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"-australia" - 359 õppematerjali


Past Simple vs Past Continuous

Past simple vs past continuous 1.In the following sentences put the verbs in brackets in either the past simple or past continuous tense. Put any other words in the brackets in the correct place. Look at the example provided. 1.While the teacher was explaining (explain) the sum on the blackboard, the children were throwing (throw) paper aeroplanes around the classroom. 2.Eve ............................ (live) in Athens when she ............................ (meet) the man who was to become her husband. 3............................. you ............................ (not work) at Mcllroy's when they ............................ (have) that terrible fire? 4.As it ............................ (get) foggier it ............................ (become) almost impossible to steer the boat along the narrow canal. 5.I ............................ (hear) a strange noise just as I ............................ (go) ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

For and against studying abroad

For and against studying abroad At first it will definitely seem exciting, scary and overwhelming to study and live in another country and far away from all your friends and family back home. This experience will expanded your horizons and make you more independent. Obviously there are both pros and cons to studying abroad, and here is what I think they might be. I believe that there are many advantages that the time abroad will provide you. For instance you will make a lot of friends from all over the world. It is always nice to have a place to stay when you accidentally end up in Japan or Australia for a few days. Being an exchange student is also a fabulous chance for travelling. Getting to know a new country so well is definitely not possible during a holiday or a short visit. Besides living in a new culture for a long period of time will teach you more about the culture than reading any boo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
73 allalaadimist

English as a Global Language

Tallinna Mustamäe Humanitargümnaasium Valeria Jefremenkova ENGLISH AS A GLOBAL LANGUAGE INGLISE KEEL KUI ÜLEMAAILMNE KEEL Research work Supervisor: Jevgenija Kozlova Tallinn 2016 1 Table of Contents СONTENT…………………………………………………………………………………...2 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………...3 CHAPTER I……………………………………………………………………………….....5 1.1. A Brief History of the English Language…………………………………………...…..5 1.2. Origins of English as the Global Language……………………………………..……....6 1.3. Necessity of a Global Language...……………………………………………………....8 1.4. Criticism of a Global Language………………………………………………………....9 1.5. The Role of English Today……………………………………………………………..10 1.6. English Speaking Countries…………………………………………………………….11 1.7. Perspectives of English………………………………………………………………....13 CHAPTER I...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Austraalia referaat

Austraalia Kätlin Kärblane 011MT Juhendaja Ülle Toots 2011 SISUKORD 1.Üldandmed 2.Majandus 3.Veondus 4.Eksport/import 5.Loomad 6.Loodus 7.Loodusvarad 8.Pinnamood 9.Austraalia kaart 10.Kasutatud kirjandus. 1. ÜLDANDMED Austraalia on maailmajagu ja manner lõunapoolkeral. Põhjast lõunasse on mandri ulatus 3200, läänest itta 4100 km. Läänes ja lõunas piirneb Austraalia India ookeaniga, idas ja põhjas Vaikse ookeani meredega- Tasmani, Koralli-, Timori ja Arafura merega. Rannajoon on vähe liigestunud: põhjas sopistub Arnhemi maa ja Cape Yorki poolsaare vahel mandrisse Carpentaria laht, lõunarannikut uhub suur Austraalia laht. Tasmaania saart eraldab mandrist 224 km laiune Bassi väin. Kirderannikut ääristab 2300 km pikkune Suur Vallrahu Pealinn: Canberra Riigikord: Rahvaste Ühendusse kuuluv Föderatiivne parlamentaarne monarhia Pindala: 7 613 000 km2 Rahvaarv: 21,262,641 (Juul...

Geograafia → Geograafia
43 allalaadimist

Mother Theresa

Mother Teresa Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu /agns gna bjadju/ (Albanian Gonxha for "rosebud") was born on August 26, 1910, in Skopje, now the capital of the Republic of Macedonia. Although she was born on August 26, 1910, she considered August 27, 1910, the day she was baptized, to be her "true birthday." Although some sources state that she was 10 when her father died, in an interview with her brother, the Vatican documents her age at the time as "about eight". She was the youngest of the children of a family from Shkodër, Albania, born to Kolë and Dranafile Bojaxhiu (Albanian Dranafile for "rose", nicknamed "Drone"). Her father, Kolë Bojaxhiu was involved in Albanian politics. In 1919, after a political meeting, which left Skopje out of Albania, he fell ill and died when Agnes was about eight years old. After her father's death, her mother raised her as a Roman Catholic. According to a biography by Jo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Mardi Gras esitlus

Mardi Gras Ursula 10. kl Mardi Gras A Christian holiday and popular cultural phenomenon, Mardi Gras dates back thousands of years to pagan spring and fertility rites. Mardi Gras can occur on any Tuesday from February 3 through March 9. It is always scheduled 47 days preceding Easter (the 40 days of Lent, plus seven Sundays). Mardi Gras, also known as "Shrove Tuesday", "Pancake Tuesday" or "Fat Tuesday" is celebrated all over the world with fun, games, and a lot of eating. The official colors of Mardi Gras are purple, green and gold. Purple represents justice, green stands for faith, and gold signifies power. There is no general theme for Mardi Gras, but each individual parade depicts a specific subject. Among the more popular subjects have been history, children's stories, legends, geography, famous people and entertainment. Pancakes are a traditional food. The Flambeaux T...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Arkady Shilkloper

Arkady Shilkloper The critic Jeffrey Agrell referred to Shilkloper’s style as: ''Arkady Shilkloper goes to places that horn players aren't supposed to go without a net, map, seat belt, crash helmet, overhead air support, and a note from their mothers.And he does so with extraordinary ease and musicality. I think maybe nobody ever told him "Jazz playing on horn is very difficult, and probably not natural" or perhaps the phrase does not translate into Russian. I'd walk on a camel for a mile to hear this guy. ''Jazz Times Magazine wrote:“His control of the instrument, and his blowing creativity have set a new standard, even Julius Watkins, his idol never produced such results.” Arkady Shilkloper was born in 1956, in Moscow, Russia. He began to study alto horn at the age of six and switched to French horn in 1967. At the age of eleven he entered the Moscow Military Music School. One of most unusual Russian ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalne õiglus, ebaõiglus ja ebavõrdsus tervises

Sotsiaalne õiglus, ebaõiglus ja ebavõrdsus tervises Anu Kasmel Sissejuhatus Viimasel aastakümnel on ilmnenud, et enamikes ühiskondades, ka nn. heaoluühiskondades suurenevad erinevused tervisenäitajates erinevate sotsiaalsete gruppide vahel. Enamikes Lääne-Euroopa ja Põhja-Ameerika riikides on keskmine eeldatav eluiga XX sajandi teisest poolest alates pidevalt tõusnud. Kui aga jälgida keskmist eeldatavat eluiga erinevates sotsiaalsetes gruppides, siis ilmneb, et mõnedes gruppides esineb püsiv langustendents (Marmot and McDowall, 1986; Borrell et al., 1997). Uuringu "Sotsiaalne ebavõrdsus tervises" (Kunst et al., 2002) andmetel on kõrgharidusega meeste keskmine eeldatav eluiga 13,5 aastat pikem kui põhiharidusega meestel, naistel on vastav näitaja 8,6 aastat. Eksisteerib seaduspärasus, et tervisenäitajatele on iseloomulik sotsiaalne astmelisus ­ kõrgeima sissetulekuga inimeste te...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
31 allalaadimist

Temperate deciduous forests, woodlands and shrub

Temperate deciduous forests, woodlands and shrub Tartu 2008 Location: Temperate forests are typical of all European continent, the Eastern region of Asia (in special, Chinese and Japan) and North America. Also are finded in tempered areas of South America. Climate: The average temperature in temperate forests is 50° F. Summers are mild, and average about 70° F, while winter temperatures are often well blow freezing. The average yearly precipitation is 30-60 inches. This precipitation falls throughout the year, but in the winter it falls as snow. There are four seasons in this biome, with warm summers and cold winters, often snowy. In autumn, the leaves change color and fall from the trees. The leaves decay on the forest floor, so the soil is very rich. Because of this, and because of the long growing season, many deciduous forests have been cut down for farming purposes. Plants: Trees of this biome include hardwood...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

International Economic organisations, leader firms

International Economic organisations were established to increase globalisation and international co-operation. 1. Economic unions- organisations dealing with international trade and also finance. For example European Union,World Trade Organisation. 2. Cartels-a formal agreement of some kind of raw materials. ASEAN-Association of Southeast-Asia Nations. It was established in 1967-Its aim is to make favorable conditions for membership countries. The members are Brunei,Philippines,Indonesia,Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaisia and Singapore. NAFTA-North American Free Trade Agreement.It was established in 1989 by Canada, USA, and Mexico. They have remained totally independent.All countries may join with this organisation.It is one of the world's biggest economic organisations. MERCOSUR-The South common market.Regional Trade Agreement among Uruguay,Paraguay,Brazil and Argentina.It was founded in 1991. Boliv...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
7 allalaadimist

Links between Estonia and English speaking countries

Private School of Audentes Links between English speaking countries and Estonia Author: Kristin Liiv Supervisor: Mari Martma Tallinn 2006 2 Table of contents Introduction..........................................................................................................................4 First links............................................................................................................................. 5 20th century..........................................................................................................................5 Recognition.......................................................................................................................... 9 Conclusions...............................................................................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
47 allalaadimist

Ingliskeelsete maade ühiskond ja kultuur, eksamiküsimused

1. The Queen’s official title. Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. 2. The Queen’s working day. Starts after breakfast. Reads the newspapers which are prepared by the Press Secretary, and a report on the previous day’s proceedings in the Parliament and the letters she receives. Also phone calls. Once a month she attends the Privy Council in order to give Royal Assent to various items of government legislation. Discusses domestic matters with the Master of the Household. Towards the end of the day, there is always another pile of official papers and reports waiting to be read or acted upon. The business on constitutional monarchy never ends. 3. Who is the present heir to the throne? Speak about his education. Wh...

Keeled → Ingliskeelsete maade ühiskond...
13 allalaadimist

UK test

Country Studies ­ The United Kingdom Test revision questions Form 11 1. What are the capitals of the 4 constituent countries? England ­ London; Wales ­ Cardiff; N-Ireland ­ Belfast; Scotland - Edinburgh 2. Order the invaders in correct chronological order: Anglo-Saxons, Normans, Romans, Celts, Vikings. Celts > Romans > Anglo-Saxons > Vikings > Normans 3. How did the Celts influence Britain? The Celts were in Britain long before the English language existed. Celtic influence on English is minimal. There are more Amerindian words in English than Celtic ones. 4. How many people approximately speak English? 300million as mother tongue, 470million as 2nd language. 5. Who (which tribes) gave the base of the English language? Anglo-Saxons 6. Describe Wales. Part of the United Kingdom and the island of Great Britain, population: 3,064,000, Wales has a distinctive culture including its...

Ajalugu → Maiskonnalugu
3 allalaadimist

Austraalia rahvastik

Austraalia riigi rahvastik Tänapäeval on inimkapital muutunud väga oluliseks riigi arengu indikaatoriks. Kas riigi rahvastik kasvab või kahaneb, milline on vanuseline koosseis, inimeste haridustase, tervislik seisund jne. Mida paremini teatakse riigi rahvastikusituatsiooni, seda täpsemalt saab välja töötada riigi jaoks olulisi majandus- ja sotsiaalse arengu stsenaariume. 1. Riigi rahvaarv. Austraalias elab 22,015,576 inimestest. Maailma mastaabis on Austraalia keskmine riik ja on oma rahvaarvult maailmas 53-ndal kohal. Enam-vähem samapalju inimesi elab Taiwanis, Süürias ja Madagaskaril 2. Rahvastiku paiknemine Austraalias. Austraalia rahvastiku tihedus on 2,79 inimest ruutkilomeetri kohta. Sarnane rahvastiku tihedus on veel Surinames 2,98 in/km² ja Namiibias 2,55 in/km². Rahvastiku paiknemine on Austraalias väga hõre. Rohkem rahvast on põhja ja lõuna osas. Tihedam on see rannikualadel Idaosa rannikuriba on riigi...

Geograafia → Geograafia
52 allalaadimist

Temperate grassland worksheet Temperate Grassland Worksheet 1. Where is temperate grassland situates? Temperate grasslands are located in the mid-latitudes. There are six large areas of temperate grassland: the Pampas in South America, the Veld in Africa, the Canterbury Plains in New Zealand, the Murray-Darling Basin in Australia, the Prairies in North America and the Steppes in Central Asia. 2. Colour the distribution of temperate grassland on the map. 3. How is temperate grassland called in these regions? Eurasia - steppe Hungary - puzda North America - prarie South America - pampa South Africa - veldt 4. What is forest steppe (forest steppe – metsastepp)? A forest steppe is a temperate-climate ecotone and habitat type composed of grassland interspersed with areas of woodland or forest. 5. Describe the cl...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

New Zealand

Geography New Zealand is an island country in the Southwest Pacific Ocean. It lies about 1600 kilometres southeast of Australia, its nearest continental neighbour. New Zealand belongs to Polynesia, a large island group. The country consists of two main islands ­ The North Island and the South Island ­ and several dozen much smaller islands. The population is 4.1 million. New Zealand is a beautiful country of snowcapped mountains, green lowlands, beaches and many lakes and waterfalls. No place is more than 130 kilometres from the coast. Lakes, rivers, and waterfalls are found throughout New Zealand. Most of the lakes lie in the volcanic plateu of the North Island and in glacial valleys near the Southern Alps of the South Isaland. On both islands the rivers rise in the mountains and flow down to the sea. The rapid flow of New Zealand's rivers makes them important sources of hydroelectric power. New Zealan...

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist


[Your Name] [Instructor] [Class] [Date] ABOUT SERIAL KILLERS INTRODUCTION Let's play a quick game of catchphrase - guess the word. My phrase is two words, and describes a person. Charles Manson. Ted Bundy. Jack the Ripper. Serial killer - serial meaning "arranged in a straight line or succession" (1) and killer meaning "one who kills, or any agent used to neutralize the active property of anything." We tend to have a morbid interest in people who commit murder. Today, I'd like to explain what distinguishes serial killing from mass murders, how long serial killing has been around, and highlight some of the psychological traits common to serial killers. BODY I. Serial killing vs mass murders Now at a glance serial killing and mass murder seems basically the same: one person kills many other people. The distinction between the two is notable: mass murder happens when one person murders mult...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Estonian cuisine

Estonian cuisine The traditional cuisine of Estonia has substantially been based on meat and potatoes, and on fish in coastal and lakeside areas, but is influenced by many other cuisines by now. In the present day it includes a variety of international foods and dishes, with a number of contributions from the traditions of nearby countries. German, Scandinavian, Russian and other influences have played their part. The most typical foods in Estonia have been rye bread, pork, potatoes and dairy products. Estonian eating habits have historically been closely linked to the seasons. In terms of staples, Estonia belongs firmly to the beer, vodka, rye bread and pork "belt" of Europe. The Cold Table Flounder The first course in traditional Estonian cuisine is based on cold dishes - a selection of meats and sausages served with potato salad or Rosolje, an Estonian signature dishes based on beetroot, meat and herring ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist


Ehte Humanitaargümnaasium Austraalia Referaat Karina Selivanova Ksenia Nepotsatova Viktoria Suvorova 11B Õp. Darja Lopatina Tallinn 2014 Sissejuhatus Austraalia on üks põnevamaid ning huvitavamaid kohti maailmas. Rohelise mandri üks suurimaid väärtusi on tema loomulik ilu. Siit võib leida kordumatuid randu, Suure Vallrahu, Austraalia lopsakad vihmametsad ning sisemaal laiutava punase pinnasega kuiva Outback`i. Sy...

Geograafia → Geograafia
6 allalaadimist

Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney Siim Jaanoja 11. A I wannabe musician Me and my Honey Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Girl's loves me Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Fame is good... Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level ...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
14 allalaadimist


Pärnumaa Kutseharidus Keskus AUSTRAALIA Referaat Koostaja: Sandra Rannak Juhendaja: Ene Külaots Pärnu 2015 Sisukord: Sissejuhatus Loodus: Rannajoon, pinnamood ja veestik Kliima Rahvastik Ajalugu Majandus: Välismajandus Mäetööstus Kultuur ja turism Sissejuhatus Austraalia (ka Austraalia Liit) on föderatiivne riik Austraalia mandril ja seda ümbritsevatel saartel. Traditsiooniliselt loetakse teda kuuluvat Austraalia ja Okeaania nimelisse maailmajakku. Austraalia on suuruselt kuues riik maailmas ja asub lõunapoolkeral Uus-Meremaast loode ning Indoneesiast lõuna pool. Riigi pindala hulka kuulub lisaks Austraalia kontinendile ka Tasmaania saar ning mitmed teised väikesa...

Geograafia → maailma loodusgeograafia ja...
2 allalaadimist


Sten-Erik Ellermaa KOOBALT Referaat Õppeaines: ANORGAANILINE JA ANALÜÜTILINE KEEMIA Ringmajanduse ja tehnoloogia instituut Õpperühm: KT11/21 Juhendaja: Professor Viiu Sillaste Esitamiskuupäev:................ Üliõpilase allkiri:................. Õppejõu allkiri: .................. Tallinn 2018 SISUKORD 1.Sissejuhatus..............................................................................................................................3 2.Leidumine looduses.................................................................................................................4 3.Omadused..................................................................................................................

Keemia → Keemia
9 allalaadimist

Inglise keele eksami materjal

Inglise Keele Eksami Materjal Exam.............................................................................................................................................................. 2 House and Home....................................................................................................................................... 2 Traveling.................................................................................................................................................... 2 Education .................................................................................................................................................. 2 Global Problems ........................................................................................................................................ 3 Health and fitness .............................................................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
233 allalaadimist

Lühireferaat "Paramore + rock muusika"

Pärnu Ühisgümnaasium REFERAAT ,,Paramore" ,,Rock" Koostaja : Pauliine Mäesalu Õpetaja: Evelin Mei Pärnu 2009 Paramore Paramore on Ameerika Rock'i bänd, mis sai alguse Franklin, Tennesse's 2004. aastal. Bändi koosseisu kuulusid Hayley Williams (eeslaulja/klahvpilli mängija), Josh Farro (esikitarrist/taustalaulja), Taylor York (rütmikitarr), Jeremy Davis (basskitarr), ja Zac Farro (trummid). Paramore andis välja oma debüütalbumi ,,All We Know Is Falling" 2005. aastal ning oma teise albumi Riot! 2007. aastal. Bänd on viimaste aastate jooksul tõusnud paljude edetabelite tippu ning see edu on tingitud järjekindlast raskest tööst alates ajast, mil Hayley kohtas Josh Farro't (20) ja tema nooremat venda Zac Farro't (17), õppides nendega 4 aastat samas koolis. Päras...

Muusika → Muusika
13 allalaadimist

Different types of forests and their forms of usage.

Different types of forests and their forms of usage TARTU 2010 Forest A forest (also called a wood, woodland, wold, weald, holt, frith) is an area with a high density of trees. Forests cover approximately 30% of land and 9.4% of all the planet earth. They are also responsible for regulating our planet's climate and act as large purifiers of airs, by absorbing carbon dioxide, and giving out oxygen. Different types of forests Forests are divided into following main types: o Tropical forest o Subtropical forest o Plantations o Boreal forest o Temperate forest o Seasonal or monsoon forest Tropical and Subtropical Forests Tropical and subtropical forests, also known as rainforests or tropical rainforests, are lavish and ample forests with broad leave tree. They are mostly found at lowlands near the equator - Asia, Africa, South & Central Am...

Geograafia → Geograafia
9 allalaadimist

Student World Atlas (Maailma atlas)

Malestrom Major Rivers N am e Continent Out fl o w T o tal Lengt h (mi.) Nile Africa Mediterran ean Sea 4,1 60 Am azo n South Am erica Atlantic Oce an 4,000 Ch ang (Yangtze) Asia East China Sea 3,964 M ississippi-M iss o u ri N o rt h Am eri ca Gul f of Mexico 3,710 Major Deserts Name ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
97 allalaadimist

Moulin Rouge ingliskeelne kokkuvõte

Moulin Rouge It is a movie about two lovers who fall in love but their love is not possible. Woman, Satine is a courtesan who works in Moulin Rouge and the man, Christian is a poor writer who writes a play ,,Spectacular Spectacular" for Moulin Rougle and Harold Zidler who is the owner of Moulin Rouge. At the beginning Christian presents himself as the Duke to win Satine's favour. The reason was not that he wanted to trick her but to present his work to Satine. Satine believed that Christian was the right Duke and tried to seduce Christian eventhough the man recisted. They fell in love after Christian reads her one of his poems. But Zidler had planned Satine to spend the night with the right Duke because he wanted him to become the investor of the Moulin Rouge because Zidler wanted Moulin Rouge to be a real theatre. He used Satine to do that. After Christian had read poetry to Satine the real Duke a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 14

Test 14 1 Translate. 1 arstiabi puudumine lack of medical care 2 haiguste käes kannatama suffer from illnesses 3 saksa päritolu of german descent 4 Ameerikat avastama discover America 5 ametlik keel official language 6 orjusele lõppu tegema put an end to slavery 7 oma traditsioone ja kultuuri säilitama keep your traditions and culture 8 immigrantide arv the number of immigrants 2 Complete the sentences with the names of countries, nationalities, and languages. 1 The capital of Norway is Oslo. 2 Kevin lives in Chicago. He is American. 3 Michail comes from Moscow. He speaks Russian. 4 What nationality are you? I´m Estonian. 5 The descendants of the Africans brought to America are called settlers. 6 Uwe´s grandparents live in Germany. They speak German. 7 Michael comes from Australia. He speaks Australian English. 8 Eve lives in Ireland. She speaks English and Irish. 3 Write the sente...

Keeled → Inglise keel
67 allalaadimist

Austraalia - referaat

Austraalia Majanduse referaat Sissejuhatus Valisin riigi Austraalia, kuna see riik pakub mulle kõige rohkem huvi. Ma tahtsin uurida selle riigi kohta rohkem, kuna tahaksin kunagi seal oma puhkust veeta või isegi sinna tööle minna. Referaadi eesmärk seisneb selles, et tahan lähemalt uurida Austraalia rannajoont, pinnamoodi, veestikku, kliimat, rahvastikku, ajalugu, majandust, eksporti, importi, mäetööstust ning ka turismi. Austraalia Austraalia on föderatiivne riik Austraalia mandril ja seda ümbritsevatel saartel. Traditsiooniliselt loetakse teda kuuluvat Austraalia ja Okeaania nimelisse maailmajakku. Austraalia on Kaug-Lõuna riik. Austraalia on suuruselt kuues riik maailmas ja asub lõunapoolkeral Uus-Meremaast loode ning Indoneesiast lõuna pool. Riigi pindala hulka kuulub lisaks Austraalia kontinendile ka Tasmaania saar ning mitmed teised väikesaared. [1] Austraalia kohta infot: · Riigikeel ­ inglise keel · Pealinn ­ Ca...

Geograafia → Geograafia
72 allalaadimist

Sangpommi tõstmise ajalugu

TARTU ÜLIKOOL Kehakultuuri teaduskond Spordipedagoogika ja treeninguõpetuse instituut Anti Pungar Sangpommi tõstmise ajalugu KKSP.05.259 Sportliku eriala õpetamise metoodika. Raskejõustik Kehalise kasvatuse ja spordi eriala Juhendaja: Peep Päll Juhendaja allkiri Tartu 2010 Sangpommiks peetakse kindla fikseeritud raskusega metallist kuuli, mille otsas on sang. Sangpommiraskusteks on: 8 kg, 12 kg, 16 kg, 24 kg, 32 kg ja 48 kg. Sangpommi harrastust nimetatakse sangpommi...

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus ja sport
25 allalaadimist

Ülevaade Indoneesia puidukaubandusest ja seda mõjutavatest teguritest

EESTI MAAÜLIKOOL Metsandus- ja maaehitusinstituut Metsakorralduse osakond ÜLEVAADE INDONEESIA PUIDUKAUBANDUSEST JA SEDA MÕJUTAVATEST TEGURITEST Referaat õppeaines Metsanduslik ettevõtlus ja metsatoodete turundus Juhendaja: lektor Priit Kask Tartu 2014 Sisukord Sissejuhatus................................................................................................... 3 1Ülevaade indoneesia metsadest...................................................................4 2Puidukaubandus........................................................................................... 6 2.1Eksport ja import.................................................................................... 7 3Illegaalne raie ja metsade vähenemine......................................................10 Kasutatud kirjandu...

Metsandus → Metsamajandus
16 allalaadimist


Ämblikud  Grete Veskiväli  (Ettekanne koos pildimaterjaliga, vt lõpus)    *Ämblikud ehk täpsema seltsi nimetusega ämblikulised on kohastumise poolest ühed maailmaimed,  sest  nad  elavad  igal  pool  meie  ümber,  isegi  arktilises  kliimas.  Enamus  ämblikke  on  vaid  mõne  millimeetrise läbimõõduga.   *Ämblikud  kuuluvad  ämblikulaadsete  ehk  arahniidide  hulka.  Ämblikulaadsed  kuuluvad  arvatavasti  vanimate maismaaloomade hulka, sest skorpione on leitud juba ülemsilurist ehk umbes 400 miljonit  aastat tagasi. Ämblikulaadsed on näiteks skorpionid, puugid, lestad. Nad on eranditult röövtoidulised  ja  neil  toimub  kehaväline  seedimine.  Nad  hingavad  kopsudega.  Harilikult  koosneb  nende  keha  pearindmikust ja tagakehast. Nende tagakeha on kõigil jalutu.   *Koibikulised:  Keha  on  kompaktne,  ei  jagune  selgelt  pearindmikuks  ja  tagakehaks  nagu  ämblikel.  toituvad väikestest nii elusatest kui surnud putukatest, öise ...

Loodus → Loodus
6 allalaadimist

Inglismaa ajalugu 16-20. sajand

16th century (Tudors) 1. Henry VII - avoided wars, careful with money, didnt have expensive parties, was a rather shadowy figure 2. Henry VIII- brilliant scholar, excellent knight, good-looking, ambitious, self- centered, loved expensive clothes and parties. Wasted his fathers money very quickly and had 6 wives. His first wife couldnt give birth to a baby boy and they only had a daughter. His next wife only gave birth to a girl too. His next wife gave birth to a boy but died after the labor. He didnt like his 4th wife so he sent her back. His fifth wife was young and beautiful but had many lovers and Henry didnt like it so she was sent to the Tower and was beheaded. HIs 6th wife survived. 3. Edward- was sickly and ruled only for a few years and then he died 4. Mary Tudor/Bloody Mary- was catholic and killed many protesntants. Ruled only f...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
2 allalaadimist

RE English is spoken on all five continents

Introduction English is spoken on all five continents. With regard to the numbers of speakers it is only exceeded by Chinese and Spanish. But in terms of geographical spread it stands at the top of the league. The varieties of English in the modern world are divided into four geographical groups as follows. British Isles America United States (with African American England English) Wales Canada Ireland The Caribbean Africa Asia, Pacific West Africa South- and South-East Asia East Africa Australia and New Zealand South Africa ...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
9 allalaadimist

Palm oil

Palm oil Palm oil is a type of edible vegetable oil that is derived from the palm fruit, grown on the African oil palm tree. Oil palms are originally from Western Africa, but can flourish wherever heat and rainfall are abundant. Today, palm oil is grown throughout Africa, Asia, North America, and South America, with 85% of all palm oil globally produced and exported from Indonesia and Malaysia; but most of the time not using sustainable measures. The industry is linked to major issues such as deforestation, habitat degradation, climate change, animal cruelty and indigenous rights abuses in the countries where it is produced, as the land and forests must be cleared for the development of the oil palm plantations. According to the World Wildlife Fund, an area the equivalent size of 300 football fields of rainforest is cleared each hour to make way for palm oil production. This lar...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Queen Victoria and her time

QUEEN VICTORIA & HER TIME Project Mari Murakas Class 11A 2011 Early life of Queen Victoria Victoria was born in London on 24 May 1819, the only child of Edward, Duke of Kent, and Victoria Maria Louisa of Saxe-Coburg. [1] The Duke of Kent was the fourth son of George III and Victoria Maria Louisa was the sister of King Leopold of Belgium. The Duke and Duchess of Kent selected the name Victoria but her uncle, George IV, insisted that she be named Alexandrina after her godfather, Tsar Alexander II of Russia. [2] Victoria's father died when she was eight months old. The Duchess of Kent developed a close relationship with Sir John Conroy, an ambitious I...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
5 allalaadimist

Ekspordi plaan

Estonian Business school Ettevõtluse õppetool EKSPORDI PLAAN Kodutöö *** Lektor Jüri Piiper Tallinn 2010 SISUKORD 1. Firma kirjeldus..................................................................................................................2 1. Ekspordiks sobiva teenuse valimine ja hindamine...........................................................2 2. Firma ekspordi valmiduse hindamine.............................................................................. 3 3. Ekspordi sihtriigi valimine...............................................................................................3 4. Top kuue riigi analüüs ja võrdlus.....................................................................................4 5. Tulemusriikide sügavam analüüs...............................................

Majandus → Ekspordi korraldus
126 allalaadimist

Prantsusmaa referaat

Tallinna Järveotsa Gümnaasium PRANTSUSMAA Referaat 11. A 2011 RIIGIKAART Minu joonis Tegelik kaart Minu põhiliseks veaks oli eksimine riigi väliste kontuuridega. Unustasin kaardile märkida ka saare. Selle põhjuseks võis olla kehv mälu. ANDMED Prantsusmaa asub Euraasia mandril, Euroopa maailmajaos. Prantsusmaa naaberriigid on Belgia, Luksemburg, Saksamaa, Sveits, Itaalia, Monaco, Andorra ja Hispaania. Prantsusmaa piirneb kagust Vahemerega loodest Atlandi ookeaniga. Prantsusmaa on tähe kujuline. Prantsusmaa pikkus ja laiuskraadid: 45 kraadi pl ja 5 kraadi ip. Pariisi geograafilised kordinaadid: 48.856667°N 2.350833°E. Pariisi kaugus minu kodulinnast on 1863 km. Kellaaja erinevus Eesti ja prantsusmaa vahel on 1...

Geograafia → Geograafia
26 allalaadimist

Kokkuvõte Inglismaa ajaloost

HISTORY TEST 5 invasions to Britain until 1066 1) The Celts o Gaels in 600BC; Cymry(Britons) in 300BC o From present-day Austria, Switzerland o The Celtic language survives in the names of many places in England- Dover, Kent, Thames o The Celts are best known for their art- many bronze objects with elaborate designs; brooches; pins; mirrors; Celtic stone crosses o The Celts had 3 social orders: warriors, druids(priests) ordinary people 2) The Romans o (55 BC-Caesar) 43 AD- 410 AD- Claudius o From present-day Italy o Southern Britain became Britannia and was ruled by a roman governor o The Romans built over 20 towns: Colchester, Londinium, Winchester etc. They were good engineers and built roads and villas that had central heating, glass windows and mosaic floors ...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
12 allalaadimist

Vesi ja veega seotud probleemid

Vesi ja veega seotud probleemid Koostaja: Reet Tuisk Avaldatud Creative Commonsi litsentsi ,,Autorile viitamine + jagamine samadel tingimustel 3.0 Eesti (CC BY-SA 3.0)" alusel, vt Teadmisek · Vastsündinu kaalust moodustab vesi 75-80 % s: · Täiskasvanu kehas on vee osakaal kuni 70% · Vere koostises on üle 82% vett · Organismi ainevahetus toimub üle 85% ulatuses veekeskkonnas ­ vesi kannab edasi toitaineid ja väljutab jääkaineid · Vesi tagab organismi kehatemperatuuri, töö- ja keskendumisvõime · Organismi veesisalduse vähenemisel 6-8% tekib teadvuskadu; vähenemisel 10% hallutsinatsioonid; v...

Geograafia → Geograafia
23 allalaadimist

Inglise keele kordamine

INGLISE KEELE KORDAMINE TIME CLAUSES Present Simple · Permanent states, facts (Tom works..) · Repeated and habitual actions, routines (She usually goes..) · Laws of nature and general truths (The sun sets in the west) · Timetables and programmes · Sporting commentaries, rewiews (Beckham wins the ball, crosses and Owen scores) · Feelings and emotions (I love Tallinn..) TIME EXPRESSIONS USED WITH PRESENT SIMPLE: usually, often, always, every day/week etc, in the morning/evening etc, at night/the weekend, on Fridays etc. Present Continuous · Actions taking place at or arount the moment of speaking (The kids are watching TV..) · Fixed arrangements in the near future (I'm going to the dentist tomorrow) · Currently changing ang developing situations (The number of burgularies is increasing) · Wi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
204 allalaadimist

Diana, Walesi printsess (The Princess of Wales)

PRESENTATION PRINCESS DIANA Diana, Princess of Wales was born on the 1st of July in 1961 and died on the 31st of August in 1997. She was a popular member of the British royal family and an international personality of the late 20th century. She was the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales, whom she married on the 29th of July in 1981. The wedding, which was held at St. Paul's Cathedral, was televised and watched by a global audience of over 750 million people. Diana and Charles had two sons, Princes William and Harry. EARLY LIFE She was born at Park House, Sandringham in Norfolk, England. Her parents were John Spencer and Frances Burke Roche. She had two older sisters Sarah and Jane and a younger brother Charles. When Diana's parents divorced in 1969, her mother took her and her younger brother live in an apartment in London's Knightsbridge, where Diana attended a local day schoo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Inglise keele maiskonna töö

1. What are the capitals of the 4 constituent countries? England- London; Northen Ireland- Belfast; Scotland- Edinburgh; Wales- Cardiff 2. Order the invaders in correct chronological order: Anglo-Saxons, Normans, Romans, Celts. Romans Anglusaxons , Norman 3. How did the Celts influence Britain? Language. Wars. Engand and Scotland eventually became 1 contry 4. How many people approximately speak English? Approximately 600 million 5. Who (which tribes) gave the base of the English language?Germanic tribes- Anglo-Saxons. 6. Describe Wales.- Wales is a mountainous country on the western side of Great Britain. The national game of Wales is Rugby. Flag- Red dragon on a green and white field. They have their own language Cymraeg ( Welsh) . Anthem- Land Of My Fathers. Official animal- Dragon. There used to be a lot of coalmines. 7. What are the symbols of the 4 constit...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Austraalia referaat

Austraalia Riigi ülevaade Austraalia on maailma suurim saar, kuid väikseim kontingent ning pindala suuruselt (7,686,850 km²) kuues riik maailmas. Riik asub lõunapoolkeral Uus-Meremaast loodes ja Indoneesiast lõunas, olles ühtlasi ka Vaikse ookeani ja India ookeni omavaheliseks piiriks. Kui vaadata saart tema mõõtmetelt on idapoolseimast punktist läänepoolsemasse 4000 km ja põhjapoolseimast punktist lõunapoolsemasse 3200 km ning riigi rannajoon on 36 720 km pikk. Austraaliale kuuluvad veel lisaks India ookeanis asuvad Jõulusaar, Kookossaared, Ashmore ja Cartier, Vaikses ookeanis Norfolk ja Korallimere saared ning Heart ja McDonald Antarktikas. Neist ainult Korallimere saared, Norfolk ja Jõulusaar on asustatud. Austraalia rahvaarv on 2013. aasta mai seisuga 23 miljonit inimest. Kõige suurem on populatsioon Victoria ja Uus-Lõuna-Wales´I osariikides, kus asuvad ka Austraalia suurimad linnad Melb...

Geograafia → Rahvastik ja majandus
8 allalaadimist

Word order

Word Order Table of Contents Types of Sentences ..................................................................................2 Parts of the Sentence ..............................................................................2 Word Order in Affirmative Sentences ...................................................3 Position of Adverbs of Frequency .........................................................5 Word Order in Negative Sentences......................................................6 Word Order in General Questions.........................................................7 Word Order in Special Questions ..........................................................8 Word Order in Subject Questions ..........................................................9 Types of Sentences There are four basic types of sentences in English. AFFIRMAT...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Kunstküüned ja kontaktläätsed

Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool optomeetria õppetool OP3 Geity Villem KUNSTKÜÜNED JA KONTAKTLÄÄTSED Referaat kontaktläätsedes Juhendaja: M. Puusepp Tallinn 2018 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS........................................................................................2 1.KUNSTKÜÜNED JA KONTAKTLÄÄTSED....................................................3 .1Kontaktlääts......................................................................................................... 3 .2Akrüül- ja geelküüned.......................................................................................... 4 2.KUNSTKÜÜNTEGA KAASNEVAD OHUD....................................................5 2.1Bakteriaalsed või seenelised nakkused.............................................................5 ....

Meditsiin → Optomeetria
7 allalaadimist

"food" Homereading

Burger King Burger King (NYSE: BKC), often abbreviated to BK, is a global chain of hamburger fast food restaurants. The first restaurant was opened in Miami, Florida in 1954 by James McLamore and David Edgerton, and has since used several variations of franchising to expand its operations. Burger King Holdings Corporation is the parent company of Burger King; in the United States it operates under the Burger King Brands title while internationally it operates under the Burger King Corporation banner. It is a publicly traded company with investment firms of TPG Capital, L.P., Bain Capital, and Goldman Sachs each owning about 25% of the company. At the end of its fiscal year 2007, Burger King reported that there are more than 11,300 outlets in 69 countries; 66% are in the United States and 90% are privately owned and operated. The company has more than 37,000 employees serving approximately 11.4 million ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

Inglise keele praktilise grammatika mõisted

adjective + preposition omadussõna + eessõna proud of, good at, married to adverb particle Some verbs are followed by adverb particles. Examples are: put on, take off, give away, bring up, call in. Sometimes the particle is detached from the verb and put after the object. •He took his boots off. •They called the doctor in. apposition a grammatical construction in which two usually adjacent nouns having the same referent stand in the same syntactical relation to the rest of a sentence (as the poet and Burns in “a biography of the poet Burns”) back-reference In grammatical analysis, the term reference is often used to state a relationship of identity which exists between grammatical units, e.g. a pronoun 'refers' to a noun or noun phrase. When the reference is to an earlier part of the discourse, it may be called a 'back-reference' (or anaphora); collective noun Collective noun is the name we give to a group of nouns...

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

There is no such thing as a totally sustainable tourism

Adventure Tourism Project Management Madli Tuvike There is no such thing as a totally sustainable tourism (Swarbrooke, 1999). Tourism as one of the leading industries in the world is contributing to sustainable development (Mintel, 2005). Tourism needs to cope with changing world and world order, also trends that are occurring. Sustainable tourism is one rising industry in tourism market. Swarbroke (1999) and David (2011) are suggesting that sustainable tourism and sustainability is taking wider part in tourism industry. Moreover, Mintel (2005) states that tourism contribution to sustainable development is being recognised increasingly by governments and international organisations. In addition, United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO, a.i.) states that tourism nowadays takes full responsibility of impacts that it is making, such as current and future economic, social and environmental. Therefore, this essay will i...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Austraalia referaatiivne uurimustöö

AUSTRAALIA geograafia referaat Juhendaja: Sisukord: 1. ÜLDANDMED 2. AJALUGU 3. KLIIMA 4. PINNAMOOD 5. LOODUSVARAD 6. RAHVASTIK 7. LOODUS 8. HARIDUS 9. TERVIS NING SURMAD 10.KULTUUR 11.MAJANDUS 12.ENERGIAMAJANDUS 13.PÕLLUMAJANDUS 14.VEONDUS 15.EKSPORT/IMPORT 16.TURISM 17.SPORT 18.STATISTIKA 19.KASUTATUD MATERJAL/VIITED 1. ÜLDANDMED Austraalia on maailmajagu ja manner lõunapoolkeral. Põhjast lõunasse on mandri ulatus 3200, läänest itta 4100 km. Läänes ja lõunas piirneb Austraalia India ookeaniga, idas ja põhjas Vaikse ookeani meredega- Tasmani, Koralli-, Timori ja Arafura merega. Rannajoon on vähe liigestunud: põhjas sopistub Arnhemi maa ja Cape Yorki poolsaare vahel mandrisse Carpentaria laht, lõunarannikut uhub suur Austraalia laht. Tasmaania saart eraldab mandrist 224 km laiune Bassi väin. Kirderannikut ääristab 2300 km pikkune Suur Vallrahu Pealinn: Canberra Riigikord: Rahvaste Ühend...

Geograafia → Geograafia
217 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun