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"-heavy" - 423 õppematerjali


Plii ja kaadmium keskkonnamürkidena

Plii (Pb) ja kaadmium (Cd) SINU NIMI AASTA JA KOOL Eesmärgid Pb ja Cd üldiseloomustus Keskkonda sattumine Elemendi jõudmine organismi Mõju elusolenditele Kuidas vähendada negatiivset mõju Üksikisiku tasandil Riigi tasandil Nr. 82. Pb. Plii. Plumbum. Seatina. Raskmetall Paljudes mineraalides (PbS ­ galeniit) Väga pehme Neelab rad. Kiirgust Keemiliselt suht. püsiv Tekib pidevalt juurde Kasutatud juba 8500 a.t.(arh. leid Türgis) Trükitehnikas! Nr. 48. Cd. Kaadmium. Cadmium. Raskmetall Koos Hg ja Pb kõige mürgisem metall Maagis enamasti sulfiidina (sfaleriit, (Zn,Fe)S) Moodustab rikkalikult erinevaid ühendeid sh kompleksühendeid orgaaniliste ainetega. 1817, tsingi karbonaatide lisand 1 m = (Cd) x 1,553,164.13 (1927; Kr) Keskkonda sattumine Cd Pb Värvid (valge, punane Värvid (punane, oranz, ...

Merendus → Läänemere elustik
17 allalaadimist

Pop ja Rock muusika Eestis 1920-2010 a.

Popmuusika Eestis 1920.-1930 Nendel aastatel oli Eestis esile kerkinud arvestatav põlvkond popmuusikuid. 1925 aastal Kurt Strobeli eestvõtmisel loodud ansambel The Murphy Band tähistab Eesti jazzi algust. Rohkem levis see nooremate põlvkondade hulgas. Raimond Valgrest sai tänaseks muusikamaailmas legend. Hiilmata lühikesest eluteest, jõudis ta kirjutada väga palju muusikat ja sellega rahvale südamesse pugeda. 1940.-1950 See oli aeg, kus Eesti kinodes jooksid Ameerika filmid ja vabalt võis mängida sellele ajale iseloomulikku jazzi. Populaarseks sai ka sving ning selle muusika artistidest olid tuntumad ansamblid-orkestrid Kuldne 7, Mikid ja Rütmikud. Viimases mänginud muusikutest- Arne Oit Uno Naissoo, Valter Ojakäär, Gennadi Podelski, Erich Kõlar, Vallo Järvi. Nendest enamik on mingil viisil Eesti popmuusika arengut mõjutanud. 1949. Aastal algasid muutused nn külma sõjaga Nõukogude Liidu ja Läänemaailma vahel. Kõik mis läänest tuli, k...

Muusika → Muusika
34 allalaadimist

Eesti muusika areng ja ajalugu

Eesti muusika areng ja ajalugu 19. sajandi keskpaigas elanud Aleksander Saebelmann-Kunileid, keda peetakse eesti rahvusliku muusika rajajaks, kirjutas 2 eesti algupäraga laulu: “Mu isamaa on minu arm” ning “Sind surmani”, mida sai kuulda ka Eesti esimesel üldlaulupeol 1869.aastal Tartus. Teine üldlaulupidu oli üheks suureks tõukeks eesti muusikakultuuri arengus. Kokku oli laulupeol 1070 lauljat ning 202 erinevat pillimängijat. Laulupeo eel tekkis konflikt, sest ei suudetud otsustada, millised laulud võisid kõlada ning millised mitte. Eestlastele häbiks taheti korraldada saksa laulupidu eesti keeles, kuid Carl Robert Jakobson nõudis, et vähemalt pooled laulud kavas oleksid eesti keeles. 19. sajandi lõpul kuni 20. sajandi alguseni hakkas koorilaulude kõrvale kerkima ka sümfoonilist ning vokaalsümfoonilist muusikat. 1919. aastal asutati esimesed muusikakõrgkoolid Tallinnas ja Tartus. Evald Aav kirjutas 1928. ...

Muusika → Muusika ajalugu
8 allalaadimist

Meie aja kangelane Heino Kalm

Saue Gümnaasium Meie aja kangelane Heino Kalm Robert Kadak 6.e 2018 See on teemamapp meie aja kangelasest, kelleks on minu arvates Heino Kalm. 1 Pean Heinot kangelaseks, kuna ta on küll täiesti tavaline inimene aga aitab vaeseid inimesi, kes kardavad naeratada, sest neil pole raha hammaste korda tegemiseks. Selles mapis räägin ma lühidalt Heino elust, tööst ja tegemistest ja sellest, miks ma pean teda meie aja kangelaseks. Lisasin ka pildid, mis kirjeldavad Heinot. Sisukord 2 1. Sisukord---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------3 2. Heino Kalmu lühike elulugu--------------------------------------------------...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
4 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 12

Test 12 1 Write the words 1 A person who works in the library librarian 2 To bring something back to somebody return 3 To continue to live after a dangerous event survive 4 To tell somebody that something is good recommend 5 Between 13 and 19 years old teenager 6 The name of a book title 2 Translate. 1 ulmekirjandus science fiction 2 lugemist katkestama put the book down 3 raamatuid raamatukogust laenutama borrow books from the library 4 ühe hooga läbi lugema in one go 5 samaaegselt at a time 6 humoristlik lugu humorous story 3 Translate. 1 Ema tahab, et ma kastaksin lilli. Mother wants me to water the flowers. 2 Ma tahan, et sa ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
59 allalaadimist

Linking Words and Phrases - õppematerjal

Words that ADD information · also · and · another · besides first, second, third, ... · furthermore · in addition · moreover The little girl put on her yellow shirt and brown overalls. Chris is on the basketball team this semester at Indiana School for the Deaf. In addition, he is on the soccer team. We will be here for one more week so we can finish up our work. Another reason we are staying longer is because we do not want to miss the Deaf Way conference. First of all, pour a half-cup of milk in the bowl; second, add two eggs; and third, stir the mixture. I admire I. King Jordan because he is the first deaf president of Gallaudet. Besides that, I admire him because he is a great long distance runner. Furthermore, he is a dedicated family man. All in all, there ís not much to dislike about the man, except he is too perfect! Crystal likes camping in the mountains. Also, Crystal is an experienced hiker. Texas Schoo...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
122 allalaadimist

Hadrian's Wall

Hadrian's Wall Hadrian's Wall was a stone and turf fortification built by the Roman Empire across the width of Great Britain to prevent military raids by the tribes of Scotland to the north, to improve economic stability and provide peaceful conditions in the Roman province of Britannia to the south, to physically mark the frontier of the Empire, and to separate the unruly Selgovae tribe in the north from the Brigantes in the south and discourage them from uniting. The name is also sometimes used jocularly as a synonym for the border between Scotland and England, although for most of its length the wall follows a line well south of the modern border -- and neither the Scoti tribe nor the English lived in Britain at the time of the wall's construction. The wall was the northern border of the Empire in Britain for much of the Roman Empire's rule, and also the most heavily fortified border in the Empire. In addition to its use as a milit...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
3 allalaadimist

Verb Types

Types of Verbs Group I Normal Verbs Most verbs are "Normal Verbs." These verbs are usually physical actions which you can see somebody doing. These verbs can be used in all tenses. Normal Verbs to run, to walk, to eat, to fly, to go, to say, to touch, etc. Examples: · I eat dinner every day. · I am eating dinner now. Group II Non-Continuous Verbs The second group, called "Non-Continuous Verbs," is smaller. These verbs are usually things you cannot see somebody doing. These verbs are rarely used in continuous tenses. They include: Abstract Verbs to be, to want, to cost, to seem, to need, to care, to contain, to owe, to exist... Possession Verbs to possess, to own, to belong... Emotion Verbs to like, to love, to hate, to dislike, to fear, to envy, to mind... Examples: · He is needing help now. Not Correct · He needs help now. Correct · He is wanting a drink now. Not Correct ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Short and long term effects of alcohol

Short and long term effects of alcohol Good morning. My name is NIMI. I'm going to talk about short and long term effects of alcohol consumption. Firstly I'll tell you about short term effects and then move on to long term effects. My presentation will take about 5 minutes. If you have any questions, you are welcome to ask them afterwards. Firstly I would focus on the short term effects of alcohol consumption. The amount and circumstances of alcohol consumption play a large part in determining the extent of intoxication; for instance, consuming alcohol after a heavy meal causes alcohol to absorb more slowly. Hydration also plays a role as for determining the extent of hangovers. Initially, alcohol produces feelings of relaxation and cheerfulness, but as a result of further consumption blurred vision and coordination problems generally occure. As far as cell membranes are concerned they are highly permeable to alcohol, once alcohol is ...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
62 allalaadimist

Structural loads

Kristiina Stõkova 105281, EAEI-33 Structural loads As everyone might know that great architecture is the successful marriage of art and technology ­ and a structure is an artifact expressing one of the many aspects of human creativity, however it is an artifact that cannot be created without a deep respect for the laws of nature. And that is the main problem brought out by the author of the book ,,Why buildings stand up", Mario Salvadori. So why should an engineer consider different loads? the answer is simple - if the earth did not pull, the wind did not blow, the earth's surface did not shake or sink and the air temperature did not change, then loads would not exist and structure would be unnecessary. This would be so-called the Alice-in- Wonderland world of architecture. But in the real world the engineer's first job is to determine which loads will act on a structure and how strong t...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Nuclear Energy research paper

Running head: NUCLEAR ENERGY Nuclear Energy U.S. Government History of Nuclear Energy- Nuclear Energy History of Nuclear Energy · Uranium was discovered in 1789 by Martin Klaproth. He was a German chemist, and named his discovery after the planet Uranus ("Outline history of," 2010) · 1939-1945 Manhattan Project- atomic energy program to develop the first transportable atomic bomb ("Nuclear technologies timeline," ) · 1942- First self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction ("Nuclear technologies timeline," ) · 1945- Hiroshima and Nagasaki- US. drops atomic bombs to Japan to end World War II ("Nuclear technologies timeline," ) · 1946- First nuclear energy in civilian use ("Nuclear technologies timeline," ) NUCLEAR ENERGY · 1954- Atomic Energy Act ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Tehnomaterjalide kontrolltöö

1. Materjalide kasutamine inimajaloo vältel, selle muutumise põhjused. Pöörata erilist tähelepanu metallide kasutamisele ja selle muutusele. 2. Metallide ja sulamite liigitus: tiheduse, sulamistemperatuuri, keemilise aktiivsuse järgi. 1) kergmetalllid ja -sulamid (light metals and alloys) tihedusega <5000 kg/m³. Nt. Liitium, berullium, magneesium, alumiinium jt. 2) raskemetallid ja -sulamid (heavy metals and alloys) tihedusega >10000kg/m³. Nt. Plaatina, volfram, molubdeen, plii, jt. 3) keskmetallid ja -sulamid tihedusega 5000-10000 kg/m³. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) kergsulavad metallid ja sulamid (fusible metals and alloys), mille sulamistemperatuur ei uleta plii oma, st. 327 °C. Nt. Tina, plii, elavhobe jt. 2) rasksulavad metallid ja sulamid (refractory metals and alloys), mille sulamistemperatuur uletab raua oma, st. 1539 °C. Nt. Volfram, tantaal...

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
167 allalaadimist

Erialainformatsiooni otsing internetis. Open Access e- ajakirjad. Patendiotsing.

6. HARJUTUSÜLESANNE 6.1. Teemaotsing internetist Loe läbi teoreetiline õppematerjal interneti otsingu ja otsimootorite kohta. Otsi oma rühma teemal veebiartikleid interneti erinevatest otsimootoritest ja teemakataloogidest. Vali otsinguteks vähemalt 3 otsimootorit sh üks metaotsimootor, mis võimaldavad teostada kompleksotsingut. Üks otsimootor võiks olla Google Scholar, mis onlinkserveri SFX kaudu seotud raamatukogu andmebaasidega ja võimaldab teha kindlaks täisteksti kättesaadavuse. Kirjelda, milliseid võimalusi otsingu täpsustamiseks kasutasid: fraasi otsing, keel, kärpimismärk, ajaline piirang, otsisõna esinemine tekstis, pealkirjas, URLis jne. Anna veebilehekülgedele hinnang autorluse, täiendamise, objektiivsuse ja sisu seisukohalt. Kasuta efektiivseteks otsinguteks interneti otsijuhendit. Esita: a) Otsimootorite nimetused ja veebiaadressid: b) Otsistrateegia, piirangud: c) Leitud /relevant...

Informaatika → Infootsioskused
19 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnade seletused Marie Curie teksti kohta

1. Bereft ­ a simple past tense and past participle of bereave, to deprive 2. Cognition ­ the act or process of knowing, preception 3. Derive ­ to receive or obtain from a source or origin, in Chemistry to produce or obtain from another 4. Pitchblende ­ a major ore of uranium and radium 5. Deplorable ­ causing or being a subject for regret; very bad 6. Fission ­ the act of cleaving or splitting into parts 7. Harnessing ­ the combination of straps, bands, and other parts forming the working gear of a draft animal 8. Cripple ­ offensive way to say person who is disabled or impaired in ay way 9. Succumb ­ to give way to superior force 10.Hefty ­ heavy, weighty 11.Abode ­ a place in which a person resides; residence 12.Currents ­ a flowing; something that flows; moving in a certain direction 13.Dissymmetry ­ absence or lack of symmetry 14.Estrange ­ to turn away in feeling or affection 15.Cathode ­ the electrode or terminal by which c...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Lõiketöötlemine ja lõikeriistad - freesimine

Kordamisküsimused ,,Lõiketöötlemine ja lõikeriistad" ME31/41 1. Freesimise suunad: Pärifreesimine (allafreesimine) ­ Lõikeserv alustab lõikamist maksimaalse laastupaksusega. See hoiab ära eemalesurumis efekti, koos vähema soojuse eraldumisega. Suur laastupaksus põhjustab lõikejõu, mis tõmbab tooriku tööriista poole, hoides lõikeserva lõikes. Vanadel pinkidel ei kasutata. Allafreesimine on eelistatud juhul kui tööriist, paigaldus ja toorik seda võimaldab. Vastufreesimine - Lõikeserv hakkab lõikama 0 laastupaksusega. Tekib jõud mis surub tööriista toorikust eemale. Tekib hõõrdumine, mis kulutab lõikeserva. Protsessi käigus võib laast jääda tooriku ja tööriista vahele. Laast kleepub või keevitub lõikeserva külge. See võib põhjustada tööriista purunemise. Vastufreesimine valitakse näiteks vanematel pinkidel kus pingi töölaud pole piisavalt jäik ettenihkele. Vastufreesimisel võib olla eelis juhul, kus on suur lõikesügavuse varieerumine. ...

Masinaehitus → Lõiketöötlus
38 allalaadimist


EESTI ETTEVÕTLUSKÕRGKOOL MAINOR Ärijuhtimise õppekava Mari-Liis Jänes VIIKINGID JA NENDE PEAKATTED ­ MÜÜT VÕI TEGELIKKUS Essee Juhendaja: Anneli Rumm, MA Tallinn 2018 Essees annab töö autor ülevaate, kas piltidel kujutatud viikingite peakatted- kiivrid on müüt või tegelikkus tänapäevase popkultuuri tingimustes. Tänapäeva popkultuuris on viikingitest kujunenud inimeste teadvusesse valeinformatsioon seoses nende peakatetega. Allpool annab töö autor ülevaate mõnedest valearusaamistest ning tõendite olemasolust või mitte. Inimeste teadvuses on pildid pikkadest ja tugevatest meestest, sarved turritamas uhkelt nende kiivritelt kui kiirustati lahingusse ning hävingut külvama ­ viikingid. (Trafford, Pluskowski, 2007, 58). Viikingitest sõjamehed, kes muistsetel aegadel võtsid ette pikki merereise rü...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
5 allalaadimist


Levimuusika ajalugu 1 LEVIMUUSIKA AJALUGU MUUSIKAÕPETUSE KONSPEKT 8 KLASSILE ÕISMÄE HUMANITAARGÜMNAASIUM KOIDU ILMJÄRV Õismäe Humanitaargümnaasium 06.09.06 Koidu Ilmjärv Levimuusika ajalugu 2 SISUKORD 1. Mis on levimuusika. lk. 3 2. Lööklaul ehk hit, evergreen . lk. 5 3. Folkmuusika. lk. 6 4. County ja western. lk. 7 5. Tin Pan Alley popmuusika. lk. 9 6. Muusika ja äri. lk. 11 7. Rhythm and blues. lk. 12 8. R ock’n’roll. ...

Muusika → Muusika
73 allalaadimist


ALCOHOL Alcohol is a widely used substance for both science and in technology. Its name comes from an Arabic word al-kuhl meaning " a powder for painting the eyes". The term was later applied to all compounds that contain alcoholic spirits. To most people alcohol is considerd a downer that reduces activity in the nervous system. Some of the things alcohol effects you is, the alcohol intoxicated person exhibits lose muscle tone, loss of fine moter coordination,and often has a staggering "drunken" gait. The eyes may appear somewhat "glossy" and pupils may be slow to respond to stimulus. At high doses pupils may become constricted. At intoxing doses, alcohol can decrease heart rate, lower blood pressure and respiration rate, and result in decreased reflex and slower reaction times. Skin may be cool to touch but to the user may feel warm or normal, profuse sweating may accompany alcohol use. Loose muscle tone, lose of fine ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist


PROGRESSIIVNE ROCK 1. Progressiivse rock muusika ajalugu välismaal Sissejuhatus Progressiivne rock (ka progerock) on rockmuusika alamsuund, mis arenes välja 1960. aastate lõpus ja 1970. aastate algul. Sõna progressiivne otsene tähendus on edasiareng. Sõna progressiivne viitab rocki- maailmas aga sellele, kuidas muusika suuna esindajad laiendasid rockmuusika piire, muutes seni valitsenud salmi ja refrääni vaheldumisel põhinenud lauluvorme. Tähelepanu pöörati lugude instrumentaalsetele osadele. 1960. aastate lõpul hakkasid rock muusika esindajad otsima uusi ideid rocki põhisuunast üha kaugemal olevatest muusikalistest allikatest. Neid inspireerisid nii blues, jazz kui ka klassikaline muusika. Peale oli kasvanud uus muusikute põlvkond. Veidi rohkem kui kümne aasta jooksul oli rockist saanud üldiselt omaks võetud nähtus, mis tõmbas enda poole ka suurt osa noorest haritlaskonnast. Sellest tulenes ka nn progressiiv...

Muusika → Rock
4 allalaadimist

Inglise keel (10.klass)

Active Simple Continuous Present Walks Is walking Past Walked Was walking Future Will walk Will be walking Present Perfect Have walked Have been walking Past Perfect Had walked Had been walking Future Perfect Will have walked Will have heen walking Passive Simple Continuous Present is sold Was being sold Past was sold was being sold Future Will be sold Present Perfect Have been made Past Perfect Had been made Future Perfect Will have been sold A house on fire ­ heas suhtes olema He...

Keeled → Inglise keel
290 allalaadimist

Writing a film review

WRITING A FILM REVIEW A review is a short description of a film (found in a magazine or newspaper) in which someone gives both factual information and an opinion about the film. A review should consist of the following parts: * Introduction Was the film based on fact or is it pure fiction? What do you know about the background to the film? Give the title of the film and as much info on the background as you can (setting, type of story, main characters, name of the director and the leading actors). * Main body The main body of a review should consist of at least two paragraphs, the first giving the main points of the plot and the second giving general comments (i.e. the pros and cons) concerning the acting, directing, music, special effects, lights, scenery, costumes, etc. Use the present tenses to outline the plot. Begin a new paragraph for each complete change of topic. Do not write one-sentence paragraphs. * Conclusion The conclus...

Keeled → Inglise keel
101 allalaadimist

Ac Dc

AC/DC on Austraalia päritolu hard rock bänd AC/DC rajasid vennad Malcolm ja Angus Young Sydneys 1973. Lauljaks oli siis Dave Evans. Septembris 1974 asus Evasni asemele Bon Scott. Pärast Boni surma 19. veebruaril 1980 asus tema kohale Brian Johnson (sündinud 1947). AC/DC tegutseb tänaseni, nende albumeid on müüdud üle 100 miljoni eksemplari. Kuigi tavaliselt peetakse bändi hard rocki ja heavy metali teerajajaks, liigitavad liikmed enda muusikat rohkem rock'n'rolliks. Nimi AC/DC tuleneb ingliskeelsetest sõnadest alternating current/direct current, mis tähendab vahelduvvool/alalisvool. Seda soovitas väidetavalt vendadele Youngidele nende õde Margaret, lugedes seda lühendite paari õmblusmasinalt. Bändiliikmed on hetkel: · Angus Young (soolokitarr) alates 1973 · Malcolm Young (rütmikitarr) alates 1973 · Brian Johnson (vokaal) alates 1980 · Phil Rudd (trummid) 1975­1983, alates 1994 · Cliff Williams (basskitarr) alates 197...

Muusika → Muusika
10 allalaadimist

Irish Christmas

Christmas in Ireland lasts from Christmas Eve to the feast of the Epiphany on January 6, which is referred to as Little Christmas. Ireland's Christmas is more religious than a time of fun. Lighted candles are placed in windows on Christmas Eve, as a guide that Joseph and Mary might be looking for shelter. The candles are usually red in color, and decorated with sprigs of holly. Irish women bake a seed cake for each person in the house. They also make three puddings, one for each day of the Epiphany such as Christmas, New Year's Day and the Twelfth Night. After the Christmas evening meal, bread and milk are left out and the door unlatched as a symbol of hospitality. St Stephen's Day, the day after Christmas, is almost as important, with football matches and meetings going on. For children, the Wren Boys Procession is their big event. Boys go from door to door with a fake wren on a stick, singing, with violins, accordions, harmonicas and ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Red Hot Chili Peppers Tallinna kontserti (30.07.12) retsensioon

RETSENSIOON Mina käisin 31. juulil 2012. aastal vaatamas Red Hot Chili Peppersi konsertit, mis toimus Tallinna Lauluväljakul. Koos peaesineja, Red Hot Chili Peppersiga, oli ka kaks soojendusesinejat: Eestist pärit rokkbänd `'Elephants From Neptune'' ja Suurbritanniast pärinev `'The Vaccines''. Kontsert, koos kahe soojendus- ning peaesinejaga, kestis kokku u. 4½ tundi, kusjuures väravad avati juba kell 16.00. Kontserti ametlik algus oli 19.00 ning lõpp 00.30. Red Hot Chili Peppers on neljaliikmeline rock-bänd, mis on võitnud mitu Grammy auhinda. Bänd on pärit Californiast ja moodustati aastal 1983 Los Angeleses. Hoolimata sellest, et bänd on üle elanud mitmeid probleeme nii äri- kui ka eraelus, on siiski suudetud luua kompaktne saund, mis kombineerib punki, funki, heavy metalit, räppi, popi ja psühhedeelset rocki. Praegused liikmed on Anthony Kiedis (vokalist), Josh Klinghoffer (Kitarr, taustavokaal), Michae...

Muusika → Muusika
16 allalaadimist

Schools kill creativity

Schools kill creativity Kristiina Moosel N-14 Ken Robinson had a greate speech in TedX 2006. He was discussing about creativity and how we help ourselves and others to develope it. Mostly I agreed with him but still there were some points, where I could argue with him. Ken Robinson says noone knows how’ll the future be like. The future where our kid’s are going to have to live in. Still our education system wants us to prepare them for that. Prepare them for the mystery, for something we have no idea about how it’s going to be. If I had no younger relatives, I’d have to dissagree with him - I mean, when I was in secondary school I had to study mostly only those subjects I’d really need in the future. But I have some relatives younger than I am. The youngest is 9 right now. And when I look at what she must study, well, I studied it in 4th or 5th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Cats C.Karus 2015 Cat independent Free Graceful the cat will always fall on his feet If the host has / owns a dog, a cat owns the master where the head goes through, there also goes the body through History It is known that people have been living with cats harmonically since 3000 BC in Ancient-Egypt. Cats, living along with humans, started to have sympathetic connection with humans. Probably thanks to cats' usefulness in protecting food, ancient Egyptian started to treats cats as saint animals. Cat was called "miw". Egyptian mourned and embalmed dead cats. They also made special wooden coffins for cats. Cat expressions Friendly Relaxed Fearful Negative Playful is most likely not open to contact ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Britain in WW I

16. Britain in WW I Causes of WWI: Mutual defence alliances (if one country was attacked then allies would rush to help and it snowballed into a war between many countries) o The alliances at the time were: o Russia and Serbia o Germany and Austria-Hungary o France and Russia o Britain and France and Belgium o Japan and Britain Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Russia got involved to defend Serbia. Germany seeing Russia mobilizing, declared war on Russia. France was then drawn in against Germany and Austria- Hungary. Germany attacked France through Belgium pulling Britain into war. Then Japan entered the war. Later, Italy and the United States would enter on the side of the allies. Imperialism: empires got bigger and with that the competition between the empires grew. Everyone wanted more ar...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Jää-ajast Inglise keeles!

ICE AGE The earth is very old. During its long history there have been many changes in climate. Between one and two million years ago one of these changes took place ­ the great Ice Age began. It grew colder in the Far North. More snow fell in the winter than could melt away in the summer. The snow grew deeper and deeper. It changed to solid ice. As more snow fell, the ice grew thicker. It began to move. Great sheets of moving ice, or glaciers, were formed. The edges of the sheets were pushed outward. At last the ice covered most of what is now Canada. And it spread southward into what is now the United States. The ice was probably a mile deep in places. It moved over hills and valleys, rivers and forests. It moved slowly ­ perhaps only a foot a day. Millions of plants were buried by the ice. Many animals moved south. Among the animals able to stand the cold near th...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
3 allalaadimist


KULTUUR JA ELU-OLU 1950-1980. AASTATEL 1960-1970 Valitsev mõttelaad, vaimsed suundumused ja hoiakud, uued ideed Inimestel hakkas tekkima rohkem võimalusi ja aega meelelahutuse jaoks. Tavapärasteks muutusid perekondlikud väljasõidud isikliku autoga. Nüüd oli inimestel võimalus vaba aega veeta ja tarbida rohem kui iial varem. Tähtsaks muutus sotsiaalse õigluse idee. Selle tagamiseks pidi otsustavalt majandusellu sekkuma riik. Maailmas domineerisid Keynesi ideed, mis rõhusid võrdsusprintsiibile ja seadsid eesmärgiks sotsiaalsete vastuolude leevendamise. Suuremat tähelepanu pööramist nõuti vaestele, töötutele, immigrantidele, mustanahalistele. Riigi korraldavat kätt oli vaja selleks, et jagada ümber ressursid vaeste kasuks. Näited poliitiliste sündmuste ja laiemalt kogu külma sõja mõjust nendele hoiakutele ning ideedele · Massikultuuri väljakujunemine · Noorte rahutused · Mustanahaliste liikumised · ...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
48 allalaadimist


Cats C.Karus 2015 Cat independent Free Graceful the cat will always fall on his feet If the host has / owns a dog, a cat owns the master where the head goes through, there also goes the body through History It is known that people have been living with cats harmonically since 3000 BC in Ancient-Egypt. Cats, living along with humans, started to have sympathetic connection with humans. Probably thanks to cats' usefulness in protecting food, ancient Egyptian started to treats cats as saint animals. Cat was called "miw". Egyptian mourned and embalmed dead cats. They also made special wooden coffins for cats. Cat expressions Friendly Relaxed Fearful Negative Playful is most likely not open to contact ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Progressiivne rockmuusika välismaal ja eestis

1. Progressiivse rockmuusika ajalugu välismaal 1.1 Sissejuhatus Esiteks, enne kui minna edasi, tuleb eelkõige mõista, mis on progressiivne rockmuusika. Progressiivne rock (ka progerock) on rockmuusika alamsuund, mis arenes välja 1960. aastate lõpus ja 1970. aastate algul. Sõna progressiivne otsene tähendus on edasiareng. Sõna progressiivne viitab rocki- maailmas aga sellele, kuidas muusikasuuna esindajad laiendasid rockmuusika piire, muutes seni valitsenud salmi ja refrääni vaheldumisel põhinenud lauluvorme. Tähelepanu pöörati lugude instrumentaalsetele osadele.1 1960. aastate lõpul hakkasid rockmuusika esindajad otsima uusi ideid rocki põhisuunast üha kaugemal olevatest muusikalistest allikatest. Neid inspireerisid nii blues, jazz kui ka klassikaline muusika. Peale oli kasvanud uus muusikute põlvkond. Veidi rohkem kui kümne aasta jooksul oli rockist saanud üldiselt omaks võetud nähtus, mis tõmbas ...

Muusika → Rock
7 allalaadimist

Testide vastused 1-4

New P r e – I n t e r m e d i a t e FOURTH EDITION © Oxford University Press 2012 Unit 1 Test A 13 getting 1 6 2 Where were you born 2 amazed 3 Why are you here in Chicago 3 embarrassing 4 What are you studying 4 amazing 5 What did you do in India / What was your job in 5 embarrassed India 6 interested 6 How often do you go back to India 7 2 2 play 2 How much, a 3 go 3 How long, h 4 speak 4 Whose, d 5 does 5 How many, i 6 make 6 Which, f ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

ABS Piping Australian Presentation

A Course In the Design of ABS Piping Our Objectives Presented by Geoffrey D Stone FIMechE C.Eng Provide an insight into what piping designers need & expect Define the role of the supplier & designer Learn some fundamentals of piping design Discover failure analysis techniques Share experiences of problems A Course In the Design of ABS Piping What We Shall Look at This Week ABS Material Properties Thermoplastic Pipe Design Waterhammer Analysis Typical Applications of ABS Pressure Pipe Some Anticipated Events Stages of the Design Process Representation-Drawings & Specification Calculation-Engineering & Assumptions Visualisation-Presentation of Information Validation-Testing & Commissioning Role of the ABS Pipe Supplier What the Customer Expects Avoid the following: Material Properties Accept design risk for a sale Design Criteria Accept MTO risk Design Guid...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

A lamb to the slaughter

Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl (1916-1990) The room was warm and clean, the curtains drawn, the two table lamps alight - hers and the one by the empty chair opposite. On the sideboard behind her, two tall glasses, soda water, whiskey. Fresh ice cubes in the Thermos bucket. Mary Maloney was waiting for her husband to come him (correction: home) from work. Now and again she would glance up at the clock, but without anxiety, merely to please herself with the thought that each minute gone by made it nearer the time when he would come. There was a slow smiling air about her, and about everything she did. The drop of a head as she bent over her sewing was curiously tranquil. Her skin - for this was her sixth month with child - had acquired a wonderful translucent quality, the mouth was soft, and the eyes, with their new placid look, seemed larger darker than before. When the clock said ten minutes to five, she began to listen, and a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


I'd like to present the main issues of our planet and today i'll name 5 of them. These are air pollution, water pollution, endangered animals, deforestation and rubbish. Air pollution Firstly, lets talk about air pollution, which endangeres our life in cities and also the forests near by. Cars and factories blow poisoned gas in the air and it mixes with the oxygen, so the air that we breathe, becomes dangerous to our health. The ozone layer around the Earth, there is a special type of oxygen called ,,ozone". Ozone is important because it stops ultraviolett radiation from the sun. Many aerosol sprays and factories destroy ozone and they have made a very big hole in the ozone layer. This means that too much ultraviolet radiation now enters the Earth. This is very dangerous because it can cause cancer. Poisonous chemicals ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
66 allalaadimist

Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemptioon

Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption Answers 1. The speaker has obtained mostly cigarettes, booze, books, but also chocolates, milkshakes and even a coin collection for other members of Shawshank. 2. He won't get anyone guns and heavy drugs, because they won't help anyone kill himself or anyone else. 3. Three pieces of evidence that were used to put Andy into jail were: · two empty bottles of Narragansett Beer whit Andy's fingerprints on them · twelve cigarette ends. All of them were Kools what was Andy's brand. · Plaster cast of tyre tracks. These were exactly same as Andy's car. 4. Dishtowels are so important because killer used these as silencer, when he killed Andy's wife and her lover. 5. Sherwood Bolton was in jail from 1945 to 1953. All that time he had a pigeon in his cell. 6. Rock hound ­ person who is interested in rocks. 7. And...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Thoughts on Air Pollution Essay

Air pollution Every day, the average person inhales about 20,000 liters of air. Every time we breathe, we risk inhaling dangerous chemicals that have found their way into the air. Air pollution includes all contaminants found in the atmosphere. These dangerous substances can be either in the form of gases or particles. Air pollution can be found both outdoors and indoors. Pollutants can be trapped inside buildings, causing indoor pollution that lasts for a long time. The sources of air pollution are both natural and human-based. As one might expect, humans have been producing increasing amounts of pollution as time has progressed, and they now account for the majority of pollutants released into the air. Air pollution has been a problem throughout history. Even in Ancient Romepeople complained about smoke put into the atmosphere. The effects of air pollution are diverse and numerous. Air...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Loodus katastroofist: Mehhiko lahe naftareostus

Loodus katastroofist Mehhiko lahe naftareostus Autor: Juhendaja: Tallinn 2010. aasta Mehhiko lahe naftareostuse põhjustas BP-le liisitud naftaplatformil Deepwater Horizon 20. aprillil toimunud plahvatus ning järgnenud tulekahju Mehhiko lahel, Macondo nafta- ja gaasileiukohas. Teadlaste andmetel on tegemist ajaloo suurima õnnetusest tingitud naftalekkega merekeskkonda.Augusti alguseks oli teadlaste hinnangul lekkinud ligi viis miljonit barrelit naftat. Umbes 800 000 barrelit sellest oli BP-l õnnestunud kinni püüda. Naftaplatvorm Deepwater Horizon uppus kaks päeva pärast plahvatust, 22. aprillil 2010. Vaid 9 aastat tagasi Hyundai Heavy Industries poolt ehitatud ujuv platvorm oli pisut suurem kui jalgpalliväljak – 121 meetrit pikk ja 78 meetrit lai. Plahvatuse tagajärjel hukkus 11 ja sai vigastada 17 inimest. Sündmuste lühikronoloogia perioodil 20. aprill – 3. mai 2010 on kätte saadav näiteks planet gre...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
12 allalaadimist

Houses of parliament

HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT Houses of Parliament also known as the Palace of Westminster is one of the most attractive buildings in London. It stands on the site where Edward the Confessor had the original palace built in the first half of the eleventh century . In 1547 the royal residence was moved to Whitehall Palace, but the Lords continued to meet at Westminster, while the commons met in St. Stephen's Chapel. Ever since these early times, the Palace of Westminster has been home to the English Parliament. In 1834 there was a huge fire that destroyed much of the old palace. All that remained was the chapel crypt, The Jewel Tower and Westminster Hall. It was Lord Melbourne, the Prime Minister, who saved the great hall by arranging for the fire engines to be brought right into the hall and personally supervising the fire fighting operation. The magnificent Gothic Revival masterpiece you see ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist


Kust pärit Maailmakuulus hard rocki koloss sündis Sidneys, Austraalias 1973. aasta detsembris. Bändi pika ajaloo jooksul on neil olnud kaks väljapaistvat lauljat - Bon Scott (1973-80) ja Brian Johnson (1980 - tänapäev ), seetõttu kipuvad ka fännid nende tegutsemisaega kaheks jagama. Kuigi neid peetakse üldiselt hard rocki ja heavy metali pioneerideks, peab bänd oma stiiliks rock ´n´ rolli. Nende muusika on bluesil baseeruv, kuid kitarride soundi on keeratud tuntavalt raskemaks kui see üldiselt tavaks - kas siis bluesis või rockis. Nimi AC/DC nimi tuleb ingliskeelsest sõnadest alternating current/direct current mis tähendab vahelduvvool/alalisvool. Seda väljendit väidetavalt soovitas Youngidele nende õde Margaret, lugedes seda sõnade paari õmblusmasinalt. AC/DC logol on kaldkriipsu asemel kõrgepinge sümbol. Kahjuks ei olnud nad te...

Muusika → Muusika
11 allalaadimist

Red hot chili peppers

Tallinna Õismäe Humanitaargümnaasium Referaat Red Hot Chili Peppers Koostaja: Karita Perendi Tallinn 2010 Sisukord 1.) Sissejuhatus 2.) Bändist üldiselt 3.) Bändi ajalugu 4.) TV, film ja meedia 5.) Lõppsõna 6.) Kasutatud kirjandus Sissejuhatus Selle referaadi koostan ma ühest oma lemmikbändist nimega Red Hot Chili Peppers, selle bändi valisin ma just sellepärast, et nendest tean ma palju ning neist on kõikjal palju kirjas ja ka sellepärast, et teieni tuua selle bändi hea muusika ja nende ajalugu. Bändist üldiselt Alustekst : Red Hot Chili Peppers on neljaliikmeline rock-bänd, mis on võitnud mitu Grammy auhinda. Bänd on pärit Californiast ja moodustati aastal 1983 Los Angelesis. Hoolimata sellest, et bänd on üle elanud mitmeid probleeme nii äri- kui ka eralus, on siiski ...

Muusika → Muusika
15 allalaadimist

British test 2 questions

1. What were the two institutions that Henry VII establised? Explain. Henry VII established the Court of Star Chamber to make the barons give up their private armies and overall restored finances by collecting taxes. Also Henry VII extended royal control over local government through the local magistrates called justice of peace. 2. What was the idea of the Act of supremacy? With passing the Act of Supremacy, Henry VIII was made the head of the Church of England and he was now free to divorce Catherine and marry Anne Boleyn. 3. Why did Henry VIII get the title Fidei Defensor? The title was given to him by the pope because Henry VIII was against Protestantism and other religious reforms by J. Calvin and M. Luther. For that, the pope named Henry VIII the Fidei Defensor, meaning Defender of the Faith 4. Why did Mary I get the nickname Bloody Mary? Because during her reign, England became official...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Referaat teemal "80-90 aastate rockmuusika"

põhikool Depech Mode Referaat Koostaja: Kuupäev: 24. oktoober Pärnu 2009 Sissejuhatus Rock-muusika on laialdane ja varieeruv levimuusika suund, milles enamasti meloodilist vokaali saadab kitarr, trummid ja tihti ka basskitarr. Instrumendid on erinevates rock-muusika zanrites tihtipeale erinevad. Ka klahvpillid nagu klaver ja süntesaator on laialdases kasutuses. Eesti keeles võib rock-muusikale kirjapildis viidata mitmel erineval moel. Kuigi enamasti tarvitatakse inglise keelest pärit lühendatud versiooni "rock", on korrektne kasutada kirjutamisel ka selliseid võimalusi nagu rokk, rokkmuusika ja rock-muusika. Rock-muusika juured peituvad 1950. aastate rock'n'roll'is, rockabilly's ja rhythm and blues's. 1960. aastatel tekkisid sulamzanrid folgi ja dzässiga. 1970. aastatel järgnes veel suurem rock'i piiride avardamine, mille tagajärjel tekkis juurde mitmeid rock'i alazanreid nagu soft...

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
13 allalaadimist

Different types of forests and their forms of usage.

Different types of forests and their forms of usage TARTU 2010 Forest A forest (also called a wood, woodland, wold, weald, holt, frith) is an area with a high density of trees. Forests cover approximately 30% of land and 9.4% of all the planet earth. They are also responsible for regulating our planet's climate and act as large purifiers of airs, by absorbing carbon dioxide, and giving out oxygen. Different types of forests Forests are divided into following main types: o Tropical forest o Subtropical forest o Plantations o Boreal forest o Temperate forest o Seasonal or monsoon forest Tropical and Subtropical Forests Tropical and subtropical forests, also known as rainforests or tropical rainforests, are lavish and ample forests with broad leave tree. They are mostly found at lowlands near the equator - Asia, Africa, South & Central Am...

Geograafia → Geograafia
9 allalaadimist

Eesti-inglise-vene laeva mehaanika terminoloogia sõnastik

ahtrilainete süsteem stern wave system different trim dünaamilise tõstejõuga laev dynamically supported ship erikaal specific weight Froude arv Froude number gravitatsiooniline takistus gravity-related resistance hõõrdetakistus frictional resistance hõõrdetegur coefficient of friction koosmõju interaction hürdodonaamiline rõhk hydrodynamical pressure hüdromehaanika fluid mechanics hürdrostaatiline rõhk hydrostatical pressure inertsjõud inertial force isepoleeruv värv self-polishing paint jäätakistus residual resistance jäätakistus ice resistance kaal weight käigulained shipborne waves käigulainete interferent wave systems ineraction kaikuvus prop...

Ehitus → Laevade ehitus
39 allalaadimist

Andmebaasiga Scopus teostatud otsingud

ANDMEBAASIGA SCOPUS TEOSTATUD OTSINGUD Teostatud lihtotsing üldiste märksõnadega: ainsaks kriteeriumiks seejuures on, et otsisõna sisalduma artikli pealkirjas, märksõnana või abstraktselt. OTSIPROFIIL LEITUD ALLIKATE ARV carcinogens AND groundwater 417 health risks AND groundwater pollution 1276 groundwater AND pollution AND problems 3708 groundwater AND health risks AND 275 (carcinogen OR cancer) groundwater AND cancer AND (organisms 289 OR health) groundwater AND ecosystem (cancer OR 0 carcinoma OR toxicology) Teostatud otsing teemaspetsiifiliste märksõnadega: OTSIPROFIIL LEITUD ALLIKATE ARV (releva...

Informaatika → Infootsioskused
8 allalaadimist

How to Change a Tire

How to Change a Tire Sander Kitsing AL16 Find a flat, stable and safe place to change your tire. You should have a solid, level surface that will  restrict the car from rolling. If you are near a road, park as far from traffic as possible and turn on your  emergency flashers (hazard lights). Avoid soft ground and hills. Apply the parking brake and put car into "Park" position. If you have a standard transmission, put your  vehicle in first or reverse. Place a heavy object (e.g., rock, concrete, spare wheel, etc.) in front of the front and back tires. Take out the spare tire and the jack. Place the jack under the frame near the tire that you are going to  change. Ensure that the jack is in contact with the metal portion of your car's frame  Many cars have molded plastic ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


KAHE IARVE lA UHE LAHE oxoxeresrRooFr LUGU Kasuta Wikipedia artikleid ktisimustele vastamiseks! MEHHIKO LAHT l.Millal ja mis iuhtus Deepwater Horizon platvormiga? Deepwater Horizon oli Naftaplatvorm, mis uppus 22. aprillil 2010 Mehhiko lahte Louisiana ranniku lähistel, põhjustades ulatusliku keskkonnakatastroof (2010. aasta Mehhiko lahe naftareostus). 2.Millisele frmale kuulus platvorm? Naftaplatvormi ehitas Hyundai Heavy Industries Lõuna-Koreas. Ehitustööd algasid 1998. aasta detsembris ja platvorm anti tellijale üle 23. veebruaril 2001. Platvormi omanik oli Transocean Ltd ja see oli katastroof toimumise ajal liisitud BP-le. Kui kaugel rannikust see asus? Deepwater Horizon oli 112 m pikk, 78 m lai ja 97,4 m kõrge ning ulatus 41,5 m sügavusele merre » ja asub umbes 80 km rannikust. 3.Kui kaua(mitu piieva) kestis naftaleke ? Tuli kestis üle 35 tunni ja naftaleke kestis 152 päeva Kui palju lekkis naftat oopiievas? Augusti alguseks ol...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
4 allalaadimist

Esitlus Iron Maiden'ist

Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Iron Maiden § English heavy metal band from Leyton in east London, formed in 1975 by Steve Harris & Dave Murrey § Named after a torture device. § 15 studio albums. § 11 live albums. § 4 extended plays. § 7 compilations. § Iron Maiden have sold over 85 million records worldwide § Over 2000 live peformances. § Their music has influenced dozens of famous bands, most notably Metallica and the Red Hot Chili Peppers § Most famous lead vocals: Paul Di'anno , Bruce Dickinson; Blaze Bayley. § They have been active since 1975 ­ present . Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level ...

Biograafia → Kuulsused
2 allalaadimist


SLIPKNOT Erik Rattasepp 8b TÕHG 2008 SISUKORD 1. Bändist lk 1-2 2. Albumid lk 2-3 3. Faktid lk 4-6 4. Muud huvitavat lk 6 5. Kasutatud Materjal lk 6 Bändist: 9-liikmeline heavy-metali punt Slipknot on pärit USA'st Iowast, täpsemalt Des Moines't, mis on tuntud kui "mitte millegi keskus". Siiski on sealt pärit tüübid, kes alustasid tegevust 1995 aastal ning kannavad isetehtud sürrealistlikke maske ja "ründavad" rahvast muusikaga, mis on segu Los Angelese neo-metalist, death metalist, hip-hop'ist ja "alameloodilisest" kriiskav- karjuvast õudusest. Tutvugem siis 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8'ga. Inimeste keeles on siis tegu DJ Sid Wilson, trummar Joey Jordison, bassist Paul Gray, percussionist Chris Fehn, kitarrist James Root, sampleri Craig Jones, teine percussionist Shawn Crahan, kitarrist Mi...

Muusika → Muusika
21 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun