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"-telling" - 184 õppematerjali



The Christmas season in the UK would be nothing without the traditional ,,panto". Comedians,singers and dancers perform in hilariously exaggerated ways. The shows are mostly aimed to children and are based on popular fairy stories and folk legends. Pantomime has become big business in the UK. It can often run for six to eight weeks. Pantomime needs to have a strong story line and has to include all the important elements as the good battling against the evil where the good must come out as a winner. Shows include comic chases and situations which are known as Slapstick comedy. This comedy takes its name from a magical device that makes slapping noise and is used by characters. The most famous of those pantomime clowns was Joseph grimaldi who made his first appearance in 1800. Pantomime now had its first real star.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Ohutustehnika tellingutel

PÄRNUMAA KUTSEHARIDUSKESKUS EHITUSVIIMISTLEJA Ohutustehnika tellingutel Referaat Juhendaja: Kai Pajumaa Pärnu 2011 TÖÖTAJA ÜLDISED KOHUSTUSED · Täida tööandja või objekti peatöövõtja pooltkehtestatud ohutusnõudeid. · Kasuta tööandjapoolt antud isikukaitsevahendeid (kiiver, kuulmiskaitsed, kaitseprillid, turvajalatsid). · Teata ehitusobjektil ilmnenud tööturvalisust ohustavatest puudustest, ohtudest ja riskidest viivitamatult töödejuhatajale või peatöövõtja tööohutuse eest vastutavale isikule. · Hoolitse omalt poolt selle eest, et ehitusobjektil valitseks kord ning kõiki töövahendeid hoitaks ettenähtud kohas. · Töövahendite ohutusseadmete ja kaitsekonstruktsioonide eemaldamine ilma töö...

Meditsiin → Tööohutus
23 allalaadimist


PLATO My favorite and most interesting subject was about Plato. The fact that he is the worlds most known and widely read and studied philosophers is really interesting. I really like the metafors he used to compare every day life and problems. If he said that people are blind, he ment that people are dumb and havent learned things that life offers them. It is really amazing how Plato guessed so many years ago, what the future will bring. People havent changed, society and things around people have changed. Really great way to tell how people develop and gain experience, was through the metafor of ,,cave". Plato compared just born and small childer to people, who are in the beginning of the cave. Children are helpless just as the people who are in the dark, cold cave. Kids are also dumb and dont know how to deal with things, just like the people who are in the dark and cant see around them. Als...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
3 allalaadimist

Fight club

Review of "Fight Club" by Chuck Palahniuk Fight Club is an amazing book. Initially it was published as a short story in the compilation of Pursuit of Happiness. Later on in August 1996 Palahniuk expanded it to a full length novel and the books was published by W. W. Norton & Company. The genre of the book has been stated to be satirical novel. The novel tells a story about an miserable specialist of a car company. From day to day, he traveled from city to city, inspecting car crashes and deciding whether it was the car producers fault or not. He spent all his free time in cheap motels with insomnia and on daily basis watching corps, blood and human flesh mixed with oil and scrap metal has its own effect on his mind. Since there really isn't a support group for people with similar faith, the narrator starts goin...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
29 allalaadimist


Küsimused tellingute kohta. 1.Kus kasutatakse ehitusel tellinguid töölavasid ja redeleid? Tellinguid, töölavasid ja redeleid kasutatakse müüri ladumisel ja välisfassaadi tegemisel. 2.Milline peab olema tellingute ja töölavade alune pind, kuhu hakatakse neid üles seadma? Tohib paigaldada piisavalt kande jõulisele pinnale .Kui ole piisavalt kande jõuline tuleb kasutada koormust hajuvat alust. 3.Kui kõrge võib olla telling kui on vaja paigutada piire kukkumise vältimiseks? Alates 2 meetri kõrguselt. 4.Kas telling tuleb kinnitada ja kuhu, kui hoone kõrgus on 5m ja enam? Jah tuleb. Oleneb kohast, mõnes kohas saab kinnitada maja külge. 5.Redeliga töötamisel, mida pead kõige suuremaks ohuks? Redel võib libiseda. 6.Kui kõrgel tohib redeliga töötada maapinnast? Ei tohi kasutada 5 meetrit aluspinnast. 7.Millal tohib tellingule ja töölavale ronida? Kui on üle vaadanud kompetentne isik-isik kellel on väljaõpe ja koolitus...

Ehitus → Üldehitus
7 allalaadimist

Lying is a natural and inevitable part of any good relationship

Lying is a natural and inevitable part of any good relationship Most relationship experts note honesty as number one requirement to have a happy and successful relationship. Somehow many people seem to disagree. After all, if it was all that simple, why would anyone lie? Don't they want to be happy? Perhaps reality is not that straightforward. Sometimes telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is the worst thing to be done. From time to time truth can be hurtful. Noone wants to hear that they look exceptionally bad today, especially when they really do. A little fiction can save the day for everyone. Furthermore ­ truth can be so complicated that noone really knows , what is real and what is not. Particularly when it concernes human emotions. There is no certainity, everything changes in time, and what is said genuinely today may become a lie tomorrow. People can be upset, sad or angry and say somethi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

George Orwell "Animal Farm" essay - "Human nature exposed in the novel"

Human nature exposed in G.Orwell's ,,Animal Farm" Humans are the most deceitful animals in the World. Even if we do not want to confess it to ourselves, we have to accept the fact that humans constantly change their ways of thinking and acting to make the World a better place to live in for themselves. Our lives are fulfilled with lies we enter to our or someone else's mind. A lot of it is connected to people's constant need of power and control. "Animal Farm" is a book that reverberates that kind of human nature through politics, dictatorship and power, but in nowadays' World this kind of behaviour occurs also in our everyday life, not only politics. First of all humans are in a constant need of power. The essence of the power does not even matter as long as they have some kind of control. It could be control over some group, over a person and his mind, actions and thoughts or just over a certain situation where we wa...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
5 allalaadimist


EKSAMIPILETID Pilet 1 1. Erinevate aluspindade ettevalmistamine krohvimiseks. Enne krohvimistööde algust peab ruum olema ette valmistatud - üleliigsed asjad ruumist eemaldatud, mittekrohvitavad pinnad kaetakse kinni (aknad, uksed, plekkdetailid). Põrandale panna kaitsekile või ehituspapp. Aluspind peab olema puhas, ühtlase niiskusega, stabiilne ja mitte külmunud. Pinnad puhastatakse tolmust ja lahtistest osakestest. Kui pind pole piisavalt niiske, tuleb seda niisutada. Kui aluspinnal esineb teraselemente, tuleb need eelnevalt töödelda korrosioonikaitse vahendiga. Aluspindade ettevalmistamiseks vajalikud tööriistad on hari või tolmuimeja, millega eemaldada tolm pindadelt; pintsel, juhul kui vaja teraselemente töödelda korrosioonikaitse vahendiga. Kõrgemal asuvate pindade krohvimiseks on vajalik telling. Töö tegija peab olema varustatud kinnaste, tööriiete/jalanõude, respiraatori, vajadusel kaitseprillidega või mütsiga. 2. Pahtlite lii...

Ehitus → Maalritööd
79 allalaadimist

Moulin Rouge ingliskeelne kokkuvõte

Moulin Rouge It is a movie about two lovers who fall in love but their love is not possible. Woman, Satine is a courtesan who works in Moulin Rouge and the man, Christian is a poor writer who writes a play ,,Spectacular Spectacular" for Moulin Rougle and Harold Zidler who is the owner of Moulin Rouge. At the beginning Christian presents himself as the Duke to win Satine's favour. The reason was not that he wanted to trick her but to present his work to Satine. Satine believed that Christian was the right Duke and tried to seduce Christian eventhough the man recisted. They fell in love after Christian reads her one of his poems. But Zidler had planned Satine to spend the night with the right Duke because he wanted him to become the investor of the Moulin Rouge because Zidler wanted Moulin Rouge to be a real theatre. He used Satine to do that. After Christian had read poetry to Satine the real Duke a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

My home

my home hi, im Elvis and i am telling you about my room where i live. The most important thing is bed ofcourse its staying between window and wall. My desk is pretty big and its staying under the window. when you watching out of my window then you see trees and garden. theres a two shelves in my room. I have a very big closet and its staying at the end of the bed. There are two drawers under my bed.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
2 allalaadimist

„The monk who sold his ferrari" - Robin S. Sharma

„The monk who sold his ferrari" ­ Robin  S. Sharma Kristofer Seppel EMÜ 2015 What would you do if you were a successful trial  lawyer and one second you get heart attack in the  crowd? The content of the book • Julian Mantle and heart attack • Leaving the job and disappear The content of the book • Coming back to home • Telling his story to John: Himalayan journey 1) Arriving and meeting monks 2) Training (mental and physical) Illuminated life seven timeless virtues Thank you for listening!

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

An e-mail to my Estonian deskmate

Dear Kaisa, 09.10.2011 Hello! How is it going in Estonia? If you remember I'm in Canada and that is why I'm writing you. I miss you and all classmates. Tell hey them from me. The School where I am studying is Académie Ste. Cécile International School. I can take music, drama and languages courses. That is really interesting and I like here. All the classmates are really friendly and understanding. The family where I am living with is big. There is a mother and father, two sons and one daughter. They are really nice. I get along with their daughter whose name is Carlis. My English is better than before and I am more confident. This is a positive experience. I hope you are okay and I hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes, Mari Mets

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist



Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Halloween also known by Halloween or All Hallow's Eve is an annual holiday observed around the world on October 31, the night preceding All Saints Day. Typical Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, carving jack-o'-lanterns, lighting bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories, watching horror films, as well as praying and attending vigils or church services.Trick-or- treating is a customary celebration for children on Halloween. Children go in costume from house to house, asking for treats such as candy or sometimes money, with the question, "Trick or treat?" The word "trick" refers to a "threat" to perform mischief on the homeowners or their property if no treat is given .Halloween costumes are traditionally modeled after supernatural figures such as monsters, ghosts, skeletons, witches, and devils.Because the holiday comes in the wake of the annual a...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
8 allalaadimist

All Marketers are liars

In his book, All Marketers are Liars, Seth Godin contends that consumers prefer fantasy to the truth, and that consequently marketers should "live the lie, fully and completely." Stopping short of endorsing marketing methods which might kill people, Godin says that marketers should "give people what they want." The book is telling a story about why marketers must forsake any attempt to communicate nothing but the facts, and must focus on what people believe and then work to tell them stories that add their worldview. HIGHLIGHTS Before marketing, before shopping carts and long before informercials, people started telling themselves stories. Stories make it easier to understand the world. Stories are the only way to spread an idea. Marketers didn´t invent storytelling. They just perfected it. We tell ourselves stories, because we´re superstitious. Stories are shortcuts we use because we ´re too overwhelmed by data to discover ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
43 allalaadimist


Friends are a pretty important part of most people's lives. Good friend is the person who gives you the better of the two choices, hold your hand when you're scared, helps you fight off those who try to take advantage of you, thinks of you at times when you are not there, reminds you of what you have forgotten, helps you put the past behind you but understands when you need to hold on to it a little longer, stays with you so that you have confidence, goes out of their way to make time for you, helps you clear up your mistakes, helps you deal with pressure from others, smiles for you when they are sad, helps you become a better person! No one can make you laugh quite the way your friends can. Most importantly of all friends love you for who you are. I know that when I am going through a tough situation, I always ask my closest friends for advice. No matter where we go or who we become, never forget who helped us get there. There'...

Keeled → Inglise keel
33 allalaadimist

Ghost Mountaineer ehk Must alpinist

GHOST MOUNTAINEER Must alpinist RaidoM Ghost mountaineer Ghost mountaineer was made in 2015. This movie is filmed in Buryatia, where the events took place. This movie's title is based on a legend who is dead mountaineer, his death circumstances remained unclear and his soul because of that can't ever get peace. Hallucinatory ghost mountaineer seeing in the mountains brought disaster. Ghost mountaineers summary The film takes place in 1989. Six Estonian students are going to climb to a mountain in Buryatia. One night Eero is telling a story about an mountaineer, who died on mountain and his ghost is still haunting is the mountain. Everyone notices that Olle is gone and they start looking for him but they can't find him. Local people find a body on the mountain and they bring the body away with a tractor. Begins weird and strange events, what is going to be unexpectedly gloomy and uneartl...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Honesty is always the best policy

Honesty is always the best policy Honesty is one of the first things that parents teach their children, and it is for a good reason. They say that honesty is the most valuable attribute in a person. But is it really the best policy? It isn´t always easy to remain totally honest in difficult situations. We have all lied to our close friends and parents, just for our own good. But the truth is that you always get caught with lying and it only makes things worse. Being dishonest may lead to serious consequenses amd you have to deal with them afterwards. Honesty isn´t only important in your personal life, but also in business. Being honest will help you get a good job and respect. Although there are ways to earn money dishonestly, it won´t give us a good social status. Best feeling in life is when you are respected, but if you are caught lying then people won´t look at you the same way. It may take a long t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Unit 2 test (8 klass)

Unit 2 test (8 klass) 1) 1. I hate it when you use my computer without asking. 2. Jason and Jack take turns tidying their room. 3. I don’t like this salad, there’s too much vinegar in it. 4. Dad insisted on us telling the truth. 5. When I opened the box, I found that the alarm clock was damaged. 6. That’s not fair! That’s cheating! 7. My granny usually bakes a hazelnut cake for my birthday. 8. Our team is doing well this season 2) 1. To 2. Up For 3. Of For Up 4. With 5. For On By 6. With 7. At 8. To To 3) 1. Was testing, sank, had to 2. Had read, went 3. Was riding, took 4. Was having, heard, had finished, called 5. Were bilding, started 6. Had sat, started 7. Was reading, entered 8. Didn’t have to, decided 4) 1. 4 playing pieces, 2 dice and a game board 2. The player with the highest number will start 3. At the square nr1 4. Once 5. Is taken by another player 6. I moved up the ladder and places the playin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Hemingway A Farewell to Arms (main characters)

Analysis of Major Characters Frederic Henry - In the sections of the novel in which he describes his experience in the war, Henry portrays himself as a man of duty. He attaches to this understanding of himself no sense of honor, nor does he expect any praise for his service. Even after he has been severely wounded, he discourages Rinaldi from pursuing medals of distinction for him. Time and again, through conversations with men like the priest, Ettore Moretti, and Gino, Henry distances himself from such abstract notions as faith, honor, and patriotism. Concepts such as these mean nothing to him beside such concrete facts of war as the names of the cities in which he has fought and the numbers of decimated streets. Against this bleak backdrop, Henry's reaction to Catherine Barkley is rather astonishing. The reader understands why Henry responds to the game that Catherine proposes--why he pledges his love to a woman he barely kn...

Keeled → Tekstistruktuur (inglise)
38 allalaadimist

Kiri Annettele

Estonian 31/01/11 Dear Annette , Thanks for the greetings.I wait for your letter a long time .But now i´m happy that i can write you back. How are you going ? I hope that you find the smaller house .If you find a new house, please send me a new letter and your new adress.Then i can write you a new letters.I hope that you move near us then we don´t have send letters and we can see every day. Idont like in the school, because it so hard to be in 9 class . Thanks for telling me that my english is better than last time , i´m so proud of it and now i can write you everything .In summer we have do to exsams of math , estonian and chemistry exam. What exams did you have do to in 9 class? I want do study harder and do the exsams better mark .Then i w...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

"All Marketers are Liars" presentatsioon

All Marketers are Liars Maarja Salu MSI-I-5 Muutke teksti laade Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase All Marketers Are Liars is a book about... ... the stories that people tell themselves and then believe Focuses Telling a good story Marketing? Marketing is about spreading ideas, and spreading ideas is the single most important output of our civilization. Marketers and consumers Marketers believe they are in charge and consumers listen to them Successful Marketing Customers worldviews got there before you did People only notice new and guess First impressions start the story Great marketers tell the story they believe Marketers with authenticity survive Every marketer tells a story wine tastes better in a $20 glass than a $1 glass $80,000 Porsche Cayenne is vastly superior t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Healthy lifestyle ( slaidid )

Healthy Lifestyle This is what I will be telling you about: Smoking Alcohol Junk food Healty food Sleeping Sports Smoking.. Smoking damages the lungs and causes cancer It causes yellow teeth. Smoking also affects your looks: smokers have paler skin and more wrinkles. Children who grow up in a home where one or both of their parents smoke have twice the risk of getting asthma and asthmatic bronchitis. Alcohol.. It causes addiction and it affects the brain cells. It is poison for the nervous system,consuming alcohol is a risk to get heart disease. It shortens a persons lifetime,however,many people still consume it. Junk food Lollies, chips and fast food are called 'junk food'. This kind of food has too much fat in it. It has too much salt in it too. And it has too much sugar. I...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Home Assignment/Empirical Social Research

Home Assignment nr.3 Social Empirical Research (1) Observing a child Name: Karl Age: 1 year and 8 months Place: Home Time: 9.30- 10.30 Goal/ purpose: Assessment of the child´s development. There are many toys on the living rooms floor, pencils on the table and white paper for drawing. Mother is sitting on the couch and reading newspaper, at the same time television is playing. Karl is playing with stacking blocks and composes them next to each other by creating a circle with an empty hole in the centre. Now he starts to fulfill the hole with different toys: furry animals, cars. During the play he is babbling and telling some single words to himself. After ten minutes of playing alone, he decides to stand up and run to mummy´s, in the meanwhile shouting with high voice:"Mummy, mummy, mummy!" He takes the mother´s hand and takes her to the stacking blocks place. M...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Educational problems of public school, Report

Report The aim of this report is to compare Estonian and British students opinion on educational system. We wrote down our opinion on the 6th of september 2012 in our english class. We had 12 students who gave an opinion about the Estonian educational system. Corporal punishment is illegal in British and Estonian schools. 62% of British childrens think that it would be needful but only 31% Estonian childrens have the same opinion. Actually it could be not banned, because if they used controlled corporal punishment it is not likely to be harmful. I would argue that there were actually fewer discipline problems back in the old days when corporal punishment was more common. Most school in England require children to wear school uniform. Estonian children no longer wear uniforms but few decades ago they wore uniforms. 74% British students and 39% Estonian students believes that school uniforms ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Eclipse fifth chapter (Imprint)

Eclipse Chapter 5, Imprint The chapter opens with Jacob and Bella still at La Push. There is an awkward silence between them and Bella begins to ask about the others. Jacob confirms that Quil has indeed phased and is ecstatic about being a wolf. Jacob says that most of the others are happy as well except for him and Sam. Sam has had plenty of time to get over everything so it is really just Jacob that is the cry baby. Bella asks about Sam's story and Jacob warns her that it is long and strange. Jacob begins by telling Bella that Sam had it the hardest because he was first and didn't know what was going on. Once the elders discussed with him what had happened, he waited for the others to come of age. At the time of the change Sam was in love and dating Leah Clearwater. All that changed when Leah's cousin Emily visited. When Sam saw Emily it was love at first site, soul mates. Sam has to live with letting down Leah and see the anger an...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

My local supermarket

My local supermarket I will be telling you about my local supermarket. It is about 1 kilometre from my house. Its name is Jannsen and it was named after the Estonian journalist Johann Voldemar Jannsen. I actually have quite many supermarkets around me but I chose this one because I feel like it has more of a story than the others. When you get to the building and have a look at it, you would definitely think that it needs renovation and it is definitely quite old and is from the Soviet times. It is actually really colourful, compared to most supermarkets, therefore it attracts all kinds of children from the area. It has a huge variety of materials in the shop, starting from fruit and vegetables and ending with toys, clothes and even cooking meals. Sadly, the fact that it is old, makes it quite enjoyable for the alcoholics to be around the area. It has three checkout counters where you can buy your grocer...

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Northanger Abbey

Catherine Morland My name is Catherine Morland. I would like to tell you a bit about myself. To begin with, I am seventeen years old and grew up in a countryside in a small town named Fullerton with my parents and nine siblings. As a child I was interested in many things like drawing, sports and music. I was very lively and cheerful, enjoyed cricket, horse riding and just hated cleanliness and restriction. As I grew up, I chose reading over sports and all of the wild games I used to like. Undoubtedly, I would now describe myself with the word naivety. I am very naïve and do not notice the most obvious things happening around me. I really hope that it is caused by the lack of experience and will eventually pass. In addition, I find myself a kind and caring person because I always want and agree to help people when needed. Furthermore, I really like reading. Sometimes I think that I read too much because I often mix fiction up with reali...

Keeled → British literature
4 allalaadimist

English-British-Canada dialog

A:Hello! B:Hello to you too! A: What is your name? B: My name is Harri! And you should be Janno, yes? A: Yes, you remember correctly! How are you? B: I'm fine, thanks! A:Are you living in the USA? B:Yes, and what about you? A:I am living in Great Britain! B: This is awsome! Is this your car? A:Yes, why are you asking that? B:Your car's windshield is broken! A:You mean the windscreen? B:Yes windscreen, like the British say! A:Thank you for telling me that, I need to go in the car parts shop now! B:I think you need to take a cab to go there! A:Yes, because my car is out of petrol! B: In America, we say gas or gasoline, not petrol. A:Yes, but we are in Britain! Hey, but don't you have a driving licence? B: What about that? A: Perhaps you could take me there? B: Sorry, I don't have driver's licence yet! A: That's okey, then I have to take the taxi anyway. B:It will be fall soon, the temperature outside is getting colder now! A:It is getting...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Ehitusvaldkonna õppuritele haigused ja nende vältimine ehitustööstuses.

Materjal ehitusvaldkonna õppuritele haigused ja nende vältimine ehitustööstuses. Eesti Ametiühingute Keskliit Noored inimesed, kes tööd alustavad, on riskidele avatud. Töökoht ja töö on uued ning noorel puudub igasugune tervise ja ohutusega seotud riskide kogemus. Nooruki soov saada täisväärtuslikuks töötajaks võib veelgi vähendada ettekujutust võimalikest riskidest töökohal. Noortel on õigus töötada tervislikus ja ohutus keskkonnas ning saada vajalikku juhendamist ja väljaõpet. Tegurid, mis võivad põhjustada tööõnnetusi ehitustööstuses. kukkumine kõrgustest (redel, telling või katusel töötamine) raskeid õnnetusjuhtumeid võivad põhjustada mitmesugused kukkuvad esemed kukkumine katmata ja piirdeta avaustesse, kaevudesse, süvenditesse tootmisjääkide kuhjumine tööplatsil suurendab komistamisohtu töötajate vähene koolitus või selle puudumine enne tööde läbiviimist ü...

Meditsiin → Ohuõpetus
25 allalaadimist

Eclipse, Chapter Seventeen – Alliance kokkuvõte

Chapter Seventeen ­ Alliance As Bella arrives at his house, Edward rushes out to kiss her in a tense, uneasy way that makes her nervous. He promises that nothing will happen to her and leads her into the house for the party. Alice has transformed the house into an amazing nightclub, which Bella finds a bit over whelming. In the moments before the party, the Cullens discuss their plan for attacking the newborns in Seattle while Bella listens on. Everyone invited to the party arrives. The normalcy of the event keeps Bella somewhat distracted as she goes from guest to guest to guest with Edward glued to her side. When he did leave her side, it left Bella suspicious. Bella follows him to find that Alice has seen something and no one is telling Bella about it. At the same time, Jacob and a few others from La Push have arrived, much to Alice and Edward displeasure. Surprised that Jacob would come after she hit him, Bella asks him why he cam...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Traveling with friends is funny, but sometimes is very strange entertaiment.

Traveling with friends is funny , but sometimes is very strange entertaiment. Along with my friends who set off to the lake. It was a sunny and warm day, and made for themselves a picnic. For a long time we were at the lake until evening. Had with him brought a tent, so we decide to spend the night at the lake. created our bonfires and sat next to him. One of my friends started telling scary stories, which corresponded to reality. Once very tired, We were walking to bed. As several of my friends and we decide joke from a friend who has slept. We supported the story is a terrible story.We started to rekindle he aloud. He is very scared, even the tent began to fly. After such a fun night we were preparing to go home. Coincidence of things to say farewell to the lake and went. The road into town was long, and sang all the way. suddenly the car stopped in the middle of the forest road. Most scared, others thought that we would joke....

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Digital Nation

Digital Nation Digital world has a big part of our lives nowadays. We can’t imagine that we haven’t our smartphone with us. We are always connected. Every day we sit on computers, we are chatting on facebook or whatsapp, we are posting pictures on facebook, twitter and instagram. We have always connection with the digital world. In this movie is clearly set out that children in schools want to deal with different things. They want to be connected with their friend, but at the same time they have to listen what teacher is telling in front of the class. The results in education has fallen and that’s because students aren’t well prepared. Technology is updating very quickly and all we can do is learn how to use it. I think that if it came in our lives, then it’s important too. We can argue about different things that it has taken from us, for example we aren’t sending lette...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Eclipse review

"Eclipse" (Twilight saga 3 book) by Stephenie Meyer - review of 2 chapters This book contains over 27 chapters and almost 600 pages. Every Twilight saga book is thicker than previous book. I read it in English because it isn't released in Estonian yet. Eclipse opens with Bella Swan and her boyfriend Edward reunited after their tortuous parting in New Moon. Bella's eventual transformation into a bloodsucking immortal is now guaranteed, yet all is not well in the drizzly town of Forks, Washington. Now Charlie - Bella's dad - hates Edward little bit because of all pain what he had brought to Bella. Bella is grounded too now and Edward only can visit her afternoon until 9 PM. But anyway Edward climbs to Bella's room after Charlie's fallen asleep. Charlie want that Bella communicates with other friends too because most of to...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
58 allalaadimist


My Children Deserve the Best Childhood Ever Hi! I am 35 years old. I live with my husband and we have two kids: Oliver and Merilin. Oliver is 10 years old and Merilin is 7 years old. Before getting these two kids, me and my husband used to live in a flat in the centre of the city. But when I get pregnant for the first time, we decided to move in a house in Nõmme. It's a beautiful place to live. My favourite, because I lived there when I was younger. It's also nice that we have a big backyard where our children can play and just spend time. Me and my husband can also spend good time there. We usually grill there or have parties with our friends. When Oliver and Merilin were young, about 2 years old, I never scream when they did something wrong because they're only children, they don't know anything about life and doing something right or wrong yet. When they grew up, went to school and sometimes got bad...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


AUSTRALIA Kristjan Must 7.Class Mõniste School AUSTRALIA • Capital city of Australia is Canberra. • The largest city is Sydney. • There is no official language, but the national la nguage is english with an accent. • Australia area is 7,617,930 km2. MORE • Australia is the smallest continent in the world but the sixth larg est country in the world. • The kangaroo is a national symbol of Australia. • The kangaroo is important to both Australian culture and the national image. • Population in Australia is 22,760,245. • They have almost 10,700 beaches in all shapes, sizes and colours. FLAG OF AUSTRALIA CULTURE • Since 1788, the basis of Australian culture has been strongly influenced by Anglo-Celtic Western culture. • Distinctive cultural features have also arisen from Australia's natural environment and Indigenous cultures. SPORT • ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Eclipse ´8th chapter(Temper)- kokkuvõte

Eclipse, Ch.8.Temper Bella and Jacob head to the beach to hang out. Bella jokingly asks about the latest pack scandal only to find out there is one. Quil imprinted bringing the total of wolves who have done so up to three. Jacob is worried that all the legends may be true. Bella sees no problem with Quill imprinting until Jacob tells her that Quil imprinted on Emily's cousin, Claire, who happens to be two years old. Bella is shocked and Jacob explains that Quil will take care of her and look after her until she is old enough to understand. After hearing the story Bella asks Jacob when he will imprint and he answers with a resounding "Never." Jacob confesses that he will never see anyone but Bella ­ even when he closes his eyes, all he sees is her. Even the pack is sick of it. Bella starts to feel uncomfortable and suggests leaving. Jacob protests promising to be "her Jacob" from now on. They return to the house to and get he motorcyc...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Inglismaa pühad

It celebrated on February 14th. It is traditionally day on which lovers express their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards. Modern Valentine's Day symbols include the heart-shaped outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. Saint Patrick's Day is a religous holiday on the 17th of March St. Patrick's Day is celebrated by the Irish and Irish at Heart in big cities and small towns alike with parades, "wearing of the green," music and songs, Irish food and drink, and activities for kids such as crafts, coloring and games. Its a time for fun. April Fools' Day is celebrated in the Westrn world on 1st april of every year The day is marked by the commission of good humoured or funny jokes hoaxes and other practical jokes. Trooping the Colour is a ceremony performed by regiments of the Commonwealth and the British Army. It has been a tr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Maalritöö eksamipiletid

EKSAMIPILETID Pilet 1 1. Erinevate aluspindade ettevalmistamine krohvimiseks. Enne krohvimistööde algust peab ruum olema ette valmistatud - üleliigsed asjad ruumist eemaldatud, mittekrohvitavad pinnad kaetakse kinni (aknad, uksed, plekkdetailid). Põrandale panna kaitsekile või ehituspapp. Aluspind peab olema puhas, ühtlase niiskusega, stabiilne ja mitte külmunud. Pinnad puhastatakse tolmust ja lahtistest osakestest. Kui pind pole piisavalt niiske, tuleb seda niisutada. Kui aluspinnal esineb teraselemente, tuleb need eelnevalt töödelda korrosioonikaitse vahendiga. Aluspindade ettevalmistamiseks vajalikud tööriistad on hari või tolmuimeja, millega eemaldada tolm pindadelt; pintsel, juhul kui vaja teraselemente töödelda korrosioonikaitse vahendiga. Kõrgemal asuvate pindade krohvimiseks on vajalik telling. Töö tegija peab olema varustatud kinnaste, tööriiete/jalanõude, respiraatori, vajadusel kaitseprillidega või mütsiga. 2. Pahtlite lii...

Ehitus → Maalritööd
311 allalaadimist

Father found- Muriel Jensen

Father Found Muriel Jensen This book talks about a woman named Gusty, who lost her memory. Sb rammed her car into the water, she was reskued by the pilot boat. She was pregnant. One night in the hospital a man came and took her with him he told to be her husbnd and that she was in real danger. He was a CSI agent, his nemae ws Bram.They stayd in some mountain house, he told her about her past.. she felt that everything wasnt okey with them in the past althou he danayd it. Mendez was the man who wanted to kill her, because He wanted to hurt Bram and thougt thet if he kill sb very clouse to him it would hurt the most. Now Bram had to protect her. Mendez found them and they had big fight and happily one of Brams friends ...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
4 allalaadimist

Billy Elliot

Billy Elliot Billy Elliot is a shy 11-year-old living with his miner father and older brother Tony during the miner's strike. Times are hard ­ his father and brother spend their days on the picket lines clashing with the police while Billy takes care of his senile grandmother. Billy's mother has passed away. Life has made Billy a sensitive and mature boy. His father forces him to study boxing to make him into his own image. Billy isn't interested in expressing himself with his fists, he has taken some ballet classes next door, run by Mrs Wilkinson. With the encouragement of ballet teacher Mrs Wilkinson he joins in with the classes and starts to express himself through dance. But Billy knows that if his father or brother would find this out, they wouldn't like it. With the adults busy with their own problems, Billy is able to keep his new activity a secret ... for awhile. When...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
9 allalaadimist

Key words for fluency A

ABILITY Ex3.clear, laudable, long-term, broad, underlying, Ex1. assessing,doubted, affect, lost, showed, sole, common overestimated ANSWER Ex2..test, use, reflection, confidence, best, lack Ex1. Receive, waiting for, demanded, give, need, Ex3.Natural, mixed, considerable, proven, was average, incredible Ex2. Immediate, honest, final, short, detailed, ACCOUNT correct Ex1. Listened to, keep, provide, accept, Ex3. Knew, have, guess, come up with, provide, corroborated, differ arrived at Ex2. Conflicting accounts, blow-by-blow account, Ex4. Simple, long-term, wrong, only, obvious, clear account, fascinating account, graphic definite account, full account ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Word order, articles, prepositions, adverb, adjective

Word order: positive sentences subjects verb(s) object I speak English. I can speak English. Negative sentences subject verbs Indirect object Direct object place time I will not you the story at Tomorro tell school w. Subordinate Clauses conjunction subject verb(s) Indirec Direct place time t object object I will you the story...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
35 allalaadimist

Mary Shelly "Frankenstein"

Captain Walton's introductory frame narrative The novel Frankenstein is written in epistolary form, documenting a correspondence between Captain Robert Walton and his sister, Margaret Walton Saville. Walton is a failed writer who sets out to explore the North Pole and expand his scientific knowledge in hopes of achieving fame. During the voyage the crew spots a dog sled mastered by a gigantic figure. A few hours later, the crew rescues a nearly frozen and emaciated man named Victor Frankenstein. Frankenstein has been in pursuit of the gigantic man observed by Walton's crew. Frankenstein starts to recover from his exertion; he sees in Walton the same over-ambitiousness and recounts a story of his life's miseries to Walton as a warning. Victor Frankenstein's narrative Victor begins by telling of his childhood. Born into a wealthy family in Geneva, he is encouraged to seek a greater understanding of the world around him through science. H...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

James Watt

TOPIC 3 James Watt James Watt was born in Scotland. James was a delicate boy and often suffered from severe headaches. That is why he could not go to school at the age when other children did. His mother taught him to read and his father taught him writing and arithmetic. He had a very good memory and a natural love of work. When his father saw that the boy liked to do things with his hands he brought him some tools from his workshop. For hours James would take his toys to pieces and the built new things from the parts to his own design. One day James noticed that, when the water in the kettle was boiling, the power of the steam moved the lid up and down, and when he held a cold spoon over the steam, it quickly turned back into drops of water. James was sent to a private school. He became good at languages as well as mathematics. In his spare time he began to make experiments. He managed to persuade an instrument-maker to take him as a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Kontserdi arvustus "Boyband"

Muusikal toimus Endla teatris, suures saalis, 24.jaanuaril.2013 algusega 19.00 Osades olid : Koit Toome, Sten Karpov, Priit Loog, Tambet Seling, Bert Raudsep, Indrek Taalmaa, Ireen Kennik, Ahti Puudersell, Kaili Viidas ja Liis Laigna. Lisaks osalesid mitmed Pärnu tantsukoolide tantsijad Muusikal ,,Boyband" on lugu poistebänd Freedomi loomisest ning teekonnast edetabelite tippu. Muusikali sündmustikku saadavad populaarsed hitid Backstreet Boysi, Take Thati, N'SYNCi jt poistebändide repertuaarist. Muusikalis olid järgmised lood: Backstreet Boys : ,,Everybody"; "As Long As You Love Me" Black Velvet :"Seitseteist", N Sync : "Tearin Up My Heart", Take That : "Back For Good"; "How Deep Is Your Love"; Relight My Fire", East 17 :"It's Alright", Robbie Williams : "Angels", Muse : "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" The Beatles popurii: "I Wanna Hold Your Hand"; "Help", All My Loving", "Girl"; "She Loves You"; "Twist And Shout". Peter Quilter on dr...

Muusika → Muusika
42 allalaadimist

Film review

Päivi Margna Form 11 FILM REVIEW Film: Desperado Genres: Thriller, crime drama Director: Robert Rodriguez Release date: 25 August 1995 Main actors: Avtonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Joaquim de Almeida Company: Columbia TriStar Desperado is a crime drama written, directed and edited by Robert Rodriguez. It was released on August 25, 1995. Desperado is the sequel to El Mariachi and stars Antonio Banderas as musician El Mariachi. Mariachi is a musician who gets mistaken for a hitman tries to avenge the murder of his girlfriend. The movie also stars Salma Hayek, Quentin Tarantino, Steve Buscemi and Cheech Marin. The film takes place in Mexican border town where Bucho (Joaquim DeAlmeida), a wealthy but casually bloodthirsty drug kingpin rules. When `El M...

Keeled → Inglise keel
49 allalaadimist

Ned Kelly - the bushranger

Ned Kelly Ursula 11. kl · Edward (Ned) Kelly, bushranger, was born in June 1855 at Beveridge, Victoria, the eldest son of John (Red) Kelly and his wife Ellen. His father was born in Tipperary, Ireland, in 1820 and sentenced in 1841 to seven years' transportation for stealing two pigs. He arrived in Van Diemen's Land in 1842. When his sentence expired in 1848 he went to the Port Phillip District, where on 18 November 1850 he married Ellen, the eighteen-year-old daughter of James and Mary Quinn; they had five daughters and three sons. · · Ned attended school at Avenel until his father died on 27 December 1866. Left indigent, the widow and children moved to a hut at Eleven Mile Creek, about half-way between Greta and Glenrowan in northern Victoria, where Ned became the main breadwinner, taking jobs as a timber cutter and rural worker - ringbarking, breaking in horses, mustering cattle and fencing. · Kelly, 14...

Ajalugu → Inglise ajalugu
3 allalaadimist

Ehitamise alused kodutöö

Iseseisev kodutöö aines Ehitamise alused KB- 12 Koduse töö ülesandeks on järgnevale tööriistade nimekirjale iga nimetuse juurde internetist õige pilt otsida ja nimetuse alla kopeerida ning lisada selle tööriista iseloomulikud kasutuskohad näitena. Kui te leiate mõne tööriista pildi ja te ei tea milleks või kuidas seda kasutatakse, soovitan selle toote nime youtube-sse kopeerida (soovitavalt inglise keeles). Nii näete kuidas neid kasutatakse. Valmis töö saatke minu e-mailile ([email protected]) , võtke esmaspäeval (4.03) mälupulgaga kaasa või tõstke see dropboxi ehitusaluste kausta. Töö on arvestuslik. Abimaterjalid internetist: 1. Lattvibraator 2. Rootorsilur 3. Kõrgsagedusmuun...

Ehitus → Ehitus
7 allalaadimist

Iseloomuomadused inglise keeles koos hääldusega

Iseloomuomadused Brave /brev/­ deals with many dangerous Lazy /le.zi/ - not willing to work or use any effort people // showing no fear of dangerous or difficult (laisk) things (vapper) Loyal /l.l/­ never betray friends // firm and not Calm /km/ ­ make other people feel relaxed // changing in your friendship with or support for a peaceful, quiet, and without worry (rahulik, vaikne) person or an organization, or in your belief in your principles (lojaalne) Clever /klev.r/­ thinks of a way to get out of difficult situations // always the one who wins // Mean /min/ ­ hate spending money (kitsi) having or showing the ability to learn and understand things quickly and easily (tark) Mysterious /mst.ri.s/ ­ even ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun