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"-educational" - 247 õppematerjali



ITI TAMM Tamme tn 2-4 48104 Põltsamaa Tel 55 667788 E-mail: [email protected] Curriculum Vitae ISIKLIKUD ANDMED Sünniaeg ja -koht: 11.11.1986, Põltsamaa Vanus: 20 Rahvus: eestlane Perekonnaseis: abielus, 1 laps HARIDUS 2006 ­ k.a Tartu Ülikool, sotsioloogia eriala, I kursus 2003 ­ 2006 Põltsamaa Ühisgümnaasium, humanitaarklass, lõpetanud hõbemedaliga TÄIENDKOOLITUS 2006 veeburar Kõnelaager (sisu: kõnepidamise alused, avalik esinemine, hääle kasutamine), Põltsamaa Ühisgümnaasium, 24 h 2005 märts Guidance in Educational System and Labour Market, rahvusvaheline noorsoovahetus Prahas Leonardo da Vinci programmi raames, 40h 2004 ­ 2005 Inglise keele kursus, Põltsamaa Keeltekool, 80 h 1995 ­ 2003 Klaveri eriala, Põltsamaa Lastemuusikakool TÖÖKO...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
200 allalaadimist


TV It is difficult to imagine our life without TV, radio, cinema and theatre.TV is a great force in the world. It enriches1 our intellect, gives us opportunities to see the best actors and performances, to hear the latest news, to listen to political discussions. TV gives wonderful possibilities for education and helps us to relax after a day's work. There is a considerable variety of programs, and we can choose what we want to see. TV brings the world into our living room. We can learn more of other countries, customs, occupations, opinions, problems -- you can see a programme which enjoy you most: current events, documentaries, sport and educational programmes, films, plays, the arts, news, variety shows, etc. You always decide which programme is the most exciting, valuable, informative or amusing and is worth seeing. Some people think that it is a waste of time watching TV. Besides, it leads, as they say, to poor health through ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Education or Upbringing

Which I consider to be more important: education or upbringing? I can not even define which is more important to say, education or upbringing. For me are both very important. About education: Education is provided by the school, and whose existence will be checked. Education is a prerequisite for personal development, purpose and resources. Education is a purposeful process. Education is a prerequisite for communication, rather than treatment. Educational effects will turn out truthfully, in a problematic choice of situation. Education makes or tries to make the human body from the''normal''bodies, people who see things, think and behave as they should, as is the right fit. General education option will live in society normalises all relatively the same way. About upbringing: The primary prerequisites for the upbringing is love, caring, spirituality, continuity, integrity, justice, forgiveness, trust, dignity. Upbringing is...

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

The Importance of Pets

The Importance of Pets Pets play an important role in today's society and are capable of influencing people's lives in many ways. However, are they really so useful as we think? From an educational standpoint, when you get a pet you will have to take care of a creature which will depend entirely on you. Your pet's life is in your hands and this alone will make you a more responsible person. However, you will always need to keep an eye on your pet and this will restrict your ability to do other things. From a scientific point of view, most people who have pets enjoy better health than those who do not. Active pet owners enjoy an additional dose of exercise. Also, owning a pet will lower stress rates and it will prevent various types of illnesses. On the other hand, people who are allergic to pets cannot use this opportunity, because it brings more pain than good. From a psychological standpoint,...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
12 allalaadimist

The importance of college

Nowadays many students decide to continue to higher education which means going to university after high school, in order to improve their prospects in further life. It is my considered opinion that higher education is necessary for a number of reasons. To begin with, people who lack educational degrees are more likely to be limited to basic jobs in service and manufacturing industries since today's job market is competitive and employers may not be interested in hiring candidates who do not have a degree. While employees with higher education have a better opportunity to get jobs with a lot of benefits and greater salaries. What is more, a lot of university courses include practical parts and work experience. Having a previous job experience in the field they have chosen, before they actually enter to the job market, is a huge advantage. Moreover, the more connections students collect during their internships, the more options they w...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

What can be done to prevent petty crime?

What can be done to prevent petty crime? Nowadays more and more young people have started comit petty crime and people believe that thouse can be prevented. I support this view for a variety of reasons. To start with petty crime can be prevented with teenagers, the problematical ones in particular should participate to educational courses organised by the state where they can learn everything about these petty crimes an also how to avoid getting in the middle of them. It is very important to organise this meetings in the poor districts where teenagers are prone to ilicit activities such as pickpocketing or even burglery. Another method of reducing petty crime is that the people should learn how to protect their houses and their valuable goods. They should also learn how to protect themselves by thieves in order to not become victims of this criminal activity. It is very important to make people understand t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Education in Russia

Education in Russia Table of contents Compulsory school years School stages Grading system PISA results GDP investment Literacy rate in the country Interesting facts about rules and regulations Compulsory school years Eleven-year secondary education in Russia is compulsory A student of 15 to 18 years of age may drop out of school with approval of his/her parent and local authorities Students with multiple violations may be kicked out of school at starting age of 15 School stages kindergarten (age 3 to 7) elementary (years 1-4) middle (years 5-9) senior (years 10-11) Grading system In Russia, most educational institutions use a five-point grading scale, where 5 is the highest and 1 is the lowest 5 "Excellent" 4 "Good" 3 "Satisfactory" 2 "Unsatisfactory" 1 "Very Poor" In higher education, most subjects are graded `Pass/No pass' PISA resul...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Egiptus ja Mesopotaamia

1.Mesopotaamias olid tähtsaimaks ehitusmaterjaliks savitellised.Osa neist oli põletatud, kuid enamik ainult päikese käes kuivatatud, mille tõttu on tänapäeval säilinud vaid vanad savikuhilad. · Tsikuraat- Templikompleksi tähtsaim osa-kõrge massiivne torn,mis ahenes astangutena ülespoole. N: Sumerite linnas Uris säilinud tsikuraat. 2. Vanadest maailmaimedest asus Mesopotaamias Giza püramiidid. 3.Istari väravad asuvad praegu Berliini Riiklikes Muuseumides Saksamaal. 4. Egiptuse püramiidid kuuluvad antiikaja seitsme maailmaime hulka.Neist kuulsaimad on Cheopsi, Hafre ja Menkaure, mis olid loodud kolmele Egiptuse kuningale. 5.Egiptuse kaks kuulsamat vaaraod:Echnaton (Amenhotep IV) ja Tutanchamon. Eriti Echnatoni ajal saavutas egiptuse kunst kõrgusi, mida hilisematel aegadel on imetletud. Tutanchamoni nimi on jällegi tuntud tema hauakambri tõttu - see ainuke terviklikult meie päevini säilinud egituse vaarao matmispaik. 6. U...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
12 allalaadimist


PUZZLED Mis on mänguasi? · Ese, mida kasutatakse mängimiseks. · Valmistatakse lastele, loomadele kui ka täiskasvanutele. · Populaarsemad on nukud, loomad, sõdurid ja hilisemal ajal autod ja lennukid. · Vanimad mänguasjad on leitud Kreekas, Roomas, egiptuses, Hiinas ja Kaug-Idas. · Levinumad valmistamise materjalid on metall, puit ja savi. · Vanimad mänguasjad- pall, nukk ja mänguloomad. Puzzle ajaloost Esimene puzzle loodi ~1760. aastal John Spilsbury poolt. Ta paigutas kaardi puust lehele, kust lõikas välja iga riigi- selle piirjoonte järgi. Seda esimest puzzlet kasutati geograafia õpetamiseks. Peale sellist tüüpi puzzle laiemale avalikkusele tutvustamist jäi see sellisel kujul kasutusse kuni umbes 1820. aastani. Hiljem hakati valmistama ka teist tüüpi puzzlesid. Puzzle materjalid · Puit · Papp · Paber · Plastik · Metall · Kumm Puzzle tüübid · Loogikalised · Matemaatilised · Keelelised · Mehaanilised (nt...

Pedagoogika → Mäng
14 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnad

1) Eduactional charities - Hariduslikud heategevusasutused 2) Universal education - Üldkättesaadav haridus 3) Compulsory education - Kohustuslik haridus 4) Full-time education - Päevane õpe 5) Home schooling - Koduõpe 6) Maintained schools - Riigikoolid 7) National Curriculum - Rahvuslik õppekava 8) Independent schools - Erakoolid 9) Foundation subjects - Alusained 10) School hours - Koolitunnid 11) Terms - Semestrid 12) State schools - Riigikool 13) Primary (education) - Algharidus/algkool 14) Infant - Väikelastele 15) Junior - Algaste 16) Secondary - Põhikool 17) Single-sex - Ühesoolised 18) Co-educational - Segakoolid 19) Comprehensive schools - Üldhariduskool 20) Selective - Valiv 21) General certificate of secondary education - Põhikooli lõpueksam 22) Independent examination boards - Sõltumatud eksamikomisjonid 23) Vocational college - Kutsekool 24) Technical college - Tehnikumid 25) A-Level - Riigieksamid 26) Further eduaction col...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Suur Hiina müür

Suur Hiina müür Gretel Murd GII klass 2010 Kas asub Suur Hiina müür Aafrikas? Tegelikult asub Aasias/Okeaanias(Hiinas) Kas teate, mis on Suur Hiina müür? See on mõeldud kaitserajatisele. Kaitsta võõrvõimude (mongolid, türklased) sissetungi eest. Millal ehitati müüri?? Ehitati alates 3.sajandist kuni 17. sajandi alguseni. Mitmeid müürilõike ehitati alates 3.sajandist eKr, kuid Suur Hiina müür sai alguse ajavahemikus 220­200 eKr, kui esimene Hiina keiser Qin Shi Huangdi lasi erinevad müürilõigud omavahel ühendada. Mis arvate, kui pikkus Suur Hiina müür?? Müüri kogupikkuseks loetakse pärast 2009. aasta arheoloogilisi avastusi 8851,8 km (peamüüri pikkus 2400 km) ja praegu ulatub müür mererannikult Pekingist idas kuni Gobi kõrbeni Gansu provintsis keset Hiina. Kõrgus? Laius?Mitu vahitorni? Müür on 9 meetrit kõrge, ülaosas 5,5 meetrit lai ning varustatud müüripealse tee, vahitornide, väravate ja kantsidega, millest jub...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
8 allalaadimist

Turismi sõnad

Types of holiday: Career in Tourism Trends in tourism Alandatud hind-Discount price Alaline,püsiv-permanent Ajavahe-jet lag Ekstreemturism-Hardship holiday Autasu-Reward Edasi-tagasi pilet-Return ticket Eripakkumine(soodushinnag)-Special rate Avatud inimene-Outgoing personality Jõukas-Affluent Eripakkumine-Special offer Hariduskäik-Educational history Jõukus-Prosperity Hobi-või huvialaturism-Special interest holiday Honorar-Fee Kaasmaalane-Compatriot Järsku alandatud-rock-bottom price Juhi töökoht-Management job Kasum,tulu-Revenue Kallis-expensive Kaaskiri-Covering letter Koopia-...

Keeled → Inglise keel
68 allalaadimist

CV ülesehitus (inglise keeles)

PAULIINE PÕLD 37B Liiva St Pärnu 88301, Estonia Tel: +372 55 83987 e-mail: [email protected] Objective: To obtain a position of a responsible, caring and certified babysitter in the Agent Nanny. Career: Kindergarten teacher in Lepatriinu Lasteaed in Tallinn July 1997- Nov 1997 ·Gave children in different age groups English, Music ·and dance lessons Babysitter- McGregor family with two children in the UK Mar 1998- Jan 2000 Babysitter- Brown family with one child in the UK ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
110 allalaadimist


Hobbies Hobby is an activity that individuals do for pleasure in their spare time. Most of us have a hobby because a specific interest on something. A hobby can can be healthy, relaxing, educational, fun, or maybe, if you are lucky, a little of everything. Hobbies are more than just ways to creatively pass the time. They are also good for your health. Hobbies and other leisure activities can have many health benefits.Everyone knows that stress can and will at some point in your life, take a heavy toll on your mind and body. A hobby can prevent the harmful effects of stress and also make your life richer and more rewarding. Hobbies can also help us feel connected,helping us to interact with other people. This also keeps our minds sharp. Hobbies have been around since the ancient times. The secret is choosing a hobby thats not only interesting,but good for you h...

Keeled → Inglise keel
32 allalaadimist

Williamsi Sündroom

WILLIAMSI SÜNDROOM Merilin Henga O13-007 MIS ON WILLIAMSI SÜNDROOM?  Põhjustab deletsioon 7.kromosoomi pikas õlas  Deleteeritud piirkond hõlmab endas rohkem kui 25 geeni  1:10000 sünni kohta  Sündroomi ei pruugi olla esinenud suguvõsa ajaloos  50% võimalus, et Williamsi sündroomiga inimene võib kanda sündroomi edasi oma lapsele SÜMPTOMID  Williamsi sündroomiga lastel on sageli sarnased näojooned.  Väike nina  Pikk vagu nina ja ülahuule vahel  Suur suu, hambad asuvad laiemalt  Paksud huuled  Väike lõug  Vaimne alaareng  Südamerikked  Ülitundlikud helide suhtes ISIKSUS  Väga sõbralik isiksus  Meeldib suhelda ning nad on suhtlemises vastupandamatult armsad  Unikaalne oskus end sõnades väljendada  Tavaliselt ei pelga võõraid  Aktiivsed looma suhteid nii täiskasvanute kui ka lastega ARENG  Suuremal osal WS isikutel esineb vaimse ...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
8 allalaadimist

Lugemis-ja kirjutamisraskused

Põlva Ühisgümnaasium Sandra Rüütli 11.b klass LUGEMIS- JA KIRJUTAMISRASKUSED PÕLVA ÜHISGÜMNAASIUMI ALGKLASSIDES Uurimistöö Juhendaja: õp- logopeed E. Palo Põlva 2014 SISUKORD SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................ 3 SISSEJUHATUS ..................................................................................................................................... 4 1. LUGEMIS-JA KIRJUTAMISRASKUSED ........................................................................................ 5 1.1. Lugemis-ja kirjutamisraskuste põhjused ...................................................................................... 5 1.2. Düsleksia ehk lugemispuue ........................................

Pedagoogika → Pedagoogika
26 allalaadimist

Hotell telegraaf

Hotel Telegraaf TALLLINN, ESTONIA Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level History Fourth level Fifth level The Building The Revaler Handels Bank built our magnificent buliding at Vene Street 9 in 1878. Designed by the architect Peter Schreiberg from St. Petersburg, it was originally a four storey house, the two topmost floors added later. When the Republik of Estonia was established in 1918, the building was used as the post and telegraph center. The building retained this function in Soviet period.I In 2005, the wing of our building which had been destroyed in World War II was rebuilt...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

The influence of television

The influence of television Television in Estonia started with broadcast experiments in the 1930's. Regular long broadcasted days started when Estonia was in the Soviet Union. That time there weren't very many channels and some were Finnish. Today there are big variety of channels, both cable and public television network, but technically Estonia has gone over to digital television. Television came more popular in Estonia in the 1970's, when there were more coloured TV's published. Almost every home had at least one TV. Television wasn't just for watching different channels, but also for gaming, like Super Mario, which actually was called ,,TV game" amongst little children. Television has the potential to unite communities, provide information to allow positive cultural, social and environmental change, and to create a true global village. It also has the potential to alienat...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

United States and Estonian education systems Essee inka.

Essay United States and Estonian education systems USA and Estonian school systems are very similar. But still there are some differences. How children attend school and when? How chlidren are divided by age in USA and Estonia? The American school year traditionally begins in August or September, after the traditional summer recess, which is three months long. As well in Estonia. School year usually ends in may or june. First difference between Estonian school system and USA's is that children attend school at the age of 5-6, but in Estonia children go to school at the age of 7-8. Before going to school american children attend preschool (selectively). Years 5-6 american children attend kindergarden, which is a preparation for the first grade. Most children enter the public education system around ages five or six. Children are assigned into year groups known as grades, beg...

Keeled → Inglise keel
40 allalaadimist

Media in my life

Media in my life It goes without saying that mass media have become a necessary part of any modern society. The press, the radio and television play a very important role in peoples life. They inform, educate & entertain us. They also influence the way people look at the world & even make them change their views. In other words, mass media play a very important part in shaping public opinion. Millions of people read popular issues of newspapers & magazines in their spare time. Newspapers publish articles which cover the latest international & national events, give a full coverage of commercial, financial and public affairs. Many people buy newspapers also for the radio & TV programmes which are printed there. A lot of magazines give an opportunity for youth to be in known in the fashion world, cultural life, sensational news & nightlife events; there we can find reports on education & sports. Television is one of...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Why did I choose university education over vocational training?

Why did I choose university education over vocational training? An essay Why more and more people nowadays tend to go to universities rather than to vocational schools? Will going to the university open all the doors in our lives? Is it necessary to have a higher education in order to survive in today’s economy? Those are just some of the questions that may arise when we start talking about the topic. Going to the university was once only for the children from wealthier families. Now as we have a lot of free higher education available, many people tend to use this wonderful opportunity. Although it might seem a great way to start building your way towards future career, it might not be the best way. Why? Because we have reached the stage where we have more people with higher education than we have jobs that require that kind of educational degree. To fix the issue, numerous studies have been car...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

The role of the free press

The role of the free press Newspapers and magazines play an imoportant role in today's society and are capable of influencing people's lives in many ways. The new electronic media have become even more influential in shaping people's opinions, attitudes and behaviour. However, does the free press offer a valuable service, or is it, as American journalist, Edward Egglestone said, "organised gossip"? On a personal level, the media can be very entertaining and informative. Reading about the lifestyles of the rich and famous is amusing and can help people forget their own problems. However, journalists frequently intrude on the privacy of celebrities, following them and photographing them in their most intimate moments. This is surely an unacceptable interpretation of the word "free". As far as politics are concerned, the free press is important as it often reveals the...

Keeled → Inglise keel
41 allalaadimist

Iseseisev töö-Keskkond - toote ja elamusloome kese

Iseseisev töö nr. 2 Keskkond - toote ja elamusloome kese Tutvu AS Limex kodulehega. Arutle teemal toode kui elamus, elamus kui toode antud ettevõtte kodulehe materjalide põhjal. Lähtu oma arutelus autentsuse ja keskkonna aspektidest. Milliseid elamusi pakub antud ettevõte ja kuidas? Mis teeb antud ettevõtte poolt pakutava unikaalseks ja kuidas on see seotud keskkonnaga kus ettevõte tegutseb ja millest toodab? Kuidas on elamusloomesse kaasatud tarbijad? AS Limex koduleht: AS Limex pakub oma kodulehel alates 2014 aasta juunist elamusmajanduse toodet, milleks on ekskursioon lubjapargis. Seal on võimalik tutvuda 70-90 aastat vanade lubjaahjudega ja lubja tootmise tehnoloogiaga. Ekskursioon kulgeb giidi juhtimisel läbi metsaradade lubjaahjude vahel. Giid räägib külastajatele lubjapargi ajaloost ja sellest kuidas lubja tootmine käib ning milliseid toot...

Varia → Elamusmajanduse alused
1 allalaadimist


What kind of city is Tallinn? What is it famous for? Old own The old City, city of Hanseatic sellers, was not an administrative part of a city (the Cathedral Hill) till the end of a XIX-th century. It was the centre of medieval marketing that has provided him well- being. Now it is the most popular place among tourists with shops and big variety of restaurants. It was opened 22 july 1718 year.Kadriorg it is the largest park in Tallinn.Kadriorg`s founder was the Peter I. He named the park in honour of his wife Ekaterine I. Y ou can walk around this beautiful park and enjoy delightful sights of nature. Tallinn Hall square is the area, popular in summer months and is filled with street cafes. In winter, by the tradition which has remained since 1441, Hall square is the area decorated by a huge Christmas tree. Town Hall Square for centuries been used as a market and fairs square and also...

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Speech: TV is Little More Than a Waste of Time

Talk: TV is Little More Than a Waste of Time 4 min Television has become increasingly more popular through the years. Most Estonians have a TV or even several TV's at home. On one side, there are many people who think that television is just a waste of time and money. Some people spend hours in front of TV and it can be bad for your health. On the other side, It is thought that watching TV is a good way to relax. They like to be entertained after a long day and they believe that television can make you happier. I have to say that I understand both sides. I believe that television can have a negative effect on children because there is so much violence in movies and TV shows. Also watching TV can make you lazy. It's physically, mentally, and emotionally lazy. It requires no physical, mental, or emotional participation It's an addictive excuse that keeps people from leaving the house and communicating with real people. The commercials ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Resume (conception of studying and teaching in university)

TARTU LIKOOLI NARVA KOLLEDZ Resume Students approaches to learning and teachers approaches to teaching in higher education. Kristina Tairova HUM-IK-I NARVA 2014 Approaches to studying in higher education Research, carried out in Great Britain and Sweden in 1970 identified only three dominant approaches to study. ·A deep approach (understanding the meaning of materials and in my oppinion this approach includes additional studies, very serious way of learning) ·a surface approach (memorising the course materials, the most common approach) ·and the last one, a strategic approach (only grades make sense) But the same student can adopt different approaches, It depends on different things, such as personal interest, teacher, tasks. Conceptions...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


LÄÄNE-EESTI SAARESTIKU BIOSFÄÄRI KAITSEALA Tartu Katoliku Kool Liisa Kivimaa 8.klass 2008 Mis asi on biosfäär? Biosfäär ehk elukond (elusloodust sisaldav kiht) on Maa sfääriline kest, mille koostis, struktuur ja energeetiline seisund on valdavalt möödunud aegade ja nüüdisaegsete organismide tegevuse tagajärg. Biosfäär hõlmab osa atmosfäärist, pedosfäärist, hüdrosfäärist ja ülemise osa litosfäärist. Mis asi on biosfäärikaitseala? Biosfäärikaitseala on kaitseala, mille ülesandeks on säilitada mingi tüüpilise ala loodust, kui tervikut. Eesmärk on põhjalikumalt uurida looduslikke ökosüsteeme ja inimtegevuse tagajärjel tekinud muutuseid. Täpsmalt ­ 1.) luua looduslike ökosüsteemide kaitse 2.) korraldada pikaajalisi uurimusi ning keskkonna järgimist mingi bioomi tüüpil...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
6 allalaadimist

Pedagoogiline psühholoogia

Pedagoogiline psühholoogia Ajalugu Eve Kikas Mis on pedagoogiline (haridus)psühholoogia? · Psühholoogiaharu, mis rakendab psühholoogia teadmisi hariduse sfääris · Erinevus koolipsühholoogiast ­ Sisuline ­ Terminid · Rõhuasetus on õppimise ja õpetamise protsesside uurimisel. Teadmised õppimise ja arengu seaduspärasustest · Otsitakse võimalusi, kuidas õpilasi efektiivsemalt õpetada. Ajalugu · Teadusliku pedagoogilise psühholoogia algusajaks loetaks 19.saj lõppu · William James (1842-1910) oli funktsionalist, kes uuris ka praktilisi probleeme. ­ Raamat "Talks to Teachers" (1899) · PP seisab teooria ja praktika vahepeal: psühholoogia teadus, haridus kunst, PP ühendab neid, ülesandeks teooria praktikasse rakendamine · Õpetas õpetajatele psühholoogia aluseid, rõhuasetusega tegevusel, kohanemisel, kirjutas mälust ja tahtest · Rõhutas eeskuju ja ...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
23 allalaadimist

Education in Croatia esitlus

Education in Croatia Educational system in Croatia divided into: 1.Early childhood education 2.Primary education 3.Secondary education 4.Higher education Early childhood education There are three stages of early childhood education: · from when the child is 6 months old to when they're one · from the ages of one to three · from the age of three until the child stars attending primary school Even though these three stages are not compulsory, every child must attend kindergarten for a year prior to primary school. Primary education (Children begin school at the age of 6 or 7.) There are two stages: · 1st through 4th grade, being taught by one teacher per class that teaches every subject with the exception of foreign languages and Religion. The students stay in one classroom for the 4 years. · 5th through 8th grades, where different teachers teach different subj...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Raha- ehk monetaarpoliitika

Raha ehk monetaarpoliitika Raha ehk monetaarpoliitika Monetary policy Poliitiliselt sõltumatu keskpanga tegevus, mis mõjutab rahamassi ja intressimäärasid, et kontrollida inflatsiooni ja majanduskasvu Rahapoliitika eesmärgid Raha stabiilsuse tagamine Hindade stabiilsus Majanduskasv Kõrge tööhõive Finantsturgude stabiilsus Intressimäära stabiilsus Välisvaluuta reservide stabiilsus Rahapoliitilised instrumendid ja keskpank 1 Püsivõimalused. Nende eesmärk on... lisada ja absorbeerida üleöölikviidsust kehtestada üleöö turuintressimäärade piirid Avaturuoperatsioonid. Nende abil: juhitakse intressimäärasid juhitakse likviidsust turul väljendatakse rahapoliitilist kurssi Kohustuslik reserv. Krediidiasutused on kohustatud hoidma keskpanga kontol kohustuslikke reserve. Kohustusliku reservi süsteem...

Majandus → Majandus
86 allalaadimist


CHARLES DICKENS WHY WE STILL LOVE CHARLES DICKENS 200 YEARS ON WHAT WAS IT ABOUT CHARLES DICKENS THAT MADE HIM NOT ONLY A CELEBRITY IN HIS OWN TIME BUT AS EQUALLY CELEBRATED TWO CENTURIES AFTER HIS BIRTH? This course will examine his novels, his journalism and the social causes for which he campaigned. Through analysis of his writing, his activism and his life, students will explore his relationship with the Victorian age and beyond. In addition to discussing Dickens' life and works, students will explore Dickens' world on foot, through field trips around London and the county of Kent, where Dickens spent his childhood and the last years of his life ... Dickens believed that enriching people's life with knowledge and enjoyment of the arts was key to building a fair society and creating opportunities. Dickens 2012 is committed to following Dickens's educational mission by supporting learning activities around the world, from t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

USA school system

USA school system Most children enter the public education system around ages five or six. They may begin in preschoolpreschool, kindergartenkindergarten or first gradefirst grade. They normally attend 12 grades of study over 12 calendar years of primary and secondary education before graduating, earning a diploma that makes them eligible for admission to higher educationhigher education. Education is only mandatory until age 16, however. There are generally five years of primary (elementary) school, during which students customarily advance together from one grade to the next as a single cohort or "class", three years of middle school, which may have cohorts, and four years of high school. There is some variability in the arrangement of grades. In the U.S., ordinal numbersordinal numbers (e.g., first gradefirst grade) are used for identifying grades. Typical ages and grade groupings in contemporary, public and private schools may be...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

"South Africa"

South Africa Aivi Raja 11.a Location Click to edit Master text styles the continent of Second level Africa Third level Fourth level Fifth level the southern tip borders the Atlantic and Indian oceans bordered by Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Swaziland and the Kingdom of Lesetho General Information Pretoria - executive capital - warm valley - surrounded by the hills of the Magaliesberg Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

The English Language

English began as a west Germanic language which was brought to England bt the Saxons around 400 AD. The spoken and written laguage berween 400 and 1100 AD is referred to as Old English. Many words used today come from Old English. In the 9th and 10th centuries, when Vikings invaded England, Old Norse words entered the language English from about 1300 to 1500 is known as Middle English. It was influenced by French and Latin. French brouht many words connected with goverment. Modern English eas greatly influenced by the English used in London and changed a great deal until the end of the 18th century. Many words were introduced from Greek and Latin to express new ideas, especially in science, medicine and philosophy. Nowadays 80 percent of the word-stock is foreign-born. So we can say that most world languages have contributed some words to English at some time, and the process is now being reversed. Purists of the languages are res...

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

6 stops in the USA

6 stops in the USA Annika Allik 10A Põltsamaa Co-Educational Gymnasium Las Vegas ... is the largest city in Nevada state ... is the largest center for adult entertainment in the entire world The major attractions in Las Vegas are the casinos and the hotels The most famous hotel casinos are located on Las Vegas Boulevard on the portion of that road known as the Las Vegas Strip Fremont street in 1920s and today New York City ... is the most populous city in the United States ... is famous for the Statue of Liberty, Empire State building, United Nations, museums, Broadway theaters, restaurants, Times Square, nightlife and shopping In 2010, New York City had a record number of tourists with 48.7 million Time square in 1922 and 2010 San Francisco ... is the financial, cultural, and transportation center of the San ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

5C’s of Credit

5c’s of Credit When you apply for a loan, the lender will evaluate your request in order to determine whether or not it is a good decision to lend you and your business money. A common evaluation framework is the Five C’s of Credit: capacity, capital, collateral, conditions and character. Capacity refers to your ability to meet the loan payments. The prospective lender will want to know exactly how you intend to repay the loan. The lender will consider the cash flow from the business, the timing of repayment, and the probability of successful repayment of the loan. Lenders will also consider payment history as an indicator of future payment potential. For example, if you have a history of not paying back loans then it becomes more difficult to obtain additional loans. Capital is the money invested in the business and is an indicator of how much is at risk should the business fail. Lender...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

"Skellig" raamatukokkuvõte

Cave diving text! ! ! 1.slide! Hi guys! Today I am gonna talk to you about cave diving. I chose that extreme sport because my father said that this could be intresting, educational and fun. I agree with that. So lets begin.! ! 2.slide! Cave diving is diving in water caves. ! In UK it is called just caving and in US it is called scuba diving. They are not same but the point is same and so the technique. ! Basically cave divers swim and explore there.! Sometimes they also find fish, animal and human bones. And they give these to museums.! The first cave diver in world was Jacques-Yves Cousteau and he dived at Aqua-Lung in 1943.! ! 3.slide! There are so many hazards that can be...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus - 7. klass
24 allalaadimist

Hotel Sophia

Hotel Sophia Hotel Sophia was established with the aim to combine great hotel experience with good prices. The aim is to provide visitors with more than simply accommodation, be it a holiday, business or conference trip. Therefore, we have drawn together innovative ideas and thoughts, inspired by a smart and active lifestyle. Hotel Sophia boasts spacious and modern rooms. Natural and allergy-free materials have been used for decorative applications. Check in 3 pm, check out 12 pm. The hotel's location is an effective hub between Estonian cities and easily accessible for visitors arriving by car, offering free-of-charge parking facilities. Visitors are able to go to the cinema or ice-skating, visit an adventure park, a beauty salon or shop at Lõunakeskus ­ the biggest shopping and recreational centre in South Estonia. For the visitors' convenience, the hotel is connected with the shopping centre, makin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Education in Croatia

2 Educational system in Croatia divided into: 1. Early childhood education 2. Primary education 3. Secondary education 4. Higher education 3 Early childhood education There are three stages of early childhood education: • from when the child is 6 months old to when they're one • from the ages of one to three • from the age of three until the child stars attending primary school Even though these three stages are not compulsory, every child must attend kindergarten for a year prior to primary school. 4 Primary education (Children begin school at the age of 6 or 7.) There are two stages: • 1st through 4th grade, being taught by one teacher per class t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Õpetaja kui koolimeeskonna liige ja arengu suunaja

Õpetaja kui koolimeeskonna liige ja arengu suunaja Tunnete end alaväärsena, vaevatuna, süüdistatuna kõigis ühiskonna pahedes? Siis olete ilmselt õpetaja. -Times Educational Supplement(`Times'i hariduslisa)(1997) Õpetaja on tavaline inimene, kes kuulub kooli nagu iga teinegi inimene oma töökohta. Tavaliselt arvatakse, et õpilaste haridus sõltub eelkõige õpetajatest, nende tegutsemisest ja mõtlemisest, kuid tegelikkuses vastab see ka tõele. Enamasti võetakse koolidesse tööle sellised õpetajad, kellel on paremad oskused ette näidata. Kahjuks aga ei väärtustata õpetaja tööd, sest on selgunud, et õpetamistingimused on aastatega halvenenud. Koolielu mõjub õpetajatele stressitekitavana ning enamasti kogunevad kooliga seotud probleemid just õpetajate õlgadele ning selle tõttu ei saagi nad oma tööst rõõmu tunda. Kuid kuidas parandada õpetajate olukorda koolis ning kuidas nad saaksid ikkagi koolimeeskonna liikmeks? Samas peaks k...

Pedagoogika → Haridus
26 allalaadimist

Estonian Independence Day

February 24: Independence Day The Republic of Estonia was founded on February 24, 1918 when the Salvation Committee, Päästekomitee, declared the independence of the Republic of Estonia. This date was celebrated as the Day of Independence until the Soviet occupation of Estonia in 1940. During the Soviet occupation, the Independence Day was festively celebrated in Estonian communities around the world. Every year, the US Secretary of State sent greetings on the occasion to the Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia to the United States, Ernst Jaakson. On February 24, 1989, the red flag of Soviet Estonia was replaced by the blue-black-white Estonian national flag on Toompea and since that time the Independence Day has been celebrated as a public holiday again. This year Estonia will celebrate the 83rd anniversary of the declaration of the state independence. A Quest for Independence For centur...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Lessons for the future

Lessons for the future Education seems to be in government's, media's and people's spotlight all the time. Times change and education, as one of the most important areas of our society, needs constant reforming. Nowadays, the main focus seems to be on subjects like maths, physics, chemistry etc. because of current IT-era demands more knowledge in those regions than in humanities. I agree that Estonia's government's steps towards making maths and physics our school- system's top priority is quite right, but I think that there can be a lot more done to improve our educational structure. I find that Estonian schools should pay more attention to teaching our children current state in our political landscape. Kids, who go to school, are our future and soon-to-be full- right voters in national elections. They will become old and independent enough to be a part of deciding process over their coun...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Pidgins, creoles and Standard English (English in South-East Asia and the Pacific)

Pidgins, creoles and standard language Pidgin language  A simplified language  Mainly employed in trade  NOT the native language of any community  may be built from words, sounds, or body language from multiple other languages and cultures  No particular rules Chinese Pidgin English  a pidgin lexically based on English and influenced by Chinese  developed in 17th century in China  Began to decline during the 19th century, when standard English began to be taught in schools Chinese Pidgin English Some characteristics:  Based on a vocabulary of 700 English words  Grammar and syntax are simple and positional (grammatical categories are indicated by the position of words in a sentence)  Lack of plural personal pronouns Chinese Pidgin English Example sentences:  Hab gat rening kum daun (Have got raining come down) “There is rain coming down”  Tumoro mai no kan kum (Tomorrow my ...

Keeled → English in South-East Asia and...
2 allalaadimist


Education Education is so multifaceted that it is difficult for me to know where to begin discussing it, or how to prioritize the many factors. Relaying my own experience is easy: I had a standard classroom approach, supplemented by inordinate reading. In only the briefest and least memorable instances did I receive any individual tutoring. Education is commonly thought of as the job of schools. Adults cry "educate our children!" Everyone has opinions about the best way to do the job. It is of urgent importance, and all the numerous factors are much studied, debated, and new (or old) ideas continually tested or retested. Some people say "it's as simple as . . . " and then name their pet peeve or passion. My view is not of an education specialist, but of one who loves sharing what I learn, and owes much to educators. Since I don't have an educational theory neatly worked-out, nor an outline of my perceptions, my intent is to addr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
125 allalaadimist

The picture of Dorian Gray

The picture of Dorian Gray The novel ,,The picture of Dorian Gray" was written by an Irish writer Oscar Wilde. It was first publised in a newspaper in 1890. At first, the book gained a lot of criticism and the author decided to change some parts of the book. The new verison was publised a year later after the former verison was released. The novel narratates a story of a wealthy, handsome, young man named Dorian Gray. When a very talented artist called Basil Hallward meets Dorian Gray, he is absolutely amazed by Gray's flawless looks. Basil decides to paint a picture of Gray, to honour his beauty. But Basil has one problem, he doesn't want that decent Gray and his friend lord Henry would ever meet. But that happens and when lord Henry tells Dorian about his view of world, Dorian gets infulenced and wishes to never age. He wishes to always maintain the same looks as he has on the picture that Basil painted of him. By lord ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


1. Who are ghosts? · The energy, soul or personality of a dead person who has somehow gotten stuck between this plane of existence and the next · Those persons has often died as a result of some tragedy or trauma · It´s believed that those ghosts don´t know they are dead · Also known as "intelligent hauntings," these ghosts exist in a kind of limbo state in which they haunt the scenes of their deaths or locations that were pleasant to them in life. Limbo is kind of a pre-hell state · When psychics say, they can communicate with them, and when they do, they often try to help these spirits to understand that they are dead and to move on to the next stage of their existence. · Messengers - the most common ghosts. · These spirits usually appear shortly after their deaths to people close to them to bring comfort to the loved ones. · Messengers are aware of their deaths and can int...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


TARTU ÜLIKOOLI NARVA KOLLEDZ EESTI KEELE LEKTORAAT Marina Buinitskaja ERIVAJADUSTEGA LAPSED TAVALASTEAIAS artikkel Juhendaja Elena Nõmm Narva 2015 I Sissejuhatus Eesti Vabariigi põhiseadus ja haridusseadused on kehtestanud kõikidele lastele võrdse õiguse saada võimetele vastavat haridust. Samas kõik inimesed erinevad mõningal määral üksteistest, nii ka lapsed. Erivajadustega lastele lasteaias käimise võimaldamiseks on kasutusel kaks viisi: kas kohandada tavalasteaedasi neile sobivamaks, samas säilitades sobivuse ka teistele lastele või siis saata erivajadustega lapsed neile juba sobivasse lasteaiakeskkonda, erirühmadesse ja erilasteaedadesse. Erivajadustega laste(ga) hakkama saamine ja arenguvõimalused tavalasteaedades on aktuaalne teema paljudele peredele ja lasteaia õpetajatele. Erirühmades on pikad järjekorrad...

Pedagoogika → Sotsiaalpedagoogika
42 allalaadimist

Ungarlased, ungari keel ja Unagri riik.

Ungarlased Rahvus Ungarlased elavad Ungaris, mis asub Kesk-Euroopas. Ungari naabrid on Ukrana, Slovakkia, Sloveenia, Horvaatia, Rumeenia ning Serbia. (2) Ungaris elab 9,9 miljonit inimesi, millest 9,3 miljonit on ungarlased. (4 ja 1) Ungari pindala on 93 030 km2. (4) Põhjast lõunasse voolav Doonau ning reljeefi kõrgusvahed jaotavad Ungari geograafiliselt kolmeks osaks. Riigi maastik on peamiselt tasane. Edela-Ungaris on Dunantuli mäed. Läänepiiri äärde jääb väike osa Alpidest. Kõrgeim punkt on Kekes (1014 m) Matra mägedes. Ungarlaste enesenimetus on magyar ja madjar. Tänapäeval on enim levinud nimetused Ungar (saksa), Hungarian (inglise), Hongroise (prantsuse) jne. (1 ja 2) Ungari lipp Ungari asukoht Keel Ungari keel on Ungari Vabariiki ametlik keel ning Ungaris räägivad seda keelt peaaegu kõik inimesed. Maailmas kokku on ungarlasi umbes 14 m...

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
6 allalaadimist

Tallinna Gootika

Roland Bachmann PT-12 ,,Tallinna Gootika." 2012 Tallinna Raekoda on Põhja-Euroopas ainus säilinud gooti stiilis raekoda. Hoone kannab euroopaliku linnavõimu traditsiooni. - Juba 1248. aastal kinnitas Taani kuningas Erik IV Adraraha Tallinnale Lübecki linnaõiguse, millele toetudes alustas raekojas tööd hansakaupmeeste seast valitud raad. Selle sammuga astus Tallinn Euroopa õigusruumi. Linnavalitsus töötas raekojas kuni 1970. aastani. Tänaseni munitsipaalomandis olev maja täidab oma ajaloolist funktsiooni linna esindushoonena. Raekoja ehituslugu ulatub 13. sajandisse, oma keskaegse kuju sai ta aastatel 1402-1404. Uurimismaterjalide põhjal võib väita, et magistraadi e. rae kooskäimise kohana oli väike kindlustüüpi ühekorruseline keldriga raekoda oma praegusel asukohal olemas juba 13.sajandi keskel.1322.aastal esmakordselt kinnisvararaamatus mainitud raekoda oli suure koosolekuruumiga (consistorium) ja tolle aja koh...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
18 allalaadimist


MY SCHOOL & SPECIALITY Kuressaare Regional Training Centre is an educational institute that provides initial vocational training and in wide area of specialties. The school was established on the 6th of november 1922, named the Kuressaare Ehitusinstruktorite school. First accepted 19 students to the new school. This marks the beginning of the continuous training on Saaremaa. Nowdays, over 1000 of students enrolled in school. As tourism is an important industry in our region, training specialists in catering, cooking, tourism management and hotel service has a very important role. Construction and related fields like carpentry have also quite a number of students. My school is located on an island which has a strong seamanship traditions and small vessel building companies, Kuressaare Reginal Traingin Centre is the only vocational school in Estonia training boat builders. Other specialties are car repairing, business management, social w...

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun