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"-heavy" - 423 õppematerjali



Rakvere Ametikool Steven Sikkar AS13 AUTOKEEMIA Referaat Juhendaja: Pertti Pärna Rakvere 2013 SALONGIPUHASTUSVAHENDID LEATHER & PLASTIC CLEANER - naha ja plastiku puhastaja Vahend määrdunud salongi plastiku ja naha puhastamiseks. Vedelik on vee baasil ja koheselt kasutatav. Eemaldab ka pinna pooridesse imbunud tugeva mustuse ning jätab pinna puhtaks seda hallikaks muutmata kuna sisaldab hooldusvahendit. BRITE CLEAN - soodne salongi keemilise pesu aine - salongipesuvahend - "kemmi aine" Kontsentreeritud, ensüümi ba...

Auto → Auto õpetus
26 allalaadimist

Kõne teemal tätoveeringud

Tätoveeringud Inimesed mõistavad tätoveeringuid väga erinevalt. Tätoveerimine on noorte seas laialt levinud ning uusi huvilisi tekib iga päev. Tänu Internetile ja tattoo teemalistele saadetele on inimesed hakanud mõistma, et tegu ei ole kaugeltki mitte ainult "vanglakunstiga".Tattoo on kõrgeima kunstivormi väljendusviis inimkehal. Tätoveeringud pärinevad juba iidsetest aegadest. Iidsest Egiptusest on arheoloogid leidnud 4000 aasta vanuseid muumiaid, mida kaunistavad tätoveeritud täpid ja jooned. Oletatakse, et vanas Egiptuses tätoveeriti üksnes naisi. Tätoveeringud põhinesid rituaalidele ja uskumustele ja olid seotud iga teada oleva paganliku usuga. Iidsed rahvad ei pidanud tätoveerimist pelgalt kunstiks, vaid sellele anti müstiline või maagiline tähendus. Läbi tätoveerimise sai inimene sideme jumalaga, ammutas maagilist jõudu ja määratles enda geograafilise kuuluvuse. Muistne tätoveering oli kasutusel s...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
46 allalaadimist

Üheksakümnendate stiil

Üheksakümnendate stiil Üheksakümnendate stiil oli väga igapäevane ja mugav, näiteks sinised teksad ja t-särk. Levima hakkasid ka tattood ja needistamised. Üheksakümnendatel algas anti-mood ehk siis ''kõik käib'' trend. Varased üheksakümnendad olid hiliste kaheksakümnendate jätk: naised kandsid liibuvaid pükse, teksa-triiksärke, nahkjakke, neoonseid värve, kauboi saapaid, retuuse, sportlikke tenniseid. Kanti ka väga suuri särke. See oli tavaline näha ema käimas ringi samade riietega kui nende tütred. Üheksakümnendate keskpaigas tulid hipi-stiilis lillekleidid, pitspluusid, kõrgete kaelustega pluusid, õlgkübarad, pikad seelikud jälle moodi. Kanti ka merekarbist tehtud ehteid. Hilistes üheksakümnendates kandsid mehed sõjamehemustriga pükse, nahkjakke. Sel ajal oli moes jätta jakid ja särgid eest lahti. Mõjutusi saadi muusikast. Kaheksakümnendate lõpus ja üheksakümnendate alguses mõj...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
10 allalaadimist

Rummid. Powerpoint

Rumm Marju Zupsmann. Mj110. Ajalugu Rummi ajaloo alguse võib viia aega 10 000 aastat tagasi KaguAasias hakati kasvatama suhkruroogu. Väidetavalt toodeti müütilisi võimeid andvaid kääritatud jooke suhkruroost juba vanas Indoneesias, Indias ja Hiinas. Rummi algtooraine Rummi tooraineks olev suhkruroog on kõrge ja kiirelt kasvav taim, mis võib kasvada 56 meetriseks Saaki koristatakse veebruarist juunini. Suurte valtside abil pressitakse suhkruroost välja mahl, mille kuumutamisel moodustuvast pindmisest kristallilisest kihist tehakse suhkrut. Suhkruroog Rummi tootmine Saak koristatakse veebruarist juunini Suurte valtside abil pressitakse suhkruroost välja mahl, mille kuumutamisel moodustuvast pindmisest kristallilisest kihist tehakse suhkrut Rumm valmistatakse lahja alkoholi destilleerimisel Reserva ehk premium rummid Üldjuhul karamelli ei lisata Vanemate ja eelmistest pikemat aega tammevaadis küpsenud r...

Toit → Joogiõpetus
21 allalaadimist

Mercedes-Benz Esitlus

Presenter: Overview History Quality rankings Models in production Tune Up subsidiaries History DaimlerMotorenGesellschaft Karl Benz the Benz Patent Motorwagen 1886 1901 first cars for sale The Benz Patent-Motorwagen In production 1886-1893 Innovations by MercedesBenz 1886 The internal combustion engined automobile 1924 Brakes on all four wheels 1981 Pretensioning seat belts 1986 Traction control and airbags in Europe 2003 The world's first sevenspeed automatic transmission etc. Quality rankings Reputation for its quality and durability Downturn in reputation in the late 1990s and early 2000s Improvements by the first quarter of 2007 2008 fourth place Platinum Plant Quality Award Models in production Passenger cars: AClass--Hatchback BClass--MultiActivity CClass--Saloon, Estate & Coupé CLClass--Coupé CLSClass--Coupé EClass--Saloon, ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Autokere ja sisustuse osandamine, koostamine: Kinnitusvahendid

Tartu Kutsehariduskesus AUM13 Siim Lõhmus Autokere ja sisustuse osandamine, koostamine Kinnitusvahendid Iseseisevtöö Tartu 2013 Mutrid Kuuskant mutter (Hex ja Heavy hex) - kasutatakse seal kus ei ole vaja et mutter ennast fikseeriks Nailon stopperiga mutter (Nylon insert lock) ­ kasutatakse kohtades kus on vibratsioon, nailon rõngas fikseerib mutri Madal kuuskant mutter (Jam ja Nylon insert jam lock) ­ Kasutatakse seal kus kinnitus pind on väike ja stopperiga mutrit kasutatakse seal kus on väike kinnitus pind ja vaja mutter ära fikseerida Liblikmutter (Wing) ­ Kasutatakse kiirühenduste kohtades Kübarmutter (Cap ja Acorn) ­ Kasutatakse selleks et nähtav ühendus oleks ilusam Kraega kuuskant mutter (Flange) - kasutatakse seal kus poldi auk on ovaalne või suurem Nelikant mutter (Square) ­ Kasutatakse kuskile pessa pan...

Auto → Autode lisa- ja mugavusseadmed
29 allalaadimist

Metallica - referaat

Metallica Metallica on USA-Taani päritolu hardrock/heavy metal bänd.Metallica alustas tegevust 21.oktoober aastal 1981,ning tegutseb siiani.Metallicat loetakse thrash-metal suure neliku üheks liikmeks.Bändi loojad olid James Hetfield ja Lars Ulrich.Bänd esialgne koosseis oli järgmine:James Hetfield,Lars Ulrich,Dave Mustaine ja Ron McGovney.Metallica esimene proov oli trummar Lars Ulrichi garaazis.Aastal 1984 vallandati bändist Dave Mustaine,tema halva käitumise ja narkootikumide tarvitamise tõttu.Tema asemele tuli Kirk Hammetti.Bänd esimene album tuli välja aastal 1985 nimega "kill`em all".Aastal 1986 tuli välja uus plaat "Master of Puppets. Bänd sai alkoholilembuse tõttu kurikuulsaks. Neid hakati hüüdma "Alcoholicaks" ja nad olid selle üle uhked. Alkohol oli suur osa nende muusikast, esinemisest ja elustiilist. See jäi veel kauaks nii. 27. septembril 1986, Euroopa kontsertide ajal, hukkus bassist Cliff...

Muusika → Muusika
14 allalaadimist

Computers are an essential part of our daily lives

Computers are an essential part of our daily lives One of the most important thing nowadays is absolutly computer.This is part of technology which helps you in each area. Computers today are one of the essential things what we are using. They have helped a lot in compiling a lot data which used to be in hard records. One of the uses or benefits of computers is that they are able to provide and retrieve information so quickly so they have increased the pace of our work. The increase in the speed of work has helped us to do many things with less resources like in past a lot of manpower was used for record keeping and files and other things were made to keep the records saved. This is one use of computers in our lives other than that computers has helped us to work with machines which have the ability to produce the best quality of products with maximum speed and efficiency. In today's world it is necessary that to...

Keeled → Inglise keel
33 allalaadimist

My Breakfast

My Breakfast It is not a secret to anybody nowadays that our meals influence our health as well as our mood. Breakfast remains essential to a healthy lifestyle; it replenishes person's supply of glucose and provides other essential nutrients to keep your energy levels up throughout the day. That's why I consider breakfast to be the most important meal in the day as it is the first our meal in the morning and it can put us in good spirits for the whole day. Now I shall tell you about my own breakfast. In the morning I usually have porridge or corn flakes. Sometimes I start my breakfast with a cereal which is not cooked, it is something dry, ready to be eaten or muesli ­ some grain or porridge which is not cooked with dried fruit, nuts and so on. I also like eating eggs (cooked in different ways). I don't practically eat butter; I prefer soft margarine made of vegetable fat, which is not heavy and creamy. I don't eat j...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


Hobbies Hobby is an activity that individuals do for pleasure in their spare time. Most of us have a hobby because a specific interest on something. A hobby can can be healthy, relaxing, educational, fun, or maybe, if you are lucky, a little of everything. Hobbies are more than just ways to creatively pass the time. They are also good for your health. Hobbies and other leisure activities can have many health benefits.Everyone knows that stress can and will at some point in your life, take a heavy toll on your mind and body. A hobby can prevent the harmful effects of stress and also make your life richer and more rewarding. Hobbies can also help us feel connected,helping us to interact with other people. This also keeps our minds sharp. Hobbies have been around since the ancient times. The secret is choosing a hobby thats not only interesting,but good for you h...

Keeled → Inglise keel
32 allalaadimist

Transport system in London

Transport system in London Kaspar Rätsep Transport for London (TfL) The local government, responsible for most aspects of the transport system in Greater London in England Created in 2000 Three main directorates are: London Underground, London Rail and Surface Transport London Underground Also known as the Tube Oldest metro system in the world The Underground has 11 lines The majority of London Underground is actually on the surface rather than in tunnel Ticket prices begin from £2.00 Heavy rail London is the focal point of the British railway network London has 14 terminus stations London Railway network is the busiest and largest in Europe along with Paris. Train prices start from £1.20 Buses London's bus network is extensive, with over 6,800 scheduled services every weekda...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
6 allalaadimist

Inglise keelne dialoog

Hello. This is Jana Raudsepp speaking. Hello Jana. What can we do for You. Well, I´ve been thinking about saving our city. Okay,what do You exactly mean with this ? Well, our city has a lack of fresh air in some places, and i think we should do something. I agree with You, Jana. So, what´s your idea? I think, we should make car-free zones in places with heavy traffic for example citycenter. You have a great idea, Jana. Thats actually worth discussing with mayor. I think, that would be good idea, if we start a petition and collect signatures against travelling with car in citycenter. But what about service vechicles and public trasnport ? These will be still allowed. This will be the fastest way to travel in citycenter. I also tought so. Perhaps You have some more good ideas ? Let me think... Yes, I do. Speak ,Jana, I´ll listen and write them also down. I think, city should build a big parking house or parking lots near to citycenter, wh...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Essay about Food Inc

Essay about Food Inc. Food Inc. is a 2008 American documentary film directed by filmmaker Robert Kenner. Food Inc. is about corporate farming in the United States, where farms produce food that is unhealthy, in a way that is environmentally harmful and abusive of both animals and employees. The main problem is how the animals are raised, how they are slaughtered and how the meat is manufactured. Farms are controlled by big food industries. Cows are fed corn instead of grass, because corn is cheeper and makes cows obese more quickly. Because of the unhealthy environment animals are raised in, they get infected with salmonella and coliform bacteria. Salmonella and coliform bacteria infected food can lead to serious diseases and death. The chickens are raised in dark rooms, where there isn’t even room to move. They live in the middle of their own droppings and they eat each other. They are fed stuff that ma...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Upstream advanced C1 sõnade sünonüümid

Dismay- shocked displeasure Enlightening-informative Gratifying- pleasing Enduring- lasting Ravenous- very hungry Repels- causes dislike in Savage- wild Fragments- small pieces Disolate- diserted Innovations- new development Windswept- affected by strong wind Baffing- completely confusing Startling- very surprising Chilly- cold Slippery- smooth and difficult to walk on Concepts- ideas Blistering- very strong Bare- without plants Intentional- done and purpose Constant- continuous Engaging- absorbing Fundamental- basic Irritatining- annoying Have/ Take Time to relax Take It easy Do An on-line crossword Book/ Have Tickets for a match Have An esctravagant dinner Have A party Have A close friends over Book A tabel for two Book/ Take A weekend break Ex 4 Kuuldav- audible Räme- raucous Vaikne- silent Kõrvulukustav- deafening Ahistav- harrowing Meeldiv- agreeable Hämmeldus-disconcerting Murettekitav- distressing Keeruline- challenging Kurn...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Popmuusika Eestis 60-70ndatel

Popmuusika Eestis 60-70ndatel 1960. aastad Selle aastakümne Eesti popmuusikas võib üldiselt jagada kolmeks: jazz, biit ja estraad. Varasematel aastatael poplaaren olunud jazz-muusika hakkas eemalduma svingistiilist, muutes helikeelt üha keerulisemaks. Iga aastased Tallina jazz-festivalid tõid endiselt suured massid kokku aga selle põhjuseks olid tunutd välismaa ansamblid. Sellelt festivalilt said tuule tiibadesse uus põlvkond jazz-muusikuid: Tõnu Naissoo, Tiit Palus, Lembit Saarsalu, Arvo Pilliroog jt. Positsioon, millelt jazz oli sunnitud taganema hõivas biitmuusika. Tekkis palju kitarriansambleid. 1963. aastal kogunes ansambel Juuniorid oli esimene Biitansambel. Nendega koos esines esimest korda Tõnis Mägi. Estraadimuusika oli kõige populaarsem. See hõlmas peaaegu kõike peale jazz- ja piitmuusika. Juba 1950 aastatel kerkis esile mitmeid soliste, kellest silmapaistavim oli Georg Ots(1920- 1975) 1960. ...

Muusika → Muusika ajalugu
5 allalaadimist


Red Hot Chili Peppers Bändist neljaliikmeline rockbänd pärit Californiast tegutseb alates 1983 Bändil on olnud mitmeid probleemi nii era kui ärielus, kuid sellest kõigest on koos üle saadud. Koostööna on loodud väga kompaktne saund, mis kombineerib punki, funki, heavy metalit, räppi, popi ja psühhedeelset rocki. Liikmed Anthony Kiedis ­ vokaal. Bändis alates 1983. Josh Klinghoffer ­ kitarrist. Bändis alates 2010. Michael "Flea" Balzary ­ basskitarrist, trompet. Bändis alates 1983. Chad Smith ­ trummar. Bändis alates 1989. Anthony kiedis Anthony Kiedis on sündinud 1. novembril 1962. Ameerika laulja ja laulukirjutaja. Tuntud kui RHCP põhilaulja. Enamiku RHCP repertuaaris olevate laulusõnade autor. Josh klinghoffer Josh Adam Klinghoffer on sündinud 3. oktoobril 1979. Ameerika muusik, laulukirjutaja ja produtsent. Oskab mängida väga paljusid instrumente ( kitarr, trummid, klahvpillid, klaver, orel, bass, flööt, akordion, tuuba, mar...

Muusika → Rock
1 allalaadimist


Tallinn 2013 Ott Speek Subject: English Geodesy Study group: GI-21b PETROLEUM PRESENTATION Petroleum (L. petroleum, from Greek: Πέτρα (rock) + Latin: oleum (oil) is a naturally occurring flammable liquid consisting of a complex mixture of hydrocarbons of various molecular weights and other liquid organic compounds, that are found in geologic formations beneath the Earth's surface. The name Petroleum covers both naturally occurring unprocessed crude oils and petroleum products that are made up of refined crude oil. A fossil fuel, it is formed when large quantities of dead organisms, usually zooplankton and algae, are buried underneath sedimentary rock and undergo intense heat and pressure. Petroleum is recovered mostly through oil drilling. This comes after the studies of structural geology (at the reservoir scale), sedimentary basin analysis, reservoir characterization (mainly in terms of porosity and perme...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Aniliini riskianalüüs (eng)

Tallinna tehnikaülikool Riski- ja ohutusõpetus keemiatööstuses Referaat: Kemikaali riskianalüüs Aniliin Õppejõud: Karin Reinhold Üliõpilane: Kood: 000000 Tallinn 2012 1. Introduction Aniline (also known as phenylamine or aminobenzene) is an organic compound with the formula C6H5NH2. Consisting of a phenyl group attached to an amino group, aniline is the prototypical aromatic amine. The largest application of aniline is for the preparation of methylene diphenyl diisocyanate. T...

Meditsiin → Riski- ja ohuõpetus
38 allalaadimist

Videodekaad muusikas

Videodekaad popmuusikas 1979. aasta lõpus esitleti kaasaskantavat kassetmagnetofoni WALKMAN, mis otsustavalt muutis inimeste muusikatarbimisharjumusi. 1981. aastal alustas tegevust esimene muusikavideode kanal MTV, millegakaasnas otsustav pööre popmuusika turustamisel. Publikut ei ühendanud muusikas mitte enam idee vaid meelelahutus. 1982. aastal ilmus uus helikandja- CD uut formaati alahinnati, aga 1985. Aasta jõulude ajal osteti poed USA-s CD-dest tilgatumalt tühjaks. 1984. aastal ületas kassetimüügi kogusumma esmakordselt USA LP-de müügi Muusika tööstus üritas kriisist väljuda turu unifitseerimisega(üks maailm, üks muusika), mis tekitas vastureaktsioonina Hulgaliselt uusi suundumusi underground'is Muusika uued mastaabid: hiiglaslikud staadionikontserdid, sateliitsidega ülekanded üle kogu maailma. POP-heategevuse buum 80ndate teisel poolel Globaalse showbuisnessi ja popmuusika sümbioo...

Muusika → Muusika
17 allalaadimist

Planet venus

Venus Venus has been known since prehistoric times and the planet is named after Venus, the Roman goddess of love. It is the second-closest planet to the Sun and it`s often called Earth's "sister planet," because the two are similar in size, gravity, and bulk composition. Because of these similarities, it was thought that Venus might even have life. Venus is also called the Morning star or the Evening star, because it reaches its brightness shortly before sunrise or shortly after sunset. It is the brightest object in the sky except for the Sun and the Moon. During the last few years the scientists have found that Venus and Earth are very different. It has no oceans and is surrounded by a heavy atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide with virtually no water vapor. There are strong winds at the cloud tops but winds at the surface are very slow, no more than a few kilometers per hour. The surfac...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Tehasetöö kasud (inglise keeles)

What are the benefits of factory work? A factory is an industrial building where workers manufacture goods or supervise machines processing one product into another. Most modern factories have large warehouses or warehouse-like facilities that contain heavy equipment used for assembly line production. In factory work there are some things why there is good to work, but also some things that are bad. But about the benefits of factory work, I think that the most important benefit is that when you do something so many times, then you get used to doing it right and you don't mess it up. Factory workers have big responsibility about their work, because when one worker does something wrong, then the whole product is messed up. Workers don't have to think about what they are doing, because they have exact task what they have to do and they can't improvise. Some factories are using machines to make products, so it is easier...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Otsing e-kataloogist ESTER. Ainevaldkonna UDK. A to Z. Andmebaas ISE. Raamatu viitekirja koostamine

1. HARJUTUSÜLESANNE 1.1. Raamatu otsing e - kataloogist ESTER. a) Otsi rühma poolt valitud teemal raamatuid Tallinna tehnikaülikooli ja Tartu ülikooli e - kataloogist ESTER kasutades erinevaid otsivõimalusi (sõna, märksõna, UDK). Otsivõimalus Otsinguprofiil TTÜR (raamatute TÜR (raamatute arv) arv) märksõna (lihtotsing) kantserogeenid 33 38 märksõna (lihtotsing) põhjavesi 229 218 märksõna (lihtotsing) vähk 79 440 märksõna saasteained 174 201 (lihtsotsing) märksõna (lihtotsing) mürgid 35 112 Kasutasin vaid lihtotsingust, sest liitotsing ei töötanud JavaScripti puudumisel. Veebikeskkonnast leitud programm paraku aga ei töötanud....

Informaatika → Infootsioskused
11 allalaadimist

Premium B2 - Unit 9 vocabulary

Unit 9: vocabulary 1. global warming (n) ­ an increase in the earth's average temperature 2. flood (n) ­ overflowing of water 3. hurricane (n) ­ violent storm 4. cliff (n) ­ a high steep face of a mountain 5. ozone layer (n) ­ part of the atmosphere that limits the sun's incoming radiation levels 6. stream (n) small river 7. volcano (n) ­ a mountain 8. in danger of extinction ­ on the verge of dying out 9. earthquake (n) ­ series of vibrations induced in the earth's crust 10. drought (n) ­ a period of dry weather 11. wilderness (n) ­ an area uninhabited by people 12. scenery (n) ­ the general appearance of a place/landscape 13. peak (n) ­ the pointed top of a mountain 14. summit (n) ­ highest point of a mountain 15. existence (n) ­ presence, being, state of existing 16. implication (n) ­ assumption 17. drizzle (n) ­ light rain 18. humid (adj) ­ damp, moist 19. scattered showers (n...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Floods and Tsunamis

Floods and Tsunamis Flood is a natural event or occurrence where a piece of land that is usually dry land, suddenly gets submerged under water. Some floods can occur suddenly and recede quickly. Others take days or even months to build and discharge. When floods happen in an area that people live, the water carries along objects like houses, bridges, cars, furniture and even people. It can wipe away farms, trees and many more heavy items. Floods occur at irregular intervals and vary in size, duration and the affected area. It is important to note that water naturally flows from high areas to low lying areas. This means low-lying areas may flood quickly before it begins to get to higher ground. Flooding is extremely dangerous and has the potential to wipe away an entire city, coastline or area, and cause extensive damage to life and property. It also has great erosive power and can be extremely destructive, even if it is a foot high. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Vehicles used in different modes of transport

Vehicles used in different modes of transport Contents ● 1.What is transport? ● 2.Airways ● 3.Roadways ● 4.Waterways ● 5.Railways ● 6.Pipelines ● 7.Conclusion 1.What is transport? Means by which a shipment is moved from point “A” to point “B”, such as by air, rail, road or sea. 2.Airways Air freighting is commonly used by businesses for the delivery of goods from distant suppliers. This type of transport is useful to deliver products within short time limits, fragile goods and products that are not bulky. Products in high demand and in short supply may also be air freighted in order to meet customer demands. The value ratio will be a determing factor. 3.Road Road a very popular mоde of transport used by suppliers and business to deliver orders. Many transport companies provide scheduled delivery days and next day delivery services, depending upon your...

Logistika → Inglise keel - torutransport
2 allalaadimist

Gunnar Graps ja tema bändid

kool nimi klass Referaat Gunnar Graps ja tema bändid Juhendaja: Asukoht,aasta Sisukord Sissejuhatus...................................................................................................3 1.Gunnar Graps.............................................................................................4 1.1 Ornament................................................................................................4 1.2 Tsello..................................................................

Muusika → Muusika
27 allalaadimist

Anglo-Norman period

Anglo-norman period (1066-1300) The normans · The name derives from "the Northmen" · Descendants of the Vikings · Seized the north-western part of France · The area known as Normandy · Adopted French customs and Christianity · Norman-French (their version of French). 1066 · Edward the Confessor dies in January · Harold Godwinson crowned as king in Westminster Abbey on the same day · Another candidate for the throne ­ William, Duke of Normandy · Gathered an army · Invasion delayed (bad weather) · Harald, king of Norway, invades England from the North · A battle at Stamford Bridge · Harald's army defeated, leaders killed · The end of the Viking Age · The Normans land in Britain (a few days after Stamford Bridge) · The Battle of Hastings · Harold defeated ...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
6 allalaadimist


Artikkel · UMBMÄÄRANE ARTIKKEL A/AN: 1. Asja või olendi mainimine esmakordselt There is an apple on the table 2. A/AN -> one Give me a book 3. Üldistades A tiger is dangerous 4. Elukutsete ja rahvuste puhul Mrs black is an actress. She is an American. I have A sore throat / headache I have A temperature I have A cold Go for A walk Have A good time Have A look Take A bath Take A picture Speak in A loud voice Half AN hour One A year What A pity! As A matter of fact o MÄÄRAV ARTIKKEL 1. Kui mingist esemest või asjast on varem juba juttu olnud.. There is a car in garage. The car is blue. 2. Kui räägitakse mingist kindlast asjast või esemest. The pencil is on the table. 3. Enne järgarvu, ülivõr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
150 allalaadimist

Inglise keele lühendid

LÜHENDID LÜHEND LADINAKEELES INGLISE KEELES EESTI KEELES CV Curriculum vitae A prief account of life elulookirjeldus A.M. Ante meridiem Before noon Enne lõunat P.M. Post meridiem After noon Peale lõunat etc. Et cetera And so on Ja nii edasi (jne.) e.g. Exampli gratia For instance näiteks GB Great Britain Suurbritannia UK United Kingdom Ühendatud kuningriik VIP A very important person Väga tähtis isik MP A Member of Parliament Parlamendi liige SOS An international signal calling for Rahvusvaheline hädakutsung. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
108 allalaadimist


What are the benefits of factory work? A factory or manufacturing plant is an industrial building where workers manufacture goods or supervise machines processing one product into another. Most modern factories have large warehouses -like facilities that contain heavy equipment used for assembly line production. Typically, factories gather and concentrate resources: workers, capital and plant. One Benefits of factory work is that , the maschinery makes everything and people, don't have to do ,so much , only controll : is everything working and is everything allright. Factory work benefits is also that , factors make mass productions and thats better than exlusive productions because , mass productions are much cheaper that , exlusive and unique productions. Also become mass productions ready much faster than unique productions and you can make , more productions because machines don't fatigue . . Second Benefits on ...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
8 allalaadimist

Independent music

INDEPENDENT MUSIC Also known as `'INDIE'' What is Indie? · `'Indie'' is a genre on alternative rock music. · In popular music, Independent music, is a term used to describe Independence of major commercial record labels. · Indie contains of simple but original guitar riff and keyboards or violin to bring out the underlying melody. · The lyrics are powerfully emotional(but not whiney), they spark emotion but they don't talk about their bad life or problems. So when did it all start? · The roots of modern `'indie'' are tracked back to 60's and 70's rock music. · The bands like The Velvet Underground and The Beachboys are being a part of the movement of Independent music nowadays. 80's · The term ``alternative rock'' was more or less synonymous with `'indie rock'' · In The UK indie music charts have been compiled since the mid-80's · The Smiths was one of the most k...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Ajatelge pidi vaadates võime sõnavaras eristada järgmisi keelendeid. Neologism ehk uudiskeelend on suhteliselt hiljuti käibele tulnud või alles soovitatav keelend. Ühesõnalise kohta ütleme uudissõna. Neologism võib tähistada uut mõistet (faksima, õendus, euroskeptik, erastamisväärtpaberid, kepikõnd, kobarkino, mälupulk, naabrivalve, pensionisammas, perearst, piraatkassett, riiulifirma, turvavärav (kaubamajas), keskkonnahoidlik, lendav taldrik, must kast) või tulla mõne senise keelendi asemele või kõrvale (vt L 4 näited). Neologismiks peetakse ka tuntud keelendi rakendust täiesti uues tähenduses. Nt on uudistähendus sõnadel seirama (keskkonnakaitses, sõjanduses, infonduses jm), rohelised, argikeeles sõnadel metallist ‘heavy metal’i huviline’, miksima ‘kokku segama’, tankist ‘variisik’, triip ‘pulbriline narkootikum’. Historism on möödunud aega kuuluvat mõistet märkiv sõna, kusjuures nüüdiskeeles ei ole teist, uuemat sõna selle mõiste t...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
3 allalaadimist

Pollution of the Baltic Sea

Pollution of the Baltic Sea I have chosen to write my science report about pollution of the Baltic Sea. Nowadays it is a big problem to people who live in the marine region. In this report, I want to know the reason of this issue and how could we solve it. High population density, intensive agricultural production and other human activities have caused this high level pollution of the Baltic Sea. The shipment of crude oil has grown from 45 million tons to 175 million tons and this only by 10 years. Its condition is a challenge for the nine coastal states and their populations - there are 90 million people living in this catchment area. [1] The sources of marine pollution are municipal and industrial waste inputs directly into the sea or rivers, and atmospheric inputs mainly from traffic and farming. Originating from cellulose producing and from paper mills, large amounts of poisonous chlorinated compounds are ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


TARTU Tartu is the second largest city of Estonia. In contrast to Estonia's political and financial capital Tallinn. Tartu is often considered the intellectual and cultural hub, especially since it is home to Estonia's oldest and most renowned university.Situated 186 km southeast of Tallinn, the city is the centre of southern Estonia. The Emajõgi river, which connects the two largest lakes of Estonia, crosses Tartu. The city is served by Tartu Airport. Tartu was the place where the northsouth road going above the major waterwaysriver.Thought to be the sixth8.Here is the hill fortress built centuries. In Tartu live 82268 Estonians, 15998 Russians, 1214 Finns, 491 Belorussians, 141 Jews, 140 Poles, 124 Germans, 109 Latvians, 91 Lithuanians, 81 Tatars and 673 other nationality people. Mostly known as a university town, Tartu is also a site of heavy industry. In the beginning of the 21st cen...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

20. sajandi muusika

Kursus: Muusikaõpetus Kursus: III Klass: 12 Teema: Arvestustöö kordamise teemad 20. SAJANDI MUUSIKA Eelnevate sajandite (renessanss, barokk, klassitsism) muusikat iseloomustab... tervik (ühiskonnaelu traditsioonid, domineeriv maailmavaade) Hilisromantism 19. sajandi lõpp ­ 20. sajandi algus Hilisromantism oli kõrgromantismi 20. sajandisse kandunud järellainetus. Kus oli kõige tuntavam hilisromantismi mõju? Kirjuta, millele tugines suuresti helikeel. Hilisromantismi mõju oli kõige tuntavam Saksamaal ja Austrias. Helikeel tugines väga suurel määral harmooniale, millega kaasnes tonaalsuse mõiste avardumine ning hiljem tonaalsusest loobumine Richard Strauss (1864-1949). Kuidas jaguned tema loodud looming? Looming jaguneb: lavamuusika, instrumentaalne orkestrimuusika, programmilised sümfoonilised poeemid Kes olid muusikalised eeskujud ja kust ...

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
29 allalaadimist

Eesti muusika 1980

Eesti muusika 1980ndatel aastatel Sündmused § Tartu Muusikapäevad - seal tuli ettekandele palju uut muusikat ning paljudele ansamblitele olid Tartu Muusikapäevad tänuväärseks hüppelauaks § Laulev revolutsioon 1987-1988 ­ toimusid öölaulupeod, ühtelaulmised ja vabadusliikumised. 1988.aastal kirjutas Alo Mattiisen "Viis ärkamisaegset laulu" § Happening - muusika, kujutava-ja sõnakunsti elementidega improviseeritud etendus. Eriti menukad oli Peeter Volkonski omad Tuntumad ansamblid § In Spe § Propeller - punk rock'i esindaja Eestis. Eestvedaja Peeter Volkonski'ga moodustati skandaalne ansambel. Nende "toore" muusika tõttu said nad suhteliselt ruttu esinemiskeelu § Ultima Thule § Karavan Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level ...

Muusika → Muusika
13 allalaadimist

The most important technological invention

The most important technological invention In my mind, the most important technological invention is the jet airliner, the Boeing 707- 120, which was invented in 1958. I concidered different inventions but thought, that the ability to move from one point to another in an innoventional and extremely quick way is worth the title. The four engine plane can carry up to 181 passengers and cruise at 600 mph for 5280 miles on a full tank. This has made continetial travelling extremely comfortable, as voyages that formerly took a couple of weeks can now be passed with only 1 day or even less. The first jet flight took off from New York and landed in Paris, soon after that there was a connection between Los Angeles and New York. I can only assume that the tickets had to cost a fortune in the beginning, but the time spared was and is still worth it, as the plane tickets do not even cost so much nowadays, it is perhaps the cheapest and the fast...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

The Importance of English History

The Importance of English History Essay There is not a single country in the world without a history ­ it can be either long or short, yet still a unique part of the existence. England has had many colourful events throughout the history, but some have dominated over the others and therefore all together formed a country we can see nowadays: the Great Britain. Starting from the beginning, Britain was part of the mainland until about 6000 BC, when it became an island. Ever since then it has been developing slightly different from the other part of the Europe. For example, when two parts separated, some animals had already adopted the life on the island and did not move back to the mainland. They suited their appearance more comfortable for the isolated island and learned how to survive in the wet climate and rather heavy air. The first inhabitants ­ the Iberians ­ also h...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
6 allalaadimist

Alchemy English

For thousand of years scientists all over the world have sought for three main goals of alchemy. The most renowned goal of alchemy is the transmutation of any metal into gold or silver. Also they tried to create universal panacea. It's a remedy that would cure all diseases and prolong life indefinitely. The philosphper's stone was the key in these goals. This mythical substance could just as well be powder or liquid. Alchemy is considered as the precursor of the modern science of chemistry. The Philospher's stone is perhaps best known in Britain through the best-selling book and movie Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone. But its origins go back thousands of years to ancient world. In those times a philospher was a secret wizard and a powerful sage. But what exaclty is a philospher's stone? To begin with its not actually a stone at all. It's not a solid rocky substance but a compound substance. That would have been kind of a liquid ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

How far can we go being tolerant?

How far can we go being tolerant? One of our most valuable and rare qualities is tolerance. It is the ability to see things from the other side, capability to take our companions as equal and bravery to show out all those things. Just like all valuable things are uncommon, tolerance is rare too. It is caused by the fact that comparing to the previous centuries people have changed more self-centered and envious, forgetting others around. Tolerance as a characteristic feature is an acknowledged ideal in today`s modern society. The democratic state is based on tolerance. Over the last few years the attitude against ethnic monorities has been a frequently discussed topic in Estonia. Russians, who settled in Estonia during the USSR occupation are causing economical, racial and religious conflicts between them and Estonians. Although Estonians don't have any particular reason why we don't accept Russians as equals, we are used to just...

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist


KORN Korn (ametliku logo järgi ka Kon või Kon) on USA nu metal bänd. Neid peetakse tihti selle zanri alustajateks ja bändide nagu Limp Bizkit ja Deftones inspiratsiooniks. Kon on üks 1990. aastate populaarsemaid uusi tulijaid, kelle edu algas underground-muusika fännidele toetumisest kuni tõusuni MTV soositumaks videokuulsusteks.Californias Bakersfieldis tekkis heavy metal bänd nimega LAPD, kuhu kuulusid kitarristid James "Munky" Shaffer ja Brian "Head" Welch, basskitarrist Reginald "Fieldy" Arvizu ning trummar David Silveria. Peale esimese albumi valmimist lahkus laulja ning bändi kutsuti Sexarti solist Jonathan Davis. Uus ansambel sai nimeks Creep. Kui bänd liikus edasi Los Angelese Huntington Beachi poole, muudeti nimi Koniks.Ansambel Korn on müünud 32 miljonit plaati ja saanud kaks Grammy auhinda. Korni loetakse esimeseks bändiks, kes registreeris Internetis omanimelise domeeni ja hakkas ...

Muusika → Muusika
5 allalaadimist


Good afternoon! My name is Maris Ploom and I'm form 10 th B. Today I'm here to talk about the advantages and the disadvantages of fast development of modern technology. I think we have all noticed that almost every day there are new technology achievements at the stores. Whether we like it or not, it improves in every second, in every minute. So, is it a blessing or a curse? I'm sure that most of you think it's a blessing. We like our comfortable lives, we like it when everything has already been done for us. We want to have the newest mobile phones and best cars to show off and be better than our friends. However, it can make people selfish and egoistic. In the past 10 years modern technology has improved so fast that it is clearly visible when we compare the technology in the years 1999 and 2009. When I was a little girl, I remember the time I got my first mobile phone. It was Nokia 3210, which was t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
32 allalaadimist

James Hetfieldi Elulugu

James Hetfield sndis 1963. aastal 3 .augustil ooperilaulja ja veokijuhi perre,Los Angeleses. Talle meeldis juba lapsena muusika,ning ta tahtis saada rokkstaariks.Tema suurimateks eeskujudeks olid Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath ja Thin Lizzy.9-aastaselt hakkas ta klaveritunde vtma ja hakkas enda venna Davidiga trumme ppima. Peale trummipinguid hakkas James huvitama hoopisgi kitarr,mida ta hakkas ppima,kui ta oli 14-aastane.Siis tegi ta endale bndi,kus basskitarri ja trumme mngisid Veloze vennad ning teist kitarri mngis Jim Arnold.Bndi nimeks sai Obsession.Obsession harjutas pidevalt Velozite garaais koos Ron McGovery ja Dave Marsiga.Jamesi pede kolis Breasse, kus ta astus Brea Olinda likooli.Seal kohtas ta trummarit,Jim Mulligani.Pidevalt mngis James sgivahetundide ajal, kuni ks pev tuli kooli Hugh Tanner oma V-kujulise kitarriga.Koos tegid nad bndi,mis sai nimeks Phantom Lord, Kim trummidel,Hugh ja James kitarridel.Bnd mngis erinevate bass...

Muusika → Muusika
4 allalaadimist

4WS nelja ratta pööramine

Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus Autode ja masinate remondi osakond Nelja ratta pööramine referaat Juhendaja: Tartu 2010 Sisukord Sisukord.................................................................................................................................. 2 Sissejuhatus............................................................................................................................ 3 nelja ratta pööramine ehk 4WS.............................................................................................. 4 Kasutatud kirjandus................................................................................................................. 6 Sissejuhatus Nelja ratta pööramis süsteem on levinud sportautodel , suurematel luksusautodel ning suurendatud läbivusvõimega maastikautodel. Esimene autotootja kes kasutas seeriatootmises oleval autol nelj...

Mehaanika → Hüdraulika
19 allalaadimist

Bob Sinclar

Bob Sinclar Bob Sinclar, (born Christophe Le Friant, 10 May 1969 in Douarnenez, France) is a Grammy Award nominated French record producer, House music DJ and owner of the label Yellow Productions. Career history Sinclar started his career in 1986, when he was 18 years old, specialising in funk and hiphop music and he was named "Chris The French Kiss". His first club hit was "Gym Tonic", which was coproduced by Thomas Bangalter of Daft Punk, featuring vocals illegally taken from a Jane Fonda fitness tape. Le Friant is known for popularising the "French touch" of house music with heavy use of sampled and filtered disco strings. His track "I Feel For You", a tribute to French musician Cerrone, from his second album Champs Elysées, hit #9 in the UK Top 40. On track "Darlin'", he worked with vocalist James "D Train" Williams. Le Friant has also worked under other ps...

Muusika → Muusika
4 allalaadimist

Kontserdi retsensioon

Muusika retsensioon AC/DC kontsert 22. juulil 2015.aastal käisin ma perega Soomes AC/DC kontserdil. Kontsert toimus Hämeenlinnas äsja valminud Kantola sündmuspargis. AC/DC kontserdit võib pidada 2015. aasta suve suurimaks rokk-kontserdiks Soomes. AC/DC on maailmakuulus Austraalia päritolu hard rock ansambel. AC/DC rajasid vennad Malcolm ja Angus Young Sydneys 1973. aastal. Lauljaks oli siis Dave Evans. Angus Young on siimaani AC/DC koosseisus. Ta mängib soolokitarri. Hetkel on lisaks temale bändis veel Cliff Williams, Brian Johnson, Stevie Young ning Chris Slade. Kuigi tavaliselt peetakse bändi hard rocki ja heavy metali teerajajaks, liigitavad liikmed enda muusikat rohkem rock'n'rolliks. AC/DC albumeid on müüdud üle 200 miljoni eksemplari. Album ,,Back in Black" on maailma paremini müünud albumite hulgas teisel kohal. Nimi AC/DC tuleneb ingliskeelsetes...

Muusika → Muusika
17 allalaadimist

Living in the countryside – a pleasant experience or a never-ending hardship?

Living in the countryside ­ a pleasant experience or a never-ending hardship? People have always had a choice where they want to live. Many years ago, a most of people did not have a choice where to live. It used to be that poor people lived in the countryside and rich people in the city. Nowadays it has changed. People can choose and most of them choose to live in the city. City and countryside are both different places where to live. Both have their positive and negative sides. There are differences in the environment, in job opportunities and how expencive or cheap is to live in the countryside. Those differences are making people to think about advantages and disadvantages of living in a countryside. There are several advantages, why to live in the countryside. First, environment in the countryside is very different. There is less pollution and there is no danger because there are no´t so ma...

Keeled → Inglise keel
61 allalaadimist


Muusikastiilid Punk rock - ​Punk rocki sünniajaks on 70´ndate esimene pool. Punki iseloomustavad teravad, tihti poliitilised ja protesti avaldavad tekstid, kiire tempo, lihtne harmoonia, 4/4 taktimõõt, agressiivsus, ülitugev helivõimendus, lärmakus. Tuntumad artistid on The Clash, J.M.K.E, Ramones. New wave - ​Sai alguse 1980 aasta alguses. Laulutekstid muutusid leebemaks, ent sõnum jäi samaks. Rütmijoonis muutus tantsulisemaks. Stiil oli kvaliteetsem. Tuntumad ansamblid on Blondie, Talking Heads, The Cars, The Police. Grunge - ​Kujunes välja 80´ndate lõpus. Ühendunud olid hipiliikumine, punk rock ning heavy metal. Grunge puhul oli oluline sõnum, mis rääkis võõrandumisest, ükskõiksusest, depressioonist, vihast, pettumusest, hirmust ja vabadusihast. Lood olid rahuliku ja meloodilise salmisosaga ning kiire ja kiiskava refrääniga. Tuntumad esitajad on Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains. Hiphop - ​Tekkis 80.aastate esimesel poolel. O...

Muusika → Muusika
4 allalaadimist

Metallica concert review

Metallica concert review The concert I will be review about is Metallica.Specifically, the Metallica concert in Finland ,Helsinki- may 11,2018..Metallica performed 18 songs from the following albums: Kill ‘Em All (2), Ride the Lightning (3), Master of Puppets (2), …And Justice for All (1), Metallica (4), Reload (1), and Hardwired…To Self-Destruct (5).Metal music is powerful music, but what I mean here is that Metallica is powerful as a band. Their ability to emotionally connect with fans all over the world is indeed a powerful thing. Metallica has been a constant presence for 30+ years in pop culture.Metallica has influenced plenty of rock and metal artists these days, like Sepultura, KoRn, Slipknot, Trivium, Bullet For My Valentine, and avenged septuple. In a review of their concert, it was amazing. Their melodic touch to the “trashiness” was beautifully placed and gave their songs an edge over the others. For e...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
0 allalaadimist

Ingliskeelne presentatsioon "James Joyce"

James Joyce James Augustine Aloysius Joyce Irish novelist and poet Click to edit Master text styles one of the most Second level Third level influential writers in the Fourth level modernist avant-garde Fifth level of the early 20th century Early life born on 2 February Click to edit Master text styles 1882 Second level Third level eldest of ten surviving Fourth level children Fifth level Slide into poverty Educaation Clongowes Wood Co...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun