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"achievement" - 138 õppematerjali


Tarbijakäitumine eksam konspekt

Tarbijakäitumine 1. TARBIJAKÄITUMISE OLEMUS JA PÕHIMUDELID 1.1. Tarbijakäitumise ja tarbija olemus Tarbija on lõpptoote või teenuse kasutaja. Tarbija ei ole alati toote ostja ja kasutaja. Isik, kes ostab toote endale või oma perele tarbimiseks. Inimesed erinevad üksteisest vanuse, sissetuleku, hariduse, elulaadi jm alusel ning see mõjutab nende ostutoiminguid. Tänapäeva tarbijale iseloomulikud käitumistunnused: x valib teadlikult, esitab kõrgeid nõudmisi x soovib tooterühmast parimat x nõudlik toote suhtes ja teadlik kvaliteedist x ostab maitsest lähtuvalt x ostab ehtsaid tooteid x kaubanduse suhtes kriitiline x nõudlik teeninduse suhtes x soovib proovida uusi asju x skeptiline reklaami suhtes x hindab isikupära. Tarbijakäitumise all mõistetakse toodete ostmise ja tarbimisega seotud nähtusi. Tarbijakäitumise mõistmist on vaja toodete segmentimisel ja positsioonimisel, t...

Majandus → Tarbijakäitumine
222 allalaadimist


Tartu Emajõe Kool ÕPILASUURIMUSE JA PRAKTILISE TÖÖ KOOSTAMISE JA VORMISTAMISE JUHEND Tartu 2015 Sisukord SISSEJUHATUS................................................................................................................................ 4 1. UURIMUSTÖÖ KOOSTAMINE .............................................................................................. 5 1.1. Uurimustöö olemus ................................................................................................................. 5 1.2. Teema valik ja eesmärgipüstitus ............................................................................................. 5 1.2.1. Hüpoteesi või uurimisküsimuse sõnastamine................................................................... 7 1.3. Kirjandusega tutvumine ....................................................................................................

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
13 allalaadimist


projekti (konkreetne üritus, kompleks tegevusi vm) läbiviimine; praktiline töö võib olla ka osalemine üleriigilisel või rahvusvahelisel olümpiaadil ning see vormistatakse projektina või olümpiaadiks valmistumist toetava õppematerjalina; 3) õppematerjalid: eksami või olümpiaadi kordamisülesannete kogumiku koostamine; õppevahendite valmistamine; veebipõhise õpikeskkonna loomine; 4) õpilasfirma: põhineb Junior Achievement Eesti (JA Eesti) õpilasfirma programmil. Õpilasfirma registreeritakse JA Eesti juures. Õpilane tohib tegutseda üksnes JA Eesti koolituse läbinud ja õpetamise õiguse omandanud õpetaja või konsultandi juhendamisel, kes vastutab õpilasfirma tegevuse eest. Õpilasfirmasse võivad kuuluda ainult õpilased ja liikmete minimaalne arv on kolm. Õpilasfirmade programm on üles ehitatud väikefirma tegutsemise põhimõtetele

Eesti keel → Essee filmist
21 allalaadimist

Üld- ja sotsiaalpsühholoogia konspekt

52% tõenäolsusega on seda ka teine. Maslow’i vajaduste hierarhia. Vajaduste hierarhia – inimesed püüavad enda kõrgema astme vajadusi rahuldada alles siis kui põhivajadused on rahuldatud. Saavutusvajadus. ● Fear of failure vs success ● Saavutuseesmärkide teooriad: 1. Mastery vs performance (Dweck, 1986, normative goal theory) 2. Ülesandele vs võimekusele orienteeritud motivatsioon (Nicholls, 1989, achievement goal theory) 3. Motivatsioonilise kliima teooria (Ames, 1984) Motiivide ühised printsiibid: valu ja mõnu printsiip. ● Paljud eri tüüpi stiimulid aktiveerivad sama ajuvõrgustiku, mis valuga seotud, s.h. nn emotsionaalne valu. nt.sotsiaalne tõrjutus aktiveerib samu piirkondi nagu füüsiline valu ● Mõnu: tahtmine + meeldiva kogemine. Tahtmise ajal eraldub dopamiini ja hüve saamise ajal endorfiine. Emotsioonid.

Psühholoogia → üld- ja sotsiaalpsühholoogia
37 allalaadimist

Revision Questions

mobility of African Americans. These societal and institutional forms of racism and discrimination are reflected in the racial wealth gap (According to a 2011 study, whites possess 20 times more wealth than African Americans and 18 times that of Latinos. Whereas the average white family has accumulated $113,149 of wealth, the typical black household has only accumulated $5,677 in wealth), housing discrimination (no blacks allowed in white area neighbourhoods), education (The achievement gap is deeply alive in the black middle class. Middle-class black children lag behind their white and Asian peers, with the gap the largest among the college-educated. According to scholars on the middle-class black-white education gap, black middle-class performance is closer to poor white children), poverty (As of 2010, the poverty rate among non-Hispanic whites was 9.9%, whereas the poverty rate among African Americans was 27.4%) and more.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


threatening to demolish the stately edifice.1 The overture was warmly received, as with every new symphonic composition at the time, but it did not have any permanent influence on Estonian symphonic music. Obviously such themes demanded quite a different creative hand, one that could express “thunder and lightning”. Some later works by Läte do not excel the overture in their quality. No doubt, for the composer the overture was a weighty achievement. From 1904 onwards the activities of the composer Rudolf Tobias played an important role in Tartu. He returned from St. Petersburg, where he had graduated from the Conservatoire as a composer and organist in 1897. He was active as a music teacher, conductor, organist, pianist, critic, and together with Läte arranged performances of classical music. Tobias formed the first Estonian string quartet and Heino Eller (1887-1970) was its first violinist. In 1906 the Vanemuine Theatre

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Uurimistööde korraldamine

seda tööd etapiviisiliselt läbi viia ning kuidas tööd hinnata. 37 Õpilasürituse korraldamine kui praktiline töö on innovaatiline ja eeldab koolidelt põhjalikku ettevalmistust ning julget pealehakkamist. 38 ÕPILASFIRMA KUI PRAKTILINE TÖÖ Epp Vodja Junior Achievement Eesti tegevdirektor, juhatuse liige Õpilasfirma kui praktilise töö eesmärgiks on ettevõtlusteadmiste omandamine ja ettevõtlikkuse arendamine praktilise tegevuse kaudu. Alleesmärgid: ettevõtte elutsükli läbimine ettevõtja ja juhi rolli täites; rühmatöö oskuste arendamine; loovuse arendamine; vastutustunde kasvatamine; aja planeerimise õppimine;

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
35 allalaadimist


*Negatiivne Identiteet- neg identiteet(kus nooruk võtab omaks silmapaistvalt kas autoriteeti ja või ühiskonna kehtivate normide reeglite vastu pidise indetiteedi). Läänekultuuriline omane identiteedi arengu staadium. Kõige kujukamalt väljendub see, riietumiskäitumises, kus katsetatakse erinevate rollidega ja üksikut rolli pole omaks võetud . Tänapäeval tuleks öelda seda et noorukid pigem otsivad oma identiteeti. *Slaid(James Marcia ja tema kolleegid) MAMA. Moratoorium achievement Moratoorium Achievement Kriis – enda kohta tajutud erinevate vaadete uurimine ja nendele hinnangu andmine Kohustused. Valikud seoses elukutse, ideoloogia ja seksuaalsusega. Areng toimb kõpsete küpsete staadiumite poole. Idenditeet vb kulgeda ka teisi teid pidi, küsimus selles kui palju võtab aega siis, MAMA tsüklis 1-3 aastat indetiteedi saavutamine. IIIAutonoomia areng noorukieas *emotsionaalne autonoomia *käitumuslik autonoomia *väärtushinnanguline autonoomia

Pedagoogika → Arengupsühholoogia
85 allalaadimist

Michael Jackson

Lapsepõlv ja The Jackson 5 (1958­1975) Jacksoni lapsepõlvekodu Indianas Garys. Maja ees on lilled, mis Jacksoni austajad tõid pärast tema surma. Michael Jackson sündis 29. augustil 1958 seitsmenda lapsena üheksalapselises afroameerika töölisperekonnas, kes elas väikeses kolmetoalises majas Chicago linnastu Gary linnas. Linn oli tollal terasetootmise keskus. Tema ema Katherine Esther Scruse oli koduperenaine ja tõsimeelne Jehoova tunnistaja ning isa Joseph Walter Jackson töötas terasetehases kraanajuhina. 1950ndate keskel püüdis Jacksoni isa alustada muusikukarjääri, kuid see ei õnnestunud. Jacksonil oli kolm õde: Rebbie, La Toya ja Janet, ning viis venda: Jackie,Tito, Jermaine, Marlon ja Randy. Kuues vend Brandon suri imikuna. Jacksoni isa Joseph avastas oma kolme vanima poja Jackie, Tito ja Jermaine'i muusikaande. Tema abiga loodi ansambel The Jackson Brothers, millest sai hiljem The Jackson 5 ning veel hiljem The Jacksons. Joseph oli ...

Muusika → Muusika
14 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus kasvatusteadusse

Sirkka Hirsjärvi, Jouko Huttunen Sissejuhatus kasvatusteadusesse (Sisukokkuvõte) Sisukord Kasvatuse lähtekohti ja põhimõisteid..............................................................................................4 Terve mõistus...............................................................................................................................4 Uskumused...................................................................................................................................4 Teaduslikud teadmised ja teaduse tunnused................................................................................4 Teadus kasvab välja argiteadmistest............................................................................................4 Teaduse tunnused.........................................................................................................................4 Põhjendatavus................

Pedagoogika → Kasvatusteadus
32 allalaadimist

Arengupsühholoogia Tartu Ülikool, 2011

Arengupsühholoogia Aine konspekti koostanud Virve Kass Sügissemester 2011  Butterworth Arengupsühholoogia alused  Kodutöö oktoobri alguseks [email protected]  Soovitatavad ajakirjad: ◦ Developmental Review ◦ Child Development ◦ Developmental Psychology ◦ British Journal of Developmental Psychology ◦ Human Development 8.09 Tiia Tulviste Arengupsühholoogia käsitleb vanusest tulenevaid erinevusi käitumises, tunnetamises, suhtlemises Põhiline vastuolu pärilikkus vs keskkonna mõju  Temaatiline jaotus:  füüsiline areng- uurib keha muutumist, arengupsühholoogia enamasti ei tegele, aga füüsiline areng mõjutab olulisel määral teisi arenguid  motoorne areng- erinevate liigutuste õppimine  kognitiivne areng – intellektuaalne areng  sotsiaal-emotsionaalne areng-...

Psühholoogia → Arengupsühholoogia
206 allalaadimist

American Literature

destroyed the United States. Uncle Tom's Cabin contributed to the outbreak of war by personalizing the political and economic arguments about slavery. Stowe's informal, conversational writing style inspired people in a way that political speeches, tracts and newspapers accounts could not. Uncle Tom's Cabin helped many 19thcentury Americans determine what kind of country they wanted. Immediately after its publication, Uncle Tom's Cabin was both lauded as an achievement and attacked as inaccurate: The most liberal abolitionists felt the book was not strong enough in its call to immediately end slavery, disliked Stowe's tacit support of the colonization movement, and suggested that Stowe's main character Tom was not forceful enough. More moderate antislavery advocates and reformers praised the book for putting a human face on those held in slavery,

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Solutions Advanced Workbook key

most knife criminals don't believe they 1 1 captivated 8 altruism will get caught. It can also be argued 2 compelling 9 marriage that for some criminals a spell in 3 gifted 10 courage prison just adds to their tough image 4 uninterested 11 determination and gives them increased respect in 5 achievement 12 generous the eyes of some members of their community. 6 literacy 13 poverty The government has also attempted to 7 loyalty 14 inequality tackle the problem with er ... what's the 2 1 to boot word? ... erm when they allow people 2 Apart from / In addition to for a limited period of time to hand in illegal knives and other weapons

Keeled → Inglise keel
104 allalaadimist

Klassikalised, neoklassikalised ja kaasaegsed juhtimisteooria

Klassikalised juhtimisteooriad Erinevate juhtimisteooriate ja nende arengu tundmine aitab mõista juhtimise printsiipe ning nende rakendamise vajalikkust juhtimises. Klassikaliste juhtimisteooriad: · teadusliku juhtimise teooriad · administratiivse juhtimise teooriad. · bürokraatlikku koolkonna seisukohad. Teadusliku juhtimise ja administratiivse juhtimise käsitlused arenesid peaaegu ühel ajal, s.o. tööstusrevolutsiooni alguses 1900 aastast Inglismaal. Enne tööstusrevolutsiooni toodeti esemeid üksikeksemplaridena käsitööliste poolt ja neid kasutati müügiks või kauplemiseks kaupade vastu, mida vajati. Inimesed andsid ise endale tööd, olid käsitöölised või talupidajad. Juhtimise järgi tänapäevases mõistes vajadust polnud . See kõik muutus, kui masinad hakkasid asendama inimeste tööd või lisandusid inimeste tööle. Kõige varem toimus muutus tekstiilitöö...

Majandus → Juhtimise alused
155 allalaadimist

Heaoluriigi mudelid konspekt/kokkuvõte

Reformid üldhariduses: NPM mõjutused: UK Haridusrefrom 1988: Riiklik õppekava, õpiväljundid. Local management schools. Grant maintained schools (väljaspool LEAt, otse keskvalitsuses all). School choice. League tables. USA No Child Left Behind (NCLB), 2002: NAEP- testid mat-looduses. Koolide “karistamine” testitulemuste põhjal. Ebavõrdsus probleemidega tegelemine. Leiborid jätkavad sama joont + koolitüüpide mitmekesisus. NCLB 2002 – nicklebee (Bush): An act to close the achievement gap with accountability, flexibility, and choice, so that no child is left behind. Eesmärk: Saavutustaset tuleb tõsta. Vahendid: karmim kontroll toimuva üle. Milline on õpetamise tase? Kuidas kasutatakse föder. rahaeraldisi? Tööriistad: Kohustuslikud testid matemaatikas ja lugemises. Rahaeraldised seotakse saavutustega. Luusereid (osariike) karistatakse. OBAMA: *Rohkem raha tuleb anda osariikidele (sh. õpetajate palkadeks). Testida tuleb ka loovust Achivment gap on suur probleem

Politoloogia → Heaoluriigi mudelid
108 allalaadimist

Backpaking lifestyle

Return trips home for the participants were also commonly marked by distress and intense ‘reverse culture confusion’ (Hottola, 2004, p. 460), which in more pronounced cases manifested in a brief depressive state: ‘Every time I go back to the United States, it’s hard, I get real depressed, lay in bed for about a week, every single time (Josh, American, 23). Rather than returning home and, as is described of many backpackers, narrating their travels as a badge of achievement that might facilitate access to a professional workforce (Desforges, 2000; Sørensen, 2003) and eventually successfully reorientating themselves to their home societies (Noy & Cohen, 2005; Pocock & McIntosh, 2010), participants spoke of persisting profound feelings of alienation and a sense of stagnation in return visits to their countries of origin. Fiona (New Zealander, 23), contrary to her intentions to resettle upon returning home,

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Tarkvara kokkuvõte inglise keeles

maturity models for software engineering and other disciplines, by integrating many different models into one framework. It was created by members of industry, government and the SEI 29-30. CMMI Representations • The Continuous Representation – The continuous representation is based on process capability - the range of expected results that can be achieved by following a process. – Process improvement is measured in capability levels that relate to the achievement of specific and generic goals in each process area. – The continuous representation provides flexibility for organizations to choose which processes to emphasize for improvement, as well as how much to improve each process. – It enables selection of the order of process improvement that best meets the organization’s business objectives and that most mitigates risk. • The Staged Representation

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoloogia
16 allalaadimist


" The plain fact is that the planet does not need more "successful" people. But it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every shape and form. It needs people who live well in their places. It needs people of moral courage willing to join the fight to make the world habitable and humane. And these needs have little to do with success as our culture has defined it. Finally, there is a myth that our culture represents the pinnacle of human achievement: we alone are modern, technological, and developed. This, of course, represents cultural arrogance of the worst sort, and a gross misreading of history and anthropology. Recently this view has taken the form that we won the cold war and that the triumph of capitalism over communism is complete. Communism failed because it produced too little at too high a cost. But capitalism has also failed because it produces too

Keeled → Inglise keel
125 allalaadimist


LÄÄNE-VIRUMAA KUTSEKÕRGKOOL Ärijuhtimise osakond Karmen Käärid LIIDRISTIILI SOBIVUSE UURING SAAREMAA TARBIJATE ÜHISTUS Lõputöö Juhendaja : Virve Transtok Mõdriku 2003 1 SUMMARY This paperwork is written in Estonian on subject "Leadership study in Saaremaa Tarbijate Ühistu." This work includes 45 pages and 2 tables. Directing and leading style defines as leaders way of act, when being on leaders roll realizing goals and communicating with employees. This paperwork purpose was to study the leadership style being used in Saaremaa Tarbijate Ühistu and analyze its appropriateness and influence on the workers and hole organization. For that, author of this paperwork carried out questionnaire among Saaremaa Tarbijate Ühist...

Majandus → Juhtimine
55 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia bioloogiline-, kognitiivne- ja sotsiaalne vaade

PSYCHOLOGY PART 1: CORE Biological level of analysis Outline principles that define the biological level of analysis. 1) Behavior can be innate, because it is genetically based. Evolution may play a key role in behavior. 2) Animals may be studied as a means of understanding human behavior. 3) There are biological correlates of behavior. Cognitions, emotions and behaviors are products of the anatomy and physiology of our nervous and endocrine system. Explain how principles of the biological level of analysis may be demonstrated in research. 1) Correlational studies: Study by Buss, who hypothesized that across cultures, men will prefer to marry younger women because of greater reproductive capacity and women will place greater value on a potential mate's earning potential to provide survival advantages. This evolutionary hypothesis was tested in 37 cultures by sending out questione...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
45 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalpsühholoogia konspekt 2016

­ Competitive games between the two groups (e.g., tug of war, baseball, treasure hunts) ­ Trophy + individual rewards for winning team ­ increased competition and animosity between the groups (e.g., name calling, stealing flags, raiding outgroups' cabins ­ ingroup favouritism Robbers Cave Experiments Stage 3: Intergroup non-competitive interaction (attempts to eliminate prejudiced attitudes and discriminatory behaviour) ­ Intergroup co-operation for achievement of mutually desired outcomes · Fixing water supply · Getting bus started · Joint meals and cooking Robbers Cave Experiments Findings: ­ Decrease in in-group favouring attitudes and outgroup hostility: · Significantly greater % of boys had a best friend in out-group · Name-calling and physical confrontations disappeared · Shared the same bus home, and prizes! Conclusions: ­ Negative intergroup attitudes arise from conflictual group-based relationships

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
40 allalaadimist

EU Internal Market

will take over the next three years.5 2. Can a tax caught by Article 30 TFEU be defended on the basis of Article 36 TFEU? In which case the CJEU has discussed the issue for the first time? Article 30 TFEU prohibits not only costumes duties, butt also charges having an equivalent effect (CEE). 6 According to Community trade law, any derogation which is not construed strictly, is hostile to achievement of the common market. This principle is seen concretely in the form of Article 36 TFEU (ex Article 30 EC) (Weatherill, 2007, p. 359). Article 36 TFEU provides: "The provisions of Articles 34 and 35 shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public morality, public policy or public security; 1 2 3 , , , 4 , 5 , 9, 10-

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


and destroy Spanish ships; to share captured treasure with the queen; to settle abroad and to create colonies. 3. Comprehension check: Answer the following questions. Check your answers with the text. 1. Who fought in the Wars of the Roses, and why? 2. Who united the two rival houses and founded a new dynasty? 3. What kind of foreign policy did Henry VII pursue? 4. What was his home policy? 5. Why did Henry VIII break with Rome? 6. What was his second achievement? 7. What do English historians rate Elizabeth I? 8. Shakespeare and Drake are considered to be the symbols of her age. Why do you think? 9. What were her foreign policy principles? 4. Put a preposition in each gap. Underline the prepositions in your notebooks. a) The struggle ____ the Crown, named the Wars ___ the Roses ___ Walter Scott, was ended ___ Henry Tudor who gave origin ___ a new dynasty.

Filoloogia → Vene filoloogia
2 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajaloo eksamiküsimused

Edward I invaded, commencing the Wars of Scottish Independence. The Scots were defeated. John was imprisoned in the Tower of London briefly at first, but eventually released and allowed to go to France. *William Wallace ­ was a Scottish patriot who lead a resistance during the Wars of Scottish Independence. Wallace enters history when he killed the English Sheriff of Lanark. Soon after that other men joined him to fight against the English. It was a remarkable achievement for a mere knight to hold power over the nobles of Scotland. Wallace's extraordinary military success catapulted him to the top of the social ladder. He defeated an English army at Stirling, and became Guardian of Scotland, serving until his defeat at the Battle of Falkirk. After several years in hiding, Wallace was eventually found and captured and executed. *Robert Bruce ­ He became one of Scotland's greatest kings, as well as one of the most

Ajalugu → Inglise keel kõnelevate maade...
261 allalaadimist

Sotsaalpsühholoogia konspektid kokku

g., tug of war, baseball, treasure hunts) – Trophy + individual rewards for winning team – increased competition and animosity between the groups (e.g., name calling, stealing flags, raiding outgroups’ cabins – ingroup favouritism Robbers Cave Experiments Stage 3: Intergroup non-competitive interaction (attempts to eliminate prejudiced attitudes and discriminatory behaviour) – Intergroup co-operation for achievement of mutually desired outcomes • Fixing water supply • Getting bus started • Joint meals and cooking Robbers Cave Experiments Findings: – Decrease in in-group favouring attitudes and outgroup hostility: • Significantly greater % of boys had a best friend in out-group • Name-calling and physical confrontations disappeared

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
149 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus sotsioloogiasse - KONSPEKT

) või ka elulaad laiemalt (antropoloogilisem). - Kultuuri sotsiaalteadusliku uurimise korral kasutatake tihti täpsemaid termineid: ,,tõekspidamiste süsteemid", ,,.väärtuste süsteemid", ,,elulaad", ,,ideoloogia" jne. - kultuuri/neid kitsamaid mõisteid tihti kasutatakse selleks, et seletada erinevusi 1) ühiskondade, 2) sotsiaalsete rühmade, 3) ajastute vahel: miks inimesed valivad tegutseda just teatud viisil ja mitte teisiti? * nt. D.C. McClelland (1961): Achievement motivation ,,saavutusmotivatsioon": kui töökas ja vastupidav inimene on, et saavutada häid tulemusi võrreldes konkurrentidega, ja kui nõudlikud on need standardid mida püütakse saavutada? Seletas sellise kultuuri omadusega seda, et kui levinud on ettevõtlus ja kas võib eeldada ühiskonna kiiret majanduskasvu. Võrdles riike ja leidis seose * nt. deviantsed subkultuurid: seletatakse nt. noorsookuritegevust, uimastite kasutamist sellega,

Sotsioloogia → Sissejuhatus sotsioloogiasse
178 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

all people; none of the weapons of influence considered in this book is that strong. However, in my exchange with the Boy Scout, the tendency had been sufficiently powerful to leave me in mystified possession of a pair of unwanted and overpriced candy bars. Why should I feel obliged to reciprocate a concession? The answer rests once again in the benefit of such a tendency to the society. It is in the interest of any human group to have its members working together toward the achievement of common goals. However, in many social interactions the participants begin with requirements and demands that are unacceptable to one another. Thus, the society must arrange to have these initial, incompatible desires set aside for the sake of so- cially beneficial cooperation. This is accomplished through procedures that pro- mote compromise. Mutual concession is one important such procedure. The reciprocation rule brings about mutual concession in two ways. The first

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

A New Earth

However, out of this insight into the nature of the human condition – we may call it the bad news – arises a second insight: the good news of the possibility of a radical transformation of human consciousness. In Hindu teachings (and sometimes in Buddhism also), this transformation is called enlightenment. In the teachings of Jesus, it is salvation, and in Buddhism, it is the end of suffering. Liberation and awakening are other terms used to describe this transformation. The greatest achievement of humanity is not its works of art, science, or technology, but the recognition of its own dysfunction, its own madness. In the distant past, this recognition already came to a few individuals. A man called Gautama Siddhartha, who lived 2,600 years ago in India, was perhaps the first who saw it with absolute clarity. Later the title Buddha was conferred upon him. Buddha means “the awakened one.” At abut the same time, another of humanity’s early awakened teachers emerged in China. His

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist

Investors Handbook. A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia

which intimidates and humiliates the person, threatens his/her self-respect or causes offense to him, or creation of such conditions which directly or indirectly impairs his/her status compared with that of the other person working under similar conditions shall be considered as discrimina- tion. 5. Required distinction of individuals based on the essence or specifications of the employment or the conditions of its performance which serves to achievement of legitimate objective and is reasonable and necessary measure of its achievement shall not be considered as discrimination Article 4. Minimum Employment Age and Beginning of Labor Capability 2. Labor capacity of person under 16 years arises under the consent of his/her legal represen- tative or a guardianship/custodian body provided that the labor relation is not in conflict with interests of the underage person, does not hinder his/her moral, physical and mental develop-

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


You see, I have lived in America for 32 years now. It is sickening listening to Blacks who are always telling, you that they were the first to move into such and such neighbourhood, “when the whites were still here. Now the community or city has gone to the dogs. Dirty streets, corrupt officials, more crimes, less services and more taxes……etc., etc.” We were it as badge of honour that we were the first to move into a “white neighbourhood.” We feel it is a great achievement to be seen to have been the first to move into a “white” neighbourhood. In Africa, it is also an honour to have a Caucasian from Europe or America move into your neighbourhood. It is more than an honour if you had a Caucasian as your “business partner,” then it really means that you know what you are doing and you have the expertise to carry out that business. It is more than an honor to have the “Y” – Europeans – patronize your

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Integration of Lean Con. and Building Information Modelling

restrictively defined, but assigned on a "best person" basis. 2. Mutual Benefit and Reward: All team members and participants benefit from IPD. In IPD the members are involved as early as possible, and IPD compensation structures recognize and reward early involvement. The compensation structure motivates the search for better solutions and value added by the temporary organization, and it rewards "whats best for the project". Incentives are tied to the achievement of project goals or even more. 3. Collaborative Innovation and Decision Making: Team members are motivated to be innovative, and it can only happen when ideas are judged on their merit, not on the authors role or status. Each partys idea will be taken under consideration equally, no matter his or her status in the project. Key decisions are evaluated by the team and, to the greatest practical extent, made unanimously. 4

Ehitus → Ehitusjuhtimine
70 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

Elixirs for Dorothy's helpers: a diploma for the Scarecrow, a medal of valor for the Lion, and a windup heartfor the Tin Woodsman. There is a tone of satire about this scene. It seems to be saying: These Elixirs are placebos, meaningless symbols that men give each other. Many people with degrees, medals, or testimonials have done nothing to earn them. Those who have not survived death can take the Elixir all day long but it still won't help them. The true all-healing Elixir is the achievement of inner change, but the scene acknowledges that it's important to get outward recognition as well. As a surrogate parent for the lot of them, the Wizard is granting them the ultimate boon of a father's approval, a Reward that few people get. Heart, brains, and courage are inside them and always were, but the physical objects serve as a reminder. Now the Wizard turns to Dorothy and says sadly there is nothing he can do for her. He was

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist


aggression in the hope that it would go away, begged the hollow gods of isolationism for peace, and refused to entertain—except humorously—the possibility that the little yellow men of Japan would dare attack the mighty United States. The American cryptanalytic organization swept through this miasma of apathy to reach a peak of alertness and accomplishment unmatched on that day of infamy by any other agency in the United States. That is its great achievement, and its glory. Kramer's sprint symbolizes it. Why, then, did it not prevent Pearl Harbor? Because Japan never sent any message saying anything like "We will attack Pearl Harbor." It was therefore impossible for the cryptanalysts to solve one. Messages had been intercepted and read in plenty dealing with Japanese interest in warship movements into and out of Pearl Harbor, but these were evaluated by responsible intelligence officers as on a par with the many

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

to them; when a description does in fact have the corresponding individual that it purports to have--that is, when there does exist a unique so-and-so-- I shall speak of the description's semantic denotatum or semantic referent. But the "hook" between a definite description and its semantic referent is (on Russell's view) far less direct than is the hook between a simple name and its bearer. Objections to Russell's theory Impressive as Russell's achievement is, a number of objections have been brought against the Theory of Descriptions, chiefly by Strawson (1950). Before we take those up, I note an important criticism that might be made at just this point, though Russell quickly moved to forestall it. When I set out the four puzzles with which we began, I called them puz- zles "about singular terms." I have since expounded each of them by using examples featuring definite descriptions, and wielded Russell's Theory of Descriptions against them

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

Upstream intermediate b2 teacher's book

/ andhiswife Adahadseven children. Hesaysthathisfamity washismostimportant achievement in life.Mygrandfather retired threeyearsago.sincethen,heandmy grandmotherhavespenttheirtimetravelling andgardentng. ' 3 W h e nL u c y ' us n c l ed i e ds h ec a m et n t oa l o t o f m o n e y '

Keeled → Inglise keel
235 allalaadimist

Inglise keele õpik

/ andhiswife Adahadseven children. Hesaysthathisfamity washismostimportant achievement in life.Mygrandfather retired threeyearsago.sincethen,heandmy grandmotherhavespenttheirtimetravelling andgardentng. ' 3 W h e nL u c y ' us n c l ed i e ds h ec a m et n t oa l o t o f m o n e y '

Keeled → Inglise keel
142 allalaadimist

Upstream Intermediate B2 - Teacher book

/ andhiswife Adahadseven children. Hesaysthathisfamity washismostimportant achievement in life.Mygrandfather retired threeyearsago.sincethen,heandmy grandmotherhavespenttheirtimetravelling andgardentng. ' 3 W h e nL u c y ' us n c l ed i e ds h ec a m et n t oa l o t o f m o n e y '

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
53 allalaadimist

Upstream B2 teacher

/ andhiswife Adahadseven children. Hesaysthathisfamity washismostimportant achievement in life.Mygrandfather retired threeyearsago.sincethen,heandmy grandmotherhavespenttheirtimetravelling andgardentng. ' 3 W h e nL u c y ' us n c l ed i e ds h ec a m et n t oa l o t o f m o n e y '

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

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