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"-urban" - 265 õppematerjali


Urban Trail

Urban trail in Tartu old town. Tartu, small town in southern-Estonia. Town was first mentioned in 1030. Nowadays there is living nearly 100 000 people. Tartu is known as city of students, and students come to improve to Tartu from all over the world. But Tartu is also known as a Hansa town, that is why one of the most attractive sightseeing place is the old town. It is a valuable place for Tartu and for Estonia as well. PHOTO HUNT MAP: Start the photo hunt on the corner of Lai and Jakobi street. Go up to the Toome hill, it's a great upturn and a great test for legs. As you move forward you will see the famous ,,Musumägi". In english it is called ,,The Kissing Hill" Take a picture with your crew members in the background of the hill. After a brief walk in the Toome Park you see the Ruins of Toome Cathedral. Is it possible to visit the ruins of the Cathedral? Now, go straight ahead until you reach the Lossi street, turn rig...

Turism → Turism
10 allalaadimist

Urban Forestry

Urban Forestry Gene W.Grey Frederick J.Deneke Ants Nokkur Metsandus I Content Introduction Early history History Distribution Composition Popular species Benefits Planting trees Conclusion Introduction Ø An urban forest is a forest or a collection of trees that grow within a city, town or a suburb. Ø Urban forests plays an important role in ecology of human habitats in many ways: they filter air, water, sunlight, provide shelter to animals and recreational area for people. They moderate local climate and slowing wind. History of Urban Forestry Early History Ø Trees have been esthetically important to people since the earliest civilization. Ø Botanical gardens began to evolve during the Middle Ages. Ø The first recording of term ,,arborist". Ø Freely planted trees in London. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Rural versus Urban

Rural versus Urban Of course, living in a rural or an urban society-both have their strong sides and weak sides. I have lived in rural society for my whole life so I know how life outside city is. Best thing about not living in a town is the quietness. If you have lived in quietness for your whole life then you won't even understand how pleasant it actually is. But I have heard that many city peoples enjoys only the peace and quietness at countryside, because when you live in town you hear till morning to evening driving cars. Another big plus for rural environment is clean and beautiful nature. Forests where you can go camping and lakes where you can go swimming. It may look very exciting to an urban people but it may seem boring to rural people. So, good thing about living in city is that there are probably many more people who you can meet with. Thanks to this there is a bigger possibility that you would ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Toward Socially Sustainable Urban Transportation

Gea Gross, 085230, EALB52. Toward Socially Sustainable Urban Transportation: Progress and Potentials. SSUT ehk Socially Sustainable Urban Transportation tähendab eesti keeles ühiskonna seisukohalt jätkusuutlikku linnatransporti, mida antud artiklis käsitleti läbi sotsiaalse õiguslikkuse, -kõrvalejäetuse ja elukvaliteedi. Paljud hästi arenenud uurimisvaldkonnad annavad potentsiaalse, metodoloogilise ja rakendusliku pilguheidu linnaühiskonna transpordi säästliku arendamise jaoks. Käsitletakse erinevaid kokkuleppeid, linna ülesehitust, transpordi üleüldist kättesaadavust ja nii linna kui seda ümbritseva regiooni transpordi planeerimist säästlikult ja keskkonnasõbralikult. Viimaste kümnendite jooksul on eriti teravalt käsitletud just keskkonna probleeme, mis kaasnevad ettemõtlematult kavandatud transpordisüsteemide ülesehitusega. Üritatakse üha enam planeerida infrastruktu...

Logistika → Transpordiökonoomika
21 allalaadimist

Laiendatud ärimudel

Tallinna Tehnikaülikool ÄRIMUDEL aines „Ettevõtluse alused“ Teemal URBAN SMARTLOCK Üliõpilased: Õppejõud: Martin Toding Tallinn 2017 SISUKORD 1.Customer Segments................................................................................................................. 2 2.Value Proposition...................................................................................................................... 3 3.Channels................................................................................................................................... 5 4.Customer Relationships............................................................................................................6 5.Revenue Streams.........................................................................................................

Majandus → Majandus
96 allalaadimist

Valglinnastumise mõju mõõtmine loodusmaastiku mustrile LääneTaihu järve valgalal

Valglinnastumise mõju mõõtmine loodusmaastiku mustrile Lääne-Taihu järve valgalal Tartu 2012 Sissejuhatus Sissejuhatus............................................................................................................................ 2 Andmed ja metoodika.............................................................................................................. 5 Asukoht............................................................................................................................... 5 Andmed............................................................................................................................... 5 CRI ja CRL.......................................................................................................................... 5 Isolatsiooni kraad.................................................................................................

Maateadus → Maastikuhooldus
5 allalaadimist

Google SketchUp

Google SketchUp Kristiina Moosel Landscape Architecture Minu lemmikud: 1. See meeldib mulle, kuna see koht on korraga nii väga modernne, kui ka väga looduslik. Ma usun, et seal oleks puhas ja värske õhk ja et seal oleks kuulda palju looduslikke rahustavaid hääli. 2. Ka see meeldib mulle väga. Põhjus on sama mis eelmiselgi. See on ühtlasi väga modernne, aga ka kooduslik, värske ja super mugav koht. Sellises aias oleks perfektne suviti hommikust süüa. 3. See koht/pilt meeldib mulle väga, kuna ma hindan seda, et linnas, ka linna südames, võiks olla suurte betoonmajade vahel rohelust, taimi ja puid. See teeb minu arust linna palju ilusamaks. Sellel pioldil on näha, et tegu oleks nagu linnaga ja siin on väga palju rohelust näha. Planning & Urban Design Minu lemmikud: 4. See meeldib mulle, kuna tundub huvitav ja minu tead...

Kultuur-Kunst → Joonestamine
11 allalaadimist

Rahvastik ja rahvaarvu kasv

Globaliseeruv maailm (05.12.2014 – kodus) / õpilane .................................................................................................... A. Loe - B. Vasta viktoriini «Rahvastik ja rahvaarvu kasv» küsimustele. C. Vastused saada õpetajale – [email protected] 1. Mis aastaks jõuab maailma rahvastiku arv eeldatavasti 8 miljardini?  2044/2045  2020/2021  2040/2041  2024/2025 2. Kui suur on muutus inimeste keskmises elueas võrreldes 1950nda aastaga?  Umbes 40 aastat  Umbes 25 aastat  Umbes 5 aastat  Umbes 35 aastat 3. Kui sündimuskordaja on alla kahe, siis millele see viitab?  Populatsioon kipub kasvama  ...

Geograafia → Demograafia
2 allalaadimist

Referaat Garrett Eckbost

Sisukord Sissejuhatus ............................................................................................................................- 2 - 1. Elulugu ...............................................................................................................................- 3 - 1.1Noorusaastad .................................................................................................................- 3 - 1.2 Hariduskäik ..................................................................................................................- 3 - 1.3 Karjäär ..........................................................................................................................- 3 - 2. Garrett Eckbo nägemus maastikuarhitektuurist .................................................................- 5 - 3. Mõned Garrett Eckbo tööd .........................................................................................

Arhitektuur → Arhidetuur
6 allalaadimist

Alternatiivraha süsteemid Eestis ajalugu ja tulevik

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Majandusteaduskond Rahanduse- ja majandusteooria instituut Rahanduse ja panganduse õppetool ALTERNATIIVRAHA SÜSTEEMID EESTIS: AJALUGU JA TULEVIK Referaat õppeines raha ja pangandus Tallinn 2015 SISUKOR sissejuhatus......................................................................................................................4 1Alternatiivraha...............................................................................................................5 1.1Mis on alternatiivraha?...........................................................................................5 1.2Alternatiivraha tekkimise põhjused ja pidama jäämine.........................................6 2alternatiivraha eestis......................................................................................................7 2.1Ajalugu................

Majandus → Raha ja pangandus
18 allalaadimist


Population 1. Size, its changes 2. Distribution 3. Towns 4. Ethnic makeup 5. Age breakdown 6. Religion(s) 1. Size. 1 July 2006 population estimates by UK National Statistics: % (mid- Part Population (mid-2006) 2006) England 50,762,900 83.8 Scotland 5,116,900 8.4 Wales 2,965,900 4.9 Northern Ireland 1,741,600 2.9 United Kingdom 60,587,300 100 Although Britain is quite small in terms of land area (245,000 sq km), it has a large population of nearly 61 million, which ranks the 21st in the world (Britain is the 21st most populous state in the world) and the third largest in the European Union. The size of population is chan...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
2 allalaadimist

Avalik ruum

Kasutajasõbralik avalik ruum ehk tõenduspõhine planeerimine Loengu eesmärk: Mõelda teooriapõhiselt järgmiste küsimuste üle: · Mõista, mida inimesed avalikus ruumis vajavad ja väärtustavad · Kuidas aru saada, kas ruum vastab nendele vajadustele või mitte · Mida peaks planeerides arvesse võtma, teades tervise/heaolu ja keskkonnategurite seoseid? Vajadused/väärtused avalikus ruumis ­ nimetage! · ... Vajadused avalikus ruumis - Mugavus - Lõdvestumine - Passiivne hõivatus - Aktiivne hõivatus - Avastamine 1) Mugavus ­ ilmastikutingimustega arvestamine 1) Mugavus ­ hängimine ja inimestega kohtumine 2) Lõõgastumine ­ looduslikud elemendid (taimed, voolav vesi) mõjuvad iseäranis soodsalt (Chicago, Grant Park) 2) Lõõgastumine - turvatunne (Rooma) 3) Passiivne hõivatus: people watching (Biskek) 3) Passiivne/aktiivne hõiatus ­ spontaanne tänavasport, -muusika 3)...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
2 allalaadimist

Valglinnastumise mõjud keskkonnale

Valglinnastumise mõjud keskkonnale Töö autor: Rahvastiku arv on viimasel sajandil pidevalt tõunud ja kuna on toimunud linnastumine ja enamus rahvastikust elab linnades, tähendab see, et linnad on märgatavalt kasvanud. Antud töö vaatleb valglinnastumist ja toob välja erinevaid näiteid kasutades, mis on just nimelt valglinnastumise poolt põhjustatud erinevad keskkonna ja põllumajanduslikud probleemid. Kõigepealt aga valglinnastumisest üldisemalt. Couch'i (2007) arvates on valglinnastumine linnade kompaktsuse vähenemine, nende väljapoole kasvamine ja detsentralisatsioon. Samuti on välja toodud, et valglinnastumine toob endaga kaasa autode kasutamise suurenemise kuna vahemaad on suurenenud. Valglinnastumine kui nähtus tekkis 18. sajandi Inglismaal kui jõukad hakkasid nädalavahetustel ja suviti suvilaid kasutama. Kuid kiirem ja laiahaardelisem valglinnastumine tekkis peale Teist Maailmasõda, kui motoriseeritud transport hakkas laiemalt levi...

Muu → Erialareferaat
30 allalaadimist


MAASTIKU LOODUSTEADLIKUD KÄSITLUSED 2016 Maastik on looduslikult ühtlase ilmega maa-ala, kus korduvad teatud pinnavormid, taimkatteüksused, inimtegevuse avaldused jms. Igapäevasemas tarvituses: teatud maa-ala välisilme, värvide ja vormide laad vaatevälja ulatuses. Ometi käsitletakse maastikku väga erinevalt. Seda juba eri teadusharude juures erinevalt. Esimeses artiklis käsitleb autor maastikku rohkem vaimses võtmes. Ta rõhutab rohkem iga inimese enda tunnetamist maastikku ja seda, kuidas maastik ajas muutub, ning kas ka seda muutust tajutakse. Mainiti ka, kuidas maastik aastaaegade vahetumisega mitmeks erinevaks kohaks muutub. Autor arvab, et maastik on kõik, mida ta väljaspool siseruume näeb. „Tänavad, parklad, laoplatsid, maanteed, bensiinijaamad, kõrgepingeliinid, ..., ka linnud, loomad, taimed ja kivid, ..., pilved, aasta- ja kellaajad, tähed ja planeedid. Arvan seda sellepärast, et ma nii näen.“ (Luik 2001) ...

Maateadus → Maastikuökoloogia
26 allalaadimist

India 'Demography and Bollywood'

INDIA Demography and Bollywood Demographics With an estimated population of 1.2 billion, India is the world's second most populous country. The last 50 years have seen a rapid increase in population due to medical advances and massive increase in agricultural productivity due to the "green revolution". The percentage of Indian population living in urban areas has consistently grown; from 1991 to 2001, India's urban population increased by 31.2%. In 2001, about 285 million Indians lived in urban areas while more than 70% of India's population resided in rural areas. As per the 2001 census, there are twenty seven million- plus cities, with the largest cities being Mumbai, Delhi and Kolkata. English is used extensively in business and administration and has the status of a subsidiary official language; it is also important in education, especially as a me...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

The Historic Centre (Old Town) of Tallinn

The Historic Centre (Old Town) of Tallinn is an exceptionally complete and well-preserved medieval northern European trading city on the coast of the Baltic Sea. The city developed as a significant centre of the Hanseatic League during the major period of activity of this great trading organization in the 13th-16th centuries. The combination of the upper town on the high limestone hill and the lower town at its foot with many church spires forms an expressive skyline that is visible from a great distance both from land and sea. The upper town (Toompea) with the castle and the cathedral has always been the administrative centre of the country, whereas the lower town preserves to a remarkable extent the medieval urban fabric of narrow winding streets, many of which retain their medieval names, and fine public and burgher buildings, including town wall, Town Hall, pharmacy, churches, monasteries, merchants' and craftsmen' guilds, and the...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Introduction to RESIDENTIAL LAYOUT Today I will speak about... - Before planning residential area - Calculating the costs - Consumer preferences - Defining space and blocks arrangement Before planning residential area... You need to know about... - possible buyers in this area - how big amount of money the developer would like to spend on it Why need to know about possible buyers? because then you know about... - how big should be the houses / the type of house - should be there a garden / how big it should be - design of the house - public places How big amount of money the developer would like to spend on it It is important because... - you know about materials you can use in desing - where to spend more or less Calculating the costs It is very important to calculate all costs like... - building...

Keeled → Inglise keel
186 allalaadimist

Linna ja eluaseme sotsioloogia tekstide kokkuvõtted

1. Louis Wirth «Urbanism as a Way of Life» Oma uurimistöös Louis Wirth kirjeldas Chicago linnaelu ja linnastumisprotsessi. Tema peamine saavutus selles töös on linna ja linnaelu sotsioloogiline defineerimine. Ta arvab, et tänapäeva inimese peamine elamise omadus ­ tema keskendamine hiigelsuurtesse kogumitesse, mille ümber moodustuvad uued väiksemad rühmad ja millest lähtuvad uued ideed ja meetodid, seda me nimetame tsivilisatsiooniga. Linn on mitte ainult elu- ja töökoht nüüdisaegse inimese jaoks, vaid ka majandusliku, poliitilise ja kultuurilise elu juhitsenter. Wirth ütleb, et linna suurus ei ole tema tunnusmärk aga autor oma tekstis nimetab kolm linna iseloomulikku joont: suur elanikkonna arv, ühiskonna heterogeensus ja suur rahvastiku tihedus. Autor vaadeldab linna kui ekosüsteemi, kus on olemas segmenteerimine, liikmete segamine, evolutsioon ja areng, tekkivad uued liikmed ja võimalused iseenda realiseerimiseks aga kusjuures...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaalteadused
3 allalaadimist

Utoopia arhitektuuris

Architecture and cities in the future · The painting by Frank R. Paul · Cities made of steel, glass and plastic · Massive skyscrapers, roof-top aerodromes, wide pedestrian boulevards, metal roadways, urban space launch pads, noise regulations. · Cities must change radically to achieve long-term sustainability. · Energy, food and water sources, transportation systems and basic infrastructure, must all adapt to emerging pressures from climate change, dw...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
11 allalaadimist

Louna-Aafrika poliitajalugu, South Africa

South Africa ­ Apartheid and before South Africa was created by peoples from Africa, Asia, and Europe. created their own states , combined (sometimes through war, sometimes through negotiation) to form the current South African state. The important thing is not what states were called or how long they lasted, but how they were organised, maintained control, gained and lost legitimacy. South African state formed out of: Conquest Colonization Slavery Indentured labour Racially discriminatory laws ­ reserved jobs for whites; differential pay-scales etc Post 1910 state strong and centralized institutionalised racism: "power, wealth and privileges [distributed] unequally on a racial basis" (Giliomee, 1995, p190) Farming and mining (the basis of the economy) both required large work forces. Once slavery was abolished, need for to generate labour force. Taxation (poll tax) used to force blacks...

Politoloogia → Politoloogia
7 allalaadimist

Crusades and Richard Lionheart

Made by: Siim Reimand Crusades Holy wars. The purpose -to retake the Holy Land. Christ -would come when the Christians control Jerusalem. For almost 200 years. Nine crusades! 1 Crusade st 2 Crusade nd (1096-1099) (1145-1149) Urban II called a Launched in 1147. council Was a complete Thousands of warriors failure. attacked Muslims and Christians took no Jews to gain the land new territory. for Christians. 3rd Crusade (1189-1192) o Richard I, Philip II, Frederick Barbarossa set out. o Along the way Frederick drowned. o Phillip went back home. o Richard won several victories but couldn't retake Jerusalem. o The English had to give up and head home. o Richard was taken prisoner ....

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

All forms of media

All forms of Media Assuming you mean Broadcast Media, the single most important function of Media is to report events as they are happening. The advantage of this is that more people can be informed and therefore involved in the happenings of the day. But like any other facet of life these wonders can be corrupted by those with their own agenda. That is to say that a news agency can choose to omit some things from their broadcast to place a particular "spin" on the events. Using 9-11 as an example: Everyone saw the planes crash into the buildings but none REALLY knows why this happened. Same with the assignation of JFK. Information can be repressed or expounded to create misinformation that leaves us all wondering why. Mass Media refers to all forms of media that are open to and accessible by the public. This includes newspapers, television, internet, magazines, radio etc. Following are the advantages and disadvantages of mass media t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

My favourite musician: Tyga

My favourite musician Your name Tyga Early life ● Michael Ray Nguyen-Stevenson was born in Compton, California, on November 19, 1989, and he moved to Gardena, California around the age of eleven. He is of Vietnamese and Jamaican descent. He grew up listening to Fabolous, Lil Wayne, Cam'ron and Eminem among others. Tyga claimed to have been brought up in the low socioeconomic area of Compton, but on the television show Bustas in 2008 he claimed he grew up in a "well-to-do" home in the Valley, where his parents drove a Range Rover. He also claimed that he attained his nickname from his mother calling him Tiger Woods.There has been speculation that his claims on the show were satirical and not to be taken seriously. Career ● 2008–10: No Introduction and mixtapes ● No Introduction, released on Decaydance Records on June 10, 2008, was Tyga's first independent album. One of t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Central Park'i tutvustus

2) Central park is an urban park in the central part of the borough of Manhattan, New York City. It was initially  opened in 1857, on 778 acres of city­owned land, later  expanding to its current size of 843 acres. Central park  is one of the most famous sightseeing spots in New  York.  3) Central park which has been a National Historical  Landmark since 1962, was designed by landscape  architect Frederic Law Olmsted and the English architect Calvert Vaux in1858. It is bordered on the north by  Central Park North, on the south by Central Park South,  on the west by Central Park West and on the east by  Fifth Avenue. The park contains several natural­looking  lakes and ponds which have been created artificially,  extensive walking tracks, bridle paths, two ice­skating  rinks, the Central Park Zoo, the Central Park  Conservatory Garden, a wildlife sanctuary, a 106 acre  billion­gallon reservoir and an outdoor amphitheater.  Indoor attract...

Keeled → Country Study
1 allalaadimist

The Chiltern Hills

The Chiltern Hills Ursula 11. kl · The Chiltern Hills are known locally as just The Chilterns and are a chalk escarpment in the south-east of England, lying a few miles north-west of London. · They cover four counties and combine beautiful scenery with interesting history. · The Chilterns begin in Oxfordshire in the Thames Valley and stretch north-east through Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire to Hitchin in Hertfordshire. They comprise of chalk hills covered with beautiful beech woods, wild flowers, and a variety of wildlife. History · In pre-Roman times, the Chiltern ridge provided a relatively safe and easily negotiable route across southern Iron Age England, thus the Icknield Way (one of England's ancient trackways) follows the line of the hills. · The name "Chiltern" comes from the Cilternsæte, a tribe that occupied the area in the early...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
4 allalaadimist


Rihanna Hanna-Brett Luht 9D History • Robyn Rihanna Fenty (born February 20, 1988), known by her stage name Rihanna is a Barbadian singer, actress, and fashion designer. • Born in Saint Michael, Barbados. History • Rihanna´s music career began in 2005 at the age of 16 when music producer Evan Rodger lander her an audition for Def Jam Records. Def Jam Recordings is an American record label, focused predominatly on Hip-Hop and urban music. Albums • Rihanna has 7 albums with her label Def Jam Records. • Music of the Sun • A Girl like me • Good girl gone bad • Rated R • Loud • Talk-That-Talk • Unapologetic • v=kt0g4dWxEBo&hd=1 Thank you for listening

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Niako Eliisa Täht 8. oktoober 2013 Lamarre Michael ehk Niako on Prantsusmaa hip hop tantsija. Ta alustas tantsimisega 1997. aastal, mil õppis Pariisis kunsti. Niako suurimaks instiratsiooniks on pop legend Michael Jackson. Peale selle on ta harjutanud igat stiili tantsu, alates hip hopist kuni B-Boyni. Samuti liitus Niako Daltons Poseega, kellega ta arendas oma oskusi edasi. Varsti alustas ta tööd profesionaalsete tantsijate ning koreograafidega kui ka suurte kaubamärkidega nagu näiteks Adidas ja Puma. Tal on olnud võimalus osaleda mitmetel hip hop üritustel ning teatrietendustel nagu ,,Encounters Urban La Villette" ja ,,Suresnes Cities Danse". Niako osales aastal 2001 International Dance Academy koolis, et õppida klassikalist-, kaasaegset- ja jazztantsu. Ta esines muusikalis ,,10 käsku" kõrval ka pa...

Biograafia → Kuulsused
2 allalaadimist

Linna kompaktsus ja laialivalgumine

LINNA KOMPAKTSUS JA LAIALIVALGUMINE, MIS ON HEA JA MIS SOBIB ALLIKAD: 1. Ahas, R. (7. august 2006). Pealinn valgub lähivaldadesse. TallinnCity. (kasutatud 24.10.2013). 2. Ahas, R. (21. aprill 2007). Uusasumite valud. (kasutatud 24.10.2013). 3. , E. (2012) , . Urals Academy of Architecture. 4. Burton, E. The Compact City: Just or Just Compact? A Preliminary Analysis. Urban Studies, Vol. 37, No. 11, 1969­ 2001, 2000. 5. Dieleman, F.M. (1996) Compact urban development: experiences in Randstad Holland, in J . Kjellberg Bell and S. Webber (Eds) Urban Regions in a Global Context, Directions for the Greater Toronto Area, pp. 118--123. Toronto: University of Toronto, Center for Urban and Community Studies. 6. Dieleman, F.M., Dijst, M. J., Spit, T. (1999) Planning the c...

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
3 allalaadimist


LONDON London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom, the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom, and the largest urban zone in the European Union. London is located on the River Thames. The capital of England has been a major settlement for two millennia, its history goes back to its founding by the Romans, who called it Londinium. Since at least the 19th century, the name London has also referred to the metropolis developed around this core. The registered population of London is 7,825,200. However, Estonian's native language is English, many people also speak Cornish. Although, the city operates a system of bus, tube and train and also boats routes to all parts of London and also England, it's still not enough. Along the River Thames are House of Parlament, Westminster and many other places. There are many enourmous parks, like Hyde Park, Royal Park, Kensington Gardens, Re...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

DJ Tiesto

DJ Tiësto Tiesto, päris nimega Tijs Michiel Verwe sündinud 17.01.1969, on Hollandi DJ ja elektoonilise tantsumuusika produtsent. Kuigi ta on kasutanud palju varjunimesi on ta siiski tuntud kui DJ Tiesto või siis lihtsalt Tiesto. 1997. aastal asutas ta karjääri koos Arny Binkiga, kus ta osales Magik ja In Search of Sunrise CD seerias. Aastatel 1999 ja 2000 tegi ta koostööd Ferry Corsteniga. Aastal 2001 andis ta välja oma esimese sooloalbumi" In my Memmory", mis andis talle suure tõuke alustada oma karjääri. Ta sai 'maailmas nr 1 DJ-ks' kolm korda järjest. 2004 aastal sai ta valmis oma teise albumi ,,Just be ,, ja sai seda kohe esitleda Ateenas olümpiamängudel. Aastal 2007 algatas ta Tiesto oma raadio programmi ,, Tiesto's club life raadio 538" madalmaades ning sai valmis oma kolmanda singli ,,Elements of Life". Stuudisingel jõudis kiiresti tippu ja püsis seal kaua. 2009 aastal tuli ta välja oma...

Muusika → Muusika
5 allalaadimist

Central Park

Central Park Central Park is a public park at the center of Manhattan in New York City. The park initially opened in 1857, on 843 acres (341 ha) of city-owned land. Central Park, which has been a National Historic Landmark since 1962, was designed by landscape designer and writer Frederick Law Olmsted and the English architect Calvert Vauxin 1858 after winning a design competition. They also designed Brooklyn's Prospect Park. The park, which receives approximately thirty-five million visitors annually, is the most visited urban park in the United States. It was opened on 770 acres (3.1 km2) of city-owned land and was expanded to 843 acres. The park is maintained by the Central Park Conservancy, a private, not-for-profit organization that manages the park under a contract with the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation. While planting and land form in much o...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Ettevõtluse ja turunduse alused

30.09.2015 Ettevõtlus ja turundus III Ott Alemaa IDEEDE hindamine Väärtuspakkumise põhiküsimused Väärtuspakkumise karakteristikud • Millist VÄÄRTUST me kliendile pakume? • Uudsus • Teostatavus, tõhusus, kättesaadavus, kasutatavus • Millist kliendi PROBLEEMI me lahendame? • Standardiseerimine • Vastavus probleemile • Millist kliendi VAJADUST me rahuldame? • Disain • Bränd, staatus • Milliseid TOOTEID/TEENUSEID (võ...

Majandus → Ettevõtluse alused
15 allalaadimist

The United States of America

The United States of America (in North America) is a federal republic of 50 states. The total area of the United States is over 9.5 million square kilometres, making it the fourth largest country in the world in area. The capital city is Washington D.C. The major caracteristic of the United States is probably its great variety. Itranges from the Arctic to the subtropical, from the moist rain forest to the arid desert, from the rugged mountain peak to the flat prairie. Althought the total population of the United States is large by world standartst, over 302 million. The country embraces some of the world´s largest urban concentrations as well as some of the most extensive areas that are almost devoid of habitation. The population is highly diverse. In addition to native Americans and the descendants of Africans taken as slaves to America, the national character has been enriched. As to its history, the United States is a relativel...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnastik 500 sõnaga

A 1. A border ­ äärepeenar 2. A brand new plot- uhiuus ala 3. A coherent system ­ sidev süsteem 4. A curved lawn ­ kaarjas muru 5. A fencing screen ­ puuaed, vahesein 6. A flower bed ­ lillepeenar 7. A focal point ­ keskpunkt 8. A fruit plot ­ puuviljaaed 9. A garden shed ­ katusealune aed 10. A gravel area ­ kruusaga kaetud ala 11. A hedge ­ hekk 12. A hidden area ­ varjatud ala 13. A lawn ­ muru 14. A natural boundary of trees and hedges 15. A path ­ kõnnitee 16. A patio ­ terass, siseõu 17. A screen-block wall ­ kiviaed 18. A shady area ­ varjus olev ala 19. A specimen shrub ­ ilupõõsas 20. A sunny area ­ päikeseline ala 21. A vegetable plot ­ juurviljaaed 22. Abandoned mines- mahajäetud miinid 23. Absorb- neelab, imeb sisse 24. Abundant color- külluslik värv 25. Accented- õhuline 26. Accessible ­ ligipääsetav 27. Accommodate ­...

Keeled → Inglise keel
33 allalaadimist


England London London is the capital and largest urban area of England and the United Kingdom. Stonehenge Stonehenge is a prehistoric and mysterious circle of upright stones in southern England. Construction on the great monument began 5,000 years ago; the famous stones that still stand today were put in place about 4,000 years ago. Humber Bridge The Humber Bridge, which was completed in 1981, held the record for the longest span in the world.The Humber Bridge is truly a work of art, with a main span length of 4,624 ft. The Humber Bridge still holds the record for the longest single span suspension bridge in the world. Windsor Castle Windsor Castle is an official residence of The Queen and the largest occupied castle in the world. A Royal home and fortress for over 900 years, the Castle remains a working palace today. Vic...

Keeled → Inglise keel
48 allalaadimist

"Assassin" esitlus

Assassin By Shaun Hutson About the Author Born in 1958 Writer of horror novels and dark urban thrillers Author of "Slugs" basis, also screenplay for The Figgis Brothers Assassin her 10th novel The book Takes place in England's capital ­ London About gang wars 20th century Main characters Frederick Harvey the police commissioner Frank Harrison one of the nether world's leaders, he is gang ruler and he have had leader of streets about two year The story Harrison's life is getting heavier and heavier.Things in the city are getting more out of control. There are a lot of blood, people are killing and shooting each other up. Gangsters can't stand that Harrison is on the lead and want to eliminate him from this position and get it their own . End of the story They want to take over his posi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Praktiline eesti keel I - tsitaatsõnad

Tsitaatsõnad Praktiline eesti keel I 10. klassi eesti keel Tsitaatsõnad ja -väljendid on puhtvõõrkeelsed ning neid kirjutatakse ja hääldatakse nagu võõrkeeles, kust nad on võetud. Muust tekstist eristamiseks tuleb tsitaatsõnad kirjutada teises, nt kursiivkirjas, käsikirjas kasutatakse jutumärke või lainelist joont. Tsitaatsõnade käänamisel lisatakse käändelõpp ülakoma abil (mängib petanque'i, maitsestab curry'ga, Eesti yuppie'd). Keeles kodunenud sõna muutub võõrsõnaks ja siis kirjutatakse häälduspäraselt ega eristata enam muust tekstist. Tsitaatsõnu on sobiv kasutada siis, kui emakeeles vastav sõna/väljend puudub või stiilivõttena. Valik üldtuntud tsitaatkeelendeid: exclusive (ld) -(viimane) välja arvatud inclusive (ld) - (viimane) kaasa arvatud in corpore (ld) - terves koosseisus de iure (ld) - õiguslikult deus ex machina (ld) - jumal masinast (olukorra lahendamine kunstliku abimehe toel) all right (ingl) [ool rait] - hüva, hea k...

Eesti keel → 7. klassi ajalugu
26 allalaadimist

Keemiainformaatika, infoostioskused

Ilona Juhanson, 123964YASB 3.1 Sisestasin otsingusse autori nime: MacDiarmid Alan G A )Kokku oli tal artikleid üle 700, kuid aastatel 1975-1985 avaldas ta vaid 203 artiklit: B) Võtsin paremalt kõrvalt Refine, Publication Year, 1975-1985 C) Neil aastatel: Conducting polymers – 21, Plastics – 3 Üleüldse: Conducting polymers – 163, Plastics – 32 D) Refine alt. Proovisin nii 1975- 1985 kui ka ilma ajalise piiranguta. E) 26 patenti F)Refine, Document Type, Patent 3.2 Preparation of glycolide from glycolic acid a) research ...

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
2 allalaadimist

US-ART - American Art Revision Materials, I

American Art Revision Materials Colonial Period Portraiture. The first typically American paintings were illustrated maps but painting remained scarce during C17. There were 4 reasons: settlers came from backgrounds where art was unusual, Protestant attitudes was averse to imagery and painting, the English were not yet distinguished in visual arts and religious art was non-existent. The colonial period is almost entirely limited to portraiture (deemed as `useful' by settlers). These first paintings were made by limners and artisans without formal training and were based on what was popular in England during the Tudors. The paintings are technically unskilled, strongly patterned, flat and linear. Spanish painting in America was mostly religious. In C18, painting was a luxury and necessitated wealth that had by then become available. Portraitures remained at the forefront because the rich could thusly display their status and becaus...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

American Art Revision Materials

American Art Revision Materials Colonial Period Portraiture. The first typically American paintings were illustrated maps but painting remained scarce during C17. There were 4 reasons: settlers came from backgrounds where art was unusual, Protestant attitudes was averse to imagery and painting, the English were not yet distinguished in visual arts and religious art was non-existent. The colonial period is almost entirely limited to portraiture (deemed as `useful' by settlers). These first paintings were made by limners and artisans without formal training and were based on what was popular in England during the Tudors. The paintings are technically unskilled, strongly patterned, flat and linear. Spanish painting in America was mostly religious. In C18, painting was a luxury and necessitated wealth that had by then become available. Portraitures remained at the forefront because the rich could thusly display their status and becaus...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Comparing to singers from different genres

Comparing two singers of different genres The aim of this report is to compare two great singers. The chosen pop-singers are Sting and Lowry. They both present two different styles in nowadays music: Sting is representor of rock music and Lowry and Estonian artist who makes r'n'b, urban and pop music. Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner (born 2 October 1951), almost universally known by his stage name Sting, is an English musician. He was the principal songwriter, lead singer and bassist of the rock band The Police. Sting has sold over 100 million records and received sixteen Grammy Awards for his work. Lowry, in real life known as Lauri Pihlap (born 9 March 1982), is an Estonian singer. He started as a musician when he was only 16 years old. In year 2007 he started his solo career as Lowry. He as made some good singles, very modern music and good for easy-listening. In general they both make very good music for easy-li...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


Traffic congestion droughtpõud floodüleujutus conjure up esile kutsuma, välja meelistama(creat in the mind) mimic miimika(imitate) fool narr, loll deadline tähtaeg(time limit) feud vaen, võitlus hype meediakära camp laager, leer(groups) pull off teoks tegema(achived) evocative esilekutsuv batty oger hang over kohal rippuma regarded kõrvale jäetud proof tõend bitter verine, kibe heap kuhi pile riit mainstream põhivool technological advances tehnilised arengud unemployment space junk consumer society fast food urban sprawl impersonal service GM food biological weapons stressful lifestyle extreme weather changes nuclear power immers süübima, asja sees olema outletshop outcomeresult outlookfuture outingexcursion outsetbeginning outrageanger outbreakepidemic outlaycosts outdistance kaugele maha jätma outdo ületama outsmart ülekavaldama outrun kiiremini, kaugemale jooksma Outgrow välja kasvama outsell space station scientific journal exper...

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Naiste pesu 2011

Terje Pärgma Riin Merdikes RR-51 Naiste pesu 2011 Ethnc fusion Etnilised ornamendid Looduslikkus Intensiivsus ja elavad värvid Sensuaalsus ja romantilisus Click to edit Master text styles Second level Western Trail Third level Fourth level Fifth level Savanna Lands Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Tribal crafts Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kaasaegsed moesuunad
41 allalaadimist

Eesti popmuusika 2000-2012

Eesti popmuusika 20002010 Sandra Ruus Kert Soitu Kaspar Täpsi 20002003 v Aastal 2000 hakati välja jagama Eesti Muusikaauhindasid. Selle auhinnaga tunnustatakse silmapaistvamaid eesti muusikuid v 2001. a Kopenhaagenis toimunud Eurovisiooni lauluvõistlusel saavutasid Eestit esindanud Dave Benton ja Tanel Padar lauluga ,,Everybody'' esimese koha v 2002. a toimus Eurovisioon Eestis. Õhtujuhtideks olid Annely Peebo ja Marko Matvere, kelle esitatud R. Valgre ,,Muinaslugu muusikas'' sai suure menu osaliseks. v 2002 alustas tegevust bänd Sõpruse Puiestee. Looga 1905 tõusid nad kiirelt edetabelite tippu v 2003 alustas tegevust bänd nimega Tanel Padar & The Sun. Mais ilmunud esiksingel kandis nime ,,Big Lie'' 20042007 2004 sügisel avati Ees...

Muusika → Muusika
28 allalaadimist


Rap What is rap? Rap is a style of popular music, developed by disc jockeys and urban blacks in the late 1970s,in which an insistent, recurring beat pattern provides the background and counterpoint for rapid, slangy, and often boastful ryhming patter glibly intoned by a vocalist or vocalists. Famous rappers in Estonia Lennart Lundve Lennart Lundve (November 10, 1988), also known by his stage name Abraham and we also known him by obscene texts. He is a Estonian rapper and his first album was released in 2007. Rainer Olbri Rainer Olbri, also known by his stage name Metsakutsu, Metsakutsa or Freaky T. He is a Estonian rapper. Metsakutsu first album title was ,,hope dies last'`. In 2010 Rainer Olbri released his first debut album "Testament". Famous rappers in the world Tupac Shakur Tupac Amaru Shakur (June 16, 1971 -- September 13, 1996), also...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Pressiteate näide

Pressiteate näide Pressiteade on meediakanalitesse edastatud teade, mis üldjuhul sisaldab pressiteate väljastajaga seotud uudist või seisukohavõttu. Ehkki pressiteade on pigem suhtekorralduslik kui ajakirjanduslik žanr, peab edukas pressiteade vastama ajakirjanduslikele nõudmistele, kuna see on suunatud eelkõige ajakirjanikele, kasutamiseks ajakirjandusliku algmaterjalina. Pressiteade peab äratama ajakirjanikes huvi, seepärast peab see sisaldama midagi uudislikku, mille kajastamisest meedia oleks huvitatud. Selleks võib olla nii uus, algupärane uudis (nt teade mingi ürituse toimumisest, raamatu ilmumisest, saavutusest või auhinnast) kui ka jätk juba ajakirjanduses käsitletud teemale (kellegi kommentaar meedias käsitletud uudisele, vastus kellegi avalikule sõnavõtule, väite ümberlükkamine vms) JJ-Street tantsukooli pressiteade JJ-Street Baltic Sessioni korraldajad koos vabatahtlikega korraldavad. 5.oktoobril 2015 kell 16.00 ko...

Eesti keel → Praktiline eesti keel
13 allalaadimist

The industrial revolution

The industrial revolution The Industrial Revolution, which took place from the 18th to 19th centuries, was a period during which predominantly agrarian, rural societies in Europe and America became industrial and urban. By mid-century, many people worked for small businesses or on farms, laboring in fields that would yield barely enough food to feed the family. New inventions and technology began to change that, however. Larger factories opened and produced new farm equipment, such as the steel plow and the tractor, which allowed farmers to cultivate bigger fields and produce more food that cost much less. Developments in the iron industry also played a central role in the Industrial Revolution. In the early 18th century, Englishman Abraham Darby (1678-1717) discovered a cheaper, easier method to produce cast iron, using a coke-fueled (as opposed to charcoal-fired) furnace. In the 1850s, British engineer Henry Bessemer ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kujutlus linnast 1. peatükk

Kujutlus linnast Kevin Lynch Peatükk 1: Kujutlus keskkonnast Esimene peatükk selgitab linna mõistet ja tutvustab linnakeskkonna kogemisega seotud mõisteid nagu loetavus, struktuur ja identiteet, kujuteldavus ning kujutluse loomist, samuti tutvustab ülejäänud raamatut. Linn on suuremõõtmeline konstruktsioon ruumis, mida on võimalik vaadelda vaid aja möödudes. Ehkki see on ajas võrdlemisi stabiilne, on see samal ajal igavesti muutuv detailides. Linna muutumise üle on võimalik omada vaid osalist kontrolli ja on oluline arvestada, et sel ei ole konkreetset lõpptulemust. Samuti on oluline mõista et linnapildis on liikuvatel objektidel, nagu inimesed ning nende tegevus, sama oluline tähtsus kui liikumatutel. Keeruline on linnakeskkonna puhul saavutada ühtselt head kvaliteeti ning ehkki enamusele linna elanikest on selge, millis...

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Oxford street

OXFORD STREET Facts Oxford Street is a major street in London, England in the City of Westminster. With over 300 shops, it is Europe's busiest shopping street. The street derives its name from being part of the old London--Oxford Road which began at Newgate, City of London. It's mile and a half long, from Marble Archat the north east corner of Hyde Park to theTottenham Court Road History Between the 12th century and 1782 it was variously known as Tyburn Road (it was named after the River Tyburn) Uxbridge Road, Worcester Road and Oxford Road. Note: Today the name Uxbridge Road still exists for the portion of the London--Oxford Road between In the late 18th century, many of the surrounding fields were purchased by the Earl of Oxford, and the area was developed. It became popular to entertainers and for entertainment buil...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

When in Rome do as Romans do

When in Rome do as Romans do Australia is located in the South-East of the world and there is very warm, now there is approximately 30°C. Australia has a population of almost 20 million people and they speak in English. Half of the people there are christians. One of the only things I knew about australia are that there is very warm and there are a lot of kangaroos. In Australia the appearance of people is very formal. Men wear dark business suit and a tie, women may wear a dress or a scirt and blouse. For casual clothing there are pants for both men and women. Australians are friendly and open, but directness and punctuality is very important. They maintain good eye contact during conversations. They bring small gift of chocolate, wine or flowers if invited to someone's home, but gift giving is not very common in bussiness. They avoid littering and when approaching a queue, they go to the end and wait their tu...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun