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"1st" - 260 õppematerjali

1st – перв -ый –ая -ое 2nd – втор -ой –ая -ое 3rd – трет -ий –ья -ье 4th – четвёрт -ый –ая -ое 5th – пят -ый –ая –ое 6th – шест -ый –ая -ое 7th – седьм -ой –ая -ое 8th – восьм -ой –ая -ое 9th – девят -ый –ая –ое


Estonia also has a government that consists of the Prime Minister and other ministers; currently it has 13 ministers in addition to the Prime Minister. The government is responsible for dealing with Estonian domestic and foreign policy. The supreme political authority is vested in the people of Estonia. As for the technological factors, Estonia is the country that has the most start-ups per person and the Internet is rather accessible as well - in the 1st quarter of 2014, 83% of households in Estonia had access to the Internet at home. You can also find free Wi-Fi almost everywhere. Computer studies are offered in most of the schools and already for children. The government’s infrastructure embraces technology. Most records are stored online and people can vote via the Internet as well. The President once stated that 98% of bank transfers are done online and 25% of people now vote online as well. The transport system is rather developed as well

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

GPS-võrgu tasandamine programmiga Adjust

Vabadusastmete arvuks on praegusel juhul 12. Saame χ 2= 9009,12. χ2-statistiku ülemine 2 2 χα χ α ja alumine kriitiline väärtus on vastavalt 2 = 23,34 ja 1− 2 = 4,40. Meie leitud väärtus on aga palju suurem, st leitud kaaluühiku standardhälve on 1st oluliselt suurem. Data Snooping test jämedaid vigu ei tuvastanud. Jämeda vea olemasolu kindlaks tegemiseks kehtib võrdus: mõõtmistulemuse standardiseeritud hälve (Std.Res)> 90,1543. Teeme uue lähenduse ja skaleerime kovariatsioonimaatriksi elemendid ümber. Selleks korrutame need läbi esimesest lähendusest saadud suurusega S 20 = 750,76. Koostame uue lähtefaili. IT8_2lahendus 259 2 2904829.045 1460511.739 5468898.116 5 2901645.054 1461580.539 5470285.543 1 7 -2344

Geograafia → Geodeesia
5 allalaadimist

Haridus esimese Eesti Vabariigi ajal

Kutseharidussüsteemi väljaarendamine jõuab märkimisväärsete tulemusteni alles iseseisvusaja lõpupoole. 1930. lõpuaastail oli Eesti Vabariigis nelja erinevat tüüpi kutsekoole: põllumajanduslikud, majanduslikud, tehnilised ja kodumajanduslikud. Kutsekoolides õppijad võisid olla väga erineva eelneva haridustasemega 4-aastasest algharidusest kuni 9-klassilise reaalkoolini, ka õppeaeg erines kutsekooliti 1st kuni 4 aastani. Tähtsaimad kutsekeskkoolid: Tartu Tööstuskool, Tartu Kommerts- ja Kaubanduskool, Tallinna Linna Naiskutsekool, Eesti Naisliidu Kodumajanduse Instituut, Tallinna Kodunduskeskkool, Tallinna Merekool. Rahvusliku kõrghariduse tähtsaimaks keskuseks oli Tartu ülikool, mis avas oma uksed iseseisva Eesti Vabariigi tingimustes 1919. aastal. Kui 20. saj algul oli TÜ venekeelne, siis 1920ndate aastate keskel peeti juba 60 % loengutest eesti keeles. 1925

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
7 allalaadimist

Bioloogia kontrolltöö küsimused

funktsiooniga rakuks/koeks. 34.Mis on meioos? · Päristuumsete rakkude jagunemisviis, mille käigus kromosoomide arv väheneb poole võrra ning moodustuvad pärilikult erinevad rakud. 35.Milleks on meioos vajalik? · Väldib ploidsuse kahekordistumist põlvkondade vaheldumisel (liigiomase kromosoomide arvu säilimine) · Tagatakse pärilik kombinatiivne muutlikkus (1. profaas ja 1. anafaas) · Suureneb rakkude arv 1st 4-ni · Ovogeneesi puhul saab likvideerida pärilikke vigu (paigutades vigased geenid polotsüütidesse 36.Kuidas on seotud organismi haploidne ja diploidne kromosoomistik? 37.Millisteks faasideks jaotatakse meioos? · Toimub kaks järjestikust jagunemist ja mõlemas 4 faasi (pro-, meta-, ana- ja telofaas). Kahe jagunemise vahel lühike vahepaus (interfaas), kus kontrollitakse esimese jagunemise õigsust. 38.Mis toimub interfaasis enne meioosi?

Bioloogia → Arengubioloogia
53 allalaadimist


name=0.8, main="Mitmes haridusasutuses oled õppinud?", ylim=c(0,10)) tegime sektordiagrammi küsimuse "Kui väga ootad jõule skaalal 1-5? (1- ei oota üldse, 5- ootan väga) " tulemustest ja korrastasime. > pie(o, main="Kui väga ootad jõule skaalal 1-5? (1- ei oota üldse, 5- ootan väga)") kirjeldavad arvnäitajad teemal "Mitmes haridusasutuses oled õppinud?" > min(m) [1] 2 > max(m) [1] 9 > mean(m) [1] 3.777778 > median(m) [1] 3 > summary(m) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 2.000 2.000 3.000 3.778 4.000 9.000 > fivenum(m) Triin Liisi Alex Leelo Miina 2 2 3 4 9 > sd(m) [1] 2.223611 Korrelatsioonianalüüs > cor(m,j,method="pearson") [1] 0.02649995 Histogramm > l=c(4,7,2,7,9,5,7,1,3,4,6,8,3,7,9,4,2,6,9,5) > names(l)=c("kati", "mati", "uuno", "kalle", "anu", "tiina", "urmas", "tiit", "pamela", "paula", "siim", "sass", "liisi", "johanna", "ita", "Ann", "paul", "liis", "karmen", "eve") > hist(l)

Bioloogia → Keskkonnasotsioloogia
6 allalaadimist

Keemia mõisted

loovutavad mittemetalllihtaine, mille aatomite väliskihil on 4 elektroni või rohkem indekselemendi all paremal olev arv, näitab aatomite arvu molekulis kordajaarv, mis kirjutatakse aine valemi ette näitab molekulide või aatomite arvu keemilise reaktsiooni võrrandkeemiline muundumise lühike üleskirjutis kasutades elementide sümboleid ja ainete valemeid lagunemisreaktsioonkeemiline reaktsioon, mille käigus tekib 1st ainest 2 v rohkem ainet ühinemisreaktsioonkeemiline reaktsioon, mille käigus tekib 2st u enamast ainest üks uus aine asendusreaktsioonkeemiline reaktsioon, mille käigus lihtaine aatomid asendavad liitaine koostises olevaid elemendi aatomeid vahetusreaktsioonkeemiline reaktsioon, mis kulgeb 2 liitaine vahel.(neutrali satsioonireaktsioon kus happe ja alus reageerivad ja tulemuseks tekib sool ja vesi) redoksreaktsioonkeemiline reaktsioon, mille käigus muudavad oa

Keemia → Keemia
71 allalaadimist

The Anaerobic Energy Systems 7

­ muscle lactate was 11.9 mmol and muscle pH was 6.72. · 1.5 minutes of recovery, PCr increased to 65% of resting levels, but reached only 85% with 6 min recovery. · No change in ATP or glycogen after 6 min · After 6 min of recovery peak W, speed and mean power were all lower than the original sprint Bogdanis et al. Cont... · Gaitanos and colleagues (1993) examined the effects of 10 x 6 s maximal sprints on muscle metabolism. · Energy for 1st sprint from PCr degradation and anaerobic glycolysis, reflected in a 57% depletion of PCr, and a significant increase in lactate concentration. · After 10th sprint there was: ­ a decrease in mean power output by 23%, ­ no increase in lactate, ­ and a fall in PCr levels from 43% pre-bout to 16% post sprint, accounting for 90% of ATP production. · Anaerobic glycolysis was inhibited and energy was provided by PCr degradation and increased

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

ARENA 2010 Racing Swimwear Range

ONE-PIECE PATTERN  BONDING  Arena Racing 2010: early competition results The new generation of Arena racing suits has already been used by a significant number of American swimmers during the first official meet run by USA Swimming under the new FINA rules, officially in force as of January 1st, 2010. Results are even more impressive if considering that the University of Auburn Swimming Teams (NCAA 2009 Champion, sponsored by Arena) didn’t participate to the meet. CONOCOPHILLIPS USA SWIMMING NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS (WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TRIALS) – SEATTLE 2009  Total number of Medals won by swimmers

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Feminism and youth cultures in England

1. Feminism­ movement, ideology to defend women’s rights  Suffrage – right to vote  2.  Feminism  isn’t a unitary movement  because  it  represents  different  women and  different experiences for  them in different parts of the world. Different  ideologies  3. Three waves of feminism  • 1st wave – early 19th century – early 20th century (Political rights, suffrage­right to vote)  • 2nd wave – 1960s­1980s (Social inequalities, gender norms, Women's Liberation Movement)  • 3rd wave – 1990s­2000s (ideas are the same, but they wanted to get rid of things the second  wave had failed to do); feminisms, expansion, multiplicity, postcolonialism.    4.  Anne  Bradstreet­  the  first  feminist  17th  century;  the  most  prominent of early English poets  of North America and first female writer in the British North American colonies to be published  Mary  Wollstonecraft­  education;  an  eighteenth­century  English   wr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

School system in the USA

School system in the USA Education in the United States is provided by government. Each of the 50 states has its own laws regulating education. Children start school at the age of 5 or 6 and continue until the age of 18. Primary or grade school starts from the first grade up to the sixth grade. Then students attend middle school also called junior high school for three years. After middle school, students attend secondary schools, which are called "high schools" from ninth to twelfth grades. The idea of secondary school is to get a high school diploma. Students should take on average 17 or over 20 units during their studies. Public schools are free of charge and available for everybody. To which school a child attends is determined by where they live. Primary school American children start school at the age of five. The first year at school is called kindergarten. It is obligatory for all American ch...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Seened, mükoriisa, samblikus

ökosüsteemis: lagundavad teisi organisme · jagunevad: 1) saprotroofid ­ toituvad surnud organismide kudedest; olulised lagundaja elus (nt. majavamm) 2) biotroofid ­ toituvad elusatest organismide kudedest; jagunevad parasiidid (nt. küüneseen) & sümbiandid (nt. puu ja seen) Paljunemine: · mittesugulisel mitu varianti: 1) vegetatiivne ­ seenerakust eraldub uus organism (pärmseen => pungumine); 1st rakust 2 2) eoseline ­ eosed valmivad spetsialiseerunud hüüfidel või eoslates e. sporangiumites ( kõige efektiivsem) · suguline paljunemine ­ arenevad viljakehad, kus tekivad haploidsed (kõiki kromosoome on ühes korduses) eosed, mis peavad leidma teise haploidse eose või sellest arenenud mütseeli, et tekitada diploidne organism (uus seen) Tunnus Taim Seen Loom

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
57 allalaadimist

Exercise Physiology - lecture 1

Lesson aims Review lecture 1 Review lecture 1 · (part 1) (part 1) Henry's Law · Respiratory responses & adaptations · Move onto the cardiovascular system · Lecture 1 ­ recall task 1) Identify the route that air takes from the atmosphere to the blood (e.g., air enters through the mouth and then...). 2) Explain the mechanism of how air is drawn into the body with reference to Boyle's law and diffusion. 3) With reference to Dalton's law explain why training at altitude can be problematic for athletes. Henry's Law · When a mixture of gases is in contact with a liquid, each gas will dissolve in the liquid in proportion to its partial pressure. · Greater concentration of gas, the more and faster that gas will go into solution in the liquid. · How much gas dissolves in liquid depends on: ­ solubility of the gas in the liquid ­ temperature of the liquid. Did You Know...? Th...

Meditsiin → Anatoomia ja füsioloogia
7 allalaadimist

Past and Present tenses

PRESENT SIMPLE (lihtolevik) Form: 1st form (+s) Use: 1. Things in general. Nurses look after patients in hospitals. 2. Things that happen all the time or repeatedly. She usually goes away at weekends. 3. Laws of nature (things that are true in general). The sun rises in the east. 4. Timetable events. The train leaves at 6.50 p.m. Negative form: I don't (do not) normally eat my lunch here. He doesn't (does not) like this film at all. Question form: Do you live here? How often does it rain around here? Signal words: always, every day/month, never, normally, often, seldom, sometimes, usually etc. PRESENT CONTINUOUS/PROGRESSIVE (kestev olevik) Form: am/is/are + ing Use: 1. Unfinished actions happening at or around the time of speaking. Listen! Somebody is crying. They are building a new bridge in our town....

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist


siit aja kokkuhoid) 22. Mis toimub telofaasis?  Kromosoomid pakitakse lahti  Kujunevad tuumaümbrised  Taastuvad tuumakesed  Rakk valmistub tsütokineesiks 23. Milleks on meioos vajalik?  Väldib ploidsuse kahekordistumist põlvkondade vaheldumisel (liigiomase kromosoomide arvu säilimine)  Tagatakse pärilik kombinatiivne muutlikkus (1. profaas ja 1. anafaas)  Suureneb rakkude arv 1st 4-ni  Ovogeneesi puhul saab likvideerida pärilikke vigu (paigutades vigased geenid polotsüütidesse 24. Millisteks faasideks jaotatakse meioos? • Toimub kaks järjestikust jagunemist ja mõlemas 4 faasi (pro-, meta-, ana- ja telofaas). Kahe jagunemise vahel lühike vahepaus (interfaas), kus kontrollitakse esimese jagunemise õigsust. 25. Mis toimub interfaasis enne meioosi?  DNA kahekordistumine  Mitokondrite pooldumine

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
6 allalaadimist


5.1 Organismide paljunemine (mittesuguline ja suguline paljunemine) Kõigi liikide isendid paljunevad kas sugulisel või mittesugulisel teel. Sugulisel paljunemisel saab uus organism enamasti alguse viljastunud munarakust. Mittesuguline paljunemine uus organism saab alguse ühest vanemast, sugurakkude ühinemist ei toimu. Katteseemnetaimed annavad järglasi risoomide,mugulate,sibulate,varretükikeste abil. Eoseline paljunemine Toimub eostega e. Spooridega, mis levivad tuule või veega ja arenevad uuteks organismideks. N: seened, vetikad, sõnajalgtaimed, sammaltaimed. Vegetatatiivne paljunemine: Vegetatiivne paljunemine võimaldab lühikese ajaga saada arvuka geneetiliselt ühtliku järglaskonda. N: Prokarüoodid, seened, algloomad e.protistid, protistid, bakterid, paljud taimeliigid. Pooldumine Bakterid jagunevad 2ks otsepooldumise teel. DNA kahekoristub->sünteesitakse raku keskossa rakumembraanid ja-kestad ning moodustub 2 tütarrakku. Pungumine P...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
45 allalaadimist

London topic

Subway is commonly used to move around in London. Climate London has a temperate marine climate. It has daily high temperatures during summer. The warmest month is July. The coolest month is January. Winders are seldom below freezing. Rainfall is regular, but most often in the form of drizzle occurring throughout the year. Snow occurs sometimes in winter but rarely settles more than a few millimetres deep. History The origin of London may be dated around the beginning of the 1st century AD, when a Celtic tribe settled near a fordable point of the Thames. L achieved real importance following the Roman conquest under Claudius (43AD). The Romans build a bridge, somewhat east of the present city. This bridge soon was part of a trade road and attracted more and more traders. Soon the flourishing city Londinium came into existence. The Romans rebuilt the town into a centre of great importance.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Ãœldkeemia eksam 11/12

· Tahke- molekulid ja aatomid võnguvad vähe kindlate asendite ümber; säilitavad kindla temperatuuri juures kuju ja ruumala. · Gaasiline- molekulid liiguvad vabalt ja korratult; ei ole kindalt ruumala ega kuju · Plasma- elektriliselt laetud või neutraalsed aatomid ning aatomitest välja rebitud elektronid; väga ioniseeritud gaas Sõltub: Keemilise reakstiooni järk: · Reakstiooni kiirus 0ndat ja 1st järku reaktsioonides · Iseloomuliok 2st järku reaktsioonidele Lahus- kahest või enam ainets koosnev homogeene süsteem Koosneb: lahusti + lahustunud aine Agregaatolekute järgi eristatavad lahused (nimeta): · Gaas -gaas · Gaas-vedelik · Gaas-tahke · Vedelik-vedelik · Tahke-vedelik · Tahke-tahke Lahustuvus- aine omadus lahustuda mingis lahustis (näitab aine suurimat massi, mis lahustub antud temperatuuril 100g vees) Lahustumise põhireeglid ?

Keemia → Üldkeemia
91 allalaadimist

Inglise keele eksamiks valmistumine, kirjutamise reeglid

arguments against/justifications/examples 4: summary of topic The Internet is very useful and has a lot of advantages, but there are also some disadvantages.There are number of advantages to the Internet.One of the most important advantages is that..., On the other hand, there are also some disadvantages to the Internet....In conclusion, there are number of strong points both for and against the Internet. OPINION ESSAY 1.INTRODUSE THE TOPIC, state your opinion clearly 2-4. 1st viewpoint , reason and examples , 2st viewpoint , reason and examples,opposing viewpoint, reason/examples(esimene vaatepunkt, põhjus näited,..., vastupidine seisukoht. 5.summary, restate opinion, korrigeeri arvamust. ...some people argue that(väidavad, et) SOLUTIONS OF PROBLEMS 1.state problem, probable cause (võimalik lahendus) 2-4. suggestions and results, consequences(ettepanekuid ja tulemused, tagajärjed) 5.summarise your opinion

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist


· Apply to · Damage to · To deal with · Similar to · at midnight · to attribute to sb/sth · AND SO ONE AT · AT night · AT noon · AT lunchtime · AT the weekend · Hopless AT · Throw AT · AT the end of · AT the front · AT the back of house · To shoot AT sb · AT the moment · Quick AT · AT home · AT the library* · AT the office · AT work ON · ON Wednesday · ON Monday · ON street · ON the 1st of February KERMO MAISTE · Report ON · To persist ON · Blame ON · ON the ceiling · ON the floor · ON the horse · ON the plane · ON the train IN · IN the evening · IN winter · IN July · IN Estonia · IN 2013 · IN Tallinn · Estonia is IN Europe · IN the bedroom · IN the car TO · prone TO · related TO

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist


Laktoos + H2O galaktoos + glükoos (laktaas) b) Reaktsioonide toimumise koht rakus ­ punased verelibled, rasvkoes, närvikoes, lihaskoes, maks. Toimub raku tsütoplasmas. c) Protsessi aeroobsus/anaeroobsus ­ hapnikut tarbiv / mitte tarbiv. Anaeroobsetes rakkudes on glükolüüs ainus ATPd tootev rada. Aeroobsetes rakkudes esimene etapp süsivesikute oksüdatsioonil. Anareoobse glükolüüsi käigus toodetakse 1st glükoosist 2 püruvaati ja 2 ATP molekuli. Enamikes rakkudes kulgeb edasi reaktsioon ning lõpp-produktideks saadakse etanool ja piimhape. Rakud, mis täidavad aeroobse hingamise eesmärki, toodavad rohkem ATP molekule (aga seda mitte glükolüüsi käigus). Kokku toodab eukarüootne rakk aeroobse hingamise käigus 34 ATP molekuli ühe glükoosi kohta. Anaeroobsetes rakkudes on glükolüüs ainus ATP-d produtseeriv rada. Aeroobsetes rakkudes on

Keemia → Keemia
20 allalaadimist

The Middle Ages

In 1265 de Montfort called Parliament. For the first time nobles & spokesmen from both towns & shires met. It was made up of barons, bishops and abbots as usual, but also included 2 knights from every hire and 2 burgesses from every borough. Many nobles didn't support Simon de Montfort, a civil war broke out. De Montfort was defeated and killed. In 1295 Henry III's son Edward I brought together the ,,represantive institution", ,,Model Parliament", the 1st to include nobles, clergy & commoners. It was a mixture of ,,gentry" ­ knights & wealthy freemen from the shires & merchants from the towns. He divided Parliament into 2 parts ­ the nobles formed the House of Lords, the other part was called the House of Commons (middle class). Edward I became king at the age of 35. He was a fine warrior & won the respect of his subjects. He was very tall & strong and his nickname ,,Longshanks" referred to his long legs. He was married twice

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
20 allalaadimist

Estonia topic

The most important protection areas are resting and recreation areas for migratory birds. Mainly seashore wetlands and chaste woodland and wetland areas. The preservation of traditional cultural landscapes is important as well. 5 History To the Nineteenth Century The Estonians settled in their present territory before the Christian era. They were mentioned by Tacitus 1st century A.D., who called them Aesti. In the 13th cent. the Danes and the German order of the Livonian Brothers of the Sword formed an alliance to conquer the pagan Estonian tribes. The Danes founded Reval (now Tallinn) in 1219 and introduced Christianity and Western European culture to Estonia. While Denmark took the northern part of Estonia, the knights occupied the southern portion. In 1346

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Eestlased vs ristisõdijad

1525 *Tartu University ­ 1632 ­ founded by King Gustavus II Adolphus, classical university, member of the Coimbra group *Abolition of serfdom ­ 1816 *Song festival ­ 1869 ­ in Tartu, an organiser was J.V.Jannsen, 822 singers, men only *Declaration of independence ­ 24th February 1918 *War of independence ­ 1918-1920 ­ during the Russian Civil War, resulted in a victory for Estonia *Deportation ­ 1949 *Estonia becomes independent ­ 20th August 1991 *Joining EU ­ 1st May 2004 Language: Estonian language, belongs to the Balti-Finnic group of the Finno-Ugric languages, closely realted to Finnish and rather remotely to Hungarian; Latin alphabet with 32 letters , 5 of which occur only in foreign words, the phenomes include 9 vowels and 18 consonants; words are borrowed from Latin, Greek, English etc.; since 1995 the 14th of March is celebrated as the Mother Tongue Day, in 2000 UNESCO declared 21 February World Mother Tongue Day; the

Ajalugu → Eesti maalugu
7 allalaadimist

Elektrivõrgu releekaitse

Toimivad vaid maksimaalkaitseks/hetkkaitseks. Liigse voolu korral sulavkaitse katkeb automaatselt. Tuleb välja vahetada. Tunnusjoon peab sobima kaitstava objekti omadustega. 9. Kaitse sätete valik (sätte-, välistusväärtus,ennistustegur,ülekande-skeemitegur,välistusaeg,selektiivsusaste) Sätteväärtus-millal rakendub, välistusväärtus-millal ei tohi rakenduda. Maksimaalkaitsel on välistusväärtus 1 suurem, minimaalkaitsel 1st väiksem. Viitkaitse puhul arvestatakse ennistusteguriga, vanematel kaitsetel ~0,8. Ülekandetegur- mõõtetrafo oma, skeemitegur täht=1, kolmnurk=Ruutj.3, nulljärgnevusvoolul=3.Välistusaeg e. selektiivsusaste- e. reaalne väljalülitamise aeg, kõik releekaitse viiteajad kokku. Kõik vead jne. 10. Voolukaitse(hetkkaitse, sõltumatu ja sõltuva viitega kaitse). Hetkkaitse viide on kaitse tehniliselt vähim võimalik rakendusaeg

Energeetika → Elektrijaotustehnika
13 allalaadimist

Hitler- early years

• Threatened and beat up Jews and ant-Nazi voters • Wore brownshirts, pants and boots • Numbered almost 400,000 by 1932 Dictator • “Reichstag fire” gives Hitler total power • In 1933, all parties were outlawed except the Nazi party • People’s civil rights were suspended • “Night of the Long Knives” Absolute Power • German economy was improving, people were happy • Hilter had not political opposition • 1st concentration camp opened in 1933 • Began rearming German Army for expansion of the Reich THE END .......................Until the start of World War II

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Martini CV näidis

We are importing Towelfy from Estonia to the United Kingdom. Managing Director, MP CANNED FOOD LIMITED, June 2012 ­ Present Duties: We are importing canned food (meat products and ready meals) from Estonia to the United Kingdom. Unique products like "Wild Boar In Its Own Juice", "Elk In Its Own Juice" and "Venison In Its Own Juice" are hard to find in the United Kingdom. We are selling Rannarootsi and Frank Pott brands. I am active in this trade since 1st of June 2012 as a Sole Trader, 29th of June 2017 incorporated as a Limited Company - MP CANNED FOOD LIMITED is running magnificently. I am serving the company as its Managing Director and own 100% of the shares. The company base is located in Leicester, United Kingdom. Erasmus For Young Entrepreneurs program, Host Entrepreneur (3 months): mentoring young New Entrepreneur from Estonia, who wanted to start her own business in the United Kingdom.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

London ceremonial and tradition

Fitzroy House · Fitzrovia dates back to the 18th century and has been for many years well known for its writers and artists. · From H.G. Wells and George Orwell, to Charles Dickens and Virginia Woolf - its inhabitants have left an indelible mark. · Although it is well known that the Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw resided in Fitzroy Square, it is a lesser-known fact that he also lived with his mother on the 1st floor of 37 Fitzroy Street from 1881-1882. · 75 years later, writer and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard made 37 Fitzroy Street his London base. · Ron Hubbard wrote many of his best-known works whilst in London. · With a number of New York Times bestsellers and the Guinness Book of World Records Title for most published author, he is one of the most prolific writers of his time. HMS Belfast

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Estate Planning Basics Referaat

You may well know whom you want to name as your child's personal guardian. For many parents, there's one obvious choice ­ an adult who is willing to take on the responsibility and would love and care for the child. And always you should name a successor personal guardian as well, in case your first choice is unable to serve or to continue to serve. For example: Janine has custody of her two daughters, aged 14 and 15, from her first marriage, and her son, age 6,from her second. Her 1st husband has never taken any interest in, and little reponsibility for the girls. Her second ex, Todd, has been an adequate, though from Janine's view, well below superb, father to their son, and also tried to be decent to her daughters. Though three children would like to stay together, Janine reluctantly recognizes that this can't be paramount in her decision. Janine's sister, Brenda, is close to the daugthers

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Canada - history and provinces.

They become provinces of Ontario and Quebec in 1867. Uniting all the Canadian provinces soon became a necessity. There were five reasons why it was good to unite the provinces: they wanted to be protected from the USA, they wanted to defend themselves against the Fenians, trading would be much easier, they wanted to build a railway from east to west and Britain didn't want to support Canadian provinces anymore likewise Canadian provinces wanted to break away from Britain. 1st July 1867 the Dominion of Canada was formed of Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. The first Prime Minister of Canada was MacDonald. The railway was finished on 7th November 1885, after five years of building. Provinces Canada consists of five regions: the Pacific Region, the Prairie Provinces, Central Canada, the Atlantic Provinces and the North. The Pacific Region, which is the western part of Canada, consists of one province: British Columbia. It became a province in 1871

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


write fantastic reports. For example, if you are interested in sports for a long time, why not to publish your own opinion (cause of big experience) in to the local newspaper or magazine? There is a hope, that public will read your articles and start to listen your opinion, which was created during your long life. You might be a person, who really can objectively and clearly talk about sports events. When I was listening to Pavel Ozerov (Russian 1st canal journalist) he said, that firstly you should choose a profession you like. After that, you can write about it. So, in this way you can help people to understand for example "good" and "bad" sides of your job/profession or inform society about events which are connected with your profession.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Arvutite areng/ Uurimustöö

5 Küsitluse analüüs Küsitluste vastuses analüüsitakse 10c õpilaste arvamusi ja uuritakse palju nemad teavad arvutited ja palju neil arvuteid endal kodus on. Kas arvuti pakub sulle huvi? miks? Enamik vastajaid olid üksmeelsed: Kõigi arvates on arvutid vajalikud, et teha ära palju tööd kodust lahkumata ja arvutitega on väga lihtne suhelda omavahel. Mitmeks põlvkonnaks jagunevad teie arvates arvutid? Vastuseid oli mitmeid, alatest 1st lõpetades 6ga. Seega on teada, et paljudel ei ole aimu, et arvutid jagunevad neljaks põlvkonnaks ja seega oleks neile sellisest uurimustööst palju kasu, kus nad saaksid lisainformatsioonia arvutite kohta. Millised olid teiste arvates esimesed arvutid? Kõik olid jälle samal meelel, et nad oli SUURED, kui mõned arvasid, et neil olid ekraanid ja mõned arvasid, et ainult puust. Põhimõtteliselt nii imelik, kui see ka ei tunduks, siis on neil õigus, kes pakkusid puust

Informaatika → Informaatika
17 allalaadimist

GPS võrgu tasandamine

2 2 χα vabadusastmete arvule χ kriitilised väärtused. Esmalt 2 =35,479, mille abil χ2 α hindame kas saadud S0 on suurem kui 1 ning 1− 2 = 10,283, mille järgi hindame kas saadud S0 on 1st väiksem. Praegusel juhul jääb teststatistik kriitiliste piiride sisse ning kaaluühiku standardhälve on statistilises mõttes võrdne a’priori valitud standardhälbega (δ=1). Kaaluühiku standardhälve on 1’le lähedal, seega ei ole alust arvata, et mõõtmistulemustes esineks jämedaid vigu. Leitud punkti E koordinaatide usaldusväärsuse hindamiseks leiame nende

Geograafia → Geodeesia
6 allalaadimist

Shaun White

Shaun White Shaun Roger White (born September 3, 1986) is an American professional snowboarder and skateboarder. He is a two-time Olympic gold medalist. He rides regular stance, twelve and negative three degrees on his board. Addressing his perception of the nickname "The Flying Tomato", Rolling Stone wrote, "he used to embrace it, even wearing headbands with a flying- tomato logo, but he has grown tired of it." He has also been nicknamed as "animal", a reference to a character from the satirical puppet show The Muppet Show. Early life White was born in San Diego, California. His ancestry includes Irish and Italian. He was born with a Tetralogy of Fallot, a congenital heart defect for which he endured two open-heart operations before the age of one. He stands 5'8" (1.73 m) tall. White spent his formative years riding Okemo Mountain and Bear Mountain, small ski resorts found in Ludlow...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Tööstuslik andmeside kontrolltöö 2 abimaterjal - vastused

LCP Frame types detected -> remove `0' ­ prior to input into SIPO ­ normally FCS data (prior EOF) subjected to same bit obtain bit synchronization. 3. scheme: bit-encoding violations ( also used w/ SAPs are 7b: shortage -> SNAP above LLC stuffing LANs) · 1.5 bit manchester (3 signal pulses) -> no transition in 1st bit · no signal ­ Typical network protocol evolution: · extend one protocol by O Asynchronous Transmission Independent transmit & receive clocks. ­ receiver explicitly transition -> illegal manchester code ­ J: signal level remains same as previous for tacking on parts (in this caseanother protocol)

Informaatika → Tööstuslik andmeside
29 allalaadimist

Pitbike mootori joonised ja kokkupanemine

Description Quantity Remark 16 13320 Oil Ring,3-piece 1 -- 19-- E-11 Transmission S/N Part No. Description Quantity Remark 1 23611/1P50FMG Mainshaft 1 2 23771/1P50FMG Countershaft 1 3 23711/1P50FMG Gear, countershaft 1st 1 4 23712/1P50FMG Bush, countershaft 1st gear 1 5 23621/1P50FMG Gear, mainshaft 2nd 1 6 23721/1P50FMG Gear, countershaft 2nd 1 7 23631/1P50FMG Gear, mainshaft 3rd 1 8 23731/1P50FMG Gear, countershaft 3rd 1 9 23641/1P50FMG Gear, mainshaft 4th 1

Mehhatroonika → Konstruktsiooni elemendid
14 allalaadimist

125cc mootori (atm) tööpõhimõte

Description Quantity Remark 16 13320 Oil Ring,3-piece 1 -- 19-- E-11 Transmission S/N Part No. Description Quantity Remark 1 23611/1P50FMG Mainshaft 1 2 23771/1P50FMG Countershaft 1 3 23711/1P50FMG Gear, countershaft 1st 1 4 23712/1P50FMG Bush, countershaft 1st gear 1 5 23621/1P50FMG Gear, mainshaft 2nd 1 6 23721/1P50FMG Gear, countershaft 2nd 1 7 23631/1P50FMG Gear, mainshaft 3rd 1 8 23731/1P50FMG Gear, countershaft 3rd 1 9 23641/1P50FMG Gear, mainshaft 4th 1

Masinaehitus → Masinaelemendid
44 allalaadimist

Kokkuvõte Inglismaa ajaloost

o politcian and statesman known for his leadership of the United Kingdom during the Second World War o PM 2 times Sir Francis Drake o an English sea captain, privateer, navigator, slaver, a renowned pirate, and a politician of the Elizabethan era. o He was second-in-command of the English fleet against the Spanish Armada in 1588. Dates 1066- Battle of Hastings 1455-1485- Wars of the Roses(Lancastrians-Yorkists) 1649-1660- England was a republic for the 1st and only time and was called "the Commonwealth" 1837-1901- the Victorian period 1707- The Act of Union(the Scottish parliament was dissolved and the former 2 kingdoms became one `United Kingdom of Great Britain' 1921-22- The Anglo-Irish treaty of 1921 established the Irish Free State (now the Republic of Ireland) as a separate state, leaving Northern Ireland as part of the United Kingdom. The official name of the UK thus became

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
12 allalaadimist

Nivelleerimisvõrgu tasandamine programmiga ADJUST

χ 2 χ 2α =1,24 χ2 α =14,45 alumine ja ülemine kriitiline väärtus on vastavalt 2 ning 1− 2 . Kuna a priori on tasandusjärgse kaaluühiku standardhälve 1, siis vastavalt leitud suurustele on leitud S0= 0,0057 statistilises mõttes 1st oluliselt väiksem. Järeldusena saab väita, et esimeses tasanduses leitud tasandusjärgse kaaluühiku standardhälve ei ole 1. Uue tasanduse tulemusena saame S0 väärtuseks ±1.0. χ2- testi tulemuseks χ2= 6,10. χ2 alumine ja ülemine kriitiline piir on sama, mis esimese tasandusegi puhul. Nüüd näeme, et leitud statistiku väärtus jääb kriitiliste piiride sisse ning võib öelda, et teises tasanduses leitud kaaluühiku standardhälve on 1. Lisad Lisa 1. Esialgne tasandusaruanne.

Geograafia → Geodeesia
14 allalaadimist

Kitarrikursus algajatele 1osa-Ben Edwards

In this first book, we will focus on the first four, also known as the first position. In book 2, we will move beyond that. Notice that we number each fret starting at 1 at the head of the guitar. Note: Each string on the guitar is numbered. When you hold your guitar as you would when using the casual playing position, the 1st string is at the bottom and the 6th string is at the top. Notice also the term, `Tuning' at the bottom of the above diagram. Tuning refers to the notes that the guitar strings are tuned to. In the above diagram, I have given a very common tuning called standard E tuning that consists of the notes E, A, D, G and B. Strings 1 and 6 are both tuned to the note E. The open 6th string is called low E. The open 1st string is called high E as it is two octaves higher than the 6th string open E

Muusika → Muusika
34 allalaadimist


Abbey were built 1066 - the Battle of Hastings 1097 - The White Tower was built 1176 - The first stone London Bridge was built 1192 - The first Lord Mayor 1337-1453 - The Hundred Years War 1411 - Guildhall 1455-1485- The Wars of the Roses 1642-1649 - The Civil War 1660 - The monarchy restored 1665 - The Great Plague 1666 - The Great Fire 1750 - Westminster Bridge opened, 2nd bridge over the Thames 1830s - Industrial Revolution 1834 - The old Houses of Parliament burned down 1836 - 1st steam train 1851 - The Great Exhibition 1863 - The Tube was opened 1914-1918 - WWI 1939-1945 - WWII 1972-1982 - The Thames Barrier was built 2000 - The Millennium bridge, London Eye, the Millennium Dome 2012-the Olympic Games Royal London Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the British monarch. It is located in the City of Westminster. The palace is a setting for state occasions and royal hospitality. The building was a large townhouse built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Bioloogia konspekt

· Heterotroofid- organismid, kes saavad elutegevuseks vajaliku energia toidus sisalduva orgaanilise aine oksüdatsioonil. · ATP- universaalne energia talletaja ja ülekandja, mis osaleb kõigi rakkude metabolismis · Glükoosi lagundamine: glükolüüs (tsütoplasmavõrgustikus, saadakse 2 kolmesüsinikulist molekuli- püroviinamarihape e. CH3COCOOH, eraldub 4 H ja tekib 2 ATP. Anaeroobne glükolüüs e. käärimine lõpeb piimhappe või etanooli moodustamisega. 1st glükoosi molekulist saadakse 2 piimhappe molekuli C3H6O3 ja 2 ATP, vesinikku ei eraldu. Piimhappest lahti saamiseks peab selle verega kandma maksa, kus see muutub püroviinamarihappeks. Kui anaeroobsel glükolüüsil tekib etanool, tekib 2 etanooli, 2 süsihappegaasi ja 2 ATP), tsitraaditsükkel (toimub mitokondri sisemuses. Püroviinamarihappe edasine lagundamine, vaheproduktina tekib sidrunhape. Enne tsüklisse sisenemist eraldub CO2 ja 2 H. Järk-järgult

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
13 allalaadimist

Diana, Walesi printsess (The Princess of Wales)

PRESENTATION PRINCESS DIANA Diana, Princess of Wales was born on the 1st of July in 1961 and died on the 31st of August in 1997. She was a popular member of the British royal family and an international personality of the late 20th century. She was the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales, whom she married on the 29th of July in 1981. The wedding, which was held at St. Paul's Cathedral, was televised and watched by a global audience of over 750 million people. Diana and Charles had two sons, Princes William and Harry. EARLY LIFE

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist


proved to be both popular and durable. Surrey is credited also with inventing English blank verse. Other verse forms, borrowed from the Italian and French, had a lesser impact. Elaborate Renaissance conventions of love poetry were also transplanted, finding their outlet chiefly in sonnets and sonnet sequences. 7. Which events diminished the power of the Catholic Church in England? Two events occurred that were inimical to the influence of the Catholic Church. The 1st was Martin Luther's posting of his Ninety-five Theses on a church door in Wittenberg, Germany, in 1517, an act which heralded the Reformation. The 2nd event was brought about by the desire of Henry VIII for a male heir and his wish to divorce Catherine of Aragon, who had borne only one child, Mary. When the Pope refused to end the marriage, Henry, with an eye also to seizing the vast and wealthy holdings of the Church,

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
6 allalaadimist

Norra - referaat

Tänu väga kõrgele arengutasemele on ka metsamajandus hästi korraldatud. Põllumaj. % SKP-st 3 Tööstuse % SKP- st 35 Teeninduse % SKP- st 62 SKP $/in. 27 400 Riigi kuulumine majandusorganisatsioonidesse Rahvusvahelistest firmadest on tuntuimad Jarlsberg ­ juust, Statoil ­ naftakompanii, DnB- pangandus, SAS ­ lennukompanii. Norra kuulub järgmistesse rahvusvahelistesse organisatsioonidesse: WTO ­ Maailma kaubandusorganisatsioon (alates 1st jaanuarist 1995), NATO - Põhja-Atlandi Lepingu Organisatsioon (1949), EEA ­ Euroopa Majanduspiirkond, EFTA- Euroopa Vabakaubanduse Assotsiatsioon (1960), Schengeni leping, OECD - Majanduskoostöö ja Arengu Organisatsioon, UNICEF. Tundub, et Norra soovib olla neutraalne ja mitte ennast liigselt siduda. Suurtes kogustes naftat eksportivana, ei ole ta liitunud OPEC-iga. Rahvastik

Geograafia → Geograafia
37 allalaadimist

British kings and queens

spent 14 of those years in England, or Britain. King Charles II King Charles II was crowned king of Scotland in 1651. When Richard Cromwell, who was lord protector of England at the time, was abdicated Charles returned to London. King Charles II was only 13 when he returned, but took rule over all of Great Britain. King George I George I is the first German-born king of Britain. George was declard:George by the Grace of God and king of Great Britain, France and Ireland, on 1st August 1714. King George I set the record at the time for being the oldest monarch in British history. King Henry III King Henry III is known for being crown when he was just 9 years old, although he did not obtain full control of England until he was 20 years old, in 1227. His reign lasted 56 years making it the longest ever reign of any English monarch (not British). King Henry IV King Henry IV is known to have taken the crown and thrown by force. He made his cousin

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Suurõnnetused keemiatööstuses - referaat

T. (1987). Emergency response to chemical accidents.Planning and coordinating solutions. McGraw-Hill 5. Tsernobõli avarii, 1986 [WWW] (16.11.2010) 6. Tervislikud töökohad. Kampaanijuhend 2010-2011. [WWW] (16.11.2010) 7. Kaidis, V. (2010). 11.10.10. Kemikaaliseadus. Kemikaalide transport ja hoidmine. Loengukonspekt 8. [WWW] (17.11.2010) 9. Flixborough (Nypro UK) Explosion 1st June 1974. Accident summary [WWW] (16.11.2010) 10. Industrial disasters encountered in the past [WWW] p=78007.56783&lang=en&id=4722 (20.11.2010) 8

Meditsiin → Riski- ja ohuõpetus
41 allalaadimist

Iiri Vabariik

Iiri Vabariik II kursus 2014 Lipp ja vapp Iirimaa on iiri keeles Éire ja inglise keeles Ireland tähis IRL või IE Riigipea Michael D. Higgins, president alates 11.11.2011 Riigi hümn Amhrán na bhFiann (hääldatakse: “Oo-roon na Viin” ja tähendab “Sõduri laul”) Riigikeeled: iiri ja inglise keel Iirimaa ehk Iiri Vabariik on Euroopa mandri looderanniku lähedal, Suurbritannia saarest läänes Pindala: 70 282 km2 Rahvaarv: 4,58 miljonit Riigikord: parlamentaarne demokraatia Rahaühik: euro Haldusjaotus ● Iiri Vabariik (Republic of Ireland) hõlmab 5/6 kogu saare pindalast. Selle osa pealinn on Dublin. 1. Leinster ● Põhja-Iirimaa kuulub 2. Munster Suurbritannia 3. Connacht koosseisu ning selle 4....

Geograafia → Geograafia
6 allalaadimist

Puritanism in John Winthrop "A model of Christian Charity"

FLRG.01.193 Heidi Järvpõld 01.01.2015 Puritanism in A model of Christian Charity A modell of Christian charity, also known as A City on a Hill, is the kind of Puritan literature example that can fade the suspicious reader’s doubts in the Puritan main ideology and beliefs. At least, this is how it seemed to me. This sermon can be seen as a gateway to the Puritan society’s attitude and mindset as it is one of the most classical examples of the Puritan era literature. Although John Winthrop was the leader of the Massachusetts Bay Colony which was filled with corrupted chiefs, he vigorously emphasizes in his writings the unity of community, love of othe...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
2 allalaadimist

Lammaste tõud ja iseloomustus

Lammas (tõud) Eesti tumedapealine lambatõug on varavalmiv, heade lihavormidega lihalambatõug, kellelt saadakse valget, poolpeenvilla (keskmine peenus ca 35 µm. Tumedapealiste lammaste pea ja jalad on kaetud tumedate ohevillakarvadega. Eesti tumedapealine lambatõug on üldiselt suurema kehamassi ning villatoodanguga kui eesti valgepealine lambatõug, kuid on viimasest mõnevõrra madalama viljakuse ja jämedama villaga. Jäärad kaaluvad ca 95 kg, uted 76 kg, villatoodang 3,7 kg ja viljakus ligikaudu 1,50 talle poeginud ute kohta. Eesti valgepealine lambatõug on varavalmiv, heade lihavormidega lihalambatõug, kellelt saadakse valget, poolpeenvilla keskmise peenusega 31 µm. Eesti valgepealised lambad on väiksema kehamassi ja villatoodanguga, kuid nende uted on suurema viljakusega ning nende villa kvaliteet on parem kui eesti tumedapealistel lammastel. Uttedel kehamass 76 kg, jääradel 88 kg, vill...

Põllumajandus → Loomakasvatus
23 allalaadimist


ft Office Macint Ms Excel Window ws and supports several ietary Office osh PowerPoin s, 2008 Macint only free Live 1992 t Macinto osh ECMA-376 plugins, Windo sh 1st edition. Microsoft ws Office 2010 Office will support 2007 SP2 ISO will add OOXML native

Informaatika → Majandusinfosüsteemid
25 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun