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"-tomorrow" - 233 õppematerjali



CONDITIONALS 0 or 1? TYPE 0 ­ ZERO CONDITIONAL In 'zero' conditional sentences, the tense in both parts of the sentence is the simple 'IF' CLAUSE (CONDITION present: ZERO CONDITIONAL (TYPE 0) 'IF' CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE (CONDITION) (RESULT) If + simple present If + simple present If you heat ice, it melts. If it rains, you get wet TYPE 0 'IF' CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE (CONDITION) (RESULT) If + simple present If + simple present If plants don't get they die. enough water, If you mix red and blue, you get purple Make sentences (type 0) Heat water/ boil Mix yellow and red/get orange Conditional Type 1 · First Conditional: real possibility · We are talking about the future. We are thinking about a particular condition or situation in the future, and the result of this condition. There is a real possibility that this conditi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Inglise keele ajavormide tabel

Inglise keele ajavormid Tense Affirmative Negative Interrogative Adverbs Present Simple I do not + I 1) Do you go to school? every day (week, month, (Lihtolevik: Ma käin he, she, it } I-s he, she, it } does not + I 2) When does he go to year) koolis.) ex: I go to school. school? always often She goes to school. ! Who goes to school? sometimes usually once a week Past Simple ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
348 allalaadimist

Tenses - Ajavormide tabel

Tenses 27. jaanuar 2012. a. 9:24 SIMPLE CONTINUOUS -ing PERFEFCT PERFECT on alati sees! CONTINUOUS PRESEN I work in school. I am working in I have worked in I have been working T loodusseadused school. school. in school for/since 5 pidev korduv lähituleviku plaanid Surnute kohta EI SAA years. tegevus(hommiku ÖELDA! siiamaani kestab kohvi) aja-graafikud PAST I worked in I was working in the I had worked in school. I had been working. school. school. fakt on tähtis (for since) finito aeg(see et ta aeg on lõpetada ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Imagination will make us infinite

Imagination will make us infinite Can you imagine life without imagination? Now i know that sounds like a silly question, but really think about it. What if we didn’t have the ability to mentally time travel and we were froced to live and think in the present moment at all times? To be perfectly honest, life couldn’t exist this way. You see imagination at its core is the beginning of all creation. Everything that we see, everything that we touch, all came from someones thought. Their imagination running wild. Albert Einstein said that “Imagination is more important than knowledge, because with knowledge we are limited to everything we know and understand, while with imagination , it makes us infinite. With your imagination, it can take you to places that you never dreamed about. If you’re having a bad day, it could truly be your only weapon against reality. It can take you back on a vacation or it can fast-f...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Tallinna Rahvusvaheline Festival Jazzkaar on Baltimaade suurim jazzifestival, mis toimub aastast 1990. Festivali peakorraldaja on MTÜ Jazzkaare Sõprade Ühing. Festivali direktor ja kunstiline juht on Anne Erm. Festivalil on aastate jooksul üles astunud üle 40 riigi dzässmuusiku ja -ansambli. Aastal 2014 tähistab festival oma 25. sünnipäeva. Huvitava ja omanäolise programmi ning julgete lahenduste abil teeb Jazzkaar väikseima eelarvega parimat jazzifestivali Põhjamaades tuues Eestisse maailma jazzimuusika suurimad ja huvitavamad leiud ning täidab kogu Tallinna ja Eesti jazziga. Kümnepäevane festival Jazzkaar on Eesti suurima kontsertide arvuga festival, mille raames on esinenud üle 3000 välisartisti 60 riigist. 1967 oli rahvusvahelist vastukaja tekitanud Tallinna Dzhässfestivali aasta. Seejärel laastas ideoloogiline keeristuul. Vahepeal katkenud festivalitraditsioon jätkus 199...

Muusika → Muusika
5 allalaadimist

Womenrights essee

The Status of Women in The World For a long time, through the history of human kind, women have fought for their rights. Issue of women rights and women status has always been discussed and there are many different points of view on this problem. In civilized community you are taught to respect human being as an equal to yourself. It just happens to be, that many eastern regions of men are not as happy as western nations, about the idea of leaving the wonderful life, in which they could tell a random female to strip and make them happy, for a life of begging for the thing they have been getting so easily. In europe a wife in a household is irreplaceable. No man is capable of raising children, cleaning, cooking, ironing and making money at the same time, thus men and women have divided their duties. Usually couple living together also provides eachother with support and comfort, wh...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


Love/craving/sad *True love doesn't consist of holding hands; it consists of holding hearts! *Like millions of dreams came true. Me and you! *We could be friends.. but I'd rather be your lover! *Like shooting stars we shine and then we fade. *It's not hard to see through all that's fake... *And every night he kisses someone new. Never you. *Use me, I'm beautiful take me, I'm yours *Oh darling, you're a million ways to be cruel. * And if I could hold on Through the tears and the laughter Would it be beautiful? Or just a beautiful disaster *"You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her." *"Too many people are looking for the right person, instead of being the right person." *Words are only words, can you show me something else? *I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone. *Tears have turned to ice. *How can you break my fucking heart and tell me you...

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist

BMW summary

BMW case study Nimi BMW was established in 1916 and has been growing strongly since that time. By the late 1980s it employed some 54 000 people, was the 7th largest automobile manufacturing company in the world, and had subsidiaries in many European countries, South Africa, New Zealand, the United States, Canada and Japan. By 2006, BMW had 22 production sites in 12 countries and delivered 1 138 000 cars to costumers. Its major market is Western Europe (59 per cent of all cars sold), though China is an increasingly important market for luxury Rolls-Royce cars. The company has its own six inner values, which are communication, ethical behaviour to its staff, achievement and remuneration, independence, self-fulfilment and the pursuit of new goals. This value-oriented policy came from senior managers back in 1980s. The company also emphasises extensive consu...

Auto → Auto õpetus
14 allalaadimist

Inglise keele struktuur

1. Be ready to explain the terms (lecture 1): language, linguistics, synchronic approach to language, diachronic approach to language, linguistic competence, linguistic performance, what is grammar?, prescriptive grammar vs. descriptive grammar; phonology, phonetics, phone, allophone, phoneme; morphology, morphemes (types of morphemes), morphs, allomorphs, types of affixes, derivational affixes, inflectional affixes; open vs closed class words; syntax. Language: a systematic, conventional use of sounds, signs or written symbols in a human society for communication and self-expression. - human language at all levels is rule- or principle-governed. Linguistics: the scientific study of human natural language Synchronic approach to language: Diachronic approach to language: Linguistic competence: Linguistic performance: What is grammar?: "The sounds and sound patterns, the basic units of meaning, such as words, and the rules to combine them...

Keeled → Inglise keel
106 allalaadimist

Kõik ajad koos näitelausetega

Tenses Present Simple When? Every day, every morning, always, often, sometimes, usually. Affirmative Negative I/You know this song. I/You do not know this song. He/She/It knows this song. He/She/It does not know this song. We/You/They know this song. We/You/They do not know this song. Interrogative Do I/You know this song? Näited Does He/She/It know this song? Do I listen these songs every day? Do We/You/They know this song? Sometimes I listen these songs. Present Continuous When? Now, at the present moment. Affirmative Negative I am reading. I am not reading. You are reading. You are not reading. He/She/It is reading. He/She/It is ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
232 allalaadimist

-ing and to

Verb + -ing or to Verb + -ing Verb + -ing and to Verb + to 1) Stop, postpone, admit, avoid, CHANGE IN THE MEANING: 1) Offer, decide, hope, deserve, imagine, finish, consider, deny, risk, 1) Remember Example: 1. I promise, agree, plan, manage, afford, fancy. Example: Suddenly know I locked the door. I clearly threaten, refuse, arrange, fail, forget, everybody stopped talking. remember locking it. 2. Please learn. Example: It was late, so we 2) Give up, put off, go on / carry on, remember to post the letter. decided to take a taxi home. keep or keep on. Example: I've 2) Regret Example: 1. I regret 2) Seem, appear, tend, pretend, given up reading newspapers. saying what I said. I shouldn't claim. Example: They seem to have 3) ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist


U 15 SB 2) 2C, 4A, 6D, 8B 3) How about i come ... ? School is off Hei s sure to know Due for tomorrow Tie in with sth Get a flight sorte get back to me 4) *Easter * her grandparents' birthday gift * the weather and the currency * Some doorways and doors * Layers and a camer * The view from the topp of Olaf's church tower, the secret passagesunder Swedish defences, the winding streets of old... the parliament buildinf, some museums, and art galleries. * Pancakes together with Hannah's mates * Tartu 5b) 1. Was ... marked- märgiti; is includes ­ on lisatud 2. 2. was built- ehitati- heisatakse 3. 3. was ... mentioned- mainiti 4. Was built- ehitati 5. was created- rajati; wa named- nimetati Revision Sample answers 3) 1. Isi t Oki f I read your diary? 2. Isi t all right if I try your crash helmet? 3. Can I have some milk in my coffee? 4) Sample answers. 1. You might ge...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Present Continuous

PRESENT CONTINUOUS Klaarika Kaljula 9a Use 1.Present actions 2.Temporary actions 3.Longer actions in progress 4.Future (personal) arrangements and plans 5.Trends 6.Irritation 1.Present Actions Happening at the moment of speaking Most often, we use the Present Continuous tense to talk about actions happening at the moment of speaking. Ex. He is eating a dinner. Mary is talking with her friends. They are swimming in the pool. Stative Verbs There is a certain group of verbs that usually does not appear in the Continuous form. They are called Stative Verbs, and if used in the Continuous form, they have a different meaning. Ex. I think you look pretty today. Meaning: Opinion I'm thinking of moving to San Francisco. Meaning: Act of thinking 2.Temporary Actions Activities continuing only for a limited period of time This tense is also used fo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


sa oled hull naq metsik hobune. kui sulle midagi ktte anda siis tuleb teada et sa teed sellega midagi ajuvaba. kui sulle keegi sitasti ytleb siis on teada et sa ytled midagi teravat vastu ja sind ei huvita ms ta arvab sellest. you are grazy(Kati minust) Ei vaiki ma minutitki enam Maailmas keegi pole sust kenam Su kaunid silmad, su helisev naer Neile meldes justkui seisma jks aeg Nnda armsalt liiguvad su huuled Kahjuks ainult unelmais neid suudlen Ei kusagilt leia teist nii armast Ei kusagilt leia teist su sarnast *piisab hest valest sammust ja ilus muinasjutt vib saada inetu lpu. *nn on kui tuul - vahel puhub, siis jlle mitte. *aeg ei paranda haavu, ta lihtsalt mtsib nad tugevasti kinni.(et hel peval saaks keegi uuesti lahti rebida ning neile soola peale raputada.) *ilus oled alati, kui su hinges on armastus.Armastus ongi hinge ilu. *elu on liiga lhike. tuleb rkida ainult nendega, kes seda vrivad. *piisab vaid hest naratusest vi ilus...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
23 allalaadimist

Inimkaubandus ja sellega kaasnevad ohud

INIMKAUBANDUS- MIS SEE ON ? Inimkaubandus on raske inimõiguste rikkumine. See on muutunud laialdaseks, organiseeritud kuritegevuslikuks äriks, mis toob inimestega kaubitsejatele ja kuritegelikele rühmitustele suurt tulu ­ tulu, mis on võrreldav illegaalse relva- ja uimastikaubanduse tuludega. Inimkaubandusest on saanud praegusaegse migratsiooni üks traagilisemaid külgi, arvestades et aastas kaubitsetud inimeste arvu hinnatakse kuni kahele miljonile. Ahvatletuna lubadustest mujal hästi teenida, võtavad paljud ohvrid vabatahtlikult vastu kaubitsejate poolt pakutavaid teenuseid, mõistmata täielikult oma tulevase teenistuse iseloomu või tingimusi, milles nad töötama peavad. Kui inimene on juba kindlalt lõksus, petetakse teda või sunnitakse prostitutsioonile või teistele sunnitöö vormidele, et teenida kaubitsejale tulu. Ohvrite põgenemist takistavad sageli valvurid, kasutakse vägivalda või ähvardusi ja võetakse ära isikuttõendavad dokumendid...

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
71 allalaadimist

Which is more important-sport or science?

This is something that has had me in two minds for a very long time, why does humanity waste so much time and money on sport and the pursuit of sport when realistically it is just a sideshow, a morale booster for the masses? The sheer volume of money spent each year on sports are actually absolutely ridiculous. Sports have become a monster that is beyond our control. This happens as legitimate scientific research struggles to find funding or a struggle along with tiny handouts from patronising governments around the world. Space exploration is probably the prime example in that it is now, at this stage of human development, more important than ever before that we find ways to make space inhabitable. But instead NASA has become a bit of a joke to the public and space exploration the stuff of B- grade horror movies. The question we have to ask ourselves is this, do sports stars really deserve to be paid five times the salary of a scientis...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Inglise keele grammatika - ajavormide tabel

English Grammar - The most common tenses in English Tense Signal words Use Estonian Form Examples · something happens repeatedly *korduv tegevus every day · how often something happens *püsiv olukord sometimes, *tulevikus · one action follows another I work Present twice a week toimuv, seotud · things in general infinitive he works Simple always, often sõiduplaanidega · after the following verbs (to love, ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
814 allalaadimist

Kaudne kõne

n e k õ n e T d C E H a u R C K D E I IN PE S v i i rek aa S n e U m St H s iu 12 lva naa E üm G 3 Kaudne kõne Kõneleja sõnu saab edasi anda otseselt ja kaudselt.Otsene kõne kordab kõneleja sõnu täpselt Näiteks: She says, ,,I am a student ." Kaudne kõne annab kõneleja sõnu edasi ümberjutustatult. Näiteks: She says that she is a student. Otsene kõne Otsene kõne antakse kaudses kõned edasi sihitislausega, kusjuures toimuvad mõningad muudatused , näiteks muutuvad vastavalt lause mõttele asesõnad ja mõnel juhul ka verbi pöördevormid. Saatelause Otsene kõne Reporting clause Direct speech He says, ,,I like your car." ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
29 allalaadimist

Kaudne kõne

Kaudne kõne 1. Saatelause olevikus (he says that ...) Kõneleja juttu saab edasi anda otseselt (direct) ja kaudselt (reported). Otsene kõne: He says: "I am a man" Kaudne kõne: He says (that) he is a man. Kaudsel kõnel võivad muutuda asesõnad ja ka verbi pöördevormid. She tells me: ,,I like your dress." She tells me (that) she likes my dress. 2. Saatelause minevikus (he said that ...) Kui saatelause on minevikus, siis võivad samuti muutuda asesõnad ja verbi pöördevormid. Pane tähele! Oleviku vorm otseses kõnes muutub mineviku vormiks kaudses kõnes. am/is --- was are -- were do/does --- did want/like/know/go etc --- have/has ­ had wanted/liked/knew/went etc will --- would can --- could wa...

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist


- no preposition in the ocean at the beach in the morning/evening/afternoon in the desert in time in the mountains - last Saturday/week/month etc at a ski resort on Friday/Thursday etc in Telluride/Tallinn/London etc in the middle in southwest Colorado in the post office by the time (selleks ajaks, kui...) on Delancy Street at night on the corner in a minute (minuti pärast) in the street haven’t talked to them for over a on Ridgeback Mountain month in the woods/forest - next weekend/month/day a small house on a lake on the first day ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Water Imagine, it is a hot summer’s day, you are walking down the street, the sun is burning your skin, you have been walking quite a while now and suddenly, you feel you are thirsty. So what would you do …. Probably you go to the nearest store down the street and buy a bottle of water; a bubbly water, a vitamin water, a water from the fridge, there is so many variety of waters and still you have something to complain about how the water is to expensive how the day is too hot, how the water is too cold . And now imagine… imagine the people, who live in African deserts, imagine feeling thirsty and not having any water at all, not around you, not anywhere. People who live there they have to make long journeys or treks over rough and barren land to get water and when they finally reach to that hole in the ground, then that water there isn’t even clean. It takes so much time and energy, just ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Past tenses

Past tenses /mineviku ajad/ 1. Past Simple /lihtminevik/ Formation/moodustamine: -- Kõikides pööretes/isikutes tegusõna II põhivorm, mis reeglina lõpeb mineviku tunnusega ­ed (like ­ liked (hääldub [laikt]); hate ­ hated [heitid]). Ebareeglipäraste sõnade puhul tuleb kasutada II põhivormi (vt. irregular verbs; ebareeglipäraste verbide tabel; näit. write ­ wrote; run ­ ran; buy ­ bought jne.) - Küsimuste ja eitava vormi moodustamisel tuleb tegusõna panna algvormi; aga lisatakse mineviku abisõna did (Did you like the film? She did not (didn't) read the newspaper. When did you come home?) Jaatav Eitav Küsiv (kas-küsimus) I liked (went) I did not (didn't) like/go Did I go? (Läksin ma?) You liked (wento) You did not (didn't) like/go Did you like/go? He/she/it liked (went) He/she/it did not like/go ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
33 allalaadimist

Modal verbs

Modal Verbs Table of Contents Introduction ......................................................................... 2 Characteristics of Modal Verbs ............................................. 2 When to use the Modal Verbs ............................................... 3 Expressing permission.......................................................... 3 Expressing obligation ........................................................... 3 Making offers........................................................................ 5 Making requests ................................................................... 6 Expressing possibility/probability......................................... 7 Asking about possibilities ..................................................... 7 Infinitives ............................................................................. 8 In...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

Grammar Revision (8klass) I

GRAMMAR REVISION I. TEGUSÕNA BE PÖÖRAMINE (VERB BE) ­ OLEMA! BE VORMID ON: AM, IS, ARE (olevik), WAS, WERE (minevik). Olevik Minevik I am ­ mina olen I was ­ mina olin You are ­ sina oled You were ­ sina olid He is ­ tema (m.) on ainsus He/ She/ It was ­ tema/ see oli She is ­ tema (n.) on It is ­ see on We are ­ meie oleme mitmus We were ­ me olime You are ­ teie olete You were ­ te olite They are ­ nemad on They were ­ nemad olid II. LÜHENDID (SHORT FORMS) I am = I ´ m I (you/ they) have = I ´ ve You are = You ´ re she (he/ it) has = she ´ s He is = he ´ s is not = isn ´ t I will = I ´ll She is = she ´ s are not = aren ´ t will not = won ´t It is = ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
78 allalaadimist

Ajavormid, indirect questions, tag questions

Present tenses : 1) Present simple ­ regular actions and routines especially with frequency(kordumine ) adverbs(määrsõna) N: Do you go to school by car every day ? I don't often watch TV. 2)Present continuousbe + verb + ing. Actions happening now N; Look! It's snowing. I'm meeting Jane tonight. You're always losing things. 3)keep + ingto describe habitual actions which may be irritating. N: my uncle keeps making silly jokes. Present perfect: 1) Present perfect simple: have/has + past participle. N: I've been here for ten minutes .The phone has rung ten times today. Look at this cheque,'I've won first prize. They have made a new star wars film. I've just got home. How long have you been here ? Have you ever been to Paris? It's the best book I've ever read. It's the first time I have ever been abroad. 2)Present perfect continious : have/has + been + ing. N:I'v...

Keeled → Inglise keel
42 allalaadimist

English grammar tenses intro

ENGLISH GRAMMAR KAS SA TEADSID? Inglise keele grammatika peegeldab seda keelt kõnelevate rahvaste ajalugu ja olemust!  Kuningriigis on olulisel kohal olnud viisakus ja kombed. Ülikud ei saa hakkama teenijateta (abitegusõnad)!  Ülikud on kõikjal tuntud oma kitsiduse poolest (mitte midagi ei ole topelt, e.g. ei mingit topelt eitust)!  Pikk ajalugu on lihvinud keelt ja tulemuseks on lihtne loogika ja käändelõppude puudumine!  Mitmekesine ajalugu on aidanud kaasa eri päritolu sõnavarale ning ka hääldusmuredele.   Väidetavalt on üle poole inglise keele sõnavarast mitte anglo- saksi päritolu, ehk siis laenatud – kontrolli hoolega, kas ‘sympathy’ ikka tähendab ‘sümpaatiat! kaastunne Aari Juhanson, MA 2009 Tenses – Tegusõna ajad • Olevik (Present) • Minevik (Past) • Tulevik (Future) • Kaudne tulevik (Future-in-the-Past) ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Reported speech kokkuvõte ja harjutused

Reported Speech (in other words Indirect Speech) If we report what another person has said, we usually do not use the speaker's exact words (direct speech), but reported (indirect) speech. Therefore, you need to learn how to transform direct speech into reported speech. We use reported speech when we are saying what other people say, think or believe. - Example: If this verb is in the present tense (says), it's easy. We just put 'she says' and then the sentence. When we are reporting things in the present, future or present perfect we don't change the tense. : direct speech: "I like ice cream" reported speech: She says she likes ice cream - But, if the reporting verb is in the past tense (said), then usually we change the tenses in the reported speech: direct speech: "I like ice cream" reported speech: She said she liked ice cream. ......... · When there are Changing tenses: present changes to past:::: am/is --- was are -...

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist


CONDITIONALS ZERO CONDITIONAL If you don't water flowers, they die. If you have a headache, stop watching TV. If clause: Main clause: PRESENT SIMPLE PRESENT SIMPLE or IMPERATIVE With zero conditional we express a general truth or we give advice. FIRST CONDITIONAL If the weather is nice, we will go for a walk. If you don't apologize, she will never trust you again. If clause: Main clause: PRESENT SIMPLE FUTURE SIMPLE The first conditional refers to the present and future. It expresses a possible condition and its probable result in the future. SECOND CONDITIONAL Jack wants to buy a house but he can't do this because he doesn't have any money. If I had a lo t o f m o ne y, I would buy a b ig h o us e . SECOND CONDITIONAL Susan wants to phone...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Northanger Abbey

Catherine Morland My name is Catherine Morland. I would like to tell you a bit about myself. To begin with, I am seventeen years old and grew up in a countryside in a small town named Fullerton with my parents and nine siblings. As a child I was interested in many things like drawing, sports and music. I was very lively and cheerful, enjoyed cricket, horse riding and just hated cleanliness and restriction. As I grew up, I chose reading over sports and all of the wild games I used to like. Undoubtedly, I would now describe myself with the word naivety. I am very naïve and do not notice the most obvious things happening around me. I really hope that it is caused by the lack of experience and will eventually pass. In addition, I find myself a kind and caring person because I always want and agree to help people when needed. Furthermore, I really like reading. Sometimes I think that I read too much because I often mix fiction up with reali...

Keeled → British literature
4 allalaadimist


Ing Present Simple Present Progressive/Continuous (lihtolevik) (kestev olevik) I vorm (play) am JAATAV he is I vorm+ing (playing) she I vorm+s (plays) are it do not I vorm (don't play) am EITAV he is not I vorm+ing she does not I vorm are (not playing) it (doesn't play) Do I vorm (Do ... play ... ?) KÜSILAUSE ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
51 allalaadimist

Inglise keele ajavormid ja nende kasutamine

Ing Present Simple Present Progressive/Continuous (lihtolevik) (kestev olevik) I vorm (play) am JAATAV he is I vorm+ing (playing) she I vorm+s (plays) are it do not I vorm (don't play) am EITAV he is not I vorm+ing she does not I vorm are (not playing) it (doesn't play) Do I vorm (Do ... play ... ?) KÜSILAUSE ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

8. klassi Inglise keele U 1-5 kordamine

FORM 8 REVISION UNITS 1-5 GRAMMAR 1) ´S- lõpuline omastav ­ reeglid on TV lk 30 Exercise 1. 1) George has a new car. It is ........................ 2) Ken and Chris have a friend. This boy is...................... 3) Her children have a dog. It´s.......................... 4) These newspapers were published yesterday. This is .................. 5) His parents own this house. This is...................... 6) Ted and Nancy have a son whose name is Fred. Fred is ............... 7) The key belongs to my sister. It´s....................... 8) These skis belong to Uncle Thomas. They are....................... 9) This camera belongs to her parents. It´s.................. Answers: 1) George´s car 2) Ken and Chris`s friend 3) her children´s dog 4) yesterday´s newspaper 5) his parents´ house 6) Ted and Nancy´s son 7) my sister´s key 8) Uncle Thomas´s skis 9) her parents´ camera 2) NUMBER + NOUN ADJECTIVES Numbr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
89 allalaadimist

Inglise keele ajavormid ja nende kasutamine

Ing Present Simple Present Progressive/Continuous (lihtolevik) (kestev olevik) I vorm (play) am JAATAV he is I vorm+ing (playing) she I vorm+s (plays) are it do not I vorm (don't play) am EITAV he is not I vorm+ing she does not I vorm are (not playing) it (doesn't play) Do I vorm (Do ... play ... ?) KÜSILAUSE ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Inglise keele Eksam

1.1990-92 majanduslanguse järgselt- following the receission of 1990-92 2.tõus osalise tööajaga töötamises- growth in part-time employment 3.avalike teenuste pakkumine- provision of public services 4.edendama ettevõtte konkurensivõimet- to improve the competitiveness of companies 5.kaupade ja teenuste hind- the proce of goods and services 6.keskkonna kaitsmine- protection of the environment 7.kulutuste eelisvaldkonnad- priority areas for expenditure 8.aastakäive- annual turnover 9.tööjaotus- division of labour, work allocation, labour distribution 10.kõrgkvaliteetsed seadmed- high quality equipment 11.tasakaaluhind- clearing price 12.töötlev tööstus- manufacturing industry, primary industry, secondary industry 13.pikaajalised majapidamiskaubad- household durables 14.sisemajanduse kogutoodand- gross domestic product 15.tulu välisturismist- overseas tourism revenue 16.vähenevate tulude seadus- the law of diminishing return 17.ehitustööstu...

Keeled → Inglise keel
168 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 2

Test 2 1 Translate. 1 Küll on kahju, et sa ei saanud tulla. What a pity that you couldn´t came. 2 Mitte keegi ei olnud närvis. Nobody was nervous. 3 Klass oli täis juttu ja naeru. The classroom was full of laughter and talk. 4 Õpilased tervitasid oma õpetajat rõõmsalt. The students greeted their teacher cheerfully. 5 Ma õppisin selle luuletuse pähe. I learned this poem by heart. 6 Lapsed olid enne pidu ootusärevil. The children were excited before the party. 7 osasid vahetama swap the role 8 kahe nädala pärast in two time a week 2 Complete the sentences with the correct verb form 1 Did you meet Ann at the party last night? (meet) 2 Do you think our team will win the football match tomorrow? (win) 3 I can´t go out because I haven´t done my homework yet. (not do) 4 Somebody has broken the lock. I can´t get in. (break) 5 Next year Mary will spend two weeks in Liverpool. (spend) 6 I usual...

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Inglise keele eksamiks erinevad kirjanäited

Report To:headmaster From:Liis Subject: Suggested improvements Date:2nd May 2011 The purpose of this report is to comment on conditions in the college and to make recommendations for possible improvements. Although conditions are generally good, there are one or two problems. Firstly, in large classes, there is not much desk space. Secondly, the classrooms tend to be darl, especially in the winter months. Finally, during video lessons, some of us find it difficult to see screen properly. There are number of changes that could be made in order to improve the situation. To begin with, I would strongly suggest that the number of students per class kept to below ten. In this way... To sump up, while most of us are satisfied with the conditions, I feel that above improvements would make things even better. If these suggestions were carried out... Complaint Dear Sir I am writing to complain about the holiday apartment I rented from you on 15...

Keeled → Inglise keel
168 allalaadimist


Passive voice Umbisikuline tegumood Kui tegija pole oluline või pole teada. · The Present Simple Passive am is + III pv are Examples: I am watched. A book is read. Marks are given. · The Past Simple Passive was were + III pv Examples: I was watched. A book was read. Marks were given. · The Future Simple Passive will be + III pv Examples: I will be watched. A book will be read. Marks will be given. · The Future Simple Passive in the Past would be + III pv Examples: I would be watched. A book would be read. Marks would be given. · The Present Progressive Passive am is + being + III pv are Examples: I am being watched. A book is being read. Marks are being given. · The Past Progressive Passive was were + being + III pv Examples: I was being watched. A book was being read. Marks were being given. · The Present Perfect Passive have has been +...

Keeled → Inglise keel
99 allalaadimist


Grammatikalsieerumine/grammatiseerumine 1. Üks teadvustamata, aga universaalselt toimiv keele muutuse mehhanism on grammatikaliseerumine. See on kognitiivne protsess, seetõttu ongi universaalne ja esineb igas keeles. Grammatikaliseerumine on leksikaalsete üksuste muutumine grammatilisteks üksusteks (s.o. ,,tavaline" sõna muutub grammatiliseks sõnaks, nt prepositsiooniks, partikliks, abiverbiks jne). Selleks, et aru saada, mis toimub, tuleb rääkida tähenduse liikidest. 2. Tähenduste liigid: leksikaalne (tähendus tavamõttes, nt sõitsin 'liikusin ratta, auto, rongi, bussi jm sõidukiga') ja grammatiline (nt sõitsin ­ lihtminevik, ainsuse 1. pööre). Lähtudes sellest, tuleb vaadata, milliseid tähendusi väljendavad erinevad morfeemid. 3. Erinevad morfeemid väljendavad erinevat liiki tähendusi: 1) Leksikaalsed (tüved) ­ väljendavad leksikaalsed tähendust 2) Grammatilised (tunnused, lõp...

Keeled → Keeleteadus alused
14 allalaadimist


I'd like to present the main issues of our planet and today i'll name 5 of them. These are air pollution, water pollution, endangered animals, deforestation and rubbish. Air pollution Firstly, lets talk about air pollution, which endangeres our life in cities and also the forests near by. Cars and factories blow poisoned gas in the air and it mixes with the oxygen, so the air that we breathe, becomes dangerous to our health. The ozone layer around the Earth, there is a special type of oxygen called ,,ozone". Ozone is important because it stops ultraviolett radiation from the sun. Many aerosol sprays and factories destroy ozone and they have made a very big hole in the ozone layer. This means that too much ultraviolet radiation now enters the Earth. This is very dangerous because it can cause cancer. Poisonous chemicals ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
66 allalaadimist


Verbs of motion Verbs of motion ACTUAL HABITUAL MEANING To walk To ride To fly To carry, bring To lead To drive To swim, sail To run Unprefixed Verbs of M otion , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , TO GO PAST PRESENT FUTURE PAST PRESENT FUTURE , as in the model. Use adverbs of time. Model: . . . 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. ? 5. ? 6. . The Past Tense of the Verb The verb in the past tense (, , , ) denotes movement in one direction. : , . . . . . Use the verbs , , , , , in the required form. 1. _______ . . ________ 2. . ...

Keeled → Vene keel
63 allalaadimist

Jaapani pop kultuur

Jaapani Kultuur Jaapani kultuur vaid ei hlma tnapeva kitumisi ja riiete stiile , antakse ka vaade mineviku. Jaapani kinod ,televisiooni programmid, mangad, ja muusika on kik vlja arenenud vanematest artistidest ja kirjalikest traditsioonidest ja paljud teemad ja stiilid vivad olla jljendatud traditsioonilistest kunsti vormidest. Tavalised vormid pop kultuuris , paljud nagu traditsioonilised vormid , lubavad mitte ainult meelelahutust , vaid ka pgenemist tavalisest jaapani probleemidest ja industriaalsest maailmast. KAWAII ^-^ Jaapani keelne sna ja vljend KAWAII thendab kas midagi vi kedagi kes on "armas" vi "ilus"(jp.k.kire). Nunnudus tundub olevalt vga krgelt hinnatud vrtus Jaapani hiskonnas. Sna KAWAII eesti keeles hldatakse nii nagu kirjutatakse. * Kasutusel olev Mascotskawaii on jaapanis vga ktgelt kasvav kaubandus trend; on kasutatud koolides, et suurendada tulu vrtust.Nad kasutavad armsaid , nunnusi lapsikuid figuure mis esind...

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
7 allalaadimist

Inimkaubanduse referaat

Carl Robert Jakobsoni nimeline Gümnaasium Inimkaubandus Referaat Gert Valdek 8c Katrin Hommik Viljandi 2007 Sisukord · Sissejuhatus...................................................................................................................3 · Inimkaubandus.......................................................................................................4 ­ 6 Tegutsemine, et mitte ise ohvriks saada...................................................................6 - 7 · Arvamus.........................................................................................................................8 · Kasutatud materjal.......................................................................................................9 ...

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
78 allalaadimist

Reported speech reeglid

Reported speech is often also called indirect speech. When we use reported speech, we are usually talking about the past (because obviously the person who spoke originally spoke in the past). The verbs therefore usually have to be in the past too. For example: "I'm going to the cinema". He said he was going to the cinema. Basic tense chart The tenses generally move backwards in this way (the tense on the left changes to the tense on the right): present simple past simple I'm a teacher. He said he was a teacher past continuous. present continuous He said he was having lunch with his I'm having lunch with my parents. parents. p...

Keeled → Inglise keel
62 allalaadimist

Stella McCartney

Stella McCartney Stella McCartney sündis 13. septembril 1971. aastal Londonis Paul ja Linda McCartney teise lapsena (Stellal oli kaks vanemat õde, poolõde Heather ja Mary, ning noorem vend James). Kuna Paul ja Linda soovisid oma lastele kindlustada nii normaalset lapsepõlve kui võimalik, ei kasvatatud neid kuskil isolatsioonis ega keelatud suhelda "tavaliste" inimestega. Otse vastupidi - väikesed McCartney’d käisid kohalikus koolis ja ei nautinud erilisi privileege. Tõsiasi, et Stella on eksbiitli tütar, on naist terve elu saatnud. On tõsi, et tema päritolu on tema ees avanud nii mõnegi ukse, mis ehk muidu oleks suletuks jäänud, ja alati on kaaskodanikke, kes näevad Stellas vaid kuulsate vanemate last, kelle kõik saavutused on võrdelises seoses tema vanemate tuntusega ja pöördvõrdelises seoses andega. Eks mingil määral ole tõsi, et nii Londonis kui ka kõikjal mujal üle maailma on väga palju andekaid (ka kindla...

Muusika → Muusika
3 allalaadimist

Percy Bysshe Shelley

PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY (04.08.1792-08.07.1922) P.B.Shelley on maailmakirjanduse suurimaid vabaduslaulikuid, kelle veendumuskindlus, revolutsiooniline kirglik vaimustus ja prohvetlikud tulevikunägemused on avaldanud suurt mõju hilisemale ingiskeelsele luulele. Ta unistas intellekti püsivast ja süvenevast liidust ilu ja armastusega, mis pidi tema arvates juhatama inimkonna maisest hädaorust täiuslikuma tuleviku poole. Koos Byron'i ja Keats'iga viis Shelley inglise lüürika kõrgusteni, milleni see polnud küündinud Shakespeare'i ajast saadik. Tolle luuletaja lüürilised luuletused paistsid silma oma musikaalsusega ­ kõlarikkuse -ja peensusega. Võrreldes Byroniga, Shelley looming küündib ühiskonnakriitika teravuse ja optimismi poolest kaugemale. Sündinud 04. augustil 1792 Horshami lähedal Sussexis ühes aadliperes esiklapsena. Nende pere oli rik...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
38 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 14

Test 14 1 Translate. 1 arstiabi puudumine lack of medical care 2 haiguste käes kannatama suffer from illnesses 3 saksa päritolu of german descent 4 Ameerikat avastama discover America 5 ametlik keel official language 6 orjusele lõppu tegema put an end to slavery 7 oma traditsioone ja kultuuri säilitama keep your traditions and culture 8 immigrantide arv the number of immigrants 2 Complete the sentences with the names of countries, nationalities, and languages. 1 The capital of Norway is Oslo. 2 Kevin lives in Chicago. He is American. 3 Michail comes from Moscow. He speaks Russian. 4 What nationality are you? I´m Estonian. 5 The descendants of the Africans brought to America are called settlers. 6 Uwe´s grandparents live in Germany. They speak German. 7 Michael comes from Australia. He speaks Australian English. 8 Eve lives in Ireland. She speaks English and Irish. 3 Write the sente...

Keeled → Inglise keel
67 allalaadimist

Superstar 1 tests

Tests Superstar 1 Luke Prodromou Test 1 Name____________________ Class_______ Use your English 1 Complete these sentences using the correct form (present simple or present continuous) of the verb in brackets. _ 1 She is in a band and she _________________________________ (record) a CD at the moment. _ 2 She is an actress and often _________________________________ (appear) on television. _ 3 At the moment she _________________________________ (have) a rest because she is tired. _ 4 Mike is a doctor and he _________________________________ (live) in Manchester. _ 5 I _________________________________ (start) work at 8.30 every morning. _ 6 He is a good cook but she _________________________________ (prefer) to eat out. _ 7 English tests _________________________________ (get) more and more interesting. _ 8 They _________________________________ (have) a party becau...

Keeled → Inglise keel
60 allalaadimist

Aforismid ja mõtteterad

Närvid on nagu mingi kampsun, mille jumal on meie sissekudunud. Kui üks lõng katki läheb, siis lähed hulluks ja paistad näost imelik. This is my story ... it all begins here . JJust remember two things .. I´m here .. and I care (L) . The next time you think you're perfect, try walking on water . T JJust Smile And Everything Will Go Better - You'll See. So I let go, watching you, turn your back like you always do. S Kas päike tuli välja,või sa lihtsalt naeratasid? K She closed her eyes, and felt good, cause everything was just so fine. S Trying to be so perfect, cause I know you re worth it. T Ur only bad if u get caught... so that makes me a good girl.. right?! U Bite me , see if i care. B You're just jealous because the voices are talking to me. Y Time has no meaning. T Kui hülgasid mu ja arvad nüüd et olen üksi -siis sa raibe eksid kuna üksindus on alati minuga, kui teda vajan. m Kallis, sa oled nii feik, et isegi barbi...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
307 allalaadimist

Al Jarrau

Al Jarreau Al Jarreau unikaalne vokaalne stiil on üks maailma kõige väärtuslikum aarded. Tema uuenduslikud muusikalised väljendeid on teinud temast ühe kõige põnevama ja kriitiliselt- tuntud esineja meie ajal, seitse Grammy ® Auhinda, korjanud rahvusvahelisi muusika auhindu ja on populaarne üle maailma. Jarreau esimesteks eeskujudeks olid Billie Holiday ja Nat King Cole, hiljem perfektse scat- tehnikaga Jon Hendricks ja Frank Sinatra oma väga selge emotsionaalse väljenduslaadiga. Aastaid on Jarreau ise paljudele lauljatele eeskujuks olnud. Al Jarreau on rahvusvaheline staar ja väga oodatud kõigis maailma kontserdisaalides ja festivalidel See ei ole üllatav, sest ta on valmistanud oma tehnikat nagu kunsti. Ta on laulnud alates neljaselt, esinenud koos oma vendadega ja esitanud sooloprojekte erinevatel kohalikel pidudel oma kodulinnas Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Muusika, aga ei olnud alati kõige tähtsam tema elus. Ta paistis silma ka spordis...

Muusika → Muusika
4 allalaadimist

Present simple and continious

Present Simple and Continuous Table of Contents Present Simple ..................................................................... 2 The spelling of endings in the Present Simple ....................... 2 When to use the Present Simple ........................................... 3 The verb 'be' ......................................................................... 4 Present Continuous.............................................................. 5 The spelling of endings in the Present Continuous................ 5 When to use the Present Continuous.................................... 6 State verbs and event (action or dynamic) verbs ................... 7 Present Simple In the Present Simple we use the verb without an ending. I work you live we think they dance NB! In the third person singular (he, she, it, Mary, my friend, etc....

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun