloogia → Euroopa liidu põhikursus
9 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun