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"Advertising" - 157 õppematerjali

advertising on Internet Advertising on the internet is a very populay way that companies use to advertise their products Firstly, The popularity of companies advertising their products on the Internet has grown rapidly over the past years because of the growth of the number of people using the internet.

Smoking is on the increase among young people

Smoking is on the increase among young people One of the largest issues today is underage smoking. The number of teens who smoke has dramatically risen over the past years. Smoking is one of the biggest causes of death and health diseases. Most of the youths start smoking to improve their self image with no attention of becoming addicted. The awareness of the harmful effects of smoking among young people has been rising but many of the young people ignore the dangers of smoking. One possible solution to reduce smoking is to educate the teens. Schools could have classes and seminars that increase the knowledge about the consequences of smoking. That way teens would be aware of the health problems such as many different cancers, heart diseases, asthma and strokes caused by cigarettes. Youths should also see the visuals how smoking ages skin and yellows teeth. Also a similar meetings for parents and students ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Emotsioonid/tunded - teadlik/tahtlik mõtlemine (conscious thinking)--- --hoiaku muutus - otsus Ja siit edasi on muutumas üha aktuaalsemaks ka alalävise mõjustamise mudelid ... MIS ON REKLAAM? ... on mitteisiklik infoedastus, mille eest tuleb kanda kulutusi, mis on tavaliselt sisendava (veenva) iseloomuga ja mis edastab teavet toodete, teenuste, juriidiliste isikute või ideede kohta kasutades selleks üht või teist meediakanalit. C.Bovee, W. Arens (1989). Contemporary Advertising ... On tarbijale suunatud kaupade v teenuste tasuline avalikustamine D. McQuail. Massikommunikatsiooni teooria ... on levitaja kasule orienteeritud teateedastus, milles formuleeritakse nii probleem kui ka selle lahendus. L.Priimägi (2007). Reklaam & imagoloogia, mõistevara ... on identifitseeritud tellija kinni makstud mitteisiklik kommunikatsioon massimeedia kaudu, et veenda või mõjutada mingit auditooriumi (Wells, Burnett, Moriarty). ..

Psühholoogia → Tunnetuspsühholoogia ja...
15 allalaadimist

The Eiffel Tower

from the summit to anchors on the Avenue de Suffren and Champ de Mars Eiffel Tower at night Restaurants The tower has two restaurants: Altitude 95, on the first floor the Jules Verne, an expensive gastronomical restaurant on the second floor, with a private lift Observation desk The uppermost observation deck, with a height of 275 metres, is the highest area of an architectural structure in the European Union open for the public Event The Eiffel Tower served as an advertising space for Citroën from 1925 to 1934 The 72 names Gustave Eiffel engraved on the tower seventy-two names of French scientists, engineers and other notable people. This engraving was painted over at the beginning of the twentieth century but restored in 1986-1987

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Turundusplaani koostamine

Marketing Mix · Pricing. Toscana's pricing scheme is that the product cost is 45% of the total retail price. · Distribution. Toscana's food will be distributed through a take out model where customers can call in their order and come to the restaurant to pick it up, come into the restaurant, place the take out order and wait for it to be completed, or come in and dine at the restaurant. · Advertising and Promotion. The most successful advertising will be banner ads and inserts in magazines ,,Mood", ,,Naisteleht", ,,Kultuur ja elu" and in different web- based magazines, such as: Buduaar, Toidutare and Perenaine. We'll also use Direct mail campaign and pay a lot of attention on our total web development (homepage, facebook). · Customer Service. Obsessive customer attention is the mantra. Toscana's philosophy is

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

Are young people living in Estonia patriots of their homeland?

interested in taking part in the Song and Dance Festivals. Where they can wear our national clothes, sing our national songs and dance our national dances. And they do it with pleasure and proudness. Everyone who has been there, including me, know how every song and dance makes you feel more Estonian and what an overpowering feeling of unity it gives. It has been always said that Estonians are singing natoin and young people carry this tradition on and all over the world, advertising and introducing it proudly. Furthermore, there are many young men and nowadays also women, who want to take part in time service, which is indispensable when crisis situation should brake forth, because those people are trained and prepared to fight for Estonia whenever it is necessary. They are ready to give their life for the freedom of their homeland. One the other hand, there are many young Estonians who want to go to study abroad and sometimes they stay there for the rest of their lives

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Tööalane inglise keel

4. willingness to work – valmisolek töötada 5. learn & grow in knowledge and career – täiendada teadmisi ja karjäärivõimalusi 6. is a huge bonus – on suureks eeliseks 7. will be considered as advantage – on eeliseks 8. Develop and implement a business plan and sales strategy – arendada ja rakendada äriplaani ja müügistrateegiat 9. Be responsible for the budget – vastutada eelarve eest 10. initiate and implement promotion and advertising activities – algatada ja viia ellu uusi reklaamimisviise 11. in order to increase competitiveness – et suurendada konkurentsivõimet 12. Competitive remuneration package – konkurentsivõimline töötasu koos lisatasudega 13. Problem handling in complex and distributed application environment – probleemide lahendamise oskus keerulistes ja raskendatud olukordades 14. Establish and maintain successful cooperation – luua ja hoida head koostööd

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

All forms of media

- Can lead to wrong perceptions - unrest - Panic Examples: Radio Television Newspapers Booklets Posters Flyers/leaflets Loud speakerannouncements Miking Videos/Films Press kits Media guides Town criers Gong gong beater Typical Materials Typical Formats Development and use of logos, leaders' statements National addresses by presidents and other high-level officials Publicity for NIDs by celebrities, including goodwill ambassadors Press conferences Newspaper editorials Public advertising: calendars; banners; billboards Promotional materials: t-shirts, hats, banners, bags, and pens Announcements via megaphones, microphones, loud speakers Different radio/TV formats (interviews, success stories/footage from countries, phone-in questions or reports from the field, talk shows, guest of the week, press conferences, panel discussions; advertisements) Broadcasting/posting of basic information on NIDs (what, when, who, why) News coverage of NIDs preparations and implementation

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

My company: The Greenery

contracts. In the headquarter we have marketing, finance, personnel and accounting department. We buy in the advertisment and web design. I am the CEO of the company and I have two people advising me. All the department heads directly report to me. ERLE MAIDO TAAB11 We mainly focus on advertising on the web and in television. We advertise our restaurant on different food, health and lifestyle websites. People can by our vouchers from Our most successful campaign has been on television during “Su nägu kõlab tuttavalt” shows commercial break. We are also using social media to promote our restaurant, for example we have a Facebook page that we update regularly. We are planning on expanding into Sweden and Finland. There are already restaurants being

Majandus → Inglise keel I
1 allalaadimist

Turukommunikatsiooni olemus ja eesmärk

3) A. Vihalem ,,Turunduse alused", ,,Külim" 2003 4) Duncan, Tom & Sandra E. Moriarty. (1998). "A Communication-Based Model for Managing Relationships". Journal of Marketing, 62, aprill, lk 1. 5) Gronstedt, Anders. (2000). The Customer Century. Lessons from world-Class Companies in Integrated Marketing and Communications. New York, New York: Routledge. 6) René Arvola ,,Turunduskommunikatsioon", ,,Külim" 2002 7) Belch, George E. & Michael A. Belch. (1997). Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective. New York: Irwin/McGraw-Hill. 8) Semenik, Richard J. (2002). Promotion and Integrated Marketing Communications. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western College Publishing. 9) Pettegrew, Loyd S. (2000-2001). "If IMC is So Good, Why isn't it Being Implemented? Barriers to IMC Adoption in Corporate America". Journal of Integrated Communications 2000-2001. Northwestern University. 10) Schultz, Don E. & Beth E. Barnes. (1997)

Majandus → Majandus
58 allalaadimist


simply because the quality is not good enough for proffesional use.Businesses all over the world are now faced with this huge challenge.Moreover, translating websites is only the beginning.Customers with questions or problem will need to discuss matters in their own language, for example, while prices will need to bei n the local currency. Dates will also need to be in the right format to avoid confusion.Companies will need to adapt their advertising materials so as nott to offend different cultures. They may also have to change their way of doing business tos uit certain customers- in Japan, for example, as the Japanese do nott end to give their credit card details over the Web. There are also legal issues to take into consideration.Such vast changes will not happen overnight. It is impossible to say exactly how many texts there are on the web as the number is changing all the time. One thing which

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Funktsionalism ja Konstruktivism

Funktsionalism Funktsionalism on 1920. aastail arhitektuuris, tööstus- ja tarbekunstis tekkinud suund. Funktsionalismi rajajaks oli Sveitsist pärit arhitekt Le Corbusier, saksa arhitekt Walter Gropius ja hollandi arhitekt Jacobus Oud. Tähtsaks keskuseks oli Walter Gropiuse poolt rajatud kunstikool Bauhaus. Funktsionalismi printsiibi kohaselt peab ehitise või eseme kujundus kajastama eelkõige tema otstarvet ehk funktsiooni (sellest tuleb suuna nimigi). Seni peamisteks peetud esteetiliste iluprintsiipide kõrval said võrdselt tähtsaks tehnilised, sotsiaalsed ja majanduslikud tegurid. Hakati vältima arhitektuurseid kaunistusi, üldilmes hakkas senisest rohkem kaasa rääkima materjali värv ja faktuur. Võeti kasutusele uued materjalid (teras, terasbetoon, klaaspinnad jne) ja konstruktsioonid (nt rippkonstruktsioon). Kujunesid uued proportsioonid (peened postid, laiad aknad jne). Pärast Teist maailmasõda on funktsionalism levinud kogu maailm...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
110 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnad

microchips ­ tiny pieces of silicon containing complex electronic circuits  design ­ to make or draw plans for something  financial ­ relating to money or how money is managed  electronic ­ involving the use of electric current in devices such as TV sets or computers  Internet ­ the large system of connected computers around the world  print ­ to produce text and pictures using a printer  unformatted ­ a disk that is completely blank, so information can't be recorded onto it  Extranet ­ a network that allows communication between a company and the people it deals with  transmission ­ the process of sending data over a communication channel  reboot ­ to restart the computer, without switching it off completely  microbrowser ­ a web browser designed for small screens on hand­held devices  software engineer ­ a person who designs and maintains software applications  IT (computer) consultant ­ a person who gives expert, professional advice ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Äriplaani koostamine

Analysis of Competitive Considerations: Explain the due diligence resources to be used in the evaluation opportunities including appropriateness for your business. Evaluation of Country Risk: Explain the resources to be used in the evaluation of country risk (is the country in good standing?) including potential sources of financing. Describe your plans to insure protection of your intellectual property rights. Describe your marketing and advertising plans. Evaluate potential problems regarding product adaptation to standards and measurements. Describe the licensing requirements for export or import of the product or service you plan to market in international trade.

Keeled → Inglise keel
91 allalaadimist


MIS ON REKLAAM? Carl Linnè: Genus proximum ­ üldtunnus, differencia specifica - spetsiifiline erinevus ` ... on mitteisiklik infoedastus, mille eest tuleb kanda kulutusi, mis on tavaliselt sisendava (veenva) iseloomuga ja mis edastab teavet toodete, teenuste, juriidiliste isikute või ideede kohta kasutades selleks üht või teist meediakanalit. C.Bovee, W. Arens (1989). Contemporary Advertising ... On tarbijale suunatud kaupade v teenuste tasuline avalikustamine D. McQuail. Massikommunikatsiooni teooria ... on levitaja kasule orienteeritud teateedastus, milles formuleeritakse nii probleem kui ka selle lahendus. L.Priimägi (2007). Reklaam & imagoloogia, mõistevara ... on identifitseeritud tellija kinni makstud mitteisiklik kommunikatsioon massimeedia kaudu, et veenda või mõjutada mingit auditooriumi (Wells, Burnett, Moriarty). ..

Meedia → Reklaam
29 allalaadimist


chain_60734037433.html?spm=a2700.7724838.2017115.1.22575b2bpfCxKW&s=p [2018, April 23] spm=a2700.7724838.2017115.1.22575b2bpfCxKW&s=p [2018, April 23] guangzhou_1213009841.html?spm=a2700.7724857.main07.10.61e6481eZoB3bD 17 Daciuk, E. (2017). Facebook Advertising Costs by Industry 2018. [2018, April 25]. JCDecaux Eesti OÜ (2018). Listenpreise der Werbeplakaten [2018, April 26]. %3A// df Eesti Meedia AS (2016). Listenpreise der Fernsehwerbungen [2018, April 27].

Keeled → Saksa keel
3 allalaadimist

Erialane inglise keele konspekt

Erialane inglisekeel 2 semester. Software engineering Tarkvara tehnika. Sub.discliplines of software engineering. 1. Software requirements 2. Software design 3. Software develompment 4. Software testing 5. Software maintenance 6. Software configuration managment 7. Software engineering managment 8. Software development process 9. Software qengineering tools 10. Software quality Ex 1 1. analysing and defining the problem to be solved. 2. Desiging the program. 3. Coding. 4. Testing. 5. Training the users. 6. Dockumenting. 7. Obtaining feedback from user UML- united modeling language Algoritm- eeskiri mis tleb kuidas seda prorgammi kirjutada. Teine tund. protsessori- keskmine keel on assemble languages. Interpreted languages- tlgendamine. Declarated languages- kirjeldatakse programmi omadusi. Object- oriented class- based languages 1) multiple di...

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
40 allalaadimist

Takashi Murakami

Art, Los Angeles, CA; Brooklyn Museum, Culture, Moscow, Russia Brooklyn, NY; Museum für Moderne Kunst, 2008-"For What You Are About to Receive," Frankfurt, Germany Gagosian Gallery, Moscow, Russia "Tranquility of the heart, torment of the flesh -- "Encounters," Pace Beijing, Beijing open wide the eye of the heart, and nothing is "Agency: Art and Advertising," McDonough invisible," Gagosian Gallery, New York, NY Museum of Art, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH "Kaikai Kiki Artists," Kaikai Kiki Gallery, Tokyo, Japan Tööd My Lonesome Cowboy ARTIST: Takashi Murakami MATERIALS: Medium oil, acrylic, fiberglass, and iron SIZE: 100 x 46 x 36 in

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
7 allalaadimist

Lõputöö. ratsaklubi avamine

Were done following calculations: Minimal effective frequency Mistakes in choices In the process of completing settled goals were formulated following strategies: Substituting highly qualified coach with experienced student gives the possibility to reduce the expenses on salary and with additional training of the student provides an expert for the business in the future Active advertising campaign helps to compensate the drawback of work after the season Inclusion of sponsors helps to reduce prices of services and attracts more customers. Also helps to broaden the range of services. First-rate service helps the clients to relax which is very important when working with horses. Also helps to reach the goals that were set (good mood,

Majandus → Ettevõtlus alused
69 allalaadimist

Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie

Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie is a British Indian novelist and essayist. He is born on 19. June 1947. He is the only son of Anis Ahmed Rushdie and Negin Bhatt, a teacher. Rushdie was born in Bombay, India, into a Muslim family of Kashmiri descent.[10][11][12] He was educated at Cathedral and John Connon School in Mumbai, Rugby School, and King's College, University of Cambridge, where he studied history. Rushdie's first career was as a copywriter, working for the advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather. It was while he was at Ogilvy that he wrote Midnight's Children, before becoming a full-time writer. His first novel, Grimus, a part-science fiction tale, was generally ignored by the public and literary critics. His next novel, Midnight's Children, catapulted him to literary notability. It is regarded by many as one of the great books of the last 100 years. This work won the 1981

Keeled → British literature
4 allalaadimist

This a little help they who play with Gameforge games

Choose the password : Select a password (there have to be at least 8 characters) First name : Your first name Last name : Your surname City : The city,where you live. State/Province/Region: County name,you are N/A. (it doesn't matter which one you are in) Postal Code : postal code. We would turn up with this, on the appearing side our heaven the go TO MY ACCOUNT-ra The 2. Our step, that register BUX.TO -ra. As a little short summary, the essence the successor, it you hit much advertising on a side onto which clicking you receive money. This 10$ it is possible to transfer it to yourself PayPal your account what we made in the 1. dot.this the 10$ gets together under a month and daily krubelul. It is necessary to assign 10 minutes to it. The procession of the registration comes now then: you go up the to the side. You find it in addition to better edge Login and Register button. For us now Register - re will be our need.

Informaatika → Informaatika
3 allalaadimist

Internetiturunduse referaat

6 KOKKUVÕTE Viimastel aastatel on internet hämmastavalt palju arenenud. Internet on muutunud inimeste peamiseks teabeallikaks ja internetti kasutatakse ka toodete ja teenuste ostmiseks. Kuna inimene on muutunud väga internetikeskseks, siis on ka arusaadav miks paljud ettevõtted on hakanud kasutama internetiturundust. 7 Viidatud allikad 1. Tavor, T. 2011. Online advertising development and their economic effectiveness. Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, Vol. 1, No. 6, pp. 121-133. [] 28.10.2014 8

Majandus → Turundus
28 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur quiz 1 mõisted

than 700 newspapers. Of those, three (Trinity Mirror, Associated and Northcliffe) are also among the top four national newspaper companies. There are estimated to be 1,250 Sunday, week-day (morning and evening) and weekly (sometimes twice weekly) regional and local titles, further sub-divided between those papers which charge a cover price and those which are distributed for free. The regional and local press has suffered long-term decline. 20. Free newspapers- financed by local advertising (a weekly circulation of some 35 million) – The Metro – ‘Britain's first urban national newspaper’ (launched in March 1999 in London, now available in 13 cities; one million copies distributed daily) 21. Broadsheets- The main motivation cited for this shift is that commuters prefer papers which they can hold easily on public transport, and it is presumably hoped that other readers will also find the smaller formats more convenient

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inglise keel: 500 sõna majanduserialadele

8 accounting raamatupidamine 9 accounting period arvestusperiood 10 accounting records raamatupidamise dokumendid 11 accumulated debt kogunenud võlg 12 adequate supply piisav varustamine 13 adulterate võltsima 14 advance ettemakse 15 advantage of secrecy salajasuse eelis 16 advertising reklaamindus 17 advertising agency reklaamiagentuur 18 adviser konsultant, nõuandja 19 aid toetus, abi 20 alimony alimendid, elatsraha 21 allocated reserveeritud 22 amortization kulumine, amortisatsioon 23 amount of funds rahaliste vahendite hulk

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Inglise keel sõnad

Inglise keel Holidays package holiday-puhkusepakket trip-reis tour-ringreis resort-kuurort to go on holiday/take a vacation-puhkusele minema to go sightseeing-vaatamisväärsusi vaatama minema to stay in a guesthouse-peatuma külalistemajas coach-reisibuss to hire a car-autot rentima cruise-kruiis beach-rand scenery-maastikupilt wildlife-loodus tent-telk mobile home-haagissuvila pool-bassein equipment-varustus remote places-kõrvalised kohad ancient cities-iidsed linnad white water rafting-kärestiku parvetamine adventure-seiklus cable car-tõstuk backpacking-seljakotiga reisimine to be fed up-kõrini olema abroad/aboard-välismaal/kaldal high season-kõrghooaeg travel agent's-reisibüroo to cash travellers'cheques-tsekke sularahaks tegema jab-süst to book a ticket in advance-proneerima piletit ette regional cuisine-kohalik köök handicrafts-käsitöö accommodation-majutus well-equipped-hästi varustatud Travelling Chec...

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist


Kodutöö meili peale. 9.veebruar/16. veebruar ruuduline vihik, EI HILINE !!! 2. veebruar kuidas toimida koos nii, et see oleks võimalikult tulutoov ­ kommunikatsioon. Suhtekorraldus ­ rohkem tekst ja sõnad, kui visuaalsus. Kommunikatsiooni instituut Reklaami ja imagoloogia osakond TLÜ Ajakirjanduse õppesuund Inimene(intelligentne, sots.aktiivne) võtab poolehoiu kogu inimkonna suhtes ning kui ta märkab, et kellelegi tehakse liiga(süvenemata kogu loosse), tekib konflikt reklaami ja inimkonna vahel. Peab olema kõrge kval. Reklaam ­ kas kunst või infoedastus? Raske vahet teha. Kommertsreklaam koolides KEELATUD! (Kool teadmiste omandamiseks, võetakse automaatselt kui õiget asja). Reklaam ­ kujundada välja tarbija eelistusi. REKLAAM mitteisiklik, ...

Informaatika → Kommunikatsioon
53 allalaadimist

Fay Weldon, Powerpoint

§ In her early twenties she was briefly married to a man more than twenty years older than her. It is not clear whether she had her first son during this marriage or earlier. § Raising her son as a single mother, she looks back on her twenties as times fraught with "odd jobs and hard times." She worked on the problem page of the Daily Mirror and then as a copywriter for the Foreign Office. She then embarked on an extremely successful career as an advertising copywriter becoming famous for her slogan 'Go to work on an egg'. § At 29 she met Ron Weldon, a jazz musician and antiques dealer.They married and had three sons, the first of whom was born in 1963. It was during her second pregnancy that Weldon began writing for radio and television. Work § In 1967, she published her first novel "The Fat Woman's Joke". § For the next 30 years she built a very successful career, publishing over

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

Sõnad inglise ja eesti keeles

Inglise keel Holidays package holiday-puhkusepakket trip-reis tour-ringreis resort-kuurort to go on holiday/take a vacation-puhkusele minema to go sightseeing-vaatamisväärsusi vaatama minema to stay in a guesthouse-peatuma külalistemajas coach-reisibuss to hire a car-autot rentima cruise-kruiis beach-rand scenery-maastikupilt wildlife-loodus tent-telk mobile home-haagissuvila pool-bassein equipment-varustus remote places-kõrvalised kohad ancient cities-iidsed linnad white water rafting-kärestiku parvetamine adventure-seiklus cable car-tõstuk backpacking-seljakotiga reisimine to be fed up-kõrini olema abroad/aboard-välismaal/kaldal high season-kõrghooaeg travel agent's-reisibüroo to cash travellers'cheques-tsekke sularahaks tegema jab-süst to book a ticket in advance-proneerima piletit ette regional cuisine-kohalik köök handicrafts-käsitöö accommodation-majutus well-equipped-hästi varustatud Travelling Chec...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Inglise keele majandussõnastik

...................................raamatupidamine 25. Acquire ­ ............................................................omandama 26. Actual money multiplier ­ ..................................tegeliku raha multiplikaator 27. Add-on loan rate method ­ .................................summeerimismeetod 28. Adjustment ­ .......................................................kohandamine, kohandumine 29. Advertaisment - ..................................................kuulutus, reklaam 30. Advertising hype ­ ..............................................jõuline reklaamimine 31. Advertising's public nature ­ ..............................reklaami avalik loomus 32. Affliction ­ ..........................................................kannatus 33. Aggregate demand ­ ...........................................kogunõudlus 34. Aggregate supply ­ .............................................kogupakkumine 35. Allied [öllaid] ­ ..................................................ühinenud 36

Keeled → Inglise keel
69 allalaadimist

Pure Competition

· Produces differentiated products · In marketing, product differentiation (also known simply as "differentiation" is the process of distinguishing a product or offering from others, to make it more attractive to a particular target market. This involves differentiating it from competitors' products as well as one's own product offerings Product essentially the same as another: a product or service that differs from its rivals only in packaging or advertising (clothing, furniture, books) Limited control over prices ex. retail trade, dresses, shoes Nonprice competition - a selling strategy in which firms try to distinguish their product or service on the basis of attributes such as design and workmanship (product differentiation) ­ Focuses mostly on advertising, brand names, and trademarks · Firms can easily enter or leave this market, although not as easily as firms in a purely competitive market.

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
9 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus Suhtekorraldusse (Kordamine Eksamiks)

Sissejuhatus suhtekorraldusse Kordamine eksamiks 1. Suhtekorralduse professionaalsus ja eetika. Suhtekorralduse professionaalsus seisneb: Suhtekorralduse eetika seisneb: Iseseisvusel Usaldusel Vastutustundel (ühiskonna & avalike huvide ees) Aususel Asjatundlikkusel Lojaalsusel Austusel (eriala vastu) Sotsiaalsel vastutusel Ühistunde loomisel Konfliktide lahendamisel Võimul Erialastel oskustel • Teoreetiline eetika võib olla hea / halb; õige / vale. • Eetilised konfliktid: Huvide konflikt - Isiklikud suhted Whistleblowing - Salajase /...

Muu → Sissejuhatus suhtekorraldusse
15 allalaadimist

Sotsiokultuuriline ruum, suhted ja isik : Internet results-229923821.html (10.12.2013) 3. Nikolina Ljepava, R. Robert Orr, Sean Locke, Craig Ross (2013). Personality and social characteristiks of Facebook non-users and frequent users [www] %20characteristics%20of%20FB%20non-users%20and%20frequent%20users.pdf (08.12.2013) 4. Shu-Chuan Chu(2011). Viral Advertising In Social Media: Participation In Facebook Groups And Responses Among College-aged Users [e-ajakiri] (10.12.2013) 5. Statistikaandmebaas [e-andmebaas] web.2001/Database/Majandus/05Infotehnoloogia/04Infotehnoloogia_leibkonnas/04Inf otehnoloogia_leibkonnas.asp (09.12.2013)

Psühholoogia → Suhtlemispsühholoogia
15 allalaadimist

Carolina Kluft Biography

heptathlon. She is also normally a member of the Swedish 4 x 100 m relay team at international competitions, and was part of the team that set the national record. When she's not training or competing she is a student at the University of Växjö, studying Peace and Development. She has visited areas of Sri Lanka hit by the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami to make a film for Swedish TV and also sponsors children in Africa. She is part of Reebok's "I am what I am" advertising campaign along with several other sports stars. She has been the focus of poster photography for Reebok, taken by celebrity photographer Jason Bell. A massive score of 4933 points secured the pentathlon title at the 2003 World Indoor Championships. Klüft followed this with personal bests and victories in the heptathlons in Götzis and Tallinn. She excelled even more by winning her first major outdoor title, the heptathlon at the 2003

Keeled → Inglise keel
68 allalaadimist

inglise keele konspekt Rakvere ametikool

today is the 6th of November. rakvere vocational school my speciality is a cook monday tuesday wendsday thursday friday saturday sunday my birthday is on the 27th dec my address is i was born in 1996 country city town parish cummune municipal village flat avenue street road kindergarten(nursery) to decide vocational school profession education speciality construction of cars to establish restuarant to continue to mend to repair 1.In the future 2.i have to stay in my new school do practical work 3.i entered vocational school. the age of seven 5.i was born in 23.10.1984 6.during my session 7.for almost four years 8.i want to be weiter 1. i was born in 3 nev 1984 2.i went to school at the age of seven 3.i have to studie almost four years september i went to vocational school interested in cars school we do practical work too the future im going to keep the family resourant school final cer...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
4 allalaadimist

Sekretäri töö II

Ühingu liikmed otsustasid et, sekretäride töö tegelikku loomust iseloomustavaks sümboliks sobib kõige paremini kodune kiisu: ühteaegu kuulekas, isepäine ja rahustav. Kass võeti Eesti Juhi Abi Ühingu logona kasutusele 1994. aastal. Esialgu võeti kasutusele külitsi ja langetatud peaga istuv kassikujutis, mis ühinguliikmetele tundus aja möödudes liialt allaheitliku moega. Alates aprillikuust 2002 võeti kasutusele OÜ Output Advertising disainitud uus logo ­ püstipäi ja vaataja poole näoga istuv sinine kass. Kassi jalgealuse pinna moodustab sama värvi ühingu ametlik nimi ­ Eesti Juhi Abi Ühing. Sellisena sümboliseerib Eesti Juhi Abi Ühingu logo aastatega teenitud mainet: julgust partnerile silma vaadata ja oma arvamust välja öelda, väärikat iseteadlikkust, seejuures talitsetuks ja kombekaks jäädes. Sinine värv sümboliseerib samuti positiivseid väärtusi: usaldusväärsust, rahulikkust, selgust ja

Ametid → Sekretäritöö
36 allalaadimist

äri-inglisekeel sõnad

avalikult/lahtisaelt hääletama - to vote by the show of hands 38 saama partnelust - getting partnership ta on väga tõhus - she has been very efficient kas me saame rahuldada nende tingimusi? - can we meet their terms? see toimub aasta pärast - it will take place in a year's time nad arutavad väljavaateid - to talk about their prospects/ they are taliking about their prospects nimetamse seda vedamiseks - let's call it luck hea reklaam lakile -( to make) good advertising for varnish laki proovipartii - a consignment of varnish on approval näidiseid välja panema - to exhibit the samples tulevane ostja - prospective customer käepidemed ja puidust suveniirid - handles and wooden souveniers see pole paha mõte, kuigi väga julge - it's not a bad idea, though a very bold one tehingut pakkuma - to propose a deal nad suhtuvad väga tõsiselt ärisse - they are very serious about the business millised on nende tingimused? - what are their terms?

Keeled → Inglise keel
164 allalaadimist


However, the Media Standards Trust has criticised the PCC, claiming it needs to be radically changed to secure public trust of newspapers. This is in stark contrast to the media climate prior to the 20th Century, where the media market was dominated by smaller newspapers and pamphleteers who usually had an overt and often radical agenda, with no presumption of balance or objectivity. Little note: Publishers, owners and other corporate executives, especially advertising sales executives, can try to use their powers over journalists to influence how news is reported and published. Journalists usually rely on top management to create and maintain a "firewall" between the news and other departments in a news organization to prevent undue influence on the news department. Legal status Governments have widely varying policies and practices towards journalists, which control what they can research and write, and what press organizations can publish

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Turunduskommunikatsiooni olemus ja integreeritud turunduskommunikatsioon

1 Turunduskommunikatsiooni olemus ja integreeritud turunduskommunikatsioon Ettevõtte suhtlemist olemasolevate ja potentsiaalsete klientidega, mille käigus nad muuhulgas saadavad välja sõnumeid oma toodete headuse kohta, nimetatakse turunduskommunikatsiooniks. Seega on turunduskommunikatsioon vahendav protsess, kus ühel pool on ettevõte ning teisel pool väljavalitud tarbijad. Turunduskommunikatsioonil on neli peamist eesmärki: · Informeerimine ­ inimeste teadlikkuse tõstmine ettevõttest ja selle toodetest; · Sõnumi tugevdamine ­ saavutatud teadlikkuse säilitamine ja tugevdamine, mis puudutab ettevõte mainet, peamisi hüvesid ning nime ära tundmist ka pikema aja vältel. · Veenmine ­ sihtgruppide motiveerimine sooritada ettevõtte soovitud tegevust (tavaliselt ostu). · Meeldetuletamine ­ inimestele märku andmine, et ettevõte ja selle tooted on endiselt saadaval. Turunduskommunikatsioon on ostu/...

Majandus → Turundus
58 allalaadimist

IT süsteemide tugi ja korraldus ettevõttes

Asset Market Resources Management, Security & Planning Relations Technology Management Research & Management Process & IT Fraud Management Acquisitions Advertising Planning & Management Architecture PR & Process Disaster Strategic & Financial Brand HR Polices & Community Research & Architecture Recovery & Business

Informaatika → Informaatika
79 allalaadimist

Talis Bachmann "Reklaamipsühholoogia"

aktiivsust tingimustes, kus see kaitseisik tajub reklaamispetsialistide jaoks huvitavaid objekte.
 32 Robert Cialdini «Mõju: Tänapäevase sisendamise uus psühholoogia» (1984). Walter Dill Scott «The psychology of advertising» (1908). H. L. Hollingworth «Advertising and sellind» (1913). Ch. von Hartungen «Psychologie der Reklame» (1921). John C. Maloney «The first 90 years of advertising research (1994, artikel). John O´Toole “The trouble with advertising”. Tina Lowrey «Psycholinguistic phenomena in marketing communications» (2006). David Ogilvy «Confessions of an advertising man» (1963). Arthur Blochi «Murphy seadus». 33

Psühholoogia → Reklaamipsühholoogia
89 allalaadimist

Case Google

business. They adopted a "cost per impression" in 1999 and then in 2002 they adopted " cost per click" paid listing model that was popularized by Overture by doing a ratio of actual CPC("cost-per-click") and expected CTR("click trough rate") to ensure users saw ads that were closer to what they actually searching for. Google Analytics is a good example of how advertisers could track advertising keywords were most likely to yield sale. 2. What were the reasons for being a last-mover and what were the advantages? While it's true that Microsoft and Google eventually came to dominate their industries, it wasn't necessarily because they were last. Of course, there were operating system companies and search engines that followed for example. Instead, Microsoft and Google's market power, their ability to keep their advantage in the

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Miks tajuvad inimesed kehaväliseid kogemusi?

and functional neuroimaging of visual hallucinations during prolonged blindfolding: A comparison to visual imagery" Perception 37(12) 1805­1821 Veebileheküljed: Madli Uutma Psühholoogia 19.12.2011 · Sutherland, M (2007) ,, Subliminal Advertising, Like the Energizer Bunny, Just Keeps Going... and Going." %20Energizer%20bunny,%20keeps%20on%20going%20-%20May2007.pdf, vaadatud 19.12.2011

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
12 allalaadimist

Consumer behavior

Consumer Behavior Assignment Assignment 1(4) Girli Vasiljev HAAGAHELIA University of Applied Sciences RB1X 12.12.2011 Consumer behavior Introduction Each and every one of us is a consumer. We buy products and services every day. But why do we prefer one product or service to another? What leads us to make the right decision before every purchase? There are many aspects influencing our decision making process and thereby our consumer behavior. Attitudes, perceptions, image, roles, motivations, determinants etc. encourage us to buy or not to buy a product or service. (Cooper & Gilbert, 2008, p. 43) There are many different definitions about consumer behavior. Emphasizing...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Capital cities in America are less important then in Europe. They are created to serve limited political functions, not to be the center of social life. New York City. It is the biggest city in America, with 7 million people. Although it is not the capital it has always been the cultural center of the whole country. America's largest publishing houses and TV networks have their headquarters in New York. Maddison Avenue is the advertising center and Fifth Avenue is the fashion center of America. Broadway is where theater plays are tried out and made a success or faliure. The New York Stock Exchange, located on Wall Street, is the financial center of America. The heart of New York is Mannhattan Island. Since the fall of the Twin Towers which were part of the World Trading Center, the Empire State Building is once again the highest building in the city.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Turundus ja müük

Turundus ja müük, eksamiks kordamine 1) Defineeri turunduse mõiste Turundus tervikuna on elementide kombinatsioon. Turundus on paljude tegevuste kogum, mis hõlmab turu-uuringuid, toote/teenuse kujundamist, turustuskanalite valikut, logistikat, hinnapoliitikat, reklaami, müüki ennast ja sõltuvalt kaubast veel mitmeid muid tegevusi. Kõik need tegevused on vajalikud tarbija vajaduste tundmaõppimiseks, nende rahuldamiseks ning samal ajal ka ettevõtte eesmärkide saavutamiseks. Kõige lihtsam definitsioon- turundus on vajaduste kasumlik rahuldamine (meeting needs profitably) 2) Loetle turunduse juhtimisprotsessi põhietapid Turundusmõtlemise protsess: - Turu ­ uuring - Segmentatsioon, sihtturgude valik ja positsioneerimine ­ strateegiline turundus - Turundusmeetmestik ehk taktikaline turundus - Teostus - Kontroll 3) Mis on turu segme...

Majandus → Majandus
17 allalaadimist

Kaasaegne turundus - referaat

hinnastamise, jaotuskanalite ja reklaamitegevuse planeerimise ehk turundusmeetmestiku loomise ja täideviimise protsessi mueuek/turundus Kuid mis on siis modernne turundus? Modernne turundus ehk modern marketing, on turundamine vorm, mis toimub moodsate allikate läbi. Üheks turunduse laialt levinud osaks on internetiturundus. Inglise keeles Online advertising. Turundus jaotub laias laastus kaheks digitaalne turundus ja traditsiooniline turundus: Digitaalne turundus Traditsiooniline turundus Internetiturundus Raadio Kodulehe optimeerimine Televisioon Google Adwords Välireklaamid E-maili turundus Ajalehed Sotsiaalmeedia Ajakirjad Mobiiliturundus Kataloogid

Majandus → Turundus
67 allalaadimist

Denotative and connotative meanings in motion graphics text

created in digital world and could include animation. But also there are more two very important aspects ­ desing and cinematohraphy. Therefore when talking about motion graphics it means moving graphycally created elements in a beatiful way. Motion graphics is pretty recent platform compared to a graphical design for example. It evolved after computers were invented, hence it is only possible to it on computer. In modern times motion graphic is used almost everywhere ­ feature film, advertising, short films, presentations, live shows/concerts, games etc. It is promising platform. Because it is often hidden or people dont really acknowledge it, i thought it would be interesting to analyse a motion graphic piece from semiotic point of view. I decided to analyse a motion graphic piece by Estonian creative agency called TOLM and extract denotative and connotative meanings of its imagery. The video piece is about WhiteCryption encryption solution that they offer for their clients

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Report Of Canada

the United States sends more products to Canada than it does to all of Latin America. Canada, Kärt Kalvet 8a Like Americans, Canadians tend to have high levels of disposable income . This disposable income drives the Canadian economy as consumers spend their excess wages on a variety of products and services. This creates demand for increased production and the development of new products, which also means more and better-paying jobs. Also like the United States, advertising has a major impact on Canadian consumer spending. Television is the number-one form of advertising in Canada. The nation's infrastructure is excellent and most of its factories and manufacturing plants are modern. In fact, Canada's transportation network is ranked as the best in the world by the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report. Canada has a variety of natural resources, including petroleum and natural gas, and a variety of metals and minerals. Over the past decade,

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
15 allalaadimist

Referaat - Positsioneerimine

SISUKORD Positsioneerimise alused MIS ON ´´POSITSIONEERIMINE´´? Positsioneerimisest1 on saanud moesõna reklaami-, müügi- ja turundusinimeste seas. Mitte ainult Ameerikas, vaid kogu maailmas. Enamik inimesi arvab, et positsioneerimine sai alguse aastal 1972, kui erialaväljaandes Advertising Age ilmus meie sulest artikliteseeria ,,The Positioning Era." Positsioneerimine muutis reklaamimängu reegleid. Mis on saanud vanadest headest reklaamisõnadest nagu ,,esimene" ja ,,parim" ja ,,maitsvaim"? Tänapäeval kuuleb võrdlusi, mitte ülivõrdeid. Positsioneerimine algab tootest. Kaubaartiklist, teenusest, firmast, asutusest või isegi inimesest. Kuid positsioneerimine pole midagi sellist, mida saab teha tootega. Positsioneerimine on see, mida sa teed

Majandus → Turunduse alused
97 allalaadimist


Monopoly Market Power In pure competition sellers are "price takers." ­ No seller (or buyer) has the ability to influence the market price. In most markets, at least one or more of the conditions required for pure competition are violated. This gives sellers or buyers the ability to influence the market price and allocation of resources Pure competition results in an optimal allocation or resources given the objective of an economic system to allocate resources to their highest valued uses or to allocate relative scarce resource to maximize the satisfaction of (unlimited) wants in a cultural context. Pure competition is the ideal that is be benchmark to evaluate the performance markets. The economic theory of · monopolistic competitive markets, · oligopoly and · monopoly is used to suggest the nature of problems that may exist wh...

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
8 allalaadimist

Strateegilise juhtimise konspekt

capabilities to imitate the other firm's success Explicit knowledge ­ knowledge that can be easily articulated and communicated Tacit knowledge ­ knowledge that is not easily communicated because it is deeply rooted in employee experience or in the company's culture BUSINESS MODELS EXAMPLES: Customer solutions model Profit pyramid model Multi-component system/installed model Advertising model Swichboard model Efficiency model Blockbuster model Profit multiplier model Entrepreneurial model De Facto Industry standard model Business model generation Osterwalderi ärimudel: 4 valdkonda ja 9 bulding blocki 1. How a. Capabilities, Key resources, Partner network 2. What a. offer 3. Who a. Distribution channels, customer relations, customer segments 4

Majandus → Juhtimine
17 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun