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"agriculture" - 267 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: agriculture

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The effect of modern technology on our everyday life

The effect of modern technology on our everyday life In the nowadays world, we are living in the era of advanced technology. Almost every activity that we do in our daily life is somehow connected with technology usage. It plays a major role not only in our lives, but also helped in development of various industries, changed education, entertainment. We can not measure this process and it`s impact on society, but one thing we can say for sure – technology has become part of pupils lives. There are so many advantages connected with technology and how it affected our everyday life. To start with, development of mobile technology, computers and internet made life easier. We can find information in sites like Google in a couple of minutes instead of looking for required information in books for hours. In the older times, writing a letter, sending and bringing to a required person took minimum a month; now this proce...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Mongoolia energiamajnduse iseloomustus

Mongoolia energiamajnduse iseloomustus Energiavarade iseloomustus Mongoolia kõige enam levinud ja ühtlasi kõige olulisem energiavara on kivisüsi, millel riigi majandus suuresti ka põhineb. Suured söemaardlad (joonis 1) asuvad riigi põhja- ja keskosas: pealinna Ulaanbaatari lähistel ja Darhani linna ümbruses, samuti ka täiesti lääneservas. Nüüdseks on avastud ja kasutusele võetud teisigi kivisöe leiukohti Mongoolia lõunapiiri läheduses- Gobi kõrbes. Mongoolias leidub mingil määral ka naftat, kuid see pole majanduslikult nii tähtis kui süsi. Naftat kaevandatakse riigi idaosas ja Gobi kõrbes. Traditsiooniliselt kasutatakse seal kivisüsi, nafta leiukohad on suhteliselt hiljuti avastatud ning seetõttu on see Mongoolia jaoks uus energiatootmise valdkond. Kivisüsi tootmiselt on riik maailmas 22. kohal, nafta tootmiselt on Mongoolia 89. riik maailmas. Mongoolia majandus on kivisöepõhine. Selle tootmise eesmärk on peamiselt oma rahva ja tööstuse...

Geograafia → Rahvastik ja majandus
3 allalaadimist

Keskonnakaitse( ehitusteaduskond)

United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) 2) United Nations Development Program (UNDP) : World Commission on Environmentand Development 3) 1 ( ) · Food and Agriculture Organizations (FAO) 2 ( ) 1 : World Wildlife Fund (WWF) 3 · 1 International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals (IRPTC) (2) 4 · , 1518

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja...
10 allalaadimist

Saksamaa põllumajandus

2018 Saksamaa põllumajandus Merlyn Sagaja 11. Klass Kliima on Saksamaal pehme. Põllumajanduse seisukohalt on kliima keskpärane. Loodustingimused on põllumajanduse arengule soodsad, sest seal on soodne kliima. Paljudes kohtades ei ole viljakaid muldi ning kultuurtaimed ei kasva seal hästi. Selles osas loodustingimused ei ole eriti soodsad. Suurel määral koosneb põllumajandustooted piimatoodetest, vilja toodetest, loomse liha toodetest ja paljust muust. Riigi pindalast on 51% haritavat maad. Põllumajandus on arenenum Saksamaa põhjaosas. Saksamaa oma suurusega on väga mitmekesine. Põhja- Saksamaa on madal lauskmaa. Põhjamere rannikuil ja jõeorgudes on viljarikkad uhtmaad - marsid ehk padurad, mis osalt on meretasemest allpool. Need on osaliselt muudetud ka põldudeks. Kesk- ja Lõuna- Saksamaa on mägised. Saksamaa asub parasvöötmes. Seal on parasvöötme kliima ja põhjaosas merekliima. Saksamaa asub merelise ja mandri...

Geograafia → Geograafia
16 allalaadimist

Topic - USA

southern Florida, polar in Alaska, semiarid in the Great Plains west of the 100 th meridian, Mediterranean in coastal California and arid in the Great Basins. Its comparatively generous climate contributed (in part) to the country's rise as a world power, with infrequent severe drought in the major agricultural regions, a general lack of widespread flooding, and a mainly temperate climate that receives adequate precipitation. 6. Animals, plants, agriculture Animals The moose ranges throughout the northern US. In the eastern forests live elks, black bears, deer, foxes, raccoons, skunks and squirrels. Along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico live large and more colorful birds such as pelicans and flamingos. Alligators can also be found there. Bison (buffalo) exists now only in protected areas. In the western areas live elk, deer, bighorn sheep, mountain goats and a small number of brown bears. The Kodiak bear, the largest carnivore found in North

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Canada topic

Victoria. Territories and provinces Canada consists of 3 territories and 10 provinces. Very few people live in the territories, but it has more power on deciding important questions. Newest territoy is Nunawut, it became a territory in 1999. It was created from the eastern part od North- West territories. Quebec and Ontario are the biggest provinces. In the central part of Canada there are prairies and agriculture is very common. Alberta is rich in natural resources such as oil and natural gas. In Quebec and Ontario are many manufactories and industries. In the west there is maritime climate and so they fish and ship there. Toronto is the biggest city in Canada, with a population of 5,1 million people. It is followed by Montreal with 3,9, Vancouver, Ottawa (which is the capital of Canada) 800 000 and Quebec with 700 000. Government

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Powerpoint Republic of Irelandi kohta

In 1921 the northern and southern parts separated, the latter became the Irish Free State. Northern Ireland remained part of the UK In 1949 the southern part declared itself the Republic of Ireland Today Ireland has many political conflicts; many people have been killed in outbursts of violence Economic development Transport costs are high due to its location Low inflation and tax breaks attract foreign investors to the Republic The economy is heavily dependent on agriculture Tourism is a flourishing branch of the economy All the major cities lie on the coast or near the sea. They are Dublin, Galway, Limerick, Cork and Waterford Where to go? Ireland features wild coastlines, sandy beaches, lush valleys, dark peat lands and unruffled lakes. The island may be divided into the following parts: * Southeast Ireland * Cork and Kerry * the Lower Shannon * the West of Ireland * Northwest Ireland * the Midlands * Northern Ireland

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
21 allalaadimist


municipality, by population in Canada. Located 300 km due south of Edmonton, statisticians define the narrow populated area between these cities as the "Calgary-Edmonton Corridor." Calgary is the largest Canadian metropolitan area between Toronto and Vancouver. Calgary is well-known as a destination for winter sports and ecotourism with a number of major mountain resorts near the city and metropolitan area. Economic activity in Calgary is mostly centred on the petroleum industry; however, agriculture, tourism, and high-tech industries also contribute to the city's economic growth. In 1988, Calgary became the first Canadian city to host the Olympic Winter Games. Winnipeg Winnipeg is the capital and largest city of Manitoba, Canada.It's population is 740 000 people. It is located near the longitudinal centre of North America, in south central

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


Good afternoon. My name is Siiri Paurson. And I will be speaking today about OVERFISHING. I will be speaking for about 10 minutes. I’ll be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation. INTRODUCTION: What is overfishing? What is causing overfishing? Why is overfishing a problem? Fishing down the food web. What can we do to help? WHAT IS OVERFISHING?: Overfishing can be defined in a number of ways. However, everything comes down to one simple point: Catching too much fish for the system to support leads to an overall degradation (degrödašon) to the system. Overfishing is a non-sustainable use of the oceans. WHAT IS CAUSING OVERFISHING?: Worldwide, fishing fleets are two to three times as large as needed to take present day catches of fish and other marine species (spiišis) and as what our oceans can sustainably support. On a global scale we have enough fishing capacity (cäpaseti) to cover at least four Earth...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


METSAMAJANDUS METSATÖÖSTUS METSAVARUD · Metsavarusid iseloomustab metsamaa pindala, metsasus ja puiduvaru · Metsasus ­metsamaa pindala osatähtsus (%des) mingi piirkonnas üldpindalas Metsad katavad maakera pinnast 9,4 % (ainult maismaad arvestades 30 % ehk 3,9 mld ha). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ÜRO Toidu- ja Põllumajandusorganisatsiooni (FAO) järgi on mets: maa-ala, mis on suurem kui 0,5 hektarit ning kus kasvavad üle 5 meetri kõrgused puud ning puuvõra katab üle 10% sellest maa-alast. Metsaks ei loeta valdavalt põllumajandusliku/aiandusliku või linnalise maakasutusega alasid (näiteks aiandeid ja parke). Riikide metsasus Metsa suhe rahvaarvu Suurema metsamaa pindalaga riigid

Geograafia → Geograafia
152 allalaadimist

Dominikaani Vabariik

pl?cty=DR 5. Dominican Republic City population- 6. Population Reference Bureau- Section=PRB_Country_Profiles&template=/customsource/countryprofile/countryprofiledis play.cfm&Country=359 7. World Urbanization Prospects- 8. Wikipedia- 9. Globalis- 10. Food and Agriculture Organization- 11. Food and Agriculture Organization- 12. Food and Agriculture Organization- 13. International Trade Centre- 14. Dominican Republic Travel Guide- 15. Transportation in the Dominican Republic- http://www.answers

Geograafia → Geograafia
29 allalaadimist

Kofuni periood

Kadrioru Saksa Gümnaasium KOFUNI AJASTU Referaat Maarika Maripuu 10-SO Tallinn 2016 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS…………………………………………………………..……………………… 2 1. KOFUNID……………………………….………………………………….……………...…...3 1.1 KOFUNITE ÜLESEHITUS…………………………………………………………………..3 1.2 HAUDA KAASA PANDUD ESEMED JA KAUNISTUSED……..…………..……………..4 2. YAMATO RIIK………………………………………………………………………………....5 3. KONTINENTAALSE AASIA MÕJU………………………………………………………….6 3.1 HIINA………………………………………………………………………………………....6 4. KULTUUR……………………………………………………………………………………...7 4.1 USK…………………………………………………………………………………………..7 4.2 KUNST………………………………………………………………………………………..7 KOKKUVÕTE…………………………………………………………………………………....9 KASUTATUD MATERJALID…………………………………………………………………..10 1 SISSEJUHATUS Kofuni perioodiks nimetatakse jaapani ajalooperioodi, mis järgneb Yayoi per...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
1 allalaadimist

Topic – Australia

The Australian economy is dominated by its services sector, yet it is the agricultural and mining sectors that account for 65% of its exports. Rich in natural resources, Australia is a major exporter of agricultural products, particularly grains and wool, and minerals, including various metals, coal, and natural gas. A downturn in world commodity prices can thus have a large impact on the economy. Agriculture Agriculture in Australia is a major industry, 402 000 people are employed in agriculture and agriculture related services. Until the late 1950s agriculture accounted for up to 80% of Australia's export earnings. That percentage has fallen with diversification of the economy. Most of the farmland in Australia is pasture for raising cattle and sheep. Farmland covers about 65 per cent of Australia. However, most of this land is dry grazing land. Crops are grown on only about 5 per cent of the farmland

Keeled → Inglise keel
43 allalaadimist

Estonia Topic

The oldest street is Pikk Jalg. Modern industrial development which began in the second half of the 19th century was oriented toward the Russian market. Large textile mills were set up in Narva and electric motor productions, plants and shipyards in Tallinn. Today Narva provides the most Estonian's electricity. Estonian porst, ice-free most of the winter, have always handled much of Russia's trade with western Europe. Deep sea fihing fleets operate from Tallinn and Pärnu. Estonian agriculture mus also find its place in the European aconomy. Agricultural researchers have also detarnimated the best breeds of pigs, sheep and horses suited to Estonian conditions. Pre-War was known in Europe as a potato exporting country. At the moment Estonians Farmers export daily products and timber. Estonia have always had the greatest respect for education. There are 7 colleges and universities in Estonia. The oldest of them is Tartu University founded in 1632. Topic Tallinn, Estonia

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

UK test

customs, holidays and music, traditional dance lie in folk dancing and clog dancing. Bordered by England to its east and the Atlantic Ocean and Irish Sea to its west. Largely mountainous. Saint David. 7. What are the symbols of the 4 constituent countries? The daffodil and the leek ­ Wales. The thistle ­ Scotland. Rose ­ England. N-Ireland - Shamrock 8. How did the Romans influence Britain? The Roman invaders introduced new developments in agriculture, urbanization, industry and architecture. 9. Which areas of life is English used in? Communication , science, business. 10. Which languages influenced the Old English (until the 10th century) most? Latin 11. Where do British people live? In Great Britain(mostly) 12. Describe Ireland. The population of Ireland is approximately 6.4 million. Just under 4.6 million live in the Republic of Ireland and just under 1.8 million live in

Ajalugu → Maiskonnalugu
3 allalaadimist

Rainforest destruction

· Rainforests once covered 14% of the earth's land surface; now they cover a mere 6% and experts estimate that the last remaining rainforests could be consumed in less than 40 years. · Vihmametsad katsid kunagi 14% maapinnast, praegu katavad nad ainult 6% ja eksperdid arvavad et viimased alles olevad vihmametsad nö. tarvitatakse ära vähema kui 40 aasta pärast. Causes of rainforest destruction Vihmametsa hävitus põhjused. · Logging · Agriculture · Fuelwood- küttepuud · Large Dams- suured tammid · Mining and industry- kaevandus ja tööstus. · Tourism ­ turism. · Poverty and overpopulation ­ vaesus ja ülerahvastatus. · Colonialism ­ kolonialism. Why save it? · The rainforest is home to over · Vihmamets on koduks rohkem fifty percent of all plants and kui 50 % maa loomadele ja animals on earth. It is the taimedele. See on maa elav

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Joogiveekriis Maailmas

tasandil ning lõppetades globaalsel tasandil. Kui kõikidel tasanditel (nt. globaalne, regionaalne, siseriiklik ja kohalik) inimkond püüab säästa vett, siis maailmas suureneb puhta vee kogus. Kasutatud kirjandus: 1. Unicef and World Health Organisation, 2012, Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation: 2012 Update, WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data, ISBN: 978-92-806-4632-0 (NLM classification: WA 670), 2-63. 2. Vaux Jr., Henry, 2012, Water for agriculture and the environment: the ultimate trade-off., ISSN: 13667017, accession number: 74564952. 3. Frumin, G.T., 2007, "DIRECTIONS OF PERFECTION OF WATER SUPPLY IN THE COUNTRIES OF THE ARABIAN PENINSULA» , Russian state hydrometeorological university,Number 6, part 2. 1-5. 4. Globaalprobleemid, 2011, Veekriis ja veekogude reostumine, Kättesaadav:

Loodus → Keskkond
15 allalaadimist

Pessimism vs optimism

An OPTIMISTIC approach (Alternative theory)  Ester Boserup (1965) suggested that an increase in population would stimulate technologists to increase food production.  It followed that a rise in population will increase demand for food and therefore act as an incentive to modify technology to produce more food. In other words, “Necessity is the mother of invention” .  As population increases agriculture moves into higher stages of intensity with new methods. An OPTIMISTIC approach  Followers of Boserup argue that food production is much more optimistic than that of a Malthusian, as she claims that food supplies will stay ahead of population growth.  Innovations such as the ‘Green Revolution’ introduced HYVs to LEDCs who witnessed increased yields from these processes allowing more people to be fed. Limitations of Boserups theory

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inglise keelne intervjuu

down by the fireplace and Catherine serves her special and at least locally very famous tea ­ the exact recipe is a well-kept secret, of course. Was working in a farm something you planned already long ago? Marc: No, not really. In high school I actually planned to become a chemical engineer. It's funny how haphazard things in life change and affect so many other things. Practical chemistry lead me first to household chemicals, then I started studying fertilizers and discovered the charms of agriculture. As I've grown up in a big city, cows and other farm animals have always symbolised a better world, something more perfect but less accessible to me. Yes, especially cows, I've always loved them. So a few years after university it was clear to me that I want to work with cows. Catherine: To me the profession of a milkmaid was no accident. Unlike Marc, I grew up in the country. We had many animals and my mother taught me to take care of them already when I was a little girl

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
7 allalaadimist


Further to the south the climate gets warmer, with warmer winters and hotter summers. The south western part of the country is the driest and the hottest. Death Valley is also located there. The second highest temperature on earth 55.5C was recorded in the valley. The place got its name because of gold seekers. Hoping to find a shorter way to gold fields, many of them died crossing the valley during the 1849 Gold Rush. 6 Economy, Agriculture The United States is a country of highly developed economy. Most American industry is located in the eastern and Midwestern parts, around the Great Lakes and also on the Pacific coast. The U. S. engineering products are known all over the world ­ the country produces planes, rockets, spaceships, cars, agricultural machinery, ships etc. Electronics has become a major industry. The role of service and leisure industries has also grown. Canned fish and timber are the chief products of the

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

All about High Tech

plants into improved food crops through artificial selection and hybridization. Bioengineering is the science upon which all biotechnological applications are based. With the development of new approaches and modern techniques, traditional biotechnology industries are also acquiring new horizons enabling them to improve the quality of their products and increase the productivity of their systems. Before 1971, the term, biotechnology, was primarily used in the food processing and agriculture industries. Since the 1970s, it began to be used by the Western scientific establishment to refer to laboratory-based techniques being developed in biological research, such as recombinant DNA or tissue culture-based processes, or horizontal gene transfer in living plants, using vectors such as the Agrobacterium bacteria to transfer DNA into a host organism. In fact, the term should be used in a much broader sense to describe the whole range of methods, both ancient and modern, used

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist


Economy is primarily based on light industry and the service sector i.e. tourism, banking, trade, textile and sewing industries give work to many people. Paper and timber industries also employ many workers. Paper was first produced in Estonia in 1677 and it has retained its important role. Estonian furniture industry has also a long tradition. The electronics industry is one of the most promising branches in Estonia. One tenth of the population receives income from agriculture, fishery and forestry. Food industry is largely based on local agriculture. The production of meat and milk products is the main branch. In the countryside people breed dairy cattle, raise pigs and grow grain, potatoes and vegetables. The main grain crops are rye, oats, barley, wheat, potatoes, fodder crops. Many farms have specialized in vegetable growing. Strawberries are also widely grown and there are many apple orchards in Estonia

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Tundmatu tüve identifitseerimine

Tundmatu tüve identifitseerimine 1. Makromorfoloogilised tunnused Visuaalselt hindasin tundmatu tüve kolooniaid, kui nad olid kasvanud kuus päeva toiteagaril toatemperatuuril. Tunnused Tundmatu tüvi Koloonia: kuju ümar profiil kerkinud, servajoon kumer konsistents sirge värvus limajas, läikiv valkjas 2. Rakulised omadused Gramreaktiivsuse määramiseks teostasin grami järgi värvimise. Kuigi mikroskoobis vaadates olid enamus lühikesed üksikud (agregeerumata) punased pulgad (etanool pesi kristallvioleti-joodi kompleksi välja), leidus ka osa lillaka tooniga rakke, kes olid samuti lühikesed üksikud pulgad. Täiendavalt tegin KOHi lüüsi testi, mis näitas, et tegemist on siiski gramnegatiivsete rakkudega (tekkis iseloomulik limajas konsistents). Tundmatu tüve liikuvuse uurimise jaoks kasutasin poolvedelat söödet (Hugh-Leifsoni sööde), millesse olin eelnevalt teinud pistekülvi. Külvi...

Bioloogia → Mikrobioloogia
11 allalaadimist

Canada Topic

suppliers of wheat, canola and other grains. Canada is also one of the world's most important suppliers of agricultural products, with the Canadian Prairies one of the most important suppliers of wheat, canola and other grainsCanada is the world's largest producer of zinc and uranium and a world leader in many other natural resources such as gold, nickel, aluminium, and lead; many towns in the northern part of the country, where agriculture is difficult, exist because of a nearby mine or source of timber. Canada also has a sizeable manufacturing sector centered in southern Ontario and Quebec, with automobiles and aeronautics representing particularly important industries. Besides natural resources, fishing and hunting are very popular hobbies there, as many people earn their living by doing these things. System of government and politics

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Majanduse kokkuvõte

Majandus Erasektori ja valitsuse koostöö, tugev tööeetika, tööjõu kõrge kvalifikatsioon ja suhteliselt väikesed kaitsekulutused (1% SKT-st) on aidanud Jaapanil pärast II Maailmasõda erakordse kiirusega tõusta teisele kohale maailma juhtivate tööstusriikide hulgas. Jaapani majanduse üheks silmatorkavamaks iseärasuseks on tootjate, tarnijate ja jaotusvõrgu tihe koostöö. Seda süsteemi nimetatakse jaapani keeles keiretsu. Teiseks iseärasuseks on kuni viimase ajani olnud linnaelanikkonna eluaegne tööhõive. Samas ettevõttes, kuhu noor inimene pärast hariduse omandamist tööle asus, oli talle tagatud töökoht kuni pensionile minekuni. Kolm aastakümmet säilitas Jaapan erakordselt kõrget majanduse kasuvutempot: 1960- ndatel oli see keskmisel 10% , 1970-ndatel 5% ja 1980-ndatel 4% aastas. 1992-1995 aeglustus majanduskasv tunduvalt, sest hakkasid ilmnema 1980-ndate aastate lõpul esinenud üleinvesteerimise järelmõjud ning aktsia- ja k...

Majandus → Majandus
17 allalaadimist

Lõuna-Aafrika, Saksamaa ja Mehhiko demokraatiate võrdlus inglise keelne

natal ­ influence of Zuma as presidential interests distinct from the south. But the response has been federal: candidate police and troops. Key distinctions between north and centre/south hinge on ethnicity, poverty, industry, agriculture. North is more industrial, ranching, US- linked, Mestizo. South is more ag, Indian, poorer. Environmental interests now (from mid-1990s) represented in regional consultative councils, but this is relatively rare. Why dos tates have territorial politics? Institutional (functional) explanations Scale matters

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
3 allalaadimist

Metsandus, kalandus, põllumajandus Suurbritannia

sellest, et kala on maailma vetes järjest enam vähem. Põllumajandus. 1. Millised on Sinu riigi põllumajanduse arengut soodustavad ja taksitavad tegurid? Soodustavad- vähe metsa ehk lagedat ala, kuhu põllumaad rajada on üsnagi palju. Takistavad- väheviljakad mullad, suhteliselt mägine ala. 2. Agroklimaatilised näitajad Sinu riigis: Jahe parasvööde- vegetatsiooniperiood on lühikene, väga muutlik ilmastik. 3. Põllumajanduse toodang agriculture products : kuivained, köögiviljad, lambad, õliseeme, kartulid, kala, kodulinnud, kariloomad. 4. Hõive põllumajanduses (%) /labor force by occupation Vali riik ja edasi kliki economy lingil. Põllumajandus- 1.4% 5. Põllumajanduse osakaal SKT-st/GDP composition by sektor

Geograafia → Ühiskonnageograafia
15 allalaadimist

Taimed ja ehitised - kooskõla ja konfliktid

kliimatingimustes. Magistritöö keskkonnatehnoloogia erialal. Juhendaja: prof. Ülo Mander. Tartu Magistritöös kirjeldatakse haljaskatuse kasulikke omadusi nagu näiteks temperatuuride reguleerimise ning sademeevee kinnipidamise võime. Uuritakse haljaskatuse rakendamist Eestis, mille puhul haljaskatust võrreldakse aasta jooksul bituumenkatusega. Samuti tuuakse näiteid uurimustest mujalt maailmast. 5. Michelle Nowak. 2004. Urban Agriculture on the Rooftop. Põhjalik lõputöö roheliste katuste teemal. Annab ülevaate roheliste katustega seotud kirjandusest, nende kasulikkusest ja omadustest. Samuti selgitatakse hüdropoonika olemust. Oluline osa tööst keskendub roheliste katuste rakendamisele erinevates riikides ja maailmajagudes. Tuuakse välja spetsiifilisi taimi, mida on võimalik rakendada eri paikades. 6. Sulev Nurme. Terrass.

Botaanika → Taimekasvatus
5 allalaadimist


there are no physical barriers to trade and that made the transport of goods less difficult than in other nations. The south-eastern part of England is the most densely populated region. It is the main centre of printing, clothes and food industry. In that region lie the two biggest airports - Heathrow and Gatwick. The largest town is London, which is an important financial and cultural centre. East Anglia is extremely flat and is dominated by agriculture. They grow mainly fruit, vegetables and soft berries. East Anglia is famous for its large wheat fields. They grow wheat, potatoes and other sorts of vegetables there. There is not very much heavy industry in that region. The main branches of industry are connected with agriculture ­ food industry. Agricultural machinery is produced there. 8 Population and Ethnicity

Keeled → Inglise keel
46 allalaadimist

The UK

Empire to bring Christianity to the people. The Romans finally abandoned Britain in AD 410 and a long period of invasions by Nordic peoples started. The Angles, Saxons and Jutes began to settle from the sixth to the eighth centuries, and the Angles gave England its name. These invaders introduced a new culture to Britain, and even today British customs and habits are described as 'Anglo-Saxon'. Anglo-Saxon England was one of the most civilised countries in Europe, with organised systems of agriculture and trade. The Vikings ca me from Scandinavia in the tenth eentury; they settled in the north and made the town of York the capital of their kingdom. The last successful invasion of Britain was in 1066, which is an important date in history books in British schools. Duke William of Normandy (William the Conqueror) defeated the English at the Battle of Hastings, and the Normans and the French settled in Britain over the next three centuries

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Pure Competition

cucumbers). · Free Entry and Exit: no significant legal, technological, financial, or other obstacles prohibiting new firms from selling their output in any competitive market No control over the price: "Price Takers" ( the firms have no market power) . ­ The individual firm has very little to no impact on the market. · Demand is perfectly elastic. · Maximizes productive and allocative efficiency. · Perfect competition includes complete information. ex. Agriculture Pure competition markets do not actually exist. · Note: Pure competition does not actually exist in our society, and the agriculture industry is the closest industry to being purely competitive. The pure competition model is used as a standard to evaluate the efficiency of our economy (something to compare to and help our understanding of economy.) Monopolistic Competition · Involves large number of firms, but not as many as in pure competition

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
9 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liit

- Victims of nationalism - Federalists Towards the European Economic Community - Election of Spaak – relaunching integration at the Messina Conference 1955 - Integration in all aspects of economy - Creation of a single market - Marginalization of federal idea The creation of EEC - Spaak report - Treaties of Rome (1958) 4 goals: - Single market within 12 years - Elimination of custom duties and tariffs - Extablisment of common agriculture, trade, transpoer, competition policy - Creation of European Social Fund and European Investment Bank Single market - Free trade area for goods - Common policies on product regulation and freedom of movement of the factors of production - A Common Market is a first stage towards a signle market Merger of Institutions - 1965 - Elimination of Commission and council of Euratom and the High Authority and Council of ECSC Single European Act - 1986

Politoloogia → Euroopa liit
19 allalaadimist

Report Of Canada

These areas are home to Canada's Native American population, many of whom continue to follow traditional lifestyles based on hunting and fishing. Mining is the principal industry and there has been steady growth in diamond mining and finishing. Tourism also provides a substantial part of the region's economy. Each of the nation's main economic sectors is highly developed. Although the agricultural sector is small, it takes advantage of the nation's generous natural resources. Increasingly, agriculture and fishing are concentrated in certain geographic regions of the country, mainly the west and southeast. The United States is the main market for all Canadian agricultural exports. In addition, the United States is the main destination for most of Canada's timber exports. Canada is also a major supplier of energy resources, including electricity and petroleum, to the United States. Canada, Kärt Kalvet 8a

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
15 allalaadimist

USA ajalugu

HISTORY PRECOLONIAL AMERICA Before the first Europen settlers came, various groups of interrelated cultures lived there. Such as the Tingits, the Nootka, the Yurok and many more. Indigenous people mostly fished, because there vas a vast stock of fish. But they also relied upon agriculture, hunting and trapping. They built stable villages, and lived either in birchcovered wigwams or in rectangular longhouses. Later the indigenous people were called indians, by Christopher Columbus who thought that he had reached to India. COLONIAL AMERICA As far as people know were the Vikings first European settlers to visit America. but in 1492, an Italian sailor called Christopher Columbus reached southern America when he was looking for a sea route from Europe to India.

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Ungari põllumajandus

Ungari põllumajandus 1. Millised on looduslikud eeldused põllumajanduse arenguks selles riigis? 1.1 Põllumajanduslikult kasutatava maa suurus - põllumaa, metsamaa, rohumaa; joonista sektordiagramm Tervest Ungari maakasutusest on põllumaa all 51% ja rohumaast 12%. Põllumajanduslikku maad on Ungaris üle 5 miljoni hektari ning selle osakaal kogu riigi territooriumist on, võrreldes teiste Euroopa riikidega, ebatavaliselt suur. 77% maast on põllumaade ning 18% rohumaade all. 1.2 Pinnamoe iseloomustus põllumajanduse seisukohast Ungari pinnamood on võrdlemisi tasandikuline, poole Ungari territooriumist moodustavadki just tasandikud. See on väga soodne põllumajandusele. Tasane pinnas on nii põlluharimisel kui ka karja kasvatamisel väga oluline. Palju on jõe äärseid lammialasid, kuna Ungarist voolavad läbi nii Doonau kui ka Tisza. Lammialad on viljakad. Samas on olnud selline pinnamood ka omamoodi nuhtlusek...

Geograafia → Geograafia
69 allalaadimist

My Kinda Town - Task to practise adjectives in English Langu

Location: My kinda town is located in the south of Europe on the westernmost tip of the country. The region it belongs to is bordering two seas, one in the west and another one to the southwest It is situated on the mainland about 20 km off the coast. It has mainly flat terrain with several hills. Climate: My kinda town has the Mediterranean climate. There are 4 seasons; however spring and autumn are very short. Usually summers are dry and very warm, winters are rainy and mild. Temperatures during winter only occasionally fall below the freezing point and snow generally is seldom seen. In the summer, the temperatures range from mild to very warm. Spring is relatively warm and autumn ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Topic - Canada

The climate is cold and harsh with low precipitation and a short growing season. The soil is acidic and only deciduous trees can grow there like hemlocks, pines, larches, spruces and firs. Some typical animals are brown bears, foxes, geese, lynxes and moose. Prairies are temperate grasslands which consist of grass plains that are hot in summer and cold in winter. Prairies are made by fires. The soil is rich and precipitation is medium and because of that prairies are used for agriculture. Common agriculture plants are oats, rye, barley and wheat. The area has very few trees or shrubs so it's very windy. Some typical animals that live there are: bobcats, antelopes, snakes, rodents, rabbits, badgers and bisons. Prairies are also called the "Bread-basket of Canada". The Deciduous Forests are cool and rainy areas. There are four distinct seasons. Annual precipitation is 0.5-1.5 meters. The summer average is 24-30'C. There are such plants as: white

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist


Misso Keskkool New Zealand Precis Compiler: Maiki Joakit Instructor: Mailis Teppo Misso 2011 New Zealand is an island country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising two main landmasses (the North Island and the South Island), and numerous smaller islands, most notably Stewart Island/Rakiura and the Chatham Islands. The indigenous Mori language name for New Zealand is Aotearoa, commonly translated as land of the long white cloud. Population (1998): 3,801,000.New Zealand is notable for its geographic isolation; it is situated about 2,000 kilometres (1,200 mi) southeast of Australia across the Tasman Sea, and its closest neighbours to th...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
5 allalaadimist

Maailma viljad - teravili

Tsaad 471 9. Kamerun 433 Burkina 10. 1 610 Faso 10. Niger 422 11. Austraalia 1 465 11. Tansaania 325 ... ... kirjandust ja andmeid · Eino Kiik "Maailma viljad". Ilmunud kirjastuselt Valgus 1980ndatel kahes trükis. Kooli raamatukogus olemas. · FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: ­ tootmine ­ tarbimine ­ kaubandus

Geograafia → Geograafia
5 allalaadimist


today, leading most notably to changes in Vuoksi river's flow Crossroads of trading routes White Sea/Arctic Ocean Upper Volga / Caspian basin Baltic Sea basin Dnepr / Black Sea basin Daugava Waterways: Gulf of Finland, Ladoga, Onega, White Sea, Neva, Vuoksi, Svir, Volkhov, Vytegra, Uiku/Vyg. Network of waterways like Saimaa in present day Finland ARCHAELOGY Click to edit Master text styles · Very few findings 300700 CE · Development of agriculture from Second level 6th/7th Century onwards with Third level new crops and techniques, which Fourth level enabled considerable population Fifth level growth · After 750 CE findings increase · Typical feature in findings: Mixture of cultural influences from East, West and South but also local features common. Problem: Items do not speak, so they

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Konspekt USA history

Salad Bowl- cultures do not mix · Present situation 28.4 million immigrants now live in the United States Immigrants are likely to move to and live in areas populated by people with similar backgrounds Public attitudes have been heavily influenced by the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks | government favors immigrants except south Africa IX The US at the beginning of the 20th century · Urbanisation (living conditions, labour unions) Industrialization , efficiency of agriculture Overcrowded cities and minimum living standards Labour unions Oil, cars, railroads -> suburbanisation · Progressive Movement: Theodore Roosevelt Corruption, lack of democracy, stratification, economic panic of 1897 Exposing corruption, democracy, modernization, municipal reforms, trust-busting (4.) Lead by Theodore Roosevelt and Progressive party Women's suffrage · An American Empire (the Philippines, Cuba)

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

UK Test

1. Edinburgh 2. 9 (name some) 3. The Globe Theatre (which is situated on the South Bank of Thames near London Bridge) 4. The Full Monty 5. about 3.4% Economic activity & Energy 1. Which is the largest industrial sector in Britain? 2. Which is the main source of energy in Britain: natural gas, oil, hydro ­ electric power or solar power? 3. What percentage of Britain's workforce are employed in agriculture. 2%, 5.4% or 14%? 4. In the league table of leading trading nations, where does Britain come: third, fifth or sixteenth? 5. Over 50% of Britain's exports go to: North America, the European Union or the Asia ­ Pacific region? 1. The service sector 2. Oil 3. 2% 4. Fifth 5. The European Union Science & Engineering 1. How much money did the Channel Tunnel cost to build? 2. Which two countries does the Channel Tunnel link up? 3

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

The United States of America

total product of almost $8 trillion a year. Its people have the highest standard of living of any large country in the world; only a few small countries have the higher standards of living. Its economy is still growing, but several other important countries are growing even faster at the present time. There is a widespread belief, both in America and in other countries, that the United States is in economic decline. Agriculture is very wide-spread, above all in the prairie regions, where wheat and other grain crops are grown. Cotton is grown in the Mississippi valley, tobacco in Maryland and Virginia. California is famous for its fruit, and the west for its cattle-farming. Poultry farming is highly developed in the countryside near all big cities. The United States is rich in various metals and minerals. It holds first place in the capitalist world. The Great Lakes and the rivers, especially the

Keeled → Inglise keel
37 allalaadimist

Referaat Jaapani kohta

Tartu Kunstigümnaasium Geograafia 10. klass Nancy Klaos JAAPAN Referaat Tartu 2010 Sisukord 1. Sisukord 2 2. Sissejuhatus 3 3. Üldandmed 3 4. Geograafiline asend 4 5. Loodus 4 5.1 Pinnamood 4 5.2 Kliima 4 5.3 Taimed ja loomad 4 6. Rahvastik 5 7. Majandus 5-6 7.1 Põllumajandus ja metsandus 5-6 7.2 Energeetika 6 8. Kokkuvõte 6 9. Kasutatud kirjandus 7 2 2. SISSEJUHATUS Jaap...

Geograafia → Geograafia
25 allalaadimist


avalikkuse suure tähelepanu ning nende ohvritele on tänu nüüdisaegsele infrastruktuurile võimalik osutada kiiret ja tõhusat abi. Ent palju tõsisem probleem on inimeste aastaid kestnud alatoitumus, mis kuulub paljude arengumaade suure rahvastikuosa elulaadi juurde. Kuigi alatoitumuse ja nälja vahel tehakse vahet, puudub spetsialistidelgi üksmeelne arusaam sellest, mis eristab esimest teisest. Brasiilia õpetlasest endine ÜRO Toitlus- ja Põllumajandusorganisatsiooni (U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO) Täitevkomitee esimees J. de Castro käsitleb alatoitumust nälja erilise varjatud avaldumisvormina, mille hulka ta arvas kõik kalori-, valgu-, vitamiini- ja mineraalivaeguse juhtumid. Tegemaks kindlaks nälja ja alatoitumuse ulatust, peab teadma inimeste energeetiliste vajaduste norme. Need sõltuvad inimese east, soost, kehakaalust, kasvust, füüsilisest aktiivsusest ja elukeskkonna klimaatilistest tingimustest. FAO ja Ülemaailmse

Geograafia → Geograafia
7 allalaadimist

Kartuli seenhaigused ja tõrje

Rees, G.Farrell, J.Orchard, Blackwell, 2012 13. Scanpix: Uuring Eesti kartulipõlde ohustab uus ja ohtlik lehemädanik, 30.11.2010 lehemadanik/ (22.12.2012) 14. ISU Plant Diseases Clinic: Septoria Leaf Spot , 22.07.2010 (21.12.2012) 15. Fusarium dry rot: Courtesy of P. Bains, Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (22.12.2012) 16. Kartul: (23.12.2012) 17. Kartuli – süvikkärn: A potato tuber with severe powdery scab Spongospora subterranea symptoms, Nigel Cattling ( 24.12.2012) 18. Kartuli – hõbekärn: Potatoe diseases, 28.03.2002

Põllumajandus → Põllumajandus
13 allalaadimist

Sustainability aspects of biofuels

Defra. 2008. The Impact of Biofuels on Commodity Prices. [Online] Farigone, J. Hill, J. Tilman, D. Polasky, S. Hawthorne, P. 2008. Land Celaring and the Biofuel Carbon Debt. Science 319 Fammini A. 2008. Biofues and the underlying causes of high food prices. Global Bioenergy Partnership Secretariat. FAO.2008. The State of food and Agriculture. Biofuels and Agriculture ­ a technical overview. F.O. Licht ­ `World Grain Markets Report', January 2008 FAS (Foreign Agricultural Service Production, supply and Distribution Online. 2012 IEA (International Energy Agency). 2007. Renewables in global energy supply-An IEA Fact Sheet; 20 Available in: IEA. 2009. Key World Energy Statistics. Paris, France: InternationalEnergyAgency http://www.iea

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Anglo - Saxon

Architecture Early Anglo-Saxon buildings in Britain were generally simple, constructed mainly using timber with thatch for roofing. The Anglo-Saxons built small towns near their centres of agriculture. In each town, a main hall was in the centre. The architectural character of Anglo- Saxon ecclesiastical buildings range from Coptic influenced architecture in the early period; basilica influenced Romanesque architecture; and in the later Anglo-Saxon period, an architecture characterised by pilaster-strips, blank arcading, baluster shafts and triangular headed openings. There are few remains of Anglo-Saxon architecture, with no secular work remaining above ground. All surviving churches, except one timber church, are built of stone or brick and in some cases show evidence of re-used Roman work. Art Anglo-Saxon art is mainly known today through illuminated manuscripts. Although they are the most well known to have survived. Perhaps the bes...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
20 allalaadimist

New Zealand - lühireferaat

from New Zealand. The Coat of Arms of New Zealand is the official symbol of New Zealand. The initial coat of arms was granted by King George V on the 26 August 1911, and the current version was granted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1956. It has a quartered shield. In the first quarter there are four stars, representing the Southern Cross constellation. In the second quarter, there is a golden fleece representing the farming industry, in the third, a wheat sheaf representing agriculture, and in the fourth two hammers representing mining and industry.. The shield is supported by the European woman and a Maori man. And above the shield there is Edvard's Crown. God Defend New Zealand is one of the national anthems of New Zealand. God Save the Queen is one of the national anthems of New Zealand. Kiwi - it is a flightless bird that live in New Zealand. Kiwiana Public holidays 2010 1 Jan - 2 Jan New Year. 6 Feb Waitangi Day. 2 Apr - 5 Apr Easter. 25 Apr ANZAC Day.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
17 allalaadimist

Life in Estonia through the eyes of an economics student

harder to stay on the market because of the high competition. Estonia wants to be modern and successful very fast but it should also take into account rescources what are in front of us. Developing the e-services and networks are good while being ahead in the future but Estonia should not put all of its focus into it. More and more people are moving to cities looking for a fancier job and as a result of this workforce in countrysides decreases. In addition, people tend to lose interest in agriculture. Estonia has a lot of rural land and there is an opportunity to start using it more effectively, otherwise life in the countrysides will end. Due not focusing so much on the agricultural sector, the export compared to the import is smaller. Estonia’s biggest export outputs are wood, paper and food products, so there exists good potential to invest in domestic products and organic production which would ensure general revenue, more local jobs and enjoyable homemade products

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun