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Punased raamatud

Keskkonnakaitse teaduskond KODUNE TÖÖ Üliõpilane: Keskkonnakaitse esimene kursus ,,PUNASED RAAMATUD" juhendaja: Prof. 2013 Sisukord Mis on punased raamatud?..................................................................................................3 Eesti punased raamatud.......................................................................................................4 Esimene Eesti punane raamat...................................................................................... 4 Teine Eesti punane raamat.............................................

Loodus → Keskkond
4 allalaadimist

Etiquette in England

Etiquette in england *meeting and greeting · The British are reserved, which may cause them to appear cool and indifferent or overly formal. In fact, they are very friendly and helpful to foreigners. · Shake hands with everyone present men, women, and children at business and social meetings. Shake hands again when leaving. · Use last names and appropriate titles until specifically invited by your British hosts or colleagues to use their first names. *body language · The English tend to keep about an 23 feet between them while speaking. · Touching is usually kept to a minimum. · Family members are more relaxed and familiar with each other, so touching of the arms, elbows, or hands is acceptable. However in a business environment, touching is very minimal and personal space is respected much more than in a family setting. · Direct ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Maa siseehitus, selle uurimine. Maakoore ehitus

Maa siseehitus, selle uurimine. Maakoore ehitus Koostas: Krista Untera MAA SFÄÄRILINE EHITUS JA SELLE UURIMINE 1798. arvutas H. Cavendish Maa massi ( 5,976 x 12 24 3 10 kg). Teadaoleva ruumala (1,083 x 10 km ) järgi leiti, et 3 Maa keskmine tihedus on ~ 5,5 g/cm . sellest järeldati, et kivimite tihedus Maa sees peab olema tunduvalt suurem kui Maa pinnal asuvate graniitidel ning settekivimitel (mis on 2.5 - 2.8 3 g/cm ). arvestades tiheduse ühtlast suurenemist Maa tsentri suunas leiti, et sisekihtide tihedus peaks 3 olema umbkaudu 10-12 g/cm . 3 ( tegelik umbes 13 g/cm ) Kuna ühegi kivimi tihedus aga ei saa olla nii puuraugud Sügavaim puurauk Koola ps. Petsengas (1970-1992.a.) 12 262 m moodustab ainult 0.19% Maa raadiusest (6 371 km) http...

Füüsika → Füüsika
25 allalaadimist

Keelehooldeallikate kasutamise ülesanne

Õigekeelsusallikate kasutamise ülesanne (õigusteadus, AÜ 2017 sügis) Vastake küsimustele, kasutades järgmisi õigekeelsusallikaid: ÕS 2013 ,,Kuidas sõnaraamatut kasutada" (; EKI e-keelenõu (, sh ,,Ametniku soovitussõnastik" (; ÕSi kohanimevalimik ( ( lehelt link Keelekogud Kohanimed Maailma maade nimed)); ÕSi uute sõnade loend ( Märkige ära, kust vastuse leidsite (täpsemalt kui Püüdke esitada vastused rohkem oma sõnadega ja vähem kopeerides. Küsimus Vastus Allikas 1) Kumb on õige, Afaatik - kas afaasik või Keelenõu...

Eesti keel → Eesti õigekeelsus ja...
16 allalaadimist

"The horse whisperer" raamatu kokkuvõte

Tallinna Inglise Kolledz THE HORSE WHISPERER BOOK REPORT Alice Tärk, 9b. Title: The Horse Whisperer Author: Nicholas Evans Publisher: Transworld Publishers Ltd Year: 1991 Number of pages: 97 Genre: fiction The setting: Takes place in Montana The Time Period: 1995 Goal: Some are going to be okay, some are not. The main character is Grace, who is thirteen years old and lives with her mother and father in New York. She is a usual teenager until she loses her leg and her best friend in a serious riding accident. After that she is sad and truly desperate hating the entire world. Her mother Annie is an Englishwoman who had lost his dad and wanted to prove her whole life that she is good in everything: as an important journalist in a fashionable magazine, as a mother and as a husband. But her job is number one and she does not find a lot time for her daughter and husband. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
166 allalaadimist

School system in the USA

School system in the USA Education in the United States is provided by government. Each of the 50 states has its own laws regulating education. Children start school at the age of 5 or 6 and continue until the age of 18. Primary or grade school starts from the first grade up to the sixth grade. Then students attend middle school also called junior high school for three years. After middle school, students attend secondary schools, which are called "high schools" from ninth to twelfth grades. The idea of secondary school is to get a high school diploma. Students should take on average 17 or over 20 units during their studies. Public schools are free of charge and available for everybody. To which school a child attends is determined by where they live. Primary school American children start school at the age of five. The first year at school is called kindergarten. It is obligatory for all American ch...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemptioon

Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption Answers 1. The speaker has obtained mostly cigarettes, booze, books, but also chocolates, milkshakes and even a coin collection for other members of Shawshank. 2. He won't get anyone guns and heavy drugs, because they won't help anyone kill himself or anyone else. 3. Three pieces of evidence that were used to put Andy into jail were: · two empty bottles of Narragansett Beer whit Andy's fingerprints on them · twelve cigarette ends. All of them were Kools what was Andy's brand. · Plaster cast of tyre tracks. These were exactly same as Andy's car. 4. Dishtowels are so important because killer used these as silencer, when he killed Andy's wife and her lover. 5. Sherwood Bolton was in jail from 1945 to 1953. All that time he had a pigeon in his cell. 6. Rock hound ­ person who is interested in rocks. 7. And...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

TV tõlkimisharjutused Unit 1-5: 7. klassile (ILE 5)

UNIT 1: Töövihikust harjutus 7. 1 Puhkuse alguses külastasin ma oma vanavanemaid. At the beginning of my vacation I visited my grandparents. 2 Juulikuu lõpus veetsime nädala Saaremaal. At the end of July we spent a week on Saaremaa. 3 Me tutvusime vaatamisväärsustega ja lõõgastusime rannas. We went sightseeing and relaxed on the beach. 4 Enne reisi Saaremaale olin ma treeninglaagris. Before the trip to Saaremaa I was at a training camp. 5 Laager asus mere ääres. The camp was at the seaside. 6 Pärast treeningut käisime sageli ujumas. After the training we often went sightseeing. 7 Õhtuti mängisime rannas palli. In the evenings we played ball on the beach. 8 Leidsin laagris palju uusi sõpru. I made a lot of new friends at the camp. 9 Augustis käisime perega Lätis. In August we went on a family trip to Latvia. 10 Külastasime lõbustusparki ja matkasime Siguldas. We visited an amusement park and took a walk in Sigulda. 11 Suve joo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Poola ettevõte Tymbark

Poola Tymbark Üldinfo Poola Vabariik on parlamentaarne vabariik Riigi pealinn on Varssavi Pindala 312 683 km² Riigikeeleks on poola keel Rahvaarv on 38 501 000 (2011) Käibelolevaks rahaühikuks on zlott (PLN) Poola iseseisvus 11. novemberil 1918 Asukoht Poola Vabariik asub Kesk-Euroopas Koordinaadid: 52° N, 19° E Poola naabrid: läänes – Saksamaa, lõunas – Tšehhi ja Slovakkia, idas – Ukraina ja Valgevene, põhjas – Venemaa (Kalingrad) Poola asub ka Läänemere ääres Asukoha ja ligipääsetavuse tõttu on Poolas olnud palju sõdu ja selle piirid on väga suures ulatuses nihkunud. Riigi sümboolika Lipp Vapp Looduse üldiseloomustus Pinnamood on Põhja-Poolas on tasandikuline Riigi lõunaosas on pinnamood on mägine Suurimad kõrgustikud on Tatrad, Karkonosze Tatrates asub ka kõrgeim tipp – Rysy mägi (2499m) Suuremad jõed on Wisła (Visla),  Odra (saksa keeles Oder) Suurim järv on Śniardwy järv  (110 km²) P...

Geograafia → Geograafia
2 allalaadimist

Infootsing: Praktikum 4

Praktiline töö nr 4 Otsing andmebaasides Leidke vastused järgmistele küsimustele. Hinnake leitud dokumente ning esitage sisuliselt vastav tulemus. Kirjutage vastused töölehele. Kirjeldage otsingu läbiviimise käiku (otsingukategooriad, otsisõnad, piirangud). 1.-3. küsimusele leidke vastus Open Access andmebaasist ( 1. Leidke artikleid infokirjaoskuse kohta kõrgkoolis. Esitage ühe artikli kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Avan lehe, Articles, otsin kahe võtmesõna järgi. Saan tulemusi 17. Abstract, La alfabetización informacional en las universidades españolas. Niveles de incorporación a partir de la información publicada en los sitios web desusbibliotecasCRAI,UribeTirado te...

Informaatika → Infootsing: allikad ja...
44 allalaadimist

Peroksüsoomid ja mitokondrid

PEROKSÜSOOMID JA MITOKONDRID Carol Tamm Integreeritud loodusteadused Peroksüsoomid  Nendeks on D-aminohapete oksüdaas,  Peroksüsoomid on väikesed (ca 0.2-1 uraatoksüdaas ja lutsiferaas. Erinevates µm läbimõõdus), ühekordse kudedes võib peroksüsoomide membraaniga ümbritsetud organellid, ensüümkomplekt erineda, kuid kindlasti mis esinevad kõikides loomsetes sisaldavad peroksüsoomid katalaasi, rakkudes (v.a. erütrotsüüdid) ja paljudes mis lagundab tekkivat taimerakkudes. vesinikperoksiidi.  Pikka aega peeti neid lüsosoomideks.  Peroksüsoomides olevad ensüümid Kuid peroksüsoomid sisaldavad võivad olla nii kõrges ensüüme, mis erinevad lüsosomalsest kontsentratsioonis, et osa neist esineb ensüümkomplektist, nimelt leidub seal isegi kristallidena, m...

Bioloogia → Molekulaar - ja rakubioloogia...
2 allalaadimist

Aforismid (inglise keeles)

1. A generalist is ignorant from the point of view of a specialist and a specialist is stupid from the point of view of a generalist. 2. All great stupidity is created by geniuses. 3. All stereotypes are true; the fact that you recognize a slur proves that it isn't. 4. Anything you're afraid is true is true. 5. Before most people get to the point of being able to tell their ass from a hole in the ground they're already assholes and it's too late. 6. Concentrating on something important can make you lose track of your soap opera. 7. Debunking the bunk is everyone's responsibility. 8. Don't ask me to pay for anyone else's mistakes. I make enough of my own. 9. Even those who possess real magic must beware of being misled by "magical thinking." 10. Everyone knows what shit tastes like. 11. Exclusive occupancy of a private room is a basic human right. 12. Fair compensation for genius is wealth. 13. God's not perfect, so it's a pretty...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
141 allalaadimist

Big grammar theory

1. Nouns: how is the plural formed? The plural form of most nouns is created simply by adding the letter s: · more than one snake / snakes · more than one ski / skis · more than one Barrymore / Barrymores Words that end in -ch, x, s or s-like sounds, however, will require an -es for the plural: · more than one witch / witches · more than one box / boxes · more than one gas / gases · more than one bus / buses · more than one kiss / kisses · more than one Jones / Joneses BUT! Photos, kilos, pianos, zeros, studios, radios. When the word ends in the letter -y: · country / countries · family / families · story / stories Nouns ending in -f: (should be learned by heart) · calf / calves · elf / elves · half / halves · knife / knives · life /...

Keeled → Inglise keel
79 allalaadimist

Burj al Arab

Burj al-Arab Hotel - The tourist magnet of Dubai The Burj Al Arab : literally, Tower of the Arabs is a luxury hotel located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Construction Construction of Burj Al Arab began in 1994. In 1999 the tower that resembles the sail of a dhow, became the world's tallest hotel with the height of 321 m. The architect Tom Wright has said that the client wanted a building that would become an iconic or symbolic statement for Dubai. This is very similar to Sydney with its Opera House, or Paris with the Eiffel Tower. It had to be a building that would become synonymous with the name of the country. The world's tallest hotel is also popularly described as the world's only 7-Star hotel - although its formal rating is 5 Star Deluxe, the highest the international rating system offers. They say, this building was the dream of a sultan, (Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan al Nahyan) which ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

To a Skylark

Comparison of P. B. Shelley's and W. Wordsworth's "To a Skylark" Poems The Skylark is a bird whose singing is very melodical. It is an inspiration to many poets, two of them being P. B. Shelley and W. Wordsworth. The Skylark is a common nature metaphor for pure poetic expression. Shelly Shelley's poem is all about praising the birds singing and how the lark can create such beautiful songs unintentionally. For the bird, singing is effortless and comes out naturally. Still the creation is harmonic and spreads joy. The poem starts with Shelly calling the bird a "blithe spirit" and expressing his admiration of how the song comes from the bird's heart without any effort. "Bird thou never wert-/ That from heaven or near it" gives the mental image that Shelly doesn't actually see the bird but only hears it. Thus the bird doesn't exist for him as a real thing but rather as something supernatural, like a ghost sending its melody while stayin...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
7 allalaadimist

Legends of the Fall

Legends of the Fall Jim Harrison Kasper Keps 11c About the author James "Jim" Harrison Born in December 11, 1937 in Grayling , Michigan. American author known for his poetry, fiction, essays, reviews, and writings about food Blind in one eye since childhood (left eye) . He was educated at Michigan State University where he received his B.A. (1960) and M.A. (1964) in comparative literature Married and has two daughters. Has written over 50 books. Main Characters COL. WILLIAM LUDLOW - Idealistic, formalistic, rational, stong willed, so principled that he left his job because of unethical behavor in the army, it's almost obsessive to him that Indians get treated properly; wrote a book to the government objecting to their policy. TRISTAN LUDLOW - Adventurer and smuggler who loves his freedom so much that he lives like an indian, his long hairs and horse ridi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


A Bird In The Hand Is Worth Two In The Bush: Dry Run: Having something that is certain is much better than taking a risk for more, Rehearsal. because chances are you might lose everything. Elvis has left the building: A Penny Saved Is A Penny Earned: The show has come to an end. It's all over. By not spending money, you are saving money (little by little). Everything But The Kitchen Sink: A Piece of Cake: Almost everything and anything has been included. A task that can be accomplished very easily. Funny Farm: All In The Same Boat: ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Esimene maailmasõda, ühikonnaklassid

NAISED 1. Mis probleemidega kokku puutusid? Naised olid aastateks lahutatud oma meestest ning pidid ise hakkama saama. Pere eest hoolitsemise kõrval tuli neil ära teha ka see töö, mida varem tegid mehed. Suur hulk naisi asus meeste asemel tööle tehastes ja kaevandustes (naiste tervis sai ka oluliselt kahjustada nt: laskemoona tehases, laskemoona valmistades, muutus paljude naiste nahk kollaseks ning sissehingatavad aurud ja tolm kahjustasid kopse ning soodustas kasvajate teket), palka said nad aga sama töö eest tunduvalt vähem, kui mehed omal ajal. 2. Mis neid põhjustas? Probleemi algataja oli pidev meeste, kui inimressursi vajadus sõjas, seega olid paljud mehed lihtsalt sunnitud jätma oma pere ja töö ning minema teenima oma riiki. Töökohti aga ei saanud jätta täitmata, seda pidid asendama naised. Mõniti survestas mehi osalema sõjas ka teadmine ning kohusetunne, kuna kui riik peaks sõja kaotama hakkavad kehtima uued nõudmised ning kohus...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
6 allalaadimist


Bioloogia 10.klass PUISNIIDUD Referaat Tallinn 2009 Sisukord Sisukord.................................................................................................................................. 2 Sissejuhatus ........................................................................................................................... 4 Puisniidud on eesti looduse üks silmapaistvamaid näiteid, ometigi unustuse hõlma vajunud. Kui eelmise sajandi alguses olid need kooslused meie riigis väga levinud ning ka mujal läänemeremaades, siis nüüd hoolitakse nendest aina vähem. Vahepealse tööstus- ja põllumajandusbuumi käigus Nõukogude Liidu ajal ei pööratud looduse kaitsmisele just kuigi palju tähelepanu, märksa rohkem oli tähtsam kasum..............................................................4 Siiski ei ole puisniidud meie maalt täielikult kadunud ja meie töö ongi nende säilitamine ka edasisteks põlvedeks, et ka tulevased ...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
85 allalaadimist

Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling - One of the most memorable English writers of all time Family of Joseph Rudyard Kipling Mother- Alice MacDonald Kipling. Alice Kipling (one of four remarkable Victorian sisters) was a vivacious woman about whom a future Viceroy of India would say, "Dullness and Mrs. Kipling cannot exist in the same room."[3] Father - John Lockwood Kipling. Lockwood Kipling, a sculptor, an illustrator, museum curator and pottery designer, was the principal and professor of architectural sculpture at the newly- founded Sir Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy School of Art and Industry in Bombay. Later in life Kipling illustrated many of Rudyard Kipling's books, and other works. Kipling also remained editor of the Journal of Indian Art and Industry, which carried drawing works from the students of the Mayo School. COUPLE ­ named their son after the place they had first met ­ Rudyard Lake. Alice Kipling Fleming - Sister of British author Rudyard Kipling w...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
14 allalaadimist

Käänded Euroopa keeltes

Albu Põhikool Käänded Euroopa keeltes Emakeeleolümpiaadi I vooru töö Albu 2003 SISUKORD SISUKORD..........................................................................................................................................................1 SISSEJUHATUS..................................................................................................................................................3 1. KÄÄNDE DEFINITSIOON.............................................................................................................................4 2. EUROOPA KEELED.......................................................................................................................................5 2.1. Euroopa keelte räägitavus..........................................................................................................................5 2.2. Euroopa keelte grupid......

Keeled → Keeleteadus
7 allalaadimist

Great Britain

Great Britain Pärnu 2012 Contents Great Britain Great Britain or Britain is an island situated to the northwest of Continental Europe. It is the ninth largest island in the world, the largest European island, and the largest of the British Isles. With a population of about 60.0 million people in mid-2009, it is the third most populous isla...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Oliver twist - kokkuvõte

Chapter1: An unknown woman was found lying in the street and brought into the workhouse. She delivered a sickly child who had trouble breathing. The woman, without a word of who she was, died and left her new born boy, Oliver, to the drunken nurse that stood by. Chapter2: The State gave Oliver to Mrs. Mann who housed a number of orphaned children. Mrs. Mann took a large portion of the money given to her by the authorities for each child's food so Oliver grew up small and malnourished. On his ninth birthday, the town beadle, Mr. Bumble, came to collect Oliver and take him to the board for an interview. They told him he was to live with other wards of the state to become educated and learn a trade. Oliver did not mind this, but soon after he arrived, the state decided to implement a plan that would save money by feeding the people very little. After a time on this diet, the boys at the table chose Oliver to go ask the head cook for more ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
312 allalaadimist

Vene õigus kui õiguse allikas

TARTU ÜLIKOOL ÕIGUSTEADUSKOND TALLINNAS Eraõiguse instituut Vladlen Jakovlev VENE ÕIGUS Allika analüüs Võrdlev õigussüsteemide ajalugu Juhendaja: lektor Toomas Anepaio Tallinn 2011 Sissejuhatus Venemaa õiguse üks kõige olulisematest ausammastest ning üks suurematest keskaegse õiguse teostest on Vene Õigus (vene keelest Russkaja Pravda). Meieni on jõudnud päris suur hulk Russkaja Pravda osadest, kuid traditsiooniliselt jagatakse need osad lühi-, ulatusliku-, ja lühendatud redaktsiooniks. Just neid mina käsitlen järgnevas analüsis. Kõige üldisemalt analüüsitavat allikat võib iseloomustada kui Vana Vene feodaalõiguse koodeks, mida koostati umbes 11.-17. sajandite ajavahemikul. Peab tunnistama seda, et ei ole võimalik määratleda täpset tekkimise aega, selle pärast et Russkaja Pravda koostati üleval kirjutatud pika aja jooksul. Enne kõi...

Õigus → Võrdlev õigussüsteemide...
49 allalaadimist

Teismeliste mälu areng

TEISMELISTE MÄLU ARENG. Referaat SISSEJUHATUS Käesolevas referaadis antakse ülevaadet mälu astmetest ja liikides, mälu arendamise aspektidest ning teistmeliste mälu arengu iseärasustest. Referaadi teemaks on "Teistmeliste mälu areng" ning teema on valitud selle pärast, et mälu on üks nendest aspektidest millele tuginevad mõtlemine ja taju ning mälu oma korda sõltub asjade aru saamisest, tajumisest, lisaks selle tundis autor huvi mälu arengu iseärasusest murdeeas. 1 MÄLU ÜLDINE ÜLEVAADE. Mälu mõistet nagu ka teisi mahukaid psühholoogia mõisteid ei saa lihtsalt defineerida. Mälu on üks kolmest alustalast, millele tugineb arukas elu, taju ja mõtlemine. Üldiselt mälu tähendab elusa organismi võimet omandada ja säilitada kasulikke oskusi, harjumusi, informatsiooni ja teadmisi. See võime ilmutab ennast kõigil evulatsiooni astmetel ja võib ilmneda paljudes eri vormides. Mä...

Pedagoogika → Areng ja õppimine
38 allalaadimist


I ­ The Birth of Batman The creation of the fictional superhero Batman is credited to artist Bob Kane, even though in reality he was cocreated with writer Bill Finger. Batman first appeared in 1939 in Detective Comics #27. Since then Batman has been an important and influential character in the comic book universe. Publisher of DC Comics, Vin Sullivan was looking for something new for Detective Comics, which would be as intriguing as Superman had been in Action Comics, but it had to be something completely new. Sullivan's ideas inspired Kane, and he credits the creation of Batman as much to Sullivan as to himself. Kane's first image was very much a hero with birdlike wings, but during the process of drawing evolved into a more ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist


PASSIVE VOICE TEST FOR FORM 10 NAME: Task 1. Turn active voice sentences into passive voice. Only keep the agent (by phrase= where absolutely necessary. Please remember that tense form (tegusõna aeg) should remain the same when the sentence is transformed into passive. E.g. Chimps eat bananas (Present Simple Active) Bananas are eaten by chimps. (Present Simple Passive) They were playing the piano. (Past Continuous Active) Piano was being played. (Past Continuous Passive) 1. They will finish the house next month. 2. The house will be finished next month. 3. Susan has completed the essay. 4. The essay has been completed by Susan. 5. People should have left the bird alone. 6. The bird should have been left alone. 7. We cannot repair their car. 8. Their car cannot be repaired. 9. The owners had sent the money to a Swiss bank. 10. The mone...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


MASINAEHITUS REFERAAT Õppeaines: ANDME- JA TEKSTITÖÖTLUS Mehaanikateaduskond Õpperühm: Juhendaja: Tallinn 2010 Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool Sisukord Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool 1 SISSEJUHATUS Masinaehitus on omaette ja pikkade traditsioonidega tööstusharu. Üks esimesest masinaehitajatest oli juba tuntud 1020­1101 AD. See oli hiina insener Su Song, kes parandas oma astronoomia kellad (vt. [1]). Masinaehitus on väga oluline teaduste haru, kuna varustab kõiki teisi tööstusharusid konstruktsioonide, seadmete, mehhanismide jm tööstuslike lahendustega, ta avaldab üldist mõju ka teiste majandusharude arengule. Selles referadis kirjeldatakse masinaehituse eriala lõpetajate töökohad ja uuritakse nende töökohade tööülesanded ja nõudmised kandidaadile. Referaadi alusel on selle eriala TTK lõpetajate tööko...

Masinaehitus → Masinatehnika
47 allalaadimist

Topics, step 8, kokkuvõtted mõnedest peatükkidest

1) INDIAN ROCK ART: A NATIONAL TREASURE IN DANGER Unrecognized, unprotected, this priceless legacy of primitive art has endured the ravages of nature only to fall victim to wanton destruction by ,,civilized" man. Like the huge stone statues of Easter Island and prehistoric cave paintings of Altamira and Lascaux, North American Indian rock art is surrounded by an atmosphere of mystery. Although examples of rock art exist at some 15000 sites in canyons, deserts, caves and river gorges. Nowadays, however, primitive rock art in the United States has become a new field of scientific study. Klaus F Wellmann wrote two books about rock art. He is a professor of medicine. Rock art represents the history of aboriginal Americans. In the most cases the art is an expression of ideas and way of life, ritual ceremonies, hunting, fighting. The pictures of people and animals are often strikingly lifelike and artistic. Many of these ancient relics have ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Games Programming with Java and Java 3D

Games Programming with Java and Java 3D Andrew Davison Dept. of Computer Engineering Prince of Songkla University HatYai, Songkhla 90112 E-mail: [email protected] Draft: 14th January 2003, #2 Abstract This article looks at the advantages and disadvantages of using Java and Java 3D for games programming. It assumes the reader is familiar with Java, but presents short overviews of gaming, the low-level APIs OpenGL and DirectX, and Java 3D. No programming examples are included here, although links to online code are supplied. 1. Background to Gaming Giving a definition for `computer game' is problematic, due to the wide range of game types. For example, the ArcadePod site ( divides its hundreds of Java games into more ...

Informaatika → Java programmeerimine
22 allalaadimist

National Symbols of New Zealand

National Symbols of New Zealand New Zealand flag History The idea of the flag of New Zealand was first introduced in 1830, because of trading troubles. At that time, a trading ship built inNZ, Sir George Murray was seized in Sydney by Customs officials for sailing without a flag or register. Australia, which was the most important trading partner for NZ had British navigation laws which ruled that every ship must carry an official certificate detailing construction, ownership and nationality of the ship. The problem was that during that period of time, NZ was not yet a colony ofGreat Britan, thats why the NZ-built ships could not sail under a British flag or register. Without a flag to represent the new nation, trading ships and their valuable cargoes would continue to be seized (held by the Australian customs (toll) The Australians called for signing a legislation to remove any obstacles to New Zealand's incre...

Geograafia → Geograafia
8 allalaadimist

Queen Victoria and Victorian England

Kadri Laur PRG 11B. 26.05.07 Queen Victoria and Victorian England (Queen Victoria is supposed to have said this as a 10-year-old girl on learning that she was likely to become queen in the future: I will be good.) VICTORIA (r. 1837-1901) Victoria was born at Kensington Palace, London, on 24 May 1819. She was the only daughter of Edward, Duke of Kent. The Duke and Duchess of Kent selected the name Victoria but her uncle, George IV, insisted that she be named Alexandrina after her godfather, Tsar Alexander II of Russia. Edward died when Victoria was eight months old, upon which her mother enacted a strict regimen that shunned the courts of Victoria's uncles, George IV and William IV. Father ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


MATERJALITEHNOLOOGIA EKA 2009 Marita Lumi ehtekunst Kautsuk Objekt: Moosipurgikaane tihend. Tihendit iseloomustab peamiselt vastupidavus mitmesugustele mõjudele, aga ka paksus, värv jms. Peab loomult olema elastne ja kahe klaasi vahel, neid omavahel takistama hõõrdumast. Kuna pole ühtegi märget peal, millega täpselt tegu, siis mõtlen, et millega tegu, kas tegu on tõenäolisemalt naturaalse kautsukiga või tehislikult toodetud materjaliga. Samas oleks soov seda kasutada ehtematerjalina. Mis on oluline: elastsus termolöögid Võimalikud materjalid: PVC, Pur koos erinäitajatega: Millega tegu: Kautsuk on elastomeer, mis tehislikult saaduna kuulub omakorda termoplastide, termoreaktiivide kõrval ka plastide alla. Elastsus on kautsukil kõige suurem. Päritolu: Lateksi kogumine ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
35 allalaadimist

Kiiresti riknevad kaubad

EESTI MEREAKADEEMIA MERENDUSTEADUSKOND Meretranspordi juhtimise õppetool REFERAAT Kiiresti riknevad kaubad Üliõpilane: Õpperühm: Õppejõud: Tallinn 2009 Sisukord Sisukord...................................................................................................................................... 2 Sissejuhatus.................................................................................................................................3 Kiiresti riknevate lastide omadused............................................................................................ 4 Liha ja lihasaaduste transport.....................................................................................................5 Puuviljade vedu...............

Logistika → Lastindus ja laondus
74 allalaadimist

Majanduskriiside põhjused

Estonian Business School Juhtimise õppetool MAJANDUSKRIISIDE PÕHJUSED Sissejuhatus Enne tööstusrevolutsiooni 18. sajandi lõpus dikteerisid inimkonnale majandusliku heaolu tsüklilisust paljuski ilmastik ja looduskatastroofid. Alates tööstusrevolutsioonist on majandusliku tsüklilisuse põhjused üha enam inimese ja tema loodud ühiskonna kätetöö. Majanduskriis on kogu majanduse või mõne selle sektori järsk perioodiline häirumine. Üldiselt jagatakse majanduskriisid kaheks: pankade kokkuvarisemine ja majandusmullide kokkukukkumine. Kõik see toob kaasa majanduslanguse, mille ulatuslikkus ja suurus sõltub selle kriisi valdkonnast ja valdkonna mõju suurusest. Kriisi mõjutavad ja põhjustavad tegurid Hinna muutused turgudel Investorite eeldustest ja arvamustest sõltub raha suunamine. Kui investorid ennustavad ja eeldavad küllaldlast informatisiooni omades, milliseid liigutusi teised investorid võivad teha (investeeringute suurendami...

Majandus → Majanduspoliitika
12 allalaadimist

Raamatukogundus KT kordamisküsimused

KORDAMISKÜSIMUSED (raamatukogundus) 1. Mis on raamatukogu? (määratlus/definitsioon). Raamatukogu on traditsioonilises tähenduses raamatute kogu ja selle kogu hoidmise koht. 2. Raamatukogu funktsioonid. Raamatute säilitamine, kogumine ja kättesaadavaks tegemine. 3. Nimeta S.R Ranganathani seadused (e. viis põhimõtet) 1) raamatud on kasutamiseks 2) igale lugejale tema raamat (raamatud on kõikide jaoks) 3) igale raamatule tema lugeja 4) säästa lugeja aega 5) raamatukogu on arenev organism 4. Raamatukogude 5 põhitüüpi on: 1) rahvusraamatukogu 2) kõrgkooliraamatukogu 3) erialaraamatukogu 4) rahvaraamatukogu 5) kooliraamatukogu 5. Mis on rahvaraamatukogu eesmärk? Rahvaraamatukogu eesmärk on tagada elanikele vaba ja piiramatu juurdepääs informatsioonile, teadmistele, inimmõtte saavutustele ning kultuurile, toetada elukestvat õppimist ja enesetäiendami...

Infoteadus → Raamatukogundus
12 allalaadimist

Essey: How does the United States influence Estonia

Diana Ostrat Essey How does the United States influence Estonia? The United States of America with it's global economic and political superpower is one of the most influential countries in the world and therefore it’s influence can also be felt in Estonia. Fluctuations in Estonia’s status as an independent country have had significant impact on the amount of influence from other countries, whether it is the language, eating habits or lifestyle. But how has United States influenced Estonia after we gained our independence? Estonia is not economically dependent on the United States as they are not one of our most important trading partners, but as the economics of the United States has a great influence on the world economy, they can still indirectly have an influence on Estonian economy. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

RE English is spoken on all five continents

Introduction English is spoken on all five continents. With regard to the numbers of speakers it is only exceeded by Chinese and Spanish. But in terms of geographical spread it stands at the top of the league. The varieties of English in the modern world are divided into four geographical groups as follows. British Isles America United States (with African American England English) Wales Canada Ireland The Caribbean Africa Asia, Pacific West Africa South- and South-East Asia East Africa Australia and New Zealand South Africa ...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
8 allalaadimist

Da Vinci kood sisukokkuvõte ja tegelaste kirjeldus

,,Da Vinci kood" Dan Brown Sisukokkuvõte Sisu tänapäevane osa hõlmab 24 tunni jooksul toimuvaid sündmusi, peamiselt Pariisis, Londonis ja Sotimaal. Harvardi Ülikooli professor Robert Langdon ja Sophie Neveu (koodide salasõnumite analüüsile spetsialiseerunud detektiiv) aitavad lahendada Jacques Saunière'i, Pariisi Louvre'i muuseumi kuraatori kummalise mõrva saladust. Nad avastavad, et Saunière mõrvati, sest ta oli Siioni prioraadi suurmeister. Siioni prioraat on väidetavalt salaühing, mis asutati varjamaks "tõde", et Jeesus abiellus Maarja Magdaleenaga, valmistades teda ette juhtima kirikut peale oma surma. Selle salateadmise kohaselt oli Maarja Magdaleena Jeesuse ristilöömise ajal temast rase ja Prantsusmaal on tänaseni säilinud nende järeltulijatest alguse saanud kuninglik suguvõsa. Reaalse karika või peekri asemel oli "Püha Graal" Maarja Magdaleena ise ­ "an...

Keeled → Inglise keel
105 allalaadimist

Resources for a Beginner Tester

How to Start Learning about Testing Revised 8.05.2017 by Helena Jeret-Mäe This is a collection of materials that I typically send to someone who wants to know more about testing. I recommend to go through Part 1 in the given order. Part 2 presents further resources organized by category. This is just the beginning... But you need to begin somewhere :) Part 1: Diverse Half-Measures and Increased Serendipity 1. Watch this - Open Lecture by James Bach at Estonian Information Technology College 2. Learn 5 testing skills in 4 hours: by Helena Jeret-Mäe and Joep Schuurkes 3. Read this article by Michael Bolton to learn how to immediately start finding issues. 4. Sign up and participate in a Weekend Testing Europe session to learn from and interact with other test...

Informaatika → Tarkvara testimise alused
15 allalaadimist

Ejaki keele uurimine ja võrdlus eesti keelega

Hindrek Reiman Ejaki keele uurimine ja võrdlus eesti keelega Sissejuhatus Ejaki keel on väljasurnud keel, mille areaal asus Kagu-Alaskas Cooperi jõe kallastel. Kuulus Na-Dené keelkonda. Viimane traditsiooniline rääkija suri aastal 2008. Keel suri jäädes inglise keele ja tlingiti keele ohvriks. Dr Michael Krauss, kes on lingvist ja professor Fairbanksi ülikoolis Alaskas, on õppinud ja dokumenteerinud nii ejaki keelt kui ka teisi kohalikke Alaska alalt pärit keeli ning rääkib ejaki keelt ladusalt, kuna õppis seda viimastelt ejaki keele emakeelena rääkijatelt. Peale tema räägib ejaki keelt veel Guilluame Leduey Prantsusmaalt, kes õppis selle keele selgeks läbi internetist saadaval olevate materjalidega. Tema näitas, et ejaki keele elustamine on täiesti võimalik. Ejaki keelel on olemas kirjakeel, mis kasutab ladina kirjasüsteemi. Selle sajandi alguses on üha suure...

Keeled → Keeleteadus alused
3 allalaadimist

How the right of privacy was viewed in the 1890s and 2010s.

Essay How the right of privacy was viewed in the 1890s and 2010s. Comparison between two articles by Warren & Brandeis and Julie Cohen The two articles have questioned - What is privacy ? The simplest answer would be that the privacy is a human right and like in the first article by Warren & Brandeis, they quote Judge Cooly who sayd that, the privacy is the right to be let alone. This means, that a person is free to go and do what ever the person wants, no one has a right to harm him/her physically or mentally and vice versa. What ever the person decides to do, nobody else has the right to know about it without persons premission. Julie Cohen starts her essay with a point that privacy has the image problem. In the world where there is no mobile platforms, data mining social meedia, in simple words the internet, its easyer to leave the person alone, but what can we do in the world where is very difficult to be incognito because ...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
2 allalaadimist

Drittes Reich`i majandus ja Saksamaa majandus aastast 2004

KUUSALU KESKKOOL Drittes Reich`i majandus ja Saksamaa majandus aastast 2004 SISSEJUHATUS Saksamaa majandus moodustab kogu Euroopa Liidu majandusest 21% ja on maailmas üks suurima jõukusega riike. Saksa majandus keskendub põhiliselt tööstuskaupadele ja teenustele. Toorainete ja põllumajanduslike kaupade tootmise osakaal majanduses on väike. Kuid nii kõrge majanduseni jõudmine ei ole sakslastele olnud kerge, Saksamaa majandus on käinud läbi aastate üles-alla. Valisin just selle teema, sest mind huvitab väga Saksamaa ajalugu. Saksamaa majanduse kõikumine on põhjustanud üle maailma sõdu ja muutnud paljude riikide riigikorda. Käesolevas referaadis on kirjeldatud Drittes Reich´i majanduslikku seisu ja ka tänapäeva majandust. DRITTES REICH Drittes Reich ehk Kolmas Riik oli Saksamaa kujundlik nimetus aastatel 1933­1945, kui riiki valitses Adolf Hitleri juhitud natsionaalsotsialistlik riigikord. 1932. aastal saavu...

Majandus → Majandus
1 allalaadimist

Õendusteoreetik Patricia Benner

Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool Õe õppekava ÕENDUSTEOREETIK PATRICIA BENNER Tartu 2018 Sisukord 1. PATRICIA BENNERI ELULUGU.........................................................................................2 2. PATRICIA BENNERI ÕENDUSTEOORIA..........................................................................3 2.1. Benneri õendusalase arenemise viis etappi.....................................................................3 2.2. P. Benneri teooria ja õenduse kesksed mõisted................................................................4 3. KOKKUVÕTE........................................................................................................................5 4. KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS..................................................................................................6 1 1. PATRICIA BENNE...

Meditsiin → Õenduse alused
103 allalaadimist

Street Art

Tallinn University Briti ja Ameerika kunst ja kultuur 20.-21. sajandil GRA6221 Course project: Street Art Viktoria Gumennaja 2018 INTRODUCTION "The city's the best gallery I could imagine." — JR I choose the topic for writing an essay - street art. Why did I choose this genre? Because for me it is something magical and special, not at all similar to those works that are in museums, at exhibitions and so on. Think for yourself, because street art began with the graffiti, and now we can see on the streets of our city just a work of art. I think graffiti, by the way, is also a great and invaluable work. Trends are changing. Now, young artists are moving from an endless unthinking tagging to a more conceptual and rich sense, abstract and volumetric work. Street art has become popular among the general public, becau...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Kristi . 8a. klass LONDON History .... There were some people living on the banks of the Thames when the Romans came to England in 43 AD . The Romans built houses , a port and a bridge over the river and named the place Londinium. In September 1666 , when the Great Fire destroyed four fifts of the wooden buildings . The fire began in the kitchen of the King ´s baker in Pudding Lane and lasted for five days . London . London is an exiting city . The population of London is about seven million people and it is made up of the people of very many nationalities . There are nine piers where you can get a boat and enjoy numerous sights like .... The Tower of London Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
33 allalaadimist

Legends of Tallinn

koolinimi Report Legends of Tallinn Student: nimi Supervisor: nimi Tallinn 2010 Table Of Contents Table of Contents..................................................................................................................................2 Introduction......................................................................................................................................3 Legend of St. Olav's Church.......................................................................................................4 True story of St. Olav's Church..............................................................................................5 Legend of Old Thomas.....................................................................................................6 True story of Old Thomas.....................................

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
55 allalaadimist

"The case for socialism"

The case for socialism Four National faults Economic Inequality. The distribution of income and property is amazingly unequal. The most recent investigations suggest that 10 per cent of the population recieve over 45 per cent of the national money income, while 90 per cent recieve the remaining 55 per cent. The distribution of property is even more uniequal. 1 per cent of the population own 60 per cent of the saleable assets of the nations. Individual incomes range from £1 000 000 a year to £50 per year. This extreme degree of inequality is due to the right of inheritance at present vested in the legal institution of property. Large individual fortunes are, for the most part, made up of inherited property. The rich, as a class, are born with silver spoon in their mouths and the economic privileges that they enjoy were not acquired by the possession or exercise of great talents, but by the accident of birth. Social inequality. The appara...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Referaat konfutsious

Sisukord: Lk.1.......Sisukord. Lk.2.......Sissejuhatus,Ühiskondlik olukord Vana-Hiinas. Lk.3........Konfutsiuse elulugu. Lk.4.......Konfutsiuse õpetus. Lk.5.......Kokkuvõte,Kasutatud kirjandus. 1 Sissejuhatus Vana-Hiina suurele mõtlejale Konfutsiusele on omistatud väga palju teeneid ja voorusi. See Hiina mõtleja paistis silma niivõrd suure mõju ja teenetega, et tema elulugu uurides tuleb olla ettevaatlik ­ kroonikud on sageli lisanud sellele liialdusi ja müüte. Ka eesti keeles kättesaadav materjal on küll põhjalik, kuid sageli räägivad erinevad teosed teineteisele vastu. Konfutsius (või Kong Fuzi) oli Vana-Hiina mõtleja ja õpetlane, kes elas 5. saj. e.Kr (551-479 a. e.Kr) ning mõnede arvamuste kohaselt andis tõuke uut tüüpi mõtlemisele ja kultuuriorientatsioonile, mis levis Hiinas 4. saj. e.Kr (Läänemets 2001). Konfutsius oli erakordselt silmapaistev iseseisev mõtleja, kelle ideed lei...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
73 allalaadimist

Women writer's influence on our society

Women writer's influence on our society Estonian women writer's history doesn't go far back. The reason for that is that people were slaves back then. Even if there were writers, then most weren't famous and they wrote poems and stories more for themselves. Also being a woman and a writer wasn't considered as a decent job for a woman at that time. The stories that we have from that time were given to one another by talking and mostly we don't know who were the authors. Education was also very expensive so only rich people could get it and Estonians, who were just farmers, mostly didn't have money for that. First I am going to talk about Marie Heiberg. She lived 1890-1942. Her first poem collection was ,,Mure-lapse laulud" in translation ,,Problem child's songs". Her talent was noticed, but she didn't have a change to really become famous. She was in a great penury that made her life really though and she had a ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun