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"-garden" - 333 õppematerjali


Through the Looking-Glass

Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll The BLACK kitten had once again made a mess in the living room with a ball of worsted ­ you see it could have not been the white kitten, Snowbell, as she was having her face washed by Dina. Alice caught the black kitten and settled into an arm-chair to wind up the worsted again. Soon forgetting all about it she started wondering if Kitty could play chess. And thus her favourite game of "Let's pretend" started. Suddenly the Looking-Glass House caught Alice's attention. She had always been wondering about the Looking-Glass world. It was so tempting. Without even noticing she was on the mantelpiece and through the looking-glass. The room was quite uninteresting and untidy. But there were some interesting things ­ the pictures on the wall were alive and so were the pawns on the chessboard and the words in the book were only...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

J.F.Cooper,R.L.Stevenson,JRR Tolkien,Robert Burns,Herbert George Wells

J.F.Cooper(1789-1851): he was born in Burlington, New Jersey in 1789. When he expelled from Yale bacause of prank, he joined the navy as a midshipman. In 1810 he took a furlough and never returned to active duty. He married with Susan De Lancy and got 5 children. They lived Europe, but returned to America because he was unpopular in Europe. In 1920 je published his first fiction "Precaution", in 1821 the second one "The Spy". His third book "The Pioneers" was the first of five novels. He died at Cooperstown in 1851. He was immensely popular writer and he considered to be the first major American novelist. R.L.Stevenson(1850-1894): he was born in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1850. He was a sick little boy who spent much of his time in bed. He was very lonely only child. When he grew older and seemed stronger, his father took him on trips to he wildest coasts of Sotland. Stevenson was no student. He roamed about Edinburgh, learning to know peop...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Oktüülfenoolid ja oktüülfenooli etoksülaadid

Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut Oktüülfenoolid ja oktüülfenooli etoksülaadid Kirjalik töö õppeaines ,,Saastained keskkonnas" Tartu 2011 Sissejuhatus Oktüülfenoolid on laialt kasutatavad ained, mida kasutatakse rooste ennetamiseks, määrdeainena metallide töötlemisel, metallpindade puhastusvahendina, värvides, fotokemikaalides, printeritindis ning herbitsiidide, fungitsiidide, maitse-, lõhnaainete ning antioksüdantide sünteesimisel, oktüülfenooli etoksülaatide tootmisel jne. Oktüülfenooli etoksülaate kasutatakse kummi ja rehvide tootmisel, detergentides ja industriaal- puhastusvahendites, plastmassi tootmisel, tolmutõrjes, tekstiili töötlemisel, kosmeetikas, ravimites jne. Laialdase kasutamise tõttu satuvad need ained paratamatult keskkonda, põhjustades seal probleeme eelkõige vees elavatele organismid...

Loodus → Keskkond
4 allalaadimist

The family who turned back the clock.

The family who turned back the clock. When Malcolm Jones woke up last Monday, he heard the birds singing. Not remarkable, you might think, especially given that he lives near a forest. But birdsong in the Jones household is usually drowned by a tidal wave of electronic music crashing around the house as soon as his four children wake up. This is a family who have chosen to fill their home with every conceivable gadget. They have nine television sets, including one in each bedroom and in the kitchen. All the children have their own personal computers and CD players. Of course, there are all the usual appliances we all take for granted, such as the washing machine, tumble drier, dishwasher, deep freeze, microwave oven, and video recorder, but they also have an electric trouser press, two power showers, an Olympic-sized spa bath and jacuzzi, three cars, and a music system which plays throughout the whole house. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Housing Aleksander Andrejev AT112 The Contents Houses, not flats Private property and public property The importance of ,,home" Individuality and conformity Interiors: the importance of cosiness Owning and renting Homelessness The future Houses, not flats Detached house not only ensures privacy, it is also a status symbol. Even a modest detached house, surrounded by garden, gives the rerequired suggestion of rural life. Most people would be happy to live in a cottage, and if this is a thatched cottage so much the better. Most people try to avoid living in blocks of flats. Flats, they feel, provide the least amount of privacy. The people who live in flats are those who cannot afford to live anywhere else. The dislike of living in flats is very strong despite of that they are very comfortable. People said they felt cut off from the world all those floors up. The new highrise blocks quickly deteriorated. Private property and...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

The New Beginning II

The New Beginning II Morning came ­ yet there was no happiness on the surface. The young man had no idea what to do next ­ after all, he was one of the Royal Soldiers, not a babysitter. The child on his arms seemed so innocent... And then he decided something that a few hours ago he`d never do: he will keep the child and raise it to be a worthy worrior who`d once destroy all of the ishues and free this country from the Demons. And so, the baby still asleep, he left the ruins of what was called a city once and moved towards east, where the Royal Palace was situated. By midday he finally reached the White Wall, where was a secret entrance to the Palace`s main hall. The gate keepers waved sleepily when he passed them. The young man decided not to disturb them ­ so he went on in total silence. Soon he reached the main hall, but his leader, captain Jacques, wasn't there as he had expected. "W...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

10 Most Amazing Buildings of the World

10 Most Amazing Buildings of the World The Crooked House Though it looks like some sort of painting by a drunk painter. But this is a real house located in Rezydent Shopping Center in Sopot, Poland. It is claimed to be the most photographed building in Poland. It is spread to an area of 4,000 square meters. Designed by Architect: Szotynscy Zaleski 2. Forest Spiral - Hundertwasser Building Architect: Heinz M. Springmann This is a residential building complex located in Darmstadt, Germany. The building has a unique façade which doesn’t follow a regular grid pattern and the windows appear as if they are dancing out of line and appear out of order. It was designed by Viennese artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser and finally planned and implemented by architect Heinz M. Springmann. It contains 105 apartments, an inner courtyard, a small artificial lake and also a playground for children. The building has 12 floors. 3. The Torre Galat...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Backyard Pond

Being around the water offers allure and beauty, which is why waterfront homes are admired by many. Your own backyard can be alive with the visual appeal and sounds of water in motion. These soothing sounds and the beauty of colorful fish swimming among your plants, brings your landscaping alive. It's fun to create this attractive feature and it will become the centerpiece of your backyard. Before we get started I would like to answer some frequently asked questions about backyard ponds. · Will the winter cold kill my fish? Most fish will naturally stop eating and hibernate at the bottom of the pond when the temperature of the water goes below 45 degrees. If you live in a climate where the pond will completely freeze over (even at the edges) you will need to create a hole in the ice for the fish to remain alive. · Will the winter cold kill my plants? Yes, if it goes below freezing in your area. Br...

Infoteadus → Asjaajamine
3 allalaadimist

The Blackpool Dance Festival

Blackpool Dance Festival Introduction I´m going to talk about a famous annual ballroom dance competition. I chose this subject because I have always admired their dresses, because these are always different and very sparkling. This competition is also well-known all over the world. Blackpool The festival takes place in Blackpool. A seaside city in the north-west of England. The population of this town is 142 900. The headquarters of an outstanding British sports car manufacturer TVR are also located in Blackpool. The biggest income of this town is based on tourism industry. The highest peak in tourism was from 1900 to 1950 when the beach and promenade was full of crowds. An interesting fact is that reputedly the town still has more hotel and B&B beds than the whole of Portugal. This town is visited approximately by 10 million visitors every year, during the heyday there were 17 million visitors. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Artikkel Artikkel on abisõna, mis kuulub nimisõna juurde. Inglise keeles on kaks artiklit: 1) umbmäärane artikkel umbmäärane artikkel on a, täishäälikuga algava nimisõna ees an 2) Määrav artikkel on the Umbmäärase artikli puudumine võib muuta nimisõna tähendust wood puit a wood mets fire tuli a fire lõke iron raud a iron triikraud He gave me the book. Ta andis mulle selle raamatu. He gave me a book. Ta andis mulle ühe raamatu. Umbmääran artikkel a (an) näitab, et tegemist on ühe asjaga või isikuga. Umbmäärane artikkel on tekkinud arvsõnast one (üks). Seepärast saab umbmäärast artiklit tarvitada ainult ainsus oleva nimisõnaga. Give the child a book. Anna lapsele üks raamat. Umbmäärase artikli tarvitamine elukutusete ja rahvuste puhul. Ainsus: I am a doctor. He i...

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

UK ( United Kingdom)

ENGLAND Capital: London Flag: Area: 50351 sq (130410 km) Location: Symbol: The red rose is widely recognised as the national flower of England. The oak is the national tree of England. Interesting plases: Royal Opera House The Royal Opera House is the third theatre on the Covent Garden site, the previous two being destroyed by fire. The new building opened in May 1858 becoming known as the Royal Opera House in ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Vaatamisväärsused Eestis II

· Suuremõisa Castle. Suuremõisa Castle was built in the second half of the 18th century on the initiative of Countess EbbaMargaretha Stenbock (17041776). The wings are erected in 1772. There are 64 rooms in the Castle. 6 ponds were dug in the grounds of the Castle and a park and a garden established. In 1796 the Castle was sold to Baron UngernSternberg. The attic of the Castle has doubleceiling, where the Baron used to hide the treasures stolen from ships that had sunk in the Näkimadalad. On 19 October 1802 the Baron killed Karl Johannes Malm, the Captain (of Swedish origin) of his ship "Brig Morian", in this Castle. For this the baron was deported to Siberia. There are currently two schools in the Castle: Suuremõisa Gymnasium and Suuremõisa Technical School. In the latter one can also study how to become a ship's captain. · The Estonian Railway Museum is located in the s...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Jaapani aed

Jaapani aed Lääne inimese jaoks on Jaapani aed silmapilkselt äratuntav. Jaapani aiakunsti omapära mõistmiseks on vaja tutvuda selle ajalooga. Aiakunsti alguseks loetakse 6. sajandit, mil Jaapanisse saabusid esimesed aednikud Koreast, kes tutvustasid seal hiina aiakunsti põhimõtteid, mille aluseks oli taoistlik ja budistlik filosoofia. Aedu loodi nagu maalikunsti san-sui (mäed-veed) zanri järgi, milles väljendati kosmogoonilist yin-yang printsiipi. Aiakunstniku kohus oli mõista looduses toimuva varjatud mõtet ja seda aia kaudu väljendada. Puude ja taimede valikul jälgiti sümboolikat, näiteks sümboliseeris mänd pikka iga, lootos hingelist puhtust, pambus mehisest ja vastupidavust. Oluline oli ka aastaaegade ilmekas väljendamine. Tegelikult kujunes jaapani aed välja alles 10.-12. sajandil ja saavutas õitsengu 14.-16. sajandil, mil kujunesid välja selle põhilised vormid, mida hiljem sajandite jooksul on täpsustatud ja täiendatud. Budism...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunsti ajalugu
5 allalaadimist


Maastikuarhitektuuri ajalugu 1 Sügis 2007. a OLULISEMAD ETAPID MAASTIKUARHITEKTUURIAJALOOS Lihtsustatud skeem Looduslik kontekst, aia-pargi Kompositsioon ja kujunduse Iluaed: detailid, liigid Tuluaed, liigid osatähtsus ja objektid elemendid Antiik-Kreeka Kaunis loodus, soodne kliima. Suured kompleksid: Tamm, õunapuu, oliiv, küpress, Kõrgel järjel aiandusteadus, kuni 9. saj e.Kr Iluaiandust suhteliselt vähe. 1. kõned, loorber, pappel, jalakas. teo...

Ajalugu → Ma ajalugu
29 allalaadimist

Rahvusvahelised hotelliketid

Võrumaa Kutsehariduskeskus Rahvusvahelised hotelliketid Iseseisev töö Juhendaja. Eda Veeroja Koostaja: Liisi Peelo TT-06 Väimela 2006 Hilton Hilton on tuntud nimi ülemaailmses majutustööstuses. Hiltoni brändi peetakse uhkusega Hilton Hotellide Korporatsiooni lipulaevaks. Hotellikett on silmapaistvaim majutusettevõte, mis omab ja juhib paljusid tuntuid brände või müüb neile frantsiisi. Seega on hotellide majutusmaht suur. Esimene hotell loodi Ciscos, Texases 1919 aastal. Nende fraas oli: ,, Be my quest !,,(Olge lahke!).See on senini soe ja sõbralik viis tervitamaks oma külalisi. Olenemata sellest kas kasutatakse suursuguseid või lihtsamaid hotelle. Nende võimuses on pakkuda külalistele laial...

Majandus → Klienditeenindus
72 allalaadimist

Tupac Shakur

Tupac Shakur Tupac Shakur Sünninimi Lesane Parish Crooks Tuntud kui Tupac Amaru Shakur Sündinud 16. juuni 1971 Päritolu ameeriklane Surnud 13. september 1996 (25-aastaselt) Stiil(id) Hip-Hop, Räpp Amet(id) räppar, muusikaprodutsent, näitleja, poliitiline aktivist Tegev 1990-1996 Plaadifirma(d) Interscope, Out Da Gutta, Death Row, Makaveli, Amaru Seotud esitajad Digital Underground, Richie Rich, Dave Hollister, Yaki Kadafi, Kurupt, Snoop Dogg, The Outlawz, Daz Dillinger, Dr.Dre, Tha Dogg Pound Veebileht Tupac Tupac Amaru Shakur (tuntud ka kui 2Pac, Makaveli või lihtsalt Pac; 16. juuni 1971 – 13. september 1996) oli Ameerika Ühendriikide räppmuusik, näitleja, luuletaja ja sotsiaalaktivist. Ta on Guinnessi rekordite raamatus kõige suurema müügieduga räppar, kelle albumeid on müüdud maailmas 120 miljonit, sh Ameerika Ühendriikides 50 miljonit. Enamus Tupaci laule ...

Muusika → Muusika
1 allalaadimist

Victorian age

English Literature ,Victoria Age 1) Overview of the Victorian age · Periodization During the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901) · Why is the Victorian Age compared to the Elizabethan Age? Both are associated with the reign of a very popular queen; Victorian age idealised the Elizabethan Age; many changes in different fields- economy, religion etc.; focusing more on people's attitudes, political developments etc; Victorian age was inspired by Elizabethan era; Britain became an empire · What were the most important changes in politics, religion and social life that occurred during the Victorian age? Politics: 1848 Chartist movement (voting right for the working class); women's suffrage movements; feminist outburst (wanted to have business ­openly; own property, voting etc.); world dominion (British empire); Economy: Industrialization; urbanization (people moved to towns ­ no agriculture & food); laissez- faire eco...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
14 allalaadimist

Tartu Ülikooli botaanikaed

EESTI MAAÜLIKOOL Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut TARTU ÜLIKOOLI BOTAANIKAAED Referaat Põllumajandustaimed Juhendaja: lektor Toomas Laidna Tartu 2016 SISUKORD Table of Contents 1. TARTU BOTAANIKAAIA AJALUGU...................................................................... 3 2. AVAMAAKOLLEKTSIOONID............................................................................... 5 2.1 Taimesüstemaatika osakond..................................................................... 5 2.2 Eesti taimede osakond.............................................................................. 5 2.3 Dendraarium............................................................................................. 6 2.4 Alpinaarium............................................................................................... 6 2.5 Rosaarium..........

Põllumajandus → Põllumajandus taimed
4 allalaadimist


Haapsalu Kutsehariduskeskus Viljo Kozlovski A-IIb Klassitsism Referaat Juhendaja: Kaia Kullamaa 2009 Haapsalu Kutseharidukeskus Viljo Kozlovski 1. Klassitsism Klassitsism on 16.­19. sajandi kunstisuund, mis lähtus renessansiaja antiigiharrastusest ja avaldus paljude Euroopa maade arhitektuuris, kujutavas kunstis, kirjanduses, teatrikunstis ja muusikas.Toretsev barokk ja mänglev rokokoo kaotasid oma tähtsuse koos absolutistliku kuningavõimu kukutamisega Prantsusmaal. Võimule tõusnud kodanluse meelelaad oli kainem ja asjalikum, selles suunas arenes ka kunst. Aastatel 1770- 1830 Euroopa kunstis valitsenud stiili, mis püüdis jäljendada antiikkunsti, nimetatakse klassitsismiks. See on viimane stiil, mis haaras üheaegselt kõiki kunstiliike, rõhutades reeglipärasust ja tasakaalu, lihtsust ja selgu...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
74 allalaadimist

Londoni Referaat

London is the capital of both England and the United Kingdom, and the largest metropolitan area in the European Union. An important settlement for two millennia, London's history goes back to its founding by the Romans. Since its foundation, London has been part of many movements and phenomena throughout history, including the English Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, and the Gothic Revival.The city's core, the ancient City of London, still retains its limited medieval boundaries; but since at least the 19th century, the name "London" has also referred to the whole metropolis that has developed around it. Today the bulk of this conurbation forms the London region of England and the Greater London administrative area, with its own elected mayor and assembly. London is one of the world's most important business, financial and cultural centres and its influence in politics, education, entertainment, media, fashion and the arts contri...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist


Tallinn Lillekyla Gymnasium Report Legends of Tallinn Tallinn 2009 Introduction I chose the topic ,,Legends of Tallinn", because I had heard some splendid myths about Tallinn from my history lessons and I was eager to widen my horizon. I am quite interested in history in general and I especially love tales about medieval Tallinn. I hope that I will find out some entertaining stories to tell my friends. Legends of Tallinn There are many interesting legends about buildings or sights in Tallinn. Nobody can tell, if they are all true or not, but at least they make the medieval capital much more intriguing and attractive for tourists as for the locals. How Ülemiste Elder will drown the town The most known legend of Tallinn is pro...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
12 allalaadimist

Lumeroos referaat

LUUA METSANDUSKOOL LUMEROOS Eesti keele referaat Juhendaja: Kaia Pilden Koostaja: Teele Sukk MEPK I LUUA 2012 SISUKORD Sisukord.....................................................................................................................................2 Sissejuhatus...............................................................................................................................3 1. Lumeroos...............................................................................................................................4 1.1 Päritolu...............................................................................................................................4 1.2 Kasutusala .........................................................................................................................5 ...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
5 allalaadimist

English Tenses - theory

Present Simple · Korduv, regulaarne tegevus: I WORK every day / each Monday / only on Wednesdays. · Üldine, tavapärane tegevus; loodusseadused / füüsika etc. reeglid: I usually DO NOT WORK in summer. She DOES NOT WORK at night. Magnet ATTRACTS iron. · !!! Spordikommentarid: ... and now he PASSES the ball ... and off he GOES towards the goal... · 1pv (+s/es Å he/she/it); ? DO(ES)+ 1pv ; - DO(ES) not + 1pv Aari Juhanson, MA 2008 Present Progressive · Hetkel toimuv, pooleliolev tegevus: S/he IS TALKing on the phone now. I AM READing an interesting book. · Ajutine, regulaarsele ja tavapärasele vastanduv tegevus (tulevikku viitav): This summer they ARE not GROWing cucumbers as usual. They'RE GROWing tomatoes instead. · !!! Halvakspanu väljendus harjumuspärase tegevuse kohta: He IS always COMPLAINing! · BE (am/is/are) + 1pv-ing Aari Juhanson, MA 2008 ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
33 allalaadimist

Ettevõtluse alused test 2

2. Õppeülesanded Vasta kordamisküsimustele Loe läbi juhtum ja vasta küsimusteles Kordamisküsimused 1. Miks peab ettevõte püüdlema püsiva koostöö poole klientidega? Kaasaegne ettevõte ei müü mitte toodet või teenust, vaid kasu, mida klient sellest saab. Seega on turundustegevus suunatud kliendile ja lähtub kliendist. Võib öelda, et klient on turundusalase tegevuse keskpunkt ja turundustegevuse eesmärgiks on rahulolev klient. Rahulolev klient: ostab uuesti räägib teistele ettevõttest ja selle toodetest / teenustest pöörab vähem tähelepanu konkurentidele ostab pakutavaid uusi tooteid 2. Millele keskendub kliendikeskne turundus? Keskendub : kliendisuhetele ja arendamisele.( kõik osapooled rahul ) Vajatakse informatsiooni klientide vajaduste, soovide ja ootuste kohta, muutuste kohta klienditrendides jne. 3.Millistele MIKS küsimustele pea...

Majandus → Ettevõtlus alused
21 allalaadimist

Inglise keele essee

Fishery resources Capture fisheries resources are highly diverse. FAO landing statistics refer to about 2 500 species or group of species most of which are finfish. By far the most numerous fish species, and those most important to aquaculture and fisheries, are teleosts, or bony fish, which in the sea extend from small "grazing" species such as anchovy to large active predatory fish such as tuna. A similarly wide range is also found in freshwater, with the most important species from a production point of view belonging to the carp family. These account for over half the total of inland waters fisheries production. Marine capture fisheries resources are usually considered close to full exploitation worldwide with about half of them fully exploited, one quarter over exploited, depleted or recovering from depletion and one quarter only with some capacity to produce more than they presently do...

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

The English Patient

"The English Patient" is the most well-known book by Canadian writer, poet and academician. The main activity happens in 1930.-1940. Egipt and during the last days of World War II in one Italy nunnery which was changed after the war to sickbay. · Almásy is not English. He is Hungarian by birth. Almásy's manner is knowledgeable and reflective. Almásy is not a highly dynamic character, he is intriguing and mysterious figure. He is portrayed in a sympathetic light. He was part of a British archaeological group and also as afterwards reveals a spy. · Hana was a twenty-year-old Canadian Army nurse. She put all of her energy into caring for the English Patient. When the hospital was abandoned, Hana refused to leave and instead stayed with her patient. She sees Almásy as saint like and with the "hipbones of Christ". She falls in love with the English Patient in a purely non-sexual way. She also cut of...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
10 allalaadimist

Elvis Aaron Presley

Elvis Aron Presley Elvis Presley oli sündinud 8. jaanuaril 1935 Ida-Tupelos, Mississippis. Elvise kaksikvend Jesse Garon Presley sündis pool tundi parem surnuna. Tema vanemad olid Gladys Love Smith (25.04.1912) ja Vernon Elvis Presley (10.04.1916). Elvis oli vaikne ja häbelik poiss, kel oli vähe sõpru ja kes oli oma emast väga sõltuv. Presley'de perekond oli usklik ja nad käisid korrapäraselt kirikus, seega olid nad ka muusikaga väga seotud. Kui Elvis kümneaastaseks sai, ostis ema talle kitarri, mida väike Elvis omaette mängima õppis. 1948. aastal kolis perekond Memphisesse Tennessee osariiki elama, kus Elvis sai lisaks kirikus kuuldud ja osa võetud laulule mõjutusi ka tänavalt kuuldud mustade rhythm and bluesist. 1953. aasta suvel astus Elvis sisse Sun stuudio lindistusstuudiosse, kus salvestas emale sünnipäevakingiks kaks laulu: "My Happiness" ja "That's When Your Heartaches Begin". Aasta pärast satt...

Muusika → Muusika
14 allalaadimist

Project Plan

Project Plan Bellacoola The Bella Coola Development Study merges community requirements for the envisioned facility and the alternative approaches to building on the Bella Coola Northern Pointe site. Consultants’ reports regarding structural considerations and tree evaluation are included for their continued application to the problem. An effort has been made to work with the full extent of space requirements currently voiced by the Western Division Management Center and the Bella Coola Village Organization. Other organizations were queried to form the basis of judgment in determining the overall need. This recognizes that as the program development progresses, tenant requirements may change, but the essential square footage and cubic limitations for a below grade structure will remain. In addition, it has been envisioned that jointly required facilities would be available for all organizations to use on a shared basis, utilizing mova...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Indefinite pronouns

Indefinite Pronouns Table of Contents Some and any....................................................................... 2 No (+ Noun) and none (+ Pronoun) ........................................ 3 Every and each..................................................................... 3 Whole ................................................................................... 4 Both, either and neither ....................................................... 4 Few/a few – a little/little....................................................... 5 A lot of/lots of – much/many................................................ 5 Some, any + -body / -one, + -thing, + -where ........................ 6 Some and any Some and any mean a certain number or amount. They are used with or instead of plural or uncountable nouns. Some is a possible plural form of a/an and one: Have a ...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

New matrix pre-intermediate student peatükk 3. Home and family

Home and family Ex. 3 p. 31 a. When she was 15. Emma's behavior got worse. b. It's very hard for them it they have suddely leave and live out in the world on their own. c. Caroline was a real friend. d. She has friends, a boyfriend and a busy social life. e. I have to treat her like an adult and give her space. Ex. 4 1. Emma was unhappy. She was smoking and drinking. She kept missing school and getting terrible fights. She stayed out at night, wen clubs, often got into trouble with the police and even started taking drugs. 2. Caroline was fostered a lot of teenagers before. Caroline is kind and caring for Emma. She helped Emma to see that how important it was to go to school and live her life. 3. Emma decided to stay on at school, and worked hard for her exams. Emma was extremely lucky. Caroline want Emma to stay with them. Emma eas c...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Kunsti eksami esitlus

Impressionism ÉDOUARD MANET Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Eine murul,1863, 214270, õli lõuendil Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Olympia, 1863, 130190 Õli lõuendil ÉDOUARD MANET ÉDOUARD MANET Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Baar Folies- Bergere` is 1882 97/130 Õli lõuendil ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
11 allalaadimist

Maastikuarhitektuuri ajalugu 2010

LOENGUD MAASTIKUARHITEKTUURI AJALOOST 2010 Õppematerjal maastikuarhitektuuri ning maastikukaitse ja ­hoolduse üliõpilastele Koostanud Kadi Karro AEGADE ALGUS NING VARAJANE MAASTIKUKUJUNDUS. Esimesed maastikud, nende areng. Varajased tsivilisatsioonid: Egiptuse ning Mesopotaamia (Babüloonia, Assüüria ja Pärsia) kultuurid ja maastikukujundus. VANA-KREEKAST KESKAJANI: Antiik-Kreeka linnaplaneerimine ja aiad. Antiik-Rooma linnaplaneerimine ja aiad. Vitruvius "De Architectura". Islami aiad. Euroopa läbi keskaja: kloostriaiad, religioosne sümboolika; botaanikaaiad, linnakodanike aiad. RENESSANSS: Vararenessanss Itaalias 14. saj. Renessanss Itaalias 15.- 16. saj. Manerism ja barokk Itaalias 16.-18. saj. Linnaruum Itaalias: piazzad keskajast barokini. BAROKK: Barokk Prantsusmaal 17. saj. Prantsusmaa naabermaad 16.-18. saj: regulaarstiil Inglismaal, Hispaanias, Austrias, Saksamaal, Madalmaades, Venemaal, Rootsis, Taanis. EESTI VANEMAD MÕIS...

Arhitektuur → Maastikuarhitektuuri ajalugu
45 allalaadimist

Loomadel testitud toodete nimekiri !

STOP VIVISECTION! STOP ANIMAL TESTING! Vivisektsioonid on loomakatsed, mille vastu võitlevad loomakaitsjad paljudes maailmariikides. Iga aasta teaduslaborites hukkuvad miljonid loomad karmide katsete tulemusel. Loomadel katsetatakse ravimeid, kosmeetikat, relvi. Oma julmuselt vivisektsioonid ei jää alla teistele loomade piinamise vormidele. Kasse, koeri, rotte, hiiri, hamstreid, ahve, küülikuid ja teisi loomi piinatakse kuni nad surevad. Elusloomadel lõigatakse nahk lahti, neid piinatakse elektriga, pannakse söövitavaid aineid silmadesse, kõrvetatakse keeva veega ja kui nad veel hingavad võetakse nahk maha, purustatakse pead, murtakse konte, - see pole veel täiuslik nimekiri meetmeid, mida vivisektorid kasutavad. Loomakaitsjatel on olemas video- ja fototõendid. Vivisektsioonidel on palju alternatiive. Rahvusvaheline organisatsioon ,,Tudengid humaanse hariduse eest" on välja andnud kataloogi, milles on 400 alternatiivi vivisektsioonidele...

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
37 allalaadimist

Mis on ooper?

Mis on ooper? Ooper on muusikaline lavateos, kus tegelased oma mõtteid ja tundeid väljendavad lauldes sümfooniaorkestri saatel. Seal on ühendatud muusika (lauljad, orkestrandid), draama (näitlemine, kirjanduslik süzee), kujutav kunst (dekoratsioonid, kostüümid). Kirjandusliku teose põhjal kirjutab libretist libreto ehk ooperi sisu, millele helilooja teeb muusika. Ooperis lauldakse ja kasutatakse kõnelähedast laulu ehk RETSITATIIVI. Ooperis laulavad solistid (AARIA), ansamblid ja koorid. Ansamblite nimetused tulenevad kooslauljate arvust. (duett 2, tertsett 3, kvartett 4, kvintett 5, sekstett 6 inimest. Sekstetid ja neist suuremad ansamblid esinevad ooperis vaid erandjuhtudel.) Kooriliigid on ooperites samad, mis kontsertkooride puhul. Neid liigitatakse mees-, nais-, laste- ja segakoorideks. Etendus koosneb: vaatused stseenid pildid. Ooperis võivad esineda ka balletinumbrid, samuti orkestrivahemängud. Ooperi tegevusele eelneb tavalisel...

Muusika → Muusika
79 allalaadimist

Sandrigham house

Margus Maasik G1a SANDRINGHAM HOUSE The Queen and other members of the Royal Family regularly spend Christmas at Sandringham and make it their official base until February each year. When The Queen or members of the Royal Family are not in residence, the house is open to the public. The Estate is run commercially by the Land Agent, on The Queen's behalf. Over half of the Estate is let to farm tenants, the remainder being farmed in hand or used for forestry (the Estate has its own sawmill). There are also two studs, a fruit farm and a country park. These, together with the house's gardens, employ over 100 full-time staff. Sandringham Country Park, open free all year since 1968, is an area of 250 hectares (over 600 acres) of carefully managed woodland and heath. It has two nature trails and camping and caravan club sites. A Visitors' Centre with gift shop and restaurants is open daily in summer and at week...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

British History KT küsimused ja vastused

1. How many public holidays or Red-Letter Days are there in Britain? Name them. 8 public holidays in Britain: two at Christmas, one for the New Year(which was only introduced in the late 1970s) two at Easter and three Bank Holidays. 2. What is the same and what is different about the way Christmas is celebrated in England and Estonia? In England, there's common to sing Carol's and for children, Christmas means pantomimes ­ plays based on fairy tales which combine comedy, dance and song. A traditional Christmas dinner includes roast turkey with roast potatoes, a range of vegetables, cranberry sauce etc., followed by Christmas pudding and Christmas cake. The pulling of crackers(and the wearing of paper hats) before the meal is quite popular. Afterwards many watch the Queen's traditional Christmas address on TV at 3 pm. Christmas actually contains of 3 days: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. The ...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
15 allalaadimist

Inglise keele kordamine

INGLISE KEELE KORDAMINE TIME CLAUSES Present Simple · Permanent states, facts (Tom works..) · Repeated and habitual actions, routines (She usually goes..) · Laws of nature and general truths (The sun sets in the west) · Timetables and programmes · Sporting commentaries, rewiews (Beckham wins the ball, crosses and Owen scores) · Feelings and emotions (I love Tallinn..) TIME EXPRESSIONS USED WITH PRESENT SIMPLE: usually, often, always, every day/week etc, in the morning/evening etc, at night/the weekend, on Fridays etc. Present Continuous · Actions taking place at or arount the moment of speaking (The kids are watching TV..) · Fixed arrangements in the near future (I'm going to the dentist tomorrow) · Currently changing ang developing situations (The number of burgularies is increasing) · Wi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
204 allalaadimist

Word order, articles, prepositions, adverb, adjective

Word order: positive sentences subjects verb(s) object I speak English. I can speak English. Negative sentences subject verbs Indirect object Direct object place time I will not you the story at Tomorro tell school w. Subordinate Clauses conjunction subject verb(s) Indirec Direct place time t object object I will you the story...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
35 allalaadimist

Inglise keele praktilise grammatika mõisted

adjective + preposition omadussõna + eessõna proud of, good at, married to adverb particle Some verbs are followed by adverb particles. Examples are: put on, take off, give away, bring up, call in. Sometimes the particle is detached from the verb and put after the object. •He took his boots off. •They called the doctor in. apposition a grammatical construction in which two usually adjacent nouns having the same referent stand in the same syntactical relation to the rest of a sentence (as the poet and Burns in “a biography of the poet Burns”) back-reference In grammatical analysis, the term reference is often used to state a relationship of identity which exists between grammatical units, e.g. a pronoun 'refers' to a noun or noun phrase. When the reference is to an earlier part of the discourse, it may be called a 'back-reference' (or anaphora); collective noun Collective noun is the name we give to a group of nouns...

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Means of communication

Maturitní otázka c. 23. Means of communication Introduction A few centuries ago people knew only a few kinds of communication. They could speak to each other, they could send their message from one place to another by smoke signals, they used mail. Later on, they also had some newspapers. The first expansion of media was when the radio and television were invented. The second and the biggest boom started in 1960s when the first communication satellite was launched into orbit. There are 4 main media: Newspapers, TV, Radio and the Internet. Today's people take this as an ordinary thing and we don't realise that we nearly can't live without it. Media are very important for us. They give us big amount of information, so big that we can't remember all that things. They help us to understand things and if you have lots of information you are able to make your own decisions. This is connected wi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Romantic poetry and prose

Test on Romantic Poetry and Prose 1. Approximate dates of romanticism: in the second half of the 18th century. Major events on world history at that time: · Industrial revolution · In America the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 · The French Revolution, 1789 · The King of England was George III, after him George IV and then Queen Victoria Outcomes: · Revolution did not bring welfare · Lives of the lower-classes worsened · Extended the distance between the lower and upper class · The rich got richer, the poor got poorer 2. Romanticism is a reaction against classicism, science and atomic (aesthetic ideal of order and unity) worldview. Romantic ideal is the organic world. Romanticism: · Returns to nature and belief in the goodness of mankind · Exaltation of the senses and emotion overcome reason and intellect i...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
14 allalaadimist


PREPOSITIONS (eessõnad) Prepositions of place: KUS? WHERE? AT ON IN at 10 High Street on Fifth Avenue in the world at 224 Fifth Avenue on the street(AmE) in High Street at the corner of the street on the plane in the east of Europe at a hotel on a bus in London at a store on a boat/ship in Trafalgar Square at the concert on the floor in America at the cinema on the wall in a village at the theatre on the shelf in the country at the station on the table in (the) town at the airport ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
55 allalaadimist

Anu Tali

Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus Majutusteeninduse eriala Anu Tali foto Jouni Haralaa/Finlandia Records ANU TALI Referaat Koostaja: Õppegrupp: Tartu 2011 Anu Tali foto Chris Dunlop/Warner Classics Dirigent Anu Tali on muusikamaailmas omamoodi fenomen. Väike ja tubli, kes teab, mis on selle ameti paradiis ja põrgu. Meie näeme ainult glamuurset Anu Tali orkestrit juhatamas, aga higist, verest ja pisaratest, mida selle karmi ameti juures tagatubades valatakse, pole enamikel aimu. Anu Tali on rahvusvaheliselt tuntud ja tunnustatud dirigent, kes teeb ja toob Eestile vaid au. Muusika juurde tuli Anu Tali (sündinud 18.06.1972) klaverimängu kaudu Nõmme Lastemuusikakoolis, kus ta õpetajaks oli Maire Oidekivi. Et "ilma muusikata ei saa", selgus pärast kaheksanda klassi "viielist" lõpetamist. K...

Muusika → Muusika
10 allalaadimist

Green Energy presentation

Green Energy Program paid for and brought to by -Anja Bananja -Franz the Manz - And Just Chadrick Overview- What is Green Energy? Different Types? What is sustainability? German Green Energy Cost and Efficiency Recycling What is Green Energy? -It is energy resources that are renewable -Can be naturally replenished -Clean, Safe and not harmful to the environment (aka mother earth) Types of Green Energy Green Energy going cute Solar Power · Is produced by using photovoltaic cells, which capture sunlight and turns that into energy. Problems ? -The sun has got to shine -The cost of solar panels and the systems range between $20k-40k -The light from the sun produces a very small amount of energy Wind Power -These giant pinwheels spin from strong winds which spins ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


Tallinn English College English Sergo Vainumäe 9A TALLINN Report Supervisor: Inge Välja Tallinn 2006 Order of contents: 1.Introduction 2.Toompea 3.Lower Town 4.Kadriorg and Pirita 5.Museums 1. Introduction Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, lies on the Baltic Sea. It is on almost the same latitude east St. Petersburg in Russia, Stockholm in Sweden and Stavanger in Norway, and covers 158 sq km. Tallinn was first marked on a map of the world by the Arab geographer al-Idrisi in 1154, its name then being Kolyvan (probably derived from the name Kalev). In the 13th-century Chronicle of Henricus de Lettis the town was called Lyndanise. Later came Reval (presumably after the old county of Rävala), the name used by the Germans who ruled the country for seven centuries. Russians then modified Reval...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
51 allalaadimist

A lamb to the slaughter

Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl (1916-1990) The room was warm and clean, the curtains drawn, the two table lamps alight - hers and the one by the empty chair opposite. On the sideboard behind her, two tall glasses, soda water, whiskey. Fresh ice cubes in the Thermos bucket. Mary Maloney was waiting for her husband to come him (correction: home) from work. Now and again she would glance up at the clock, but without anxiety, merely to please herself with the thought that each minute gone by made it nearer the time when he would come. There was a slow smiling air about her, and about everything she did. The drop of a head as she bent over her sewing was curiously tranquil. Her skin - for this was her sixth month with child - had acquired a wonderful translucent quality, the mouth was soft, and the eyes, with their new placid look, seemed larger darker than before. When the clock said ten minutes to five, she began to listen, and a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


The sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is an annual(iga aastane) plant in the family Asteraceae, with a large flower head (inflorescence(õiekobar, õisik, õitseaeg, õidumine)). The stem(tüvi) of the flower can grow up to 3 metres tall, with the flower head reaching 30 cm in diameter. The term "sunflower" is also used to refer(nimetama, viitama, üle andma) to all plants of the genus(perekond, sugu) Helianthus, many of which are perennial(alaline, aastaringne) plants. What is usually called the flower is actually a head (formally(ametlikult) composite(liit-, komposiit- ; korvõieline, komposiit) flower) of numerous flowers (florets) crowded(täistuubitud, tunglev, rahvarohke) together. The outer flowers are the ray florets(pähik (õisiku osa) and can be yellow, maroon, orange, or other colors, and are sterile(steriilne, viljatu). The florets inside the circular head are called disc florets. Sunflower head displaying florets in spirals of 34 a...

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse1
16 allalaadimist

Passive seletus (inglise keel)

Passive (=passiiv ehk umbisikuline tegumood) This house was built in 1935. Was built on passiiv. Võrdle isikulist (active) ja umbisikulist tegumoodi (passive): Somebody built this house in 1935. (aktiiv ­ house on lauses sihitis (=object)) This house was built in 1935. (passiiv ­ house on lause aluseks (=subject)) Kui me kasutame isikulist tegumoodi (aktiiv), siis ütleme, mida lause aluseks olev isik (subject) teeb: My grandfather was a builder. He built this house in 1935. It's a big company. It employs two hundred people. Kui kasutame umbisikulist tegumoodi (passiiv), siis ütleme, mis juhtub lause alusega: This house is quite old. It was built in 1935. Two hundred people are employed by the company. Passiivi kasutatakse siis, kui tegija on teadmata, ebaoluline või selgub kontekstist: A lot of money was stolen in the robbery. (Keegi varastas selle, kuid me ei tea, kes) Is this room cleaned every day? (Kas keegi seda koristab? ­ pol...

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist


SUURBRITANNIA MAJANDUS Inglismaa majandus, mis järgib anglo-sakside majandusmudelit, on üks suuremaid maailmas. Inglismaa majandus on suurim neljast majandusest Ühendkuningriigis. London on üks maailma suurimaid majanduskeskusi. Ühena maailma enim arenenud riikidest on Inglismaa liider keemia ja farmaatsiasektoris ning oluline tehnilistes tööstusharudes, eelkõige lennunduses, relvatööstuses ja tarkvara tootvas sektoris. London ekspordib peamiselt toodetud kaupu ja impordib materjale, nagu naftat, teed, villa, toorsuhkrut, puitu, metalli ja liha. Traditsioonilised raske ja töötlev tööstus on Inglismaal viimaste aastakümnete jooksul järsult vähenenud, nagu nad on seda ka terves Suurbritannias. Samal ajal, teenindavad tööstusharud on jõudsalt arenenud. Näiteks turism on suuruselt kuues tööstusharu Ühendkuningriigis, panustades 76 miljardit naela tema majandusele. 2002. aasta andmete järgi annab turismitööstus tööd 1,8 miljonile täis...

Majandus → Maailma majandus
8 allalaadimist

Teater läbi oma ajaloo

Pärnu Täiskasvanute Gümnaasium Teater läbi oma ajaloo Referaat Koostas: Juhendaja: Pärnu 2009 1 SISUKORD 1. Sissejuhatus lk. 3 2. Naeruaastad ja nutuaastad lk. 4 3. Vaade seljataha lk. 5 4. Tabatud elevant lk. 6 5. Vanimaid ja tuntumaid teatreid lk. 7 6. Kokkuvõte lk.8 7. Kasutatud kirjandus lk. 9 2 Sissejuhatus Inglise lavastaja ja teatriteoreetik Peter Brook (1972:7) on väitnud, et teatri olemasoluks on vaja kedagi, kes läheb läbi tühja ruumi ja kedagi, kes teda vaataks. Eesti teatrid kaotasid 1990. aastate algul suure osa oma publikust, kuid Brooki kirjeldatud piirjuhuni asi siiski ei läinud. Suuremad teatrid olid ja on endiselt võimsad riikliku...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
45 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun