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Juhtimisarvestus basic

KORDAMINE EKSAMIKS Kordamisküsimused arvestuseks. Arvestuses on vastused on antud variantidena ja väidetena, õigele tuleb ring ümber tõmmata. 1 Millega tegeleb juhtimisarvestus? Juhtimisarvestus ehk otsusepõhjenduslik majandusarvestus (managerial accounting ehk management accounting) peab tagama juhtimisosuste langetamiseks vajaliku info. Hõlmab endas spetsiifilisi meetodeid, protseduure ja võtteid, mille eesmärgiks on anda juhtkonnale ettevõtte juhtimiseks vajalikku infot. Juhtimisarvestuse spetsialisti ülesandeks on info/andmete kogumine, analüüsimine, tõlgendamine ning aruannete koostamine, mis võimaldaks juhtkonnal põhjendatult langetada otsuseid (nt äriotsused, valikud). Juhtimisarvestuse valdkonnad: * kuluarvestus * ettevõttesisene finantsplaneerimine * ettevõttesisene aruandlussüsteem Seos juhtimisotsustega Kontrollitav ehk mõjutatav kulu - kulu, mille suurust saab juht oma tegevusega mõjutada Mittekontrollitav ehk m...

Majandus → Juhtimise alused
126 allalaadimist

Solar Energy

SOLAR PANEL TTÜ 2016 WHAT IS SOLAR PANEL? • Panel which work by solar energy HISTORY • 1954 • Giacomo Luigi Ciamician • Company «Bell Labaratories» HOW DOES SOLAR PANEL WORK? PRODUCTS POWERED BY SUNLIGHT SATELLITE POWERED BY SOLAR ENERGY ADVANTAGES&DISADVANTAGES • Ecofriendly • Sustainability • Extensive range of applications • Cost • The need for cleaning • Weather

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sticky costs: evidence from Croatian food and beverage industry

Sticky costs: evidence from Croatian food and beverage industry M. Pervan and I. Pervan Cost stickiness võib eesti keelde tõlkida kui kulude kleepuvus. Artikkel on Horvaatia toiduaine- ja joogitööstuse näitel. Üks viisidest, kuidas ettevõtted suudavad säilitada ja parandada oma konkurentsieelist on juhtida tulutoovalt ning maksimeerida ettevõtte kasum. Ettevõtte juhtidele peab olema selge mitte ainult see, millised kulud tootmises esinevad, vaid kuidas muutuvad kulud tootmismahu muutumisel ning milline on seos kulude ja kasumi vahel. Traditsioonilise juhtimisarvestuses kohaselt valitseb tootmismahu ja muutuvkulude vahel sümmeetriline seos nii mahu suurenemisel kui vähenemisel. Teisisõnu tootmismahu muutudes muutuvkulud suurenevad ja vähenevad sama protsendi võrra, sõltumata sellest, kas mahtu suurendatakse või see väheneb. Mitmed majandusteadlased aga usuvad, et tootmismahu suurenemisel m...

Majandus → Finantsjuhtimine
9 allalaadimist

Puppies for sale

Puppies for sale A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell. He painted a sign advertising the pups and set about Nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard. As he was driving the last nail into the post, he Felt a tug on his overalls. He looked down into the Eyes of a little boy. Mister," he said, "I want to buy one of your puppies." "Well," said the farmer, as he rubbed the sweat off the back of his neck, "these puppies come from fine parents and cost a good deal of money." The boy dropped his head for a moment. Then reaching deep into his pocket, he pulled out a handful of change and held it up to the farmer. "I've got thirty-nine cents. Is that enough to take a look?" "Sure," said the farmer. And with that he let out a whistle,"Here,Dol...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Logistika lühendid ja tähendused

LÜHENDITE LOETELU 3PL​ - kolmanda poole logistika (​third party logistics​) või kolmanda poole logistikateenuste osutaja, kasutatakse ka lühendit TPL 4PL​ - neljanda poole logistika (​fourth party logistics​) või neljanda poole logistikateenuste osutaja, kasutatakse ka lühendit FPL Auto-ID​ - automaatne andmetuvastus (​auto identification)​ BPR​ - äriprotsesside ümberkujundamine (​business process reengeneering)​ CAD​ - raalprojekteerimine (​computer aided design​) CAM​ - raalijuhtimisega tootmine (​computer aided manufacturing​) CIM​ - raalintegreeritud projekteerimine ja tootmine (​computer integrated manufacturing​) CL​ - täiskonteinerisaadetis (​container load​). Kasutatakse ka lühendit FCL. COFC​ - konteiner raudtee platvormivagunil - kombineeritud transpordi meetod (​container on flatcar​) CPC​ - koostöös tooteandmete haldamine (​collaborative product commerce​) CPFR​ - koostöös plaanimine, prognoosimine ja varude täi...

Logistika → Logistika
6 allalaadimist


TARNEKLAUSLID (Incoterms) Incoterms reglementeerib suure osa rahvusvahelise müügilepingu (kontrahi) tingimustest ja poolte (kontrahentide) kohustustest. Iga tarneklausel fikseerib müüja kohustused ehk teiste sõnadega: millised müüja kulutused sisalduvad müügilepingu hinnas. Ühe ja sama kauba hind võib sõltuvalt kasutatud tarneklauslist olla väga erinev. Järelikult ei ole korrektne võrrelda erinevate kaupade hindasid, teadmata, millised on olnud antud kauba tarnetingimused. Tarneklauslite puuduliku tundmise tõttu on nii mõnigi ettevõtja pidanud kandma asjatuid kulusid vajalikest suuremate tollimaksete või -maksude tasumisel. Tarneklauslid: EXW (Ex Works) Laadimiskoht määratud, kasutatakse kõikide transpordiliikide puhul, müüja teeb kaubad kättesaadavaks ostjale enda või muus asukohas, müüja kohustuste hulka ei kuulu kauba ekspordi tollivormistus ja veokile laadimine. Ostja kannab kõik riskid ja kulud, mis on seotud ja järgnevad kaub...

Logistika → Logistika
26 allalaadimist

IASB kodutöö


Informaatika → Sissejuhatus andmeturbesse
7 allalaadimist

Kuluarvestus II KT kordamisküsimused

1. Juhtimis- ja kuluarvestuse universaalmeetodid a. Vastutuspõhine (spetsiaalne) kuluarvestus, algus loengus 4 i. Definitsioon: Organisatsiooni erinevate vastutuspiirkondade kaupa majandus-informatsiooni kogumine, kokkuvõtmine ja aruannete koostamine, seostades ettevõtte tulud, kulud, kasumid ja investeeringud nende eest otseselt vastutavate struktuuriüksuste juhtidega. ii. Vastutuskeskused (tulemusüksused), nende juhtide vastutuse ulatus: kulu-, tulu-, kasumi- ja investeeringukeskused Kulukeskus – organisatsiooni allüksus, mille juht on vastutav ja aruandekohustuslik talle alluva allüksuse väljaminekute eest. (esmatasandi juhid) Tulukeskus – organisatsiooni allüksus, mille juht on vastutav ja aruandekohustuslik talle alluva allüksuse sissetulekute eest, kuid ta ei kontrolli täielikult antud allüksuse poolt osutatavate teenuste/müüdavate kaupade kulusid. (k...

Majandus → Juhtimine
51 allalaadimist

Google CAR

Google CAR Siim Aarmaa IS-13 Information Project called Google Chauffeur Project leader is Google engineer Sebastian Thrun Google Car won 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge and get 2 million $ price Technology LIDAR (laser radar) system this only cost 70000 $ and Car with the laser pays 150000 $ generate a detailed 3D map of its environment Connected Google Street View and Google MAP Video Thank you for listening!

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

II kt loengu konspekt

Tootmiskulud (õp. lk. 147-175) 1. Firma kulud ja kulukõverad 2. Püsi-, muutuv- ja piirkulu 3. Tootmisfunktsioon ja kulud 4. Pika perioodi kulud ja kulukõverad 4.1. Isokost 4.2. Arengutee 5. Kulukõverad majandusanalüüsis ja sisendite hindade muutumine 1. Firma eemärk ­ maksimeerida kasumit Alternatiivkulu ­ ressursi parimast alternatiivsest kasutusviisist loobumise hind. Alternatiivkulu Otsene kulu Kaudne kulu Tegelikud Rahalised maksed ressursside eest Ei tehta otseselt rahalisi väljamakseid, aga loobutakse teatud rahalisest sissetulekust, mida oleks saanud nende teistsugusel kasuta...

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
358 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus majandusteooriasse

Sissejuhatus majandusteooriasse Teadus ­ annab tõelisi teadmisi, suhtelised tõed. 1. Hüpotees (mingitel tingimustel tõene, kui pole enam mõistlikke vastuväiteid) 2. Tõestamine - Mudel ­ tuleb leida kõige olulisem, mille mõju on suurem - Andmete kättesaadavus, võte : must kast ceteris paribus ANALÜÜSI VORMID - Verbaalne ­ loogikavead võivad tekkida - Matemaatiline ­ valemite keerulisus - Graafiline · Majanduses on kõik muutuv, pole konstantne · Marginaalne analüüs ­ piiril olev · MAJANDUS ­ Piiratud ressurssidest võimalikult suure kasumlikkuse loomise protsess · ? Mida, kuidas ja kelle jaoks toota? · Pareto optimum ­ ressursid ümberjaotatuna, keegi ei kaota aga 1 võidab - Ressu...

Majandus → Majandus
216 allalaadimist

Inglise keel: 500 sõna majanduserialadele

Sõnastik Majandus- ja sotsiaalinstituudi erialadele 1 ability to pay maksevõime 2 abrogate annulleerima 3 accelerate kiirendama, kiirenema 4 access right juurdepääsu õigus 5 accommodation majutamine 6 accord kooskõlastama 7 account arve, aruanne 8 accounting raamatupidamine 9 accounting period arvestusperiood 10 accounting records raamatupidamise dokumendid 11 accumulated debt kogunenud võlg 12 adequate supply piisav varustamine 13 adulterate võltsima 14 advance ettemakse 15 advantage of secrecy ...

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Empire State building

Empire State building Some information about the Empire State This building has 102 floors Location is in Midtown Manhattan, New York City It has roof height of 381 meters and with its antenna spire included, it stands a total of 443 meteres The Empire State Building is generally thought of as an American cultural icon A little bit history... Empire state was built in: 19291931 Cost was $40,948,900 The arhitects: Lamb Main contractor: Starrett Brothers and Eken m0TpUhylKc&feature=player_embedded

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


The McDonald's Success Story Mac and Dick McDonald 1940 didn't achieve real success until eight years later 1960 earned only $159,000 examining the company's history, there are three elements that stand out: their franchising model, their leadership in cost and time efficiency and their ability to convey those benefits into the minds of customers Over 50 years 32,000 restaurants 100 countries 1 million employees 20 of top 50 executives started working in the restaurants, including CEO Jim Skinner 67,000 McDonald's Managers & Assistant Managers Started as Crew

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Kuluarvestus logistikas I KT

Kuluarvestus logistikas – 1 kontrolltöö 1. Mikroökonoomiline taust (loeng 1) a. Turg, vaba- ehk atomaarturg, turutõrked, tasakaaluhind ja –kogus Turg - Majandussuhete süsteem, mille kaudu ostjad ja müüjad suhtlevad omavahel, määrates kauba hinnad ja nende hindadega ostetavad-müüdavad kogused. Vaba- ehk atomaarturg – Praktikas: Turg, mis toimib nimetamisväärsete riigipoolsete kitsendusteta. Teoorias: – vabaturu abstraktsioon, mis ei ole mitte kunagi ega mitte kusagil eksisteerinud Turutõrked: Tasakaaluhind (p*) – hind, mille korral ostjate ja müüjate soovid langevad kokku Tasakaalukogus (q*) – kogus, mille korral antud hüvise nõutav ja pakutav kogus on võrdsed b. Hinnakujunduse parim lahendus (piirkulu alusel) Parim lahendus (first best solution)– Ressursside kasutus on sotsiaal-majanduslikult efektiivne ehk Pareto-optimaalne (-efektiivne), kui lisanduva toote või teenuse väärtus ühiskonnale on sama suur...

Majandus → Kuluarvestus logistikas
44 allalaadimist

Inglise keele ebareeglipäraseid sõnu ja nende tähendusi

Inglise keele ebareeglipäraseid sõnu ja nende tähendusi Tõlge I vorm II vorm III vorm Olema Be Was/were Been Elama, taluma Abide Abode Abode Tõusma, tekkima Awake Awoke Awoke/awoke Tagaselja laimama Backbite Backbit Backbitten Kandma, taluma, sünnitama Bear Bore Borne/born Lööma, peksma Beat Beat Beaten Saama, muutuma Become Became Become Juhtuma, osaks saama Befall Befell Befallen Sigitama, tekitama Beget Begot Begot/begotte Algatama, alustama Begin Began Begun Silmama, nä...

Keeled → Inglise keel
44 allalaadimist

Fight Club - Book review

BOOK REPORT Title of the book: Fight Club Author (name and some general information): Chuck Palahniuk is an American novelist born February 21, 1962 in Washington, USA. He is best known as the author for the novel Fight Club (1996), which was made into a movie in 1999. Palahniuk began writing fiction in his mid-thirties. When he attempted to publish his novel, Invisible Monsters, publishers rejected it for its disturbing content. This led him to work on Fight Club which he wrote as an attempt to disturb the publisher even more for rejecting him. After initially publishing it as a short story in the 1995 compilation, Pursuit of Happiness, Palahniuk expanded it into a full novel, which --contrary to his expectations--the publisher was willing to publish. Some other well-known novels: Rant, Choke, Diary. Analysis of the book 1. Setting The story takes place in somewhere between 1980s...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Price & Place (Company)

Price and place Joosep Lahi 10a Price is the one, which creates THE PRICE sales revenue. Researching consumers' opinions about pricing is important. An organisation's pricing policy will vary according to time and circumstances. Pricing Cost-plus pricing methods. Value-based pricing Psychological pricing Target return pricing The place . 'Place' is concerned with various methods of transporting and storing goods, and then making them available for the customer. The choice of distribution method will depend on a variety of circumstances. Distribution Channel ---- all aspects related to how a Product is `moved' from the manufacturer to the customer. Direct . Indirect. THANK YOU FOR LISTENING

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

The list of irregular verbs

The list of irregular verbs Basic Form Simple Past Past Participle Form (II) Form (III) 1. abide abode (abided) abided (mlgi juurde) jääma, (mlstki) kinni pidama, (mdgi) järgima (by) 2. arise arose arisen tõusma, esile tulema või kerkima 3. awake awoke awoken (üles) ärkama, virguma; (üles) äratama, virgutama 4. be was/were been olema 5. bear bore borne kandma; kannatama, taluma, vastu pidama; esile tooma, ilmale tooma, sünnitama 6. beat beat ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Avaliku sektori II KT mõisted

1. Mediaanvalija - on valija, kelle eelistus asub eelistuste rea keskel 4 5 6 6 7 9 23 30 30 62 70 sellise rea puhul on mediaanvalija eelistus 9. Osad tarbijad tahavad mõnda avalikku kaupa rohkem, osad vähem. 2.Keskmise valija teoreem – eelistuste valimisel võidab alati mediaanvalija. Ntx kui palju peaks tudeng stipendiumit saama? 50 60 200 200 220 300 355, siis mediaanvalija on 200 eurot. Selle summaga oleks nõus 4 valijat, samas 3 valijat soovib kõrgemat. Kui vaadata 50 eurot, siis selle puhul oleks rahul vaid 1 valijatest. 3. Enamushääletus – on see, kui otsuse poolt on vähemalt 51% inimestest. 17 valija puhul on poolt vähemalt 9 inimest 4. Piirmaksumäär – PMM, see näitab, palju täiendavast 1 euro tulust peab inimene maksuna ära maksma. PMM= (maksukohustuse kasv/tulude kasv)*100%. Eestis on PMM hetkel 20,16% 5.Keskmine maksumäär – näitab, palju maksab inimene oma tulust ära maksudena. KMM = (maksukohustus/maksustav tulu)*100% 6. Efek...

Majandus → Majandus
25 allalaadimist

Ettevõtte rahandus

ETTEVÕTTE RAHANDUS CORPORATE FINANCE Kristo Krumm Ettevõtte rahandus Kristo Krumm SISSEJUHATUS Kursusel läbitavad põhiteemad: Ettevõtte rahanduse probleemid ja meetodid. Finantsjuhtimise eesmärgid, ettevõtte raamatupidamis- ja rahandusmudelid. Rahandusotsused ja firma eesmärk. Raha ajaväärtus, väärtpaberite hindamise alused, risk, oodatav tulumäär ja selle dispersioon, valikud riski ja oodatava tulumäära vahel, portfelliteooria ja finantsvarade hindamine, investeeringute hindamise põhimeetodid, ettevõtte väärtus, kapitali eelarvestamine, kapitali struktuur ja finantseerimisviiside ülevaade, finantsanalüüsi alused ja informatsiooniallikad. Ettevõte on tervik, mis moodustub üksikutest osadest: Sisseost Tootmine Finantsid Müük Jne Ettevõtte finantsvaldkond moodustub samuti osadest, mille loo...

Majandus → Rahanduse alused
73 allalaadimist

Henry Ford

Slaid 1. Henry Ford Henry Ford in the eyes of of many, the leading figure of modern capitalism: he gave us Fordism- not just the a way of manufacturing but a new form of intustrial organisation. Indeed, according to Henry himself, he 'invented the modern age'. His vision was that all his employees could afford his products. He also invented the modern corporation- yet the Ford Motor Company was almsot wholly driven by the needs of production. Finance, marketing, cost accounting, managerial structure, and all the other accoutrements of modern corporations were of little or no intrest to Henry Ford. Henry Ford also regarded himself as a leader of the American people- as indeed were all business people in his eyes. But his belief that he understood the people better than their political leaders is best represented by his claim during prohibition. For Ford, at least early on, the seduction of wages still required its opposite for effective ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Cernobyl Disaster

Chernobyl disaster Outline • What happened? • Elimination of the consequences • The Exclusion Zone • Conclusion • Quiz • Reference list What happened? • The Chernobyl disaster was a catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine (then officially the Ukrainian SSR). An explosion and fire released large quantities of radioactive particles into the atmosphere, which spread over much of the western USSR and Europe. • The Chernobyl disaster was the worst nuclear power plant accident in history in terms of cost and casualties, and is one of only two classified as a level 7 event (the maximum classification) on the International Nuclear Event Scale (the other being the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011). • The battle to contain the contamination and avert a greater catastrophe ultimately involved over...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

IBM Watson

IBM Watson Sander Siniorg 134676IAPB Description • Question answering computing system • Can process 500 gigabytes per second • Hardware cost about $3 million • Sources of information: encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri, newswire articles, and literary works Operation • Parses the clues into fragments • Executes thousands algorithms simultaneously • The more algorithms that find the same answer the more likely Watson is to be correct • Checks if potential solution makes sense • Dynamic learning History • Development started in 2005 • First initial tests in 2006 • First successful tests in 2008 • Jeopardy matches in 2011 Future plans • Clinical decision support • Watson Engagement Advisor • Research • Build new Watson-powered apps Thank you for your attention

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Austria Austria Mountainous landscapes.charming villages,and a passion for coffee and cake are just a handful of reasons why paying a visit to Austria is a must for those hoping to travel to europe one day. Winter sport The Alps surrounding Austria provide a skiers paradise .Many natives and tourists head the hills at least once a year to partake in a little gliding ,slipping ,and sliding Hotels are not very expensive there.Three nights will cost the 130 eurot. Airplane prices for austria Back and forth is a 90 eurot by person . The flight lasts 1 hour Austria by car From Häädemeeste 24hours 1700 km To drive there it takes around 100 liters gas.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Turbo ja kompressor(inglise keeles)

Since the invention of the internal combustion engine, automotive engineers, speed junkies and racecar designers have been searching for ways to boost its power. One way to add power is to build a bigger engine. But bigger engines, which weigh more and cost more to build and maintain, are not always better. Another way to add power is to make a normal-sized engine more efficient. You can accomplish this by forcing more air into the combustion chamber. More air means more fuel can be added, and more fuel means a bigger explosion and greater horsepower. A turbo/supercharged engine produces more power overall than the same engine without the charging. Both superchargers and turbochargers do this. The difference between the two devices is their source of energy . TURBOCHARGER When people talk about race cars or high-performance sports cars, the topic of turbochargers usually comes up. Turbochargers also appear on large diesel engines. A t...

Auto → Jõuülekanne
56 allalaadimist

Strateegiline juhtimisarvestus ja kulujuhtimine

Strateegiline juhtimisarvestus ja kulujuhtimine 1 If the allocation base is machine hours, then Overhead allocation rate is $453,600 /10500 machine hours = $43.20 per machine hour Overhead allocated Job 215 Job 325 $1,728.00 $2,592.00 2 Average cost per farme Purchasing $35.00 $875.00 $280.00 Material handling $17.50 $175.00 $70.00 Machine maintenance $22.60 $904.00 $1,356.00 Product inspection $15.75 $141.75 $47.25 Packaging ...

Majandus → Juhtimisarvestus
73 allalaadimist

Cinema is the most restricitve medium

Cinema is the most restricitve medium The topic of this essay is cinema as the most restrictive medium. I would like to discuss the restrictions of cinema as such – what these are, how do they affect the medium. For example time limit of the films, budget, how it affects writer and director, what kind of choices they have to make, and how the audience come into play. Personally, i don’t consider cinema as a restrictive medium. Cinema’s most restrictive feature is time. Filmmakers must fit very good shots edited into very good storyline into one and a half to three hour movie, usually. The reason being, we get uncomfortable sitting long period of time. If the movies would be longer, we would lose interest and start doing something else. We would simply get uncomfortable sitting on a chair and the whole cinema experience would become agony. Furthermore, producing films can be expensive, especially longer films. Al...

Filmikunst → Film
8 allalaadimist

Report: estonian ecnomy

ERLE MAIDO TAAB11 Report Purpose The purpose of this report is to give an overview of Estonian population, political factors, technological factors, economic factors and the trends in Estonian economy compared to Germany and to briefly discuss Estonian business environment. Estonian population The total population of Estonia is 1 313 271 according to Statistics Estonia, of which 69.1% are Estonians, 25.1% Russians, 4.9% of which are of different nationalities for example Ukrainians, Belarusians and Finns. Rest are of unknown nationality. 68.5% of population speaks Estonian as a mother language, 29.6% speaks Russian as a mother language and 0.6% Ukrainian. Estonia has only one official language which is Estonian. Ac...

Majandus → Rahanduse alused
6 allalaadimist

Case Google

Case Google 1. What were the key factors behind Google's early success? There were 4 main key factors behind Google's early success: · Perfecting an innovative search engine- clearly the most important factor for Google's success. Google stopped counting keywords like old search engines and started using famous Page Rank algorithm. A reliable searches through the number of websites that link to a page to weight search result relevance. · Google focusing on the user- Focus on the user and all else will follow. Attraction for users were the no-nonsense simple white search pages and distractive colorful logo with no ads or editorial content on the page lead to easy and fast search that Yahoo couldn't imitate. · Google delivered search results people really wanted- trustworthy for users. The promised not to sell placement in search results to advertisers and instead ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inglise keele kiri (2016)

Dear Mr Peterson, I am writing to ask more information about your place for training events, beacause I have to organize a youth seminar. I found your advertisement on the Internet. Firstly, I would like to know if the venue is open 20 Julay 2017? It will be suitable to have an evening time of 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm for the event. The main topic of the seminar is „Calm and Confident: Managing Stress and Tough Times". The number of participants is 30 (two teachers and 28 students). I know that you have a beautiful conference rooms, but what size are they? Also you said that you are offering a catering,but what kind of? We would need only snacks, how much it could cost? I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely , Mari Mets

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Better safe than sorry teemalised sõnad

Better safe than sorry Unit 6 Aware of- consious Price we pay- cost Convenience- comfort Operated- controlled Security- safety Muggings- robberies Keep track of- follow Finger scanning- taking a fingerprint with scanner Fingerprinting- taking a fingerprint Identify- recognize Face recognition- recognizing person by their face Footstep identification- it is recognizing someone by their footsteps Via satellite- use of GPS Located- positions Identification cards- card that has one's personal information Birth certificate- document that proves your birth Automatically-unintentionally Preserved- remained Privacy- secret Willing- ready Vangi mõistma- sentenced to Kiirust ületama- speeding Külglibisema- skidding Kohtuprotsess- trial Tunnistaja- witness Kohtunik- judge Tõend- proof Varastatud- stolen Kohtust väljas- courtyard Süütuks tunnistama- pleade not gulity Kohtumaja- court Tunnistused- statements Kaitse- defenc...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution. Agarian-põllumajandus. . The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes that occurred in the period from 1760 to some time between 1820-1840. This transition included going from hand production methods to machines The transition also included the change from wood and other bio- fuels to coal. The Industrial revolution began in Britain and within a few decades spread to Western Europe and the United States. changed-steam power, which was used to power factories and transport and allowed for deeper mining.2) Improvement of iron making techniques allowing for vastly higher production levels. . The textile industry was transformed by new machines ­ such as the Spinning Jenny - and factories, again allowing for much higher production at a lower cost. Creation of new and quicker transport networks thanks to first canals and then railways

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Written enqyiry

To: Klick Costumer Service From: Edgar Rootalu, [email protected] Subject: Laptop Fujitsu Siemens enquiry I saw your advertisement in the latest ,,Eesti Ekspress". It raised some interesting thoughts in me. I consider buying this notebook. First, it says that it is quick and powerful. Does this mean that I can play every computer game existing. Another question is about the price. It says the computer has a remarkable discount. So how much did this thing cost earlier? I have a technical question also. The operation system is new Windows Vista, but can i run some old programs too like from ninties? The ad says i can do the payment by instalments. So if i do this can i do everything with the laptop or i have some limits which comprise downloadings and such other things. How high is the interest rate? I look forward to your answer! Yours, Edgar Rootalu

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Environment and renewable energy

Environment and renewable energy 1. How can we help bring about a change in behavior? * Renewable energy is the sun and the water that people use, but not yet so widely. Required on all homes, various stations, hypermarkets solar panels to use the potential energy, the stock of which is not completed within 5 billion years. * Renewable sources such as wind and solar are intrinsically unsuited to meeting the demand for continuous, reliable supply on a large scale – which comprises most demand in developed countries. The criteria for any acceptable energy supply will continue to be cost, safety, and security of supply, as well as environmental considerations. 2. How can we encourage sustainable development? * To encourage you in the following way. To allocate money for the construction of such stations to States that are unable to pay for expensive power plants. Permanent sponsorshi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Letter homework

Morgan Holiday Home Address: My address: 6 February 2014 Beachside Holiday Home Dear Sir or Madam, My family is planning to spend a month in England and we wish to rent a holiday house. I have found the advertisement in the Internet and I am going to ask some questions. First of all I wonder if pets are allowed in the house of family booking? We have a dog and that would be really very difficult to leave him at home alone for two weeks. What about extra fee car parking? How much would it cost? Is there a fridge in the kitchen? I am also interested in price. All the rent costs 252 €? Including bed linen & towels? Or we have to take along our toiletries? And finally: What about internet access? Do you have it? Looking forward to your answer, ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Mikroökonoomika eksamiks vajalik materjal

ALTERNATIIVKULUD alati olemas MÕÕTÜHIK (5 relva), arvestatakse alati ÜHE mõõtühiku kohta A B C D E F Punktis D kapitali alt.kulu (C-D) Kapital 300 290 250 190 110 0 Kapital +60 ühikut = -15 ühikut tarbekaupa Tarbekaup 0 55 75 90 100 105 1 ühik K= 15/60 = 0,25 ühikut kapitalikaupa 1 relva tootmise alt 1 ühiku või alt kulu relvad või kulu (tootmata (tootmata relvi) võid) A 0 10 1,0 Relvad: Või: 10--9 = 1 1/3,8 = 0,263 B 1 9 ...

Majandus → Mikroökonoomika
556 allalaadimist

Siinused ja Coosinused

(a±b)³=a³±3a²b+3ab²±b³ Sin/cos=tan (a±b)(a²-+ab+b²)=a³±b³ Sin²+cos²=1 1+tan²=1/cos² c=a²+b²-2ab*cos cost tan*cot=1 cos=(b²+c²-a²)/2bc sint cot=cos/sin S=[p(p-a)(p-b)(p-c)] 1+cot²=1/sin² p=P/2_S=p*r_S=abc/4R a/sin=b/sin=c/sin=2R Sin(±)=sin*cos±sin*cos S=(ab*sin)/2 Cos(±)=cos*cos-+sin*sin Tan(±)=(tan±tan)/(1-+tan*tan) sin2=2sin*cos sin/2=±[(1-cos)/2] cos2=cos²-sin² cos/2=±[(1+cos)/2] tan2=2tan/(1-tan²) tan/2=±(1-cos)/(1+cos) tan/2=(1-cos)/sin l=xr l=/360°*2r tan/2=sin/(1+cos) S=xr²/2 S=/360°*r² 030°45°60°90°180°270°360°Sin00,52:23:21 0-10Cos13:22:20,50-101Tan03:313-0- 0Cot-313:30-0-

Matemaatika → Matemaatika
187 allalaadimist

Internet marketing

Internet marketing Sean McPheat Eva Tasso Tartu 2013 About the author Successful online business man Founder of the Internet Marketing Academy Has performed in TV, radio and many publications Consultant Advantages of internet marketing Speed Accuracy Low cost Measurability Global reach Methods of internet marketing Websites and pages Blogs Social media sites Videos and video blogs Important in internet marketing Domain name Contact information Appearance Bad website design Good website design Facts of internet marketing 1/3 of world's population is using internet Internet has become number 1 marketing channel in UK and USA Articles with images get 94% more views than those without Summary Internet marketing is getting more attention than never before Very c...

Keeled → Business english
7 allalaadimist

Solar power

Solar power Rasmus Definition Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity The most abundant energy source on Earth Explosive growth in recent years History Charles Fritts ­ first solar cell, 1% efficiency (1883) Bell Labs ­ first modern silicon cell, 6% eff. (1954) First solar powered calculators (1978) 40percentefficient solar cell in 2006 Solar panels were installed on the White house (2013) Rapid growth Solar industry is the fastestgrowing in the US Solar industry is expected to double every year until 2020 Employs over 100 000 people in US alone Solar cooker Produces heat by concentrating sun rays into one spot Takes long to cook, difficult to burn Works roughly like an oven Bread and cakes usually brown on their tops Solar power ­ good investment? The cost of solar power is constantly falling Will be cheaper than nuclear power in 201415, than coal in 2016 17 Strong demand Enterpr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Millennium Bridge

M i l l e n n i u m B r i d ge Liivika Viitak 8.C klass FACTS A bridge made of steel for pedestrians crossing the River Thames. It was to be a part of the city's millennium celebration. During the first two days after opening the bridge, thousands who had crossed the bridge noticed that the bridge seemed to wobble. Because of that the bridge was closed for modifications 3 days after opening. It was reopened in February 2002. Construction of the bridge began in late 1998 and was completed in June 2000, about 2 months behind schedule. Total cost was 30 million euros. It can carry up to 5,000 people at the same time. DESIGN The design was a subject of a competition organized in 1996. The winning entry was an innovative effort from Arup, Foster and Partners and Sir Anthony Caro. It is 325 metres long and 4 metres wide. Made of aluminium.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


ELECTRIC CARS 2016 Electric car – what is it? • Powered by one or more electric motors, using electrical energy • Energy is stored in rechargeable batteries or another energy storage device • Require charging. Can be charged from home or special station History • First electric cars were produced in 1880s • Were popular in 19th and 20th cebtury •Then ICEs became more advanced Advantages • 3 x more efficient as ICE • Quieter • Do not emit tailpipe pollutants • Instant, strong and smooth acceleration • Lower running costs • Government discounts Disadvantages • Battery wears out over time • Batteries are expensive • Limited driving range (best range Tesla S – about 400km) • Charging takes a long time (unless using superchargers) • Lack of charging stations • Cost a bit more than ICE cars • Manufacturing produces heavy checmical waste Disadvantages • Effects on human health are unknown • It is believed that these kind of pow...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Majandus analüüsisõnastik, mõisted

MAJANDUSANALÜÜSI MÕISTETE JA TERMINITE SELETUS* aegridade analüüs­ spetsiifiline analüüsi meetod, mis käsitleb mingi protsessi perioodiliselt ajas muutuvaid arvnäitajaid (näiteks müügi või tarbimise kõikumist aasta, kuu, nädala, päeva ulatuses, liikluse muutumist, tootmis-tehnoloogilise protsessi muutusi jne.). Kasutatakse ärimudelite ja prognooside koostamisel (time series analysis) analüüs, eritlus ­ probleemi lahendamine objekti (eseme, majandusliku tulemuse, mõiste) osadeks jaotamise teel või majandusliku tulemuse põhjustanud üksikasjade ja nende põhjuste selgitamine. analüütik ­ majandusanalüüsi spetsialist, väärtpaberituru analüüsi spetsialist, analüüse tegev ametnik analüütika ­ analüüsiõpetus, eritlusõpetus. 1.Õpetus uuritavate objektide kohta mingite üldistavatele järeldustele jõudmist menetluse abil, mille tähtsaim tunnus on uuritavate objektide või probleemide osadeks jaotamine ja nende uurimisel saadud tulemus...

Majandus → Majandusanalüüs
21 allalaadimist

Kodutöö 3 Solver variant 1

Microsoft Excel 16.0 Answer Report Worksheet: [Kodutöö OPERATSIOON 3 SOLVER.xlsx]ül 1 Report Created: 21.5.2018 20:36:19 Result: Solver found a solution. All Constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied. Solver Engine Engine: Simplex LP Solution Time: 0,078 Seconds. Iterations: 8 Subproblems: 0 Solver Options Max Time Unlimited, Iterations Unlimited, Precision 0,000001, Use Automatic Scaling Max Subproblems Unlimited, Max Integer Sols Unlimited, Integer Tolerance 1%, Assume NonNegative Objective Cell (Max) Cell Name Original Value Final Value $J$28 Kasum arvutuslik 0 30050 Variable Cells Cell Name Original Value Final Value Integer $C$29 X väärtused A 0 200 Contin $D$29 X väärtused B ...

Matemaatika → Kõrgem matemaatika
31 allalaadimist

Loengukontspekt 1. osa mikro ja macro ökonoomika

LOENG 1 Maj. teadus on sotsiaalteadus, mis kasut. Teaduslikke meetodeid inimeste majandusliku käitumise uurimiseks. Rahuldada piiramatuid vajadusi piiratud ressursside olemasolu tingimustes ­ maj. käitumine. Uurib olemasolevate piiratud ressursside võimalikult tõhusat ja efektiivset kasutamist inimeste vajaduste rahuldamiseks. Mikroökonoomika ­ teoreetiline majanduse osa. Uurib maj. otsuste tegemist majanduse üksikosalejata, nagu kodumajapidamiste ja ettevõtete(firmade) poolt. Mikroökonoomika ehk hinnateooria. Makroökonoomika ­ rahvamajandus tervikuna. Uurimisobjektiks majanduse konjunktuuri kõikumised, tasakaalus mitteolemise põhjused, nagu maj. tsüklite olemasolu, töötus, inflatsioon, maksbilansi puudujääk. Tasakaal! Eraldus 193ndatel nn Suure Depressiooni ajal. John Maynard Keynes 3 põhiprobleemi majanduses: - MIDA toota? - KUIDAS toota? - KELLELE toota? Majandussüsteemid: 1) traditsiooniline, tavamajandus 2) plaani- ehk k...

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
114 allalaadimist


Õhumass M on ulatuslik õhu hulk, mille korral on nii õhutemperatuuri A kui ka õhuniiskuse vertikaalsed gradiendid suurel alal ühesugused. A Kujuneb välja sarnase aluspinna (ookean, manner) kohal T E Atmosfääri front A kitsas eraldusvöönd kahe erinevate omadustega õhumassi D vahel (nt. külm ja soe, kuiv ja niiske) U võib olla statsionaarne või liikuda, viimasel juhul on kaldu S Õhumasside klassifitseerimine laiuskraadi järgi: M · Arktiline õhk A ­ Põhja-Jäämere ümbrus A · Antarktiline õhk AA ­ Antarktikas A · Polaarne õhk P ­ parasvööde: 50-60°NS T · Troopiline õhk T ­ 20-35°NS ...

Maateadus → Maateadus
54 allalaadimist

Illegal Immigration in America - essee

Illegal Immigration in America Essay Often the United States is referred to as the land of opportunity. No wonder a lot of people want to experience it – in fact a survey found out that about 165 million adults worldwide would immigrate to the United States if they had the opportunity. Unfortunately not everyone who decides to live in America does it legally and that’s where the problems begin. Illegal immigration is not a new issue in the United States. For many years immigrants have crossed the American border through Mexico, the Pacific Ocean or some other way. Also there are people who enter the country with a visa but stay for a longer time than it allows them to. Every day thousands of immigrants come to the United States and in March 2010 the estimated number of illegal aliens in the States was about 11 200 000. About eight million of them had jobs. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The Millenium Footbridge.

THE MILLENIUM FOOTBRIDGE What, where & when? • For pedestrians • located between Southward Bridge (downstream) and Black friars Railway Bridge (upstream) • Connects St.Paul’s Catherdal and Tate Modern • owned and maintained by the Bridge House Estates • Construction of the bridge began in 1998 • opening on 10 June 2000. Closing, unexpected & not safety? • Londoners nicknamed Wobbly Bridge • crossed by 90,000 people, with up to 2,000 on the bridge at any one time. • a charity walk on behalf of Save the Children • Swaying motion • Closed after two days of limited access. • Reopened after two years when the bridge was entirely safe. In 2002. Particulars : • Design : Suspension bridge • Total length: 370 meters • Width: 4 meters • Longest span:144 meters • 5,000 people on the bridge at one time • on 28 April 1999 by Monberg Thorsen and Sir Robert McAlpine • cost of £18.2 million A little bit mo...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
3 allalaadimist

Enquiry for joining The Gifted an Talented Development Centr

Enquiry for joining The Gifted an Talented Development Centre 20 October 2009-10-20 Dear Sir or Madam I am writing to enquire information about GTDC. I am 17-year-old school student and I have always been interested in joining with The Gifted and Talented Development Centre. I would be grateful if you could answer some questions, as the curriculum of the school was rather brief. First of all, I would like to know what are the requirements to perform entrance tests and what subjects they are. I also wonder what are the facilities of e-learing and how much they cost. If there are e-learing facilities then I would like to know how can i register myself. Finally, I would like to know what are the benefits of graduation. I have heard that all the students who graduate will get guaranteed jobs unfortunately I think that this is just a rumor due to economic crisis. I am looking forward to receivin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist

Queensland flood

Queensland floods Markus Põder 10 A Contents · Introduction · Backround · Extend · Deaths · Response · Recovery · Economic impact · Animals · Video Introduction · December 2010 ­ January 2011 · 35 confirmed dead · 9 missing · 30 billion dollars · Much of central and southern Queensland including Brisbane, Rockhampton, Emerald, Bundaberg, Dalby, Toowoomba, and Ipswich Backround · Last was in 1974 · Heavy rainfall · 24 December · Coral Sea · Gulf of Carpentaria · Gold Coast Extend · Half of Queensland was flooded · Fitzroy River basin · Burnett River basin · Balonne River basin · Mary River basin · Toowoomba · Brisbane River catchment Deaths · 35 confirmed dead · 20 November 2010 · Jordan Rice Response · 55000 volunteers · Give money · Prime Minister Recovery · Army · Giving A$1 million each · Cricet teams Economic impact · ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun