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"-nation" - 324 õppematerjali



ROMANTISM Väljaspool Prantsusmaad ei olnud klassitsism 18. ja 19. sajandi vahetusel sugugi ainuvalitsev kunstivool. Klassitsismiga kõrvuti levisid mitmesugused kunstinähtused, mida enamasti ühendatakse ROMANTISMI mõiste alla. Romantismi on võrreldes klassitsismiga raskem määratleda ja iseloomustada. Üldiste reeglite asemel on romantikud toonitanud iga kunstniku kordumatut isikupära. Nii kunstiloomingus kui ka kunsti tajumises on romantikule esmatähtis üksikisiku sisetunne. Seetõttu on romantismil palju tunnuseid, kuid enamasti on ainult mõni nendest vajalik, et mõnda kunstiteost romantiliseks nimetada. Romantismi piir ja mõiste päritolu on samuti keerulised ja ebaselged. On mitmeid seletusi, mis üksteist täiendavad: keskaegne Lõuna-Euroopa sõna ,,romanss" romaanikeelsete rahvalaulude ja muinasjuttude kohta; huvi kasvamine keskaegse rahvaluule vastu; Saksamaal kirjanduslik ,,torm...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
4 allalaadimist

John Kennedy

KOKKUVÕTE John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy (May 29, 1917 ­ November 22, 1963), often referred to by his initials JFK, was the 35th President of the United States, serving from 1961 until his assassination in 1963. After Kennedy's militare service as commander of the Motor Torpedo Boat PT-109 during World War II in the South Pacific, his aspirations turned political. With the encouragement and grooming of his father, Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr., Kennedy represented Massachusetts's 11th congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1947 to 1953 as a Democrat, and served in the U.S. Senate from 1953 until 1960. Kennedy defeated then Vice President and Republican candidate Richard Nixon in the 1960 U.S. presidential election, one of the closest in American history. He was the second-youngest President (after Theodore Roosevelt), the first President born in the 20th century, and ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Organiseeritud kuritegevus

ORGANISEERITUD KURITEGEVUS Referaat Tallinn 2009 Igasugune võim, olenemata tema populaarsusest vajab oma ulatuse ja mõju kindlustamiseks teatuid struktuure, organisatsiooni. Seoses sellega ongi alles 20. sajandil hakatud maailmas laialdaselt rääkima uuest fenomenaalsest sotsiaalsest nähtusest ühiskonnas ­ organiseeritud kuritegevusest. Just sotsiaalsest, sest igasugune õiguslik määratlus nõuab selle nähtuse valamist kindlasse juriidilisse vormi, mis sobiks kokku ümbritseva kindla õigusliku keskkonnaga. Organiseeritud kuritegevuse selline defineerimine oleks aga võimatu, sest oma varjatud ja ülikiirelt muutuva olemuse tõttu ei allu ta ühelegi kindlale määratlusele ja teooriale. Küll aga on võimalik läbi kogemusliku tunnetuse, võrdluse ja analüüsi luua teoreetiline pilt nendest õigusliku regulatsiooni valdkondadest, mis eriti tundlikult reageerivad organiseeritud kuritegevuse kui sotsiaalse nähtuse levik...

Õigus → Kriminoloogia
98 allalaadimist


TALLINNA TEENINDUSKOOL Kristel Tilk 031K Prantsusmaa Referaat Juhendaja: Ülle Toots Prantsusmaa Kristel Tilk Tallinn 2011 Asukoht .................................................................................................................................3 Faktid Prantsusmaa kohta.......................................................................................................3 Loodus....................................................................................................................................5 Pinnamood..........................................................................................................................5 Kliima....

Geograafia → Geograafia
10 allalaadimist

Newfoundland & Labrador and Alberta

Alberta The capital of Alberta is Edmonton. The population is 3.7 million people and there are many nationalities. Besides English and French there are also immigrants from Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Germany, Ukraine and Scandinavia. In Edmonton and Calgary there are also historic Chinatowns, and Calgary has Canada's third largest Chinese community. Geographical features Alberta covers an area of 661,848 square kilometres, an area about 5% smaller than Texas or 20% larger than France. This makes it the fourth largest province after Quebec, Ontario, and British Columbia. To the south, the province borders on the 49th parallel north, separating it from the U.S. state of Montana, while on the north the 60th parallel north divides it from the Northwest Territories. To the east the 110th meridian west separates it from the province of Saskatchewan, while on the west its boundary with British Columbia follows the 120th meridian west south fro...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Canada. Canada is a very big country in the continent of North America. It is about 10 million square kilometres and that makes it the second largest country in the world after Russia. Quebec (the province) is six times as big as the UK. Canada borders the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic Ocean and the USA. The capital of Canada is Ottawa and other main cities are Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. It is a very developed country. Montreal is the largest city and it is called the Paris of North America because most of the people there speak French. The population of Canada is 28 million people. It is a very multicultural country. People from many different countries have come to live there. The natives are Eskimos and Indians. Eskimos have their own self-governing homeland called Nunavut. In Canada there are also 2 official languages ­ English and French. One third of th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

USA topic

United States of America Table of Contents 1. Facts 2. Geography 3. Nature 4. History 5. Population 6. Government 7. Industry, economy 8. America's pop culture Facts Official Name: United States of America Capital City: Washington, D.C. Largest city: New York City Official languages: None at federal level National language: English Government: Federal constitutional republic President: Barack Obama ( Barack Hussein Obama II) Vice President: Joe Biden (Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden, Jr) Population: 2009 estimate 306,108,000 people Area: Total 9,826,630 km2 (by CIA World Factbook) Currency: United States dollar ($) Motto: In God We Trust Anthem: "The Star-Spangled Banner" Flag Names: The Stars and Stripes, Old Glory, The Starry Banner Seal: Great Seal of the United States Flag ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

American Literature

The making of a new nation. The Enlightenment in America. The emergence of the notion of the American Dream. The great Enlighteners: Crèvecoeur, Jefferson, Paine, Franklin. The American Enlightenment is the intellectual thriving period in the United States in the midtolate 18th century (1715­1789), especially as it relates to American Revolution on the one hand and the European Enlightenment on the other. Influenced by the scientific revolution of the 17th century and the humanist period during the Renaissance, the Enlightenment took scientific reasoning and applied it to human nature, society, and religion. American Enlightenment a gradual but powerful awakening that established the ideals of democracy, liberty, and religious tolerance in the people of America. If there were just one development that directly caused the American Revolution and uplifted the intellectual culture of the continent while it was only a British colony,...

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Topic - Great Britain

Tallinn English College Topic Great Britain 2007 1. Introduction The official name of Great Britain is `the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (or short United Kingdom)' The population is about 60.4 million. The capital is London. Other biggest cities include Birmingham, Bristol, Portsmouth, Glasgow and Swansea. English is the main language of Great Britain, but Welsh is officially recognized in Wales and Gaelic in Scotland. 2. Geographical position The British Isles is the geographical term for a group of about 5000 islands off the coast of mainland Europe. The largest island is Great Britain, which is also the largest island in Europe. It consists of England, Wales and Scotland. The next largest island is Ireland, which is made up of Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. Britain and Northern Island together form the United Kingdom. When referring to Britain ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Turismimajanduse alused kodune kontrolltöö

Turismimajanduse alused Sügis 2010 TURISMIMAJANDUSE ALUSED 2010. a. sügissemester KONTROLLTÖÖ JUHEND Kontrolltööga taotletakse, et õppija omandaks ja kinnistaks teadmisi turismimajandusest ning arendaks kriitilise mõtlemise oskusi ja analüüsivõimet. Kontrolltöö sooritatakse kodutööna ning see tugineb aineprogrammis toodud kohustuslikule ja soovituslikule õppematerjalile ning loengumaterjalidele: · Loengumaterjalid · Raamatud ja ajakirjad · Internetiallikad: o ­ uuringud, statistika o ETC o UNWTO o WTTC o EAS ­ uudised o Vajadusel Eesti Riiklik turismiarengukava aastateks 2007-2013 Kontrolltöö vormistamine ja hindamine Kontrolltöö koosneb 18. küsimusest. Salvestage see ning kirjutage vastused eesti keeles arvutitrükis. Iga vastuse lahtrit saate muuta vastavalt vastuse mah...

Turism → Turismi -ja hotelli...
88 allalaadimist

Eerik-Niiles Kross referaat

Rakvere Ametikool Referaat Eerik-Niiles Kross Kristin Lapsanit MT09 2011.a Sissejuhatus Referaadi tekst põhineb raamatul ,,Üksikud head mehed" (kirjastus CA, Tallinn 2011). Autoriteks on Eerik-Niiles Kross ja Kaur Kender. Teoses on trükitud ka Jaan Krossi tekste. Raamatu idee tuli Eerik-Niilese sõpradelt, pühenduses seisab:" Seda, mida Eerik on öelnud ja mida tema kohta pole öelda saanud, kogunes nii palju, et me sundisime teda asjaga kaasa tulema. See raamat on meilt ­ Su sõpradelt ­ Sulle." Kasutatud on ka materjali Internetist. Valisin selle raamatu, sest see on värskelt valminud ja asjakohane raamat, kuna viimasel ajal valimiste ajal oli ajakirjanduses Eerik-Niiles Krossist palju juttu. Tihtipeale ajakirjandus kajastab sündmusi ja inimesi teise nurga alt, mõned olulised punktid, mis aitaksid juhtumisi ja persoone paremini mõista, jäävad tähelepanuta. Kirjut...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
8 allalaadimist


Traveling Description Traveling is the movement of people or objects (conveyances) between relatively distant geographical locations. Travel may occur by human-powered transport such as walking or bycycling, or with vehicles, such as public transport, automobiles, trains and airplanes. Etymology The term "travel" originates from the Old French word travail. The term also covers all the activites performed during a travel (movement). A person who travels is spelled "traveler" in the United states, and "traveller" in the United Kingdom. Purpose and motivation Reason for traveling include recreation, tourism or vacationing, research travel for gathering information, for holiday to visit people, volunteer travel for charity, migration to begin life somewhere else, religious pilgrimages and mission trips, business travel, trade, commuting, and other reason, such as to obtain health care or ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kodutöö word variant 9 teema 19

I. Portugal ABOUT Photo Location of Portugal (dark green) Portugal (Portuguese: Portugal, IPA: [putua]; officially the Portuguese Republic, Portuguese: República Portuguesa) is a country located in Southwestern Europe, on the Iberian Peninsula. It is the westernmost country of mainland Europe, and is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west and south and by Spain to the north and east. The Atlantic archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira are Portuguese territory as well. The country is named after its second largest city, Porto, whose Latin name wa...

Informaatika → Informaatika
22 allalaadimist

Topic - Sport

Topic ­ Sports Tallinn English College 8b form 2007 1. Introduction For some people sport plays a very important part in their lives. And to some, it is even a way of life. There are different kinds of sports. For instance, there are sports meant for playing indoors, some can be practised only at a certain time of year. There are winter and summer sports also. Skiing, figure-skating, sledding and snowboarding ­ these four most popular are practised during winter. Good examples of summer sports are: swimming, badminton, roller skating and golf. 2. The ancient Olympic Games The first recorded Olympic Games took place in 776. B.C. at Olympia but the city may have functioned as a meeting place for worship and other political practices many years earlier. The city is located in western Greece. The games were held every four years. It is also presumed that such competitions pleased the s...

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

Topic USA

Tallinn English College English Anita Kuprijanovits Form 8b THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Report Supervisor: Mare Kallas Tallinn 2009 Introduction Name: The United States of America Area: ~10 mln km2 Population: ~300 mln people Symbols: The American Flag- consists of 13 equal horizontal stripes of red alternating with white and represent the Thirteen Colonies. The 50 small, white stars represent the 50 U.S. states. The U.S. flag is commonly called ,,the Stars and Stripes". The Statue of Liberty, that is locatd in New York,is a gift from the France. The Libety Bell, that is a bronze bell that symbolizes freedom in the United States of America. It is located in Pennsylvania,U.S. Capital: Washington D.C Biggest city: New York National language: English Location U.S is locat...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Canada topic

CANADA Geography Canada is the world's second largest country in total area after Russia , since it covers nearly 10 million square kilometres, but is one of the most sparsely populated, with only about 34 million inhabitants. The majority of them live within 300 kilometres of Canada's southern border. Much of the rest of Canada is uninhabited or thinly populated, because the country has a rugged terrain and severe climate. Canada extends across the continent of North America, from Newfoundland on the Atlantic coast to British Columbia on the Pacific coast and northward into the Arctic Ocean. Canada shares land borders with the United States to the south and north-west. Canada is a land of great variety. Towering mountains, crystal-clear lakes, and lush, green forests make Canada's far west a beautiful region. Farther inland, fields of wheat and other grains cover Canada's vast prairi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Weather in Sidney Sydney's climate is pleasantly temperate all year round with more than 340 sunny days a year. In summer (December to February), average maximum temperatures in Sydney are around 26°C. It can also be humid at this time with an average humidity of 65 per cent. Average maximum temperatures in the winter (June-August) are around 16°C. Sydney's rainfall is highest between March and June. Appealling climate - Australian seasons are the opposite to the Northern Hemisphere, summer starts in December, autumn in March, winter in June and spring in September. Australian seasons Spring: September ­ November Summer: December ­ February Autumn: March ­ May Winter: June ­ August The best seasons to travel to Australia (nicest weather) are in either Spring or Autumn. Driving in Australia The most important thing to remember in Australia when driving is that Australian people drive on the left-hand side of the road. For people coming ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Countrystudy Summary

Country Study Mari-Liis Luukas 11c The British Isles Administrative / d'mnstrtv / haldus- Self-governing / self'gvn / isemajandav, iseseisev Legislative assembly/ 'ledsltv 'sembl/ seadusandlik kogu The British Isles is the name of a group of islands washed by the North Sea in the east and the ...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
10 allalaadimist


Table of contents Table of contents.........................................................................................................................1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................2 ................................................................................................................................................2 The climate of the United States of America..............................................................................7 The people of the United States of America...............................................................................8 Famous Americans......................................................................................................................9 Economy..............................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

The Medium Is the Message

1 The Medium Is the Message In a culture like ours, long accustomed to splitting and dividing all things as a means of control, it is sometimes a bit of a shock to be reminded that, in operational and practical fact,, the medium is the message. This is merely to say that the personal and social consequences of any medium-that is, of any extension of ourselves-result from the new scale that is introduced into our affairs by each extension of ourselves, or by any new technology. Thus, with automation, for example, the new patterns of human association tend to eliminate jobs, it is true. That is the negative result. Positively, automation creates roles for people, which is to say depth of involvement in their work and human association that our preceding mechanical technology had destroyed. Many people would be disposed to say that it was not the machine, but what one did with the machine, that was its meaning or message. In terms of the ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Informaatika kodutöö: CMC

Pavel Marin Informaatika kodutöö kodutöö Loodus- ja terviseteaduste instituut Tallinn 2015 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS........................................................................................................ 3 1.Ajalugu ja ennustused......................................................................................... 4 2.Suhtlus grupis...................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Elektroonilise suhtluse algus.........................................................................7 2.2 Arvutivõrgus pakutavad suhtlusteenused.....................................................8 2.3 Elektronpost.................................................................................................. 8 2.3.1 Postiloendid............................................................................................. 8 ...

Informaatika → Arvuti töövahendina
6 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajaloo eksamiküsimused

History exam *Stonehenge - is a monument located in England. It is one of the most famous prehistoric sites in the world and is composed of earthworks surrounding a circular setting of large standing stones. The surrounding circular, earth bank and ditch, have been dated to about 3100 BC. Stonehenge was produced by a culture with no written language. Many aspects of Stonehenge remain subject to debate. There is little or no direct evidence for the construction techniques used by the Stonehenge builders. *The Celts in Britain and their legacy ­ The Cets lived in Britain in The Iron Age. They were warring tribes who were battleful amongst themselves as well as inter-tribal war. They were not centrally governed. The Celts brought iron working, iron ploughs and metal swords, horses, wheels and chariots - all these things gave them an instant superiority over the native tribes. The Celts built a number ...

Ajalugu → Inglise keel kõnelevate maade...
261 allalaadimist


MODERNISM (pr moderne ­ uudne, nüüdisaegne) 19. saj lõpu ja 20. saj uuenduslikkust taotlevate kirjandusvoolude (kunsti ja muusika loomepõhimõtete ja ­suundade) ühisnimetus. Modernism algab valgustusest, mil hakati tähtsustama teadust; jumal troonilt tõugatud, inimene sinna istuma sätitud. Levis arusaam, et kõik on inimkätes. Nüüd, kus inimene on näidanud, milleks ta võimeline on, on troon tühi. Modernistlik kirjandus tekkis Prantsusmaal vastukaaluks realismile, algselt luules, hiljem jõudis ka proosasse ja draamasse. 20.saj keskpaiku oli modernistliku kirjanduse mõiste saanud üldvastuvõetavaks. Modernistliku kirjanduse periodiseerimine on tänaseni poleemiline. Arvestades erinevaid kirjandusteoreetilisi seisukohti, võib eristada kaht suuremat perioodi: I periood ­ 19.saj lõpu UUSROMANTISM, mis algab dekadentsiga (varane sümbolism), uusromantismi keskmeks saab sümbolism, sümbolismi ümber põimuvad dekadents, estetism ja impressionism. Ne...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
207 allalaadimist

Inglise keele reeglid

INGLISE KEEL Sisukord Sisukord.................................................................................................................................. 2 Ajavormid ­ Tense vorms.......................................................................................................3 Lihtolevik ­ The present simple..................................................................................... 3 Lihtminevik ­ The past simple....................................................................................... 3 Lihttulevik ­ The future simple...................................................................................... 3 Kestev olevik ­ The present continuous......................................................................... 3 Kestev minevik ­ The past continuous...................................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
313 allalaadimist

Referaat Islami usust

Islam Assemblers: ********and ******* ************** 8a form 2011.a Table of contents · Introduction · Muhammad · Angels · Five Pillars · Golden Age · Prophets · Family Life · Modern times Intoduction For other meanings, including people named 'Islam', see Islam (disambiguation). Islam is the monotheistic religion articulated by the Qur'an, a text considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God (Allah), and the teachings and normative example of Muhammad, often considered by the adherents of Islam as the last Prophet of God. In addition to referring to the religion itself, the word Islam means 'submission to God, 'peace', and 'way to peace'. An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim. Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable. Muslims also believe that Islam is the complete and universal...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

The renaissance period in England. Art and literature, development of drama. Dynasties, kings and queens.

The Renaissance In the history the Middle Ages were followed by the Renassance period. During this period a new class called bourgeoeisie came into being. This is the period when monarchies based on nationality were estabilished. The Renaessance started in Italy In the 14th century. Then it spread all over Europe, reached England in 16th century. The struggle for power culminated in a war called The War of Roses. It was a civil war between two dynasties, families. They had different emblems on one side the Yorks (white rose) other Lancasters (red). They couldn't decide who gets the throne. War ended 1485. A new dynasty came to throne, Tudor, the first king in this dynasty was Henry Vll. When he came to throne a period of stability followed because he built a nation based state. He was good at diplomacy.He could avoid quarrels and wars with neigbouring countries. France, Spain - greatest enemies.So he ...

Keeled → British culture (briti...
3 allalaadimist

European Union Exam

European Union Exam 1949 France, UK and the Benelux countries decide to set in place a Council of Europe. 1951 Treaty of Paris signed by the Six (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands), establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). 1957 Treaties of Rome establish the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom). 1959 July, seven countries of the Organisation for European Economic Co- operation (OEEC) – Austria, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK – decide to establish a European Free Trade Association (EFTA). 1960 Creation of European Free Trade Association 1961 UK applies to join the Community. 1962 The Parliamentary Assembly changes its name to the European Parliament. 1965 The Treaty merging the executives of the three Communities (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) is signed in Brussels; enters into force on July 1, 1967. Empty chair crisis 1966 Luxembou...

Politoloogia → Euroopa liidu põhikursus
9 allalaadimist

Inglise keele reeglid

INGLISE KEEL Sisukord Sisukord 2 Ajavormid ­ Tense vorms 3 Lihtolevik ­ The present simple 3 Lihtminevik ­ The past simple 3 Lihttulevik ­ The future simple 3 Kestev olevik ­ The present continuous 3 Kestev minevik ­ The past continuous 4 Kestev tulevik ­ The future conrinuous 4 Täisminevik ­ The present perfect 4 Enneminevik ­ The past perfect 4 Ennetulevik ­ Future perfect 5 Üldminevik ­ Past tense 5 Üldtulevik ­ Future indefinite 5 Artiklid ja eessõnad 7 Eessõnad 7 Kesksõnad 8 Prefiksid ehk eesliited ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
52 allalaadimist

Mikro ja makroökonoomika terminid

Mikro ja makroökonoomika terminid Eesti keeles English На русском Majanduse alusmõisted. Fundamentals of Economics. Фундаментальные понятия ökonoomika economics экономика Ceteris paribus „Other –things-equal” assumption, «при прочих равных условиях» „Muude tingimuste samaks Ceteris paribus jäädes” põhimõtted Principles принципы Teaduslik meetod Scientific method Научный метод seos tradeoffs связь piiranalüüs Marginal analysis Предельный анализ kompositsiooniviga Fallacy of composition Композиционные ошибки Positiivne tõus Positive slope Положительный наклон Verikaalne ja horiso...

Majandus → Majandus
24 allalaadimist


TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL RIIGITEADUSED REALISM JA GRUUSIA SÕDA UURIMISTÖÖ Tallinn 2011 Sisukord 1. Sissejuhatus............................................................................................................................ 2 2. Realismi tutvustus.................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Teke ning ajalugu............................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Realismi põhiarusaamad.................................................................................................... 2 Igaüks enda eest, anarhia..................................................................................................... 2 Tugevam jääb ellu.........................................................

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
25 allalaadimist

The Rise and Demise of the New Public Management, 28 10

The Rise and Demise of the New Public Management Wolfgang Drechsler (University of Tartu and Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia) © Copyright: Wolfgang Drechsler 2005 Within the public sphere, the most important reform movement of the last quarter of a century has been the New Public Management (NPM). It is of particular interest in the post-autistic economics (pae) context because NPM largely rests on the same ideology and epistemology as standard textbook economics (STE) is based (for my take on this, see Drechsler 2000), and it has had, and still has, similar results. Already more on the defensive within public administration (PA) than STE is within economics, NPM also shows that such major paradigm shifts in theory and policy may actually happen. In addition, it occasionally appears that pae-oriented scholars have overlooked the fact that some features in public management refo...

Ühiskond → Avalik haldus
16 allalaadimist


Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. Geographical position 3. Mountains, lowlands 4. Rivers, lakes 5. The territories and provinces 6. Towns, economy, agriculture 7. Climate 8. Animals, plantlife 9. Population 10. Sports 11. Culture 12. History 13. Political system, symbols 14. Conclusion 15. Materials 1. Introduction If you had to use two words to describe Canada, they might be large and diverse. Canada is the second largest country in the world, bordered by three oceans, and across the country, Canadians experience many different landscapes from rolling plains and mountains to the cold tundra of the north. Despite Canada's great size, it is one of the world's most sparsely populated countries. This fact, coupled with the grandeur of the landscape, has been central to the sense of Canadian national identity. 2. Geographical position Canada is the second largest country in the world after Russia. In the Arctic,...

Keeled → Inglise keel
92 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia üldkokkuvõte

1) General facts The UK: * the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland was formed in 1801 * it covers 243,610 sq km * everybody from the UK is called British * the capital city is London * is made up of four constituent countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland which in turn are divided into counties * the flag is called the Union Jack which is a combination of the flags of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland * the population is about 60,000,000 people, the population density is 242 people/sq km * its coasts are washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, the English Channel, the Celtic Sea, Saint George's Channel, and the Irish Sea. It is linked to France by the Channel Tunnel * the United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. The current monarch is Queen Elizabeth II, who is also the Queen and Head of State of fifteen other Commonwealth Realms, such as Can...

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist


Scotland ! Scotland (Gaelic: Alba) is a country in northwest Europe that occupies the northern third of the island of Great Britain. It is part of the United Kingdom, and shares a land border to the south with England. It is bounded by the North Sea to the east, the Atlantic Ocean to the north and west, and the North Channel and Irish Sea to the southwest. In addition to the mainland, Scotland consists of over 790 islands including the Northern Isles and the Hebrides. Edinburgh, the country's capital and second largest city, is one of Europe's largest financial centres. It was the hub of the Scottish Enlightenment of the 18th century, which saw Scotland become one of the commercial, intellectual and industrial powerhouses of Europe. Scotland's largest city is Glasgow, which was once one of the world's leading industrial metropolises, and now lies at the centre of the Greater Glasgow conurbation which dominates the Scottish Low...

Keeled → Inglise keel
41 allalaadimist

Majandusajalugu - spikker

1) Merkantilism( 15-17saj) sotsiaalalal.Ebarentaableidriigiettevõtteid Peamine eesmärk oli rahvusriigi kaitsmine ja kaub.arend 7) saksa poliitikud kaitsesid feodaale. Nad väitsid et feodaal antierakätesse.Ringluses olevraha peab olema stabiilne. kord ei kao üleöö ning see kord tuleb sujuvalt kaotada. Nad Monetarismi rakendasid mitmed valitsused(70+80):R.Reagan 1) Majandust reguleerib riik püüdsid säilitada traditsioonilisi keskaegseid suhteid, sest seal oli USA(reaganoomika),M.Thatcher(thatcherism)Suurbtitannias,Pin 2) Rikkus = raha (seega tuleb seda hoida.ringlus rikkuse (nende arvates) kapitalism välja kasvanud. 8) Eraomandit ei tohi ochet Tsiili,Kanadas,SchlüterTaanis. ...

Majandus → Majandusajalugu
125 allalaadimist

The United Kingdom

The United Kingdom The United Kingdom consists of England, Scotland, Wales and North Ireland and it is situated in the Atlantic Ocean near the mainland of Europe. The population of the UK is 58.6 million and area is 244,110 sq km. Britain has a temperate humid climate. Its characteristic features are mild winters, warm summer, no temperature extremes, abundant rain all year round and frequent changes of weather. The mild climate is partly due to the warm Gulf Stream and partly to the south westerly winds. Occasional winds from the east in winter may bring cold and dry weather. The distribution of rainfall is influenced by the Atlantic Stream. The mountainous areas of the north and west have more rain than the lowlands of the south and east. Wales is located on a peninsula in central-west Britain. The entire area of Wales is about 20,779 km². Wales borders by England to the e...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Maailma Kaubandusorganisatsioon WTO

SISUKORD SISUKORD.................................................................................................................................1 SISSEJUHATUS.........................................................................................................................2 1.MAAILMA KAUBANDUSORGANISATSIOON (WTO).....................................................3 1.1. WTO tegevusvaldkond haarab kolme lepinguga sätestatud reguleeringuid. 4 1.2. Maailma Kaubandusorganisatsiooni liikmed.................................................4 1.3. Maailma Kaubandusorganisatsiooni struktuur..............................................4 1.4. WTO tegutsemispõhimõtted.........................................................................6 1.5. WTO funktsioonid......................................................................................... 6 1.6. WTO eesmärgid...............................................

Majandus → Turundus
24 allalaadimist

Energeetika arengu plaanimine

ELEKTROENERGEETIKA INSTITUUT Referaat Taastvad Energiaallikad Esitamise tähtaeg 14.04.2009 Õppejõud: Hannes Agabus Tudeng: Sergei Belosapko Nikita Naumov Tallinn 2009 Contents: 1. Renewable energy 1.1. Costs................................................................................................................... 2 1.2. Potential future utilization..............................................................................4 1.3. Why Don't We Use More Renewable Energy? ...........................................5 2. Energy Types 2.1. Wind Energy.......................................................................................................6 2.1.1. Annual Generation........................................................................................7 2.1.2. ...

Elektroonika → Energeetika arengu plaanimine
38 allalaadimist

English as a Global Language

Tallinna Mustamäe Humanitargümnaasium Valeria Jefremenkova ENGLISH AS A GLOBAL LANGUAGE INGLISE KEEL KUI ÜLEMAAILMNE KEEL Research work Supervisor: Jevgenija Kozlova Tallinn 2016 1 Table of Contents СONTENT…………………………………………………………………………………...2 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………...3 CHAPTER I……………………………………………………………………………….....5 1.1. A Brief History of the English Language…………………………………………...…..5 1.2. Origins of English as the Global Language……………………………………..……....6 1.3. Necessity of a Global Language...……………………………………………………....8 1.4. Criticism of a Global Language………………………………………………………....9 1.5. The Role of English Today……………………………………………………………..10 1.6. English Speaking Countries…………………………………………………………….11 1.7. Perspectives of English………………………………………………………………....13 CHAPTER I...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

ELi valitsemine

1. EUROOPA LIIDU INSTITUTSIONAALNE ERILISUS Kaasaja globaliseeruvas maailmamajanduses on riikidevahelise koostöö edendamine ning regionaalse iseloomuga kokkulepete levik ulatuslikum kui kunagi varem. Kogu maailmas on registreeritud ligikaudu 3000 rahvusvahelist organisatsiooni, mille puhul riikidevahelist koostööd ei juhi ja kontrolli üksnes rahvusriikide valitsused, vaid ka rahvusülesed institutsioonid. Eriti 1990. aastatel on tihenenud ka riikidevaheliste majanduslepingute sõlmimine ­ kui näiteks 1990. aastal oli jõus üksnes 45 regionaalset kaubanduskokkulepet, siis praeguseks on Maailma Kaubandusorganisatsioonis (WTO ­ World Trade Organisation) registreeritud üle 100 kaubanduskokkuleppe. Eelneva taustal peaksime Euroopa Liitu suhtuma kui ühesse paljudest riikidevahelise koostöö vormidest. Samas teevad aga mitmed asjaolud 27 Euroopa riigi vahelise koostöö väga eriliseks nähtuseks maailma poliitilises ja majanduslikus süsteemis. E...

Politoloogia → Euroopa liit
88 allalaadimist


Tallinna Inglise Kolledz Topic United States of America Mari-Liis Pakats Tallinn 2007 2 Introduction..................................................................................................................4 Geographical Position..................................................................................................4 Geographical Regions..................................................................................................5 Climate ........................................................................................................................6 Natural Resources........................................................................................................ 7 History..........................................................................................................................8 Culture.................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist


Referaat Hamburg Ich habe die Stadt Hamburg ausgewählt, weil ich mehr über diese zweitgröten Stadt Deutschlands wissen möchte. Auch desshalb, weil ich Hamburg viele Jahre zurück besucht habe. Auch will ich mehr über die lange Geschichte Hamburgs wissen. Die Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg ist als Stadtstaat ein Bundesland der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, zweitgrößte Stadt Deutschlands, siebtgrößte der Europäischen Union sowie die größte Stadt in der Europäischen Union, die nicht die Hauptstadt eines Mitgliedsstaates ist. Die Landessflagge Das Landeswappen Hamburg in Deutschland Der Wahlspruch Hamburgs lautet: Libertatem quam peperere maiores digne studeat servare posteritas (Die Freiheit, die erwarben die Alten, möge die Nachwelt würdig erhalten) und findet sich als Inschrift über dem Portal des Rathauses. Die Fläche Hamburg beträgt 755,264 km² und die Einwohnerzahl Hamburg ist...

Keeled → Saksa keel
10 allalaadimist

Briti kirjanduse portfoolio

Charles Dickens Charles John Huffam Dickens was the foremost English novelist of the Victorian era, as well as a vigorous social campaigner. Considered one of the English language's greatest writers, he was acclaimed for his rich storytelling and memorable characters, and achieved massive worldwide popularity in his lifetime. Charles Dickens was born in Landport, Portsmouth in Hampshire, the second of eight children to John Dickens n 7 February 1812. The 12-year-old Dickens began working ten hour days in a Warren's boot-blacking factory. In May 1827, Dickens began work in the office of Ellis and Blackmore as a law clerk. At the age of seventeen, he became a court stenographer and, in 1830, met his first love, Maria Beadnell. Maria's parents disapproved of the courtship and effectively ended the relationship when they sent her to school in Paris. In 1834, Dickens became a political journalist, reporting on pa...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
60 allalaadimist


Gümnaasium Prague referaat Autor: Klass: Juhendaja: 2010 CONTENTS 1. Contents 2. Introduction 3. Compendium about Prague 4. Important about Czech Republic and Prague 5.-7. History 8. Independence 9. Main sights 10. the Czech Republic 11. List of famous people from Prague 12. Geography 13. Weather and climate 14. Population 15. Culture 2 INTRODUCTION The Czech Republic lies at the heart of Central Europe and at its center is the beautiful and historic city of Prague. With a population of some 1.3 million residents, the city lies on either side of the Vltava River in the middle of Bohemia that is one of the three historic Czech territories; the others being Moravia and Silesia. The city has sev...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Ameerika Ühendriigid

Aste Põhikool Ameerika Ühendriigid Referaat Koostaja: Kerly Pere Juhendaja: Virge Lember Aste 2009 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS...................................................................................................................3 1. AMEERIKA ÜHENDRIIKIDEST....................................................................................4 1.1 Rahvastik..................................................................................................................4 1.2 Riigikord...................................................................................................................5 1.3 Ajalugu.....................................................................................................................6 1.3.1 Ameerika Riikide Konföderatsioon....................................................................

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
28 allalaadimist

Ühiskonna majandamine

II KURSUSE EKSAMIKÜSIMUSED I blokk – Argumenteerimine („Arutlev haridus“ ja slaidid) · Argument o Defineeri, mis on argument? argument = seisukoha põhjendus Tugev argument suudab põhjendada seisukohta selliselt, et väite ja põhjenduse vahel eksisteerib loogiline seos o Too välja argumendi 4 osist. Väide – Lause, mis kannab argumendi peamist ideed. Lühike ja konkreetne Seletus – Põhjendus selle kohta, miks väide paika peab. Mõnelauseline seletus, kus on kirjas üldine loogika, mis väidet toetab Tõestus - seletusele on antud põhi, millele tugineda. Kindlasti viidatud Järeldus – tullakse tagasi peamise mõtte, väite juurde. Tuuakse esile, miks see on oluline teema. o Nimeta tõestuse võimalusi –Statistika (Sydneys tehtud uuring näitab…) –Näide (Miina Härma Gümn on rakendanud…) –Analoog ehk näide sarnasest situatsioonist (Sõjaväes on kah) –Autoriteet (haridusteadlane Hasso Kukemelk on öelnud) –Loogika (Surmanuhtlus) · Mida tähendab demagoo...

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
14 allalaadimist

Topic of Australia

Introduction, Location Australia is a country between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. It is the only country in the world that occupies an entire continent. The mainland covers an area of 7.7 million km² and it is about 3700 km from the most northern point to its most southern point and about 4000 km from east to west. There are also many different seas around Australia, like the Coral and the Tasman Seas in the west or the Timor and the Arafura Seas in the north, where the Indian and the Pacific Oceans meet. Because all seas and oceans near Australia are warm, surfing is a very popular hobby. Political subdivision Australia is divided into six states, which are: · New South Wales · Victoria · Queensland · South Australia · Western Australia · Tasmania New South Wales is the most populous state in Australia. Its capital is Sydney. Victoria is one of the most densely populated states in Australia. Its capit...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
15 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus inglise õiguskeelde

11.02.09 INGLISE KEEL Palju aega läheb. 10 nädalat aint. One of the ESP courses. What we are going to do, what is needed: · What we do - 1 test, on words. · 2 Essays, that means that we have to look into academic writing · Homereading ­ we read a case from European Court of Justice thingy. · Oral thing. · 90% you have to attend · Have to prepare for class and take part of it etc What we learn: Terms Expressions / collocations (nt obey/abide by the law) Explaining AWOL ­ absence without a leave Legal English can be divided into 3 levels. We learn the first one, which is needed for the other two! You have to know the vocabulary etc. Second level has to do with legal contracts... The third level both 1 and 2 and explaining... We learn the vocabulary + explaining. Process of law-making draft law/bill (seaduseelnõu) is developed draft is sent to the parl...

Keeled → Inglise õiguskeel 1
264 allalaadimist

The Middle Ages

Years 1154-1485 Henry I was the first unquestioned ruler. One of the most important kings in the Middle Ages. He had lands in Britain & France. Then the government was the monarch, a person, not a place. He had more land than any pervious king. After his marriage to Eleanor of Aquitaine, he also ruled the lands south of Anjou. His empire stretched from the Scottish border to the Pyrenees. England provided most of its wealth, but the heart was Anjou. Henry II began to regain royal control. During the war some barons had become very powerful. He pulled down some of their castles. He tried to restore law & order. He wanted the same kind of justice to be used everywhere. He appointed his own judges to travel around the country. They dealt with crimes & disagreements over poverty. Serious offences were tried in the king's court. At first they had no special knowledge or training. They were trusted to use common se...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
20 allalaadimist

Inglise keele variandid (Varieties of English)

1) Standard and non-standard varieties of English Standard varieties of English are the varieties of the English language that are considered to be a norm and are spoken and written by the minority (educated people). This is the optimum for educational purposes. The standard varieties of English are: BrEng (British), EngEng (English), NAmEng (North-America), USEng (United States), CanEng (Canada), AusEng (Australia), NZEng (New Zealand). Standard English (British English) is the most widely accepted and understood among native speakers, learned by foreigners. It is used in broadcasting, TV, news etc. It doesn't concern pronounciation (accent), but grammar and vocabulary. It includes formal and informal styles. British Standard English grammar and vocabulary, together with the RP accent should be called English English. RP (Received Pronounciation) is an accent that originates from South-East of England. A social accent, associated o...

Keeled → Inglise keel
49 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun